• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,701 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

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“Nice! I got 19. I’m staying with this set.” Xylene was playing Pazaak with three of the other maids at a table within the Jones family game room. Her opponent – a human brunette named Diane – was just one point away from a full set of 20.

“You haven’t won yet, Xy,” Diane mused, “If I draw a +1 card, I’ll have you beat.”

“Don’t do it, Diane,” spoke a red-haired human named Samantha, “That move’s a risky one.”

“Sam’s right,” spoke a blue-skinned Twi’lek named Zora, “The deck doesn’t do favors for anyone. If you draw anything else, you’re screwed. Tying with her is a better option.”

“*chuckle* Just watch this, girls. I’m gonna win it all with this last draw.” Zora and Sam watched in suspense as Diane placed her hand over the top of the deck. She pulled the card sensing victory, but the two maids gasped once it was flipped over.

“*hiss* Oooh,” Sam spoke, “A +5 card. That’s a bust.”

“Yeah,” chimed Zora, “It’s over for you, girl.”

“Not so long as I have this.” The other maids were taken by surprise as Diane played the final card she had left from her 4-card hand – a red -5. Xylene, on the other hand, was amused.

“Nice save,” she said to Diane, “It looks like you’re still in the game. What do you say we call this round a draw?”

“Fat chance, Xy. I still got one last shot at getting a full set.” Samantha placed a concerned hand onto her friend’s shoulder.

“Are you crazy? You used up your last card. If you get a bust THIS time, you’ll lose for sure.”

“She’s got a point, Diane,” Zora agreed, “You got lucky once, but this time’s for keeps.”

“*chuckle* That’s how I like to gamble, ladies: all or nothing.”

“*sigh* Here we go again.” Samantha and the others watched with even greater suspense than before as Diane pulled her final card. She laid the card face-down and slowly flipped it face up, further adding to the momentum of this critical move. What the card read was truly a sight for the sore gambler’s eyes.

“What?!” Xylene exclaimed, “No way!” While the green Twi’lek tried to process what she just saw, Zora and Samantha cheered for their brunette friend.

“Damn, girl,” Zora complimented Diane, “That was sick. A +1 card, and with an empty hand at that.” Diane smiled victoriously.

“What can I say? Lady Luck’s on my side.”

“I’ll say,” Samantha added, “The odds were stacked ridiculously high against you. Winning was nothing short of a miracle.”

“It’s never over until it’s over, Sam. And speaking of which…” Diane look towards her defeated opponent with a smug grin. “I think you have something for me.”

“*grunt* Smug skank,” Xylene muttered ruefully, pulling out a small bag containing their wager.

“Haha, pay up, sister.” Diane’s face glowed with pride as she pulled out the five hundred credits inside the bag. She was just going to place it inside her purse, but she suddenly got an idea.

“Hey… you know what, Xylene? Keep the money.” Xylene and the others looked towards her in confusion.

“Um, okay,” Xylene replied quizzically, taking the bag from her hand, “Why?”

“An idea just came to me. How about I get something else as my prize?”

“Like what?” Diane shot her Twi’lek friend a playful grin.

“Oh, I don’t know… a little gossip, maybe?”

“You’re better off with the money, Diane. I’m fresh out of news right now.”

“Who said it had to be fresh? I’m more curious about that boy Jesse hangs out with.” The other two maids looked at Diane curiously.

“Jack?” Samantha asked her, “What about him? He’s just a friend of hers.”

“That’s not what I heard two years ago. I heard something happened between him and our gal during his last visit… and it just so happens that Xylene here had front-row seats to the whole thing. Am I right, Xy?” Zora looked towards her fellow Twi’lek with a gasp.

“Is this true?” Xylene rubbed her arm nervously.

“Um… sort of. My memory of it’s a bit hazy.”

“The hell it is!” Diane exclaimed, “You waltzed into the maid’s dorm looking like you found Mr. Perfect.”

“Yeah, I remember that day,” Samantha added, “She didn’t say a word about it to us or any of the others. She just went straight to her bed.” Xylene was nervous. Her friends were getting pretty close to the truth.

“I can explain that. I won a share of the planetary jackpot and I didn’t feel like sharing my ticket with anyone else.” Diane couldn’t help but giggle mischievously.

“That’s bull and you know it, Xy. You would’ve been a lot more excited than that if you were. I don’t know what went on with Jack that day, but it had to be pretty juicy if you didn’t gossip with us for six weeks afterwards. So what do you say you share it?” Xylene resisted at first, but she soon gave in to the peering eyes of her friends.

“*sigh* Fine. But only because you returned my bonus.”

“*chuckle* Nice. Now spill. What happened?” Xylene took a deep breath before answering, and the other maids in turn sat down to listen.

“Well… I was in the bathroom mopping the floor. I had just finished cleaning the shower heads when I heard Jack talking with Jesse in the hallway. I waited quietly behind the door to see what would happen and that’s when I heard it: moaning sounds coming from him kissing Jesse.” The others oohed in surprise.

“Wow, really?” Samantha asked. Xylene nodded her head. “Man, that’s hot.”

“Ditto,” replied Zora, “Can you imagine two Jedi sharing a moment of passion? That’s pretty bold, given the Order’s policy on romance. Did they go any further?”

“They might’ve, had Jack chose to be her boyfriend.” Diane gasped in surprise.

“Jesse asked him that?”

“Yes. He said he’d reconsider, though, once the Clone Wars were over.”

“Well, I’ll be damned. So it’s true: our gal’s madly in love with him.” As Diane did her best to contain her excitement, Samantha was curious about one thing Xylene didn’t mention.

“Hold on… why DID you stop gossiping for so long?” Samantha watched as Xylene blushed in utter embarrassment.

“Jesse put me up to it… after she caught me getting aroused in the bathroom.”

“Wait, what?” Diane chuckled, “Jess caught you masturbating from her and Jack moaning in their kiss?” Diane tried her best to calm down, but her snorting soon turned into laughter. The boisterous noise forced poor Xylene to slouch downward in her seat.

“Oh, shut up,” Xylene pouted, “I was just fondling my breast, that’s all. It’s not like I was doing anything naughtier than that.”

“*giggle* It hardly matters. You had to be pretty horny to get off from something like that. Now imagine if those two moved on to making love? Ooh, I’d pay a chancellor’s ransom to see what you’d do then.”

