• Published 31st May 2019
  • 9,527 Views, 3,594 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Blue Moon.Season 3, Epilogue Two

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Blue Moon.
Season 3 Epilogue Two

[Two weeks after the return of Sunset Shimmer]

Celestia let out a small sigh.

“So. Do you still hate me?”

The long dining table had three occupants at the moment. Celestia herself at the head of the table, the other end of the table was set for Luna when she woke up and raised the moon. On Celestia's right sitting closer to her than to Luna's place, was Sombra. It had taken some time, but the former king was at least was willing to be in the same room as his mother, even if it was only for meals. He and his cousin had a few therapy sessions, though Sunset's few thus far tended to be more ranting than discussion. The doctor said Sombra was showing improvement with his anger issues. At the very least the pair of them seemed to be friendly with each other.

On Celestia's left and seated closer to Luna's chair was Sunset. There was also another chair set up on the other side of Luna between her and Sombra, but Luna's new apprentice Trixie was just as bad a morning pony as Luna.

Sunset quirked an ear, biting into a piece of bacon. Celestia had been appalled at her daughters change in diet to include more meat, but her the chef specializing in griffon cuisine was thrilled to be getting the work.

“Depends on what I'm thinking about.” Sunset added cryptically.” But in general no. Despite my aggravation at it, I can see some of what you did as making sense.”

“To be fair.” Sombra stated. “My mother probably 'would' have tried to kill you or at least made you suffer to get at Celestia.”

“Which is why I said I understand. Your mother's rather intense as it is, not sure I want to picture her as evil 'and' intense.” Sunset responded.

“I agree, you probably don't.” Sombra nodded. ”On that note, has my parole been finalized?”

“It has. Ponyville will gain a higher guard count and we are looking to pair you with one of the Element Bearers as a parole officer. Likely Fluttershy due to her work with keeping Discord in check. Since Sunset will be staying with the Apples during her time there I don't want to double up as it were with them. Twilight will handle the accommodation in the end if there's an issue.” Celestia added.” But it means you will be allowed out of the castle at least and into society as a whole as long as you continue to behave.”

“What, don't want the pair of us in the same place? Afraid we'll team up and try to take over?” Sunset snorted.

“Sunset if I thought you two were ready to run Canterlot and not set fire to or enslave half the noble caste I'd throw my crown at you and head off to a beach some where. “Celestia sighed. “In truth in a few hundred years or so that might still happen. You're both still years out of date and the last time I had you help with a trade negotiation to the griffons, Sunset, you slept with the ambassador's son.”

“What?”Sunset protested. ”I was of age, he was of age, and he was cute.”

“It nearly started a whole fiasco with the purists. Not to mention the nobles who were trying to set you up with one of their sons.”

“Hey what can I say, I like what I like.”

“Do I need to worry about something coming of your time in that other world?” Celestia frowned.

“Of course not.” Sunset snorted.

“Oh, that's good.”

“They have so many contraceptives and the like over there that there's entire sections of stores dedicated to it, not to mention it's important enough to sell in the public bathrooms.” Sunset explained. “But baring all that they weren't even attractive, no fur, hooves, claws, tails,anything, granted they did have canines, but still the average penis size for the whole species is about five inches, not to say they didn't find ways to get creative to compensate for that, Cadence would love it.”

“This is not a conversation I wanted to hear at dinner.” Sombra grumbled smacking his head onto the table.

“Sorry, I didn't expect it to go that way.” Celestia sighed. Her ears perked up as she felt a power pushing the moon up over the horizon.

“Oh, Luna's awake.” Celestia stated then frowned as the moon dipped back down.” Or not.”

Celestia blinked as the moon rose and fell a few dozen more times in rapid succession before finally rising to where it was supposed to be.

“What is she doing?” Celestia blinked.

An answer was not forth coming as Princess Luna strolled into the room with a yawn, seemingly lost in thought, she offered a nodded greeting to the three at the table before sitting down and letting her head fall to table with a thud.

No one took much note of that, as it was the princess of the night's usual routine until she got some coffee.

Most of the kitchen staff and many guards of her decaff brigade were wondering how she managed at all before coffee was invented.

Celestia knew it was mostly a show so she could get coffee, but the show had quickly turned into reality with how often Luna was awake during the day lately.

“Luna what was going on with your raising of the moon?” Celestia asked finally.

“Moon's haunted.” Luna muttered.

“What?” Celestia asked as Sunset snorted in amusement.

“Something is making it a bit heavier for us to lift our moon, hence it is likely haunted as it is requiring more power to lift lately. We thought it was exhaustion or added weight of using it on Forgescale, but nay it is still taking more energy to lift. Not a terrible amount, but we can tell.” Luna muttered from where her head was still pressed to the table.

“Did you consider looking in your portfolio to see if something happened. Forthe is still out there and he might have managed to convince another god to try and weasel into one your portfolios...” Celestia sighed sipping her tea. “Again...”

