• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,701 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

  • ...

Revelations (Part II)

"The hell? Who's this bimbo?" Skywalker felt a toxic brew of outrage and jealousy fill her soul. While she had no idea who this other girl was, she was nevertheless disappointed that it was a mare Bladewing mentioned. Rose, on the other hoof, harbored no such contempt towards her fellow unicorn. As far as she was concerned, she had nothing to fear from her, and she made that notion clear as she came towards Bladewing with a smile on her face.

"I'm back," she told Bladewing, hugging him, "Did you miss me?" Bladewing shot a mischievous grin at Rose.

"Hm... what if I said no?"

"*gasp* You wouldn't dare. Whatever happened to being the best gentlecolt ever for me?"

"*chuckle* I'm kidding. Yes, I missed you... even if only for a second." Rose just giggled and playfully punched Bladewing's shoulder. Her short, yet flirty moment with Bladewing added further to Skywalker's woes. She grew concerned that this girl might actually be more to Bladewing than just a friend.

"Bladewing?" Bladewing turned his attention to Sky. "Who is she?"

"Ah, yes," muttered Bladewing, "*ahem* I nearly forgot." The stallion smiled warmly as he presented his mare with an open hoof. "This is her, Sky. Meet Rose Blossom."

"A pleasure to meet you, Lady Skywalker," Rose greeted her, offering a hoof. If this were any other scenario, Sky would've returned the greeting in a heartbeat. In this instance, however, she stood still, petrified in her fears. She felt as though a lifetime passed by the time Bladewing snapped her out of it.

"...Sky?" Upon hearing Bladewing's voice, Skywalker returned to reality (albeit in a state of confusion).

"What?" Bladewing shot a concerned expression at her. He wasn't sure of it, but he sensed for a very brief moment a hint of the fear Skywalker was emitting.

"You look troubled, Sky," he told her, "Is something the matter?"

"Oh," replied Sky, chuckling nervously, "Sorry about that. I must've zoned out for a bit."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Don't worry about it." Sky put up her best poker face, hoping desperately that Bladewing would buy her excuse... and sure enough, he did. His smile soon returned to his face, but what Skywalker didn't know was that Bladewing didn't view her as the deceiving type at all. He was uncomfortable with her initially, but now that he got used to her behavior, he saw no reason to assume anything immoral about her. As far as deceit goes, Bladewing neither saw it in her nor had any interest in finding out for himself.

"Very well," he spoke, "If you're sure." Sky nodded in agreement, and she then returned her attention to the green mare offering her hoof to her. She was still hesitant to accept it but given her situation, refusing it would give Bladewing the wrong idea about her. Thus - under great protest - Skywalker shook her fellow mare's hoof.

"Rose, right?" she asked.

"Yes," replied Rose with a smile, "I heard you recently captured one of the co-leaders of that earth pony supremacy group. Congratulations." In spite of her attitude towards Rose, Sky was flattered that she at least appreciated her work. It helped a lot in calming her down while she talked.

"Thanks," she spoke modestly, "I can't say it was easy, but it felt good bringing scum like her to justice."

"*giggle* I'll bet. The king must feel very relieved now that you brought him one step closer to taking them down for good."

"Yeah, he is. It won't be much longer before we have them all behind bars."

"Indeed. I hold great reverence for mares of your valor, Lady Skywalker... and I'm just overjoyed that my coltfriend will serve alongside you on the king's Council." Skywalker stood surprised once more.


"That's right," Rose mused, hugging Bladewing, "This brave stallion you see here is mine." Just like that, Skywalker felt her very soul catch fire. Her outrage ran rampant within her like a toxin, and it completely dissolved the fear and anxiety she felt earlier.

"NO! This is bull! I swear it is! There's no way Bladewing would just take some random bimbo as his marefriend!" Skywalker couldn't feel more like venting her anger at Rose. However, still knowing full well the circumstances in which she stood, she held herself back. Even the slightest hint of hostility would alert Bladewing to her true opinion of the mare. Unfortunately for her, simply maintaining a calm posture wasn't enough to hide her emotions from Bladewing. He sensed Sky's bitterness quite clearly, and he in turn began to question how she was really holding up.

"You don't have any qualms with this, Sky, do you?" Bladewing asked, "My courting Rose, I mean?"

"Nah, don't be silly," she joked, forcing back her ire, "I could care less about your love life. Well, maybe if you were dating a heartless bitch, I would. Then I'd step in and tell her to leave you alone. For your safety, of course."

"*chuckle* I see. I can assure you that Rose here is nothing of the sort. She treats me with the utmost respect and affection... although maybe a bit TOO much on the latter."

"Aw, come on," Rose cooed, nuzzling his face, "Don't be like that. Do you not like it when I shower you with love?"

"Oh?" joked Bladewing, "You still call it that, my dear? I would've thought you learned your lesson after I saw through your 'love' the first time."

"Oh, posh. This is nowhere near seduction and you know it, Bladewing. Can I help it that I love seeing you smile for me?"

"*sigh* Fine. I'll indulge in your desire. Just this once." True to his word, Bladewing smiled and returned Rose's affection with gentle nuzzling of his own. Normally, Skywalker would find such a tender moment heartwarming; this particular instance, however, was anything but to her. She was watching another mare flirt with her stallion of interest without even a murmur of resistance (and watching said stallion return her affection). After witnessing it all, Sky's heart had sunk low to the polished tile floor. A great opportunity had dissipated from her sight, and with nothing else keeping her spirit alive, she found no point in staying any longer.

