• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,701 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

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RING! RING! RING!... It was 8:55 in the morning and the loud blaring of a digital alarm clock sounded within Bladewing’s bedroom, a noise that robbed Bladewing of a good day’s start. Though he was well rested, he felt much too lazy to turn it off, even with Force powers. This morning, his reasoning was comparable to that of a primate. He took his pillow and slammed it hard against the mechanical device. Both were knocked onto the floor, but the crude tactic did the job well. The clock was instantly silenced.

“*yawn* Infernal machine. That’ll teach you to ruin somepony’s dream.” The stallion grunted as he got out of his bed and stretched his limbs. He unfurled his wings carefully, making sure the feathers didn’t accidentally cut anything. They spread wide across his sides like huge fans, a scene that can make any peacock jealous… well, if there was ever a peacock that knew such emotions.

The stallion suddenly noticed the morning light coming through his bedroom window. After carefully retracting his wings, he approached it and took a look outside. The life-giving light of the sun illuminated the now very busy streets of Fredericksmare. Nature was almost nonexistent in this scene, but Bladewing appreciated the sight all the same. After all, who can say pony-made landscapes can’t be glamorous?

“This feels nice. It would’ve been better if I didn’t get such a rude awakening, but it’s good all the same. I wonder if Diamond and Topaz are awake.” Bladewing’s robes hung on a coat hanger next to his desk. After quickly putting them on, he departed from his room towards the kitchen. The stallion prayed those two had a better start to the day than he did.

Sure enough, Bladewing found them downstairs; however, they were actually seated at the living room table enjoying pancakes – yet another dish Bladewing was unfamiliar with. The food hardly mattered to him, though; by this point in time, he’s learned to appreciate pony delicacies. Topaz was all but finished with her meal, and she was busy feeding Ruby applesauce while her husband was still chowing down on his. The pair heard hoofsteps coming towards them, and they quickly turned to face Bladewing.

“Good morning, Bladewing,” Topaz greeted him, “How are you? I trust you slept well?”

“*yawn* I did,” he replied, taking a seat next to Diamond, “Would’ve been better if I didn’t get such a loud wake-up call. How about you two?”

“Oh, we slept quite comfortably. Our start was a bit different, though.”

“It was,” Diamond added, “We were actually supposed to wake at eight, but somehow OUR alarm clock failed to rouse us. It’s funny how yours rang while ours didn’t.”

“You should thank Fate for that, Diamond,” Bladewing assured him, “At least YOU weren’t woken from a pleasant dream.”

“*hiss* Ooh. Lost that, did you?” The pegasus nodded his head. “Oh, dear. I hope it wasn’t TOO good a dream.”

“Nah. It was hardly a utopia.”

“*sigh* Good. Nothing says bad mornings like losing one of those.”

“Ah, but there IS such a thing.”

“Oh? And what do you call that?”

“A nightmare.” The trio laughed heartily at Bladewing’s pun… and to an extent, even Ruby.

“Whew, boy. I didn’t see THAT one coming.”

“*chuckle* Not too shabby for a fighter, eh?”

“Not bad at all. That could brighten up almost anypony’s day.”

“Well, it certainly brightened mine. But I digress.” There was a small plate stacked with pancakes in the middle of the table, along with a pitcher filled with coffee and a syrup bottle.

“May I?” he asked Topaz.

“But of course, Bladewing,” she replied with a grin, “Help yourself.” The pegasus grabbed a nearby empty plate and mug and engorged on the hearty breakfast. He was going to take sip of the freshly brewed beverage when Diamond stopped him with a hoof.

“Hold on, Bladewing,” he warned, “You sure you want it black?” The pegasus looked at him quizzically.

“What do you mean?”

“The coffee. It’s considered black when you drink it without adding sugar or cream. It’s quite bitter on its own.”

“Hm…” Bladewing tried a sip, but he quickly regretted it. He gently placed the mug back on the table with a remorseful expression on his face. The Hearts watched in amusement.

“Yep,” he spoke, smacking his lips, “It’s bitter.”

“Told you. Pass him the sugar, darling, will you?” Topaz grinned as she gently slid a small jar containing the sweet crystals towards him.

“Thanks,” Bladewing spoke gratefully, “I needed that.” Topaz chuckled softly and sat herself down.

“*sigh* Still as reckless as usual, eh, Bladewing?” she mused. The stallion grinned nervously.

“I may have underestimated the bitterness of the coffee.”

“Well, let that be a lesson to you: overconfidence will be your downfall.”

“I’ll try not to forget that.” The Hearts shared one last moment of laughter before eventually quieting down.

“Right then,” Diamond spoke, “Let’s see what’s on the news.” The TV remote lied next to him on the couch. After picking it up, he turned the TV on, switching to a local news channel. Colorful animations and a catchy tune ensued as the TV tuned in to VTN. An acronym for “ViralTech News”, it was the country’s most popular news channel, and this morning presented Bladewing and the Hearts with a unicorn sitting behind a counter, the mare sitting in between two stallions of her species. A voice suddenly spoke as she stacked the papers held in her magic.

“Welcome to VTN News at 9, Cydonia’s morning news station, starring Razor, Crimson Blast, and hostess Sandy Peak.” The three ponies smiled and waved a hoof as their names were called out.

“Good morning, fillies and gentlecolts,” the mare spoke, “I hope last night has treated you well and with that said, let’s get down to business. For our #1 story of the day, a new pony was named Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare last night at the city’s amphitheater.”

“Oh, my,” Topaz gasped, “Look at that, Bladewing. You’re on the news.” The pegasus just smiled tensely, ever keeping a close watch on the TV while enjoying his breakfast.

