Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero

by Cavalryunit001

First published

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

The moment Anakin Skywalker approached the Temple on Coruscant with clone troopers of the 501st legion, the fall of the Jedi was at hand. But though he was victorious in the historic battle, not all was lost at the temple. One Jedi managed to escape the Sith Lord’s wrath, but he fled the planet shattered of both heart and soul. With nothing but a tormented mind as his companion, he abandoned the world he once knew to start anew in another… and wiped his slate clean to complete his transition into this new life. But as every bit of his being transformed, so did his purpose. Follow him, reader, as this very purpose takes him on a journey that no Jedi has gone before.

(Warning: Rated teen for mild gore and violence, sexual themes and use of sexual terms. Also for rare instances of vulgar language. Proceed with caution.)


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A young human stood on a balcony facing an adjacent courtyard. The sun was slowly setting in the distance, covering him and the courtyard in a vibrant hue of yellow-orange. Skyscrapers towered high above him, and the air was littered with vehicles constantly hovering past them (albeit in straight lines and different directions). A normal afternoon given the reputation of this planet, but it wasn't so for the human. But it wasn’t the sunset, the skyscrapers, or even the mere emptiness of the courtyard that ruined this particular afternoon for him. He was more concerned about something else.

Moments pass as the human peered into the horizon. He hoped so dearly for something – anything - to come out of those golden skies and tell him that everything will be okay, that what he feels is just a strong sense of anxiety. Needless to say, it was all for naught. The sun continued on her path, vanishing ever so slowly behind the line that divided the earth and the heavens. The man admitted defeat with a heavy sigh, resting his head on top of his arms.

“We’re in danger. I just know we are... and yet, no one but me seems to notice it. It’s like the war’s progress has everyone lulled into a false sense of security. If I warn them now, I’ll be labeled a lunatic. Yet if I don’t, I fear it will be too late. *sigh* What am I to do?”

“Is there room for one more?” A mild sense of surprise swept over the young man as he heard a very familiar voice behind him. He lifted his head up and turned around. A young, blond-haired female of his species was standing before him, and she was dressed in attire well-suited for a member of his order. The man made no reply, however. He just nodded and turned back to the sunset, ignoring the sound of her approaching footsteps. He didn’t even bother to look to his side when she joined him on the balcony’s edge.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She awaited a more cheerful response from her male companion. None came. “I used to enjoy it when I was a little girl. My father would take me out to a lake near my house sometimes and we’d watch until the sun was completely gone. *chuckle* It always annoyed my mother, but I didn’t mind. There are few things more elegant in this galaxy.” The man continued to be silent. If the girl didn’t know him, she would’ve thought he was intentionally ignoring her. But she wasn’t going to give up on chatting with him, no matter how tightly shut his mouth was. Suddenly, it hit her.

“*sigh* It’s about your vision, isn’t it?” A more tranquil expression engulfed her face as the young man gently nodded his head. It wasn’t what she wanted to hear, but at least she knew what was eating away at him.

“They think I’m mad, Jesse,” he spoke in a low voice, “Windu, Plo Koon, Mundi… even my own master.”

“You know that’s not true. The Council trusts your judgment just as much as they do the living Force. ESPECIALLY Yoda.”

“Then why won’t he believe me? For all the time I spent trying to convince him that it’s true, Yoda still thinks the Chosen One will not fall to the Dark Side. I KNOW he can sense how close Skywalker’s getting towards it.”

“You know how he feels about the prophecy, Jack. Our predecessors have spent their entire lives trying to restore balance, and not once did they get as close as we are now. Skywalker may be our only key to achieve that goal.”

“That’s no excuse. Skywalker’s growing more audacious with his power and Yoda knows it. Sure, he fulfills the Council’s orders regardless of how he uses it; but now his actions have become so ‘acceptable’ to the Council that even Yoda turns a blind eye to them. Sometimes, I wonder if that damned prophecy is all he and the other Masters care about.” A dark cloud seemed to be looming over Jack’s head. Jesse could almost feel the frustration that gripped his weary mind with a vice. However, she knew she could rid him of this dark emotion. She placed a compassionate hand upon her friend’s shoulder.

“No one else has seen this vision, Jack. Not even me. The only information we have to go on is Skywalker’s assault on a Tusken Raider village. Even then, we’re the only ones in the entire Order who know that even happened. You can’t expect the others to listen if we don’t have any tangible proof that Anakin is truly straying from the Light.” Jack sighed and placed his own hand on top of hers.

“I know. I just wish we had more time to GET proof. The Clone Wars will soon be over, but I fear my vision will have already been realized by then.”

“Then we will make haste in getting that proof… and pray that Skywalker remains loyal to the Order until then. Now come, we must head to Dantooine while we still have time.”

“Right.” Jack walked with a slightly better feeling as he and Jesse moved inside the greatest monument to the Jedi Order in the entire galaxy: the Temple on Coruscant.

All along the temple hallways, sentient beings of many species walked to and fro, and often from one room to another. Some were dressed in the traditional robes of the Jedi, while others wore garments that reflected their status in the galaxy, political or otherwise. Temple guards could be seen guarding doorways and patrolling these very halls, their eyes always open to the slightest hint of chaos. It’s quite hard to believe there is danger close when one is immersed in such a tranquil scene. But not to Jack. He knew trouble will inevitably come and whether the others could see it or not, that tranquility will soon turn into terror.

“How are you holding up, Jack?” The two Jedi were walking together in one of the less occupied halls, towards a landing pad that contained two Jedi starfighters.

“I’m still anxious... but it’s less so now, thanks to you. I’ll be okay.”

“Good. So are you ready for this?”

“The meeting? Yes, I believe so. And I know you want it to wait until we get there, but can you at least give me a hint at what you want to tell me?”

“If it weren’t so personal, Jack, I would’ve told you ages ago. But no, not even a hint. I want this to be kept between you and me.”

“What could possibly be so personal about this matter that you won’t even give me a hint?”

“You’ll know when we arrive. You’re just going to have to trust me on this. Okay?” Jack rubbed his temples firmly.

“*sigh* Fine. I leave myself in your hands.”

“Thank you.” The two Jedi reached the pad just as Jesse finished her sentence. A protocol droid with purple chrome plating was standing near the vehicles, holding a box in her hand.

“Hello, Ms. Jesse,” she greeted her mistress, “I’m so glad you’re here. I trust things are going well for you?”

“Ah, P-6R4,” replied Jesse, “Things are going quite well, thank you. What brings you here?”

“You left this in your quarters.” The droid handed over the box to Jesse, and she in turn opened it up. She was blasted with a mix of surprise and embarrassment as she took her lightsaber out of it. She thought she had it with her the whole time. It seemed she was wrong.

“Where did you find this?”

“I found it lying in the bathroom. I was going to return it to you, but you were in such a hurry that you left before I could do so. So, I picked it up, cleaned off the water with a napkin, and placed it inside that box. Really, Ms. Jesse, what were you thinking, taking a shower so late in the morning?” An amused grin beamed from Jack’s face as Jesse blushed in embarrassment.

“I was about to arrive late to a meeting with Master Gallia. I HAD to hurry. Besides, it’s not MY fault my alarm clock didn’t go off as I programmed it to.”

“That may be true, but you did sleep rather late. Did Madame Jones not warn you about staying up so late at night?”

“Mother warns me about many things, P-6, but most of the time, it’s just to annoy me. Besides, she doesn’t know how lengthy a Jedi’s work can be. I’ll be surprised if she even knows what kind of work I do.”

“*sigh* You are right, of course. She rarely inquires about the Jedi. Just be more careful, will you? I understand that your missions for the Order are important, but they can take a big toll on your health if you don’t get enough sleep.”

“*chuckle* I’ll do my best.”

“Thank you. Oh, and hello to you too, Mr. Graystorm. Are you accompanying Ms. Jesse?”

“Yes, indeed,” Jack replied, “She and I will be heading to Dantooine for a little respite.”

“I see. Well, I hope you two enjoy yourselves over there.”

“Don’t worry, P-6. We will.”

“Wonderful. I’ll be heading back to Ms. Jesse’s room to shut down for the evening. Good day, Mr. Graystorm.”

“Farewell.” As the droid walked away, Jack and Jesse boarded their vehicles and swiftly moved off their pads and into space, carefully positioning themselves for the hyperspace jump to Dantooine.


Being one of the least populated planets in the galaxy’s Outer Rim, Dantooine is a relatively quiet place. It serves as both a refuge for those who wish to escape persecution and a getaway spot for those who just want to have a good time in peace. Whichever the case, very little of what happens down there reaches the eyes and ears of the Galactic Republic. If the Jones family ever wanted a place to live in tranquil comfort, Dantooine would be it. With the beauty of nature all around them, it’s an offer they couldn’t refuse.

Jesse landed her starfighter on a pad a couple dozen meters in front of the family manor. Jack followed suit, parking his own a few feet beside hers. He saw the estate a few times before, but he still marvels at its enormity and majesty whenever he pays a visit. He almost always forgets that Jesse came from nobility.



“Your parents… they know about the meeting, right?”

“They know. I had P-6 message them in advance. Why?”

“Just wondering.” The pair said nothing further as they moved to the front door. Jesse pressed a button on the left side, patiently awaiting a response from the speaker above it.

“*static* Hello?” spoke a female voice, “Who goes there?”

“Xylene, it’s me,” replied Jesse, “Would you mind letting me in?”

“Ah, it’s you, Ms. Jesse. Of course, come on in.” The door slid into the left side, and the two Jedi made their way inside. Standing behind the door was a young female Twi’lek dressed in a maid’s uniform.

“Welcome home, miss,” she spoke with a bow, “It’s always a pleasure to see you here.”

“I enjoy every chance I get in visiting,” replied Jesse, “Is my dad here?”

“He’s taking a nap in his bedroom.”

“And Mum?”

“She’s over at Anaxes on a business trip. She asked me to give you her regards.”

“*sigh* Great. It’s just like her to go out on a limb trying to get richer.”

“You know the mistress, Ms. Jesse,” Xylene mused, taking her cloak and Jack’s in her hands, “She never misses an opportunity to grow the family fortune. It’s just a shame that she’s missing out on spending some time with you.”

“It’s probably for the best. I get along better with my father, anyway.”

“Sad, but true. I hope she’s not regretting her choice.” The Twi’lek looked to Jesse’s side and smiled as she glanced at her male companion. Although she was home during each of his visits, Xylene never once saw Jack.

“Oh, pffh, how rude of me. I forgot to ask about your friend here.”

“Ah, yes,” replied Jesse, clearing her throat, “Jack, this is Xylene. Xylene, this is Jack. He’s the partner I’ve been telling you about.”

“A pleasure to finally meet you, Jack,” Xylene spoke as she shook his hand, “Ms. Jesse told me much about the missions you completed with her.”

“Did she now?” he spoke, “So you know a bit about my personality, then?”

“Oh, yes. Smart, kind, proud, sometimes cocky… I think at one point, she even said flirty.” Jack reeled his head back slightly.

“She said I was flirty?” The man looked towards Jesse to find her cheeks flushed, much to the amusement of the maid.

“I said he was smooth,” she told Xylene with a glare, “That does NOT make him flirty.”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend here. All I’m trying to say is that I know a lot about Jack’s personality, nothing more.”

“Calm down, Jess,” Jack chuckled, “She just made a harmless mistake, that’s all. No need to put on a scowl.” Jesse looked at her servant with a dark stare, one which seemed to tell her “You’re so dead.” Xylene replied with a nervous grin as Jesse’s face was relieved of that very stare.

“*sigh* Very well. I’m calm… just.”

“Great,” sighed the maid, “I’ll go tell Lord Jones you’re here. Feel free to take a seat in the lounge, if you want. I’ll have Boris bring some apple tea for the two of you, along with some slices of pie.”

“Actually, Xylene, may I have a word with you first… in private?”

“Oh? Um, sure, why not? Will you be comfortable being alone for a short while, Jack?”

“I’ll be fine, miss," replied Jack, "Go on ahead.” Wasting not a second further, Jesse and Xylene walked away from the lounge. Jesse pulled her companion into her bedroom, closing the door as soon as they were both inside.

“Okay… what in the world were you doing back there?” Xylene rubbed the back of her head nervously.

“I was just trying to help your friend adjust to what you’re going to tell him. I thought adding a bit of romance to the conversation would prepare him for the shock.”

“Prepare him? Xylene, did you see the look on his face when you told him I said he was flirty? He looked like someone told him he had a secret half-brother. That little stunt you pulled only made him concerned, and now he’s going to think I only have bad news for him.”

“I mean no disrespect, Ms. Jesse, but what you’re going to tell him sort of is bad news. You know Jedi aren’t allowed to do what you want to do with him. I’m quite sure Master Gallia made that clear to you many times already.” The maid took a seat on the bed. Jesse sat beside her, rubbing her forehead with both hands.

“She did. And I know I shouldn’t be thinking about him that way, but… I just can’t hold it in anymore. With each passing year, my bond with him grows deeper and harder to restrain. My master doesn’t know how hard it is for me to live this kind of life when my entire family lives the exact opposite of it. Is it really fair to sacrifice so much of my heart just so those I protect can do what I’m forbidden to?”

“Well, no one said being a Jedi comes without hardship. Then again, if your job involves protecting others, it never does. But leading a solitary life doesn’t mean you can’t have feelings for another person. You just can’t delve too deep into it.”

“Easy for you to say. You don’t have to lead a solitary life. You can choose to be with someone whenever you like and my parents wouldn’t do a thing about it. If I even TALK about such a thing to Jack and the Order found out, I’d be persecuted for sure, possibly even banished. You have no idea how much I envy non-Jedi for that.”

“Perhaps… but there’s more to the risks of being with someone than you think. You know, things like ‘Is he cheating on me?’ and ‘Will he come back safe and sound?’ and ‘Does he even care about me?’ I think the entire reason why the Jedi are so adamant about being single is to prevent their kind from having to experience such heart-wrenching things. They usually bring the worst out of people.”

“You think I don’t know that? I wouldn’t think about discussing such a sensitive subject with Jack if I didn’t feel ready to face these risks. I know I can make it work, and I know that deep down, he feels the same way.”

“And how do you know he’s even interested? From what you said of him, he doesn’t strike me as that kind of man.”

“I… *sigh* I just do, okay? His jokes, his antics, the way he looks at me when I’m sour… you might not think it, but I can tell that he at least thinks about it from time to time. He’s interested. He just has a hard time trying to show it. I hope that by talking to him, he’ll open himself up to me.”

“Very well. I’m a little concerned for your well-being, but I trust you. I just hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

“I do.”

“Good. I’ll go wake your dad from his slumber now. Good luck with your endeavor.”

“Thanks.” The two women exited the room shortly after. While Jesse returned to Jack’s side, Xylene went down the hall and up a flight of stairs to Mr. Jones’ bedroom, but not before asking Boris – one of the family’s butlers – to prepare the items she said she’d give to the two Jedi. The human walked away to fulfill his task and as he did so, Xylene knocked on the door to her master’s bedroom. A small, but tired groan could be heard from inside as Lord Richard Jones sat up on his bed and stretched his almost hairless arms.

“It’s open,” he yawned, smacking his lips, “Come on in.” The door opened up and Richard was greeted by the pleasant demeanor of his favorite employee. “Oh, it’s you, Xylene. Something the matter?”

“Oh no, sir. I just came to inform you that your daughter had just arrived.”

“Jesse’s here?”

“Mm-hm. She’s waiting for you in the lounge, and she brought her friend Jack with her.”

“I see. Thanks for the update, my dear. I’ll be there in a few moments.”

“You’re very welcome, Mr. Jones.” The man was still a bit tired, but he had just enough strength to get up from his bed and decide on a night robe.

“What was that all about, Jess?” Jack asked curiously, “Did Xylene strike a chord with you or something?”

“Don’t worry about it, Jack,” she assured him, “I just wanted to talk to her, that’s all. She did nothing wrong.”

“If you say so.” Her face was reassuring, but Jack still pondered why Jesse was so annoyed by the ‘flirty’ comment Xylene made earlier. It wasn’t like her to get angry over a bit of witty banter. But before he could make some sense of it, Richard made it to the lounge. He beamed a warm smile as he saw his little girl rise from the sofa.

“Welcome home, Jesse,” the middle-aged man spoke softly, embracing her in a loving hug, “It always brings me joy to see you here. I missed you.”

“I missed you too, Daddy,” she replied, kissing him on the cheek, “I take every chance I get to visit you and Mum. How are you?”

“I couldn’t be better. I may not be as young as I used to be, but there’s still some life left in these old bones.”

“*chuckle* Oh, come off it, Dad. You’re not THAT old.”

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” he joked, “In the next decade or so, I might have to use a cane to get around. Next thing I know, I could find myself confined to a repulsion-lift chair.”

“Not if I can help it. With Mum’s wealth and my connections, you’ll always live a healthy, happy man. Speaking of my mother, why is she on that business trip? I thought she knew I’d be here today.”

“*sigh* She knows, Jesse. Unfortunately, that trip was just too important for her to cancel. I tried my hardest to get her to postpone it, at least, but she wouldn’t have it. She just suited up for her journey and left the planet without even looking back. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

“It’s alright. At least you’re here, and that’s good enough for me. You always were my favorite.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” The man looked to her side and grinned upon seeing Jack’s face. “Ah, I see you brought Jack with you. How are you, my boy?”

“I’m about as happy as you are, Mr. Jones,” he replied, shaking his hand with vigor, “I never grow tired of visiting. I’m truly sorry about the trouble with your wife. I don’t think she was like that in Jesse’s youth.”

“She really wasn’t. I guess it just goes to show how time can change a person. In the case of my wife, the change is rather deep. But let’s forget about her for now. If I recall correctly, you and Jesse were supposed to have a discussion here today. Or am I wrong?”

“No, you’re right. I’m not really sure why she planned one, but I’m up for it.”

“Well then, don’t let this old man stand in your way. I’ll give you two some privacy. I’ll be working on my desk if you need anything.”

“Thanks, Dad,” replied Jesse, “I’ll keep that in mind.” Richard turned to leave but before he could lift a foot, Boris came in with the tea and pie Xylene asked him to bring on a silver platter.

“Your food and beverage, Ms. Jesse,” he spoke kindly, setting the platter on the table, “And welcome home.”

“Thank you, Boris.” The old butler was just going to leave the lounge when he noticed his master standing opposite the two Jedi.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Master Jones. I was unaware you were out of your bed. Would you like some tea and apple pie as well?”

“No thank you, Boris. I was just going to my study. You’re free to go.”

“As you wish.” With that, the two men left. The two Jedi were now alone.

“All righty, Jess,” Jack started, munching away at his pie, “We’re alone and away from the Temple, just as you asked. NOW will you tell me?”

“Yes,” she answered, taking a sip from her cup, “I will.”

“Good. What is it?” Jesse began to rub her neck nervously, a gesture which sparked Jack’s curiosity all the more.

“I… I was just thinking… you know, about what Yoda told you on Geonosis… you remember what he said, right?”

“I remember. ‘Trust your feelings, you should. In these times, help you, they can.’ What about it?”

Do you trust your feelings?”

“Sort of. Most of the time, I just use my head to get out of harm’s way.”

“What about when you’re NOT in harm’s way? You know, like when you feel a certain way about someone?” Jack’s expression was a pensive one. After setting his pie back on the table, he covered his mouth with the palm of his hand.

“Hm… it’s difficult to say. I guess it depends on how well I know this person. Why?” Jesse rubbed her leg nervously. Jack thought he sensed a slight hint of anxiety in her, but he wasn’t too sure. His only clue was her gesture.

“Well… I think I might have a similar problem with my own feelings.”

“What do you mean?” The girl could feel the concern in his words. Xylene was right about one thing: it was bad news. Nevertheless, Jesse was determined to get her point across to him. She took a deep breath before moving on.

“I’ll be honest with you. I’ve been getting these warm emotions over the years, ever since the Council discovered the small bond between us. I thought it was just me getting excited over something so rare among Jedi at first, but… the more I worked with you, the more I began to realize it was much more than that. I start smiling and laughing whenever you’re horsing around; your effrontery became more appealing despite how foolish it made you look; and every once in a while, I’d find myself catching brief glimpses of you while you’re not looking.”

“Did you see something you liked?” Jack mused.

“Oh, shut up. Smug Lech. Anyway, it’s hard to put it all into words, but what I know for certain is that learning about you opened up a side of me I thought would stay locked forever.” Jack had an idea of what she wanted to tell him, but he had a hard time believing it. This sudden discovery alone was a big change in her personality. Now he was starting to wonder if he even knew her anymore.

“What are you getting at, Jess?”

“What does it look like, Jack? I… I love you.” Jack sat frozen in pace. She just confessed to having romantic feelings for him. He sighed quietly, fumbling in his head for a reply as he moved his hand from his mouth to his forehead. He was not anticipating something like this to happen.

“So this is why you wanted this conversation to be private.” Jesse was worried. His reply was nothing like she expected.

“Are you angry with me?” she asked nervously, placing her tea on the table. The man shook his head.

“I’m not angry, Jesse. But I’m not happy, either.”

“What do you mean? Are you saying you don’t feel the same way about me?” Her voice was beginning to tremble. Jack could see that she was serious. He knew he had to choose his words carefully, or else he might deal horrendous damage to her emotional health. Before he could give an answer, he gently clasped her hand in his own.

“I’m not saying I don’t. It’s just… *sigh* this kind of emotion is forbidden. You know we can’t have romance between us.” Jesse’s vision blurred as her eyes began to water.

“But why? What is so wrong about sharing your feelings with someone you care about?”

“We’re Jedi, Jesse. That’s what’s wrong. As long as we’re a part of the Order, love is something we simply cannot have.”

“What about all the adventures we had together? Did we not encounter a few moments of bliss where it was just the two of us? Alone and cut off from the world around us?”

“We did. And I cherish each one like a precious gem. But no amount of bliss can convince the Order to let us be together.”

“Why should you care if they approve? No decision they can make can ever change how we feel about each other. Don’t you care about us? All those times where we came to each other’s rescue and been there for one another during the darkest hours of our lives? Don’t they mean anything to you?” Her question struck a heavy blow to his conscience. He remembered those said times well. He never regretted being the rock on which she stood on for support and even now, as she uses those very moments against him, he did not.

“How dare you,” he spoke with fiery eyes, “You know bloody well I care. We’d both be dead if I didn’t. And yes, those moments where we stood together through hard times DO matter to me. I’m absolutely appalled to hear the one person I can truly call a friend say they don’t.”

“I want to be more than just a friend, Jack. I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my entire life, and I know you feel the same way about me.”

“How I feel about you doesn’t matter. I can’t put us at risk… no matter HOW much my heart yearns for you.” Jesse moved a wistful hand to the man’s cheek.

“We can face that risk together. It’ll be just the two of us, an unstoppable duo fighting as one for the Republic and safeguarding a bond no other Jedi can ever hope to have. We can make it happen if you choose to be with me. Please, my love… say you will.” This moment was like no other for Jack. Jesse was practically pleading on her knees, and all she wanted was for him to be hers for the rest of their lives. It was an offer he knew he couldn’t refuse, not when his own feelings are just as strong. But alas… he couldn’t do it. His heart may have been strong, but his brain was stronger. And so, like a holy man sacrificing an innocent soul, his mind laid his feelings to rest. A single tear trickled down his cheek, and he painfully closed his eyes. He firmly grasped her hand for a moment as he prepared to let down the one person who knew him better than anyone else in the galaxy.

“I can’t.” Jack reopened his eyes, moving Jesse’s hand away from his face. “I’m sorry.” The poor girl was devastated. This was her one (and only) chance to have him forever but just like that, it was gone. Blown to pieces by the self-righteous force that was his conscience. Unable to fight her tears back anymore, she let them flow freely from her wounded eyes.

“I… *sniff* I see it all now. I should’ve known you’d turn me away. I thought you were better than that.” Jesse rose from the sofa and prepared to retreat to the comfort of her room.

“Wait, Jesse,” Jack spoke worriedly, “Hear me out. You don’t understand-”

“Oh, I understand plenty, you wretch!” The heartbroken woman pivoted around swiftly, a look of scorn shooting from her eyes. “You say I’m a great matter to you, but you block me out when I offer you a life even better than this one. To think I actually thought you cared about something more than just being a Jedi. Well, you know what? The Order can HAVE you, for how I see it, you wouldn’t be with me if I were on my deathbed!” Jack gasped in horror. That was the worst possible thing she could’ve EVER said to him. She ran to her room sobbing quietly.

“Jesse, I…” Jack's attempt to calm her down was all for naught. In just a few seconds, Jesse was locked away inside her room. He listened in anguish as she cried deeply into her pillow, cursing himself for having caused her pain in the first place. A worried Richard exited his study with a look of concern, moving himself in front of the door.

“Jesse?” he asked, knocking gently, “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” She made no reply. Her sorrow was just too strong. The middle-aged man entered the lounge in search of Jack, only to find him covering his eyes with his hand.

“Jack?” The Jedi looked up with remorseful eyes. “What’s going on here? Why is my daughter weeping?” Richard took a seat next to him.

“She asked me if I could be her boyfriend. And I… I refused. I couldn’t let her put us at risk for my sake, no matter how much it hurt her.”

“I see. So she’s finally told you how she felt about you.”

“You knew?” Richard nodded lightly.

“Yes. I’ve known for a while, to be honest.”

“Oh.” Jack’s face took on a glum expression. “I guess I better get going then.”

“What do you mean?”

“You want me to stop interacting with her ever again, don’t you?” The old man was confused at first, but now his expression was one of empathy.

“*sigh* Listen, Jack. I don’t like seeing my daughter so traumatized, but I don’t hate you for it. You knew the Order would punish both of you if you were caught sharing romance with her. However, you must understand that Jesse’s heart is very fragile. Holding in her feelings for you for so long made it unstable, and hearing you can’t be with her has all but ruptured it. I won’t ask that you apologize to her or reconsider your choice, but I want you to be more considerate of her emotions. It may be the only way to mend the damage.”

“I don’t know if I can do that, sir. I fear she’ll no longer listen to anything I say.”

“She’ll listen. If I know Jesse, she won’t stay mad for long. Just be careful of what you say to her. If you want to preserve your friendship with her, then you’d be wise to avoid speaking of sentimental things with her. Do you understand me?” Jack nodded his head, wiping away the streak that the tear left on his cheek.

“Alright. I will.”

“Good.” Hardly a second expired before Boris entered the lounge, drawing the men’s attention towards him.

“You have received a message from Anaxes, Master Jones. It’s from the mistress.”

“What does it say, Boris?”

“She’s requesting your immediate presence on the planet’s surface. She says it’s urgent.”

“*groan* Great. She must’ve mouthed off one of the Anaxsi nobles again. Thank you, Boris. Notify my wife that I’ll arrive in twenty minutes.”

“Yes, sir.” With nothing further to say, Boris left the room. Richard meanwhile grabbed his coat from one of the hooks hanging to the side of the sofa.

“I hope the rest of the day goes well for you, Jack,” he said as he put it on, “And I wish you luck with your task. I leave my daughter’s happiness in your hands.”

“I’ll do all I can to protect it, Mr. Jones.” Before exiting the mansion, Richard placed a reassuring hand onto Jack’s shoulder.

“You’re not a bad man, Jack… but you must be more attentive to Jesse’s feelings. She’s a strong woman, but she’s just as sensitive on the inside as any other young lady. If there IS a way that you can return her affection, I’d advise you do it. I’d rather see the both of you happy in each other’s company than galaxies apart.” Jack sighed as he nodded his head.

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you. And may the Force be with you. Both of you.” With that said, Lord Jones made his way to his vehicle, leaving Jack on his own. Richard left the young man feeling more compassionate, and he was armed with a better understanding of both himself and Jesse. On that note, Jack began contemplating what he must do now. He sat on the sofa upright, rubbing his temples in deep thought.

“She’s right about one thing: I feel as much the same way she does about me. It's only natural, given our history. So then why does it feel so wrong?” A whirlwind of doubt was moving about in the Jedi’s mind. This wasn’t the first time Jack questioned the Jedi Code, but it was the first time his loyalty to it brought pain to another. He wondered if the Code was as morally just as the Order made it out to be… and whether or not he should continue to follow it.

“Hey, wait a minute. Since when did loving someone else become a crime? It’s not like it’s guaranteed to turn someone evil. I just have to keep from making rash decisions from it, that’s all. *sigh* who am I kidding? Such things are easier said than done. But Jesse deserves happiness as much as anyone else.” Another moment of pensiveness passed, and Jack judged all the outcomes he could think of. With a sigh of adjournment, he finally decided his fate.

“No. I just can’t. The Order is in trouble and keeping it and the Republic safe is my top priority…” Jack turned to face the door to Jesse’s bedroom. She wasn’t crying anymore, but he knew she was still hurt.

“…but I won’t give my life to them just yet.” Jack knew what he had to do. Although his mind was made up, he still felt the need to see a smile on Jesse’s face one last time. It may very well be the last time he sees it, but he didn’t care. She loved him, and he was going to return the favor, at least this once. She deserved that much.

The man slowly made his way to her door. Silence was all he could hear from within her room, and the air around him turned heavy. He breathed deeply before knocking gently.

“Jesse?” There was no response. Jack tried a second time.

“Come on, Jess. Please open up. I just want to talk.” Still nothing. It was clear that Jesse had no intention of talking to him.

“*sigh* Look. I know you hate me right now. I don’t blame you for it. You knew I’d enjoy spending the rest of my life with you, and yet I turned you away when you asked me. I understand if you don’t want to talk right now. I’ll return to the temple and leave you alone. But before I go, I just want you to know this: I really do care about you. You might not think so right now, but I love you just as much as you love me. Your only mistake was thinking I could afford time with a woman like you.” With a heavy heart, Jack left her door. He was hardly halfway through the hall when he heard a door open behind him. He didn’t bother to turn around, though. Jesse made her point clear to him.

“Jack, wait.” The man was stunned. He looked over his shoulder to find Jesse standing at the end of the hall. He stood still, watching tensely as she walked closer and closer.

“Do you really mean that?” she spoke softly. Jack looked to his female companion with a smile. In a brief moment, the two were inches apart. The man ran her hair through his hand, and Jesse could almost feel the warm sincerity emitted by his touch.

“I do. You know me better than I know myself. You can tell what’s wrong with me before I even get a clue, and you always find a way to cheer me up. The only thing you wanted in return was my heart. You have no idea how much it pains me to have to keep it from you.”

“It’s not too late, Jack. You can still change your choice. No one else will know except you and me.”

“I’m sorry, Jess. I made up my mind. There’s just too much at stake here. If times were any different, I would’ve reconsidered, at least.”

“I understand. Really, I do. I just thought you refused because you cared about the Order more than you did me.”

“What? No. Don’t ever think that. I just want to keep it safe, that’s all. Especially from things like what I saw in my vision.”

“Good. So you’ll reconsider, then? When we finally won this stupid war?” Jack cracked a small, yet humble grin.

“If you can wait that long for a thick-witted fool like me.” The girl smiled and giggled softly in amusement.

“I can wait. But you’re no fool. You’re just a man. A stubborn one, yet lovable all the same.”

“Of course. Now what do you say we share one final moment of romance?” Jesse gasped in surprise. A shade of red could be seen flushing her cheeks.

“Wait, here? Now?”

“*chuckle* Oh, come now, Jess. Weren’t you telling me earlier how much you love me?”

“Well, yes, but this is so sudden… and unexpected, at that. Plus, what if Xylene’s watching us right now? If she sees this, she’ll gossip with the other maids about it for sure.” The man beamed a smug, playful grin.

“Let her look. She’s probably just jealous that she doesn’t have a man like me by her side.” A mischievous twinkle could be seen coming from Jesse’s eye. She liked that idea, and the smile she made was proof enough.

“I’m all yours, love,” she cooed, wrapping her arms around his neck. Jack pulled her head closer with his hand, and he soon embraced her lips with bliss. It wasn’t uncommon to see such spectacles from a couple, but the emotion of which filled this moment was a very special kind. They’ll never experience this level of intimacy again for a very long time. The Council would likely incriminate them just for this moment alone, but they couldn’t care any less. Secrecy was on their side, and as long as the Order didn’t know, their passion will stand the test of time.

Unbeknownst to the two Jedi, Xylene was in the bathroom opposing Jesse’s room the whole time. Before Jesse ran out the lounge in tears, she was busy cleaning the showers. By the time Jesse came out in the hallway to talk with Jack, she had her ear plastered to the door. She overheard the shouting from the lounge and she feared for Jesse, but she didn’t want to make the situation any worse. Instead, she decided to stay silent behind the door, listening closely for any sign of trouble. She was surprised to hear what transpired just now, but the small moaning from the two Jedi kissing turned her mood from surprised to aroused.

“My, this is so hot,” she thought, rubbing her left breast gently, “I never thought I’d find her this intimate… and it seems I’m hearing a juicy morsel of the action. *chuckle* I wonder if she’ll go even farther with him.” The Twi’lek tried moving closer to them, but she accidentally knocked over a lamp post. The object hit her left foot, forcing a small yelp out of her. She clasped her mouth shut and froze instantaneously, hoping the couple didn’t hear the thud. Unfortunately for her, they did, and they quickly broke lip contact.

“What was that?” Jesse asked. The pair looked down the hall, but found nothing.

“I think it came from the bathroom,” replied Jack, “And that voice sounded like Xylene.” The two made their way to the room, but they heard nothing further from inside.

“Xylene?” Jesse called, “Are you in there?”

“I’m here, miss,” she replied, replacing the lamp post.

“What were you doing in there?” Xylene raised her head with blushed cheeks.

“Oh, um, nothing,” she spoke nervously, “I was just cleaning the showerhead, that’s all. Nothing you need trouble yourself with.” Jesse dismissed her claim with a smug grin. She could sense the deception in her words. It wasn’t dark, but she could tell Xylene was hiding something.

“Nice try, Xylene, but I can see through that one. Come out of there and talk to me. I know you’re hiding something.” Xylene gulped anxiously. Jesse had her cornered and she knew it. With great fear, she did as she asked.

“Now then… were you listening to our conversation?” Jesse tapped the ground steadily with her foot, impatiently waiting for Xylene to tell her the truth. “Well?”

“Um… I may have overheard a FEW things.” The Twi’lek rubbed the back of her head tensely. She looked up to Jesse’s face, only to find her raising her right eyebrow in doubt. That little gesture, however, was more than enough for the poor girl to cave in.

“*sigh* Okay, okay. Yes, I listened to your conversation.”

“I see,” Jesse mused, “Did you enjoy that little kissing scene I had with Jack?” The maid’s cheeks flushed yet again, this time with a deeper shade of red.

“A little more than I should have, actually.” Her response elicited a profoundly amused chuckle from Jack. He’s seen women get aroused before, but Xylene took the cake by a LONG shot. She got off simply be hearing him and Jesse share a kiss (albeit a risky one, given the situation).

“Wow,” Jack chuckled, “So forbidden love turns you on, eh?” Xylene nodded her head shamefully.

“It’s a little fetish I have. I try my best to control it, but hearing things like that still gets me sometimes. If you two got to the point of making love, I would’ve absolutely lost it.” Now it was Jack’s turn to blush. Sharing such heated passion with Jesse while Xylene was getting aroused from it would’ve been very uncomfortable for him.

“Oh. Well, it’s a good thing I just kissed her, then.”

“Sorry.” After lifting her head back up, Xylene noticed an entertained Jesse smiling upon her.

“Don’t fret, Xylene. Jack and I will keep what you’ve done here a secret, but on one condition.”

“Sure. What is it?”

“You don’t gossip for a full six weeks. ESPECIALLY about what happened tonight.” The Twi’lek reeled back with a cringe, much to Jesse’s amusement.

“What? Come on, Ms. Jesse, that’s not fair. It’s the only fun the girls and I ever get.”

“*chuckle* You lot gossiped about other women’s love lives for years. A couple weeks’ worth of silence won’t kill you.”

“But it’s so unbearably boring,” she whined playfully.

“Then you will find a new way to have fun. Try playing Pazaak or something. Until those weeks have expired, not a single mention of boyfriends, models, divas, or any of the like will escape your mouth. Am I understood?” Xylene acknowledged her with a nod, accompanied by a sad sigh of defeat.

“Good.” The victorious Jesse turned her attention to her male companion.

“Thanks, Jack,” she said to him, embracing him in a hug, “I’m still upset that I can’t have you, but at least I know you love me.”

“It’s all I can give you for the moment, Jess. I can’t make a final decision until after we win this war.”

“I understand.” Jesse decided to send him off with a feather soft kiss to his cheek. “I’ll see you on Coruscant.”

“Farewell.” With that said, Jack made his way back to his starfighter. Jesse giggled for a very short moment before turning around.

“Oh, and by the way,” she whispered to Xylene, “If he said yes, I would’ve done more than just kiss him. I would’ve loved to see how naughty you’d get hearing him drive his sword into my scabbard.” Xylene gasped and stepped back in surprise, and her cheeks flushed for the third and final time this night. As her human friend walked away with a look of satisfaction, Xylene felt something wet just underneath her skirt. She checked for a closer look and was embarrassed to find her panties slightly soaked in fluids normally released during intercourse.

“Curse this bloody fetish.”


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It was nighttime on Coruscant, and the Jedi Temple was relatively quiet. Rumors that the Galactic Republic finally won the Clone Wars have spread all across the galaxy, a promising sign that there will at last be peace. To the Order, the war’s end would indeed be a glorious victory, for it would mean the Sith have finally been vanquished and the Force is balanced once and for all.

Not everyone was enthusiastic about the rumors, however. During the few weeks prior, Jack’s vision grew more vivid. The line between illusion and reality was slowly vanishing from his mind and he would sometimes wake from his bed sweating all over. Fortunately for him, he found no signs of trouble yet. Even so, with rumors of the end of the Clone Wars now spread all over Coruscant, Jack kept an eye out more than ever. The vision was sure to turn real if it harassed him so fiercely during this time.

Jack walked steadily through one of the Temple hallways, smiling in relief that fewer people roamed here during this time of day. He was looking for Jesse at the moment, and less people meant he’ll find her faster. Sure enough – after a few moments or so – he found her in one of the rooms in the Temple Library, sitting ever so calmly on the floor in meditation.

“Is there room for one more?” he mused. Jesse just smiled and chuckled in reply, her body still poised in meditation. Jack took this gesture as an invitation and without hesitation, he took a spot next her.

“How are you feeling, Jess?” Jesse took a moment to prepare a witty reply.

“You want an honest answer? Or should I just keep your fears at bay?”

“*chuckle* You know what I want. So will you tell me or not?”

“Okay, I’ll tell.” Jesse inhaled deeply before continuing. “I’m excited, to say the least. I’ve been hearing rumors lately that the war is over.”

“Yes, I heard them, too. Isn’t it great? Imagine being able to do as you want without worrying about being summoned to a battle or a mission briefing. Just thinking about it sends my mind in a euphoric state.”

“You and me both. I’ve waited years for such a thing…” Jesse leaned back onto Jack’s chest, placing a warm hand on top of his heart. “Just like I have for him.” Jack quickly pivoted his eyes for anyone near the room’s entrance. Not a soul was in sight, or a sound within earshot. With a greater sense of security, he maneuvered himself behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Ah, yes,” Jack murmured softly to Jesse, “I nearly forgot. It’s time I make the decision, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she murmured back, “There’s nothing left to worry about, Jack. The Republic has won, and your vision still hasn’t come to life.” The latter of that last sentence concerned Jack. She wasn’t wrong about his vision, but he was still hesitant to admit that it won’t come true.

“Oh, to hell with that cursed vision,” he thought to himself, “It’s no longer a concern at this point. If the Clone Wars are history, then so are the Sith. I’ve kept vigilant on it for long enough.” With that said, he knew what to do next.

“You’re right. I am ready to decide the future of ‘us’.” Jesse grinned with bliss.

“Good. So what will you choose, love? Friendship… or courtship?” Jack thought carefully to himself. Jesse watched in suspense as the man shut his eyes, shunning the outside world just for this moment.

“This is it. It’s now time for me to choose my fate. Should I surrender my heart to Jesse and spend the rest of my life with her? Or should I stay devoted to the Order and lock it away?” The choice was as difficult for Jack as the last time. Once more, his heart was at war with his brain. It was a vicious battle of passion vs. wisdom.

”I really do love her. I know it’s wrong to be thinking this way, but this chance may very well be my last. I dare not waste it. Yet, if I choose to be with her, we’ll be running a very risky lifestyle. The Order will surely punish us if we ever get caught. *sigh*… life is never simple being a Jedi.” It was here, in this crucial moment, that Jack finally understood why the decision was so hard to make: it won’t allow a compromise. It could only go one way or the other, never both. He could try to live a double-life, but he knew the Order will eventually catch on. It was just too risky a move. So the question now was not whether he can balance both worlds but rather, if he can truly let go of either one. With that in mind, he took one final moment of deep thought, searching deep into his heart for the answer. Finally, he found it.

“Very well. I am ready to make a sacrifice. If choosing one life means I end the other… then I’ll choose the one that brings me the most joy.” Jack looked down towards Jesse armed with his final decision.

“Alright, Jess,” he whispered, “I have made my choice… and I choose courtship.” Jesse looked up to him with glistening eyes. Jack could sense the long-suppressed feeling of relief that emanated strongly from her, and he felt just the same about his choice. There was no turning back from it now, but he had no regrets. The time he had with Jesse brought him more satisfaction than the very missions they spent it on.

The moment was a joyous one for both of them, but Jesse was the more adamant. She wrapped her arm around his head and pulled it closer, planting a small kiss onto his face.

“It’s settled, then. From now on, we’re a couple, fighting as one for both the Order and the Republic.”

“Why continue fighting?" Jesse looked towards Jack in surprise, as if she were questioning him. “Why not just retire altogether?”

“What do you mean?” she asked worriedly, “Is there a problem?”

“Oh, no. You misunderstood me, love. I was just saying that we fought for peace and justice across the galaxy for years. Now that the Clone Wars are over, I think it’s time we actually start enjoying such things. Don’t you?” Jesse wasn’t as worried after hearing that, but she had mixed feelings about his idea.

“I don’t know, Jack. The life of a Jedi is all I’ve ever known. I don’t know if I can adjust to civilian life again.”

“Then we readjust together. Being a Jedi is all I’ve ever known too, but that doesn’t mean I can’t experience anything else. Imagine it. You and me, a young couple free of obligations to the galaxy, living life to the fullest without anyone or anything telling them otherwise. It can be fun if you give it a go. You’ve already made the first step by claiming my heart. What do you say we go all the way?” Just like that, Jack rid her of her worries. Jesse now donned a look of interest, and she rubbed her chin in deep thought. After a brief moment, she made up her mind, looking up to Jack with an amused expression.

“Alright, Jack,” she said softly to him, “Let’s do it. I’ve always wondered what being Mrs. Graystorm would be like.” Jack couldn’t help but grin.

“*chuckle* Thinking of marriage already, Ms. Jones?” Jesse smiled and her cheeks blushed. “I am shocked. Hardly a minute into our relationship and you’re already wanting your man to marry you. Next thing I know, you’ll be asking for children before we even go a full hour.”

“Come on, Jackie,” she cooed playfully, running her fingers through his hair, “I know you want it. I already have your heart. I might as well claim the rest of you while I’m at it. Besides, I wouldn’t mind getting pregnant. It’s only fair that I bear your children if you become my husband. We can tell our kids tales of our adventures as Jedi. That is… if you’re comfortable being a father.” The air around the two suddenly became warmer, and their faces inched closer together (albeit slowly). It was a scene to behold.

“Oh, yes,” he whispered, “I’d like to father children… if you’re the mum.”

“Then you’re all mine… Jack…” The pair’s lips soon touched once again. Just like the one they shared on Dantooine, the kiss was risky. They forgot that they were in one of the most safeguarded structures the Jedi Order has ever constructed. At any point in their conversation, someone could’ve caught them. It was nothing short of a miracle that no one did, but they wouldn’t mind much otherwise. Their minds were made up and not even the Council could change that. As far as Jack and Jesse were concerned, they were officially retired from both the Order and their roles as guardians of the Galactic Republic.

Elsewhere outside the Temple, two temple guards were standing watch over the stairs leading inside. They skimmed the environment around them for any sign of hostiles but found nothing so far. Unfortunately for the two men, the open area exposed them to a Clone Sharpshooter from the Chancellor’s 501st legion. He was perched high in one of the adjacent skyscrapers, looking down upon the guards through the crosshairs in his scope. Picking up no other guards near them, the soldier decided to report to his commander. He pressed a button on his wrist communicator and spoke into it.

“This is CS-1107, calling Lord Vader. Come in, Lord Vader.” A few seconds pass before Vader’s voice came through the speaker.

“Vader here. What do you see, soldier?”

“I got two hostiles near the temple entrance, sir. No sign of the Jedi for now.”

“Good. Eliminate them.”

“Yes, sir.” The clone turned off his communicator and poised himself for the kill.

“Well, my shift is done,” said the temple guard on the right, “I’ll see you to-” PAWHN! “Hnngh!” The guard had just turned to face the temple before an energy blast tore through his heart, killing him in an instant. The left guard pulled out his blaster pistol and looked fearfully around him while CS-1107 was busy aligning his next shot, but to no avail. Another energy blast sounded through the Coruscant streets and bore a hole through his skull, just as the guard was about to make a break for the temple halls. His body fell forward lifelessly, lying just a few feet away from his fallen comrade. They didn’t see who killed them, but they didn’t see the large group of 501st Clone Troopers emerging from the shadows of the skyscrapers, either. They were the lucky ones, for they won’t have to experience what these soldiers – and the Chosen One-turned-Sith-Lord who was leading them - were going to do to the Jedi Temple.

Although they didn’t hear the cries of the fallen guards, Jack and Jesse sensed their presences fade away from this world like a blown-out flame. The two lovebirds quickly broke their kiss and stood on their feet. They were both worried, but it was more so for Jack than for Jesse. The dark presence he felt closing in was almost identical to the one he felt in his dreams.

“What’s wrong, Jack?” Jesse asked him.

“It… I-It can’t be,” Jack shuddered, “It’s happening.”

“What’s happening?” Jack placed his hands on Jesse’s shoulders nervously.

“My vision… it’s come to life. Skywalker’s turned evil after all... and he’s coming to destroy the Temple!” In a frantic state, Jack let go of her and ran towards the Temple hallway.

“Wait, Jack! Maybe it’s not what you think!” It was no good. Jack was too deep in his woes to listen to Jesse. The woman followed him with haste, intent on stopping him from potentially making a dreadful mistake.

It took a short while, but Jesse finally caught up to Jack. She found him standing behind one of the Temple pillars, watching the entrance closely for Skywalker’s men.

“There you are,” she gasped, taking a short moment to catch her breath, “Take it easy. Maybe Skywalker’s just coming to warn everyone of danger.”

“He IS the danger,” Jack whispered, pulling her towards him to hide her, “Look.” Jesse looked towards the Temple stairway. Sure enough, Skywalker was coming, and he was leading some of the 501st Legion’s most experienced battalions behind him. His eyes bore the yellow tint of the Sith, and his head was covered in a dark hood. The two Jedi watched as he walked into the Temple, accompanied by two of his troopers. The rest of the clones stayed at the stairway. An elderly woman dressed in a yellow and blue dress stood halfway between the Sith Lord and Jack and Jesse, and a few dozen Jedi were standing in the balconies to the sides of the hall.

“I want access to the Temple’s signal beacon,” Vader spoke in a low tone.

“On whose authority?” the elderly woman replied.

“By order of the Supreme Chancellor.” It was here that the situation turned for the worse.

“That is NOT in the Chancellor’s power.” The old woman brought her blue lightsaber into her hand using the Force, turning it on in preparation for battle. “Only the Jedi Council can authorize access.” Her bold defiance proved futile. Using his organic arm, Vader used the Force to lift the old Jedi into the air. He pulled her swiftly towards him, plunging his lightsaber deep into her with a vice. Jack, Jesse, and the other Jedi watched in horror as he tossed her lifeless body to the side like trash.

“The Council is no longer in control!” The Jedi on the balconies jumped down to the Temple floor, lightsabers at the ready.

“You won’t get away with this, Skywalker!” One of the male Jedi yelled out.

“Kill them,” Vader told his men, “Kill them all!” The other clone troopers advanced into the temple, intent on carrying out Vader’s command. Jesse immediately brought her lightsaber into her hand and was about to join the other Jedi in battle when Jack grabbed her arm.

“What are you doing?”

“It’s no use, Jesse. There’s too many of them. We have to get out of here and now.” Jesse took one last glance at the other Jedi. They fought valiantly against Vader, but Jack was right: the clones were too many. One by one, she watched them gun down her comrades like animals. Grief could be seen in her eyes as she saw a red button to the wall on the left of the pillar. The button was enclosed in a glass case, but it didn’t matter one bit to Jesse. With all her might, she slammed her fist into the button, triggering an alarm that alerted everyone inside that the Temple was under siege. Jesse then turned to face Jack again, blood slowly oozing from the cuts in her hand.

“Lead the way.”

“Right.” The two Jedi dared not linger any longer. They went as fast as they could away from Vader, searching desperately for their only ticket out of the Temple and off this planet: their starfighters.

Getting there wasn’t easy though. Although there were less than a thousand clones attacking the Temple, they were penetrating the structure from all sides. They spread throughout its halls like a plague, and the entire first floor was completely overrun. Jack and Jesse had to move through the frenzy of Temple guards and Jedi to higher ground in order to avoid the carnage.

In a few short minutes, they were on the right floor. Unfortunately for them, the clones were not too far behind.

“There’s our fighters!” Jesse cried, pointing to the landing pad ahead of them, “We must board them quickly!”

“You get in yours first!” Jack replied, “I’ll cover you!” A whistling sound could be heard outside. Two rockets were flying in the air from the right side, launched by a pair of Clone Heavy Troopers from one of the adjacent walkways. In under 3 seconds, the rockets successfully hit both starfighters, and they exploded viciously into pieces. The shockwave from the blast sent both Jack and Jesse tumbling backward, knocking them down to their backs.

“Damn!” Jack grunted, helping Jesse back on her feet, “They’ve destroyed our fighters!” Jesse looked around for another way out. There were no other vehicles close by, flying or otherwise. However, there were no hostiles on the sides of the Temple, and the temples walls were steep enough to allow a fast descent. Inspiration came to Jesse in a flash.

“I got it! Jack, we have to go back down.”

“Are you mad?!” He cried, deflecting blaster shots with his blue lightsaber, “It’s a bloody slaughterhouse back there!”

“Not the lower levels, Jack, the bottom! We can slide down the Temple walls to the ground below! There’s no clones down there!” The blaster fire was slowly overwhelming Jack, and Vader was coming towards him and Jesse. At the moment, arguing with her was DEFINITELY not an option.

“*grunt* Fine! We’ll do it your way!” After turning off his lightsaber, Jack moved behind a piece of fallen debris. He used the Force to break off a chunk of the ceiling and quickly sent it crashing down in front of Vader. For the moment at least, he and Jesse could breathe a bit.

“I’ll see you in Hell, Skywalker!” Jack swiftly turned towards the landing pad. “Let’s go, Jess.”

“Right. Follow me.” The pair made haste to the edge of the landing pad. Vader, meanwhile, grunted angrily as he used the Force to remove the debris Jack planted in front of his troopers. He looked through the wreckage of Jack and Jesse’s starfighters only to find them jumping off the pad and down the side of the Temple.

“You’re not getting away alive.” The Sith Lord pulled out a disc-like device from his pocket and turned it on. As the rest of his men advanced forward, a blue hologram arose from the device, revealing a pair of Clone Heavy Troopers perched a few kilometers away from where CS-1107 was.

“Your orders, Lord Vader?” one of the clones asked him.

“Two Jedi have escaped the Temple and are running in your direction. Don’t let them leave Coruscant.”

“Yes, sir.” Vader resumed the onslaught shortly afterwards. Jack and Jesse were safe from him, but that’s more than one can say about their fellow Jedi. They were fighting a Sith Lord who was once the “Chosen One” of their Order. This battle was one that could only end with the Temple filled with their corpses.

Jack slid down the incline terrified, Jesse moving right beside him. Just as she said, there were no clones down below. However, they were taking fire from the few clone troopers positioned on the sides. Fate was on their side, though; they started from so high up that they reached terminal velocity in no time. With a soft thud, the two Jedi rolled onto the ground surrounding the Temple.

“Okay,” Jesse gasped, dusting off her robe, “We lost them.”

“Not quite,” replied Jack, pointing to his side, “We have clones on the left.” Sure enough, a squad of troopers were advancing from that area.

“There’s some Jedi!” the squad’s sergeant yelled, “Blast ‘em!”

“Get down!” Jack didn’t bother to wait for Jesse to react. He jumped towards a crate near the edge of a guardrail, pulling Jesse with him. The clone troopers let loose a deadly barrage of blaster fire, completely pinning the two Jedi where they are.

“Have any more ideas, Jess?!” Jesse looked around anxiously. In order to buy her time, Jack tried deflecting some of the energy blasts back at the troopers. He successfully felled two of the nine troopers by the time Jesse got an answer.

“Over there!” Jack turned off his lightsaber and ducked back into cover, looking up in the direction Jesse was pointing. An LAAT gunship was flying towards them from afar. It seemed to be carrying a few clones inside, but Jack couldn’t tell how many.

“It’s a long shot,” Jesse said to him, “but I think we can climb aboard if we time our jumps right.” Jesse’s plan was a risky one – they could get shot by any troopers riding the ship – but Jack was up for it. The gunship continued to speed towards them.

