• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Magical Mystery Chibiusa, Part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Magical Mystery Chibiusa,
Part 2

[ Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library, Mid afternoon, End of Spring, Friday]

Rarity would be the first to admit her friendship with the Sparkles got off to a rocky start.

Beating Rahs' head with a broom was not her best first impression.

After a good bit of apologizing and some time passing, however she was quite happy to have joined their little social circle.

Spike was a darling and quite helpful when needed. He had also reduced the amount of times Sweetiebelle had come home covered in tree sap by at least half. That was worth his weight in gems by itself.

Granted the number of explosions involving those three had gone up, but no one ever got hurt.

Twilight was a dear as well, though Rarity thought she was a bit too excitable sometimes, and more than willing to use brute force rather than the proper grace of a lady. Of course she took more after Rainbow Dash and Applejack in that regard. But given that Rainbow Dash was dating Rarity's dream Prince and Twilight was a minor noble and had gone after Big Mac... Perhaps Rarity had the wrong idea of what a lady should be, the upper class seemed more to like the rough and tumble type.

That might be something to look into another time.

Rahs... well.. the third Sparkle and she got along possibly the best, despite the fact Rarity had no idea what he said half the time. They both adored trashy romance books and the theater, though that was about where it ended. He was a brute to be honest, though a charming one at times. It was due to him that she made such good connections with Jynx and her pack after all.

That made her gem hunting so much easier.

Granted her latest ambassadorial task had been sent directly from Princess Cadence. Rarity was to help Jynx woo Rahs of all things. Cadence had given her a folder with everything she knew about Rahs and his tastes that she had learned foal sitting the Sparkles over the years. Rarity was to help Jynx with winning him over with this information.

That Rarity was on a first name basis with not one, but all three Princesses was something she had never even considered possible.

Even if she did have to talk Princess Luna out of adopting her. The Moon Princess still acted like Sweetiebelle's older sister.

Playing match maker would be delightful and she was all for it. She recalled what Rahs' reaction to her poison joke cursed form had looked like and Jynx was a slightly more buff version of that. In truth it shouldn't be too hard to get the two of them together.

If she couldn't find her own true love, she would have to settle with helping her friends find it.

Now if she could only stop him from ruining so many of the coats she designed.

Pinkie Pie pronked in after Rarity, calling a greeting to Twilight, her mind a whirl with the ideas for a three year party. She had never done one of those before, but she was sure gonna enjoy this one.

The Sparkles were great.

Spike was a lot of fun and Rahs was hilarious, particularly with how he talked, the reason was perfect to it was... ooh was that a squirrel?

Nope, just Blakeney.

Where was she?

Oh yeah!

Twilight was great too, she was super helpful, though a bit stubborn about what she couldn't understand. These past three years had been great and horrid then great and bouncing around, but they got her lots of new friends. Even Discord turned out to be okay in the end, if a little too melodramatic at times.

Fluttershy offered a small wave as she came in after Pinkie Pie. Her mare friends bouncing was a little distracting, but that's what Pinkie Pie did.

When Fluttershy first moved here she wound up being a shut in, only dealing with her animals and occasionally going out to shop when she couldn't help it.

Then she met Pinkie Pie.

Or was rather, assaulted with Pinkie Pie.

The pink mare terrified her and yet she was all over the place, every where, and into everything, wanting to know all she could and be friends with every one. Pinkie Pie spent three weeks just trying to get to know Fluttershy and get her to open up a little. Fluttershy had never had any one focus so much attention on her before and it was overwhelming.

Eventually though Pinkie introduced her to Maud, Treehugger, Rarity, and a few others and Fluttershy found that she wasn't as much a hermit as she was before all thanks to the outgoing pink mare.

Of course it took her even longer to muster up the courage to try and ask the pink mare out, though she did and the rest was history. She had always heard opposites attract though this was the first time she had been part of that.

In time Rainbow Dash showed up in Ponyville too and Fluttershy was introduced to Applejack. Then the Sparkles had shown up.