"Oh," Sky spoke reluctantly, "That's nice. I'm glad you're in good hooves." If the tone in her voice didn't alert Bladewing to her disappointment, the sadness he suddenly sensed from her certainly did.

"Are you sure you're okay, Sky?" he asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just remembered some business I gotta deal with." Sky didn't care how big of a lie that was, but it certainly worked in concealing her true feelings from him. Her frustration drowned out any hint of deception Bladewing could've sensed from her.

"All right. Will you need any help?"

"Nah, it's cool. Just keep going with your date. I'll see you at the rehearsals."

"Very well. See you then." Sky forced a smile for Bladewing before she returned to her table to pick up her saddlebags. She left the dining area not long afterwards. Bladewing was puzzled by how quickly her mood turned solemn from her earlier happy state. He rubbed his chin in deep thought as he pondered on this bizarre twist.

"What's wrong, Bladewing?" Rose asked worriedly.

"Hm... there's something amiss here. Did you notice that tone in her voice?"

"I did. What about it?"

"It's a bit odd. She was happy just a moment ago. Now she seems... melancholy. I wonder why." Rose understood Bladewing's concern, but she still felt that it was unnecessary.

"You heard what she said, Bladewing: she's fine. I think you're going about it the wrong way."

"Maybe, but... I still feel compelled to talk to her about it. We may not be colleagues yet, but I consider her a friend. Do friends not help each other?" After hearing his argument, Rose finally got the whole picture. She was assured yet again that Bladewing had no romantic interest in her, and she could see clearly just how caring a stallion he really was.

"Aw, Bladewing. Come here." Rose pulled him closer to her. "I can see that you have a big heart. I get why you'd want to help Skywalker. Really, I do. But you must understand that when a mare says no, she means it. I'm not sure what's going on with her, but you should respect her choice. You can't offer help when it is not needed."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Just let her deal with her issues on her own. You may only intervene if they're life-threatening. Okay?"

"*sigh* Very well. I'll leave her be."

"Good." Rose nuzzled him one last time before letting go of him. The moment she sat herself back in her chair, the same waitress that attended Skywalker arrived at the table.

"Good day, sir, miss," she spoke, offering the two of them menus, "Welcome. Can I get you anything to drink?"

"I'll just have some iced water," spoke Bladewing.

"You got it, sir," replied the waitress, "And how about you, miss?"

"A tall glass of cola for me, if you please," Rose answered.

"Okay. I'll be back in a bit." The waitress smiled and walked away. Now that they were alone once more, Bladewing breathed deeply. He wasn't sure how the situation will turn out, but he wanted more than anything to find some answers to the questions whirling in his head.

"You look tense," Rose said to him. Bladewing exhaled calmly before turning his gaze to her.

"I'm fine. I was just letting go of my woes. They were starting to give me a headache."

"I see." Rose rubbed her hoof against her hoof-watch. "It was very sweet of you to get this thing for me." Bladewing grinned modestly.

"It's no trouble. I'm just glad you like it."

"I do. I'll be treasuring it for the rest of my life."

"Great. I have a few questions I'd like to ask you. If you don't mind, that is."

"No, not at all. Feel free to ask me anything."

"Good." Bladewing took another deep breath before continuing. "Are you truly the former 'Miss Cydonia'?" Rose's expression quickly turned to surprise the moment he uttered that question.

"I am," she spoke, "But how did you know?"

"It's a long story, but I'll try my best to explain. I was confronted with it the day after we met Mountain Wind. I was on my way to my orientation when reporters caught me about halfway there. They inquired about my affairs and it was there that one of them told me you were once the winner of the Royal Beauty Pageant. I know for certain now that you are, but my ultimate question is: why didn't you tell me about this?" Rose could hear clearly the concerned tone in Bladewing's voice. While she had every intention of explaining herself to him, she did so with a very reluctant look on her face. Getting caught off guard by his query completely removed all of her bravado.

"My former title isn't something I often discuss," she answered, looking away, "Not many ponies ask about it."

"Even so, I'm surprised that I learned of this from another pony than from you. Why did you withhold this from me?"

"It's not like I did it on purpose, Bladewing. I just didn't think you'd want to know about it." Now that Rose gave him an answer, Bladewing took this opportunity to relieve her of her worry. She looked with wonder as he took one of her hooves in his own, a warm smile engulfing his face.

"That's where you're wrong, Rose. I told you since the Festival that I want to know more about you. I may never know if I'm in love unless I know all about the mare I'm falling for." Rose looked joyously into his eyes.

"Really? You want to hear about my journey to the pageant?"

"*chuckle* I do. So will you tell me or not?" Rose returned Bladewing's interest with a smile of her own.

"I will." Rose retracted her hoof before she went on. "Where do you want me to start?"

"How about the beginning?" replied Bladewing, "I'm curious what kind of girl you were growing up."

"*giggle* You got it." Bladewing grinned as Rose breathed deeply. She sat herself upright, intent on regaling her stallion with her past.

"My path was a long one. I first got the idea in middle school, when I was trying out for a school play. I was only six at the time, a young filly with neither a Cutie Mark nor any idea how to get one."

"Right," Bladewing murmured, drooping his head in dismay, "Cutie Marks. Can you tell me more about them?"

"Like what?" asked Rose.

"Oh, I don't know... how long it takes to get one, perhaps?"

"It depends, Bladewing. Most achieve them as foals. Others during their teenage or adult years. Either way, nopony truly knows."

"I see. How did you come across yours?"

"*giggle* It's funny you should ask. I got it the day I tried out for the play."


