• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,700 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

  • ...

First Date

Rose and Bladewing had quite a distance to travel to get to Fredericksmare’s commerce district. Most ponies in their situation would rather call for a carriage, but walking was not a problem. As they had nothing better to do, boredom will be very scarce, if not absent from their minds. Before long, the massive rectangular structures that composed the district were in their sights.

“You don’t have work today, right?” Bladewing forgot to inquire about Rose’s schedule before she and he left the house. He wasn’t anxious over it, but it was a concern nevertheless.

“Of course not,” Rose assured him with a smile, “I wouldn’t have visited you today if I did. Don’t worry about it.”

“Good. The last thing I’d want is for you to lose your job over me.”

“Don’t be silly. I’m the chef’s best waitress. Letting me go would be very bad for his business.”

“One never knows what may happen, Rose.” The pair pressed onward. Eventually, they arrived at a section of road lined with stands. The area was filled with festivity, nothing at all like what he’s seen so far.

“That’s odd,” Bladewing spoke in wonder, “I don’t recall seeing these here yesterday.”

“That’s because today is special, Bladewing. It’s the day of the Fortune Festival.”

“The Fortune Festival? What’s that?”

“It’s a special event that commemorates the founding of Fredericksmare. Once every year, the city’s merchants move their businesses outdoors, and the civilians celebrate with parties, plays, and lots of entertainment – all courtesy of the king himself.”

“Interesting. But let’s try not to get immersed in the festivities. We just came to get Ruby’s diapers.”

“Aw, come on, Bladewing,” the mare whined playfully, “Don’t you want to see what Fredericksmare has to offer? It’ll be a great way for us to spend time together.”

“Aren’t we already doing that?”

“Well, yes, but this is much more fun. Come on, handsome, what do you say? Will you let your mare show you a good time?” Rose put a hoof to the stallion’s cheek, and she looked at him with a seductive face. Bladewing really wanted to say no, but he could see that Rose was determined to make him happy.

“Well… I did agree to be her coltfriend. I should probably start getting used to this. A day’s worth of entertainment never hurt anypony.” With this on his conscience, he decided to yield to her request.

“*sigh* Fine. I might as well.” Rose giggled and leaned her head on his shoulder.

“Wonderful,” she murmured, nuzzling his cheek, “It’ll be fun, Bladewing, you’ll see.” Bladewing just forced a small grin before reverting to his uncertain expression. He enjoyed fun as much as the next stallion, but he was sure that partaking in the festival will potentially expose him to the public. He wanted to fully settle in Fredericksmare before he could accept any of the things that came with his notoriety, and that included the attention of its people. He prayed that whatever fun Rose had in mind would go by quickly.

The two ponies passed swiftly through the crowd as they searched the area for a stand with baby products. Some of the side lanes leading into the festival were blocked off with yellow tape, and the ones that weren’t extended the said festival in a different direction. Bladewing was astounded by what he saw. In one area, he found a large stage with actors enacting a scene from what he thought was a drama; in another, he found a large party being held in a park near the edge of the district; and in yet another area, he even found a gigantic metal wheel mounted on a fulcrum, with many two-person seats lined all around its circumference. He could hardly imagine what sort of experiences he would have here, but his unease still held him fast. His only comfort lied in the fact that Rose knew more of this place than he did.

“Oh, my,” Rose gasped, “I remember this thing.” She and Bladewing stood in front of a large machine filled with stuffed animals. An iron claw hung behind the glass casing containing the toys, and in front of the glass stood a control panel.

“What is it?”

“It’s an iron claw machine, Bladewing. I enjoyed these a lot when I was a little girl.”

“You don’t say. How does it work?”

“It’s simple: if you pay a bit to the machine, it will grant you control of the iron claw you see inside. The goal is to use the claw to grab the item you want. You only have one shot to get it, though, and you must do it within a short period of time.”

“Sounds easy enough. Have you ever caught anything?”

“*sigh* Just once. I got a hoof watch as my prize, but I’ve grown much too big for it.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s all right. I still had fun.” Bladewing thought carefully to himself as he looked at the prizes inside the machine.

“Hm… I think I can get something from the machine. I can’t imagine how many times she failed trying to get something she liked. She deserves a little something for her efforts, at least this once. Let’s see if I can make it happen.” A confident expression arose onto Bladewing’s face as he turned to his mare.

“What would you like from there, Rose?” Rose looked at Bladewing with joyous eyes.

“You’d get something from the machine? For me?”

“Well, it’s worth trying.” Rose felt her heart melt with glee. First she succeeded in making Bladewing her coltfriend, and now he was offering to get her something from the claw machine. It didn’t matter to her if he wound up faring no better than she did in her past. What he was doing showed her that he was opening his heart to her (albeit very slowly).

“That’s so kind of you, Bladewing. Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. Now, what would you like?”

“Let me see.” Rose skimmed through the pile in search of a good prize. “Ah, over there.” Rose pointed her hoof to a toy panda that lied near the back end of the machine. It was small compared to the other stuffed animals, but it was the only one equipped with a bowtie around its neck.

“That one?” Bladewing asked. Rose nodded lightly. “*chuckle* Very well. Consider him yours.” Bladewing was just about to reach into his saddlebag when he suddenly realized a massive flaw with his plan: he didn’t have any coins.

