• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,701 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

  • ...

Revelations (Part I)

CLIP-CLOP-CLIP-CLOP-CLIP-CLOP. These sounds, however repetitive, were a large part of what Bladewing heard on his way home. The only other sound present was the soft rustling of leaves floating in the wind. The streets on which Bladewing walked were almost barren, yet it was only one in the afternoon. Perhaps it was so empty because it was September - a month that marked the beginning of autumn. Whether or not this was the case was anypony's guess, but all Bladewing knew of it was that the slightest chill would be enough to wake an infant. To counteract this merciless current, Bladewing removed his outer cloak and wrapped Ruby inside before stepping foot outside. Doing so exposed himself to said current, but he didn't care. In any animal species, males were built to be tough. A little autumn breeze was nothing to Bladewing. Every step he made afterwards was done with a greater sense of power and security.

It took an hour of walking for Bladewing to return home, but he arrived feeling wise. He could've easily arrived home in ten minutes if he flew; sadly, flying home also meant braving even more of autumn's chilling winds. And though he could take this increased resistance, he knew that Ruby could not. As a matter of fact, it would make it even harder for him to protect her from the elements. In essence, Bladewing chose to walk home not because he didn't want to take on stronger currents, but because he didn't want ANY harm to come to his precious cargo. Such was the affection that this stallion had for his niece.

The moment Bladewing stepped foot into the door, Bladewing was greeted to the sight of a familiar blue mare smiling warmly at him.

"Oh hey, Topaz," Bladewing spoke, "How are you?"

"*giggle* I'm doing well, Bladewing," answered Topaz, hugging him, "How was your meeting?"

"It was quite a tale. Did you get off work early?"

"Yes, indeed. I figured I deserved a little extra time for myself today, and so I'm here."

"Great." Topaz looked at Bladewing more carefully, and she quickly noticed that something was amiss.

"Where's your cloak?" she asked.

"Let's just say a certain somepony needed it more than I did." The stallion grinned as he presented his sleeping passenger to Topaz.

"Aw, there's my precious little gem," Topaz cooed softly, picking her up. "How are you, sweetie?" Naturally, Ruby stayed quiet. Being in deep sleep (and wrapped in a comfortable garment), she was in no position to do anything else. Topaz just chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"You took her with you?" she asked him.

"Well, it's not like she gave me much of a choice," Bladewing joked, "She almost cried when I tried to leave the nursery."

"Ah, is that so?"

"Yes. I couldn't bear seeing her so unhappy, so I decided to bring her along."

"Aw, how sweet. She didn't cause TOO much trouble for you, did she?"

"No, not at all. She actually made my experience a lot more lively. The mares among the Council marveled at how cute she was. It was so much in fact that one of them asked me to tell you how lucky you are to have her."

"Great." Topaz enveloped Bladewing in one last hug. "You're too generous, Bladewing. Diamond is still resting, but I know he would thank you for watching Ruby while he was regaining his strength. As do I."

"I'm just doing my job, Topaz," Bladewing mused, "This foal-sitting business is quite fun." Topaz just giggled. Before Bladewing could continue, however, something delicious floated through his nostrils. He took a stronger whiff of the scent, and he was immediately enraptured by it.

"Ooh, that smells good," Bladewing murmured.

"*chuckle* I see you noticed the lasagna I just prepared," Topaz replied.

"Oh, is that what this is?"

"Yes. It's a four-cheese delight - my mother's recipe. You returned home just in time."

"Nice. May I try some?"

"But of course. Just be a dear and put some silverware and plates on the table for me. I have to put Ruby back in her crib."

"You got it." With that said, Topaz moved carefully towards the nursery with her daughter. Bladewing meanwhile took this time to do as she asked, laying out enough plates and silverware for two. The lasagna Topaz spoke of lied in the middle of the table, wrapped in a strange metallic sheet Bladewing never saw before. He had the urge to take a peek inside the metal tray, but out of courtesy to Topaz, he restrained himself. Given how hungry he was, Bladewing knew he would go straight to eating after taking said peek, and he'd rather avoid the embarrassment of getting caught with his hooves in the pie. It was all the more fortunate for him that Topaz returned in less than a minute. She brought out a knife from one of the kitchen drawers and began unwrapping the lasagna. She served Bladewing first, then herself, and she poured water into two glasses.

"This has been an eventful week," Topaz spoke, taking her glass, "Being rescued from dragon thugs, seeing you fight at the amphitheater, hearing of your nomination for the Council knight position... heh, it's more than somepony like me can imagine."

"Same here," Bladewing replied, "I feel like I've done the impossible. I'm sure it takes quite a bit of difficulty for something in a magical world to be considered impossible."

"Indeed." Topaz took a bite out of her food before continuing. "So... how DID your meeting unfold?"

"Hm... where do I even begin..."


"Nice. It sounds like the Council considers you one of their own already."

"Half of them at least, yes. I have yet to meet the others, but I think they're a pleasant bunch overall."

"*chuckle* That makes two of us. I have a brother who always dreamed of becoming a Council knight. He's not a bad pony, but I've heard enough of his visions of grandeur to know he's delusional. You can't imagine the jealousy he'd feel knowing somepony else in the family will receive that honor." As Topaz finished up her second slice of lasagna, Bladewing found himself flustered over her mentioning a family member's envy of him.

"I can't," he agreed, "On that note, neither can I imagine the surge of groupies that will come down upon me afterwards."

"Ah, yes. I still can't believe even the Council knights consider you a ladies' colt. *giggle* Are you sure it's so bad to have that reputation?"

"I don't think it's bad, Topaz. Just annoying. I don't indulge in having so many mares fawn over me."

"Hm... a stallion who doesn't like the attention of mares. It's not unheard of, but it is uncommon."

"Well, I am an uncommon pony. I have a very different viewpoint on what is considered natural for a stallion."

"Fair enough. It serves you well, actually. It makes you more enigmatic. Rose will have a very difficult time predicting you with this kind of nature."

