• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,700 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

  • ...

Abnormal Normalcy (Part I)

*Begin Segment II: The Twilight Years*

“*sigh* This is Heaven.” It was late in a Saturday evening, and Bladewing was enjoying himself in a spa at a mountainous facility somewhere in the southern half of Cydonia. Clover and Nikolai were in the pool with him, with Clover to Bladewing’s left and Nikolai to his right. They arranged to use up two of their saved vacation days for a fun time as a trio (with the king’s approval, of course) and right now, they couldn’t feel more at ease. Especially after all the work they put in for the past month.

“Now you see why zis was a good idea, comrade,” mused Nikolai, “No mares. No missions. Just us stallions enjoying well-earned comforts.”

“You said it, Nikolai. My body never felt so relieved. I can’t remember the last time I had a vacation.”

“Neither can I, laddie,” replied Clover, “It feels good to be carefree for a bit. Especially since we won’t have fun like this again for a good while.”

“Then let’s make ze most of zis, boys,” chimed Nikolai, “Today, we live like kings.” The Brushian stallion was pleased to hear his comrades grunt softly in agreement. They followed it up with a deep sigh, their weeks of grueling stress melting away with the bubbling water firmly rushing against their bodies. It wasn’t long after this moment of silence that Nikolai decided to liven things up with a bit of banter.

“Speaking of which… it seems Mountain Wind may have secret admirer.”

“Secret admirer?” asked Bladewing curiously, “What makes you say that?”

“Remember ze mare who stood next to him yesterday?”

“What mare?” asked Bladewing.

“Why, the lass who sent us off, laddie,” replied Clover, “Ya did see her, right?”

“Well, yes, I did, but I didn’t think too much of her. I was just glad to be off-duty.”

“Aye, I felt the same. Still, ya have to admit that she was quite pretty.”

“I suppose. What was her name anyway?”

“Sage Tulip, I think,” answered Nikolai, “She’s the new maid Blue Belle hired last week.”

“Is she now?”

“Da. Now I don’t know much about her, but I can tell that she has a crush on ze king.”

“And just how do you know that?”

“*chuckle* Don’t tell me you didn’t notice her gawking at him when he gave us his permission to go. It was plain as day, comrade.”

“Hmm… now that you mention it, she was acting a bit strange… but surely it can’t mean she has a crush on him. Maybe she’s not yet used to working for royalty.”

“Oh no, laddie,” spoke Clover, “I saw it in her eyes. I haven’t seen a mare look away from a stallion so shyly in all me life. If anypony had a crush then and there, it was her.”

“*sigh* I guess you have a point. Still, what does it matter? It’s not like Mountain Wind noticed it any more than I did. At best, he’ll think she just likes him like everypony else does.”

“Ah, but Mrs. Heart said the same about you and Rose and look how that turned out.” Clover and Nikolai laughed heartily as they remembered a conversation they once had with the Hearts at a party.

“Grr, I told you guys already,” Bladewing grunted defiantly with a blush, “It was NOT ‘love at first sight.’ She fell for me, not the other way around. Ooh, you two have a lot of nerve insinuating the feeling was mutual since day one.”

“Maybe it wasn’t, Bladewing,” joked Nikolai, "But you had feelings for her nonetheless. Why else would you have agreed to be her coltfriend?"

“It was NOT because I had feelings for her. It’s just, well… she made me an offer I couldn't refuse. What more can I say?” Although Bladewing was telling the truth, Nikolai saw little reason to believe him. How can he with how bashful Bladewing was being about his relationship? All he could do was chuckle with a smug grin.

“Vhatever you say, comrade. To be frank with you, I would’ve made ze same choice if I were in your 'shoes. So few mares can rival her beauty.”

“Aye, it’s the truth,” replied Clover with a smile, “Who would’ve thought ya had the former ‘Miss Cydonia’ of all mares as yer marefriend? If ya told me that during the knighting rehearsals, I would’ve thought you were crazy.”

“I wouldn’t have blamed you for it, Clover. I still can’t believe it’s more than two years since we started dating.”

“Tell me about it. Yer one lucky dog, laddie, I’ll give ya that.” Bladewing rubbed the back of his head as he grinned with a blush.

“Well… I suppose. I think it’s pure coincidence that she’s the former pageant winner, though. I would’ve been perfectly content with her simply being an ordinary mare.”

“Suuuuure you vould,” teased Nikolai. Bladewing’s face turned nervous with that remark, a result that made Nikolai grin with satisfaction.

“I-I’m serious, Nikolai. I’ll admit that she’s very beautiful – she has to be if she got that title – but that in no way means I enjoy the attention that comes with dating somepony like her. Is it so wrong to want some peace and quiet when I’m with her in public?”

“*chuckle* Just listen to yourself, Bladewing. Do you really think you’ll have peace and quiet when every mare in the land knows who you are and what your role in our future is? There’s already a good hoofful of them that want you for that reason alone… and if there’s one thing Clover got right about you, it’s that you’re a natural ladies’ colt.” Both Clover and Nikolai chucked mischievously as Bladewing’s face blushed harder.

“Gah, you guys are such jerks!” exclaimed Bladewing, “I just told you that I don't enjoy that attention. What do I have to do to be rid of that cursed title?”

“Well…” Bladewing looked towards Clover as the unicorn spoke. “… there is ONE way.” As if Bladewing couldn’t blush any harder than he already did, his cheeks turned a steamy red as Clover made a glowing ball with his magic and began to spin it in a circle… for he knew EXACTLY what he was suggesting.

“Oh, no. No, no, no – NO. I am NOT proposing to Rose. You’re mad for even suggesting I should. I am not yet ready to consider such a thing.”

“Aw, and why not? Ya said it yerself: you’ve been dating her for more than two years. Ya should’ve at least thought about it by now. If ya marry her, it’ll send a clear message to the other lassies that yer taken… and keep them off yer flank once and for all.”

