• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Gibbous ponies play, Part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Gibbous ponies play,
Part 3

[Crystal Empire, Train station, mid morning, Saturday ]

“Whelp.. I'm blind.”Twilight frowned squinting her eyes as the sunlight glinted off the spires and buildings of the empire making the whole place shine like a beacon in the sunlight.

“Oh pish posh darling, it's gorgeous.” Rarity cooed looking over everything, her eyes sparkling behind her over sized sun glasses..

“It is very pretty.” Fluttershy agreed.”Every pony seems to be working hard to clean up.”

“Every changeling too.”Rainbow Dash considered, noting a small number of them flitting about.

“And the shield around the empire is neat. Look look!” Pinkie Pie giggled hopping through the edge of the barrier near the train station into the snow.” I'm in winter.”

She hopped back across.

“I'm in Spring!”

“Winter. Spring. Winter. Spring. “ Pinkie shouted happily hopping between one side of the protective shield and the other. “I'm in both!! Weeeee!”

“Seems every pony is excited over this. Like they should be.” Rainbow Dash nodded sagely before getting plastered in the back of the head with a snowball. She whirled, glaring at Pinkie who was pretending to be innocent only for Dash to tackle the pink mare back out into a snow drift.

“Oh dear. Don't play too rough we still have a job to do.”Fluttershy chided.

Big Mac's gaze was directed at the top of Buckinghowlite Palace which still hadn't been rebuilt. It was odd seeing the rest of the Apple families new barn where it was supposed to be. He mentally calculated the distance and let out a small whistle. It was one thing to hear how far it was blown and a whole nother to take the trip himself.

“Alright so we need to meet Cadence in a salon on the corner of Geode and Quartz ave to find out what she wants us to do.“ Twilight stated.

“It's her!” Called a voice.

“What?” Twilight asked before she was suddenly swarmed with a crowd of crystal ponies all shouting and yammering at once to her as they surrounded her trying to get closer to one of their heroes.

The others stared a moment. Rarity smirked at the crowd of followers Twilight had here and more seemed to be coming as word got around. Both she and Dash were a bit jealous at the popularity. Pinkie thought it was amusing, though Fluttershy was staying behind Pinkie away from the growing crowd.

Big Mac however frowned at the massive crowd for two reasons.

The first was that he heard quite a number of salacious propositions from the gathered ponies and that didn't sit will with him. He didn't think Twi would take any pony up on them, but the offers were some what annoying.

The second reason was this was a large unknown crowd pressing in on Twilight from out of no where and for that reason he started walking forward into the gathering throng.

A few of the crystal ponies turned to glare at the pony shoving his way past them, though all of them had to look up to do so and promptly decided perhaps they would let the rudeness slide, just this once.

By the time he got to Twilight she was already wide eyed and starting to panic, he shoved past the last couple of crystal ponies not even trying to be gentle and swung her up onto his back where she promptly clamped her fore hooves around his neck burying her face in his mane.

The crowd blinked a little as they all focused on the large red stallion that now had one of their heroes on his back.

Big Mac glared back at them and in a tone that dared one of them to argue spoke one word.


There was a momentary standoff where the crowd stared at the stallion. A standoff that was broken by the sound of cracking crystal. Looking down, the crowd took note that the crystal road they had been standing on now had a large number of spider web cracks in it all originating from one of Big Mac's hooves where he had stomped, lightly, on the ground to get his point across.

The crowd promptly 'got'.

“So then shall we go meet Princess Cadence?” stated Rarity taking the lead since Twilight was out of commission for a bit.

[Ruby's Spa]

“I told them to leave her be.” Cadence sighed. “I blame Rahs for this. I said the same thing about him and when they ignored me then, he reveled in the attention he got. It's actually a good thing Spike isn't here. While you fought Sombra and I caught the heart, every one saw your brothers take out a threat each. Spike being a baby dragon is the most popular Sparkle in the Crystal Empire, with Shining a close second.”