"*sigh* Right. Rose. I just remembered that I have a date with her tomorrow." Hearing of Bladewing's date excited Topaz, a feeling she expressed with a hearty smile as Bladewing finished off his own lasagna piece.

"Do you now?" she asked. Bladewing nodded his head. "Nice. How did that come about?"

"Well... I made a deal with her on Wednesday. You know, when I first came to the palace. I told her that if she was pretty enough to get another stallion jealous of me, I'd take her out on a date. We encountered a drunken noble on our way inside, and... well, he wasn't too happy to see me with a mare in a pretty red dress." Topaz stifled a laugh.

"What? You made Rose gamble on another stallion's jealousy for the date... and lost?" Bladewing nodded his head reluctantly. Unfortunately for him, that gesture sent Topaz over the edge. She let out her laughter without a second thought, much to his humiliation.

"Oh, come on," Bladewing muttered, "That's so not funny. How was I to know we'd find a stallion like HIM in there?"

"*snort* You should've known you'd lose that gamble, Bladewing. Think about it: a stallion who's adored by many a mare, walking into the palace with a girl dressed so beautifully she could rival a princess. Did you honestly think you could walk among upper-class ponies without attracting a single jealous soul with such a profile?"

"*sigh* I did," Bladewing agreed, "Now I regret ever being so foolish." Topaz shot a smug grin at her defeated companion.

"I warned you, my dear gentlecolt: overconfidence will be your downfall."

"Humph," pouted Bladewing playfully, "Smug mare. There's no way I could've foreseen any of this. I don't care how obvious you think it was."

"*chuckle* Believe what you want. But you don't regret agreeing to this date, do you?"

"No. Why would I?"

"Oh, it's just a question. I don't mean anything by it."

"I see. Well, I certainly didn't like losing the wager so easily... but I am a stallion of my word. Regardless of how I feel about it, Rose won it fair and square. Besides, all she wanted that day was to make me happy."

"It's only natural, Bladewing. She is your marefriend, after all. I'd do the same if I were in her shoes."

"I suppose, but... well, I didn't expect her to care that much about me. I guess I made that bet so I could try and return the favor."

"Ah, so you KNEW you were going to lose?"

"*chuckle* Now that I think about it, I guess I did. A little. It felt more like folly than foresight, though."

"It sounds fair. Even with strong evidence, nothing is set in stone." Topaz rose from her seat to put away her dishes. She offered Bladewing more lasagna, but he shook his head to her. In turn, Topaz moved all the remaining plates and silverware into the sink (and the lasagna tray into the fridge).

"You're very lucky, you know," she spoke, sitting herself back into her seat, "Rose seems like a wonderful lady."

"You think so?" Bladewing asked.

"Of course. I've seen mares of her beauty before, but most that I've met turned out to be either bimbos or... well, for lack of a better term, bitches. Rose is nowhere near either of them. She's a mare who's beautiful both inside and out... *chuckle* and I think even YOU can see how much she likes you." As if on cue, Bladewing rubbed the back of his head with a nervous grin. Topaz couldn't help but grin seeing him so bashful over his marefriend's interest in him.

"I can't argue with that," he agreed, "Although sometimes I wish she were more lenient with her affection." Although his tone was serious, Topaz knew from his expression that he was lying. A clever idea soon came to her, one that she thought would get him to open up about his true feelings.

"You're kidding, right? I can see that you're enjoying it. Do you not get 'excited' when she fawns over you?" Bladewing's face suddenly flushed with a magenta glow, much to Topaz's amusement.

"I know not what you speak of," he spoke defiantly, turning his head, "I may enjoy her company, but that doesn't mean I have any such thoughts in my mind. Taking her innocence is the LAST thing I'd do to her."

"Ah, so you DO know what I speak of?" Bladewing stood dumbfounded for a brief moment... but after thinking about it for a second, he realized the blunder he just made. His head still faced away from her, but Topaz could tell from the steamy red glow on Bladewing's cheeks - and the wide-open eyes on his terrified face - that she scored a critical hit on his mental fortitude. The pegasus turned to face her in a state of fear.

"N-No, you misunderstood," he stammered nervously, "I-I was just saying-"

"Aw, how cute," Topaz cooed playfully, "Hardly a month into your relationship, and you're already thinking about making her yours. I normally don't praise such things, but this is downright romantic. I can only imagine how hot your first time will be."

"Gah, come on, Topaz!" he exclaimed, his eyes shut in embarrassment, "Can you please cut it out?! I said I enjoy her company, nothing more! You have to believe me here!" Topaz saw by the anxious look on his face that his sincerity was genuine. She was tempted to make him blush even harder, but she inevitably decided to relent on her teasing. She had another idea for him, but it wouldn't work unless she first calmed him down.

"I'm kidding, Bladewing," she joked, "All I mean to say is that you're lucky to have a girl like her as your marefriend. All right?" Bladewing was relieved, but he still felt a bit foolish that she toyed with him so easily.

"Humph," Bladewing pouted again, "Mares. How do you lot find pleasure in playing with a stallion's feelings?"

"*chuckle* You have a lot to learn about mares, my stallion friend," Topaz mused with a smug grin, "But fortunately for you, I'm willing to help you with that." All at once, Bladewing dropped all his frustration from his mind. He looked at Topaz curiously, unsure of what she meant.

"What are you getting at, Topaz?"

"It's simple. I'm going to help you prepare for your date." Bladewing was surprised.


"Of course. I'll teach you all there is to know about pleasing a mare."

"But why? I thought it was something stallions would discuss with each other."

"You're right. But the dilemma here, Bladewing, is that most lack romantic experience... and maturity, for that matter. The only reliable method to learn how to woo a mare is by asking one. Try as he might, my dear husband has a tendency to encourage love even when he's uncertain that it's there. Of course... I, am different. My knowledge is genuine." Bladewing couldn't resist chuckling at the idea.

"It sounds reasonable. Diamond means well, but I doubt he can make my situation any easier for me."

