• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Magical Mystery Chibiusa, Part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Magical Mystery Chibiusa,
Part 1

[ Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library, Mid afternoon, End of Spring, Friday]

Twilight Sparkle pushed herself back away from the table with her fore hooves and stretched her back, hearing a few pops and creaks from sitting hunched over her book and her notes for several hours.

The library was quiet, no patrons were around and they were as far from Tuesday both ways as was possible to get.

Neither of her brothers were here either.

Rahs was on a hunting trip. Due to most of the local wildlife either knowing there was a large predator here or being Fluttershy's pets, Rahs had to venture a bit deeper into the Everfree than he used to to find something to eat. He would likely be gone a day or two.

Except the squirrels, those little bastards didn't care, but Rahs was sick of squirrel.

Spike was out at the farm hanging out with Applebloom and the other crusaders. Twilight and Applejack were watching the group closely. Both were getting to the point where the hormonal imbalances of the teenage years hit and that was a tad worrying even with Spike barely a teen and Applebloom a few years behind him. Twilight trusted both of them to not be stupid and she knew Applebloom was aware of the birds and the bees. The filly lived on a farm that raised pigs, chickens, and a few other animals. It would be a wonder if she didn't.

Twilight had also given Spike a crash course in the subject. And by that, she meant she got Bleu to do it.

The dragon god was not happy with Twilight because of that little stunt. Twilight countered all of Bleu's arguments by saying that Cadence was the next option if Bleu refused. Bleu went ahead and talked to Spike about it.

Twilight and Rahs both still had nightmares about Cadence's 'Birds and Bees' explanation. That mare was far too thorough. If she and Shining had foals Twilight would need to intervene before Cadence or Chrysalis, gave them the talk.

Twilight sighed shifting back as she stared up at the ceiling. The girls were going to come by later to help her try out a spell from one of Starswirl's journals that she had been studying, and to plan their 'Three years later welcome to Ponyville party'.

Three years ago Twilight, Spike and , Rahs had met the girls, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy for the first time. Had it really been that long already? It felt like two at the most.

As strangers they fought off Nightmare Moon and cleansed the corruption from her to reveal she was Celestia's long lost sister. That Luna was the creator of the Moon Dogs, a race that Rahs was the sole member of on Equss was interesting to say the least , and unexpected. Of course finding out he was from another realm where ponies dreamed was even weirder, but her brother was an odd one any way.

That was also the point that Twilight had started to lose faith in Celestia. A goddess , who before that point Twilight saw as her infallible teacher. But when things started being pointed out , Twilight could see the chessboard that had been set up.

Celestia's chess master mindset that had kept everything peaceful for a thousand years without her sister, but it couldn't hold up to scrutiny when placed under a microscope. With her plans laid bare and the mask removed Twilight could see the goddess as she was, a pony with failings the same as the rest, only with a much longer time to learn how to hide her failings.

That first year had been spent settling in learning about her friends, and discovering things about moon dogs and their corrupted variant, the witch wolves.

Also about Tuesdays in Ponyville...

And a certain older brother of a orange farmer....

That first year ended with a bang as a ancient creature of chaos was freed and started wrecking everything.

Of course he was Celestia's ex.

That led to another round of annoyance with Celestia as she pulled some more chess plays. While Twilight and the Princess were on good terms at the moment, all it would take was one more failing before Twilight would have enough. She had already stopped calling her Princess unless it was needed for a political purpose.

Her ex, Discord, was a interesting one though. When he first came out, he was pissed off and took that out on every pony. The second time he was released he was a great deal calmer, far less threatening and more willing to help. He still had issues with Celestia though.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy finding replacements to some of the records he had claimed to be missing helped.

Of course after that he took interest in the pair of them immediately and was now having tea with Fluttershy and Pinkie on Tuesdays when able.

He had also offered to train Twilight in chaos magic, when she was ready.

He had yet to specify when that would be.

A deal was stuck regardless so he could remain free this time. Part of the deal was to allow him to run amuck on Tuesdays here and Fridays in Canterlot, provided that he did not take it too far and he helped out when the need arose.

He agreed and more often than not never even did anything on Tuesdays other than watch. Occasionally he'd get bored and get a ball rolling, or pester locals, but he was far less mean spirited than he had been.

Whether or not it was Fluttershy and Pinkie...., well at least Fluttershy, being a good influence on him, or just the town's own chaos being to entertaining for him to want to miss was hard to say, but so long as it worked.

The second year had progressed with her and Big Mac getting closer, Spike and Applebloom hitting it off more, Rainbow Dash and Prince Blueblood hooking up, and ended with a royal wedding, which became a bigger mess that led to a invasion by a Changeling Queen, and an even lower opinion of Celestia.

Granted her opinion of Chrysalis wasn't any higher

The wedding had been of one of her oldest friends and her oldest brother and the bug had ruined it.

