• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Magical Mystery Chibiusa, Part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Magical Mystery Chibiusa,
Part 3

[ Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library, Early evening, End of Spring, Friday]

The next few things that happened were only noticed by two ponies and truly understood by neither.

Rainbow Dash having trained her eyes to notice things at high speeds, and Pinkie Pie on account of her being Pinkie Pie were the only ones who saw this part.

Twilight Sparkle had just exploded, twice. Once with a large flash of light and force that for that brief moment the pair of them were quite certain they watched the spell rip their purple friend apart and start to throw the resulting meaty chunks at the others gathered, then the second explosion, in which said chunks vanished without a trace. All of that was in less than a heartbeat

Before they could do anything to respond to that however the second fail safe of Starswirl's spell activated.

In the bearded ones infinite 'wisdom', he deduced that if he was being forced to preform this spell by who ever was in the middle of the glyph, then they would likely not be too terribly happy about being tricked out of what they wanted. And if they could force the Great Starswirl the Bearded to do something he didn't want to do, they were also quite dangerous, and as such needed to be dealt with.

Hence why, the poor apple, already suffering from Fire Blight, was subject to an elaborate spell interwoven into the middle of the runic glyph and blended in with the core spell. Had Twilight known what the glyph within the glyph meant, and to be fair to her, no one but Starswirl, who designed the spell, knew what they meant, Twilight would have 'noped' the journal right into the nearest volcano.

That said without Twilight to hold it up, said journal fell right on top of the already sickly apple, squishing it a bit, just as the inner spell went off.

Across Equss a flicker of magic touched libraries and school shelves alike. Scrabble connoisseurs and curious bibliophiles took note over time that one of their books had something new added.

Though they were a little more confused this time understandably.

A picture of a black buffalo with bladed horns and some sort of armor plate now had a second picture next to it. A picture of a sickly looking, half squished apple, with a book on top of it, under the definition of 'obliterated'.

This bit of information was, of course, lost on the five remaining ponies. As at the time the shields that Twilight had raised were gone along with her, leaving the group of them at the mercy of a spell that would have given Twilight herself pause at the destructive power of it.

Had the world been a different place, this likely would have been the end of the story. The five would have been vaporized along with the library and much of Ponyville.

While the term 'there's no kill like over kill' was thrown around quite a lot involving Twilight and the Sparkles in general, Starswirl was the first one to ever have said it, and for good reason.

Fortunately for the five mares, and Ponyville, several things were going their way in this instance.

The first thing being that Golden Oaks Library was a magical fortress the likes of which Starswirl the Bearded would have creamed his robes to have just glimpsed from a distance, through the second hand tubes of toilet paper rolls.

The millisecond they detected the hostile spell, the wards activated and and shaped shields and barriers formed and set in place. They were designed to channel the blast out the nearest window and into the sky and towards the 'no fly zone' the mayor and the weather team placed over the library for just such a reason.

If one was to ask the obvious question of 'Why would any pony place such warding spells pointed inward, and design them to be able to react to something like this inside the library rather than outside?'

One could then easily give the obvious answer and point to the mare who lived there. At this point the question asker would go 'Ahh, that's why.' and realize how stupid of a question it was.

Still despite the safeguards the magnitude of the blast was such that while the town would be saved, the mares inside would most certainly be cooked more thoroughly than a steak if one went to a cheap restaurant and ordered it medium.

Except again, they were spared by simple happenstance.

Applejack Apple.

Given her interest in the fate of the apple, she had been leaning a bit closer to observe what was going to happen to it, as such she was perhaps a inch closer than any of the others, so when the spell went off she was the first hit.

And due to aforementioned happenstance, she promptly ate it.

Now one has to keep in mind that Applejack was now a witch wolf, not a moon dog. The main difference between the two creatures, aside from witch wolves generally being bigger and and looking much scarier, was that witch wolves can take in a great deal more magic than moon dogs can. moon dogs were designed to deal with dreams which were composed of magic but not often a whole heaping amount of it.

While moon dogs were created to eat magic, that power was bolstered further once they were corrupted.

Now one also has to consider how Applejack became a witch wolf. She was cursed by the very first moon dog born, who was also was the first witch wolf.

Managarmr was also the first to directly curse an Apple family member, and the first to pee on a real rock after being brought back to the real world, so he was a creature of firsts.

Now every pony knows about the seventh son of a seventh son numerical magic, as well as the unlucky thirteen numerical magic. But there was a magic of being first as well, it was why every one sought it. First place, first prize, first born, first discovered, all of these firsts had a power all their own, while not as potent as other numerical magic, it was still there.

And firsts tended towards more firsts.

In this case, Applejack became the first to survive, eat, and counter an attack spell that Starswirl the Bearded had named 'The Giga slave'.

It was probably supposed to be giga slayer or something like that, but as mentioned, his horn writing was atrocious.

In either case it was a spell that would have made Twilight Sparkle say' oh shit' and run.

It tasted like lemons.

At the point of impact with Applejack's nose however, had Starswirl witnessed it, he would have been the one saying' oh shit'.

Again the only pair to catch what happened fully were Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

And what they caught was that Applejack exploded.

Unlike Twilight however, this explosion was mostly light and heat as Witch-Jack boiled away the over abundance of magic in a blast of Saint Equines Fire that would have had Spitfire of the Wonderbolts dip her sunglasses in awe.

What the two mares did not notice however was that two other things had happened to Witch-Jack.

The first was that she had lost another hat, this one vaporized to ash.

She was not happy about that.

The second was something no one even could have noticed except Applejack.

Every time Applejack had become Witch-Jack she was always forced to watch what the curse did with her form from a spot floating over her own shoulder. She could fuss yell and some times guide the creature, but in the end it always acted how a big dumb, dangerous, and strangely amorous, puppy acted.

This time, as the energy of the magic coursed through her, she actually was the witch wolf. The feeling of being in an unfamiliar body brimming with more power than she knew what to do with was far more than she was ever expecting to feel. And the sensations of it was beating her over the head like a hammer with all the new scents and tastes and feelings that came along with it.

Still as the spell expended it's charge, Witch-Jack came to one realization above everything else.

She didn't like lemons.

At which point Witch-Jack promptly fainted.

The surge of heat from the Saint Equine's Fire as Witch-Jack ate the spell was more than enough to cause both Fluttershy and Rarity, who were closest to Apple jack, to faint as well. It didn't help matters either that the St. Equine's Fire and the spell from Starswirl sucked all the air out of the room with the burst of fire and flames created.

Rainbow Dash remained awake simply due to her high altitude flying training. Pinkie Pie remained awake because she was Pinkie Pie.

This entire event took place in the span of three seconds.

The shock of it held Pinkie and Rainbow in place for another three seconds before both of them started to move.

Pinkie Pie rushed over to check on Fluttershy and the others.

Rainbow Dash was out the now broken window and halfway to Sweet Apple Acres by the time Pinkie even reached Fluttershy, a trail of rainbow light staining the air behind her.

Dash didn't know what happened to Twilight, she had no idea about this magicy stuff, but she knew one who did, or failing that, had a way to contact the Princesses.

Spike still had his mouth open to take a bite out of the pizza slice that had been left floating over the dinner table back in farm house. By this point he was half way back to Ponyville without even realizing he was grabbed.

A double rainbow filled the sunset lit sky as Rainbow Dash rushed back to the library, barely thirty seconds having gone by since Twilight cast the spell.

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