“Humph. And you say I’m the pervert.” Zora placed a kind hand onto her friend’s shoulder.

“Don’t take it too hard, Xylene. It happens.”

“Yeah,” Samantha added, “Diane means well. She’s just getting it all out of her system.”

“*sigh* Yeah,” replied Xylene, “Thanks, girls.” All of a sudden, the four women heard a buzzing noise come from the hall, prompting Diane to silence herself.

“Who could that be?” Diane asked.

“I’ll go check it out,” Xylene spoke, “You guys wait here.” The others made no argument. Without delay, Xylene made her way swiftly to the door. There was a panel a few feet away and pressed a button underneath its speaker.

“Hello? Who’s there?”

“I’m an employee from Madame Jones’ company. I have a passenger aboard my ship and he requests to see her and her husband immediately.”

“Who is your passenger?”

“He identifies himself as Jack Graystorm.” Xylene was shocked.

“Jack?” she thought worriedly, “What’s he doing here?”

“I see.” Xylene needed no further reason. She opened the door without a second thought for the employee.

“Go take a seat in the lounge. I’ll go tend to Mr. Graystorm.”

“Thank you.” As the employee made her way inside, Xylene looked towards the ship parked up front. A ramp was laid down leading into the ship, but she couldn’t see Jack.

“Jack?” she called out, “Are you there? What’s going on?” No response. Xylene was about to press forward, but she suddenly spotted a figure coming down the ramp. Sure enough, that figure was Jack, but he was carrying a body in his arms.

“What the?” Xylene mumbled to herself, “Who is he- *gasp*” Xylene clasped her mouth with both hands. Jesse layed lifeless in Jack’s arms, and Jack’s expression was a depressing one. Xylene was horrified beyond belief.

“Oh, no.” The girl watched with a pale face as Jack approached, refusing all the while to believe her eyes. The man stopped near her to let her look closer.

“Jack? Is she…?” Jack nodded his head ruefully. Xylene felt her heart grow heavy.

“Good lord. Please, come in. I’ll get her parents immediately.” Jack didn’t say a word. He just followed Xylene inside the structure. He made his way into the lounge, but not before passing by the other three maids standing in the hallway. Their faces were just as ridden with horror as Xylene’s, and none of them said a word either as they watched him lay Jesse onto one of the couches.

Hardly a minute passed before Madame Laura Jones arrived in the lounge with her husband. To say they were devastated by what they saw would be putting it mildly. Their only daughter lied dead in front of them, and there was nothing either of them could do. Laura hid her face inside Richard’s chest and wept into his shirt. Richard just held her closely, letting his own tears run freely down his face. He was putting up a brave fight to keep from sobbing as she was.

“I’m sorry.” Richard looked mournfully into Jack’s face.

“What happened?” Jack took a seat on one end of the table, while Richard sat down with Laura on an adjacent side. The couple listened closely as Jack told them everything.

* * *

“I see. So she passed away during the flight?” Jack nodded to Richard’s question. “*sigh* Very well. Thank you for bringing her to us, Jack. It hurts to know she’s gone, but at least I can give my daughter a proper funeral.”

“She saved my life, sir. I owed it to her to bring her back home.” Jack gasped as Laura wiped her tears and sat with him, embracing him in a heartfelt hug.

“You’re a good man, Jack. I can see why my daughter loved you so much. I pray with all my heart that you find a woman who loves you as much as she did.” Jack chuckled meekly, letting one final tear slip past his eye.

“Thanks, Mrs. Jones. It means a lot.” Laura smiled and patted his back gently before letting go of him.

“The clones might come after you soon. You’d be wise to leave while they don’t know where you are.”

“What about Jesse? I was hoping I could attend her funeral before I go.”

“You have already done so much for her, Jack,” Richard spoke for his wife, “You stayed with her in her final moments and brought her body back to us. I’m sure Jesse would understand. Right now, you’re a wanted man in the eyes of the Republic. Her sacrifice will be in vain if you stay here for the clones to kill you.” Jack didn’t like it, but Richard was right. As long as the clones were roaming the galaxy hunting Jedi, he will never be safe, even on a planet as remote as this one. His only hope for survival was to leave the Republic – and the life he once had here – for good.

“*sigh* All right. I’ll miss you.” The Jones smiled as Jack got up and hugged both of them with a warm touch.

“It was nice knowing you, Jack,” Laura replied, “Farewell.” Having said their final goodbyes, Richard and Laura left Jack alone with the maids. At this point, he was but a memory to them. Xylene, on the other hand, was not ready to let him go just yet.

“I have something for you, Jack,” Xylene told him. Jack and the others looked up to her in wonder.

“You do?”

“Yes. Jesse asked me to hold onto it in case of a situation like this. I’ll be back in a moment.” The other maids didn’t bother to ponder what this something was. If it came from Jesse, then they knew it had to be important. Instead, they focused their attention on Jack.

“We were just talking about her, you know,” Diane spoke compassionately to him, “Xylene told us how she confessed her feelings to you that night in the hallway. We were pretty happy for the two of you.”

“Yeah, we were,” added Samantha, “Jesse always seemed full of life whenever she was beside you… but now she’s gone. We can’t tell you how sad we feel for you.” Jack was still depressed, but the girls’ words offered some respite for his tormented soul.

“I’ll be okay. At least she died happy. I can live easier with that.” Xylene had reentered the lounge soon after, and she was holding a small crimson box in her hand.

“What’s this?” he asked her, taking it from her hands.

“I don’t really know. Jesse instructed me to let no one but you look inside. I think she intended for you to keep it a secret.”

“I see. Did she say anything else?”

“Only that you leave the estate before you open it.” That was Jack’s cue to finally leave the planet. He was sad that this day turned out like it did, but there was nothing he could do to change it. Now was the time to move on.

“*sigh* All right. I’ll be on my way.” Jack was taken by surprise as Xylene quickly brought him into a hug, followed similarly by the other three maids. The man made no effort to pull away, however. He knew this would be the last time he would have contact with anyone from this life. Thus, he just returned the hug with equal sentiment.

“Goodbye, Jack,” Xylene spoke softly to him, “Stay safe.”

“I will.” Jack placed the box in one of his robe pockets before exiting the manor. Trees were rustling in the wind outside, and the wind itself was carrying a few leaves that had fallen from them. Jack could feel his ties to his old life slowly slip away into it. He approached the cargo ship feeling exiled, like an unseen force had banished him to an uncertain future… and his only guide was the box Jesse left for him.