“Okay. I’ll jump on your mark.”

“All right.” The two Jedi positioned themselves for the longest jump of their lives.

“One… two… THREE!” The two Jedi pushed hard on the ground, using the Force to propel themselves ever further forward. Time slowed as both Jack and Jesse did their best to grab the edge of the gunship’s sliding door. Miraculously, they succeeded; they would’ve missed it if they waited a second longer. They latched their hands onto one of the long, elliptic holes on the door with a loud bang. Jesse barely hung on – her right hand was flailing behind her – but Jack was able to pull her up.

“What was that?” One of the troopers heard the loud thud Jack and Jesse made. He looked towards the door but found nothing… initially. In just a second, Jack leaned towards the side of the ship, surprising him and the other two clones inside.

“What the- WAAAAAAUGH!” The poor soldier was sent tumbling to the city streets as Jack pushed him and the others off the ship using the Force. Jack used this precious time to place himself onto the ship’s platform and pull Jesse with him.

“What’s going on back there?” Jesse ignored the sound of the pilot’s voice going through the ship’s intercom. She made her way into the cockpit to face him.

“Hey,” the pilot grunted, turning to the sound of the cockpit door opening, “What are you- Unngh!” The quick blow from Jesse’s fist temporarily stunned him, allowing Jesse enough time to pull him out of his seat. She pulled him further back to the passenger area and tossed him out. The poor clone made a Wilhelm scream as Jesse took over his ship.

“Can you fly this thing?” Jack asked worriedly.

“It’s no freighter,” she answered as she held the controls, “but I can manage. Buckle up.” Jack was all too relieved to oblige. As soon as he made himself comfortable in the co-pilot’s seat, Jesse turned the ship around and flew at full throttle away from the Temple.

As the two Jedi were making their escape, the clone pilot quickly deployed the parachute installed in his armor, letting the air slow his descent to a crawl. He turned his wrist communicator on, hoping he could get some help from some of his buddies.

“Attention, all Heavy Troopers. This is Clone Pilot CP-9713. Two Jedi have captured my ship and are flying away from the siege heading northeast. Destroy it at all costs, I repeat, destroy the gunship.”

Jack got comfortable after a brief moment, and he began analyzing the situation.

“What’s the plan now, Jess? Why are we going the other direction?”

“There’s a cargo ship parked a short distance from here. It belongs to my mother’s company.” Jack became slightly curious.


“Yes. We can hide ourselves in there until the pilot can get us off-world.”

“Good idea. I’ll keep an eye out for enemies.”

“Thanks. I’ll need all the protection I can get.” The two Jedi sensed salvation coming near. They had a plan and they were using the gunship itself as their tool to complete it.

Meanwhile, the two Heavy Troopers Vader contacted earlier lied in wait (along with six other clones sitting in nearby buildings). Their RPGs were armed and ready to fire as soon as they had a lock. One of them was looking through a pair of goggles down the path to their left. At around three or four kilometers, he spotted the renegade gunship flying swiftly past the skyscrapers. He quickly put the goggles away and turned on his communicator.

“Prime your rockets, boys,” he spoke with a sneer, “The Jedi are heading straight for us. Let ‘em have it!” The clone closest to the ship fired off his rocket as soon as he had a lock.

“There it is!” exclaimed Jesse, pointing to a small object in the distance, “The ship!”

“Great!” Jack replied enthusiastically, “It seems we’ll make an escape after all. Step on it, Jess!”

“I’m on it.” Jesse spoke too soon. A beeping sound arose from the ship’s radar, revealing the rocket one of the Heavy Troopers launched earlier.

“Enemy missile inbound!” she cried.

“I got it!” Jack carefully focused his Force energy into his hands. As soon as the rocket was in range, Jack used the Force to push the rocket away from the gunship. He was just about to sigh in relief when the ship’s radar went off once more.

“Another missile incoming!”

“Damn it!” Jack grunted, repeating the process again. “There must be Heavy Troopers stationed in the skyscrapers.” He took off the seat belts, as they were more of a nuisance right now than an asset.

“I’ll see if I can make this bird go faster. Keep their fire off of me.” With survival all the more important, the two Jedi stepped up their efforts, with Jesse forcing more speed out of the ship and Jack guiding missile after missile away from it.

A minute or two elapsed and they were less than a kilometer away. Escape was so near their reach they could almost touch it. Unfortunately, two more Heavy Troopers stood in their way.

“Here they come,” one of the troopers spoke, “Prime your launcher, but wait until they come close before you shoot.” The two clones picked up their guns and positioned themselves for the kill.

“Radar reads no more missiles,” Jesse proclaimed with joy, “We should be okay for now.”

“Whew, am I glad,” Jack sighed, “Now let’s find a landing spot.” Jack barely finished his sentence when he sensed two more enemies up ahead. He looked up worriedly at the skyscrapers at the front. Fear quickly overcame him as he spotted the two clones pointing their launchers at the ship. He didn’t bother waiting for them to shoot. They were too close to the ship for him to block the rockets in time.

“JESSE, WATCH OUT!” Jack quickly pulled Jesse out of her seat, but he was unable to get her away from the cockpit. The clones launched their rockets just as he bad his back turned. With a loud boom, the rockets tore the gunship’s front end apart, and the cockpit was set ablaze. The shock of the exploding shells sent the two Jedi tumbling out of the cockpit, but it wasn’t enough to get them out of the now falling gunship. The last thing they saw before blacking out was the orange glow of the explosion pushing them forward.

The Heavy Troopers watched victoriously as the ship leaned towards the left. Its engine groaned loudly, almost like it was in pain. The gunship crashed into the streets below in a matter of seconds, but it still continued to move forward. It stopped only after it crashed into the wall of one of the buildings and even then, the ship didn’t go quietly. It exploded almost a split-second later, sending pieces of metal and other materials flying all over the immediate area. One of the clones scanned the fiery wreckage for any sign of the Jedi but came up empty. As far as he could see, their mission was complete.

“They’re done,” he spoke, “Let’s head back to the Temple.” The troopers left their posts with a false sense of victory. They may have destroyed the gunship, but the Jedi were anything but.

Protected by a huge piece of the burning wreckage, Jack lied motionless. The explosion stunned him pretty good, but he was able to regain consciousness in just a few seconds. The man groaned and coughed as he lifted himself back on his feet, being careful to avoid knocking his head on the debris that concealed him from the Heavy Troopers. He had a few cuts all over his body, but he was otherwise okay.

“Ooh, that hurt,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his head firmly, “Those bastards got us good. Wait a minute.” Jack carefully turned around, making sure to avoid being spotted. He looked to where the clones shot them down earlier. The floor was bare.

“*sigh* Good. They think we’re dead. We should be safe now, Jess.” Jack turned behind him hoping to see Jesse, but no one was there. He was getting worried.

“Jess?” The man looked thoroughly amongst the burning wreckage for what felt like an eternity to him. Suddenly, he found a bloodied arm underneath one of the ship’s severed wings.

“Oh, no,” he gasped anxiously. Using what little Force energy he had left, he lifted the wing off of the body and cast it away. What he saw underneath was truly mortifying.

“NOOO!” Jack ran towards the body horrified. Jesse was lying there, and the state she was in was ghastly. A glass shard was stuck in the arm Jack saw earlier, and a short but thick metal pole was sticking out from her abdomen. A blood pool was slowly forming underneath her. Jack knew he had to act fast if he wanted to save her.

“Oh, god,” Jack murmured, removing the shard and shaking Jesse’s body nervously, “Jesse? Jesse, are you there? Answer me.” Jack stood there for a few seconds before Jesse finally regained consciousness. She groaned softly as she opened her eyes, looking into the tormented face of her male companion.

“Jack,” she spoke weakly, “Is that you… or am I dead?” Jack sighed in relief.

“I’m here, Jess. We’re not dead.”

“*cough* Great. Did we make it?”

“We’re almost there, love. The cargo ship’s just a few blocks down from here. Can you get up if I remove this rod?”

“I… Nnngh, I can try.”

“Okay. Hold it in for me.” Jesse nodded her head. Jack placed his hands carefully over the steel pole and slowly pulled it out of her. The woman tightly shut her eyes and gritted her teeth all the while until finally, the rod lied motionless to her side.

“It’s gone, Jess. Give it a go.” Jesse rolled onto her stomach and pushed on the ground with all the strength she had left. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. With a soft thud, she collapsed back onto the ground.

“I… It’s no use, Jack,” Jesse murmured, rolling to her side, “*cough*… I’m too weak from the explosion.” Jack got down to his knees in terror.

“No! Don't you DARE die on me, Jesse! I'm not leaving this place without you. Just hang on.” Jack looked around them for anything that may help. Jedi are able to heal most wounds using the Force, but Jack was too frantic to let it cross his mind; even if he weren't, it can't heal wounds as severe as Jesse's. He had to find another way to help her. He soon noticed a broken box next to Jesse’s feet with medical supplies inside. Only some spare bandages were left, but that was all Jack needed.

“Can you lift yourself for me?” Jesse nodded and rolled onto her stomach once more, trying her best to keep her torso off the ground. “Thanks. I’ll make this quick.” Not wanting to waste any time, Jack set himself to work. Jesse could feel the soothing touch of the bandage wrap around her, and the pain in her abdomen slowly diminished. Jack tied off the bandages with a strong, tight knot. The wound was still bleeding, but it was less so now thanks to him.

“There. This should slow the blood flow for a short while. Now give me your arm. We have to get to the ship and fast.” Jesse just smiled and happily lent him her good arm. He pulled it over his shoulders and held her close with his right arm.

For two whole minutes, the two Jedi moved stealthily through the streets. There were no Clone Troopers squads on patrol right now, but Jack didn’t want anyone to see them for fear of being reported. They were doing fine until they were a few meters away from the ship. It was here that Jesse’s strength reached critical levels. The woman grunted painfully as her legs gave out, dragging Jack down with her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nnngh, I can’t even stand anymore, Jack. I can’t go any further.” An idea came to Jack, but he first put Jesse down gently.

“What are you- *gasp*” Jesse looked towards Jack with surprise as he swept her off her feet into his arms.

“Hang in there, love,” he spoke softly, “We’re going to leave this planet together… even if I must carry you all the way into the ship.” Jesse let a tear run loose from her eye, planting a kiss on his cheek.

“Thanks, Jack.”

“Who’s there?” Jack looked towards the direction of the female voice. It was a human, dressed in a suit that designated her as an employee of Madame Jones’ company. Jack looked towards Jesse but found she went into unconsciousness. The employee, meanwhile, had her hand placed over her holstered blaster.

“Don’t shoot,” Jack pleaded, revealing himself and Jesse to her, “We’re friendlies.” The sight of her employer’s daughter lying wounded and unconscious in his arms forced a gasp out of the woman. Without a second thought, she removed her hand from her gun, letting Jack approach without fear.

“Is that really…?” Jack nodded his head. “Who are you, and what happened?”

“I’m Jack Graystorm, and I’ve escaped with Ms. Jones from an assault on the Jedi Temple. I don’t have time to explain everything right now. She’s badly wounded and needs medical attention immediately.”

“She’s still alive?”

“Yes. Can you get us off-world?”

“Of course. Get her inside and I’ll get us out of this system. Hurry!”

“Thank you.” Jack walked as fast as his legs could carry him into the ship. The ship’s bay doors closed behind him as soon as they were safe inside. The ship’s engines bellowed as it quickly floated into the air, and Jack meanwhile placed Jesse on top a bed in the ship’s medical bay. He ran to the ship’s cockpit with the employee shortly afterwards.

“Where to?” she asked him.

“Dantooine. I want us as far from Coruscant as possible.”

“Understood.” The woman flew the ship with increasing velocity, leveling it out only after they got off the planet. With no enemies around, she was able to make the jump to hyperspace without any hassle.

Jack didn’t vanish without a trace, however. A victorious Vader stood in the communications room of the now devastated Jedi Temple with a look of annoyance, accompanied by a squad of clones specially trained for brawls against lightsaber users.

“*grunt* Great,” he hissed mentally, “They’ve escaped the planet. Oh, well. I’ll deal with them later. For now, I have to get to Mustafar.”

“Lord Vader,” the squad’s sergeant spoke, “The beacon room is secure.”

“Good,” replied Vader, addressing the entire squad, “I’ll order the other troops to guard the Temple. You stay here and protect the beacon. Guard it with your lives.” The squad was startled, and they all looked back at Vader as he left the room. The order he left them with was grim in nature, but neither one of the troopers wished to discuss it. They were one of very few squads that survived a Sith Lord encounter, and they knew how ruthless they can be when they’re angry.


Jack walked around anxiously outside the ship’s medical bay, waiting for the doctor tending to Jesse’s injuries to come out. After a few short moments, the doctor came outside, her hands slightly doused in blood.

“How is she?” Jack asked her.

“She’s in critical condition,” she replied with melancholy, “She suffered severe damage to her intestines and liver, and she lost a substantial amount of blood. The poor girl barely has enough strength to move her limbs.”

“Will she live?”

“It’s a very slim chance. I’ve placed an oxygen mask on her and administered a strong coagulant to help stop the bleeding but without a blood transfusion, it’s likely she’ll die of blood loss in less than half an hour."

“What if I offer some of my blood for the transfusion? Will it save her?”

“I’m afraid it’ll do the opposite. Your blood is incompatible with hers, and so is the blood of everyone else on this ship. It’s no good.” Jack’s eyes grew watery.

“So there’s nothing you can do?” The doctor sighed and placed a compassionate hand on his shoulder.

“I’m truly sorry, Mr. Graystorm. I’ve done all I can to help save her. Whether she lives or not is up to Fate at this point.” Jack nodded his head in frustration.

“I understand, doctor. May I speak to her?”

“Of course. I’ll be in my office if you need me.”

“Thank you.” The doctor opened the door for Jack before leaving him. Jack’s heart grew heavy as he saw Jesse lying motionless on one of the patient beds. He took a seat next to her, holding her hand with a gentle squeeze.

“Jesse?” he murmured, “Are you awake?” The man donned a weak smile as Jesse’s eyes squinted slightly before opening themselves up. She turned head to see him and smiled back.

“Hey, Jack,” she replied, returning the squeeze. Jesse looked in wonder at the change in scenery around her. “Where are we?”

“We’re inside the cargo ship’s medical bay. The pilot’s taking us to Dantooine as we speak.”

“*chuckle* So we’ve made it after all.”

“Yes. We’ve successfully escaped the Temple, thanks to you. From here on out, it’s going to be a smooth flight.” Jesse tried her best to lift an arm, but she relented from the pain. In the process, she noticed the plastic tube connecting the mask on her face to the precious oxygen tank keeping her alive.

“How bad is it?” Jesse watched tensely as Jack let his tears run loose form his eyes.

“The doctor says you’ve taken heavy damage to your intestines and liver. She did her best to try and save you, but you simply lost too much blood. You’ll pass away in less than an hour.” Despite the severity of his words, Jesse wasn’t scared. On the contrary, she couldn’t think of a better way to live out her final moments.

“*sigh*… I guess it’s over, then. I always knew I’d go down like this.” Jack nodded his head regretfully.

“I should’ve made the decision sooner. Then we could’ve avoided this mess altogether.”

“Maybe… but I think it’s better this way. I never felt as close to you back then as I do now.” Jesse watched as Jack lifted her hand and brought it close to his forehead, letting his tears run down from it.

“Why is it always so hard to do the right thing? All you wanted from me was my heart. And yet… I couldn’t even give you THAT, all because that damn Code forbids it.”

“Look on the bright side. You’re a free man now. You can live the rest of your life however you want.” Jack looked towards her face but not before drying his own.

“And you? You’ll pass away without ever seeing what would become of our love.” Jesse beamed a warm, cheery smile at him.

“You’re all I ever wanted, Jack. You might not think it, but I’m perfectly content with my fate. I finally got to be with the man I love... and I can die happy knowing he’ll stay with me during my final moments. *chuckle* I’m sorry for that deathbed comment I made back then. You cared about me more than I EVER knew.” Jesse could feel the warmth in his face as he pressed her hand gently against it. The man closed his eyes ruefully, silently wishing that he could change what’s been done.

“Jess?” The sound of Jesse coughing suddenly caused him worry, but Jesse shot him a reassuring look. He watched as she removed her lightsaber from her belt and placed it in Jack’s hand.

“Take this with you, Jack. I’ll no longer need it.”

“I will, Jess. But why? I thought we were BOTH done with the Order.”

“We are. But you’ll never know when you’ll need it. As long as you carry it, I’ll always be standing with you in the heat of battle. Don’t EVER think you’re alone.” Jack nodded lightly.

“*sigh*… I can’t believe this is really happening. I was truly looking forward to spending this lifetime with you.”

“You can still do that, Jack. Just not with me. I’m sure you’ll find another girl who will love you. All I ask is that you don’t put her on hold as you did me.” Jack squeezed her hand gently. Although his eyes were slightly red, Jesse could see clearly the regret he bore in them.

“I’ll be damned if I do. My devotion to the Order has cost me your life. Now that I’m no longer a Jedi, I won’t make that mistake a second time.”

“I hope you don't.” Jesse’s wound flared slightly with pain, forcing her to grit her teeth for a brief moment. She put her a finger to his lips before he could say a word.

“It’s almost time. But before I go, Jack, I want you to make me a promise.”

“Of course, Jesse. What is it?”

“Don’t, Nnngh… don’t lose your life over what cannot be changed.”

“What do you-”

“*cough* Promise me, Jack… that you won’t.” Jack didn’t bother to argue. He just nodded his head in agreement.

“Alright. I will.”

“Thanks. Don’t ever forget that I love you. Always.” Jack smiled as he took off Jesse’s mask.

“Never.” He leaned over to share one final kiss with her before she leaves his side forever.

“May you find happiness… Jack.” Jesse’s eyelids slowly lowered as she took her last breath... and died. Jack was now alone, in a galaxy that will soon be dominated by the same evil that took Jesse away from him. He shed the last of his tears with a heart overburdened with grief. The Jedi at the Temple may have died in battle, but they were the lucky ones... for Jack was doomed to live a life permanently scarred by it.

With Jesse gone, Jack had only one final task to do: deliver her body to her parents. He knew they would be traumatized by the loss (especially Jesse’s father), but he had to do it. She saved his life, and he owed her more than he could ever repay. Returning her to her homeworld was just the start. Before he left the medical bay, he placed her hands over her stomach so it would seem she was sleeping peacefully. He made his way to the ship’s cockpit shortly afterwards.

“How is she?” Jack looked towards the employee who let him inside with a sigh.

“She didn’t make it.” The woman looked away in regret.

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I’ll be okay. Just get us to Dantooine. I want to deliver her body to her parents safely.”

“You got it.”


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“Nice! I got 19. I’m staying with this set.” Xylene was playing Pazaak with three of the other maids at a table within the Jones family game room. Her opponent – a human brunette named Diane – was just one point away from a full set of 20.

“You haven’t won yet, Xy,” Diane mused, “If I draw a +1 card, I’ll have you beat.”

“Don’t do it, Diane,” spoke a red-haired human named Samantha, “That move’s a risky one.”

“Sam’s right,” spoke a blue-skinned Twi’lek named Zora, “The deck doesn’t do favors for anyone. If you draw anything else, you’re screwed. Tying with her is a better option.”

“*chuckle* Just watch this, girls. I’m gonna win it all with this last draw.” Zora and Sam watched in suspense as Diane placed her hand over the top of the deck. She pulled the card sensing victory, but the two maids gasped once it was flipped over.

“*hiss* Oooh,” Sam spoke, “A +5 card. That’s a bust.”

“Yeah,” chimed Zora, “It’s over for you, girl.”

“Not so long as I have this.” The other maids were taken by surprise as Diane played the final card she had left from her 4-card hand – a red -5. Xylene, on the other hand, was amused.

“Nice save,” she said to Diane, “It looks like you’re still in the game. What do you say we call this round a draw?”

“Fat chance, Xy. I still got one last shot at getting a full set.” Samantha placed a concerned hand onto her friend’s shoulder.

“Are you crazy? You used up your last card. If you get a bust THIS time, you’ll lose for sure.”

“She’s got a point, Diane,” Zora agreed, “You got lucky once, but this time’s for keeps.”

“*chuckle* That’s how I like to gamble, ladies: all or nothing.”

“*sigh* Here we go again.” Samantha and the others watched with even greater suspense than before as Diane pulled her final card. She laid the card face-down and slowly flipped it face up, further adding to the momentum of this critical move. What the card read was truly a sight for the sore gambler’s eyes.

“What?!” Xylene exclaimed, “No way!” While the green Twi’lek tried to process what she just saw, Zora and Samantha cheered for their brunette friend.

“Damn, girl,” Zora complimented Diane, “That was sick. A +1 card, and with an empty hand at that.” Diane smiled victoriously.

“What can I say? Lady Luck’s on my side.”

“I’ll say,” Samantha added, “The odds were stacked ridiculously high against you. Winning was nothing short of a miracle.”

“It’s never over until it’s over, Sam. And speaking of which…” Diane look towards her defeated opponent with a smug grin. “I think you have something for me.”

“*grunt* Smug skank,” Xylene muttered ruefully, pulling out a small bag containing their wager.

“Haha, pay up, sister.” Diane’s face glowed with pride as she pulled out the five hundred credits inside the bag. She was just going to place it inside her purse, but she suddenly got an idea.

“Hey… you know what, Xylene? Keep the money.” Xylene and the others looked towards her in confusion.

“Um, okay,” Xylene replied quizzically, taking the bag from her hand, “Why?”

“An idea just came to me. How about I get something else as my prize?”

“Like what?” Diane shot her Twi’lek friend a playful grin.

“Oh, I don’t know… a little gossip, maybe?”

“You’re better off with the money, Diane. I’m fresh out of news right now.”

“Who said it had to be fresh? I’m more curious about that boy Jesse hangs out with.” The other two maids looked at Diane curiously.

“Jack?” Samantha asked her, “What about him? He’s just a friend of hers.”

“That’s not what I heard two years ago. I heard something happened between him and our gal during his last visit… and it just so happens that Xylene here had front-row seats to the whole thing. Am I right, Xy?” Zora looked towards her fellow Twi’lek with a gasp.

“Is this true?” Xylene rubbed her arm nervously.

“Um… sort of. My memory of it’s a bit hazy.”

“The hell it is!” Diane exclaimed, “You waltzed into the maid’s dorm looking like you found Mr. Perfect.”

“Yeah, I remember that day,” Samantha added, “She didn’t say a word about it to us or any of the others. She just went straight to her bed.” Xylene was nervous. Her friends were getting pretty close to the truth.

“I can explain that. I won a share of the planetary jackpot and I didn’t feel like sharing my ticket with anyone else.” Diane couldn’t help but giggle mischievously.

“That’s bull and you know it, Xy. You would’ve been a lot more excited than that if you were. I don’t know what went on with Jack that day, but it had to be pretty juicy if you didn’t gossip with us for six weeks afterwards. So what do you say you share it?” Xylene resisted at first, but she soon gave in to the peering eyes of her friends.

“*sigh* Fine. But only because you returned my bonus.”

“*chuckle* Nice. Now spill. What happened?” Xylene took a deep breath before answering, and the other maids in turn sat down to listen.

“Well… I was in the bathroom mopping the floor. I had just finished cleaning the shower heads when I heard Jack talking with Jesse in the hallway. I waited quietly behind the door to see what would happen and that’s when I heard it: moaning sounds coming from him kissing Jesse.” The others oohed in surprise.

“Wow, really?” Samantha asked. Xylene nodded her head. “Man, that’s hot.”

“Ditto,” replied Zora, “Can you imagine two Jedi sharing a moment of passion? That’s pretty bold, given the Order’s policy on romance. Did they go any further?”

“They might’ve, had Jack chose to be her boyfriend.” Diane gasped in surprise.

“Jesse asked him that?”

“Yes. He said he’d reconsider, though, once the Clone Wars were over.”

“Well, I’ll be damned. So it’s true: our gal’s madly in love with him.” As Diane did her best to contain her excitement, Samantha was curious about one thing Xylene didn’t mention.

“Hold on… why DID you stop gossiping for so long?” Samantha watched as Xylene blushed in utter embarrassment.

“Jesse put me up to it… after she caught me getting aroused in the bathroom.”

“Wait, what?” Diane chuckled, “Jess caught you masturbating from her and Jack moaning in their kiss?” Diane tried her best to calm down, but her snorting soon turned into laughter. The boisterous noise forced poor Xylene to slouch downward in her seat.

“Oh, shut up,” Xylene pouted, “I was just fondling my breast, that’s all. It’s not like I was doing anything naughtier than that.”

“*giggle* It hardly matters. You had to be pretty horny to get off from something like that. Now imagine if those two moved on to making love? Ooh, I’d pay a chancellor’s ransom to see what you’d do then.”

“Humph. And you say I’m the pervert.” Zora placed a kind hand onto her friend’s shoulder.

“Don’t take it too hard, Xylene. It happens.”

“Yeah,” Samantha added, “Diane means well. She’s just getting it all out of her system.”

“*sigh* Yeah,” replied Xylene, “Thanks, girls.” All of a sudden, the four women heard a buzzing noise come from the hall, prompting Diane to silence herself.

“Who could that be?” Diane asked.

“I’ll go check it out,” Xylene spoke, “You guys wait here.” The others made no argument. Without delay, Xylene made her way swiftly to the door. There was a panel a few feet away and pressed a button underneath its speaker.

“Hello? Who’s there?”

“I’m an employee from Madame Jones’ company. I have a passenger aboard my ship and he requests to see her and her husband immediately.”

“Who is your passenger?”

“He identifies himself as Jack Graystorm.” Xylene was shocked.

“Jack?” she thought worriedly, “What’s he doing here?”

“I see.” Xylene needed no further reason. She opened the door without a second thought for the employee.

“Go take a seat in the lounge. I’ll go tend to Mr. Graystorm.”

“Thank you.” As the employee made her way inside, Xylene looked towards the ship parked up front. A ramp was laid down leading into the ship, but she couldn’t see Jack.

“Jack?” she called out, “Are you there? What’s going on?” No response. Xylene was about to press forward, but she suddenly spotted a figure coming down the ramp. Sure enough, that figure was Jack, but he was carrying a body in his arms.

“What the?” Xylene mumbled to herself, “Who is he- *gasp*” Xylene clasped her mouth with both hands. Jesse layed lifeless in Jack’s arms, and Jack’s expression was a depressing one. Xylene was horrified beyond belief.

“Oh, no.” The girl watched with a pale face as Jack approached, refusing all the while to believe her eyes. The man stopped near her to let her look closer.

“Jack? Is she…?” Jack nodded his head ruefully. Xylene felt her heart grow heavy.

“Good lord. Please, come in. I’ll get her parents immediately.” Jack didn’t say a word. He just followed Xylene inside the structure. He made his way into the lounge, but not before passing by the other three maids standing in the hallway. Their faces were just as ridden with horror as Xylene’s, and none of them said a word either as they watched him lay Jesse onto one of the couches.

Hardly a minute passed before Madame Laura Jones arrived in the lounge with her husband. To say they were devastated by what they saw would be putting it mildly. Their only daughter lied dead in front of them, and there was nothing either of them could do. Laura hid her face inside Richard’s chest and wept into his shirt. Richard just held her closely, letting his own tears run freely down his face. He was putting up a brave fight to keep from sobbing as she was.

“I’m sorry.” Richard looked mournfully into Jack’s face.

“What happened?” Jack took a seat on one end of the table, while Richard sat down with Laura on an adjacent side. The couple listened closely as Jack told them everything.

* * *

“I see. So she passed away during the flight?” Jack nodded to Richard’s question. “*sigh* Very well. Thank you for bringing her to us, Jack. It hurts to know she’s gone, but at least I can give my daughter a proper funeral.”

“She saved my life, sir. I owed it to her to bring her back home.” Jack gasped as Laura wiped her tears and sat with him, embracing him in a heartfelt hug.

“You’re a good man, Jack. I can see why my daughter loved you so much. I pray with all my heart that you find a woman who loves you as much as she did.” Jack chuckled meekly, letting one final tear slip past his eye.

“Thanks, Mrs. Jones. It means a lot.” Laura smiled and patted his back gently before letting go of him.

“The clones might come after you soon. You’d be wise to leave while they don’t know where you are.”

“What about Jesse? I was hoping I could attend her funeral before I go.”

“You have already done so much for her, Jack,” Richard spoke for his wife, “You stayed with her in her final moments and brought her body back to us. I’m sure Jesse would understand. Right now, you’re a wanted man in the eyes of the Republic. Her sacrifice will be in vain if you stay here for the clones to kill you.” Jack didn’t like it, but Richard was right. As long as the clones were roaming the galaxy hunting Jedi, he will never be safe, even on a planet as remote as this one. His only hope for survival was to leave the Republic – and the life he once had here – for good.

“*sigh* All right. I’ll miss you.” The Jones smiled as Jack got up and hugged both of them with a warm touch.

“It was nice knowing you, Jack,” Laura replied, “Farewell.” Having said their final goodbyes, Richard and Laura left Jack alone with the maids. At this point, he was but a memory to them. Xylene, on the other hand, was not ready to let him go just yet.

“I have something for you, Jack,” Xylene told him. Jack and the others looked up to her in wonder.

“You do?”

“Yes. Jesse asked me to hold onto it in case of a situation like this. I’ll be back in a moment.” The other maids didn’t bother to ponder what this something was. If it came from Jesse, then they knew it had to be important. Instead, they focused their attention on Jack.

“We were just talking about her, you know,” Diane spoke compassionately to him, “Xylene told us how she confessed her feelings to you that night in the hallway. We were pretty happy for the two of you.”

“Yeah, we were,” added Samantha, “Jesse always seemed full of life whenever she was beside you… but now she’s gone. We can’t tell you how sad we feel for you.” Jack was still depressed, but the girls’ words offered some respite for his tormented soul.

“I’ll be okay. At least she died happy. I can live easier with that.” Xylene had reentered the lounge soon after, and she was holding a small crimson box in her hand.

“What’s this?” he asked her, taking it from her hands.

“I don’t really know. Jesse instructed me to let no one but you look inside. I think she intended for you to keep it a secret.”

“I see. Did she say anything else?”

“Only that you leave the estate before you open it.” That was Jack’s cue to finally leave the planet. He was sad that this day turned out like it did, but there was nothing he could do to change it. Now was the time to move on.

“*sigh* All right. I’ll be on my way.” Jack was taken by surprise as Xylene quickly brought him into a hug, followed similarly by the other three maids. The man made no effort to pull away, however. He knew this would be the last time he would have contact with anyone from this life. Thus, he just returned the hug with equal sentiment.

“Goodbye, Jack,” Xylene spoke softly to him, “Stay safe.”

“I will.” Jack placed the box in one of his robe pockets before exiting the manor. Trees were rustling in the wind outside, and the wind itself was carrying a few leaves that had fallen from them. Jack could feel his ties to his old life slowly slip away into it. He approached the cargo ship feeling exiled, like an unseen force had banished him to an uncertain future… and his only guide was the box Jesse left for him.

Jack walked slowly up the ship’s ramp, making his way towards the cockpit. The employee who took him here earlier was waiting for him inside. She told Jack to wait for her while she used the ship’s bathroom, but he didn’t mind. He took this time to open the box.

“What’s this?” Jack was curious by what he found inside. A round, medallion-like object lied inside, and the insignia of the Jedi Order was engraved on it. Many questions stemmed into his mind as he picked it up, but one stood out the most: what does Jesse want him to do with this? Luckily for him, there was a slip of paper taped on its flat end. Jack pulled this slip off the tape and unfolded it, carefully scrutinizing the writing that Jesse inscribed on it.

“Hey, Jack. I’m not sure if you’re reading this right now but if you are, then I’m sure you know why. I’m truly sorry that it ended the way it did. When you first told me of your vision, I thought you were just being silly; but after a while, I couldn’t honestly tell myself that you were. I reasoned that if I were to ever die at the hands of the clones, I would make sure that the man I love escapes to safety. I saved this medallion for you for just that reason. I don’t have time to explain what it does right now. I’m sure Skywalker is looking for you as you are reading this very note. All I can tell you is that it will help you lose him – and whoever turned him against us – for good. There is a cave on this planet that is located directly opposite of my home. I left you further instructions in a specially marked crevice somewhere inside. You should have no problem finding it. Now go, and please hurry. I love you too much to let you share my fate.” Nothing else was written on the paper. The employee had just returned to the pilot’s seat by the time Jack finished reading.

“Are you ready to go?” she asked. Jack nodded his head lightly. “Alright. My boss granted me permission to drop you off anywhere you like. Do you have a destination in mind?”

“I do. I would like to go to the other side of the planet. You know, from where this mansion is.”

“Are you sure? There’s nothing over there but ice mountains.”

“Yes. Can you take me there?”

“Of course. I’ll get you there in no time.”

“Thanks.” The ship’s engine roared to life as Jack and the pilot slowly lift off the ground. Jack took one last look at the note before the ship began flying towards its destination.

“I’ll get there, Jesse. Don’t you worry.”

Sure enough, the employee got Jack to his destination in record time. A lot of snow was coming down, but she was fortunate enough to find a small, but flat space to land the ship. Jack thanked her for the ride before getting off. He watched with abandon as the ship rose from the snow and disappeared into the blurry white skies. It was dusk out but Jack could still see fine, even with all the snow falling over the place.

“Alright. Now where’s that cave?” The man looked around him carefully. After about a minute or two, he found one high above the mountainside. It was small, but the cave could easily let a human of his size pass through. There was a ledge in front of it, and it had enough space for him to stand on.

“I see," he thought to himself, "I can just make it to that ledge if I’m careful. *sigh* Here we go.” Jack stepped backward until he hit an ice wall, blowing away all the snow that stood in the way using the Force. Upon counting to three, he ran as fast as he could towards the edge of the cliff and jumped. The cold winds brushed against his face like sandpaper, but Jack was none too shaken by them. He landed directly onto the cave floor, just as the ledge behind him collapsed from the weight of the snow on top of it. He looked down from the cave entrance feeling he cheated Death.

“That ledge was a deathtrap. I would’ve gone down with it if I didn’t overshoot my jump.” Jack rose back to his feet. He brushed off as much snow from his robe as he could before turning to the dark pathway in front of him. There was light in the first few feet, but the rest of the way was pitch black. He turned on his lightsaber and carefully advanced forward.

Throughout most of the cave, Jack saw nothing unusual. The walls were comprised of the same uneven stone as the mountain from which they were made. However, the passage itself slowly got warmer the farther down he got. How it was doing that he didn’t know, but he wasn’t too worried – the warmth made being here all the more comfortable.

In a short while, Jack found himself in front of a wall. There was no door or a keyhole of any kind bored into it. Just a solid slab of unusually flat stone.

“*sigh* Great. A dead end.” Jack carefully sat himself onto the floor, rubbing his forehead with one hand whilst holding his lightsaber in the other.

“Hm… Jess said I’m supposed to find a marked crevice somewhere inside this cave. I guess it must be here.” Jack accidentally grazed his hand as he tried to get up. He looked down and was surprised to find a wooden box crammed inside a crack on the floor. The crevice was outlined with red ink, a definite sign that it was the one Jesse marked for him.

“Ah, there it is.” Jack used his free hand to pull the box out of the crack. He placed it in front of him and lifted its lid. There was only a folded letter inside, but Jack was certain it was all he needed. He held his lightsaber close as he read the inscription.

“Well done, Jack. You found the letter. Now this may sound absurd, but this is not a dead end you’re seeing in front of you; it turns out this ‘wall’ is actually a huge circular door mounted on a chiseled runway. Opening it will reveal a room that will guide you to safety. All YOU have to do is push it into the left side of the cave. I’ll tell you more once you’re inside.”

“All right.” Jack stopped reading and put the letter away in his pocket. “Here goes nothing.” Jack gently pulled on the wall using the Force. Just as she said, the “door” slowly slid into the left side of the cave. Jack moved forward with a look of surprise.

“I never would’ve thought of that.” Jack looked behind him. He was satisfied to find no one there. Just to make sure no one can follow him inside, he moved the door back to its original position. He turned back around and was astounded by what saw.

Jack stood inside a massive, ancient room. The walls were engraved with strange hieroglyphics, nothing that Jack ever saw in the holocrons from the Temple Library. Images of forgotten battles were painted all around him, leading Jack to believe that this place must have been designed by an indigenous tribe largely unknown, even to the locals on this planet.

“This place must be thousands of years old,” he said to himself, “perhaps as old as the Republic itself. Jess might be the only one to have entered here in such a long time.” There were many other wonders this room had to show, but Jack was drawn to an impression on the far end of the room. It was shaped like an archway, and the inside contained a painting of humanoid figures stepping into a blue circle of their height, all prodded forward by other figures armed with spears.

“I think this is some sort of portal. But what is a portal doing here of all places? And what does it have to do with this medallion?” Jack pulled out the letter and continued reading in search of answers.

”Okay, Jack. Now that you’re safe inside, I’ll tell you everything. This room is an ancient shrine designed by a now-extinct humanoid tribe native to Dantooine. I stumbled upon it and the medallion four years ago, when I went on a trip with my father. I studied the hieroglyphics written by these people since then and it turns out this place was used by the tribe’s chieftains to banish prisoners of war to unknown worlds… and the archway you see before you contains the very portal they passed into thousands of years ago.”

“Oh, so it IS a portal.” Jack continued reading.

“The tribe went extinct around two millennia before the Republic colonized the planet, but this archway still has the same functionality it had when the tribe first constructed this room. So how is the medallion important? Well, check this out: the being who designed the portal was a Jedi… and she created this medallion as the vital component needed to power it up.” Jack’s eyes shot open in surprise.

“What? Then how come no mention of this was made in the Temple archives?” Jack was more curious than ever to find out.

“I’m sure you never heard of such a thing in the Temple Library. My only guess is that this same Jedi kept quiet about it out of fear of being persecuted by the Order. But at the moment, I’d say it was a good thing she did. If the clones ever learned about this place, this plan would’ve been doomed to failure from the beginning. The only reason why I never told you about any of this is because I didn’t want you to worry over it. You had enough trouble dealing with your vision, and I’d have felt horrible to add to your woes. Now that’s it’s come to life – and I’m among the fallen – I believe it’s time you knew about it. The only thing I have left to tell you is that the portal opens up a different world each time it activates… or so the hieroglyphs tell me. You’re on your own from here. I’m not sure where the portal will take you, but I can rest peacefully knowing you’ll be safe from both Skywalker and the clones no matter what. Your life is in your hands now, love. I hope you live it to the fullest.

Yours forever, Jesse”

Jack held the letter to his chest. He was sad that it had to come to this, but at least it wasn’t the end. Jesse gave him another chance at life. Although there was no going back from this path, it mattered very little to him. The galaxy as he once knew it was no more, and the only person who could convince him otherwise was her. His life here was just as dead as she was.

Jack let the letter fall from his hand. He looked around the archway for anything that may fit the medallion. To his convenience, he found a circular slot at its peak. The man placed the medallion carefully inside it, and he stepped back to see what happened. A bright blue aura suddenly surrounded the object and the hieroglyphs started to shine with the same glow. Just a short moment after, the wall section within the impression disappeared, consumed quickly by a mist-like glow. Jack was at a loss for words.

“So this is the portal.” Jack peered into the whirlwind-like abyss of the portal but found nothing. If it did take him anywhere, it won’t show him where.

“Huh… so that’s what she meant. The world this thing opens up is concealed until someone passes through.” Jack had mixed feelings about his path. Since the tribe who used this portal never left the planet, it’s likely that the aforementioned “unknown worlds” might be ones known to the Republic now. On one end of the spectrum, he might get sent back to Coruscant; on the other, he could wind up in a different universe entirely. The man didn’t have time to think about it, though. The entire mountain suddenly quaked, and he was temporarily forced down to his knees. The quake was soon followed up by rumbling that intensified by the second. Jack had to get inside the portal and now.

“*grunt* Whatever. I’ll take my chances. Look out, world. Here comes a new arrival.” Just as dust and chunks of rock began to fall from the ceiling, Jack dived into the portal… and not a moment too soon. The entire room collapsed underneath the mountain, taking the portal down with it. Jack was now officially safe from all the evil from his past life.

"I think I’m going to be sick." Jack tumbled for at least a minute through the portal and by now, he was feeling quite nauseous. With no solid ground or gravity present in this vortex, his stomach contents churned about uncontrollably. The fluid in his ears moved about so much that he had to close his eyes to keep them from spinning. For the moment, Jack’s only concern was to make it to the other side without emptying his stomach.

Luckily for Jack, he didn’t have to wait much longer. He noticed a white light ahead of him, and he floated into it at a more soothing velocity. The light gave way to a bird's eye view of a land that appeared untouched by man. Rivers, plains, forests, valleys, and other identifiable landmarks decorated the land like designs on a quilt. Not a single structure could be found for miles. As far as Jack could see, there was little, if any at all, evidence of any form of colonization. Wherever this place was, he knew it wasn’t in Republic space.

"Nice," he spoke with a smile, "The portal chose a great world for me. I should definitely be safe here. Just one problem… *gulp* how do I get down from here?" Looking down from his present height made Jack nervous. He nearly forgot that he was still in free fall. At the rate he was accelerating, the drop will surely kill him if he lands on anything but a soft, fluffy mattress; unfortunately for the poor man, there were none to be found. Even so, he looked around for anything even remotely close to it. He soon spied a hill a mile or two away from where he was now.

"Okay. If I propel myself to that hill, I can soften my fall on its incline. *sigh* I hope this works." Eyeing a few clouds behind him, Jack used the Force to push off them. Strangely enough, his plan worked: his thrusts got him closer towards the hill’s incline. He was still falling, but the path of his fall leveled out with each cloud he pushed away. After a short while, his speed was no longer a risk factor.

Jack braced himself for the coming impact. He shielded his face with his arms just a second before he touched the hill’s incline. Grass and dirt bits attached to his robes as he grunted from every roll he took downward. After about eight seconds, he came to a complete stop. The dizziness from the descent paralyzed him for a short moment, but he was content – at least he didn’t lose his lunch.

Now that he was on solid ground again, he uncovered his face and got up with a groan.

“Ow. Is it just me or does this earth feel like stone?” Jack was about to brush the dirt from his robes when a familiar agrarian scene caught his eye. The yellow-orange glow of a sunset filled the almost cloudless sky. Grass that reached up to his knees completely covered the land around him and to his right, Jack could see a dirt road traversing through fields teeming with wheat.

“Wow,” he murmured, “This place… it’s beautiful.” This scene reminded Jack of when he was very young. His parents, John and Sarah Graystorm, owned a farm on Naboo during his first few years of life. They never earned as much money from their work as Jesse’s parents did, but they were wealthy enough to own hundreds of acres of farmland. Days off for them were very rare, but Jack could still remember riding on horseback with his father through terrain like this on these precious days. Naturally, Mrs. Graystorm always worried on these days – her little boy was riding a wild mustang of a horse – but she trusted her husband enough to let Jack ride with him. Oh, how he longed to experience those pastimes once more!

Alas, no amount of nostalgia could drown out the reality Jack was facing now. He was alone once again, even more now than he was before. He was in unfamiliar territory, and with no one to turn to. All that was left of his past life was his memories. It was too much for the poor man to handle, and he broke down on the spot.

“It’s… *sniff* it’s not fair. *hic* Dammit!” Jack slammed his fists onto the ground like an enraged gorilla. “It’s all gone. My friends, my family, my comrades… Jesse… all gone, and I can never get ANY of it back. *sniff*… Oh, GOD, do I hate you, Master. Why wouldn’t you listen to me?! If you had just took my vision seriously, then maybe you could’ve stopped Skywalker from wiping us out to extinction! And here I thought the code FORBADE ignorance! Some listener YOU were!” As pointless as it was, cursing Yoda relieved Jack of some of his frustration. Yoda rarely took anything he said seriously, and Jack – and the rest of the Jedi – paid the ultimate price for it. Jack couldn’t be angrier with him if he banished him from the Order.

Whilst Jack’s anger slowly simmered down, a green, red-maned pony emerged from the cover of the tall grass. It was a unicorn mare, and she had just finished a short nap when she heard Jack seething from a short distance. Looking from atop a hill, she could see a strange bipedal creature weeping on his knees.

“He’s in a lot of pain,” she murmured to herself. She had great pity for Jack, but she wasn’t sure whether he was friend or foe. The unicorn moved closer (albeit stealthily), intent on finding out.

It didn’t take long for the mare to uncover why the human kneeling before her was in pain. After a few short minutes, Jack recovered from his mourning. Out of despair, he pulled out both of his lightsabers from the belt on his robes. He looked upon them with a hatred so fierce it could rival a raging fire.

“To Hell with the Order!” he cried, “Their bloody code was the reason why I lost the one person who made being a Jedi Knight worthwhile!” He was going to toss away Jesse’s lightsaber first, but seeing the blood that remained on the hilt stopped him. He remembered that this blood was Jesse’s. It was spilt so Jesse could give him another chance at life. He promised her he would keep her blade with him for the rest of his life – and he now realized he was seconds away from breaking it. This guilty conscience forced him to put both his and her lightsabers back onto his belt.

“*sigh* No. I made a promise to her. I will keep these blades no matter how much they remind me of the Order. I won’t let anger control me as it did Skywalker.” The hiding unicorn now had a better understanding of his distress, though she was still unsure whether he was friendly or not (or even what species he was). Inevitably, however, her conscience won her over. She wasn’t the type of mare that lets another living thing suffer.

“Poor thing,” she whispered to herself, “He’s been through quite a bit. I should get over there and cheer him up. Maybe he’ll let me approach if I show him I’m not a threat. It’s worth a shot.” The mare got up and attempted to trot towards him, but she accidentally stepped on a twig and snapped it. The noise wasn’t loud, but it nevertheless alerted Jack to her presence.

“W-Who’s there?” Jack sprung his blue lightsaber to life, forcing the unicorn to sink into the grass to hide. He looked around for any signs of life. He couldn't see anything, but he could still sense that something was nearby.

“I’m warning you, whatever you are,” he spoke threateningly, “I’m armed with a superheated blade. If you’re here to harm me… then you’re in for a nasty surprise.” The mare was fearful of him, but she could understand why he was reacting to her like this. Even so, she knew she was in no position to cheer him up now.

“Goddess, this looks bad! He thinks I’m his enemy. I’ll have to back off if I want to prove to him that I’m not.” The mare slowly walked backwards through the cover of the grass, making sure her human companion was unable to see her. Eventually, she moved far enough so that Jack can no longer sense her presence (although she could still see and hear him).

“Ah, good,” Jack thought, turning off his lightsaber, “It’s gone. Ugh, but what am I going to do now? I’m completely cut off from everyone in my past life, and I’ve no idea where I am. Wait… why am I still thinking about it? My past life is behind me now. There’s nothing left for me back there…” A flashback of Skywalker’s siege of the Temple appeared before Jack, and a tear flowed slowly from his right eye. The cries of his fellow Jedi dying at the hands of the clones echoed in his mind.

“…only suffering.” Jack sat himself to the ground in a meditative trance just as the flash back withered away. He was preparing himself for a power few Jedi were bold enough to use – Force Memoresis. It’s a unique Force power that enables a Jedi to lock away any amount of memory from his mind (although he will still retain his other Force abilities); now that he was no longer a Jedi, Jack decided to use this power to lock away every last memory he had. His mind would be rendered completely blank, but he didn’t care. As he said, he was done, with both the Order and his old life.

“Being a Jedi Knight was my dream,” he spoke wistfully, “but now I'm forced to renounce my knighthood. After I cast this power, I will no longer remember my time as a Jedi. Windu, Kenobi, Yoda… *sniff* even Jesse. All of them, I will be unable to remember for possibly the rest of my life. But it doesn’t matter. I may forget my past, but Jess won’t. She will be watching over me, whether I remember her or not.” The unicorn mare watched as an aura of white light engulfed his body. She felt a bit sad that he was wiping his head clean of his memories – she liked knights. He didn’t look like any knight she ever saw before, but she knew he was still a defender of justice all the same. The initial fear she had towards him was now replaced by a desire to know more about him; but after he casts this power, she will never get the chance.

“Wait, sir knight, please! You’re making a big mistake!” Oh, how the mare wished her words could reach his ears! This was a very rare opportunity for her and it was flying out of her reach like a sparrow. But alas, she was powerless to stop him. Revealing herself now would only make the situation worse. She watched helplessly as the aura inevitably consumed the ex-Jedi. In the brief moment before his mind was wiped of his past, Jack reminisced of the sage advice Yoda told him after he passed his trials.

“Of who you are, Jack, proud you must be. For in passing your trials, become a stronger person you have. A strong person it takes to become a Jedi… but an even stronger person it takes to live as one.”

“I’m sorry, Master,” he murmured, “But I am no longer proud of who I am. From this day forward, I am a Jedi… no more.” Just as he spoke these last words, the aura suddenly expanded rapidly. The blinding light forced the unicorn to shield her eyes from the blast. After about 5 seconds, she was able to look again, but she was surprised by the sight before her. Whatever this creature was, it had vanished from her sight. In his place, a black pegasus stallion lied unconscious on the ground… and just like that, the mare stood surprised.

“What happened?” she thought in shock, “How did he go from a bipedal creature to a pegasus stallion?” She was at a loss for words to explain what she just saw. However, his unexpected transformation quickly removed what little fear of him she had left. Now he was one of her species. However, she now faced a whole other dilemma: timidity. The transformation Jack underwent also made him very handsome, and though she knew he wasn’t a real pony, she had a habit of being shy whenever she sees an attractive stallion. Now that Jack’s become one, she had a hard time simply mustering the courage to face him. She quickly looked away from Jack in a flustered state, rubbing her foreleg all the while.

“Bloody Faust, he’s so handsome!” she thought to herself nervously, “I-I’m not sure I can do this anymore. Just LOOK at me! He’s not even a real stallion, and yet I can’t stop trembling… all because I’m afraid I’ll make a fool of myself in front of him. Could I actually have an attraction to him? No... no, that’s nonsense. Sure, he’s a knight, but… he’s not a real pony. I couldn’t possibly be attracted to whatever manner of male he is.” The mare took another glance at Jack. He lied helpless atop the soft grass beneath him, remnants of his tears yet decorating his face. While it was true that he only looked like a stallion, she couldn’t deny that he can feel pain and distress just like a real one. The need to relieve him of his suffering overwhelmed her fear of what could happen should he see her approaching him.

“*sigh* What am I saying? He’s all alone… and if he really did wipe his memories, he has no clue who he is. I can’t stand by and let him go out into society in such a vulnerable state. I must help him, no matter how I feel about him.” With her conscience unified under this judgment, the decision was made clear to the mare. But before she could get up and walk up to him, the newly transformed stallion suddenly grimaced before waking up. The mare hid underneath the grass once more almost immediately, uncertain of what he was going to do now.

“*groan* My head.” Jack tried rubbing his face, but he felt something flat on top of it. He lifted it up to find it was a hoof. He couldn’t remember whether this flat stump was always a part of him, or if it was once something else. All he knew for certain was that he knew nothing. He didn’t know who he was, who his family was, or even how he arrived at his current location. It seemed the Force power he used on himself was a success. He couldn’t remember anything from before he woke in this alien world.

Jack sat himself upright, intent on discovering the rest of himself. He felt two lumps press against him as he did, and it was here that he noticed the two lightsabers. They seemed familiar to him, but he had a hard time figuring out why. He pulled out his blue one and then looked at himself through the reflection on the hilt.

“Is this… me?” Besides realizing he could pick up objects with his hooves, he was quite surprised by what he saw. His hair was now crimson instead of black, and he rocked a tail of a similar hue. To add to this discovery, he also had a pair of wings, the feathers' edges as crimson as his mane and tail.

“Am I a… horse? No, that can’t be right. I’m a bit short for a horse. Hm, let’s see… short, but outfitted with wings. Oh, I’m a pegasus.” Now that Jack knew what he was, he wondered if his wings actually worked. He rose to all fours, and then he tried moving them a bit. He was satisfied with the gusts of air they blew behind him with each flap he made.

“Well, I’ll be. They’re fully functional. But can I lift myself off the ground with them?” The new stallion focused himself for his very first flight. He could feel his hooves slowly lift from the ground with each flap of his wings. He had his eyes closed all the while but before long, he opened them to marvel at the height he’s achieved.

“Amazing. How about moving left and right?” Jack slowly flew a few feet to his left and then a few more to his right, smiling as he returned to his original position. With newfound confidence in his abilities, he tried flying in a circle around a nearby tree. Slowly, but surely, he managed to build speed with every rotation around the tree. After he reached a certain velocity, he decided to slow down before he lost control. Once he arrived at a full stop, he flew back to the stop where he woke up.

“Nice. I can even control my speed. Now for the last part… *gulp* learning how to get down.” Jack was nervous, but at least he wasn’t descending from a height of 5000 feet like he was earlier. Had he remembered, he would’ve found this height MUCH easier to handle. Without too much difficulty, he was successfully able to lower himself back onto the ground.

“*sigh* Okay. It looks like I got the hang of using these wings. But why do the feathers look so much like blades? Or am I just imagining they do?” Jack had an idea. Using one of his wings, he decided to brush the edges of the feathers against the grass in front of him. Surprisingly, they cut clean through the grass like hot knives through butter. Jack (and the mare watching him) was filled with a mixture of both awe and fear.

“I’ll be damned," Jack murmured, "They ARE blades. I better watch where I unfurl these things.” With that said, Jack had finished testing out his wings. Now he just had one question in his mind: who was he, and what was he doing out here? He paced slowly back and forth as he tried to find an answer. Walking on four limbs was a strange feelings, but it wasn’t difficult for him to adjust. After a short while, however, he stopped. The more he thought, it seemed, the bigger the headache he received. Jack was unaware that this headache was the Force trying to prevent him from unlocking the secrets to his past.