“He’s got a point,” answered Nikolai with a sneaky smile, “Two years is quite a long time. Even if you won’t think about, how you say, ‘tying ze knot’, Rose might. No mare dates a stallion for that long unless she sees him as more than just a coltfriend. For all I know, she could be thinking about marriage zis very moment.”

“*scoff* Yeah right, Nikolai. You and Clover just want to use any wedding between me and Rose as an excuse to party until you’re drunk off your flanks.”

“*chuckle* And vhat’s wrong with that, comrade? Weddings are to be celebrated, no?” Bladewing drooped both his head and his ears as he sighed in dismay.

“I knew you’d say that. Remind me again why I joined you guys here.”

“Ah, don’t be like that, Bladewing,” assured Clover, “Ya know we’re only joshing ya. Buck up. Besides, ya know it’s true: if you won’t think about marriage at this point, Rose will. It will happen one way or another. It’s only a matter of when.”

“Then you BOTH are in for a dose of disappointment: I’m not proposing to Rose, and neither of you can make me.”

“Ah, is that so, Bladewing?” Bladewing had his eyes closed in defiance and so didn’t notice the mischievous smirk that now overcame Nikolai's face.

“Yes, it is. I will not marry her just so you two can drink to your hearts’ content at the wedding reception.”

“Aw, vhat a shame. That’s ok, though. We have one last way to persuade you. Don’t we, Clover?” Clover couldn’t help but sneer as Nikolai winked at him, for he knew exactly what he had in mind.

“Aye,” Clover answered, “We’re not giving up on ya just yet, laddie. We have a way that can change yer mind for sure.”

“Humph. Just what can you do that can possibly persuade me?”

“Oh, nothing much. Just a wee bit of encouragement. Or better yet… a SPLASH of it!” Bladewing scarcely had time to react when Clover and Nikolai grabbed him by his shoulders and flanks and used their combined might to launch him off his rear and into the air. Bladewing yelled in surprise as he hung in the air for a second or two before literally splashing back into the pool with a loud SPLOOSH! The pegasus, taken aback by the sudden launch, sprung his head out of the water before gasping for air and getting on his rear legs. Clover and Nikolai laughed harder than hyenas as Bladewing tried his best to remove the now-soaked strands of his mane away from his face.

“Whew, that was priceless, Nikolai,” exclaimed Clover, wiping a tear from his eye, “Ya think that drove the point home?”

“It had to,” replied Nikolai, “There’s no way he can continue to resist after THAT.” Needless to say, the two stallions were getting quite a laugh out of their prank, but they didn’t enjoy it for long. A sudden tidal wave of water surged through the pool and splashed hard over them, forcing their laughs to become gurgled as they were pushed down into the water towards the pool’s bottom. Being natural swimmers, it took but a moment or two for them to dive out of the water and onto their hind legs. They coughed and sputtered as they too tried to remove as many wet strands of mane as they could from their faces, shock smeared all over their faces like cream from a pie.

“You were saying?” Clover and Nikolai stood in surprise as they saw Bladewing standing tall on his hind legs with an amused grin, his forearms pointed forward after having used the Force to push that tidal wave. At first they thought he was mad but after seeing the smirk on his face, they knew right away that he took the prank like a good sport… and that he was tacitly challenging them to get back at him.

“Oh-ho, it’s on, laddie,” Clover answered Bladewing with a daring sneer, “We’re gonna have ya soaking in defeat. Literally.”

“Da,” agreed Nikolai, “You’ll be wearing engagement ring like a necklace by ze time we’re through with you. Oh, I can taste ze wedding liquor already.”

“*chuckle* The only liquor you fools will taste is the bittersweet wine of my revenge. Drink THIS!” With another thrust from his forelimbs, Bladewing used the Force to form yet another tidal wave and launch it hard against his two comrades… and just like that, the aptly named “Battle of the Pool” had begun.

For a good ten minutes, water splashed to and from the sides of the pool – and formed into many kinds of creatures, whether through the Force or through magic – as Bladewing fought to protect his unmarried life against the selfish desires of his bachelor comrades. He stood alone, but with the combined power of the Force and his own intellect, he was successfully able to hold his “foes” at bay. Granted, he knew they weren’t truly going to make him marry Rose even if they did win, but he felt he had to teach them an important lesson anyway… and that lesson was to NEVER challenge him to a battle of wits.

Before long, the three stallions laid on the ground exhausted and panting. They were all laughing together, but they were panting hard from how much energy they expended trying to achieve victory in this “naval” battle. In the end, neither side prevailed… or so it seemed at first.

“*chuckle* Give up yet, laddie?”

“Fat chance, Clover,” replied Bladewing defiantly, “I’m just getting warmed up.”

“Yeah right, comrade,” retorted Nikolai, “You’re just as tired as we are. Admit it: you’re done.”

“Then prove it,” taunted Bladewing, “Come on. Finish me.”

“That’s the spirit,” chimed Clover, “Meet yer fate with dignity.” Bladewing watched in defiance as Nikolai tried his best to get himself back onto his hooves. He thought at first that this was it – that he and Clover had won – but a flicker of hope soon arose within him.

“*grunt*… damn it!” Try as he might, the energy Nikolai had left was not enough to bring him to his hooves. He collapsed back onto the wet floor helplessly, unable to move another muscle.

“No,” wheezed Clover, “Not now. Don’t ya DARE give up on me, Nikolai. We’re so close to victory.”

“I’m -NNGH- sorry, Clover,” apologized Nikolai, “I’m too weak to move.”

“Oh, that's too bad,” joked Bladewing fiendishly, “because it's my turn now. Embrace oblivion, you dogs.” In one last attempt at victory, Bladewing used what little strength he had left to rise to his hooves once more… but alas, it was all for naught. He groaned loudly before collapsing back onto the floor, much to Clover’s sheer delight.

