• Published 31st May 2019
  • 9,560 Views, 3,594 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Waters Academy, part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Waters Academy,
part 1

[ “NO! We are doing another chapter of Keep Calm and Frigoris On! We are not moving to spring until I get my part.”]

[“ Cripes you have any cheese with all that whine?”]

[ “Yes, it's American though”]

[“Ugh pass, couldn't you have at least sprung for cheddar?”]

[“No.” ]


[“ WOOO!”]

Keep Calm and Frigoris On,
Part 5

["The return of the handsome devil"]

[“ I'm already regretting this.”]

[Sweet Apple Acres one and a half months after all this started. One week after Hearths Warming.]

“ So nothing in any of the books?” Rarity asked.

“No.” Twilight responded.

“None of the gods can help?” Fluttershy questioned.

“None that are still alive.” Twilight frowned.

“And Sombra didn't know jack?”Rainbow Dash queried.

“He tried to help but his knowledge was limited, he did point out new avenues of research, but they all dead ended.” Twilight grumbled. “Rather unexpected really.”

“Did you try the poison joke?” Spike offered.

“Yes it made a mini timber-jack who ate both my lab mice.”Twilight grumbled.

“Did you ask Santa Whooves to cure her?” Pinkie Pie pronked chipperly.

“He sent an apology letter and a muzzle.”Twilight responded.

“Ahahmf not comforbl wif dhis.” Applejack griped from behind said muzzle.

“No one is darling.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “But at least you are out in the sun shine again.”

“We even tried using the Element's of Harmony, but they wouldn't activate to target Applejack.” Twilight sighed.” Which actually is pretty good news as they don't consider her disharmonious.”

“Well I still think this should have been plan S for stupid.” Bleu snorted.

“Or plan Q for Q. “ Pinkie Pie added.

Standing before the group was a large statue. Discord stood there with his arms outstretched, dressed in a tutu, with his nose smushed by his own torn off tail, the appendage part of the statue and stuck to his face. The statue was also covered in bite marks and bird droppings.

Celestia had been using him as a bird feeder.

On the far side of the statue with Spike, stood Rahs, ready to maul the chaos god again, though he was also keeping an eye on Applejack. Ready to deal with her if she changed..

On the left side stood Princess Luna with Dr. Choppy.

On the right stood Bleu, currently as large as a house, ready to squish him.

Princess Celestia had opted to stay out of this one as the whole goal was to get his help, not antagonize him further.

“Alright here, we go.” Twilight frowned as she glanced to Applejack. “ Here's hoping this releasing spell works.”

“Hrumph” Applejack grumbled though the muzzle.

After a few moments of tensing, some dramatic posing, a light show seen all across Ponyville, and a epic music score..... nothing happened.

“Well that was a bust.” Pinkie Pie frowned.

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“Yeaf ahmf fine. Dun efen feel like ah even got any mafic from fhat.” Applejack mumbled.

“Darling once this is all over you simply must let me do something with your hair, you look like a cave pony.” Rarity scoffed.

“I don't get it. “ Twilight frowned as she walked up and poked Discord with a hoof. “ That should have worked, why didn't it work?”

Princess Luna narrowed her eyes. “ Twilight please step back, we would like to try something.”

“Um alright.” Twilight shrugged backing up a little.

“Bleu. Please squish him.” Luna stated flatly.

“OH yeah!” the dragon cackled rearing up to smash her claws down on the statue.

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAITTTTT,waitwaitwait......” Discord shouted rolling backwards away from the place he had been, still holding a stone coloration.

Luna smiled as Discord glared at her.

“You are no fun.” he huffed dusting himself off to return to his normal coloration before reattaching the tail and snapping himself clean of bird droppings and bite marks.

“Our definitions of fun are simply different than yours.” Luna snarked.

“So can I still squish him? I'm still a little peeved about that cucumber thing.”Bleu questioned.

“By my own beard woman, that was over twelve thousand years ago, get over it.” Discord flailed.

“Yes, please no squishing when we are trying to ask for aid.” Rarity added.

“ Discord.” Twilight started to speak before Discord pressed a finger to her lips.

“Hold that thought Twiggles.” Discord grinned. “ Award ceremony first.”

“Award what? “ Rainbow Dash asked before everyone found themselves sitting in a large concert style hall, surrounded by countless other Discords in fancy dress. On a stage before them, behind a small podium, was another Discord in a florescent orange tux.

Rarity nearly fainted at the sight of it.

“Welcome to the neverannually chaos choice awards. Skipping all the pageantry this year and the words from our sponsor, since we don't have one, lets get right too it.” Discord on stage crowed. “Winners of the bronze macaroni medals for third place in promoting chaos since last time I did this which was never, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy!!!”