She got along rather well with Twilight, and Spike was the sweetest little thing, she wished Twilight would calm down more, but at least she wasn't as excitable as Pinkie Pie could be.

Rahs was a interesting one too. She was a bit at odds with him over his eating habits, though she was willing to accept them so long as he didn't eat any one of her local little friends.

She did wish he and Angel would stop fighting though.

Rainbow Dash glided in after Fluttershy flapping her wings lazily and offering a 'wusup' to Twilight.

This was awesome, no problems or world ending dangers for once, just hanging out. It had been a while since they all managed that. Sure Twilight was doing some egg headed stuff with a spell or what have you, but she couldn't argue that, it was kinda her thing.

These guys were awesome, even if she really got along best with Pinkie and AJ. Fluttershy was an old friend of hers and Rarity... well she was alright, she just needed to loosen up a bit.

But the Sparkles, yeah she kinda owed them a little.

Spike was awesome, I mean come on he was a dragon, that was awesome enough. The little guy was awesome despite being so young. Now if she could just get him to stop calling her daddy at inopportune moments.

Twilight was awesome as well, sure Dash didn't understand half of what she said most of the time with the egg headed stuff, but watching her go off was.. well awesome.

Then you had Rahs, he was awesome from day one, he literally flung himself across a chasm to come help her out.

She totally had that, but that was still .. awesome.

If she wasn't dating she'd bang him.

Of course it was because of the Sparkles that she was dating, and it was some guy she would never have even considered.

He was one of the noble types, the sort that she and Gilda used to prank because they had logs so far up their plot's the reactions were priceless when they were pranked.

But Prince, he wasn't like that, he was..... awesome....

So yeah she felt she owed them for that, plus hanging around them always led to some comedy or some awesome adventure or another.

Applejack trotted in right after Rainbow Dash. She had been running a bit late after making sure Big Mac was ready to deal with the girls and Spike.

She had been through one heck of a lot since meeting the Sparkles. She didn't blame them, not really. They allowed her to bring closure on her parents by returning her fathers yoke. It was put up in the living room on the hook next to his hat on the pegs she always recalled that he hung them from when he came in from the field. All her hats were copies of that one and while it was bad losing one, she had plenty. Heck, she had lost three just since this witch-wolf nonsense started.

She liked the Sparkles, she did, but trouble seemed to follow them like a magnet. That Big Mac had eyes.. and other things, for Twilight made it kinda weird. That Applebloom 'like' liked Spike made it weirder.

Now that her other half had the hots for Rahs, Applejack was rightly freaked out a bit.

Not that he was hard on the eyes.. and he did like apples....

No. Stop it. Bad Brain. She didn't see him like that no matter what that curse of hers thought.

Still all three of them were moren' willing to step up when push came to shove, and while she was worried about Applebloom's crush, she was less worried about Twilight and Big Mac.

In fact she kinda felt sorry for any one who thought to get between them.

Still Twilight was her friend and so long as she didn't think to much about the mare shagging her brother, it wouldn't get weird....

Damn it, it got weird again.

“So what's up with this Twi?” Rainbow Dash asked as she floated over the large diagram etched onto the floor. The runic markings set in the same insane detail that Spike liked to put on his miniatures.

“Oh that's the sigal circle for the spell. Try not to scuff it, Spike's already going to have a fit when he finds out I carved it into the floor. It's gonna take a while to buff it out, but it should be worth it.” Twilight explained.” Especially if this works”

“Spell circle?” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps you should start from the beginning with what this is all about darling.”

“And use small words, yah got Dash here after all.” Applejack smirked.

“Yeah .. I mean HEY!” Rainbow Dash snapped.

“Oh, this is an unfinished spell that was in one of Starswirl the Bearded's journals. Celestia sent it along with all the information that could be found about witch wolves and necromantic magic. The journal has a number of older spells that Starswirl designed himself. The last spell in it however was unfinished.”Twilight explained. “And not for lack of trying either, he had pages and pages of diagrams and alternate casting methods. But what he finally discovered before he gave up was that the Element's of Harmony would be needed to help focus and power the spell for it to work properly.”

