• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,701 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

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It was nighttime on Coruscant, and the Jedi Temple was relatively quiet. Rumors that the Galactic Republic finally won the Clone Wars have spread all across the galaxy, a promising sign that there will at last be peace. To the Order, the war’s end would indeed be a glorious victory, for it would mean the Sith have finally been vanquished and the Force is balanced once and for all.

Not everyone was enthusiastic about the rumors, however. During the few weeks prior, Jack’s vision grew more vivid. The line between illusion and reality was slowly vanishing from his mind and he would sometimes wake from his bed sweating all over. Fortunately for him, he found no signs of trouble yet. Even so, with rumors of the end of the Clone Wars now spread all over Coruscant, Jack kept an eye out more than ever. The vision was sure to turn real if it harassed him so fiercely during this time.

Jack walked steadily through one of the Temple hallways, smiling in relief that fewer people roamed here during this time of day. He was looking for Jesse at the moment, and less people meant he’ll find her faster. Sure enough – after a few moments or so – he found her in one of the rooms in the Temple Library, sitting ever so calmly on the floor in meditation.

“Is there room for one more?” he mused. Jesse just smiled and chuckled in reply, her body still poised in meditation. Jack took this gesture as an invitation and without hesitation, he took a spot next her.

“How are you feeling, Jess?” Jesse took a moment to prepare a witty reply.

“You want an honest answer? Or should I just keep your fears at bay?”

“*chuckle* You know what I want. So will you tell me or not?”

“Okay, I’ll tell.” Jesse inhaled deeply before continuing. “I’m excited, to say the least. I’ve been hearing rumors lately that the war is over.”

“Yes, I heard them, too. Isn’t it great? Imagine being able to do as you want without worrying about being summoned to a battle or a mission briefing. Just thinking about it sends my mind in a euphoric state.”

“You and me both. I’ve waited years for such a thing…” Jesse leaned back onto Jack’s chest, placing a warm hand on top of his heart. “Just like I have for him.” Jack quickly pivoted his eyes for anyone near the room’s entrance. Not a soul was in sight, or a sound within earshot. With a greater sense of security, he maneuvered himself behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Ah, yes,” Jack murmured softly to Jesse, “I nearly forgot. It’s time I make the decision, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she murmured back, “There’s nothing left to worry about, Jack. The Republic has won, and your vision still hasn’t come to life.” The latter of that last sentence concerned Jack. She wasn’t wrong about his vision, but he was still hesitant to admit that it won’t come true.

“Oh, to hell with that cursed vision,” he thought to himself, “It’s no longer a concern at this point. If the Clone Wars are history, then so are the Sith. I’ve kept vigilant on it for long enough.” With that said, he knew what to do next.

“You’re right. I am ready to decide the future of ‘us’.” Jesse grinned with bliss.

“Good. So what will you choose, love? Friendship… or courtship?” Jack thought carefully to himself. Jesse watched in suspense as the man shut his eyes, shunning the outside world just for this moment.

“This is it. It’s now time for me to choose my fate. Should I surrender my heart to Jesse and spend the rest of my life with her? Or should I stay devoted to the Order and lock it away?” The choice was as difficult for Jack as the last time. Once more, his heart was at war with his brain. It was a vicious battle of passion vs. wisdom.

”I really do love her. I know it’s wrong to be thinking this way, but this chance may very well be my last. I dare not waste it. Yet, if I choose to be with her, we’ll be running a very risky lifestyle. The Order will surely punish us if we ever get caught. *sigh*… life is never simple being a Jedi.” It was here, in this crucial moment, that Jack finally understood why the decision was so hard to make: it won’t allow a compromise. It could only go one way or the other, never both. He could try to live a double-life, but he knew the Order will eventually catch on. It was just too risky a move. So the question now was not whether he can balance both worlds but rather, if he can truly let go of either one. With that in mind, he took one final moment of deep thought, searching deep into his heart for the answer. Finally, he found it.

“Very well. I am ready to make a sacrifice. If choosing one life means I end the other… then I’ll choose the one that brings me the most joy.” Jack looked down towards Jesse armed with his final decision.

“Alright, Jess,” he whispered, “I have made my choice… and I choose courtship.” Jesse looked up to him with glistening eyes. Jack could sense the long-suppressed feeling of relief that emanated strongly from her, and he felt just the same about his choice. There was no turning back from it now, but he had no regrets. The time he had with Jesse brought him more satisfaction than the very missions they spent it on.

The moment was a joyous one for both of them, but Jesse was the more adamant. She wrapped her arm around his head and pulled it closer, planting a small kiss onto his face.