“Some oblivion,” cackled Clover, “Ya couldn’t even scare me ol’ nanny with that. Ya sure you don’t want to surrender, laddie?”

“Never. I’m not conquered yet.”

“Aw, come on. You can barely even talk, let alone stand. Ya can’t seriously think ya still have a chance to win.”

“*chuckle* Then come get me.”

“Oh, I plan to,” replied Clover with a sneer, “Prepare to meet yer doom.” With the promise of limitless liquor egging him on, Clover grunted as he tried his very hardest to pick himself up… but it seemed even that was not enough for him. As with his two brothers-in-arms, he fell back onto the floor, mentally cursing himself for not being any stronger.

“It seems you can’t stand either,” joked Bladewing again.

“Aye,” replied Clover, “What do ya say we call this one a draw?”

“Hm… how about no?” Needless to say, Clover was quite dismayed to hear Bladewing say that.

“*grumble* Fine. Seeing that I’m a sportsman, I’ll give ya a moment to recuperate.” Bladewing couldn’t help but chuckle hard hearing that come out of Clover of all ponies.

“Getting a little sore, are we?”

“Not even close, laddie. Me stamina‘s as fine as a horse’s.” A brief moment of silence befell the room as the joke sank into the minds of the three stallions. As soon as they realized what had just been said, they first muffled a few snorts before inevitably breaking out howling in laughter.

“I can’t believe you just said that,” said Nikolai, “‘Fine as a horse’s?’ Did you forget what we are, Clover?”

“Aye, it goes without saying. Still, I can’t help it if it’s true.”

“Rubbish,” countered Bladewing, “We’re all out of stamina and you know it, Clover. Let’s just be honest with ourselves.”

“And so what if we are, comrade?” replied Nikolai with a grin, “We’re not admitting defeat any more than you are.”

“Ah, it’s okay, Nikolai. The laddie’s right. Let’s just call it a night.” The Brushian stallion couldn’t believe what he was hearing from Clover.

“You can’t be serious, Clover. We’re so close to tasting those wedding drinks I can almost smell them. Weren’t you just telling me that a minute ago?”

“Aye, but it’s only liquor in the end. We can have it any day. Besides, it’s kinda pointless to keep going in this state. Bladewing won fair and square.”

“*sigh* I guess he did.” Nikolai returned his attention to Bladewing. “Okay, Bladewing: you win zis one. You’re a lucky dog indeed.”

“*chuckle* And let this defeat be a lesson to the both of you: NEVER challenge me to a battle of wits.”

“Oh, please. Your stamina is as drained as ours. If it weren’t for me and Clover, how you say, ‘tapping out’ early, we could’ve kept zis thing going. Believe me, comrade: we would’ve won otherwise.”

“Suuuure you would.” The three stallions let out one last laugh as Bladewing used Nikolai’s own words against him… and with the latter’s and Clover’s surrender, Bladewing was now victorious. After about a minute or two of rest, they were soon back on their hooves. Bladewing was certainly satisfied with his victory, and even though he felt they didn’t deserve it, he wasn’t keen on parting ways with them for the night without giving them a consolation prize.

“Tell you what, guys,” mused Bladewing, “if you take back that ‘ladies’ colt’ jab, I’ll buy you drinks. All on me. What do you say?”

“Aw, but it’s true, laddie,” whined Clover, “Ya really think it’s so bad?”

“I do… and if you legitimately want that liquor, you’ll honor my request. So are you in or no?”

“*sigh* All right. I take back the 'ladies' colt’ jab… but only because you’re letting us get drinks anyway… and because you can make the rules being the winner. I am a sportsman, after all.”

“Same,” added Nikolai, “You have our word that neither of us will say it again, comrade. Not unless you give us your permission.” Bladewing smiled and patted both stallions on their backs as he hugged them.

“Thanks. Now let’s get those drinks. I may as well since I’m leaving soon.”

“Yer not staying with us?” asked Clover.

“I’m afraid not, Clover. I promised Rose that I would meet up with her tomorrow morning… and if I want to make it by train to Fredericksmare on time, I have to leave Volaris after I buy you guys your drinks.”

“And you, Bladewing?” asked Nikolai. “You’re not buying one for yourself?”

“I can’t. Rose plans to introduce me to her parents tomorrow. I don’t mind drinking with you guys, but I’m not sure if her parents will appreciate meeting me while I reek of alcohol. In which case, it's best that I stay sober for now.”

“Ah, that makes sense. I guess there’s no way around it, then.”

“Indeed. That’s okay, though. I’ll drink with you guys some other time. Let’s get a move on.” Soon after Clover and Nikolai murmured in agreement, the three knights moved their way towards the bar located in one of the rooms near the entrance to the indoor pool. Clover and Nikolai took a moment to ask the bartender there what they wanted, and after she served them their drinks (and of course received payment from Bladewing), they turned to face their pegasus friend.

“That should do it,” spoke Bladewing, hugging the two stallions, “It's time to catch the train. I’ll see you guys back at the palace.”

“Aye, laddie,” answered Clover, “We’ll see ya Monday.”

“Ditto,” chimed Nikolai, “Have a safe trip.”

“I will. See you then.” With that last line, Bladewing turned around and began to walk towards the bar’s entrance. Clover meanwhile wasted no time resuming the conversation with Nikolai.

“So… do ya think Sage Tulip will tell Mountain Wind how she feels about him?” Before Nikolai could have time to come up with an answer, a distant, yet familiar voice answered for him.

“Twenty bits says she never will!” Clover turned around to face Bladewing but before he too could say a word, the pegasus shut the door behind him. Seeing that, Clover just chuckled and turned his gaze back to Nikolai.

“Oh, that Bladewing. He’s quite the character.”