Jack walked slowly up the ship’s ramp, making his way towards the cockpit. The employee who took him here earlier was waiting for him inside. She told Jack to wait for her while she used the ship’s bathroom, but he didn’t mind. He took this time to open the box.

“What’s this?” Jack was curious by what he found inside. A round, medallion-like object lied inside, and the insignia of the Jedi Order was engraved on it. Many questions stemmed into his mind as he picked it up, but one stood out the most: what does Jesse want him to do with this? Luckily for him, there was a slip of paper taped on its flat end. Jack pulled this slip off the tape and unfolded it, carefully scrutinizing the writing that Jesse inscribed on it.

“Hey, Jack. I’m not sure if you’re reading this right now but if you are, then I’m sure you know why. I’m truly sorry that it ended the way it did. When you first told me of your vision, I thought you were just being silly; but after a while, I couldn’t honestly tell myself that you were. I reasoned that if I were to ever die at the hands of the clones, I would make sure that the man I love escapes to safety. I saved this medallion for you for just that reason. I don’t have time to explain what it does right now. I’m sure Skywalker is looking for you as you are reading this very note. All I can tell you is that it will help you lose him – and whoever turned him against us – for good. There is a cave on this planet that is located directly opposite of my home. I left you further instructions in a specially marked crevice somewhere inside. You should have no problem finding it. Now go, and please hurry. I love you too much to let you share my fate.” Nothing else was written on the paper. The employee had just returned to the pilot’s seat by the time Jack finished reading.

“Are you ready to go?” she asked. Jack nodded his head lightly. “Alright. My boss granted me permission to drop you off anywhere you like. Do you have a destination in mind?”

“I do. I would like to go to the other side of the planet. You know, from where this mansion is.”

“Are you sure? There’s nothing over there but ice mountains.”

“Yes. Can you take me there?”

“Of course. I’ll get you there in no time.”

“Thanks.” The ship’s engine roared to life as Jack and the pilot slowly lift off the ground. Jack took one last look at the note before the ship began flying towards its destination.

“I’ll get there, Jesse. Don’t you worry.”

Sure enough, the employee got Jack to his destination in record time. A lot of snow was coming down, but she was fortunate enough to find a small, but flat space to land the ship. Jack thanked her for the ride before getting off. He watched with abandon as the ship rose from the snow and disappeared into the blurry white skies. It was dusk out but Jack could still see fine, even with all the snow falling over the place.

“Alright. Now where’s that cave?” The man looked around him carefully. After about a minute or two, he found one high above the mountainside. It was small, but the cave could easily let a human of his size pass through. There was a ledge in front of it, and it had enough space for him to stand on.

“I see," he thought to himself, "I can just make it to that ledge if I’m careful. *sigh* Here we go.” Jack stepped backward until he hit an ice wall, blowing away all the snow that stood in the way using the Force. Upon counting to three, he ran as fast as he could towards the edge of the cliff and jumped. The cold winds brushed against his face like sandpaper, but Jack was none too shaken by them. He landed directly onto the cave floor, just as the ledge behind him collapsed from the weight of the snow on top of it. He looked down from the cave entrance feeling he cheated Death.

“That ledge was a deathtrap. I would’ve gone down with it if I didn’t overshoot my jump.” Jack rose back to his feet. He brushed off as much snow from his robe as he could before turning to the dark pathway in front of him. There was light in the first few feet, but the rest of the way was pitch black. He turned on his lightsaber and carefully advanced forward.

Throughout most of the cave, Jack saw nothing unusual. The walls were comprised of the same uneven stone as the mountain from which they were made. However, the passage itself slowly got warmer the farther down he got. How it was doing that he didn’t know, but he wasn’t too worried – the warmth made being here all the more comfortable.

In a short while, Jack found himself in front of a wall. There was no door or a keyhole of any kind bored into it. Just a solid slab of unusually flat stone.

“*sigh* Great. A dead end.” Jack carefully sat himself onto the floor, rubbing his forehead with one hand whilst holding his lightsaber in the other.

“Hm… Jess said I’m supposed to find a marked crevice somewhere inside this cave. I guess it must be here.” Jack accidentally grazed his hand as he tried to get up. He looked down and was surprised to find a wooden box crammed inside a crack on the floor. The crevice was outlined with red ink, a definite sign that it was the one Jesse marked for him.

“Ah, there it is.” Jack used his free hand to pull the box out of the crack. He placed it in front of him and lifted its lid. There was only a folded letter inside, but Jack was certain it was all he needed. He held his lightsaber close as he read the inscription.

“Well done, Jack. You found the letter. Now this may sound absurd, but this is not a dead end you’re seeing in front of you; it turns out this ‘wall’ is actually a huge circular door mounted on a chiseled runway. Opening it will reveal a room that will guide you to safety. All YOU have to do is push it into the left side of the cave. I’ll tell you more once you’re inside.”

“All right.” Jack stopped reading and put the letter away in his pocket. “Here goes nothing.” Jack gently pulled on the wall using the Force. Just as she said, the “door” slowly slid into the left side of the cave. Jack moved forward with a look of surprise.

“I never would’ve thought of that.” Jack looked behind him. He was satisfied to find no one there. Just to make sure no one can follow him inside, he moved the door back to its original position. He turned back around and was astounded by what saw.

Jack stood inside a massive, ancient room. The walls were engraved with strange hieroglyphics, nothing that Jack ever saw in the holocrons from the Temple Library. Images of forgotten battles were painted all around him, leading Jack to believe that this place must have been designed by an indigenous tribe largely unknown, even to the locals on this planet.

“This place must be thousands of years old,” he said to himself, “perhaps as old as the Republic itself. Jess might be the only one to have entered here in such a long time.” There were many other wonders this room had to show, but Jack was drawn to an impression on the far end of the room. It was shaped like an archway, and the inside contained a painting of humanoid figures stepping into a blue circle of their height, all prodded forward by other figures armed with spears.

“I think this is some sort of portal. But what is a portal doing here of all places? And what does it have to do with this medallion?” Jack pulled out the letter and continued reading in search of answers.

”Okay, Jack. Now that you’re safe inside, I’ll tell you everything. This room is an ancient shrine designed by a now-extinct humanoid tribe native to Dantooine. I stumbled upon it and the medallion four years ago, when I went on a trip with my father. I studied the hieroglyphics written by these people since then and it turns out this place was used by the tribe’s chieftains to banish prisoners of war to unknown worlds… and the archway you see before you contains the very portal they passed into thousands of years ago.”