"Yes. The play itself was a tale about Aurelia, an ancient Coltec princess who struggled to find true love in the land. A few days before my audition, I was in the plaza shopping with my mother. I was looking for an outfit that would help me win a role in the play. I figured at the time that simply making myself beautiful would be enough... but goddess, was I ever wrong that day."

"By the time I found a dress I liked, I noticed a familiar face standing at the far end of the counter. I took a better look and realized that pony was Crystal Rain. She's one of the most renowned actresses in the film industry. I was a big fan of hers growing up - I still am - but never in all my life did I imagine that I'd find her here in Fredericksmare. I saw her retrieving a specially tailored dress from the store's owner. You can't imagine how happy I was when I walked up to meet her."

"I'll bet," joked Bladewing, "What did you tell her?"

"Oh, I just told her hello. Being the friendly mare she was, she greeted me back, but then she asked what I was doing. I told her I was looking for a dress to wear to my audition. I was nigh unprepared for the reaction I got from her."

"Really? What did she do?"

"... she laughed." Rose's answer befuddled Bladewing, a concern he expressed with a puzzled expression.

"Why would she do that?"

"I couldn't say. I thought she went mad at first, but then she saw my confused expression and calmed down."

"'Tell me something, dearie,' she told me, 'Do you know why I'm good at my job?' I replied, 'Is it because you're so pretty?' She chuckled and told me, 'No, of course not.' I looked at her more confused than ever."

"'Really?' I asked, 'So why are you good at your job?' Crystal Rain leaned towards my ear and whispered, 'It's because I'm myself.' Her answer wasn't a cryptic one, but I still felt unsure of what she was getting at. I wasn't very good with taking hints back then."

"I asked her what she meant by her statement and she told me this: 'To be a great mare, you must first be yourself. You cannot hope to gain fame or admiration by being somepony you're not. My job may revolve around such things, but I am still me in the end. I love who I am, and I wouldn't change it no matter how much somepony wants me to. You should do the same if you want the best from your audition.' I looked at her very curiously, as her words were no simpler to me than earlier."

"'I'm not sure I understand,' I told her. She replied, 'Trust me, dearie: a princess is more than just another pretty lady.' She winked at me, and then she walked out of the store. Throughout that entire conversation, I couldn't make any sense of what she said; after the encounter, however, I had this gut feeling that getting a dress was probably a bad idea. I told my mother we should return home, and so we did. I walked to my bed empty-hoofed, still pondering over Crystal Rain's words. It wasn't until the day of my audition that I finally understood her." Bladewing knew from the latter of her words that Rose was reaching a pivotal moment in her tale.

"I'm intrigued," he mused, "How did you realize it?"

"It was an unexpected moment. I was in the school's auditorium waiting for my turn at auditioning. A lot of foals were with me, most of who were in my class. I was among a few other girls trying to claim the lead role of the Coltec princess. I doubted that Crystal Rain knew I was trying to get that part in the play, but I had a very hard time convincing myself that she didn't. Her words played in my head like an echo, and I had this strong feeling that somehow, whether I believed it or not, she read my mind that day at the store... and that she was helping me prepare for this very moment. I was so nervous about how I would do that I decided to be the last one to audition."

"*chuckle* Wow. You must've really wanted that part."

"I did. I thought I'd be more comfortable if I took a few moments to relax. It worked well at first - I was calm enough to stop shaking - but then the girl in front of me went next. Within seconds, I was trembling once more. I watched nervously as she read some of the lines written for Aurelia. The girl was very pretty, as she wore a dress not unlike the one I wanted to buy back at the store. I was worried that being so pretty, she just might win the part. But then my teacher came by and talked to me."

"It's okay, Rose,' he told me, 'Just do your best.'"

"'But she's so pretty,' I told him, 'I look nothing like a Coltec princess.' I had no idea at the time that I was being superficial, but my teacher seemed to notice. He chuckled and then nuzzled me."

"'You don't have to look like a princess to be a princess,' he murmured. I was about to ask him what he meant, but then I heard muttering from the judges. I looked over and saw the annoyed look on their faces. They seemed disappointed, like something about this girl was not boding well with them. Then I overheard one of them mention one word: 'awful'. Before long, I realized why they were so annoyed: the girl's performance was not on par with her beauty. All at once, Crystal Rain's words hit me. The whirlwind of anxiety I had for my audition left me just as quickly, for I now knew what I had to do."

"Sounds exciting," Bladewing spoke eagerly, "What did you do?"

"I did exactly as Crystal Rain told me to, Bladewing: be myself. I no longer worried over whether or not I looked the part. That detail didn't matter to me anymore. I took the script from one of the judges and I started my audition."

"I read each of my lines like they were my own words. I let the emotion within them fill my spirit, never once worrying about whether I was doing good or not. I may have only been reciting dialogue but in that instance, I truly felt like I was Aurelia herself. When I heard the judges clapping lightly at the end of my performance, I could tell that they thought the same way."

"About half an hour later, the judges rose from their seats to greet the fillies and colts. I sat tensely in my chair as one by one, they called out the lucky few that earned a spot in the play. Finally - after what felt like forever - they named the girl who would play the role of the Coltec princess."

"Let me guess," Bladewing joked, "You were chosen, weren't you?"

"*giggle* You bet... and words can't describe how happy I was in that moment. The judges called me back to the stage to give me my outfit for my new role. I smiled and took it happily from them, but before I could thank them, a bright light suddenly flashed around me. I was blinded for a few seconds, and I rubbed my eyes the moment I let go of my dress. When I came to, the other foals were awing at me. I was confused at first, but when I looked at my flank, I knew exactly what happened: I got my Cutie Mark."