“That’s right, Sandy,” spoke the stallion to her right, “But the new face was nowhere near what anypony was expecting.” The screen then revealed a close-up photo of Bladewing during his duel, followed by a clip of him in action while he continued. “After successfully defeating Fredericksmare’s former dueling champion Featherlight, legendary fighter duo Battery and Phoenix were suddenly overthrown from their lofty title by a mysterious pegasus named Bladewing. Here you can see him fighting the two sisters during that night, and his swords are beyond anything the country’s ever seen before. Battery, it seemed, teased an earth pony who Bladewing claimed was his friend, and she challenged Bladewing to a duel after the stallion rose from his seat to defend him. A very fierce battle ensued and the outcome proved disastrous for the triumphant sisters.”

“Disastrous is right, Razor,” replied the other stallion, “It turned out that Bladewing was more experienced in the dueling world than either of them realized. As you can see in this clip, Phoenix fell to Bladewing after just two minutes into the fight, leaving an intimidated Battery to fend for herself. She continued the fight in a mad fury, but Bladewing eventually ‘nailed’ her in her place (no pun intended). The two mares left the arena in a show of defeat, leaving Bladewing with half a million bits and the title they had in their hooves just moments ago. Bladewing had since become a symbol of courage and valor for the lively ponies of Fredericksmare. Our lead reporter Lapis Lazuli is currently live at a shop that recently announced an upcoming sale of merchandise featuring the new superstar. Moving the screen to you, Lapis.” The screen suddenly shifted to reveal a blue unicorn holding a mic in her magic. She stood in front of a large structure, a crowd cheering loudly behind her.

“Thank you, Crimson,” she spoke kindly, “I am standing today in front of one of the many stores owned by Tailormare Enterprises, the nation’s largest producer of fine garments. As everypony can see here, there is a large crowd behind me cheering for the announcement the store’s owner Nightingale made just a few minutes ago. I spoke with her in private prior to that, and she says although it’s just an idea for now, she has hopes that Tailormare’s CEO Floral Streak will listen to her recommendation and sell the merchandise all over the country. An interview and marketing agreement with Bladewing, she said, would be a critical step in making her idea a reality.”

“It would indeed, Lapis,” added Sandy, “And how is the crowd taking her idea?”

“Oh, they’re going nuts over it, Sandy. Ever since Bladewing won his battle against Battery and Phoenix, dozens upon of dozens of ponies flocked here to hear Nightingale’s proposal. Many of them were former fans of Featherlight and as you can probably tell by the looks on their faces, they’re really excited to know they might see a shirt or a jacket with the new champion’s face on it. Let’s hear what they have to say.” Lapis tapped a pair of pegasus mares next to her on the shoulders. As soon as they turned around to face her, Lapis softly tapped her mic.

“Hi there. I’m lead reporter Lapis Lazuli from VTN news. I can see you guys huddled up around this Tailormare store and it looks like quite a party. What’s it like to know there’s a new dueling champion in Cydonia’s capital city?”

“OMG, it’s like, so awesome,” the mare on the left replied, “We’ve never seen a fighter like Bladewing before and after watching him wipe the floor with the sisters, we just can’t WAIT to meet him.”

“I second that,” added the mare on the right, “I mean, sure, we can’t meet him right now, but it feels great to know we have a chance to wear something that shows our support for him. If you’re watching this, Bladewing, then I wanna let you know that my sister and I love you. We’re yours for life!” The mares’ praise forced a blush onto the stallion’s face, evoking laughter from the Hearts.

“I’ll be damned,” Diamond mused, “It seems you’re popular with the ladies, Bladewing.” The pegasus just rubbed the back of his head nervously, the blush still on his cheeks. “What’s your secret?”

“Um… natural charm?” Topaz just giggled in amusement, and she and Diamond looked back towards the TV.

“*chuckle* Nice,” Lapis resumed, shaking their hooves, “Thank you for your time, ladies.”

“No problem,” the mare on the left spoke, “Go, Bladewing!” Lapis grinned and hoof-pumped in a show of mutual understanding. As the pegasi moved back towards the crowd, she refocused her attention to the camera pony filming her.

“Well, there you have it, Sandy. The ponies here in Fredericksmare are crazy about Bladewing, but for a very good reason. It’s pretty early for Nightingale to start proposing her idea, but who knows? We’ll just have to see what our pegasus friend decides to do in the near future… and hope that he’s watching broadcasts like this one. This is Lapis Lazuli reporting, VTN news.” With that, the screen reverted back to the counter containing the other three ponies.

“Thanks for the insight, Lapis,” spoke Sandy, “Keep a close eye out for the new champion, everypony. It’s unknown where Bladewing resides right now, but one thing is for certain: he’s going to shine brightly no matter where he’s at.”

“I couldn’t agree more, Sandy,” Razor, “And speaking of agreements, the governor of Sacerus…” It was at the point in time that Diamond Heart decided they heard enough. The stallion lowered the TV volume and placed the remote back on the table.

“Wow. What do think of that, Bladewing?” Bladewing sighed as he struggled to find words.

“Well, it’s official: I better kiss peace of mind goodbye.”

“*chuckle* Oh, come now. You don’t honestly think stardom is that harsh, do you?”

“Well no, but… I just wanted Battery’s apology. I never intended to be a superstar.”

“It’s too late for that now, Bladewing,” Topaz interjected, “Your victory was so massive even VTN news knows about it. The media will be trailing you from this point onward.” Bladewing groaned in frustration. Fortunately, little Ruby proved cute enough to remove Bladewing of most of his stress. After Topaz gave her one more spoonful of applesauce, she crawled slowly towards him.

“Goo goo.” Before Bladewing had a clue, the little filly was in front of him holding out her forelegs. The pegasus smiled and gently picked her up, holding her close to his face.

“*chuckle* You don’t like seeing me unhappy, do you, little one?” Ruby just giggled and smiled joyously. Just like before, however, his mane caught her attention. She grabbed a lock of it and immediately started playing with it. Topaz watched in awe; Diamond, on the other hoof, was worried.