“Da, he is,” agreed Nikolai with a grin, “He can stare Death in ze face without fear and yet he gets nervous when Rose is brought up… or when he gets called a ‘ladies’ colt.’ Oi, ze dichotomy is hilarious.”

“Should we should take him up on that bet?”

“I don’t see why not. Even Bladewing can’t best ze devil twice.”

“Eh, I digress. He just might if we let him heh heh. But what do we know?” Clover gently swirled the whiskey in his glass with his magic before continuing. “I’m just glad he still bought us these, to be honest.”

“Same. Still, they vould taste even better had he told us he’s proposing to Rose. Do you think he will?”

“Of course. He’s just too embarrassed to admit he even thinks about it. Maybe he won’t propose now, but he will eventually. It’s not a question of if, but when.”

“Let's hope you're right. We can’t have Rose worrying over ‘side chicks’ forever now, can we?” Clover and Nikolai chuckled and clinked their glasses together before proceeding to enjoy their drinks.

As the liquor slowly took its toll on the two stallions, Bladewing eventually made it to the train station. One of the employees working there gave him his ticket after he showed his credentials, and he boarded the train soon after.

For the next few hours, Bladewing busied himself with getting some rest. Being a Council Knight meant he had the privilege of always being able to travel in what the Cydonians called “royal-class” for free, and though he would’ve been content with traveling in a lower class, he was grateful that this one came with a bedroom, a private bathroom, and as much space, food, and drink as it did. He felt more comfortable sleeping when he felt right at home.

For the most part, all was quiet onboard the train, and Bladewing had little issue sleeping; however, what inevitably woke him from his slumber didn’t come from the train at all. He was enjoying a particularly good dream, one where he was reliving his battle at the amphitheater. He barely got to the part where he received his prize money when the case containing it suddenly flew right into his face and knocked him out cold. He was unsure how it even flew in the first place, but of one thing he WAS sure: the pain felt shockingly real.

“Ugh. GOD, that hurt.” After lifting his head above the floor, Bladewing rubbed his eyes with a hoof and opened them up. He was back in his room aboard the train, but he was surprised to find himself on the floor instead of his bed. His bedsheets hung halfway from the side of his bed.

“*chuckle* Well, I’ll be damned,” he muttered, rubbing his sore forehead, “Did I just fall off the side of my bed? Oh, goddess… these dreams are getting out of hoof.” Amused by his foolishness, Bladewing lifted himself back to all fours and stretched his body and wings to rid himself of whatever exhaustion was left in him.

Now that he was wide awake, Bladewing tended to himself. As always, he was careful not to cut himself on his feathers as he showered, and he had barely finished drying himself off when he noticed his reflection in the mirror from the corner of his eye. He was still himself for the most part. The only noticeable difference was the little red goatee beginning to form on his face. Bladewing liked his facial hair – it made him feel wiser, if not more noble – but the amount he had on was not enough to satisfy his tastes. Even if it were, Rose would sometimes complain about it whenever she kissed him while he had a full beard (not that she hated his facial hair herself – she only disliked how prickly the mustached part of it was.)

“It’s a wonder anypony can feel anything through all this fur,” Bladewing thought curiously, “But eh… it’s whatever. I’m sure a full beard will be more appropriate further along in the relationship. For now, it’s time to hone this face.” Bladewing looked around for shaving cream and a razor. He found a small cylindrical tube containing shaving cream in the cabinet behind the mirror but to his dismay, he couldn’t find anything in the cabinet that was even sharp, let alone a razor.

“*sigh* Come on. What kind of commercial bathroom doesn’t have the full set of basic stallions’ grooming products?” Bladewing closed the cabinet and faced his reflection once more… and once he saw his wings, he came up with an idea.

“Hm… I should be able to use my feathers as razors if I’m careful. Ugh, it sounds so bloody reckless, but it never hurt to try.” With his mind made up, Bladewing squeezed some of the cream out of the cylinder and began to run it into his face. He then raised one of his wings to his face, top feathers spread out, and inhaled deeply before attempting to shave with them for the first time.

“Okay. Here goes… something.” Bladewing gently pressed the edge of the topmost feather at an angle against a section of beard on his left cheek and moved it downward. He was half-expecting the move to take some of his coat along with the target facial hair, but he was surprised to find that not only was that not true, but he also took the target hair off completely. Save for the little bit of cream that remained between the hairs of his coat, the cut was clean as it could be.

“Hm… That wasn’t too bad. Still, that could be beginner’s luck. One more time.” After wiping the cream and trimmed hair from the feather, Bladewing pressed it against a different section of beard and moved downward again. As before, only the facial hair was removed. The coat beneath it remained perfectly intact save for being slightly mushy from the cream.

“No way. This is easier than I thought it would be. *chuckle* I guess I never needed a razor after all.” Now confident in his ability to use his own feathers as his grooming tools, Bladewing use the next few minutes to shave off his goatee completely. As soon as he was done, and he washed all the shaving cream off both his wing and his face, he looked back into the mirror and examined his reflection.

“Wow. What a difference.” Bladewing slowly rotated his head as he inspected his face for any spots he may have missed. Thankfully, none were found, and so he knew that his feathers did the trick. “I look so much younger now. Well, not that it matters much to me: I’m only doing this for Rose. If I had my way, I would’ve let it grow to a more appreciable level.” Satisfied with his work, Bladewing exited the bathroom.

After exiting his room, Bladewing proceeded to enjoy breakfast at the buffet reserved for royal-class. The pancakes and coffee he had there were certainly high-quality, but he liked them just a little bit more when it was Topaz who made them. Perhaps it was just because she was a good friend to him, but it was difficult for him to say. Placebo or not, the flavor they had with Topaz as the chef just had no equal in his eyes.

“Attention, all passengers. This is your conductor speaking. The train will arrive in Fredericksmare in five minutes. Be prepared to depart at Fredericksmare Red Line Station if this is your destination.” Bladewing has just finished his coffee when he heard the conductor announced the train’s ETA to the capitol over the intercoms. He wasted no time giving the waitress who attended him her tip before leaving towards the exit.

