• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,701 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

  • ...

Great Expectations (Part II)

“Impossible! There’s no way he’s that old! It’s a milestone to live even HALF as long!” Doubt ran amuck in Bladewing’s mind as he walked with Blue Belle and the others. He knew that a long lifespan was natural for a pony, but 200+ years was unimaginable. From his understanding of the species, such a being would be rotting away in a coffin by now; but Nexus was as much alive and kicking as he was, and he was certainly not blind or deaf like some seniors. In every aspect of the word, the old priest was a living paradox.

“Um… Lafleur?” The pegasus mare turned her head towards Bladewing. “I have a question. About Nexus.”

“*giggle* Let me guess. It’s about his age, isn’t it?” Bladewing was surprised.

“How did you know?”

“You don’t think you’re ze only one who ever questioned it, do you?”

“Well, no, but… how is that possible? A normal pony can’t REACH two hundred years, let alone exceed it.”

“Ah, but zat’s ze rub, mon ami. Who said Father Nexus was normal?”

“*sigh* Fair enough. Can you at least tell me how he lived for so long?”

“Hm…" Lafleur rubbed her chin with a wing as she thought of an answer. "... zat's a good question. I think it has something to do with an old prophecy from ze Book of Cielo.” Bladewing looked at her quizzically.

“The Book of What?”

“The Book of Cielo, laddie,” Clover repeated for her, “It’s an ancient text said to be enchanted with holy magic. 'Tis rumored that all that's happened to our kingdom, good and bad, was foretold in its pages. The prophecy Lafleur speaks of is a tale about the fabled ‘Son of Equestria.’”

“I see. What does it say?”

“It says a male alicorn will one day be born to the kingdom to bring a new golden age for the Coltec race.”

“An alicorn?”

“Aye. They're majestic ponies with the abilities of all three pony species… and the prophecy says we'll get one someday. Ol' Nexus will be adding inch after inch to his beard until we do."

“Crikey. So then he really is that old.”

“Oui,” Lafleur chuckled, “Pretty amazing, huh? Zere’s no other stallion like him on zis earth.”

“I'll say,” Bladewing added, “And who is this Faust character everypony keeps mentioning?”

“Remember ze mare in Nexus’ story?” Bladewing nodded in agreement. “Zat’s her.” Lafleur grinned as a look of realization dawned upon Bladewing.

“*chuckle* Wow. I assume she’s one of these alicorn ponies?”

"She is. Zere used to be two in zis world, but now zere’s only one.”

“I see. Who might that be?”

“Princess Celestia,” Blue Belle interjected, “Lady of the Sun. Ruler of the Kingdom of Equestria.” Hearing that name once more made Bladewing all the more curious.

“Is she the same princess who sent you news of your uncle?” The unicorn nodded her head. “Fascinating. But what of the other alicorn?” To Bladewing’s worry, Lafleur's tone turned solemn.

“We do not know. All we know of her is zat she was known as ze Princess of ze Night… and zat she went missing following a heated battle. ‘Tis one zat Celestia doesn’t speak of to anypony."

“Oh.” Bladewing was disheartened. But though the fate of the night princess was indeed a tragic one, Clover was not keen on having his new friend continue with a disappointed look on his face.

“*chuckle* Don’t be so glum, laddie,” he spoke, wrapping a foreleg over his shoulders, “That was a long time ago. Besides, this is YOUR day. We’ve only just started on gettin’ ya through to yer knighting.” Bladewing flashed a relieved smile, much to the stallion’s satisfaction.

“I guess you have a point, Clover. Let’s carry on. I’ve yet to see what other surprises I might find.”

“That’s the spirit.” Lafleur and Blue Belle grinned, and as Clover let go of Bladewing, the group refocused their attention towards their path.

Within the hour, the four ponies were approaching the throne room. Although the others provided him with much needed information, Bladewing found himself pondering once more over new questions brought on by it.

“Okay. So Faust is an alicorn. If the Coltecs consider her divine, then that must mean alicorns are gods. Wait, no... that doesn't make any sense. Gods are immortal. The alicorns wouldn't have gone extinct if they were gods; and if Faust is the only one left, then how come two others exist? *groan* I'm so confused.” Bladewing's head seemed to spin more with each second he spent thinking about the alicorns; but before long, he and the others arrived inside the throne room. Another pony made her way inside not long after, and her presence diverted Bladewing from his thoughts. She sported Council knight armor the same as Lafleur's and Clover's, and Bladewing watched curiously as the teal, white-maned pegasus mare trotted towards Blue Belle and the others with a smile.

“Bah Faust’s grace,” the mare spoke, hugging Belle, “Welcome back, Belle. How’s yer uncle holdin’ up?”

“He’s okay,” replied Belle, “His health took a nasty hit from the hemorrhage, but the doctors were able to stabilize his vitals. They say he'll make a full recovery in a few weeks' time."

“Good ta know.” As the mare let go of Belle, she noticed Bladewing standing to her right, a sight that brought an elated expression to her pretty face.

“Well, ah’ll be damned. How ya doin’, Bladewing?” Bladewing chuckled as the mare shook hooves with him.

“I’m doing quite well, miss. I assume you’re part of the Council as well?”

“*giggle* Yep. The name’s Ice Luster, sugah. But you can just call me Ice. Ah heard-” Ice Luster’s attention was severed the moment she noticed Ruby. The filly was looking wondrously at her, and although she wasn’t a mother herself, Ice Luster swore she felt maternal instinct take hold as she decided to play with her.

“Aw, look at ‘er, girls,” she cooed, tickling her cheeks, “Ain’t she the cutest little thing ever?”

“Oui,” Lafleur agreed, “’Tis rare zat I see a foal so precious.”