"No way. You got it then and there?"

"Yes," Rose agreed happily, "I was astounded. I signed up for the audition with the sole intent of getting the lead role in the play. Never in a million years would I expect to get both it and my Cutie Mark at the same time. In that moment, not only did I understand EXACTLY what Crystal Rain told me, but I also understood who I am."

"Impressive. What did you discover?"

"Well, I understood that I am a mare brimming with passion and determination. I may not always know what my abilities are, but that never deters me from completing whatever goal I make... for I am using them whether I know it or not. I just needed to realize that my potential isn't limited by whether or not I have the tools to do a given task, but by whether or not I can convince myself that I can do it. All who found their purpose in life understand this notion. And mine... is to restore happiness those who have lost it." After hearing all of that, Bladewing had a newfound understanding of Rose. She hardly finished her story, but he heard enough for him to know that she was a special kind of mare. The gold digger comment he made at the Fortune Festival may have been a mere joke, but Bladewing still felt that leaving it unspoken may have been a better idea. Here, as he saw it, was a mare who was not only beautiful, but also valued love and kindness more than any sum of money he could ever get; and yet, even with all this, Bladewing held himself back. He wanted to know her on a deeper level than through her history, and until that happened, he would keep his emotions in check. Now, he thought, was not the time to let them flow freely.

"Sounds wonderful," Bladewing mused with a grin, "Is that what inspired you to take part in the pageant?"

"It was. I've heard tales of mares that were renowned for being the fairest in the land. This kind of fame is among many things I wanted in life, and winning the role of the Coltec princess introduced me to my first taste of it. I made it my goal from that point onward to someday win the Royal Beauty Pageant and become the prettiest mare Cydonia has ever seen."

"I see. How did you fare on this path?"

"I had an arduous time, that's for sure. I had to compete with several other girls who shared my goal as well as balance work and school. I had my share of good moments and bad on this journey - oh, ESPECIALLY the bad - but I faced them all undaunted. As a matter of fact, I managed to befriend a few of the mares I defeated on the way. Their support came in REALLY handy for when I was in the finals. When the time came to announce who would be the next 'Miss Cydonia', I was as nervous as can be; but when they called out my name, I quickly became ecstatic. After years of preparation, I finally achieved my goal. Not only did I become the prettiest mare in the country, but at only eighteen, I also became the youngest one to ever win the RBP." Her story was now finished, but Bladewing found himself wishing for more. Rose became more appealing to him the more she talked about her past. He didn't anticipate feeling like this at all, and it made him all the more curious as to what other ordeals she may have endured.

"Awesome," Bladewing chimed, "That's quite a tale, Rose. I'm truly disappointed that you didn't consider telling me this earlier. If I had known that you were this ardent, I would've been more receptive to your affection." Rose looked at him wondrously.


"Yes. I initially thought your talk of facing the future with me was just you being nice..." Bladewing took her hoof in his own again before continuing. "... but I couldn't feel more wrong about that than I do now. However, there's still one thing I have yet to settle: what was the REAL reason you kept this from me?"

"What do you mean?" Rose asked curiously, removing her hoof.

"*chuckle* Come on. You knew that I'd find out about your time as 'Miss Cydonia' sooner or later. Things of that nature never stay secret for long. I know there is more to your reluctance to tell me than a simple fear of boring me." Regaling Bladewing with her past was one thing, but Rose was very reluctant to fulfill this particular request.

"You really want to know?" Bladewing nodded his head, and the mare in turned sighed in defeat. "All right. I'll say it: I wasn't sure if I could trust you." Bladewing was appalled.

"What?" he asked, "Why would you think that?"

"It's nothing personal, Bladewing. It's just..." Rose suddenly began rubbing her foreleg nervously, a gesture that indicated to Bladewing that she was approaching an uncomfortable subject. "I never had a coltfriend before." Bladewing looked at her feeling quite shocked.

"Whoa. So then that means-"

"Yes. You are my first." Bladewing looked away from her for a brief moment lost in his thoughts.

"This is so bizarre," he thought to himself, "There's no way she can have trust issues with a stallion if she's never been with one. What other motive could she have in doing that?" Bladewing returned his attention to Rose.

"Are you serious about this?" he asked. Rose looked back at him with annoyance, almost like she was irritated.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" The slight outrage in Rose's tone alerted Bladewing to his blunder, and although he didn't mean to offend her, he still felt stupid for it.

"I'm sorry," he spoke with a sigh, "It's just surprising to me. I'm honored that I'm your only coltfriend, but... well, I'd assume you had a bad romantic experience in the past if you're so reluctant to tell me anything."

"No, it's not that... not EXACTLY, anyway."

"I see. So why were you single for so long?"

"It's a long story. I'm no stranger to romance, but I never had a real opportunity to experience it. My father was very protective of me growing up. While I certainly don't need his permission to mingle now as an adult, he still hates it whenever I bring it up in a conversation." Bladewing raised an eyebrow to her with a grin, and Rose returned his humor with a grin of her own. "I know, it's a bit odd. I'd be lying if I said I'm never frustrated by it. But he's a good stallion, Bladewing, trust me. He just thinks I should wait a little longer before I start looking for a coltfriend."

"Fair enough," chuckled Bladewing, "Is he the kind of father that tells his daughter she's his little princess?"

"*giggle* He is. I never ask him to stop, though. It's one of many things that I enjoy about being a 'Daddy's Girl'. It's a little guilty pleasure I have with him." Rose was amused to see Bladewing roll his eyes playfully in dismay.