“Oh, not again. I thought she learned her lesson by now.”

“No, it’s all right,” Bladewing assured him, “I did tell her I’d play with her today… and I’m going to go through with it. But don’t worry. I’ll make sure she doesn’t wind up injuring herself.”

“*sigh* All right. I trust you, Bladewing… with my life and hers.”

“Thanks.” As Ruby continued to play with Bladewing’s mane, Topaz came up with an idea. It wouldn’t completely rid Bladewing of his woes, but it was worth a shot.

“I can’t change what’s been done,” she spoke softly him, “but there is a way you can lay low for the moment.” Bladewing ears perked in surprise.

“There is?”

“Yes. Why don’t you foal-sit our daughter for the time being? It’ll be a great way for you to bond with her while Diamond and I make sure the news ponies don’t go looking here for you.”

“Hm… you know, that’s not a bad idea. I’ll do it.”

“*chuckle* Wonderful. I’m with my husband on this one, Bladewing: I trust you with her life.”

“I’ll guard her with my own if need be, Topaz. I promise you that.”

“Thank you.” With renewed vigor, Bladewing refocused his attention towards Ruby. Meanwhile, Rose and Blaze were walking towards the residence. They had been walking for the past twenty minutes, and the house was now within their sight.

“There it is, Blaze. Are you ready for this?”

“Oh, I’m ready,” replied Blaze with a grin, “I think the better question is, are YOU ready?”

“Of course. I couldn’t feel more ready if I tried. My only concern now is Bladewing. I’ve been waiting my whole life for a stallion like him, and in a few moments, we’re going to meet him in person.”

“For real,” Blaze replied eagerly, “I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees us… well, if he’s home, that is.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. There would be a crowd following him around the city if he weren’t. I’m positive he’s in there.”

“We’ll see.” The two mares passed quietly through the front gates, stopping themselves on the welcome mat lying near the front door. Bladewing had just took over Topaz’s job in feeding Ruby when he heard knocking coming from that very door.

“Who could that be?” Topaz asked curiously, turning off the TV.

“I don’t know, Topaz,” replied Diamond with concern, “But I don’t think it’s the mailmare. I’ll go check it out.” The spoon in Bladewing’s hoof quivered with unease (as did the stallion himself).

“What’s the matter, Bladewing? Are you nervous?” Bladewing was nervous, all right, but it wasn’t for the reasons she thought – the presence he just sensed at the door could only belong to one pony.

“A little bit,” Bladewing admitted, forcing a smile, “I just have a feeling it might be paparazzi or somepony of the sort.” The earth pony just barely suppressed a laugh.

“Surely you’re joking right now. What makes you think they even know where you are?”

“Oh, I don’t know. It could be my instincts, for all I know.”

“I see. Well, I assure you, you have nothing to fear. Diamond and I have your back just as you have ours.”

“That’s reassuring, I guess.” Topaz grinned and assisted Bladewing in feeding Ruby. Diamond Heart, meanwhile, opened the front door. He was quite surprised to find a familiar face standing before him, accompanied by a friend.

“Hello there, ladies,” he spoke kindly to them, “What brings you here?”

“Hello to you too, Mr. Heart,” Rose replied with a smile, “We just came by to see how you and the misses are doing. It must be difficult raising a filly with the two of you at work.” Bladewing knew who was at the door the moment he heard that voice. It wasn’t enough to send him into a panic, but it was enough to warrant an excuse to get out of sight.

“Excuse me, Topaz,” Bladewing said to her courteously, “I need to use the bathroom for a moment.”

“Of course, Bladewing.” The stallion placed the spoon back inside the little applesauce jar and left the living room.

“Oh, it is,” Diamond continued with a sigh, “My wife and I had to take turns with our days off so we could provide our daughter with enough love and care… but she’s definitely worth it. At the present moment, however, we’re doing quite well. Thanks for asking.”

“Great,” Rose commented, “Would you mind if I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?” Rose rubbed her foreleg with a meek grin.

“Is Bladewing here, by any chance?”

“Who is it, darling?” Topaz called out.

“It’s that unicorn waitress from the restaurant, dear. It looks like she brought a friend.”

“I see. Let them in, will you?”

“As you wish.” Diamond looked around for any media ponies lurking around. He sighed in relief when his search yielded nothing.

“Yes, he’s here,” the earth pony whispered, “But can you girls do me a favor?” Rose and Blaze nodded their heads eagerly. “Okay. Just don’t let anypony else know he’s staying here. I don’t know how you two knew about it, but I don’t want it to spread throughout the city. I would really appreciate it if you keep his whereabouts to yourselves.”

“You can count on us, Mr. Heart,” Blaze assured him, “We won’t tell a soul.”

“Thank you. Please, come in.” Rose and Blaze followed the stallion into his home feeling extremely lucky. Topaz meanwhile suddenly gasped as she looked at the calendar posted over the kitchen freezer. She whispered something in Diamond’s ear, and the stallion looked at the calendar for himself. He, too, gasped in surprise, and he prepared himself for work just as Topaz moved towards her visitors.

“Good morning, ladies,” she greeted them with a hug, “How are you doing today?”

“We’re feeling pretty good, ma’am,” Blaze replied for the two of them, “And you?”

“Oh, I feel just wonderful. Sorry we can’t stay to chat with you, dears. My husband and I have to go to work. It seems we made a mistake in our schedule.”

“It’s all right, Mrs. Heart,” Rose replied, “We were actually hoping we could speak with your pegasus friend… well, if that’s okay with you.”

“Ah, you girls wish to see Bladewing, eh?” Rose and Blaze giggled as they nodded their heads. “*chuckle* Very well. No, go on ahead. You’re free to spend as much time as you like with him. He’s watching over our little Ruby while Diamond and I are away.” The two mares couldn’t help but awe at the tender task she bestowed upon Bladewing. They watched as Topaz moved back to the couch for one last moment with her daughter.