“Heck yeah, it is. Only babies like her can stir me up like this.” Clover was amused by how easily Ruby had distracted each of the females in the group. First his supervisor and then his colleagues. As he struggled not to tease them with a broodmare joke, Ice Luster stopped and turned her head towards Bladewing.

“Ah don’t suppose this young’un’s yours, Bladewing?”

“Oh, no, Ice,” Bladewing assured her, “She’s actually my niece. Although I can’t deny that she is indeed precious.”

“Ah hear that. What’s ‘er name?”


“Ah… Ruby. It’s a good name for 'er. Tell ‘er mom she’s a lucky mare, ya hear?”

“*chuckle* I’ll tell her the moment I see her.”

“Good. Anyway, ah heard yer gonna join our Council soon. How does it feel?”

“It feels great. I’m honored that the king chose me for this job. I look forward to knowing you better as time goes by.”

“Likewise, sugah. It takes guts ta pull what you pulled back at the duel. A LOT of ‘em. Ah’m gonna have a blast learnin’ what makes ya tick.”

“Brilliant.” Ice Luster retrieved a drumstick-like object from a pouch on her belt. Bladewing then watched as she removed its wrapping, revealing a small blue ball impaled on a white stick. He wasn’t troubled at all by the scene, but it did arouse his curiosity (especially after Ice Luster put the ball in her mouth). After hearing Lafleur's stomach suddenly growl, it was even more so.

"Ya sound a bit low on vittles, lassie," Clover joked to Lafleur, "Ya missed breakfast or something?" Ice Luster couldn't resist chuckling softly as Lafleur rubbed her nape in embarrassment.

"Um... sort of."

"Ya know there ain't no 'sort of', Lafleur," mused Ice humorously, "Either ya missed it or ya didn't. Now spill. What happened?"

"*sigh* Fine. If you insist. I left ze house in a bit of a hurry. I had to run a few morning errands for my mother. All I had for breakfast was some baby carrots my little brother put in my purse."

"Heh, figures. Yer bro's a real sweetheart, Lafleur. Ya sure groundin' 'im was right?"

"Oh, yes. After ze mess he made at Burning Ridge's resignation party, zat boy NEEDED discipline. He'll be confined to ze house until he learns some manners."

"Your call. But anyway..." Ice pulled out another blue ball from her pouch and offered it to Lafleur. "On me." Based on what he saw, Bladewing concluded that these odd spheres were some sort of candy. But though he could see that Ice Luster enjoyed them, Lafleur seemed reluctant to accept the sugary sweet.

"No thanks," Lafleur spoke, "I'm not ZAT hungry."

"Yer loss." Ice Luster put the lollipop back in her pouch. "Yer showin' 'im the ropes, Belle?

"Was, actually," Belle corrected her, "We've ended the orientation a while ago. We're currently heading for the conference room to show him how we initiate new ponies into the Council."

"Nice. Let's show 'im the video of Lafleur's initiation. She nailed it better than any of us."

"Aye," added Clover, "The lassie was glowing that day." Bladewing couldn't resist grinning as Lafleur tried to hide her blushing face with a smile.

"*chuckle* Very well," Blue Belle spoke, "This way, everypony." The group followed the mare through the door to the west hallway. Bladewing was happy to have met such pleasant ponies, but as they walked, there was something he felt was amiss.

“May I ask you something, Belle?” he spoke.

“Of course, Bladewing," answered Blue Belle, "What is it?”

“The other knights… where are they?”

"Anywhere but here, I'm afraid. You see, although they all serve Mountain Wind, the Council knights seldom work as a group.”

"Oui," added Lafleur, "Ze work is divided between us. Most are assigned to important missions outside ze city. Ze rest of us stay here with ze king to discuss our country's issues."

“I see. So you guys are the only ones here?”

“Oh no, laddie,” Clover answered Bladewing, “There’s still one more face ya need to see. The lad's a shy one, he is, but I’m sure he's brave enough to say hello.” Lafleur snorted as she tried her best not to laugh.

“Will you stop making fun of ze poor boy, Clover?” she pleaded humorously, “You know he’s only shy while he’s around mares.”

“Aye, but that’s precisely me point. A true stallion shouldn’t be afraid to be himself, especially around a pretty face. I personally think he can learn a thing or two from our new comrade.” Bladewing shot a surprised look at Clover.

“Me? What could I possibly offer your friend, Clover?”

“*chuckle* What else? Yer secret with the ladies.” Blue Belle and the other mares giggled heartily as Bladewing’s cheeks burned from blushing deep.

“I don't know what sort of stallion you're taking me for, Clover,” Bladewing said defiantly, “But whoever he is, I'm not him. Furthermore, I can't help it that the mares in this city adore me so much. That tidbit is beyond my control... and don't think for a SECOND that I find pleasure in it.”

“Of course not, laddie. Nopony’s sayin’ ya do. I just figured you could give me little buddy a hoof with his confidence, that’s all.”

“*sigh* Fair enough. Even so, I’ll decide THAT part for myself. If this friend of yours does need such encouragement, I’d prefer to see it with my own eyes.” As the group approached the conference room, Bladewing could hear two voices slowly growing louder from within. One sounded familiar to him; the other belonged to what he thought was a teenage colt. To his dismay, he wasn't sure about either of them.

"Speak o' the devil," Ice Luster spoke, "Sounds like he's already in there."

"It seems Sky's in there as well," Blue Belle mused, "Let's not keep them waiting." Hearing that name gave Bladewing pause. He didn't think she was a bad pony, but the memory of his first interaction with Skywalker remained as fresh in his mind as it was uncomfortable. After learning she was indeed inside the conference room, he felt a bit reluctant to walk in there himself.

"Here's yer chance," Clover murmured with a grin. Bladewing just chuckled nervously, all while trying his best to keep his cool.

