• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Mitchell Duel, part 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Mitchell Duel,
part 4


Chrysalis tore across the town dodging the multitude of statues of Trixie that dotted the town, formed out of rock, old wagons, shrubberies, or whatever else was around and loose. There were just as many of Rahs, though all of his statues were clearly from the point of view of some pony who thought a lot of him.

Chrysalis wasn't concerned with that at the moment. She was more concerned with the massive mallet that Celestia was trying to smash her with. The damn solar princess had brought a bag of props with her.

“GOT YOU!” Celestia cried out bringing the five ton hammer down.

“Thirty four points to Tia.” Luna yawned.

“So thirty four to thirty..... wow I never thought this sort of thing would get boring.”Cadence sighed.

“The golf clubs were amusing, as was the cake bomb, but we really should separate them before Twilight gets back.” Luna added.” We doubt she will be amused at all.”

“Right, you only suggest that because you're winning.” Cadence scoffed.

Luna smiled. “Well that and we want to figure out what Trixie and the others are up to. We have not seen hide nor hair of them since the statues and illusions started popping up.”

“Jynx and Saturnia are currently besieging her tower, the one that used to be town hall.” Pinkie Pie offered popping up between the two with a plate held in her hooves.”Cupcakes? They're fresh.”

Cadence fell over with a yelp of surprise at the pink mares sudden appearance. Luna took a cupcake.

“Pinkie Pie we beseech you again to let us try your families coffee, it might be the last thing we need to gain that portfolio we are after. We have tried and brewed every other roast.” Luna commented.

“I don't think that's a good idea.” Pinkie Pie frowned.

“Please consider it, if thou requires some boon or another and it is in our power to give in payment we shall.” Luna stated.

“Well... I'll think about it.” Pinkie Pie frowned a bit more. “I'll have to ask Ma, she wasn't too happy I gave some to Princess Cadence.”

“I was awake for a month solid. I could see smells.” Cadence shuddered

“ Any way if those two stop fighting I've got cupcakes for them too. I think I'm the only pony left in town. Every pony else is outside the shield.”

“ Every pony ?”Cadence asked.

“Yep. Except me and, well you guys, and the school foals, though they're in the bunker with Miss Cheerilee. And I think Snips and Snails are in here too but they're currently hitched to a chariot without wheels and forced to drag it around. Trixie's still not happy with them.” Pinkie offered.

“I don't like that she is treating some poor foals like that.” Cadence frowned.

“If they didn't skip class they would have been fine.” Pinkie Pie shrugs. “Besides she's not hurting them and they cost her her home and all her stuff last time.”

There was an explosion and a white alicorn was blasted through a building. Pinkie Pie took that as her cue to vanish again.

Luna's horn glowed bright and the building reformed itself as if it had not even been touched.

“Thirty one points.” Cadence added. “Alright I'm officially bored with this. Auntie do you have any idea why these two hate each other so much? I get the sealing them away and killing her father but that can't be everything.”

“Hmm oh that. We have pieced together everything we could. Keep in mind we were not yet born when this feud started. Our mother remarried and had me so we never met Tia's father. But from our understanding Tia and many others thought the changelings were abominations and acted accordingly.”

“I've heard the term but what's an abomination?” Cadence asked.

“An error of magic mostly. Something that defies the rules of the world and has no other purpose but to cause harm and feed off the other races. Windigo, Smooze, Psionic Dragons, Mind Flayers, black licorice, Sirens, and several other oddities that exist or existed to do nothing but destroy. Changelings feed on love and thus seem to be very much like abominations. However they can cross breed with ponies and other races and they have a god, thus making them as their own race and not abominations. At the time though no one knew that and so they sought to destroy the creatures as a whole. The changelings fought back of course, but they never went for a straight up fight. Sabotage, fires, assassinations and replacements. The changlings spurred on witch hunts that had the whole country turning on itself. Many innocents were killed because their neighbors cried changeling. We are not sure what happened in the end, as we were busy trying to fix the Oneiroi, but somehow Tia forced the Changelings together and sealed them inside a volcano for several centuries. They only survived due to Chrysalis feeding them of her own self and keeping all of the eggs in stasis as their parents died off. When she got free she let them all hatch and became like everylings mother. “ Luna explained. “ Both of their actions are considered war crimes in the modern day. Celestia could have found out for sure if she had not taken the crusade personally and spoken with other gods, just as Chrysalis could have avoided being considered an abomination by finding another god willing to talk to her. Had she done that it would have been Tia who was sealed away for trying to wipe out another race, but because Chrysalis did nothing but fight back she was considered an abomination.”

“ And when she got out the first one she talked to was Bleu, got sponsored and then vanished for a while to raise her race back up. All without Tia knowing.” Cadence sighed. “Which was when Bleu and auntie started to fight.”

“ Indeed.” Luna sighed before smiling.” Still Tia is accepting of the Changelings as a whole now as she recalls the witch hunts and would rather not repeat them. However mention Chrysalis..... and this happens.”