"Indeed. But don't fret, Bladewing." Topaz wrapped a foreleg around Bladewing's shoulders. "I guarantee that with my help, you'll know enough about Fredericksmare and her ladies to give Rose the time of her life... and make her fall MADLY in love with you at the same time." The idea proved very attractive to Bladewing. While it was never his intention to make Rose love him, it would certainly be a good indicator that the date was a success. He believed that said success would be enough to show him that he and Rose were now even... and that how she'll act during the date will highlight her true interest in him.

"*chuckle* Very well, Mrs. Heart," Bladewing mused, smiling intently, "I'm ready to learn."

"Good. Let us begin..."

*** THE NEXT DAY ***

It was bright the next morning. The digital clock in Bladewing's bedroom read an hour before noon, but the stallion himself wasn't there. On the contrary, he was already outside his home. Rose was by his side. A pair of emerald earrings were all she had on her, but she looked no less beautiful to Bladewing than when she wore her dress for him. However, neither her jewelry nor the long walk to Fredericksmare's central plaza mattered much to the pegasus. This was his first official date with Rose, and this down-time was just what Bladewing needed to mentally prepare himself for anything she may throw at him.

A few hours earlier, Bladewing had an idea for his date. With Topaz's help, he decided to get himself a new look. He wore a black jacket and slacks of the same color. A crimson red tie matching his mane encircled the collar of his white shirt. The mane itself was significantly transformed thanks to careful cutting. "Crew Cut" is how she said Diamond described the style; and while it certainly looked good on him, Bladewing was initially scared that part of his coat would get shaved off alongside it. It was without a doubt that he was relieved it didn't. Overall, it would seem that Bladewing transformed himself from a former Jedi into more like what his reputation described him: a daring, handsome young stud. One could even add "looking for love" into the description had Bladewing still been single. While Bladewing had no intention of showing off anything to the world, Rose had other ideas. Whether Bladewing wanted it or not, she would make sure that all who gazed upon her and him knew that they were a couple (albeit a complex one). For today, at least, love was all anyone was going to see from the two of them.

It wouldn't be long before Bladewing saw some of this love for himself. Only half an hour remained before they arrived at the plaza, but Rose, merry as can be, leaned her head on top of his shoulder. The sight of her smiling blissfully by his side made Bladewing curious, but try as he might, he couldn't bring himself to ask her to get off of him. It's as if part of him genuinely loved the attention he was getting from this beautiful mare.

"Is something the matter, Rose?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing," she murmured, "It's just... mm, you're so deliciously attractive." Rose nuzzled Bladewing's cheek affectionately, and the stallion blushed in turn. "I know I said this before, but I really am happy that you're mine."

"I see," Bladewing murmured back, "Well, I'm glad you like my new look. I had a lot of help from Mrs. Heart."

"Ah, is that right?"

"Yes. She's the one who styled my mane... and she was generous enough to give me her husband's old business suit."

"*chuckle* Well, she certainly has good taste in stallion's fashion for a mare. A lesser girl would've swooned from seeing you like this." Bladewing wasn't sure if Rose's statement was mere audacity or a ploy to get him to confess his true feelings for her. For all he knew, it could be both. However, it was because she didn't know of said feelings that Bladewing ultimately had the advantage over her. A fiendish grin enveloped him for a very brief moment as a clever ruse came to him.

"Oh, dear," Bladewing spoke, "Maybe I should change back to my robes, then. The last thing I want is to have all the mares around me drop to the ground like flies." Rose gasped in shock, and the pair immediately stopped walking.

"No, don't," she cooed, wrapping her forelegs around his neck, "That would kill me. You don't want me to die of a broken heart, do you?"

"It's my own heart I'm worried about. What if one of those 'fallen' mares comes back to get me? *gasp* Like a mad surgeon? If she takes my heart, then I would be the one to die." Bladewing felt satisfied to see Rose smile seductively at him. For him it meant that she was delusional, a sure sign that she was blind to his game. She released Bladewing's neck as she prepped what she thought was a genius reply.

"You know that won't happen, handsome. That 'mad surgeon' will never steal your heart so long as I'm with you. She only wants it so she can play with it as much as she likes. I, on the other hoof, am different. I want your heart because you're my coltfriend... and I'd tear that psycho-slut to pieces before she can so much as touch you." With that very threat, Bladewing knew Rose was ensnared in his trap: hook, line, and sinker.

"*chuckle* Are you sure she's the psycho here?" Rose initially didn't know what he meant, but a second or two of careful thinking immediately brought her up to speed. One can only imagine the embarrassment she felt as she realized she fell prey to yet another one of Bladewing's jokes. The pegasus laughed to his heart's content, all while his mare blushed and pouted angrily.

"OOH, you scoundrel!" she cried, "You wanted me to admit I'm a psycho-stalker, didn't you?!" Bladewing could see that Rose was unwittingly admitting defeat, but he wanted to see how much of her pride he can suck out of her.

"Guilty as charged, my dear," he spoke with a grin, "Although in all honesty, you really should've saw that coming... especially considering what happened LAST time."

"How could I? I thought you meant it this time."

"Oh? What gave you that impression?"

"Well, your appearance, for one thing. There's no way a stallion would make such a dramatic change in his looks unless he's really trying to impress a lady... although in this case, you'd rather use it to mislead a poor innocent girl like me."

"*chuckle* Oh, please. Since when does an innocent girl use seduction to get what she wants from a stallion?" Bladewing knew he hit home in saying that. Upon hearing his accusation, Rose immediately began to blush. She stuck her tongue out to him in defiance, much to his satisfaction.

"Smug colt. I was NOT seducing you. I was just showing how much I love y-MMPPHH!" Rose sealed her mouth with a hoof before she could finish her sentence. While the move succeeded in keeping her innermost feelings secret, Bladewing managed to catch one word out of her: love. She could see by the curiosity in his eyes that he didn't anticipate hearing her say it.

"What did you say?" Bladewing asked. Rose continued to blush (albeit even harder).

"Oh, um... nothing. I, uh... kind of lost my train of thought." Bladewing raised an eyebrow in question. "I mean it."