“Strange. I can’t even remember how I got here. How bizarre.” The unicorn mare was astounded by what she had just heard.

“I don’t believe it,” she whispered to herself, “He did it. He actually locked away his memories.” After coming to this realization, the mare was curious about what he was going to do next.

“Ah, well,” Jack thought, pulling his hood over his head, “I suppose none of it matters. The more important question is how I’m going to survive. I wonder if there’s any towns or cities near- hold on. I need a name first. I can’t remember if I had one before, but… I need one now. But what would be a good name for-” The stallion was interrupted by a feminine scream to his left. It was faint, but it was loud enough to surprise the hiding unicorn mare – she thought there was nopony but her and Jack out here until now.

“Bloody hell,” Jack thought in shock, It sounds like someone’s in trouble. I need get over there, and fast.” Without any delay, Jack galloped as fast as he could towards the scream. Her hoofsteps cloaked by the sound of Jack’s, the hiding unicorn mare decided to follow him. Who made that scream or why was beyond her but whatever the situation was, she was fairly certain that her male companion was intent on coming to this unknown mare’s aid.

“He can’t be serious, can he?” she thought to herself, “He lost all his memories as a knight. There’s no way he can win a fight without any experience in combat. Not unless he’s naturally skilled in it. Needless to say, the mare was very skeptical of Jack’s chances of success. In a damsel-in-distress situation, a fight is almost always expected (albeit not necessarily between a rescuer and captors). If Jack were to enter one now in his current state, she feared he could lose very badly. But she could see from his continuous gallop that he wasn’t letting ANYTHING daunt him, let alone memory loss. He seemed determined to help this aforementioned damsel whether he was getting a fight on his hooves or not, and that was enough reason for the unicorn mare to pray for his victory regardless of her reservations. She had her eyes peeled to the scene unfolding before her.

Jack soon made it to the top of a hill. He glanced downward, only to be horrified by the scene happening below. The scream came from a light blue, topaz-blue maned earth pony mare, with a topaz gem as her Cutie Mark. Four vicious dragons surrounded her, eagerly waiting for her to let her guard down. A gray, black-maned earth pony stallion lied unconscious in front of her, bruises and cuts decorating his body like hideous tattoos. Jack could tell this stallion tried in vain to ward off the malicious reptiles. The mare quivered with fear as she struggled to protect her precious cargo, a ruby red foal that was resting in one of her saddlebags. The little filly had earmuffs on her ears, so she wasn't disturbed by her mother's cry.

“Crikey,” Jack gasped in his head, “They’re trying to take her child.” Jack’s initial strategy was to drop in and force them to leave, but that was before the biggest of the four dragons took a swipe at the mare’s saddlebags. After seeing such hostility, he knew they won’t listen to reason. It was time for battle.

“All right, lizards,” he whispered, “You asked for it.” Jack turned on his lightsabers and flew high into the air. He thought for a second how he was able to just turn them on without knowing how, but for the sake of time, he dismissed as pure instinct. He entered a free fall towards the fearsome beasts, plunging his blades into one of them upon landing. The others were taken by surprise, and they backed a few feet away from Jack.

“Shit!” one of the dragons exclaimed, “He took down Greiger!”

“Who is this guy?” asked another dragon.

“Who cares?” the third dragon asked, “Let’s kill ‘im before he scares off our prize.” One of the dragons charged him head-on. Jack responded by throwing his green lightsaber at him. The blade severed his left arm at the shoulder, and he was forced to his knees. As the dragon howled in pain, the lightsaber continued on its path, lodging itself into the heart of his buddy behind him. Jack jumped high into the air and stomped on the end of the hilt, forcing the second dragon to his back. He died right on the spot, just as the lightsaber turned off and rolled to his side.

“All right, pony scum,” said the only healthy dragon remaining, “It’s time to burn!” The dragon inhaled deeply in preparation to burn him with fire. He was just about to release when Jack pointed a hoof at him and choked him, blue lightsaber still in hoof, using the Force – a feat he again dismissed as an instinctive ability. All the air he had in him was immediately forced out. The dragon struggled to take some in as he pondered how Jack was able to choke him without touching him. His curiosity soon turned to fear as he watched Jack use his free hoof to bring his other blade towards him with Force Pull and turn it on.

“*gasp* The hell?” the dragon spoke, “What *cough* kind of magic is *gasp* this?”

“The kind that’s brought an end to your gang, lizard,” Jack answered audaciously. Jack released his hold on the dragon’s throat, only to slice his head clean off with his blades. The head “hopped” off his neck and rolled a few feet behind him. The now lifeless body twitched before falling to its side. The last thing the dragon saw before dying was the glow of Jack’s lightsabers flashing in front of him.

The four were now reduced to one. The surviving dragon was still on his knees, writhing from the pain emanating from the stump where his arm used to be. Jack hopped in front of him with a menacing stare. The dragon looked into his eyes frozen in fear, unable to even come up with a plea for mercy. Fortunately for the now-changed dragon, he wouldn’t need one, for Jack had but two words for him…

“Beat it.”

The dragon was all too happy to oblige. With his severed arm in his good one, he flew hastily away from the scene. Jack smiled in triumph. He defeated four of the mightiest creatures ever to exist. Meanwhile, both the rescued mare and the hiding one looked upon him with a sense of awe and wonder. Jack stood with both his blades underneath the setting sun, his mane flowing freely from the wind. This setting made him look ancient, like he was a hero from forgotten folklore… and this day, he was indeed a hero.

“No way,” the hiding unicorn whispered, “He took down those dragons like they were nothing. I guess he didn’t need his combat experiences after all. He’s a naturally-skilled fighter.” His bravery in protecting the mare and her foal confirmed her preconceptions: the mighty stallion was without a doubt a true knight; not quite the knight she had in mind, but a knight, nevertheless.

“Pony or not, this guy is very bold,” she thought, “And brave. I think I should just accept him for who he is. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a stallion in his own right. Maybe talking to him won’t be so- *sigh*… no. I just can’t.” Even after coming to terms with who Jack really was to her, the mare was still too nervous to talk to him. It was a sort of anxiety that ponies would normally associate with meeting a crush. The irony of this situation was that she refused to admit that she just might have one for him, yet the way she worried about his first impression of her told a different story. For reasons she’d rather not think about, she decided to stow away this dilemma for a later time. It seemed the more she thought about Jack, the closer she got to blushing.

Remembering the earth pony, Jack galloped to her position. She, too, couldn't believe that he just took down four of the most fearsome creatures in Equestria. This was a feat she never thought was possible.

"Are you alright, miss?" Jack asked her. His voice snapped her back into reality.

"Yes, I'm fine," she answered, "Thank you for saving me. I owe you my life."

"*chuckle* I'm glad to be of service, madam." Jack looked at the stallion lying on the ground next to her.

"Do you know this pony?"

"I do. He's my husband," she told him, a tone of sadness in her voice, "He was protecting me and our daughter when these ruffians assaulted us. He did what he could to ward them off, but..." The mare had the urge to shed tears, but she somehow managed to hold it in. “… he fell before he could even put a scratch on them." Despite seeing no signs of movement from the stallion, Jack didn't believe he was dead. He wanted to inspect the body more closely.

"Do you mind if I have a look at him, miss?" Reluctantly, she nodded. Now that he had her approval, Jack trotted towards the body and took a closer look.

The pony was still badly injured from his skirmish with the dragons, but the only wound that was fatal was the gash on his left rear leg. Jack put his head on his chest to check his heart and was stunned to find it was still beating. The sound was faint, however, so he knew he had to act quickly.

"Your husband's not dead, ma’am," he told the worried mare, "But we must act quickly if we are to save him." She let out a gasp as the words flew out of his mouth. She moved closer to Jack, unwilling to lose the father of her foal for real this time.

"Really?" she asked him, “He’s still alive?”

"Yes. His heart is still beating, but the pulse is getting weaker. If you'll let me, I may be able to heal him, but only if I do it now."

"Yes, please," she agreed, "Heal him. I implore you."

"Very well. Stand back." He put his hooves over the wounded stallion as he prepared to use Force Heal. This power can't recuperate any blood the victim lost from his wounds, but Jack was fortunate that the stallion didn't lose much of it. He initially thought it embarrassing that he was attempting to heal this injured stallion with nothing but his hooves, but he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. He felt instinctively that if this unseen power could help him kill a life form, it could help him heal one just as well. He carefully concentrated his energy and his hooves glowed with a blue light that spread onto the body. The mare watched in wonder as her husband's wounds slowly faded away. After just a few seconds, the procedure was done and the earth pony was back at full health. The astounded mare trotted back to him and lied down on her knees next to him. With a soft groan, the stallion woke up in front of her. He looked towards her, and the mare replied with a smile. He got up and nuzzled her face, looking at the foal in her saddlebag. She was still resting peacefully, her breathing nearly inaudible to her parents. He turned to look at his savior.

"You okay there, my friend?" Jack asked the stallion.

"Yes. I feel quite well, thanks to you. I owe you big time for this, stranger."

"Thank you for saving my husband, kind sir," his wife told the pegasus, "I wouldn't know what I would do without him."

"Like I said, miss, I am glad to be of service." Jack felt pretty good about himself. He may be unable to remember anything about his life as a Jedi, but he was certain that he must’ve been someone very courageous in the past. He wouldn’t have had the nerve to confront his reptilian foes otherwise… and it’s because of his courage that he was able to defeat them and thus rescue this family. He smiled contently as he brushed off the loose bits of dirt from his robes.

"You were very brave, stranger," the mare told Jack, “Those dragons could've torn any normal pony to ribbons."

"We were fortunate you were there to save us," added her husband, "Oh, how embarrassing. I forgot to introduce myself." The earth pony cleared his throat and shook Jack's hoof with a smile. "My name is Diamond Heart, good sir. My wife here is Topaz." The stallion lifted the flap of the saddlebag and caressed the cheek of the foal sleeping within. "And our little bundle of joy you see here is Ruby."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he told the two ponies. He was curious over how he couldn't sense their presence when he was alone.

"So... how did you two wind up here?"

"We were returning from a marketplace in the city of Chancellorsville down east when those dragons attacked us," the stallion told Jack, "I tried to buy Topaz some time to escape, but... well, I'm pretty sure you know how THAT turned out." He blushed in embarrassment as he reminded Jack about his lying on the grass.

"I see. Well, you two have nothing to fear now. You can go in peace."

"Wait," Topaz pleaded, "What about you, stranger? Don't you have any kin or home to go to?" Jack shook his head.

"No, ma'am. I just woke in this place a few minutes ago. I have no recollection of anything that happened before that. As far as I’m aware, I have no kin or home to speak of. I have nothing but what you see before you."

"Oh, dear. I feel so sorry for you.” Topaz was sad that Jack now had to fend for himself in a land he doesn't recognize. Diamond, on the other hoof, had other ideas.

"Our hometown of Fredericksmare is not far from here," he informed the pegasus, "Why don't you come live with us? It's the least we can do to repay you for saving us."

"Really?” Jack asked, his ears perked up in surprise. "Wait..." Jack looked towards Topaz for reassurance. "What about you, miss? Would you be okay with that?"

"But of course I would," she spoke kindly to him, "You've more than earned it.”

"*chuckle* The decision is entirely up to you, sir," Diamond Heart added, holding his hoof out to him, "Will you take my offer?" Jack felt very relieved hearing Topaz agree to such an offer. With renewed spirits, he shook Diamond's hoof.

"All right... I accept. Thank you, Mr. Heart."

"Don't mention it.” Topaz was happy that the stallion accepted her husband’s gift. Neither she nor he were the type that take heroic acts like Jack’s for granted, especially if the hero who did them was in a destitute state. Even so, not all parties at the scene shared the same merry feeling. The unicorn mare yet hiding in the grass actually had mixed feelings for Jack’s acceptance of Diamond Heart’s offer.

"Fredericksmare’s my hometown too,” she thought to herself, “He’s going to be living in the same city as I am. But why am I making a big deal out of it? He clearly doesn’t need any help from me. I should be moving on from here.” She made a valid point, but the mare still failed to convince herself that she was done here. Something within her compelled her to delve deeper into the situation. She dared not write it off as a longing for this mysterious male, however, for she had yet to determine if there was more to him besides being a warrior. Whatever her reason for this curiosity, she ultimately decided to stay a little while longer. Her conscience wouldn’t leave her be until she got as much information out of her “stallion” friend as she could.

"Ah, yes. We forgot to ask you this, sir: do you have a name?" Jack wished he had an answer for him, but he was unable to come up with one before his battle with the dragons.

"*sigh* This is so frustrating. I need a name badly. But what can I use?" He then remembered the blades of grass he sliced using his feathers. Before that moment, he thought he was just imagining they were sharp.

"Heh. I have blades on my wings," he joked. Then it hit him: he could combine the two and use Bladewing as his name.

"Yes, that's it! I can use Bladewing as my new name! It makes perfect sense!" Now that he had an answer for the curious stallion, Jack knew what to do.

"My name is Bladewing, Mr. Heart."

"Bladewing, eh?" Topaz told him, "What a lovely name. It really suits you."

"Indeed," Diamond added, "Very well, then." He gave Jack a hug as he smiled at him. "I welcome you to our family, Mr. Bladewing."

"Thanks, Mr. Heart," he responded.

"Bladewing," the hiding mare thought, "So that’s his name. *sigh* I have NO idea why I need to know that, but..." She watched “Bladewing” leave with the couple as they walked away towards the sunset, its yellow-reddish light making their bodies appear almost like silhouettes to her. As much as she doubted how she truly felt about him, she couldn’t deny that he possessed qualities that she deemed very admirable. It didn’t matter to her for now what he was or even who he was. All that DID matter was that one way or another, this stallion had a profound influence on her… and she made it her goal to determine just how deep that influence was.

“…I’m glad I do.” The mare smiled as she saw Bladewing turned his head slightly to the left with a little smile of his own. This little scene warmed her soul like a blanket as she galloped towards Fredericksmare, taking a different path from the others. It was on this day – in the most uncommon of battlefields – that Equestria witnessed the rise of a phoenix. Jack Graystorm was no more, his name and memories burned to cinders in a flash of white; and from his smoldering ashes, Bladewing was born, a stallion radiating with glory and ready to embark on a journey into a life his predecessor never had. Where this journey will take the young colt, nopony knew, but this was to be expected. After all, this was just the beginning.

Divine Encounter

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“Here we are, my friend,” Diamond told him, “Our home.” It was 10:00 p.m. and the trio stood in front of a modest, two-story building. “It’s no mansion, but it’s comfortable all the same.”

“It’s fine,” Bladewing spoke, “I’m not into appearances much.”

“Good to know.” The ponies passed through the front gate and made their way inside. As soon as they were all inside, Diamond Heart retrieved Ruby from Topaz’s saddlebag and made his way upstairs.

“Make yourself comfortable, Bladewing,” Topaz spoke, “I have a few things left to do before we can call this a night.”

“Got it.” Bladewing sat himself on a couch and took this time to explore the place. On this floor, there was a dining room/kitchen. He himself was sitting in a living room with a functional TV. Unfortunately, he was unfamiliar with most of the items he found (especially the TV). He knew it will take some time before he’s acclimated to his new environment.

A low growling sound suddenly emerged from within the stallion’s stomach.

“*giggle* Sounds like somepony’s a little low on fuel,” Topaz mused. Bladewing blushed and rubbed his head with a nervous chuckle.

“I guess all that walking aroused my appetite.”

“I thought as much. But don’t worry, Bladewing. I’ll go prepare a meal for the three of us. As I said, make yourself comfortable. My husband will be in the nursery if you want to talk with him.”

“Understood. Thanks, Mrs. Heart.”

“No problem. And please, call me Topaz.” Bladewing didn’t know what she was going to serve, but he knew it won’t involve meat (ponies were herbivores, after all). It didn’t matter much to him, though. He was sure that whatever Topaz decides to make will turn out to be delicious. With this in mind, Bladewing moved up the stairs towards the nursery. Sure enough, Diamond was inside. He was on his rear hooves rocking Ruby to sleep in her crib. The earth pony looked at him with a smile.

“Ah, Bladewing,” he spoke, letting go of the crib, “What brings you here?”

“I was just wondering if I can have a word with you. Well, if you’re not too busy.”

“Of course. Why not?” Diamond sat down with him at a table near the crib. He pulled out a metal thermostat as well as two glasses. A dark red liquid could be seen as he poured some into one glass.

“Drink?” Bladewing was a bit hesitant, much to Diamond’s amusement. “*chuckle* Don’t worry. It’s just grape juice. I’m not a big fan of wine.”

“Oh, no, it’s not that. It’s just… well, I’ve never seen grape juice before. Or wine, for that matter.” Diamond Heart looked at him curiously.

“You haven’t?” Bladewing shook his head. “Oh. Well, you’re in for a treat then. Grape juice is pretty sweet. Wine’s a stronger beverage but as I said, I’m none too fond of it. I find the flavor and the smell a bit repulsive.” Bladewing held the glass as Diamond poured out some of the juice into it and took a sip.

“It’s good. Thanks.”

“Glad to hear it.” Diamond took a sip before moving on. “Now then… what’s on your mind?”

“I was hoping you could tell me about this place.”

“The city or the country?”

“How about both?”

“Sure. I can do that. Allow me to enlighten you.” After one last sip from his glass, Diamond cleared his throat and told his pegasus friend all he knew of the world around him.

“As you know, we live in Fredericksmare. It’s the capital city of the country known as Cydonia. It’s settled by the Coltecs, a race of warrior ponies known for their prowess on the battlefield. They didn’t always occupy this land, though. It used to belong to the ponies of the Kingdom of Equestria at the start of the Pony Wars.”

“The Pony Wars?”

“They’re a series of battles in which the three pony races – earth, pegasus, and unicorn – fought each other over resources that at the time were very scarce. It was a dark time for the entire planet – alliances were destroyed, nations were torn apart, and carnage was abundant as each race fought tooth and nail for control of necessities like food and water. Luckily for us, our king and queen were able to keep our society together and so we never took part in it. Even so, the violence claimed nearly a third of the world’s pony population. The surviving Equestrians abandoned this land following the end of the Pony Wars and the Coltecs incorporated it into their kingdom shortly afterwards.”

“I see. And who’s the current king, if I may ask?”

“He’s an anthro-pony named Mountain Wind. He and Queen Red Sapphire were the ones who kept all of Cydonia together during the Pony Wars… and it was Mountain Wind himself who founded Fredericksmare and made it the kingdom’s current capital.”

“Wow. Those two must feel pretty good about themselves for that.”

“It’s just Mountain Wind, I’m afraid. He’s a widower.” Bladewing’s ears drooped in sadness.

“Oh. What happened to the queen?”

“She died giving birth to Firestorm, the king’s only son and heir to the throne. Her passing stung Mountain Wind pretty hard, but rearing Firestorm kept him from thinking too much about her. Even then, it didn’t last long.”

“How so?”

“One morning, when the king was resting on his throne, an assassin disguised as one of his servants tried to murder him with a poisoned dagger. Naturally, Firestorm came to his aid and defended him, but it was all for naught. The prince fell in battle trying to stop him, and his fall drove Mountain Wind into a berserk rage. He didn’t bother ordering the guards to arrest the assassin – he slaughtered him with his bare hands. He then ordered the assassin’s body burned and the ashes tossed into the wind. Following the prince’s funeral, the king placed flowers of pure gold on top of his grave. He hasn’t been the same since.”

“Oh, dear. He doesn’t show much cheer in public, does he?”

“It would be a surprise if he showed ANY cheer. Firestorm’s death practically took away what little he had left. Even so, I pray that we will one day put a smile on his face before Heaven takes him from us. He’s suffered more than any normal pony should have to experience in a lifetime.”

“I agree.” Bladewing raised his glass to toast the king. “Here’s to Mountain Wind.”

“May he regain the happiness Fate so cruelly took from him.” The two stallions clinked their glasses together and finished off their remaining juice in one gulp. They then simultaneously put their glasses back on the table.

“Thank you, Mr. Heart. It’ll take some time before I'm fully adjusted to this land, but this conversation will definitely help.”

“You can just call me Diamond, Bladewing. And it’s my pleasure. You know, Topaz and I are going out tomorrow to a restaurant. Why don’t you come with us? We could show you some of the city’s main attractions along the way.”

“That would be great.”

“Dinner’s ready, boys! You’d best come down here while it’s still hot!” The sound of Topaz’s voice calling out from downstairs was nothing short of convenient timing.

“Well, I’ll be,” Diamond spoke, “She was making a meal this whole time? And finished? I guess time flies when one ignores the clock. But I’m not complaining. I can use a good meal right now.” Bladewing’s stomach rumbled for the second time tonight.

“You and me both.” Diamond just chuckled and walked with Bladewing to the kitchen table.

“Your timing was impeccable, my dear,” Diamond spoke enthusiastically to his wife, “We had just finished a major history lesson.”

“Did you?” Topaz mused, “Well, I hope you two have enough spirit left to enjoy these.” Once more, Bladewing was presented by an unfamiliar delicacy. On his plate, a strange disc-like object was embedded between what seemed like two slices of bread, along with various plant matter that was just as unrecognizable. Bladewing was unsure if he’ll like the taste, but he was too hungry at that moment to care. He took a bite and prayed that he was at least able to digest it.

“Wow,” he mumbled, swallowing his morsel, “It’s great, Topaz. What is it?”

“A veggie burger. It’s one of Diamond’s favorites.”

“You got that right,” Diamond chimed in, “I never grow tired of eating these.”

“I can see why.” Enough was said at this point, and Topaz joined the two stallions with a burger she made for herself.

After a short while, the trio were running on full stomachs. It was now time for them to call it a night.

“All right, Bladewing,” Diamond Heart spoke, “Here’s how we’re going to arrange things. See the two rooms on the right side of the hallway?” Bladewing nodded his head. “Well, Topaz and I decided that you can choose any one of them as your personal living quarters. It’s yours for as long as you like and you can customize it as you see fit. If you need help with ANYTHING, let us know and we’ll do what we can to assist you.”

“Sounds good. And thanks again. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“You’re very welcome, Bladewing,” Topaz replied with a smile, “Good night.” As the Hearts made their way into their bedroom, Bladewing decided to make the room at the far end his own. There was a bed for him, not that he was surprised. A wooden desk and a dresser added to the simplistic nature of the room; but there were still things in this room that he couldn’t recognize. A TV stood near the window, accompanied by a complementary VCR. There was also a video camera but again, Bladewing hadn’t the slightest clue what ANY of these devices were.

“Oh, whatever,” he mumbled, “*Yawn* I’ll figure it all out… eventually.” Tired and now completely worn out, Bladewing rolled onto his bed and immediately fell asleep.


“Ugh… Where am I?” Bladewing awoke to a world surrounded by a curtain of pitch-black. There was a circle of light beneath his hooves, but it did very little to ease his confusion. He looked around for the source of this light, but there were none to be found. He knew that this was all a dream – he was certain that he was resting in his bed as of now – but he was unsure how he should go about it.

“This place is creepy,” he murmured nervously to himself, “There’s nothing around here but darkness. Where am I supposed to go? What am I even supposed to do?” Bladewing was tempted to start walking out of here, but he was reluctant to do so out of fear of losing the light (even for a warrior as brave as he, the darkness wasn’t something he could condone.) However, he was not keen on staying here for the darkness to taunt him without even making a sound. With the latter being the most uncomfortable, he decided to take a step out of the circle cautiously.

“Huh.” Bladewing was both stunned and relieved by what he saw. The light moved forward just as he did, as if it were trying to maintain a constant luminous platform for him to stand on. He couldn’t sense a life force from this light, but Bladewing had a hunch that it knew he was hesitant to press onward without it… and now that it will follow him wherever he went, Bladewing finally decided to get out of this ominous realm.

Encouraged by the light, Bladewing continued his current trajectory. He had no clue whether or not he was actually heading for the door out of here (or any exit, for that matter), but he knew he could wake from this dream at any time if it ever becomes too much for him to handle. He hoped it would never come to that, however, for he was curious whether there was something in his dream that could tell him about his future. He intended to find out everything he could about this dream before the morning light inevitably pulls him from his sleep. Bladewing couldn’t afford to leave a single detail unchecked.

Bladewing didn’t have long to wait before the realm revealed its first secret to him. Up ahead, he noticed a glowing spectral mist slowly take shape. He stopped immediately and scrutinized the mist. Upon completing its transformation, the mist’s form became clear to him. It was a mare, and one unlike any that Bladewing could ever imagine. She had a horn on her forehead, and wings like huge fans were furled on her sides. Her coat was white, and her mane was a hue of scarlet. Her eyes were a tint of scarlet, and various parts of her body – which from head to hoof surpassed Bladewing’s height by about a foot – were adorned with jewelry.

“What’s she doing here?” he asked himself mentally. The presence of this strange mare gave Bladewing pause, but before he could think on an answer to his question, the spectral pony beckoned for him to come closer with her hoof. She didn’t seem like someone who had ill intentions for Bladewing, and with no other soul around to talk to, Bladewing decided to come towards her.

“Hello, Bladewing,” spoke the mare, “I’ve been expecting you.” Bladewing hesitated to reply back, a thought which was made apparent to the mare by the wondrous look in his eyes.

“You look tense,” she continued, “Is something the matter?” Bladewing briskly shook his head.

“I’m fine,” spoke Bladewing, “I just feel a bit lost. I’m looking for a way out of this place.”

“I assume you’re not comfortable with darkness?”

“I’m not. I’ll face it if I have to, but I’d never seek it out of my own free will.”

“Fair enough. I suppose that’s what makes freedom of choice so great, doesn’t it?”

“*sigh* I don’t mean to be rude, miss, but get to the point. Every minute I spend talking to you is another minute I spend standing in this creepy place.”

“*giggle* Say no more. Come with me.” Bladewing nodded his head lightly. He hesitated at first, but his conscience quickly convinced him to go along with the mare. He was certain that she must know how to get out of this foreboding dimension if she asked him to come with her, and for now, that was all the reason he needed to oblige.

Bladewing was happy to know that his assumption was correct. Before long, a light began to appear a little distance ahead of him. It grew brighter and brighter with each step he took with her, and though he had no idea where it will take him, he was willing to find out for himself.

“I don’t suppose that’s the way out?” he asked.

“It sure is,” replied the mare, “I hope you’re comfortable.”

“Of course. I’m going to see the light again.”

“Good. Let’s go.” Bladewing nodded in agreement. Within a short moment, the darkness around the pair completely turned to white. Once it did, however, color soon began to fill this empty void… and what Bladewing found when the scenery was done being “painted” blew his mind.

Bladewing found himself in some type of royal estate. He and his companion stood in front of a pair of doors leading into a massive castle, an entrance that was flanked by two pegasi guards on either side. Bladewing noticed that each of these stallions had halos over their heads, and though he knew without a doubt that he wasn’t dead, he couldn’t help but think that he was actually in Heaven.

“What is this place?” he asked.

“If I told you, you’d never believe me,” replied the mare with a grin. Bladewing was unconvinced.

“What’s not to believe? I just fought a mythical creature today. FOUR of them, I may add.”

“Perhaps… but you say that like you never fought one before.” Bladewing was surprised by her remark.

“What? Just how would you know if I fought a dragon before?”

“I am she who watches all who breathe the breath of life.”

“You? A goddess? Just how is that possible? This is all a dream. How do I know that ANY of what I’m seeing now is real?”

“*giggle* See? You can’t even believe I’m more than a figment of your imagination. What makes you think you’ll believe me if I tell you where we are?” Stunned (and otherwise humbled) by her logic, Bladewing relented from his query. His head drooped low in a show of defeat, but before he could attempt an apology for her, the mare took his cheek in her hoof and gently raised his head back up.

“Come. There is something I want to show you.” Bladewing obliged to her request without a second thought. He nodded gently and then followed her through the entrance to the castle.

After a few moments of traversing corridor after corridor with the mare, Bladewing arrived at what he assumed was her personal chambers. It was a massive place – a natural setting for a mare of power – and Bladewing was at a loss for words for how beautiful it was. From a bed woven with unimaginably fine silk, to a dresser stuffed with fabric and jewels, to a crown of gold embedded with tiny star-like gems, to even the gentle glow of the silver floor bouncing off the golden roof, Bladewing found it hard to NOT think of how blessed he was to see this place whether it was real or not.

“Do you like what you see?” Bladewing was unaware of the grin that yet remained on the mare’s face, for he had his back turned to her. However, he had plenty to say in response to her question.

“It’s amazing. It’s like I’m bathing in luxury in here. I doubt there’s a being alive who owns an abode as lavish as this one.” The mare couldn’t help but chuckle softly at his awe.

“Well, I’m no mortal, but it’s my home all the same. However, we’re not here to marvel at the beauty of my chambers.”

“Of course.” Bladewing turned around to face her. “You said you wanted to show me something.”

“Yes.” Bladewing watched closely as the mare – who he now reluctantly believed was a goddess – moved towards a door in between the two dressers opposite of her bed. She placed a hoof on the knob, and she looked back towards Bladewing.

“Walk this way.” The goddess opened the door and revealed to Bladewing what appeared to be a swirling vortex. Bladewing hesitated at first since he couldn’t see any solid ground through the vortex but after what he experienced with the mare, he learned to trust her with his safety. Maybe not so much his repertoire of the “world” around him, but neither one mattered to him deep down. After all, this was all still a dream to him at best.

Now that he no longer doubted her, Bladewing followed the goddess through the door. The sight that now lied before him was almost ethereal to him. The swirling vortex that he saw earlier had completely vanished, and in its place was a misty plane. Fuzzy lights, like glowing dandelions, floated through the turquoise plane, and Bladewing noticed that both he and his female companion were literally walking on a road of light.

“Where are we?” he asked.

“The spirit world,” replied the mare. Her quick and morbid response disturbed Bladewing, and he looked up to her with a slight tinge of fear in his eyes.

“S-Spirit world? But I’m not dead… well, not YET, anyway. I know that I’ll die eventually being mortal and all, but I know I’m sleeping in a bed right now. There’s no way I could’ve just died the moment I fell asleep.”

“*chuckle* You’re not dead, Bladewing. However, I can assure you that you’re indeed in the spirit world. One does not have to be dead to enter this plane.”

“But how is that possible? This place is literally a whole other dimension. No mortal can ever enter a place like this. Not even in a dream.”

“Well, you’re about to learn why you should believe in deities.” Bladewing noticed the mare’s horn suddenly glow with a scarlet aura, but before he could ask what she was doing, he was struck in the eyes with a flash of white. For a brief moment, he was unable to see, and when his vision returned to him, Bladewing realized that he was back in his room.

“The hell?” he muttered, “What just happened?”

“What else, Bladewing?” replied the mare with a grin, “We’re back in the realm of the living.”

“We are?” Bladewing turned to look at the mare, but was startled by what he saw.

“Crikey!” he exclaimed with shock, “I can see right through you!”

“But of course. We may be in the physical world now, but this is all still a dream – to a degree.”

“To a degree? What do you mean?”

“Oh, I decided to make it more real for you. I made you a spirit for a short while.”

“What?” Bladewing felt shivers slither down his body like icy snakes. He took a glance at his right hoof and noticed that the goddess was right – he was a spirit.

“N-No way,” he shuddered, putting his hoof back down, “I’m translucent, too.”

“All part of being a spirit,” the mare assured him, “But don’t worry. Even as you are now, you’re still not dead.”


“Yes. I just cast a little spell over you that temporarily lets your soul take a spectral form.”

“*sigh* That’s a relief. I normally don’t fear death, but having your life force literally ripped out of your body without a fight is a fate even I can’t fathom.”

“No mortal can. But death is a natural part of life. One way or another, we all come to accept that mortality is the price we pay for being alive. You should know this better than anyone else.” The mare’s daunting, but factual statement intimidated Bladewing for a brief moment. It was true. He was a warrior. He may not remember his past, but he knew deep down that he was someone who doesn’t run away from conflict. Death was a phenomena somepony like him would deal with all the time, especially in battle. However, he didn’t view death the same way a normal sentient being would… and it was something he was going to make clear to the mare.

“You’re right. As a fighter, my life is constantly on the line… but then again, I live a lifestyle that demands it. There are some, like the dragons I fought earlier, that seek to do harm to innocent beings and will not listen to reason. Often times, the only way to stop such wicked creatures is to put them down for good, but to do that, one must not be afraid to die in battle. I am well aware of my mortality, but I don’t let it intimidate me for even a second. How I see it, I would surely die on the battlefield if I ever let the fear of Death hold me back. Being mortal for me simply means that time will inevitably be my end regardless of how it happens. In that regard, I’d rather make the most out of my life than ponder over how long it will last. If it’s my time to die, then it’s my time, and when it does come, I will have no regrets… for I will have lived my life to the fullest by then.” A warm smile suddenly engulfed the mare. Bladewing wasn’t sure if it’s because of what he said, but he had a feeling that he somehow caught the mare’s interest. It was a creepy thought to him, but he was sure that it would turn out to be a good thing in the end.

“I see. You’re saying that when the time comes, you would embrace Death like an old friend?”

“Yes. I have nothing to lose in accepting him.”

“*chuckle* Very well. You intrigue me, Bladewing. I look forward to seeing what sort of future you will make for yourself.”

“As do I, miss. But let’s carry on. You still haven’t showed me anything yet.”

“Of course. But first, do you know where we are?”

“I do. This is my new quarters.”

“Good. Now look behind you.” Bladewing did as the goddess asked without question. He noticed upon facing the other way that he – or rather, his physical self – was still sound asleep beneath the covers.

“Is this real?” he asked with wonder, turning towards the mare, “Is that really my body?” The mare nodded lightly. “Whoa. Wait, hold on.” An idea suddenly occurred to Bladewing. He was sure that the goddess was telling the truth, but there was still one thing that was amiss to him. If this dream really did turn real – and he was having an out-of-body experience – he should be able to feel whatever his physical body was feeling. It sounded weird given he had no nerves as a spirit (and that he can’t pick up objects) but since he’s technically not dead, he surmised that he should still be able to feel whatever his physical body feels. The stallion was unaware that his female companion was able to hear his thoughts, but she ultimately decided to keep this perk to herself. The time was not yet right for her to reveal such powerful abilities to him.

The goddess watched with intrigue as Bladewing moved closer to his body. He stopped roughly six inches from the side of the bed, and after taking a moment to relax himself, he proceeded to touch his body’s face with his hoof. What he found – or rather felt – shocked him.

“No way.” Bladewing retracted his hoof from the body. “I’m not touching my face, and yet when I put my hoof on his, I can feel it too. This HAS to be my body… which means I must be a spirit after all.” The mare couldn’t resist chuckling softly at Bladewing’s epiphany.

“I’m glad you’ve accepted the reality of the situation, Bladewing. Do you still doubt that deities exist?”

“No. Not anymore, at least. But let me ask you something. Are you really-”

“*giggle* I am.” Bladewing looked away from the mare as he took in what she said.

“Heh. A goddess. Never in all my life would I have imagined meeting an immortal being. Even in a dream.”

“There’s a first time for everything.”

“Fair enough. I have one last question to ask you before I completely leave this whole ordeal in your hooves. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, not at all. Feel free to ask.”

“Okay.” Bladewing took a moment to relax himself before continuing onward. “I know you’re not interested in my abilities. As a goddess, you can do more than what a mortal like me can ever hope to achieve. Also, I’m sure a divine being like yourself won’t select just any mortal for an out-of-body experience like this one. I guess my question is… why did you bring me here?” Bladewing noticed a smile slowly engulf the mare’s face.

“Tell me, Bladewing. Do you believe in destiny?” The goddess’s question stumped Bladewing. He took a short, but deep moment of thought before answering her question.

“Hm… I can’t say I do. I’d prefer to believe I alone decide my future.”

“Well, you may want to reconsider after I answer your question.” The mare’s horn suddenly glowed again, and before Bladewing could ask what she was doing, he was blinded yet again by a flash of white light. He rubbed his eyes to shake off the stun effect. Once his sight was restored, however, he temporarily shot a glare at his companion.

“Can you please give me a warning before you do that?” Bladewing asked with frustration, “I know I can’t go blind as a spirit, but it’s still annoying.”

“Sorry,” replied the goddess with an embarrassed grin, “I sometimes forget how powerful my magic is.” Bladewing just sighed and then looked around him. He was in a valley, one that like the battleground he fought in just earlier appeared untouched by man (or in his case, by beast.) He was in the shadow of a hill, and he pressed forward to climb it. Once he was at the top, he stopped, amazed by the beauty of the land lying before him.

“Wow. Are we still in the physical world?”

“We are,” replied the goddess, “But the times are different. This is Equestria in her infancy.” Bladewing looked at the mare with wonder.

“Are you serious? Am I seeing prehistoric Equestria?”

“*giggle* Yes. There are no civilizations, pony or otherwise, present in this time period.”

“Fascinating. So what is it you wanted to show me?” The goddess said nothing. Bladewing watched as she instead looked on, lighting her horn with that familiar scarlet aura.

“This is no ordinary world, Bladewing,” she spoke. Bladewing soon noticed the world around him changing constantly as she spoke. “The laws that govern our universe aren’t the only powers at work here. There is another force that permeates this land, a power so great that even I can’t fathom its true potential… and that power, is magic.” The land around Bladewing suddenly turned barren, and he watched with intrigue as it then changed gradually from its untamed state.

“The magic I’m referring to is far more than the illusions concocted by master magicians. It’s a power that anyone of any age can use, whether they’re adept in it or not. Ponies in particular are especially capable of using it. Since her early days, Equestria had witnessed ponies using the power of magic in conjunction with innovation to create thriving civilizations, some of which live on even to this day and age. Whether it be forging friendship or creating a portal to another world, magic has many forms, and as the ponies advanced their understanding of magic, so too did their understanding of its importance grow. If you were to ask a pony today what life would be like without magic, you would never get a simple answer. But while magic is a power that’s crucial to understanding our world as we know it, it’s also a power that serves as a double-edged sword.” Bladewing watched as the land then changed to various scenes of ponies who based on their facial expressions Bladewing believed were villains. What disturbed him even more than their wicked faces was the scenes of war and chaos in which some of them were seen.

“There are some in this world that view magic as more than just a tool. Just as a coin has two different sides, magic has both constructive and destructive capabilities. More often than not, the beings that choose to delve into the destructive power of magic become infatuated with how to exploit it. These beings are corrupted by the temptations of the material world into believing that power is all that matters in life. They would do anything to acquire this power, even if it means committing unspeakable evils. There had been plenty of times in Equestria’s history where ponies had paid such a price for this power, and each time they did, it brought about pain and suffering to all who came into contact with them. Their stories serve as a warning for those who dare to underestimate the capabilities of magic.” The land quickly changed to various post-war scenes, a sight to which Bladewing felt slightly better. They weren’t exactly pretty sights, but at least the worst of the situation in each scene was over.

“In spite of the extremes to which magic had been taken, it’s a force that the ponies were able to keep in check for millennia. For every villain that came to power through magic, there was a hero or heroine from the same means there to stop them, and the ponies rebuilt from the ashes left behind by the chaos every time. However, there is a new evil on the rise that threatens to permanently plunge all of Equestria into darkness… and THAT is why I brought you here.” Bladewing shot a questioning look at the goddess.

“Let me guess this straight,” he spoke, ruffling his feathers slightly, “You’re saying you brought me here… to tell me of a coming danger?”

“Yes… and that you are the only one who can stop it.” After letting her words sink in, Bladewing felt overburdened. He followed through with the mare’s instructions expecting to end this ordeal quickly, and yet he felt it was only just beginning.

“No… No, there must be some mistake.” Bladewing stepped a short distance backwards from the goddess. “Why am I the one to stop this evil?” The mare walked to his side once more before continuing.

“It’s like I said earlier, Bladewing: I am she who watches all who breathe the breath of life. I’ve watched you since your birth. You may not think it, but I know everything about you… and I like what I see in you. You have a strong passion for justice, and you do not hesitate to risk your very life in its name. Committing to the greater good is a job you love, and though you suffer more than the very beings you protect, you are never weighed down by it. The weak and the helpless look up to you, and the ones who work with you are inspired by your presence. You rarely have time for love, but you treasure the few moments you find it like precious gems… and the one who shares them with you feels blessed to be with someone as noble as you.” Bladewing looked away from the mare for a short moment as he let her description of him sink into his mind.

“Is… Is that really who I am?”

“You can take it however you want, Bladewing. I know that you know this to be true deep in your heart. It shows greatly through your actions, whether you realize it or not.”

“So then why can’t I remember being any of those things?”

“I cannot answer that. That’s something you must discover for yourself.” Bladewing hated how inconvenient her answer was, but he knew it was as good an answer as she was willing to give. He wondered if there was another reason she wouldn’t tell him, but he didn’t have time to ponder over it now. He still had other questions he wanted answered from the mare.

“All right. But there’s one thing that troubles me about this whole ordeal. You’re a goddess. Can’t you just defeat this evil yourself? You’re clearly more powerful than I.”

“Not entirely, Bladewing. I may be a goddess, but I am still bound by rules… and one of those rules is that I am forbidden from directly altering the future.”

“*sigh* Fine. I guess you’ll need a mortal for this job after all. I’ll need time to think about this, though. I’ll reconsider my thoughts on destiny, but I still believe that I have the final say on what my future will be. I will not be forced into carrying a burden I do not want.”

“Very well. Consider your choice carefully, Bladewing. This evil will come whether you accept it or not… and your choice will determine the fate of your future. I will now return you to your body. Farewell… *chuckle* and may the Force be with you.” Bladewing was caught off guard by the latter of words, and he quickly shot a confused look at her.

“Wait, wha-AHH!” Bladewing suddenly felt the ground beneath him give way, and he plunged into a dark abyss.

“The hell is going on?!” Bladewing tried flapping his wings, but they didn’t respond to his commands. All he could do was fall deeper into the very abyss he escaped from earlier.

“Goddess!” he called out to the mare, “What’s the meaning of this?!” Once he leveled he laid himself out flat, he looked to his sides for any sign of the mystical mare… and sure enough, he found her. She was falling freely with him as well, her wings just as tightly retracted as his. He watched her smile as she answered his final question.

“Just as I said, Bladewing: I’m returning you to your body. I just forgot to mention that the place we were at earlier is very high up from the surface world. I’ll let you figure out just where exactly we were.” The mare giggled before slowly fading away from Bladewing’s sight. It was a sight that absolutely shocked Bladewing. He was in a free fall, with neither an end in sight nor anyone to comfort him.

“Wait, wait! There’s still a few things I want to ask you! I don’t even know your name! Don’t you dare leave me without at least giving me that, goddess! Goddess?! GOODDEEEEEEEEEEEEESS!” Before long, Bladewing felt himself slip into unconsciousness once more. Everything around him was pitch-black once more, and he felt paralyzed, unable to even move his tail. Even his very mind felt numb to him, for he couldn’t tell whether what he heard next was real or what he would consider his conscience. Whichever the case was, the voice sounded ethereal.

“Be at peace, brave warrior. You’ll know who I am soon enough. In fact, you’ll find all of the answers that you seek in due time. The choices you make will indeed shape your future. Make the right ones, and you’ll live a life beyond your wildest dreams.” The last of the voice’s words slowly faded away to silence. The paralysis that Bladewing felt ceased just two seconds afterwards, and the stallion immediately opened his eyes with breathing so frantic it was akin to a runner catching his breath. He could see the ceiling to his room, but he waited for his breathing to return to normal before actually analyzing the situation. He groaned from the fatigue that still gripped his body, but he still managed to sit himself upright. He took a careful look at his surroundings. Besides still lying in bed, Bladewing realized that he was back in his room. It was still nighttime, as moonlight shone ever so slightly through his windows.

“Ugh, what a dream,” he murmured, rubbing his forehead, “My head is killing me.” Bladewing cringed as he thought more carefully of what he just said. Considering how intense the experience was, the stallion had hard time believing that it was just a dream.

“It all felt so real. Like I really did have an out-of-body experience. It sounds crazy, but I think I got my first glimpse of Heaven… or at least a section of the afterlife.” It was here that an idea came to Bladewing. It seemed even crazier to him than seeing Heaven for the first time, but if it worked, it would prove to him that none of what he saw was a dream.

“G-Goddess? Are you there?” Bladewing listened carefully for answer. The silence remained unbroken.

“This isn’t funny, goddess,” he murmured with annoyance, “If you insist that what I saw in my dream was real, then prove to me that you’re real too. Speak to me.” The air in Bladewing’s room continued with its silence.

“*grunt* Forget it.” Bladewing lied back down in his bead in frustration. “It must’ve been a dream after all.” Having come to this conclusion, Bladewing returned to his sleep. Even having saw what he saw, Bladewing still found it hard to believe that deities exist. Not when he tried calling one out after his encounter and got no response from her. Even so, there was one important detail from the dream that he did accept as fact: there was truth to some of the things that this mysterious mare told him.


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It was 8:00 the next morning, and the sun was shining bright over Fredericksmare. Bladewing, however, was not in his room. The radiant sunlight that shone through his window revealed an empty, but tidy bed. Nothing else was disturbed. It turned out that the stallion was actually meditating outside in the backyard, lying on his knees facing the sun. Waking up before the others meant he had to go outside to let them sleep, but he was okay with that. He was rather fond of being surrounded by the beauty of Nature.

Bladewing rose to all fours for a quick stretch. He only meditated for about 20 minutes, but his body was now completely shaken of all fatigue. He felt ready for just about any task.

“Hm… it’s going to be a short while before the Hearts wake up. What should I do in the meantime?” It didn’t take long before an idea chimed into Bladewing’s mind. It could possibly be the most foolish one he thought up yet, but it was an idea nevertheless.

“*sigh* I have absolutely NO idea how I’m able to use this mysterious power, but… it seems to respond to my emotions. Maybe I can use it to conjure up some company. A being of pure energy that I can talk to. It’s crazy, but it’s better than sitting around in boredom.” Bladewing shut his eyes and positioned himself in a meditative trance. For about a minute, he focused on painting a mental image on what he wanted this figure to look like. A strange blue stream of mist slowly streamed out of his body and collected into a blob a few feet away from him. Even stranger still, the stallion felt no different now than before he began meditating. Before long, Bladewing snapped out of his trance and examined the results. He rubbed the back of his head with a blush.

“Um… this isn’t what I had in mind.” The blob suddenly started morphing, as if it heard Bladewing's comment. It changed from a strange lump of energy to a figure that closely resembled the pegasus. It even went so far as to give itself additional details on its face. Bladewing stood shocked.

“Whoa. It’s got a mind of its own… and I think it took my comment for an insult.” Bladewing wondered if the specter could talk. He didn’t see why not since he had a mouth, but he wanted to know for certain.

“Specter,” he addressed the figure, “Can you understand my words?” The specter nodded his head. “Okay. Can you talk?” The specter shook his head, much to Bladewing’s concern.

“You can’t? Why not?” The specter pointed briefly at his throat before putting his hoof back down. Bladewing was confused by his gesture at first but after he thought of his question for a moment, he understood what the specter meant.

“Oh. Pffh, of course. You don’t have any vocal cords.” The specter replied with a smile, all while Bladewing rubbed his head in embarrassment. “*chuckle* Fair enough. I guess this means I can only ask you ‘yes or no’ questions, doesn’t it?” The specter nodded his head yet again.

“*sigh* I thought so. All right then, specter, answer me this: Do you consider me an enemy?” This time, the figure shook his head no, as though the question were a silly one. “I see. So you won’t mind keeping me company, then?” The specter shook his head yet again.

“Great. Now what am I going to do with you? Ah, I know.” Bladewing pulled both his lightsabers into his hoof using the Force and tossed the green one to his doppelganger.

“What do you say we have a little sparring session?” The specter turned on his blade beaming a look of interest to his maker. Bladewing returned the smile with an amused chuckle.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Let’s go!” The pegasus turned on his own lightsaber and before long, a controlled, yet epic battle ensued.

A few minutes earlier, a well-rested Diamond rose from his bed with a yawn. A soft hoof brushed against his foreleg and he turned to find his wife still sleeping peacefully next to him. A simple, yet romantic idea swept his mind as he cuddled with her and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. The mare giggled softly and slowly opened her eyes. She was amused to find her husband smiling at her.

“You’re up early,” Topaz mused, “Aroused, are we?”

“*chuckle* Oh? So now I need a boner if I want to show you some love? You must be in heat.” Topaz grimaced and playfully smacked Diamond’s face with her pillow.

“Pervert,” she cooed, getting herself out of bed, “I have half a mind to geld you for that.”

“Ah, but then I wouldn’t be able to satisfy your needs, would I?”

“Touché.” Just as Topaz began to brush her mane in front of a mirror, Diamond heard buzzing sounds from outside their home. He moved the curtains aside to see what was going on. He was surprised to find his pegasus friend fighting a strange creature.

“Blimey,” he spoke, “Bladewing’s outside in the backyard.”

“He is?” Topaz replied, “What’s he doing?”

“He’s fighting… something. It looks like a ghost, but I’m not too sure.”

“A ghost?” Topaz put down her brush and moved towards the bedroom window to see for herself. Sure enough, there was Bladewing, fighting the specter he summoned just a few moments ago.

“What in the world?” she gasped, “Who’s that?”

“I don’t know, Topaz… but I don’t think it’s friendly. Let’s get over there and see what’s going on.”

“Right.” The couple put on bathrobes and made their way outside. Once they were out, they were immediately enraptured by the action unfolding before them. The sound of buzzing from the clash of lightsabers was all that could be heard as Bladewing fought vigorously against his phantom counterpart.

For a short while, it seemed this conflict would end in a draw. That notion quickly changed as the specter suddenly began to give ground. Bladewing took on a more aggressive style, as he was now using his Force abilities more often. Before long, he had the specter on the ground with the tip of his lightsaber pointed at his neck. Though the specter could also use the Force, his lightsaber was out of reach. There was no way he could bring it to his hoof in time. At this point, he knew he was defeated. The specter raised his front hooves to the sky in a gesture of surrender. Bladewing smiled and accepted, turning off his lightsaber and then helping the specter back to all fours.

“That was pretty good, specter,” Bladewing spoke, “I’d never come to expect a decent battle from a ghost… *chuckle* even one with my likeness.” The specter smiled and gently punched his shoulder.

“I take it that means we’re friends now?” The specter tipped his head in agreement. “Great.” Bladewing shook hooves with the phantom before moving on. “I thank you for your time, specter. Let’s try this again sometime.” The apparition beamed a hearty smile before slowly fading away into Bladewing’s body in a stream of mist. The Hearts looked at him dumbfounded. They weren’t the type to believe in ghosts, yet they just saw Bladewing shake hooves with one. An explanation was far from their reach, but they didn’t care for it much. At least they knew Bladewing was in no real danger.

With their minds more at ease, Diamond and Topaz stomped their hooves in a show of applause. Bladewing cringed and slowly turned to face them.

“That was a nice battle you fought there, Bladewing,” Diamond commented, “The most unique I’ve seen so far.” The pegasus just chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. “Oh, I’m sorry. Are we imposing?”

“No, not at all,” Bladewing assured him, “It’s just… well, let’s just say I wasn’t expecting an audience.”

“All right. So how did all this happen?”

“Well, I woke up at around seven thirty. I didn’t want to wake you two from your sleep, so I came out here for a bit of meditation. I started to get bored after I was done, and I decided I’d try my luck at conjuring up some company.”

“Ah, so THAT’S why we saw the ghost,” replied Topaz with a grin.

“*chuckle* Yeah,” replied Bladewing, rubbing his nape with a grin, “Who knew I could summon one, huh? Anyway, since I had nothing else to do, I figured I’d spar with him while you guys continue to rest… but it looks like our battle was louder than I thought.”

“Nah,” continued Diamond, “We woke up long before we knew you were out here. Don’t worry about it.”

“*sigh* Good.” Topaz noticed the blood that still stained Bladewing’s robes and looked at them with concern.

“What do you say I clean your robes before we go?” the mare asked him, “I wouldn’t want ponies to get the wrong idea about you.” Bladewing looked at himself with a blush.

“Ah, right,” he spoke with a chuckle, “I forgot the stains were even there. I think I’ll take a shower as well.”

“Great. We’ll depart to the streets when you’re done.” The trio said nothing further as they went back into the house.

Strange as it seemed, bathing felt weird to Bladewing. He wasn’t unfamiliar with it, but he never cleaned himself on all fours. Nevertheless, he had no trouble showering. He just had to be very careful when washing his wings. The last thing he wanted was to stain the tub with his blood.

It wasn’t long before the pegasus emerged from the bathroom cleaner than a whistle. After moving the contents of his pockets into a small bag, he put his robes into a hamper next to the tub. Needless to say, he felt refreshed. He moved down the stairs towards the kitchen table. Diamond and Topaz were seated there waiting for him, and little Ruby was lying in her mother’s lap.

“Are you ready?” Diamond asked him.


“Good. Let’s get going.” Topaz gently placed Ruby in one of her saddlebags before the trio exited the house toward the bustling streets of Fredericksmare. Bladewing was initially concerned – he was going in public completely nude – but he dismissed this concern as quickly as it reached him. If Topaz and Diamond were doing it, then he shouldn’t have any trouble doing it himself.

“There’s nothing wrong with being naked in front of other ponies, right?”

* * *

Hardly a few moments have passed and Bladewing was already fascinated by the lively scenery around him. Carriages moved about the streets as he and the Hearts walked on an adjacent sidewalk; little colts and fillies played under the supervision of their parents at a park ahead of him; and buildings of various designs lined the streets.