“It’s settled, then. From now on, we’re a couple, fighting as one for both the Order and the Republic.”

“Why continue fighting?" Jesse looked towards Jack in surprise, as if she were questioning him. “Why not just retire altogether?”

“What do you mean?” she asked worriedly, “Is there a problem?”

“Oh, no. You misunderstood me, love. I was just saying that we fought for peace and justice across the galaxy for years. Now that the Clone Wars are over, I think it’s time we actually start enjoying such things. Don’t you?” Jesse wasn’t as worried after hearing that, but she had mixed feelings about his idea.

“I don’t know, Jack. The life of a Jedi is all I’ve ever known. I don’t know if I can adjust to civilian life again.”

“Then we readjust together. Being a Jedi is all I’ve ever known too, but that doesn’t mean I can’t experience anything else. Imagine it. You and me, a young couple free of obligations to the galaxy, living life to the fullest without anyone or anything telling them otherwise. It can be fun if you give it a go. You’ve already made the first step by claiming my heart. What do you say we go all the way?” Just like that, Jack rid her of her worries. Jesse now donned a look of interest, and she rubbed her chin in deep thought. After a brief moment, she made up her mind, looking up to Jack with an amused expression.

“Alright, Jack,” she said softly to him, “Let’s do it. I’ve always wondered what being Mrs. Graystorm would be like.” Jack couldn’t help but grin.

“*chuckle* Thinking of marriage already, Ms. Jones?” Jesse smiled and her cheeks blushed. “I am shocked. Hardly a minute into our relationship and you’re already wanting your man to marry you. Next thing I know, you’ll be asking for children before we even go a full hour.”

“Come on, Jackie,” she cooed playfully, running her fingers through his hair, “I know you want it. I already have your heart. I might as well claim the rest of you while I’m at it. Besides, I wouldn’t mind getting pregnant. It’s only fair that I bear your children if you become my husband. We can tell our kids tales of our adventures as Jedi. That is… if you’re comfortable being a father.” The air around the two suddenly became warmer, and their faces inched closer together (albeit slowly). It was a scene to behold.

“Oh, yes,” he whispered, “I’d like to father children… if you’re the mum.”

“Then you’re all mine… Jack…” The pair’s lips soon touched once again. Just like the one they shared on Dantooine, the kiss was risky. They forgot that they were in one of the most safeguarded structures the Jedi Order has ever constructed. At any point in their conversation, someone could’ve caught them. It was nothing short of a miracle that no one did, but they wouldn’t mind much otherwise. Their minds were made up and not even the Council could change that. As far as Jack and Jesse were concerned, they were officially retired from both the Order and their roles as guardians of the Galactic Republic.

Elsewhere outside the Temple, two temple guards were standing watch over the stairs leading inside. They skimmed the environment around them for any sign of hostiles but found nothing so far. Unfortunately for the two men, the open area exposed them to a Clone Sharpshooter from the Chancellor’s 501st legion. He was perched high in one of the adjacent skyscrapers, looking down upon the guards through the crosshairs in his scope. Picking up no other guards near them, the soldier decided to report to his commander. He pressed a button on his wrist communicator and spoke into it.

“This is CS-1107, calling Lord Vader. Come in, Lord Vader.” A few seconds pass before Vader’s voice came through the speaker.

“Vader here. What do you see, soldier?”

“I got two hostiles near the temple entrance, sir. No sign of the Jedi for now.”

“Good. Eliminate them.”

“Yes, sir.” The clone turned off his communicator and poised himself for the kill.

“Well, my shift is done,” said the temple guard on the right, “I’ll see you to-” PAWHN! “Hnngh!” The guard had just turned to face the temple before an energy blast tore through his heart, killing him in an instant. The left guard pulled out his blaster pistol and looked fearfully around him while CS-1107 was busy aligning his next shot, but to no avail. Another energy blast sounded through the Coruscant streets and bore a hole through his skull, just as the guard was about to make a break for the temple halls. His body fell forward lifelessly, lying just a few feet away from his fallen comrade. They didn’t see who killed them, but they didn’t see the large group of 501st Clone Troopers emerging from the shadows of the skyscrapers, either. They were the lucky ones, for they won’t have to experience what these soldiers – and the Chosen One-turned-Sith-Lord who was leading them - were going to do to the Jedi Temple.

Although they didn’t hear the cries of the fallen guards, Jack and Jesse sensed their presences fade away from this world like a blown-out flame. The two lovebirds quickly broke their kiss and stood on their feet. They were both worried, but it was more so for Jack than for Jesse. The dark presence he felt closing in was almost identical to the one he felt in his dreams.