“*grunt* Blast! I just have these thousand-bit bills. I’ll have to exchange one of them for coins. But where can I-” Bladewing was interrupted by the sound of Ruby cooing from within the saddlebag. He looked to the little filly to find her playing with a single bit. It was quite a surprise for the pegasus.

“*giggle* I think Ruby wants to help,” Rose joked. She watched in enjoyment as Ruby held the coin to Bladewing’s face.

“Wonderful,” Bladewing spoke, taking the coin from her, “Thanks, Ruby.” The filly just smiled gleefully at him. Bladewing placed the coin into the machine and watched as both it and the claw whirred to life.

“Okay. Here we go.” Bladewing used the control panel to carefully position the iron claw over the toy panda. He took a deep breath before pressing a red button, and Rose watched in suspense as the claw lowered itself towards the panda. What the claw actually grabbed was nothing short of a miracle.

“*gasp* Oh my goddess!” Rose watch with fascination as a toy grizzly bear hung from a paw onto the claw along with the toy panda. The claw then moved towards a chute behind the control panel and released its cargo. The toys slid down the chute and into a bin underneath the panel. Rose picked up both toys and gave the bear to Bladewing.

“Talk about luck,” chuckled Bladewing. Rose meanwhile looked at the panda with longing in her eyes.

“He’s adorable,” she spoke softly, “I thought I’d never have one of these.”

“You do now, my dear. He’s all yours.” Rose leaned towards Bladewing to plant a kiss on his cheek. She giggled with delight as the blushing stallion caressed the area where she pecked him.

“You’re sweet, Bladewing,” the mare cooed, “Thank you.” Bladewing could feel a smile rise from his soul onto his face. He was still wary of his surroundings but on the inside, he felt as fuzzy as the toy panda Rose held in her hooves.

“That went better than I thought,” he thought comfortably to himself, “Now I just have to hope everything else goes as smoothly.” Bladewing could see one of Ruby’s hooves come towards his face from the corner of his eye. She wasn’t whining or anything, but the pegasus had a good idea of what she wanted from him.

“All right, little one,” he murmured, giving her the teddy bear, “You can have it.” Bladewing smiled with joy as Ruby hugged the bear with a smile of her own. His success with the machine was a very small victory, but seeing her and Rose so happy definitely made it a moment to remember.

“*ahem* Right, then. It’s time to get moving. Are you ready, Rose?”

“Oh, yes,” she replied with determination, “Let’s go.” With that, the two ponies pressed on.

It wasn’t long before they arrived at an entertainment-oriented part of the district. Stands displaying many different kinds of games and activities stood on the street in lieu of its more commercial counterparts. Rose wanted to have fun with Bladewing more than anything, but she understood the dilemma he was in. She made sure that none of the things they tried forced Bladewing into removing his hood.

The pair started off their session of fun with a game. An earth pony stallion sat above a tank filled with water. The goal was to hit the target to the side of the tank with a ball. Upon her turn, Rose tried twice to hit it but failed each time (the target was quite high). On the third time, however, Bladewing decided to intervene. He grinned mischievously as he cautiously altered the ball’s trajectory using the Force. Needless to say, the ball scored a successful hit. The seat below the earth pony stallion gave way, and he fell into the tank with an epic SPLASH!. The crowd behind Bladewing stomped their hooves in applause, and he smiled as another earth pony presented Rose with her prize. It was a small necklace gilded with gold and encrusted with rubies. Not much of a prize to aristocratic ponies, but Bladewing thought it looked fabulous on her. The pegasus patted her gently on the shoulder before carrying on with their search.

Another game ensued for the duo, but this one was a little harder. There was a square pressure plate connected to a thermometer-like pole. The goal for this game was to buck the plate hard enough to ring a bell on the pole’s top. Several stallions tried – a massive, muscular one was the last to go – but none were successful. Rose nuzzled Bladewing in a cute effort to persuade him to give it a go. Bladewing, of course, was all too happy to oblige. The unicorn watched with hearts floating around her head as her stallion stepped up to the plate. The other stallions (and especially the burly one) sneered at him, anticipating a massive failure from the pegasus. Bladewing just returned their stares with a smirk, using the Force again to amplify the strength of his kick. What a spectacle it was to hear the bell go off with a loud DING!. Another pegasus awarded Bladewing with a gold pocket watch, its outer edge glittering with tiny diamonds. After placing the watch in his saddlebag, Bladewing walked away with his mare, chuckling ever so softly as he passed the now wide-eyed, mouth-agape stallions. It was more than anypony could say about their muscular companion: he lied passed out next to them, apparently shocked to see himself outdone by a smaller pony.

Rose and Bladewing passed through the crowd feeling luckier than a pair of lottery winners. They still couldn’t find what they needed, but Bladewing didn’t mind the wait – the fun he was having was a massive help. However, he was careful not to let his pleasure cloud his senses. The last thing he wanted was for some random pony to accidentally take off his hood while he was enjoying himself.