"I figured as much," Bladewing sighed, "But let's get back to the subject at hoof."

"Yes. Anyway, he always warned me over the years to be wary whenever I'm in a stallion's company. I never got why until a childhood friend of mine came to me in tears."

"Oh, no," spoke Bladewing worriedly, "What happened?"

"Well, it turned out that she caught her coltfriend kissing another mare. I asked her why he would do that and she told me he just wanted to be with her because she was pretty... and that he loves the other girl more because she's even prettier. I tell you, Bladewing, I never despised a stallion so much in my life. Not only did he treat my friend like she was a nobody, but he also showed that he had no real love for her." Bladewing's ears drooped low in remorse.

"That's pretty harsh. Your father's words must've sounded in your head that day."

"They did. In that moment, I finally understood why he warned me about being with a stallion all those years... and once I did, I wanted to be sure that I wouldn't leave myself vulnerable to one as shallow as my friend's coltfriend. That's why I didn't tell you about my time as 'Miss Cydonia'... and aside from my father's protectiveness, it's the reason why I never had a coltfriend until now."

"I understand. Now I ask that you start trusting me more. I am not the stallion that betrayed your friend. I'm sure you wouldn't have considered being with me if I were ANYTHING like him. Besides, you're the one who sought me out, remember? If you truly want this relationship to work, you should give me as equal a chance as I did for you. You know that, don't you?"

"I do now."

"Good." Bladewing leaned forward towards Rose, and the mare in turn did the same until their muzzles were touching. "So no more fears. You will tell me if there is something I should know about you. Okay?" Bladewing could tell from Rose's passionate nuzzling that the plan Topaz created for him was a success. Not only did he relieve Rose of all of her personal woes, but he also sensed a deep feeling of affection from her. Such emotion was a clear sign that she loved him... and thus, he confirmed that her interest in him was genuine.

"All right," Rose murmured, kissing his cheek, "I will. Thank you... for being so kind and patient with me." Bladewing just smiled and settled himself back into his seat. The couple heard hoof-steps approaching them from the left. It was the waitress they encountered earlier, and both Rose and Bladewing noticed her mane was slightly disheveled.

"So sorry to keep you waiting, sir, miss," she joked, giving them their drinks, "There was a bit of an issue back in the kitchen."

"It's all right," Bladewing assured her, "I didn't mind the wait."

"Ditto," added Rose, "I know what that's like, trust me. You're fine."

"*sigh* Good. Thanks SO much for your patience." The mare cleared her throat (and held a notepad and pen in her magic) before she went on. "Now what can I get for the two of you?"

* * * ONE HOUR LATER * * *

The skies quickly darkened by the time Rose and Bladewing were out of the mall. The sun was close to setting in the distance, and the once bustling streets of Fredericksmare were slowly becoming empty. The breeze of autumn was lukewarm compared to the cold of winter, but it was still weather that few ponies enjoyed. In the case of ponies like Rose, it was even more so. She shivered slightly each time the winds hit her body. It was a phenomena that troubled Bladewing with each passing minute until he could take no more.

"Are you okay, Rose?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," replied Rose, "It's just a little wind. I forgot how random Fredericksmare's weather is. It could be calm one moment but breezy the next."

"I've noticed." Bladewing stopped for a moment and took off his jacket. Rose followed suit and, to her surprise, watched him drape it over her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" she asked with concern.

"What else?" Bladewing murmured softly, "I'm making sure my mare stays warm." Rose adored his worry, but she nevertheless thought it was a bit silly.

"I love your attentiveness, Bladewing," she mused humorously, "but I'm not letting you suffer for my sake. You better put this thing back on."

"*chuckle* Not a chance. You're cold, and all that shivering proves it. Besides, I'm hardly suffering. What kind of stallion would I be if I couldn't take a little breeze?"

"Ooh, tough guy," Rose cooed, hugging his foreleg close, "I like it. What else can you brave, Mr. Bladewing?"

"Well, I'd say possessive psycho-stalker, but then I'd be showboating for having one this close to me." Rose just giggled and nuzzled his face. This may very well be the only time she would let him call her a stalker without a fuss. She knew he would never let her live it down but at the moment, she could care less. As Bladewing promised her, she was having the time of her life today... and their date was still far from over.

"Keep teasing, handsome," cooed Rose with a grin, "You'll learn to give your mare the love and dignity she deserves whether you like it or not. But anyway, where should we go now?" Bladewing stood puzzled.

"Hm... good question. I'd say we go see that 'Heaven's Twilight' movie, but we still have about an hour to spare. Perhaps you have any ideas?"

"Let me think... ah, I know. Why don't we try the local range?" Bladewing was confused.

"A range? What's that?"

"It's a place where ponies get to practice their skills in archery. You know, the sport where you fire arrows from a bow." Informative as she sounded, Bladewing remained as confused now as he did a few seconds ago.

"I'm not sure I follow. I never heard of ANY of those things."

"You didn't?" Bladewing shook his head. "Oh. Archery must be completely new to you, then."

"It is. But I'm not one to hesitate in trying new things."

"*giggle* Good to know. I just LOVE shooting arrows from a bow. I feel like I'm one of the legendary Coltec archers when I'm over there firing at a target."

"Hm. I never would've thought you'd enjoy that sort of combat... or any combat at all, for that matter."

"You didn't think I'd loathe such things because of my looks, did you?" Bladewing blushed in embarrassment.

"Well," he spoke, rubbing the back of his head, "Yes. I'm sorry. I should've known better than to assume."