"I don't know. You didn't sound like you were going off on a tangent." Rose saw a sly smile slowly appear on Bladewing's face. "Ah, could it be that you were saying you love me?" Rose thought he was still joking at first, but she quickly found it improbable. The joke was already said and done, as far as she knew. With this in mind, she decided to take his humor as genuine interest in her.

"*chuckle* You're delusional, Bladewing. I said no such thing... and neither was I about to. You're going to have to treat me right if you ever want THAT kind of language from me."

"Very well," replied Bladewing, "I guess I'll never hear it, then." Bladewing's witty remark immediately reignited Rose's anger.

"Gah, come on! How hard is it for you to be a true gentlecolt for me?"

"I'm kidding, Rose. I promise you that I'll be the best gentlecolt ever for the rest of the day."

"*sigh* All right. Better a day than never." In spite of what he told her, Bladewing had one more 'trick' up his sleeve. He wrapped his wings around her and then pulled her in for a hug. Rose's expression was one of surprise.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"What does it look like?" Bladewing chuckled, "I'm apologizing. I can't have my marefriend fuming at me all the time now, can I?" Hearing those words brought relief to Rose's troubled mind, and she returned her stallion's hug with bliss.

"Aw, you big lug," she cooed, "I should've known you care in the end. Very well. I forgive you... but on one condition."

"Sure. Just name it."

"I want you to give me the time of my life while we're on this date."

"*chuckle* You got it. Let's go." Rose was more than happy to oblige. Now that Bladewing was officially done with his mischief, she knew that whatever he does next will be wholly centered on their date... and while Bladewing was in no hurry to commence, she was anxious to see how her first official date with him will unfold.

The couple didn't have to wait long to get their little party started. By the time the sun reached her peak - at noon - the central plaza was well within their sights. Rose felt her spirits grow more excited with each step she made towards it; Bladewing, on the other hoof, felt his own spirits grow more embattled. Although he was well prepared for the date, he was unsure how to ask Rose of her past without killing the mood. He thought it inconvenient to use this outing as an excuse for it, but he was unsure if he would get another opportunity like this one again. As much as he wanted to think of a way, he knew he was in no position to enact any that might come up. With this dilemma weighing heavily upon him, he inevitably decided to dispel all curiosity from his mind. His ultimate priority for now was to spend quality time with his marefriend.

"Finally," Rose sighed, "We're here. It felt like an eternity walking all this way."

"It was only half an hour," Bladewing replied.

"Maybe to you, it was. But I'm just anxious to start our day of fun. Aren't you the same way?"

"No, not really. I actually didn't mind the wait. A half-hour was just what I needed for a bit of brainstorming."

"Ah, I see. Were you thinking about me, by any chance?" As valiant as her attempt was, Bladewing saw her trick coming long before it could take hold.

"*chuckle* As a matter of fact, yes... but you're mad if you think that means I love you."

"You can't keep your feelings from me forever, Mr. Bladewing," she cooed seductively, "Sooner or later, you WILL tell me what's in your heart."

"We shall see, Ms. Rose," retorted Bladewing, "Now will you let me decide our first endeavor or not?"

"*giggle* Very well. What do you have in mind?" Bladewing stood still. He rubbed his chin in deep thought as he tried to decide what he and Rose should do first. In under a minute, an idea came to him.

"What do you think of movies, Rose?"

"They're pretty fun," Rose answered him, "I watched plenty of them with my father as a filly."

"Really?" Rose nodded her head. "Nice. What kind did you watch?"

"Oh, you know: drama, romance, comedy... things little kids enjoy all the time. While I like a good romance film as much as the next girl, I personally prefer adventure movies."

"I see. Do you know of any that are coming out now?"

"Hm... *gasp* Yes, I do. There's one playing in theaters today."

"What is it?"

"It's called 'Heaven's Twilight'. It's a film that tells the story of Faust, as iterated by the ancient Coltecs."

"Fascinating. When does it start?"

"Oh, it won't start for a while, Bladewing. The film won't begin until eight this evening."

"*sigh* That's a pity. But it's fine. Let's try something else in the meantime." Bladewing's thoughts drowned out the noise of the world around him. While he was in this state, he had a hazy flashback of earlier this morning.


"If you're willing, Bladewing," Topaz spoke, "I suggest you take Rose out for shopping. Preferably to the 'Fortune Tune' mall that just opened up at the plaza."

"If I'm willing? What do you mean by that, Topaz?"

"I mean you may not be comfortable with the idea. Shopping is normally a mare thing. Although stallions do it as well, they rarely do it with the frequency and attention that mares do. I'm not saying that you should just outright blow your money on buying things for Rose, but taking her out to a mall would certainly get her heart to skip a beat."

"Are you sure this would work, Topaz?"

"*giggle* Of course. No girl can resist looking for the best sales on merchandise."

[*** THE PRESENT ***]

"*sigh* Very well, Topaz. Let's put this idea of yours to the test." Bladewing adjusted his tie as he prepared for his next move.

"How about we go to the Fortune Tune mall, Rose?" Rose gasped and looked up at him with starry eyes, a sight that proved rather pleasing to him.

"Oh my goddess, Bladewing," she spoke, "Really? You'd take me there? To go shopping?"

"Of course. Let's see what sort of goods this place has to offer." Rose swiftly wrapped her forelegs around Bladewing, and the stallion smiled as she then brought him close for a hug.

"You're the best, handsome," she murmured, nuzzling him, "Let's go."

"Right." With a new objective in place, Bladewing walked with Rose towards the Fortune Tune mall. He wasn't sure if he would actually find something interesting for himself, but he didn't pay it too much heed. He was more intrigued by the fact that Topaz's idea worked. Rose's smile was all he needed to know that he successfully excited her.

Another twenty minutes or so, and the two ponies had passed into the mall... and to Bladewing's curiosity, it was quite huge. As is typical of a large commercial building, lots of stores lied in wait for the couple, most of which were above the floor they were on now. Stairs both escalating and not were littered all around, and dozens upon dozens of ponies walked to and fro across both the bottom floor and the walkways of the upper levels. He wondered if coming here at this time was a bad idea, but the sound of Rose's voice immediately dissipated his thoughts.

