• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,703 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

  • ...


It was 8:00 the next morning, and the sun was shining bright over Fredericksmare. Bladewing, however, was not in his room. The radiant sunlight that shone through his window revealed an empty, but tidy bed. Nothing else was disturbed. It turned out that the stallion was actually meditating outside in the backyard, lying on his knees facing the sun. Waking up before the others meant he had to go outside to let them sleep, but he was okay with that. He was rather fond of being surrounded by the beauty of Nature.

Bladewing rose to all fours for a quick stretch. He only meditated for about 20 minutes, but his body was now completely shaken of all fatigue. He felt ready for just about any task.

“Hm… it’s going to be a short while before the Hearts wake up. What should I do in the meantime?” It didn’t take long before an idea chimed into Bladewing’s mind. It could possibly be the most foolish one he thought up yet, but it was an idea nevertheless.

“*sigh* I have absolutely NO idea how I’m able to use this mysterious power, but… it seems to respond to my emotions. Maybe I can use it to conjure up some company. A being of pure energy that I can talk to. It’s crazy, but it’s better than sitting around in boredom.” Bladewing shut his eyes and positioned himself in a meditative trance. For about a minute, he focused on painting a mental image on what he wanted this figure to look like. A strange blue stream of mist slowly streamed out of his body and collected into a blob a few feet away from him. Even stranger still, the stallion felt no different now than before he began meditating. Before long, Bladewing snapped out of his trance and examined the results. He rubbed the back of his head with a blush.

“Um… this isn’t what I had in mind.” The blob suddenly started morphing, as if it heard Bladewing's comment. It changed from a strange lump of energy to a figure that closely resembled the pegasus. It even went so far as to give itself additional details on its face. Bladewing stood shocked.

“Whoa. It’s got a mind of its own… and I think it took my comment for an insult.” Bladewing wondered if the specter could talk. He didn’t see why not since he had a mouth, but he wanted to know for certain.

“Specter,” he addressed the figure, “Can you understand my words?” The specter nodded his head. “Okay. Can you talk?” The specter shook his head, much to Bladewing’s concern.

“You can’t? Why not?” The specter pointed briefly at his throat before putting his hoof back down. Bladewing was confused by his gesture at first but after he thought of his question for a moment, he understood what the specter meant.

“Oh. Pffh, of course. You don’t have any vocal cords.” The specter replied with a smile, all while Bladewing rubbed his head in embarrassment. “*chuckle* Fair enough. I guess this means I can only ask you ‘yes or no’ questions, doesn’t it?” The specter nodded his head yet again.

“*sigh* I thought so. All right then, specter, answer me this: Do you consider me an enemy?” This time, the figure shook his head no, as though the question were a silly one. “I see. So you won’t mind keeping me company, then?” The specter shook his head yet again.

“Great. Now what am I going to do with you? Ah, I know.” Bladewing pulled both his lightsabers into his hoof using the Force and tossed the green one to his doppelganger.

“What do you say we have a little sparring session?” The specter turned on his blade beaming a look of interest to his maker. Bladewing returned the smile with an amused chuckle.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Let’s go!” The pegasus turned on his own lightsaber and before long, a controlled, yet epic battle ensued.

A few minutes earlier, a well-rested Diamond rose from his bed with a yawn. A soft hoof brushed against his foreleg and he turned to find his wife still sleeping peacefully next to him. A simple, yet romantic idea swept his mind as he cuddled with her and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. The mare giggled softly and slowly opened her eyes. She was amused to find her husband smiling at her.

“You’re up early,” Topaz mused, “Aroused, are we?”

“*chuckle* Oh? So now I need a boner if I want to show you some love? You must be in heat.” Topaz grimaced and playfully smacked Diamond’s face with her pillow.

“Pervert,” she cooed, getting herself out of bed, “I have half a mind to geld you for that.”

“Ah, but then I wouldn’t be able to satisfy your needs, would I?”

“Touché.” Just as Topaz began to brush her mane in front of a mirror, Diamond heard buzzing sounds from outside their home. He moved the curtains aside to see what was going on. He was surprised to find his pegasus friend fighting a strange creature.

“Blimey,” he spoke, “Bladewing’s outside in the backyard.”

“He is?” Topaz replied, “What’s he doing?”

“He’s fighting… something. It looks like a ghost, but I’m not too sure.”

“A ghost?” Topaz put down her brush and moved towards the bedroom window to see for herself. Sure enough, there was Bladewing, fighting the specter he summoned just a few moments ago.

“What in the world?” she gasped, “Who’s that?”

“I don’t know, Topaz… but I don’t think it’s friendly. Let’s get over there and see what’s going on.”

“Right.” The couple put on bathrobes and made their way outside. Once they were out, they were immediately enraptured by the action unfolding before them. The sound of buzzing from the clash of lightsabers was all that could be heard as Bladewing fought vigorously against his phantom counterpart.

For a short while, it seemed this conflict would end in a draw. That notion quickly changed as the specter suddenly began to give ground. Bladewing took on a more aggressive style, as he was now using his Force abilities more often. Before long, he had the specter on the ground with the tip of his lightsaber pointed at his neck. Though the specter could also use the Force, his lightsaber was out of reach. There was no way he could bring it to his hoof in time. At this point, he knew he was defeated. The specter raised his front hooves to the sky in a gesture of surrender. Bladewing smiled and accepted, turning off his lightsaber and then helping the specter back to all fours.

“That was pretty good, specter,” Bladewing spoke, “I’d never come to expect a decent battle from a ghost… *chuckle* even one with my likeness.” The specter smiled and gently punched his shoulder.