As he waited for the train to pull up to the station, an old unicorn mare carrying several bags walked next to him by the train’s doors. Her coat was beige, and the silver strands flowing through her faded orange mane showed her age as did the many wrinkles on her face. Though she had quite a few suitcases in tow, she didn’t seem fazed by their weight – an oddity for a mare whose frame seemed too brittle to even carry half of them.

“Excuse me, young colt,” she asked Bladewing, “What city did the conductor say we’re arriving in again?”

“I believe she said we’re arriving in Fredericksmare, ma’am,” answered Bladewing, “We should be there shortly.”

“Ah, ok. I was a bit busy, so I didn’t hear her say it the first time. Thank you for telling me.”

“There’s no need for that, ma’am,” replied Bladewing with a smile, “Helping my fellow ponies is part of my job.”

“Your job?” The old mare saw something shiny on Bladewing and noticed both his uniform and the golden dog tag pinned on it. “Ah, yes. Silly me. You’re a Council Knight, aren’t you?”

“*chuckle* Yes, ma’am.” Bladewing bowed his head in courtesy to her. “Sir Bladewing, at your service.” The old mare giggled as she smiled with pleasure.

“My, my. A Council Knight. I was but a little filly when I first met one… and it seems you’re just as handsome as he was.” Bladewing blushed and grinned bashfully at her flattery.

“Well, I’m not too certain of that, but I appreciate the compliment nonetheless. Are you getting off at Fredericksmare too?”

“I am. I have a son who lives here. He and my daughter-in-law have been asking me to live with them since my husband passed away.” Needless to say, Bladewing wasn’t pleased to hear such a tragic thing, and his ears drooped in sadness.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. About your husband, I mean.”

“Aw, it’s ok,” the old mare replied with a warm smile, “That was a while ago, child. It hurt, yes, but at least I know he’s in a better place. Besides, death is a natural part of life. It’s the reason why life is so precious: nopony knows when it will end. You can never truly appreciate life unless you both understand and accept death.” Bladewing could tell from her words that the years have blessed the old mare with great wisdom.

“You are very wise, ma’am. I’m honored to have met somepony who sees life and death as you do.”

“*chuckle* Thank you. I’m just as honored to meet you, Sir Bladewing. I have a granddaughter who admires Council Knights as much as I do, if not more so.”

“You do?”

“Of course. I used to regale her with tales of their bravery and valor when she was a foal… as well as their unwavering loyalty to the crown and the nation. My husband used to joke about it saying that I’m grooming her to one day be married to one, but I never thought too much of it. I’d just be happy if she married at all.” Bladewing looked at her curiously.

“What makes you say that?”

“Well, it’s mostly because of her father. My son is very protective of her. It’s completely normal for a father to be weary of any boys trying to flirt with his daughter, but my son has a habit of taking it too seriously. The poor girl’s quite shy around stallions because of him.” The old mare’s last sentence gave Bladewing pause, for he could’ve sworn that he heard it before.

“Hm… that sounds oddly familiar. Could she be talking about Rose? It’s possible, but Rose never told me about any of her grandparents. Surely this old mare can’t be one of them.” Bladewing shook the thought from his mind before continuing with the conversation.

“I see. Does she live here too?”

“She does. Last I’ve heard, she still lives with her parents. I’m not too worried about it, though.” Bladewing was humored to find a bold grin enveloping the old mare’s face. “She’s smarter than she looks, Sir Bladewing. If I know my granddaughter as I think I do, she won’t stay in the nest for much longer. Just you wait.”

“I look forward to hearing about it, Mis- oh, I’m so sorry. I forgot to ask you your name.”

“*giggle* It’s all right. My name is Daffodil, Sir Bladewing, but you can call me Mrs. Sunfire if you want. The latter is my married name.”

“Understood.” Bladewing offered his hoof to the old grandmother, and she accepted it gladly and shook it. “I’m pleased to have met you, Mrs. Sunfire.”

“And I you, sir knight.” No sooner did they finish their conversation than they noticed the conductor’s voice sound through the intercoms again.

“Attention, all passengers. We have now arrived at Fredericksmare Red Line Station. If the capitol is your stop, please take this time to depart the train. Otherwise, remain on the train. Regardless, thank you for choosing Cydonian Transit. All ponies on the platform, you may now board the train. The next stop is Chancellorsville, Sacerus.” Bladewing was relieved that he finally made it home, and he was about to lift a hoof when he remembered all the baggage that the old mare had with her… and something within him told him that his time with her wasn’t over just yet.

“Let me help you with your luggage, Mrs. Sunfire. It’s a bit much for any one pony to carry by themselves.”

“*giggle* You’re too kind, Sir Bladewing. This is nothing, really, but I appreciate that you’re willing to help nonetheless. I’ll just carry the smaller cases, then, if that’s ok with you.”

“You got it. Let’s go.” Mrs. Sunrise nodded in agreement, and the two ponies proceeded to carry the luggage off the train. The train departed from the station just as they stopped at a bench on the station platform.

“Ok,” spoke Bladewing, “Did we miss any of them?”

“No, that’s all of them,” replied Mrs. Sunfire with a smile, “Thank you again for the assistance, Sir Bladewing.”

“Don’t mention it. Does your family live far from here?”

“Oh, they’re not too far. I can reach their house from here on hoof in about an hour.”

“Holy Faust. An hour? Wouldn’t it be better to arrange for a carriage?”

“*chuckle* Don’t you worry, child. I may be old, but this little mare is far from weak. I can handle a lot more than these suitcases.”

“Oh, I’m sure you can, Mrs. Sunfire. Still, I wouldn’t mind helping you carry your luggage there. Let this knight perform one last service for you.”