“What’s wrong, Jack?” Jesse asked him.

“It… I-It can’t be,” Jack shuddered, “It’s happening.”

“What’s happening?” Jack placed his hands on Jesse’s shoulders nervously.

“My vision… it’s come to life. Skywalker’s turned evil after all... and he’s coming to destroy the Temple!” In a frantic state, Jack let go of her and ran towards the Temple hallway.

“Wait, Jack! Maybe it’s not what you think!” It was no good. Jack was too deep in his woes to listen to Jesse. The woman followed him with haste, intent on stopping him from potentially making a dreadful mistake.

It took a short while, but Jesse finally caught up to Jack. She found him standing behind one of the Temple pillars, watching the entrance closely for Skywalker’s men.

“There you are,” she gasped, taking a short moment to catch her breath, “Take it easy. Maybe Skywalker’s just coming to warn everyone of danger.”

“He IS the danger,” Jack whispered, pulling her towards him to hide her, “Look.” Jesse looked towards the Temple stairway. Sure enough, Skywalker was coming, and he was leading some of the 501st Legion’s most experienced battalions behind him. His eyes bore the yellow tint of the Sith, and his head was covered in a dark hood. The two Jedi watched as he walked into the Temple, accompanied by two of his troopers. The rest of the clones stayed at the stairway. An elderly woman dressed in a yellow and blue dress stood halfway between the Sith Lord and Jack and Jesse, and a few dozen Jedi were standing in the balconies to the sides of the hall.

“I want access to the Temple’s signal beacon,” Vader spoke in a low tone.

“On whose authority?” the elderly woman replied.

“By order of the Supreme Chancellor.” It was here that the situation turned for the worse.

“That is NOT in the Chancellor’s power.” The old woman brought her blue lightsaber into her hand using the Force, turning it on in preparation for battle. “Only the Jedi Council can authorize access.” Her bold defiance proved futile. Using his organic arm, Vader used the Force to lift the old Jedi into the air. He pulled her swiftly towards him, plunging his lightsaber deep into her with a vice. Jack, Jesse, and the other Jedi watched in horror as he tossed her lifeless body to the side like trash.

“The Council is no longer in control!” The Jedi on the balconies jumped down to the Temple floor, lightsabers at the ready.

“You won’t get away with this, Skywalker!” One of the male Jedi yelled out.

“Kill them,” Vader told his men, “Kill them all!” The other clone troopers advanced into the temple, intent on carrying out Vader’s command. Jesse immediately brought her lightsaber into her hand and was about to join the other Jedi in battle when Jack grabbed her arm.

“What are you doing?”

“It’s no use, Jesse. There’s too many of them. We have to get out of here and now.” Jesse took one last glance at the other Jedi. They fought valiantly against Vader, but Jack was right: the clones were too many. One by one, she watched them gun down her comrades like animals. Grief could be seen in her eyes as she saw a red button to the wall on the left of the pillar. The button was enclosed in a glass case, but it didn’t matter one bit to Jesse. With all her might, she slammed her fist into the button, triggering an alarm that alerted everyone inside that the Temple was under siege. Jesse then turned to face Jack again, blood slowly oozing from the cuts in her hand.

“Lead the way.”

“Right.” The two Jedi dared not linger any longer. They went as fast as they could away from Vader, searching desperately for their only ticket out of the Temple and off this planet: their starfighters.

Getting there wasn’t easy though. Although there were less than a thousand clones attacking the Temple, they were penetrating the structure from all sides. They spread throughout its halls like a plague, and the entire first floor was completely overrun. Jack and Jesse had to move through the frenzy of Temple guards and Jedi to higher ground in order to avoid the carnage.

In a few short minutes, they were on the right floor. Unfortunately for them, the clones were not too far behind.

“There’s our fighters!” Jesse cried, pointing to the landing pad ahead of them, “We must board them quickly!”

“You get in yours first!” Jack replied, “I’ll cover you!” A whistling sound could be heard outside. Two rockets were flying in the air from the right side, launched by a pair of Clone Heavy Troopers from one of the adjacent walkways. In under 3 seconds, the rockets successfully hit both starfighters, and they exploded viciously into pieces. The shockwave from the blast sent both Jack and Jesse tumbling backward, knocking them down to their backs.

“Damn!” Jack grunted, helping Jesse back on her feet, “They’ve destroyed our fighters!” Jesse looked around for another way out. There were no other vehicles close by, flying or otherwise. However, there were no hostiles on the sides of the Temple, and the temples walls were steep enough to allow a fast descent. Inspiration came to Jesse in a flash.