“I take it that means we’re friends now?” The specter tipped his head in agreement. “Great.” Bladewing shook hooves with the phantom before moving on. “I thank you for your time, specter. Let’s try this again sometime.” The apparition beamed a hearty smile before slowly fading away into Bladewing’s body in a stream of mist. The Hearts looked at him dumbfounded. They weren’t the type to believe in ghosts, yet they just saw Bladewing shake hooves with one. An explanation was far from their reach, but they didn’t care for it much. At least they knew Bladewing was in no real danger.

With their minds more at ease, Diamond and Topaz stomped their hooves in a show of applause. Bladewing cringed and slowly turned to face them.

“That was a nice battle you fought there, Bladewing,” Diamond commented, “The most unique I’ve seen so far.” The pegasus just chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. “Oh, I’m sorry. Are we imposing?”

“No, not at all,” Bladewing assured him, “It’s just… well, let’s just say I wasn’t expecting an audience.”

“All right. So how did all this happen?”

“Well, I woke up at around seven thirty. I didn’t want to wake you two from your sleep, so I came out here for a bit of meditation. I started to get bored after I was done, and I decided I’d try my luck at conjuring up some company.”

“Ah, so THAT’S why we saw the ghost,” replied Topaz with a grin.

“*chuckle* Yeah,” replied Bladewing, rubbing his nape with a grin, “Who knew I could summon one, huh? Anyway, since I had nothing else to do, I figured I’d spar with him while you guys continue to rest… but it looks like our battle was louder than I thought.”

“Nah,” continued Diamond, “We woke up long before we knew you were out here. Don’t worry about it.”

“*sigh* Good.” Topaz noticed the blood that still stained Bladewing’s robes and looked at them with concern.

“What do you say I clean your robes before we go?” the mare asked him, “I wouldn’t want ponies to get the wrong idea about you.” Bladewing looked at himself with a blush.

“Ah, right,” he spoke with a chuckle, “I forgot the stains were even there. I think I’ll take a shower as well.”

“Great. We’ll depart to the streets when you’re done.” The trio said nothing further as they went back into the house.

Strange as it seemed, bathing felt weird to Bladewing. He wasn’t unfamiliar with it, but he never cleaned himself on all fours. Nevertheless, he had no trouble showering. He just had to be very careful when washing his wings. The last thing he wanted was to stain the tub with his blood.

It wasn’t long before the pegasus emerged from the bathroom cleaner than a whistle. After moving the contents of his pockets into a small bag, he put his robes into a hamper next to the tub. Needless to say, he felt refreshed. He moved down the stairs towards the kitchen table. Diamond and Topaz were seated there waiting for him, and little Ruby was lying in her mother’s lap.

“Are you ready?” Diamond asked him.


“Good. Let’s get going.” Topaz gently placed Ruby in one of her saddlebags before the trio exited the house toward the bustling streets of Fredericksmare. Bladewing was initially concerned – he was going in public completely nude – but he dismissed this concern as quickly as it reached him. If Topaz and Diamond were doing it, then he shouldn’t have any trouble doing it himself.

“There’s nothing wrong with being naked in front of other ponies, right?”

* * *

Hardly a few moments have passed and Bladewing was already fascinated by the lively scenery around him. Carriages moved about the streets as he and the Hearts walked on an adjacent sidewalk; little colts and fillies played under the supervision of their parents at a park ahead of him; and buildings of various designs lined the streets.

“This city is quite animated, isn’t it?” Diamond asked him.

“Indeed. Where are we, exactly?”

“We’re in Fredericksmare’s commerce district. Most of the city’s wealth flows from this place. Merchants from all over the world travel here to make their fortunes.”

“Wow. No wonder it’s so busy… and so diverse.” Bladewing was alluding to the few non-pony creatures that were interacting with other ponies around him.

“Ah, yes. We receive quite a few outsiders here, and not just from our species. Griffons and dragons drop by as well, but it’s seldom that we have more than a few at any moment.” Bladewing was both intrigued and confused. He initially thought from his battle with the dragons that they were evil, but Diamond's statement said otherwise. He understood now that his presumption was false. Not all of these fearsome lizards were like that.

For a short while, the trio said nothing further. However, the silence was shattered the moment Topaz noticed the Cutie Mark on Bladewing’s flank.

“Your Cutie Mark is quite nice, Bladewing.”

“My Cutie Mark?” Topaz tilted her head in the direction of Bladewing’s flank. The pegasus turned towards it and was surprised to find an image lying on top of it. It was the symbol of the Jedi Order, and it was colored completely in red. Though this icon looked familiar, Bladewing hadn’t the slightest clue what it was.

“Oh. So it is. But what IS a Cutie Mark?”

“You mean you don’t know?” To the mare’s dismay, Bladewing shook his head. “I see. Well, that’s okay. I’ll give you a short summary: a Cutie Mark is an image that all ponies bear. It’s an icon that supposedly reflects the bearer’s unique abilities.”

“Okay. So what does mine say about my abilities?”

“Hm… it’s difficult to say. It could have something to do with your sword skills, but I can’t say for certain without your memories. I’m afraid this is the one thing Diamond and I can’t help you with, Bladewing. You’ll have to discover the meaning of your Cutie Mark for yourself.”

“*sigh* Very well. At least I know what to expect.” Diamond could see the slight disappointment that shown on Bladewing’s face. He wasn’t going to let him stay this way, though. Not here and certainly not now.

“*chuckle* Cheer up, Bladewing,” he spoke with an uplifting tone, “It’s still a good-looking Cutie Mark. Sure, you might not know what it means now, but you will eventually. For now, just rejoice in the fact that no other pony bears one even half as unique as yours.” It seemed that Diamond’s gambit did the trick. What was once a miniscule frown on Bladewing’s face was now a small grin.