"It looks pretty busy down here, doesn't it?" she asked him.

"It does," replied Bladewing, "We might have to stay close if we want to avoid getting separated." Rose suddenly wrapped her foreleg around his, and Bladewing in turn looked at her curiously.

"Like this?" she mused with a grin. Bladewing just chuckled in amusement.

"It's not what I had in mind, but yes." Bladewing gently ran his muzzle through her mane, much to the mare's pleasure. "I caution you, my dear. Don't think this little move of yours gets you any closer to my heart."

"*giggle* Says the stallion getting a feel for my mane," she cooed, "You're a terrible liar, Bladewing... but at least I know what tickles your fancy."

"Whatever you say, Rose. Now, where do you want to go?" Rose stood still for a moment as she looked around her.

"Let's see... ah, over there." Bladewing followed Rose's pointing hoof to a clothes store on the level above them.

"That one?" he asked. Rose nodded her head. "*chuckle* Very well. Let's head on over." Rose just smiled, and she walked with Bladewing while still clinging to his foreleg. He was reluctant admit it, but Bladewing found her affection rather comforting for him. In a way, it made him feel more important than he would otherwise confess to.

Within a few more moments, Bladewing and Rose were inside the store. There was nopony around to greet them, so rather than wait at the front desk, they decided to just help themselves. For a good half-hour or so they were split up, and each pony browsed carefully through the loads of attire that were available. So little of it interested Bladewing, however, for fashion was not his forte. Given it took him a while to convince himself to change his appearance, it's not surprising. But though Bladewing was unable to find anything good for himself, Rose was having a blast browsing through the many dresses, gowns, and other mares' clothing offered by the store. She liked shopping with a passion, but it was rare that she would go out due to her low-income budget. While she was not expecting Bladewing to pay for anything, she nevertheless wanted to see if maybe she could impress Bladewing with a new look of her own.

Now that he was done with his browsing, Bladewing walked towards the mare's changing area. He waited outside patiently for Rose, and he thought more and more about where the two of them should go next with every second he spent. He didn't have much time to come up with an idea, though. Before long, Rose came out of the room, wearing foreleg sleeves and a slim red dress completely different from the one she wore last time.

"Wow," Bladewing whispered. The dress was modest compared to the other Rose wore before, but it still looked pretty on her. The mare smiled bashfully as her stallion looked at her with wonder. But before she could say a word, the store's clerk suddenly came by.

"Ugh, finally," she muttered, "I thought I'd NEVER-" The clerk was surprised to see Bladewing and Rose standing in front of her. "Oh, hello, you two. I'm sorry for not having greeted you earlier. I had a bit of a dilemma to deal vith."

"No, it's all right," Rose spoke, "We just helped ourselves."

"Well, I feel I must apologize all the same. But I must say, darling: you look beautiful in that outfit." Rose blushed at the mare's compliment.

"Thank you. I wasn't sure of it myself."

"*chuckle* You should be. 'Tis rare that I see anypony wear it so well." The clerk turned her attention towards Bladewing. "Ah, this must be your coltfriend."

"He sure is." Rose chuckled as she hugged his foreleg. "He and I are on a date."

"Aw, how sweet," she cooed, "You like how she looks in this outfit, good sir?"

"I do," Bladewing beamed, "How much will you charge me for it?" Rose gasped in surprise, and she looked at him with concern.

"It's lovely, Bladewing, really," she told him, "But it's worth two hundred bits. I couldn't possibly let you pay for it."

"Nonsense," Bladewing joked, "I'd be more than happy to do it. Besides, I can afford it."

"You should listen to him, darling," the clerk agreed happily, "I usually don't encourage a sale, but this outfit really does look good on you. If it helps, there's an offer for twenty-five percent off my vares. The ensemble is yours for only one hundred and fifty bits." Rose rubbed her chin as she thought.

"Well... all right. I'll take it. You won't mind if I wear it out of here?"

"No, not at all," the clerk replied, "I never discourage my clients from doing such things." The mare beckoned to the couple to meet her at the front desk. Bladewing took out a wallet from his pant pocket and then gave the clerk the money. As soon as she put the money in the cash register, she gave Bladewing the receipt for his transaction.

"Thank you for your business," she told them, smiling towards Rose, "Enjoy the dress, darling. I do mean that."

"I will," Rose giggled, "Thanks." The clerk tipped her head to her, and with that, Bladewing and Rose walked out of the store.

The moment the two were a good few feet away from the store, another surprise presented itself to Bladewing. Without warning, Rose smiled and kissed his cheek, and she giggled heartily as the surprised pegasus looked down on her.

"You're a gentlecolt indeed, Bladewing," she murmured, "Buying me this outfit was the LAST thing I'd expect you to do."

"It shows how enigmatic I am," Bladewing joked. Rose rolled her eyes playfully in dismay.

"Oh, don't remind me. You have a very bizarre way of showing me affection."

"Ah, but it never fails to surprise you now, does it?" Bladewing grinned victoriously as his mare nuzzled his face.

"No, of course not. Even so, I wish you didn't have to be so elaborate about it. Most of the time, I think you're just plain teasing me."

"Well, think again, my dear. I really do like you. I'm just trying new ways to keep you guessing. I'd NEVER tease you to be mean. EVER."

"*giggle* Wonderful. Now let's look for more stores. I'm positive we can find something you'd like for yourself."

"Meh. I doubt I will. But why not? Let's give it a go." Rose just grinned and nodded her head. She walked with Bladewing with even higher spirits than she had earlier, and though she had all she wanted with this dress, she wasn't keen on leaving the mall without finding something nice for her coltfriend. With that in mind, she made ready for her first shopping spree with Bladewing.