“Goodbye, sweetie,” she said softly, kissing her on the cheek, “Mummy loves you.” With that, she moved with Diamond out of the house and into the bustling streets of Fredericksmare. Whilst they waited for Bladewing to show up, Rose and Blaze took seats next to the little Ruby and tried their luck at feeding her.

“Man, this is gonna be AWESOME,” Blaze spoke, “Just wait until Bladewing gets his butt over here.”

“Yes, indeed,” Rose replied, “I’m sure he’ll like what he sees.” Unbeknownst to Rose, Bladewing was actually feeling the exact opposite of what she anticipated. He was in front of the sink soaking his face with some cold water. The gesture was almost pointless, but it was all he could to keep a cool head.

“OhgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohGOD! What am I going to do?! She’s here, and with a friend of hers, to boot! It was bad enough she stalked me back at the fields; now she’s followed me to my own home! What the bloody hell does that mare want from me?!” The stallion tried his very best to find an answer, but that too proved pointless. He couldn't find a single one that fits her actions... save for one particular thought.

“*gasp* No,” he murmured with a blush, “She wouldn’t… oh good lord, no! Anything but that! Why me of all stallions?!” In a desperate effort to maintain his sanity, the pegasus slapped his face with his now cold hoof. For the moment, at least, it did the trick: his mind was rendered free of that erotic thought.

“*sigh* Okay, Bladewing. Just relax. It’s probably not as bad as you think it is. Just stay calm and approach her with dignity. You are the Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare, after all. Surely even mares like her know better than to mess with somepony like you. Battery certainly does.” The stallion took a very deep breath before exiting the bathroom. The sound of the door closing behind him alerted the mares to his presence.

“Ah, great,” Blaze spoke, “Here he comes.”

“All right,” Rose added with a grin, “Let’s get this started.” The two girls waited patiently for Bladewing to come down the stairs. Slowly but surely, Bladewing made his way from the upper floor towards the bottom of the stairs. With each step he took, however, anxiety gripped his heart more and more. The stallion wondered over how long the two girls he now stood in front of were going to stay in this house. A minute? An hour? Maybe even the rest of the day? The concept proved too much for the poor stallion to handle, and so he shook it from his head before it grew big enough to make him faint. He just prayed to the powers that be that his conscience was right: that the situation wasn’t as bad as he thought.

“Hi, Bladewing,” spoke Rose with a smile, “How are you?” Bladewing was reluctant to reply. He stood still, frozen in place by her stare (and the need to think before moving a single muscle.

“Well… she’s here. What should I do?” Bladewing examined the mare closely before continuing his mental monologue.

“Hm… I don’t sense any hostility from her. If her intention was to hurt me, I’m sure she would’ve attacked me back at the plains… or at least do it when I’m unarmed. It would be foolish to try to attack me within my own home, even with a friend backing her up. I’m going to have to assume for now that she’s just here to visit.” As risky as he thought the gamble was, Bladewing had no choice but to take it. Threat or not, he was not the kind of stallion to be so rude to a lady that he wouldn’t return her greeting.

“Um… hello.” Bladewing rubbed the back of his neck to relieve some of his tension (as well as cross his rear legs). He wanted to say more, but the words got stuck in his throat. Rose was still staring at him, and he was unsure of what plans she had in store for him today. With that said, he had but one thing to say to her.

“Can I help you with anything, miss?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.” Bladewing watched nervously as she gestured to Blaze with her head to take a seat at one of the couches.

“Oh. Um… great. What can I do for you?”

“*giggle* Well, you can start by telling me why you’re so nervous. I know I came by unannounced and all, but you don’t have to be timid around me. I’m harmless.”

“W-Well… you remind me of something… very familar.” Unbeknownst to either of the ponies, Ruby crawled slowly towards the side of the couch towards a cloth hanging to the side of a tall cabinet next to the couch. The end of the cloth reminded her a lot of Bladewing’s mane, and she had an urge to play with it. Blaze should’ve been able to notice it, but she was too entranced by the cute, yet comical scene unfolding before her to pay little Ruby much attention. For now, at least, Ruby had free reign over her actions… and Blaze’s negligence would cost Rose and Bladewing dearly.

“Ah, is that so?” Rose knew exactly what Bladewing was talking about, but she played dumb so she wouldn’t lose her cool. She had every intention of being herself around him, but she never said it would be easy. The fear of Bladewing possibly thinking of her as a creep disturbed her, and since it had such a profound effect on her, she had to suppress it by force.

“Y-Yes. I’m not sure how, but… I feel like I know you already.” Bladewing’s blood suddenly turned colder as Rose slowly walked towards him. As much as she wanted Bladewing to be comfortable, she couldn’t resist the cuteness of his face when he was nervous. She longed to see how cute he can get when he was pushed to his limit, a thought that completely went against both her higher judgment and her plan. If there was one thing that distinguished her from other girls, it was that she had a thing for lust. Blaze was the only pony who knew, and since she was going to be herself around Bladewing anyway, she decided she might as well reveal it to him… and show him just how special he was to her.

“*chuckle* You go, girl,” Blaze cheered for Rose mentally, “he’s already rearing up… and not like how stallions USUALLY do it. Keep it up, and he’ll be yours before noon.” She was confident that Rose’s gutsy plan would be a smashing success, but unless a certain little filly was stopped, she would end up eating these words for brunch. Alas, the cute scene had not yet finished, and so she still couldn’t do anything. Only watch and root for the equine she-wolf closing in on her prize.

“I see,” continued Rose, “So then you think there might be a… close connection, between us?” Bladewing backpedaled more and more with every step she took towards him until finally, his rear was pressing against the wood-and-glass doors of the cabinet.