“How can some one enter into your portfolio?” Sombra asked curiously.

“They can't, in a major portfolio anyway, unless they take it over completely as Velkorn did when I lost the Zebra portfolio. She became a whole new god of just that race. Lesser portfolios can be picked up by others rather easily, though sharing them tends not to diminish the power we draw from them too much, it's still noticeable. The powers that give out the portfolios generally don't seem to care if they double up on lesser portfolios. All it takes is some one trying for it and accomplishing some possibly great or arbitrary thing to gain a lesser portfolio.” Celestia explained. “ It's rather random, unfortunately.”

“Hence why she's been trying and failing to gain the portfolio of cake for centuries.” Sunset added.

“I will have that one day.” Celestia frowned.

Luna had, by that point, managed to string enough coherent thoughts together to open her portfolio.

“Lessee, moon, check, night, check, Nox-cal, check, lesser, dreams, stars, all check......” Luna muttered looking up as a servant brought her coffee. She quickly took the mug and downed it setting it down to be refilled with a expectant sigh.” Still no coffee though...”

Celestia smiled not feeling quite as bad at her attempt at a cake portfolio when Luna couldn't manage a coffee one.

“Wait a moment.” Luna blinked as a few more brain cells fired up. She reopened her portfolio looking it over and frowned. “ Something is missing.”

“Missing?” Celestia's ears perked. “What is it?”

Luna studied her portfolio again sipping her refilled coffee, before her eyes shot wide open and she dropped the mug.

Before it even fell past the table's edge, the princess of the night was gone in a flash of teleportation.

Celestia sighed as the mug was caught by the servant who brought Luna's coffee before it hit the floor and broke. “It's going to be one of those nights isn't it?”

[ Ponyville, Golden Oaks library.]

It wasn't Tuesday and by that note, everything was calm as the night fell outside. Twilight was sitting back in a chair jotting down notes as she worked on revising the familiar spell. There were a few things of note she couldn't quite understand, but that was only due to her not studying blood magic. Getting the documents she needed would take a long time normally so she was simply waiting until Sunset Shimmer came down here to stay with the apples, she'd ask her about some of this, hopefully her comments about learning blood magic were not just something to annoy Celestia.

Twilight never understood the need for blood magic herself. It was often used as a short cut to power. Twilight of course preferred studying for her power rather than using a short cut, particularly one that either involved the casters blood or the blood of some one nearby to speed up the process. She could see how it would be useful in the medical field however, and that was likely why the practice was not banned outright like necromancy. And even that had at least one licensed practitioner in the service of the crown just in case.

Then there was dark magic, which made little sense as there was no such thing as light magic. Dark magic wasn't even it's own school. It was just a way of casting normal spells that corrupted them in some way or another either for greater effect, or to bypass some limit the spell might have.

The eyes of the demon spell she had used in the Crystal Empire was based off a 'reveal hidden' spell to show the writing a corrupted 'scribe' spell made. The spell she cast on the moving door was just a 'hold portal' spell that had been corrupted. Of course she didn't have time to study the effects on the door before blowing a hole in the wall, but she figured they were corrupted spells too.

Spike was kicked back in one of the bean bag chairs in the small kids corner of the library reading a comic. The Crusaders were some what on break during this part of summer. Applebloom was busy on the farm, Sweetiebelle's parents were home for once, and Scootaloo was with her parents on a short tour of airshows in more ground bound locations for a couple weeks.

Rahs was in the kitchen fixing something to eat.

Neither of them seemed to care she had wings. It was rather refreshing given the rest of the town was freaking out over it still.

A small chime sounded as the libraries wards detected a incoming teleport and delayed it a second so Twilight would be warned. She looked up just as a flash of light appeared in the marked off square.

Princess Luna shook out her mane, looking around the room quickly before focusing on Twilight.

“Where is Rahs?” Luna demanded.

“Does this have anything to do with what the moon was doing a few minutes ago. Because I'm pretty sure half the town is running around screaming still.” Twilight dead panned.

“You'd think they wouldn't freak out so much when they know the sun and moon are controlled by living creatures, but no, sun rises two minutes too late, panic, moon wobbles a bit, panic.” Spike grumbled.

“Yes, it does have to do with that.” Luna snapped. ”Where is he?”

“Woof?” Rahs asked walking out of the kitchen with a bowl of some sort of meat stew.

Luna rushed over getting into his face fast enough the bowl of food went flying as he jerked back. Twilight expected as much and caught it without spilling a drop before setting it on a table away from the pair of them.

Luna formed her portfolio pushing it into Rahs' face and pointing a hoof at something.

“What is the meaning of this?” Luna demanded

“A pronoun used to identify a specific pony or thing close at hoof or being indicated or experienced.”

Twilight snorted in amusement as Spike rolled his eyes.

Luna was not quite as amused.

“Rahs....” Luna growled.

Rahs sighed and flattened his ears.


