• Published 31st May 2019
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Magical Mystery Chibiusa, Part 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Magical Mystery Chibiusa,
Part 4


The day was over and the night had just begun, as such the royal sisters were both having a meal.

Breakfast for Luna, and dinner for Celestia.

This consisted of a nice meal for Celestia, prepared by the castle's 'five star and beyond' chefs, finished with a bit of cake for desert.

Usually at least three.

She's not addicted, she can quit any time she wants.

On Luna's end of things, breakfast was a lot of coffee, and a bowl of Lucky Charms that she more often than not wound up falling asleep into.

Luna was not a morning pony.

At this exact moment Celestia was starting her second cake, and Luna was making bubbles in her milk as she was face down in the bowl.

At that exact second they both felt a powerful 'PING' of magic energy.

The reactions of the pair were startled to say the least.

Celestia choked and then spit out a mouthful of cake.

Never having seen Celestia do anything of the sort to one of his cakes, the head chef promptly fainted thinking something was wrong with it, and that he was going to be executed for making a bad cake.

Luna's head shot up at the feeling, slinging milk from her mane and off her muzzle with a single statement that displayed her ancient wisdom regarding the sudden 'ping' of magic.


Said statement was distilled heavily through a sleep addled mind.

Celestia lifted her head wiping off the remains of her cake from her face as she looked into the distance her eyes wide.

She knew of a new teleport location.

This had only happened once before and...

“WHAT THE BUCK WAS THAT!?” Luna finally managed to articulate, slamming both fore hooves down on the table on either side of her bowl of cereal.

“It was....”

“WHAT THE BUCK WAS THAT!?” shouted another voice as the loud noise of a teleport pop was accompanied by a louder squelch.

A pink alicorn was now standing on the table, hock deep in cake.

The chef, having recovered at this point, with the help of a guard with smelling salts, was then treated to the sight of a pink alicorn standing in his creation and promptly fainted again for different reasons.

“As I was trying to tell Luna it was...” Celestia began before her horn flared a bright green. The solar princess looked up as a large mass of scrolls, etched bark, rune covered rocks, and one heavily etched bolder, formed over her head and dropped, smashing the solar diarch to mush under their combined weight.

The other two princesses blinked as they looked over the collection of hastily scrawled messages from numerous other gods that had been sent to Celestia. All of which said much the same thing as both Luna and Cadence had first uttered.

Well the first understandable thing Luna uttered any way.

As the pair waited for Celestia to reform and explain, the chef fainted for a third time after being woken upon seeing Celestia smushed like a pancake. Motes of green fire appeared over both of the princesses horns and formed into scrolls.

Luna and Cadence opened the scrolls reading them before letting out a knowing 'Aaaaah' as Spike explained Twilight had done something, thus explaining the ping.

That changed to panic however as the message continued explaining she had exploded.


Thankfully before the two of them could work themselves up into a proper tizzy, Celestia reformed and glared at the rock that crushed her.

“Note to self, find out how Chrysalis learned how to contact me like that, then send a BIGGER rock back along the link before blocking it.”Celestia muttered. “Any way, as I was saying.....”

Another scroll formed and bounced off Celestia's nose. She glared at it, saw it was from Spike, then looked at the other two alicorns horrified expressions as they held scrolls much the same as the one that hit her nose before several pieces clicked into place.

“Oh!” Celestia smiled. “ It's Twilight!”

“Spike says she exploded!” Cadence shouted.

“So did you.” Celestia countered. “When you ascended.”

“So did I? What..... OOOOH!!” Cadence's eyes widened and a smile crossed her features rivaling Celestia's.

“Explain! Now!” Luna growled at the pair of now smiling alicorns. She was still not a morning pony.

“Better we have a look for ourselves. Did you learn a new place to teleport?” Celestia asked.

Luna blinked, one ear twitching as she seemed to try to look into the back of her own head before she raised an eyebrow. “ Yes.”

“Good, lets go.” Celestia smiled and the three of them vanished with a series of pops.