“Y-Yes. I’m unsure h-how close it is, though.” He heard a soft thumping sound in his head, but he was unsure if it was his heartbeat thundering in his ears or something much worse. Unfortunately for the now beleaguered stallion, it was the latter of the two. The thumping sound he heard was actually the tilting of a vase of flowers sitting above the cabinet. The cloth Ruby was playing with was lying just underneath it, and it swayed ever so gently the more she tugged on the cloth’s free end. By the time Bladewing heard it, the edge of the vase’s base was just barely aligned with the edge of the cabinet. All it would take was a single mighty tug from Ruby, and the blue piece of pottery would come down on his head like a hammer. To make matters worse, Ruby grew more annoyed each time she tugged on the cloth and found it was still stuck. Even with all these warnings blaring out danger, Blaze was still unaware of it. She was far more interested in watching him press himself further against the cabinet as Rose moved her head closer to his.

“*chuckle* How about THIS close?” By this point in time, Bladewing was so nervous his head was sweltering. Sweat began to form on his forehead, and with the lustful unicorn cutting off any non-forceful means of escape, he was quickly approaching a fainting point.

“Um…” Bladewing tried his best to think of a solution, but it was far too late. Frustrated and determined to make the soft and silky cloth hers once and for all, Ruby tugged at it with all her might… and just like that, Bladewing’s fate was sealed. The vase tilted forward and stayed balance for a second before falling off the cabinet and slamming against Bladewing’s head. The vase shattered into multiple pieces (most of them small ones), and a small chunk of the dirt from it rested on top of him. It was only after he was hit with the vase that Blaze was finally snapped from her trance. Rose was even more shocked, and she gasped with horror as Bladewing groaned before falling to the ground like a lifeless corpse.

“Oh my goddess,” she spoke worriedly, “What happened, Blaze?”

“I-I don’t know,” stuttered Blaze, “It all just came out of nowhere.” The sound of Ruby suddenly giggling with delight caught both of the mare’s attentions. They looked closer at what she was doing and they quickly deciphered what happened just as Ruby was playing happily with the cloth.

“No way,” spoke Blaze, “The vase was knocked over on accident… and it looks like Ruby here is the culprit. It was sitting on top of this cloth she’s playing with, and she was pulling against it. She must’ve given it a strong tug and made the cloth pull out from underneath the vase. That must be what knocked it over.”

“By Faust,” commented Rose, “She’s stronger than she looks. But we have to fix her mess quickly. If the Hearts come back and see this, they might think we tried to rob their house or something.”

“I hear ya. You clean up the wreckage, and I’ll bring Ruby up to Bladewing’s room. We’ll bring the big guy up there together.”

“Agreed.” With their objectives made clear, the two mares set themselves to work.


Before long, Bladewing was laying still in his bed. Both Rose and Blaze were sitting beside him, little Ruby within Blaze’s hooves in particular. The mess downstairs was cleaned up completely, and they waited patiently for the stallion to come to his senses… and sure enough, he woke within a few short minutes. Bladewing groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, only to find a beautiful, yet unpleasant surprise waiting for him.

“Ugh… what hap-GAH!” The pegasus pressed hard against his bed as he looked up at Rose. Blaze was just behind her, holding little Ruby in her hooves.

“Shh, it’s okay, Bladewing,” she spoke softly, caressing his cheek slowly, “I’m not here to hurt you. I just want to talk. Can you spare a moment for me?” Relieved that the unicorn herself admitted she wasn’t a menace to him, Bladewing sighed and nodded lightly, resting his head back on his pillow.

“Ruby,” he spoke with concern, “Where is she?”

“Don’t sweat it, big guy,” Blaze replied, showing Ruby to him, “She’s right here.”

“*sigh* Good.” The stallion took this time (albeit a short interval) to examine Rose more closely. He had to admit, she was certainly beautiful. With a bouquet of roses as her Cutie Mark, her mane and tail were a bright red, and they glimmered under the morning sun like dewdrops on polished metal. Her coat bore a tint of green similar to plants that were lucky enough to be the spring’s firstborn. Even more enchanting than these was her eyes. The irises were a deep scarlet, as if they were made from blood enriched with iron. Rose’s eyes seemed to brighten her face, as though they were bringing her warmest emotions to its surface. Bladewing was still unsure if he could trust her, but she certainly didn’t seem like the type unworthy of such things.

“You…” Rose smiled and placed a hoof on his own.

“I’m listening,” she spoke softly.

“You were there, weren’t you? That day at the fields? I heard a creature snap a twig in two, but then it started backing away when I commanded it to face me. That was you, wasn’t it?”

“*chuckle* Yes. That was me.”

“What’s wrong with you? I could’ve mistook you for some carnivorous animal and attacked you.” Bladewing’s comment hurt Rose at first, but she knew deep down that he wasn’t saying it to be mean. He was just concerned for both himself and her. Given this consensus, she remained calm and serene.

“I know. But I don’t mean you any harm, okay? I just hid from you because I feared for my life. You did threaten me, after all.”

“*sigh* Fair enough. I’m sorry I made you feel that way. But don’t sneak up on me like that. If you surprised me any further back there, you would’ve been dead along with those dragons.”

“All right. I’ll be more careful next time.” Now that his mind was free of his worries, Bladewing sat upright and stretched his forelegs.

“Good,” he spoke with a grunt, “Now then… who are you?”

“My name is Rose Blossom,” the unicorn spoke with a smile, “My pegasus friend you see here is Blaze.” The stallion cracked a weak grin as the mare smiled cheerfully and waved a hoof at him.

“I see,” he replied, waving a hoof back, “It’s nice to meet the two of you. What brings you here?”

“Oh, it’s nothing much. I just wanted to get to know you, but… well, I’m sure you know what happened earlier.”