"Aw, that's okay," Rose murmured, nuzzling him, "I'm used to it. But now, then..." Bladewing smiled as Rose took his hoof in her own. "... what do you say we go there? I'd love to see how good you are with a bow."

"Sure," Bladewing murmured back, letting go of her, "Why not? Lead the way." Rose smiled and walked with Bladewing towards the range.

As the term itself implied, the range spanned a huge area. It's official name was "Ye Old Barracks", and it lied next to the amphitheater where Bladewing fought his legendary battle. A counter stood at the front entrance to greet customers, and employees could be seen roaming the hallways as they assisted in both servicing clients and keeping the structure in order.

Bladewing and Rose were attended by a middle-aged earth pony within moments of registering. They followed the stallion to one of the wide grassy areas comprising most of the building's space. Several circular targets stood on the far end, and each was contained in its own lane marked by white lines. Bladewing noticed a few ponies already firing at some of these lanes, and to his convenience, there were two empty ones standing side by side in the middle.

"Here we are, sir, miss," the attendant told the couple, "The firing lanes. I assume you know how to use a bow and arrow?"

"I do," replied Rose.

"Excellent." The earth pony turned his head to Bladewing, "And you, sir?"

"No, not really," answered Bladewing.

"Very well. You may ask the scorekeeper for your lane to assist you. Now, the rules of the arena go as follows: stay within your lane and behind the designated firing line. Do not turn towards somepony while the bow is primed with an arrow. If by chance you let an arrow drop to the ground, just leave it be. The scorekeeper will come by and pick it up for you. Am I understood?" The couple nodded their heads in agreement. "Good. Have fun." The attendant smiled and left the two ponies alone; but as he did, the two identical mares serving as scorekeepers for their lanes moved towards them. They were unicorns with white coats and scarlet manes, and both were ecstatic to see a familiar face at their workplace.

"OMG, Rose," the left one spoke, hugging Rose, "It's so good to see ya. How are ya?"

"I'm doing well, Pearl," Rose answered, "How are things going with you?"

"I'm feeling pretty good myself... but I had better days. The pay is great, but it's so boring when Amber and I are servicing noobs... well, unless one of them's a hottie. But that's a whole other scene entirely, wouldn't ya say?" Rose and the other mares laughed heartily at the idea.

"Indeed it is, Pearl. And speaking of hotties..." Rose smiled and nuzzled Bladewing's face as she wrapped her foreleg around his. "This one here is all mine." Pearl and Amber were stunned to see Bladewing's face up close for the first time.

"No way," Amber gasped, "Bladewing? You got HIM as your coltfriend?" Rose grinned and nodded her head. "GODDESS, I'm jealous! Why didn't you tell us it was him?"

"I wanted to make it a surprise."

"Heh, figures," Pearl joked, "Leave it to you to keep the good stuff secret."

"I have a lot of fun doing it, Pearl," Rose replied with a grin, "Now let's have some introductions." Rose cleared her throat and first presented Pearl with an open hoof. "Bladewing, this is Pearl. She and her sister Amber here are good friends of mine from my middle school days."

"That's right," replied Pearl, shaking his hoof, "It's a real pleasure to meet you, Bladewing. That was one hell of a fight you put up back at the amphitheater. It's the talk of the town."

"You flatter me, miss," Bladewing spoke with a grin, "I'm as equally pleased to meet the two of you. How close are you to Rose, if I may ask?"

"Oh, we're pretty close," Amber mused, "We used to hang out a lot as fillies. We've been friends since second grade."

"*chuckle* Nice. I'm new to archery, but I hope I can learn a thing or two from you guys."

"You sure will, stud," Pearl replied, "We'll get you up to speed in no time. Now let's do some damage. I call dibs on the lucky mare." Rose just grinned and followed Pearl to the lane on the right.

"I guess this means I'm with YOU, Bladewing," Amber giggled, "Let's go."

"Right." Bladewing followed the mare into the arena. They walked until they reached the firing line, stopping just a few feet behind it. To the right of each lane was a stand with a bow leaning against it. A quiver loaded with 20 arrows stood tall behind it, and Bladewing watched as Amber walked over towards these deadly weapons.

"All righty, handsome," she spoke, picking up the bow, "Let's get started. How new are you to archery?"

"New enough to be considered a complete newbie," joked Bladewing, "Or 'noob', if you'd rather use that term."

"*giggle* I see. Using this thing is a bit tricky, but it's not hard. It just takes some getting used to... and a LOT of focus."

"Fair enough. I'll follow your lead."

"Right on. Here's how it's done..." As Amber busied herself in educating Bladewing, Rose spent her time talking with Pearl while readying her first shot.

"You got quite the catch with you, Rose," Pearl spoke.

"I know," chuckled Rose, "It almost feels too good to be true. Bladewing's the kind of stallion I've always dreamed about... and more."

"Is he now?" Rose nodded happily in agreement. "Nice. What is he like? Besides bold and handsome, that is?" Rose looked in awe towards Bladewing, and the gesture evoked a little smile onto Pearl's face.

"He's kind; humorous; attentive; generous... you name a quality in your dream stallion, Bladewing's got it. I feel SO blessed that he's mine."

"*chuckle* Wow. You must really like him if you're this attached to him already."

"You bet. I'd even say he's husband material, but then I'd be getting ahead of myself. I still have to hear that he loves me before I can discuss marriage with him." Pearl was happy for Rose up until this point. She found it strange that Bladewing had few romantic feelings for her.

"What do you mean, Rose? Doesn't he feel the same way you do towards him?" Rose rubbed the back of her head pensively, her arrow still in hoof.

