• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,703 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

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Great Expectations (Part I)

Solemnity. Defeat. Bewilderment. Each emotion is as toxic to the soul as the others, and all three festered within Bladewing like plagues. Although resolving the issue with his memories brought him closure, it also left him with a strong feeling of emptiness. It goes without mention that one develops intelligence and personality from the events they experience. In a way, having no memories was like having no sense of identity. This lack of identity was EXACTLY what Bladewing felt at the moment; and yet, in spite of it all, he was content. Fate had given him a fresh start. He had a home, a family, a name for himself, and even a special somepony. There were some in this world who had even more, but so few comprehend how lucky they really are; on the other hoof, there were beings living now who have next to nothing, and many would sell their souls for a mere taste of Bladewing’s life. Bladewing understood this notion, and he felt both fortunate and grateful that the powers that be had blessed him so graciously. The road ahead of him was obscured by mystery, but Bladewing walked forth undaunted… for he was a stallion who refused to fear the unknown.

Nearly an hour of silence had passed by the time Bladewing returned home. Diamond Heart was still embattled by the cold, but he was strong enough to greet Bladewing upon his arrival. The sight of him beaming a warm smile brightened the remainder of Bladewing’s day, a time he spent regaling the earth pony with all he experienced whilst he was at his orientation. When night finally engulfed Fredericksmare, Bladewing felt spent of both mind and body. He embraced unconsciousness without a second thought, letting his mind drift into a fantasy world not unlike his reality.

When the morning came, so did day two of Bladewing’s orientation. He emerged from his bed a bit groggy, but a relaxing shower quickly remedied that problem. After putting on his robes, he walked down the stairs to the kitchen table, only to find it empty.

“That’s odd,” he said to himself, “Where are they?” Bladewing took a glance at the clock on top of the refrigerator. It read a quarter to eleven.

“Hm… it’s Friday. Topaz is probably working at this hour. Diamond must still be asleep since he can’t work. And Ruby?” Bladewing trotted back up the stairs towards Ruby’s room. He opened the door slowly, just in case Ruby was still asleep… and asleep she was. The stallion found the little filly resting peacefully underneath a blanket in her crib. The stuffed bear he won for her was by her side, and Bladewing couldn’t resist awing quietly as he watched her suck on her hoof while she slept.

“You’re a precious little gem, aren’t you, Ruby?” he whispered. Ruby, of course, made no reply, but Bladewing noticed her pulling her bear close with a smile. It’s as if his voice comforted her. Although part of him wanted to see if she was in the mood for playtime, Bladewing decided to leave her be. He considered it bad luck to disturb an infant while she’s resting. But little did he know that Ruby had her own agenda.

With a quiet, yet cute yawn, Ruby woke from her slumber. She sat herself upright, rubbing her little eyes with her hooves. She peered past the white bars of her crib and saw her uncle placing a hoof on the doorknob. Seeing him again made her very happy, and it melted away what little fatigue she had left. She smiled with joy as she crawled to the front of the crib and leaned against it on her rear legs.

“Ba!” Ruby’s cute outburst surprised Bladewing, forcing the stallion to cringe. He turned around slowly and saw Ruby giggling at him. He wasn’t mad at her for doing so, but he nevertheless marveled at how easily she spooked him.

“*chuckle* Wow. You startled me good, little one. Did I disturb you?” Ruby just continued smiling. Bladewing had a good idea why she was doing that, but he wanted to make sure.

“I guess not. Well, then…” Bladewing opened the door just a little. “You won’t mind if I step out for a little snack?” What Ruby did next confirmed Bladewing’s suspicions. She had little idea what he was saying, but she knew from his gesture that he was intent on leaving her. She whimpered and looked up to him with great sadness, a face that practically pleaded for him to stay. Only the cruelest of souls would dare to bring a filly with her expression to tears. Bladewing thus walked over to the crib to comfort Ruby.

“Aw, don’t cry, love,” he murmured, caressing her cheek with a hoof, “I was just joking. Your uncle’s a silly stallion, but he’s not a mean one. I’d NEVER abandon you. Ever.” Ruby cooed with bliss as she sat down and hugged his hoof. Bladewing could tell that she was relieved.

“Yes, Ruby,” he continued, “and you know what else?” Ruby felt herself lift out of her crib as Bladewing gently picked her up. In just a moment, the two were seeing each other face-to-face. Ruby looked happily into his eyes, eagerly waiting for him to give the answer.