Today was a weekend, yet time seemed to go by fast for Bladewing. Hours turned into minutes, and minutes into seconds as he and Rose browsed through shop after shop in search of interesting apparel. It would seem strange that they were only searching for things Bladewing wanted, but what the stallion didn't know was that Rose wasn't like other mares. She usually ended a spree if an item she bought was expensive. Although she didn't actually buy it herself, the dress and gloves was just that. As she saw it, their shopping spree was now totally focused in getting something nice for Bladewing. Her only trouble, of course was finding that something... and so far, it was about as easy as finding a needle in a haystack.

Rose first tried a few stallions' fashion shops with Bladewing. She smiled and cooed with bliss as Bladewing tried on outfit after outfit during each visit but to her dismay, Bladewing didn't show an interest in any of them. After the fashion shops, she tried looking into some unisex shops with him. She wondered if maybe he would show an interest in stallions' fragrances. At one point, he did - most of the sweet smelling colognes he tried appealed to him - but unfortunately for Rose, it didn't last long. By a bizarre accident, a male employee from one of these stores spilled a bottle of cologne all over his face. The next minute afterwards unfolded with Bladewing and Rose exiting the store in a hurry (and the manager giving him a free bottle of the same cologne as an apology). While Rose thought it was good that Bladewing got something great, she could see that he still didn't show any interest. Needless to say, her prospects of pleasing him were looking grim.

All in all, the couple spent a good five hours browsing many of the mall's other stores; but in all that time, neither pony found anything interesting. Rose was worried that she might not be able to get something nice for him after all. For a time, the situation appeared to agree with her. Until...

"Hm... what's this?" Bladewing looked to his right towards some watches behind a glass window. Rose stopped as equally perplexed next to him.

"What's the matter, Bladewing?" she asked.

"These watches. They look good, don't they?" Rose was excited to hear Bladewing's opinion.

"Yes, they do. They're certainly better than my old hoof watch."

"Are they?" Rose nodded her head. "Interesting. Let's go inside this place. I think I might get something worthwhile after all." Rose grinned and nodded in excitement. She followed Bladewing into the store, intent on finally getting him a gift.

Within moments, the store's owner heard the couple's hoofsteps entering his shop. The earth pony stallion moved from the back end of the store towards the front to greet his company.

"Good day, sir, miss," he spoke warmly, "Welcome to me shop. How can Oi help you?"

"I'm interested in purchasing a watch, sir," spoke Bladewing, "That is, if you don't mind showing me your wares."

"But of course, mate. Oi never refuse such a favor from me cloients. Come with me." Bladewing smiled as he and Rose followed the middle-aged stallion towards the back of his little store.

"Ya said yer looking for a watch, roight?" the clerk asked.

"Yes, sir," replied Bladewing, "Do you know what would look good for pegasi?"

"Well, Oi'm no expert, but Oi reckon ye'd look real sharp with one of these." Bladewing watched the stallion pull out a small black box. He was curious what laid inside, but as soon as the manager opened it up, he was amazed by what he saw.

Within the box sat a duo of shiny obsidian-colored watches. Composed entirely of stainless steel, the minute and hour handles were made from carefully-cut ruby, and the borders of the glass case protecting them was outlined with gold leaf. The little tick marks signifying the hours and minutes were made of pure silver, and there were smaller faces that showed the day and month as well as the time in military terms. The latter of the details hardly mattered to Bladewing but all in all, these watches were truly eye-catching.

"Whoa," he murmured, "These look great."

"*chuckle* Oi should think so," the clerk agreed, "Oi built 'em meself. Me family and Oi have been making watches fer generations. These here beauties took me two years to make."

"Wow, really?"

"Mm-hm. Every detail ya see on 'em is hoof-crafted. The only part of 'em that's not is a protection spell me woife cast on 'em. Ya know, to keep 'em from gettin' damaged."

"Ah, I see. You did a great job with them. How much do you want for one?"

"Ya came here at a good toime, mate. These limited edition pieces would normally sell for twelve hundred bits each... but Oi have a good feeling about you. Something tells me yer worthy of a better deal. If you don't moind payin' upfront, Oi can give ya both of 'em for two grand." Rose shot a perturbed look at the clerk.

"Um... excuse us for a moment, good sir," she told him, "My coltfriend and I need a minute to discuss this."

"Take yer toime, miss. No hurry here." The mare smiled and then looked up to Bladewing with worry, intent on discussing the matter with him.

"I'm not sure about this, Bladewing," she whispered, "That's a lot of bits for a pair of watches. My outfit is one thing, but I simply cannot let you spend so much money on them. Furthermore, I want to be the one to pay for your gift."

"You heard him, Rose," he whispered back, "They're much cheaper if I decide to buy both of them. Besides, it's not like you have to. I'd be more than happy to pay for them as well."

"But why get two? Wouldn't it be even cheaper to get just one?"

"*chuckle* If I do that, then I won't have anything to give you." Rose was surprised.

"What? So you mean to tell me-"

"Yes." Bladewing smiled and nuzzled his mare's face. "I'm getting both... because I want to give one of them to you." Rose's heart suddenly melted with joy, an emotion she expressed with a meager smile.

"R-Really? You're willing to give up two thousand bits... just for me?"

"I am. I can't imagine how much it sucked for you to have spent so many bits on the iron claw machine just to get a measly trinket. I think you deserve so much better than that. I'm getting those watches for us so that I can help you get just that." Bladewing senses a bizarre mix of sadness and felicity from her... and like a tidal wave, it splashed over him, in the form of a teary-eyed hug.

"Oh, come on, Rose," he joked softly, offering a kerchief, "Whatever is the matter? I didn't break your heart for real, did I?" Rose couldn't resist letting a small chuckle escape her mouth.

"I'm fine, Bladewing," she spoke, drying her eyes, "I'm just so happy right now. I knew you cared about me, but I never thought you'd care THIS much."

"*chuckle* Fair enough. Consider this a first... and it certainly won't be the last." Bladewing shot a quick wink at Rose, and the mare in turn smiled warmly at him. Now that he knew she was on board with his decision, Bladewing stepped forth towards the counter.

"All right, sir," he spoke to the clerk, giving him two thousand-bit bills, "I'll take your offer."

