• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Just for Seleucus, part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Just for Seleucus,
part 1

[Ponyville morning, just after Twilight and the others left, Saturday]

“You really should have let me feed this check list to Mr. Whipple the second.” Spike sighed waving the paper at Rahs.

“Woof.” Rahs shrugged attaching the lock to the ice box like was on the list.

Blakenly chittered in annoyance that they were foal proofing the house specifically for him.

The worst part was he didn't even do it, Peewee had been the last one to break into the fridge.

The phoenix of course would admit to nothing.

“And we are doing extra chores for her why?” Spike grumbled.

“Ruff.” Rahs replied standing back up and dusting off his paws.

“She's not the only one stressed

“Bark.” Rahs reminded Spike of what happened when Twilight was stressed.

“ Ugh...... fine whatever.” Spike relented.


Why the heck do we even have gutters?” Spike grumbled from his perch on one of the awnings. “ We live in a tree.”

Rahs stepped off to the side as a wet splatter of leaves hit the snowy ground.

“Woof.” Rahs rolled his eyes the only reason it was Spike up there instead of him was his paws wouldn't fit in the drain spout to pull out the leaves. Still this was something they needed to do before Winter Wrap up. They should have done it in the fall but far too much had been going on. He wasn't worried about the little dragon falling as with as many layered coats as Spike had on, he'd probably bounce on the snow.

Owlowiscious sat on a branch above him watching. The owl was braving the morning sun for the chance to get one of the overly fat squirrels that tended to hang around the library. Rahs might have been told not to hunt the evil little things, but Owlowicious certainly wasn't going to pass up the chance for a easy meal.

[ Later, Carousel Boutique ]

Spike sighed filling the cat bowl with dried food before setting out a perfect crystal glass with the wet food.

Rahs was standing off to the side holding Opal to keep her from rushing Spike.

How they had gotten roped into feeding Rarity's cat on top of everything else was beyond him. Still with Sweetiebelle terrified of the white feline it wasn't a surprise really. Given Opal's tendency to go after anything she viewed as prey with extreme prejudice he could understand her fear. The fairly fluffy feline frequently forgot foals weren't food. That wasn't to say that larger things were not considered a target as well, but Opal knew better than to go after any of the Sparkles, or Fluttershy.

It had been a hard lesson on those counts however.

Opal did make the mistake of going for the Sparkle pets once before. Blakeny responded to the attack by trapping her in the shower stall and turning on the water before eating all her food and stealing as many of the cans as he could carry.

She had stalked Owlowiscious for an hour only for the owl to dodge her attack effortlessly and snag her in return. He then flew her around town before dropping her in the tallest tree he could find.

Peewee set her on fire. Only a little bit. She was fine when her fur grew back.

She also tried once to go after Angel Bunny.

There were missing cat posters up for a week.

In the end Opal tended to be well behaved around the Sparkles, and Fluttershy. As such Spike or Rahs usually wound up taking care of her if Rarity and Fluttershy were out of town.

[Later still, Fluttershy's house. ]

The moon dog stared at the white rabbit.

The white rabbit stared at the moon dog.

“So everything's good here Treehugger?” Spike asked ignoring the two behind him.

“Oh yeah. Everything's cool, heh cool.” Treehugger chuckled poking some of the snow by the door with a hoof. ”My assistant is running my shop up in Canterlot I needed a bit of a break any way so I don't mind watching Flutters pets for a weekend. Though your brother there seems to have a bit of a harsh vibe with Flutter's bunny.”

“Long story, ask Fluttershy about it when she gets back, we've still got half a list to take care of before we're done.” Spike rolled his eyes. “Let's go Rahs”


“He did not just insult our mother.”

“ WOOF!”

“No he doesn't LOOK like he insulted our mother either.”

[Later again Ponyville market square ]

“Hey Spike!” Applebloom called waving a hoof to the bundled dragon. The filly was bouncing about in snow boots and a parka.

“Hey Bloom. How're things?” Spike asked as he and Rahs walked through the market square, stopping at the Apple's booth.

Applejack sat on a chair behind the booth looking a little worse for wear bundled in a thick coat. They were mostly selling some off season cider, dried apples and oddly fresh apples. Seems one of the benefits to having the Crystal Palace roof in your yard was some of the magic of the Empire still channeled through it. A good portion of Sweet Apple Acres was snow free this year and unseasonably warm. Of course the farmers took advantage of it and had another crop before long. Fresh apples in the middle of winter was nice. It also helped offset the loss of their main harvest due to the attack.

“ Wow.. are you okay Applejack?” Spike questioned.

“M'fine. Got a new prescription and it ain't sitting well with me. My stomachs causing all sorta issues. Ah feel like ah ate way too much all that time an ah gotta force myself tah eat something. Going back to the doc on Monday tah see if ah ken take somethin else.”

“Well we're getting pizza for the sleep over tonight, we'll be sure to save you a piece.” Spike offered.

“Much obliged. Hopefully ah ken eat it.”Applejack smiled.

“if you don't Rahs will.” Spike rolled his eyes as Applebloom giggled.

“Bark.” Rahs pointed out.

“Don't take that tone with me ah'm fine. Ya'll won't let me work that fields so ah'm at least gonna deal with tha transactions of selling apples.”

“Well good luck with that, we'll see you this afternoon.” Spike offered hurrying Rahs along to finish the shopping. He still had a non gem filled cake to make.

Applejack grumbled as she watched them go and her little sister wave goodbye to Spike. “Take it easy mah flank... Probably tha issue is that ah am taking it easy....”

Author's Note:

Seleucus is a lunar impact crater located in the western part of Oceanus Procellarum.

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