The lone guard remaining in the room who was not trying to revive the chef again sighed as he looked at the carnage of the breakfast table, and the rulers of the nation running off again without an escort.

“Sooooo.. I'll just get some pony to help clean this up then.....” The stallion grumbled. “ I knew I should have gone into accounting....”

[ ?]

In a space beyond time and reason. In a starry void dotted with countless glowing souls rather than stars, where reality began and ended and never was. The source and end of all things, where the atmosphere was perfect, the air smelled of warm root beer, and the towels were oh so fluffy. The song of the universe itself sang in a perfect harmonious hum.

Into this blissful place a purple figure floated, bombarded by the pure peace and calm of the very nature of the universe.

“What the shit is this!?” Twilight Sparkle swore.

She couldn't tell which way was up and a near deafening chord of some kind of music was drowning out even the sound of her own voice shouting, though that was slowly starting to fade as large glowing rectangles started forming around her. On each of them started to form images and shapes. Soon the images cleared and she could make out scenes of her life.

At least she knew which was was down judging by how all the images were oriented.

The day she first hatched Spike and made Rahs appear. The time she and her friends beat Nightmare Moon. The time she, Spike, and Rahs unmasked a fake nightmare moon trying to poison foals with sugar free candy. The red worn incident... oh by the stars it was showing the red worm incident.

Rahs' first stage play. Her first encounter with Big Mac. Meeting all the girls for the first time. The fight with Discord. The encounter with her brothers in Hayseed Swamp with the hydra. Her trying bacon for the first time. The fall into the pit of snakes as a foal. Rahs biting an animal control officer. Her rampage through the dragon rest stop. The entirety of the events of the crystal empire. All of it seen from the outside, as if a invisible observer was watching her.

Wait, this was her life.

Aw crap she was dead. She was seeing her life flash before her eyes. Dammit there was so much left to do. She never got to finish that article on fourth dimensional gardening, nor pay Rahs back for filling her checklist notebook full of custard. She also hadn't managed to convince Mac to have a three way yet...

“By our stars they were adorable!”

“Told you!”

“What?” Twilight demanded whirling about and sending herself spinning in the frictonless space.

The sound of wings could be heard and as Twilight stopped spinning she took note of three figures moving through the odd mist that made everything in the distance blurry. Though she could tell the three forms coming towards her had large wings and were white, blue, and pink.

“What?” Twilight stated again and the three Princesses moved up to her, Celestia smiling to her as Luna and Cadence were looking around at the images.

"Interesting, he was quite vicious as a pup with what he did to those thieves." Luna hummed watching one of the scenes.

“Oh wow. So that's why they call him Big Mac.” Princess Cadence whistled. “Damn.”

“Stop looking at that!!!” Twilight screamed out flailing wildly in the air trying to get at the pink alicorn.

“Cadence please stop aggravating her. I would like to know how she got here and ...”Celestia began.

“So that is why Rahs wears pants.” Luna commented watching another image with a wince.

“ANY WAY. Hello, Twilight, might I ask what were you doing before you came to this place. I am not sure how much time we will have.” Celestia offered.

“I was in here for twelve hours auntie.”Cadence growled.

“Oh, well, maybe we do have an idea, but since you're only the second pony I've ever met to find this place. Would you mind answering the question?” Celestia offered.

Twilight narrowed her eyes at the Princess Expecting something, though Celestia seemed actually curious.

“Well, I mean all I was doing was testing a spell that Starswirl the Bearded left unfinished in his journal. The girls were helping me out with that and we were testing it on an apple as the spell was supposed to be a panacea to cure everything and I was going to use it on Applejack if it worked...” Twilight rambled.

“A cure? From Starswirl? Pffft!” Luna snorted. “That egotistical lout wouldn't be able to do something that healed anypony if thou gave him a band-aid to stick on a boo boo.”

“Really, I thought he was a some great wizard?” Cadence asked.” That's what they taught in school.”