“No matter what happens…” Bladewing nuzzled her affectionately, and Ruby in turn nuzzled back. “… I’ll always be there for you. I promise.” Ruby smiled and hugged his face closely. As soon as she let go, Bladewing put her down onto the carpet, laying himself onto his knees next to her. Ruby was curious why he did that, a thought she presented to him with a surprised face.

“Don’t worry, Ruby. We’ll still have our fun. But you’ll have to work for it first… *chuckle* just like a certain mare of mine has to work for my heart.” Ruby’s expression remained unchanged. If anything, his statement only made her more curious.

“Come on, love. You know what I mean. You must impress me. Sure, you can’t say a word yet… but I know you’re good at something.” Ruby watched as he lowered his right wing, exposing his back to her.

“How about you prove to me that you’re strong? If you can climb onto my back, I’ll play with you for as long as you like. What do you say?” Ruby looked at the stallion’s back, and then back to his face. The only thing she could decipher was that her uncle was inviting her for a ride… and she couldn’t have been more excited.

“*giggle* Ba!” Bladewing took her cute attempt at speech as a yes.

“Good choice, little one,” he mused, “Climb aboard.” Ruby needed no persuasion. With fun as her only thought, she walked towards his back and began to climb it. Bladewing lied still, being ever careful not to let her cut herself against the edges of his feathers. He could feel her soft, flat hooves press against his fur as she struggled to mount him, a move that simultaneously relaxed the muscles she interacted with. It was a sensation that certainly benefited Bladewing whilst he waited patiently for Ruby to prove her strength to him.

Ruby’s efforts proved quite humorous to Bladewing. She came close the first time, but she lost her hoofing and then slid down his side. She doubled her efforts the second time, but it too ended in a slide. Although the little filly knew nothing of humiliation, Bladewing still put up a fierce fight to keep from laughing. He didn’t want Ruby to think he was teasing her. Even so, the next four tries she made all ended in adorable, yet glorious failure. Defeated and otherwise unhappy, Ruby ceased her efforts altogether, crossing her little forelegs with a frustrated pout.

“*chuckle* Given up already, Ruby?” Ruby refused to look at her uncle. The gesture made it clear to Bladewing that she had indeed given up.

“Aw, come on, love,” Bladewing cooed, “You almost made it that time. I know you can pull it off if you just keep trying. How about it? Can you try one more time for me?” Try as he might, Bladewing was unable to get through to Ruby, for at that moment, something had caught her eye. Bladewing followed her sight and was surprised by what he saw. At the right of the room stood a desk, and on this desk stood a baby bottle filled with milk. Bladewing figured Topaz pumped the milk from her teats before she left for work; whether or not that was true, he did not know, but this bottle was EXACTLY what caught Ruby’s attention. He heard her stomach growl as she gazed at it with lips a-licking.

“Oh, you’re hungry.” Ruby looked into Bladewing’s eyes with worry. He could see that she was now more interested in nourishing herself than mounting him (though he wasn’t mad about it, of course). He was about to rise to his hooves when an idea suddenly came to him.

“Ah, bingo,” he thought to himself, “I can use that bottle to my advantage. Surely foals are more encouraged to accomplish a goal if they have a tasty incentive… and it seems the bottle is just that.” Bladewing smiled as he refocused his attention to Ruby.

“Hm… tell you what, Ruby.” The filly’s ears perked in attention. “If you can try just one more time to climb onto my back, I’ll be more than happy to get that bottle for you. What do you say?” Ruby was excited. She looked at the bottle, pointed a hoof at it, and then looked back to her uncle.


“*chuckle* That’s right. The milk bottle. It’s yours if you can make one last attempt to mount me, pass or fail. Are you up for it?” Ruby just giggled and clapped her hooves with bliss.

“That’s my girl,” Bladewing spoke with pride, “Try it again. One last time for your dear uncle.” Ruby shot a determined look at him, taking a short moment to decide the best way to get onto his back. Once she got it, she began to position herself for her final attempt. She compressed her legs – a move that intrigued Bladewing – and in just a second, Ruby jumped forward. She managed to latch her forelegs onto Bladewing’s back, but the rest of her was dangling from his side. Bladewing grew worried until he saw something incredible.