“This city is quite animated, isn’t it?” Diamond asked him.

“Indeed. Where are we, exactly?”

“We’re in Fredericksmare’s commerce district. Most of the city’s wealth flows from this place. Merchants from all over the world travel here to make their fortunes.”

“Wow. No wonder it’s so busy… and so diverse.” Bladewing was alluding to the few non-pony creatures that were interacting with other ponies around him.

“Ah, yes. We receive quite a few outsiders here, and not just from our species. Griffons and dragons drop by as well, but it’s seldom that we have more than a few at any moment.” Bladewing was both intrigued and confused. He initially thought from his battle with the dragons that they were evil, but Diamond's statement said otherwise. He understood now that his presumption was false. Not all of these fearsome lizards were like that.

For a short while, the trio said nothing further. However, the silence was shattered the moment Topaz noticed the Cutie Mark on Bladewing’s flank.

“Your Cutie Mark is quite nice, Bladewing.”

“My Cutie Mark?” Topaz tilted her head in the direction of Bladewing’s flank. The pegasus turned towards it and was surprised to find an image lying on top of it. It was the symbol of the Jedi Order, and it was colored completely in red. Though this icon looked familiar, Bladewing hadn’t the slightest clue what it was.

“Oh. So it is. But what IS a Cutie Mark?”

“You mean you don’t know?” To the mare’s dismay, Bladewing shook his head. “I see. Well, that’s okay. I’ll give you a short summary: a Cutie Mark is an image that all ponies bear. It’s an icon that supposedly reflects the bearer’s unique abilities.”

“Okay. So what does mine say about my abilities?”

“Hm… it’s difficult to say. It could have something to do with your sword skills, but I can’t say for certain without your memories. I’m afraid this is the one thing Diamond and I can’t help you with, Bladewing. You’ll have to discover the meaning of your Cutie Mark for yourself.”

“*sigh* Very well. At least I know what to expect.” Diamond could see the slight disappointment that shown on Bladewing’s face. He wasn’t going to let him stay this way, though. Not here and certainly not now.

“*chuckle* Cheer up, Bladewing,” he spoke with an uplifting tone, “It’s still a good-looking Cutie Mark. Sure, you might not know what it means now, but you will eventually. For now, just rejoice in the fact that no other pony bears one even half as unique as yours.” It seemed that Diamond’s gambit did the trick. What was once a miniscule frown on Bladewing’s face was now a small grin.

“Heh. It does make me stand out amongst the crowd.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear.” The ponies traveled on with little else to say. In a few moments, Bladewing soon entered a different part of the city. The details were similar, but the populace here was more interactive.

“This is the central plaza, Bladewing,” Diamond spoke, “The very heart of Fredericksmare. Here you will find some of the city’s more interesting attractions. Along with great restaurants, it has theaters, a park, a hoofball stadium, arcades… even a museum. Whatever manner of comfort you can imagine, this place has it. You’ll have no problem finding enjoyment here.”

“I’m intrigued. I might explore this place later on, when I’m more adjusted to living here.”

“You won’t be disappointed. I can guarantee that.” A familiar structure suddenly appeared from the corner of Diamond’s eye. “Ah, look. There’s the monument.” A bronze statue of a Coltec warrior stood proudly in the middle of the plaza. He was on his rear hooves holding a spear in one hoof and a shield in the other. He was looking straight ahead, as if he were watching his enemies approach from afar.

”So this is what a Coltec warrior looks like,” Bladewing spoke.

“Indeed. This is what a typical one looked like during the early years of the royal dynasty. Most of them have since adapted to the changing times, but there are still a few clans that continue to uphold the traditions and customs of our ancestors. Once every year, the king summons them to this very location to regale the people with rituals and stories about the ancient past.”

“Fascinating. How do I make contact with them?”

“One of the clans lives in the valley outside the city. Finding them shouldn’t be a problem. Be warned, though: they’re usually very friendly, but they can quickly turn hostile if given reason. Be mindful when you’re in their company."

“That won’t be a problem.”

“Good.” Diamond Heart spotted their destination to the right of the Coltec statue and guided the others to the entrance. Above it stood a sign that read “The Warrior’s Abode”.

“Is this the place?” Bladewing asked.

“It is. Let’s get inside, shall we?” Bladewing walked with him and Topaz inside feeling a mixture of curiosity and excitement. Hardly twenty four hours have passed and already this city was starting to feel like home to him. As a pair of waiters guided the group to an available table, he pondered what other surprises he would find next.

Meanwhile, a familiar unicorn made her way inside one of the restaurant’s back rooms. She was reading herself for work, but unlike many of her coworkers, she looked tense. The memory of Bladewing's battle with the dragons remained fresh in her mind, and had she been a less-resilient mare, she probably would’ve came to the restaurant late, or worse. Her anxiety was to the point where time seemed to move very slowly. Seconds now felt like minutes and the latter more like hours. Alas, there was nothing she could do to make the day go any faster. She returned to putting on her waitress uniform without a murmur.

“Hey, Rose. How’s it going?” The unicorn looked to her side to find a pegasus mare looking at her with a grin.

“Hey, Blaze,” Rose replied, forcing a little smile, “I’m doing fine, thanks.” The pegasus wasn’t too happy to see the look on her friend’s face.

“*chuckle* Come on. You know I don’t buy it when ya give me that face. What’s with ya today?” Rose was reluctant to answer her question. However, she knew that once Blaze gets concerned over her well-being, she won’t stop asking her questions until she knew everything she needed to hear from her. For the sake of sparing herself some trouble, she decided to give in to her query.

“I’m fine, Blaze, really. It’s just… well, I was thinking about a wonderful experience I had yesterday.”

“Ooh, that sounds exciting. You mind sharing with me?

“*sigh* I might as well. Seeing how you’d never let me off the hook otherwise.” Blaze just chuckled at her comment, and the two mares then sat a table close to where Rose obtained her uniform. From here, the unicorn told her friend everything…


“Nice! This Bladewing guy sounds cool.”

“*chuckle* He does. I imagine he’s fought plenty of battles like this one in his past.”

“I’ll bet. And you said he’s living here? In Fredericksmare?”

“Yes. I’m not sure where he lives exactly, but it’s nice to know he’s around.”

“Yeah, for sure. But there’s one thing I’d like to know about all this.”

“Like what?”

“You like him. Don’t you?” The reaction Blaze got from her question was exactly as she had hoped. Rose’s cheeks began to blush the moment she let out her last word.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Rose insisted nervously, “I just met him yesterday. Well, I didn’t actually MEET him, I just saw him while hiding in the grass. The point is, there’s no way I’d have any interest in him.”

“Uh-huh… and you called this experience ‘wonderful.’”

“Well… isn’t it?”

“*chuckle* I’ve known you since freshman year of college, Rose. I know you wouldn’t use that word unless you REALLY liked what you saw.”

“Okay, so I like that he protected a couple and their little one from a gang of dragons. That doesn’t mean I like him. It’s a bit soon to be having such feelings for him now.”

“Ah, so you're interested in him, then.” Rose found herself blushing even harder.

“A-As a friend. I’m very sure he wouldn’t be romantically interested in me. Especially given I was being a bit of a stalker back there.”

“Oh, yeah? And how would you know? He doesn’t know it was you who was watching him. Hell, I bet he thought you were just some creature looking for an easy-” One of the kitchen staff suddenly came through the door towards the two mares, cutting off Blaze in a heartbeat.

“Ms. Blossom?” Rose turned her head to face the mare. “You’re needed in the kitchen.”

“I’m on my way.” The unicorn left the room shortly. Rose in turn began to ready herself for her, much to the dismay of her pegasus friend.

“Aw, bummer,” groaned Blaze, “It was just getting good.” Needless to say, Rose found her disappointment amusing.

“*chuckle* Serves you right for trying to pry into my heart, Blaze,” Rose replied sassily, “But anyway, it’s time I got moving. Wish me luck.”

“See ya.” With that, Rose left towards the kitchen. One of the cooks was waiting for her there, and a platter with three meals was lying on one of the kitchen tables.

“Convenient timing, Ms. Blossom,” he spoke candidly, “Ze chef wants zese orders delivered to ze ponies at Table 7. Be very careful, though. Zey’re a bit heavy.”

“I can handle it.” Rose passed through the kitchen doors carrying the platter in her magic. She walked calmly towards the designated table, unknowing what – or rather who – she was going to find. About halfway there, she froze.

“*gasp* Is that… oh my goddess, it is. It’s HIM!” Rose looked with anxiety at the dark stallion sitting at that very table. Accompanied by the couple he rescued the other day, Bladewing sat in deep thought, unaware of her presence.

“Gah, this is so unfair! I just escaped an interrogation from Blaze over how I feel about him. Why did he have to show up here of all places?” The mare was reluctant to press forward. It was a miracle that she didn’t drop her platter the moment she spotted him, but now she couldn’t feel more like getting somepony to carry it to his table in her place. If there was one thing she sorely lacked as a mare, it was the courage to interact with a handsome stallion – even one she wasn’t interested in. However, upon taking a second look, she realized that interacting with Bladewing may not be as bad as she thought.

“Huh. He’s with the family he saved yesterday. I should be more comfortable interacting with him if I’m not alone with him. If I start to feel nervous or uncomfortable, I can just make a joke with the couple and laugh it off. That way I won’t make a fool of myself in front of him. Oh, what am I saying? I’m talking like I really am interested in him. Why should I have ANY trouble just giving him his order?” Time seemed to slow around Rose as she thought carefully of the situation. A myriad of scenarios passed through her mind, each one its own timeline. She normally would’ve cast aside a problem like this without hesitation, but this was a special case. She strongly felt that this might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For reasons she wished she knew, she didn’t want to brush him off her mind just yet. She couldn’t say how long she stood there, but she didn’t care. Her ultimate objective now was to determine what to do. After what seemed like a good while, she came up with a plan.

“Hey… there might be something in this close encounter for me after all. Interacting with him can give me some practice with how to be cool around boys. If I can catch his interest, I can do the same with any other stallion like him. Plus, I won’t have to worry about making a fool of myself in front of him. Since I’m not interested in him, I can easily forget about him if by chance I’m unsuccessful. Either way it goes, I’ll have significantly reduced my timidity around stallions period. Oh, Rose, you’re a genius!” Rose proceeded to her table with a cheerful smile, her mind now unified under the banner that was her idea. Even as her idea lightly touched on the possibility that she might be romantically interested in him, she refused to admit that she was. One could say she might be trying to avoid potential heartbreak, but then it would confirm this possibility as a fact. Whichever the cause for her turning a blind eye to it, it was fortunate that she didn’t wait a second longer – the chef hates when one of his waitresses starts to dawdle.

Although Rose felt a lot better about her situation, the same could not be said of Bladewing. He sensed a presence nearby, one which oddly enough felt very familiar to him.

“Hm. It’s familiar, but… where have I felt this presence before?”

“Are you all right, Bladewing?” Topaz’s voice snapped the pegasus from his thoughts. He rubbed his face firmly with a hoof.

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? You seemed a bit uncomfortable.”

“It’s nothing. I just got a bad feeling for a moment. Don’t worry about it.”

“Very well.” Rose arrived shortly after she spoke, and the trio immediately turned towards her.

“Here are your orders, sirs, miss,” she spoke joyously, serving their food, “Thank you for your patience.”

“No, thank you,” replied Diamond. The mare just chuckled as he snacked on the vegetable pizza slices that were his order. It was in this moment that Bladewing sensed the mysterious presence at its strongest.

“No way. It’s right on top of me… and it definitely feels familiar. But where the devil did I feel it before? Wait a minute…” Bladewing thought deeply for a moment, and then a flashback from yesterday entered his mind.


Bladewing smiled as he started walking with the Hearts towards their home. He expected his day to be uneventful from this point onward, but it didn’t take long before trouble found him again. He heard a twig snapping a distance behind him, and his warrior instincts immediately sprang back into action. He turned on his lightsabers just as he turned the other way, anticipating something to come at him for a frontal assault. The Hearts, on the other hoof, cringed in surprise, for they feared something terrible was happening.

“What the…” Both Diamond and his wife looked towards Bladewing to find his back turned to them. He was in a defensive stance, and his lightsabers hummed as he stood there looking at the bit of land in front of him.

“What’s wrong, Bladewing?” Diamond asked him.

“I heard something,” murmured Bladewing, “A twig snapping, I think. I have a feeling we’re being watched.” Bladewing couldn’t fathom how accurate his assumption was. However, the Hearts were unable to confirm his suspicions.

“I can’t see a thing,” Diamond continued, looking around, “Can you, dear?”

“No, nothing,” replied Topaz, “Are you sure about this, Bladewing?”

“I’m sure. I’ll go investigate, but I suggest both of you find cover. There’s no telling what might come of this.” The Hearts were more than willing to oblige. After having barely escaped the dragons with their lives, they dared not take any chances with whatever was following them. Especially not when their little one was with them. They hid behind some tall grass nearby, determined to stay put until Bladewing dealt with this potential threat on their behalf.

Bladewing cleansed his mind to better focus himself on this mysterious interloper. He then senses a presence a short distance ahead of him. It was faint, but Bladewing was certain that it was the creature that made the twig-snapping sound he heard earlier. He approached it silently hoping to catch it off-guard, but what Bladewing didn’t know was that this interloper was not an “it” but rather, a she. It was Rose Blossom, and she was hiding in some tall grass just as the Hearts were. She accidentally stepped on yet another old twig the moment she turned towards an old dirt road that lead to Fredericksmare. She had hoped until this point that she would be able to take this road back home without attracting any further attention, but now that the loud snapping noise gave away her presence, her only desire was to hide herself from view – especially from that of the stallion coming towards her.

Even as he anticipated another battle, Bladewing pressed forward cautiously. He was uncertain whether this presence was a lone creature or a culmination of several smaller ones, so charging into the fray as he did earlier would prove more risky. He had no choice but to play it safe for now.

“You got some nerve, creep,” threatened Bladewing, “I would’ve thought you’d know better than to follow us. I’m sure you saw how I decimated that dragon gang earlier. Now show yourself. There’s no point in trying to hide from me any longer.” Bladewing quieted himself to better hear any response from this mysterious entity. None came.

“Very well. I’d have given you a chance to live if you cooperated, but it seems you’d rather test my patience. Now I’m just going to make sure you don’t leave this place alive.” Bladewing prepared to charge the mysterious creature full force, but before he could take a single step, he sensed something suddenly spring towards him. It was fast, but Bladewing’s eyesight was sharp enough to detect the creature that barely managed to hop over his head… and once he found out what it was, he couldn’t help but feel shocked.

“What?!” Bladewing turned around quickly, and his cheeks flushed red as he watched a small, but very spry bunny turned frantically hopping to the dirt road and then into a wild rice field on the other side.

“Oh, come on,” he murmured in annoyance, “There’s no way that little rabbit was what I was sensing. She’s nowhere NEAR the foe I was expecting.” Bladewing turned back around and scrutinized the area around him. To his greatest dismay, he could no longer sense the presence he felt earlier. He was unaware that Rose was long gone by now – the bunny distracted him long enough for her to make a break for it without detection. With no other living creature around for miles, Bladewing had no choice but to assume that the presence he felt earlier was indeed the bunny who so frantically charged at him.

“*sigh* I must be getting trigger-happy. A bunny, setting off my senses this whole time…” Bladewing spent the few seconds he took to return to the Hearts rebuking himself for letting a tiny little animal lure trick him into thinking a much bigger threat was on the prowl.


“I REALLY doubt that bunny was the source of the creepy presence… and now that I think about it, the one I’m sensing now is more like it. Could it be?” Bladewing slowly followed the direction in which he felt the presence and he traced it to the unicorn mare. He tried taking a closer look at her face, but he then shook the idea that suddenly popped into his head.

“Ugh, what foolishness is this? There’s no way this mare could be the source of the presence. She hardly even LOOKS menacing. But there’s no way it could come from any of the other ponies here, either. *grunt* I feel like it’s toying with me.” Rose noticed Bladewing’s attempt to scrutinize her. It wasn’t like Bladewing tried to hide it, but she knew that something about her had stunned him.

“*giggle* Brilliant. He’s checking me out. I might’ve gotten his interest already.” Interest was the last thing Bladewing had for her, but it hardly mattered. As Rose saw it, now was her chance to make a move.

“I haven’t seen you here before,” she spoke to him. Bladewing was still unsettled by the presence – it all seemed to emanate from her – but her smile proved to be comforting for him.

“It’s my first time, actually,” he replied, “I’m not from Fredericksmare.”

“Ah, I see. What do you think of our city so far?”

“It’s quite fascinating. It’s unlike any I’ve seen before.”

“*chuckle* I’m glad somepony thinks so.” Another waitress came by and tapped Rose on the shoulder. She whispered something in her ear and left her right after Rose nodded her head.

“Would you mind if I may have your name?”

“I’m Bladewing.”

“Great. Enjoy your stay, Mr. Bladewing.” Rose left his side feeling victorious. With that very short conversation, she felt confident that she left a good impression on him. The mysterious presence Bladewing felt earlier slowly diminished with each step she took away from him. This strange phenomena confirmed his suspicions, but it also left him in a state of bewilderment.

“I don’t believe it. So it WAS her presence I’ve been sensing. Wait a minute… if it was her I sensed back at the fields… then that means…” Rose was just at the doors leading into the kitchen when Bladewing turned his head towards her. She quickly noticed from the corner of her eye and looked back. His face was one of surprise. She smiled briefly for him before passing through the doors, as if she knew he caught on to her. The Hearts took note of the whole scene, and Diamond was as amused as Bladewing was perplexed.

“Wow. I think she’s taken a fancy to you, my friend.” Bladewing remained still.

“Is that a good thing?”

“*chuckle* Don’t tell me you’re nervous about it. It’s perfectly natural… well, the scenario isn’t normally the mare wooing the stallion, but that’s not the point.” Topaz couldn’t resist laughing at Diamond’s feeble attempt at comforting Bladewing and decided to intervene.

“What my husband is trying to say, Bladewing, is that you shouldn’t worry. Despite what HE may think of the situation, I doubt that mare has a special interest in you. She probably just likes you.”

“Ah, good. I was on edge there for a moment.” Topaz glared playfully at Diamond, and the stallion in turn grinned nervously.

“Very tactful, dear. Shoot a poisoned love arrow into his heart, why don’t you?”

“Sorry. Just wanted to help.” Entertained and in better spirits, Bladewing proceeded to enjoying the food with the others.

Meanwhile, behind literally closed doors, Rose took a moment to process what she just experienced.

*sigh* That was amazing. I only just talked to him and I feel like a new mare. I’m one step closer to being cool around boys.” Rose was glad that she got through interacting with Bladewing without making a fool of herself – she even enjoyed it to a degree – but now she faced a whole other dilemma, in the form of a smug eavesdropping pegasus.

“*chuckle* Looks like you might be liking him after all,” spoke Blaze with a grin. Rose cringed and then quickly turned around to face her.

“B-Blaze,” she stammered, “I-I didn’t expect to see you here. Did the chef call you up?”

“Yeah, but it was just to toss out the garbage. I figured I’d hang out afterwards by the counter to see how you were doing… and unless I’m mistaken, that stud you were flirting with earlier is Bladewing. Am I right?” Rose was filled with both shock and nervousness. It was clear from her words that Blaze saw every second of the brief moment of conversation she had with Bladewing… and now she had her right where she wanted her. Flustered and unable to escape her romantic situation. She had no choice but to nod in agreement.

“Yes. That’s him.”

“I figured as much. I can’t say I blame ya, though. He’s tall, dark, and plenty handsome – a guy any girl would want by her side. Although in your case, it looks like he’s even more than that.”

“*sigh* For the last time, Blaze, I’m not-”

“I know, I know. You’re not interested in him. But let’s take this somewhere more private.” Rose was reluctant to oblige, but before she could say a word of protest, she felt the pegasus grab her by a foreleg and drag her to the stockroom. It was only after they were behind its doors that Blaze released her from her grip.

“Good,” continued Blaze, “We’re alone. So you’re not interested in Bladewing?” Rose shook her head. “Okay…so why were you flirting with him?”

“I was just trying to practice being cool around stallions. With Bladewing being kind and handsome and all that, I figured he’d be my best chance to do so. There’s nothing more involved between me and him.”

“Ah. So he’s still on the market, then?” For a reason she wished she could comprehend, Rose felt threatened by the sly tone in Blaze’s voice (as well as the sassy grin on her face). She knew she meant no harm, but the thought of Bladewing being with another mare disturbed her somehow.

“I know what you’re thinking Blaze, but it’s not like that. If you think seeing you flirt with him is somehow going to make me jealous, you got another thing coming.”

“I don’t see why it should. You said it yourself: you’re not interested in him. I shouldn’t have to worry about making you jealous if you don’t even like him, let alone want him.”

“Well, no, but… who’s to say I won’t like him in the future?”

“*chuckle* You know how I roll, Rose: it’s now or never. So you make up your mind right now and tell me how you REALLY feel about Bladewing… or else I’m gonna walk out this door and make him my coltfriend.” Rose gasped in shock. It was one thing for her best friend to tease her, but now she was making her choose between her pride and her heart. Blaze had all the cards in her hoof and she knew it… and Rose couldn’t afford to fold.

“Y-You’re bluffing,” stammered Rose nervously, “Mad.”

“Am I? Or are you just saying that because you’re afraid he’ll like me instead of you?” Rose’s cheeks blushed once more, now ever harder than before.

“*grunt* You’re not going to make me say it, are you?”

“*giggle* You tell me. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way… and right now, it looks like you wanna try the hard way.”

“Humph. You say that like you’re giving me a choice.”

“I am, Rose. You can either choose to make it easy on yourself and tell me how you feel about Bladewing… or you can choose NOT to tell me and hold it in for life as I claim him for myself.”

“Well, I got news for you, you bird-brained diva – neither one is a real choice. I’m not spilling my heart for you, and you can’t make me.”

“Suit yourself. But don’t think for a second that I’m doing this to be mean. I love you like a sister… and it’s because I love you that I’m giving you one last chance to stop me from making Bladewing mine. You have ‘til I go from three to zero to tell me how you REALLY feel about him. Once I hit zero, I’m walking out that door and you’re gonna lose him forever.” At this point in their conversation, Rose was completely on edge. She was putting up a brave fight to keep from shaking but on the inside, she trembled like a one-legged stand during an earthquake. No matter how much she insisted, Blaze was unconvinced that she wasn’t interested in Bladewing. There was only one way this scenario was going to end for her, and it was that her life from this point onward would be changed forever – and it was going to happen in a matter of seconds.

“Um… can I think about this for a minute?” Blaze rubbed her chin playfully in thought, pretending to be concerned.

“Hm… nope.” Rose’s eyes opened wide in horror, much to Blaze’s delight. “Three…”

“Oh, come on, Blaze. If you’re going to force this upon me, you should at least give me some time to think about it. It’s only fair.”

“Two…” Rose could see clearly that Blaze wouldn’t give her any quarter. She was determined to do good by her word and see this through to its very end no matter what she says. Now that she was officially backed into a corner, Rose scrambled to decide which route she should take.

“Oh goddess, what am I to do? She’s really adamant about this. Should I just lie to her and pretend that I’m interested so she can let me go? Wait, no… it can’t ALL be a lie, can it?”

“One…” Even as Blaze approached the dreaded zero, she was praying with all of her heart that Rose would make the right choice. It was not that she didn’t like Bladewing herself – he was by far one of the best-looking stallions she saw so far – but she wanted Rose to show some backbone for once in her love life. She knew from experience that boys were her main weakness, and given what she told her and how she behaved around Bladewing, Blaze felt that now was the perfect time to finally break Rose of her fear of being “uncool” with them. It was a pity for her indeed that even now, Rose was struggling to show it… but that would change very soon.

“Zero.” The moment of truth had come, and Blaze turned around to face the door, but before she could place her hoof on the doorknob, something truly extraordinary happened.

“WAIT!” Rose, out of pure desperation, rushed towards Blaze’s side and grasped her foreleg firmly. She dared not let go of her, for she knew full well what Blaze was going to do now. Her heart now had control of her body, and her only concern was to protect Bladewing from being seduced by her best friend – even if Blaze didn’t mean it. Blaze meanwhile stood surprised.

“Holy hell,” she thought to herself, “This is dramatic even for her. She must be really into Bladewing if she’s this desperate to stop me.” Now that she saw the choice Rose wanted to make, Blaze decided it was time she slowed things down a bit.

“Whoa, Rose, take it easy,” she spoke, relinquishing Rose’s hold on her, “There’s no need to fly off the handle.”

“*sigh* I’m sorry. It’s just… I couldn’t let you take him from me. Not if it means letting you take my dignity along with him.”

“Ah. So you DO like him.”

“Yes. I admit it. I like him. I really do. Are you happy now? You’ve broken my will to resist, and now you know exactly how I feel about him. Will you finally give it a rest now?”

“Of course. But why are you so upset? You should be happy knowing that you’ve taken that off your shoulders.”

“It’s because you always do this, Blaze!” Blaze was startled, and she backed away slightly in shock. “You’re always pressuring me to be true to myself. I get that it’s important – really, I do – but when it comes to stallions, it’s really hard for me to do that. You know how reluctant I am to be myself around boys.”

“Well, yeah, but… if you really like one, then you shouldn’t be afraid to admit it. Doesn’t it feel great to know that for that one moment, you were able to not only talk to a stallion you like, but also feel comfortable around him?”

“To be honest… I feel worse off now than I did before. I had hoped to build up my confidence with that one interaction, but you just took it all down. I actually think I would’ve been better off if I had never told you about him.” Rose moved to the wall behind her and sat down in a state of melancholy. Blaze felt bad to see her best friend so destitute – she felt she didn’t have the face for it – but as bad as the situation now seemed, she knew that it was necessary. She viewed her sadness as the culmination of multiple years of suppressed anxiety, and so by letting it all out, she knew Rose would feel much better afterwards.

“Aw, Rose,” she spoke softly, sitting next to her, “It’s okay.” Rose felt the mare gently wrap a wing around her, and though she was upset that she’s the reason she felt so miserable right now, she made no effort to stop her. All she wanted right now was for something – anything – to comfort her.

“I understand,” Blaze continued, nuzzling her, “I really do. You don’t think you’re ready to trust a stallion with your heart yet. Even one like Bladewing. Every girl has felt that way about a crush at some point in her life. But how can you know for sure if you don’t try?”

“You KNOW why, Blaze. You were there when it happened. I am NOT going to suffer the same fate she did.”

“Okay, so she got her heart busted. Big whoop. She had it coming the moment she decided she’ll make a coltfriend out of a playboy. But at least she was brave enough to give him a chance. You only had a few seconds with Bladewing, and you’re already thinking he’s gonna shatter your heart like a glass slipper.”

“Yeah? And what makes you think a relationship between us would work? He was very hostile towards me when I was hiding from him in the grass. He probably thinks I’m a creep.”

“*chuckle* You and I BOTH know that’s not true, Rose. Sure, you might’ve scared him a bit, but he doesn’t know it was you. I’m sure he’d understand why you were hiding from him if you explained it to him. From what you’ve told me, he sounds like a guy that hears BOTH sides of an argument.”

“*sigh* I know… and I’m sorry for snapping, okay? I’m just nervous. I’ve never felt this way about a stallion before.”

“Oh, it’s all right. I’m just glad that I finally got through to you. So are you going to accept your liking him or not?”

“Yes. I will.”

“Good. Now give me a smile. You’re much prettier when you’re happy.” Rose giggled lightly and obliged. “Now, then… do you wanna see if he’s interested in a relationship?” Rose thought carefully for a short moment before answering Blaze’s question.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Blaze. I like him, but I have doubts that he’ll like me just as much.”

“You’d be surprised. He doesn’t look like the kind of guy who turns away a girl who likes him so easily.”

“Maybe, but… what if another girl catches his interest?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. I saw how disturbed he was back there. I bet he’s more interested in figuring out what kind of creature it was that scared him back at the plains. That should keep his mind off girls for now. Besides, he lost his memories, remember? If finding the ‘creature’ won’t keep him busy, adjusting to a new life here in Fredericksmare sure will.”

“Perhaps. But will it be enough? I’m still a bit nervous to be myself around him. That brief moment I had with him offered me minimal experience at best. I had to pretend he was nothing but another customer to me to maintain my composure that whole scene.” Blaze couldn’t help but laugh heartily.

“Will you just try it already, Rose? The only real way to get comfortable around him is to spend as much time with him as possible. Don’t be afraid to mess up. I’m sure he can look past any mistake you make so long as you don’t hurt him in any way. You know, like literally pull his leg or something.”

“*sigh* All right. I’ll… I’ll give it a go. But I want you to promise me something first.”

“Sure. Why not? What do you have in mind?”

“I want you to come with me when I meet him. I hope to do it tomorrow now that I’ve accepted that I like him, and I think I’d have a much better chance of making him my coltfriend if I had a wingmare with me for support. Can I count on you to fill that role?”

“*chuckle* I’ll do ya one better. If you do make him your coltfriend, I’m gonna help you any way I can to make sure you have a solid future with him from then on.”

“Good.” Rose gave her friend a hug, effectively her way of reconciling a dispute with her. “Let’s get back to work, before the chef thinks we’re slacking off.”

“Right on.” Blaze and Rose both smiled now that they’re on the same page, and the duo returned to their duties shortly thereafter.


“…so he brings him the plunger and the leader asked him, ‘What’s with the plunger?’ He replied, ‘Well, we’re flushing them out, aren’t we?’” Topaz and Bladewing laughed heartily. Diamond was elaborating on a comical experience he had during his youth.

“Bloody hell,” Bladewing sighed, wiping away a tear, “He actually said that?”

“Yes, indeed. I’ve seen bad lackeys before, but he took the cake.”

“Wow. Now that’s a moment worthy of a memoir.” The laughter settled down after a brief moment, but Ruby suddenly started to whimper softly. In response, Topaz pulled out a bottle of milk from her saddlebag.

“Don’t you fret, little one,” she said to her, “I have your milk right here.” Ruby smiled and giggled with delight. Bladewing watched with amusement as the little filly took the bottle from her and started to suck out its contents. For the first time, the pegasus took note of her appearance.

“She’s adorable.”

“She sure is.” Topaz stroked Ruby’s mane softly as she continued. “My husband and I were very happy when she was born. The nurses begged to hold her, but Diamond was very protective of her. He refused to let anypony come near her without my approval.” Bladewing looked at Diamond with surprise.

“Is that so, Diamond?”

“*chuckle* Oh, yes. It didn’t matter to me if those mares helped deliver Ruby or not. Nopony came near unless my wife allowed it.”

“I don’t think the nurses found that fair.”

“Hardly. Topaz had to persuade me quite a bit before I let them hold her. It probably wasn’t the smartest move… but it’s what I’d call ‘paternal instinct’.”

“Ah. That makes perfect sense.” Topaz just giggled and shook her head in amusement. By this time, Ruby had all but drained the milk from her bottle.

“There we are,” Topaz spoke to her, removing the bottle, “That feels better now, doesn’t it?” Ruby just licked her lips and burped lightly. “Right then. *ahem*… Ruby, this is Bladewing.” The little foal looked at the pegasus and then back to her mom, unsure of what to do.

"Go ahead, sweetie," she told her softly, "Say hello." Ruby tried to speak, but all that came out of her mouth was "Goo goo". Bladewing just smiled and slowly reached out a hoof to caress her cheek. He was very careful not to frighten the little foal as he did so. Ruby accepted the gesture and hugged his hoof happily. As Bladewing retracted his hoof, she giggled, holding out her own to him as if she wanted to hug him.

"You want to hug him, Ruby?" Diamond asked. Ruby answered him with a happy face. "All right, then. Would you like to hold her, Bladewing?" Bladewing stifled a grin.

"If your wife lets me, sir," he joked.

"Hah hah, very funny." The earth pony moved Ruby from her seat into Bladewing's hooves. She looked at him with luminous eyes, curious as to who he was.

"Hello there, Ruby,” he greeted her, “I am Bladewing.” Bladewing’s mane caught Ruby’s attention, and she reached out a hoof to grab it.

“Ah, you like my mane?” She played with it for a moment, but then a single strand tickled her nose, forcing her to sneeze.

"Oops. Excuse you.” The filly cooed as she suddenly hugged against his chest. Bladewing stood surprised; Topaz, on the other hoof, couldn’t feel more excited.

"Aww, she likes you," she said to him.

“That she does.” Bladewing returned the hug, smiling ever so warmly as Ruby continued to hold him close. After a short while, he broke from the hug and Ruby did the same.

“I do have one question, though. How exactly will she see me?”

“How else?” spoke Diamond, “You’ll be her uncle.”

“An uncle?”

“Of course. You saved me from death, didn’t you? I may as well consider you like my brother.”

“Yes… that will do nicely.” Bladewing smiled and looked down at Ruby. “How about it, little one? Would you want me for an uncle?” Ruby giggled and smiled at him with the purest of felicity. “*chuckle* It’s settled, then. From now on, I’ll be your old Uncle Bladewing.” This was a joyous moment for the stallion. Just a second ago, he was but a stranger (albeit a brave one); now he was a special pony in the life of the little filly smiling before him. He knew this wasn’t his purpose, but it nevertheless made living in this new world all the more worthwhile.

“*chuckle* Uncle. I like that.” A teenage pegasus colt suddenly approached the table. He was carrying some flyers in his mouth and he gave one to Topaz. The mare thanked him and looked at the parchment just as the colt moved to another table.

“Interesting. There’s going to be a duel at the local amphitheater. That sounds like something you might be interested in, Bladewing.”

“May I have a look?” Topaz gave Bladewing the flyer. The pegasus in turn examined it closely.

“Hm… ‘Battle Royale Tomorrow Night! Undefeated Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare Featherlight to Face a Legendary Duo! Tickets on Sale Now! Don’t Miss the Most Epic Fight of the Year!’ Heh, it sounds like quite a bout.”

“It must be if Featherlight’s involved,” Diamond replied, “He’s held his title for six years straight.”

“He’s that good?” The earth pony nodded his head. “Nice. Would it be okay if we attended the fight?”

“Of course. Topaz and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Would we, dear?”

“No, we wouldn’t,” replied Topaz, “We’ve been fans of his since we were courting. Let’s see if we can get some tickets before they run out.”

“Ah, yes. They tend to run out like hotcakes. Waiter?” Diamond called out to one of the stallions who was serving customers at another table. He walked towards the table as soon as he was free.

“What can I do for you, sir?”

“We’d like our check, please.”

“As you wish. I’ll be with you in a moment.” The stallion moved into the kitchen for a short while to calculate the total. He came back with a notepad containing their check in his hoof.

“All right, sir. Your total is 28 bits.”

“Here’s 30.” Diamond gave the stallion two bills from a wallet Topaz held for him in her saddlebag. “Keep the change as your tip.”

“Thank you. Have a pleasant day, sir.” With that said, the waiter carried on with his work. The group departed from the restaurant shortly afterwards to find and acquire the tickets for the fight. Bladewing’s mind was elsewhere, however, in a sea of questions generated by his discovery.

”This doesn’t make any sense. What was she doing back at the plains? And why did she hide herself from me? Could it be that she’s stalking me? Or was it pure coincidence that she was there when I came to? Ugh, if only I had the answer.” Bladewing pressed forward with uncertainty, the hunt for the tickets his only distraction.


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The next morning was a slow one. Well, at least to Bladewing, it was. He was eager to see the duel, but more than a dozen hours stood between dawn and evening. Waiting for each one to pass was like torture. Fortunately, exploring the city proved to be a great distraction - surprises were aplenty wherever he went. The hours seemed to flutter away with every place he visited and with each question he asked. Any thought of the oncoming fight was blocked by the fascination of which captivated him.

Bladewing’s exploring didn’t last long, however. Before he knew it, only half an hour stood between him and the duel. He returned to the house with haste, landing on all fours feeling very much alive. The wait had finally passed, and discovering the city for himself carried him through to the battle. It was time to witness “The Most Epic Fight of the Year.”

“You have the tickets, Topaz?”

“Yes. Now we just have to wait for Bladewing to arrive.” The Hearts were waiting patiently in the living room, and no sooner did Topaz say that than she and Diamond saw Bladewing pass through the door.

“Speak of the devil,” Diamond mused, “Convenient timing, Bladewing. I trust the spelunking went well?”

“Yes, indeed. This city has more to its name than I could have ever imagined... and I've only scratched its surface.”

“*chuckle* Great. Now let’s get going. There’s some seats in that amphitheater with our names on them.”

“Lead the way.” The trio left the house anticipating a good half-hour teeming with ferocious action.

They weren’t the only ones looking for a good time at the fight. Rose Blossom lied in wait for Blaze as the three ponies made their way to the amphitheater. She heard knocking on the front door of her home, and the unicorn eagerly opened it.

“Sorry I’m late,” said Blaze, “I had a bit of trouble back at my place.”

“It’s fine. Let’s leg it.” The two mares wasted no time leaving the structure. They walked hastily towards the amphitheater, the clock their greatest enemy.

“Ugh, I can’t believe Rei-Rei trashed my dress. I spent three weeks slimming down just so I could fit in it.”

“I told you keeping her in your room was a bad idea, Blaze. Cats love sleeping on soft fabric.”

“Oh, she snoozed on it, all right. Now it’s so full of fur it itches like hell. *sigh* Oh, well.” Rose succeeded in stifling a laugh. She strongly felt Blaze deserved it given how much trauma she put her through yesterday, but she decided she went through enough humiliation already. It was enough payback to satisfy her thirst for vengeance.

“Anyway,” Blaze continued, “I owe ya big time for this. I tried getting a ticket for myself, but the booths ran out faster than I could reach ‘em.”

“It’s no trouble. I’m more concerned about finding Bladewing in the arena.”

“Ah, right. You said he’s going to see the fight.”

“I believe so, yes. I saw him reading one of the flyers before he left the restaurant. Being the fighter type, I doubt he’ll resist attending a live battle. With any luck, we’ll see him there.”

“It’ll be awesome if we do. Although seeing him kick flank first-hoof would be even better.”

“*giggle* Maybe to you, it would, but I’m content with how he performed back at the plains. But let’s just get to the amphitheater for now. We’ll worry about our stallion friend AFTER we take our seats.”

“Right.” The two mares continued to press forward. Bladewing and the Hearts had just passed through the doors leading into the structure when they arrived. The duo didn’t notice Diamond and Topaz, but Rose was able to make out a familiar Cutie Mark vanishing into the crowd. The excited mare suppressed a squeal.

“Oh my goddess, Blaze, I knew it! Bladewing DID come to see the fight!” Blaze looked around for herself, but found nothing.

“I don’t see him. You sure?”

“Yes. He just went down that corridor.”

“Oh, jeez. There’s no way we’ll keep up with him in this crowd. We’ll just have to pray that our seats are next to his.”

“With the luck we’re getting right now, I bet they are. Let’s get over there, quickly!”

“Okay, okay, I’m going.” Rose lightly tugged on Blaze’s jacket, but she quickly let go in response to her statement. The pegasus could see that her friend was very excited to have found her stallion of interest here. Just yesterday, she was nervous to even go near Bladewing, let alone interact with him; today, she was excited over simply seeing him again.

“*chuckle* It’s about time she grew a spine,” she joked mentally, “Poor girl’s never had the courage to even TALK to boys until yesterday. Granted it wasn’t all her fault, but now she’s actually got a chance at finding love. It’s a bit weird that she’s this excited, though. I better ask her about it once we’re inside.” Blaze continued onward with her friend.

Eventually, Rose and Blaze made it to their seats. By this time, however, Bladewing and the others had long since seated themselves. Bladewing himself was sitting comfortably in between Diamond and Topaz, little Ruby in his lap. The couple grinned in amusement as their daughter played carefree with the poor stallion’s mane. Earlier they told her not to, but Bladewing was a good sport. He kindly asked that they let her be, regardless of how much “suffering” she was putting him through… and so they did, ever trying their best not to laugh.

“I’m going to need a brush after this, don’t I?” The Hearts chuckled as Bladewing cracked a joke about the mess Ruby made of his hair.

“Well, I didn’t want to say anything, but-”

“Diamond!" Topaz gasped, shooting a surprised look at her husband.

“I’m just joking, love. You know me. I’m not the type that make sport of other ponies.”

“*sigh* You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“Thank you. It’s not bad, Bladewing, really. A mild dose of hair gel can remedy that in a flash.”

“*chuckle* It would. But right now, a barber would be more useful. It seems Ruby here wants my mane to herself.”

“I’m afraid so. But I’ll be damned if I let that happen. Come now, sweetheart. Your poor uncle’s had enough.” Ruby suddenly hugged Bladewing’s mane closely. She whimpered softly, her face smeared with a tinge of sadness.

“Now, Ruby. You know it’s not nice to make a mess of another pony’s head. Now please, let go. You had your fun.” The little filly still held on to the hair. It was clear that she had no intention of letting go.

“It’s okay, little one,” Bladewing chimed in, “Your daddy doesn’t want to punish you. He just wants you to let go. We can play some more tomorrow, if you want. Does that sound good?” Ruby cooed and nuzzled his face with a smile. “Wonderful. But do as he says, okay? I’ll only play with you if you be a good girl.” Ruby needed no further encouragement. With tomorrow’s fun in mind, she immediately let go of his mane and held out her hooves to Diamond. The earth pony in turn took her from Bladewing’s lap, setting her down next to him in his seat.

“Not bad, Bladewing. It took me weeks before I could persuade her that well.”

“*chuckle* I guess I have a way with children.”

“Indeed. I have a feeling you'll make a fine foal-sitter for her.”

“Oh, stop. You’re making me blush.” The trio laughed heartily and moved their sights back to the arena before them. Vendors selling mixed items walked through the stairs in between the stands, and one of them came by the three ponies. Topaz stopped him to order popcorn and drinks for the three of them. The vendor thanked her for the business and left, leaving the three ponies to enjoy their snacks while they waited for the main attraction to come.

“Aw, man,” Blaze groaned, “These are our seats? So much for up close and personal.” The aforementioned seats were in one of the higher stands in the amphitheater, and Blaze was a bit disappointed about getting them. To add insult to injury, Bladewing was nowhere near them.

“It’s better than nothing, Blaze,” Rose replied, “Now let’s see if we can find our stallion from here.”

“Humph. He probably got front row seats, for all we know.”

“Perhaps. But we’ll see.” Rose stood on her hind legs as she skimmed each of the stands for Bladewing. To her utter dismay, she couldn’t find him anywhere.

“Great,” she sighed, sitting herself back down, “I can’t see Bladewing anywhere. There’s too many ponies here to tell.”

“Bummer. Now what?”

“Don’t worry, Blaze. Just because I can’t see Bladewing doesn’t mean he isn’t there. If he DOES take the fight into his hooves, the spotlight will be bound to shine upon him. We just have to hope that he has enough audacity to do that.”

“Heh. We’re counting on a miracle. This is gonna be a loooong night.”

“*sigh* So it would seem. But let’s forget about that for now.”

“K. You mind if I ask you one last question?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Why are you so excited about Bladewing? I mean, I can get why you like him, but I’ve never seen you this worked up over a stallion before. Wanna fill me in?”

“Oh, that? Well, I’ve been thinking about what you said yesterday. You know, about how to get comfortable with him.” Blaze’s ears perked up in interest.

“Go on.”

“Well, I thought about it last night, and I decided that you’re right: spending as much time with him as possible WOULD be the best way to get comfortable with him. But I also think that I should be more open with him while I’m at it.”

“Oh? What do ya mean by that?”

“I mean, I shouldn’t be afraid to show Bladewing how I feel about him if I’m sincere about it. Every time I feel interested in a stallion, either another mare takes him first or I’m too nervous about what he would think of me to really make a move on him. I’ve struggled with this debility all my life, and now that Bladewing showed up in my life, I think it’s time I’ve been more assertive of my feelings. I’ve only seen a few moments of his life, but I like everything that he showed me. His strength, his character, his dashing appearance – all these things are what I want in a coltfriend, and I have a feeling he has even more to offer. I think he’s the one for me, and now that I’m finally free of my timidity around boys, I’m going to show him that I’m the one for him… and I’m going to prove it by holding nothing back. I promised myself that night that I’ll no longer be afraid to flirt with a stallion I’m interested in – and that if Bladewing agrees to be my coltfriend, I’ll be myself towards him at all times no matter what.” Blaze was amazed. She didn’t think even once that Rose was anything less than a mare, but she just saw her quickly ascend in maturity… and she couldn’t feel happier for her.

“Awesome. So you’re going all in with him?”

“I am… and I’m NOT going back. You remember our sorority’s motto, right?”

“*chuckle* Yeah. ‘No retreats, no excuses.’ I’m real happy for ya, Rose. I’m more determined than ever now to help ya capture Bladewing’s heart. I’ll be with ya every step of the way.”

“Good.” The lights above the amphitheater suddenly turned on, revealing a large square-shaped platform below. A unicorn stallion stood there, holding a microphone in his magic. The audience slowly silenced themselves so they could hear him speak.

“Good evening, fillies and gentlecolts. I hope you guys are ready for a brawl, ‘cuz that exactly what we’re gonna get tonight, in this ‘Colosseum of the Heavens!’” The audience cheered loudly for the stallion.

“Oh, look,” Topaz spoke, “It’s starting.” Diamond and Bladewing looked down towards the arena as the announcer pony continued.

“You guys are in for quite a treat. This battle is one that’s never been seen before. A lone veteran will be facing off against a fighter duo whose names are whispered all over Equestria. All three were born in this very city, and all three clawed their way up to where they are now; but only one side will become its dueling champion. At stake is 500,000 bits and their names forever written in the history of the greatest city in all of Cydonia. This will be a fight nopony will EVER forget. Now let’s give our stars a warm welcome, shall we?” As if on cue, a pegasus stallion suddenly appeared under the doors on the left side of the amphitheater. His face was covered in a golden hood that was part of his robes.

“On the left, we have a stallion who needs no introduction. He’s a winged terror who defeated fighter after fighter for six consecutive years… and his name is as nimble as the moves with which he earned it. Fillies and gentlecolts, clap your hooves together for the one, the only… FEATHERLIGHT!” The hooded pegasus walked with a smile towards the arena, the crowd roaring with applause throughout. On his left side, he carried a double-bladed sword, the hilt studded with fine gems. The stallion waved his hoof at the cheering ponies above him, stopping only after he was atop the platform.

“And on the right,” the announcer continued, “we have a very special pair of fighters. They’re warrior sisters whose dad was a seasoned veteran of the Pony Wars. Trained in the art of combat as fillies, these ladies honed their skills all the way into adulthood, toppling foes many times their size and strength. Their beauty can kill a stallion just as easily as the blades they carry… and Featherlight will be facing them in a battle that will determine the fate of his career. Be wary, everypony, for these mares are far from your ordinary twins. Tonight, I present to you, BATTERY & PHOENIX!” The crowd went wild as two unicorn mares emerged from behind the double doors directly opposite of Featherlight. Battery carried a single blade, while Phoenix carried twin swords; likewise, their robes bore complementary hues (red for Battery and green for Phoenix). Seeing as how both mares were identical in their physical features (forest-green coats with dark brown manes), these outfits served to differentiate one from the other; but neither their differences nor their reputation mattered to Featherlight. As far as he was concerned, they were but obstacles to be overcome. This fight was to be a quick one.

“Don’t place your bets just yet, everypony, for a special fight like this demands special rules. Since this is a 2-on-1 fight, the winning conditions have changed. If both mares are disarmed at any time, Featherlight automatically wins the duel; likewise, Battery and Phoenix need to disarm AND pin down our guy before they can claim victory. With that said, let us proceed to the fight. Contestants, move to the designated area.” The three combatants removed their robes and pressed forward towards each other. They stopped within spitting distance, their eyes locked onto each other. A section of the platform suddenly dove into the floor, only to resurface with another face. Upon this section stood a unicorn mare, dressed in the uniform that labeled her as a referee. Despite making a surprise appearance, the three ponies were still fixed in their gaze. Thankfully, she could see that they were aware of her presence.

“All right, guys,” she spoke off the headset mic, “I want a clean fight. That means no biting, bucking, slicing, mane or tail-pulling, and anything else that can cause serious injury. Critical hits are ESPECIALLY prohibited. Ladies, that means you’ll both be disqualified if either of you hit Featherlight in the crotch. The same goes for you, Featherlight. If you strike either of the girls on or in between the teats, you’re getting the boot. However, the fight will also be cancelled if I see glowing horns or flapping wings. Do I make myself clear?” The group nodded their heads. “Good… and good luck to all of you.” The referee returned to her mic and cleared her throat to initiate the battle.

“Competitors, turn your backs to each other and take six steps forward.” Battery & Phoenix moved towards the right and Featherlight the left, obeying the referee’s command without hesitation.

“Awesome. Now turn back around and draw swords.” The screeching sound of metal against wood sounded as each pony drew their respective weapons. The audience held their suspense.

“Ready? FIGHT!” The combatants lunged at each other viciously. It was in this moment that the year’s most fearsome battle was now in full sway.

Bladewing watched the fight closely. The combatants’ moves were as he would expect from legends – fierce and swift, yet controlled at the same time. Unfortunately, it was because these moves looked so harnessed that the outcome seemed stagnant. For the first minute or so of the fight, Featherlight was on the aggressive, but the sisters were able to counter each of his moves with little hassle. Their defense was nothing surprising to Bladewing, but Featherlight was hardly breaking a sweat. Battery kicked his chest shortly after blocking his last strike, and the sisters initiated an offensive assault of their own. As Bladewing pondered the limits of Featherlight’s stamina, Diamond Heart was nervously biting his hoof.

“This doesn’t look good, Topaz. Featherlight’s on the defensive. He’s never taken a defensive stance this early in a fight.”

“He hasn’t. But this is a 2-on-1 fight, dear… and against legends, no less.”

“I know, but… his entire career hangs on this fight. Why in the hay is relenting so early?”

“Like you said, it’s a bit early in the fight. I say we hold judgment until we start seeing sweat on his brow.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” The two ponies continued watching. By this time, however, Featherlight and the twins were at an impasse. Each side of the stallion’s double-blade was blocking one of the girls’, with Battery on his left and Phoenix on the right.

“Just give it up, big guy,” Battery taunted him, “You’re getting rusty. All those years of fighting wore you out like a Pony War-era musket.”

“Those years of fighting are what kept me strong,” Featherlight retorted with a grin, “but don’t take my word for it. Why don’t I just show you?” With that said, a new fire burned within the stallion’s heart. After thrusting both of the girls forward, he lunged full force at Battery. The mare blocked his attack, but she then suffered a flurry of strikes from the pegasus. Phoenix attempted to take some of the heat off her, but Featherlight anticipated her move. He jumped and span around to face her, kicking her in the chest. The crowd cheered as Phoenix reeled back from the shock, letting her swords drop to the floor. Battery, meanwhile, lied on her back, and she was pushing back against Featherlight with all her might. She lacked his muscular build, unfortunately, and so Featherlight was able to push her blade out of her hooves.

“It’s over, Battery. You lost.” Featherlight had the sharp side of his blade a mere inch away from her neck. All he wanted now was a look of defeat from her. What a shock it was when the unicorn instead grinned mischievously.

“What are you smirking at?”

“Look behind you.” Featherlight’s grin immediately disappeared. The stallion slowly looked over his shoulder, only to find Phoenix pointing one of her swords at an angle towards his neck.

“No way.”

“Way,” Phoenix mused, “We’re still in the fight, stud. You’re gonna have to do a lot better than that to beat us.” The mare suddenly grabbed Featherlight by the collar of his uniform and tossed him away from her sister. The stallion grunted from the shock.

“Get up, Featherlight,” Phoenix taunted, sliding his sword to him, “We’re not done with you yet. We still need to beat you.” The stallion grunted as he picked up both himself and his blade. His forehead was now showing a few beads of sweat, much to the sisters’ amusement.

“Would ya look at that, sis,” Phoenix gasped, “Our stallion friend’s working up a sweat.”

“*chuckle* Looks like we've worn him out. Let’s finish him.”

“It’s just sweat,” spoke Featherlight, “and I’m far from worn out.”

“We’ll see about that. Phoenix, on me.” Battery initiated the assault with a flurry attack of her own. Whilst Featherlight was distracted, Phoenix approached from behind and swung both her blades at him. Unfortunately, Featherlight anticipated her once again. After swiftly pushing Battery away from him, he span backward and managed to block Phoenix’s attack, thrusting her to Battery’s side. The pegasus was mighty indeed, but the sisters were right: his prior offensive maneuver have drained him of much of his energy. The stallion stood panting, the sweat on his forehead illuminating him like a crystal. If the odds weren’t stacked against him prior to the fight, they were now. Featherlight was exhausted, and the sisters were still packing serious firepower. Victory could’ve been his a few seconds ago had Phoenix not picked up her swords in time. Now he stood across from the sisters in a weakened (and demoralized) state.

Featherlight wasn’t going to go down easily, however. Massing what little strength and stamina he had left, he made one final offensive against Battery and Phoenix. He twirled his double-blade with graceful agility, and all the audience could see of it was a blur. He managed to disarm Phoenix again, but it wasn’t enough. Battery jumped in the air and landed her rear hooves onto Featherlight’s chest. The stallion grunted as he was knocked onto his back and slid backward, his double-blade lying a few feet away. The sisters took this time to claim the victory they sought. Before Featherlight could rise back to his hooves, Battery and Phoenix jumped towards him and pointed their swords at the beleaguered pegasus. Featherlight looked at the two of them with a pale face.