"A foine choice, mate," answered the clerk, "Moi thanks fer yer business." The earth pony gave the box to Bladewing as well as his receipt. The moment he and Rose touched them, however, something magical happened before them. A red aura suddenly engulfed the two watches, and they disassembled themselves into their individual components. They spun around in a spiral around their forelegs, and both ponies watched in amazement as the watches re-materialized around their hooves.

"Crikey," Bladewing exclaimed, examining his watch, "That was incredible."

"I'll say," added Rose, "What happened?"

"Oh, roight," the clerk spoke up, "Oi forgot to mention this to you. Me woife enchanted those things with another spell. They automatically disassemble and rebuild around the foreleg whenever they get a new owner. Afterwards, you can just tap the glass circle twice to put 'em on or take 'em off as you see fit."

"Nice," Bladewing spoke, "Very nice indeed. Thanks for telling us."

"No problem. Enjoy yer day, sir, miss." Bladewing turned around towards Rose, but to everypony's greatest astonishment, something miraculous happened within the store. Before Bladewing could take a step outside, he accidentally slid on an oily rag littered on the freshly polished floor. He tried quicky to regain balance, but to no avail. He slid towards Rose without any form of brakes. Without even a second to react, Rose felt herself get knocked down to the floor with Bladewing. A few seconds have passed before they regained their senses, but by the time they realized the position they were in, it was too late.

Bladewing laid almost completely flat on top of Rose. The mare herself was immobilized underneath his weight, and to the surprise of both ponies, their lips were touching. They blushed deeply at the awkward, yet romantic situation they were in (and the clerk was burning in his own blush). For a short while, they just looked into each other's eyes, motionless as statues. It was a surprising moment for Bladewing, one he pondered incessantly as he slowly removed himself from their kiss; but though he was shocked that he accidentally stole a kiss from Rose, the mare herself reveled in it.

"Mm, that was good," she cooed in a whisper, "I'm curious why you haven't done this sooner." Rose's remark made Bladewing blush even harder, and a nervous expression was smeared all over his face.

"T-This isn't what it looks like, Rose, I swear," he stammered, "I-I didn't mean-"

"Shh, it's okay. I understand. Now, um... can you get off me, please? You're sort of crushing me."

"Sorry." Bladewing carefully moved back onto all fours, allowing Rose the freedom to do the same. Throughout this whole episode, the store clerk's face flushed with embarrassment, and he stepped past the counter towards the two of them.

"Oh, Oi'm so sorry fer that, mate," he spoke to Bladewing, "Oi forgot to check me floor for these things."

"What things?" The clerk picked up the rag Bladewing slipped on just earlier. "Oh. THOSE things."

"Indeed. Oi was cleaning up a mess me boy made just earlier. Oi'm not sure how this little rag escaped me, but Oi assure you that it won't happen again."

"It's all right," Bladewing grunted, stretching his limbs, "No harm done. Thanks again for the watches."

"*chuckle* Good man. Come back anytoime." Bladewing just smiled and shook his hoof happily. With that dilemma settled, Bladewing walked with Rose out of the store.

In spite of what transpired, the couple were far from over their little mishap. As they roamed their level's walkways, Rose grew more eager to find out what Bladewing really thought about her. After everything she experienced with him, today, she found herself borderline between liking him and just plain loving him. She hugged his foreleg tighter than ever, much to her stallion's surprise.

"You were quite the lover boy back there, handsome." The seductive grin on Rose's face incensed Bladewing, a sensation he expressed with yet another blush.

"I know not what you're talking about," Bladewing pouted defiantly, "You saw what happened. I tripped over an oily rag, and that's it. I had NO intention of knocking you down whatsoever."

"Ah, but which would you rather have happen? That you knock me down? Or that you knock me UP?" Rose tacitly rejoiced in the apple-red blush that now adorned Bladewing's cheeks. His face was also stricken with fear, and the moment she saw this very expression, the mare released her own volley of laughter. She could only imagine what other part of him she had excited.

"GAH, you're so bloody erotic!" he cried, "You know PERFECTLY well that last part wasn't an option. I'm in no position to become a father and you know it... and I wouldn't care if you were in heat BEGGING for it." Rose took a moment to recollect herself before replying to him.

"*giggle* I'm kidding, Bladewing. You didn't think I'd let you claim me so easily, did you?" As much as he wanted to assume she was still teasing him, he knew deep down (and from the tone of her voice) that she was serious. Defeated and too frustrated to hold on to his anger, he sighed deeply.

"No. I guess not."

"Exactly. We're not married. Hell, you haven't even told you love me yet. There will be no baby talk until I know how you truly feel about me. So just relax for me. Alright?" Bladewing was relieved to hear that, but he still felt a bit outraged that she fooled him so easily.

"You're cruel," he spoke, "You played that joke on purpose, didn't you?"

"Yes indeed," Rose giggled, "But what was it you said? Ah, yes: 'Although in all honesty, you really should've saw that coming... especially considering what happened LAST time.'" Bladewing's eye twitched in shock.

"Humph," he pouted, "Smug mare. I should've known you'd use my own words against me." Rose looked at the defiant pegasus with a sassy grin.

"*chuckle* You have a lot to learn about mares, my stallion friend. Perhaps even more than you realize." Bladewing cringed, and his eye twitched once again as another flashback suddenly entered his mind.


"Humph," Bladewing pouted, "Mares. How do you lot find pleasure in playing with a stallion's feelings?"

"*chuckle* You have a lot to learn about mares, my stallion friend," Topaz mused with a smug grin.


"Bloody hell, this is so humiliating. Am I really so susceptible to a mare's wiles?" One could hardly fathom the embarrassment that now filled Bladewing's spirit. This time around, however, he was able to conceal it. With Rose clueless to his thoughts, Bladewing let his humiliation burn within him for a few seconds before exhaling it through a defeated sigh.

"Oh, very well," Bladewing groaned, "You win. I deserved the full brunt of that joke."

"Good." A little smile formed onto Bladewing face as Rose gently nuzzled him. "But don't you worry, handsome. We're as good as even now."

