• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Endor Girls, Epilogue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Endor Girls,

[Crystal Empire]

“FUUUUUUU...OOOOFF!” Sunset tried to curse as she fell back through the portal crashing down onto the crystal road with a wince.

“Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset winced at the voice and pushed herself back up onto her hooves. This wasn't how she wanted to come back to Equestria. She wasn't at the head of some great army or wielding any sort of immense power.

Still she could at least have some sort of dignity in her defeat like this....

“HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!!!??” Sunset shrieked, back peddling away from the pink alicorn and the black bug looking pony standing next to her. Her escape was quickly cut off as a purple winged form was launched out of the mirror and high speed and impacted her bodily sending them both crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs.

“I'm okay.” Twilight offered.

“Fuck dignity, I'm just gonna lie here and try to bleed out.” Sunset muttered.

“You're not bleeding.” Cadence sighed.

“That's why I said TRY Cadence, damn it, listen once in a while.”Sunset muttered from the ground. “ Also what the fuck is that thing?”

“I feel I should be insulted.” Chrysalis huffed.

“Don't be she's always been like this.” Cadence sighed. ”This is Queen Chrysalis.”

“That explains nothing.” Sunset grumped.

“What the buck happened to the palace?” Twilight demanded looking up at the ruined mess of a building.

“A god Starswirl threw in the mirror came through and started trying to wreck the place, it's under control.” Cadence explained as Spike tumbled through the portal landing on top of Sunset as well.

“Woah, what happened?” Spike asked looking up at the wreckage.

“A god escaped the portal and wrecked the place.” Chrysalis offered.

“Was any one hurt?” Twilight flinched.

“No, thankfully not.” Cadence stated.

“I am very glad you shrunk back down before you landed on me dragon.” Sunset muttered.

“The names Spike, and I wasn't the dragon over there.” Spike grumbled.

The portal flared and a large blue canine like creature fell through the portal crashing down on top of all three of them with a thud.

“GAAAH!!” Sunset yelped.

“Rahs, GET OFF ME!” Twilight gasped.

“Woof?” Rahs stated looking up at the wreckage.

“Portal Dragon attack, blame Starswirl, no pony hurt.” Chrysalis stated knowing what he just asked.

“Says you.” Sunset whimpered.

The portal mirror flared again and Shining Armor calmly stepped through, stumbling a step as he got used to four legs again.

“Hey hun. I'm home.... redecorating? Can't say I like what you did with the place.” Shining smirked.

He might have commented further, though he was hit from both sides by a pink alicorn and changeling queen with enough force to dent his armor.

“Gak” Shining gasped from between the mares glomping him.

“So any way. It's been a long time Sunset.” Cadence offered crushing Shining into her chest.

“I'm surprised you noticed. Nice to see you're finally off the farm.” Sunset muttered. ”I'm sure Celestia is thrilled about that.”

“She was, though I've been away from there for quite a while now.” Cadence blinked as the Sparkles stood up off of Sunset, Rahs grumbling something as he brushed off his bare chest and arms.

“Seriously? I never understood how you gods kept track of time I guess you're still new at it, so who's this one any way, guess alicorn gods are popping up like a bumper crop this decade? And what the fuck is all this!?”

“Umm. Well this is the Crystal Empire it came back earlier this year, Twilight only ascended about a week ago and exactly how long do you think it's been?” Cadence frowned.

“Oh shit, it's been a lot longer than three years hasn't it? Any time a question like that comes up, the time spent was a lot longer than you think.” Sunset sighed before deadpanning her question.”Alright lay it on me how long have I been gone?”

“Ninety years give or take.” Cadence offered.

Sunset stared a moment and sighed.” Not as bad as I thought, but fuck.”

“Woof.” Rahs stated pulling a small book out of his coat and offered it to the orange unicorn.

“So you've been displaced from time? By Twilight Sparkle?” Sunset frowned reading the cover.

Twilight and Spike stared at their brother, when did he get another coat?