“Heh. It does make me stand out amongst the crowd.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear.” The ponies traveled on with little else to say. In a few moments, Bladewing soon entered a different part of the city. The details were similar, but the populace here was more interactive.

“This is the central plaza, Bladewing,” Diamond spoke, “The very heart of Fredericksmare. Here you will find some of the city’s more interesting attractions. Along with great restaurants, it has theaters, a park, a hoofball stadium, arcades… even a museum. Whatever manner of comfort you can imagine, this place has it. You’ll have no problem finding enjoyment here.”

“I’m intrigued. I might explore this place later on, when I’m more adjusted to living here.”

“You won’t be disappointed. I can guarantee that.” A familiar structure suddenly appeared from the corner of Diamond’s eye. “Ah, look. There’s the monument.” A bronze statue of a Coltec warrior stood proudly in the middle of the plaza. He was on his rear hooves holding a spear in one hoof and a shield in the other. He was looking straight ahead, as if he were watching his enemies approach from afar.

”So this is what a Coltec warrior looks like,” Bladewing spoke.

“Indeed. This is what a typical one looked like during the early years of the royal dynasty. Most of them have since adapted to the changing times, but there are still a few clans that continue to uphold the traditions and customs of our ancestors. Once every year, the king summons them to this very location to regale the people with rituals and stories about the ancient past.”

“Fascinating. How do I make contact with them?”

“One of the clans lives in the valley outside the city. Finding them shouldn’t be a problem. Be warned, though: they’re usually very friendly, but they can quickly turn hostile if given reason. Be mindful when you’re in their company."

“That won’t be a problem.”

“Good.” Diamond Heart spotted their destination to the right of the Coltec statue and guided the others to the entrance. Above it stood a sign that read “The Warrior’s Abode”.

“Is this the place?” Bladewing asked.

“It is. Let’s get inside, shall we?” Bladewing walked with him and Topaz inside feeling a mixture of curiosity and excitement. Hardly twenty four hours have passed and already this city was starting to feel like home to him. As a pair of waiters guided the group to an available table, he pondered what other surprises he would find next.

Meanwhile, a familiar unicorn made her way inside one of the restaurant’s back rooms. She was reading herself for work, but unlike many of her coworkers, she looked tense. The memory of Bladewing's battle with the dragons remained fresh in her mind, and had she been a less-resilient mare, she probably would’ve came to the restaurant late, or worse. Her anxiety was to the point where time seemed to move very slowly. Seconds now felt like minutes and the latter more like hours. Alas, there was nothing she could do to make the day go any faster. She returned to putting on her waitress uniform without a murmur.

“Hey, Rose. How’s it going?” The unicorn looked to her side to find a pegasus mare looking at her with a grin.

“Hey, Blaze,” Rose replied, forcing a little smile, “I’m doing fine, thanks.” The pegasus wasn’t too happy to see the look on her friend’s face.

“*chuckle* Come on. You know I don’t buy it when ya give me that face. What’s with ya today?” Rose was reluctant to answer her question. However, she knew that once Blaze gets concerned over her well-being, she won’t stop asking her questions until she knew everything she needed to hear from her. For the sake of sparing herself some trouble, she decided to give in to her query.

“I’m fine, Blaze, really. It’s just… well, I was thinking about a wonderful experience I had yesterday.”

“Ooh, that sounds exciting. You mind sharing with me?

“*sigh* I might as well. Seeing how you’d never let me off the hook otherwise.” Blaze just chuckled at her comment, and the two mares then sat a table close to where Rose obtained her uniform. From here, the unicorn told her friend everything…


“Nice! This Bladewing guy sounds cool.”

“*chuckle* He does. I imagine he’s fought plenty of battles like this one in his past.”

“I’ll bet. And you said he’s living here? In Fredericksmare?”

“Yes. I’m not sure where he lives exactly, but it’s nice to know he’s around.”

“Yeah, for sure. But there’s one thing I’d like to know about all this.”

“Like what?”

“You like him. Don’t you?” The reaction Blaze got from her question was exactly as she had hoped. Rose’s cheeks began to blush the moment she let out her last word.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Rose insisted nervously, “I just met him yesterday. Well, I didn’t actually MEET him, I just saw him while hiding in the grass. The point is, there’s no way I’d have any interest in him.”

“Uh-huh… and you called this experience ‘wonderful.’”

“Well… isn’t it?”

“*chuckle* I’ve known you since freshman year of college, Rose. I know you wouldn’t use that word unless you REALLY liked what you saw.”

“Okay, so I like that he protected a couple and their little one from a gang of dragons. That doesn’t mean I like him. It’s a bit soon to be having such feelings for him now.”

“Ah, so you're interested in him, then.” Rose found herself blushing even harder.

“A-As a friend. I’m very sure he wouldn’t be romantically interested in me. Especially given I was being a bit of a stalker back there.”

“Oh, yeah? And how would you know? He doesn’t know it was you who was watching him. Hell, I bet he thought you were just some creature looking for an easy-” One of the kitchen staff suddenly came through the door towards the two mares, cutting off Blaze in a heartbeat.

“Ms. Blossom?” Rose turned her head to face the mare. “You’re needed in the kitchen.”

“I’m on my way.” The unicorn left the room shortly. Rose in turn began to ready herself for her, much to the dismay of her pegasus friend.

“Aw, bummer,” groaned Blaze, “It was just getting good.” Needless to say, Rose found her disappointment amusing.

“*chuckle* Serves you right for trying to pry into my heart, Blaze,” Rose replied sassily, “But anyway, it’s time I got moving. Wish me luck.”