“I know. But is that it? You came all this way… just to learn more about me?” Rose nodded her head with a smile. “I see. I’m afraid you may have just wasted your time, Ms. Blossom. I can’t remember my past. I have nothing for you beyond what you already know of me.”

“Perhaps… but I know why that is.” Bladewing looked at her with wonder.

“You do?”

“Yes. You cast some sort of power on yourself. I’m not sure what it was, but it was strong enough to lock away every memory you had before you woke up in the fields. Whatever it was that made you do that, I’m sure it was something you’d rather not remember. You were in great pain in the moments prior to that.”

“Oh.” Rose could see the sadness that welled in the stallion’s eyes. He wasn’t crying, but it was strong nevertheless. His ears drooped very low, like they were leaves from a dying plant… for he now knew why he was a stranger.

“So that’s it, then. Everything I’ve ever experienced – my adventures, my good moments, my accomplishments – I locked it all away?”

“I’m afraid so.” Bladewing felt her hoof touch one of his cheeks, and he turned his face to hers. “But your life isn’t over, handsome. Your past may be gone, but your future is certainly not. You still have much to look forward to.”

“Like what?”

“*giggle* You’re a celebrity, for Faust’s sake. Isn’t that a start? And then there’s the Hearts. I’m sure they must see you as family if you saved them from those dragons. Little Ruby certainly does, doesn’t she?” Bladewing looked down at the little filly smiling happily beside him. He felt happy seeing her snuggling close to him, and the stallion grinned with the purest of bliss.

“Yes. She does.”

“See? You don’t know what life has in store for you, Bladewing, unless you live it through to the very end. And if you’re willing…” Bladewing felt the mare move her hoof from his face to his own.

“You won’t have to do it alone.” The stallion had a rough idea what she was getting at, but he wasn’t sure. Doubt was still in his mind. Sure, she wasn’t stalking him as he originally anticipated; but he was still unsure what she really wanted from him.

“*chuckle* I’ll admit one thing. Odd as I think she is, she’s certainly beautiful. But how do I know she’s not just looking for a favor or something? I have to see for myself.”

“What are you getting at, Rose?” The stallion grew interest as the mare suddenly rubbed her foreleg while simultaneously blushing.

“Well… I was hoping that if you’re interested, maybe… you could be my coltfriend?” Just like that, Bladewing’s expression turned from interested to confused, and it left the mare feeling she blew her chance at his heart.

“Um… what do you mean, ‘coltfriend’?”

“You don’t know what a coltfriend is?” Blaze asked curiously. Bladewing shook his head, much to her dismay. “Man, you really are a stranger. But that’s cool, dude. Let me enlighten ya: a coltfriend is what ponies call a guy who's in a relationship with a mare."

"You mean like a boyfriend?"

"Well, that's putting it bluntly, yeah. But it's better to call him a coltfriend, since a boyfriend could mean he could be any species. If you haven’t noticed by now, there’s not many of those ‘ships here in Fredericksmare.”

“I see.” The stallion cleared his throat before looking up towards Rose. He was now more aware of the situation, and it’s because of it that he knew exactly what he had to do next.

“You’re beautiful, my dear, I’ll give you that,” he spoke confidently, making her blush harder, “But can a relationship between us really work? You did manage to startle me back at the fields. It wasn’t intentional, of course, but… how do I know you won’t try to give me a heart attack or something?”

“I said I meant you no harm, didn’t I? What kind of mare would try to force something so deadly on a stallion she’s interested in?”

“I don’t know. I was hoping you’d tell me.”

“Well, you can stop hoping: I promise never to sneak up on you again.”

“Hm… it’s a start, I guess. But can you guys wait outside my room for a moment? I want to think about this more in-depth, but I’d feel more comfortable if I were alone.”

“Sure. No problem.” Rose walked out of the room with Blaze to respect Bladewing’s wishes. He was finally alone, and with no outside influence to interrupt him, Bladewing took this time to carefully think out his choice.

“Okay. So this Rose girl WAS the creature I sensed back at the plains, but she’s clearly not a threat. It was pure coincidence that she was there that day… and it looks like her friend is only here to support her. But why would she want a relationship with me? What is it about me that’s gotten her so infatuated with me that she would choose me above any other stallion in this land?” Bladewing wanted to continue his train of thought, but then he heard whispering between Rose and Blaze outside. He was curious what the two mares were talking about, and he decided to end his session of thinking for a short while to listen in. He remained ever so quiet so he wouldn’t alert them to his eavesdropping.

“This is it, Blaze,” said Rose, “The moment of truth. Today I will find out whether I get Bladewing for a coltfriend or not.”

“Yeah, for real,” replied Blaze, “I’m as excited as you are.”

“Do you think he’ll say yes?”

“I think he will. Sure, he didn’t seem very comfy when you were hitting on him, but I’m sure he got the point of it.”

“I would hope so. I really do like him. If he does agree to be mine, I’m going to make him happy for the rest of his days. Given how much he’s done – and how much he’s lost – he more than deserves it.” The last part of Rose’s dialogue touched a soft spot within Bladewing’s heart. He was uncertain what her past was like, but he felt happy that she was genuinely interested in helping him recuperate from losing his. On that note, he began to reconsider simply turning her down.

“Hm… maybe being her coltfriend won’t be so bad. She seems to really care about me. But do I really want a relationship right now? I’m barely starting to take control of my future. I haven’t even gone a full week in this city, and already I’m presented with a fork in my road of life… and it’s one I’m can’t simply ignore. *sigh* What do I do?” Bladewing thought carefully on this question. The only major negative he saw with choosing to be with Rose was that he might take his life too fast, but it was a significant one nonetheless. So many scenarios played in his head over what may or may not happen that he stopped after only a few seconds of thinking about it. But then a familiar voice resurfaced to his mind, one whose words Bladewing had not yet forgotten:

“The choices you make will indeed shape your future. Make the right ones, and you’ll live a life beyond your wildest dreams.” The memory of his encounter with the alleged goddess returned to his mind upon hearing these words. He still refused to admit what he saw was real, but these particular words from her somehow touched his heart as well. They brought him comfort to a degree, and they rang as true to him as did his own perception of the future.

