• Published 31st May 2019
  • 9,562 Views, 3,594 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Endor Girls, Part three

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Endor Girls,
Part three




“Ow.” Twilight grumbled.

“Oh good you didn't run off.” another voice stated.

“What? Shining?” Twilight asked blinking the spots out of her eyes as she lifted her head up, she felt really weird.

As her vision cleared Twilight seemed to be sitting on a sidewalk on a field before a large castle like structure in the shadow of a pony statue on a large pedestal. Behind her a series of strange wagons with no pullers moved along a black stone road. Houses and much larger buildings could be seen in the distance. The massive horse shoe shaped structure before her looked to be two or three stories and seemed to stretch to cover a good bit of ground. It didn't seem like any sort of fortress or standard building, perhaps a keep or palace of some sort, maybe even some nobles residence?

Crouching not far away from her was a large bipedal creature. It reminded Twilight a little of a a minotaur, with a bulky upper body and a smaller lower body, though that's where the semblance ended. It was covered in heavy steel plate that bore the symbol of the crystal empire. A sword rested on it's hip and it's hooves looked weird, they were elongated for some reason, sort of like a dragon's foot. The creature had hands, one of them rested on the hilt of the weapon as it adjusted the straps of a bag on it's shoulders with the other.

The visor of the helm was up and a pale white face of some kind was there. It was flat with some sort of protrusion that Twilight assumed was a nose. The mouth was a flat hole in it's face and the large eyes seemed oddly set in it's head. The was a bit of a dusting of blue hair around it's face as if it had been trying to grow a beard but hadn't managed it yet.

“What the buck are you?” Twilight yelped scuttling back away from the thing only to finally look down and see that she was another one of these odd creatures, only with lavender skin and some sort of dress/ blouse combo that Rarity would have had issues with.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”Twilight screamed.

“Well great. Twilight's here now too? And she's one of those things.”Spike stated. “ Who's next one of the Princesses? Pinkie Pie? I really hope it's not Pinkie Pie.”

“Seems it. Though no one else should have come through after me.” The tall white armored thing stated before standing up on it's back legs shifting and adjusting a little, as if it was still getting used to standing.

“What? Shining Armor?” Twilight stated staring up at the armored creature, she turned her head looking at the source of the other voice. “And Spike....Seriously?

Spike sat a few paces away from her on her right, the purple and green dog looked completely unamused at the situation.

“Just great, I'm the only one who walks on two legs normally and has hands out of the three of us and you guys get to be the cool monsters and I'm a dog.... AGAIN!” Spike fussed.

“Are you still a guy?” Shining Armor asked seriously.

“Huh?” Spike blinked and contorted himself a little to look. “ Yeah.... equipment's a little weird, and there's only one but yea.”

“Well we can rule out the universe trying to make you it's bitch then.”Shining Armor smiled the effect showing Twilight that he had slightly elongated canines, not quite fangs but clearly not a herbivore.

“Oh ha ha.” Spike growled. “I'm so gonna pee on your leg...”

“Any way, this place is pretty weird, though there's a whole civilization on this side. Given this place was supposed to be some sort of dumping ground for monsters and villains from Starswirl's era it's surprisingly peaceful.” Shining added.

Twilight grumbled playing with her hands curiously, she remembered having them briefly when she was a small dragon, but this was still weird, at least she didn't have to worry about breathing fire if she sneezed... maybe. She pushed herself up a little trying to mimic what Shining Armor was doing wobbling a little. Shining moved over to help stabilize her, seeming to have little issue himself.

“How are you not freaking out?”Twilight grumbled. “ Cause I'm freaking out.”

“Two reasons really. The first is I'm a Guard. We're trained not to panic no matter what in a hostile situation. Panic can get you killed. “ Shining Armor held up one finger. “And two Cadence is my wife and Chrysalis has made herself our concubine of sorts. Do you honestly think those two haven't used polymorph spells in the bedroom, and that was before I was involved? I've been a minotaur, a diamond dog, several types of Nox-cal, a griffon, and some other really odd things. Granted they've used the spell on Cadence too and Chryssy can just change... But in any case I had to learn to adapt quickly.”

“To much information.” Spike gagged.

“I agree, though how did you get here before me, and where's Rahs? He and Spike were the first ones through with the thief.” Twilight shook her head marveling at the weirdness of the feeling.

“Beats me, the three of you were already gone about ten minutes when I went through. I came through, took some time to orient and started looking for you when Spike came through.” Shining offered.

“I was clinging to Rahs and he had grabbed the thief. But I've not seen either. “Spike frowned.

“I expect we might have to converse with the locals to see if any one matches the thieves description. Our fur and mane colors seem to be the same as the skin tone and manes here, so her's likely are too. “ Shining added. “ Two more important things. I can barely feel my magic, so that's off the table and we have three days or less to find the Element of Magic and get back through the portal or we're stuck here for thirty years.”

“THIRTY YEARS?” Spike yelped.