“I got it! Jack, we have to go back down.”

“Are you mad?!” He cried, deflecting blaster shots with his blue lightsaber, “It’s a bloody slaughterhouse back there!”

“Not the lower levels, Jack, the bottom! We can slide down the Temple walls to the ground below! There’s no clones down there!” The blaster fire was slowly overwhelming Jack, and Vader was coming towards him and Jesse. At the moment, arguing with her was DEFINITELY not an option.

“*grunt* Fine! We’ll do it your way!” After turning off his lightsaber, Jack moved behind a piece of fallen debris. He used the Force to break off a chunk of the ceiling and quickly sent it crashing down in front of Vader. For the moment at least, he and Jesse could breathe a bit.

“I’ll see you in Hell, Skywalker!” Jack swiftly turned towards the landing pad. “Let’s go, Jess.”

“Right. Follow me.” The pair made haste to the edge of the landing pad. Vader, meanwhile, grunted angrily as he used the Force to remove the debris Jack planted in front of his troopers. He looked through the wreckage of Jack and Jesse’s starfighters only to find them jumping off the pad and down the side of the Temple.

“You’re not getting away alive.” The Sith Lord pulled out a disc-like device from his pocket and turned it on. As the rest of his men advanced forward, a blue hologram arose from the device, revealing a pair of Clone Heavy Troopers perched a few kilometers away from where CS-1107 was.

“Your orders, Lord Vader?” one of the clones asked him.

“Two Jedi have escaped the Temple and are running in your direction. Don’t let them leave Coruscant.”

“Yes, sir.” Vader resumed the onslaught shortly afterwards. Jack and Jesse were safe from him, but that’s more than one can say about their fellow Jedi. They were fighting a Sith Lord who was once the “Chosen One” of their Order. This battle was one that could only end with the Temple filled with their corpses.

Jack slid down the incline terrified, Jesse moving right beside him. Just as she said, there were no clones down below. However, they were taking fire from the few clone troopers positioned on the sides. Fate was on their side, though; they started from so high up that they reached terminal velocity in no time. With a soft thud, the two Jedi rolled onto the ground surrounding the Temple.

“Okay,” Jesse gasped, dusting off her robe, “We lost them.”

“Not quite,” replied Jack, pointing to his side, “We have clones on the left.” Sure enough, a squad of troopers were advancing from that area.

“There’s some Jedi!” the squad’s sergeant yelled, “Blast ‘em!”

“Get down!” Jack didn’t bother to wait for Jesse to react. He jumped towards a crate near the edge of a guardrail, pulling Jesse with him. The clone troopers let loose a deadly barrage of blaster fire, completely pinning the two Jedi where they are.

“Have any more ideas, Jess?!” Jesse looked around anxiously. In order to buy her time, Jack tried deflecting some of the energy blasts back at the troopers. He successfully felled two of the nine troopers by the time Jesse got an answer.

“Over there!” Jack turned off his lightsaber and ducked back into cover, looking up in the direction Jesse was pointing. An LAAT gunship was flying towards them from afar. It seemed to be carrying a few clones inside, but Jack couldn’t tell how many.

“It’s a long shot,” Jesse said to him, “but I think we can climb aboard if we time our jumps right.” Jesse’s plan was a risky one – they could get shot by any troopers riding the ship – but Jack was up for it. The gunship continued to speed towards them.

“Okay. I’ll jump on your mark.”

“All right.” The two Jedi positioned themselves for the longest jump of their lives.

“One… two… THREE!” The two Jedi pushed hard on the ground, using the Force to propel themselves ever further forward. Time slowed as both Jack and Jesse did their best to grab the edge of the gunship’s sliding door. Miraculously, they succeeded; they would’ve missed it if they waited a second longer. They latched their hands onto one of the long, elliptic holes on the door with a loud bang. Jesse barely hung on – her right hand was flailing behind her – but Jack was able to pull her up.

“What was that?” One of the troopers heard the loud thud Jack and Jesse made. He looked towards the door but found nothing… initially. In just a second, Jack leaned towards the side of the ship, surprising him and the other two clones inside.

“What the- WAAAAAAUGH!” The poor soldier was sent tumbling to the city streets as Jack pushed him and the others off the ship using the Force. Jack used this precious time to place himself onto the ship’s platform and pull Jesse with him.

“What’s going on back there?” Jesse ignored the sound of the pilot’s voice going through the ship’s intercom. She made her way into the cockpit to face him.

