• Published 31st May 2019
  • 9,561 Views, 3,594 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 - TDR

A hidden empire, even worse dating advice, bad apples, witch wolves, and the return of chaos all in Season 3 of Twilight Gets a Puppy

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Endor Girls, Part four

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Endor Girls,
Part four

[Elsewhere in town.]

“What even are these readings?”


“No they're not false, something is weird going on here, look at this graph every year about this time something goes haywire and the bandwidth on this one particular signal shoots up over seventy three percent. This year it shot up one hundred and twenty percent and now it's at a stead six hundred percent above normal.”


“I double checked all the instruments Rahs, and there's nothing on any of the other wave lengths. A few of the sensors I've placed outside of town don't show half of this, so the energy has to be coming from the city.”



A knock on the door interrupted any further conversation. The door swung open and a little purple and green dog ran in barking and yipping.

“Crap did I forget to feed Spike again?”

“Bork!” Rahs stated.

“Language.” The figure at the door chuckled looking around the mad scientists lab and to the purple haired girl in the lab coat mulling over several computers and notebooks full of readings. The little dog bounced around her feet, while perched on top of a hat rack was a large dark blue raven with amber eyes.

“No respect, nyaaah.” Rahs mimicked from Jabber Jaw.

“BARK” offered Spike loudly.

“Bark” Rahs offered back.

“Oh great they started again.”Twilight sighed as the pair started barking at each other the raven going so far as to add fancy sounding barks and throwing out a meow every so often. ”Did you need something Shiny, I'm kind of busy. That signal I've been tracking is back and stronger than ever.”

“Yeah... I think you should go outside for a moment.” Shining Armor stated rather flatly.

“I can't now my research...”

“Trust me Twili... go outside.” Shining practically ordered.

“Run, get to dah choppah!!” Rahs sang hopping off the coat rack and flying out the door past Shining with Spike running after him barking.

“Fiiiiiiine, but this better be important.” Twilight frowned.

[Back at the portal]

“Well so much for being subtle” Shining Armor sighed gesturing up to the massive dragon. “This may be more of a problem than we wanted. There's no way the thief doesn't see this.”

“To be fair she was tackled into the portal, so she knew we were after her any way.” Spike stated.

“RAHS GET DOWN HERE I AM NOT GOING TO YELL EVERY TIME I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!” Twilight screamed out at the towering dragon.

“Well that wasn't very subtle either.” Spike offered as Shining slapped his forehead with his hand marveling how much less it hurt than a face hoof.

The massive blue dragon lowered it's head to ground level, Rahs' skull still like a building towering over them, his amber eye easily bigger than odd new forms they had.

“Awoo?” Rahs asked curiously.

“Yeah it's Shining and Twilight and no I don't know what they're called.” Spike growled. “ And I'm a dog again.”


“Shining already did that joke and no I am still a guy!” Spike growled.

“This makes no sense why is he an adult dragon of this size, the only dragons I've heard of being this big are Bleu and her sons.” Twilight frowned.

“Wait, I'm gonna get that big?” Spike asked looking up in more awe.

“After a few thousand years sure.” Twilight shrugged.

“It's been a few minutes... where are the guard?” Shining frowned.” The response can't be this slow here.”

Copper and Flatfoot stared out the window of their police cruiser, parked on the corner of Derby road and Nokota drive watching the goings on in the city.

Flatfoot was three days from retirement and Copper's wife just had a baby, so neither were feeling particularly heroic at the moment as neither wanted to become a trope.

“That's a dragon.” Copper stated taking a sip of his coffee.

“ Yup.” Flatfoot agreed taking another bite of his doughnut, plain cake with a hazelnut spread, Doughnut Joe is a genius.

“Should we call it in?” Copper asked.

“Probably. Everyone's panicking in the streets.” Flatfoot responded pointing to the crowd outside running away from the towering dragon screaming about Godzilla or something.

“I can see that. Looks like a football riot around here.” Copper offered.

“Yep. I see that rich guy Jet Set down there smashing the windows on his own shop.” Flatfoot pointed out.

“Huh, yeah he is. I wonder why.” Copper responded.