“She's ruining it? Ruining what?” Twilight demanded.


“The dramatic reveal? What are you talking about?” Spike questioned. “What's going on?”

“Something we may have neglected to mention. If something in your portfolio becomes shared or taken over by someone else, their name is indicated, much as Rahs' is right now in my portfolio.” Luna narrowed her eyes.

Rahs sighed with a roll of his eyes and held out his left paw to his side. With a snap of his fingers a glowing folder appeared in his paw.

“WHAT!?!” Twilight shouted

“When did this happen?” Luna demanded.

“Is that one of those gods portfolio things?” Spike asked. “When did you become a god?”

[ Several weeks ago on the night Twilight exploded, twice. ]

Rahs had been hunting in the fire swamp. He had caught a number of ROUS already and was planning to head back when he felt a surge of magic from some where. It felt like it was coming along the link, though before he could consider that for more than a second, he exploded.

When the light faded from his eyes he was floating in some sort of starry void. He flailed about a bit with no way to get any purchase. Oddly the atmosphere felt perfect and the scent of warm root beer filled the air.

“What the shit is this!?” Twilight Sparkle swore.

Rahs perked his ears, looking around to try and find his sister to start yelling at her for what ever happened this time, though he only spotted what he assumed was her in the distance. A dark shape against the floating stars.

He was about to yell at her when he noticed the forming of odd squares that started to show him things.

A picture of him as a puppy with two adult moon dogs, Rahs stared at that one for a while. There was a scene of when Twilight had first pulled him out of the Oneiroi, the first play he had been part of, the time he and his siblings had unmasked a fake Nightmare Moon. The time he was spying on Twilight's first date, his first stage show with Trixie and Shirley. His mauling of Discord. When he bit the animal control officer at Twilight's tenth birthday, when he mauled the thieves, countless encounters with bullies, the whole event of the Crystal Empire.

Talking finally drew his attention away from the images and he noticed that three other figures were up by where Twilight was. He could just make out who he assumed were Celestia, Luna, and Cadence.

He particularly noticed Celestia singing. Her voice carried rather clearly, though it was also clear she hadn't had much practice, the song was still catchy before the others interrupted it.

More of the screens came up hiding them from view for a moment. He took note that some of the images were from things Twilight had been witness to and some of it was what he had seen that she couldn't have.

By the time the screens floated past and he could see the alicorns again, both he and his sister exploded again.

Rahs crashed back down near his basket in the swamp and quickly rushed off back to town. He made it back and saw the crowd though he couldn't see Twilight any where, after the quick explanations he was given he simply went to put his kills away. He had heard what was explained by the Princesses in where ever that was, so he saw no reason to fuss over it.

When Twilight appeared it still wasn't much of a surprise, though Witch-Jack saying something was.

And well everyone knew the rest.

“How come you didn't get wings?” Spike asked.

“Woof.” Rahs shrugged, curling his tail around to show the crescent moon floating over it rather than the full moons that remained over his ears.

“Huh... I think I'd have preferred the wings.” Spike nodded.

“So why didn't you tell any one!?” Twilight demanded.

“Bork!” Rahs flung his arms in the air .

“The drama and suspense?”Luna blinked.” Never mind, what are thou the god of?”

Rahs sighed opening the folder and flipping it around for the trio now clustered close to him to see.

“Majors are Moon Dogs and Theater. “ Twilight began. “Hardly a surprise.”

“Minors are Dreams and Fridays?” Spike frowned.

“Fridays?” Twilight blinked.

“Rahs spends more time in Canterlot than thou do.”Luna sighed.” And we just went through the nonsense of a Council meeting. Now we have to do it again to announce thee.”

Rahs grinned.

“We are not letting thou make a production out of it.” Luna frowned.

Rahs stuck his tongue out at her.

“So this is why you've been asking me what Celestia and Luna were teaching me about being a god? Did you ascend because I ascended?” Twilight blinked pondering.

“Wuff.” Rahs pointed out gesturing to Spike.

Spike considered and snapped his fingers with no glowing folder appearing. “Nope, can't do it.”

“And I took Shining's readings last week. He's gotten a major power boost and he's on par with where I was before I became the Bearer of the Element of Magic. But he's not a god.”Twilight muttered.” You know what this calls for?”

Spike and Rahs both stiffened as a lab coat appeared in a flash draped over their sisters back, with slits cut out for her wings.

“We need to science the buck out of this!!” Twilight cheered grabbing Rahs by his tail as the moon dog tried to run.

Rahs whined as he was drug across the floor to the basement lab, leaving claw marks in the newly repaired wood floor.

“I'm not fixing that!” Spike snapped pointing at the new damage.

Luna blinked lightly wondering if she wanted more answers or should flee herself.

[Off the east coast of Equestria along the border of the frozen north and Equestria proper.]