“Aw, you’re so sweet. Well, if you’re sure you won’t mind helping an old lady one last time, then why not? I’ll lead the way.”

“Right on.” The old mare smiled one last time before she and Bladewing left the platform towards the ground level of the station.
As with any major train station, the ground level was bustling with people. There were as many ponies coming into the station as there were ponies coming out. It took a few minutes for Bladewing and Mrs. Sunfire to clear the crowd and move to an emptier area, but they were glad to have made it. It was a day in late summer, and neither of them were keen on staying too long in the sun.

“Whew,” spoke Mrs. Sunfire, “Fresh air at last.”

“Ditto,” agreed Bladewing, “I thought we’d NEVER get out of there. Do you know the way home from here?”

“I do. We’ll just follow this dirt road here and-”

“Bladewing?!” The sound of another mare’s voice sounded in the distance, one which sounded very familiar to both ponies. They looked behind them and noticed a green, red-maned unicorn mare galloping towards them.

“What?” The old mare's eyesight wasn’t as good as Bladewing’s, so she pulled her glasses out of her purse to put them on and get a better look at the young mare approaching them from the station. “Is that-”

“Rose?” Bladewing recognized that voice anywhere, but it wasn’t until after she got within 100 feet of them that he confirmed it was her.

“Bladewing!” she called out again.

“Oh my goddess!” he exclaimed, “Rose!” Bladewing felt his heart leap for joy as his mare galloped towards him. As soon as she was by his side once more, she embraced him in a hug, gripping him as tightly as a filly would a doll. Bladewing had no issue bracing against her pressure, for he knew it was only out of longing for him; after not seeing him for over three months, he’d be surprised if she didn’t. After they broke the hug, the couple shared a loving kiss between them and chuckled for a brief moment.

“Welcome home, Bladewing.” The stallion enjoyed the warmth of Rose’s body against his own as she gently nuzzled his face. “I missed you. It’s been such a long time since we spent any time together.”

“I missed you too, love,” replied Bladewing, nuzzling her back, “And yeah, it was. Not a single day went by where I didn’t think about you. Even in the heat of battle, you were always in my mind… for nopony inspires me to survive like the love of my life.”

“Aw, you big dolt. You know just how to make a mare happy. Still, you’ve made yours feel quite lonely these past few months. You better make it up to her.”

“Oh, I plan to. As soon as we’re done with your introducing me to your parents, we’ll go outside and have the best day ever.”

“*giggle* We had better. You may be the king’s finest knight, but you’re still my coltfriend… and I’m not letting him have you back until I’m satisfied.”

“Ah, but what if he slaps me with insubordination charges?”

“Then I’ll just tell him it’s a hostile takeover… for I’ll be taking back what’s rightfully mine.” The two ponies laughed at the joke Rose just made of such a situation. She wasn’t serious about holding him hostage, of course – she knew better than to get him in trouble with the king over something so trivial as a date – but she wanted to show him nonetheless that she would hold him to his word. Bladewing was more than happy to oblige her… as soon as he escorted the mare who took quite a bit of pleasure in watching the romantic scene unfold.

“*chuckle* So… you’ve gotten yourself a stallion after all, Rosie.” The old mare’s comment took Bladewing aback, for the revelation that hit his mind shocked him.

“What?” he thought to himself, “Is she-”

“You bet, Grandma,” replied Rose with a smile, kissing her cheek, “It’s so good to see you. You should’ve told me you were coming to see Daddy and me.”

“Oh, I just wanted to keep it a surprise for the two of you. Your mother already knows I’m coming… and thanks to the help of this sweet young colt, it won’t be long at all before we reach the house.” Rose smiled gleefully at Bladewing as she let go of the old mare. Unfortunately for the stallion himself, he felt more shock than awe.

“Wait, so… is this lady your grandmother, Rose?”

“*chuckle* She sure is,” replied Rose, hugging the old mare, “Meet Grandma Daffy. I’ve been close to her since I was a foal… and even now, I still enjoy it when she visits me and my parents. She’s like a second mother to me.”

“I see.” Bladewing turned his head to Mrs. Sunfire. “So then it’s Rose’s house we’re going to, Mrs. Sunfire?”

“That is correct, sir knight,” she replied with a smile, “I see you’ve already met my granddaughter… and made her yours while you were at it.” Rose couldn’t resist giggling with a cheeky grin as she saw her stallion blush from her grandma’s comment… for she knew exactly what she was insinuating.

“W-Well, in a manner of speaking, yes,” agreed Bladewing reluctantly, “She was, um… quite persuasive in getting me to be her coltfriend.”

“*giggle* Take it easy, child. I'm only joking.”

“*sigh* Thank Faust. You had me on edge there.” Rose laughed for only a second when Mrs. Sunfire suddenly used her magic to seal her mouth closed (albeit very gently.)

“Ah, ah, ah,” joked the old mare with a mischievous grin, “You’re in no position to be laughing, dearie. You have a lot of nerve getting a coltfriend behind your father’s back, little Ms. ‘Daddy’s Girl’… even one as sweet as this young pegasus.” Bladewing normally wouldn’t take joy in seeing Rose be put in her place, but seeing how it was her grandma doing it – and that it was him Rose laughed at – he felt the goddess will forgive him this once for a slight twinge of satisfaction. As such, he let out a soft, content chuckle as Mrs. Sunfire let go of her now-blushing granddaughter’s mouth.

“Oh, come on, Grandma,” Rose pouted, “I thought you WANTED me to get a coltfriend. I don’t need Daddy’s permission anymore. You even said that to his face.”