Determined more than ever to succeed, Ruby pressed her rear hooves as hard as she could into Bladewing’s side. It wasn’t enough to physically harm him, but Bladewing could literally feel just how hard of an effort she was putting up. Using her new hoofing as support, she pulled herself up with all her might. She got her head on top, then one of her rear legs. The moment she got her other leg up there, she smiled, standing on top of him in victory.

“Well done, Ruby,” Bladewing cheered, “I knew you could do it. You’re strong indeed. Now let’s- OOP!” Bladewing was surprised as Ruby suddenly wrapped herself around the back of his head. She moved carefully towards his right shoulder and giggled, nuzzling his cheek with affection.

“*chuckle* I love you too, little one,” Bladewing murmured, nuzzling her back, “Good job. Now let’s get you your prize.” Ruby cooed with happiness, anticipating her uncle to put her down and give her the milk bottle; but instead, something truly extraordinary happened. She watched with wonder as Bladewing pointed a hoof at the bottle and used the Force to levitate it. It floated gently into her hooves, and Bladewing retracted his hoof the moment it did. Ruby looked curiously at him, expecting him to say something; and sure enough, he said just this:

“Just call it magic.” Ruby had no idea what magic was but at this point in time, she could care less. She successfully proved herself to Bladewing, and she was going to enjoy a tasty reward. After hugging him one last time, she feasted, draining the bottle of her mother’s sweet milk. Bladewing just watched triumphantly. He was happy to know that Ruby was as determined to achieve her goals as he was of doing the right thing. Her victory was proof enough that she was his niece.

It wasn’t long before Ruby emptied her bottle. Bladewing took it from her and then put her down. He patted her back softly, the purpose of which was to get her to burp. Eventually she did, and she followed it up with a relieved sigh. Bladewing just chucked and caressed her mane.

“Feeling better?” The little foal just cooed and hugged his chest. “Good. Now listen carefully, love. I must get to the king’s palace very soon. I will honor my promise to play with you, but there’s a meeting over there that I cannot miss. But tell you what: let’s see if we can make an adventure out of my little ordeal. Are you up for it?”


“*chuckle* Excellent. Just let me write a note for your daddy. We don’t want him worrying over you now, do we?” Ruby watched as her uncle rose to his hooves and took a pen on top of the dresser. He wrote a small message on a sticky note and tore it from the pad, attaching it to the other side of the door. Having done his part, Bladewing left the room for a short moment and came back with his saddlebags, putting Ruby gently into one of them.

“We’re all set, Ruby,” he murmured, “Let’s go.” The two ponies exited the house, moving onward to Mountain Wind’s palace.

It was exactly noon when the two ponies arrived at the palace. Bladewing took a moment to psychologically prepare himself for the second part of the orientation, stopping with Ruby in front of the single guard at the front gate.

“Good morning, sir knight,” Rigor spoke, tipping his hat in respect, “What brings ya here this fine day?”

“I’m here for an appointment, sir,” Bladewing replied, “The royal secretary wants me here for an orientation.”

“Ah, Blue Belle sent for ya?” Bladewing nodded his head. “I see. Correct me if I’m wrong, lad, but are ya Bladewing?”

“I am.”

“Bollocks! This whole time I thought you were so popular because of all the pretty lasses following ya around!” Rigor laughed heartily at his foolishness. Bladewing joined him with a chuckle, although he somewhat forced it out from nervousness.

“I guess I have a bit of a charm towards mares,” he spoke timidly, “Although I’d rather prefer they not flock to me in droves.”

“You should count yourself lucky for it, lad. I know many a stallion who would pull his own tail off for that kind of attention. But I’ll leave that up to you. Each to his own tastes, I always say.”

“Quite so.” Rigor took notice of the little filly looking up to him in wonder.

“Ah, and who is this little flower?” he asked, tickling the filly’s chin.

“Her? She is my niece. Her name is Ruby.”

“*chuckle* Nice name she’s got. What makes ya bring her here?”

“I’m watching over her for my brother. He’s suffering from a bitter cold.”

“That’s very kind of ya, lad. Helping your kin through hard times strengthens the family as a whole. I’m sure your brother is very grateful for your caring for his little one.”

“I blush every time he mentions it.” The two stallions shared a spirited chuckle between them. Bladewing then watched curiously as the guard put down the musket he carried in his magic. He pulled out a small, folded paper from one of his pockets.

“I’ll be more than happy to let ya in, Bladewing," Rigor spoke, unfolding the paper, "But would ya mind giving me a moment of your time?”