"... I know, right? It's- oh hey, Belle." Skywalker smiled and rose from her seat to greet the mare with a hug. "Welcome back. How are you holding up?"

"I'm all right, Sky," replied Belle, "We're not interrupting anything, are we?"

"Nah, of course not. I was just wrapping up a little chat with Silver. We're working on a surprise for Mountain Wind."

"Ah, is that right?"

"It sure is. We still owe him for bailing us out at Amoreth. We figured we could repay him with something special from the two of us."

"I see. I'm sure the king will appreciate it, whatever you two come up with. For now, however, we have pressing business... and a guest." Sky watched as Blue Belle pointed an open hoof towards the black pegasus standing beside her.

“Aw, snap,” she gasped, shaking Bladewing's hoof, “Welcome back, Bladewing. How are ya?” Sky was all too pleased to see her stallion of interest standing with Blue Belle and three of her colleagues; the grey, silver-maned pegasus stallion sitting at the table, on the other hoof, was not. Something hostile seemed to burn within his soul, a flame that belied the reluctant expression everypony saw on his face. It would’ve come and gone COMPLETELY unnoticed if Bladewing lacked the capacity to sense emotion.

“So this is him,” he thought to himself, “The shy pony Clover mentioned. He certainly looks shy… but then why am I sensing contempt from him? That makes no sense at all.” Bladewing took a deep breath before calming his mind. He wasn’t sure why the stallion had such a dark emotion, but he was determined to keep it from rearing its ugly head.

“I'm doing well, Sky,” Bladewing told her, "I'm glad to see we're not on the wrong hoof."

"Come on," Sky replied casually, "You're still worried over yesterday? You heard what Belle said: that's just how I treat guys like you. They're rarer than she lets on, believe it or not."

"Is that so?" Sky could tell from Bladewing's expression that he was indeed still shaken. Something mischievous compelled her to keep him like this, but she knew that he would be more reluctant to open up to her if he were nervous. For his sake, she decided to calm him down... even if she did find his timid look attractive.

"*giggle* Yep. Funny, isn't it? But it's nothing to get worried about, stud. That just means you're all the more special to the team. So relax, will ya?" Bladewing just chuckled nervously. Skywalker meanwhile turned her attention to the grey stallion sitting behind her.

"Here he is, Silver," she whispered to him, "Come on, say hello." Silver nodded reluctantly and rose from his chair towards Bladewing. But as he did that, Bladewing mentally prepared himself for whatever manner of greeting this stallion was going to give him. He awaited his first interaction with him with a patient heart.

“Bladewing, right?” Bladewing tipped his head in agreement, and the two stallions then shook hooves with each other.

“Silver Streak. My colleagues call me Silver, but you’re free to use either name.”

“Understood,” Bladewing replied with a smile, “Clover told me about you. While I certainly don't discredit his description of you, I’d actually like to hear what YOU have to say.” Silver was surprised.


“Yes. I’d like to hear more from you. You know, about yourself… if you’re comfortable, that is.” Silver turned his head towards Sky for a brief moment. He was a bit reluctant to answer Bladewing’s request, and he hoped that Skywalker might offer him a bit of encouragement; instead, he saw her playing with the foal sitting in Bladewing’s saddlebag.

“Such a cute little filly,” she cooed softly, making Ruby laugh, “Yes, you are. You’re the most precious foal in the city.” Skywalker patted Ruby's head gently, thus ending her fun on a happy note. It wasn’t what Silver Streak had hoped for, but it worked in his favor nonetheless. The tender scene brought a little smile onto his face, and he looked back to Bladewing with a bit more confidence.

“Sure. I can do that. Um… I’m nineteen years old, turning twenty next month, and-”

“Whoa, you’re nineteen?” Bladewing asked. Silver nodded his head. “Impressive. You’re even younger than I am. Are you by chance the youngest of the Council knights?”


“I see. How did you become one?”

“My grandfather was a former member of the Council. He recommended me to Mountain Wind as a potential recruit, but the king refused.”

“How come?” Bladewing asked curiously.

“It’s because of legal matters, Bladewing,” Blue Belle answered for Silver, “Royal law permits no more than twelve ponies on the Council. Additionally, anyone wishing to join must be an adult at the time a seat is made available. I was there when Silver's grandfather recommended his service to the king. The boy was only a teenager back then.”

“Oh. That makes sense.” Bladewing turned his head towards Silver. “So then what happened?”

“Well,” Silver continued, “After his proposal was turned down, my grandfather asked the king if I could serve him as a soldier instead. I really hoped he wouldn’t, but my grandfather always had this… proud feeling towards me. It was like something told him I would one day become as great a stallion as he was. Mountain Wind liked his idea, believe it or not, and thus he agreed to enlist me as a royal guard. About a year or so into my contract, he took me under his wing and taught me everything I know about the Council knights. From then on, I studied diplomacy and finances under Blue Belle’s instruction. By the time I came of age, my guard days were over… and my grandfather long passed.” In spite of his caution, a feeling of pity overtook Bladewing, and he expressed his sympathy for Silver Streak with a solemn face.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” he spoke, “It must’ve been a painful moment for you.”

“It was… but I’m at peace with it. Even so, I wish Faust had let him live long enough to see my knighting; it was held just a week after my eighteenth birthday. Life as a Council knight is far from easy, but I am grateful to both my grandfather and the king for guiding me to this path.” As far as Bladewing could tell, Silver Streak seemed like an all-right fellow. He still couldn’t figure out what caused his contempt but for the moment, it was negligible. At least he knew for certain that such darkness did not define his true self.

“I share that feeling, Silver,” he spoke with a grin, “I never imagined that one day I'd find myself in a place like this. Yet here I am, spending time with the king’s right-hand ponies. It’s intriguing how a single moment can cause such a massive change in one’s future.” Silver chuckled nervously.