Eventually, the two ponies arrived near a park. They were excited to have won twice in a row, but the scenery of the park offered a more calming sensation. Birds chirped happily with one another in the trees; squirrels were scurrying about in search in acorns; and many a civilian sat on benches enjoying the simplistic beauty of the park. For all intents and purposes, this park was an oasis for those who sought stress relief. To Bladewing in particular, it was even more so. This tranquility was just what he needed to keep himself composed and focused on his task.

Unfortunately for Bladewing, this tranquility was cut short. He and Rose suddenly heard the whimpering of a young unicorn colt up ahead. They looked closer and noticed that the poor boy dropped an ice cream cone. The boy’s father pulled out a wallet to get him another cone from the vendor, only to realize it was empty. Rose was disturbed by this scene, and she looked up to Bladewing with worried eyes. Bladewing didn’t like it any more than she did, and he inevitably decided to help.

Bladewing approached the vendor and asked that he give the boy another cone. As soon as Bladewing gave him the money, the stallion served the little colt a cone exactly like the one he dropped earlier. Bladewing then gave the watch he won earlier to the boy’s father. The unicorn in turn graciously shook Bladewing’s hoof, thanking him for his generosity.

“Son,” he said to his little one, “What do you say to the stallion?” The boy looked up at Bladewing with the cutest of smiles.

“Thank you,” he spoke softly. Bladewing just chuckled and gently ruffled the little colt’s mane with a hoof, walking with Rose away from the park. He left the area feeling very good about himself, a sentiment that was only reinforced as Rose pecked him again on his cheek.

“What did I tell you, handsome? You’re sweet.” Bladewing didn’t bother with a reply. The grin he had on his face was all he needed to show how he felt… and so far, he felt glorious.

All in all, they spent two hours looking (and quite a few bits), but it was worth it. A stand with a baby bottle icon on the side of its canvas signaled to Rose and Bladewing that they finally reached their destination. As one would expect of such a place, most of the ponies here were couples. Some had foals with them; others were anticipating them; and to a lesser extent, there were even couples here who plan to have a brood of their own. Without a doubt, this area was very family-oriented, a setting that proved very comforting to Bladewing. Foolish was the media pony who dared to think about raiding this place in search of him.

“*sigh* Finally. We made it.” Bladewing felt much of his woes melt away as he stepped foot underneath the awning of the stand; Rose, however, was sad that her fun with Bladewing had come to an end, but the cuteness of the infants she saw here cheered her back up (albeit to a certain point.)

“Yes, we have,” she mused, “Now let’s get those diapers.” Bladewing looked around for the owner of this stand. He soon found her talking to a pregnant mare accompanied by her husband. He waited for her to finish talking with them before tapping her on the shoulder. The earth pony turned to face him with a happy demeanor.

“Hello, sir,” she greeted him, “and welcome to the Fortune Festival edition of Pride ‘N’ Joy. How may I help you?”

“I would like to buy some diapers, please.”

“No problem. Follow me.” The mare led Bladewing to a stack of boxes loaded with diaper packs. Bladewing took two of the larger packs and then followed the mare to a desk containing a register.

“Will that be all for you, sir?” she asked Bladewing, activating the register.


“All righty, then. Your total is twenty bits.” Bladewing felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders as he paid the mare for the diapers.

“Thank you. Since you’re among our first one hundred customers, you’ll also receive a free jar of baby food as a bonus.”


"*chuckle* Yep. It’s Pride ‘N’ Joy’s way of helping couples meet the needs of their little ones. I’m sure the misses would love to give her little lady a healthy snack.” Rose’s cheeks flared from her statement. This mare thought she was Bladewing’s wife (and Ruby her daughter).

“Um…” The unicorn suddenly felt Bladewing’s hoof on her shoulder, and she looked to him with a flustered expression.

“Well, we have to get going,” Bladewing said to the mare, putting the jar in his bag, “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, sir. Please come again.” Bladewing walked hastily with Rose out of the stand. It was only after they were out of earshot of the ponies there that the two said anything further.

“*sigh* Okay… that was awkward. Where did she get the idea that Ruby was our daughter?”

“Well, she is accompanying us, Bladewing. I can’t say I blame her.”

“I guess not. It was still awkward, though.”

“I don’t know. *giggle* I actually like the idea of being Mrs. Bladewing.” The stallion looked at Rose with a playful glare.

“Don’t get your hopes up, Rose. You still have to earn my love. Only then will I consider being more than a coltfriend.”

“I know, I know. By goddess, you’re a shrewd one.” Bladewing couldn’t help but grin mischievously.

“Nah. I’m just making sure I don’t fall for a gold digger.” Rose’s eyes shot wide open in surprise, and the two ponies stopped on the spot.

“*gasp* You didn’t. I know you didn’t just call me a gold digger.”

“*chuckle* And what if I have, dear lady? What are you going to do? Tell Daddy on me?”

“Ooh, you cheeky bastard,” Rose spoke with irritation, raising a hoof to strike him, “You shall regret that.”

“Ah, ah, ah. Not in front of Ruby. What would Mrs. Heart think if you exposed her daughter to violence? ‘Ooh, that is IT, Bladewing! I don’t want that brute anywhere near my sweet little Ruby ever again… and unless you want your foals to turn out like her, then I suggest you marry a mare who knows how to be a PROPER lady.'” An amused expression was all over Bladewing’s face just as Rose’s seethed with one of anger. It was mostly because of the happy look on Ruby’s face, however, that Rose inevitably decided to calm down… and the fact that Bladewing was only playing with her. With a playful sob, she put her hoof back to the ground.