“Oh, so it IS a portal.” Jack continued reading.

“The tribe went extinct around two millennia before the Republic colonized the planet, but this archway still has the same functionality it had when the tribe first constructed this room. So how is the medallion important? Well, check this out: the being who designed the portal was a Jedi… and she created this medallion as the vital component needed to power it up.” Jack’s eyes shot open in surprise.

“What? Then how come no mention of this was made in the Temple archives?” Jack was more curious than ever to find out.

“I’m sure you never heard of such a thing in the Temple Library. My only guess is that this same Jedi kept quiet about it out of fear of being persecuted by the Order. But at the moment, I’d say it was a good thing she did. If the clones ever learned about this place, this plan would’ve been doomed to failure from the beginning. The only reason why I never told you about any of this is because I didn’t want you to worry over it. You had enough trouble dealing with your vision, and I’d have felt horrible to add to your woes. Now that’s it’s come to life – and I’m among the fallen – I believe it’s time you knew about it. The only thing I have left to tell you is that the portal opens up a different world each time it activates… or so the hieroglyphs tell me. You’re on your own from here. I’m not sure where the portal will take you, but I can rest peacefully knowing you’ll be safe from both Skywalker and the clones no matter what. Your life is in your hands now, love. I hope you live it to the fullest.

Yours forever, Jesse”

Jack held the letter to his chest. He was sad that it had to come to this, but at least it wasn’t the end. Jesse gave him another chance at life. Although there was no going back from this path, it mattered very little to him. The galaxy as he once knew it was no more, and the only person who could convince him otherwise was her. His life here was just as dead as she was.

Jack let the letter fall from his hand. He looked around the archway for anything that may fit the medallion. To his convenience, he found a circular slot at its peak. The man placed the medallion carefully inside it, and he stepped back to see what happened. A bright blue aura suddenly surrounded the object and the hieroglyphs started to shine with the same glow. Just a short moment after, the wall section within the impression disappeared, consumed quickly by a mist-like glow. Jack was at a loss for words.

“So this is the portal.” Jack peered into the whirlwind-like abyss of the portal but found nothing. If it did take him anywhere, it won’t show him where.

“Huh… so that’s what she meant. The world this thing opens up is concealed until someone passes through.” Jack had mixed feelings about his path. Since the tribe who used this portal never left the planet, it’s likely that the aforementioned “unknown worlds” might be ones known to the Republic now. On one end of the spectrum, he might get sent back to Coruscant; on the other, he could wind up in a different universe entirely. The man didn’t have time to think about it, though. The entire mountain suddenly quaked, and he was temporarily forced down to his knees. The quake was soon followed up by rumbling that intensified by the second. Jack had to get inside the portal and now.

“*grunt* Whatever. I’ll take my chances. Look out, world. Here comes a new arrival.” Just as dust and chunks of rock began to fall from the ceiling, Jack dived into the portal… and not a moment too soon. The entire room collapsed underneath the mountain, taking the portal down with it. Jack was now officially safe from all the evil from his past life.

"I think I’m going to be sick." Jack tumbled for at least a minute through the portal and by now, he was feeling quite nauseous. With no solid ground or gravity present in this vortex, his stomach contents churned about uncontrollably. The fluid in his ears moved about so much that he had to close his eyes to keep them from spinning. For the moment, Jack’s only concern was to make it to the other side without emptying his stomach.

Luckily for Jack, he didn’t have to wait much longer. He noticed a white light ahead of him, and he floated into it at a more soothing velocity. The light gave way to a bird's eye view of a land that appeared untouched by man. Rivers, plains, forests, valleys, and other identifiable landmarks decorated the land like designs on a quilt. Not a single structure could be found for miles. As far as Jack could see, there was little, if any at all, evidence of any form of colonization. Wherever this place was, he knew it wasn’t in Republic space.

"Nice," he spoke with a smile, "The portal chose a great world for me. I should definitely be safe here. Just one problem… *gulp* how do I get down from here?" Looking down from his present height made Jack nervous. He nearly forgot that he was still in free fall. At the rate he was accelerating, the drop will surely kill him if he lands on anything but a soft, fluffy mattress; unfortunately for the poor man, there were none to be found. Even so, he looked around for anything even remotely close to it. He soon spied a hill a mile or two away from where he was now.

"Okay. If I propel myself to that hill, I can soften my fall on its incline. *sigh* I hope this works." Eyeing a few clouds behind him, Jack used the Force to push off them. Strangely enough, his plan worked: his thrusts got him closer towards the hill’s incline. He was still falling, but the path of his fall leveled out with each cloud he pushed away. After a short while, his speed was no longer a risk factor.

Jack braced himself for the coming impact. He shielded his face with his arms just a second before he touched the hill’s incline. Grass and dirt bits attached to his robes as he grunted from every roll he took downward. After about eight seconds, he came to a complete stop. The dizziness from the descent paralyzed him for a short moment, but he was content – at least he didn’t lose his lunch.

Now that he was on solid ground again, he uncovered his face and got up with a groan.

“Ow. Is it just me or does this earth feel like stone?” Jack was about to brush the dirt from his robes when a familiar agrarian scene caught his eye. The yellow-orange glow of a sunset filled the almost cloudless sky. Grass that reached up to his knees completely covered the land around him and to his right, Jack could see a dirt road traversing through fields teeming with wheat.

“Wow,” he murmured, “This place… it’s beautiful.” This scene reminded Jack of when he was very young. His parents, John and Sarah Graystorm, owned a farm on Naboo during his first few years of life. They never earned as much money from their work as Jesse’s parents did, but they were wealthy enough to own hundreds of acres of farmland. Days off for them were very rare, but Jack could still remember riding on horseback with his father through terrain like this on these precious days. Naturally, Mrs. Graystorm always worried on these days – her little boy was riding a wild mustang of a horse – but she trusted her husband enough to let Jack ride with him. Oh, how he longed to experience those pastimes once more!

Alas, no amount of nostalgia could drown out the reality Jack was facing now. He was alone once again, even more now than he was before. He was in unfamiliar territory, and with no one to turn to. All that was left of his past life was his memories. It was too much for the poor man to handle, and he broke down on the spot.