“That's what Princess Luna said. ”Shining Armor sighed.”But first we need to find Rahs. “

“If Spike was on his back shouldn't he have come out at the same time?” Twilight asked.”Crap we don't even know what he would come out as! If a dragon turns into a dog and a pony turns into... what ever these things are, what does a moon dog turn into?”

“Knowing Rahs, something overly dramatic.” Spike deadpanned.

“Well that's a given.” Twilight rolled her eyes turning to look back at the equine statue an the mirror sheen on the front of the base of it facing them. “Shouldn't be hard to get back, this place is very open and so long as we don't get stuck some place getting back should be easy.”

A low rumbling started, one that increased until the ground under them was shaking violently, the air seemed to quiver as the portal started to sputter and crackle, flinging off magic sparks. The rumbling increased as the outline of the portal glowed bright, rapidly growing bigger. It opened wider showing the mirror surface until the portal was bigger than the statue,then bigger than the building behind them.

Still it grew further until a large cart sized navy blue scaled claw emerged from the portal slamming down onto the side walk in front of the statue splintering it as the siblings took off away from the portal. Another large scaled claw emerged slamming down on the other side of the portal. A massive navy blue reptilian head emerged from the portal fangs as big as a pony sprouted from it's mouth as it's head rose up higher, towering over the surrounding buildings before the body itself emerged , the massive form pulled itself out of the portal turning to emerge out onto the field and avoid the keep. It's wings flared out of it's back spreading wide enough to blot out the sun. It strode forward closer to the black stone path until only it's tail was still in the portal, the great beasts very presence causing screams and shouts from around the town as the creatures living here shrieked and ran. Screams, honking noises in and sounds of metal crashing into other metal and tires squealing filled the air.

The cries were a little strange though, Twilight wondered if there was some sort of language barrier as she only under stood half of what they were saying.

“It's Godzilla!” Screamed some one.

“No it's not!” screamed another voice.

“Well we should run like it's Godzilla!” the first voice screamed.

“ Even though it's not.” the second voice screamed.

“My Cabbages!!” a third voice cried.

Okay that she was strangely familiar with.

The massive dragon moved forward, it's amber eyes regarding the surroundings with some interest before it's front fore claw moved forward and slammed into the side of a cement mixer that had stopped on the road, as the driver had run for it.

“BORK!!!” the dragon cried out jerking back hard to a sitting position, the impact of it's flank on the ground sending another earthquake shaking the soil. It clutched it's claw with the other one as the cement mixer simply fell over from the impact.

“LANGUAGE!!” the three much smaller Sparkles chided Rahs.

Looking out a window a certain bacon haired human's jaw nearly hit the window sill.

“They brought a freaking DRAGON after me?” Sunset cursed looking at the crown she held. “ I need to stash this thing some where....”

[A ritzy apartment complex on the other side of town.]

“What the fuck was that? What did I tell you about watching cartoons so loud.” Cursed a voice.

“It's a dragon.” Another figure stated.

“What kind of fucking dragon barks? The first voice stated.

“Is she watching the Never Ending Story again?” a third voice muttered as the third figure walked into the dark living area with only the open window where the first figure was standing showing any light.

“No it's a dragon.” the first figure pointed out the window.

The third figure yawned and looked out the window. “ Huh a dragon.....” There was brief moment of silence before the third figures brain caught up with her. “WHAT THE SHIT!?”

“What are you screaming about?!” The second voice growled as another figure walked into the room.

“The dragon.” The first voice offered.

“Seriously is this.. HEY LET ME GO!” The second voice snarled as the third figure grabbed her and shoved her to the window to look.

“That's a dragon.”the second voice stated.

“Told you.” the first figure rolled her eyes.

“The portal must be over there. Finally.... Get your crap. We need to get over there.” the second voice stated.

“No shit.” the third voice stated.

“But .. it's a dragon...” the first voice whined.

[Elsewhere in town]

A reddish furred corgi sat on a window sill staring out at the city. It's owner had gone to work for the day and it was watching the little white pomeranian across the complex make eyes at the little spaniel dog who was more concerned with it's ball. It was not a social animal and barely seemed to tolerate it's master who had taken it off the street and fed it. The human considered it a rescue case and was accepting of it's anti social nature. Though he had gotten better about it than he had been since he first was picked up.

The massive 'BORK' that echoed across the city made it snap it's head up, ears perking even as every other animal in the complex freaked out and hid. Save that strange white rabbit owned by the pink haired human, that thing was fearless and dangerous.

Still the corgi stared, watching the massive form of a dragon rear up along the sky line, it's eyes dancing as it watched the blue form rise.

The portal.

The portal was there.

The corgi reared back, smashing out the window and falling ten stories to splat on the hard street below like a overripe tomato. Screams of horror sounded as the body of the dog was spotted along with the mass of blood it's impact had spread across the sidewalk.

The corgi didn't care, it was already on it's paws and running before the first of the humans could even react to it's supposed suicide and near instant recovery.

The corgi was going home.

And hell followed with it.

Author's Note:

For those who wanted to know what Rahs was.... Well... here you go.

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