• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Endor Girls, Part one

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Endor Girls,
Part one

[Crystal Empire]

This is not what she expected.

Twilight had expected some sort of massive theater like chamber, filled with gods, in massive towering stadium seating, with any petitioning party to be in a low center of the stadium like set up so the mass of gods could look down on whomever was brought before them.

What Twilight got, was a fair size ball room that was filled with cheap wooden chairs, a whole bunch of card tables piled high with food and drinks and one large table that all the chairs were facing with some seats behind it.

The room was full of lions and tigers and bears and reptile and fish like creatures and things that defied description of all shapes and sizes, all of them wearing little sticky name badges with the equivalent of 'hello my name is' written on them followed by a name.

The whole thing was surreal. Particularly when a creature made of what looked like jello and another composed of rocks got into a heated discussion about the proper amount cheese that should go on a cracker.

Cadence stayed near Twilight guiding her around, introducing her to a few of the gods and steering her clear of others. She also blocked Twilight's face with a wing every so often as there were at least three serpent gods present.

Twilight recognized only a few of the gods here beyond the Princesses. There was Lockheed, Kaz, Teacup, Rhino, Bleu, and Fledge. Seated at the long table at the front was the buffalo god Iinii who nodded to her in greeting. She rather wondered how he fit in the room as he still towered over everything around him.

Next to him were three large spiders.

A giant spider with the name tag reading Terrible, was ..sitting there? The large brown fuzzy spider was speaking with Iinii. Twilight decided it was some sort of tarantula, a tarantula the size of a pony.

The second spider was a little smaller than Twilight's hoof and seemed to be a peacock spider with how bright it's colors were. It's name tag read 'Karma'.

Next to it was a slightly bigger, but not quite pony head sized, star spider with a name tag reading 'Murphy'.

Cadence stated they were collectively known as The Fates.

The final figure at the table was half submerged in a large tank of water with the name tag of Aqua. The females lithe form rose from the water and floated in the air over the table, higher than the others, but still not as tall as Iinii. Large multicolored fins fanned in the air behind the her, keeping her aloft. Her front legs were much like a ponies with the slightly wider, fin like hooves like a fabled hippocampus.Where her rear legs would have been, was a thin golden pearlesecnt fish tail ending in a pair of long trailing fins that would have looked at home on a evening gown and slid though the clear water she sat in. Various jewelry, and gems graced her form, though that only seemed to distract from beauty of the flowing teal mane cascading down her back. It glowed softly like Luna and Celestia's with a deep blue hue to it as if one was looking into a perfect ocean pool. Silver flashed within her mane seeming to move about as her hair swayed like waves. They looked like tiny silver fish swimming around in her water like mane, a small grouping of tendrils drifted from her head waving slightly with her watery mane like decorative kelp. Her eyes glimmered like emeralds as she dropped her gaze to regard Twilight briefly before her attention turned back to whatever the peacock spider was saying to her.

Her expression was one that reminded Twilight of Celestia, though she was mostly silent and seemed to be upset over something.

Cadence went out of her way to steer the pair of them clear of certain groups of gods who clearly wanted to invite them over. Twilight glanced up at Cadence, curious as to why she was steering them away from certain groups.

Cadence sighed noting the look.”Some of the interests here are all business but others are romantic, some are simply carnal, you're spoken for, and I don't want to have this argument more than once again.”

“What argument?” Twilight asked.

“The one we're going to have with Celestia... and probably Luna, after this summit. “ Cadence stated with a frown, but said no more about it.

Eventually the pair of them moved to take a seat and Twilight found she was sitting between Cadence and Celestia a few rows from the front, behind a softly snoring orc god with strange plant like hair, and in front of a ibex female who was speaking with a hippo next to her.

Celestia smiled down at her and briefly asked if Twilight had her element before glancing over at the empty seat next to her, then to the gods at the table.

There were a number of flashes of magic as old rickety chairs became things more suitable to what ever types of god was taking a seat on them. Twilight's eyes darted about taking note of the spells and the methods of casting them, mentally cataloging any major differences in those that cast with horns versus those with fingers, tentacles, or feathers.

There was also an overwhelming flare of magic that sealed the room and purged it of any magical listening devices or the like. Twilight was some what impressed with this spell, but spotted eight different ways to bypass it with only a few moments study.

“Alright may I have you attention.” Iinii called, his voice echoing across the room over any of the talking still going on, the gathered gods became silent, their attention moving to the front.