“Hey,” the pilot grunted, turning to the sound of the cockpit door opening, “What are you- Unngh!” The quick blow from Jesse’s fist temporarily stunned him, allowing Jesse enough time to pull him out of his seat. She pulled him further back to the passenger area and tossed him out. The poor clone made a Wilhelm scream as Jesse took over his ship.

“Can you fly this thing?” Jack asked worriedly.

“It’s no freighter,” she answered as she held the controls, “but I can manage. Buckle up.” Jack was all too relieved to oblige. As soon as he made himself comfortable in the co-pilot’s seat, Jesse turned the ship around and flew at full throttle away from the Temple.

As the two Jedi were making their escape, the clone pilot quickly deployed the parachute installed in his armor, letting the air slow his descent to a crawl. He turned his wrist communicator on, hoping he could get some help from some of his buddies.

“Attention, all Heavy Troopers. This is Clone Pilot CP-9713. Two Jedi have captured my ship and are flying away from the siege heading northeast. Destroy it at all costs, I repeat, destroy the gunship.”

Jack got comfortable after a brief moment, and he began analyzing the situation.

“What’s the plan now, Jess? Why are we going the other direction?”

“There’s a cargo ship parked a short distance from here. It belongs to my mother’s company.” Jack became slightly curious.


“Yes. We can hide ourselves in there until the pilot can get us off-world.”

“Good idea. I’ll keep an eye out for enemies.”

“Thanks. I’ll need all the protection I can get.” The two Jedi sensed salvation coming near. They had a plan and they were using the gunship itself as their tool to complete it.

Meanwhile, the two Heavy Troopers Vader contacted earlier lied in wait (along with six other clones sitting in nearby buildings). Their RPGs were armed and ready to fire as soon as they had a lock. One of them was looking through a pair of goggles down the path to their left. At around three or four kilometers, he spotted the renegade gunship flying swiftly past the skyscrapers. He quickly put the goggles away and turned on his communicator.

“Prime your rockets, boys,” he spoke with a sneer, “The Jedi are heading straight for us. Let ‘em have it!” The clone closest to the ship fired off his rocket as soon as he had a lock.

“There it is!” exclaimed Jesse, pointing to a small object in the distance, “The ship!”

“Great!” Jack replied enthusiastically, “It seems we’ll make an escape after all. Step on it, Jess!”

“I’m on it.” Jesse spoke too soon. A beeping sound arose from the ship’s radar, revealing the rocket one of the Heavy Troopers launched earlier.

“Enemy missile inbound!” she cried.

“I got it!” Jack carefully focused his Force energy into his hands. As soon as the rocket was in range, Jack used the Force to push the rocket away from the gunship. He was just about to sigh in relief when the ship’s radar went off once more.

“Another missile incoming!”

“Damn it!” Jack grunted, repeating the process again. “There must be Heavy Troopers stationed in the skyscrapers.” He took off the seat belts, as they were more of a nuisance right now than an asset.

“I’ll see if I can make this bird go faster. Keep their fire off of me.” With survival all the more important, the two Jedi stepped up their efforts, with Jesse forcing more speed out of the ship and Jack guiding missile after missile away from it.

A minute or two elapsed and they were less than a kilometer away. Escape was so near their reach they could almost touch it. Unfortunately, two more Heavy Troopers stood in their way.

“Here they come,” one of the troopers spoke, “Prime your launcher, but wait until they come close before you shoot.” The two clones picked up their guns and positioned themselves for the kill.

“Radar reads no more missiles,” Jesse proclaimed with joy, “We should be okay for now.”

“Whew, am I glad,” Jack sighed, “Now let’s find a landing spot.” Jack barely finished his sentence when he sensed two more enemies up ahead. He looked up worriedly at the skyscrapers at the front. Fear quickly overcame him as he spotted the two clones pointing their launchers at the ship. He didn’t bother waiting for them to shoot. They were too close to the ship for him to block the rockets in time.

“JESSE, WATCH OUT!” Jack quickly pulled Jesse out of her seat, but he was unable to get her away from the cockpit. The clones launched their rockets just as he bad his back turned. With a loud boom, the rockets tore the gunship’s front end apart, and the cockpit was set ablaze. The shock of the exploding shells sent the two Jedi tumbling out of the cockpit, but it wasn’t enough to get them out of the now falling gunship. The last thing they saw before blacking out was the orange glow of the explosion pushing them forward.