“I'm surprised such a super powerful wizard beardy guy couldn't get the Element's himself.” Pinkie Pie pronked about .

“He did have them, but he couldn't make them work, so after tinkering with it a bit I deduced that he needed the Bearers of the Elements not just the Elements themselves.” Twilight grinned.

“Oh that sounds lovely but... what is this spell supposed to do?” Fluttershy questioned.

“That's the kicker. I don't know.”Twilight smiled wider.” Exciting isn't it?”

“Not the words I would use.” Rarity muttered.

“Sounds kinda dangerous to be casting then doesn't it?” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Specially with me here and all that witch-wolf hooey ah got going.” Applejack added.

“Not at all. In fact that's why I want to cast the spell. While I don't know what the spell will do exactly because his horn writing is terrible, I do know that it was called The Panacea.” Twilight smiled. " I've copied the circle exactly and the mana will come from the design of it rather than from me. it will be like Starswirl himself was casting it."

“The cure to everything? “ Pinkie Pie gasped.

“I hope so. I also hope that would include fixing Applejack's issue. It might be a way to cure lycanthropy.” Twilight smiled.

“Or he might have been a horrid pony and it's a trap for those reading his journal. “ Rarity frowned before blinking as every pony looked at her. “ What!? I read horror novels too.”

“That was still something Spike brought up. Hence this test. Applejack did you bring it?” Twilight asked.

“Yup. We managed tah get tha Fire Blight contained, but lost a bit of tha harvest. Hung onto this one blighted apple like yah asked. But so help me Twilight if this turns it into a super version of Fire Blight we're gonna have words.” Applejack stated pulling a warped, burnt looking apple from her pannier and offering it over.

“Actually that's a secondary reason why you're here. Any sort of mistake that can come out of this you can take care of it magically. I'd use Rahs, but he's off hunting.”Twilight smiled.” Besides I have warding and shields in place so we can observe what happens without any risk. I've also compensated for the draw you would have on the spell.”

Twilight took the apple and set it in the center of the diagram instructing the others to stand at certain points and put on their Elements.

“I don't know Twilight, this sounds sorta risky...” Fluttershy muttered.

“Relax Fluttershy. I've calculated a one in a million chance of anything even going even minorly wrong, and I have safeties on top of safeties to prevent anything from causing any damage to any one of us. Plus I asked Lyra what she thought might happen if we did this, and she thought the spell would go off exactly as intended.” Twilight explained.

The others relaxed a little at that. Lyra had gotten rather good at predicting which way the crap would fall when the manure hit the fan. So much so that she was kicked out of all the town betting pools.

She had tried to get into the bet about the next big event, but was denied before she could place a bet on some pony stealing the Element of Magic. Of course Bon Bon had made the bet for her and no one noticed.

“Alright every pony in position.” Twilight looked over as the other five took their place. Her horn started to glow as she set up the wards around the apple in the middle of the signal and set up shields around it.

“From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled. From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!” Twilight recited.

The runes flared to life as the last words were spoken, the six of them slowly lifting into the air as the Elements of Harmony started to glow brightly.

Distracted as they were by all the glowing and floating, none of them noticed the runes lighting up and flowing around where the apple was placed on the floor.

Starswirl had indeed worked in a trap, the center of the spell was not the target, the point of Magic was the target for the spell. This was to prevent anything from forcing the spell to be cast on them by being in the middle of the circle, and would instead focus on the one who bore the Element of Magic.

Mostly this was due to Starswirl thinking only he was worthy to bear the Element of Magic and therefore be the only one who would ever stand there.

Still by the time the six mares focused back on the apple and noticed this, it was too late.

The Element's of Harmony Flared brightly...

… and Twilight Sparkle exploded...


Author's Note:

The name of the spell ' The Panacea' comes from the "Awesome" fic The Great Alicorn hunt by RHJunior.

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