“We have a few orders of business to take care of and then you may return to your socializing.” Terrible chittered. “So let's get it out of the way. The first is the return of Luna Nocturnus, Goddess of the Moon.”

There was a large amount of muttering from a number of the gathered gods and a hiss or two.

“Of course they start with this.” Princess Celestia grumbled from the other side of Twilight. “That keeps three possible allies to her stuck in limbo until they can have their vote.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight questioned.

“A lot of gods still have issue with Luna's time as a a thrall of Solomon. Either they don't know the story, don't believe a god can be enthralled like that, or simply don't care. Some of them suffered from those events, others had nothing happen to them aside from a longer night for a few days. But if her opposition can get a higher vote they can deny Luna's acceptance back into the council at least and they can then push for Tartarus or execution at worse.” Celestia explained. “By making this the first order of business that removes you, Chrysalis, and possibly Discord from voting in favor of Luna.”

“Also if you are not recognized before she is put on trial than bringing up the Elements of Harmony will have to be argued by Celestia rather than the current wielder or another god who has been struck by them. And the only other god that we know of that has been targeted by the Elements is Discord.” Cadence added.

“You think it might be Forthe?” A small voice asked from Celestia's shoulder. Looking up Twilight spotted Teacup sitting there.

“I asked around and no one has mentioned him, which has been odd.” Celestia frowned.” It may simply be Kodiak, which will be fortunate as he tends not to think things through and we can out maneuver his words. Unless he got Rhino or Lockheed to help.”

Luna strode up the middle of the aisle, sparing a worried glance at her sister and the other two alicorns sitting beside her, before moving to stand in front of the table.

“We are going to make this quick because I'm sure by now every one here knows the charges that are being brought up. “ Murphy added. “But just to recap for those who don't. Two gods were killed by Luna's actions and thousands suffered and died. That we are sitting here at the former seat of her power and can look out the windows and see the damage that is still being repaired from her time here is telling, as are the fact that two thirds of the entire Crystal Pony race is dead. There are also two witch wolves still alive and in constant contact with her.”

“Objection! There is only one witch wolf and that individual in question is not a threat, the other is a displaced moon dog.” Cadence shouted.

“I agree. Applejack Apple issss hardly what I would consssssider a witch wolf at thissss point.” Ascepius stated from the other side of the room, making Twilight shudder. “I have been ssstudying the one cursssed asss sssuch and while it hasss been rather intriguing ssstudy, Misss Applejack isss hardly a threat. In fact the only way for the curssse to ssspread isss if sssomeone killsss her.”

“Luna also had nothing to do with the creation nor the summoning of either of them.” Cadence added again. “One came about from a remnant of the Crystal Empire and the other was summoned by a magical surge while Luna was still sealed in the moon.”

There was a bit of discussion at the table and in the crowd before Murphy spoke up again. “Understood, the current state of these beings existence shall not be held against her. The other charges still stick.”

“Objection to the first charges” Bleu stated loudly drawing a number of looks at the small dragon. “The gods and their respective races were killed by dreadnoughts, which along with the juggernauts were created by Solomon, not by Nightmare Moon. The slaying of the two gods there for cannot be brought up as charges against her.”

Celestia blinked not having expected that from Bleu.

There was more discussion. Before Aqua spoke up. “I find it odd that you have changed your mind Bleu. You were the biggest proponent of that particular aspect of this case. What might I ask has changed your mind?”

“I saw Kayete again.... I felt the magic infecting him.... it wasn't Nightmare's.” Bleu offered.

There was a great deal of murmuring.

“There was a Dreadnought freed?” Aqua asked with a bit of worry in her voice.

“Indeed as well as a Juggernaut and a witch wolf. All reappeared with the Crystal Empire along with the son of Solomon.” Iinii stated getting a few gasps from the crowd and worried looks including one from Aqua. “The Juggernaut was confirmed destroyed by several gods who were present. The witch wolf and the Dreadnought were destroyed by mortals, and Sombra was subdued.”

“We should have those lost trying to destroy those abominations added to Luna's charges.” A large bear like creature growled. Celestia rolled her eyes at Kodiak, but remained silent for the moment.

“There will be no casualties from the attacks.” another voice stated and all heads whipped around to focus on a small white rabbit sitting on a chair in the front sipping a drink.