“Seriously? Twilight blew up the top of the tower taking out Sombra and she's what third?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Fifth... after me....” Cadence sighed.

“Popularity wasn't the point.” Twilight grumbled.

The Empress of the Crystal Empire sighed softly brushing a wing over her sister in laws back.

“It's fine.. I'm fine... It's just.... it's been a while since I've had a moment like that.” Twilight let out a long sigh. “I've been in crowds in Ponyville I've not had a panic attack since Iron Will's presentation and that was minor.”

“That's because I made sure you knew everyone in town. You can't be nervous in a crowd if they are all your friends.” Pinkie Pie chimed in.

“While I don't know if that really helps, it certainly doesn't hurt.” Twilight chuckled still clinging to Big Mac much to Cadence's amusement.

“Well we have a few hours before the games inspector gets here. Feel free to make use of the Spa. Anything you want it will be taken care of while I get my ceremonial headdress figured out.” Cadence offered.

“Ceremonial Headdress!?!” Rarity questioned, suddenly zipping over from where she was admiring all the well it was hard to tell what she 'wasn't' admiring in this place.

“Yes, it was tradition for the Crystal Empress to have certain Crystals braided in her mane when meeting important guests. A few of our advisers have suggested I try to get it done before greeting the Games Inspector. The problem is it was a specialty position passed down from master to apprentice, and the last one who knew the technique didn't survive Solomon's rule. So we've pretty much been trying to figure it out based on old notes and a few images in books we've found.”Cadence stated. “ Our advisers think it would also show the Crystal Ponies that we are taking this seriously so they give their all for it.”

Rarity looked over the drawings that had been copied then to the crystals that would be used. “Hmm I suppose I could give it a shot if you like darling. I think I see how all this would go together.” Rarity frowned poking the image with a hoof. “ It looks woven in... “

“Oh. really? That would be great Rarity. All the stylists here are reluctant to try. Despite my telling them it would be fine if they made a mistake, most of them are still too skittish to attempt it.” Cadence smiled.

“Working on the hair of royalty for such an auspicious occasion? How could I pass?” Rarity smiled.” I will give it everything I've got. Fluttershy dear would you mind assisting me in this?”

“Oh really? Well if you want.” Fluttershy smiled running her hoof over one of the local cats that she had brought into the area that had chosen to live at the spa.

“Well good we have several hours before the games inspector is supposed to be here so there's plenty of time to plan out how we are going to do this.” Twilight let out a long breath.

“Sorry Twilight if I'm going to be stuck here getting my hair done I can't do much to help and still keep the Empire running smoothly. Plus I still haven't nailed down the ancient greeting yet...” bah weep something something...” Cadence frowned.

“Ba weep granna weep ninny bong.” Pinkie chimed in.

“Right that.“

“So is Shining going to help us?” Twilight asked.

“He's currently busy checking over the security and construction of a number of important things such as the stadium itself. “ Cadence frowned.

“So wait if you're not helping, and Shinings not helping us .. that means...” Twilight flinched as the doors burst open.

Standing there was a black carapaced changeling queen that loomed as a bolt of lightning arced through the sky right behind her with a booming crack of thunder that shook the crystal spa.

The effect might have been perfectly dramatic or even terrifying to witness, if the changeling queen hadn't screamed like a filly at the boom, and dove through the door, crashing down behind the spas check in counter.

“I'm sensing a trend.” Pinkie Pie offered.

“Sorry!” called a voice from outside.

“Wait a tick, I know that voice!” Rainbow Dash stated before she darted over to the door looking up at the sky. “ Thunderlane!? What the crap are you doing here!?”

“Giving me a complex! Chrysalis hissed.

“Oh hey Dash. Fireball sent me up here cause you were busy and she heard they needed some help with the weather.” Thunderlane called down from the cloud.

“And she sent 'you'!?” Dash screamed back.