The Heavy Troopers watched victoriously as the ship leaned towards the left. Its engine groaned loudly, almost like it was in pain. The gunship crashed into the streets below in a matter of seconds, but it still continued to move forward. It stopped only after it crashed into the wall of one of the buildings and even then, the ship didn’t go quietly. It exploded almost a split-second later, sending pieces of metal and other materials flying all over the immediate area. One of the clones scanned the fiery wreckage for any sign of the Jedi but came up empty. As far as he could see, their mission was complete.

“They’re done,” he spoke, “Let’s head back to the Temple.” The troopers left their posts with a false sense of victory. They may have destroyed the gunship, but the Jedi were anything but.

Protected by a huge piece of the burning wreckage, Jack lied motionless. The explosion stunned him pretty good, but he was able to regain consciousness in just a few seconds. The man groaned and coughed as he lifted himself back on his feet, being careful to avoid knocking his head on the debris that concealed him from the Heavy Troopers. He had a few cuts all over his body, but he was otherwise okay.

“Ooh, that hurt,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his head firmly, “Those bastards got us good. Wait a minute.” Jack carefully turned around, making sure to avoid being spotted. He looked to where the clones shot them down earlier. The floor was bare.

“*sigh* Good. They think we’re dead. We should be safe now, Jess.” Jack turned behind him hoping to see Jesse, but no one was there. He was getting worried.

“Jess?” The man looked thoroughly amongst the burning wreckage for what felt like an eternity to him. Suddenly, he found a bloodied arm underneath one of the ship’s severed wings.

“Oh, no,” he gasped anxiously. Using what little Force energy he had left, he lifted the wing off of the body and cast it away. What he saw underneath was truly mortifying.

“NOOO!” Jack ran towards the body horrified. Jesse was lying there, and the state she was in was ghastly. A glass shard was stuck in the arm Jack saw earlier, and a short but thick metal pole was sticking out from her abdomen. A blood pool was slowly forming underneath her. Jack knew he had to act fast if he wanted to save her.

“Oh, god,” Jack murmured, removing the shard and shaking Jesse’s body nervously, “Jesse? Jesse, are you there? Answer me.” Jack stood there for a few seconds before Jesse finally regained consciousness. She groaned softly as she opened her eyes, looking into the tormented face of her male companion.

“Jack,” she spoke weakly, “Is that you… or am I dead?” Jack sighed in relief.

“I’m here, Jess. We’re not dead.”

“*cough* Great. Did we make it?”

“We’re almost there, love. The cargo ship’s just a few blocks down from here. Can you get up if I remove this rod?”

“I… Nnngh, I can try.”

“Okay. Hold it in for me.” Jesse nodded her head. Jack placed his hands carefully over the steel pole and slowly pulled it out of her. The woman tightly shut her eyes and gritted her teeth all the while until finally, the rod lied motionless to her side.

“It’s gone, Jess. Give it a go.” Jesse rolled onto her stomach and pushed on the ground with all the strength she had left. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. With a soft thud, she collapsed back onto the ground.

“I… It’s no use, Jack,” Jesse murmured, rolling to her side, “*cough*… I’m too weak from the explosion.” Jack got down to his knees in terror.

“No! Don't you DARE die on me, Jesse! I'm not leaving this place without you. Just hang on.” Jack looked around them for anything that may help. Jedi are able to heal most wounds using the Force, but Jack was too frantic to let it cross his mind; even if he weren't, it can't heal wounds as severe as Jesse's. He had to find another way to help her. He soon noticed a broken box next to Jesse’s feet with medical supplies inside. Only some spare bandages were left, but that was all Jack needed.

“Can you lift yourself for me?” Jesse nodded and rolled onto her stomach once more, trying her best to keep her torso off the ground. “Thanks. I’ll make this quick.” Not wanting to waste any time, Jack set himself to work. Jesse could feel the soothing touch of the bandage wrap around her, and the pain in her abdomen slowly diminished. Jack tied off the bandages with a strong, tight knot. The wound was still bleeding, but it was less so now thanks to him.

“There. This should slow the blood flow for a short while. Now give me your arm. We have to get to the ship and fast.” Jesse just smiled and happily lent him her good arm. He pulled it over his shoulders and held her close with his right arm.

For two whole minutes, the two Jedi moved stealthily through the streets. There were no Clone Troopers squads on patrol right now, but Jack didn’t want anyone to see them for fear of being reported. They were doing fine until they were a few meters away from the ship. It was here that Jesse’s strength reached critical levels. The woman grunted painfully as her legs gave out, dragging Jack down with her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nnngh, I can’t even stand anymore, Jack. I can’t go any further.” An idea came to Jack, but he first put Jesse down gently.

