• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Waters Academy, part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Waters Academy,
part 3

[Canterlot Castle]

“ Woof.” Rahs pointed out.

“Mai gitting sick because of it is a good enough reason not tah eat chocolate. But a'hm a might pissed that ah' can't have any more of Granny's Mud Brownies.” Applejack retorted.

“If you can't eat um any more ken ah have your share?” Applebloom asked.

“No.”Applejack frowned.

“Dang.”Applebloom fussed.

“Don't worry about it, Twilight and I tried that trick too when we first found about about Rahs and chocolate.” Spike offered.

The four of them were seated at a table in one of the smaller meeting rooms at the palace. Given Applejack's status as an Element Bearer, Spike's status as a Dragon Prince, and Rahs' status as Luna's adopted grand pup, most of the castle staff didn't so much bat an eye at the request to have lunch there.

They were used to nobles trying to use the location to impress dates, or make themselves seem more important to business associates. These four asking politely was hardly an issue.

Also there where bets being placed about when the explosion would happen.

Most of the castle staff knew the Sparkles and the CMC rather well.

The food was a bit more of a issue given what was ordered, but the head chef was used to it.

It didn't take long for the food to arrive and Rahs took note that Applejack was nearly drooling at the smell of it. Spike had known what Rahs was doing and had placed the order accordingly.

Spike was presented some ruby pasta, garnished with garnet and with pearl 'meatballs'.

Applebloom had a large slice of vegetarian lasagna and bread sticks.

Rahs and Applejack however were presented with two dishes of chicken Parmesan with broccoli.

A few side dishes were also added including bread sticks, some sausage, chicken fingers, a filet of trout, and a plate of bacon.

Rahs had fought vehemently against a single shared plate of spaghetti.

Rahs and Spike both watched the other two, gageing the reaction. Applebloom wrinkled her nose a bit at the spread though Applejack was torn between horror and rapture at the sight and smell of it.

“Woof.” Rahs pointed at the dishes before starting to roll a bread stick into the sauce of his meal.

“Ah can't eat this.....” Applejack protested.

“Actually you probably should.” Spike offered. “I've seen the notes Twilight has on you, and your body processes meat a lot better than normal ponies would. You require a much higher protein intake and the Witch-jack side of you has eaten at least four squirrels and a beaver in front of Fluttershy.”

“Was wondering why she was mad at me.” Applejack muttered.

“Bork.” Rahs offered pointing to the bacon.

“Right we might not even get any bacon if Twilight was here. She tried everything Rahs ate at least once growing up and didn't like any of it until it came to bacon. Fights have been had over this stuff.”Spike explained to Applebloom, who was the only one who didn't understand Rahs at the table.

“Tah be fair. Yer sisters weird.” Applejack muttered trying not to drool.

“Says the mare who changes into a wolf when too many spells are cast around her.” Spike grinned.

Rahs simply started eating waiting to see if hunger or the mares stubbornness would win out.

“Lemme try a bit of that.” Applebloom stated reaching for a piece of bacon.

“Applebloom!” Applejack fussed.

“What? You ain't looking like yer gonna eat it, and ah'm pretty sure ah had some of this already at tha gala wrapped around a cheese filled potato.” Applebloom stated.

“They served griffon food at the Gala?” Spike asked.

“Well there were a couple of griffons there so it makes sense.” Applebloom offered

“Bark.” Rahs smirked as Applejack glared at him..

“Ah am not being shown up by mai sister...”Applejack fussed.

“She's eating it and you're afraid of it....”

Applejack glared at Rahs before gathering up some of the pasta on a fork.

“Huh ain't bad. I like tha chewy bit better than the crispy bit though.” Applebloom offered. “ Though that crispy part might be good on a salad.”

Rahs smirked as every one ate, his ears however remained perked up , listening for the tell tale explosions that would mark his sister's reaction to her foal nappers. He rather hoped it would happen before they headed off to the next stop. Spike's comic shop had fliers about a small convention taking place in the East Vale Concert hall off East Vale ave.

Applebloom and Spike had managed to convince them to go have a look. Given Applejack thus far had no trouble, it might be worth a look now that all the doctor's appointments were over.

[Wonderbolts Academy.]

Of all the instructors at the academy the most easy going, and therefore the cadet favorite, was Soarin. He didn't push any pony that hard and was more often than not a push over when it came to the tests he offered. Though he also tended to surprise the cadets with rather telling observations and pointers even when he didn't seem to be paying the slightest bit of attention. He never stressed failures and was more the 'joy of flying' sort than one to push any sort of competition. He didn't yell and barely raised his voice at all. His presence also seemed to soften the usual hard-ass edge that Spitfire displayed, though the pair tended not to work on the same thing at the same time. It was well known that his training was more of a rest break to calm down and reflect between real classes than any sort of Wonderbolt exercise, though it was still training.

That said, the sight of him, dark blue mane crackling with lightning as he stormed across the ground of the plateau towards the gathered cadets and other instructors drew a great deal of attention from every one, including the three ponies and two fillies that had been rescued from a out of control tornado that had destroyed their balloon.

The landscapers were likely going to be mad as well as the grass under his hooves burned and sparked as the electricity crackled along his limbs, flashing blue arcs between his feathers.

His green eyes slid among the group of guests, one filly in particular before they locked on the cadets.


The words left the easy going stallions throat like a peal of thunder that just brushed ones tail. The cadets all started to talk at once before a snap of the stallions wings and a massive jolt of lightning grounding out at his hooves silenced them.

The other instructors were at a loss, having never seen Soarin like this.

Fleetfoot on the other hoof had, she knew why as well and she needed to do something before the captain found a target. She wasn't sure if she could stop him if that happened.