"It's complicated. He was a bit reluctant when he agreed to be my coltfriend. While I don't think he doesn't trust me, he said he wanted to know me better before he can tell me how he feels about me. I guess he wants to be sure that I'm the kind of mare he would desire for himself."

"Ah, I get it. So he doesn't NOT love you... he's just trying to figure out how he really feels about you."

"That's the gist of it. I don't mind it much, though. I told him I'd be by his side whether he tells me or not... and to tell you the truth, I'm actually looking forward to what he will do in the meantime."

"*giggle* I hear that. It sounds like you got this relationship down, Rose. Ya got a good stallion with an equally good head on his shoulders. I'm real happy for ya."

"Thanks." Rose shot a daring grin at her fellow mare. "Now let's show Bladewing how it's done."

"You got it." Pearl turned her attention to Amber. "How's it going back there, sis?"

"We're getting there, Pearl," Amber answered, "He's making good headway." Bladewing tried his best to ready his bow, but to Pearl's dismay, the arrow quickly turned from pointing towards the target to drooping down towards the floor. Rose watched humorously as Pearl's face turned pale with horrid disappointment.

"Aw, hell," she groaned, "Is Bladewing really this bad at archery, Rose?"

"It sure seems that way," Rose joked, "I think he's more of a sword specialist, Pearl."

"*sigh* Great. Here I thought a stallion like him would be a fast learner. I guess that was wishful thinking."

"Take it easy, Pearl," Amber chuckled, "He's new at this, but that doesn't mean he's bad. He's just getting a feel for it. Besides, I personally think he's better at this than he gives himself credit for."

"Ah, is that right?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Okay, then. What do you say we put it to the test?"

"Bring it." Amber shot a determined look at her male companion. "How about it, Bladewing? Let's show the girls just how good an archer you REALLY are."

"It would be my pleasure, Amber," Bladewing told her with a grin, "Let's do it."

"Great." Amber turned her attention to Rose. "How about you, Rose? You're not afraid of losing to your coltfriend, are you?"

"Oh, please," retorted Rose playfully, "What do I have to fear from a rookie? I'd be more than happy to show off my archery skills to him."

"*chuckle* You'll be singing a different tune soon enough." Amber looked boldly towards Pearl. "All righty then, sis. Let's have at it."

"Now we're talking," chuckled Pearl, "Let's get it on. Whoever has the most points after firing all their arrows wins this contest."

"May the best pony win." Having said that, Amber focused her attention back to Bladewing; likewise, Pearl did the same with Rose. With nothing else to be said, Bladewing and Rose engaged in their very first archery competition together.

The rules on how points were earned were simple. Each target had a small red circle in the middle surrounded by four colored bands. How many points were awarded for each shot depended on where the arrow hit the target, from ten points for hitting the red circle to two points for hitting the outermost band. Despite having literally no experience in archery, Bladewing managed to land most of his arrows near the center of the target. Handling the bow felt very awkward to him, but he somehow found a way to steady his aim; Rose, on the other hoof, had a great deal of experience with the bow and arrow, and so despite being handicapped in the fact that she couldn't use her magic to help her, she was able to steady each of her shots with ease. Bladewing knew she outclassed him in this bout, but he was still determined to put up as great of a fight as he could. If he were to lose, then he would lose trying his very best.

For the next fifteen minutes, all that could be heard aside from the chatter of the employees was the FWOOS! sound of arrows being fired into the otherwise calm air. Rose and Bladewing each had twenty arrows at their disposal, but of the two, Bladewing took a longer time to load and fire. By the time Rose had expended all of her shots, he was down to his last five arrows. His slow pace wasn't unexpected given his cautious nature, but it was more so because of his patience. Being an amateur at archery, taking his time with his shots served Bladewing better than any other tactic he could've tried. Needless to say, when he fired off his last arrow, he felt content with his performance. It would not be until a few minutes later - when Pearl and Amber busied themselves with calculating the final scores - that he would find out just how well he really did.

"How are you holding up, Bladewing?" Rose asked.

"I think I did well," Bladewing told her, "It felt weird handling the bow, though. How did you get used to that thing?"

"It takes time. Then again, I always found it easier with magic."

"Well, I appreciate that you didn't use it here. It makes the contest all the more fair for me."

"No problem. I wouldn't feel right in winning with an unfair advantage." Bladewing just smiled and turned his attention to the sisters. It took them a few moments, but they successfully calculated the scores. They returned with the results in their magic.

"All right, guys," Rose told them, "What's the score?"

"I got your total at 188, Rose," Pearl spoke, "How about you, Amber?"

"It's official," Amber replied with a defeated sigh, "Rose won. Bladewing scored 152. Still, it's pretty good for a rookie."

"Oh, for sure. That's semi-pro level. He's just eight points short of top tier." Pearl turned her face towards Bladewing, and she then offered her hoof. Bladewing accepted and shook it with a smile. "I guess you're not so bad at archery after all, Bladewing. Nice work. For real."

"Thanks," Bladewing replied, "I enjoyed this experience. Maybe next time I'll be able to match Rose's skill, if not surpass it."

"*giggle* I'm sure you will. Come back anytime. Be sure to ask for my sister and me if you want the best out of this place."

"Will do." Bladewing turned his attention to his mare. "Let's go, Rose. There's some seats in that theater with our names on them."

"Right." Rose hugged both of the sisters closely. "It was nice seeing you again, girls."

"Same here, Rose," Amber spoke, "Enjoy your night."

"I will." Having said her farewell, Rose joined Bladewing in walking out of the building. She clung happily to Bladewing's foreleg once again, a sight to which Pearl and Amber awed with bliss.