“What are you- *gasp*” Jesse looked towards Jack with surprise as he swept her off her feet into his arms.

“Hang in there, love,” he spoke softly, “We’re going to leave this planet together… even if I must carry you all the way into the ship.” Jesse let a tear run loose from her eye, planting a kiss on his cheek.

“Thanks, Jack.”

“Who’s there?” Jack looked towards the direction of the female voice. It was a human, dressed in a suit that designated her as an employee of Madame Jones’ company. Jack looked towards Jesse but found she went into unconsciousness. The employee, meanwhile, had her hand placed over her holstered blaster.

“Don’t shoot,” Jack pleaded, revealing himself and Jesse to her, “We’re friendlies.” The sight of her employer’s daughter lying wounded and unconscious in his arms forced a gasp out of the woman. Without a second thought, she removed her hand from her gun, letting Jack approach without fear.

“Is that really…?” Jack nodded his head. “Who are you, and what happened?”

“I’m Jack Graystorm, and I’ve escaped with Ms. Jones from an assault on the Jedi Temple. I don’t have time to explain everything right now. She’s badly wounded and needs medical attention immediately.”

“She’s still alive?”

“Yes. Can you get us off-world?”

“Of course. Get her inside and I’ll get us out of this system. Hurry!”

“Thank you.” Jack walked as fast as his legs could carry him into the ship. The ship’s bay doors closed behind him as soon as they were safe inside. The ship’s engines bellowed as it quickly floated into the air, and Jack meanwhile placed Jesse on top a bed in the ship’s medical bay. He ran to the ship’s cockpit with the employee shortly afterwards.

“Where to?” she asked him.

“Dantooine. I want us as far from Coruscant as possible.”

“Understood.” The woman flew the ship with increasing velocity, leveling it out only after they got off the planet. With no enemies around, she was able to make the jump to hyperspace without any hassle.

Jack didn’t vanish without a trace, however. A victorious Vader stood in the communications room of the now devastated Jedi Temple with a look of annoyance, accompanied by a squad of clones specially trained for brawls against lightsaber users.

“*grunt* Great,” he hissed mentally, “They’ve escaped the planet. Oh, well. I’ll deal with them later. For now, I have to get to Mustafar.”

“Lord Vader,” the squad’s sergeant spoke, “The beacon room is secure.”

“Good,” replied Vader, addressing the entire squad, “I’ll order the other troops to guard the Temple. You stay here and protect the beacon. Guard it with your lives.” The squad was startled, and they all looked back at Vader as he left the room. The order he left them with was grim in nature, but neither one of the troopers wished to discuss it. They were one of very few squads that survived a Sith Lord encounter, and they knew how ruthless they can be when they’re angry.


Jack walked around anxiously outside the ship’s medical bay, waiting for the doctor tending to Jesse’s injuries to come out. After a few short moments, the doctor came outside, her hands slightly doused in blood.

“How is she?” Jack asked her.

“She’s in critical condition,” she replied with melancholy, “She suffered severe damage to her intestines and liver, and she lost a substantial amount of blood. The poor girl barely has enough strength to move her limbs.”

“Will she live?”

“It’s a very slim chance. I’ve placed an oxygen mask on her and administered a strong coagulant to help stop the bleeding but without a blood transfusion, it’s likely she’ll die of blood loss in less than half an hour."

“What if I offer some of my blood for the transfusion? Will it save her?”

“I’m afraid it’ll do the opposite. Your blood is incompatible with hers, and so is the blood of everyone else on this ship. It’s no good.” Jack’s eyes grew watery.

“So there’s nothing you can do?” The doctor sighed and placed a compassionate hand on his shoulder.

“I’m truly sorry, Mr. Graystorm. I’ve done all I can to help save her. Whether she lives or not is up to Fate at this point.” Jack nodded his head in frustration.

“I understand, doctor. May I speak to her?”

“Of course. I’ll be in my office if you need me.”

“Thank you.” The doctor opened the door for Jack before leaving him. Jack’s heart grew heavy as he saw Jesse lying motionless on one of the patient beds. He took a seat next to her, holding her hand with a gentle squeeze.

“Jesse?” he murmured, “Are you awake?” The man donned a weak smile as Jesse’s eyes squinted slightly before opening themselves up. She turned head to see him and smiled back.

“Hey, Jack,” she replied, returning the squeeze. Jesse looked in wonder at the change in scenery around her. “Where are we?”

“We’re inside the cargo ship’s medical bay. The pilot’s taking us to Dantooine as we speak.”