“Yes, I did, but you kept it a secret from both him and me nonetheless. I may have yanked Bladewing’s chain a bit, but at least he didn’t hide his relationship with you from me. That being said, he has more reason to laugh than you do… so unless you want me to tell Daddy his little princess was doing naughty things behind his back, you will give this noble stallion the respect he deserves.” Bladewing struggled hard not to laugh as Rose’s face turned pale with fear. If there was one thing she learned from her grandmother, it was to never annoy her. Rose knew she would never lie to her father but given his nature, he might take her grandma’s words the wrong way anyway and think she was doing some less-than-innocent deeds. As such, she knew better than to challenge her authority.

“So, my little Rosie,” Mrs. Sunfire cooed, “Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-Yes, ma’am,” replied Rose nervously, much to Bladewing’s entertainment.

“Good. Now, then…” Rose watched as her grandmother pointed an open hoof at Bladewing. “Be a good girl for Grandma and apologize to your coltfriend.”

“Oh, it’s ok, Mrs. Sunfire,” replied Bladewing with a smug grin, “There’s no need for that. I think the look on her face is proof enough that she learned her lesson.” Defiant even in defeat, Rose grimaced and stuck her tongue out at him, forcing yet another soft chuckle out of him.

“As pleases you, child…” As if she wasn’t done already, Mrs. Sunfire pulled on the collar of Bladewing’s uniform with her magic, bringing him closer to her. The stallion himself felt a bead of sweat gather on his forehead as he saw a smug expression envelop the old mare’s face. “… but don’t think I’m letting you off the hook either. I appreciate that sexual activity is among the least of your desires – it shows that you’re a stallion with both class AND a pure heart – but my protecting your honor from her will come with a price nonetheless. I can see that you genuinely love my granddaughter, so you have both my approval and my permission to date her; however, I better hear that you’ll start a family with her if you ever decide to marry her. I want at least one great-grandfoal out of any marriage between the two of you, so you better promise that you’ll give me one before I give you my blessing OR my consent to make her your wife, whether my son agrees with me or not. Am I understood?” Now having experienced first-hoof how assertive the old mare was, Bladewing could see why Rose feared her authority… and while he was hoping he could find an indirect way out of his predicament, he had a gut feeling the old mare can tell when somepony was lying to her. After looking at the deep blushing and nervous smile on Rose’s face, he could tell that she thought the same thing. As such, he dared not get any closer to drawing her ire than Rose did.

“Y-Yes, ma’am,” replied Bladewing with a blush, “I give you my word.”

“Excellent.” Satisfied that she asserted her influence on the young couple, Mrs. Sunfire picked up the handles of two of the smaller suitcases in her magic before continuing. “Now then, dearies… let’s go home.” Bladewing and Rose needed no persuasion – after seeing how quickly the old grandmother demonstrated her power over their relationship, they were happy that she gave them little more than a verbal slap on the hoof. They proceeded to walk side by side while Mrs. Sunfire took the lead.

After about a minute or so of walking, Bladewing noticed – or rather felt – something peculiar. A slight pulsation appeared on his shoulder, a sensation he initially wrote off as his blood experiencing a brief restriction in that area (thought how, he couldn’t say.) Once he heard the sound of a familiar voice in his head, however – and saw a wispy red aura slowly vaporizing off of his shoulder – he learned quickly that his assessment was dead wrong.

“Psst, Bladewing. Can you hear me?” Bladewing was certain the voice he heard was from Rose, but he had no proof to verify it. The most he could do was answer mentally and watch Rose’s lips to see if they move in response, a test that was fairly easy to do since she was looking at him.

“Rose? Is that you talking in my head?”

“*sigh* Thank Faust this thing works. Yes, it’s me.” Bladewing focused carefully on Rose’s lips, but he couldn’t see any movement from them. Now that he knew that she was legitimately talking to him with her mind, he couldn't help but be in awe by just how clever she was, a feeling made clear by the impressed smile on his face.

“Oh my goddess. That’s amazing, Rose. Where did you learn this magic?”

“My mother taught me. She used to use this spell all the time with my aunts.”

“I see. Your mum’s a very smart mare. Now I can’t wait to see her.”

“You and me both, handsome. But anyway…” Bladewing looked curiously as Rose began to blush nervously. “I really do want to apologize. You know, for what Grandma Daffy said about the marriage thing.”

“Oh no, it's fine. I wasn't offended by that at all. It’s not like that’ll ever keep me from marrying you. I just think it’s a bit soon for her to be talking about that… or great-grandfoals, for that matter.”

“*giggle* Agreed. She means well, but I think she’s becoming a bit obsessed with being a great-grandmother. I sometimes hear her talking about it with my father. And, well, I get it – so few mares live long enough to receive such an honor. Still, I’d never force fatherhood on you just to satisfy her desire to become one. You know that would be wrong just as I do.”

“I do... but to be honest with you, Rose, it’s more than just that.” Rose felt worried for Bladewing as she watched him turn his face away while his smile slowly faded away. “I’m not sure if I’d be a good father. Sure, I took very good care of Ruby these past two years, but it was only easy for me because I had the Hearts to assist me if I’m unable to make time to watch over her. Had I been the only family she has left, I would’ve been much less confident in taking care of her. I may not be a parent, but I know that a child needs emotional AND physical support to grow up well… and I fear that with my job as a Council Knight, I’ll be unable to be there often enough for any children we DO bring into this world.”

“Aw, Bladewing.” Now that she understood what he meant, Rose knew exactly how to ease his troubles. She got closer and nuzzled her stallion again, refocusing his attention back to her. “Don’t ever say that again. You’d be a wonderful father. Why else did the Hearts trust you with Ruby in the first place? Sure, you aren’t around her as often anymore, but do you really think they mind that? Or that they don’t know it’s only because of your job?”

“Well, no, but-”

“Save it. You just admitted that you don’t think so… and that should be proof enough that even you know you’re as capable of being a parent as they are. So accept it.”

“It’s not that I don’t accept it, Rose. It’s just… well, it’s one thing to say it, but it’s another to actually do it. I’d have a lot more responsibility with our own foals versus with Ruby. Especially while you’re carrying them. What if your water suddenly breaks and I’m unable to be there for you during childbirth? I’d be scared out of my bloody wits.”