“Fie on that. He was a loudmouth braggart with more issues than the periodical section at Canterlot Royal Library. If he were not so good at making attack spells and so paranoid about everyone being out to get him, he never would have lived long enough to have a beard at all.”

“Luna can we please focus?”Celestia sighed.

“He only had the bells on his hat to ward off Hikie Puffs. And he lined the entire inside of it with tinfoil to keep ponies from reading his thoughts through the cloud trails pegasi leave.”

“What's a Hikie Puff?” Cadence asked.

“No pony knows, he would never tell any pony, and he accused any whom asked of trying to steal his secrets.” Luna ranted.

“Luna please... So you completed the spell and cast it.” Celestia considered. “Well the only journal I recall giving you of Starswirls had some of his annamorphic and evocation spells in it. The only spell i I can think of that was unfinished in that book did involve the Elements of Harmony though. I never really read it as I wasn't too fond of being reminded of him either.”

“So what is this place?” Twilight questioned.

“I'm not sure.” Celestia admitted. “Though this is where I found Cadence when she became an alicorn.”

“It has been a while.” Cadence offered.

“So I'm not dead?” Twilight asked.

“Of course not” Celestia offered.

“Oh look there's Twilight and Rahs stealing ice cream.” Luna smiled pointing at an image of the pair coated in ice cream and sitting in two large tubs of it.

“Ah and look that's the first time I foal sat them and Twilight was hiding on the ceiling avoiding a bath!”Cadence cooed.

“Are you sure I'm not dead? Cause this really seems like it's Tartarus....” Twilight grumbled as the other two mares giggled at some of the images.

“Twilight no, it means for whatever reason the universe has decided that you are to be a new god. Well I assume so since this is what happened with Cadence.” Celestia offered.

“What? But why me?”Twilight stammered.

“Seriously Twilight? You helped free my sister from corruption, stopped Discord, dealt with countless other problems and surmounted them, and then you helped save an enslaved empire and break it's curse. And top top it off you completed a spell that one of the most famous wizards of all time …

“In his own mind” Luna snorted.

“.. Couldn't complete.” Celestia continued, ignoring Luna. “Impressive enough given it has only been three years since you were my student.”

The song of the spheres arose from around then growing louder as Celestia started to sing.

“You've come, such a long long way. And I've watched you from the very first day....” Celestia sang.

“That doesn't sound stalkery at all does it?” Cadence muttered.

“To see how you might grow, to see what you might do, to see what you've been through..” Celestia continued.

“Verily. We were unaware voyeurism was thine interest sister.” Luna chided as Cadence giggled.

Celestia whirled smacking both of them with her wings. “Can I not have a moment here with a song without some pony interrupting it?”

“With thine singing voice, we certainly hope not.” Luna snorted, backing quickly away from Celestia with a snap of her wings as the solar mare lunged for her sister.

“Ummmm” Twilight uttered as the pair of sisters started to squabble and trade insults.

“It's fine Twilight. We'll talk more once you're home. This is gonna be a long conversation I assure you.” Cadence smiled. “I'm rather curious as to what you might wind up being the god of. If you wind up a god after all, no one really understands this place and I was in here longer than any one else. Most gods just pass on their power, it's very rare for a new god to be created. I think I was the last one who was, in fact.”

“I don't understand, why I would be the god of anything!” Twilight muttered.

“Look I stopped a witch from draining love from everyone in my old village and all I did to do that was kick an old mare in the head a few times and BAM I'm an alicorn. You've done a lot more than me so this isn't exactly surprising, in any sense other than that it didn't happen sooner. But then again from what I've seen since I ascended the universe doesn't seem to have a rhythm or reason to why some creatures become gods. So we just have to wait and see.”

“How long?” Twilight frowned watching as Celestia got Luna in a headlock though Luna was biting Celestia's wing.

“No idea, I guess until the universe thinks you're ready to come out.” Cadence shrugged.

“Oh “ Twilight uttered, before she exploded again.

And yes. It was twice.

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