“Oh, not at all.” Rigor smiled and presented him with the paper (as well as a pen). Bladewing tried his best to decipher the image drawn onto it, but it was so poorly detailed that he failed miserably.

“What is it?”

“It’s a drawing my daughter made for ya. She and my wife were part of the audience that day at your duel. She loved it so much that she decided to draw herself standing with ya at our home.”

“Oh, is that what this is?”

“Aye. She’s a novice artist, but she dreams of becoming famous one day. It would so inspire her if ya autographed it for her.”

“Aw, I’m touched. Is that all she wants?” Rigor nodded with a grin. “*chuckle* All right. Consider it done.” Bladewing leaned against one side of the gate and inscribed his signature at the bottom of the drawing, along with a small heart and a simple, yet powerful message: “Never give up the fight!”

“I thank ya kindly, lad,” Rigor told him, taking the drawing, “My little girl’s gonna love this.”

“It’s my pleasure, sir. Oh, I’m sorry. Your name is?”


“Right. Well then, Mr. Rigor…” Bladewing shook hooves with the middle-aged stallion. “… I’m glad I have a fan in your daughter. Tell her I said thanks – and that I wish her luck.”

“*chuckle* Will do. Let’s get ya inside.” With a joyous grin, Rigor unlocked the gates and opened them wide, allowing Bladewing to pass unhindered. But before he moved on, Bladewing quickly turned back towards the guard.

“I’ve a small question for you, Rigor.”


“Where’s your comrade? I anticipated seeing both of you here.”

“Oh, him? He’s off work today.”

“Ah, okay. Might you have an idea of what he’s doing right now?”

“Oh, he’s probably at home brewing another one of his reckless paramour stunts. The lad’s so predictable. I can’t go a single day without seeing 'im working on one during lunch break.”

“I see. Well, can you tell him I said hello?”

“You got it. And uh… don’t tell ‘im I said this, but… I think he’s a bit jealous of ya. Not many stallions have a lass as pretty as yours.”

“*chuckle* I won’t. Thanks.” Rigor smiled and tipped his head to Bladewing before reclosing the gates. The two guards at the doorway opened the doors for Bladewing, and Bladewing in turn focused his attention inside. Just as he anticipated, he spotted Blue Belle near the thrones, and she was talking to a forest-green unicorn stallion. His mane was black with green stripes going through it, and his blue armor indicated to Bladewing that he too was one of the Council knights.

“Welcome back, Bladewing,” spoke Blue Belle, hugging the pegasus, “Are you ready to continue your orientation?”

“I am indeed, Belle. How is your uncle holding up?”

“He’s fine. The doctors say he can’t work for a few weeks, but at least he’ll make a full recovery. Thank goodness.”

“Great.” Blue Belle was about to continue when she noticed Ruby looking up to her.

“Aw, she’s so cute,” she spoke, ticking the filly’s cheeks, “Is she yours, Bladewing?” Bladewing’s face flared at her question. This was the second time this week that somepony assumed Ruby was his daughter.


“*chuckle* Ease off on yer curiosity, Belle,” her armored companion spoke, “Yer makin’ the laddie nervous.”

“Oh, come on, Clover,” she pouted, “It’s not like I’m embarrassing him or anything.”

“Those cheeks of his say otherwise.” Blue Belle shot a quizzical expression at the stallion. She looked towards Bladewing and instantly noticed the red coloration of his face.

“Oh. So sorry about that, Bladewing. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“No, it’s all right,” Bladewing assured her, “It was just a misunderstanding. *ahem*…. No, this little girl isn’t mine. She is actually my niece. I’m watching over her for my sick brother.”

“Ah, okay. What’s her name?”


“Ruby, eh? What a lovely name.” Belle softly patted Ruby on her head. “But back to business.” Bladewing watched as the mare presented an open hoof in front of the armored stallion.

“This unicorn stallion you see here is Sir Clover. He’s among the eleven ponies currently serving on the king’s Council… and he was with the king that day at your duel.”

“That’s right,” Clover spoke, shaking his hoof with Bladewing’s, “Me full name’s Cloverfield, but the lads just call me Clover. I’m excited to know yer joinin’ the team, laddie.”

“As am I, Clover. I’m honored that the king chose me for a job as important as this one. I’ll be sure to contribute my best efforts to it.”