“That’s game, handsome,” Battery spoke with a grin, “We won.” Featherlight grunted as he raised his forehooves in defeat. The sisters accepted his surrender and helped him back on all-fours.

“THE FIGHT IS OVER, EVERYPONY!" The announcer cried, "BATTERY AND PHOENIX ARE THE WINNERS!” The audience stomped their hooves loudly in applause. That is… all but two.

“Oh, no,” Diamond mumbled, “He lost.”

“This can’t be,” Topaz added, “He NEVER lost a fight. NEVER.” The announcer pony signaled to a pair of mares near one of the arena doorways to bring out the prize.

“Congratulations, ladies,” he spoke, “You are now Fredericksmare’s new dueling champions. How does it feel to have defeated the most fearsome swordspony in the city?”

“It feels great,” Battery spoke into the mic, “Featherlight was one tough son-of-a-gun… and it’s awesome to know Phoenix and I are even tougher.”

“You got that right,” Phoenix chimed in, “We faced many fighters in the past, but we never thought we’d own a stallion like Featherlight. But tonight we did, and now the spoils – and his title – are as good as ours.”

“They sure are, Phoenix,” the announcer pony replied, “Ladies, show them their prize.” The mares he signaled earlier had a massive briefcase with them. They were just about to move to the arena with it when something caught Phoenix’s attention.

“Look over there, sis,” Phoenix spoke, pointing a hoof at Diamond Heart, “That stallion looks really bummed out.”

“He does, doesn’t he? Let’s see if we can cheer him up. Hold the train, girls.” Battery's horn glowed intensely with a green aura. In a short moment, the microphone she held in her magic teleported in front of Diamond.

“What the…?” Diamond Heart watched in compete surprise as the microphone landed in between him and Ruby.

“Hey, you,” Phoenix cooed to him through the mic, “Why the long face?” One of the spotlight above the arena hovered its light above Diamond Heart. The audience watched in wonder as the earth pony picked up the microphone and cleared his throat.

“Oh, um… well, I’m sort of disheartened that Featherlight lost the match.” Diamond’s face was blushing. Bladewing could see that he wasn’t comfortable, and he was getting concerned.

“Aw, the poor thing,” replied Battery, “He’s sad because his champion lost the match. But cheer up, hon. There’s a new pair of champions in Fredericksmare. As long as you’re cheering for US, we’ll be more than happy to fight for ya.”


“Hey, lay off of him.” The audience gasped in shock. Bladewing was now on the mic, and he was none too happy to see his friend being talked to like that. Battery and Phoenix watched with surprise as the spotlight moved from Diamond to him.

“There he is, Blaze,” murmured Rose excitedly, “Look.” The mare obliged with excitement of her own.

“I’ll be damned. He showed up after all.”

“*giggle* Indeed. Let’s see what he’s going to do next.” Blaze nodded and looked on.

“Excuse me?” Battery spoke, “I was talking to your friend, not you.”

“It doesn’t matter,” countered Bladewing with a glare, “I don’t like the way you’re talking to him. So what if Featherlight lost? That doesn’t mean he should start cheering for somepony else… especially not for a mare who knows nothing of respect.”

“You’re one to talk. Didn’t anypony ever tell you not to butt in on other ponies’ conversations?”

“Blame yourself, Battery. You mess with my friends, you mess with me.”

“*hiss* Ooh. I could be wrong, sis, but I think he just threatened you.” Battery just chuckled at Phoenix’s comment and placed a hoof over the hilt of her sword.

“Maybe you’re right. But what makes ya think I’m intimidated by the likes of you?”

“You’re looking at the stallion who rescued him from certain death.”

“Ah, is that right?” Bladewing suddenly passed the microphone to Diamond, and the earth pony was now feeling more confident.

“He speaks the truth, Battery. Yesterday, my wife and I were assaulted by four malicious dragons on our way back here. If it weren’t for Bladewing, they would’ve long since killed us by now.”

“Whoa,” murmured Blaze, looking back towards Rose, “You were right all along, Rose. He really did fight those dragons.”

“Told you,” replied Rose. The two mares returned their attention to the arena.

“Dragons, eh? That’s saying a lot. What do ya say you and I have a duel, right here and right now? It’ll show our audience just how brave you REALLY are.”

“I have a better idea: why don’t I just take you BOTH on?” Determination filled Bladewing’s soul as he used the Force to jump from his seat all the way down to the arena. The audience reeled from the utterly unbelievable feat, their voices collected into a gasp.

“Whoa,” Battery gasped, “How did he do that?”

“I’m as clueless as you are, Battery,” Phoenix replied, “What I want to know is how he landed safely without wings.”

“*grunt* Whatever. I don’t know how you nailed that jump like a cat, stranger, but it’s not gonna help ya.”

“*chuckle* For what I’m going to do, I won’t need ANY help.”

“We’ll see. Announcer, get him some blades.”

“Don’t bother. I have a pair of my own.” The audience reeled in surprise yet again as the pegasus turned on (and simultaneously twirled) his lightsabers. To the audience, it would seem that Bladewing was full of surprises… and to a certain unicorn mare, even more so.

“By goddess, Blaze, it’s happening! Look!” Rose pointed Bladewing out to her brimming with excitement. Blaze could hardly blame her. Scenes like this one are excruciatingly rare, and to see one unfold in the most unusual of circumstances is nothing short of a miracle.

“No way!” she cried, “He’s taking the fight into his hooves after all!”

“You better believe he will! Go, Bladewing!” Blaze soon joined her and the rest of the crowd with a cheer of her own. The stadium was in an uproar not seen in Fredericksmare in decades.

“What do you say we raise the stakes a bit, stranger?” Battery spoke through the mic.

“What do you have in mind?”

“If my sister and I beat you, we get to keep your swords.”

“Agreed. But if I win, not only do you surrender your title and prize money, but you’ll also apologize to my friend for making him feel uncomfortable.”

“*scoff* Like I have anything to feel sorry about. But why not? You got a deal.” Bladewing deactivated his lightsabers and the two ponies approached each other to shake hooves. With just that, the new wagers were made final.

“It seems the fun’s not over yet, fillies and gentlecolts!” The announcer pony spoke proudly, “A new pony has arrived to battle our devastating duo, and he carries swords that glow as brightly as his potential. But can he succeed where Featherlight has fallen? We shall see, for tonight, he fights not only for the title and prize, but for the honor of both himself and his friend!” The three combatants moved to the middle of the arena just as the stallion finished his declaration. The crowd continued to applaud.

“All right, stranger,” the referee mare spoke, “I’m gonna tell you the same thing I told them: I want a clean fight. That means no biting, bucking, slicing, mane-or-tail pulling, or anything else that can deal serious damage. Critical hits are especially prohibited. That means you’ll be disqualified if you hit either of the ladies on or in between the teats; likewise, the girls will be kicked from the arena if they hit you in the groin area. Since you’re a pegasus, you’re also forbidden to use your wings for the duration of this fight. Do I make myself clear?”


“Good.” The referee quickly moved the mic on her headset back into position. “Combatants, turn your backs to each other and take six steps forward.” As the combatants followed her directions, Bladewing suddenly had a disturbing question: how was he going to duel with blades that cut through anything?

“I can’t fight like this. Even when blocking, they’ll cut through their swords like butter. I’ll risk disqualification before I even go a full second.” The stallion stood worried. Fortunately, a solution arrived within this very moment. Bladewing felt a rectangular lump underneath the hilt of his lightsabers. He cast a quick glace to find switches lying across them.

“Switches?” A flashback suddenly appeared in Bladewing’s mind. He recalled the fight he won just yesterday, more specifically the old log that lied just behind where the specter stood. The specter launched it at him using the Force... and yet despite successfully blocking it, Bladewing’s lightsaber didn’t even singe its bark.

“*gasp* Of course! I remember now! I couldn’t cut through the damn thing because I had the switch on the side reading ‘Flashsaber’! If I set it to that position, then I can block the girls’ swords without even leaving burn marks. Brilliant!” Bladewing knew what to do. He set the switches to the sides labeled ‘Flashsaber’ just as he and the sisters turned to face each other.

“Draw swords," the referee commanded. Battery and Phoenix unsheathed their weapons. Bladewing in turn reactivated his lightsabers with yet another twirl.

“Ready? FIGHT!” The sisters charged Bladewing with deadly abandon; and just like that, “Round 2” of the battle had begun.

The crowd could feel the climate that now filled the arena. A pony who may very well be a complete stranger was waging war against the duo that defeated Featherlight in his prime… and yet they felt compelled to cheer for this very stranger. His audacity had rekindled the old warrior spirit within the crowd, the very thrill of the fight for which their race was known. The odds were against Bladewing, but it gave the audience even more reason to cheer for him… for such battles are what mold fighters into legends.

As with Featherlight’s battle, Bladewing was on the offensive for the first minute of so of the fight. Though the said bout had significantly drained the sisters’ stamina, Battery and Phoenix were still able to keep Bladewing at bay. He swiped, he lunged, and he even pounced… but Bladewing was blocked each time. Before long, however, the stallion entered an impasse with his opponents, with Phoenix to his left and Battery on his right.

“I’ll give ya credit, stranger,” Battery spoke to him, “You’re good… but you’re still outclassed.”

“Perhaps I am,” Bladewing replied, “But even legends can be defeated. Featherlight was a good example.”

“Good one,” mused Phoenix, “But what makes you think we can be beat?”

“Simple. Legends are all bound by one rule.”

“*chuckle* What rule?”

“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” Temporarily stunned by the logic of his statement, Bladewing swiftly jumped out of the impasse. With no one to stop them, Battery and Phoenix slammed into each other in a comical display of idiocy. They dropped to the floor seeing stars. Bladewing, meanwhile, landed across from them trying his best to suppress a laugh. The sisters shook off the starry effect and picked themselves up.

“Ow, that hurt,” Phoenix groaned, “He’s a slippery one, isn’t he, sis?”

“More than I’d want him to be,” Battery replied, “But he’s not untouchable. We’re just gonna have to fight harder. On you.”

“Right.” Phoenix initiated an assault of her own, with Battery flanking his side. Bladewing was now on the defensive, but he was able to hold his own in spite of the ground the sisters slowly took from him. It wasn't long before they had him backed into the side of the arena. He leaned back on his rear hooves on the platform’s edge, and he was pressing hard to keep Battery and Phoenix from pushing him off. It was a struggle few had the courage to endure.

“Who’s gonna fall now, stud?” Battery taunted him.

“Oh, please,” Bladewing countered with a grin, “You back me onto a ledge and you think you’ve won? Big mistake.”

“*chuckle* but not as big as you challenging us. Sayonara, stranger.” Bladewing spotted a pole that lied just a foot away from him. He thrusted them back just enough to do a 180 spin, grab the pole with a hoof and swing behind the two mares. Battery was able to let go of her pressure in time, but Phoenix wasn’t as fortunate. With nothing to slow her down, she tumbled down onto the arena floor. The crowd was shocked.

“Ooh, that was close,” the announcer pony spoke, “but that’s a wrap for our gal Phoenix, fillies and gentlecolts. With her out of the fight, the playing field has leveled to a one-on-one fight. Can Battery defeat this mysterious stallion? Or will the stranger become Fredericksmare’s newest champion? The stakes are higher than ever before, and a winner still hasn’t emerged. You better brace yourselves, everypony, for tonight… all Hell breaks loose.” Phoenix moved towards the edge of the platform to speak with her sister.

“Sorry, sis,” she mumbled, “It looks like I’m down for the count. It’s all up to you now.”

“*sigh* I guess it is. Go take a back seat for now, Phoenix. This stallion’s mine.” As Phoenix went towards the doors to the left of the arena, Battery quickly turned around to face her contender.

“Bravo, stranger,” she applauded with a sneer, “You took down my sister. I’d be lying if I said I’m not impressed.”

“See what happens when you mess with the wrong stallion?”

“Ha! You only took down one of us. I’m still in the fight, if you haven’t noticed.”

“*chuckle* Not for long.” Bladewing turned his lightsabers back on. A look of paleness suddenly swept over the mare’s face. For the first time in her entire career, Battery was afraid. Bladewing had a look in his eyes that seemed to tell her, “I’m coming for you.” Her sister was out of commission, her forehead was glimmering with sweat, and they still haven’t won the fight. To put it simply, Battery was facing a foe like no other she and Phoenix faced before… and the look in his eyes was slowly eating away any hope she had of defeating him.

“Who in the hay is this guy?” she thought nervously, “He’s like some alien warrior in pony form. And how is it that he’s beating me and Phoenix without even panting?” The mare suddenly quivered with her sword (albeit for a very brief moment). Bladewing couldn’t resist cracking a grin.

”What are you waiting for, my dear?” he taunted, pointing his blue lightsaber at her, “En garde.” All of a sudden, Battery’s fear vanished from her soul. It there was one thing she hated more than losing, it’s losing to a pony who tries to make a chump out of her. Letting out a low, but audible grunt, the mare charged at Bladewing with the ferocity of a starved lioness. The announcer was right about one thing: Hell would certainly break loose tonight, in the form of an exhausted (and very desperate) unicorn.

It was here that Bladewing faced Battery’s full potential. Picking up one of the swords Phoenix left on the platform, the mare struck him with an aggression not seen when even Featherlight fought her. She attacked so viciously, in fact, that Bladewing largely evaded her strikes, blocking only when he was certain that she couldn’t disarm him. Seconds turned into minutes as Bladewing jumped, slid, and rolled out of the way in search of an opening. Finally, he found it.

The stallion took note of Battery’s method of attacking throughout the match. Before Phoenix fell, her attacks were like a tsunami – chaotic and overwhelming, yet predictable to a degree. At her current state, however, her moves changed form. Her strikes were now more like lightning – fast and unpredictable, yet almost completely blind. Bladewing used her recklessness to his advantage, guiding her towards middle of the platform. The stallion suffered immensely with every second he waded out her flurry of strikes. Needless to say, his patience was amply rewarded.

The pegasus blocked her final strike for a few seconds before swiftly thrusting her back. After swiftly turning off his lightsabers, he flipped backwards, knocking her swords out of her hooves. Battery slid away from him on her back, temporarily stunned from the shock. Bladewing used these few seconds to pick up her swords and jump high above her. Battery shook off the stun effects and looked up, only to find Bladewing falling towards her. Time seemed to slow as she waited for Bladewing to deliver what she thought was the killing blow. Bladewing, of course, had no such intentions. All he wanted from her was an apology. No more, and no less.

The audience had other ideas, however. When they heard the sound of metal grinding against wood (and Battery’s feminine scream), they thought Bladewing finished her for good. They were relieve to find that it was not so. However, the scene they saw below was a sign that he was victorious.

Battery closed her eyes tightly in the final seconds of that moment. It was only when the audience had gone completely quiet that she opened them up. The sight she saw was a shocker: her swords had penetrated her uniform sleeves into the wooden floor, nailing her there like thumbtacks.

“The hell?” she gasped. The mare attempted to move her forelegs, but it was futile. The swords were too deep in the wood (and the uniform’s fabric too sturdy to tear apart without hooves). She looked up to find Bladewing towering over her on his hind feet, an amused expression adorning his face.

“No way.”

“*chuckle* Way,” Bladewing replied, “I got you right where I want you. And now…” Bladewing turned on his green lightsaber and pointed it directly in her face, forcing a faint gasp out of her.

“You’ve been beaten.”

“*grunt* Fine. I surrender.” Satisfied, Bladewing removed the blades from her uniform and helped her to her hooves.

“Now then,” he continued, “I believe you owe a certain earth pony an apology.” The unicorn just grunted and took the mic from Bladewing’s hoof.

“Hello?” Diamond Heart picked up the other mic as soon as he heard her voice. He was excited to have seen Bladewing defeat her, but he was careful not to let it cloud his judgment.

“Yes, I’m here,” he spoke. The audience watched anxiously.

“Good. It looks like your pal’s beaten me. I’m not the type who break deals, so I’m gonna keep mine. I’m… *sigh* I’m sorry. For making ya feel uncomfortable.”

“Your apology is accepted, Battery. Thank you.” Battery forced a smile and walked away, but not before the announcer pony took the mic from her.

“We have our victor, fillies and gentlecolts. Give it up for the pegasus!” The audience cheered in the loudest uproar of the night. The fight turned out exactly as advertised and more. Their champion may lost the battle, but a new one had risen from the crowd to take his place… and he accomplished a feat that was literally unbelievable.

“Damn it,” Battery mumbled, “We lost.” The mare walked with Phoenix through the doors on the left of the arena.

“Don’t take it too hard, sis,” Phoenix consoled her, “You did the best you could.” Her words were soothing, but Battery still harbored a grudge against the black pegasus.

“This isn’t over, stranger. We will meet again… and I’m gonna make you regret challenging us.”

“OMG, Rose, he did it! He won!” Blaze was thrilled beyond belief, and for her unicorn friend, even more so.

“You see, Blaze?! I told you he was tough!”

“Heck yeah, he is! I can’t WAIT to meet him!”

“You and me both, sister!” The two mares continued to cheer. Meanwhile, the announcer pony moved to Bladewing’s side, accompanied by Featherlight and the mares he summoned earlier.

“That was incredible, stranger,” the announcer continued, “I’ve never seen a pony fight so well in a 2-on-1 battle, and against legends, to boot. How does it feel to claim victory in one?”

“Oh, it feels wonderful, sir,” Bladewing replied, “I’ll admit I was scared at first. I was sure I bit off more than I could chew in challenging those two. But tonight, I stand in front of a wonderful audience as a stallion filled with pride.”

“I know that feeling, my friend,” Featherlight chimed in, “I stood many times upon this very platform as Fredericksmare’s finest swordspony. For six straight years, I’ve accepted the applause of every last one of the ponies who are with us this evening. Tonight, however, it is you they cheer for. You have accomplished what I and every other pony before me never could.”

“You flatter me, Featherlight. It’s not often that I receive praise from your type.”

“Well, consider this a first. I must be off now, but I’ll tell you this: NEVER stop fighting for what you believe in. I may leave this arena a retired warrior, but I’ve always stayed true to the principles that brought me this far. Follow yours and your reputation will certainly echo throughout the history of Fredericksmare.”

“I will. Thanks, Featherlight.”

“Good man. Another round of applause for him, everypony!” The retired pegasus walked through the doors on the right of the arena just as the audience cheered for him once again.

“There you have it, stranger,” the announcer continued, “Even Featherlight himself says you’re amazing.”

“*chuckle* I guess I am, aren’t I?”

“Yes, indeed. And I can’t help but wonder about your swords. They’re nowhere near anything Cydonia’s ever seen before. Can you tell us how you got them?”

“Oh, these?” Bladewing turned on his lightsabers for the final time this night, and the audience watched curiously. “I don’t really know, actually. I mean, I know I got them at some point in my life, but I lost much of my memory. All I know is that they’ve been with me for quite some time.” Bladewing switched his blades back off shortly afterwards.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. But that’s okay. Before I present you your prize, our audience would like to know the identity of their newest celebrity. What is your name, stranger?”

“I am Bladewing, sir.”

“All righty, then.” The announcer pony shook Bladewing’s hoof with great vigor. “Congratulations, Mr. Bladewing. You are now the Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare and the 500,000-bit prize is all yours!” The crowd cheered and stomped their hooves with applause as the mares presented him with the briefcase containing the money.They watch the stallion hover to the Hearts, briefcase on his back, and hug them, walking with them through the doors leading into the hallways. With the event now officially over, the audience began leaving the amphitheater in droves… save for one particular earth pony.

“Bladewing,” he spoke, “A befitting name for a stallion of HIS caliber.” A unicorn stallion adorned in dark leather armor stood at his side.

“Aye, sir,” he replied, “The lad’s a gifted one, he is.”

“Just the type I want to meet. Tell the courier to send him a message… and a gift.”

“Yes, sir.” The armored stallion bowed in respect before leaving his side. The robed earth pony looked on, the crowd slowly vanishing before him.

It wasn’t long before Bladewing was back in the comfort of his room. The excitement that befell him this night was overwhelming, and he rolled onto the bed in a euphoric state.

“Good lord,” he mumbled humorously, “What in the world did I get myself into?” Accepting his victory was easy for Bladewing; accepting the fame that came with it, however, was another task entirely. Winning that fight instantly transformed him into a superstar. He hadn’t lived a full week in this city and already the locals became acclimated to his presence. He wasn’t complaining, of course – at least the populace liked him – but his low-profile advantage was no longer such. If he knew anything about celebrities, it was that he will never be given a moment of peace from now on.

Bladewing suddenly heard knocking from his bedroom door, interrupting his thoughts.

“It’s open,” he spoke, “Come in.” The door opened to reveal Diamond standing in the doorway. Topaz was behind him carrying little Ruby on her back.

“How are you holding up, Bladewing?” Diamond asked him. The pegasus rubbed his head with uncertainty.

“To be honest… I’m still wondering what I did just now.”

*giggle* Feeling overdosed with glory, are we?” Topaz joked.

“Don’t get me wrong, Topaz. I feel great to have won that match. It’s the sudden fame that’s got my mind in a frenzy.”

“Well, you did beat two legendary swordsponies in a 2-on-1 battle. I’m surprised you hadn’t thought of that before you decided to turn gladiator.” Diamond grinned as Bladewing struggled to defend against Topaz's remark.

“I am NOT to blame,” he defied her playfully, “I was very ill with battle fever at that moment. You can ask my doctor if you don’t believe me.”

“Rubbish. You knew what you were getting yourself into, but you rushed into the fray anyway. Admit it, Bladewing: you can never resist a good challenge.” Bladewing tried to find a comeback, but her glare shot down any that came. With a sad puppy look, he lowered his head in defeat.

“*sigh* All right. You got me: I charged in there more recklessly than a drunken warhorse.”

“I thought as much. Don’t you dare lie to me, my good stallion. My husband tried that once and it quickly backfired.”

“Did you really?” Diamond nodded his head to Bladewing’s query with a grin.

“She had me sleep on the couch that that night. But I STILL say it was worth it.”

“I’ll bet it was,” Topaz joked, “and speaking of worth…” Topaz sat Ruby on the bed and removed her saddlebags, pulling out the briefcase Bladewing received at the amphitheater.

“I believe this is yours.” Bladewing smiled and took it from her hooves.

“Thanks.” The pegasus soon noticed Ruby crawling slowly towards him. Before long, she was directly in front of him. She held out her hooves to him and cooed lovingly.

“I think Ruby wants you to rock her to sleep, Bladewing,” Diamond said to him.

“*chuckle* Sure. Why not?” Bladewing picked up the little foal and cradled her gently. Her eyes slowly closed with she eventually grew very tired. She then yawned, rolled to her side, and fell asleep in the stallion’s embrace.

“Good job, Bladewing,” Topaz whispered, slowly taking Ruby off his hooves, “I’ll take over from here.”

“Understood. Good night.” Topaz slowly placed Ruby onto her back, and she stood near the door.

“Are you coming, dear?”

“I’ll be with you in a bit, love,” Diamond replied, “I want one last moment with Bladewing.”

“Very well. Good night, boys.” The mare left the room, leaving Diamond alone with his pegasus friend.

“You have a noble spirit, Bladewing. Not many ponies stood up for me when I was a colt.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble. I’m just glad Battery didn’t get away with her slander. I really hate her type.”

“*chuckle* Maybe so, but what you’ve done this night gave me more reason to consider you like a brother. I’m not as mighty as you are, but believe me when I say I will return the favor someday. You have my word on it.”

“It’s not necessary, Diamond. But thanks, all the same. I look forward to what the future has in store for us. All of us.”

“Same here. Sleep well.”

“Likewise.” With that, Diamond left Bladewing to join his wife. Bladewing was still uncertain of himself, but he felt ready to face any surprise Fate could throw at him.

“Come at me, world. This stallion *yawns*… has… no fear.” The darkness of night finally took its toll upon Bladewing, and he fell asleep on the spot. Unbeknownst to him, however, a pair of ponies were indeed coming at him. They didn’t arrive outside his home to disturb or challenge him, however; they had a different purpose altogether.

“Ah, so THAT’S where he lives.” Rose stood alongside Blaze in front of the structure, and she was happy to finally know where she can find him.

“Holy heck,” Blaze gasped, “I know who owns this place.”

“You do?” Rose asked curiously.

“Yeah. It belongs to the Hearts. You know, the couple we saw him eating with back at the restaurant.”

“Wait, that was them?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t know.”

“How would I? It’s not like I see them daily.”

“And the plains? Didn’t the couple introduce themselves to Bladewing after he rescued them?”

“Well, yes, but they were so far away I couldn’t make out their words. Bladewing’s voice was the only one I could hear clearly.”

“*sigh* Figures. But whatever. At least we know where to find him. I’ll see ya tomorrow.”

“Farewell.” The mares split from each other towards their homes. Bladewing was indeed getting a surprise in the near future… and Faust knows how he will react.


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RING! RING! RING!... It was 8:55 in the morning and the loud blaring of a digital alarm clock sounded within Bladewing’s bedroom, a noise that robbed Bladewing of a good day’s start. Though he was well rested, he felt much too lazy to turn it off, even with Force powers. This morning, his reasoning was comparable to that of a primate. He took his pillow and slammed it hard against the mechanical device. Both were knocked onto the floor, but the crude tactic did the job well. The clock was instantly silenced.

“*yawn* Infernal machine. That’ll teach you to ruin somepony’s dream.” The stallion grunted as he got out of his bed and stretched his limbs. He unfurled his wings carefully, making sure the feathers didn’t accidentally cut anything. They spread wide across his sides like huge fans, a scene that can make any peacock jealous… well, if there was ever a peacock that knew such emotions.

The stallion suddenly noticed the morning light coming through his bedroom window. After carefully retracting his wings, he approached it and took a look outside. The life-giving light of the sun illuminated the now very busy streets of Fredericksmare. Nature was almost nonexistent in this scene, but Bladewing appreciated the sight all the same. After all, who can say pony-made landscapes can’t be glamorous?

“This feels nice. It would’ve been better if I didn’t get such a rude awakening, but it’s good all the same. I wonder if Diamond and Topaz are awake.” Bladewing’s robes hung on a coat hanger next to his desk. After quickly putting them on, he departed from his room towards the kitchen. The stallion prayed those two had a better start to the day than he did.

Sure enough, Bladewing found them downstairs; however, they were actually seated at the living room table enjoying pancakes – yet another dish Bladewing was unfamiliar with. The food hardly mattered to him, though; by this point in time, he’s learned to appreciate pony delicacies. Topaz was all but finished with her meal, and she was busy feeding Ruby applesauce while her husband was still chowing down on his. The pair heard hoofsteps coming towards them, and they quickly turned to face Bladewing.

“Good morning, Bladewing,” Topaz greeted him, “How are you? I trust you slept well?”

“*yawn* I did,” he replied, taking a seat next to Diamond, “Would’ve been better if I didn’t get such a loud wake-up call. How about you two?”

“Oh, we slept quite comfortably. Our start was a bit different, though.”

“It was,” Diamond added, “We were actually supposed to wake at eight, but somehow OUR alarm clock failed to rouse us. It’s funny how yours rang while ours didn’t.”

“You should thank Fate for that, Diamond,” Bladewing assured him, “At least YOU weren’t woken from a pleasant dream.”

“*hiss* Ooh. Lost that, did you?” The pegasus nodded his head. “Oh, dear. I hope it wasn’t TOO good a dream.”

“Nah. It was hardly a utopia.”

“*sigh* Good. Nothing says bad mornings like losing one of those.”

“Ah, but there IS such a thing.”

“Oh? And what do you call that?”

“A nightmare.” The trio laughed heartily at Bladewing’s pun… and to an extent, even Ruby.

“Whew, boy. I didn’t see THAT one coming.”

“*chuckle* Not too shabby for a fighter, eh?”

“Not bad at all. That could brighten up almost anypony’s day.”

“Well, it certainly brightened mine. But I digress.” There was a small plate stacked with pancakes in the middle of the table, along with a pitcher filled with coffee and a syrup bottle.

“May I?” he asked Topaz.

“But of course, Bladewing,” she replied with a grin, “Help yourself.” The pegasus grabbed a nearby empty plate and mug and engorged on the hearty breakfast. He was going to take sip of the freshly brewed beverage when Diamond stopped him with a hoof.

“Hold on, Bladewing,” he warned, “You sure you want it black?” The pegasus looked at him quizzically.

“What do you mean?”

“The coffee. It’s considered black when you drink it without adding sugar or cream. It’s quite bitter on its own.”

“Hm…” Bladewing tried a sip, but he quickly regretted it. He gently placed the mug back on the table with a remorseful expression on his face. The Hearts watched in amusement.

“Yep,” he spoke, smacking his lips, “It’s bitter.”

“Told you. Pass him the sugar, darling, will you?” Topaz grinned as she gently slid a small jar containing the sweet crystals towards him.

“Thanks,” Bladewing spoke gratefully, “I needed that.” Topaz chuckled softly and sat herself down.

“*sigh* Still as reckless as usual, eh, Bladewing?” she mused. The stallion grinned nervously.

“I may have underestimated the bitterness of the coffee.”

“Well, let that be a lesson to you: overconfidence will be your downfall.”

“I’ll try not to forget that.” The Hearts shared one last moment of laughter before eventually quieting down.

“Right then,” Diamond spoke, “Let’s see what’s on the news.” The TV remote lied next to him on the couch. After picking it up, he turned the TV on, switching to a local news channel. Colorful animations and a catchy tune ensued as the TV tuned in to VTN. An acronym for “ViralTech News”, it was the country’s most popular news channel, and this morning presented Bladewing and the Hearts with a unicorn sitting behind a counter, the mare sitting in between two stallions of her species. A voice suddenly spoke as she stacked the papers held in her magic.

“Welcome to VTN News at 9, Cydonia’s morning news station, starring Razor, Crimson Blast, and hostess Sandy Peak.” The three ponies smiled and waved a hoof as their names were called out.

“Good morning, fillies and gentlecolts,” the mare spoke, “I hope last night has treated you well and with that said, let’s get down to business. For our #1 story of the day, a new pony was named Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare last night at the city’s amphitheater.”

“Oh, my,” Topaz gasped, “Look at that, Bladewing. You’re on the news.” The pegasus just smiled tensely, ever keeping a close watch on the TV while enjoying his breakfast.

“That’s right, Sandy,” spoke the stallion to her right, “But the new face was nowhere near what anypony was expecting.” The screen then revealed a close-up photo of Bladewing during his duel, followed by a clip of him in action while he continued. “After successfully defeating Fredericksmare’s former dueling champion Featherlight, legendary fighter duo Battery and Phoenix were suddenly overthrown from their lofty title by a mysterious pegasus named Bladewing. Here you can see him fighting the two sisters during that night, and his swords are beyond anything the country’s ever seen before. Battery, it seemed, teased an earth pony who Bladewing claimed was his friend, and she challenged Bladewing to a duel after the stallion rose from his seat to defend him. A very fierce battle ensued and the outcome proved disastrous for the triumphant sisters.”

“Disastrous is right, Razor,” replied the other stallion, “It turned out that Bladewing was more experienced in the dueling world than either of them realized. As you can see in this clip, Phoenix fell to Bladewing after just two minutes into the fight, leaving an intimidated Battery to fend for herself. She continued the fight in a mad fury, but Bladewing eventually ‘nailed’ her in her place (no pun intended). The two mares left the arena in a show of defeat, leaving Bladewing with half a million bits and the title they had in their hooves just moments ago. Bladewing had since become a symbol of courage and valor for the lively ponies of Fredericksmare. Our lead reporter Lapis Lazuli is currently live at a shop that recently announced an upcoming sale of merchandise featuring the new superstar. Moving the screen to you, Lapis.” The screen suddenly shifted to reveal a blue unicorn holding a mic in her magic. She stood in front of a large structure, a crowd cheering loudly behind her.

“Thank you, Crimson,” she spoke kindly, “I am standing today in front of one of the many stores owned by Tailormare Enterprises, the nation’s largest producer of fine garments. As everypony can see here, there is a large crowd behind me cheering for the announcement the store’s owner Nightingale made just a few minutes ago. I spoke with her in private prior to that, and she says although it’s just an idea for now, she has hopes that Tailormare’s CEO Floral Streak will listen to her recommendation and sell the merchandise all over the country. An interview and marketing agreement with Bladewing, she said, would be a critical step in making her idea a reality.”

“It would indeed, Lapis,” added Sandy, “And how is the crowd taking her idea?”

“Oh, they’re going nuts over it, Sandy. Ever since Bladewing won his battle against Battery and Phoenix, dozens upon of dozens of ponies flocked here to hear Nightingale’s proposal. Many of them were former fans of Featherlight and as you can probably tell by the looks on their faces, they’re really excited to know they might see a shirt or a jacket with the new champion’s face on it. Let’s hear what they have to say.” Lapis tapped a pair of pegasus mares next to her on the shoulders. As soon as they turned around to face her, Lapis softly tapped her mic.

“Hi there. I’m lead reporter Lapis Lazuli from VTN news. I can see you guys huddled up around this Tailormare store and it looks like quite a party. What’s it like to know there’s a new dueling champion in Cydonia’s capital city?”

“OMG, it’s like, so awesome,” the mare on the left replied, “We’ve never seen a fighter like Bladewing before and after watching him wipe the floor with the sisters, we just can’t WAIT to meet him.”

“I second that,” added the mare on the right, “I mean, sure, we can’t meet him right now, but it feels great to know we have a chance to wear something that shows our support for him. If you’re watching this, Bladewing, then I wanna let you know that my sister and I love you. We’re yours for life!” The mares’ praise forced a blush onto the stallion’s face, evoking laughter from the Hearts.

“I’ll be damned,” Diamond mused, “It seems you’re popular with the ladies, Bladewing.” The pegasus just rubbed the back of his head nervously, the blush still on his cheeks. “What’s your secret?”

“Um… natural charm?” Topaz just giggled in amusement, and she and Diamond looked back towards the TV.

“*chuckle* Nice,” Lapis resumed, shaking their hooves, “Thank you for your time, ladies.”

“No problem,” the mare on the left spoke, “Go, Bladewing!” Lapis grinned and hoof-pumped in a show of mutual understanding. As the pegasi moved back towards the crowd, she refocused her attention to the camera pony filming her.

“Well, there you have it, Sandy. The ponies here in Fredericksmare are crazy about Bladewing, but for a very good reason. It’s pretty early for Nightingale to start proposing her idea, but who knows? We’ll just have to see what our pegasus friend decides to do in the near future… and hope that he’s watching broadcasts like this one. This is Lapis Lazuli reporting, VTN news.” With that, the screen reverted back to the counter containing the other three ponies.

“Thanks for the insight, Lapis,” spoke Sandy, “Keep a close eye out for the new champion, everypony. It’s unknown where Bladewing resides right now, but one thing is for certain: he’s going to shine brightly no matter where he’s at.”

“I couldn’t agree more, Sandy,” Razor, “And speaking of agreements, the governor of Sacerus…” It was at the point in time that Diamond Heart decided they heard enough. The stallion lowered the TV volume and placed the remote back on the table.

“Wow. What do think of that, Bladewing?” Bladewing sighed as he struggled to find words.

“Well, it’s official: I better kiss peace of mind goodbye.”

“*chuckle* Oh, come now. You don’t honestly think stardom is that harsh, do you?”

“Well no, but… I just wanted Battery’s apology. I never intended to be a superstar.”

“It’s too late for that now, Bladewing,” Topaz interjected, “Your victory was so massive even VTN news knows about it. The media will be trailing you from this point onward.” Bladewing groaned in frustration. Fortunately, little Ruby proved cute enough to remove Bladewing of most of his stress. After Topaz gave her one more spoonful of applesauce, she crawled slowly towards him.

“Goo goo.” Before Bladewing had a clue, the little filly was in front of him holding out her forelegs. The pegasus smiled and gently picked her up, holding her close to his face.

“*chuckle* You don’t like seeing me unhappy, do you, little one?” Ruby just giggled and smiled joyously. Just like before, however, his mane caught her attention. She grabbed a lock of it and immediately started playing with it. Topaz watched in awe; Diamond, on the other hoof, was worried.

“Oh, not again. I thought she learned her lesson by now.”

“No, it’s all right,” Bladewing assured him, “I did tell her I’d play with her today… and I’m going to go through with it. But don’t worry. I’ll make sure she doesn’t wind up injuring herself.”

“*sigh* All right. I trust you, Bladewing… with my life and hers.”

“Thanks.” As Ruby continued to play with Bladewing’s mane, Topaz came up with an idea. It wouldn’t completely rid Bladewing of his woes, but it was worth a shot.

“I can’t change what’s been done,” she spoke softly him, “but there is a way you can lay low for the moment.” Bladewing ears perked in surprise.

“There is?”

“Yes. Why don’t you foal-sit our daughter for the time being? It’ll be a great way for you to bond with her while Diamond and I make sure the news ponies don’t go looking here for you.”

“Hm… you know, that’s not a bad idea. I’ll do it.”

“*chuckle* Wonderful. I’m with my husband on this one, Bladewing: I trust you with her life.”

“I’ll guard her with my own if need be, Topaz. I promise you that.”

“Thank you.” With renewed vigor, Bladewing refocused his attention towards Ruby. Meanwhile, Rose and Blaze were walking towards the residence. They had been walking for the past twenty minutes, and the house was now within their sight.

“There it is, Blaze. Are you ready for this?”

“Oh, I’m ready,” replied Blaze with a grin, “I think the better question is, are YOU ready?”

“Of course. I couldn’t feel more ready if I tried. My only concern now is Bladewing. I’ve been waiting my whole life for a stallion like him, and in a few moments, we’re going to meet him in person.”

“For real,” Blaze replied eagerly, “I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees us… well, if he’s home, that is.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. There would be a crowd following him around the city if he weren’t. I’m positive he’s in there.”

“We’ll see.” The two mares passed quietly through the front gates, stopping themselves on the welcome mat lying near the front door. Bladewing had just took over Topaz’s job in feeding Ruby when he heard knocking coming from that very door.

“Who could that be?” Topaz asked curiously, turning off the TV.

“I don’t know, Topaz,” replied Diamond with concern, “But I don’t think it’s the mailmare. I’ll go check it out.” The spoon in Bladewing’s hoof quivered with unease (as did the stallion himself).

“What’s the matter, Bladewing? Are you nervous?” Bladewing was nervous, all right, but it wasn’t for the reasons she thought – the presence he just sensed at the door could only belong to one pony.

“A little bit,” Bladewing admitted, forcing a smile, “I just have a feeling it might be paparazzi or somepony of the sort.” The earth pony just barely suppressed a laugh.

“Surely you’re joking right now. What makes you think they even know where you are?”

“Oh, I don’t know. It could be my instincts, for all I know.”

“I see. Well, I assure you, you have nothing to fear. Diamond and I have your back just as you have ours.”

“That’s reassuring, I guess.” Topaz grinned and assisted Bladewing in feeding Ruby. Diamond Heart, meanwhile, opened the front door. He was quite surprised to find a familiar face standing before him, accompanied by a friend.

“Hello there, ladies,” he spoke kindly to them, “What brings you here?”

“Hello to you too, Mr. Heart,” Rose replied with a smile, “We just came by to see how you and the misses are doing. It must be difficult raising a filly with the two of you at work.” Bladewing knew who was at the door the moment he heard that voice. It wasn’t enough to send him into a panic, but it was enough to warrant an excuse to get out of sight.

“Excuse me, Topaz,” Bladewing said to her courteously, “I need to use the bathroom for a moment.”

“Of course, Bladewing.” The stallion placed the spoon back inside the little applesauce jar and left the living room.

“Oh, it is,” Diamond continued with a sigh, “My wife and I had to take turns with our days off so we could provide our daughter with enough love and care… but she’s definitely worth it. At the present moment, however, we’re doing quite well. Thanks for asking.”

“Great,” Rose commented, “Would you mind if I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?” Rose rubbed her foreleg with a meek grin.

“Is Bladewing here, by any chance?”

“Who is it, darling?” Topaz called out.

“It’s that unicorn waitress from the restaurant, dear. It looks like she brought a friend.”

“I see. Let them in, will you?”

“As you wish.” Diamond looked around for any media ponies lurking around. He sighed in relief when his search yielded nothing.

“Yes, he’s here,” the earth pony whispered, “But can you girls do me a favor?” Rose and Blaze nodded their heads eagerly. “Okay. Just don’t let anypony else know he’s staying here. I don’t know how you two knew about it, but I don’t want it to spread throughout the city. I would really appreciate it if you keep his whereabouts to yourselves.”

“You can count on us, Mr. Heart,” Blaze assured him, “We won’t tell a soul.”

“Thank you. Please, come in.” Rose and Blaze followed the stallion into his home feeling extremely lucky. Topaz meanwhile suddenly gasped as she looked at the calendar posted over the kitchen freezer. She whispered something in Diamond’s ear, and the stallion looked at the calendar for himself. He, too, gasped in surprise, and he prepared himself for work just as Topaz moved towards her visitors.

“Good morning, ladies,” she greeted them with a hug, “How are you doing today?”

“We’re feeling pretty good, ma’am,” Blaze replied for the two of them, “And you?”

“Oh, I feel just wonderful. Sorry we can’t stay to chat with you, dears. My husband and I have to go to work. It seems we made a mistake in our schedule.”

“It’s all right, Mrs. Heart,” Rose replied, “We were actually hoping we could speak with your pegasus friend… well, if that’s okay with you.”

“Ah, you girls wish to see Bladewing, eh?” Rose and Blaze giggled as they nodded their heads. “*chuckle* Very well. No, go on ahead. You’re free to spend as much time as you like with him. He’s watching over our little Ruby while Diamond and I are away.” The two mares couldn’t help but awe at the tender task she bestowed upon Bladewing. They watched as Topaz moved back to the couch for one last moment with her daughter.

“Goodbye, sweetie,” she said softly, kissing her on the cheek, “Mummy loves you.” With that, she moved with Diamond out of the house and into the bustling streets of Fredericksmare. Whilst they waited for Bladewing to show up, Rose and Blaze took seats next to the little Ruby and tried their luck at feeding her.

“Man, this is gonna be AWESOME,” Blaze spoke, “Just wait until Bladewing gets his butt over here.”

“Yes, indeed,” Rose replied, “I’m sure he’ll like what he sees.” Unbeknownst to Rose, Bladewing was actually feeling the exact opposite of what she anticipated. He was in front of the sink soaking his face with some cold water. The gesture was almost pointless, but it was all he could to keep a cool head.

“OhgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohGOD! What am I going to do?! She’s here, and with a friend of hers, to boot! It was bad enough she stalked me back at the fields; now she’s followed me to my own home! What the bloody hell does that mare want from me?!” The stallion tried his very best to find an answer, but that too proved pointless. He couldn't find a single one that fits her actions... save for one particular thought.

“*gasp* No,” he murmured with a blush, “She wouldn’t… oh good lord, no! Anything but that! Why me of all stallions?!” In a desperate effort to maintain his sanity, the pegasus slapped his face with his now cold hoof. For the moment, at least, it did the trick: his mind was rendered free of that erotic thought.

“*sigh* Okay, Bladewing. Just relax. It’s probably not as bad as you think it is. Just stay calm and approach her with dignity. You are the Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare, after all. Surely even mares like her know better than to mess with somepony like you. Battery certainly does.” The stallion took a very deep breath before exiting the bathroom. The sound of the door closing behind him alerted the mares to his presence.

“Ah, great,” Blaze spoke, “Here he comes.”

“All right,” Rose added with a grin, “Let’s get this started.” The two girls waited patiently for Bladewing to come down the stairs. Slowly but surely, Bladewing made his way from the upper floor towards the bottom of the stairs. With each step he took, however, anxiety gripped his heart more and more. The stallion wondered over how long the two girls he now stood in front of were going to stay in this house. A minute? An hour? Maybe even the rest of the day? The concept proved too much for the poor stallion to handle, and so he shook it from his head before it grew big enough to make him faint. He just prayed to the powers that be that his conscience was right: that the situation wasn’t as bad as he thought.

“Hi, Bladewing,” spoke Rose with a smile, “How are you?” Bladewing was reluctant to reply. He stood still, frozen in place by her stare (and the need to think before moving a single muscle.

“Well… she’s here. What should I do?” Bladewing examined the mare closely before continuing his mental monologue.

“Hm… I don’t sense any hostility from her. If her intention was to hurt me, I’m sure she would’ve attacked me back at the plains… or at least do it when I’m unarmed. It would be foolish to try to attack me within my own home, even with a friend backing her up. I’m going to have to assume for now that she’s just here to visit.” As risky as he thought the gamble was, Bladewing had no choice but to take it. Threat or not, he was not the kind of stallion to be so rude to a lady that he wouldn’t return her greeting.

“Um… hello.” Bladewing rubbed the back of his neck to relieve some of his tension (as well as cross his rear legs). He wanted to say more, but the words got stuck in his throat. Rose was still staring at him, and he was unsure of what plans she had in store for him today. With that said, he had but one thing to say to her.

“Can I help you with anything, miss?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.” Bladewing watched nervously as she gestured to Blaze with her head to take a seat at one of the couches.

“Oh. Um… great. What can I do for you?”

“*giggle* Well, you can start by telling me why you’re so nervous. I know I came by unannounced and all, but you don’t have to be timid around me. I’m harmless.”

“W-Well… you remind me of something… very familar.” Unbeknownst to either of the ponies, Ruby crawled slowly towards the side of the couch towards a cloth hanging to the side of a tall cabinet next to the couch. The end of the cloth reminded her a lot of Bladewing’s mane, and she had an urge to play with it. Blaze should’ve been able to notice it, but she was too entranced by the cute, yet comical scene unfolding before her to pay little Ruby much attention. For now, at least, Ruby had free reign over her actions… and Blaze’s negligence would cost Rose and Bladewing dearly.

“Ah, is that so?” Rose knew exactly what Bladewing was talking about, but she played dumb so she wouldn’t lose her cool. She had every intention of being herself around him, but she never said it would be easy. The fear of Bladewing possibly thinking of her as a creep disturbed her, and since it had such a profound effect on her, she had to suppress it by force.

“Y-Yes. I’m not sure how, but… I feel like I know you already.” Bladewing’s blood suddenly turned colder as Rose slowly walked towards him. As much as she wanted Bladewing to be comfortable, she couldn’t resist the cuteness of his face when he was nervous. She longed to see how cute he can get when he was pushed to his limit, a thought that completely went against both her higher judgment and her plan. If there was one thing that distinguished her from other girls, it was that she had a thing for lust. Blaze was the only pony who knew, and since she was going to be herself around Bladewing anyway, she decided she might as well reveal it to him… and show him just how special he was to her.

“*chuckle* You go, girl,” Blaze cheered for Rose mentally, “he’s already rearing up… and not like how stallions USUALLY do it. Keep it up, and he’ll be yours before noon.” She was confident that Rose’s gutsy plan would be a smashing success, but unless a certain little filly was stopped, she would end up eating these words for brunch. Alas, the cute scene had not yet finished, and so she still couldn’t do anything. Only watch and root for the equine she-wolf closing in on her prize.

“I see,” continued Rose, “So then you think there might be a… close connection, between us?” Bladewing backpedaled more and more with every step she took towards him until finally, his rear was pressing against the wood-and-glass doors of the cabinet.

“Y-Yes. I’m unsure h-how close it is, though.” He heard a soft thumping sound in his head, but he was unsure if it was his heartbeat thundering in his ears or something much worse. Unfortunately for the now beleaguered stallion, it was the latter of the two. The thumping sound he heard was actually the tilting of a vase of flowers sitting above the cabinet. The cloth Ruby was playing with was lying just underneath it, and it swayed ever so gently the more she tugged on the cloth’s free end. By the time Bladewing heard it, the edge of the vase’s base was just barely aligned with the edge of the cabinet. All it would take was a single mighty tug from Ruby, and the blue piece of pottery would come down on his head like a hammer. To make matters worse, Ruby grew more annoyed each time she tugged on the cloth and found it was still stuck. Even with all these warnings blaring out danger, Blaze was still unaware of it. She was far more interested in watching him press himself further against the cabinet as Rose moved her head closer to his.

“*chuckle* How about THIS close?” By this point in time, Bladewing was so nervous his head was sweltering. Sweat began to form on his forehead, and with the lustful unicorn cutting off any non-forceful means of escape, he was quickly approaching a fainting point.

“Um…” Bladewing tried his best to think of a solution, but it was far too late. Frustrated and determined to make the soft and silky cloth hers once and for all, Ruby tugged at it with all her might… and just like that, Bladewing’s fate was sealed. The vase tilted forward and stayed balance for a second before falling off the cabinet and slamming against Bladewing’s head. The vase shattered into multiple pieces (most of them small ones), and a small chunk of the dirt from it rested on top of him. It was only after he was hit with the vase that Blaze was finally snapped from her trance. Rose was even more shocked, and she gasped with horror as Bladewing groaned before falling to the ground like a lifeless corpse.

“Oh my goddess,” she spoke worriedly, “What happened, Blaze?”

“I-I don’t know,” stuttered Blaze, “It all just came out of nowhere.” The sound of Ruby suddenly giggling with delight caught both of the mare’s attentions. They looked closer at what she was doing and they quickly deciphered what happened just as Ruby was playing happily with the cloth.

“No way,” spoke Blaze, “The vase was knocked over on accident… and it looks like Ruby here is the culprit. It was sitting on top of this cloth she’s playing with, and she was pulling against it. She must’ve given it a strong tug and made the cloth pull out from underneath the vase. That must be what knocked it over.”

“By Faust,” commented Rose, “She’s stronger than she looks. But we have to fix her mess quickly. If the Hearts come back and see this, they might think we tried to rob their house or something.”

“I hear ya. You clean up the wreckage, and I’ll bring Ruby up to Bladewing’s room. We’ll bring the big guy up there together.”

“Agreed.” With their objectives made clear, the two mares set themselves to work.


Before long, Bladewing was laying still in his bed. Both Rose and Blaze were sitting beside him, little Ruby within Blaze’s hooves in particular. The mess downstairs was cleaned up completely, and they waited patiently for the stallion to come to his senses… and sure enough, he woke within a few short minutes. Bladewing groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, only to find a beautiful, yet unpleasant surprise waiting for him.

“Ugh… what hap-GAH!” The pegasus pressed hard against his bed as he looked up at Rose. Blaze was just behind her, holding little Ruby in her hooves.

“Shh, it’s okay, Bladewing,” she spoke softly, caressing his cheek slowly, “I’m not here to hurt you. I just want to talk. Can you spare a moment for me?” Relieved that the unicorn herself admitted she wasn’t a menace to him, Bladewing sighed and nodded lightly, resting his head back on his pillow.

“Ruby,” he spoke with concern, “Where is she?”

“Don’t sweat it, big guy,” Blaze replied, showing Ruby to him, “She’s right here.”

“*sigh* Good.” The stallion took this time (albeit a short interval) to examine Rose more closely. He had to admit, she was certainly beautiful. With a bouquet of roses as her Cutie Mark, her mane and tail were a bright red, and they glimmered under the morning sun like dewdrops on polished metal. Her coat bore a tint of green similar to plants that were lucky enough to be the spring’s firstborn. Even more enchanting than these was her eyes. The irises were a deep scarlet, as if they were made from blood enriched with iron. Rose’s eyes seemed to brighten her face, as though they were bringing her warmest emotions to its surface. Bladewing was still unsure if he could trust her, but she certainly didn’t seem like the type unworthy of such things.

“You…” Rose smiled and placed a hoof on his own.

“I’m listening,” she spoke softly.

“You were there, weren’t you? That day at the fields? I heard a creature snap a twig in two, but then it started backing away when I commanded it to face me. That was you, wasn’t it?”

“*chuckle* Yes. That was me.”

“What’s wrong with you? I could’ve mistook you for some carnivorous animal and attacked you.” Bladewing’s comment hurt Rose at first, but she knew deep down that he wasn’t saying it to be mean. He was just concerned for both himself and her. Given this consensus, she remained calm and serene.

“I know. But I don’t mean you any harm, okay? I just hid from you because I feared for my life. You did threaten me, after all.”

“*sigh* Fair enough. I’m sorry I made you feel that way. But don’t sneak up on me like that. If you surprised me any further back there, you would’ve been dead along with those dragons.”

“All right. I’ll be more careful next time.” Now that his mind was free of his worries, Bladewing sat upright and stretched his forelegs.

“Good,” he spoke with a grunt, “Now then… who are you?”

“My name is Rose Blossom,” the unicorn spoke with a smile, “My pegasus friend you see here is Blaze.” The stallion cracked a weak grin as the mare smiled cheerfully and waved a hoof at him.

“I see,” he replied, waving a hoof back, “It’s nice to meet the two of you. What brings you here?”

“Oh, it’s nothing much. I just wanted to get to know you, but… well, I’m sure you know what happened earlier.”

“I know. But is that it? You came all this way… just to learn more about me?” Rose nodded her head with a smile. “I see. I’m afraid you may have just wasted your time, Ms. Blossom. I can’t remember my past. I have nothing for you beyond what you already know of me.”

“Perhaps… but I know why that is.” Bladewing looked at her with wonder.

“You do?”

“Yes. You cast some sort of power on yourself. I’m not sure what it was, but it was strong enough to lock away every memory you had before you woke up in the fields. Whatever it was that made you do that, I’m sure it was something you’d rather not remember. You were in great pain in the moments prior to that.”

“Oh.” Rose could see the sadness that welled in the stallion’s eyes. He wasn’t crying, but it was strong nevertheless. His ears drooped very low, like they were leaves from a dying plant… for he now knew why he was a stranger.

“So that’s it, then. Everything I’ve ever experienced – my adventures, my good moments, my accomplishments – I locked it all away?”