“I guess it is,” he replied, “Perhaps there will be more to come in the near future.”

“Indeed. I think we should move on for now, but there's one last question I’d like to ask you. Is that okay?”

“Um... all right. What do you want to know?”

“How do you feel about all this? My joining the Council, that is?” Within the blink of an eye, Bladewing sensed Silver’s contempt return to his spirit. This sudden reaction to his question startled him… and it indicated to him that the stallion’s hostility was directed towards him. What baffled him even more, however, was that his shy demeanor didn’t change a bit. It’s as if Silver was stealthily suppressing an urge to spite him.

“This is bizarre,” Bladewing thought, “What's going on with him? Does he hold some sort of grudge against me? Or was my question too personal?” Bladewing listened carefully for Silver’s reply.

“Well… besides what I saw from your duel, I know very little about you. I think it's wonderful that you stood up for that earth pony, but I've yet to know you personally. I guess all I can really say on the matter is that I give a fair welcome to new members of the Council... regardless of how I feel about them.” The last bit of his sentence – and the way he looked away while rubbing a foreleg – adhered to Bladewing’s suspicions. The others mistook them as part of his shy nature, but Bladewing knew without a doubt that Silver was resentful of him. Even so, he now faced a whole other dilemma. Something was clearly chipping away at Silver’s spirit, and until he could find out what it was, Bladewing decided to exercise more caution towards him. The last thing he wanted was for the two of them to become enemies.

“*chuckle* Fair enough,” Bladewing continued, “I look forward to learning more about you while we're in the king's service... and I hope to build a strong friendship between us.”

“I hope so too, Bladewing.” With that said, Silver ended the conversation.

"All right, then," Blue Belle spoke, clearing her throat, "Let's continue. E.V.E.?" Bladewing's mind stirred yet again. There was nopony else in the room, yet he could see that Blue Belle was clearly addressing somepony. Fortunately, his curiosity would soon be sated, for the flat-screen TV embedded in the wall suddenly sprang to life.

"Yes, Ms. Belle?" Bladewing was startled to hear a female voice sound from within the TV. Though the TV itself was still pretty dark, he noticed the image of a mare spread across its screen. Most of her was invisible, but the glowing blue lines contouring her body enabled Bladewing to make out a good many of her features. Eyes, ears, mouth, muzzle - even her mane - were all present (and them some). To put it simply, she looked like the outline of a more life-like robot pony. Bladewing doubted that he saw anything close to what she was, even if he didn't lose his memories.

"Wow," he spoke, "This is... downright amazing." The sound of Bladewing's voice aroused curiosity within the virtual pony, a dilemma she intended to correct.

"I don't recognize this stallion, Ms. Belle," the mare told her, "Who is he?"

"I'm glad you asked, E.V.E," Belle replied. E.V.E. watched as Belle wrapped a foreleg over Bladewing's shoulders. "Allow me to present Bladewing. This is the stallion Mountain Wind has chosen to take Burning Ridge's place."

"I see." Bladewing watched as the mare smiled and turned her gaze towards him. "I am pleased to meet you, Mr. Bladewing. My name is E.V.E."

"The pleasure is mine, miss," Bladewing replied, bowing his head, "I've never seen anything like you. Forgive me for asking this, but... what are you, exactly?"

"I am known to the Cydonian scientists who created me as an Electronic Virtual Entity. But as you can see, the palace staff prefer to call me E.V.E. for short. I am designed to assist the royal family and the other ponies who reside here with day-to-day activities, whether it be giving directions to a certain area of the palace, accessing files from my database, or even relaying messages to one of our many embassies located worldwide."

"Fascinating. I figured by now that the Coltecs were more technologically advanced than meets the eye. But to meet somepony like you is... beyond any milestone I'd expect them to achieve."

"I appreciate the compliment, Mr. Bladewing. While I am limited in my ability to express emotion, I am still able to convey it as if I were a flesh-and-blood mare. Believe me when I say I look forward to working with you."

"And I you, E.V.E. Let us continue with the day."

"Of course." E.V.E. returned her attention to Blue Belle. "How may I assist you, Ms. Belle?"

"I would like you to play the footage from Lafleur's knighting, E.V.E. I want to show Bladewing what the ceremony looks like before we can proceed any further."

"As you wish. One moment, please." Just a second later later, E.V.E. disappeared from the screen, but it didn't take long before something else besides static took her place. Needless to say, that something was the the first few seconds of Lafleur's knighting video.

"All right, everypony," Blue Belle spoke, "It's starting. Take a seat and relax, if you please." The Council knights didn't hesitate to oblige. As she and the others sat down at the table, Belle turned her head towards Bladewing for a brief moment.

"You may want to pay close attention, Bladewing," she murmured, "The knighting of a new Council member is a VERY special occassion."

"Understood," Bladewing murmured back, "I'll be sure to take full advantage of this video."

"Good." With that said, Blue Belle and Bladewing joined the others in watching the video.

Bladewing was astounded by how elaborate the scenery in the video was. It took place in the throne room, and it was literally filled with ponies. They were mostly grouped at the sides of the room, and from what Bladewing could see, the grand majority of them were nobles. The occasional commoner could be distinguished as one looked closer at the audience, but Bladewing could see clearly that all were beyond thrilled to see a new face taking the mantle of the Council knights. Camera crews were at the sides of the audience filming this very scene, and most had smiles on their faces as they filmed the lucky mare standing in the middle of the room waiting to be knighted.

The video started during a point in which the audience was cheering and clapping their hooves in applause; but after a short while, this applause came to an end. Blue Belle was the one who engendered this silence, and she stood in front of the thrones facing the room's main entrance.