“See ya.” With that, Rose left towards the kitchen. One of the cooks was waiting for her there, and a platter with three meals was lying on one of the kitchen tables.

“Convenient timing, Ms. Blossom,” he spoke candidly, “Ze chef wants zese orders delivered to ze ponies at Table 7. Be very careful, though. Zey’re a bit heavy.”

“I can handle it.” Rose passed through the kitchen doors carrying the platter in her magic. She walked calmly towards the designated table, unknowing what – or rather who – she was going to find. About halfway there, she froze.

“*gasp* Is that… oh my goddess, it is. It’s HIM!” Rose looked with anxiety at the dark stallion sitting at that very table. Accompanied by the couple he rescued the other day, Bladewing sat in deep thought, unaware of her presence.

“Gah, this is so unfair! I just escaped an interrogation from Blaze over how I feel about him. Why did he have to show up here of all places?” The mare was reluctant to press forward. It was a miracle that she didn’t drop her platter the moment she spotted him, but now she couldn’t feel more like getting somepony to carry it to his table in her place. If there was one thing she sorely lacked as a mare, it was the courage to interact with a handsome stallion – even one she wasn’t interested in. However, upon taking a second look, she realized that interacting with Bladewing may not be as bad as she thought.

“Huh. He’s with the family he saved yesterday. I should be more comfortable interacting with him if I’m not alone with him. If I start to feel nervous or uncomfortable, I can just make a joke with the couple and laugh it off. That way I won’t make a fool of myself in front of him. Oh, what am I saying? I’m talking like I really am interested in him. Why should I have ANY trouble just giving him his order?” Time seemed to slow around Rose as she thought carefully of the situation. A myriad of scenarios passed through her mind, each one its own timeline. She normally would’ve cast aside a problem like this without hesitation, but this was a special case. She strongly felt that this might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For reasons she wished she knew, she didn’t want to brush him off her mind just yet. She couldn’t say how long she stood there, but she didn’t care. Her ultimate objective now was to determine what to do. After what seemed like a good while, she came up with a plan.

“Hey… there might be something in this close encounter for me after all. Interacting with him can give me some practice with how to be cool around boys. If I can catch his interest, I can do the same with any other stallion like him. Plus, I won’t have to worry about making a fool of myself in front of him. Since I’m not interested in him, I can easily forget about him if by chance I’m unsuccessful. Either way it goes, I’ll have significantly reduced my timidity around stallions period. Oh, Rose, you’re a genius!” Rose proceeded to her table with a cheerful smile, her mind now unified under the banner that was her idea. Even as her idea lightly touched on the possibility that she might be romantically interested in him, she refused to admit that she was. One could say she might be trying to avoid potential heartbreak, but then it would confirm this possibility as a fact. Whichever the cause for her turning a blind eye to it, it was fortunate that she didn’t wait a second longer – the chef hates when one of his waitresses starts to dawdle.

Although Rose felt a lot better about her situation, the same could not be said of Bladewing. He sensed a presence nearby, one which oddly enough felt very familiar to him.

“Hm. It’s familiar, but… where have I felt this presence before?”

“Are you all right, Bladewing?” Topaz’s voice snapped the pegasus from his thoughts. He rubbed his face firmly with a hoof.

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? You seemed a bit uncomfortable.”

“It’s nothing. I just got a bad feeling for a moment. Don’t worry about it.”

“Very well.” Rose arrived shortly after she spoke, and the trio immediately turned towards her.

“Here are your orders, sirs, miss,” she spoke joyously, serving their food, “Thank you for your patience.”

“No, thank you,” replied Diamond. The mare just chuckled as he snacked on the vegetable pizza slices that were his order. It was in this moment that Bladewing sensed the mysterious presence at its strongest.

“No way. It’s right on top of me… and it definitely feels familiar. But where the devil did I feel it before? Wait a minute…” Bladewing thought deeply for a moment, and then a flashback from yesterday entered his mind.


Bladewing smiled as he started walking with the Hearts towards their home. He expected his day to be uneventful from this point onward, but it didn’t take long before trouble found him again. He heard a twig snapping a distance behind him, and his warrior instincts immediately sprang back into action. He turned on his lightsabers just as he turned the other way, anticipating something to come at him for a frontal assault. The Hearts, on the other hoof, cringed in surprise, for they feared something terrible was happening.

“What the…” Both Diamond and his wife looked towards Bladewing to find his back turned to them. He was in a defensive stance, and his lightsabers hummed as he stood there looking at the bit of land in front of him.

“What’s wrong, Bladewing?” Diamond asked him.

“I heard something,” murmured Bladewing, “A twig snapping, I think. I have a feeling we’re being watched.” Bladewing couldn’t fathom how accurate his assumption was. However, the Hearts were unable to confirm his suspicions.

“I can’t see a thing,” Diamond continued, looking around, “Can you, dear?”

“No, nothing,” replied Topaz, “Are you sure about this, Bladewing?”

“I’m sure. I’ll go investigate, but I suggest both of you find cover. There’s no telling what might come of this.” The Hearts were more than willing to oblige. After having barely escaped the dragons with their lives, they dared not take any chances with whatever was following them. Especially not when their little one was with them. They hid behind some tall grass nearby, determined to stay put until Bladewing dealt with this potential threat on their behalf.

Bladewing cleansed his mind to better focus himself on this mysterious interloper. He then senses a presence a short distance ahead of him. It was faint, but Bladewing was certain that it was the creature that made the twig-snapping sound he heard earlier. He approached it silently hoping to catch it off-guard, but what Bladewing didn’t know was that this interloper was not an “it” but rather, a she. It was Rose Blossom, and she was hiding in some tall grass just as the Hearts were. She accidentally stepped on yet another old twig the moment she turned towards an old dirt road that lead to Fredericksmare. She had hoped until this point that she would be able to take this road back home without attracting any further attention, but now that the loud snapping noise gave away her presence, her only desire was to hide herself from view – especially from that of the stallion coming towards her.