“White?” Aqua blinked before looking at a clock on the wall along with nearly all the other gods in attendance, the lot of them were shocked the rabbit was here, nearly on time for once too.

“What? Did you think I am going to miss this meeting?” White questioned with a smile. “It was quite the epic one.”

“How could there have been no loss of life? It was a Dreadnought of all things. It took armies of mortals to take down even one in the past.” a voice stated. Twilight glanced that way and tilted her head at what looked like a alligator of some kind, though she couldn't see his name tag.

“My husband killed it. Just as my brother in law killed the witch wolf, my younger brother in law helped defeat the juggernaut, and my sister in law beat Sombra.” Cadence smiled getting a large number of gods staring her way. “There is a statue out front that depicts the heroes who saved the Crystal Empire. I'm sure all of you passed by it on the way in...well... maybe not White.”

“Oh, I will see it.” White added. “It looked very nice.”

There was a great deal more muttering before Murphy spoke again.

“Alright reviewing the charges we still have a standing charge of the near extinction of the Crystal Ponies as a race as well as damages caused by altering the day and night cycle.” Murphy stated.

“I would submit that being sealed away in solitary confinement for a thousand years is punishment enough for the issues with the day and night issues, and more damage was done by Celestia forcing her control over the moon and sun than anything done prior.” Bleu spoke up again.

“I second that. And I would add that as the Crystal Ponies are now my portfolio any punishment to be levied against her for her actions against the Empire should be mine to give and not this councils.” Cadence stated loudly.

There was even more murmuring and the ones at the table leaned closer to discuss things before Terrible spoke up.

“It is our decision then the council shall not offer a verdict on this case at this time. More investigation shall be conducted, though the council shall support any punishment that the Goddess of the Crystal Ponies declares is fitting. Luna shall be on a probationary period until such time as we are sure that her actions are again her own.”

“What about her theft of another gods race! That has not been brought up at all!” Kodiak snapped.

“That decision was brought up and decided centuries ago Kodiak. It is the reason we have banned the creation of new species. As the law did not exist before that point and Luna was willing to share the portfolio, the fault falls on Forthe for refusing to accept her offer. It does not fall on Luna for her actions prior to the law being implemented. The incident regarding the witch wolves breeding with the diamond dogs to create a hybrid race is called evolution. We have it from Forthe's own mouth that the diamond dogs sought out witch wolves as mates and leaders, they were not forced to change, they did so out of their own free will rather than running. That the witch wolves killed the leaders of the diamond dogs to become the strongest alphas was in line with Forthe's own rules for his species and thus no fault of Luna's.” Aqua stated. “That brings this bit to a close for now and we can move on to the next agenda. Please have a seat Luna.”

Luna let out a small sigh she didn't know she was holding and move to go sit next to Celestia, amazed she hadn't had to say a word in her defense.

“Next up. The updating of the status of the Changelings as a race from the status of Abominations to a race in their own right. Will the Goddess of Changelings please approach.” Iinii announced.

The thunk of hooves sounded as a figure rose from near the back of the chamber and strode forward. Queen Chrysalis made her way down the main aisle as if she owned the room. She moved up to stop before the five gods at the table, her better than you expression faltering a little at the sight of Murphy and Terrible drooling at the sight of the bug queen. Karma jabbed both of them with a leg and the pair blinked and quickly wiped off their mandibles pretending they hadn't been doing anything.

“Who will speak for the Changelings?” Aqua asked.

“I will.” Bleu offered. “Chrysalis came to me seeking aid and sanctuary when she returned from her race being sealed away.”

“The first to speak for them has been stated, two more willing to speak for the changelings are needed before they are allowed to be accepted.” Terrible stated. “ Are there any others?”

“I will.” Cadence stated.” I have known Chrysalis for nearly as long as I have been a god and while her race shows some traits as abominations, they have far more traits of a actual species including the ability to feel love rather than just feed on it as well as cross breed with other species.”

“That is two, will another speak for them?” Iinii offered.

“We will.” Luna spoke up though she was cut off before she could continue.

“I am afraid I cannot allow you to do that Luna. You are currently on a probationary time and thus cannot cast a vote like this here.” Murphy interrupted.

“We understand.” Luna sighed before sitting down again.

“Are there any others?” Terrible asked.

There were no others that seemed to be willing to speak up. Really it was expected. New races came about surprisingly often. The issue was that there were three types or races. Basic, which generally meant they evolved to that point one way or another, either due to environment or progress, this also included the rare 'discovered and previously unknown' races.