“Well yeah. My little brother Rumble wanted to see the Crystal Empire and it was on some pony elses bit so sure.” Thunderlane shrugged. ”It's just pushing some clouds out of the dome...”

“No you idiot, this is a enclosed biosphere with it's own weather patterns that go against the outside of the dome if you push the clouds in here out it won't rain or anything here until the factory is working again and the egg heads at the Weather Bureau haven't even figured out how to turn it on yet. We can't even bring in normal clouds because the shield keeps them out!”


“How many did you push out?”

“Well this is the last one sooo..... all of them.”

“GAH! We need to go get those back inside the shield!”

“But it's cold out there.” Thunderlane protested.

“Don't give me that, you screwed up, you fix it..... Crap . Twilight I gotta go before this idiot screws up more. I swear if he wasn't dating Fireball I'd freaking....” Dash made a choking motion with her hooves before throwing her hooves into the air and taking off shouting orders to the other scattered weather ponies.

“Lovely another problem.” Chrysalis grumbled climbing out from behind the check in stand.

“What are YOU doing here!?” Pinkie Pie growled popping up nose to nose with the Changeling Queen, glaring at her. Chrysalis yelped falling back over her self and crashing back behind the check in stand.

“What the pfft... I live here!” Chrysalis snapped.

“In the spa?” Pinkie Pie questioned. “Wow that would explain why there was a spa under Canterlot...”

“Not the spa the... you know what never mind.... Cady the games inspector is almost here. She took an earlier train than we were told.” Chrysalis explained.

“How earlier?” Cadence flinched.

“According to what I've heard it's just crossed into the valley and is slowing down to enter the dome.” Chrysalis offered trying to pull a towel away from her leg that had some how gotten caught up on the limbs holes when she fell behind the counter.

“I'm fairly sure this is a weave.” Rarity muttered looking at a image then another.” Though this mare might just have long hair....”

“I think that's her mane color at least.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“There's also a small problem with the welcome party.” Chrysalis sighed.

“What now?” Cadence grumbled.

“The posh group you hired on sun butts word to cater that was supposed to be here this morning canceled, unforeseen illness.” Chrysalis sighed. “We can get a couple of the palace chefs, but the best ones... well you know. No one wanted to be a cook around Solomon and Sombra.”

“I've lived on more sandwiches since I came here...” Cadence sighed.

“Ooh, ooh! I do parties!” Pinkie Pie grinned.

“Fancy parties?” Chrysalis asked.

“Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabye” Pinkie Pie grinned.

“Ehh good enough. We're still low on a number of dietary staples so don't over do it. Small fancy party.... and no coffee.”Cadence shuddered. “The staff in the kitchen will help as they can. It's being set up in the main ballroom, the staff will show you the way.”

“Okie doki loki!” Pinkie Pie chimed and zipped off in a puff of smoke.

“Well this is not going well already.” Twilight sighed.

“Sorry Twilight, I didn't expect this to be that big of a problem.” Cadence offered.

“It's fine... no plan survives after all.” Twilight let out another long sigh looking up at Chrysalis. “So I guess it's just you, me, and Big Mac.”

“No need to sound so thrilled.” Chrysalis offered.

“So do we have a description of this inspector?” Twilight asked.

“No, the only message I got from a infiltrator was that she had a flower print suitcase. “ Chrysalis sighed.

“That's it?”

“Look I found out she's getting here early and that it's a she, her names Harshwhinny and that she has a flower print suitcase. And I got all that while this mare is TRYING to hide who she is.” Chrysalis grumbled. “I think I'm doing fairly well for only getting roped into this yesterday, thank you very much.”

“Well you got a name so that's at least a start.” Twilight grumbled.

“I'd like to see you do better....” Chrysalis grumbled back.

“Girls... play nice. You need to work together here, or at least don't be openly hostile..... Big Mac do you think you can keep them in line” Cadence asked.

Big Mac looked back at the two who were still glaring at each other before looking back to Cadence and shrugging.

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