Even as he anticipated another battle, Bladewing pressed forward cautiously. He was uncertain whether this presence was a lone creature or a culmination of several smaller ones, so charging into the fray as he did earlier would prove more risky. He had no choice but to play it safe for now.

“You got some nerve, creep,” threatened Bladewing, “I would’ve thought you’d know better than to follow us. I’m sure you saw how I decimated that dragon gang earlier. Now show yourself. There’s no point in trying to hide from me any longer.” Bladewing quieted himself to better hear any response from this mysterious entity. None came.

“Very well. I’d have given you a chance to live if you cooperated, but it seems you’d rather test my patience. Now I’m just going to make sure you don’t leave this place alive.” Bladewing prepared to charge the mysterious creature full force, but before he could take a single step, he sensed something suddenly spring towards him. It was fast, but Bladewing’s eyesight was sharp enough to detect the creature that barely managed to hop over his head… and once he found out what it was, he couldn’t help but feel shocked.

“What?!” Bladewing turned around quickly, and his cheeks flushed red as he watched a small, but very spry bunny turned frantically hopping to the dirt road and then into a wild rice field on the other side.

“Oh, come on,” he murmured in annoyance, “There’s no way that little rabbit was what I was sensing. She’s nowhere NEAR the foe I was expecting.” Bladewing turned back around and scrutinized the area around him. To his greatest dismay, he could no longer sense the presence he felt earlier. He was unaware that Rose was long gone by now – the bunny distracted him long enough for her to make a break for it without detection. With no other living creature around for miles, Bladewing had no choice but to assume that the presence he felt earlier was indeed the bunny who so frantically charged at him.

“*sigh* I must be getting trigger-happy. A bunny, setting off my senses this whole time…” Bladewing spent the few seconds he took to return to the Hearts rebuking himself for letting a tiny little animal lure trick him into thinking a much bigger threat was on the prowl.


“I REALLY doubt that bunny was the source of the creepy presence… and now that I think about it, the one I’m sensing now is more like it. Could it be?” Bladewing slowly followed the direction in which he felt the presence and he traced it to the unicorn mare. He tried taking a closer look at her face, but he then shook the idea that suddenly popped into his head.

“Ugh, what foolishness is this? There’s no way this mare could be the source of the presence. She hardly even LOOKS menacing. But there’s no way it could come from any of the other ponies here, either. *grunt* I feel like it’s toying with me.” Rose noticed Bladewing’s attempt to scrutinize her. It wasn’t like Bladewing tried to hide it, but she knew that something about her had stunned him.

“*giggle* Brilliant. He’s checking me out. I might’ve gotten his interest already.” Interest was the last thing Bladewing had for her, but it hardly mattered. As Rose saw it, now was her chance to make a move.

“I haven’t seen you here before,” she spoke to him. Bladewing was still unsettled by the presence – it all seemed to emanate from her – but her smile proved to be comforting for him.

“It’s my first time, actually,” he replied, “I’m not from Fredericksmare.”

“Ah, I see. What do you think of our city so far?”

“It’s quite fascinating. It’s unlike any I’ve seen before.”

“*chuckle* I’m glad somepony thinks so.” Another waitress came by and tapped Rose on the shoulder. She whispered something in her ear and left her right after Rose nodded her head.

“Would you mind if I may have your name?”

“I’m Bladewing.”

“Great. Enjoy your stay, Mr. Bladewing.” Rose left his side feeling victorious. With that very short conversation, she felt confident that she left a good impression on him. The mysterious presence Bladewing felt earlier slowly diminished with each step she took away from him. This strange phenomena confirmed his suspicions, but it also left him in a state of bewilderment.

“I don’t believe it. So it WAS her presence I’ve been sensing. Wait a minute… if it was her I sensed back at the fields… then that means…” Rose was just at the doors leading into the kitchen when Bladewing turned his head towards her. She quickly noticed from the corner of her eye and looked back. His face was one of surprise. She smiled briefly for him before passing through the doors, as if she knew he caught on to her. The Hearts took note of the whole scene, and Diamond was as amused as Bladewing was perplexed.

“Wow. I think she’s taken a fancy to you, my friend.” Bladewing remained still.

“Is that a good thing?”

“*chuckle* Don’t tell me you’re nervous about it. It’s perfectly natural… well, the scenario isn’t normally the mare wooing the stallion, but that’s not the point.” Topaz couldn’t resist laughing at Diamond’s feeble attempt at comforting Bladewing and decided to intervene.

“What my husband is trying to say, Bladewing, is that you shouldn’t worry. Despite what HE may think of the situation, I doubt that mare has a special interest in you. She probably just likes you.”

“Ah, good. I was on edge there for a moment.” Topaz glared playfully at Diamond, and the stallion in turn grinned nervously.

“Very tactful, dear. Shoot a poisoned love arrow into his heart, why don’t you?”

“Sorry. Just wanted to help.” Entertained and in better spirits, Bladewing proceeded to enjoying the food with the others.

Meanwhile, behind literally closed doors, Rose took a moment to process what she just experienced.

*sigh* That was amazing. I only just talked to him and I feel like a new mare. I’m one step closer to being cool around boys.” Rose was glad that she got through interacting with Bladewing without making a fool of herself – she even enjoyed it to a degree – but now she faced a whole other dilemma, in the form of a smug eavesdropping pegasus.

“*chuckle* Looks like you might be liking him after all,” spoke Blaze with a grin. Rose cringed and then quickly turned around to face her.