Hybrid, which was usually a cross breed of some kind.

And finally Abomination, which were generally a magically created race that was more often than not detrimental to others and often hunted by other races and gods. While rare, abominations could be elevated to the status of a Hybrid or Basic, though that required a vote like this one.

The problem with being one of the ones to 'speak ' for them, was that if the race turned out to continue to be problematic to others, then the ones who spoke for them would be forced to deal with the situation. And few gods were willing to do so for something that was considered an abomination.

“It seems that there are only two who will speak for your kind Chrysalis, therefor the council cannot grant your species a …” Iinii began.

“I will.”

Every head in the room turned to the speaker, eyes going wide as the white alicorn stood, glaring at the Changeling Queen.

“What?” Chrysalis questioned.

“I will speak for the Changelings.” Celestia stated again.

“You will? You were the biggest hunter of them when they first appeared, and were responsible for sealing them away nearly wiping them all out.” Aqua stated.

“Indeed I was, and after examination of a number of things recently, I will admit I was wrong. I am privy to far more information now than I was then during the conflict that have changed my mind in this matter. A number of new laws that I have seen proposed in my kingdom have brought to light the direction the changelings are going and it is a favorable one. That said while I no longer hold any enmity towards the changelings as a race, as none who fought with my little ponies in the past are still alive, I shall not cease my hostility towards Chrysalis. That said I will not involve her kind unless they chose to interfere themselves with my actions.”

The entire room started whispering and murmuring among themselves, and the gods at the table did much the same. Chrysalis glared in confusion at Celestia as did Cadence and Luna. Twilight watched as well, but she also took note that Celestia was casting a spell that she was somehow hiding. Twilight wasn't sure how she could tell, but she knew whatever Celestia was doing it was aimed at the back of the room somewhere.

“Well. Unless Chrysalis refuses, the changelings will now be documented as a basic race rather than an abomination and fall under the protections thus given by the council.” Terrible stated. “As the god of Changelings, please list your portfolios.”

Chrysalis turned away from Celestia as the sun goddess sat back down. “Right, my main portfolios are Changelings and Change, with minors being Secrets, Bees, and Honey.”

There was a general collection of mummers as well as a few louder comments about a shared portfolio or two with others though the comments died down quickly. Chrysalis would likely have a few other gods to speak with once the meeting was over.

“Thank you, welcome to the council Chrysalis, please have a seat.” Murphy stated.

The changeling god nodded and trotted away from the table, back up the aisle. She spared a confused glance at Celestia who returned the look with a emotionless one.

“ Now onto the next order of...” Aqua began.



The collection of gods quickly looked back to the back of the room to the splatter of green blood that was all over the back wall and ceiling.

Chrysalis' chair had snapped shut on her like a bear trap.

Twilight looked at Celestia who had a half smile on her muzzle.

After Chrysalis reformed, cleaned up the mess, and got a new chair, the meeting proceeded.

“For the next subject....”Aqua let out a small sigh. “Discord.”

“I was wondering if I would ever be called.” Discord stated appearing in the middle of the room in a explosion of light, sound, and banana pudding.

There was a collected chorus of groans and a few amused chuckles.

“Well I suppose that ends that line of questioning.” Terrible stated. “Discord is back.”

Terrible looked rather annoyed at the revelation of Discord being back, Murphy looked amused by it and Karma seemed impassive.

“Indeed I am.” Discord grinned, though that expression faltered a little as he looked at Aqua. “Hello Aqua, looking as lovely as ever.”

“Thank you Discord. We shall return your name to the rolls.” Aqua stated business like.

“Have there been any signs?” Discord asked calmly.

Aqua flinched. “No. There have not been. We discussed this at length in the past Discord, you need to move on.”

“I disagree. I still think you moved on too soon. Particularly since we just had an entire kingdom return after being sealed away. The same thing could have happened.....” Discord started.

“Discord..... let it go.” Aqua pleaded.

“You know I won't.” Discord stated in a softer tone.

“After this long....” Aqua sighed. “I couldn't change your mind then, I shall not now. Though I have to ask one question.”

“And that is?” Discord raised an eyebrow his arms crossing as he floated there.

“Celestia? Seriously?” Aqua cracked a small smile at that.

Discord returned the grin. “Well before she discovered cake, she was quite pretty, and had a sense of humor, and you know me, I'm always drawn to a good sense of humor.”