The water sprayed in the air catching the last rays of sunlight in a wide arc as the equine like head was flung back, her dark purple mane streaked with teal fanned out in the air sending a cascading spray behind her, the flung water glittering like jewels in the fading light.

While the head of the female resembled an equine it was a bit more elongated than a typical pony, her fore hooves were also the only other bits that resembled a pony. Her ears were longer than a ponies and rather than fur, the females face was covered with lavender scales that ran down her neck and torso gradually darkening until it became a long almost serpent like fish tail. Her forelegs were webbed like a hippocampus and a long spiny ridged fin ran down from the back of her neck to just over where her scales started to darken. On her chest appeared to be a red gem of some kind set into her scaled flesh.

The seapony hybrid cried out with glee as she fell back into the water resurfacing again with a loud sigh.

“HOLY FUCK, did I miss this.” Aria groaned as she stretched out giving one of her rare smiles showing a maw full of shark like teeth.

Not far away another creature just like her, if a bit smaller, blue, and less muscular, was flipping around , surfacing and diving as she tore through the water at a maddening pace with giggles and shouts of glee.

Off to the other side however was a golden scaled and maned version of the two, who was half floating in the water her red eyes half closed as she seemed lost in thought.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, listen Adagio, hey, hey, listen, Adagio.....” the blue one started to chime, swimming in circles around the other two.

The purple one raised an eyebrow, but ignored the blue one, though the gold Adagio was starting to twitch under the constant assault and barrage of chipper noises and words coming from the blue creature.

“FOR FUCKS SAKE SONATA WHAT!?” Adagio exploded whirling to glare at the blue creature.

“We're home!” Sonata cheered clearly not intimidated by the others rage.

“No shit, this is the millionth time you've said that!!” Adagio growled.

“Oh lighten up, do you know how long it's been since we've been able to just swim like this without the stress and worry of having to avoid all the cameras and sensors and beach goers and fucking drones that the humans have?” Aria offered.” Any ponies here will just think we're sea ponies and leave it at that. We don't have to deal with that stupid mermaid shit or deal with any other sirens.”

“Yeah, but Freddy was nice.” Sonata chimed in” I mean he wrote that song for Adagio....”


“Oh chill, you're just mad he was more into his cats than you.” Aria chuckled.

“I mean come on how stupid were the humans? He wrote a six minute song, with incomprehensible lyrics that seem to have something to do with murder and demons with five stylistically different sections with no chorus. It was number one on the song charts twice, fifteen years apart, it's considered one of if not the most popular single of all time and sooo many people know the song and sing along with it despite there being no way many of them could have even heard the song before.” Sonata chimed in.” How could they not know it's a kinda magic?”

Adagio snarled and sank into the water grumbling.

“I know that look.” Aria frowned. “You're plotting.”

“We've been gone easily a hundred years.” Adagio explained.

“Probably longer, we showed up in the human world just before the 1920's”Aria shrugged. “ It has been a hundred years there, I heard the ones by the mirror talking about time displacement.”

“In either case it means that damn unicorn who tricked us before has got to be dead. He was a wizened old fart then, he's got to be dust now. Which means that no one will be able to stop us this time.” Adagio grinned.

“Adagio, it's been a long time we don't know what might have happened in a hundred years. We don't know what sort of nations exist any more, I mean sure the Crystal Empire's still there, but I don't recall there being any trains, and I have no idea who the pink alicorn is or the purple one.” Aria grumbled.

“So we start small a couple of coastal villages, build up a power base. If we gain enough power even the gods can fall under our sway, we did it before with a few of them, we just have to start over from square one.” Adagio smirked.

“Or we could go home.” Sonata frowned.

“No. I am not going back to that harpy until I prove to her I'm better than she is.” Adagio snapped.

“You're still on about that?” Aria grumbled. “We stole the gems for power and she banished us for it, it's not like we didn't expect that, but after all this time...”

“Which is why we prove she's wrong and build our power again. We're back on Equss now, the magic they have here is actually filling and we won't have so many other sirens and other creatures to fight over food.” Adagio grinned. “No ones going to mind if we feed off a bit of their strife here.”

“I still want a taco.” Sonata offered.

“Great idea Adagio, but for the mastermind of the group you seem to be forgetting that we have no idea what the layout of the world is, no money, no clue what side of the world we are even on, hell we don't even have a place to use as a base of operations this time around. You saw how fast music changed in the human world, it's probably the same here, what might be popular could be yodeling camels.” Aria snapped.

“Yes we do.” Sonata chimed up.

“Right I'm the planner, so let me plan.” Adagio growled.“ Go play with some gears or something!”

“Guys we have a place to stay...” Sonata splashed around the two waving her hooves.

“Yeah play with gears, I've got degrees in engineering bitch. Not all of us were content to lay around and fuck anything that caught their eye for a hundred years.” Aria snapped back.

“Hey listen!” Sonata chimed up.

“Yeah and we survived that long because of the money those things I fucked paid me to be their arm candy for a few years. It's not like we were allowed to break into human music because of the others.” Adagio snapped back.