“B-Blaze,” she stammered, “I-I didn’t expect to see you here. Did the chef call you up?”

“Yeah, but it was just to toss out the garbage. I figured I’d hang out afterwards by the counter to see how you were doing… and unless I’m mistaken, that stud you were flirting with earlier is Bladewing. Am I right?” Rose was filled with both shock and nervousness. It was clear from her words that Blaze saw every second of the brief moment of conversation she had with Bladewing… and now she had her right where she wanted her. Flustered and unable to escape her romantic situation. She had no choice but to nod in agreement.

“Yes. That’s him.”

“I figured as much. I can’t say I blame ya, though. He’s tall, dark, and plenty handsome – a guy any girl would want by her side. Although in your case, it looks like he’s even more than that.”

“*sigh* For the last time, Blaze, I’m not-”

“I know, I know. You’re not interested in him. But let’s take this somewhere more private.” Rose was reluctant to oblige, but before she could say a word of protest, she felt the pegasus grab her by a foreleg and drag her to the stockroom. It was only after they were behind its doors that Blaze released her from her grip.

“Good,” continued Blaze, “We’re alone. So you’re not interested in Bladewing?” Rose shook her head. “Okay…so why were you flirting with him?”

“I was just trying to practice being cool around stallions. With Bladewing being kind and handsome and all that, I figured he’d be my best chance to do so. There’s nothing more involved between me and him.”

“Ah. So he’s still on the market, then?” For a reason she wished she could comprehend, Rose felt threatened by the sly tone in Blaze’s voice (as well as the sassy grin on her face). She knew she meant no harm, but the thought of Bladewing being with another mare disturbed her somehow.

“I know what you’re thinking Blaze, but it’s not like that. If you think seeing you flirt with him is somehow going to make me jealous, you got another thing coming.”

“I don’t see why it should. You said it yourself: you’re not interested in him. I shouldn’t have to worry about making you jealous if you don’t even like him, let alone want him.”

“Well, no, but… who’s to say I won’t like him in the future?”

“*chuckle* You know how I roll, Rose: it’s now or never. So you make up your mind right now and tell me how you REALLY feel about Bladewing… or else I’m gonna walk out this door and make him my coltfriend.” Rose gasped in shock. It was one thing for her best friend to tease her, but now she was making her choose between her pride and her heart. Blaze had all the cards in her hoof and she knew it… and Rose couldn’t afford to fold.

“Y-You’re bluffing,” stammered Rose nervously, “Mad.”

“Am I? Or are you just saying that because you’re afraid he’ll like me instead of you?” Rose’s cheeks blushed once more, now ever harder than before.

“*grunt* You’re not going to make me say it, are you?”

“*giggle* You tell me. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way… and right now, it looks like you wanna try the hard way.”

“Humph. You say that like you’re giving me a choice.”

“I am, Rose. You can either choose to make it easy on yourself and tell me how you feel about Bladewing… or you can choose NOT to tell me and hold it in for life as I claim him for myself.”

“Well, I got news for you, you bird-brained diva – neither one is a real choice. I’m not spilling my heart for you, and you can’t make me.”

“Suit yourself. But don’t think for a second that I’m doing this to be mean. I love you like a sister… and it’s because I love you that I’m giving you one last chance to stop me from making Bladewing mine. You have ‘til I go from three to zero to tell me how you REALLY feel about him. Once I hit zero, I’m walking out that door and you’re gonna lose him forever.” At this point in their conversation, Rose was completely on edge. She was putting up a brave fight to keep from shaking but on the inside, she trembled like a one-legged stand during an earthquake. No matter how much she insisted, Blaze was unconvinced that she wasn’t interested in Bladewing. There was only one way this scenario was going to end for her, and it was that her life from this point onward would be changed forever – and it was going to happen in a matter of seconds.

“Um… can I think about this for a minute?” Blaze rubbed her chin playfully in thought, pretending to be concerned.

“Hm… nope.” Rose’s eyes opened wide in horror, much to Blaze’s delight. “Three…”

“Oh, come on, Blaze. If you’re going to force this upon me, you should at least give me some time to think about it. It’s only fair.”

“Two…” Rose could see clearly that Blaze wouldn’t give her any quarter. She was determined to do good by her word and see this through to its very end no matter what she says. Now that she was officially backed into a corner, Rose scrambled to decide which route she should take.

“Oh goddess, what am I to do? She’s really adamant about this. Should I just lie to her and pretend that I’m interested so she can let me go? Wait, no… it can’t ALL be a lie, can it?”

“One…” Even as Blaze approached the dreaded zero, she was praying with all of her heart that Rose would make the right choice. It was not that she didn’t like Bladewing herself – he was by far one of the best-looking stallions she saw so far – but she wanted Rose to show some backbone for once in her love life. She knew from experience that boys were her main weakness, and given what she told her and how she behaved around Bladewing, Blaze felt that now was the perfect time to finally break Rose of her fear of being “uncool” with them. It was a pity for her indeed that even now, Rose was struggling to show it… but that would change very soon.

“Zero.” The moment of truth had come, and Blaze turned around to face the door, but before she could place her hoof on the doorknob, something truly extraordinary happened.

“WAIT!” Rose, out of pure desperation, rushed towards Blaze’s side and grasped her foreleg firmly. She dared not let go of her, for she knew full well what Blaze was going to do now. Her heart now had control of her body, and her only concern was to protect Bladewing from being seduced by her best friend – even if Blaze didn’t mean it. Blaze meanwhile stood surprised.

“Holy hell,” she thought to herself, “This is dramatic even for her. She must be really into Bladewing if she’s this desperate to stop me.” Now that she saw the choice Rose wanted to make, Blaze decided it was time she slowed things down a bit.