“Soarin.... Soarin... hey, focus on me, hey, focus.... everything's fine, they're okay. I got this. Why don't you take them to the mess and see if Cookie can whip up some ice cream or something to calm every one down... Soarin, Soarin.. look at me..... focus...” Fleetfoot stated moving between the angry stallion and the others blocking his view with her wings spread. “She's fine, they're all fine and she's right there. Calm … caaalm...it's okay, it's okay.”

Soarin stared back at the mare trying to calm him before he closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

“Alright... I'm fine I'm fine...... “ Soarin sighed. “But I want to know what happened. And if I'm taking them to the mess. You get to explain to Spits.”

Fleetfoot twitched before sighing and nodding.

“Ladies.... “ Soarin spoke, his entire tone and demeanor changed back to the goofy Wonderbolt he was known to be. “Bet that was enough excitement for the day, how about we head over the mess and I'll see about getting something whipped up to help every pony relax a little. I could go for some pie myself...”

Fleetfoot watched them head off with the small orange pegasus bouncing up onto Soarin's back before she let out a sigh.

“Fuck....” Fleetfoot grumbled as she looked to the gathered cadets taking note that Rainbow Dash was missing.

[ Unknown manor, Canterlot]

“You!” Twilight snapped.

The blonde maned white furred unicorn stallion rolled his eyes a little as he strode into the room closing the door behind him His well manicured hooves and horn coupled with the suite gave the stallion the look of being very wealthy. Of course the compass rose cutie mark didn't seem to scream wealth, but Prince Blueblood did well enough without a cash cutie mark.

“ What the buck Prince?!” Twilight jabbed her hoof at the pony who had the decency to look ashamed at this.

“Sorry Twilight. I assure you this wasn't my idea.” Prince offered.

“That doesn't explain anything.”Twilight accused.

“I'm ashamed to bring it up because it's so stupid.” Prince offered back.

Twilight glared.

“Okay look. I've been trying to get my mother off my case about my seeing Dash for months now. You know how she is 'common trash', 'a no pony' yada yada yada. Well evidently one of her friends was having a bit of issue with her son and his obsession and she wanted me to talk to him. So I jumped at the chance to give her something else to focus on rather than how she disapproves of Rainbow Dash.”

“I thought you parents liked her?” Twilight questioned.

“My father does. He's thrilled to have some pony to discuss hoof ball with, despite the fact they like different teams. Mother on the other hoof has her nose so far in the air I fully expect Auntie Celestia's sun to burn it off one day.” Prince sighed. “At any rate the others will be here soon and I'd rather not steal their thunder and just let you see how stupid this is on your own.”

“Translation, you'd rather I be mad at them. And the moment I'm too dumb struck by their stupid to do anything you plan to run before I recover and start blasting.” Twilight growled.

“Good guess. But do recall I am a thrill seeker and being at ground zero for when you go off might be entertaining. I plan to use that moment to take cover behind those sandbags I've already set up in the corner. “ Prince grinned gesturing to the aforementioned bunker near the fireplace. “Should be fine so long as I'm not the target. Now then, please refrain from blasting the wall with the fireplace, as the castle is over there. The wall with the two windows behind you is facing the market district, so please focus your ire towards the doors there or the windowless wall as those aim more into the property and towards the mountain itself. This is also the fall home and has no servants as they are all in the spring home for now.”

“Alright fine....what type of rings are these?” Twilight pointed to her horn.

“Standard medical. Rank three, the highest one can get without a prescription and not be Guard personnel. Seems they don't trust me entirely as I said two would be enough.” Prince sighed.

There were three types of magic suppression rings. Medical, Guard, and illegal. The medical grade acted like a blood pressure cuff that sealed itself around ones horn and was mostly made of mithril, dulling the mana flow that could go through one's horn or could be gathered by it. A strong caster could easily push through.

Guard rings were more like clamps. It was meant to be uncomfortable as possible and the rings had a feed back loop in them that if a spell was cast while wearing them they tended to loop the mana back into the horn causing head aches and disorientation and if the spell was strong enough, knocking the caster out with their own magic. There were safeties to prevent the wearer from hurting themselves too bad, but the Guard level rings were highly regulated and any civilian caught with one was in a great deal of trouble.

The final suppression ring type was the illegal ones. They often followed the same patterns as the Guard rings , but without the safeties. These were usually made with the idea to harm unicorns or to contain slaves. The rings tended not to block the caster from casting, though the moment they gained enough power, they fed it back into the unicorns horn causing immense pain or even blowing the wearer's horn off. Though it was hinted at, the objects were never used in known wars and possession or creating one was a serious crime. As far as Twilight was aware there were only three such rings left undestroyed. Two were in the Canterlot Royal Museum, both deactivated and in the same sort of display as the iron pony and the rack, and the third was rumored to be in a secret room in Canterlot for use on the worst monsters that the Princesses dealt with.

Twilight didn't believe that rumor as Sombra had only had standard Guard models on his horn.

“So why am ah here?” Big Mac questioned.

“I didn't expect you to be, my guess is they wish to gloat. I apologize in advance for anything they might say. Not all the upper class shares their opinions of the other tribes.... obviously.” Blueblood offered as if reminding them he was a unicorn dating a pegasus. “ Also the one with the red bow tie is the one holding the shield. Just an FYI.”

“Blueblood! Not very sporting to sneak in and try you hoof first. Going to have to dock you points for that.” Another voice called as Prince rolled his eyes.

The doors opened again admitting a small collection of six unicorn stallions.

Twilight took one look at them and connected her hoof to her face.

“By the stars......”

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