“I’m afraid so.” Bladewing felt her hoof touch one of his cheeks, and he turned his face to hers. “But your life isn’t over, handsome. Your past may be gone, but your future is certainly not. You still have much to look forward to.”

“Like what?”

“*giggle* You’re a celebrity, for Faust’s sake. Isn’t that a start? And then there’s the Hearts. I’m sure they must see you as family if you saved them from those dragons. Little Ruby certainly does, doesn’t she?” Bladewing looked down at the little filly smiling happily beside him. He felt happy seeing her snuggling close to him, and the stallion grinned with the purest of bliss.

“Yes. She does.”

“See? You don’t know what life has in store for you, Bladewing, unless you live it through to the very end. And if you’re willing…” Bladewing felt the mare move her hoof from his face to his own.

“You won’t have to do it alone.” The stallion had a rough idea what she was getting at, but he wasn’t sure. Doubt was still in his mind. Sure, she wasn’t stalking him as he originally anticipated; but he was still unsure what she really wanted from him.

“*chuckle* I’ll admit one thing. Odd as I think she is, she’s certainly beautiful. But how do I know she’s not just looking for a favor or something? I have to see for myself.”

“What are you getting at, Rose?” The stallion grew interest as the mare suddenly rubbed her foreleg while simultaneously blushing.

“Well… I was hoping that if you’re interested, maybe… you could be my coltfriend?” Just like that, Bladewing’s expression turned from interested to confused, and it left the mare feeling she blew her chance at his heart.

“Um… what do you mean, ‘coltfriend’?”

“You don’t know what a coltfriend is?” Blaze asked curiously. Bladewing shook his head, much to her dismay. “Man, you really are a stranger. But that’s cool, dude. Let me enlighten ya: a coltfriend is what ponies call a guy who's in a relationship with a mare."

"You mean like a boyfriend?"

"Well, that's putting it bluntly, yeah. But it's better to call him a coltfriend, since a boyfriend could mean he could be any species. If you haven’t noticed by now, there’s not many of those ‘ships here in Fredericksmare.”

“I see.” The stallion cleared his throat before looking up towards Rose. He was now more aware of the situation, and it’s because of it that he knew exactly what he had to do next.

“You’re beautiful, my dear, I’ll give you that,” he spoke confidently, making her blush harder, “But can a relationship between us really work? You did manage to startle me back at the fields. It wasn’t intentional, of course, but… how do I know you won’t try to give me a heart attack or something?”

“I said I meant you no harm, didn’t I? What kind of mare would try to force something so deadly on a stallion she’s interested in?”

“I don’t know. I was hoping you’d tell me.”

“Well, you can stop hoping: I promise never to sneak up on you again.”

“Hm… it’s a start, I guess. But can you guys wait outside my room for a moment? I want to think about this more in-depth, but I’d feel more comfortable if I were alone.”

“Sure. No problem.” Rose walked out of the room with Blaze to respect Bladewing’s wishes. He was finally alone, and with no outside influence to interrupt him, Bladewing took this time to carefully think out his choice.

“Okay. So this Rose girl WAS the creature I sensed back at the plains, but she’s clearly not a threat. It was pure coincidence that she was there that day… and it looks like her friend is only here to support her. But why would she want a relationship with me? What is it about me that’s gotten her so infatuated with me that she would choose me above any other stallion in this land?” Bladewing wanted to continue his train of thought, but then he heard whispering between Rose and Blaze outside. He was curious what the two mares were talking about, and he decided to end his session of thinking for a short while to listen in. He remained ever so quiet so he wouldn’t alert them to his eavesdropping.

“This is it, Blaze,” said Rose, “The moment of truth. Today I will find out whether I get Bladewing for a coltfriend or not.”

“Yeah, for real,” replied Blaze, “I’m as excited as you are.”

“Do you think he’ll say yes?”

“I think he will. Sure, he didn’t seem very comfy when you were hitting on him, but I’m sure he got the point of it.”

“I would hope so. I really do like him. If he does agree to be mine, I’m going to make him happy for the rest of his days. Given how much he’s done – and how much he’s lost – he more than deserves it.” The last part of Rose’s dialogue touched a soft spot within Bladewing’s heart. He was uncertain what her past was like, but he felt happy that she was genuinely interested in helping him recuperate from losing his. On that note, he began to reconsider simply turning her down.

“Hm… maybe being her coltfriend won’t be so bad. She seems to really care about me. But do I really want a relationship right now? I’m barely starting to take control of my future. I haven’t even gone a full week in this city, and already I’m presented with a fork in my road of life… and it’s one I’m can’t simply ignore. *sigh* What do I do?” Bladewing thought carefully on this question. The only major negative he saw with choosing to be with Rose was that he might take his life too fast, but it was a significant one nonetheless. So many scenarios played in his head over what may or may not happen that he stopped after only a few seconds of thinking about it. But then a familiar voice resurfaced to his mind, one whose words Bladewing had not yet forgotten:

“The choices you make will indeed shape your future. Make the right ones, and you’ll live a life beyond your wildest dreams.” The memory of his encounter with the alleged goddess returned to his mind upon hearing these words. He still refused to admit what he saw was real, but these particular words from her somehow touched his heart as well. They brought him comfort to a degree, and they rang as true to him as did his own perception of the future.

“I should think of my future… but I should also think of how I want to get there. I want to live life the way I want it, and I want to live happy first and foremost. So very well – I’ll give Rose a chance. If she’s determined to face the future with me and fill each of my days with happiness, then I cannot turn her down. However, until she can prove it to me, I will withhold my heart from her. The time is not yet right for me to fall in love. *chuckle* After all, we’ve only just gotten acquainted.” Bladewing was amused by the idea of playing keep-away with Rose with his heart. He was literally going to let her claim him without a struggle, but he was intent on making sure he was the one in control of this relationship… and what better way to do it than by keeping the one thing she desired most from him under lock and key? Rose spoke of her intentions like she was going to be married to him one day, and Bladewing wanted proof that she was the kind of mare he would desire for a wife before he would even consider being more than a coltfriend. If there was one benefit he would certainly get out of this decision, it was this: a lifetime of fun.

“All right, Rose,” he spoke with a mischievous grin, “You and Blaze can come in now.”

“Okay.” Rose opened the door to his room, and she and Blaze returned to their spots on the bed as soon as they reentered. Once they did, however, Rose suddenly felt nervous once more.

“He looks so austere,” she thought worriedly, “Is he going to reject me?” She quieted her mind to listen to him carefully.

“I have put a lot of thought into this matter,” he spoke firmly, “And I’ve made my decision.”

“Okay,” she spoke timidly, “W-What is your decision?” To Rose’s greatest surprise, Bladewing’s expression changed rapidly from serious… to serene. She gasped as he then smiled warmly and took her hoof in his own, as if he were a gentlecolt greeting a lovely lady.

“Congratulations, Ms. Blossom,” he mused, kissing her hoof, “You got yourself a coltfriend.” Rose could hardly believe what she had just experienced. Before she could say a word, however, the doorbell suddenly rang, relieving Bladewing of his situation.

“Excuse me, ladies.” Bladewing rose from his bed and exited the room to answer the door. Blaze noticed that Rose stood like a statue.

“You okay, Rose?” The unicorn nodded lightly, but she immediately followed it up by a hearty laugh.

“Yes!” she gasped, “Ha-ha! That stallion is as good, as, MINE.” Blaze was happy for her. A monkey wrench had been thrown into her plan (albeit accidentally), but Rose still managed to make Bladewing hers.

“*sigh* Great. I guess I’ll have to get used to seeing her with another pony. Oh, well… at least she’s happy.” As Blaze tended to Ruby, Bladewing opened the front door of the house. A courier pegasus with a strange crest on her uniform stood in front of him, carrying a saddlebag with a package inside.

“Good morning, sir,” she spoke, “Is this the Heart residence?”

“Yes, it is,” Bladewing replied, “I’m sorry to say this, ma’am, but the Hearts aren’t home right now.”

“That’s okay. The package I have for this place belongs to a Mr. Bladewing, anyway. Could you be him?”

“I am.”

“Great.” The mare pulled out a clipboard with an attached pen after giving him the package. “Can you sign this for me?”

“Of course.” Bladewing signed his name – a very strange experience for him – and gave it back to her.

“Thanks. Enjoy your package, sir.”

“Thank you.” As the mare flew away, Bladewing went towards the living room table. True to her words, the package was addressed to him; the bigger question, however, was who the sender was (and how the sender knew where he was).

“There’s no return address on this thing. *sigh* I guess the sender’s anonymous.” Bladewing carefully opened up the package and looked inside. There was a uniform inside, along with a letter and two bills worth a thousand bits each.

“An outfit?” Bladewing unfolded the clothing for a better look. It turned out this uniform was actually a suit of dark blue leather armor – the same type one particular stallion wore at the duel.

“Oh, it’s armor. It looks pretty good. But who would send something like this via mail? Perhaps the note has an answer.” The stallion picked up the note and carefully read the inscription.

“Dear Bladewing,

I saw your performance at the amphitheater, and let met me tell you: I’m impressed. I suppose you are wondering why I sent you this armor. Well, my good sir, it’s because I would like to offer you a job. Being a monarch means I am in charge of keeping Cydonia at the top of her game… and ponies like you are just what I need to help me do my work. As you probably know by now, a council of twelve knights is always present whenever I make tough decisions, like signing a bill into law or declaring war on another nation. Though each one is carefully chosen by me, they all take the same vow to serve me and the people of Cydonia throughout all that the country faces. One of my pegasus knights recently retired from the Council in order to raise his newborns, and I think you are eligible to take his place. I would be honored if you could join me for a bit of respite tomorrow at noon. We can discuss the offer in greater detail from there. If you choose to come, be sure to bring both this note and the uniform with you (they will serve as your clearance for getting past the front gates of my palace); if not, then I will send a courier to retrieve the uniform on that same day. Whichever your choice, you can keep the 2,000 bits I included in the package. Consider it a small reward for your outstanding achievement. May fortune favor you, Mr. Bladewing.

Your sovereign, King Mountain Wind

(P.S.: Don’t worry. As far as I’m aware, nopony else knows where you are.)”

“Ah, good,” Bladewing sighed in relief, “At least I still have a low-profile. But where does he-” The sound of Ruby suddenly crying snapped Bladewing from his thoughts.

“*sigh* Never mind. I’ll find out later.” Bladewing trotted quickly to his room. He passed through the door to find Rose holding Ruby timidly in her hooves.

“What happened here?”

“I’m not sure,” Rose replied, “I just picked her up and she suddenly started crying. I tried feeding her more of that applesauce, but it was no use.”

“Hm…” Bladewing carefully observed the way Rose was holding her, taking a seat next to her.

“Hold on. I think I know what’s wrong. Let me hold her.” Rose nodded in agreement as she gently placed Ruby in his lap. The stallion proceeded to pat Ruby gently on her back. To the surprise of both mares, Ruby burped for the briefest of moments. With that, the filly immediately ceased her crying, eventually returning to her happy, carefree self.

“There, there, Ruby,” Bladewing murmured, hugging her close, “It’s all right. It was just a bit of gas.” The two mares looked at Bladewing feeling lucky. Few stallions were able to take command of a situation like this one.

“Wow, stud,” Blaze said to him, “You’re pretty good with foals.”

“*chuckle* It's nothing.”

“But it’s the truth, Bladewing,” Rose added, “You resolved the issue in no time at all. It’s like you’ve had children of your own once.”

“Nah. I just got lucky with my judgment.” A pungent smell caught Bladewing’s attention, and he traced it to the little filly’s diaper.

“Oh, dear. I think she released more than just gas.” The stallion slowly peeked within the diaper. Just as he expected, there was a nasty surprise waiting for him.

“*sigh* I thought so. The poor girl’s soiled her diaper.”

“I’ll get a fresh one for ya,” Blaze told him, “You go ahead and clean her up.”

“Thanks.” Blaze left the room to get a diaper from the nursery. While she searched, Bladewing placed a white cloth over the desk and gently placed the infant on top.

“You know how to change a diaper?” Rose asked with concern.

“No… but it never hurt to try. Besides, she’s going to catch an infection if I don’t.” With that said, Bladewing went to work. With a clothespin sealing his nostrils, Bladewing removed the old diaper and tossed it into his trash bin. He was careful not to get his hooves messy as he cleaned Ruby’s bottom of all the filth that covered it with paper towels. Before long, she was as clean as a whistle, and the cloth lying balled up in the wastebasket.

“Perfect. Now I just need something to remove the smell.” Bladewing looked around for anything that may help. Fortunately for him, Rose was one step ahead.

“Here, try this.” Rose presented Bladewing with a bottle labeled “Baby Powder”.

“Brilliant.” Bladewing opened the bottle and gently spread some of the powder over Ruby’s flanks. The filly was cooing the whole time.

“Okay, it’s almost done. Where’s Blaze?” The pegasus mare passed through his bedroom door just as he asked that question.

“Here’s the diaper,” she spoke, handing the garment over to Bladewing, “How’s Ruby?”

“She’s clean. Now I just have to put this on her.” The two mares watched in awe as Bladewing carefully wrapped the diaper around Ruby and secured it with a pin. She looked up at him with a relaxed expression.

“There you go, Ruby,” he spoke kindly, “As good as new. Who’s my shiny little niece?” The little filly smiled and giggled as he held her close to his face. Rose and Blaze couldn’t resist awing at the cuteness of this scene. In many ways, Bladewing was like a parent towards the little pony. Surely this was the true level of intimacy a stallion should have, whether towards a potential mate or his offspring.

“Nice job, Bladewing,” Blaze spoke, “There’s just one last problem we gotta deal with.”

“And that is?”

“We’re out of diapers. The one I gave you was the last one.”

“*sigh* Great. I’ll have to go to the markets to get more.”

“Is that a problem?” Rose asked curiously.

“Hardly. I’m just concerned about encountering news ponies or paparazzi along the way…” Bladewing looker over to the robes that hung on his coat hanger.

“…but I think I have a way to avoid them.” Rose and Blaze shot a quizzical look at the stallion. They watched as he got up and put them.

“You do realize they can still see your face, right?” Rose asked him with concern.

“Not all of it.” Bladewing placed the hood over his head to demonstrate. “I can still hide my eyes. As long as I keep them hidden, they’ll think I’m just another pegasus. It’s a good thing I didn’t wear this outer garment back at the duel.”

“Ah, I get it. It sounds like a plan. But don’t worry, handsome. One of the perks of having a marefriend is that she’s got your back no matter what.”

“Good to know. Now then…” Bladewing donned an amused expression as he offered her his hoof.

“What do you say, Rose? Will you walk with me?”

“You bet.” Rose took his hoof and rose to her feet. Bladewing picked up a saddlebag he found in his closet yesterday and gently placed Ruby (and the 2,000 bits he got from the package) inside.

“Can you do me a favor, Blaze?” Bladewing asked her, mounting the saddlebag on his back.

“Sure. What do you need?”

“Can you stay here and watch over the house for me while we’re gone?”

“*giggle* You got it. Nopony’s busting in here on MY watch.”

“Thanks. We’ll be back soon.”

“See ya.” With that said, Bladewing walked with Rose towards the front door. Before they knew it, they were on the sidewalk heading for the town plaza.

“Mm, I’m so glad you’re mine, Bladewing,” she murmured, nuzzling his neck, “You won’t regret having me for a marefriend.”

“Don’t get too proud, dear lady,” Bladewing joked, “I may be yours, but that doesn’t mean you have my heart. You’re going to have to work for it just like any other mare. We’ve only just met, after all.” Bladewing cracked a sly grin as Rose pouted playfully.

“Humph. Since when does a mare have to work for her coltfriend’s love?”

“*chuckle* You didn’t think I’d just give it to you, did you?”

“*sigh* I did.”

“Well, you can stop thinking: love NEVER comes that easily.” The stallion stifled a laugh as Rose showed her tongue at him.

“Fine. Smug colt. I’ll work for your heart… even though I feel I already have it.”

“Then you have a looong road ahead of you.” The mare giggled and cracked a small grin. The two ponies said nothing further, returning their gaze towards the path ahead of them… all while the sun continued to rise above them.

First Date

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Rose and Bladewing had quite a distance to travel to get to Fredericksmare’s commerce district. Most ponies in their situation would rather call for a carriage, but walking was not a problem. As they had nothing better to do, boredom will be very scarce, if not absent from their minds. Before long, the massive rectangular structures that composed the district were in their sights.

“You don’t have work today, right?” Bladewing forgot to inquire about Rose’s schedule before she and he left the house. He wasn’t anxious over it, but it was a concern nevertheless.

“Of course not,” Rose assured him with a smile, “I wouldn’t have visited you today if I did. Don’t worry about it.”

“Good. The last thing I’d want is for you to lose your job over me.”

“Don’t be silly. I’m the chef’s best waitress. Letting me go would be very bad for his business.”

“One never knows what may happen, Rose.” The pair pressed onward. Eventually, they arrived at a section of road lined with stands. The area was filled with festivity, nothing at all like what he’s seen so far.

“That’s odd,” Bladewing spoke in wonder, “I don’t recall seeing these here yesterday.”

“That’s because today is special, Bladewing. It’s the day of the Fortune Festival.”

“The Fortune Festival? What’s that?”

“It’s a special event that commemorates the founding of Fredericksmare. Once every year, the city’s merchants move their businesses outdoors, and the civilians celebrate with parties, plays, and lots of entertainment – all courtesy of the king himself.”

“Interesting. But let’s try not to get immersed in the festivities. We just came to get Ruby’s diapers.”

“Aw, come on, Bladewing,” the mare whined playfully, “Don’t you want to see what Fredericksmare has to offer? It’ll be a great way for us to spend time together.”

“Aren’t we already doing that?”

“Well, yes, but this is much more fun. Come on, handsome, what do you say? Will you let your mare show you a good time?” Rose put a hoof to the stallion’s cheek, and she looked at him with a seductive face. Bladewing really wanted to say no, but he could see that Rose was determined to make him happy.

“Well… I did agree to be her coltfriend. I should probably start getting used to this. A day’s worth of entertainment never hurt anypony.” With this on his conscience, he decided to yield to her request.

“*sigh* Fine. I might as well.” Rose giggled and leaned her head on his shoulder.

“Wonderful,” she murmured, nuzzling his cheek, “It’ll be fun, Bladewing, you’ll see.” Bladewing just forced a small grin before reverting to his uncertain expression. He enjoyed fun as much as the next stallion, but he was sure that partaking in the festival will potentially expose him to the public. He wanted to fully settle in Fredericksmare before he could accept any of the things that came with his notoriety, and that included the attention of its people. He prayed that whatever fun Rose had in mind would go by quickly.

The two ponies passed swiftly through the crowd as they searched the area for a stand with baby products. Some of the side lanes leading into the festival were blocked off with yellow tape, and the ones that weren’t extended the said festival in a different direction. Bladewing was astounded by what he saw. In one area, he found a large stage with actors enacting a scene from what he thought was a drama; in another, he found a large party being held in a park near the edge of the district; and in yet another area, he even found a gigantic metal wheel mounted on a fulcrum, with many two-person seats lined all around its circumference. He could hardly imagine what sort of experiences he would have here, but his unease still held him fast. His only comfort lied in the fact that Rose knew more of this place than he did.

“Oh, my,” Rose gasped, “I remember this thing.” She and Bladewing stood in front of a large machine filled with stuffed animals. An iron claw hung behind the glass casing containing the toys, and in front of the glass stood a control panel.

“What is it?”

“It’s an iron claw machine, Bladewing. I enjoyed these a lot when I was a little girl.”

“You don’t say. How does it work?”

“It’s simple: if you pay a bit to the machine, it will grant you control of the iron claw you see inside. The goal is to use the claw to grab the item you want. You only have one shot to get it, though, and you must do it within a short period of time.”

“Sounds easy enough. Have you ever caught anything?”

“*sigh* Just once. I got a hoof watch as my prize, but I’ve grown much too big for it.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s all right. I still had fun.” Bladewing thought carefully to himself as he looked at the prizes inside the machine.

“Hm… I think I can get something from the machine. I can’t imagine how many times she failed trying to get something she liked. She deserves a little something for her efforts, at least this once. Let’s see if I can make it happen.” A confident expression arose onto Bladewing’s face as he turned to his mare.

“What would you like from there, Rose?” Rose looked at Bladewing with joyous eyes.

“You’d get something from the machine? For me?”

“Well, it’s worth trying.” Rose felt her heart melt with glee. First she succeeded in making Bladewing her coltfriend, and now he was offering to get her something from the claw machine. It didn’t matter to her if he wound up faring no better than she did in her past. What he was doing showed her that he was opening his heart to her (albeit very slowly).

“That’s so kind of you, Bladewing. Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. Now, what would you like?”

“Let me see.” Rose skimmed through the pile in search of a good prize. “Ah, over there.” Rose pointed her hoof to a toy panda that lied near the back end of the machine. It was small compared to the other stuffed animals, but it was the only one equipped with a bowtie around its neck.

“That one?” Bladewing asked. Rose nodded lightly. “*chuckle* Very well. Consider him yours.” Bladewing was just about to reach into his saddlebag when he suddenly realized a massive flaw with his plan: he didn’t have any coins.

“*grunt* Blast! I just have these thousand-bit bills. I’ll have to exchange one of them for coins. But where can I-” Bladewing was interrupted by the sound of Ruby cooing from within the saddlebag. He looked to the little filly to find her playing with a single bit. It was quite a surprise for the pegasus.

“*giggle* I think Ruby wants to help,” Rose joked. She watched in enjoyment as Ruby held the coin to Bladewing’s face.

“Wonderful,” Bladewing spoke, taking the coin from her, “Thanks, Ruby.” The filly just smiled gleefully at him. Bladewing placed the coin into the machine and watched as both it and the claw whirred to life.

“Okay. Here we go.” Bladewing used the control panel to carefully position the iron claw over the toy panda. He took a deep breath before pressing a red button, and Rose watched in suspense as the claw lowered itself towards the panda. What the claw actually grabbed was nothing short of a miracle.

“*gasp* Oh my goddess!” Rose watch with fascination as a toy grizzly bear hung from a paw onto the claw along with the toy panda. The claw then moved towards a chute behind the control panel and released its cargo. The toys slid down the chute and into a bin underneath the panel. Rose picked up both toys and gave the bear to Bladewing.

“Talk about luck,” chuckled Bladewing. Rose meanwhile looked at the panda with longing in her eyes.

“He’s adorable,” she spoke softly, “I thought I’d never have one of these.”

“You do now, my dear. He’s all yours.” Rose leaned towards Bladewing to plant a kiss on his cheek. She giggled with delight as the blushing stallion caressed the area where she pecked him.

“You’re sweet, Bladewing,” the mare cooed, “Thank you.” Bladewing could feel a smile rise from his soul onto his face. He was still wary of his surroundings but on the inside, he felt as fuzzy as the toy panda Rose held in her hooves.

“That went better than I thought,” he thought comfortably to himself, “Now I just have to hope everything else goes as smoothly.” Bladewing could see one of Ruby’s hooves come towards his face from the corner of his eye. She wasn’t whining or anything, but the pegasus had a good idea of what she wanted from him.

“All right, little one,” he murmured, giving her the teddy bear, “You can have it.” Bladewing smiled with joy as Ruby hugged the bear with a smile of her own. His success with the machine was a very small victory, but seeing her and Rose so happy definitely made it a moment to remember.

“*ahem* Right, then. It’s time to get moving. Are you ready, Rose?”

“Oh, yes,” she replied with determination, “Let’s go.” With that, the two ponies pressed on.

It wasn’t long before they arrived at an entertainment-oriented part of the district. Stands displaying many different kinds of games and activities stood on the street in lieu of its more commercial counterparts. Rose wanted to have fun with Bladewing more than anything, but she understood the dilemma he was in. She made sure that none of the things they tried forced Bladewing into removing his hood.

The pair started off their session of fun with a game. An earth pony stallion sat above a tank filled with water. The goal was to hit the target to the side of the tank with a ball. Upon her turn, Rose tried twice to hit it but failed each time (the target was quite high). On the third time, however, Bladewing decided to intervene. He grinned mischievously as he cautiously altered the ball’s trajectory using the Force. Needless to say, the ball scored a successful hit. The seat below the earth pony stallion gave way, and he fell into the tank with an epic SPLASH!. The crowd behind Bladewing stomped their hooves in applause, and he smiled as another earth pony presented Rose with her prize. It was a small necklace gilded with gold and encrusted with rubies. Not much of a prize to aristocratic ponies, but Bladewing thought it looked fabulous on her. The pegasus patted her gently on the shoulder before carrying on with their search.

Another game ensued for the duo, but this one was a little harder. There was a square pressure plate connected to a thermometer-like pole. The goal for this game was to buck the plate hard enough to ring a bell on the pole’s top. Several stallions tried – a massive, muscular one was the last to go – but none were successful. Rose nuzzled Bladewing in a cute effort to persuade him to give it a go. Bladewing, of course, was all too happy to oblige. The unicorn watched with hearts floating around her head as her stallion stepped up to the plate. The other stallions (and especially the burly one) sneered at him, anticipating a massive failure from the pegasus. Bladewing just returned their stares with a smirk, using the Force again to amplify the strength of his kick. What a spectacle it was to hear the bell go off with a loud DING!. Another pegasus awarded Bladewing with a gold pocket watch, its outer edge glittering with tiny diamonds. After placing the watch in his saddlebag, Bladewing walked away with his mare, chuckling ever so softly as he passed the now wide-eyed, mouth-agape stallions. It was more than anypony could say about their muscular companion: he lied passed out next to them, apparently shocked to see himself outdone by a smaller pony.

Rose and Bladewing passed through the crowd feeling luckier than a pair of lottery winners. They still couldn’t find what they needed, but Bladewing didn’t mind the wait – the fun he was having was a massive help. However, he was careful not to let his pleasure cloud his senses. The last thing he wanted was for some random pony to accidentally take off his hood while he was enjoying himself.

Eventually, the two ponies arrived near a park. They were excited to have won twice in a row, but the scenery of the park offered a more calming sensation. Birds chirped happily with one another in the trees; squirrels were scurrying about in search in acorns; and many a civilian sat on benches enjoying the simplistic beauty of the park. For all intents and purposes, this park was an oasis for those who sought stress relief. To Bladewing in particular, it was even more so. This tranquility was just what he needed to keep himself composed and focused on his task.

Unfortunately for Bladewing, this tranquility was cut short. He and Rose suddenly heard the whimpering of a young unicorn colt up ahead. They looked closer and noticed that the poor boy dropped an ice cream cone. The boy’s father pulled out a wallet to get him another cone from the vendor, only to realize it was empty. Rose was disturbed by this scene, and she looked up to Bladewing with worried eyes. Bladewing didn’t like it any more than she did, and he inevitably decided to help.

Bladewing approached the vendor and asked that he give the boy another cone. As soon as Bladewing gave him the money, the stallion served the little colt a cone exactly like the one he dropped earlier. Bladewing then gave the watch he won earlier to the boy’s father. The unicorn in turn graciously shook Bladewing’s hoof, thanking him for his generosity.

“Son,” he said to his little one, “What do you say to the stallion?” The boy looked up at Bladewing with the cutest of smiles.

“Thank you,” he spoke softly. Bladewing just chuckled and gently ruffled the little colt’s mane with a hoof, walking with Rose away from the park. He left the area feeling very good about himself, a sentiment that was only reinforced as Rose pecked him again on his cheek.

“What did I tell you, handsome? You’re sweet.” Bladewing didn’t bother with a reply. The grin he had on his face was all he needed to show how he felt… and so far, he felt glorious.

All in all, they spent two hours looking (and quite a few bits), but it was worth it. A stand with a baby bottle icon on the side of its canvas signaled to Rose and Bladewing that they finally reached their destination. As one would expect of such a place, most of the ponies here were couples. Some had foals with them; others were anticipating them; and to a lesser extent, there were even couples here who plan to have a brood of their own. Without a doubt, this area was very family-oriented, a setting that proved very comforting to Bladewing. Foolish was the media pony who dared to think about raiding this place in search of him.

“*sigh* Finally. We made it.” Bladewing felt much of his woes melt away as he stepped foot underneath the awning of the stand; Rose, however, was sad that her fun with Bladewing had come to an end, but the cuteness of the infants she saw here cheered her back up (albeit to a certain point.)

“Yes, we have,” she mused, “Now let’s get those diapers.” Bladewing looked around for the owner of this stand. He soon found her talking to a pregnant mare accompanied by her husband. He waited for her to finish talking with them before tapping her on the shoulder. The earth pony turned to face him with a happy demeanor.

“Hello, sir,” she greeted him, “and welcome to the Fortune Festival edition of Pride ‘N’ Joy. How may I help you?”

“I would like to buy some diapers, please.”

“No problem. Follow me.” The mare led Bladewing to a stack of boxes loaded with diaper packs. Bladewing took two of the larger packs and then followed the mare to a desk containing a register.

“Will that be all for you, sir?” she asked Bladewing, activating the register.


“All righty, then. Your total is twenty bits.” Bladewing felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders as he paid the mare for the diapers.

“Thank you. Since you’re among our first one hundred customers, you’ll also receive a free jar of baby food as a bonus.”


"*chuckle* Yep. It’s Pride ‘N’ Joy’s way of helping couples meet the needs of their little ones. I’m sure the misses would love to give her little lady a healthy snack.” Rose’s cheeks flared from her statement. This mare thought she was Bladewing’s wife (and Ruby her daughter).

“Um…” The unicorn suddenly felt Bladewing’s hoof on her shoulder, and she looked to him with a flustered expression.

“Well, we have to get going,” Bladewing said to the mare, putting the jar in his bag, “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, sir. Please come again.” Bladewing walked hastily with Rose out of the stand. It was only after they were out of earshot of the ponies there that the two said anything further.

“*sigh* Okay… that was awkward. Where did she get the idea that Ruby was our daughter?”

“Well, she is accompanying us, Bladewing. I can’t say I blame her.”

“I guess not. It was still awkward, though.”

“I don’t know. *giggle* I actually like the idea of being Mrs. Bladewing.” The stallion looked at Rose with a playful glare.

“Don’t get your hopes up, Rose. You still have to earn my love. Only then will I consider being more than a coltfriend.”

“I know, I know. By goddess, you’re a shrewd one.” Bladewing couldn’t help but grin mischievously.

“Nah. I’m just making sure I don’t fall for a gold digger.” Rose’s eyes shot wide open in surprise, and the two ponies stopped on the spot.

“*gasp* You didn’t. I know you didn’t just call me a gold digger.”

“*chuckle* And what if I have, dear lady? What are you going to do? Tell Daddy on me?”

“Ooh, you cheeky bastard,” Rose spoke with irritation, raising a hoof to strike him, “You shall regret that.”

“Ah, ah, ah. Not in front of Ruby. What would Mrs. Heart think if you exposed her daughter to violence? ‘Ooh, that is IT, Bladewing! I don’t want that brute anywhere near my sweet little Ruby ever again… and unless you want your foals to turn out like her, then I suggest you marry a mare who knows how to be a PROPER lady.'” An amused expression was all over Bladewing’s face just as Rose’s seethed with one of anger. It was mostly because of the happy look on Ruby’s face, however, that Rose inevitably decided to calm down… and the fact that Bladewing was only playing with her. With a playful sob, she put her hoof back to the ground.

“Yes. Payback is a real pain in the flank, isn’t she, my dear?” Rose looked at Bladewing with a feigned saddened look in her eyes.

“What do you mean, ‘payback’?” she cried, “What did I ever do to deserve such cruelty from you?”

“Remember earlier? When you smiled as you had me pressed against the cabinet?" Rose blushed deeply, grinning nervously as she struggled to make a comeback.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. I had no such pleasure."

"*chuckle* Don't play innocent with me, you lustful mare. You know what I'm talking about, and you know I'm right. You actually tried to seduce me back there. Admit it." Rose looked away from him in shame, as Bladewing had exposed her intentions.

"That's not what I was doing," she spoke defiantly, "I-I just happened to enjoy being so close to you. Is it so wrong for a girl to get comfortable with a boy she's interested in?"

"Heh. Comfortable indeed. You were getting off seeing how I reacted to your come-ons, weren't you? You saw how desperate I was for you to stop, but oh no... you pressed onto me like a she-wolf in heat closing in on a potential mate.” The stallion hit her hard, as he could see in the deep blushing that quickly filled the mare’s face. She knew he was telling the truth… and she had no choice but to accept it.

“Oh, fine. You win.”

“Thank you.” Bladewing wrapped a foreleg around her shoulders. “But don’t worry, Rose. We’re as good as even now.” Rose giggled and leaned her head close to his.

“Smug colt,” she cooed, nuzzling him, “You’re lucky you’ve been so sweet to me.”

“Whatever you say,” Bladewing mused, “Now let’s get-” A sudden gust of wind interrupted Bladewing. It pulled down his hood in less than a second, exposing the surprised stallion’s face.

“Bladewing,” Rose gasped, “Your hood…”

“I know,” he replied, putting the hood back on, “Crikey, that was close. I hope nopony-”

“*gasp* Look over there!” cried a mare ahead of them, “Is that Bladewing?!” Bladewing grinned nervously as he turned his gaze to her. A crowd of mares slowly formed behind her.

“Um, sorry, miss!” he called out to her, “I think you-”

“OMG, it is!” cried another mare, “Look at him. He’s even hotter in person.” Sweat could be seen slowly forming on Bladewing’s forehead.

“I don’t think they want to listen, Bladewing,” Rose murmured to him.

“So I’ve noticed,” Bladewing murmured back, “We need to get out of here and fast.”

“Agreed. We’ll make a break for it on your go.” Bladewing stood still for a moment as he thought up a plan. The only factor in his favor was that these mares were no ordinary fans, but that was all he needed.

“How about a deal, girls?” he asked, “The first mare who can guess my age can have my foal.” Rose looked at him with blushed cheeks.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“What else? I’m creating a distraction.”

“And just how is impregnating one of these girls going to-… oh. Never mind.” Bladewing just smiled and refocused on the crowd… and not a moment too soon. One of the unicorn mares suddenly raised her hoof.

“*gasp* I know! Is it twenty?”

“*chuckle* You got it.” Bladewing watched humorously as the mare hopped with excitement.

“Yeah! Suck it, ladies! This stallion’s MINE!” Rose couldn’t help but chuckle as she watched the other mares groan in disappointment.

“In your dreams, sister,” she retorted with a grin, “He’s already taken.”

“Right you are, love,” Bladewing said to the mare, “I’ll be more than happy to have a child with you… right after we’re married, of course.”

“That was the idea, stud,” she replied with a seductive tone, “But what do you say we get hitched right now?” Bladewing’s plan was coming along nicely. Her question was exactly what the stallion needed to hear.

“That’s going to cost extra, I’m afraid. You’ll have to complete one more challenge first.”

“*giggle* You got it. What do I have to do?”

“You have to catch me.” Bladewing quickly turned his head to Rose and yelled, “NOW!” Upon his command, Rose galloped with Bladewing away from the crowd of mares as fast as their hooves could carry them. The unicorn mare standing with them felt her heart aching with worry.

“Don’t just stand there!” she yelled to her fellow mares, “After him! Bridesmaids positions for the mares who capture that stallion!” The girls rapidly broke into a frenzy and galloped after the duo, following them on a very frantic goose chase.

“I think I understand why you wanted to lay low, Bladewing!”

“See what I mean?! It’s situations like these that make me uncomfortable showing my face in public!”

“Well, we’re going to need a plan if we’re getting out of THIS one!” Bladewing skimmed the landscape ahead of him for anything that can help him and Rose lose their pursuers. A road that was blocked off by yellow tape soon gave him an idea.

“I got it! This way!” Bladewing stopped near the road section, turning around to face a group of barrels. He used the Force to swiftly knock them over. He didn’t have time to see if the move worked, though. The mares were only seconds behind him.

“Okay, Bladewing,” Rose gasped, “Now what?”

“See this building here?” Rose nodded as the stallion pointed at a structure next to him. “Okay. Hop onto my back and I’ll fly us to the top.” The idea was foolhardy to Rose, but she didn’t have time to question him. She could hear the screams of his “fans” getting louder with each second. She mounted him and held on tightly, praying to the powers that be that he knew what he was doing.

She didn’t know how, but it worked. A strange sensation filled her body as she felt herself fly with Bladewing into the air. Before long, they were both within the safety of the rooftop.

“Okay,” Bladewing said with a sigh, “We should be safe here. Let’s see if we lost them.” The pair silenced themselves as they lied on their stomachs near the rooftop’s edge. Bladewing himself was satisfied to find most of the mares (and the one unicorn) knocked down next to one another. Although they all tried their best to slow down, they were still unable to keep from slamming into the barrels Bladewing knocked over earlier. Bladewing and Rose watched in amusement as the mares (and their unicorn leader) slowly regained their composure.

“*grunt* Damn it,” the unicorn mare spoke, “I think we lost him. Somepony look around from the sky, quickly.”

“I got this,” a pegasus mare replied. Bladewing stood frozen with fear as she flew overhead. With no cover around to cloak them, she was able to spot Bladewing and Rose very easily. The situation could be likened to an eagle finding a pair of brown rabbits against a snow bank.

“*gasp* I found him!”

“Great!” the unicorn yelled, “Where is he?!”

“He’s on the-” The pegasus suddenly felt a strange sensation flood inside her head, instantly shutting her up. Rose was perplexed.

“What the…?” The mare turned to look at Bladewing but was shocked to find him pointing a hoof at her. His eyes were closed and he was muttering something under his breath. He reopened them after a short while, lowering his hoof while the pegasus mare likewise shook her head of the lightheaded feeling.

“Well?!” The mare looked down to the unicorn calling out to her.

“False alarm. It’s just a statue I saw.”

“What about that unicorn girl?! She was running away with him! She might tell us where he is if we can catch her!”

“I can’t see her either.”

“*grunt* Damn. I was so close.” One of the other mares standing with her placed a compassionate hoof on the frustrated unicorn.

“Don’t take it too hard, sugar,” said the earth pony, “It ain’t easy catchin’ his type.” The unicorn sighed in deep frustration.

“Yeah. If only I knew that sooner.” As soon as the pegasus mare landed, the unicorn and the others dispersed and carried on with their day. The unicorn in particular left the area feeling she lost a fortune. Rose, meanwhile, had a very hard time comprehending what she just witnessed.

“How did you do that?” Bladewing looked at her with indifference.

“Call it magic.”

“Magic? But you don’t have a horn… or a wand, for that matter.”

“It’s difficult to explain, Rose. I can’t even remember how I learned it.”

“*sigh* Fair enough. Can we get down now? Heights make me uncomfortable.”

“Sure. Hop on.” The unicorn mounted him once more, closing her eyes tight as he gently lowered her back to the ground. She spotted a kerchief lying behind Ruby’s back, and she used it to wipe as much of the sweat from her forehead as she could.

“Thanks. This feels much better.”

“No problem. Now let’s get home, before anypony else tries looking for me.” A loud growling sound suddenly emerged from Rose’s stomach, and Bladewing raised an eyebrow in question.

“Um… would it be okay if we eat first? I feel a bit famished right now.” Bladewing hesitated for a bit. Going back to the festivities was definitely a bad idea for him, especially since his cloak will no longer conceal him as effectively as before; however, his stomach had other ideas. He heard it rambling in hunger, as if it were angry at him for his hesitation. For the moment, at least, Bladewing decided to agree. He had to satisfy his own craving before it wound up disorienting his senses.

“All right,” he murmured, “Let’s see if we can find a food stand here.” The two ponies were still exhausted, but they were relieved to know nopony was after them for now. They walked back into the festival with one final goal: to nourish themselves with good food.

Twenty minutes have passed before Rose and Bladewing found the stand of a restaurant. By this point in time, they were quite hungry, and they quickly sat themselves down at a table. A unicorn waiter passed by their table holding a napkin on his foreleg and two menus in his magic.

“Bonjour, monsieur, mademoiselle,” he greeted them, giving them the menus, “And welcome to ze Fortune Festival edition of ‘Le Riposte’. What can I get for ze two of you today?” The two ponies took a good look at the menus while the waiter pulled out a notepad and pencil.

“I’ll take a plate of spaghetti with extra mushrooms,” Rose said to him, “along with a cup of coffee.”

“Very well, miss.” The waiter jotted down her order. “And you, sir?”

“Hm… can I get two slices of vegetable pizza? And a tankard of… ginger ale, was it?”

“Of course, mon ami. I’ll return with your orders before you know it.” Bladewing carefully moved Ruby from his saddlebag to the raised chair next to him, just as the waiter walked away with their orders. He slouched in his seat feeling he escaped Hell.

“*sigh* Finally. A bit of respite.”

“I’ll say,” added Rose with a grin, “That was some excitement we had back there, wasn’t it?”

“Speak for yourself, Rose. I couldn’t have felt more terrified if I were being eaten alive.”

“Oh, please. I saw the look on your face when you started smooth-talking that girl. Admit it: you LOVE being a ladies’ colt.” The mare was amused to find her stallion blushing and pouting in defiance.

“You’re mad. What pleasure would I find in dousing myself in all that female energy? I’m but a single stallion, and I want nothing more than to live in peace.”

“*chuckle* Well, you’re not exactly single now, are you? But don’t worry: you’ll get your peace. Those mares will never touch you so long as you’re mine.”

“Oh, I feel very safe with you, Ms. Stalker Mare. Who needs bodyguards when I have you watching my flanks?” Rose looked at Bladewing with a playful sneer.

“You’d best show your mare some respect, boy. She might be the only thing standing between you and death by estrus.” The mare’s gaze quickly quelled any comeback that surfaced in his mind, forcing the stallion to gulp nervously.

“Um... then again, any safety is better than none.” Rose cracked a sassy smile.

“That’s more like it.” Bladewing shot a disdainful expression at the victorious mare, right when the waiter returned with their orders. Bladewing watched with a surprised look in his eyes as he served him and Rose their food.

“Whoa. That was fast.”

“Zat’s one of ze benefits of dining here, monsieur,” the waiter replied joyously, “On ze day of ze festival, we at ‘Le Riposte’ pride ourselves with having our best cuisines ready at ze moment’s notice. Enjoy.” The stallion returned to his job, leaving Bladewing and Rose to their meals.

Now that his task was finally complete, Bladewing let his stress slip from his body. He pulled from his saddlebag the note he received from Mountain Wind. It was a wonder it didn’t float away in the wind while he was on the run.

“What’s that?” Rose swallowed the fork-load of spaghetti she had in her mouth as she looked at the note in Bladewing’s hoof.

“It’s a note from King Mountain Wind,” he spoke, sipping his ale, “It came in a package I got from a courier. You know, when we heard that knocking.”

“Interesting. What did it say?”

“The king invited me to visit his palace tomorrow at noon. He said he was considering me for a seat in his Council.”

“Really?” Bladewing nodded his head. “Nice. It’s not often the king chooses somepony to be a Council knight.”

“*chuckle* I’ll bet. I’d be more enthusiastic if I knew where his palace was, though.”

“Leave that part to me, Bladewing. I can take you there, no problem.”

“You know where it is?”

“Mm-hm. I can stop by your place at 11:00 and we can walk to the palace from there. That is… if you don’t mind bringing me along.”

“Well, the king didn’t really say I should go alone, so… why not?”

“Great. This should be much easier than getting Ruby’s diapers.”

“I hope so.” The table went silent as the pair enjoyed their moment of comfort.

Rose and Bladewing soon found themselves on the streets of Fredericksmare once more. They were walking side by side with full stomachs and (for the most part) a low profile. It was hardly noon, but they had quite a time in those three hours. This was especially surprising for Bladewing. He wasn’t pleased to have been chased for a whole two minutes by a group of fan girls, but he couldn’t deny that it had his heart racing. He never felt so alive in all his time here than in that short period. And then there was that moment with the iron claw machine. Seeing Rose so happy gave him a very comforting feeling. His heart was still far from aflutter, though, for she had yet to earn his love. However, that tender moment was a very good start, not to mention all the others they had after that. Bladewing looked forward to whatever else this mare had in store for him.

“Wow, look at this.” Rose pointed out a tall red box to Bladewing. It was sitting near where the two first walked into the festival, and the doorway was covered by a curtain.

“Um… that’s not an outhouse, is it?” Rose giggled and nuzzled Bladewing reassuringly.

“Don’t worry. It’s just a photo booth.”

“Ah, good. What’s a photo booth?”

“It’s a special booth where ponies can pay to take pictures of themselves. What do you say we take some together?” In spite of the seductive pose Rose put up for him, Bladewing hesitated to agree.

“I really think we should get home, Rose. We got what we came for.”

“Well, yes, but… today’s special. We became a couple today, remember?”

“We have… but since when does a couple need photos to remember their pastimes?”

“It’s like you said: one never knows what may happen. What happens, for instance, if one day we found ourselves separated from each other? Taking photos would ensure that we could look back at those pastimes.” Bladewing knew she had a point. He didn’t know her enough to feel as she did, but he could see why she would ask for such things.

“I guess it would, wouldn’t it?” Rose suddenly brought Bladewing in for a hug, taking the stallion almost completely by surprise. He didn’t bother to pull away, though. He could feel the soothing warmth of her body penetrate through his robes as she nestled in his embrace.

“Yes,” she murmured, looking up to him, “Wouldn’t you want to remember how happy you made me feel this day? Or how far I got you out of your shell? I know I would.”

“Ah, so THAT’s what I heard upstairs.” Bladewing remembered hearing a noise from his room at the moment he received his package. Until now, he assumed it was just his imagination. He was relieved to find out it was Rose being ecstatic over getting a coltfriend.

“Of course I would,” he assured her, “I mean, sure, I didn’t expect to have a marefriend by my side today; but I got one anyway. How often does a stallion receive such good fortune?”

“See? That’s all the more reason why pictures are so valuable: they allow us to preserve precious moments like these for life.” The mare slowly placed a hoof on his left cheek.

“What do you say, handsome? Will you join me?” Bladewing could see that she was serious (albeit in an appealing kind of way). However, he didn’t have to worry about hiding his face at this point. The exit was literally a few feet away. He couldn’t see any harm in taking a few pictures if he was so close to the clear.

“*sigh* Why do I keep falling for that?” Rose smiled with bliss as she pecked him on the cheek for the final time today.

“Hm… could it be, because you love me?” Bladewing beamed a look of pity at the wily mare as he walked with her inside.

“Nice try, ‘love’,” he mused with a grin, “But I’ll be drunk off my flank before I grant you my love that easily.” Bladewing was quite amused to find his mare sticking her tongue out at him with temporarily closed eyes. It was a childish move, but the cute look on her face prevented him from asking her to stop.

For the next minute or so, the two ponies tried various poses in front of the booth’s camera… and for once, Bladewing was carefree. He felt great to have let go of his woes (even if it’s just for now). The time he was spending with Rose now felt more like it should: soothing and tranquil. It was so enjoyable, in fact, that he even put a bit of creativity into the photos. The last two had the best from it.

In one of the photos, Ruby was hugging her teddy bear with a smile. Rose and Bladewing were at her sides, sandwiching her as they smiled into the camera with her. The last one didn’t have Ruby in it, but in no way did her absence diminish its value. In this photo, Rose was nestling in his forelegs, holding the toy panda he won for her earlier. Bladewing was smiling as he gently nuzzled his mare’s face with closed eyes. He had a hard time believing it, but he was starting to feel an attraction for this mare. She showed him a good time, just as she said she would. It wasn’t enough to persuade him to love her, but he understood now that he could count on her to lift his spirit, even if it’s just for a while. If there was one thing she earned from him today, it was this: his trust.

With their main objective complete, Rose and Bladewing made their way back to the Heart residence. It was fortunate that they decided to return when they did: Blaze lied on the couch with her wings dangling from her sides. She was bored out of her mind, and the TV had nothing good for her to watch. With nothing keeping her busy, the mare felt like she was slowly fading away.

“This stinks,” she murmured, grunting wearily, “It’s been three hours now and those two are still not here yet. *sigh* Oh, well. I hope Bladewing doesn’t mind if I snooze in his bed for a bit.” Blaze walked slowly towards his room. She hopped onto the bed and tucked herself well beneath the covers. She pondered what in Equestria would be keeping Rose and Bladewing away for so long as she stared at the alarm clock to her side.

“Heh. I bet they’re having the time of their lives right now. *yawn* It’s only natural. That’s no groupie Bladewing… has with him.” The last of Blaze’s consciousness faded from her soul as she closed her eyes to rest.

It was not until 10 minutes later that Rose and Bladewing finally arrived. They stood quietly at the front door, with little Ruby still hugging her bear.

“Oh, dear,” Bladewing spoke with concern, “How are we going to explain the situation to Blaze?”

“Simple. We’ll just tell her we got lost.”

“And the toys?”

“They’re Ruby’s.”

“Do you really think she’ll believe that?”

“*chuckle* As much as you think she’s going to get mad that we took so long.”

“I just want to avoid a confrontation. Is that so wrong?” Bladewing knocked lightly on the door before Rose could come up with an answer. The house remained silent. Bladewing knocked again, this time a little harder. No response came that time, either.

“Blaze,” Bladewing called out, “It’s us. Can you let us in?” His voice was clear, but Blaze still didn’t come.

"*sigh* Brilliant. She’s probably taking a nap or something.”

“Look on the bright side,” Rose mused, “At least you don’t have to explain anything to her.”

“We’ll see. It’s a good thing I know where the spare key is.” Bladewing lifted one of the corners of the welcome mat to reveal a silver key underneath. After unlocking the door with it, he and Rose stepped quietly into the house, hoping their hoofsteps won’t wake up Blaze. They were surprised to find both the kitchen and the living room empty.

“Ah, no wonder she didn’t answer,” Rose said pensively, “She’s not even here.”

“Here on this floor, that is,” Bladewing corrected her, “She’s probably upstairs in my bedroom. Let’s go.” Rose nodded and followed Bladewing to his room. He opened the door a little bit and the two took a peek inside.

“*giggle* I’ll be,” Rose whispered, “The poor girl’s fast asleep.”

“I thought as much,” Bladewing whispered back, “Come on.” The two ponies let themselves into the room. The sound of the door closing shut disturbed Blaze, and she slowly sat herself upright.

“Hey, guys,” Blaze yawned, stretching her forelimbs, “What took ya?”

“Sorry about that, Blaze,” Rose said to her, “We, um… got a little sidetracked.” She took a brief glance at Ruby, who was still playing happily with her toy.

“I’ll bet,” she joked, “What happened?” With any tall tale they had completely rendered useless, Bladewing cleared his throat for a short explanation.

“Unfortunately, Blaze,” he spoke, looking at Rose, “A certain lady of mine decided to show me a good time at the Fortune Festival.” Bladewing grinned in amusement as Rose flushed her cheeks with a smile. “I tried to convince her that it wasn’t necessary but no… she wanted to have fun with me more than she wanted to help me get Ruby’s diapers.”

“*sigh* That’s my bestie for ya. Give her a guy like you and she’ll forget everything else.”

“This gentlecolt is mad,” Rose pouted, “He WANTED me to do it. Ask him.”

“Give me a break, Rose. I know your type. You sweet-talked him into it, didn’t you?” Blaze smiled mischievously as her unicorn friend rubbed a foreleg nervously.

“Only a little bit.”

“Ha! I bet it was more than just a bit, wasn’t it, Bladewing?” Bladewing nodded his head lightly, much to the unicorn’s dismay.

“Oh, yes. I didn’t mind, though.” Bladewing suddenly brought Rose close with a foreleg. “She was true to her word. I had more fun today than I ever experienced back at my duel.”

“Ah, do tell.” After releasing Rose from his grasp, Bladewing proceeded to tell Blaze their story…

* * *

“Aw, man. Your foal, you said?” Bladewing smiled and nodded lightly, evoking a laugh out of Blaze. “Wow. I can’t believe she fell for it.”

“I was hoping she would. They still wound up chasing us, but that gamble bought us enough time to escape.”

“Nice.” The sound of Ruby cooing suddenly caught Blaze’s attention. She glanced in her direction only to find her holding the photos Bladewing and Rose took earlier.

“Dude,” she spoke, taking the photos from her hooves, “What do we have here?”

“Those are some photos we took before leaving the festival. All courtesy of Ms. Stalker Mare here.” Rose just giggled and lightly punched Bladewing’s shoulder as Blaze looked at the photos more closely. The expressions within them gave the pegasus a more vivid idea of just how happy Rose and Bladewing really were. The last one in particular had her heart moving.

“Aw, that’s so cute,” she cooed, “You’re showing such deep passion for Rose in this one. It’s like you’re in love with her already.”

“You wish I were,” Bladewing mused, “I was just repaying her for the favor. She has yet to prove she is worthy of my heart.”

“That’s not what I’m seeing here. Heck, just look at it. What kind of stallion gets this close with a mare and says he’s not even a BIT in love?”

“The kind that loathes being misunderstood?” Bladewing watched tensely as the mare sneered playfully at him.

“*chuckle* Oh, I understand ya. But ya know what I think, stud? I think you’re secretly head over hooves for Rose, but you’re too shy to admit it.” Blaze could see her facade was working perfectly. Bladewing cringed and rubbed his foreleg timidly, and a small blush could be seen across his face.

“That’s not true… well, not ENTIRELY, anyway.” Rose was flattered, but she still didn’t like how Blaze was treating her stallion. A smile spread across her face as she wrapped her forelegs around his neck, catching him off guard.

“*chuckle* That’s enough, Blaze. I won’t have you making my coltfriend uncomfortable. Especially not after all he’s been through today.”

“Chill, Rose. I’m just playing with him.”