"Welcome, one and all," she exclaimed happily, "I am pleased to see so many ponies attend one of the most enchanting ceremonies ever to grace these halls. For those of you watching from afar, please stay tuned, for history is in the making. Today we are about to witness the knighting of the first French mare ever to join the Council. She is a humble pony, but she has a noble and generous spirit that shines as brightly among the people as it does on the battlefield... and this gallantry is precisely why our lord king has chosen her for this most prestigious of titles. Give a tender round of applause for Lafleur, fillies and gentlecolts." Bladewing watched as Lafleur smiled bashfully from the cheers and hoof-clapping showered upon her by the crowd. He felt a tiny smile of his own begin to surface when Clover suddenly tapped him on his shoulder.

"What did I tell ya, laddie?" Clover murmured, "Lafleur was glowing at her knighting. She never admits it, but she was at her most feminine on this day."

"I heard zat," retorted Lafleur quietly, "And I certainly wouldn't admit it. I am no less female now zan I was back zen and you know it."

"Ah. So nothing happened when Ice offered ya makeup that day?" Clover's query forced Lafleur into a blush, a sight that made Bladewing curious.

"You're such a devil, Clover," she pouted, "You KNOW I hate makeup. I only accepted her offer zat day because I wanted to leave a good impression on her."

"*chuckle* Believe what ya want, lassie. In all honesty, I say it was a good call. For a brief twenty-four hours, the guards stopped calling ya 'Tomboy'." Clover's witty remark forced a gasp out of Lafleur, and the now fuming mare punched his foreleg softly in retaliation. To her dismay, Clover was still grinning mischievously at her, but the thing with Lafleur was that she was a mare who refused to let a stallion make sport of her. She finished her quarrel with Clover by sticking her tongue out at him in disgust. From Bladewing's point of view, this scene was quite a spectacle. If he learned anything from it, it was that Clover had a talent for teasing... and that Lafleur, despite being a mare, hated beauty products with a passion. He returned his gaze to the TV with baffled, yet entertained spirits.

"Wonderful," Blue Belle continued in the video, "Now then... let's continue with the ceremony, shall we?" The mare motioned with a hoof to a small group of troubadours located to the side of the queen's throne. The troubadours in turn nodded and began playing their music, just as Blue Belle returned her attention to the audience.

"While I hate to steal Lafleur's thunder, there are some special ponies here that deserve recognition as well. After all, they're the ones that carry the traditions and customs of our ancestors. We wouldn't know who we are as a race without them... and they are as delighted to be here as we are. I want you all to welcome them kindly as they come forth. All right?" On the left side of the room, a line of ponies from the top row suddenly rose from their seats. They were dressed quite differently from their aristocratic counterparts, and they proceeded towards the front doors of the throne room. Bladewing watched carefully as Blue Belle then called out their names one by one, with each corresponding stallion moving with his wife towards Lafleur to shake her hoof. He initially thought these ponies were Coltec warriors, but he wasn't sure if such words did justice for their elaborate attire. He turned towards Clover in search of answers.

"Who are these stallions, Clover?" Bladewing whispered.

"They're the Coltec Lords, laddie," Clover whispered back.

"Coltec Lords?"

"Aye. There are nine of 'em, and each one commands one of the remaining Coltec warrior clans. They answer to nopony except the royal family."

"Interesting. Do they always attend the knighting ceremonies?"

"But of course, laddie. Shaking hooves with the new member is their way of acknowledging their service to the kingdom. It's a tradition they followed for centuries."

"I see. Do you know any of them?"

"Aye. Ya see that one there?" Clover pointed a hoof towards the part of the video showing an earth pony stallion with a scar over his left eye. Bladewing nodded as soon as he caught glimpse of him. "That's White Fang. He lives in the valley outside the city... and it just so happens that HIS clan - the House of Lobos - is the mightiest of the nine."

"Whoa, really?" Clover nodded his head. "Nice. What is he like?"

"He's a born warlord - shrewd, efficient, and powerful. That scar was from a battle he won against barbarians. But don't let his reputation frighten ya. He's actually pretty nice once ya get to know him."

"I'm intrigued. Is it possible to meet with him face-to-face?"

"Not likely. The Coltec Lords don't take very kindly to uninvited guests. White Fang is no exception. Ya might want to ask the king for permission if ya want to see him."

"Oh. I guess I can't just head to his home and knock on the front door, can I?"

"*chuckle* Aye. But don't worry, Bladewing. I'm sure there will be a time when you'll get to see him. Just be patient. Okay?" Bladewing just smiled and returned to the screen. While he was disappointed that things weren't as simple as he thought, he wasn't disheartened THIS time around. He was still determined to see what the Coltec warriors - and their leaders - were like. If it meant he had to be patient and wait for the right moment, then so be it. He was in no rush. After all, time was plentiful as far as he knew.

Before long, the last of the Coltec Lords shook hooves with Lafleur. Blue Belle regained the attention of the audience as soon as he and the others returned to their seats.

"Thank you, lords and ladies," Belle spoke to them, "Now it's time for Lafleur to greet her new colleagues. Give them all a warm welcome, please." Bladewing watched closely as Blue Belle called out the other members of the Council standing by the entrance. One by one - with the audience applauding them throughout - they came towards Lafleur and hugged her. The mares among them also gave Lafleur a light kiss on her cheek. Bladewing surmised that this part of the knighting represented the new friendship formed between the Council knights and their newest member (which in this case was Lafleur). He also saw that the Council was diverse in both species and gender. Of each of the pony species, four were present; among them, two were stallions and the other two mares. As ridiculous as it sounded, Bladewing had a hunch that Mountain Wind might not have considered him for his Council had he been a mare. Whether or not the gender imbalance that would ensue from it was an actual concern to the king was beyond him, but he inevitably decided to leave it be. The idea of having a female body was making him blush.

