• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Gibbous ponies play, Part 2, Interlude

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Gibbous ponies play,
Part 2,

[Canterlot, mid afternoon]

Trixie let out a small sigh as she sat back in the surprisingly comfortable chair in the meeting room she was currently in. She wasn't fond of being stuck in one place, least of all Canterlot, but she had little choice. It had been a month since the whole mess with Ponyville and when Princess Luna demanded she come back with her to Canterlot, Trixie expected a whole lot more trouble than she had really gotten into. She gave up the name and the price she had paid for the alicorn amulet and was not surprised to be forced to give it up. She was however surprised that she was reimbursed for the purchase.

She had been put in a guest room in the palace and a number of psychologists, doctors, and high level mana experts had come in to talk with her and run a few diagnostics.

It was a lot more invasive than Trixie liked, but it did mean she wouldn't need a physical for a while. She had been hoping to spend the winter months when she couldn't travel in Ponyville, snuggling with Fuzzy by a warm fire.... but it seemed Princess Luna and Princess Cadence were rather intent on letting Fuzzy figure things out on his own without any of them trying to guide him one way or another. Saturnia was up in the Crystal Empire, and Jynx was told to stay out of Ponyville for a bit.

To tell the truth, she expected the bug to sneak out of the Crystal Empire before she thought Jynx would try anything when she was told not to. Of the two she was more comfortable with the massive diamond dog, she didn't trust the bug at all. Jynx at least tried to play fair.

Still she couldn't complain, she was allowed to wander about, though a Guard or maid was always with her with an itinerary. Seems Celestia's school wanted to ask her a lot of questions for some reason. Meals were covered and were some of the best she ever had, the room was rather plush and comfortable and far more ritzy than she was used to, it was more like a vacation than a prison setting.

She wasn't the only 'guest' either but the black furred unicorn that she had seen once or twice was surrounded by Guards and had a number of suppressor rings on his horn. These weren't the standard guards either. Unlike the palace guard their armor and weapons looked well used rather than polished. She had asked about it and was told the unicorn was a private matter, but the guards were from the Six Sixty Sixth. They were the only ones not intimidated by the black unicorn.

Trixie had taken some time to see her aunt, watched a few shows and opted to sign up for a Hearths Warming play this year just to keep busy. She was hoping to sign up for one that Fuzzy would also be in, but usually he had no luck getting into Hearths Warming pageants as they tended to only want ponies.

Rather speciest to be honest, but understandable given Hearths Warming was a pony tradition after all.

Still this meant she would be close enough to Rahs to actually visit him for Hearths Warming, and given it was a Pony Holiday she wouldn't have to worry about Jynx or the bug. She had missed his birthday this year, but this....

Plans were forming in her mind when Princess Luna came into the small meeting room Trixie was sitting in.

Trixie stood up rather quickly to bow only to have it waved off.” None of that, this is not an official thing. We have simply come to explain a few things and garner thine opinion of it.” Princess Luna placated drawing out a larger chair and taking a seat.” Do you know why we have kept you in Canterlot?”

“Umm because Trixie found an item she wasn't supposed to?” Trixie added slipping into her stage persona again before the Princess, it was a habit that was rather hard to break when she was put on the spot for anything.

“The amulets were never considered illegal, before now any way. Though we are surprised one was even found to be used. What we are concerned with is the now. Th... you once were successfully enrolled in my sisters school?”

“Um yes... though Trixie dropped out after … some incidents.....” Trixie sighed unfortunately recalling her time in the school. Her parents had put together the bits to get her into a nicer school than she normally would have. Trixie was a some what shy introvert at the time and she had been bullied relentlessly until she snapped and fought back. She was left alone for a few weeks after each outburst before the bullies started again, so Trixie stopped trying to hold back. It resulted in her getting beaten up more often than not and labeled a problem foal by the faculty. Eventually it had been too much and she refused to go any more. Her parents had pulled her out of school and returned to the road where they met bringing her along with them.

“We have read the notes on those and we wondered how Tia had not noticed the pattern before that point. Still the issue is not that you left, but that you were admitted to begin with. We have read the transcript of your entrance exam. T.. you managed to convince all three judges, highly trained mages in fact, for a full ten minuets that you had successfully hatched the dragon egg, before the strain of the illusion became too much for you?”

“Trixie recalls that. She thought it was just a painted rock at first, one of those classic stories of 'How will you handle an impossible task'. When Trixie saw it though she knew it was a real dragon egg. She had seen a few when she was younger when she visited her great grandfather with her grandmother.”

“Beatrix Lulumoon was your Grandmother, you were named after her? A Kirin Nox Cal?” Luna asked.

“She wasn't a Nox Cal, her father, Trixie's great grandfather, was... or maybe still is a dragon. Trixie hasn't had much contact with that side of the family after Trixie's grandmother passed.”

“We see, continue.”