“It’s… *sniff* it’s not fair. *hic* Dammit!” Jack slammed his fists onto the ground like an enraged gorilla. “It’s all gone. My friends, my family, my comrades… Jesse… all gone, and I can never get ANY of it back. *sniff*… Oh, GOD, do I hate you, Master. Why wouldn’t you listen to me?! If you had just took my vision seriously, then maybe you could’ve stopped Skywalker from wiping us out to extinction! And here I thought the code FORBADE ignorance! Some listener YOU were!” As pointless as it was, cursing Yoda relieved Jack of some of his frustration. Yoda rarely took anything he said seriously, and Jack – and the rest of the Jedi – paid the ultimate price for it. Jack couldn’t be angrier with him if he banished him from the Order.

Whilst Jack’s anger slowly simmered down, a green, red-maned pony emerged from the cover of the tall grass. It was a unicorn mare, and she had just finished a short nap when she heard Jack seething from a short distance. Looking from atop a hill, she could see a strange bipedal creature weeping on his knees.

“He’s in a lot of pain,” she murmured to herself. She had great pity for Jack, but she wasn’t sure whether he was friend or foe. The unicorn moved closer (albeit stealthily), intent on finding out.

It didn’t take long for the mare to uncover why the human kneeling before her was in pain. After a few short minutes, Jack recovered from his mourning. Out of despair, he pulled out both of his lightsabers from the belt on his robes. He looked upon them with a hatred so fierce it could rival a raging fire.

“To Hell with the Order!” he cried, “Their bloody code was the reason why I lost the one person who made being a Jedi Knight worthwhile!” He was going to toss away Jesse’s lightsaber first, but seeing the blood that remained on the hilt stopped him. He remembered that this blood was Jesse’s. It was spilt so Jesse could give him another chance at life. He promised her he would keep her blade with him for the rest of his life – and he now realized he was seconds away from breaking it. This guilty conscience forced him to put both his and her lightsabers back onto his belt.

“*sigh* No. I made a promise to her. I will keep these blades no matter how much they remind me of the Order. I won’t let anger control me as it did Skywalker.” The hiding unicorn now had a better understanding of his distress, though she was still unsure whether he was friendly or not (or even what species he was). Inevitably, however, her conscience won her over. She wasn’t the type of mare that lets another living thing suffer.

“Poor thing,” she whispered to herself, “He’s been through quite a bit. I should get over there and cheer him up. Maybe he’ll let me approach if I show him I’m not a threat. It’s worth a shot.” The mare got up and attempted to trot towards him, but she accidentally stepped on a twig and snapped it. The noise wasn’t loud, but it nevertheless alerted Jack to her presence.

“W-Who’s there?” Jack sprung his blue lightsaber to life, forcing the unicorn to sink into the grass to hide. He looked around for any signs of life. He couldn't see anything, but he could still sense that something was nearby.

“I’m warning you, whatever you are,” he spoke threateningly, “I’m armed with a superheated blade. If you’re here to harm me… then you’re in for a nasty surprise.” The mare was fearful of him, but she could understand why he was reacting to her like this. Even so, she knew she was in no position to cheer him up now.

“Goddess, this looks bad! He thinks I’m his enemy. I’ll have to back off if I want to prove to him that I’m not.” The mare slowly walked backwards through the cover of the grass, making sure her human companion was unable to see her. Eventually, she moved far enough so that Jack can no longer sense her presence (although she could still see and hear him).

“Ah, good,” Jack thought, turning off his lightsaber, “It’s gone. Ugh, but what am I going to do now? I’m completely cut off from everyone in my past life, and I’ve no idea where I am. Wait… why am I still thinking about it? My past life is behind me now. There’s nothing left for me back there…” A flashback of Skywalker’s siege of the Temple appeared before Jack, and a tear flowed slowly from his right eye. The cries of his fellow Jedi dying at the hands of the clones echoed in his mind.

“…only suffering.” Jack sat himself to the ground in a meditative trance just as the flash back withered away. He was preparing himself for a power few Jedi were bold enough to use – Force Memoresis. It’s a unique Force power that enables a Jedi to lock away any amount of memory from his mind (although he will still retain his other Force abilities); now that he was no longer a Jedi, Jack decided to use this power to lock away every last memory he had. His mind would be rendered completely blank, but he didn’t care. As he said, he was done, with both the Order and his old life.

“Being a Jedi Knight was my dream,” he spoke wistfully, “but now I'm forced to renounce my knighthood. After I cast this power, I will no longer remember my time as a Jedi. Windu, Kenobi, Yoda… *sniff* even Jesse. All of them, I will be unable to remember for possibly the rest of my life. But it doesn’t matter. I may forget my past, but Jess won’t. She will be watching over me, whether I remember her or not.” The unicorn mare watched as an aura of white light engulfed his body. She felt a bit sad that he was wiping his head clean of his memories – she liked knights. He didn’t look like any knight she ever saw before, but she knew he was still a defender of justice all the same. The initial fear she had towards him was now replaced by a desire to know more about him; but after he casts this power, she will never get the chance.

“Wait, sir knight, please! You’re making a big mistake!” Oh, how the mare wished her words could reach his ears! This was a very rare opportunity for her and it was flying out of her reach like a sparrow. But alas, she was powerless to stop him. Revealing herself now would only make the situation worse. She watched helplessly as the aura inevitably consumed the ex-Jedi. In the brief moment before his mind was wiped of his past, Jack reminisced of the sage advice Yoda told him after he passed his trials.

“Of who you are, Jack, proud you must be. For in passing your trials, become a stronger person you have. A strong person it takes to become a Jedi… but an even stronger person it takes to live as one.”

“I’m sorry, Master,” he murmured, “But I am no longer proud of who I am. From this day forward, I am a Jedi… no more.” Just as he spoke these last words, the aura suddenly expanded rapidly. The blinding light forced the unicorn to shield her eyes from the blast. After about 5 seconds, she was able to look again, but she was surprised by the sight before her. Whatever this creature was, it had vanished from her sight. In his place, a black pegasus stallion lied unconscious on the ground… and just like that, the mare stood surprised.

“What happened?” she thought in shock, “How did he go from a bipedal creature to a pegasus stallion?” She was at a loss for words to explain what she just saw. However, his unexpected transformation quickly removed what little fear of him she had left. Now he was one of her species. However, she now faced a whole other dilemma: timidity. The transformation Jack underwent also made him very handsome, and though she knew he wasn’t a real pony, she had a habit of being shy whenever she sees an attractive stallion. Now that Jack’s become one, she had a hard time simply mustering the courage to face him. She quickly looked away from Jack in a flustered state, rubbing her foreleg all the while.