"*sigh* Good. Now I don't know about you, but all this shopping has depleted my stomach. Let's see if we can find an eatery on this floor."

"Agreed. Let's go." Bladewing smiled and nodded his head. With his mare clinging happily to his foreleg, the stallion walked with her towards a diner located opposite of where they were now. Rose was as hungry for nourishment as Bladewing was, but she had one more joke to tell him before they would end their time at the mall with a hearty meal.

"I can let you in on a little mare secret if you want, Bladewing," she murmured, "Are you interested?"

"Meh," Bladewing muttered, "Sure. Why not? At this point, I can use all the information on mares I can get."

"*giggle* Good. Here it is." Bladewing leaned his ear towards her to listen to her better. "Do you know the real reason we mares consider payback a girl?"

"No. What is it?"

"It's because she's a bitch." Bladewing just chuckled softly. He remembered that even though Rose toyed with him a bit, she wanted to make him happy deep down. Having been reminded of that through her little joke, he returned the gentle nuzzling she gave him two-fold. Needless to say, Rose enjoyed every second of his affection. While their date was still far from over, enjoying a meal at one of the mall's restaurants would certainly be a good to end their time at this place. But whether Bladewing realized it or not, his girl troubles were far from over as well. As a matter of fact, they were only just beginning.

Unbeknownst to Bladewing, another familiar mare was present at the restaurant to which he and Rose were headed. It was Skywalker, and she sat at one of the tables of the restaurant's dining area reading a magazine. In lieu of her council knight armor, she wore a slim brown dress (as well as complimentary foreleg sleeves). She was waiting to receive a card, and she had no idea that Bladewing and Rose were coming towards the restaurant.

"Hm... I wonder if they still have this hat for sale?" Sky didn't have much time to think about her dilemma with one of the magazine's coupons. She heard hoof steps coming from behind her. She turned around and noticed the waitress who took her debit card earlier approaching her.

"Here's your card back, miss," she said to her, "Thank you for coming."

"Thanks for the food." The waitress just giggled and left the Council mare's side with a smile. Skywalker rose to her hooves with her purse, but before she could take a step, she noticed Bladewing sitting at one of the other tables. More specifically, he was sitting at one of the tables touching the short metal fence surrounding the dining area, but Sky was more interested in the stallion himself.

"Aw, snap," she thought, "He's here... and alone... ooh, and smoking hot, too. I wonder if he's interested in some company." Skywalker grinned as she slowly walked towards Bladewing. He was indeed alone, but what Skywalker didn't know was that Rose left to use the mares' bathroom before she realized Bladewing was there. It was strange that Bladewing himself was unable to sense Skywalker coming towards him, but this was because his mind was elsewhere.

"*sigh* Okay. I've gotten most of the fun out of the way. Now would be a good time to ask Rose of her former 'Miss Cydonia' status. But how do I do that? It would be difficult enough with-" Bladewing was diverted from his thoughts as he felt a pair of sleeved hooves suddenly cover both of his eyes. He had no idea who it was, but the sound of giggling behind him gave him a good clue.

"Guess who?" Sky cooed softly in song. Bladewing knew exactly who the mystery mare was as soon he heard her. Fortunately for him, he was no longer timid around Skywalker; on the contrary, he was pleased to notice that the dark aura that he originally sensed from her was gone. With this on his conscience, he felt more free to be himself around her.

"*chuckle* Hello to you too, Sky," he greeted back, his eyes still covered, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, nothing much. I was just enjoying a good meal. I've spent the past hour shopping non-stop."

"Did you now?"

"*giggle* Yep. I got quite a haul in this here purse. But anyway, what are YOU doing here?"

"If I tell you, will you let go of my eyes?"

"Hm... how about no?" A smug grin quickly overcame Bladewing's face.

"Oh, that's too bad. I guess I won't tell you, then."

"*sigh* Fine, okay. You win, stud. I'll let you see again, but on one condition."

"And that is?"

"Tell me what you think."

"About what?"

"About this." Sky removed her hooves from his eyes just as quickly as she covered them... and the moment he could see again, he was met with face of a lovely mare smiling at him.

"Wow," he murmured. Bladewing adjusted his posture for a better look at Skywalker. "You look wonderful, Sky."

"Thanks. I got these for a really good deal while I was out shopping... and now I feel like a starlet."

"I would imagine so. How did the mission go?"

"Aw, man, I really wish I could tell ya. But the thing here, Bladewing, is that it's classified."

"Oh? So then how come Mountain Wind had no trouble briefing you and the others about it in front of me?"

"Beats me. I guess it shows how much he trusts ya."

"Fair enough. I guess it's a story for another time, then."

"*chuckle* Yep. But don't worry: once you're officially on the team, I'll tell ya all about it."

"I look forward to it." Unbeknownst to the two ponies, Rose was standing outside of the entrance to the restaurant's bathrooms. She had just gotten there when she noticed another mare talking to him face-to-face, and she felt a slight mix of both fear and jealousy fill her spirit.

"What?" she thought worriedly, "Who is that girl?" Rose stepped forward a bit for a closer look at the mystery mare... and as soon as she discovered her identity, she felt her woes fade as quickly as they came.

"*sigh* Thank Faust," she murmured, "It's just Lady Skywalker. Of course she would be talking to him. They're colleagues... well, they will be soon, anyway." Rose walked over to Bladewing with the intent of reuniting with him. Although she was unaware of Sky's true intentions, she felt a bit foolish to have felt jealousy towards her. She didn't see Bladewing as the type of stallion who would dare to break a commitment to his mare.

"So, Bladewing," Skywalker continued, "What are you doing in a place like this?"

"Oh, I'm just spending time with a friend," answered Bladewing.

"Nice. Are you two having fun?"

"We are indeed, Sky. Oh look, here she comes." Skywalker was surprised.

"She?" Bladewing briefly pointed a hoof towards Rose. Sky reluctantly looked in the direction he pointed for her. As soon as the two mares saw each other, Bladewing's road of life permanently changed course... and neither pony will ever be the same again.