“You wrote a book just for this sort of thing?”Sunset glared at Twilight.

“Trust me it's been very helpful. The Crystal Empire, Discord, Sombra, Luna, it beats having to explain all the history missed, plus each chapter covers a hundred years so all you need to do is read the last one.” Twilight offered.” Though I've yet to do an update past the return of the Crystal Empire.”

“So what are we going to do with her any way?” Shining Armor asked as he pushed his head out from between the two mares sandwiching him.

“Wait for Celestia and Luna....” Cadence stated.

“It was my crown that was stolen, honestly it should be my verdict.” Twilight humphed.

“I TOLD HER NIGHTMARE MOON WASN'T AN OLD PONY TALE!!” Sunset shouted pointing a hoof in the book.

“Ahh we see some one else was taught by our sister.” Luna sighed gliding down to the portal. “Is everyone alright?”

Sunset looked up at the dark alicorn then read further in the book.

“Oh good you're back!” Pinkie Pie cheered pronking up with Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash behind her.

“Seems you recovered your crown and caught the thief, good job Twilight.” Rarity applauded.

Sunset blinked starring at the four. “They're here too?”

“Oop hot hoof!!! Hot hoof!” Pinkie Pie gasped.

“Woof?” Rahs asked wondering what that Pinkie sense meant.


A large orange missile slammed into Rahs sending him tumbling across the street. When he finally came to a stop Witch-Jack was standing on him.

“Yer alright!” Witch- Jack chimed up excitedly her tail wagging before she noticed everyone staring at her. She quickly hopped off Rahs and helped him up. “Ah mean... welcome back.... yeah”

“Cadence.” Twilight stated. “Put me down for it.”

“Twilight you can't be in that pool.....” Cadence began, cutting herself off as Twilight spread her wings and stared at the pink alicorn.

“Right, I'll mark down your bid.” Cadence sighed.

“Discord was the statue in the garden?” Sunset frowned. “Celestia always let me paint that thing as a filly.”

“Yes, you did wind up with some delightful coloration.” Discord stated popping into being above the orange unicorn.

“GAH!” Sunset yelped.

“Oh calm down, you didn't know any better and I'm in a good mood.” Discord stated waving a slip of paper around in a clawed hand. “Though I really do need to ask, what exactly was your plan for defeating Celestia?”

Sunset blinked and flattened her ears. “I was going to figure that out when I got to that part.”

“You didn't have a plan?”Spike frowned.

“Of course not. A chess master can't counter a plan if there is no plan to counter. I made an outline and I planned to fill in the rest as I went!” Sunset stated.

The Sparkles stared at her a moment.

“You were Celestia's student weren't you?”Spike asked.

“For sixteen years” Sunset muttered.

“Ahhhhhhh” the three Sparkles stated simply.

“ I feel I should be insulted” Celestia pouted as she flew in for a landing next to her sister.

“Not at all, I mean you did finally fix the issues with your school after giving me and all your other students mental issues.” Twilight offered. “Then there was the manipulation and chess master nonsense that you did so often it's like you needed to do it to live..... I take it back, please feel insulted.”

“I apologized for that repeatedly Twilight..” Celestia sighed.

“Right sure, HER you apologize to because she became a freaking alicorn, but the moment I got my cutie mark you decided I wasn't worth your time as much any more and you focused on Cadence while pushing me to what ever idiotic tutor you could, hell there were months were I never even saw you.” Sunset snapped.

“Sunset I went over that before, I was the only ruler of the nation I couldn't spend every moment with you....” Celestia sighed as if this was a very old argument she didn't want to start up.

“Bull shit! You were all I fucking had and you literally started avoiding me. I did everything I could to make you proud of me to have some sort of attention and you barely gave me a smile. “Sunset raged. “I got my damn cutie mark, you showed up for two minutes looked at it said, 'That's nice' and vanished for two weeks!”

“Sunset!” Celestia winced. “I did not vanish I had to deal with a political crisis....”