“Aye. Mountain Wind expects the best from all of us. Whether we’re at peace OR at war. Now, let’s move on. I’m sure ol’ Blue Belle’s grown a few grey hairs from all this waiting.” Clover chuckled as Belle looked away with a pout.

“You’re such a meanie, Clover. I’m far from old and you know it. Anyway, boys, follow me.” Blue Belle led the group through the door to the right of the thrones. From there, she resumed the orientation where she and Bladewing left off yesterday.

“Life as a Council knight isn’t always about work, Bladewing. During both lunch breaks and certain holidays, the king allows the knights to make use of the comforts that can be found on the royal grounds. For example, one such comfort found here is the palace dueling room.”

“A dueling room?” Bladewing asked.

“Aye,” Clover answered for Belle, “The dueling room is where we go to sharpen our combat skills. Whether it be against a programmable robot or between each other, the place lets us have fun and vent any bad feelings we get from our job. Ya know, frustration and such. And believe me, laddie – there are times in the workplace where you’ll NEED a good outlet.”

“Ah, I get it. It actually sounds like something I would take advantage of.”

“*chuckle* I like yer spirit, Bladewing. What do ya say we go for a wee sparring match sometime? Loser buys the winner lunch.”

“Sure. Why not? I love a good challenge.”

“Brilliant! Come to me whenever yer up for it. I’m almost NEVER busy on me off-time.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” No sooner did Bladewing say that than he heard the sound of grunts and clashing of swords. It came from up ahead, and it seem to emerge from a door on the left side of the hallway.

“I don’t suppose we’re approaching the dueling room right now?”

“We are,” Belle answered him, “It’s the next door on the left. Let’s go.” Bladewing followed Blue Belle and Clover into the dueling room… and marveled at its beauty.

Modeled after the reception area where Bladewing encountered the drunken noble, the dueling room was enormous. Massive glass panes on the ceiling served as windows into the lonely, but comforting skies wherein resides Heaven; portraits of Council knights from times past decorated the scarlet walls like banners; and the polished mahogany floor on which Bladewing stood had the royal crest, painted with gold, imprinted all over it like tiles. To him, this room was like a proving ground, one where Mountain Wind’s warriors come to show their mettle before the angels for a chance to become a hero of Cydonia one day. The feel for battle was adamant in this place, but Bladewing embraced it with a grin. For in here, his skill with the sword will be both tested and recognized by the ponies he will soon know as his comrades.

Having taken in the dueling room’s setting, Bladewing focused his attention on the duel unfolding in front of him. A white, black-maned pegasus mare was parrying blow after blow from a robotic pony armed with a sword. She was wearing the armor of the Council knights, and sweat could be seen beading on her forehead as she battled her iron foe. The sweat was a clear indication to Bladewing that the robot was almost as mighty as she was, if not exactly.

“Oh, it’s Lafleur,” Blue Belle spoke.

“Aye,” replied Clover, “It looks like she’s doing another one of her warm-up fights.” Bladewing was about to greet her when Clover blocked him with a hoof. He in turn looked questioningly at the unicorn.

“Don’t be so hasty, laddie,” Clover murmured to him, “Let’s wait ‘til the end.”


“You’ll see.” Bladewing was curious. He heeded Clover’s advice and stood in wait. Just mere seconds afterwards, Bladewing was hit with a surprise.

Lafleur entered an impasse with the robot, pushing her sword against his with all her might. Once she had him far enough, she quickly thrust him back, sending him a foot or two away from her. She used the momentum from her thrust to go for the kill. She cut off one foreleg and then the other, making a 180 turn as she delivered the killing blow – a puncture strike deep into the robot’s chest. She grinned with satisfaction at the few sparks that flew out of the robot’s wounds, and it showed Bladewing that she knew her enemy was defeated. With soft, shallow pants, she pulled her sword out of the robot, letting him fall to the floor like a corpse while she holstered her sword. Bladewing stood both surprised and shocked.

“Crikey,” he gasped, “She’s brutal.”

“You should see when she’s fighting a squad of them.” Bladewing looked at Blue Belle with surprise.

“She’s that good?”

“Oh, yes. It’s why she’s known as ‘The Lioness’ among stallions.” Bladewing looked back to the Council mare, only to find her walking slowly towards him and the others. She had an open water bottle in her hoof, and a handkerchief soaked with her sweat on her shoulder.

“*sigh* Zat was most invigorating,” she spoke, taking a sip from her bottle.