“Well when Trixie saw it was a dragon egg we knew how to hatch it , but Trixie didn't think Trixie had the power to mimic a mother dragons breath weapon, nor a suitable volcano nearby so Trixie decided to focus on what she knew she was good at. Illusions. Trixie recalled seeing some of her distant cousins hatch when she was little so Trixie poured on the power, and mimicked that. The image we used was of Trixie's cousin Feldspar hatching.”Trixie sighed. “Trixie remembers his scales being the same color as her fur and thought he was cute. At least until he tried to eat Trixie.”

“The report stated that you managed not only to fool the observers sight and hearing, but their noses and hooves when they touched the illusionary dragon as well. One of them reported they could taste the brimstone of the egg hatching in the air.”

“Trixie does not recall all that.”

“Trixie, thee managed an illusion that fooled six senses of unicorns trained to know if they were being fooled with magic.”Luna offered. “We have seen some of your shows Trixie, we have not seen anything like what was in these reports.....”

“Oh well perhaps it was a surge. Trixie got a few of those as a foal....”

“.... until you sought Rahs in Ponyville. Several of your illusions of Rahs and his other suitors were fully fleshed out like that with sound, smell, touch, and magic sensitivity. We feel that if your theatrics hadn't drawn them to you in the town hall Saturnia and Jynx might not have been able to find you. You had two colts pulling a slab of stone that didn't exist that Rahs, a magic eater, was sitting atop of eating illusionary grapes.”

“Trixie made the grapes to keep him occupied until she got rid of the other two, Trixie had no idea where he ran off to with the bowl until he was pulled up by the colts.”

“Trixie you fooled reality into making a object that could be used as a solid object. Certainly it was a basic block but that is still incredible.” Luna added.

“Trixie only managed that with the amulet, nothing was real, not even the shield.”

“We disagree. The amulet might have opened up unused pathways of mana, but it does not give you more than you can tap into.” Luna offered.

Trixie considered that a moment before sighing.

“Trixie believes you are mistaken Princess. Trixie is just a show mare with a odd crush..”

“Trixie we have spoke with our sister and examined the records of those who were in that years class. Moon Dancer created a low power shield that repels and hides from gods. It can hide an entire city block from all senses. Minuette made a number of time spells, one of which White showed up to intervene with before taking the scroll she wrote the formula down on, he then told her that if she came up with any more to please keep them to herself as he didn't want to have go back in time to force her father to wear a condom. Lyra regularly plays to a sold out crowd of enraptured listeners and if her mare friend is to be believed she has some sort of precognitive ability. Twinkle Shine is responsible for six new cures for previously incurable sicknesses, the mare has discovered how to give sight back to ponies who have lost their eyes with a topical cream that allows them to 'see' through their skin. Lemon Hearts has managed to create a recipe for a simple flat bread that a piece the smaller than your hoof can feed a stallion for a week, and it tastes divine. Twilight is well... you know Twilight.”Luna considered. “In the end no pony who was in the same class as Twilight and her brothers is in any way 'normal' or 'just' an anything.”

“Trixie was never in Twilight's class. Trixie dropped out...”Trixie protested.

“And? You were going to be and that seems to be what mattered. All of the ponies of that year are beyond extraordinary even if what they chose to do with their lives winds up ordinary.”Luna offered.” Moon Dancer is a researcher and teacher, Lyra lives in Ponyville well below her actual means as a musician just to help in her mare friends candy store. Minuette is a dentist, something she always wanted to be. Twinkle Shine is head researcher in her own pharmaceutical business. Twilight is a librarian. Lemon Hearts is the head cook of Canterlot Castle.... granted that was clearly going to happen the moment Tia tasted her angel food cake..... remind us to have her brew the Shoggoths milk if Pinkie ever gives us the recipe.” Luna considered.

“What?” Trixie questioned.

“Never mind. The point is just because you became a show mare does not mean you do not have a great deal of potential. The amulet simply showed you what you could do if you were properly trained.” Luna added smiling to herself that she had managed this long without falling back into anything other than the royal we. Honestly modern language with all the slang was still aggravating.

“Trixie is not sure where you are going with this.” Trixie added finally.

“Simple. We wish to train you as our apprentice as Tia has done with Twilight Sparkle.... only with much less chess mastering and pointless random tests.” Luna smiled.

Trixie stared a moment but shook her head. “We thank you for the offer Princess but.....”

“Need we remind you that the competitors for our grand pups heart are the child of a goddess and a Alpha of a pack of diamond dogs whose numbers seem to be growing considerably lately.” Luna added trying a different angle. “One would think thee would want every advantage thee can get.”

Trixie paused closing her mouth clearly reconsidering the offer.

“As Trixie said Princess, we thank you for the offer and the humble and thankful Trixie accepts.” Trixie added.

Luna smiled. She would win that bet with Cadence and Chrysalis yet.

Author's Note:

A brief interlude to cover what was going on with some one not in the Crystal empire.

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