“Well, I suggest you stop. Maybe he loves me, and maybe he doesn’t. Either way, he doesn’t have to tell me. That decision is entirely up to him and you know it.”

“*sigh* Fine. I’m sorry.”

“Good.” Rose smiled expecting Bladewing to be happier. He certainly felt a little better, but she could still see the slight hint of unease floating in his eyes.

“Pay her no heed, handsome,” she spoke softly, “You don’t have to admit ANYTHING. If there’s one thing I learned from you today, it’s this: love is never taken… only earned. I’m perfectly content with your silence, if that’s how you want it.”

“It’s not that,” he assured her, removing her hooves, “I just want to know you better before I can say whether or not I love you. I’ve no doubt that I’ll enjoy spending time with you, but I’ve yet to see if I’ll truly feel such a thing.”

“I understand. I’m by your side whether you tell me or not.”

“Thanks.” A sudden thought occurred to Blaze. She took a glance at her hoof watch and groaned at the time it read.

“Damn. We’re so screwed.”

“What is it, Blaze?” Rose asked curiously.

“Remember Coral?”

“That new girl the chef hired yesterday?”

“Yeah, her. We told her we’d show her the ropes in the waitress gig today, remember?”

“*gasp* Oh, goddess. I’ve completely forgotten that. Do we still have time?”

“We’re late. There IS no time.”

“*sigh* Great. I guess we’ll have to make it up to her.”

“Shoot, we’re lucky if she’s still at her place. We gotta get over there, and fast.”

“See if you can stall for me. I’ll catch up in a bit.”

“I’ll try.” Blaze got off Bladewing’s bed and exited the room, leaving Rose alone with the stallion (albeit for a short while).

“You should get going,” Bladewing warned, “I don’t want to make you more late than you already are.”

“I know. But I need to know something first.”

“About what?”

“You know: how you feel about me.”

“Now really isn’t a good time, Rose. I already told you why.”

“I’m not asking that you pour it all out. Just a hint. Can you give me that?”

“*sigh* All right. I suppose you earned that much today.”

“*giggle* Wonderful. So?”

“Let’s put it this way: I can count on you to put a smile on my face.” Rose smiled and hugged Bladewing closely.

“Thank you,” she spoke, releasing him, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Farewell.” Bladewing watched as Rose exited the room back into Fredericksmare’s streets. Ruby all of a sudden began cooing again, and Bladewing turned his head to look at her.

“*chuckle* Don’t you worry, little one,” he murmured to her, “Your old uncle hasn’t forgotten his promise. Let us play.” The little filly giggled as Bladewing took her into the nursery. The room wasn’t as lively as the festival, but the time was no less fun for Bladewing. The sound of little Ruby giggling and playing happily with him was all that mattered to him. It was the only thing he needed to pass the time while he waited for her parents to return.


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It was a quarter past five when Diamond and Topaz returned to their home. Their shift was normally very short, but the Fortune Festival extended today’s workload by another four hours. Needless to say, they were happy that it was finally over. Bladewing didn’t mind the wait, however. He was having such good fun playing with little Ruby that he hardly noticed how much time had really gone by. The Hearts walked into the nursery to find him sitting behind her, and Ruby was playing with some toy blocks the pegasus laid out for her earlier.

“B…Ba.” Ruby tried her best to say “block”, but this sound was all she could muster.

“*chuckle* No, Ruby,” Bladewing said to her, “That’s a block. Come on, love, say it with me. ‘Block’.”

“Ba.” The pegasus drooped his ears low in disappointment.

“*sigh* We have a long way to go.” The Hearts stifled a chuckle. The sound of their voices surprised Bladewing, and he turned his head to them with an unprepared expression.

“Oh. Welcome home, you two. How was work?”

“Our shift was a long one,” Diamond replied, “but it was good, nevertheless.” The stallion lied on his knees next to Ruby.

“How are you, little one?” he cooed, nuzzling her, “Did you miss Daddy?” Ruby just smiled and nuzzled back. Topaz meanwhile sat herself down next to Bladewing.

“How did the foal-sitting go?” she asked him. Bladewing rubbed the back of his head.

“Let’s just say we had an adventure today.”

“Have you now?” Diamond chimed in. Bladewing nodded lightly. “Great. Would you care to tell us about it?”

“Of course. Gather round, everypony.” Diamond gave Ruby to Topaz, and he sat down next to her as Bladewing regaled the couple with his tale.


“Bloody hell, man! Do you have any idea how lucky you are?!” Diamond Heart was excited to have learned that Bladewing was nominated for a position in Mountain Wind’s Council. His euphoria was literally overflowing, a scene that forced a nervous chuckle out of Bladewing.

“Well, I know it’s an honor,” Bladewing answered, rubbing a foreleg modestly.

“Oh, it’s more than just an honor, Bladewing,” Diamond corrected eagerly, “It’s a privilege. The king doesn’t offer that to just anypony, you know.”

“Yes, he mentioned that in the note.”

“See? Oh, this is marvelous. I never would’ve imagined I’d have a Council knight for a brother… even if he’s only related to me by bond.” Topaz was amused to find Bladewing so timid about it, but she nevertheless decided to relieve him of his situation.

“Calm yourself, dear,” Topaz said to her husband, “The king just said he could be eligible. We don’t know for sure if he’ll actually become a Council knight.”

“*sigh* I know, Topaz. But just bear with me here. Let’s say he DOES become a knight. Wouldn’t it be grand to walk through the city knowing we have family in high places? I spoke of such things with my mother all the time, but she always thought I was mad. I’d love to be able to meet with her one day and say, ‘Ha! Who’s mad now, old mare? This pegasus just so happens to be both my brother AND a Council knight!’”

“Ah, but then you’re only glad to have Bladewing for a brother because it gives you an excuse to reprimand your mum. Do you really consider that brotherly love?” The mare’s question caught Diamond off his guard. It didn’t kill his mood, but he knew she was right. He wanted to show Bladewing more than anything that he cared about him, and using him to get back at his mother certainly wasn’t the way. He acknowledged her argument with a deep sigh.

“No,” he spoke in defeat, “I’m sorry, Bladewing. It seems I've overstepped my boundaries a bit.”

“Only a bit?” Bladewing joked.

“Oh, come now. You knew I was merely excited.”

“*chuckle* Well, I appreciate the apology all the same.” Topaz noticed the toy bear in Ruby’s hooves, and it brought to her mind the other toy Bladewing won for Rose.

“It’s interesting, you know.” Bladewing looked curiously at Topaz.

“What is?”

“Your relationship. You were reeling from Rose simply greeting you that day at the restaurant; but just two days later, you wound up being her coltfriend. A very unexpected situation, if you ask me.”

“Unexpected?” Diamond interjected with a grin, “You knew that mare was interested in our pegasus friend, Topaz. I even pointed that out myself, but oh no… you INSISTED that she just liked him.” Topaz shot a witty expression at the audacious stallion.

“Only because a certain husband of mine was making him uncomfortable saying that.”

“Touché. But the fact remains, love: their relationship was bound to happen. It was only a matter of when.”

“Okay, Mr. Cupid. You’ve proven me wrong. Are you happy now?”

“*chuckle* Oh, yes. Very.” Bladewing suppressed a laugh. Diamond Heart would be the type of pony to be carrying around a bow and a quiver filled with love arrows… if such things existed, that is.

“*sigh* Right, then,” Bladewing spoke up, “It’s time I got serious. I might have to create a foal-sitting schedule if I’m going to get a job soon.”

“Don’t you worry, Bladewing,” Diamond assured him, rising to his hooves, “I’m sure Topaz and I can work something out, should you decide to become a Council knight. Now if you will excuse me, I'll go bring some take-out for us. I’ll be back soon.” Bladewing nodded and let Diamond exit his room. His words were reassuring, but Bladewing was still unsure what to do. Topaz could see the concern infesting his eyes, a sight she intended to correct.

“He’s right, you know,” she spoke softly, “That’s what we’re here for: to help you. You can also ask Rose for assistance, if you want. She may not be family, but she is your marefriend. I say that’s a good enough reason to consider her aid an option.” Bladewing’s expression remain unchanged, much to the mare’s dismay.

“I don’t know, Topaz. I left Ruby alone with her for only a moment and she started crying.”

“You don’t trust her?”

“Oh, no. It’s not that at all. It’s just… *sigh* how do I explain this? Sure, it wasn’t her fault that it happened. But she still had no idea what to do. If I hadn’t stepped in when I did, I’d be as equally distressed as she was.”

“Ah, I see. You think she’ll be more of a liability to you than an asset.” Bladewing nodded his head reluctantly. “That’s understandable. But you were no more experienced in foal-raising than she was, Bladewing. You can’t blame her for not knowing what was wrong.”

“I guess not. But the situation was still too close for comfort. I’d probably feel less burdened caring for Ruby without her.”

“Very well.” Bladewing felt the mare place a sympathetic hoof on his shoulder. “The choice is yours, Bladewing. I will let you handle the situation as you see fit. However, I strongly advise that you don’t dismiss asking your marefriend for help. She is there for a reason.”

“Don’t worry, Topaz. I won’t.”

“Good. I wish you luck with your meeting.”

“*chuckle* Thanks. I’ll need it.” Bladewing watched with a grin as Topaz placed Ruby in her lap.

“You don’t think your uncle’s marefriend is a bad pony, do you, Ruby?” Ruby just cooed lovingly and hugged her mom’s foreleg. “No, of course you don’t. But tell him, sweetie. Tell your uncle she’s not bad.”

“Ba.” Once more, this was the only sound Ruby could muster.

“Oh, bother,” Bladewing pouted playfully, folding his forelegs, “She can’t even say she IS bad. I think I just lost my touch.”

“Nonsense. You know she’s a bit young to be talking. Don’t feel bad if she can’t say a word yet.”

“*sigh* Yes. I know.” Topaz and Ruby giggled simultaneously as the stallion drooped his head low in a comical display of defeat.

"I'll admit one thing, Bladewing," Topaz sighed in dismay, "My daughter may not be as a feisty as other foals, but she's certainly just as messy. I'm truly sorry that she dropped my flower vase against your head."

"Oh, it's all right, Topaz," replied Bladewing with reassurance, "It was but an accident. She is a baby, after all. She doesn't know any better."

"*chuckle* Maybe so, but I'm not going to let incidents like this become natural for her. The last thing I want is for her to develop a thrill for it." Topaz looked down at Ruby with a playful glare. "You've been a very bad girl today, weren't you, Ruby?" Ruby just returned her mother's expression with a look of wonder.

"Don't play innocent with me, young lady. You know EXACTLY what you did today... and Mummy is very disappointed in you. Did Daddy not tell you to play nice with other ponies?" Topaz wasn't scolding her, but Ruby still felt like she was being harsh on her. She whimpered, almost like she was about to cry. However, Topaz was going to make sure that won't happen.

"Aw, don't cry, sweetie," Topaz said softly, holding her close, "I'm not saying these things to be mean. I just want you to be more careful. Uncle Bladewing got hurt today because of what you did, and I don't want him to feel like you're being mean to him... because you're not mean. Are you?" Almost straight away, Ruby was assured that her mom still loved her. She smiled once more for her.

"No, of course not. So no more of that. Unless Mummy or Daddy is home, you will not touch anything unless Uncle Bladewing says so. Okay?" Ruby just hugged her mom one last time, the filly ever so happy that the worst was over.

"*giggle* Good." Topaz winked at Bladewing with a grin, and the stallion in turn just nodded with a chuckle.

Diamond Heart returned to the house before long, and the ensuing feast went as any family gathering would: pleasant and downright delicious. With nothing else left to do, the three ponies did as they pleased during the final hours before dusk. When dusk did come, Bladewing lied in his bed feeling he burned through those very hours. As the dark veil of the night slowly engulfed the weary stallion, he wondered what exactly Mountain Wind had in store for him.

Bladewing woke up grandiosely the next morning. After rising from his bed, he stretched his limbs and gently unfurled his wings. The pegasus took a shower and put on his robes shortly afterwards, walking down the stairs with his tail moving about slowly in relaxation. He found Diamond Heart working in the kitchen, along with some leftovers from a breakfast he and Topaz shared earlier this morning. Diamond turned his head toward him for a moment as he heard his oncoming hoofsteps.

“Good morning, Bladewing,” he greeted with a smile, “How are you?”

“Never felt better,” Bladewing replied with a yawn. Although he could see Ruby sitting in a toddler chair at the table, Topaz was nowhere to be found.

“Where’s Topaz?” he asked curiously, taking a seat.

“She left for work.”

“Just now?”

“Oh, that was a while ago. You were still resting when she and I woke, so we decided to have a quiet breakfast while you slept in.”

“Really? What time is it now?” Diamond pointed the wooden spoon he had in his hoof at a digital clock sitting on top of the refrigerator. Bladewing was shocked by the time it read.

“Bloody hell. It’s almost eleven. When did Topaz leave for work?”


“And you? Don’t you have work today?”

“Oh no, Bladewing. It’s like I told your marefriend the other day: Topaz and I take turns with our shift. It just so happens that I have the day off today.” Diamond turned off the stove and removed a pan containing mildly warm milk. Bladewing watched pensively as the earth pony poured the liquid into an empty baby bottle on the table.

“*sigh* Suddenly I wish my alarm clock DID interrupt my dream.”

“*chuckle* Don’t be ridiculous. It’s better to wake up invigorated than eat breakfast half-asleep.” Bladewing cracked a grin, and Diamond in turn gave the milk bottle to Ruby.

“There you go, sweetheart,” he spoke softly, “Enjoy your meal.” As Ruby began to nourish herself with the sweet liquid, Diamond pulled a chair on the opposite side of where Bladewing sat.

“Ah, I almost forgot. There’s still some waffles left over, Bladewing. Help yourself to as many as you like. I can make more if you’re still hungry.”

“Great. Thanks, Diamond.” Bladewing grabbed an empty plate from a nearby stack, and he immediately began filling it up with the golden treat. He was disappointed to have woken up so late, but Bladewing nevertheless enjoyed what little food was available. Given the short interval he had between him and Rose’s arrival, he was lucky he could eat at all.

“You’re not still shaken, are you?” Diamond asked him. Bladewing swallowed the morsel in his mouth before answering him.

“About what?”

“You know, what I said at the restaurant. I guess my words did sound a bit prying.”

“Oh. Pffh, nah, don’t worry. I was just nervous about the idea of a mare I didn’t know showing interest in me.”

“*sigh* Good. I was worried I might’ve offended you or something. My wife tends to get infuriated with me whenever she thinks I’m being insensitive.”

“Well, I can’t blame you for fearing her. Rose threatened to leave me at the mercy of my ‘fans’ back at the festival. It’s surprising how a mare can induce terror in a stallion’s heart.”

“Oh, don’t get me started, brother. You thought getting chased by a mob of them was bad? Try interacting with one while she’s in heat. *shudder*… DEFINITELY not a scenario you’d want to experience.” Bladewing was curious (albeit in a cautious kind of way). He poured some water from a nearby pitcher into a glass for himself before daring to press onward.

“You don’t say. Just how much worse IS that scenario?”

“A mare’s a lot like a succubus when she’s in her heat cycle. Once she finds a male she likes, the poor colt becomes her prisoner until she's had her way with him. It’s not a bad situation if you’re into that sort of thing, but you’ll want to get used to being the submissive one.” This bit of information intimidated Bladewing, and his cheeks flushed in fear. He counted himself fortunate that the unicorn mare at the festival wasn’t in heat at the time… or any of the other mares with her on that note. However, Rose had heat cycles the same as they did. The mere thought of her seducing him while influenced by one sent a chill down his spine.

“*sigh* Thank goodness she respects me. I wouldn’t be comfortable with being tied down to my own bed... *chuckle* even if it’s only to satisfy her needs.”

“Good grief. That IS bad. I better be careful around Rose, then.”

“See that you do. I can’t have you becoming somepony’s pet now, can I?” The two stallions shared a hearty chuckle. Bladewing had just finished his last waffle when he and Diamond heard knocking from the front door.

“What?” Diamond spoke, “Who could that be?” Bladewing downed the last of his water as the earth pony moved to the door.

“Ah, yes. I forgot to mention this to you and Topaz. Rose was going to meet me here at eleven today. She’s going to take me to Mountain Wind’s palace.”

“Hold on. You’re saying that’s her outside?” Bladewing nodded in agreement. “Oh, okay. Let’s get her inside.” Diamond opened the door with a pleasant demeanor just as Bladewing removed the now empty milk bottle from Ruby’s hooves.

“Good morn- whoa. Wow, you look great, Rose. How are you?” Diamond was quite surprised to find the mare he greeted yesterday wearing a casual, yet gorgeous dress in front of him along with the necklace Bladewing won for her yesterday.

“*giggle* Hello to you, too, Mr. Heart,” Rose greeted back, “How’s Bladewing?”

“He’s enjoying a late breakfast in the kitchen. Why don’t you come in? I’d love to hear his take on your dress. I personally think you look fabulous in it.”

“Thanks. And don’t mind if I do.” Rose smiled as Diamond let her through the door. Bladewing was immediately taken by surprise as he laid eyes on the enchanting unicorn standing at the door. The shock could be easily noticed by the redness that surfaced to his face.

“Oh, dear." Bladewing let it slip his mouth on accident, and Rose in turn looked at him with an amused expression.

“*chuckle* Hello, Bladewing. Are you ready to go?” Bladewing was having a very hard time trying to come up with words. It was like Rose’s beauty completely muted his tongue. The mare couldn’t help feigning a sad puppy look as she approached the flabbergasted stallion.

“What’s the matter, handsome? You don’t like my dress?” Bladewing felt his head perspire with each step she took.

“N-no, it’s not that at all,” Bladewing assured nervously, “I, um… w-well, you see, Rose, I… *sigh* what’s wrong with me today?” Diamond muffled a laugh at the stallion’s humorous attempt to describe her.

“I think what he’s trying to say, Rose, is that he didn’t expect you to be wearing such things.”

“Yes, thank you,” Bladewing spoke, “I thought we were just going to meet the king.”

“We are,” Rose reassured him, “That’s the whole reason I’m wearing this dress. I thought you’d be happier to have an attractive mare by your side when you meet him.”

“Didn’t I already admit that you were beautiful yesterday?”

“Yes, of course. But this is special, Bladewing. I’ve never met the king in person before, and it feels wonderful to know I have a chance to do so with my coltfriend. I made myself pretty for you for just that reason.”

“Well, I think you’re gorgeous just as you are. You don’t need a dress to prove it.” Rose was flattered, but she could see that her radiance was a bit much for Bladewing to handle. He couldn’t go two seconds without looking away from her, as if he were trying to keep his eyes from transforming into hearts. Rose initially wanted to cheer him up, but the cute face he was putting up enticed her into seeing if she could make him swoon.

“Ooh. That gives me an idea.” Rose looked at Bladewing with a devious grin.

“*chuckle* If you’re that uncomfortable with it, Bladewing, I can always… take it off.” Bladewing could almost feel his cheeks burn as the mare slowly placed a hoof on the dress’s zipper. It was of no help to the poor stallion that the zipper was located directly on her chest; if anything, it only heightened the effect of his sensation.

“Okay, I take it back,” Bladewing pleaded, shielding his eyes with a wing, “You’re absolutely darling in that dress. I swear it.” The mare smiled victoriously as she removed her hoof from the zipper. Diamond Heart, on the other hoof, was none too pleased to have almost seen a mare strip in front of him. His serpent was just about to pop out of his sheath.

“Ugh, confound it, man,” Diamond spoke to him, covering his groin area with a rag, “Why didn’t you just tell her you liked her dress?” Bladewing chuckled nervously.


“*sigh* Nevermind. Just tell her to come plain next time. I almost got a boner from that.”

“*gasp* Mr. Heart,” Rose exclaimed playfully, “How could you? Why would you get 'excited' for a mare other than your wife?”

“I’m so sorry, my dear,” Diamond replied, “I’m not used to seeing mares go nude in front of me. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

“*chuckle* It’s all right.” Rose redirected her attention to Bladewing. “Come on, handsome. Let’s go.” Diamond Heart watched as the couple exited the house. He waited for his member to hide back into his sheath before removing the rag from his groin area.

“I’m sorry you had to see that, little one,” he murmured jokingly to Ruby, “Daddy’s not a pervert. He’s… well, let’s just leave it at that.” Ruby just smiled and pointed a hoof at the bear he put on the table. Diamond returned the smile and gave the bear to her. He was fortunate that Ruby was too young to discern what she saw earlier (or what a pervert was). He could only imagine what kind of punishment Topaz would put him through if she were here to see that… and he was all too grateful that she wasn’t.

Bladewing walked with a flustered demeanor with Rose to the gates of Mountain Wind’s palace. Rose indeed looked fabulous in her dress, but he still didn’t like that she teased him by suggesting she take it off in front of him.

“What in the world were you thinking back there?” Rose giggled softly at Bladewing’s question.

“I was only playing, Bladewing. You don’t really think a lady would strip herself naked in front of a male, do you?”

“YOU almost did.”

“Ah, but that was because I thought you were uncomfortable seeing me wear this outfit.”

“I didn’t say I was. I just…” Bladewing noticed a mischievous smile slowly forming on the mare’s face. Unfortunately for the beleaguered stallion, her smug expression was the last straw. He had to come up with a payback plan and now. An ingenious one surfaced in his mind in just a moment. A wicked twinkle flashed briefly in his eye before he hung his head low and started weeping (albeit in a playful manner).

“Oh, all right,” he whimpered, “You win… you’re VERY beautiful in that dress. You happy now? You’re so beautiful, in fact, that I’m surprised it was Diamond Heart who got aroused looking at you and not me. You’re MY mare, not his.” Rose was satisfied to see that she finally broke him to her will… or so it seemed to her.

“Thank you, precious,” she mused, “I feel even prettier hearing you say that.” Rose suddenly felt a wing wrap around her. Before she had time to react, Bladewing pulled her close. The stallion immediately began planting feather-soft kisses across her neck, a sensation that forced an erotic blush from the surprised mare.

“Ooh, you naughty boy,” she cooed, “Are you really trying to make love to me?”

“I did say you were beautiful, didn’t I?” Bladewing murmured with a grin, “It’s said that the males in some animal species get quite aroused when seeing an attractive female. Well, it just so happens that this male has found himself a VERY attractive female.”

“How convenient. You say that right after breaking down in front of me. It’s also said that in some species, the female only wants a powerful male as her mate. Clearly you’re not one of those males.”

“Want to bet, my dear? Get a thousand stallions in love with you and I’ll make mincemeat of every last one… for I am the alpha male.” A romantic idea emerged in Rose’s head as she used her magic to move Bladewing in front of her.

“I have a better idea, Mr. ‘Alpha Male’. How about I let you breed me when we return? If you truly are the dominant male, then you’ll give me the strongest and healthiest foals in all of Cydonia. Surely I deserve them more than that unicorn we eluded yesterday.”

“*chuckle* But of course. That mare is not even worthy of being my midwife.”

“Good. So how about it, love? Will you sire my offspring?”

“I certainly will… as soon as you stop trying to seduce me with your beauty.” Rose was instantly snapped out of the romantic state Bladewing had her in.

“Wait, what?” Bladewing tried to suppress his laughter, but the joke he just pulled on her was too humorous for him to hold in. He let it all out heartily, forcing Rose’s expression to turn from love to murderous outrage.

“*grunt* You loathsome, silver-tongued, heartbreaking… BRUTE! I thought you were serious.”

“Oh, but I am, Rose. I don’t doubt that I’d consider fathering foals with you in the future… but SEDUCING me with a lustful outfit won’t help you persuade me any better.” Rose felt more relieved, but she realized now that Bladewing caught on to her charade. The mare drooped her head low in defeat just as Bladewing looked at her with a smug grin.

“*groan*… How hard do I have to try to get you to love me?” As if to answer her, Bladewing suddenly moved a lock of her mane aside and kissed her gently on her cheek. The mare instantly softened her mood, her face blushing deep yet again.

“*chuckle* There. Does that answer your question, dear lady?” Rose smiled meekly as she rubbed a foreleg shyly.

“A little. I’m not sure if that actually counts as you loving me, though.”

“Well, I’ll admit this much: you really do look precious in that dress.” Rose continued to blush.

“Do you mean that? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?”

“I do, Rose, really. I’m just more used to your natural beauty. You know, without all the clothing.” The mare smiled and returned his kiss with bliss.

“Smug colt. You really want to make your mare work for your love, don’t you?”

“Yes. But tell you what: if I see even a single stallion get jealous over seeing you with me, I’ll take you out for an OFFICIAL date. Hopefully one without all the fan girls chasing after our tails.” The idea intrigued Rose, and she could slowly feel her mood return to normal.

“*giggle* All right. Promise?” Bladewing nuzzled his mare’s face with a smile.

“I promise.” With that, the two ponies continued on their path.

It was very close to noon when the couple arrived at the front gates of Mountain Wind’s palace. The palace itself was enormous. Located on a grass-covered plateau near the outskirts of Fredericksmare, the structure spanned an area almost two blocks wide (and about three in length). Several smaller structures were nearby, including what Bladewing thought was a farm. Pillars at the front entrance of the palace supported a balcony that gave any who stood on it a scenic view of Cydonia’s capital city. Several tapestries containing the royal crest as well as the kingdom’s banner hung from this very balcony. The rosewood doors leading into the palace had knockers and handles made of pure gold, with two unicorn soldiers standing guard on each side. There were two more standing at the front gates, and all of these soldiers carried muskets equipped with bayonets in their magic. All in all, this place was a wonder to behold.

Bladewing took a brief moment to make sure he had the uniform and the note in his saddlebag. Sure enough, the said items were there, and he proceeded cautiously with Rose towards the front gates.

“Halt,” said the left guard, moving in front of them with his buddy, “State your business, citizens.”

“I have an appointment with the king, sir,” Bladewing replied. He gave the letter to the guard, and the stallion in turn examined the note with his comrade.

“Aye, it’s from Mountain Wind,” spoke the right guard, pointing out the king’s signature. The left guard looked back at Bladewing with concern.

“May I see the uniform?” Bladewing showed the stallion the garment. He was good to go as far as the guard could tell, but he wasn’t as sure about the unicorn standing next to him.

“Hm… do you know if the king allows interviewees to bring friends, Rigor?” The right guard stroked his beard as he thought carefully.

“Ehm… I’m not sure, lad. None of the others brought any with ‘em.”

“So what do we do about the mare? Should we let her in with him or no?”

“Hm... I say we let her in. I’m sure she won’t cause trouble inside the palace. Will ya, lass?”

“Faust forbid that I do, sir,” Rose answered him with a smile.

“*chuckle* That's good enough for me. Let’s get them through, Solar. They have clearance.”

“I’m on it.” The duo proceeded with unlocking the gates and opening them for the two ponies. Rose and Bladewing thanked them before passing through to the front doors, the guards closing the gates behind them. The guards at the said doors followed suit and opened them up to let the couple inside. The guards at the gates waited until Rose and Bladewing were inside the palace before saying anything further.

“She’s quite charming, isn’t she?” Solar asked.

“Aye, lad,” Rigor replied with a chuckle, “The lass is a flower, she is. Reminds me of my wife during her younger years.”

“I wonder if that stallion's her coltfriend.” The older guard looked down on him with a serious glare.

“Oh no, ya don’t. I’m not going to lose yet another bonus check because of another one of your hair-brained paramour stunts. No. You’re staying put, boy, and that’s final. Do I make myself clear?”

“*sigh* Yes, sir.” Solar returned to his original position, facing the road in front of him with Rigor.

Rose and Bladewing meanwhile were entranced by the scenery they saw within the palace. More specifically, they were inside the palace throne room. All around them, paintings of battle scenes and portraits of the most recent members of the royal family were hung on the scarlet walls of the palace. A red carpet laced with gold thread lied over the polished marble floor underneath the pair, and it lead straight to a pair of thrones. Flanked on each side by a pair of guards, the massive chairs were composed of pure gold, and the cushions of very fine silk. The king’s throne was marked with red cushions, while the queen’s had purple ones. Rose and Bladewing looked towards the king’s throne and smiled with awe at the majestic pony sitting on it… for that earth pony was Mountain Wind himself.

The king was brown with yellow hair, and he had a neatly trimmed full beard of the same color. His anthro arms were resting comfortably on the throne’s armrests, a jeweled scepter leaning on its side and an equally ornate crown sitting on his head. He was dressed in red robes with intricate designs woven in gold thread, the royal crest sewn onto the right side of his chest. He was pleased to finally see Bladewing pass through his doors, and he approached him and Rose shortly after rising from his seat. The two ponies bowed low to the king in respect.

“Hello, Bladewing,” he greeted him, shaking his hoof, “So you’ve decided to come after all. I’m honored to finally meet you in person.”

“The honor is mine, your majesty,” Bladewing replied with a smile, “I’m flattered that you were impressed by my skills at the amphitheater. I never thought I’d be entertaining a monarch that day.”

“Well, entertain me you did, my friend… and you did a marvelous job.” The king then noticed Rose standing next to the pegasus.

“I don’t suppose she’s family, by any chance?”

“Oh, right. *ahem*… this mare I have with me is Rose Blossom. She’s… well, my marefriend.” Rose was humored to find Bladewing so shy about admitting she was his. Perhaps the only reason she didn’t mind it much was because he looked adorable when timid.

“I see,” the king spoke, shaking Rose’s hoof, “How are you, my dear?”

“I’m feeling grand, your highness," replied Rose, "I've always wondered what it’s like to meet royalty.”

“Most ponies never get a chance. I’m sure you're excited to be one of the few that have.”

“I am. I’m interested in what you have in store for Bladewing here.”

“Ah, yes. Thanks for reminding me. Are you ready to discuss the job offer, Bladewing?”

“Yes, indeed,” Bladewing answered.

“Brilliant. Come with me.” Bladewing and Rose followed the king to a door on the left side of the throne. The trio passed through and continued onward.

Before leading them into a more secluded location, Mountain Wind first led the couple through a room filled with aristocratic ponies. A long table at one side of the room contained expensive liquors as well as near-barren party platters. Nobles of many kinds filled the room, each unique in his (or her) own way. Some came with friends or their partners, others by themselves. No matter how drastically they differed from one another, they all noticed the now hood-less newcomer among them. Bladewing could hear the male members whispering to each other, saying things like “Is that Bladewing?”, “It’s the new dueling champion.” and “So he’s come after all.” Likewise, some of the ladies among them gossiped amongst themselves over the radiant mare by his side, whispering things like “Who’s she?”, “She’s beautiful.” and “Is she his marefriend?”… all while Rose grinned with flattery throughout. She was amused to see some of these mares jealously react to her witty expression with a muffled gasp, turning their heads away from her with a “Humph!” Bladewing, on the other hoof, was getting nervous over having so many eyes staring at him, particularly from the other stallions.

“Pay them no heed, my friends,” Mountain Wind spoke to the couple, “They’re just curious. It’s not often that they see commoners other than the palace staff in here.” Bladewing felt a bit more relaxed after hearing his statement, but he still wished the nobles weren’t staring so seriously at him.

Bladewing suddenly felt a hoof gripping his shoulder. He turned to his right to find one of the unicorn nobles looking down upon him. He was holding an empty wine glass in his magic, and he seemed to be in a very tipsy state. Bladewing found it odd how the other nobles focused more on him than this stallion’s drunken stupor.

“H-Hey *hic*… you’re that, uh… Bladewing fellow, right?” Bladewing slowly nodded his head, more so curiously than nervously. “You… you have some nerve dragging your *hic* commoner flank in here. Y-You think you’re… one of us, with your five hundred grand in bits and *hic* that gorgeous mare you have with you?” Rose blushed at his compliment whilst Bladewing looked at the stallion with a quizzical face.

“Um… excuse me?”

“Don’t act *hic* like I’m stupid. You know perfectly well that you don’t deserve her. She’s *hic* a fool to have chosen you of all stallions as her c-” A feminine hoof suddenly clasped the stallion’s mouth closed, instantly shutting him up. The noble moved the hoof away and shot a surprised look at its owner.


“You better hold your tongue, you drunken idiot,” the unicorn replied with a scowl, “Or else that stallion might just slice it off.”

“But he’s taunting me, darling,” he whimpered, “He’s *hic* got the most beautiful mare I’ve even seen. You… you’re not even HALF as pretty.” The mare growled angrily at her husband’s comment.

“Ugh, this is the last time I’m letting you have your way with Brushian vodka. Now shut up and show him some respect. That’s the Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare you’re speaking to.”

“*sigh* Yes, dear.” Rose and Bladewing chuckled softly as they continued following the king. They waited until they were out of the room before exchanging any banter themselves.

“I’ll be damned,” Bladewing spoke with a grin, “That’s something you don’t see every day.”

“*giggle* I’ll say,” Rose added, “Did you see the look on her face when he told her she wasn’t as pretty as me?”

“Oh, yes. Now THAT’S a jealous mare if I ever saw one.”

“Indeed. And speaking of which…” Rose nuzzled Bladewing as she beamed a winner’s grin.

“You lose, handsome. That stallion was even more jealous of you than she was of me.” Bladewing returned the mare’s grin with a chuckle.

“Not so fast, dear lady. Drunken stallions have very poor cognitive thinking and therefore don’t count.”

“Ah, ah, ah. I’m not letting you deny me my prize, Bladewing. You just said you’ll take me on a date if I was pretty enough to get a stallion jealous of you. You didn’t say anything about whether or not he had to be sober while doing so.” Bladewing knew she was right. He didn’t like that she won so easily, but he was a stallion of his word.

“*sigh* All right. How about this weekend? I'm sure I won’t have to foal-sit Ruby on the weekends.”

“Great. I’ll come by in the morning and you can take me to the central plaza. I think I’ll let you decide what fun we will have down there.”

“Humph. As if that changes anything.” Rose just chuckled and walked with Bladewing in a blissful state. She was very pleased that Bladewing was so easy to tease. She considered the date a consolation prize for her failed, yet valiant attempt to “win” his love.

After a short while, the king and his two guests arrived in a very relaxing room. Three scarlet couches big enough to hold four ponies each were gathered in a C-shape around a large square table. A massive HD television was at the front of the room, sandwiched between two large speakers that towered over the TV. Windows overlooking a grand valley lied to the left of the TV, giving Rose and Bladewing yet another scenic view. Along with polished mahogany floors, the pair also noticed a pair of controllers alongside what seemed like a video game console and a stack of complementary games. Bladewing had no idea what any of these devices were, but he was certain that they played a role in the life of the late Coltec prince.

A pegasus maid was present when the trio arrived, along with two guards posted at the door. A platter loaded with pastries lied next to a water pitcher on the table. She had just finished laying out cups and plates when she heard Mountain enter the room with his guests.

“The food and drink is ready, your majesty,” she said to him, bowing in respect.

“Much obliged, May,” the king replied, “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, sir.” The mare bowed to him once more before exiting the room.

“Make yourselves comfortable, you two.” Rose and Bladewing were happy to oblige to Mountain Wind's request. The king then looked towards the two unicorn stallions guarding the doorway as soon as they sat in a comfortable position on one of the couches.

“Guards, leave us.” The two bowed their heads to Mountain Wind, exiting the room with their muskets in their magic. He pointed a hand to the treats on the table, beckoning to the couple to help themselves. Rose had a light breakfast this morning and so grabbed one without hesitation. Bladewing however had already eaten his fill of food, and he signaled to Mountain Wind with a hoof that he didn’t want any. The king nodded in reply and stretched his arms.

“All right, then,” he spoke, “Let’s get down to business. Do you know why you’re here, Bladewing?”

“Yes, sir. You want to discuss a job opportunity with me. More specifically, you want to see if I am eligible to be a Council knight.”

“Excellent. So tell me: what do you know about the Council?” Bladewing looked at the king with uncertainty.

“I know very little, sir. You wrote in the letter that twelve ponies comprise it and that you choose each one carefully. They help you with making decisions that affect the entire country, but that’s where my knowledge peaks.”

“I see. I presume you’re not from Cydonia?”

“No, sir. I just found myself in some wheat fields a few days ago. I can’t remember where I was born or how I even got to the fields in the first place.”

“Ah, yes. You mentioned in the amphitheater that you lost a large part of your memory.” Bladewing acknowledged the king with a nod. “Hm… your case is a complicated one, Bladewing.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Normally, Cydonian law would dictate that I have to refute my nominating you for a position in my Council, as you’re not a citizen. Given your unique circumstances, however, I might be able to make an exception. Since your memory loss means a background check is impossible, my decision on your eligibility will depend solely on your personality.”

“Understood. I will give an honest answer to any question you ask of me.”

“Good. I learned much about you from your actions at the duel, so I’ll limit my questions to three scenarios. There’s no right or wrong in them, so I encourage you to use your feelings when answering them. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“All right. Let us begin. *ahem*… you wake in the middle of a dirt road starved and thirsty. You have no food or water, but you do have a small sum of money in your possession. An old mare you never saw before comes by and asks that you give her this money. She has a grandfoal who is fatally ill and requires the money to buy medication that will cure him. Behind her stands a traveling merchant who can provide you with adequate food and water in exchange for your money. You really want to help the old mare, but you also want to keep from suffering a slow and painful death. What do you do?” Rose watched anxiously as her stallion covered his mouth in deep thought.

“Hm… I’d be fortunate to simply stand up under such conditions. But I’d still give her the money. I would feel sickly to let somepony die when I had the power to save them.” Rose smiled contently at his answer. Surely such a sacrifice was characteristic of the ponies in the king’s Council.

“Okay. Onward to the next scenario. You’re a humble merchant living in a modest home with only your wife for company. You had just finished making a transaction when you hear the crying of an infant in an alley. You make your way through it and find this child lying in a basket underneath a cardboard box. He is alone, and his only possession is a note that says ‘Give to a loving family’. You initially think about giving him to an orphanage, but you know from personal experience that life there is often very lonely. You can also decide to raise the boy as your own. Your wife tried to conceive a child with you for years, but a recent doctor’s visit informed her that she is infertile. Adopting the boy will certainly make her happy, but you barely make enough money to support the two of you, let alone a foal. In the end, you want what is best for the infant. What do you do?” Bladewing rubbed his forehead as he carefully thought on his answer.

“*sigh* This is a difficult one… what to do…” Rose could see that Bladewing was having trouble making up his mind. She prayed with all her heart that he would find the answer he sought.

“You can do it, handsome. Think. The answer lies deep within you.” A short moment passed before Bladewing acknowledged he had an answer with another sigh.

“I’d raise the little colt as my own. He deserves to have a family as much as my wife deserves to be a mother. I don’t know how I’d provide for him, but I’d do whatever it takes to find a way. There is ALWAYS a way.” Rose could’ve sworn she saw Mountain Wind crack a brief look of fascination. Whether or not she was imagining it she didn’t know, but that gesture was enough to melt most of her anxiety away. It was strange that she’d feel this way considering she wasn’t the one answering the questions, but she really wanted this assessment to go well for Bladewing… for chances like these are never given twice.

“Very well,” the king continued, “You have one more scenario left to resolve, Bladewing. After you answer it, I will know for certain whether you’re qualified to become a Council knight. I must warn you, though: it’s the hardest one of all. Are you ready?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Okay. Here it is: You are a seasoned general of Cydonia’s army. You enjoyed nearly a decade of peace within the country when another country suddenly declares war on us. You’re outraged that such a thing would happen so soon, but it’s not because of picking up the sword again; rather, it’s because of the plans that were ruined because of it. Let’s say you one day intend to marry this lovely mare sitting next to you.” Rose blushed at the king’s comment, and Bladewing likewise understood just how serious this scenario was.

“Okay,” Bladewing agreed with reluctance, “What about it?”

“You know that you’ve a right to marry her, but you also know that the soldiers need your leadership in order to effectively defend Cydonia against her enemies. Now Cydonia, unlike other governments, has a special form of leeway for her high-ranking officers. You may choose not to join the war without ANY penalty, whether it’s wage garnishments, high treason charges, or even just losing your job. I would be okay with such a thing, of course, but there are other consequences that come with it. Potentially letting Cydonia get conquered by the enemy nation is one, but there’s also gaining a reputation for cowardice among my people. You can choose to join the war in spite of such leeway, but that too has consequences. You’ll risk dying on the battlefield alongside many other soldiers. You love this mare more than anypony else on this earth, and you know she would be devastated if she lost you. But you must make a choice. Would you risk death with me in an effort to repel the invaders from our motherland? Or would you stay with her and risk potentially losing her, your home, and anything else the invaders get their hooves on?” Bladewing was disturbed by the king’s query. Sure, it was only a scenario, but Bladewing never encountered one even remotely close to it. It was a situation that was literally beyond anything he ever experienced. He had to choose between his duty and his love (albeit for the sake of an answer).

“I… I’m not sure I can answer that, sir.” Mountain Wind looked at him with concern.

“Is something wrong?”

“There’s a few things I disagree with in that scenario.”

“Like what?”

“The romance part, to name one. You see, although Rose is my marefriend, I’m not actually in love with her. Well, not YET, anyway. I wish to learn more about her before I can honestly tell myself that I do. But even if I did love her, I doubt I’d have the courage to fight an entire country. I’m more accustomed to less-pressurizing bouts, as you saw in my duel.”

“I understand. But a choice must still be made, Bladewing. This particular question is one that’s been asked of Council knight nominees for over five thousand years. The only reason I modified it to include your marefriend is to help you immerse yourself in it. These situations are more likely than others to turn real… and the decisions made from them must NEVER be taken lightly.”

“I see. *sigh*… what must I do?” Rose could almost feel the anxiety that held Bladewing captive. He admitted that although he didn’t love her right now, she still mattered a great deal to him. She was certain that it’s because of her well-being that he was having a hard time choosing between her and his country. An idea suddenly came to her, and she gently nuzzled his face to calm him down.

“Don’t worry about me, handsome,” she spoke softly, “I’d be flattered if you told me you loved me. Even more so if you chose me to be your wife. But I’d feel awful to know I was the reason you wouldn’t help the king and his soldiers win that war.” Bladewing looked at her with concerned eyes.

“You would?”

“Yes. My home is just as important to me as you are. I’d encourage you to fight for it, no matter how much you fear leaving me alone in this world. I’d likely cry myself to sleep if I ever found out you died, but I’ll know it wasn’t in vain. I’d rather risk losing my fiance then let everypony else lose their lives.” Her words successfully alleviated Bladewing’s mind. He was still unsure if he would actually be able to fight in such a war but thanks to Rose, he knew it was worth a try. He looked at the king with a warm smile.

“All right, sir,” Bladewing spoke, “I have my answer. I’d join you in that war. I still don’t think I’d be able to fight such a foe but until we win that war, I would follow you into battle… no matter how long or how fierce it may get.” Mountain Wind was astounded. His answer to this question was unlike any of the answers the current Council knights gave him. He could tell that Bladewing was as strong of will as he was of heart… even if this strength was largely because he had a special somepony in his life. For the first time since his family was taken from him, the king smiled. Only Firestorm was as determined to do the right thing as Bladewing was. With his decision now fully made up, he prepared to pass judgment on the black pegasus.

“Excellent. I have enough information to make my decision… and I am proud to say you’re qualified.” Bladewing’s ears perked in wonder.

“I am?”

“Yes. Your first answer showed me that you’re selfless and understanding, which is very good. Both are necessary traits in the life of a Council knight. Your second one showed that you’re empathetic to the misfortune of others… and you’re willing to assist them no matter what misfortunes you’re facing yourself. Such compassion can literally change their lives. But your final answer… now THAT’S what truly got my attention. You have shown me that you’re exceptionally determined to do what is right. Some consider relying on others for support a weakness, but I can see that you find strength in it. Only one other pony in my entire life had so strong a will and heart… and that pony was my son.” Bladewing was amazed. He HAD to have found favor in the king’s eyes if he considered his answer so unique.

“I see. I am glad that I have found favor in your eyes, sir.”

“As you should. The decision is in your hooves now, Bladewing. Will you accept my offer and serve me as one of my knights?” Bladewing considered his choice carefully. This job was likely to be filled with dangers. War may be one of them and then again, it may not. However, if he could stand tall in the faces of opponents like Battery and Phoenix, then surely he could take on whatever tasks the king may assign him to do. Bladewing acknowledged his choice with a confident smile.

“I would be honored, your highness,” he spoke, shaking his hand, “I accept. Thank you.” Mountain Wind accepted his answer with a soft chuckle.

“Good. There are additional tests I’d ask you to take, but you won’t need them as far as I’m concerned. However, there are still a few steps you must take before I can formally induct you into the Council. The most important of these is acquiring documentation labeling you as a subject of Cydonia. Come by at noon tomorrow and I’ll ask my secretary to provide it for you. We will discuss the rest of the procedure in depth at that hour… as well as the more lucrative parts of the job. Oh, and take this with you.” Mountain Wind pulled out a medallion with a unique crest embedded in it and gave it to Bladewing. “Show it to the guards at the front gates and they’ll let you in.”

“Understood. It was a pleasure meeting you, your majesty.”

“Likewise.” Bladewing and Rose bowed to him one last time before exiting the room. After making their way out of the palace, they decided to walk down the cobblestone path leading into the city streets. A new adventure lied on the road that was Bladewing’s life… and Rose was excited to be walking with Bladewing down this very road. She smiled and kissed him lightly on his cheek before the stallion put his hood back over his head.

“You did well, handsome,” she cooed, “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks. I can’t wait to see what will happen from here.”

“Same here. I’m going to be the luckiest mare in the land when I see the king knight you into the Council. Can you imagine a couple like us walking through the plaza together?”

“Ah, yes,” he murmured, nuzzling her, “That reminds me. I suppose I must reveal myself to the public if I’m going to hold so high a position.”

“Yes,” she murmured back, “Everypony knows who’s on the Council. But I don’t think showing your face will be a problem now, will it?”

“Nah, of course not. I only wanted to keep a low profile because I wanted to explore the city for myself. You know, without all the fans and media ponies following me around.” Bladewing brought his face close to hers, their muzzles just barely touching.

“But if I have a mare like you to show me such things…” Bladewing slowly removed his hood. “Then I guess I can live with the publicity.”

“*giggle* Wonderful. From now on, there will be no more woes… unless another one of your ‘fans’ tries to get comfortable with you. Then I’ll be forced to unleash my fury to get her slutty hooves off of my stallion.”

“*sigh* Great. I have a possessive psycho-stalker for a marefriend.” Rose gasped with utter disbelief.

“What did you just call me, sir knight?”

“You heard me.” Bladewing chuckled in amusement as his mare growled playfully in anger.

“Ooh, you’re a dead colt, sir!” she cried, raising a hoof to strike him, “I shall make you regret that… and THIS time, little Ruby isn’t here to save you.”

“Perhaps,” Bladewing joked with a smirk, “but I can still gallop away from you. Try to hit a stallion while he’s mobile, Ms. Stalker Mare.” With that, Bladewing turned his back to her and galloped away as fast as he could. Rose stood still for a brief moment as she admired the playful scene with a sigh.

“He’s such a joker. But he’s my joker. Wait for me, Bladewing!” The mare followed suit and galloped towards him with all the speed she could muster. She knew Bladewing would have to go alone for his next encounter with the king, but she will certainly be there when the king knights him into the Council. Bladewing was just as eager to see what sort of future would result from his new job… all while he tried his best to ensure a certain lady of his doesn’t geld him out of revenge.


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Only an hour had gone, yet the sun continued to burn brightly over Fredericksmare. Rose and Bladewing returned to the house by this time, exhausted and otherwise thrilled by their merry chase through one of the city parks. Rose inevitably succeeded in her quest for vengeance – she crippled Bladewing with a spell that froze him like a statue – and she was positive that Bladewing will never again rise up against her. What the mare didn’t know, however, was that Bladewing had no such intentions. She left multiple kiss-shaped marks on his face while he was helpless, an act that would’ve made him swoon in pleasure had he not yielded to her in time. That otherwise romantic moment only fueled his desire to teach her who controlled his heart, and he was going to do so if she were to geld him for it. Grievances aside, Bladewing enjoyed the time he spent with her. He couldn’t wait to see what she would do while on their first official date.

“*sigh* Being on top never felt so good.” Bladewing glared playfully at Rose as he rubbed the last of her lipstick from his cheek.

“This isn’t over, dear lady,” he mused, “Someday I will repay the ‘love’ you’ve shown me today… and with a LOT of interest.”

“Save it for the foreplay, handsome. I think your ‘vengeance’ will be most effective when I’m pleading for a ravaging.” An embarrassed blush swept over Bladewing’s face, much to Rose’s satisfaction.

“*grunt* You’re so erotic, you know that?”

“Nonsense. I just happen to be a mare with a very intimate sense of affection.” Bladewing accepted defeat with a sigh.

“Remind me why I’m your coltfriend again?”

“*giggle* Come on now. You know you like having me around. Admit it: choosing me as your mare was the best decision you ever made.” The pegasus contested her with a sneer.

“We shall see, Ms. Stalker Mare.”

“As pleases you.” The couple shared a soft laugh between them, ending their banter on a happy note.

“Farewell, Bladewing,” Rose murmured, nuzzling him, “I’ll see you this weekend.”

“I look forward to it.” Bladewing watched in comfort as Rose walked away from the estate. He was disappointed that she was still persistent in her advances, but he had the advantage in the end. His heart was still out of her reach. He was confident that as long as it was so, he could keep her from making too bold a move on him. Of course, just how long the situation would stay this way remained to be seen, but Bladewing had other things to worry about. He was certain that Diamond Heart lied in wait just itching for him to tell what transpired at his meeting.

“*chuckle* I can hardly imagine his reaction. He would hop over a moon for all I know, but I digress. Let’s see what he has to say about it.” Bladewing took a deep breath before opening the door with the spare key. He found the Hearts inside the living room, but the scene was nothing like he expected. Diamond was resting on the couch, a thick blanket covering his body. Topaz sat next to him, and she was applying a damp, yet warm cloth over his forehead. The sound of the door opening alerted Topaz to Bladewing’s presence, and she turned her head towards him.

“Welcome home, Bladewing,” she whispered, “I trust things went well for you?”

“They did indeed, Topaz. But what about Diamond? Did he have a concussion or something?”

“Don’t worry. He’s okay… just.”

“*sigh* Good. What happened?” Bladewing’s ears drooped as Topaz’s voice took up a more serious tone. He watched her walk back to Diamond’s side.

“I’m afraid my husband contracted a cold, Bladewing. I found him like this when I came back from work. He left a note on the table saying he put Ruby to sleep and that he would see if he can alleviate some of the pain with a bit of rest.”

“What? But he was perfectly healthy this morning.”

“I know. I’m not sure how he caught it, but his condition will prevent him from working for a few days."

“I see. Is there anything I can do?”

“You’re already doing so much for us, Bladewing. Your watching over Ruby allows Diamond and me to put our best efforts into our work. I’d feel guilty to burden you any further.”

“*chuckle* It’s okay, Topaz. I’d be more than happy to lend a hoof, if you’ll let me. I wouldn’t feel burdened for even a moment. Diamond is my brother, after all… and caring for one another is what brothers do best.” Topaz smiled and hugged Bladewing with the purest of gratitude.

“You’re a noble stallion,” she murmured, letting him go, “I can see why Rose likes you so much.”

“Oh, don’t remind me.” The two ponies shared a moment of laughter together, being ever careful not to let their voices wake Diamond Heart.

“Now then… how was your meeting?” Bladewing beamed a small grin at Topaz.

“It’s official. Mountain Wind deemed me worthy of joining his Council.”

“*gasp* Oh my goodness. Really?”

“Mm-hm. I will be meeting him again tomorrow for an orientation. I guess I will become a knight after all.” Topaz was about to cheer, but she remembered that Diamond was asleep. Instead, she gave the victorious pegasus another hug.

“That’s wonderful news, Bladewing. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks. I’ll have quite an adventure serving the country, won’t I?”

“You think? It’s said that the Council knights get the most adventure out of all the ponies in Cydonia. I’m sure my husband would say the same if he were awake right now.”

“I’ll bet. I was just imagining how he’d take the news.”

“*chuckle* Knowing him, he’d probably tell everypony he knew that you’re his brother. I can already see the headlines on the morning paper: ‘Stallion Rescued from Death Proclaims Fredericksmare’s Newest Star is His Brother, Says He’ll be Knighted into the Council Very Soon.’” Bladewing stifled a laugh.

“Yes. That’s got his name written all over it. I guess it’s a good thing he’s asleep for now, eh?”

“Indeed. But don’t worry. Diamond wouldn’t tell a soul no matter HOW much he’d want to.”

“Actually, Topaz, I discussed that earlier with Rose. My anonymity, I mean.” Topaz shot him a curious look.

“Oh? Whatever for?”

“Well… I was thinking about how overt the job was. Rose was telling me how everypony knows who's on the Council.”

“Well, she's not wrong about that. But that doesn’t mean they’d find out you’re living with us. It’s possible for you to do your work without divulging your whereabouts.”

“I know. But now that I think about it, Topaz, I can’t see a point to it anymore. I mean, just look at me. I’m already well-known among the ponies here in Fredericksmare. I’m going to take a job that’s going to spread my name even farther than that. How I see it, my seclusion was hardly useful to begin with. I might as well just give it up entirely.”

“That makes sense. But are you sure you want to do it now?”

“Yes. It’s time I embrace the stallion I have become.” Topaz was amazed. Just days before, she knew Bladewing as a stallion who despite his bravery in battle was intimidated by the very ponies who praise him for it; this day, he was another pony entirely. Here was a stallion who understood now that life is much easier to enjoy when he accepts who he is. She couldn’t have been more impressed by him.