“I should think of my future… but I should also think of how I want to get there. I want to live life the way I want it, and I want to live happy first and foremost. So very well – I’ll give Rose a chance. If she’s determined to face the future with me and fill each of my days with happiness, then I cannot turn her down. However, until she can prove it to me, I will withhold my heart from her. The time is not yet right for me to fall in love. *chuckle* After all, we’ve only just gotten acquainted.” Bladewing was amused by the idea of playing keep-away with Rose with his heart. He was literally going to let her claim him without a struggle, but he was intent on making sure he was the one in control of this relationship… and what better way to do it than by keeping the one thing she desired most from him under lock and key? Rose spoke of her intentions like she was going to be married to him one day, and Bladewing wanted proof that she was the kind of mare he would desire for a wife before he would even consider being more than a coltfriend. If there was one benefit he would certainly get out of this decision, it was this: a lifetime of fun.

“All right, Rose,” he spoke with a mischievous grin, “You and Blaze can come in now.”

“Okay.” Rose opened the door to his room, and she and Blaze returned to their spots on the bed as soon as they reentered. Once they did, however, Rose suddenly felt nervous once more.

“He looks so austere,” she thought worriedly, “Is he going to reject me?” She quieted her mind to listen to him carefully.

“I have put a lot of thought into this matter,” he spoke firmly, “And I’ve made my decision.”

“Okay,” she spoke timidly, “W-What is your decision?” To Rose’s greatest surprise, Bladewing’s expression changed rapidly from serious… to serene. She gasped as he then smiled warmly and took her hoof in his own, as if he were a gentlecolt greeting a lovely lady.

“Congratulations, Ms. Blossom,” he mused, kissing her hoof, “You got yourself a coltfriend.” Rose could hardly believe what she had just experienced. Before she could say a word, however, the doorbell suddenly rang, relieving Bladewing of his situation.

“Excuse me, ladies.” Bladewing rose from his bed and exited the room to answer the door. Blaze noticed that Rose stood like a statue.

“You okay, Rose?” The unicorn nodded lightly, but she immediately followed it up by a hearty laugh.

“Yes!” she gasped, “Ha-ha! That stallion is as good, as, MINE.” Blaze was happy for her. A monkey wrench had been thrown into her plan (albeit accidentally), but Rose still managed to make Bladewing hers.

“*sigh* Great. I guess I’ll have to get used to seeing her with another pony. Oh, well… at least she’s happy.” As Blaze tended to Ruby, Bladewing opened the front door of the house. A courier pegasus with a strange crest on her uniform stood in front of him, carrying a saddlebag with a package inside.

“Good morning, sir,” she spoke, “Is this the Heart residence?”

“Yes, it is,” Bladewing replied, “I’m sorry to say this, ma’am, but the Hearts aren’t home right now.”

“That’s okay. The package I have for this place belongs to a Mr. Bladewing, anyway. Could you be him?”

“I am.”

“Great.” The mare pulled out a clipboard with an attached pen after giving him the package. “Can you sign this for me?”

“Of course.” Bladewing signed his name – a very strange experience for him – and gave it back to her.

“Thanks. Enjoy your package, sir.”

“Thank you.” As the mare flew away, Bladewing went towards the living room table. True to her words, the package was addressed to him; the bigger question, however, was who the sender was (and how the sender knew where he was).

“There’s no return address on this thing. *sigh* I guess the sender’s anonymous.” Bladewing carefully opened up the package and looked inside. There was a uniform inside, along with a letter and two bills worth a thousand bits each.

“An outfit?” Bladewing unfolded the clothing for a better look. It turned out this uniform was actually a suit of dark blue leather armor – the same type one particular stallion wore at the duel.

“Oh, it’s armor. It looks pretty good. But who would send something like this via mail? Perhaps the note has an answer.” The stallion picked up the note and carefully read the inscription.

“Dear Bladewing,

I saw your performance at the amphitheater, and let met me tell you: I’m impressed. I suppose you are wondering why I sent you this armor. Well, my good sir, it’s because I would like to offer you a job. Being a monarch means I am in charge of keeping Cydonia at the top of her game… and ponies like you are just what I need to help me do my work. As you probably know by now, a council of twelve knights is always present whenever I make tough decisions, like signing a bill into law or declaring war on another nation. Though each one is carefully chosen by me, they all take the same vow to serve me and the people of Cydonia throughout all that the country faces. One of my pegasus knights recently retired from the Council in order to raise his newborns, and I think you are eligible to take his place. I would be honored if you could join me for a bit of respite tomorrow at noon. We can discuss the offer in greater detail from there. If you choose to come, be sure to bring both this note and the uniform with you (they will serve as your clearance for getting past the front gates of my palace); if not, then I will send a courier to retrieve the uniform on that same day. Whichever your choice, you can keep the 2,000 bits I included in the package. Consider it a small reward for your outstanding achievement. May fortune favor you, Mr. Bladewing.

Your sovereign, King Mountain Wind

(P.S.: Don’t worry. As far as I’m aware, nopony else knows where you are.)”

“Ah, good,” Bladewing sighed in relief, “At least I still have a low-profile. But where does he-” The sound of Ruby suddenly crying snapped Bladewing from his thoughts.

“*sigh* Never mind. I’ll find out later.” Bladewing trotted quickly to his room. He passed through the door to find Rose holding Ruby timidly in her hooves.

“What happened here?”