Sonata grabbed both of their ears drawing in a big breath and screaming.” GUYS!!!!!”

The echo of the shout startled shore birds miles away.

The other two sirens were both screaming and cursing flailing around in the water while clutching their ears, though both of them had their full attention on their blue sister now.

“I'm going to murder you.” Aria growled.

“Not if I get to her first.” Adagio snarled.

“Look.” Sonata pointed behind the two.

Turning around the pair of them finally noticed a large boat. The vessel looked brand new and even had a great big purple ribbon wrapped around it as it bobbed in the water. The design of it was surprisingly modern looking, much like something they saw in the human world. While the vessel was large it wasn't big enough that it needed a crew bigger than two or three to run.

The thing that drew their attention quickest however was the vessels name.

Song Fishies.

“Seriously?” Aria muttered.

“This screams trap.” Adagio grumbled. “There's only one being who called us that.”

Sonata however had already swum over to it and slid up onto the wide diving deck before shifting back into what looked like a light slate blue pegasus pony with her darker slate blue and navy blue striped mane done up in single a long ponytail. Pink gossamer wings fanned out from her back giving her more lift to allow her to hop the railing and land on the deck.

“Damn it Sonata.” Aria grumbled rushing after her sister, Adagio soon followed.

Once they found the ship was empty the three of them started looking over the craft with more interest.

Aria took note it was a mostly electric ship, well electric by the standards ponies used, meaning it was a magic crystal core that turned it into a expensive powered boat. A surprising upgrade in technology after a hundred years, no where near human levels of tech, but given ponies had magic, they didn't need to develop things at the same rate as the humans had.

Adagio took note of three separate quarters on the ship each color coded for the trio and grew even more worried, particularly when she spotted a book bound in gold ribbon.

The faded yellow unicorn pushed some of the mass of her orange and blonde mane out of her face as she stared at the book. She moved forward finally, her massive mane and tail falling over her like a cloak as she picked up the book.

“So you've been displaced from time, by Twilight Sparkle?” Adagio blinked pulling off the ribbon to look into the book curiously.

Sonata found the kitchen. And found out it not only had tacos in stock, but on a large tray, still steaming, and wrapped in a blue ribbon, was something she hadn't seen in a hundred years.

“A... Abyss shrimp poffins?” Sonata gasped ignoring the tacos and practically tackling the plate.

“HE'S BEEN MISSING THREE THOUSAND YEARS??!!!”Adagio screamed as she got to the point in the book about Starswirl the Bearded.

“Three down, two thousand nine hundred and ninety seven to go.” Sonata chimed through a mouthful of food.

[ In the darkest depths of Mordor Tartarus]

Forgescale jerked in his chains, the cage he was imprisoned in made out of some sort of metal he couldn't bite through and that wouldn't melt. For all the god of strengths strength he was trapped.

This wasn't over. He would get out of here and without the element of surprise on their side, he would destroy them all, bit by bit, piece by piece. He would turn the world to ash to destroy those who stood against him like this, none would be spared including his own kind if they dared oppose him, perhaps he'd fling them through that damned mirror and let them live life as a stray dog. Bleu truly was a bitch any way.

“Well now. I so rarely get guests and now they have seen fit to give me a neighbor. How quaint.” A raspy voice muttered.

“Ehh? Who's there? Show your self or I will...” Forgescale growled.

“You will do nothing, not because you do not wish it, but because they don't allow it.” the voice scoffed.

Turning his head Forgescale took note of another cage near his with a wizend creature standing in it watching him with interest. It took Forgescale a moment to recognize the species of creature, it was one from far outside his territory, though he had heard of a time when the lesser races had troubles with one like this.

“And who are you?”

“My name is Tirek. A prisoner here the same as you. Denied my rightful rule as a god.” The centaur smiled. “Though perhaps we can help one another....”

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3


Author's Note:

Puppyverse season 4 will be up first of the year.

Knowing me, LITERALLY the first day of the year.. probably just after midnight or something. I'm weird.

Comments ( 128 )

Well, I’ll be here, waiting.

D’aw, nice to see daddy Discord giving his daughters the gift of a nice home upon returning to their home world...

... though Adagio’s gonna need an “attitude adjustment” via spanking from her mom at this rate.

Rahs has been outed as a God. Do-dah. Do-dah.

Rahs has become the Moon Dog God. Oh the do-dah day!

Gonna sing all night! At the Friday Play!

Rahs has been outed as a God. Oh the do-dah day! Hey!

“Majors are Moon Dogs and Theater. “ Twilight began. “Hardly a surprise.”

Now we only need Jynx to gain Diamond Dog portfolio and replace the troublesome Forthe.

“Minors are Dreams and Fridays?” Spike frowned.

Why sharing Dreams with Luna cause her Moon to wiggle?

“No. I am not going back to that harpy until I prove to her I'm better than she is.” Adagio snapped.