“Bloody Faust, he’s so handsome!” she thought to herself nervously, “I-I’m not sure I can do this anymore. Just LOOK at me! He’s not even a real stallion, and yet I can’t stop trembling… all because I’m afraid I’ll make a fool of myself in front of him. Could I actually have an attraction to him? No... no, that’s nonsense. Sure, he’s a knight, but… he’s not a real pony. I couldn’t possibly be attracted to whatever manner of male he is.” The mare took another glance at Jack. He lied helpless atop the soft grass beneath him, remnants of his tears yet decorating his face. While it was true that he only looked like a stallion, she couldn’t deny that he can feel pain and distress just like a real one. The need to relieve him of his suffering overwhelmed her fear of what could happen should he see her approaching him.

“*sigh* What am I saying? He’s all alone… and if he really did wipe his memories, he has no clue who he is. I can’t stand by and let him go out into society in such a vulnerable state. I must help him, no matter how I feel about him.” With her conscience unified under this judgment, the decision was made clear to the mare. But before she could get up and walk up to him, the newly transformed stallion suddenly grimaced before waking up. The mare hid underneath the grass once more almost immediately, uncertain of what he was going to do now.

“*groan* My head.” Jack tried rubbing his face, but he felt something flat on top of it. He lifted it up to find it was a hoof. He couldn’t remember whether this flat stump was always a part of him, or if it was once something else. All he knew for certain was that he knew nothing. He didn’t know who he was, who his family was, or even how he arrived at his current location. It seemed the Force power he used on himself was a success. He couldn’t remember anything from before he woke in this alien world.

Jack sat himself upright, intent on discovering the rest of himself. He felt two lumps press against him as he did, and it was here that he noticed the two lightsabers. They seemed familiar to him, but he had a hard time figuring out why. He pulled out his blue one and then looked at himself through the reflection on the hilt.

“Is this… me?” Besides realizing he could pick up objects with his hooves, he was quite surprised by what he saw. His hair was now crimson instead of black, and he rocked a tail of a similar hue. To add to this discovery, he also had a pair of wings, the feathers' edges as crimson as his mane and tail.

“Am I a… horse? No, that can’t be right. I’m a bit short for a horse. Hm, let’s see… short, but outfitted with wings. Oh, I’m a pegasus.” Now that Jack knew what he was, he wondered if his wings actually worked. He rose to all fours, and then he tried moving them a bit. He was satisfied with the gusts of air they blew behind him with each flap he made.

“Well, I’ll be. They’re fully functional. But can I lift myself off the ground with them?” The new stallion focused himself for his very first flight. He could feel his hooves slowly lift from the ground with each flap of his wings. He had his eyes closed all the while but before long, he opened them to marvel at the height he’s achieved.

“Amazing. How about moving left and right?” Jack slowly flew a few feet to his left and then a few more to his right, smiling as he returned to his original position. With newfound confidence in his abilities, he tried flying in a circle around a nearby tree. Slowly, but surely, he managed to build speed with every rotation around the tree. After he reached a certain velocity, he decided to slow down before he lost control. Once he arrived at a full stop, he flew back to the stop where he woke up.

“Nice. I can even control my speed. Now for the last part… *gulp* learning how to get down.” Jack was nervous, but at least he wasn’t descending from a height of 5000 feet like he was earlier. Had he remembered, he would’ve found this height MUCH easier to handle. Without too much difficulty, he was successfully able to lower himself back onto the ground.

“*sigh* Okay. It looks like I got the hang of using these wings. But why do the feathers look so much like blades? Or am I just imagining they do?” Jack had an idea. Using one of his wings, he decided to brush the edges of the feathers against the grass in front of him. Surprisingly, they cut clean through the grass like hot knives through butter. Jack (and the mare watching him) was filled with a mixture of both awe and fear.

“I’ll be damned," Jack murmured, "They ARE blades. I better watch where I unfurl these things.” With that said, Jack had finished testing out his wings. Now he just had one question in his mind: who was he, and what was he doing out here? He paced slowly back and forth as he tried to find an answer. Walking on four limbs was a strange feelings, but it wasn’t difficult for him to adjust. After a short while, however, he stopped. The more he thought, it seemed, the bigger the headache he received. Jack was unaware that this headache was the Force trying to prevent him from unlocking the secrets to his past.

“Strange. I can’t even remember how I got here. How bizarre.” The unicorn mare was astounded by what she had just heard.

“I don’t believe it,” she whispered to herself, “He did it. He actually locked away his memories.” After coming to this realization, the mare was curious about what he was going to do next.

“Ah, well,” Jack thought, pulling his hood over his head, “I suppose none of it matters. The more important question is how I’m going to survive. I wonder if there’s any towns or cities near- hold on. I need a name first. I can’t remember if I had one before, but… I need one now. But what would be a good name for-” The stallion was interrupted by a feminine scream to his left. It was faint, but it was loud enough to surprise the hiding unicorn mare – she thought there was nopony but her and Jack out here until now.

“Bloody hell,” Jack thought in shock, It sounds like someone’s in trouble. I need get over there, and fast.” Without any delay, Jack galloped as fast as he could towards the scream. Her hoofsteps cloaked by the sound of Jack’s, the hiding unicorn mare decided to follow him. Who made that scream or why was beyond her but whatever the situation was, she was fairly certain that her male companion was intent on coming to this unknown mare’s aid.

“He can’t be serious, can he?” she thought to herself, “He lost all his memories as a knight. There’s no way he can win a fight without any experience in combat. Not unless he’s naturally skilled in it. Needless to say, the mare was very skeptical of Jack’s chances of success. In a damsel-in-distress situation, a fight is almost always expected (albeit not necessarily between a rescuer and captors). If Jack were to enter one now in his current state, she feared he could lose very badly. But she could see from his continuous gallop that he wasn’t letting ANYTHING daunt him, let alone memory loss. He seemed determined to help this aforementioned damsel whether he was getting a fight on his hooves or not, and that was enough reason for the unicorn mare to pray for his victory regardless of her reservations. She had her eyes peeled to the scene unfolding before her.