“Don’t be. I’d be scared too if that ever happened – I’ll be going through hours of pain giving birth without my husband, for Faust’s sake – but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Do you think I’m not aware of the consequences your duties as a Council Knight will have on our relationship?” It was at this point that Bladewing finally realized why Rose was so persistent in convincing him of his concern: he thought she didn’t fully accept him. It’s true that she loved him deeply, but he was paranoid nevertheless that she might one day leave him if he ever made her sad or angry, even if it was for a reason beyond his control… and now that she made it clear that he was wrong, he understood how foolish he sounded.

“*sigh*… No. I did not. I know it’s dumb to think my job would ever be an issue for you. I guess I just didn’t think you’d be that patient with me… or that you even fully accepted me.”

“Then I will ask you the same thing you asked of me long ago: that you start trusting me more. I know how important your job is, my love. I know you may not always be around to help me raise our little ones, even if you ARE there for me during childbirth… but I’d still want to have them with you. It’s not having a lot of time with your children that makes you a good father – it’s being there for them when they need you most. Grandma Daffy was right in saying you’re noble and pure of heart, and I would have no other stallion sire my offspring than you.” Rose could see that her words had an uplifting effect on Bladewing, for a subtle little smile began to form on his face.

“Do you mean that?”

“*chuckle* You know I do. I’m sure our little ones would be very happy knowing their father is the king’s finest and most trusted soldier… and that he loves them no matter what. You may think that being away for long periods of time will somehow be too much for me to bear, but I already paid that price when I took you personally to see Mountain Wind. If being with a Council Knight means I’ll only see you every so often, then so be it. I love you, and that won’t ever change. No matter how paranoid you are that it will.” It was at this moment that Bladewing finally submitted to his mare’s point of view. He understood now that Rose truly meant it when she said she’ll go through the good and the bad in his life with him… and he couldn’t hold back how touching her argument was. He let a single tear trickle down his left eye, much to the mare’s amusement.

“Aw, you big softie,” Rose cooed playfully, wiping his tear with her magic, “Did I not tell you to not be sad anymore?”

“Oh, shut it,” retorted Bladewing with a chuckle, “It’s your fault I’m like this. Your grandma may have yanked my chain, but you were yanking harder at my heart… and I thought I had a way with words.”

“Then I guess it’s time for the wife to have her turn at it.”

“Future wife, you mean. HHNGH!” Bladewing’s eyes shot wide open, and he turned deep red in the face having realized what he just “said”… and Rose had a very hard time containing her laughter.

“*giggle* Gotcha.” Rose winked playfully at Bladewing and stuck her tongue out in victory... and now that he was fully aware of the trick she just pulled on him, Bladewing found himself quite literally babbling incoherently.

“Ooh… um… w-well, I… t-that’s not what I… *sigh*… I’m such an idiot.” Rose felt utterly delighted to see her stallion droop his head low in submissive defeat. “I guess this means I do have to marry you, doesn’t it?”

“*chuckle* Of course not, you silly boy.” Rose could see that he was flustered, so she nuzzled his face again to cheer him up. “But at least I know you’re thinking about it. I’m happy with that… and consider this revenge for the trick you pulled on me that day at Mountain Wind’s palace.”

“Humph.” Bladewing grimaced as he looked away defiantly, his cheeks still blushing . “Smug mare. You’re lucky I love you. I’ll submit to you this once, but only because you’re right… and because I deserve it for being so careless with my tongue.” Rose found it very cute how Bladewing still wanted to show her who wore the horseshoes in this relationship, even though she had just tricked him into admitting he’s thinking about marrying her one day… and in the most humorous way possible, to boot. She knew deep in her heart that today will be a great day for the both of them.

“Whatever you say, handsome.” Bladewing felt Rose grasp his head in her magic, and she turned his gaze back towards her. “The spell will wear off soon. I’ll let you decide when and if we become more than just coltfriend and marefriend, but on one condition.” Bladewing’s ears perked up as he prepared to listen to what she had in mind.

“Sure. Just name it.”

“I want you to promise me that if you do decide to make me your wife, you’ll propose to me in the most epic way possible. Don’t tell me a single detail about it, no matter how suspicious it makes you seem to me. Promise?” A warm feeling engulfed Bladewing as he shared one last kiss with his mare before giving his answer.

“All right, love,” he replied, nuzzling his mare one last time, “I promise.” Now in agreement as far as marriage was concerned, the couple smiled at each other and refocused their sight back on the road ahead of them, the suitcases still in tow. It was true that their whole conversation was literally out of earshot of Mrs. Sunfire, but she had a gut feeling that something was up between the young ponies.

“You’ve been awfully quiet back there, loves,” spoke the old mare, “Is something the matter?”

“It’s nothing, Grandma,” replied Rose, “We were just enjoying the view. You know, the trees and flowers and such. Right, Bladewing?” Bladewing was amused to see Rose wink at him, for he knew exactly what to say.

“You bet,” he added, “Mother Nature’s looking beautiful today. Maybe I should pluck some of those flowers for a bouquet for your mum, Rose. Wouldn’t that be nice?”

“Oh, for sure. She just loves roses. It’s why she named me after them.” Humored by how cute their dialogue was, Mrs. Sunfire deduced that all was well… even if the soft moaning she heard earlier sounded a little suspicious to her.

“*chuckle* Young couples these days.” Bladewing and Rose just giggled at the old mare’s comment. They knew they were lying to her, but even if she did know the truth, she didn’t seem to care much. They were certain that she knew they weren’t having any inappropriate fun. Nevertheless, the couple were grateful that their conversation was kept completely private, especially Bladewing. He was certain that had Clover and Nikolai listened in on it, neither of them would ever let him hear the end of it.