“Yes. Payback is a real pain in the flank, isn’t she, my dear?” Rose looked at Bladewing with a feigned saddened look in her eyes.

“What do you mean, ‘payback’?” she cried, “What did I ever do to deserve such cruelty from you?”

“Remember earlier? When you smiled as you had me pressed against the cabinet?" Rose blushed deeply, grinning nervously as she struggled to make a comeback.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. I had no such pleasure."

"*chuckle* Don't play innocent with me, you lustful mare. You know what I'm talking about, and you know I'm right. You actually tried to seduce me back there. Admit it." Rose looked away from him in shame, as Bladewing had exposed her intentions.

"That's not what I was doing," she spoke defiantly, "I-I just happened to enjoy being so close to you. Is it so wrong for a girl to get comfortable with a boy she's interested in?"

"Heh. Comfortable indeed. You were getting off seeing how I reacted to your come-ons, weren't you? You saw how desperate I was for you to stop, but oh no... you pressed onto me like a she-wolf in heat closing in on a potential mate.” The stallion hit her hard, as he could see in the deep blushing that quickly filled the mare’s face. She knew he was telling the truth… and she had no choice but to accept it.

“Oh, fine. You win.”

“Thank you.” Bladewing wrapped a foreleg around her shoulders. “But don’t worry, Rose. We’re as good as even now.” Rose giggled and leaned her head close to his.

“Smug colt,” she cooed, nuzzling him, “You’re lucky you’ve been so sweet to me.”

“Whatever you say,” Bladewing mused, “Now let’s get-” A sudden gust of wind interrupted Bladewing. It pulled down his hood in less than a second, exposing the surprised stallion’s face.

“Bladewing,” Rose gasped, “Your hood…”

“I know,” he replied, putting the hood back on, “Crikey, that was close. I hope nopony-”

“*gasp* Look over there!” cried a mare ahead of them, “Is that Bladewing?!” Bladewing grinned nervously as he turned his gaze to her. A crowd of mares slowly formed behind her.

“Um, sorry, miss!” he called out to her, “I think you-”

“OMG, it is!” cried another mare, “Look at him. He’s even hotter in person.” Sweat could be seen slowly forming on Bladewing’s forehead.

“I don’t think they want to listen, Bladewing,” Rose murmured to him.

“So I’ve noticed,” Bladewing murmured back, “We need to get out of here and fast.”

“Agreed. We’ll make a break for it on your go.” Bladewing stood still for a moment as he thought up a plan. The only factor in his favor was that these mares were no ordinary fans, but that was all he needed.

“How about a deal, girls?” he asked, “The first mare who can guess my age can have my foal.” Rose looked at him with blushed cheeks.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“What else? I’m creating a distraction.”

“And just how is impregnating one of these girls going to-… oh. Never mind.” Bladewing just smiled and refocused on the crowd… and not a moment too soon. One of the unicorn mares suddenly raised her hoof.

“*gasp* I know! Is it twenty?”

“*chuckle* You got it.” Bladewing watched humorously as the mare hopped with excitement.

“Yeah! Suck it, ladies! This stallion’s MINE!” Rose couldn’t help but chuckle as she watched the other mares groan in disappointment.

“In your dreams, sister,” she retorted with a grin, “He’s already taken.”

“Right you are, love,” Bladewing said to the mare, “I’ll be more than happy to have a child with you… right after we’re married, of course.”

“That was the idea, stud,” she replied with a seductive tone, “But what do you say we get hitched right now?” Bladewing’s plan was coming along nicely. Her question was exactly what the stallion needed to hear.

“That’s going to cost extra, I’m afraid. You’ll have to complete one more challenge first.”

“*giggle* You got it. What do I have to do?”

“You have to catch me.” Bladewing quickly turned his head to Rose and yelled, “NOW!” Upon his command, Rose galloped with Bladewing away from the crowd of mares as fast as their hooves could carry them. The unicorn mare standing with them felt her heart aching with worry.

“Don’t just stand there!” she yelled to her fellow mares, “After him! Bridesmaids positions for the mares who capture that stallion!” The girls rapidly broke into a frenzy and galloped after the duo, following them on a very frantic goose chase.

“I think I understand why you wanted to lay low, Bladewing!”

“See what I mean?! It’s situations like these that make me uncomfortable showing my face in public!”

“Well, we’re going to need a plan if we’re getting out of THIS one!” Bladewing skimmed the landscape ahead of him for anything that can help him and Rose lose their pursuers. A road that was blocked off by yellow tape soon gave him an idea.

“I got it! This way!” Bladewing stopped near the road section, turning around to face a group of barrels. He used the Force to swiftly knock them over. He didn’t have time to see if the move worked, though. The mares were only seconds behind him.

“Okay, Bladewing,” Rose gasped, “Now what?”

“See this building here?” Rose nodded as the stallion pointed at a structure next to him. “Okay. Hop onto my back and I’ll fly us to the top.” The idea was foolhardy to Rose, but she didn’t have time to question him. She could hear the screams of his “fans” getting louder with each second. She mounted him and held on tightly, praying to the powers that be that he knew what he was doing.

