• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Waters Academy, part 1, again.

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Waters Academy,
part 1,


Applejack stared at the large orange furred witch wolf.

The large orange furred witch wolf stared at Applejack.

Princess Luna stared at them both.

Sheeba looked at all three of them in confusion.

“Ah do not like you.” Applejack stated flatly to the witch wolf.

The witch wolf promptly licked the farm mares face.

“Well this is odd.” Princess Luna commented tilting her head.

“She's been trying to train it Princess.” Sheeba stated.” Though it doesn't listen. It acts like a pup. What exactly is it?”

“A complicated bit of nonsense. But in essence a witch wolf.” Luna stated hearing a surprised noise from Sheeba. “Possibly the last one as well. Also a bit of a wrinkle in one of our plans. We wonder if we can choose her as well as Trixie for the bet....”

“Is she dangerous?” Sheeba asked,.

“Of course.” Luna stated.

“No, Stop that put it down!!” Applejack fussed.

“She's eating the dream.” Sheeba pointed out.

“Well that is interesting.” Luna considered.” We wonder if that will mean anything.”

[That morning, Sweet Apple Acres. Spring]

“AHHH SHE”S GOT ME!!” Applebloom screamed as the large orange witch wolf pounced on the filly trapping her under her fore paws.

Rahs and Big Mac rushed quickly over only for Applebloom to keep flailing as Witch-jack started lapping at the fillies mane trying to groom her.

“HALP!!” Applebloom squirmed.

Rahs blinked not sure what he was supposed to do.

Big Mac went to get a camera.


“Princess Luna said it was eating the dream.” Twilight told Applejack as the farm mare readjusted her hat for the umpteenth time. The replacement old stetson now had a band of mithril around the base of it to try and deflect any magic that she might absorb, but it made the hat a bit unbalanced.

“Great so ah'm gonna wake up every morning changed?” Applejack fussed.

“Maybe, but Witch-jack is looking like there's less and less of a threat. Well I mean aside to every ponies manes.” Twilight snarked.” And Rahs, at least when the others wanting to date him find out.”

“They know and ah keep telling everyone nothing happened.” Applejack growled.” And are we seriously calling it Witch-jack now?”

“We need a name to differentiate the two of you since you still seem to be two souls in one body. Also I don't doubt nothing happened, but you know how rumors get and I'm not too sure on those three having the wisdom to figure out the difference.” Twilight sighed.” I still think they all need glasses.”

“Yah jus can't see Rahs as any sort of attractive. Same way ah can't see the appeal of Mac.”Applejack huffed.

“So you do think he's attractive.”

“Ah didn't say that!”Applejack fussed. “That damn witch wolf spirit certainly does, but ah don't feel any different about him than ah did before.”

“I know I know, but it's not often I have something to tease you about.” Twilight chuckled. “Anyway Luna wants you to come up to Canterlot to be looked over by some of her specialists as well as Asc... asc......”

“Tha snake lady, ah got it.” Applejack sighed.

“Right.” Twilight quickly nodded.”I wish I could join you, but Pinkie Pie's convinced the rest of us to go see Rainbow Dash in her training camp.”

“Wish ah could go with yah,” Applejack sighed. “Kinda curious at what all this hoopla is with her training. Specially after all that nonsense we had to go through to get her to go to begin with.”

“Well she didn't want to leave while there was still issues with you, and, well, we did try the cloud walking spell and... you ate it.” Twilight sighed. “It's fine Rahs, Spike and Applebloom are going to go up there with you. If you wouldn't mind could you give Celestia my report on what Discord's been up to?”

“Sure think, though why ain't yah having Spike send it?” Applejack asked.

“Frankly because I'm not sure if Celestia has figured out what Discord did to her as a goose. Last time I sent a message it came out as a golden egg.” Twilight frowned.

“What like it appeared as a golden egg?” Applejack questioned.

“No.....” Twilight sighed.

“Oh... Ow.” Applejack flinched catching on.

“Discords been scarce since then though Fluttershy said he's stopping in for tea with her and Pinkie Pie on Tuesday.” Twilight sighed. “I suggested another day and he said the floor show was far too good to miss and if he came to town any other day he might have to liven it up.”

“Bet he's been having a blast at mai expense lately.” Applejack muttered.

“Applejack you get down from there!” Berry Punch yelled looking at the large orange furred witch wolf sitting on top of the wine rack in her bar.

The rest of the patrons watched with interest as the dog like feline swatted at some of the bottles on top of the cabinet, most of them were empty displays, but a couple were overstock that wouldn't fit on the regular rack.

“NO, Stop that!” Berry shouted as Witch-jack slapped a bottle with a paw rolling it a little, her ears perking up as she watched it roll with interest the liquid inside sloshing about.

“I said stop, and get down from there!” Berry shouted again as Witch-jack placed a paw on the rolling bottle, looking at Berry and pushing it a little closer to the edge.

“Don't you Dare!!” Berry cursed.

Witch-jack maintained eye contact with the mare and swatted the bottle off the top of the cabinet letting it fall to the ground with the shatter of glass and the splatter of wasted wine.

“AHHH, that's it!! I'm getting the hose!!” Berry screamed.

“On the plus side at least the town is rather accepting of the weirdness.”Twilight offered.

“Good on that, but ah wish ah could get Rahs' groupies to leave me alone.”Applejack sighed.

“So I guess they did find out huh?” Twilight winced.

“Yeah......” Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Just bite me already!!” Trixie shouted as she chased after the orange mare. Applejack for the most part was hauling flank through town trying to get away from the crazy unicorn.