“I’m not sure,” Rose replied, “I just picked her up and she suddenly started crying. I tried feeding her more of that applesauce, but it was no use.”

“Hm…” Bladewing carefully observed the way Rose was holding her, taking a seat next to her.

“Hold on. I think I know what’s wrong. Let me hold her.” Rose nodded in agreement as she gently placed Ruby in his lap. The stallion proceeded to pat Ruby gently on her back. To the surprise of both mares, Ruby burped for the briefest of moments. With that, the filly immediately ceased her crying, eventually returning to her happy, carefree self.

“There, there, Ruby,” Bladewing murmured, hugging her close, “It’s all right. It was just a bit of gas.” The two mares looked at Bladewing feeling lucky. Few stallions were able to take command of a situation like this one.

“Wow, stud,” Blaze said to him, “You’re pretty good with foals.”

“*chuckle* It's nothing.”

“But it’s the truth, Bladewing,” Rose added, “You resolved the issue in no time at all. It’s like you’ve had children of your own once.”

“Nah. I just got lucky with my judgment.” A pungent smell caught Bladewing’s attention, and he traced it to the little filly’s diaper.

“Oh, dear. I think she released more than just gas.” The stallion slowly peeked within the diaper. Just as he expected, there was a nasty surprise waiting for him.

“*sigh* I thought so. The poor girl’s soiled her diaper.”

“I’ll get a fresh one for ya,” Blaze told him, “You go ahead and clean her up.”

“Thanks.” Blaze left the room to get a diaper from the nursery. While she searched, Bladewing placed a white cloth over the desk and gently placed the infant on top.

“You know how to change a diaper?” Rose asked with concern.

“No… but it never hurt to try. Besides, she’s going to catch an infection if I don’t.” With that said, Bladewing went to work. With a clothespin sealing his nostrils, Bladewing removed the old diaper and tossed it into his trash bin. He was careful not to get his hooves messy as he cleaned Ruby’s bottom of all the filth that covered it with paper towels. Before long, she was as clean as a whistle, and the cloth lying balled up in the wastebasket.

“Perfect. Now I just need something to remove the smell.” Bladewing looked around for anything that may help. Fortunately for him, Rose was one step ahead.

“Here, try this.” Rose presented Bladewing with a bottle labeled “Baby Powder”.

“Brilliant.” Bladewing opened the bottle and gently spread some of the powder over Ruby’s flanks. The filly was cooing the whole time.

“Okay, it’s almost done. Where’s Blaze?” The pegasus mare passed through his bedroom door just as he asked that question.

“Here’s the diaper,” she spoke, handing the garment over to Bladewing, “How’s Ruby?”

“She’s clean. Now I just have to put this on her.” The two mares watched in awe as Bladewing carefully wrapped the diaper around Ruby and secured it with a pin. She looked up at him with a relaxed expression.

“There you go, Ruby,” he spoke kindly, “As good as new. Who’s my shiny little niece?” The little filly smiled and giggled as he held her close to his face. Rose and Blaze couldn’t resist awing at the cuteness of this scene. In many ways, Bladewing was like a parent towards the little pony. Surely this was the true level of intimacy a stallion should have, whether towards a potential mate or his offspring.

“Nice job, Bladewing,” Blaze spoke, “There’s just one last problem we gotta deal with.”

“And that is?”

“We’re out of diapers. The one I gave you was the last one.”

“*sigh* Great. I’ll have to go to the markets to get more.”

“Is that a problem?” Rose asked curiously.

“Hardly. I’m just concerned about encountering news ponies or paparazzi along the way…” Bladewing looker over to the robes that hung on his coat hanger.

“…but I think I have a way to avoid them.” Rose and Blaze shot a quizzical look at the stallion. They watched as he got up and put them.

“You do realize they can still see your face, right?” Rose asked him with concern.

“Not all of it.” Bladewing placed the hood over his head to demonstrate. “I can still hide my eyes. As long as I keep them hidden, they’ll think I’m just another pegasus. It’s a good thing I didn’t wear this outer garment back at the duel.”

“Ah, I get it. It sounds like a plan. But don’t worry, handsome. One of the perks of having a marefriend is that she’s got your back no matter what.”

“Good to know. Now then…” Bladewing donned an amused expression as he offered her his hoof.

“What do you say, Rose? Will you walk with me?”

“You bet.” Rose took his hoof and rose to her feet. Bladewing picked up a saddlebag he found in his closet yesterday and gently placed Ruby (and the 2,000 bits he got from the package) inside.

“Can you do me a favor, Blaze?” Bladewing asked her, mounting the saddlebag on his back.

“Sure. What do you need?”

“Can you stay here and watch over the house for me while we’re gone?”

“*giggle* You got it. Nopony’s busting in here on MY watch.”

“Thanks. We’ll be back soon.”

“See ya.” With that said, Bladewing walked with Rose towards the front door. Before they knew it, they were on the sidewalk heading for the town plaza.

“Mm, I’m so glad you’re mine, Bladewing,” she murmured, nuzzling his neck, “You won’t regret having me for a marefriend.”

“Don’t get too proud, dear lady,” Bladewing joked, “I may be yours, but that doesn’t mean you have my heart. You’re going to have to work for it just like any other mare. We’ve only just met, after all.” Bladewing cracked a sly grin as Rose pouted playfully.

“Humph. Since when does a mare have to work for her coltfriend’s love?”

“*chuckle* You didn’t think I’d just give it to you, did you?”

“*sigh* I did.”

“Well, you can stop thinking: love NEVER comes that easily.” The stallion stifled a laugh as Rose showed her tongue at him.

“Fine. Smug colt. I’ll work for your heart… even though I feel I already have it.”

“Then you have a looong road ahead of you.” The mare giggled and cracked a small grin. The two ponies said nothing further, returning their gaze towards the path ahead of them… all while the sun continued to rise above them.