“Don't you Sunset me, you started railroading me at that point, pulling away my free reign of the library and herding my studies away from the fire and combat spells I was good at, and pushed me towards healing. I suck at healing spells, then when I found a work around for it using blood magic you acted like I broke into your damn cake vault and peed on everything! But at least that got me noticed!” Sunset ranted glaring at Celestia her eyes watering. “You were the only damn thing I had and the only way I could even get to to notice me was to fuck something up so royally that you didn't have any choice but to talk to me.”

“Only thing she had?” Twilight blinked. A quick look around saw a number of other gods sitting on couches surrounding the area eating popcorn including Shining and her friends. Discord was grinning like a fool and Rahs was taking notes on all the drama, the orbs at the tip of his ears glowing far brighter than she had seen them before.

“Sunset. Did... you think you were an orphan?” Cadence spoke up rising off the couch away from shining and Chrysalis.

“Yes..” Sunset sniffled.

“Who told you that?” Cadence moved forward, the glare she was shooting the stunned Celestia would have been enough to melt any one not connected to a glowing ball of fire in the sky.

“No one did, I figured that out on my own. No family, no known relatives, not even any records of my birth until I came to the palace at age two.” Sunset snapped.

There was a few collective awws from the gathered gods and Cadence snorted in anger.

“Sunset you are not an orphan. You're Celestia's daughter.” Cadence stated.

“Yeah I know I saw the adoption papers... why do you think I'm so fucked up over this?” Sunset grumbled.

“No, I mean you're her biological daughter, you're a demigod.” Cadence clarified.

“WHAT!?!” the gathered gods and others around shouted as Celestia winced.

“Whelp. I'm not mad at her any more. Sunset you have my sympathy.”Spike sagely nodded. Rahs and Twilight looked at each other and nodded as well.

“What is this insult Celestia day?”Celestia frowned looking at the Sparkles.

“I'm marking it on my calendar!” Discord cackled.

“Wait. So you're my mother, You're my real mother!?!?” Sunset snapped one eye twitching.

“Alright, now I super forgive her.” Spike added.

“No, she's not.” Cadence singsonged before Celestia could comment.

“Cadence... don't you dare. We promised not to bring that up.” Celestia snarled.

“You promised, I did no such thing, much like a certain farm picture that resurfaced at my wedding. “Cadence grinned. “Celestia is not your mother Sunset, she's your father”.

“WHAT!?!? the crowd shouted again.

Sunset blinked her twitch growing worse. “Then who the fuck is my mother?”

“Don't you dare..” Celestia growled as Cadence grinned wider, stepping to the side as a wrinkled green earth pony mare tottered up.

“What tha heck is with all this yelling?” Granny Smith grumbled as Cadence rose onto her back legs and gestured with her fore hooves in a 'tada' motion.

“GRANNY SMITH!?!?” they all screamed out, and Applejack fainted.

“Of course it's not Granny Smith, she's too young to be Sunset's mother.” Cadence smiled.

“Ah'm not sure where yer going with this or if that was a compliment or not but ah got mai eye on you.” Granny glared at Cadence.

“Granny, this is Sunset Shimmer.” Cadence pushed the two closer.

Granny frowned pulling out her glasses to look over the younger mare before her. “ Well ah'll be. Yer tha spitting image of her....but how..”

“Demi gods don't age the same way normal ponies do. This is the Sunset Shimmer you knew ninety years ago.” Twilight offered. “So who is she?”

“Mai sister.” Granny offered.

“WHAT!??!” the crowd went nuts.