The two mares appear on stage as Discord snapped looking rather surprised as a Discord in a slinky red dress hung a pair of bronzed macaroni pieces over their necks like medals before stepping back clapping along with the rest of the crowd.

“Congratulations on your placing, the stint with PETA was delightful to watch and feeding that coffee to princess love freak was inspiring. Keep up the good work and perhaps next year you'll take first.”

Discord snapped his fingers and the pair were back in the audience and three little fillies, looking rather confused appeared on stage.

The Cutie-mark crusaders... what can I say, your dedication to the cause of chaos is legendary. LEGENDARY!” Discord ranted tossing a gallon of milk into the air with the word' legend written on it.” The date, the gala. You three are just perfect!”

The dress wearing Discord placed three medallions made of bent silverware around the fillies necks.

“Hey can we get our cutie marks in this?” Scootaloo asked, before Discord snapped his fingers and the three were sent back to where every they had been.

“Now for honorable mentions. We have Rainbow Dash with her date, Bleu with not telling her son about his latest crush, and of course sun butt herself. “ Discord snapped. “Enjoy your consolation prizes.”

Rainbow Dash looked down at the toaster that suddenly appeared in her hooves and was hit in the face with toast.

Bleu let out a startled scream and lept into the air as a large cucumber appeared at her claws.


Those in day court stared in silence at the throne.

One of the pegasi guards had flown off screaming and the rest were tensing for battle.

Sitting on the throne dressed in Celestia's regalia was a rather large white goose.

The goose stared at the crowd, the crowd stared at the goose.

“HONK!!” Gooselestia grumbled.

“And the winner of the Discord's choice chaos awards goes to...” Discord declared as a drum roll started. “ THE SPARKLES!!!”

The crowd of Discord's applauded as Pinkie Pie's version of the Sparkle's theme song played loudly in the background.

There was a snap and Rahs, Twilight, Spike, and a confused and soaked Shining Armor with shampoo in his mane appeared.

“What tha?” Shining started before cursing and shutting one eye as soap got into it.

“The four of you have done more for chaos than any other being I have ever seen aside from myself. Everything you four do has simply been glorious!” Discord ranted snapping his fingers as four golden pieces of paper appeared on lanyards around each of their necks, the paper stating something about a chocolate factory tour.

“Seriously your life stories should be made into a movie! We'll call it, 'Twilight gets a Puppy!” Discord grinned.

“He said it, he said it, he said the thing!!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“Umm … thanks?” Spike shrugged looking at the others.

“Quite welcome you little purple zippo, now then.” Discord snapped his fingers and they were back out in the field though those awarded still remained with their awards. Shining Armor was also missing.” Since I seriously doubt this is a social call what might be the reason for this little event?”

“Okay first give us back the Elements you swiped or I'm going to let Bleu do to you what ever she wants with that cucumber.” Twilight stated pointing a hoof at her head where the tiara of magic was missing. Pinkie and Fluttershy's necklaces were also missing.

Discord raised an eyebrow looking over at Bleu as she grinned wider.

“Fair enough.”Discord sighed snapping and returning the Elements of Harmony to their wielders. “ I would much rather stay unmolested and unpetrified again today.”

“Thank you.” Twilight offered diplomatically. “The second thing is Applejack.....”

Discord appeared next to Applejack picking her up and spinning her around to look her over?” Really? What's wrong with her, I mean it seemed you finally got tired of her accent with the muzzle... The glow lights are new......”

“She turns into a witch wolf if she absorbs too much magic.”Twilight explained. “ A largely uncontrolled one.”

Discord froze. He flipped Applejack one more time setting her upright then gently set her on the ground, offered her head a quick pat then promptly dove behind Spike to hide.

“WARN A GUY NEXT TIME!” Discord fussed.

“I was trying to.” Twilight continued. “At any rate we were hoping you could cure her...”

“Nope.” Discord stated.

“We were allowed to parole you for your aide.” Twilight frowned.

“Look Purplenator. There's four gods I don't mess with and a claw full of mortals. Harmony is one, Aqua is another, Iinii, and the fourth is Emu and sun butt's mother. You three are very close to being one of the set of mortals I don't mess with. Sure I'm being flippant, but I'm not out right saying no. Thing is there's nothing wrong with her that I can fix.”

“She's a Timber-Jack that's got to be something! The timber wolves are supposed to be chaos constructs.” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“As much as I love that ponies give me credit for those abominations they aren't mine, They're Grogar's and the later ones are Solomon's.” Discord waved a claw before sitting down in mid air.

“So they do have something to do with necromancy?” Luna questioned.