So Adagio has the same issue as Sunset? Do Gods have bad parenting skills?


Actually Aqua's parenting skills are pretty good, Adaigo is just a spoiled brat. Celestia is bad at it and Sunset was spoiled. Chryssy was very protective of Saturnia and was a pretty good mother but once her kid hit her twenties she went back to being the Chryssy as we see her. Luna was not in her right mind at the time for Sombra. It's one of the reasons she tends to adopt everyone , she's compensating.

Does Twilight finally get to kill something cause I have a feeling Forgescale needs to die and Spike needs to take his portfolios.

Twilight will not kill him. Maim possibly, but not kill. She is the princess of Friendship after all (whether she likes it or not).

Spike will kill him. Multiple times. And probably inherit his portfolios in the process. :P

“What is the meaning of this?” Luna demanded

“A pronoun used to identify a specific pony or thing close at hoof or being indicated or experienced.”

To be honest most people would probably answer her close to this as well

“Majors are Moon Dogs and Theater. “ Twilight began. “Hardly a surprise.”

“Minors are Dreams and Fridays?” Spike frowned.

“Fridays?” Twilight blinked.

“Rahs spends more time in Canterlot than thou do.”

So, does that mean if Forthe starts being a pain in the neck Rahs will turn the full power of a bad day on him?

“And I took Shining's readings last week. He's gotten a major power boost and he's on par with where I was before I became the Bearer of the Element of Magic. But he's not a god.”Twilight muttered.” You know what this calls for?”

Run Rahs, RUN!

“We need to science the buck out of this!!” Twilight cheered grabbing Rahs by his tail as the moon dog tried to run.

You KNOW what your sister is like, so just WHY were you so slow??!:rainbowhuh:

“So we start small a couple of coastal villages, build up a power base. If we gain enough power even the gods can fall under our sway, we did it before with a few of them, we just have to start over from square one.” Adagio smirked.

“Or we could go home.” Sonata frowned.

“No. I am not going back to that harpy until I prove to her I'm better than she is.” Adagio snapped.

Considering how about half the gods in this story act and I am NOT getting into myths of Earth gods, that SHOULDN'T be that hard especially since she's already given you all up for lost and never to be found or thought of until Discord Brings up looking for you three again.

I'll take Tirek

The Royal Family is certainly quite disfunctional. Well, at least they seem to be in the road to recovery, even if I still think sunbutt screwed up big time with Sunset.

Huh, Forthe's timeline certainly got shortened now. With Rhas being a god it's a matter of time before Diamond Dogs become his lesser portifólio, and then major. That's likely enough to diminish him to the point of getting done for permanently, no?

Considering myths that's hardly surprising, tbh.

Ok new ponyvill random bet placed by bonbon is Ancient evil centaur and evil dragon god teaming up and getting there plots handed to the and three long lost sirens showing up and reuniting with the mother after a failed world take over attempt and somone paying them there bits for accurately calling sunbutt being a father to a daughter

It should be safe enough for him to sneak past and get cleaned up from his hunting trip. He stepped forward towards the door humming a song to himself.

The moon dog's tail wagged behind him, the glowing ball usually present at the tip was gone, now a glowing crescent floated there instead of a full moon.

“You've come... such a long long way.....”

Very clever, you sneaky rabbit! You have already foreshadowed it in your previous chapter and no one had guessed it at all. Reading this last part again, it should have clued us that Rahs could not have possibly known this song at all, but for him to know it he must have heard it from somewhere. And only a few actually caught on to it, based on the comments then and now. You pulled a fast one over us TDR, but be well assured that it won't happen again.

“Majors are Moon Dogs and Theater. “ Twilight began

:pinkiegasp: Called it :pinkiegasp:

Well, except for the minors, but I have faith him to fix that :moustache:

Wait if Rahs is the God of Moon Dogs, does that mean he will be able to personally visit his parents on the dreamside?

Celestia knew it was mostly a show so she could get coffee,but the show had quickly turned int reality with how often Luna was awake during the day lately.

Space and into.
There were a few other instances of a missing space. Some instances of an extra space.

Next season will be interesting. Alot of fun stuff happens.

Luna blinked lightly wondering if she wanted more answers or should flee herself.

Run! RUN!

You know, I just realized something that makes Forthe even MORE of a stupid fucking douchecock His race got corrupted by Witch Wolves because he was all "Strength above all else, survival of the fittest" ect, when he doesn't even have the Strength Portfolio at all. Was he trying to take it as a Major Portfolio or even minor due to Forgescale being gone? And if so, once again any arguments against his race being polluted is his fault to how he ran things, and now he can no longer take the option of sharing Moon Dogs.

Also, that Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Meme Reference.

Hay Discord we are going to need way more popcorn and Pinkie hand me another root beer, #4 is going to be sooooo good.