“Well half sister. Back when tha Apples was first given tha land tah settle around Ponyville lil over a hundred years ago we had a rough couple of years at first and we had tah spend a lot of time going back and forth to Canterlot for supplies. Maw wasn't too thrilled with Paw kissing that hooves of tha Princess, so when we had tah get something, she went. From what her old diary said one time she was gonna tah give tha Princess a bit of her mind about vamping on Paw. Well turns out Celestia here's a right smooth talker and managed tah get her way intah Maw's pants. Long story short, Maw spent a lot of time 'reporting' our progress to tha princess after that. By tha time Paw found out, we was busy with Zap Apples and she was heavy with a foal. Making tha story even shorter, Celestia agreed tah look after mai half sister cause we was still struggling tah feed everyone, and ah ain't really seen her since she was a filly. Saw her a couple of times with Celestia, but she didn't come back tah tha farm, seems Paw and Maw didn't really want any leaking of tha infidelities, always sent her a invite tah tha reunions, never got any responses back though. ”

All eyes turned to Celestia.

“By the point they started having reunions Sunset had already left.” Celestia frowned.
I simply thought she ran away.”

“ Really bet you didn't look for me long.” Sunset snorted.

“At least thirty years I had ponies looking for you, I finally stopped when you responded to one of my messages in the journal with the words,and I quote, ' Fuck off and die already', end quote.”

“Excellent.” Luna bellowed, shoving her sister out of the way and zipping up to grab Sunset and crush her in a hug. “We get to be the fun uncle!”

“But you're a mare!” Sunset gasped.

“So is thine father, so we are thine uncle, it only makes sense.” Luna nodded sagely. “ So let us go to place of doughnuts and talk!”

“I don't... “Sunset protested.

“Unless Twilight has any objections, it was she whom thee stole from after all.” Luna glanced to Twilight.

“Nope. I'm good. Having had some bad family experiences and being a student of Celestia in the past I totally get why you would have tried for world domination and revenge. I wrote up a few plans myself once.”Twilight nodded.

“Why do you think I'm such a good DM and Rahs is such a good villain actor?”Spike offered.

“Ummm.” most of the group offered.

“SUPERB, come Sunset let us hear the tales of this other world thee were in.”Luna laughed dragging off the confused and upset looking Sunset with Granny Smith toddering along after.

“Mare were you not married I would propose right now, that was a masterful work of chaos right there bravo.” Discord cheered clapping as he strode up to Cadence. “The tension building, the fake out, the SECOND fake out, and all while screwing with Sun butt. Bravo, just bravo.”

“Why thank you, and it is a pity I'm married, though the relationship is some what open and I've not actually had a chance with anything like you before.....” Cadence nearly purred leaning closer to Discord.


Discord gulped leaning back, only for Shining Armor and Chrysalis to each grab a foreleg of the pink princess and frog march her away from Discord and back towards the castle as she blew him a kiss, the bug queen carrying the mirror along with her in her magic.

“Girls please tell me there is a room still intact in the palace.” Twilight sighed.

“I'm afraid all of them are taken Twilight.” Fluttershy offered.

“There's the hotel by the ski resort, I noticed that it had some rooms left when I went to visit their spa yesterday morning, shall we head over there and see for sure?” Rarity pointed out.

“Please, I am a hundred and ten percent done with this day.” Twilight sighed as she, her friends and her brothers head off.

The rest of the gods started heading back to their rooms or what was left of them, seeing that the show is over. This left Discord and the still stunned Celestia standing there.

“Well seems like you really screwed up on this one Sun butt.” Discord chuckled.

“I didn't tell her she was mine because I didn't want Nightmare Moon to try and use her against me, it was only a hundred years until she was coming back.” Celestia blurted out.

“Don't tell me sun butt, tell your daughter. I'd offer to torment you further, but...” Discord grinned looking down at the paper he held, his smirk getting even wider as he looked back to Celestia. “ I've got some shopping to do.”

Discord vanished with a snap of his fingers, the paper drifting down to the ground to land at Celestia's hooves.

Curious, Celestia picked up the paper and looked it over, there was only one sentence on it, written in near illegible scrawl.

'You owe us like … nine thousand birthday presents!'

Celestia looked at it curiously and shrugged, she wasn't even going to try to understand Discord. Besides she had to have a talk with her daughter.

Celestia let out a sigh, this was something she never thought she would be able to do again once Sunset vanished. Embarrassment and shame aside she would accept Sunsets anger, so long as she knew she was alive.

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