“Still keeping yer skills sharp as yer blade, eh lassie?” Clover joked.

“*giggle* You know me, Clover. A mare cannot keep her reputation if she doesn’t practice her trade.”

“Aye, that be the truth. I guess that explains why stallions are so afraid to flirt with ya.” Clover chuckled heartily as Lafleur grimaced and stuck her tongue out towards him.

“Smug devil. I’ll have you know zat your kind yearn for a mare with my beauty. You just don’t like being outmatched by her.” Clover continued to grin mischievously, a move to which Lafleur responded playfully with a soft punch to his shoulder. As the stallion rubbed the affected area, Lafleur redirected her attention to Blue Belle.

“Welcome back, Belle,” she greeted, hugging her, “What can I do for you?”

“There’s somepony I’d like you to meet. Did Skywalker give you the news?”

“Oui. She said Mountain Wind’s appointing a new pony into ze Council. You know, to take Burning Ridge’s place.”

“You heard right.”

“Great. Where is he?”

“He’s looking right at you.” Lafleur was surprised. She looked slowly to her right and opened her eyes wide at the smiling stallion gazing at her.

“No way! Is zat-” Blue Belle nodded her head in agreement. “*gasp* Mon dieu! Zis is incredible.”

“I’ll say. Anyway, *ahem* let us have our introductions.” Blue Belle presented Lafleur to Bladewing with a foreleg. “Bladewing, meet Lady Lafleur. She’s one of the youngest members of the Council… and as you saw earlier, one of the toughest. She’s the best swordsmare in all of Cydonia, having won the Royal Dueling Championship three times in a row.”

“‘Tis an honor to meet you, monsieur Bladewing,” Lafleur greeted him, shaking his hoof eagerly, “I saw your duel at ze amphitheater back at a friend’s house.”

“Did you?” Bladewing mused.

“Oui. And let me tell you: I couldn’t have defeated zose two better myself.”

“*chuckle* That’s high praise indeed coming from you. It must have been a challenge earning your reputation.”

“It was. I had to defeat many foes before I got to ze finals at each RDC. But with hard work and perseverance, I had zem all in ze bag. And what about you? How does it feel to know zat you’ll become one of us?”

“Oh, it feels great. Not once in my life did I believe I’d find myself in a place like this. To know that I am is… exhilarating.”

“*giggle* I hear zat. We’ll be ze best of friends, you and I. I can feel it in my-” As with Blue Belle, Lafleur suddenly noticed the little filly Bladewing carried in his saddlebag. She was playing happily with his mane, a scene that melted her otherwise firm heart.

“Aw, she’s adorable,” she cooed, “Is zis little one yours, mon ami?” At this point, Bladewing was no longer embarrassed by this question; on the contrary, it was actually rather humorous to him.

“*chuckle* I'm afraid not, Lafleur. She is actually my niece, and her name is Ruby.”

“Ah, I see. ‘Tis a great name for her.” Lafleur motioned with a hoof to a pair of mechanics standing on the far left end of the room. The two stallions tipped their heads to her and proceeded to clean up her mess and repair the robot.

“So,” she continued, “I assume Blue Belle is giving you an orientation right now?”

“Yes. I’m picking up where she and I left off yesterday.”

“Perfect. Would you mind if I walk with you?”

“Oh, not at all.”

“Brilliant. Let’s go.” Bladewing smiled and nodded. With that said, the group went back into the hallway.

“How do you take the job description, Bladewing?” Blue Belle asked, “I trust you like what you’re seeing?”

“Yes, indeed,” Bladewing replied with a smile.

“Great. There’s lots more to do and find here, but I’ve covered the most crucial elements for you in this little tour. On that note, the orientation is over. However, there’s one more place I’d like you to see before I show you how you’ll be inducted into the Council. Are you up for it?”

“Of course. What is it?”

“We’ll be going outside for this tidbit. The place we’re heading for is at the far back of the royal grounds.”

“Oh? What would I find over there?”

“Let’s just say there’s more to Coltec culture than just glory in battle.” Bladewing was stumped. He continued onward with his mind infatuated with the mare’s cryptic clue.