She didn’t know how, but it worked. A strange sensation filled her body as she felt herself fly with Bladewing into the air. Before long, they were both within the safety of the rooftop.

“Okay,” Bladewing said with a sigh, “We should be safe here. Let’s see if we lost them.” The pair silenced themselves as they lied on their stomachs near the rooftop’s edge. Bladewing himself was satisfied to find most of the mares (and the one unicorn) knocked down next to one another. Although they all tried their best to slow down, they were still unable to keep from slamming into the barrels Bladewing knocked over earlier. Bladewing and Rose watched in amusement as the mares (and their unicorn leader) slowly regained their composure.

“*grunt* Damn it,” the unicorn mare spoke, “I think we lost him. Somepony look around from the sky, quickly.”

“I got this,” a pegasus mare replied. Bladewing stood frozen with fear as she flew overhead. With no cover around to cloak them, she was able to spot Bladewing and Rose very easily. The situation could be likened to an eagle finding a pair of brown rabbits against a snow bank.

“*gasp* I found him!”

“Great!” the unicorn yelled, “Where is he?!”

“He’s on the-” The pegasus suddenly felt a strange sensation flood inside her head, instantly shutting her up. Rose was perplexed.

“What the…?” The mare turned to look at Bladewing but was shocked to find him pointing a hoof at her. His eyes were closed and he was muttering something under his breath. He reopened them after a short while, lowering his hoof while the pegasus mare likewise shook her head of the lightheaded feeling.

“Well?!” The mare looked down to the unicorn calling out to her.

“False alarm. It’s just a statue I saw.”

“What about that unicorn girl?! She was running away with him! She might tell us where he is if we can catch her!”

“I can’t see her either.”

“*grunt* Damn. I was so close.” One of the other mares standing with her placed a compassionate hoof on the frustrated unicorn.

“Don’t take it too hard, sugar,” said the earth pony, “It ain’t easy catchin’ his type.” The unicorn sighed in deep frustration.

“Yeah. If only I knew that sooner.” As soon as the pegasus mare landed, the unicorn and the others dispersed and carried on with their day. The unicorn in particular left the area feeling she lost a fortune. Rose, meanwhile, had a very hard time comprehending what she just witnessed.

“How did you do that?” Bladewing looked at her with indifference.

“Call it magic.”

“Magic? But you don’t have a horn… or a wand, for that matter.”

“It’s difficult to explain, Rose. I can’t even remember how I learned it.”

“*sigh* Fair enough. Can we get down now? Heights make me uncomfortable.”

“Sure. Hop on.” The unicorn mounted him once more, closing her eyes tight as he gently lowered her back to the ground. She spotted a kerchief lying behind Ruby’s back, and she used it to wipe as much of the sweat from her forehead as she could.

“Thanks. This feels much better.”

“No problem. Now let’s get home, before anypony else tries looking for me.” A loud growling sound suddenly emerged from Rose’s stomach, and Bladewing raised an eyebrow in question.

“Um… would it be okay if we eat first? I feel a bit famished right now.” Bladewing hesitated for a bit. Going back to the festivities was definitely a bad idea for him, especially since his cloak will no longer conceal him as effectively as before; however, his stomach had other ideas. He heard it rambling in hunger, as if it were angry at him for his hesitation. For the moment, at least, Bladewing decided to agree. He had to satisfy his own craving before it wound up disorienting his senses.

“All right,” he murmured, “Let’s see if we can find a food stand here.” The two ponies were still exhausted, but they were relieved to know nopony was after them for now. They walked back into the festival with one final goal: to nourish themselves with good food.

Twenty minutes have passed before Rose and Bladewing found the stand of a restaurant. By this point in time, they were quite hungry, and they quickly sat themselves down at a table. A unicorn waiter passed by their table holding a napkin on his foreleg and two menus in his magic.

“Bonjour, monsieur, mademoiselle,” he greeted them, giving them the menus, “And welcome to ze Fortune Festival edition of ‘Le Riposte’. What can I get for ze two of you today?” The two ponies took a good look at the menus while the waiter pulled out a notepad and pencil.

“I’ll take a plate of spaghetti with extra mushrooms,” Rose said to him, “along with a cup of coffee.”

“Very well, miss.” The waiter jotted down her order. “And you, sir?”

“Hm… can I get two slices of vegetable pizza? And a tankard of… ginger ale, was it?”

“Of course, mon ami. I’ll return with your orders before you know it.” Bladewing carefully moved Ruby from his saddlebag to the raised chair next to him, just as the waiter walked away with their orders. He slouched in his seat feeling he escaped Hell.

“*sigh* Finally. A bit of respite.”

“I’ll say,” added Rose with a grin, “That was some excitement we had back there, wasn’t it?”

“Speak for yourself, Rose. I couldn’t have felt more terrified if I were being eaten alive.”

“Oh, please. I saw the look on your face when you started smooth-talking that girl. Admit it: you LOVE being a ladies’ colt.” The mare was amused to find her stallion blushing and pouting in defiance.

“You’re mad. What pleasure would I find in dousing myself in all that female energy? I’m but a single stallion, and I want nothing more than to live in peace.”