"Excellent," Blue Belle continued in the video, "Now settle down, everypony. At this point in time, I would like us to give our attention to our benevolent leader. To his enemies, he is a menace - naturally - but to us, he is both our friend and our kin. This stallion bears the burden of upholding tranquility and justice for all who call Cydonia their home. All hail his royal majesty, King Mountain Wind." The audience - and especially the Council knights - cheered loudly as Mountain Wind rose from his throne. Blue Belle bowed her head to him and moved away so he could take her spot in front of the audience. The king waited for them to quiet down (and the troubadours to stop playing their music) before saying a word. The royal guards by the thrones remained ever still.

"Thank you, Blue Belle," Mountain Wind spoke, "And thank you for coming, everypony. It might not seem like it right now, but it brings me joy to see you all so happy and healthy. Such things are a sign for me that I am performing my duties well. A lot has happened these past few years - what with the recent turbulence in our world - but I assure you that I stand before you today as a stallion undaunted by any of it. For no matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it... and fillies and gentlecolts, I am that mountain. Neither assassination attempts nor insurgencies inspired by bigotry will deter me from doing my job so long as I have the smiles of each and every one of you to encourage me. Let it be known today, everypony, that I have never felt prouder to serve a people as great - or as glorious - as the Coltec race." The audience clapped their hooves in response to the king's bold statement.

"You needn't fear for my health, my friends. As I said many times in the past, the health of a kingdom rests not on the health of the king, but on the welfare of the people. However, I understand that if I want to protect this great country from all injustice, I will need as many trustworthy and valiant individuals by my side as possible. That is why I have chosen Lafleur to fill the vacancy in my Council. She may not have all the same attributes as the late Lady Storm Mist, but time and time again, she proved to us all that she's just as worthy of this position as Storm was. If there are any in this land who wish to say otherwise, then I will say this: to question her worth... is to question my judgment." Bladewing watched curiously as Mountain Wind walked over to Lafleur, a holstered sword swinging gently from his hip. Lafleur bowed her head to him in respect.

“Do you know why you are here, Lafleur?” the king asked.

“Yes, sir," replied Lafleur.

“Why are you here?”

“To become a Council knight, sir.”

“Do you comprehend the responsibilities - and the power - that come with this honor?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And do you understand what the punishment will be if you are caught mishandling either?"

“Yes, sir.”

“Very well. Now…” Mountain Wind lowered himself until he was at eye level with Lafleur. “… do you accept these terms and conditions without question?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.” As the king rose back to his feet, the other Council knights formed a circle with him around Lafleur. Bladewing was unsure why, but the sight of the king suddenly drawing a sword from the holstered scabbard diverted his attention from it.

"I find you worthy of this title, Lafleur," spoke Mountain Wind, pointing the sword at Lafleur, "Now prove it. Swear your service to your country.” Bladewing watched Lafleur smile and clear her throat as she gave her answer.

“I am imperfect, my lord king. I have my share of wrongs and misfortunes just like everypony else… but I am here because you see potential within me. You see me as one who can help you guide zis great nation to ze Utopian future it deserves... and I shall prove zat to you before Faust herself. I vow from zis hour henceforth zat I will serve you, your family, and ze proud people of Cydonia throughout all zat we face, in war or in peace. I offer you my strength – and my faith – knowing zat you will keep zem well.” The king tipped his head to her.

“And gladly, I accept them. As both your lord and your friend, I vow to never lead you astray and to assist you in your time of need. For such are the bonds between a Coltec king and his knights.” Mountain Wind adjusted his grip on his sword.

“On your knees,” he commanded. Lafleur in turn did as he asked. Almost immediately, the Council knights pulled out their swords in unison, holding them inches from their faces pointing vertically. The troubadours meanwhile resumed their music, this time with a special composition. It was in this moment that Bladewing understood why the Council knights circled around Lafleur: the king was going to perform an accolade on her.

"By the power of the king," Mountain Wind spoke, "And by the will of Faust... I dub you a knight, Ms. Lafleur, of this most honorable of councils. Nevermore will you carry on through life as a mere subject. You will now serve as a leader among ponies, ever striving for what is right until I release you... or death take you." Bladewing then watched the king lightly tap each of Lafleur's shoulders with his sword before replacing it inside the scabbard.

“Rise, Lady Lafleur…” The mare smiled as she rose to her hooves and shook the king's hand. “… and welcome to the High Council of Cydonia.” The other Council knights grinned and pointed their swords above Lafleur's head. The audience in turn cheered and clapped their hooves together for the newly knighted member of the Council. In its entirety, the knighting ceremony was nearly sacrosanct to Bladewing. It was one that was witnessed countless times throughout the country's history, but it only took one time for Bladewing to see how special it really was. As an added bonus, he obtained information on one of nine special ponies who attended the ceremony. He could hardly fathom the excitement he would feel once it was his time to take this rite of passage... or the adventures following it, for that matter. But there was one thing he knew for certain: it will be one of the most hallowed moments of his life.

"Thank you for the video, E.V.E.," Blue Belle spoke, "That will be all for now."

"Understood," replied E.V.E., "E.V.E signing off." The screen flashed for a brief moment before fading into black once more. Now that the video was over, the Council knights got up and stretched their limbs.

“So, Bladewing,” Belle asked him, “What do you think? Can you handle this ceremony?”

“It looks pretty meticulous,” replied Bladewing, “But I'm sure I can. I do have one question, though.”

“All right. What is it?”

“Am I allowed to bring guests to this ceremony?”

“Ah. You mean ponies like your brother and such?” Bladewing nodded in agreement. “But of course. The pony-to-be-knighted can bring as many friends and kin as he or she pleases. Well, granted that pony consults with the king before-hoof."