“Whoa, Rose, take it easy,” she spoke, relinquishing Rose’s hold on her, “There’s no need to fly off the handle.”

“*sigh* I’m sorry. It’s just… I couldn’t let you take him from me. Not if it means letting you take my dignity along with him.”

“Ah. So you DO like him.”

“Yes. I admit it. I like him. I really do. Are you happy now? You’ve broken my will to resist, and now you know exactly how I feel about him. Will you finally give it a rest now?”

“Of course. But why are you so upset? You should be happy knowing that you’ve taken that off your shoulders.”

“It’s because you always do this, Blaze!” Blaze was startled, and she backed away slightly in shock. “You’re always pressuring me to be true to myself. I get that it’s important – really, I do – but when it comes to stallions, it’s really hard for me to do that. You know how reluctant I am to be myself around boys.”

“Well, yeah, but… if you really like one, then you shouldn’t be afraid to admit it. Doesn’t it feel great to know that for that one moment, you were able to not only talk to a stallion you like, but also feel comfortable around him?”

“To be honest… I feel worse off now than I did before. I had hoped to build up my confidence with that one interaction, but you just took it all down. I actually think I would’ve been better off if I had never told you about him.” Rose moved to the wall behind her and sat down in a state of melancholy. Blaze felt bad to see her best friend so destitute – she felt she didn’t have the face for it – but as bad as the situation now seemed, she knew that it was necessary. She viewed her sadness as the culmination of multiple years of suppressed anxiety, and so by letting it all out, she knew Rose would feel much better afterwards.

“Aw, Rose,” she spoke softly, sitting next to her, “It’s okay.” Rose felt the mare gently wrap a wing around her, and though she was upset that she’s the reason she felt so miserable right now, she made no effort to stop her. All she wanted right now was for something – anything – to comfort her.

“I understand,” Blaze continued, nuzzling her, “I really do. You don’t think you’re ready to trust a stallion with your heart yet. Even one like Bladewing. Every girl has felt that way about a crush at some point in her life. But how can you know for sure if you don’t try?”

“You KNOW why, Blaze. You were there when it happened. I am NOT going to suffer the same fate she did.”

“Okay, so she got her heart busted. Big whoop. She had it coming the moment she decided she’ll make a coltfriend out of a playboy. But at least she was brave enough to give him a chance. You only had a few seconds with Bladewing, and you’re already thinking he’s gonna shatter your heart like a glass slipper.”

“Yeah? And what makes you think a relationship between us would work? He was very hostile towards me when I was hiding from him in the grass. He probably thinks I’m a creep.”

“*chuckle* You and I BOTH know that’s not true, Rose. Sure, you might’ve scared him a bit, but he doesn’t know it was you. I’m sure he’d understand why you were hiding from him if you explained it to him. From what you’ve told me, he sounds like a guy that hears BOTH sides of an argument.”

“*sigh* I know… and I’m sorry for snapping, okay? I’m just nervous. I’ve never felt this way about a stallion before.”

“Oh, it’s all right. I’m just glad that I finally got through to you. So are you going to accept your liking him or not?”

“Yes. I will.”

“Good. Now give me a smile. You’re much prettier when you’re happy.” Rose giggled lightly and obliged. “Now, then… do you wanna see if he’s interested in a relationship?” Rose thought carefully for a short moment before answering Blaze’s question.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Blaze. I like him, but I have doubts that he’ll like me just as much.”

“You’d be surprised. He doesn’t look like the kind of guy who turns away a girl who likes him so easily.”

“Maybe, but… what if another girl catches his interest?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. I saw how disturbed he was back there. I bet he’s more interested in figuring out what kind of creature it was that scared him back at the plains. That should keep his mind off girls for now. Besides, he lost his memories, remember? If finding the ‘creature’ won’t keep him busy, adjusting to a new life here in Fredericksmare sure will.”

“Perhaps. But will it be enough? I’m still a bit nervous to be myself around him. That brief moment I had with him offered me minimal experience at best. I had to pretend he was nothing but another customer to me to maintain my composure that whole scene.” Blaze couldn’t help but laugh heartily.

“Will you just try it already, Rose? The only real way to get comfortable around him is to spend as much time with him as possible. Don’t be afraid to mess up. I’m sure he can look past any mistake you make so long as you don’t hurt him in any way. You know, like literally pull his leg or something.”

“*sigh* All right. I’ll… I’ll give it a go. But I want you to promise me something first.”

“Sure. Why not? What do you have in mind?”

“I want you to come with me when I meet him. I hope to do it tomorrow now that I’ve accepted that I like him, and I think I’d have a much better chance of making him my coltfriend if I had a wingmare with me for support. Can I count on you to fill that role?”

“*chuckle* I’ll do ya one better. If you do make him your coltfriend, I’m gonna help you any way I can to make sure you have a solid future with him from then on.”

“Good.” Rose gave her friend a hug, effectively her way of reconciling a dispute with her. “Let’s get back to work, before the chef thinks we’re slacking off.”

“Right on.” Blaze and Rose both smiled now that they’re on the same page, and the duo returned to their duties shortly thereafter.


“…so he brings him the plunger and the leader asked him, ‘What’s with the plunger?’ He replied, ‘Well, we’re flushing them out, aren’t we?’” Topaz and Bladewing laughed heartily. Diamond was elaborating on a comical experience he had during his youth.

“Bloody hell,” Bladewing sighed, wiping away a tear, “He actually said that?”

“Yes, indeed. I’ve seen bad lackeys before, but he took the cake.”

“Wow. Now that’s a moment worthy of a memoir.” The laughter settled down after a brief moment, but Ruby suddenly started to whimper softly. In response, Topaz pulled out a bottle of milk from her saddlebag.