“*chuckle* Well, you’re not exactly single now, are you? But don’t worry: you’ll get your peace. Those mares will never touch you so long as you’re mine.”

“Oh, I feel very safe with you, Ms. Stalker Mare. Who needs bodyguards when I have you watching my flanks?” Rose looked at Bladewing with a playful sneer.

“You’d best show your mare some respect, boy. She might be the only thing standing between you and death by estrus.” The mare’s gaze quickly quelled any comeback that surfaced in his mind, forcing the stallion to gulp nervously.

“Um... then again, any safety is better than none.” Rose cracked a sassy smile.

“That’s more like it.” Bladewing shot a disdainful expression at the victorious mare, right when the waiter returned with their orders. Bladewing watched with a surprised look in his eyes as he served him and Rose their food.

“Whoa. That was fast.”

“Zat’s one of ze benefits of dining here, monsieur,” the waiter replied joyously, “On ze day of ze festival, we at ‘Le Riposte’ pride ourselves with having our best cuisines ready at ze moment’s notice. Enjoy.” The stallion returned to his job, leaving Bladewing and Rose to their meals.

Now that his task was finally complete, Bladewing let his stress slip from his body. He pulled from his saddlebag the note he received from Mountain Wind. It was a wonder it didn’t float away in the wind while he was on the run.

“What’s that?” Rose swallowed the fork-load of spaghetti she had in her mouth as she looked at the note in Bladewing’s hoof.

“It’s a note from King Mountain Wind,” he spoke, sipping his ale, “It came in a package I got from a courier. You know, when we heard that knocking.”

“Interesting. What did it say?”

“The king invited me to visit his palace tomorrow at noon. He said he was considering me for a seat in his Council.”

“Really?” Bladewing nodded his head. “Nice. It’s not often the king chooses somepony to be a Council knight.”

“*chuckle* I’ll bet. I’d be more enthusiastic if I knew where his palace was, though.”

“Leave that part to me, Bladewing. I can take you there, no problem.”

“You know where it is?”

“Mm-hm. I can stop by your place at 11:00 and we can walk to the palace from there. That is… if you don’t mind bringing me along.”

“Well, the king didn’t really say I should go alone, so… why not?”

“Great. This should be much easier than getting Ruby’s diapers.”

“I hope so.” The table went silent as the pair enjoyed their moment of comfort.

Rose and Bladewing soon found themselves on the streets of Fredericksmare once more. They were walking side by side with full stomachs and (for the most part) a low profile. It was hardly noon, but they had quite a time in those three hours. This was especially surprising for Bladewing. He wasn’t pleased to have been chased for a whole two minutes by a group of fan girls, but he couldn’t deny that it had his heart racing. He never felt so alive in all his time here than in that short period. And then there was that moment with the iron claw machine. Seeing Rose so happy gave him a very comforting feeling. His heart was still far from aflutter, though, for she had yet to earn his love. However, that tender moment was a very good start, not to mention all the others they had after that. Bladewing looked forward to whatever else this mare had in store for him.

“Wow, look at this.” Rose pointed out a tall red box to Bladewing. It was sitting near where the two first walked into the festival, and the doorway was covered by a curtain.

“Um… that’s not an outhouse, is it?” Rose giggled and nuzzled Bladewing reassuringly.

“Don’t worry. It’s just a photo booth.”

“Ah, good. What’s a photo booth?”

“It’s a special booth where ponies can pay to take pictures of themselves. What do you say we take some together?” In spite of the seductive pose Rose put up for him, Bladewing hesitated to agree.

“I really think we should get home, Rose. We got what we came for.”

“Well, yes, but… today’s special. We became a couple today, remember?”

“We have… but since when does a couple need photos to remember their pastimes?”

“It’s like you said: one never knows what may happen. What happens, for instance, if one day we found ourselves separated from each other? Taking photos would ensure that we could look back at those pastimes.” Bladewing knew she had a point. He didn’t know her enough to feel as she did, but he could see why she would ask for such things.

“I guess it would, wouldn’t it?” Rose suddenly brought Bladewing in for a hug, taking the stallion almost completely by surprise. He didn’t bother to pull away, though. He could feel the soothing warmth of her body penetrate through his robes as she nestled in his embrace.

“Yes,” she murmured, looking up to him, “Wouldn’t you want to remember how happy you made me feel this day? Or how far I got you out of your shell? I know I would.”

“Ah, so THAT’s what I heard upstairs.” Bladewing remembered hearing a noise from his room at the moment he received his package. Until now, he assumed it was just his imagination. He was relieved to find out it was Rose being ecstatic over getting a coltfriend.

“Of course I would,” he assured her, “I mean, sure, I didn’t expect to have a marefriend by my side today; but I got one anyway. How often does a stallion receive such good fortune?”

“See? That’s all the more reason why pictures are so valuable: they allow us to preserve precious moments like these for life.” The mare slowly placed a hoof on his left cheek.

“What do you say, handsome? Will you join me?” Bladewing could see that she was serious (albeit in an appealing kind of way). However, he didn’t have to worry about hiding his face at this point. The exit was literally a few feet away. He couldn’t see any harm in taking a few pictures if he was so close to the clear.

“*sigh* Why do I keep falling for that?” Rose smiled with bliss as she pecked him on the cheek for the final time today.