"Great. In that case, I think I'm ready. When do I begin rehearsals?"

"Mountain Wind said he'll send a courier to your home tomorrow morning. You'll receive a full schedule of both the rehearsal hours and the knighting itself by then."

"Hm... is he still busy from ye-" Bladewing was suddenly interrupted by a bleeping sound coming from the TV. Just a second later, E.V.E. appeared on the screen.

"Pardon my intrusion, Ms. Belle," she spoke, "But you have an incoming transmission from Mountain Wind."

"Mountain Wind?" interjected Ice Luster, "Ah thought he was in a meetin'."

"Oui," agreed Lafleur, "Did it end early or something?"

"Only one way to find out," Blue Belle spoke, "Patch him through, E.V.E."

"Right away, Ms. Belle." E.V.E disappeared from the screen, with static taking her place for a short moment. "Establishing video up-link." As soon as E.V.E. said those words, the static vanished from the TV. Mountain Wind's face appeared in its place. He seemed to be sitting inside a bedroom, and he had a concerned expression smitten all over his face.

"Ah, good," the king spoke, "I'm glad to see you're not busy, Belle."

"Not when it comes to you, your highness," mused Belle with a smile, "How was your meeting over at Yoriel? I trust it turned out well?"

"The meeting never took place." Blue Belle was surprised.

"What? But I heard the mayor herself tell you she wanted to see you. What happened?"

"It seems the pony she wanted me to meet is missing. He failed to arrive at city hall on time."

"How bizarre. Do you know what he was doing? Or at least who he is?"

"He's an archaeologist named Lode Stone. He and his excavation team were digging at the Malura Ruins. The mayor said he found something there that could potentially change our understanding of Coltec history, and he wanted to bring it to my attention. Unfortunately, the team's campsite was found completely barren when a search team investigated."

"Could they have been attacked?"

"I doubt it. The search team reported no signs of a skirmish... or any indication of where they might be. I could be wrong, but this sounds an awful lot like a kidnapping."

"It does. The only thing missing from this scenario is a ransom note. But who would want to kidnap an archaeologist? And why?"

"I'm not sure. We don't have any further intel on this dilemma. We need to find out what happened before we can accurately determine his fate."

"What will you have me do?"

"I need you to send all available Council knights to the Malura Ruins to investigate. The sooner we know what happened to Lode Stone, the sooner we can act accordingly."

"Very well. But what if this IS a kidnapping, sire? Aren't you worried that whoever took him and his team might come after you as well?"

"A little... but now isn't the time for that. Whatever it was that Lode Stone found over there must've been critically important if something happened to him before he can show it to me. As such, there may be others in this world who know what he uncovered. We cannot dismiss the possibility that if this is the case, these same individuals do not intend to use it for the good of our country."

"Well, yes, but we can't dismiss your personal safety either. You're the most influential figure in our nation, remember? If something bad were to happen to you, it would instill fear into the public. We cannot let that happen. Not when the populace needs you now more than ever."

"I understand your concern, Belle, but I'm afraid there's nothing either of us can do about it for now. The mayor is convinced that Lode Stone's disappearance is part of a terrorist plot. She too believes that my safety is at risk, and so she requested that I spend the night here, under the protection of night-watch security. Given the gravity of our situation, I've little time to argue with her. I will return to the palace in the morning, but we'll need to make the most of our time starting today. That's why I need you to send the Council knights to the Malura Ruins. If this is indeed a kidnapping, we need to act quickly and unimpeded. "

"Understood. Lafleur and the others are here with me now. I'll send them there as soon as possible."

"Good." Mountain Wind was surprised as he noticed Bladewing standing beside Blue Belle. "Hello there, Bladewing. How are you today?"

"Enthralled as ever, your majesty," Bladewing beamed, "I was just watching a video of the knighting ceremony with Belle... and now I can't wait to begin rehearsing it." Mountain Wind smiled.

"I'm glad to hear it. As you can see, assignments like these are aplenty when you're serving as a Council knight. I'm sure you'll find even more excitement there than at the ceremony itself. Although I wish I didn't have to show you an example so soon."

"It's all right with me, sir. This just makes me all the more glad that I have the job."

"*chuckle* I admire your enthusiasm, Bladewing. Rest assured that I will put it to good use. As I'm sure Belle told you, I will send you more detailed information about the knighting rehearsals in the morning. I still have to come up with an official date for the ceremony before I can proclaim to the country that you will become part of the Council. As of now, however, you may do as you please."

"Understood. I look forward to seeing you again, your highness."

"Likewise." Mountain Wind returned his attention to Blue Belle. "You have your orders, Belle. Get the knights over there."

"As you command, my lord," Belle spoke, bowing her head, "I'll have a report for you by tonight."

"Good. Mountain Wind out." With that said, the TV turned off once again. Blue Belle meanwhile focused her attention to the others.

"You heard him, everypony," she told them, "It's time for a new mission. I want you all ready to go in the throne room in one hour. I will arrange a coach for you that will take you to the Malura Ruins. You have until sundown to find either Lode Stone and his team or any clues to their disappearance. At that hour, you will return to the palace and report your findings to me in this room. Am I understood?"

"Yes, ma'am!" the others (save for Bladewing) replied in unison.

"Good. You're dismissed." Upon her command, the knights disbanded and left to prepare for the coming mission. Blue Belle herself stayed behind with Bladewing, for a thought suddenly occurred to her.

“Oh, dear,” she gasped, “I almost forgot this, Bladewing." Bladewing stood curious until he saw Belle pull out a small booklet wrapped behind the band on her dress. As soon as he saw its title, he understood why.

“Ah, ‘The Council Doctrine’,” he spoke, taking the book from her.

“Of course. I said I’d give you a copy after the orientation, didn’t I?”