“Of course you are.” Aqua rolled her eyes.

Discord's grin faded. “Wish you hadn't lost yours.”

With a snap of his fingers he was gone and most of the crowd had on cheese hats, made of real cheeses.

Twilight reached up and pulled the Gouda hat off her head looking at it curiously, then to Celestia who seemed annoyed. A glance to Aqua showed she seemed even sadder for the odd exchange.

“Final order of business. We are to recognize a new god among us. Many of you have likely felt the surge a week ago.” Iinii began. “Twilight Sparkle will you please come before the table.”

Twilight tensed, but with the urgeings of the other alicorns, she rose and made her way down the aisle. She was tense as she tried not to panic at the large crowd behind her all of them looking at her. She focused on the five in front of her, doing her best to ignore the ones behind her.

She let out a breath and considered what Rahs had said about this situation earlier.

[ Earlier]

“They want me to stand in front of them and say what my portfolio is and I don't think I can do that there's a lot of gods out there and they will all be starring at me and ...” Twilight ranted practically dancing in place.

Rahs reached over placing a hand on his sister's back trying to calm her down a little. He tapped his chin with a finger, as if searching for the right words to say before he spoke about how to ease stage fright.


It had been very profound, but only a little bit of help in this instance.

“Twilight Sparkle.”Iinii smiled. “It is good to see you again, though I am quite surprised that we meet again in this situation. Clearly you were destined for great things.”

“I didn't weave them.” Terrible stated.

“Shhhh.” Murphy hissed

“Twilight Sparkle. When welcoming a new god into the council it is customary to have three other gods speak for you to gain acceptance. “ Aqua stated. “In this particular case you have already had six speak for you. Cadence and Celestia of course, but also Bleu and Martle. Adding to that, Iinii also speaks for you and according to White, he already has, or will speak for your recommendation. Really with White that's good enough.”

The who chamber looked over to the little white rabbit god who was on his fifth mug of hard apple cider.

“I will also speak for her. She was a key aid in getting my race accepted.” Chrysalis spoke up from the back.

“Seven then. An impressive collection of gods are favorable to you. Almost unheard of for a newcomer.” Terrible stated.

“Eight. I will speak for her.” Karma added drawing all attention to the star spider in the middle of the table who had yet to have spoken the whole meeting. “You and your brothers are living in interesting times Twilight Sparkle, your families actions speak well of them and you. But there are still challenges to come. Just because you have achieved this status does not mean it becomes easier.”

“Um.. thank you....?” Twilight blinked.

“You are welcome. And tell your brother I look forward to his next performance.” Karma seemed to smile.

“Please state your portfolios for those gathered.” Aqua offered looking at Karma curiously.

“My major portfolios are Magic and Friendship, my minor portfolios are Books and.... Tuesdays.” Twilight let out a sigh.

There was a bit of muttering about that, as two of those portfolios were unique, and the other two, while shared among other gods, were very broadly covered. How magic and books would work out would be interesting. Few had any idea what powers friendship would convey and Tuesday was even odder.

Twilight shifted some her ears flattening to her head as the talking increased.

“Thank you Twilight Sparkle. Welcome to the council. You may have a seat.” Aqua stated though Twilight remained frozen in place starting to breath heavily her eyes widening as she couldn't help, but look back at the crowd.

She was perhaps a heart beat away from a melt down when a deluge of icy orange scented liquid cascaded over her making her shriek.

Whirling about she glared up at Discord who was dressed in some sort of sports uniform with ridiculously large shoulder pads and super tight white pants standing over her holding a large orange barrel labeled' Gatorade' , the barrel still dripping liquid.

Twilight glared up at the draconequus before she started to growl.

“That's game coach, we won!” Discord grinned dodging the blast of magic Twilight fired at him. “ Well some ones cranky.”

Discord dropped the barrel on Twilight's head and rushed off running down the isle as Twilight flung the barrel at him and raced after the oddly shaped menace.

“Woo woo woo woo, nyuk nyuk!” Discord called as he burst out into the hall way with Twilight right behind him wielding the barrel like a hammer.

Celestia sighed as Luna smirked.

Cadence just shook her head. “Well at least he stopped her from panicking.”

“Does any one else have any new business? “ Iinii called over the others. ”If no then the council is dismissed.”

Author's Note:

The forest moon of Endor.......

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