The pair watched as Celestia tied Chrysalis to a pole, piled explosives around her and then set them off while cackling like a mad mare.

Luna sighed fixing the new pot hole in the street as Chrysalis Hadoken'ed Celestia through a wall.

Saturnia was getting tired. She had shifted form and come at Trixie from all angles and she couldn't get past that damn unicorns magic. Something was off in this situation. She was the daughter of a god, well two gods unless her mother was bullshiting her, but she doubted it. Though now her father was married to another stallion as his wife, yet mother still was seeing them both....

Filling out Hearth's Warming cards were going to be interesting this year.

What, you didn't think Changeling celebrated that? If that event didn't happened they would have all starved to death. Changelings party harder than ponies on the holidays.

Right now though Saturnia had one goal. She was going to make sure Trixie didn't get a chance to say anything to Rahs, she was starting to realize something about her crush as well, and that was that he was as dense as a rock. But that was okay, she could work with that. She just needed to get the words out to him first.

Maybe she should have asked mother how to do this instead of trying to find the answers in pony romance novels.

Jynx was getting annoyed, she was no closer to saying what she wanted to to Rahs, and her dress was messed up.

Rarity wasn't going to be happy about that.

What had started as a passing interest had become a great deal more than that the harder she had to work at his attention. The training she had been giving him was toning him up nicely and she had thought he looked good before. Not to mention his scent when he got worked up.

No bad, down girl. Focus.

She couldn't let Trixie speak to him first. Like most males he was stupid where it mattered. The first of them who could get through that thick skull of his they were interested was likely the one who would get him.

Why was it so damn hard to say anything?

It was easier to stop the others from saying anything then saying it herself, the timing just had to be right. Why the crap did she decide to play by pony rules. If she played by Diamond Dog rules she'd have just drug him off and not let him go until she had pups.

Probably because she didn't just want sire for pups anymore, she wanted a mate.

Damn Rarity and the pony courtship reading materials she had.

Trixie was mad. She hadn't had a moment alone with Fuzzy not even after going all evil queen on this place. The town hall was well fortified she had illusions of herself all over town with Fuzzy, several of which were giving a particular pair of colts Tartarus, though that was just a side thing.

All this to get herself alone with Fuzzy and yet the bug and the dog still found her.

Yes, finding out Saturnia was a changeling was odd, but not exactly a surprise. Knowing she could see through the Changeling glamor however made many things in her life make more sense.

She really didn't think that many stallions and mares could afford illusions of the quality she was used to seeing everywhere.

Still it had taken her forever to get up the nerve to tell Fuzzy this and she was certainly not going to let those two stop her.

Oh crap they found her again.

“Wow they've been at this a while.” Cadence tilted her head.

“Mine sister or the lovers?” Luna questioned as Celestia flew past blasting fire at a scrambling Chrysalis.

“Both. It's been most of the day, the towns turned into a battle field, not to mention all these illusions of Trixie and Rahs running around. There's even some of Jynx and Saturnia.” Cadence pointed out.

“Likely set up by Trixie to confuse the other two as they are not working together. Still there should have been some...” Luna began before she was cut off by an explosion from town hall that sent all three of Rahs' suitors flying through the air as Celestia slammed into the side of the building. The three crashed to the ground and quickly got back to their hooves finally forgoing civility and attacking each other out right.

“Oh dear.” Luna sighed.

“Well it has been a long day we can't hold this against them.” Cadence sighed tilting her head. “ Huh I expected Jynx to be able to take the others in a physical altercation.”

“Saturnia can change her form, and Trixie pulls her wagon across the country by herself.” Luna offered.” None of them are weak.”

The conversation died out as the shield dome above the town shattered like glass, Luna was reminded of one of her favored wrestlers. Sure costumed murder ballet was fake but burly stallions in spandex, what wasn't to love? .

“Uh oh.” Cadence and Luna offered realizing what the shields destruction and the sound of the train whistle meant.


Jynx, Saturnia , and Trixie froze locked in an loop of trying to punch and or strangle each other.


Celestia and Chrysalis froze, the changeling queen had the solar princess in a head lock , and the solar princess was biting the queen's tail.


“Yay,” Fluttershy cheered as she collected her winnings from the betting pool about what would end this Tuesdays madness.

“...IS GOING ON HERE!?!?!”

The students in the bunker lifted their heads up looking around at the scream. Spike raised his claw.

“Yes Spike?” Miss Cheerilee asked from behind her sandbag desk peering out from underneath her steel combat helmet.

“Permission to go stop my sister from finishing off what's left of Ponyville?”Spike asked.

“Aren't the princesses out there?” Applebloom asked.

“Hence why she needs to be stopped.” Spike added.

“Point.” Applebloom nodded.

“Granted. Good luck and godspeed Spike.” Cheerilee saluted.

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