"Indeed. Thanks again, Belle. I’ll see you soon.”

“Likewise.” To Blue Belle's surprise, she noticed that Silver Streak was still in the room. She looked closer and noticed that he looked a bit downcast.

"Are you all right, Silver?" she asked.

"I'm okay, Belle," answered Silver, stretching his limbs, "I'm just a little tired. I'll drink some water in a bit, and then I'll take a short nap."

"Very well." Belle smiled and patted the stallion's shoulder. "Just don't be late. Okay?" Silver just smiled back in agreement. Having said her last words, Belle made her way out of the room. Silver rose from his chair shortly afterwards, but it wasn't to leave and quench his thirst; instead, he turned his attention to Bladewing. This sudden turn of events surprised Bladewing, for now he sensed timidity coming from this stallion rather than the contempt he felt earlier. The way he was looking away from him again while rubbing a foreleg only added to his curiosity.

"That's odd," Bladewing spoke mentally, "I'm sensing shyness from him again. Does this guy have some sort of emotional disorder? Or is it just natural for him to switch feelings so frequently? Perhaps he means to give me an explanation for that." Bladewing quieted his mind to better hear what Silver wanted to say to him.

"Um... can I ask you something, Bladewing?"

"Of course, Silver," replied Bladewing, "What is it?"

"A-Are you... seeing somepony right now?" Silver's question disturbed Bladewing. Although he was sure that the question was harmless, he felt pretty reluctant to answer it. After all, it was also a personal one.

"Is there a reason you're asking me this?" Silver rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Well... sort of. It's, um... largely out of curiosity that I ask you this." Bladewing was a bit hesitant to answer this question. He was unsure what to make of Silver's reasoning. In the end, however, he decided that answering it might actually do him more good than harm. As far as he could see, it may very well be a good first step in building a friendship with him.

"Well... yes. Yes, I am." Bladewing wasn't sure how, but his gambit worked. Upon hearing his answer, Silver's shyness faded from him yet again. In its place stood a more relaxed sensation; and once more, Bladewing found himself baffled by this sudden twist.

"Just what sort of madness is this? I sensed enough bitterness within him to know he loathes me. But now I sense... relief? What's going on here?" Bladewing payed close attention to Silver's reaction.

"*sigh*... oh, um... great." Silver suddenly offered his hoof to Bladewing. In spite of how strange he thought it was, Bladewing accepted it and shook it with his own. "Let me be the first to congratulate you."

"I'm glad you feel so happy for me." Bladewing grew more and more puzzled the more Silver spoke to him. At the rate his query was going, he wasn't sure if finding a reason behind his sporadic demeanor shifts was even worth it anymore. With this in mind, Bladewing decided it would be best to just leave it be. His ultimate objective was to befriend Silver; now that it was complete, it was time for him to move on. A certain mare of his still owed him an explanation for not revealing her stardom from the beginning.

Bladewing's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of the conference room door opening wide. Ice Luster passed through without hesitation, and she looked towards Silver with a grin.

"Whatcha still lingerin' here for, Silver?" she asked him, "Ya anxious or somethin'?"

"No, not really," replied Silver, "I just wanted to talk with Bladewing."

"Well, ah hope ya wrapped it up, hon. Clover's invited us ta lunch at Rory's before we hit the road."

"I'll be there in a minute, Ice. I'll have a glass of water first."

"C'mon, Silver. Forget the water. Coffee's a tastier drink. 'Sides, you can use the energy boost. There ain't gonna be much rest fer us on this mission."

"Of course. We've dealt with this kind of mission before."

"So quit stallin' and move it. We're leavin' in two."

"*sigh* All right. I'll head out now." Silver Streak rose from his chair and moved out to the hallway. Ice Luster followed him soon after, but not before turning her gaze to Bladewing for the final time today.

"See ya at the rehearsals, sugah." Bladewing smiled as Ice winked at him before exiting the room. Although he knew that Ice didn't do that to flirt, he was still flattered that she found him so interesting. It was a refresher compared to the kind of interest Skywalker showed him. It would be a good while before Bladewing could fully process all he experienced today, but he nevertheless enjoyed it to the fullest.

Now that his meeting at the palace was over, Bladewing decided it was time for him and Ruby to return home; but as soon as the thought of Ruby got into his head, a disturbing realization struck him.

"*gasp* Oh, no. I completely forgot about her." Bladewing looked towards his seat... and just as he feared, Ruby was sound asleep. He was relieved that she didn't hurt herself or wander off while he was watching Lafleur's knighting video; but even so, he was disappointed that he couldn't give her an adventure like he had hoped.

"Aw, I'm sorry, love," he murmured, holding Ruby in his hooves, "I forgot about you, didn't I? Well, I'll make it up to you another time. Okay?" Ruby just smiled and nuzzled against his chest. It seemed yet again that she enjoyed the sound of his voice.

"*chuckle* I'll take that as a yes. Sleep well." Bladewing grinned and carefully placed Ruby inside one of his saddle bags. He was careful not to disturb her as he slowly mounted the bags onto his back. And with that, he left the conference room. With each step he took past the palace gates, Bladewing grew the distance between him and the place he will come to know as his second home.

With his agenda completely fulfilled, Bladewing's thoughts now revolved around Diamond Heart. He wasn't sure how he suddenly became ill, but he hoped that he would get better soon. The common cold may not be fatal, but he still felt uncomfortable seeing innocent ponies suffer from sickness. If Diamond DID contract a fatal illness, he wouldn't know if he could save him again. The latter made him quiver with fear, a feeling that inevitably forced Bladewing into shaking the morbid idea out of his head. He was grateful to not have to deal with that or any other further troubles. But unbeknownst to the naive stallion, troubles still lied in wait for him in the near future... girl troubles, as a matter of fact.