“Don’t you fret, little one,” she said to her, “I have your milk right here.” Ruby smiled and giggled with delight. Bladewing watched with amusement as the little filly took the bottle from her and started to suck out its contents. For the first time, the pegasus took note of her appearance.

“She’s adorable.”

“She sure is.” Topaz stroked Ruby’s mane softly as she continued. “My husband and I were very happy when she was born. The nurses begged to hold her, but Diamond was very protective of her. He refused to let anypony come near her without my approval.” Bladewing looked at Diamond with surprise.

“Is that so, Diamond?”

“*chuckle* Oh, yes. It didn’t matter to me if those mares helped deliver Ruby or not. Nopony came near unless my wife allowed it.”

“I don’t think the nurses found that fair.”

“Hardly. Topaz had to persuade me quite a bit before I let them hold her. It probably wasn’t the smartest move… but it’s what I’d call ‘paternal instinct’.”

“Ah. That makes perfect sense.” Topaz just giggled and shook her head in amusement. By this time, Ruby had all but drained the milk from her bottle.

“There we are,” Topaz spoke to her, removing the bottle, “That feels better now, doesn’t it?” Ruby just licked her lips and burped lightly. “Right then. *ahem*… Ruby, this is Bladewing.” The little foal looked at the pegasus and then back to her mom, unsure of what to do.

"Go ahead, sweetie," she told her softly, "Say hello." Ruby tried to speak, but all that came out of her mouth was "Goo goo". Bladewing just smiled and slowly reached out a hoof to caress her cheek. He was very careful not to frighten the little foal as he did so. Ruby accepted the gesture and hugged his hoof happily. As Bladewing retracted his hoof, she giggled, holding out her own to him as if she wanted to hug him.

"You want to hug him, Ruby?" Diamond asked. Ruby answered him with a happy face. "All right, then. Would you like to hold her, Bladewing?" Bladewing stifled a grin.

"If your wife lets me, sir," he joked.

"Hah hah, very funny." The earth pony moved Ruby from her seat into Bladewing's hooves. She looked at him with luminous eyes, curious as to who he was.

"Hello there, Ruby,” he greeted her, “I am Bladewing.” Bladewing’s mane caught Ruby’s attention, and she reached out a hoof to grab it.

“Ah, you like my mane?” She played with it for a moment, but then a single strand tickled her nose, forcing her to sneeze.

"Oops. Excuse you.” The filly cooed as she suddenly hugged against his chest. Bladewing stood surprised; Topaz, on the other hoof, couldn’t feel more excited.

"Aww, she likes you," she said to him.

“That she does.” Bladewing returned the hug, smiling ever so warmly as Ruby continued to hold him close. After a short while, he broke from the hug and Ruby did the same.

“I do have one question, though. How exactly will she see me?”

“How else?” spoke Diamond, “You’ll be her uncle.”

“An uncle?”

“Of course. You saved me from death, didn’t you? I may as well consider you like my brother.”

“Yes… that will do nicely.” Bladewing smiled and looked down at Ruby. “How about it, little one? Would you want me for an uncle?” Ruby giggled and smiled at him with the purest of felicity. “*chuckle* It’s settled, then. From now on, I’ll be your old Uncle Bladewing.” This was a joyous moment for the stallion. Just a second ago, he was but a stranger (albeit a brave one); now he was a special pony in the life of the little filly smiling before him. He knew this wasn’t his purpose, but it nevertheless made living in this new world all the more worthwhile.

“*chuckle* Uncle. I like that.” A teenage pegasus colt suddenly approached the table. He was carrying some flyers in his mouth and he gave one to Topaz. The mare thanked him and looked at the parchment just as the colt moved to another table.

“Interesting. There’s going to be a duel at the local amphitheater. That sounds like something you might be interested in, Bladewing.”

“May I have a look?” Topaz gave Bladewing the flyer. The pegasus in turn examined it closely.

“Hm… ‘Battle Royale Tomorrow Night! Undefeated Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare Featherlight to Face a Legendary Duo! Tickets on Sale Now! Don’t Miss the Most Epic Fight of the Year!’ Heh, it sounds like quite a bout.”

“It must be if Featherlight’s involved,” Diamond replied, “He’s held his title for six years straight.”

“He’s that good?” The earth pony nodded his head. “Nice. Would it be okay if we attended the fight?”

“Of course. Topaz and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Would we, dear?”

“No, we wouldn’t,” replied Topaz, “We’ve been fans of his since we were courting. Let’s see if we can get some tickets before they run out.”

“Ah, yes. They tend to run out like hotcakes. Waiter?” Diamond called out to one of the stallions who was serving customers at another table. He walked towards the table as soon as he was free.

“What can I do for you, sir?”

“We’d like our check, please.”

“As you wish. I’ll be with you in a moment.” The stallion moved into the kitchen for a short while to calculate the total. He came back with a notepad containing their check in his hoof.

“All right, sir. Your total is 28 bits.”

“Here’s 30.” Diamond gave the stallion two bills from a wallet Topaz held for him in her saddlebag. “Keep the change as your tip.”

“Thank you. Have a pleasant day, sir.” With that said, the waiter carried on with his work. The group departed from the restaurant shortly afterwards to find and acquire the tickets for the fight. Bladewing’s mind was elsewhere, however, in a sea of questions generated by his discovery.

”This doesn’t make any sense. What was she doing back at the plains? And why did she hide herself from me? Could it be that she’s stalking me? Or was it pure coincidence that she was there when I came to? Ugh, if only I had the answer.” Bladewing pressed forward with uncertainty, the hunt for the tickets his only distraction.