As the group began their walk on the royal grounds, Bladewing wondered at the many structures that gave the estate its majestic feel. Fields abundant with various fruits and vegetables surrounded a large farm filled with many a hard-working earth pony; small streams of smoke came out of a forge as its unicorn blacksmiths put their backs into smelting iron from its ore; and near one edge of the estate, Bladewing noticed tall fences circling a training area on which a company of royal guard recruits were being tested by a senior officer. There was much more that Bladewing found around him, but these three places were the ones that stood out to him the most. But alas, Blue Belle continued walking. Whatever it was she wanted to show him, Bladewing knew it was much more prominent.

Before long, Bladewing and the others arrived at what seemed like a courthouse. It wasn’t as massive or imposing as the other structures, but the bell tower protruding from its roof made it stick out amongst them. With the exception of this tower, the building was composed entirely of rosewood, and the windows of many different pieces of stained glass. Bladewing could see images of ponies within these very windows, and some were in scenes he presumed were from tales long forgotten.

“Is this some sort of temple?” he asked.

“*chuckle* Not just ANY temple, laddie,” replied Clover. Before Bladewing could say another word, the group passed through into the structure. At the far end of the room stood an elderly unicorn stallion, and he was dressed in exquisite robes suited for a servant of celestial beings. He carried an ornate staff in his magic, and he was busy giving a newborn pegasus a blessing. The parents standing in front of him watched with a smile, ever so happy to know their son was going to receive a gift from Heaven; Bladewing, on the other hoof, stood surprised, for the baby blue aura that briefly engulfed the infant did not come from the stallion’s magic. Once the old priest was done with the incantation (and the aura faded away), he returned the boy to them, moving control of his staff from his magic to his hoof.

“It is done,” he spoke softly to the couple, “Go in peace, my children.”

“Thank you, Father,” the husband replied. The couple bowed their heads to him before leaving the temple, but not before the priest did the same. He chuckled softly to himself, beckoning to one of the temple disciples to put away his staff. Bladewing could see that the stallion enjoyed his work, but it did nothing to explain who he was.

“That guy…” Blue Belle looked towards Bladewing. “Who is he?”

“Him? He’s what makes this place special.” Belle’s statement was as cryptic to Bladewing as her previous one, a phenomena that forced the pegasus to give up his attempts to understand the situation on his own. He inevitably decided to just let her guide him through it.

“Ah, Blue Belle,” the priest spoke, hugging her, “It’s always a pleasure to see you here. How are you?”

“I’m doing quite well, Nexus,” she replied with a grin, “Have you heard the news lately?”

“I have indeed. The king’s found a brave new warrior to take Burning Ridge’s place.”

“Excellent.” Nexus watched as Blue Belle displayed an open hoof towards Bladewing. “This is him, Nexus. Meet Bladewing. I’m sure you heard of his recent exploits?”

“Oh, yes. He’s the one who defeated the warrior sisters in a 2-on-1 battle.”

“Good. Now Bladewing, meet Father Nexus. He’s the High Priest of the renowned Faustian Order.” Bladewing looked curiously at the mare.

“Faustian Order? What’s that?”

“*chuckle* You’re new here, aren’t you?” Nexus asked. Bladewing nodded his head. “I see. Very well. Allow me to enlighten you.” Bladewing accepted his offer, but Blue Belle gently pulled him close.

“We’ll wait for you and Lafleur outside, Bladewing,” she whispered.

“Is something wrong?” he whispered back.

“Hardly. I just want to discuss something with Clover in private.”

“Oh, okay. Go on ahead. We’ll meet up with you when I’m done.”

“Great. Thanks.” Bladewing smiled and turned his head back to the priest as Blue Belle walked with Clover out of the temple.

“All right, Father. You have my fullest attention.”

“Good. Let us begin.” Nexus cleared his throat before continuing onward.

“None really know why this world exists. But it’s said that it was created from more than just mere dust. The ponies of yore told tales of a mare who shaped this world in all its beauty. Born from deep within the cosmos, she came from a world ethereal, one where her kind prospered from their knowledge of the heavens, the earth… and especially, of magic. Unfortunately, that same knowledge brought about their undoing. The immense power they wielded eventually corrupted their hearts, and the ensuing struggle for it procured a war that eradicated their once-great civilization. The destruction of her race brought the mare unfathomable grief, so much in fact that she fled her homeworld for good. For eons, this mare ventured through the dark halls of the universe, searching for a place where she can start anew. Eventually, she found it.”