“Indeed. Timber wolves, sand wolves, rock wolves, fire wolves, and water wolves are all spirits, when something dies, usually violently, it's spirit floats around a bit and tends to forget who and what it is. The soul soon floats off to where ever it was going to go, but the anger and resentment of the death, well, that sticks around for a while. With no higher soul to guide it, it starts making a predatory shape with whatever is around it in the environment. Thus, timber wolves.” Discord explained.” The first ones were made by Grogar and turned loose. Those abominations were wiped out fairly quickly.”

“So what does Solomon have to do with this.” Luna snapped.

“Easy now Loony, I'm getting to that, keep in mind I was a rock for a long time so I could only watch stuff and that whole affair was pretty boring and not my sort of chaos. From what I saw the edge lord tried a number of spells on some of his new test subjects. Most of which resulted in horrid abominations. It wasn't shadow magic that made the dreadnoughts and juggernauts. But his spells didn't seem to work on the nightmare puppy swarm.”

“But the spells did work didn't they?” Twilight considered. ”He remade Grogar's abominations...”

“Oh I am so glad some ones following along while I'm being all smarty pants here.”Discord clapped.

“So if the witch wolves were killed, their spirits became timber wolves?” Spike questioned.

“Not at first, keep in mind that tall dark and dumb-ass didn't know what he was doing. So usually the spirits possessed the nearest thing they had wounded, usually a guard or a local. But since it just died it was weak and needed to gather magic to reappear. Hence there was always a delay before they appeared again. If they were strong enough spirits or the souls stuck around, they went ape shit and right back into fighting.” Discord pointed out.” But eventually the souls always left, either because there wasn't enough magic to remain tethered or they were destroyed by potent magic and had no where to go. But the rage and power passed on to the next and the next until it faded and became the current timber wolves. Too weak to inhabit bodies that already had souls. But near impossible to kill and chock full of hatred and aggression.”

“This explains why our sister thought we called thousands of witch wolves rather than the mere hundred we did.” Luna considered.

“Sure if you believe him.” Bleu muttered.

“He ainf lyning.”Applejack mumbled.

“ I rarely lie, there's no point when the truth so easily screws with everyone. “ Discord sighed. “ Besides being a info dump was part of the deal other wise I wouldn't have been back until season four.”

“Then why was Applejack infected like that if all of the witch wolves were killed so long ago.” Rarity questioned.

“Not all of them. One was very recently killed. That explains why it was going after the tower, and why it went after Rahs. That big timber wolf was Managarmr .....” Twilight theorized.

“So Applejack's possessed by a male witch wolf that want's to kill Rahs?” Pinkie Pie tilted her head. ”That was a pretty weird way to try and kill him we saw.”

Rahs frowned as he turned a bit red.

“Thankfully for the mutts sex life, or lack of it thus far there's no real gender issue. The mana garbage disposal there drove the soul off by draining enough magic that it couldn't hold on. Sure the spirit and emotions of a witch wolf are there, but with no soul, the only things left are the basic emotions of anger and animal like traits.” Discord shrugged. “Oh and well the farm pony, but that's the other side of the coin.”

“ This explains so much but there's still so many issues. Her changing, the possibility of transferring the infection....” Twilight rubbed her head.

“Did any of you plan to let her wound you before you killed her?” Discord asked getting a few looks of shock or annoyance.”If not you needn't worry about it transferring until she dies. And then it might just move float off to be another timber wolf. It's less of a infection or disease than it is a symbiotic parasite, only without the black suit and walking down the street pretending to be The Fonz.”

“... There's still the issue of her being dangerous when she's changed.” Bleu stated.

“Really lets see!” Discord smiled snapping his fingers and dropping a massive amount of magic into Applejack.

The change was instantaneous and the muzzle snapped off like it was made of paper. The orange wolf creature growled loudly as every pony backed away from her.

“Discord.” Twilight growled.

The panic lasted all of a moment more before Witch-Jack tackled Rahs, pinning him down and standing over him on all fours growling at any of the other females who came close to him.

Rahs was trying not to be smothered by rather large tracks of land.

Luna and Twilight were less than amused .

Fluttershy and Rarity gaped at the scene.

Pinkie, Bleu, Spike, Rainbow Dash, and Discord thought it was hilarious.

“She looks pretty controlled to me.” Discord cackled.“Oh I cannot wait to see how this plays out with the others.”

“SIT!” Luna boomed in the Royal Canterlot voice.

Witch- Jack's ears flattened and she promptly sat, as did Discord and Pinkie Pie.

Rahs wheezed as the large form of the witch wolf sat on his chest knocking the air out of him.

“Oh good it works.” Luna smiled.

“ Well. That's a thing that happened.” Spike uttered as he rolled his eyes.

Author's Note:

The things i put up with...

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