:pinkiehappy: :facehoof:

Wait...Sunset seems like she might have a thing for more predatory species... If it wasn't for Rahs not wanting to date those who smell like prey, I would begin thinking another challenger has entered the fray

Comment posted by Thor447 deleted Dec 23rd, 2019

Sunset is definitely entering the fray.

Okay, reread the epilogues. now I have some thoughts and concerns:

  • So Twilight said she could probably familiarize a dozen ponies before she felt the strain, that's enough for her beau and the Mane Six with enough extras to maybe also include all their eventual spouses.
  • Shining Armor is now linked to two gods. Wait, is spike a demigod as the son of the dragon goddess? That would make three, or at least two and a half. :trollestia:
  • I wonder if when Cadance trieds to make him her familiar he just explodes into god-ness from the power influx (seems to be what happened to Rahs).
  • What happens if a familiar becomes a god?
  • What happens if a demigod becomes a familiar? Do they go full god mode or perhaps is the God empowered by the powerful familiar?
  • Anyone going after Rahs now could become immortal as Rahs can just make his significant other into a familiar, so Jynx, Trixie, and Were-Jack can get that significant benefit, Saturnia I think is already immortal or near enough for being Chrysalis's and Cadance's daughter.
  • Wow that harem plan sure could happen if Rahs (or other vested deific interests) can just keep them all alive forever.
  • Wow that family tree is getting even more twisted with Sunset being an Apple and Celestia's daughter. Are the Apples royal now? They were going to be once Big Mac married Twilight, but are they now already royalty?

Hm, I don't think the Sirens will get too far into their plan before Daddy pulls them up and warns them that going further isn't a healthy choice. Just move to Ponyville, the frequent arguments between a couple of god-level siblings should be enough to keep them going in perpetuity.

Ooooh Delicious. Two Demigods, an Alpha Diamond Dog, a Witch-Jack and a Trixie. The betting pool is gonna get crazy.

“We need to science the buck out of this!!” Twilight cheered grabbing Rahs by his tail as the moon dog tried to run.

The Martian. (Or Maretian, if youve read it)

A big question is how is Rahs deification affected Forthe. Since the moondogs are now there own race and not technically a blend of Luna and Forthe does that mean that Forthe is stronger. Also how is Forthe dealing with the fact that the two beings he wants to kill are now immortal.

Also can Rahs now visit his parents since he has a minor in dreams which would imply dreamwalking?

“We need to science the buck out of this!!” Twilight cheered grabbing Rahs by his tail as the moon dog tried to run.

Haha! A reference to Mark Watney in the mobie The Martian. But ponyfied a bit.

Awesome. The prophesy is true.

Let's also not forget, should he keep trying to kill them upon finding out both are Gods, he will be in violation of the laws laid down for all Gods and can earn himself a trip to Tartarus, especially as to Kill Rahs now he needs to commit Genocide.

first of all, Twi estimated a score of Ponies as familiars, that doesnt mean a dozen, it means twenty. and that was just before she starts to maybe have trouble with her spell casting...

Actually, now that I think about it, I think Forthe would have to pretty much end ALL OF EXISTENCE to kill the Sparkles now, or at least up until White is dead as I am pretty sure as long as time Exists, Tuesdays and Fridays will exist, many races likely have Theater and the Performing arts, EVERY RACE DREAMS, and all races have Friendship in some form or another. Hell, the only way to end magic, and thus Twilight Permanently would be to kill Discord, Order and Harmony thus making sure there was no magic left. In short, To kill the Sparkles, you have to end all of existence.

That was foreshadowed since Twi's ascension, though it was a bit more subtle there.


Shining Armor is now linked to two gods. Wait, is spike a demigod as the son of the dragon goddess? That would make three, or at least two and a half.

He's indeed a demigod. All the direct children of gods in the puppyverse are demigods.

What happens if a familiar becomes a god?

I'd imagine the familiar link breaks since they're now gods in their own right and no longer dependent on the other gods power.

What happens if a demigod becomes a familiar? Do they go full god mode or perhaps is the God empowered by the powerful familiar?

Since demigods are already immortal (or at least ageless) and considered "apex" of their species I don't think there's much the familiar link will do for them.

Saturnia I think is already immortal or near enough for being Chrysalis's and Cadance's daughter.

Demigoddess, so ageless.

Wow that family tree is getting even more twisted with Sunset being an Apple and Celestia's daughter. Are the Apples royal now? They were going to be once Big Mac married Twilight, but are they now already royalty?

My headcanon now is that the Apples are the Puppyverse's version of the Hapsburgs.

OK in my opinion Rahs becoming a god is a bit of a Gary stu but in the context it is used it just works

“Missing?” Celestia's ears perked. “What is it?”

Moon Dogs :moustache:

Then there was dark magic, which made little sense as there was no such thing as light magic. Dark magic wasn't even it's own school. It was just a way of casting normal spells that corrupted them in some way or another either for greater effect, or to bypass some limit the spell might have.