“Within a dark, spiral galaxy, she found a golden star. Surrounded by many a rock, it burned with a fiery passion, almost like it were alive. She could feel from the soothing warmth it emitted that this star was calling out to her. It was lonely, and it wanted company, a land where its light would provide for countless living things. The mare knew from that moment on that she had found her new home. And so, with the star itself as her lantern, she set herself to work.”

“The mare ground as many of the lifeless rocks as she could to dust. She then used her magic to carefully forge the dust into a sphere. Year after year, she gathered more dust from the rocks she crushed, molding it into new layers of stone for the sphere. Within a millennia, the mare turned an empty void into the world we know as Equestria. But she was far from done, for the massive rock she built was just that – a rock. It was without soil, without air, and most importantly, without water. She knew better than anypony else that life cannot exist without these core essentials. For another year, she worked hard to fill her world with these precious components. It was only after she finished that Equestria was finally able to support life.”

“The day the mare finished, she descended from the skies to see her new home. It looked almost exactly like the one she fled so long ago, but there was still one task she needed to do: create life itself. The practice was magic so powerful that her race forbade its use. But the mare decided since her exodus that she would heed their words no longer. And thus, for one final year, she busied herself with creating all of the different species of sentient, plant, and animal we know today. It was said that the three pony races – unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony – were born from that very year.” Bladewing was intrigued by the priest’s story.

“That’s quite a tale, Father,” he said to him, “But how does the Faustian Order tie into it?”

“A good question, my son. The Order is as old as the kingdom itself. As matter of fact, their origins go hoof-in-hoof. Both are tied DIRECTLY to the tale I just told you.”

“You don’t say.”

“I do. I’d enjoy regaling you with the story, but I must rest now. Energy fades quickly when you’re as old as I am.”

“*chuckle* Fair enough.” Bladewing smiled and shook hooves with the old stallion. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Father Nexus.”

“And you.” Lafleur motioned to Bladewing to follow her to the doors. Bladewing was about to comply when Nexus suddenly placed a concerned hoof on his shoulder.

“Hold on, Bladewing. May I ask you something before you go?”

“Of course. What is it?”

“… Is something troubling you?” Bladewing looked at him curiously.

“What do you mean?”

“I sense bewilderment within you. As if you have no idea who you are. Is there a problem you’re facing?” Bladewing rubbed the back of his head with hesitation.

“Well… I was facing a problem. But I’ve long since let it go.”

“May I ask what it was?”

“It’s my memory. I can’t remember anything from before I came to this country. I tried my best to recollect my past, but I get this bizarre headache whenever I do so. After a certain point, I gave up.”

“All right. If you’re willing, I might be able to assist you. One of the benefits of being the High Priest is that I am able to peer into a person’s past.” Bladewing looked at the priest with solemnity.

“To be honest with you, Father… I don’t think I want to try again. I said to myself when I gave up that I’ll never again delve into a problem that yields nothing but hardship. Additionally, a friend of mine counseled me about looking to the future. I so concluded that I don’t need to know who I was to know who I am – or who I choose to become.”

“A wise decision. But let me tell you something, child: in spite of your constraints, you're building a good name for yourself. One thing you should know about me is that I’m over two hundred years old. I've seen and learned many things in this life, and so I know when somepony is blossoming well. Believe me when I say I see a grand future ahead of you. I don’t need a message from Heaven to tell me that.”

“You flatter me, sir. I pray that such will be my fate.”

“As will I, Bladewing. Farewell… and may Faust smile upon you.”

“Thank you.” Bladewing bowed his head to Nexus in respect, and the priest in turn did the same. On that note, Bladewing left the temple to regroup with Belle and the others.

“So, mon ami,” Lafleur spoke, “What do think of ze old Father?” Bladewing smiled with a soft chuckle.

“He’s an interesting fellow. I normally don’t meddle with religion, but I’m confident that he and I will get along quite nicely.”

“*giggle* I had ze feeling you’d like him. He’s our go-to stallion when it comes to asking for guidance... and a good story.”

“I look forward to both, Lafleur.” Bladewing turned his face towards Blue Belle. "Thanks for everything, Belle. It was great.”

“I’m glad you liked it, Bladewing,” Belle replied, “Now, let’s move on. It’s time I showed you how Mountain Wind will officially admit you into the Council.”

“Lead the way.” Bladewing followed Blue Belle with earnest. But as they re-entered the palace, a disturbing thought suddenly jolted into his mind, forcing his eyes wide open for a short moment.

“Wait, what?! HOW OLD IS HE?!”