Jack soon made it to the top of a hill. He glanced downward, only to be horrified by the scene happening below. The scream came from a light blue, topaz-blue maned earth pony mare, with a topaz gem as her Cutie Mark. Four vicious dragons surrounded her, eagerly waiting for her to let her guard down. A gray, black-maned earth pony stallion lied unconscious in front of her, bruises and cuts decorating his body like hideous tattoos. Jack could tell this stallion tried in vain to ward off the malicious reptiles. The mare quivered with fear as she struggled to protect her precious cargo, a ruby red foal that was resting in one of her saddlebags. The little filly had earmuffs on her ears, so she wasn't disturbed by her mother's cry.

“Crikey,” Jack gasped in his head, “They’re trying to take her child.” Jack’s initial strategy was to drop in and force them to leave, but that was before the biggest of the four dragons took a swipe at the mare’s saddlebags. After seeing such hostility, he knew they won’t listen to reason. It was time for battle.

“All right, lizards,” he whispered, “You asked for it.” Jack turned on his lightsabers and flew high into the air. He thought for a second how he was able to just turn them on without knowing how, but for the sake of time, he dismissed as pure instinct. He entered a free fall towards the fearsome beasts, plunging his blades into one of them upon landing. The others were taken by surprise, and they backed a few feet away from Jack.

“Shit!” one of the dragons exclaimed, “He took down Greiger!”

“Who is this guy?” asked another dragon.

“Who cares?” the third dragon asked, “Let’s kill ‘im before he scares off our prize.” One of the dragons charged him head-on. Jack responded by throwing his green lightsaber at him. The blade severed his left arm at the shoulder, and he was forced to his knees. As the dragon howled in pain, the lightsaber continued on its path, lodging itself into the heart of his buddy behind him. Jack jumped high into the air and stomped on the end of the hilt, forcing the second dragon to his back. He died right on the spot, just as the lightsaber turned off and rolled to his side.

“All right, pony scum,” said the only healthy dragon remaining, “It’s time to burn!” The dragon inhaled deeply in preparation to burn him with fire. He was just about to release when Jack pointed a hoof at him and choked him, blue lightsaber still in hoof, using the Force – a feat he again dismissed as an instinctive ability. All the air he had in him was immediately forced out. The dragon struggled to take some in as he pondered how Jack was able to choke him without touching him. His curiosity soon turned to fear as he watched Jack use his free hoof to bring his other blade towards him with Force Pull and turn it on.

“*gasp* The hell?” the dragon spoke, “What *cough* kind of magic is *gasp* this?”

“The kind that’s brought an end to your gang, lizard,” Jack answered audaciously. Jack released his hold on the dragon’s throat, only to slice his head clean off with his blades. The head “hopped” off his neck and rolled a few feet behind him. The now lifeless body twitched before falling to its side. The last thing the dragon saw before dying was the glow of Jack’s lightsabers flashing in front of him.

The four were now reduced to one. The surviving dragon was still on his knees, writhing from the pain emanating from the stump where his arm used to be. Jack hopped in front of him with a menacing stare. The dragon looked into his eyes frozen in fear, unable to even come up with a plea for mercy. Fortunately for the now-changed dragon, he wouldn’t need one, for Jack had but two words for him…

“Beat it.”

The dragon was all too happy to oblige. With his severed arm in his good one, he flew hastily away from the scene. Jack smiled in triumph. He defeated four of the mightiest creatures ever to exist. Meanwhile, both the rescued mare and the hiding one looked upon him with a sense of awe and wonder. Jack stood with both his blades underneath the setting sun, his mane flowing freely from the wind. This setting made him look ancient, like he was a hero from forgotten folklore… and this day, he was indeed a hero.

“No way,” the hiding unicorn whispered, “He took down those dragons like they were nothing. I guess he didn’t need his combat experiences after all. He’s a naturally-skilled fighter.” His bravery in protecting the mare and her foal confirmed her preconceptions: the mighty stallion was without a doubt a true knight; not quite the knight she had in mind, but a knight, nevertheless.

“Pony or not, this guy is very bold,” she thought, “And brave. I think I should just accept him for who he is. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a stallion in his own right. Maybe talking to him won’t be so- *sigh*… no. I just can’t.” Even after coming to terms with who Jack really was to her, the mare was still too nervous to talk to him. It was a sort of anxiety that ponies would normally associate with meeting a crush. The irony of this situation was that she refused to admit that she just might have one for him, yet the way she worried about his first impression of her told a different story. For reasons she’d rather not think about, she decided to stow away this dilemma for a later time. It seemed the more she thought about Jack, the closer she got to blushing.

Remembering the earth pony, Jack galloped to her position. She, too, couldn't believe that he just took down four of the most fearsome creatures in Equestria. This was a feat she never thought was possible.

"Are you alright, miss?" Jack asked her. His voice snapped her back into reality.

"Yes, I'm fine," she answered, "Thank you for saving me. I owe you my life."

"*chuckle* I'm glad to be of service, madam." Jack looked at the stallion lying on the ground next to her.

"Do you know this pony?"

"I do. He's my husband," she told him, a tone of sadness in her voice, "He was protecting me and our daughter when these ruffians assaulted us. He did what he could to ward them off, but..." The mare had the urge to shed tears, but she somehow managed to hold it in. “… he fell before he could even put a scratch on them." Despite seeing no signs of movement from the stallion, Jack didn't believe he was dead. He wanted to inspect the body more closely.

"Do you mind if I have a look at him, miss?" Reluctantly, she nodded. Now that he had her approval, Jack trotted towards the body and took a closer look.

The pony was still badly injured from his skirmish with the dragons, but the only wound that was fatal was the gash on his left rear leg. Jack put his head on his chest to check his heart and was stunned to find it was still beating. The sound was faint, however, so he knew he had to act quickly.

"Your husband's not dead, ma’am," he told the worried mare, "But we must act quickly if we are to save him." She let out a gasp as the words flew out of his mouth. She moved closer to Jack, unwilling to lose the father of her foal for real this time.

"Really?" she asked him, “He’s still alive?”

"Yes. His heart is still beating, but the pulse is getting weaker. If you'll let me, I may be able to heal him, but only if I do it now."

"Yes, please," she agreed, "Heal him. I implore you."