"They make a cute couple, don't they, Pearl?" Amber asked. Pearl smiled and chuckled softly.

"Yeah," she murmured, "They sure do." With nothing further to be said, the two mares returned to their respective lanes.

It would be another hour or so before Bladewing and Rose reached the amphitheater, but got there they did. After paying for their tickets at a booth (and popcorn and soda at a stand), they entered one of the stages playing the "Heaven's Twilight" movie. To Rose's greatest delight, not only was the movie 3D, but their seats were also very close to the front. She grinned with pleasure as she and Bladewing finally sat down. By this time, only five minutes remained before the movie would begin.

"Here, Bladewing," she whispered, offering 3D glasses, "Put these on." The baffled stallion took them from her as she put on her own pair.

"What are these things for?" he whispered curiously.

"Watching the screen, of course."

"I can see it just fine. Why would I need glasses?"

"*giggle* You'll see." Bladewing wanted to ask her for clarification, but the screen suddenly sprang to life. The video that played was only an ad promoting the theater's services and products, but he had a feeling that the movie itself would play soon enough. That precaution was reason enough for him to just hush and do as Rose asked him. And so - amidst great confusion - he put on the red-and-blue glasses. He awaited the start of the movie unaware of the surprises that lied in wait for him.


The movie was now over, and Bladewing and Rose found themselves back on the streets of Fredericksmare. Rose was thrilled to have seen "Heaven's Twilight" in theaters, but Bladewing was even more so. From Faust's foal and teenage years to the deadly war on her home planet to her ascension to her current status as an immortal goddess, Bladewing enjoyed every second of what the movie revealed about the fabled alicorn mare's life. He was uncertain whether the movie stayed true to the original tale told by the ancient Coltecs, but he was sure that the director of the movie did his or her very best to make it so. By the time it was over, Bladewing was awash with emotions.

"Whew, what a movie," he spoke excitedly, "I loved it to death."

"That makes two of us," replied Rose with a grin, "Do you see why I asked you to put on those glasses?"

"I do. They made the action feel so real. Especially that one scene where a hailstorm of arrows came down upon the battlefield. I could've sworn they were coming straight for us."

"*giggle* I know. It makes you wonder if you're living the movie, doesn't it?"

"It does. I never felt so thrilled in all my life. We should do this again sometime."

"You bet." Rose covered her mouth with a hoof as she stifled a yawn, much to his amusement.

"Tired already?" he mused humorously, "What happened to all that energy you had with you?"

"Gone to the heavens with Faust, it seems," the mare answered, stretching her forelegs, "*grunt* Then again, it's pretty late. I'm usually asleep by this hour."

"Ah, I get it. Do you want to go home, then? Or would you rather keep going with our date?"

"To be honest... I think the former would be best. I really wish we could do more, but I have plans for the early morning tomorrow."

"Very well." Rose watched with a smile as Bladewing offered his foreleg to her. "May I escort you home, dear lady?"

"You certainly may, sir knight." Bladewing smiled as his mare followed up her answer with a wink. With that said, Rose took his hoof and began walking with him to her home.

Within the hour - when he and Rose were closing in on their destination - Bladewing's curiosity returned to him. While he was certainly grateful for the personal information Rose shared with him, he still felt that there was something he left unresolved.

"Do you live with your parents, Rose?" The mare turned her head towards him.

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason. I'm just curious. You sort of implied it when you spoke of your father."

"I see. Yes, I live with them. Have been all my life."

"All right. Do they know that you'll be out this late?"

"My mother does. I haven't yet told her about us, though. I want to make it a surprise for her and Dad."

"Would she approve of me?"

"*giggle* Of course. She trusts my judgement completely. She'd be very interested in meeting you once she finds out."

"And your dad? You did say he hates it when you bring up the subject of relationships. I have doubts that he'll like seeing me with you."

"Don't you worry, Bladewing. My father may be protective, but he's not stubborn. He'll come around once I convince him to give you a chance."

"You think so?" Rose smiled and nuzzled Bladewing reassuringly.

"Positive. Just let me do all the talking when the time comes. Okay?" Bladewing chuckled and nuzzled her back.

"All right. We'll do it your way." Delighted and otherwise satisfied with his answer, Rose turned her sights back to the front... and not a moment too soon. The pair stopped by a green-grayish house two stories tall. It was slightly smaller than that of the Hearts, but it looked comfortable enough for any family to live here. Bladewing stopped with Rose at the staircase leading up to the structure's front door, and he watched as she then returned her attention to him.

"I guess we should part ways now, Bladewing," the mare spoke, hugging him, "Thanks so much for the date. I had a wonderful time today."

"I was just keeping my end of the bet, my dear," Bladewing joked, letting go, "I assure you that I won't lose the next one so easily."

"*giggle* We shall see. I look forward to our next outing."

"You know where to find me." Rose was amused to see her stallion capitalize on his sassy remark with a wink. She in turn blew a kiss to him seductively, effectively signaling to him that she liked his smooth talk. With nothing else left for them to do, she left his side to enter the comfort of her home. Bladewing likewise decided that he should return home as well. As he saw it, their date was now officially over. But before he took off to the skies, a very humorous thought came to him.

"*chuckle* I wonder if she'll realize that she just tacitly admitted that she's a stalker." Unbeknownst to Bladewing, Rose stood petrified before her bed, her left eye twitching from the shock of a discovery she made just a second ago.

"D-Did... did he just... OOH, that sly pegasus! He is SO regretting that the next time we meet!"