“She kept that up the whole day until Princess Luna came and drug her away.” Applejack sighed.” She popped up at the most inconvenient times too.”

“Yeah we explained to her that it wasn't going to work like that and she got even madder.” Twilight sighed.

“Saturnia wasn't as big a deal.” Applejack shrugged.

“Maybe not to you.” Twilight smirked.

“DON'T BITE ME!!!” Saturnia screamed galloping at top speed as the large form of Witch-jack chased her through town.

“Like I said she wasn't any problem. Not mai fault she forgot she had wings.” Applejack stated. “A lot of times lately it's like ah'm sitting back and watching what's going on like ah'm on mai own shoulder. Sometimes it does what ah want if ah fuss at it, but it's like ah'm trying to steer a runaway cart with a mind of it's own.”

“So you see what it does when transformed?” Twilight asked.

“Most of tha time, some times it's like ah'm asleep and other times ah get the inkling of what it's doing, and other times ah got no idea what it's doing and ah ken just watch bits.”Applejack frowned. “ Though that side seat watching is happening more often.”

“So you saw what happened with Jynx?” Twilight asked with a deadpan look.

“She started it.” Applejack huffed.

The two large canine bitches slammed into each other, crashing and flipping around on the ground all teeth and claws and punching and grappling. Neither Jynx nor Witch-Jack were hurting each other that much, though the pair had gone at it the moment the two came in sight of one another. Witch-jack might have gotten a good hit on the diamond dog, though Jynx often countered with a grapple or a body slam .

Currently whatever Jynx had been wearing was destroyed and the pair had crashed through a number of mud puddles, and front yards left by the rain that morning.

“Rahs we need to stop them!” Spike shouted with panic, looking up at his brother.

Rahs simply stood there wide eyed and staring, a small trickle of blood running from his nose.

“She apologized later quite a bit. Though she still wants a rematch.”Applejack sighed.

“Well I suppose that's the sort of thing you need to get used to if you're going to be chasing my idiot brother.” Twilight shrugged.

“What did ah say a minute ago? Ah ain't chasing Rahs.” Applejack stated her face scrunched up in annoyance.

“Your other forms actions say otherwise...” Twilight started to say.

“That form's actions don't mean nothing as it ain't me.” Applejack protested.

“And Cadence noticed it as well.” Twilight finished.

“Dammit, ah don't care what she says...”

“Denial is not just a famous river Applejack.”Twilight offered,

“Yer enjoying this.” Applejack frowned.

“Your suffering of it, no. Rahs' suffering for it, yes.” Twilight grinned. “Look if you really do want to date my brother, I'm all for it, he needs some one level headed around to keep him in line. If it's nothing more than some lust from the other side of you, and nothing comes of it, that's fine too. Cadence thinks it's more than just the bestial urges and she's pretty good on noticing that sort of thing given love and lust are her portfolios. So are sex toys, but no ones willing to ask how she got THAT as a lesser portfolio.”

“Ah'm not happy with that idea.” Applejack muttered. “We're just friends...”

“So do ponies usually date their enemies?”

“Princess Celestia.”

“She doesn't count Applejack, most of them became enemies AFTER they dated her. Really glad I never developed any sort of teacher/student crush on her.” Twilight sighed. “Still you have been forced to hang around Rahs a lot lately so it might even be some form of Stockholm syndrome. We'll see if we can get Fluttershy to be your go to for a while when we get back, Witch-jack seems to like her.”

“Honestly it's okay with all of y'all. Only people in town it's mean towards are tha ones ah never liked. Everyone else it's either indifferent to or likes same as me.” Applejack sighed.

“Huh... I'll have to make a note of that. What about the Princesses?”Twilight asked.

“Well it acts like Princess Luna is it's mother far as I ken tell. It's more than willing tah listen to her. Princess Cadence well... yah saw how fast Witch-jack ran tha other way from her.” Applejack shrugged. “ Ah guess she's scared of her.”

“And Princess Celestia?”

“Honestly I should be getting used to this by now.” Princess Celestia sighed as Witch- jack stared at her, swatting heavily at the Princesses' wavy tail.

“Big Mac got a few hundred pictures if yah wanna know how that meeting went.” Applejack grumbled.

Any further conversation was cut off as the front door opened and Spike waddled in. The little dragon had recently underwent a spring molt, and while he didn't look any different, his missing spine had grown back in.

It was blue.

“Hey, Pinkie has the balloon ready and they're just waiting on you Twilight.” Spike offered. "Our trains got another twenty minutes Applejack, but we should probably get going. We still need to find out where Rahs ran off too. I've got Applebloom tailing him, but when he doesn't want to be found...”

“Alright I guess I'll head off Applejack. You be careful. I know she lifted the quarantine, and I know she apologized, but I'm not sure I really trust Celestia not to freak out over something else while you're in Canterlot. And then there's the nobles.” Twilight sighed.

“Ain't really worried about that. From what ah heard, they're a lot of bark and no bite. An one good thing about this curse, ah'm both.” Applejack grinned showing her new fangs.

“ See, now you're making me uncomfortable with those.” Twilight grumbled. “I don't go that way.”

“All that teasing an yah don't expect me tah mess with yah back?” Applejack smirked.” Ah ain't that way neither regardless of what Trixie said.”

“I thought you liked fangs, why is that making you nervous?” Spike asked looking between the two confused.

The two mares looked at him before Twilight blushed and Applejack laughed.

Author's Note:

Water's academy is a play off Wonderbolts Academy [Natch]

Roger Waters was the bassist of Pink Floyd and contributed to creation of nearly all the songs in Pink Flyod's Dark Side of the Moon.

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