“*chuckle* So we’ve made it after all.”

“Yes. We’ve successfully escaped the Temple, thanks to you. From here on out, it’s going to be a smooth flight.” Jesse tried her best to lift an arm, but she relented from the pain. In the process, she noticed the plastic tube connecting the mask on her face to the precious oxygen tank keeping her alive.

“How bad is it?” Jesse watched tensely as Jack let his tears run loose form his eyes.

“The doctor says you’ve taken heavy damage to your intestines and liver. She did her best to try and save you, but you simply lost too much blood. You’ll pass away in less than an hour.” Despite the severity of his words, Jesse wasn’t scared. On the contrary, she couldn’t think of a better way to live out her final moments.

“*sigh*… I guess it’s over, then. I always knew I’d go down like this.” Jack nodded his head regretfully.

“I should’ve made the decision sooner. Then we could’ve avoided this mess altogether.”

“Maybe… but I think it’s better this way. I never felt as close to you back then as I do now.” Jesse watched as Jack lifted her hand and brought it close to his forehead, letting his tears run down from it.

“Why is it always so hard to do the right thing? All you wanted from me was my heart. And yet… I couldn’t even give you THAT, all because that damn Code forbids it.”

“Look on the bright side. You’re a free man now. You can live the rest of your life however you want.” Jack looked towards her face but not before drying his own.

“And you? You’ll pass away without ever seeing what would become of our love.” Jesse beamed a warm, cheery smile at him.

“You’re all I ever wanted, Jack. You might not think it, but I’m perfectly content with my fate. I finally got to be with the man I love... and I can die happy knowing he’ll stay with me during my final moments. *chuckle* I’m sorry for that deathbed comment I made back then. You cared about me more than I EVER knew.” Jesse could feel the warmth in his face as he pressed her hand gently against it. The man closed his eyes ruefully, silently wishing that he could change what’s been done.

“Jess?” The sound of Jesse coughing suddenly caused him worry, but Jesse shot him a reassuring look. He watched as she removed her lightsaber from her belt and placed it in Jack’s hand.

“Take this with you, Jack. I’ll no longer need it.”

“I will, Jess. But why? I thought we were BOTH done with the Order.”

“We are. But you’ll never know when you’ll need it. As long as you carry it, I’ll always be standing with you in the heat of battle. Don’t EVER think you’re alone.” Jack nodded lightly.

“*sigh*… I can’t believe this is really happening. I was truly looking forward to spending this lifetime with you.”

“You can still do that, Jack. Just not with me. I’m sure you’ll find another girl who will love you. All I ask is that you don’t put her on hold as you did me.” Jack squeezed her hand gently. Although his eyes were slightly red, Jesse could see clearly the regret he bore in them.

“I’ll be damned if I do. My devotion to the Order has cost me your life. Now that I’m no longer a Jedi, I won’t make that mistake a second time.”

“I hope you don't.” Jesse’s wound flared slightly with pain, forcing her to grit her teeth for a brief moment. She put her a finger to his lips before he could say a word.

“It’s almost time. But before I go, Jack, I want you to make me a promise.”

“Of course, Jesse. What is it?”

“Don’t, Nnngh… don’t lose your life over what cannot be changed.”

“What do you-”

“*cough* Promise me, Jack… that you won’t.” Jack didn’t bother to argue. He just nodded his head in agreement.

“Alright. I will.”

“Thanks. Don’t ever forget that I love you. Always.” Jack smiled as he took off Jesse’s mask.

“Never.” He leaned over to share one final kiss with her before she leaves his side forever.

“May you find happiness… Jack.” Jesse’s eyelids slowly lowered as she took her last breath... and died. Jack was now alone, in a galaxy that will soon be dominated by the same evil that took Jesse away from him. He shed the last of his tears with a heart overburdened with grief. The Jedi at the Temple may have died in battle, but they were the lucky ones... for Jack was doomed to live a life permanently scarred by it.

With Jesse gone, Jack had only one final task to do: deliver her body to her parents. He knew they would be traumatized by the loss (especially Jesse’s father), but he had to do it. She saved his life, and he owed her more than he could ever repay. Returning her to her homeworld was just the start. Before he left the medical bay, he placed her hands over her stomach so it would seem she was sleeping peacefully. He made his way to the ship’s cockpit shortly afterwards.

“How is she?” Jack looked towards the employee who let him inside with a sigh.

“She didn’t make it.” The woman looked away in regret.

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I’ll be okay. Just get us to Dantooine. I want to deliver her body to her parents safely.”

“You got it.”