“Hm… could it be, because you love me?” Bladewing beamed a look of pity at the wily mare as he walked with her inside.

“Nice try, ‘love’,” he mused with a grin, “But I’ll be drunk off my flank before I grant you my love that easily.” Bladewing was quite amused to find his mare sticking her tongue out at him with temporarily closed eyes. It was a childish move, but the cute look on her face prevented him from asking her to stop.

For the next minute or so, the two ponies tried various poses in front of the booth’s camera… and for once, Bladewing was carefree. He felt great to have let go of his woes (even if it’s just for now). The time he was spending with Rose now felt more like it should: soothing and tranquil. It was so enjoyable, in fact, that he even put a bit of creativity into the photos. The last two had the best from it.

In one of the photos, Ruby was hugging her teddy bear with a smile. Rose and Bladewing were at her sides, sandwiching her as they smiled into the camera with her. The last one didn’t have Ruby in it, but in no way did her absence diminish its value. In this photo, Rose was nestling in his forelegs, holding the toy panda he won for her earlier. Bladewing was smiling as he gently nuzzled his mare’s face with closed eyes. He had a hard time believing it, but he was starting to feel an attraction for this mare. She showed him a good time, just as she said she would. It wasn’t enough to persuade him to love her, but he understood now that he could count on her to lift his spirit, even if it’s just for a while. If there was one thing she earned from him today, it was this: his trust.

With their main objective complete, Rose and Bladewing made their way back to the Heart residence. It was fortunate that they decided to return when they did: Blaze lied on the couch with her wings dangling from her sides. She was bored out of her mind, and the TV had nothing good for her to watch. With nothing keeping her busy, the mare felt like she was slowly fading away.

“This stinks,” she murmured, grunting wearily, “It’s been three hours now and those two are still not here yet. *sigh* Oh, well. I hope Bladewing doesn’t mind if I snooze in his bed for a bit.” Blaze walked slowly towards his room. She hopped onto the bed and tucked herself well beneath the covers. She pondered what in Equestria would be keeping Rose and Bladewing away for so long as she stared at the alarm clock to her side.

“Heh. I bet they’re having the time of their lives right now. *yawn* It’s only natural. That’s no groupie Bladewing… has with him.” The last of Blaze’s consciousness faded from her soul as she closed her eyes to rest.

It was not until 10 minutes later that Rose and Bladewing finally arrived. They stood quietly at the front door, with little Ruby still hugging her bear.

“Oh, dear,” Bladewing spoke with concern, “How are we going to explain the situation to Blaze?”

“Simple. We’ll just tell her we got lost.”

“And the toys?”

“They’re Ruby’s.”

“Do you really think she’ll believe that?”

“*chuckle* As much as you think she’s going to get mad that we took so long.”

“I just want to avoid a confrontation. Is that so wrong?” Bladewing knocked lightly on the door before Rose could come up with an answer. The house remained silent. Bladewing knocked again, this time a little harder. No response came that time, either.

“Blaze,” Bladewing called out, “It’s us. Can you let us in?” His voice was clear, but Blaze still didn’t come.

"*sigh* Brilliant. She’s probably taking a nap or something.”

“Look on the bright side,” Rose mused, “At least you don’t have to explain anything to her.”

“We’ll see. It’s a good thing I know where the spare key is.” Bladewing lifted one of the corners of the welcome mat to reveal a silver key underneath. After unlocking the door with it, he and Rose stepped quietly into the house, hoping their hoofsteps won’t wake up Blaze. They were surprised to find both the kitchen and the living room empty.

“Ah, no wonder she didn’t answer,” Rose said pensively, “She’s not even here.”

“Here on this floor, that is,” Bladewing corrected her, “She’s probably upstairs in my bedroom. Let’s go.” Rose nodded and followed Bladewing to his room. He opened the door a little bit and the two took a peek inside.

“*giggle* I’ll be,” Rose whispered, “The poor girl’s fast asleep.”

“I thought as much,” Bladewing whispered back, “Come on.” The two ponies let themselves into the room. The sound of the door closing shut disturbed Blaze, and she slowly sat herself upright.

“Hey, guys,” Blaze yawned, stretching her forelimbs, “What took ya?”

“Sorry about that, Blaze,” Rose said to her, “We, um… got a little sidetracked.” She took a brief glance at Ruby, who was still playing happily with her toy.

“I’ll bet,” she joked, “What happened?” With any tall tale they had completely rendered useless, Bladewing cleared his throat for a short explanation.

“Unfortunately, Blaze,” he spoke, looking at Rose, “A certain lady of mine decided to show me a good time at the Fortune Festival.” Bladewing grinned in amusement as Rose flushed her cheeks with a smile. “I tried to convince her that it wasn’t necessary but no… she wanted to have fun with me more than she wanted to help me get Ruby’s diapers.”

“*sigh* That’s my bestie for ya. Give her a guy like you and she’ll forget everything else.”

“This gentlecolt is mad,” Rose pouted, “He WANTED me to do it. Ask him.”

“Give me a break, Rose. I know your type. You sweet-talked him into it, didn’t you?” Blaze smiled mischievously as her unicorn friend rubbed a foreleg nervously.