You have no idea how much this part means to me :trollestia:

“So why didn't you tell any one!?” Twilight demanded.

Drama obviously :moustache:

“We are not letting thou make a production out of it.” Luna frowned.

He's the god of theater, you can't stop him :pinkiecrazy:

“My name is Tirek. A prisoner here the same as you. Denied my rightful rule as a god.” The centaur smiled. “Though perhaps we can help one another....”

Don't you mean "work together until we inevitably try to stab each other in the back" :trixieshiftright:

Author's Note:

Puppyverse season 4 will be up first of the year.

Now what kind of theme will season 4's chapter names have I wonder :moustache:

What I want to know is that if gods can choose to share a portfolio, does that imply that they can bequeath a portfolio?
What happens if Cadence and Chrystalis decide to bequeath portfolios to Shining Armor? Or share their domains with him? Would that even work? Would he become a god, or just be a mortal with a portfolio?


Don't you mean "work together until we inevitably try to stab each other in the back"

"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"

Bear in mind I don't have any special insights and anything I say might get invalidated by Word of God later on, but:

  • As far as I can tell, gods don't get to *choose* their portfolios, or even turning into gods. The "Universe/Harmony" seems to choose when someone becomes a god, and assigns portfolios based on need/affinity. Gods can *try* to do things to pick up something as a portfolio, but seemingly the best they can do is increase the odds (otherwise Celestia would already have Cake and Luna Coffee)
  • While it does seem a god can "release" portfolios (and thus cease being a god), I don't know wether they can specifically chose who they release them too. (I'd imagine it's more the case of "this is now up for the taking")
  • I'd imagine it's not that easy. Only gods have portfolios, and assuming they could be bequeathed (which we don't know) then I'd imagine the recipient needs to be a god already. After all, if gods could share their portfolios/ascend mortals as easily, there'd be no need for Twi's insights on the familiar spell.

“Hey listen!” Sonata chimed up.


Gods can choose who they release their portfolios to, but it's all or nothing , they can't pick and mix. Lockheed is an example of a god who was given his portfolio by the previous god. Granted there are conditions for this as well. the only portfolio that passed over was Griffons, he earned hunting and his lessers on his own. So even this is caprcious if the universe wants to be persnickaty.

A god might want to pass on their portfolios but Sometimes the universe won't let them pass it to who they want, or won't let them pass it at all. the reasons for this are unknown .

But pretty much it means what ever task they are put to isn't done yet. The Fates arn't allowed to talk about it but are probably the only ones who know why beyond the 3 prime gods who are Missing, incapable of speach, and Discord so yeah.

But yeah most of these points are about spot on.

Hm, So Ponyville now has the Element Bearers, two gods (one of which is an Element Bearer, plus Discord on a Tuesday), three/four demi-gods (one who's a tactical genius, and two with anger management issues, plus Saturnia whenever she's in town), two creatures that can eat magic (one of which is an Element Bearer), a heavy guard presence, Fluttershy's animals (including a quarter-god) and god knows what else. Anyone who tries anything there is going to end up as a crater.

Also, I have to wonder, is Saturnia a demi-god, or an actual god? Whe is the daughter of two gods after all, rather than a god and a mortal.


Saturnia is a demi god. Gods are caprciously bestoed theres no rhyme or reason why the universe makes some one a god . you might earn it . cheat it. Or just randomly have it happen

Ah right. Still, she'd probably be a little more powerful than most demigods right? Given both her parents are gods.


demi gods are a flat thing. They are always the best their race can offer, and immortal. Unlike gods though they can be killed. Some times they show traces of their parents abilites. Thus far aside from being a pink changeling, Saturnia hasn't shown anything

Now to see how that theater guy who keeps denying Rahs a part will react to him essentially being da boss now.

I think by the end of season four every dictionary on the planet will have at least one, possibly two entries under "obliterated" added

Questions for TDR - is this fic finished, or do we still have another epilogue incoming... because Book 3 is still listed as incomplete. Also, can gods place actual curses based off of their portfolios? Because Luna already ruined the dramatic reveal, so if she also ruins his attempt to make a production out of his introduction? I foresee a curse of Dramatic Misfortune -bad luck that occurs at Dramatically appropriate moments- being placed upon her in retribution.

So what are the odds that Forthe is Psychotic and Evil enough to say "Fuck it, the world burns."

His race will never be pure again, none of them listen to him anymore, the ones he wants dead are now unkillable, and he lost the option for Sharing Moon Dogs to fully exist again. At this point Destroy Everything seems like an appealing option.

I have no clue what rhe song you were referring to is


it's done. forgot to add that though i will link next season here possibly with a fake update.

Not so much curses but once they figure out how they can do certain annoying things to other gods. Neither of the Sparkles have a handle on their portfolios perfectly just yet.

as for the last.... well wait and see

Aren't there overlaps with the Wolf God that really hates Rahs and Luna meaning he would get pissed about losing power?

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