"Very well. Stand back." He put his hooves over the wounded stallion as he prepared to use Force Heal. This power can't recuperate any blood the victim lost from his wounds, but Jack was fortunate that the stallion didn't lose much of it. He initially thought it embarrassing that he was attempting to heal this injured stallion with nothing but his hooves, but he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. He felt instinctively that if this unseen power could help him kill a life form, it could help him heal one just as well. He carefully concentrated his energy and his hooves glowed with a blue light that spread onto the body. The mare watched in wonder as her husband's wounds slowly faded away. After just a few seconds, the procedure was done and the earth pony was back at full health. The astounded mare trotted back to him and lied down on her knees next to him. With a soft groan, the stallion woke up in front of her. He looked towards her, and the mare replied with a smile. He got up and nuzzled her face, looking at the foal in her saddlebag. She was still resting peacefully, her breathing nearly inaudible to her parents. He turned to look at his savior.

"You okay there, my friend?" Jack asked the stallion.

"Yes. I feel quite well, thanks to you. I owe you big time for this, stranger."

"Thank you for saving my husband, kind sir," his wife told the pegasus, "I wouldn't know what I would do without him."

"Like I said, miss, I am glad to be of service." Jack felt pretty good about himself. He may be unable to remember anything about his life as a Jedi, but he was certain that he must’ve been someone very courageous in the past. He wouldn’t have had the nerve to confront his reptilian foes otherwise… and it’s because of his courage that he was able to defeat them and thus rescue this family. He smiled contently as he brushed off the loose bits of dirt from his robes.

"You were very brave, stranger," the mare told Jack, “Those dragons could've torn any normal pony to ribbons."

"We were fortunate you were there to save us," added her husband, "Oh, how embarrassing. I forgot to introduce myself." The earth pony cleared his throat and shook Jack's hoof with a smile. "My name is Diamond Heart, good sir. My wife here is Topaz." The stallion lifted the flap of the saddlebag and caressed the cheek of the foal sleeping within. "And our little bundle of joy you see here is Ruby."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he told the two ponies. He was curious over how he couldn't sense their presence when he was alone.

"So... how did you two wind up here?"

"We were returning from a marketplace in the city of Chancellorsville down east when those dragons attacked us," the stallion told Jack, "I tried to buy Topaz some time to escape, but... well, I'm pretty sure you know how THAT turned out." He blushed in embarrassment as he reminded Jack about his lying on the grass.

"I see. Well, you two have nothing to fear now. You can go in peace."

"Wait," Topaz pleaded, "What about you, stranger? Don't you have any kin or home to go to?" Jack shook his head.

"No, ma'am. I just woke in this place a few minutes ago. I have no recollection of anything that happened before that. As far as I’m aware, I have no kin or home to speak of. I have nothing but what you see before you."

"Oh, dear. I feel so sorry for you.” Topaz was sad that Jack now had to fend for himself in a land he doesn't recognize. Diamond, on the other hoof, had other ideas.

"Our hometown of Fredericksmare is not far from here," he informed the pegasus, "Why don't you come live with us? It's the least we can do to repay you for saving us."

"Really?” Jack asked, his ears perked up in surprise. "Wait..." Jack looked towards Topaz for reassurance. "What about you, miss? Would you be okay with that?"

"But of course I would," she spoke kindly to him, "You've more than earned it.”

"*chuckle* The decision is entirely up to you, sir," Diamond Heart added, holding his hoof out to him, "Will you take my offer?" Jack felt very relieved hearing Topaz agree to such an offer. With renewed spirits, he shook Diamond's hoof.

"All right... I accept. Thank you, Mr. Heart."

"Don't mention it.” Topaz was happy that the stallion accepted her husband’s gift. Neither she nor he were the type that take heroic acts like Jack’s for granted, especially if the hero who did them was in a destitute state. Even so, not all parties at the scene shared the same merry feeling. The unicorn mare yet hiding in the grass actually had mixed feelings for Jack’s acceptance of Diamond Heart’s offer.

"Fredericksmare’s my hometown too,” she thought to herself, “He’s going to be living in the same city as I am. But why am I making a big deal out of it? He clearly doesn’t need any help from me. I should be moving on from here.” She made a valid point, but the mare still failed to convince herself that she was done here. Something within her compelled her to delve deeper into the situation. She dared not write it off as a longing for this mysterious male, however, for she had yet to determine if there was more to him besides being a warrior. Whatever her reason for this curiosity, she ultimately decided to stay a little while longer. Her conscience wouldn’t leave her be until she got as much information out of her “stallion” friend as she could.

"Ah, yes. We forgot to ask you this, sir: do you have a name?" Jack wished he had an answer for him, but he was unable to come up with one before his battle with the dragons.

"*sigh* This is so frustrating. I need a name badly. But what can I use?" He then remembered the blades of grass he sliced using his feathers. Before that moment, he thought he was just imagining they were sharp.

"Heh. I have blades on my wings," he joked. Then it hit him: he could combine the two and use Bladewing as his name.

"Yes, that's it! I can use Bladewing as my new name! It makes perfect sense!" Now that he had an answer for the curious stallion, Jack knew what to do.

"My name is Bladewing, Mr. Heart."

"Bladewing, eh?" Topaz told him, "What a lovely name. It really suits you."

"Indeed," Diamond added, "Very well, then." He gave Jack a hug as he smiled at him. "I welcome you to our family, Mr. Bladewing."

"Thanks, Mr. Heart," he responded.

"Bladewing," the hiding mare thought, "So that’s his name. *sigh* I have NO idea why I need to know that, but..." She watched “Bladewing” leave with the couple as they walked away towards the sunset, its yellow-reddish light making their bodies appear almost like silhouettes to her. As much as she doubted how she truly felt about him, she couldn’t deny that he possessed qualities that she deemed very admirable. It didn’t matter to her for now what he was or even who he was. All that DID matter was that one way or another, this stallion had a profound influence on her… and she made it her goal to determine just how deep that influence was.

“…I’m glad I do.” The mare smiled as she saw Bladewing turned his head slightly to the left with a little smile of his own. This little scene warmed her soul like a blanket as she galloped towards Fredericksmare, taking a different path from the others. It was on this day – in the most uncommon of battlefields – that Equestria witnessed the rise of a phoenix. Jack Graystorm was no more, his name and memories burned to cinders in a flash of white; and from his smoldering ashes, Bladewing was born, a stallion radiating with glory and ready to embark on a journey into a life his predecessor never had. Where this journey will take the young colt, nopony knew, but this was to be expected. After all, this was just the beginning.