“Only a little bit.”

“Ha! I bet it was more than just a bit, wasn’t it, Bladewing?” Bladewing nodded his head lightly, much to the unicorn’s dismay.

“Oh, yes. I didn’t mind, though.” Bladewing suddenly brought Rose close with a foreleg. “She was true to her word. I had more fun today than I ever experienced back at my duel.”

“Ah, do tell.” After releasing Rose from his grasp, Bladewing proceeded to tell Blaze their story…

* * *

“Aw, man. Your foal, you said?” Bladewing smiled and nodded lightly, evoking a laugh out of Blaze. “Wow. I can’t believe she fell for it.”

“I was hoping she would. They still wound up chasing us, but that gamble bought us enough time to escape.”

“Nice.” The sound of Ruby cooing suddenly caught Blaze’s attention. She glanced in her direction only to find her holding the photos Bladewing and Rose took earlier.

“Dude,” she spoke, taking the photos from her hooves, “What do we have here?”

“Those are some photos we took before leaving the festival. All courtesy of Ms. Stalker Mare here.” Rose just giggled and lightly punched Bladewing’s shoulder as Blaze looked at the photos more closely. The expressions within them gave the pegasus a more vivid idea of just how happy Rose and Bladewing really were. The last one in particular had her heart moving.

“Aw, that’s so cute,” she cooed, “You’re showing such deep passion for Rose in this one. It’s like you’re in love with her already.”

“You wish I were,” Bladewing mused, “I was just repaying her for the favor. She has yet to prove she is worthy of my heart.”

“That’s not what I’m seeing here. Heck, just look at it. What kind of stallion gets this close with a mare and says he’s not even a BIT in love?”

“The kind that loathes being misunderstood?” Bladewing watched tensely as the mare sneered playfully at him.

“*chuckle* Oh, I understand ya. But ya know what I think, stud? I think you’re secretly head over hooves for Rose, but you’re too shy to admit it.” Blaze could see her facade was working perfectly. Bladewing cringed and rubbed his foreleg timidly, and a small blush could be seen across his face.

“That’s not true… well, not ENTIRELY, anyway.” Rose was flattered, but she still didn’t like how Blaze was treating her stallion. A smile spread across her face as she wrapped her forelegs around his neck, catching him off guard.

“*chuckle* That’s enough, Blaze. I won’t have you making my coltfriend uncomfortable. Especially not after all he’s been through today.”

“Chill, Rose. I’m just playing with him.”

“Well, I suggest you stop. Maybe he loves me, and maybe he doesn’t. Either way, he doesn’t have to tell me. That decision is entirely up to him and you know it.”

“*sigh* Fine. I’m sorry.”

“Good.” Rose smiled expecting Bladewing to be happier. He certainly felt a little better, but she could still see the slight hint of unease floating in his eyes.

“Pay her no heed, handsome,” she spoke softly, “You don’t have to admit ANYTHING. If there’s one thing I learned from you today, it’s this: love is never taken… only earned. I’m perfectly content with your silence, if that’s how you want it.”

“It’s not that,” he assured her, removing her hooves, “I just want to know you better before I can say whether or not I love you. I’ve no doubt that I’ll enjoy spending time with you, but I’ve yet to see if I’ll truly feel such a thing.”

“I understand. I’m by your side whether you tell me or not.”

“Thanks.” A sudden thought occurred to Blaze. She took a glance at her hoof watch and groaned at the time it read.

“Damn. We’re so screwed.”

“What is it, Blaze?” Rose asked curiously.

“Remember Coral?”

“That new girl the chef hired yesterday?”

“Yeah, her. We told her we’d show her the ropes in the waitress gig today, remember?”

“*gasp* Oh, goddess. I’ve completely forgotten that. Do we still have time?”

“We’re late. There IS no time.”

“*sigh* Great. I guess we’ll have to make it up to her.”

“Shoot, we’re lucky if she’s still at her place. We gotta get over there, and fast.”

“See if you can stall for me. I’ll catch up in a bit.”

“I’ll try.” Blaze got off Bladewing’s bed and exited the room, leaving Rose alone with the stallion (albeit for a short while).

“You should get going,” Bladewing warned, “I don’t want to make you more late than you already are.”

“I know. But I need to know something first.”

“About what?”

“You know: how you feel about me.”

“Now really isn’t a good time, Rose. I already told you why.”

“I’m not asking that you pour it all out. Just a hint. Can you give me that?”

“*sigh* All right. I suppose you earned that much today.”

“*giggle* Wonderful. So?”

“Let’s put it this way: I can count on you to put a smile on my face.” Rose smiled and hugged Bladewing closely.

“Thank you,” she spoke, releasing him, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Farewell.” Bladewing watched as Rose exited the room back into Fredericksmare’s streets. Ruby all of a sudden began cooing again, and Bladewing turned his head to look at her.

“*chuckle* Don’t you worry, little one,” he murmured to her, “Your old uncle hasn’t forgotten his promise. Let us play.” The little filly giggled as Bladewing took her into the nursery. The room wasn’t as lively as the festival, but the time was no less fun for Bladewing. The sound of little Ruby giggling and playing happily with him was all that mattered to him. It was the only thing he needed to pass the time while he waited for her parents to return.