Chrysalis was an unapologetic nightmare of a bug pony who did what she wanted mostly unopposed. She also had a chess master streak like Celestia, though it seemed she was better at it. In the end rather than turn every pony away from Changelings like the nobles were trying to push for given the invasion, the average pony simply took it as Chrysalis presented it, as an angry protest against oppression.

They then promptly ignored it and went about their lives, not rising to the fear or or monster reports that were being aimed at the Changelings.

Celestia being revealed as being indifferent to Changelings other than Chrysalis ,whom she hated, lead to most of the nobles giving up trying to claim the damages on insurance as a 'monster attack' and had to settle for the lesser payout for' hoof ball riot'.

A deal was struck between Luna and Chrysalis, though in the end it wasn't necessary because of the return of the Crystal Empire.

Twilight let out a sigh. They all had nearly died there, but through sheer will power, dumb luck, and overwhelming force, the four Sparkle siblings had beaten back the bad guys and saved the Crystal Empire.

Of course that brought Sombra into play. The son of Princess Luna while she was corrupted.

He was still in Canterlot under a careful watch, though after reviewing everything he had done in his relatively short stint as king, it was found he was far less a monster than his father, and the Crystal Empire had a slightly better standard of living with him than under Solomon's rule.

The Crystal Ponies were still slaves, but it was the difference between getting bit by a ant, and a fire ant, in terms of suffering.

Celestia had considered placing him in Ponyville at some point in order to reintegrate him with the world, while still having some pony's nearby that could keep an eye on him.

The start of the year had been hard, Twilight was not alright for some time, and while she didn't remember her dreams, she often woke in a cold sweat for no reason at all, shaking over some existential thought or horror that lingered in her mind. Spike and Shining also had nightmares from this.

Rahs didn't seem to dream at all.

Some therapy and trying to take it easy helped a little, but life didn't seem to want to let Twilight rest.

This year had progressed with reunions, Rahs finally figuring out there were females interested in him, the revelation that Celestia had a much looser grip on the reigns than many thought. The following revelation that Twilight was willing to blast the stupid out of the Sun Goddess at the drop of a hat and Applejack being infected by the spirit of a dead witch wolf that made her into a Witch-Jack.

That Celestia would back down when presented with proper evidence kept Twilight from going off. Had Celestia actually killed Applejack Twilight would have figured out a way to strip her of her powers then beat her to death with her own sun.

Thankfully cooler heads prevailed in that situation.

Twilight still wasn't happy with her, but she understood why Celestia had reacted that way.

Witch-Jack was an interesting thing. Unlike Rahs she was decidedly a witch wolf. The corruption was there, she was bigger than Rahs and far more dangerous with her ability to draw in magic and where Rahs' claws were retractable, Witch-Jack's were not. Her mane and fur were also much wilder, though the glowing balls of light on her ears and tail remained the same as Rahs'.

The intellect behind the possessing spirit was gone, leaving just the form and ability and also a puppy sort of mentality that Applejack said she could guide occasionally, but not control. Luna reported that the two halves dreamed differently, though Witch- Jack could devour dreams and was never far from Applejack while she was dreaming.

The dreams often tended to be about either food, family, or Rahs.

Twilight had wanted to place her bet in the pool of Rahs' love life on Applejack, but the Ponyville pool wouldn't accept bids from relatives and Cadence's pool was gods only.

Given that it was more of a symbiotic/parasitic infection, unless Applejack died the witch wolf curse wouldn't spread, and the fact the wolf/cat/pony monster acted more like a puppy or kitten than a threat, kept any one from really bothering with the issue.

In fact the only thing to come of it other than the obvious, was Lyra being banned from the Ponyville betting pool, and a new type of coverage in the local insurance policies.

After all that had happened the last few years Twilight was a little leery about what might happen in the next two weeks before the Summer Sun Celebration and what might happen after.

Madness, Envy, Lust, Magic, Greed, and Pride, all with a fiery purple blue center.

Discord was mad.

Chrysalis was envious of Shining of all things.

Sombra...... well to be honest she wasn't sure what he lusted after, perhaps acceptance? Parental love? Lust wasn't always sexual after all.

Still that left Magic, Greed, and Pride before the prophecy would be complete.

Also given the fact that Velkorn had been intentionally hiding, lead Twilight to believe that the Zebra god might be onto something. Particularly since Twilight had been wanting to meet her and demand a straight answer. Clearly she could see the future and knew what to avoid, namely the Sparkles.

Twilight's thoughts were broken up by the sound of the front door swinging open.

“Knock Knock darling. Are you decent?” Rarity called.

“I'm in the kitchen!” Twilight called back, rising to go greet her friends and explain this spell she had found in Starswirl's journal.

Author's Note:

For those who don't get the title.Chibiusa wiki

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