“Probably insurance fraud, he did that last riot too. Any way call it in, let the national guard deal with it.” Flatfoot offered gruffly. “This is above my pay grade and every year almost something weird happens over there.”

“Yeah I remember the elephant stampede last year.”Copper added. “Really weird how they all were running around stealing cheese and trying to burrow into buildings. It got really weird when they all took off like a shot from that house cat.”

“Pfft that's nothing, couple years before that we had about four grizzly bears who thought they were squirrels.” Flatfoot snorted.

“Huh missed that one. Any way calling it in.” Copper stated picking up the radio.

“Well I do have some good news. I've got some magic” Twilight offered.” Rahs must be acting like a battery, though that's going to cause so many problems when we go back.”

“Yeah I can feel it to now that I'm thinking about it , but how do you cast without a horn?” Shining Armor considered.

“ WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?!” shouted a voice.

The group looked over to see a tall woman in a yellow jacket with purple pants storming up to them out of the building they were in front of, her hair flowed out behind her in blues greens and pinks, her white skin seeming some how purer white than Shining's.

She also looked pissed.

“Celestia?” Twilight blinked as the woman came to a stop before them glaring at all four in turn. Despite there being a dragon and a well armored knight all of them tried to avoid their gaze. She waved a small white rectangle at them that had a familiar sun emblem on the back, though they could hear some one elses voice coming from it.

“Principal Celestia I told you not to go out side and investigate yourself, the department just wants you to look out the window... and you're outside already... great...” the rectangle muttered.

“What is this!?” Principal Celestia demanded again waving her free hand to gesture at everything.” It's bad enough I've got a near riot in my school, now this!?”

“ Ummm” Shining Armor offered, not having expected another Celestia.

“Errrr” Twilight offered in the same boat as her brother.

“Woof.” Rahs added drawing Celestia's attention to him.

“Yes, right a play.... this is a theater production.” Shining nodded simply going along with the suggestion as he had no other ideas.

“Errr yeah, it is, we're just actors....” Twilight added.

“This is never gonna work.” Spike muttered drawing Celestia's gaze to the talking dog.

“You expect me to believe that the giant dragon taking up the front lawn of my school is an actor?” Celestia glared. “How!?”

“An actor?” the rectangle questioned.

“Ummm, magic?” Twilight offered.

Celestia glared. “Then why is he barking like a dog?”

“Sound system error?” Shining offered.

“Yeah, that's pretty weird.” The rectangle added.

“You expect me to believe, that the two of you plus a talking dog and a giant dragon, that is casting a shadow over most of the school mind you, are actors with special effects and stage hands?” Celestia demanded. ”I want the truth!”

“Well okay. “ Twilight muttered. “ We're actually from another dimension accessed through a magic mirror connected to the back of this statue. We came through chasing a thief that stole my crown, which is really a super powerful artifact of harmony. The thief came from this world . My brothers chased her through and nearly caught her, but she got over here and escaped with the crown. I think she might have been from our world originally due to how she used magic and had no issues running around on her hooves, because the primary race on my side of the portal are ponies. Granted only Shining Armor here and I are ponies, my brother Spike there is a dog here but a dragon on the other side of the portal and the large dragon is Rahs who's a dog cat hybrid called a moon dog who's race was created by the goddess of the moon to patrol dreams and eat the chaos infecting the nightmares ponies have. Some how I pulled him into my world when I was little and now we're here.”

The tall woman stared at the four of them.

The Sparkle siblings stared back.

“So … Actors...” The rectangle stated.

“Right. A theater event. I'm going to cut the funding from the arts department to pay for the side walk and you can explain that to your teacher. “ Celestia shuddered before putting the phone back up to her ear and turning on her heel marching right back towards the building. “Did you get that officer?”

“Yes, much less paperwork this way. Special effects.” the rectangle stated agreeing far too quickly.

“Good now if you'll excuse me I need to see if Apple Annie's is open and clear out their ice cream cakes.” Celestia stated as she reentered the building.

“We should have asked her if she knew who the thief was.” Spike added.

“Damn it.” Shining and Twilight cursed.

“Wuff.” Rahs grinned as he called them out on their swearing.

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