“*chuckle* All right, Bladewing. I wish you luck with the life you have chosen. My husband and I support you in whatever choices you make.” Bladewing nuzzled the mare with affection.

“Thanks, Topaz. It means a lot.”

“No problem.” The pair suddenly heard grunting sounds coming from Diamond. They turned towards him and found him rustling uncomfortably in his blanket. Although Topaz told him he was okay, Bladewing still didn’t like seeing him in such a grueling state.

“Isn’t there any medicine that can help with his cold?”

“Don’t you worry, Bladewing,” Topaz assured him with a smile, “I have a home remedy that should relieve him of most of his discomfort. You just make sure he doesn’t put too much stress on himself.”

“All right. I guess I’ll go tend to Ruby, then.”

“Of course.”


The morning went by quickly, and Bladewing found himself inside Fredericksmare’s commerce district. With approximately three hours standing between him and his meeting, Bladewing decided to run a few errands for Topaz. One of them was to get more of the ingredients for the remedy Topaz spoke of yesterday. Finding them was no easy task, but he still managed to complete this and all the other errands within the few short hours he was given. Everywhere he went, he was given kind smiles and excited expressions by many a civilian, most of who had seen his duel. These pleasantries were a refreshing experience for Bladewing, and even more so considering what he had to deal with in the past few days. It was nice to finally enjoy some time to himself for a change. Not even Rose’s erotic fantasy talk could ruin it for him.

Bladewing peered at one of the digital clocks embedded in a nearby shop. It read eleven-thirty a.m., and the time indicated to him that he had to head straight for the palace. He could choose to fly over to the house if he wanted to, but Topaz told him earlier that some of the ingredients were quite fragile. Flying, thus, was not an option for him, and he decided to wait until after his meeting to deliver his cargo. It was a good thing for Bladewing that none of the ingredients were frozen.

“This remedy is bizarre,” Bladewing murmured, adjusting his saddlebags, “Lemons and grapefruit? Basil and ginger root? Jicama? I don’t know HALF of the items on that list. Ah, well. I’m sure each has a purpose in her remedy.” The pegasus pressed onward, intent on arriving at Mountain Wind’s palace on time.

Unfortunately for Bladewing, his venture would not go by quietly. A group of pegasi approached him from above, landing just a few meters away from where he stood. Bladewing was unsure what they were until he saw the word “POLICE” on one of the ponies’ uniforms. His initial plan was to hide, but he dismissed that thought as quickly as it came.

“Oh, come on, Bladewing,” he scolded himself, “It’s just police ponies. You’ve done nothing worthy of any arrest warrant they can conjure up. Just let them come.” Bladewing took a deep breath as the pegasi walked towards him.

“Are you Bladewing?” asked one of the mares. Bladewing nodded his head reluctantly. “Great. We’ve been looking for ya.”

“Have you now?” Bladewing spoke nervously. The police mare nodded in agreement. “I see. I don’t suppose you’re here to arrest me?”

“*giggle* Nah, don’t worry. I’m not arresting anypony here.”

“*sigh* Great. I thought I was in trouble for a moment.” Bladewing rubbed his forehead as he made an embarrassed grin.

“I’m Sergeant Stellar,” the mare spoke, shaking his hoof, “of the Fredericksmare Police Department. All the guys you see here are my subordinates.”

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Stellar,” Bladewing replied, “What can I do for you?”

“Oh, we didn’t come for any favors, hon. The boys and I just came here to guard ya.” Bladewing stood confused.

“Guard me? From what?” Stellar pointed a hoof down the street. Bladewing looked in that direction and found a crowd of media ponies galloping towards him from up ahead. He could feel a small shiver trickle down his spine.

“Ohhhhhh dear.”

“Ditto,” Stellar replied, adjusting her officer’s cap, “You might wanna brace yourself, hon. Things are gonna get hectic REAL fast.” Bladewing just acknowledged her with a nod.

“Here we go again.” Bladewing watched as Stellar and the other officers circled around him. Journalists, photographers, and paparazzi alike swarmed upon the pegasus like wolves on a rabbit, each one pushing his (or her) best effort to get a short interview or a good snapshot from him. Of course, Stellar and her seasoned band were there to keep them at bay.

“Step back, everypony,” Stellar called out, “Give the stallion some leg room. Back up.” Seeing how she was in a position of power, the crowd had to oblige to Stellar’s command. The sad truth of the matter was that the sergeant knew she couldn’t brush them away that easily. The crowd retreated an inch or two, but that was as much as they were going to give her. After all, none of them were going to leave the area until Bladewing gave them what they wanted.

“Storm Crow, Fredericksmare Gazette,” spoke one journalist to Bladewing, “What’s your thoughts on your recent rise to stardom?” Bladewing stood frozen. With the exception of the photographers, the other media ponies silenced themselves to listen to what the pegasus had to say. The only problem here was that Bladewing didn't anticipate being interviewed so suddenly. It was a miracle that the crowd didn’t spot him earlier, but he could see that they finally caught up to him.

“*sigh* There goes what’s left of my cover. I should’ve known it’d expire a little sooner. But now what? Do I answer their questions? Or should I try to act like they got the wrong pony? Oh, who am I kidding? They KNOW who I am. They KNOW how I look. I told Topaz yesterday that I’d have to give up this charade eventually… and I guess that time is now.” With his mind united under one thought, Bladewing breathed deeply, swiftly conjuring up an answer for Storm Crow.

“It’s, um… pretty good, I guess. I’m flattered that so many ponies view me as a stallion worthy of their adoration.”

“Rumors have spread all over the city that you’re close with the former Miss Cydonia as of late,” spoke another stallion, holding a mic to his face, “Do you have anything to say on the matter?” Bladewing looked at the reporter with surprise.


“Miss Cydonia. Her name is Rose Blossom, and she made national headlines when she became both the youngest and the prettiest mare to ever win the Royal Beauty Pageant. Perhaps you heard of her?” Thousands of questions whirled inside Bladewing’s mind. This sudden discovery completely altered his understanding of the lady he knew as his marefriend.

“Miss Cydonia? Beauty pageant? Rose never told me she was involved in such things. I mean, sure, I never bothered to ask, but… this isn’t something that is normally kept secret. I hope she can explain this to me when we’re on our date.” Although Bladewing was shocked by Rose’s achievement, he didn’t think it was bad. He just wanted to know why she didn’t divulge this when they started courting. For now, however, he decided to suppress his curiosity.

“I can’t say I have,” Bladewing said to the reporter, “I don’t pay much attention to things of that nature. And who said I was close to such a mare?”

“We got tipped off by one of your fans,” spoke a female journalist, “She claims she saw you at the Fortune Festival with a mare matching the pageant winner’s profile. Could it be that you’re in a relationship with her?” Bladewing was having a really hard time getting rid of the blush on his cheek. The media ponies got him in a romantic, yet very awkward setting. He was tempted to say he was, but the possible consequences held him back. If he acknowledged his relationship, they would never give him and Rose a moment of peace; then again, if he didn’t, they might attempt to stalk Rose to find out the truth. Inevitably, Bladewing decided to avoid answering the question. He would be damned before he jeopardized the privacy of which made his time with her so relaxing.

“… ask the fan.” As much as Bladewing hoped it would work, his attempt to brush the ponies aside backfired. His statement only aroused their curiosity, and they almost immediately bombarded him with a deafening hail of questions. He didn’t care one bit for it, though. He gave his say on the matter and as of this moment, he wanted nothing more to do with them. And so, with Topaz’s ingredients in tow, he walked away from the scene.

“You heard him, everypony,” Stellar spoke to the crowd, “That’s about as much of a scoop as you guys are gonna get. Now move it. There’s nothing more to see here.” The ponies refused to budge, but Stellar and her team weren’t daunted. They slowly cleared a path for Bladewing, stopping only when he got to a point where following him would enable Stellar to issue fines to the media ponies for disturbing the peace. The moment Bladewing was out of their reach, the crowd stopped. They left the area in frustrated droves, much to the relief of the police. Their only comfort: what few words they managed to frisk out of Bladewing.

Now that he had some peace and quiet, Bladewing felt more at ease. As well he should, for his final venture was also the most exciting. He was going to be oriented on how EXACTLY Mountain Wind inducts a pony into the Council. Though receiving Cydonian citizenship was the most important requirement, it was also the simplest. Bladewing was sure that whatever else he had to do will be much more tedious, if not difficult. It was all the more fortunate for him that he had so much free time.

It wasn’t much longer before Bladewing was nearing Mountain Wind’s palace. The two guards at the front gates were standing as they did yesterday. However, there was also a coach parked in front of them. Bladewing looked to its front to find two pairs of mechanical pegasi harnessed to it. It was strange that actual horses weren’t pulling the vehicle, but Bladewing attributed it to the immense wealth (and technological prowess) of the country. The royal crest painted on the coach’s rear indicated to Bladewing that it was Mountain Wind’s, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy his curiosity.

“This is strange. Is the king going somewhere? But he told me to meet him exactly at noon. No, wait… maybe the coach is taking somepony else. I better inquire with Mountain Wind about this.” Bladewing approached the guards with the medallion Mountain Wind gave him in one of his robe pockets.

“Halt,” spoke Solar, moving with Rigor in front of him, “State your business.”

“I have an appointment, sir,” Bladewing replied, “The king is expecting me.”

“Do you have a note from him?”

“No… but he did give me this.” Bladewing pulled the medallion from his pocket and showed it to Solar. The guard was overcome with surprise.

“No way,” he mumbled, “The crest of the Council knights.”

“Aye, lad,” Rigor interjected, “Looks like old Mountain Wind’s gonna be appointing him soon. Let’s get him inside, quickly.”

“Yes, right away.” Bladewing thanked them kindly as they opened the gates for him. He passed through to the front doors of the palace and soon made his way inside. As before, Solar and Rigor waited until he was out of earshot before exchanging any words between them.

“*grunt* That guy’s ridiculously lucky,” Solar snorted jealously, “A beautiful mare AND a job as a Council knight? Why can’t I ever get such luck?”

“Perhaps if ya stopped trying to pull those scandalous paramour stunts, you’d know.” Solar looked at his witty comrade with a bemused expression.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“That you’re shameless… and that’s EXACTLY what mares hate in a stallion. Now, back to your post. If ya even THINK about leaving it, I’ll punish you myself. Am I understood, boy?”

“*scoff* Fine. Old codger.” Rigor chuckled humorously as Solar resumed his stance with a pout. The young stallion had a lot to learn about being a proper gentlecolt. In the meantime, however, Rigor was going to have a blast guiding him to his intended future.

Sure enough, Mountain Wind was waiting inside for Bladewing. The king wasn’t seated as before, but he was still in the throne room. He was talking to a unicorn mare wearing a business dress as well as a pair of glasses. The pair heard the sound of the palace doors creak, and they turned their heads towards the pegasus passing through them.

“Ah, Bladewing,” Mountain Wind spoke, “You’re right on time. Are you ready for what you’ll be doing today?”

“Yes, sir,” Bladewing replied, bowing his head low, “I am ready.”

“Good.” Mountain Wind pointed an open hand to the navy blue, teal-maned mare standing next to him, and the mare in turn beamed a warm smile at Bladewing.

“This is Blue Belle. She is the secretary I was telling you about. She will be the one granting you citizenship as well as an in-depth orientation on the position as a Council knight. I know I said I’d join you, but I am needed elsewhere right now. I hope you’ll pardon me if I go back on my word this once.”

“It’s all right, your highness. At least I know why there’s a coach parked outside.”

“*chuckle* Indeed. If you have ANY questions regarding your job, feel free to ask Belle. She knows even more about the Council than the knights themselves.”

“Understood. I hope your day goes well for you, sir.”

“Thanks. Farewell, Bladewing.” Belle and Bladewing watched as the king exited the throne room towards the parked coach. With him gone, Blue Belle adjusted her glasses and returned her attention to Bladewing.

“So you’re the Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare?” The pegasus nodded as she shook his hoof. “Nice. I saw your duel from my home TV. It’s not often a swordspony triumphs in a 2-on-1 battle. Even more so against legendary opponents. What you did back then was TRULY a fight for the ages.”

“It was nothing,” Bladewing replied modestly, “I just wanted Battery to apologize to my earth pony friend. I loathe ponies with her personality with a vice.”

“Maybe so, but your chivalry was good enough to catch the king’s attention. Surely you must find pride in THIS tidbit.”

“Oh, but I do. I imagine performing the work of a Council knight is quite difficult, despite how qualified for it Mountain Wind believes I am.”

“It is. But I guess that’s why he assigned me to guide you, eh?”

“*chuckle* Right. Let’s get to it.”

“You got it. Follow me.” Bladewing followed Blue Belle through a door on the left side of the throne room. As they walked, the mare elaborated on the many things that involved the Council knights.

“As Mountain Wind told you yesterday, advising him on important decisions is one of the many tasks in which the Council knights play a critical role. During periods of international unrest, the decision often involves declaring war on a hostile nation. If the king goes through with the latter, the Council knights may choose to use the leeway given to them by royal law. In our culture, however, it’s considered more honorable to fight for one’s country than to stand down.”

“I can understand that,” Bladewing replied, “but I’m no judge. I guess it comes down to who’s making the choice.”

“It does. The leeway is there regardless. Anyway, you’ll receive additional benefits when becoming a Council knight. Apart from a total exemption from taxes, you’ll also get all of the benefits you’d find in a typical job. You know, things like a retirement pension, paid sick days, vacation days, and the like. They’re all listed in a booklet called ‘The Council Doctrine’. I’ll give you a copy of it once your orientation’s over.” Bladewing nodded in acknowledgement, and he continued to follow Blue Belle through the long halls of the palace.

“This is the war room, Bladewing.” Bladewing marveled at the massive space Blue Belle presented to him. Paintings of seasoned generals and battles from the country’s past decorated the walls, along with banners and a pair of flags crossing each other at a wall section in between two windows. In the middle of the room was a large square table. Though the table was perfectly flat, Bladewing noticed a grid glowing on its pitch-black surface. It seemed to be made of the same material as the TV screen Bladewing saw at his meeting with the king.

“The Coltecs are more technologically advanced than I thought. But why does this table lo- *grunt*” Bladewing rubbed his forehead with a hoof as he shook off a sudden throbbing sensation that plagued his head. The pain was minor, but he still counted himself lucky that Blue Belle didn’t notice his eye twitching slightly from it. He didn’t want her to worry.

“It looks great. The room, I mean.”

“Glad to hear it. This room is where the Council knights meet with the king when the country’s at war. This table here works like a map, but you can adjust it to digitally construct any real-world area, whether it be the landscape of an entire hemisphere or the layout of a particular structure. From this room, Mountain Wind assigns the knights to perform special operations within specific areas across the globe. Most of these are quite dangerous, so combat experience is a plus in selecting a new member of the Council.”

“I see. I’ve wondered what sort of adventures I would find being a Council knight.”

“*chuckle* That’s one way of looking at it. We’re at peace right now, of course, but you’ll want to know about these tasks for if we’re not. One never knows who will pick a fight with Cydonia.”

“Very well. I’ll keep this in mind.”

“Good. Let’s move on.” Blue Belle continued to guide Bladewing through the palace. Eventually, the pair arrived at an enormous rectangular room. A long obsidian table stood in its center, and chairs of a similar color lined its two long sides. The two short sides each had a pair of more elaborate chairs, one of them facing a huge flat-screen TV set embedded in the wall. Bladewing was certain that these particular chairs were reserved for the royals, but it mattered very little to him at the moment. He’d find out with time.

“This is the conference room, Bladewing. This is where you will perform the political aspect of your job. You see, in our government, laws are created by the royal Senate. It’s a coalition of representatives from the sixty states that make up our nation. Once a bill they create is voted viable, it becomes the king’s duty to decide whether or not it gets signed into law. The Council’s job is to advise him through this tedious task. Sounds simple enough?”

“Mostly,” Bladewing replied with a nod, “It sounds like a mere matter of principle, but I know how much weight a choice can carry. Is there anything I should be wary about?”

“Well, some senators tend to ‘cozy up’ to the knights through festivities. You know, parties and such.”

“What? Do they try to bribe them or something?”

“Oh, no. It’s usually just a casual discussion on the bill. Corruption of any kind from a knight is considered equal to high treason and is punishable by a jail sentence as well as immediate expulsion from the Council.” Bladewing hissed in surprise.

“Ouch. It’s a good thing I’m not the wicked type, then.”

“*chuckle* Indeed. Anyway, besides helping with the lawmaking process, the Council also assists the king with international matters in this room. Cydonia is among one hundred and fifty countries worldwide that have a seat in the UNE.”

“The UNE?”

“It’s an acronym for the United Nations of Equestria. The UNE holds annual meetings addressing the state of the planet and the dilemmas each nation may have. During these times, the king may ask the Council for guidance on what must be done on behalf of Cydonia. One of the job requirements Mountain Wind overturned for you is to have an adequate understanding of the laws and history of our country. Mastering both is necessary for this task, but he believes you can learn about them as time goes by. For that reason, he assigned me to be your mentor.”

“Sounds like a plan. I will pay close attention to your teachings, Ms. Belle.”

“Excellent. You can just call me Belle, by the way. We are friends, after all. Aren’t we?”

“*chuckle* We are. Let’s continue.”

“Right. This way.” The two ponies pressed onward. They had just passed a T-section of the hallway when one of the female members of the Council noticed a familiar face passing by. She wore armor exactly like the kind Bladewing received from the king, and she paused for a moment as she deciphered who she just saw.

“*gasp* OMG. It’s him. But what’s he doing here?” The unicorn mare cautiously peeked from the corner towards the pair. Sure enough, that was Bladewing Blue Belle was walking with. However, the mare was still stumped as to what sort of business he had here.

“Hm… I think I’ll follow them. I’m sure Belle’s just giving him a tour of the palace or something. *giggle* Here’s hoping she’s got room for company.” The mystery mare followed them closely, making sure the pair were still unaware of her presence. It wasn’t like she had ill will or anything, but the mare wanted to surprise Bladewing. If he’s here for the reasons she thought, then she wanted to be the first of her brethren to meet him. It was too good an opportunity to resist.

Eventually, Bladewing arrived with Blue Belle at a room well-suited for a mare of her position. At one end of the room stood a desk equipped with many devices. To the right of the desk stood a large box-like machine, an open tray full of papers exposed on its side; to the left, an extended bookcase loaded with books was spread across the wall. A mechanic was working on the machine to the right of Blue Belle’s desk, and he came towards the mare to whisper something in her ear. Belle nodded and thanked the stallion for his work, letting him exit the room to fulfill his other tasks.

“*ahem* Here we are, Bladewing. Welcome to my office. It’s a bit bland, but it’s comfortable. Have a seat.” Bladewing obliged and sat in the chair in front of the desk, placing his saddlebags to his side.

“So,” he spoke, ruffling his feathers, “What are we doing here?”

“*giggle* What else? I’m going to grant you citizenship.”

“Oh. Pffh, right. Sorry.” The mare hiding behind the door was intrigued.

“Ah, so he’s not from here. Nice! This could be my chance to warm up to him. What kind of stallion can resist touring a city with a hot chick?” The mare continued her eavesdropping with a mischievous grin.

“It’s all right,” Blue Belle continued with a smile, “Anyway, allow me to explain how the citizenship process normally works: like with the Council knight position, you must take an exam on the history and laws of our country as well as a background check. If you passed both, you were then supposed to recite an oath of allegiance to our country in front of an immigration officer. Of course, Mountain Wind overturned the first two for you due to your circumstances; however, you must still recite the oath before I grant you documentation confirming your citizen status.”

“Understood. How does it go?” Blue Belle raised her right hoof as she prepared to demonstrate.

“*ahem*… ‘By applying to become a subject of Cydonia, I acknowledged that I must give up allegiance to all other foreign countries for which I am a denizen; by swearing this oath, I also acknowledge that I will pledge this allegiance to the kingdom of Cydonia instead. I will comply with her laws as faithfully as do the native-born citizens who share this land with me. I understand that although I will be given the same rights and freedoms as everyone else under the law, I will risk losing my right to live here if I am ever tried for and proven guilty of high treason OR if my criminal record becomes substantial enough to deem me a significant threat to the country. Under penalty of exile, I swear this oath.’” Blue Belle lowered her hoof as soon as she finished. The oath was a long one, but Bladewing had little trouble remembering it.

“Okay. Here goes nothing.” Bladewing cleared his throat before raising his hoof and reiterating Blue Belle’s words. He went a little slower than she did, but it helped with the phrasing. Belle beamed a hearty smile as she took control of the keyboard to her desktop computer using her magic.

“Well done, Bladewing. You got it right on the first go. Now I just need you to give me some personal data and I’ll print out your ID. Can you do that for me?”


“Good. Let us begin. What’s your full name?”


“Okay. Date of birth?” Bladewing hesitated for a moment. He didn’t understand HOW he knew his age was 20. He just knew. What his exact birth date really is was anypony’s guess.

“Um... I don’t really know.” Blue Belle looked at him quizzically.

“You don’t?” Bladewing shook his head. “Crikey. You must’ve lost more of your memory than I thought. But that’s okay. I can remedy that.” Blue Belle pulled out a strange hoof-sized machine from one of her desk drawers. It almost looked like a communicator, but Bladewing hardly knew what even THAT was. He looked to the mare with curiosity.

“What’s that?”

“It’s called a Sangre Script. It’s a special device that allows somepony to derive biological information from a living being by analyzing a blood sample.”

“I see. I suppose I must now give you some of my blood?”

“Yes. You won’t mind if I take some?” Bladewing shook his head. He watched as Blue Belle pulled a small tube equipped with a needle from the side of the device. The sight made him cringe in his seat.

“Try to hold it in for me,” she spoke softly, “It won’t hurt as much if you stay still.” Bladewing nodded reluctantly, letting the mare stick the needle inside his right foreleg. Blue Belle stuck it in slowly to reduce the pain, but it still forced a twitch from him. He watched the wire-thin tube slowly fill up with his blood, a scene he’d expect more from a hospital than here. Blue Belle pulled the needle out of him shortly afterwards, disposing the tip and placing the tube back in its original position.

“Thanks, Bladewing,” she spoke, “Now let’s see what it says.” Blue Belle typed on the keyboard once more with her magic, the Sangre Script hooked up to a port in the computer’s hard drive.

“Excellent. I have everything I need right here.”

“Great,” replied Bladewing, “So what is my birth date?”

“Let’s see… according to this, you were born approximately January 1st, 2180. It’s September 2200 right now, so that means you’re currently twenty years old.”

“All right. What else does the device say of me?”

“Well, it also says you have no known illnesses at the moment, which is good. I’d recommend having a good doctor on hoof regardless. Hm… eye and hair color, we already know… oh, dear.” The concern in Blue Belle’s voice incited worry within Bladewing.

“What’s wrong, Belle?”

“It’s your genus. The Script is acting very strange in determining what sentient species you are. We both know you’re equine, but all I see here is literally a string of random letters.”


“Take a look.” Blue Belle rotated her computer screen towards Bladewing, and Bladewing in turn looked to the area she was pointing at with her hoof. Just as she told him, the lines mentioning genus and species were completely indecipherable. The letters were about as random as the roll of a die… and yet, to Bladewing’s greatest wonder, the rest of the data on the screen seemed normal.

“This is strange. I know for certain that I’m a stallion. Yet, this device is saying otherwise. It’s like it’s telling me I’m not even from this- Ungh!” Bladewing’s head suddenly throbbed again, forcing the stallion to lower it as he rubbed it with a hoof. This time around, the pain was more intense. How he wished somepony could explain to him what was causing this trauma!

“Is something wrong?” Bladewing shook his head at Blue Belle’s question.

“I’m fine,” he spoke, beaming a warm smile at her, “I guess I’m just overthinking things.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. Let’s keep going. I’m eager to find out how I will be inducted into the Council.”

“*giggle* All right. Let’s see how far along we are now.” Bladewing tipped his head in agreement. Now reassured of her concern, Blue Belle rotated the monitor back towards her face.

“Hm… okay, Bladewing. Besides the genus and species categories, I have all the personal data I need. I’ll just make an override to the system for you and your ID card should properly label you as a pegasus.”

“Okay.” The keyboard clicked and clacked as Blue Belle pressed its keys using her magic. Before long, the override was complete.

“*sigh* We’re almost done. The last thing I need from you is a photo. Move in front of the lens behind this monitor, please.” Bladewing did as she asked. “Great. Smile.” The stallion beamed a hearty smile as a light flashed briefly from the monitor. Blue Belle typed into her keyboard for a short moment before the machine to the right of her whirred to life. She then got up and walked towards it. Bladewing watched closely as she pulled out from it a small card as well as a complementary document, both of which labeled Bladewing as a Cydonian citizen.

“Congratulations, Mr. Bladewing. You’re now an official subject of the kingdom of Cydonia.” Bladewing smiled as he held in his hooves the paper and ID card she just printed out. He lived in this country, sure, but these documents confirmed it. With a secure foundation in his grasp, he was now ready to proceed with the steps to receiving the mantle of the Council knights.

“This feels nice, Belle. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. It’s part of my job. Now let’s-” Blue Belle was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the door opening. She and Bladewing turned in that direction and noticed the hiding unicorn mare passing through the door. This mare heard enough of their conversation to write a play, but she feigned ignorance in order to distract the surprised stallion looking at her.

“Hey, Belle,” she greeted with a grin, “How’s it going?”

“Convenient timing, Sky,” Belle replied, “I’m in the middle of a presentation, if you must know… and I’m sure you know who I’m giving it to.”

“*chuckle* So does everypony else in the country… but I guess I’m gonna be the first of the crew to meet him in person.” Bladewing sensed an erotic, yet harmless aura surrounding the armored mare approaching him. It felt eerily similar to the one Rose always gave off whenever she’s being intimate with him. It was a feeling he prayed he wouldn’t experience from yet another mare.

“I REALLY don’t like the way she’s looking at me,” he thought nervously, “and I think I know why. *sniffle* Oh god, why? Why am I a magnet for lustful mares?” Bladewing stood in place, watching tensely as Sky stopped in front of him.

“Nice to meet ya, Bladewing,” she cooed seductively, “Are you touring the palace with Belle?” Bladewing stammered as the mare suddenly moved to his side, her face but a few inches away from his.

“Um… I-I am, but-”

“*giggle* Relax, handsome. I’m not like those noble mares. You don’t have to be formal towards me… or shy, for that matter. I’m as ordinary as your average joe.”

“That’s good and all, but, um… c-can you back away, please?”

“Aw, that hurts,” Sky spoke, faking a sad puppy look, “Are you saying you don’t wanna be my friend?”

“*chuckle* That’s enough, Sky,” Blue Belle said to her, “You know what he means. Give him some space. You’re making him uncomfortable.”

“Gah, you’re such a buzzkill, Belle. You never heard of playful banter?” Sky backed away from Bladewing, allowing the pegasus to rub the sweat from his forehead.

“Don’t mind her, Bladewing,” Belle assured him, “She’s perfectly harmless. She just happens to adore stallions of your reputation. They’re quite rare, even in a country like ours.” Bladewing gulped nervously as Sky blushed with an embarrassed smile.

“You don’t say.”

“I do. But don’t fret. THIS little filly knows better than to stir up trouble within the palace.” Bladewing sighed in relief just as Blue Belle shot Sky a playful, yet smug glare. It seemed as though she was giving her a warning, as if she were saying, “You’ll give him some respect if you know what's good for you.” Sky cowered with a nervous chuckle in response.

“Thanks for the reassurance.” Bladewing cleared his throat and turned his attention to Sky.

“So… I presume you are one of the Council knights?”

“*giggle* I sure am,” replied Sky, shaking his hoof, “The name’s Skywalker, stud. But the guys just call me Sky.” Once more, Bladewing’s mind was sent into a storm of uneasiness. The unicorn’s name sounded disturbingly familiar to him. To further reinforce his suspicions, Sky’s mane was henna-colored, and her coat a caramel tint – both of which seemed to mimic the appearance of somepony he met before.

“What is this? Why does it all sound so reminiscent? Could it be that we’ve met before? No. Impossible! If it were the case, then surely she would’ve alluded to it just now. But I could’ve sworn I’ve encountered somepony like her dur-” Another headache suddenly jolted within Bladewing’s head, forcing yet another low grunt out of him. He was unaware, of course, that it was the Force still trying its hardest to bar him from his past; nevertheless, he understood that whatever this supernatural entity was, it was growing very persistent. This last headache was the most painful of the three, to the point where Bladewing held his forehead with BOTH of his hooves. Blue Belle and Skywalker looked at the stallion with worry.

“Are you sure nothing’s wrong?” Blue Belle received a nod from Bladewing, but she gave him a doubtful look.

“It’s okay, Belle, really. It’s not as bad as you THINK it is. I’m probably just having a bizarre headache or something.”

“I don’t know, Bladewing. It seems more like the start of a migraine to me. You might want to continue the orientation tomorrow if you’re suffering from one right now.”

“I assure you, it’s nothing of the sort. As I said, I could be just thinking deeper about things than I should be. I’m sure it’ll go away if I just keep my mind clear of thoughts.”

"*sigh* All right. If you’re sure that’s what’s causing it.” Skywalker felt a lump in one of the pouches on her belt as she brushed a foreleg against it. She pulled out the object causing this lump and found a small tube containing smaller, egg-like things Bladewing never saw before. The oval-shaped pills gave her an idea.

“Here, stud. Eat this.” Sky gave one of the pills to Bladewing. The stallion in turn looked at them with a curious expression.

“What is it?”

“Aspirin. It’s pretty good against headaches. It takes a few minutes to kick in, but it should keep ya from feeling pain for a few hours.”

“All right. Thanks.” Bladewing ingested the pill without hesitation. Although Belle disapproved of Sky giving him a possibly allergenic drug, it helped in proving to Bladewing that she’s far from troublesome.

“See?” she told Bladewing with a grin, “What did I tell you? Perfectly harmless. Although I must admit I find her way of making friends a bit questionable.”

“*chuckle* You say that about ALL my ways,” Sky replied, “You’re just old-fashioned. Admit it.”

“Oh? And I suppose you’re the perfect example of the modern Coltec mare?”

“Yep. I’m the type of gal every stallion wants by his side.” Bladewing blushed as Sky winked seductively at him. Blue Belle, on the other hoof, just smirked with smug satisfaction.

“Keep dreaming, little filly,” she mused, “The day you become that appealing is the day I start flaunting myself before the king.”

“We’ll see. Now then… are ya gonna show him ‘round some more or what?”

“Why are YOU so interested?” Sky looked at Bladewing with interest, sending a nervous chill down his spine.

“I was hoping I could hang out with Bladewing. It’s not often I see guys like him without a crowd of chicks following them around.”

“*sigh* Fine. You can join him, but don’t distract him. He needs this orientation in order for him to know how he’ll be inducted into the Council.”

“Gotcha. I won’t say a p- wait a sec. Did you say he’s-”

“Yes. Mountain Wind met with him yesterday and officially approved him for the job.” Skywalker suppressed a squeal of delight.

“MAN, this is so awesome. I’m gonna be working with the most unique swordspony on the planet… and I got to meet him before any of the others. NICE!” Bladewing blushed with a nervous smile as Blue Belle shot a cautioning, yet playful sneer at Sky.

“Don’t go parading about the palace just yet, Sky. Like I said, I’m sti-” The door to the room suddenly opened again, revealing a perturbed earth pony stallion at the entrance. The trio turned their attention to him as he cleared his throat.

“May I have a word with you, Ms. Belle?”

“I’m a bit busy right now, Burgin. Can it wait?”

“I’m afraid not, ma’am. The situation is urgent, and your presence is mandatory.” Blue Belle sighed in frustration.

“Very well. What is it?”

“I just received word from one of the Equestrian couriers. It seems our ambassador suffered a hemorrhage at Canterlot.” Blue Belle’s eyes opened wide, a mix of surprise and fear welling up in them.

“What? Is he okay?”

“Princess Celestia says so, yes. She requests that somepony come to Canterlot and retrieve him immediately. Seeing how the king’s not available right now, you’re the only one authorized to do so.”

“I see. Prepare another coach for departure to Canterlot, quickly.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The stallion exited the room. Blue Belle then redirected her attention to Bladewing.

“I’m afraid I must conclude your orientation for now, Bladewing. The royal ambassador happens to be my uncle. I hope you understand.”

“It’s all right, Belle,” Bladewing replied, “I understand completely. Perhaps we can continue tomorrow?”

“Of course. I’ll meet you here at noon same as before. Now I know you said don’t worry, but do try to relax. If overthinking truly is the cause of your pain, I suggest you just let it go.”

“*chuckle* I’ll do my best. Thanks for everything.”

“No problem. See you then.” Bladewing lowered his head to her, and the unicorn did the same. As he left the room with his documents and saddlebags, Blue Belle pulled out a notepad and pen from one of her desk drawers using her magic. Skywalker watched as she began writing a message on the notepad’s front sheet.

“What do you think of it, Belle?”

“About what?”

“You know: Bladewing joining the Council. Aren’t you excited to have a big-shot like him to work with in the coming days?”

“Of course. Life in the office felt rather empty since Burning Ridge retired from the team. Faust bless him and the little ones he and Lily brought into this world.”

“Oh, for sure. He gets twice as many kudos from me. But how come you’re not as happy about Bladewing taking his place as I am?”

“I think the better question is WHY you’re so happy about it.”

“*giggle* Why else? I’m gonna see if he’s looking for a companion, if ya catch my drift.” Blue Belle lifted her head towards Sky in concern.

“I do hope that was a joke, Sky. You saw how uncomfortable Bladewing was when you started flirting with him.”

“Nah. I think that was because of all the slutty fan girls following him around. I’m sure he’ll show an interest in me if I show him I’m the mare he REALLY wants.”

“Just listen to yourself. That sounds like something THEY’D say. What makes you think you’re any better than they are?” Skywalker looked at Blue Belle with a witty grin.

“Simple: I got everything a stallion could ever want in a mare: charm, power, looks, and especially... a craving for BOTH kinds of love.” Sky smiled deviously as she saw her friend blushing.

“Egads!” Belle pouted, “And you say the fan girls are the slutty ones. But whatever. Just know this: if Bladewing ever comes to me saying you’re harassing him, you’ll wish you heeded my warning.”

“Chill, Belle. Don’t get your panties in a twist. I’d NEVER harass him. Ever.”

“Good.” Blue Belle wrote on the notepad for another moment before she tore the front sheet from it. She put her things back in the drawers with her magic and then walked over to Sky.

“Give this to Mountain Wind.” Skywalker nodded and took the note from Belle’s hoof. “Make sure you tell the others about the new addition to the Council… and I pray that you take my advice seriously.”

“*chuckle* You’re such a worrywart. But yeah, I got it. Have a safe trip.”

“Thanks.” Blue Belle made her way out of the room. Now that Skywalker was alone, she finally let her happiness flow freely. To say she was excited would’ve been an understatement. No… whatever emotion this mare felt at that moment, it was far more than that. She would soon have Cydonia’s most distinctive fighter as a colleague… and it set into motion a plan she thought would remain buried in her mind.

“Heh. Harass him? Nah. We’re gonna get along pretty good, he and I. I’m sure of it. I just have to play my cards right… and make sure another mare doesn’t get to him first.” Skywalker left Blue Belle’s office feeling confident. Whether her plan would come to fruition or not was a matter up to Fate, but she was determined to see it through. After all, it was Bladewing – a stallion unlike any other – who brought it back to life.

As the mare exited the room, Bladewing found himself walking alone towards his home. The aspirin Sky gave him earlier certainly helped in relieving the throbbing sensations, but he was far from over them. Something was causing this maddening sensation, and he demanded an explanation.

“What the bloody hell is wrong with me?! Why am I feeling pain whenever I try to reminisce about something? It’s like some deity is punishing me every time I do. *sigh*… look at me. Deity? I'll be damned if I start thinking they exist. There must be a sounder explanation for all this. But what? What can possibly-” Bladewing heard something on his right, at the park where Rose endowed him in her “love”. He looked around and found an earth pony couple sitting together. The stallion had a bandage wrapped around his head, and it had a few streaks of dried blood on it. It was likely that he had a medical operation or an accident some time ago, but he seemed okay for now. The mare was perfectly fine, but Bladewing discerned a hint of worry in her voice.

“Don’t push yourself, honey,” the mare spoke to him, “You’re still in recovery. Your brain’s not yet ready to handle the stress.”

“I know, babe,” he replied, “But I gotta do something. We got little ones to feed. I can’t just-” The mare suddenly smiled and placed a hoof over his lips, silencing him on the spot.

“Shhh. It’s okay. My sister is watching them. You need to get better, and the only way you can do that is by relaxing. Just let it go for now. Okay?”

“*sigh* All right. I will… for your sake.” The mare chuckled lightly and nuzzled him. Bladewing was humored to see this simple, yet tender moment unfold. The stallion’s situation was analogous to his own, and he could almost see what can happen if he too decided to let go.

“Hm… maybe that’s the answer. I don’t see why I should dwell on something if I suffer for it. Gah, if only it were that simple! If I let go of this problem now, I’ll only prolong it. How will I know if I encounter yet another familiar sight?” It was in this moment that Bladewing finally understood why this answer was so controversial: he continued to believe that his past was a necessity. It was true that all sentient beings had one; but Bladewing was different. For reasons he wished he knew, his past was wiped completely blank. Whatever manner of experience and character he obtained from it were lost to him now.

“*sigh*… I guess there’s no point, then. No matter what I do, my history will forever be out of my reach. But that’s okay. I don’t need to know who I was to know who I am, or who I’ll become. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll just forsake it entirely. If all I get for trying to discover my past is pain… then I’d rather forget I had one to begin with.” Bladewing continued on his path feeling wise. Though his choice meant his memories truly were lost, it was a consequence he was willing to accept. Attempting to prove they were not was mental suicide to him, and he couldn’t afford to lose his mind at a time like this. And who can blame him? There’s a reason why so few would beat a dead animal. Such was the pointlessness of his endeavor, one in which forced Bladewing to abandon all hope of retrieving his memories. Ah, but that’s the rub of the situation. The said memories may have been “forgotten”… but they were far from gone.

Great Expectations (Part I)

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Solemnity. Defeat. Bewilderment. Each emotion is as toxic to the soul as the others, and all three festered within Bladewing like plagues. Although resolving the issue with his memories brought him closure, it also left him with a strong feeling of emptiness. It goes without mention that one develops intelligence and personality from the events they experience. In a way, having no memories was like having no sense of identity. This lack of identity was EXACTLY what Bladewing felt at the moment; and yet, in spite of it all, he was content. Fate had given him a fresh start. He had a home, a family, a name for himself, and even a special somepony. There were some in this world who had even more, but so few comprehend how lucky they really are; on the other hoof, there were beings living now who have next to nothing, and many would sell their souls for a mere taste of Bladewing’s life. Bladewing understood this notion, and he felt both fortunate and grateful that the powers that be had blessed him so graciously. The road ahead of him was obscured by mystery, but Bladewing walked forth undaunted… for he was a stallion who refused to fear the unknown.

Nearly an hour of silence had passed by the time Bladewing returned home. Diamond Heart was still embattled by the cold, but he was strong enough to greet Bladewing upon his arrival. The sight of him beaming a warm smile brightened the remainder of Bladewing’s day, a time he spent regaling the earth pony with all he experienced whilst he was at his orientation. When night finally engulfed Fredericksmare, Bladewing felt spent of both mind and body. He embraced unconsciousness without a second thought, letting his mind drift into a fantasy world not unlike his reality.

When the morning came, so did day two of Bladewing’s orientation. He emerged from his bed a bit groggy, but a relaxing shower quickly remedied that problem. After putting on his robes, he walked down the stairs to the kitchen table, only to find it empty.

“That’s odd,” he said to himself, “Where are they?” Bladewing took a glance at the clock on top of the refrigerator. It read a quarter to eleven.

“Hm… it’s Friday. Topaz is probably working at this hour. Diamond must still be asleep since he can’t work. And Ruby?” Bladewing trotted back up the stairs towards Ruby’s room. He opened the door slowly, just in case Ruby was still asleep… and asleep she was. The stallion found the little filly resting peacefully underneath a blanket in her crib. The stuffed bear he won for her was by her side, and Bladewing couldn’t resist awing quietly as he watched her suck on her hoof while she slept.

“You’re a precious little gem, aren’t you, Ruby?” he whispered. Ruby, of course, made no reply, but Bladewing noticed her pulling her bear close with a smile. It’s as if his voice comforted her. Although part of him wanted to see if she was in the mood for playtime, Bladewing decided to leave her be. He considered it bad luck to disturb an infant while she’s resting. But little did he know that Ruby had her own agenda.

With a quiet, yet cute yawn, Ruby woke from her slumber. She sat herself upright, rubbing her little eyes with her hooves. She peered past the white bars of her crib and saw her uncle placing a hoof on the doorknob. Seeing him again made her very happy, and it melted away what little fatigue she had left. She smiled with joy as she crawled to the front of the crib and leaned against it on her rear legs.

“Ba!” Ruby’s cute outburst surprised Bladewing, forcing the stallion to cringe. He turned around slowly and saw Ruby giggling at him. He wasn’t mad at her for doing so, but he nevertheless marveled at how easily she spooked him.

“*chuckle* Wow. You startled me good, little one. Did I disturb you?” Ruby just continued smiling. Bladewing had a good idea why she was doing that, but he wanted to make sure.

“I guess not. Well, then…” Bladewing opened the door just a little. “You won’t mind if I step out for a little snack?” What Ruby did next confirmed Bladewing’s suspicions. She had little idea what he was saying, but she knew from his gesture that he was intent on leaving her. She whimpered and looked up to him with great sadness, a face that practically pleaded for him to stay. Only the cruelest of souls would dare to bring a filly with her expression to tears. Bladewing thus walked over to the crib to comfort Ruby.

“Aw, don’t cry, love,” he murmured, caressing her cheek with a hoof, “I was just joking. Your uncle’s a silly stallion, but he’s not a mean one. I’d NEVER abandon you. Ever.” Ruby cooed with bliss as she sat down and hugged his hoof. Bladewing could tell that she was relieved.

“Yes, Ruby,” he continued, “and you know what else?” Ruby felt herself lift out of her crib as Bladewing gently picked her up. In just a moment, the two were seeing each other face-to-face. Ruby looked happily into his eyes, eagerly waiting for him to give the answer.

“No matter what happens…” Bladewing nuzzled her affectionately, and Ruby in turn nuzzled back. “… I’ll always be there for you. I promise.” Ruby smiled and hugged his face closely. As soon as she let go, Bladewing put her down onto the carpet, laying himself onto his knees next to her. Ruby was curious why he did that, a thought she presented to him with a surprised face.

“Don’t worry, Ruby. We’ll still have our fun. But you’ll have to work for it first… *chuckle* just like a certain mare of mine has to work for my heart.” Ruby’s expression remained unchanged. If anything, his statement only made her more curious.

“Come on, love. You know what I mean. You must impress me. Sure, you can’t say a word yet… but I know you’re good at something.” Ruby watched as he lowered his right wing, exposing his back to her.

“How about you prove to me that you’re strong? If you can climb onto my back, I’ll play with you for as long as you like. What do you say?” Ruby looked at the stallion’s back, and then back to his face. The only thing she could decipher was that her uncle was inviting her for a ride… and she couldn’t have been more excited.

“*giggle* Ba!” Bladewing took her cute attempt at speech as a yes.

“Good choice, little one,” he mused, “Climb aboard.” Ruby needed no persuasion. With fun as her only thought, she walked towards his back and began to climb it. Bladewing lied still, being ever careful not to let her cut herself against the edges of his feathers. He could feel her soft, flat hooves press against his fur as she struggled to mount him, a move that simultaneously relaxed the muscles she interacted with. It was a sensation that certainly benefited Bladewing whilst he waited patiently for Ruby to prove her strength to him.

Ruby’s efforts proved quite humorous to Bladewing. She came close the first time, but she lost her hoofing and then slid down his side. She doubled her efforts the second time, but it too ended in a slide. Although the little filly knew nothing of humiliation, Bladewing still put up a fierce fight to keep from laughing. He didn’t want Ruby to think he was teasing her. Even so, the next four tries she made all ended in adorable, yet glorious failure. Defeated and otherwise unhappy, Ruby ceased her efforts altogether, crossing her little forelegs with a frustrated pout.

“*chuckle* Given up already, Ruby?” Ruby refused to look at her uncle. The gesture made it clear to Bladewing that she had indeed given up.

“Aw, come on, love,” Bladewing cooed, “You almost made it that time. I know you can pull it off if you just keep trying. How about it? Can you try one more time for me?” Try as he might, Bladewing was unable to get through to Ruby, for at that moment, something had caught her eye. Bladewing followed her sight and was surprised by what he saw. At the right of the room stood a desk, and on this desk stood a baby bottle filled with milk. Bladewing figured Topaz pumped the milk from her teats before she left for work; whether or not that was true, he did not know, but this bottle was EXACTLY what caught Ruby’s attention. He heard her stomach growl as she gazed at it with lips a-licking.

“Oh, you’re hungry.” Ruby looked into Bladewing’s eyes with worry. He could see that she was now more interested in nourishing herself than mounting him (though he wasn’t mad about it, of course). He was about to rise to his hooves when an idea suddenly came to him.

“Ah, bingo,” he thought to himself, “I can use that bottle to my advantage. Surely foals are more encouraged to accomplish a goal if they have a tasty incentive… and it seems the bottle is just that.” Bladewing smiled as he refocused his attention to Ruby.

“Hm… tell you what, Ruby.” The filly’s ears perked in attention. “If you can try just one more time to climb onto my back, I’ll be more than happy to get that bottle for you. What do you say?” Ruby was excited. She looked at the bottle, pointed a hoof at it, and then looked back to her uncle.


“*chuckle* That’s right. The milk bottle. It’s yours if you can make one last attempt to mount me, pass or fail. Are you up for it?” Ruby just giggled and clapped her hooves with bliss.

“That’s my girl,” Bladewing spoke with pride, “Try it again. One last time for your dear uncle.” Ruby shot a determined look at him, taking a short moment to decide the best way to get onto his back. Once she got it, she began to position herself for her final attempt. She compressed her legs – a move that intrigued Bladewing – and in just a second, Ruby jumped forward. She managed to latch her forelegs onto Bladewing’s back, but the rest of her was dangling from his side. Bladewing grew worried until he saw something incredible.

Determined more than ever to succeed, Ruby pressed her rear hooves as hard as she could into Bladewing’s side. It wasn’t enough to physically harm him, but Bladewing could literally feel just how hard of an effort she was putting up. Using her new hoofing as support, she pulled herself up with all her might. She got her head on top, then one of her rear legs. The moment she got her other leg up there, she smiled, standing on top of him in victory.

“Well done, Ruby,” Bladewing cheered, “I knew you could do it. You’re strong indeed. Now let’s- OOP!” Bladewing was surprised as Ruby suddenly wrapped herself around the back of his head. She moved carefully towards his right shoulder and giggled, nuzzling his cheek with affection.

“*chuckle* I love you too, little one,” Bladewing murmured, nuzzling her back, “Good job. Now let’s get you your prize.” Ruby cooed with happiness, anticipating her uncle to put her down and give her the milk bottle; but instead, something truly extraordinary happened. She watched with wonder as Bladewing pointed a hoof at the bottle and used the Force to levitate it. It floated gently into her hooves, and Bladewing retracted his hoof the moment it did. Ruby looked curiously at him, expecting him to say something; and sure enough, he said just this:

“Just call it magic.” Ruby had no idea what magic was but at this point in time, she could care less. She successfully proved herself to Bladewing, and she was going to enjoy a tasty reward. After hugging him one last time, she feasted, draining the bottle of her mother’s sweet milk. Bladewing just watched triumphantly. He was happy to know that Ruby was as determined to achieve her goals as he was of doing the right thing. Her victory was proof enough that she was his niece.

It wasn’t long before Ruby emptied her bottle. Bladewing took it from her and then put her down. He patted her back softly, the purpose of which was to get her to burp. Eventually she did, and she followed it up with a relieved sigh. Bladewing just chucked and caressed her mane.

“Feeling better?” The little foal just cooed and hugged his chest. “Good. Now listen carefully, love. I must get to the king’s palace very soon. I will honor my promise to play with you, but there’s a meeting over there that I cannot miss. But tell you what: let’s see if we can make an adventure out of my little ordeal. Are you up for it?”


“*chuckle* Excellent. Just let me write a note for your daddy. We don’t want him worrying over you now, do we?” Ruby watched as her uncle rose to his hooves and took a pen on top of the dresser. He wrote a small message on a sticky note and tore it from the pad, attaching it to the other side of the door. Having done his part, Bladewing left the room for a short moment and came back with his saddlebags, putting Ruby gently into one of them.

“We’re all set, Ruby,” he murmured, “Let’s go.” The two ponies exited the house, moving onward to Mountain Wind’s palace.

It was exactly noon when the two ponies arrived at the palace. Bladewing took a moment to psychologically prepare himself for the second part of the orientation, stopping with Ruby in front of the single guard at the front gate.

“Good morning, sir knight,” Rigor spoke, tipping his hat in respect, “What brings ya here this fine day?”

“I’m here for an appointment, sir,” Bladewing replied, “The royal secretary wants me here for an orientation.”

“Ah, Blue Belle sent for ya?” Bladewing nodded his head. “I see. Correct me if I’m wrong, lad, but are ya Bladewing?”

“I am.”

“Bollocks! This whole time I thought you were so popular because of all the pretty lasses following ya around!” Rigor laughed heartily at his foolishness. Bladewing joined him with a chuckle, although he somewhat forced it out from nervousness.

“I guess I have a bit of a charm towards mares,” he spoke timidly, “Although I’d rather prefer they not flock to me in droves.”

“You should count yourself lucky for it, lad. I know many a stallion who would pull his own tail off for that kind of attention. But I’ll leave that up to you. Each to his own tastes, I always say.”

“Quite so.” Rigor took notice of the little filly looking up to him in wonder.

“Ah, and who is this little flower?” he asked, tickling the filly’s chin.

“Her? She is my niece. Her name is Ruby.”

“*chuckle* Nice name she’s got. What makes ya bring her here?”

“I’m watching over her for my brother. He’s suffering from a bitter cold.”

“That’s very kind of ya, lad. Helping your kin through hard times strengthens the family as a whole. I’m sure your brother is very grateful for your caring for his little one.”

“I blush every time he mentions it.” The two stallions shared a spirited chuckle between them. Bladewing then watched curiously as the guard put down the musket he carried in his magic. He pulled out a small, folded paper from one of his pockets.

“I’ll be more than happy to let ya in, Bladewing," Rigor spoke, unfolding the paper, "But would ya mind giving me a moment of your time?”

“Oh, not at all.” Rigor smiled and presented him with the paper (as well as a pen). Bladewing tried his best to decipher the image drawn onto it, but it was so poorly detailed that he failed miserably.

“What is it?”

“It’s a drawing my daughter made for ya. She and my wife were part of the audience that day at your duel. She loved it so much that she decided to draw herself standing with ya at our home.”

“Oh, is that what this is?”

“Aye. She’s a novice artist, but she dreams of becoming famous one day. It would so inspire her if ya autographed it for her.”

“Aw, I’m touched. Is that all she wants?” Rigor nodded with a grin. “*chuckle* All right. Consider it done.” Bladewing leaned against one side of the gate and inscribed his signature at the bottom of the drawing, along with a small heart and a simple, yet powerful message: “Never give up the fight!”

“I thank ya kindly, lad,” Rigor told him, taking the drawing, “My little girl’s gonna love this.”

“It’s my pleasure, sir. Oh, I’m sorry. Your name is?”


“Right. Well then, Mr. Rigor…” Bladewing shook hooves with the middle-aged stallion. “… I’m glad I have a fan in your daughter. Tell her I said thanks – and that I wish her luck.”

“*chuckle* Will do. Let’s get ya inside.” With a joyous grin, Rigor unlocked the gates and opened them wide, allowing Bladewing to pass unhindered. But before he moved on, Bladewing quickly turned back towards the guard.

“I’ve a small question for you, Rigor.”


“Where’s your comrade? I anticipated seeing both of you here.”

“Oh, him? He’s off work today.”

“Ah, okay. Might you have an idea of what he’s doing right now?”

“Oh, he’s probably at home brewing another one of his reckless paramour stunts. The lad’s so predictable. I can’t go a single day without seeing 'im working on one during lunch break.”

“I see. Well, can you tell him I said hello?”

“You got it. And uh… don’t tell ‘im I said this, but… I think he’s a bit jealous of ya. Not many stallions have a lass as pretty as yours.”

“*chuckle* I won’t. Thanks.” Rigor smiled and tipped his head to Bladewing before reclosing the gates. The two guards at the doorway opened the doors for Bladewing, and Bladewing in turn focused his attention inside. Just as he anticipated, he spotted Blue Belle near the thrones, and she was talking to a forest-green unicorn stallion. His mane was black with green stripes going through it, and his blue armor indicated to Bladewing that he too was one of the Council knights.

“Welcome back, Bladewing,” spoke Blue Belle, hugging the pegasus, “Are you ready to continue your orientation?”

“I am indeed, Belle. How is your uncle holding up?”

“He’s fine. The doctors say he can’t work for a few weeks, but at least he’ll make a full recovery. Thank goodness.”

“Great.” Blue Belle was about to continue when she noticed Ruby looking up to her.

“Aw, she’s so cute,” she spoke, ticking the filly’s cheeks, “Is she yours, Bladewing?” Bladewing’s face flared at her question. This was the second time this week that somepony assumed Ruby was his daughter.


“*chuckle* Ease off on yer curiosity, Belle,” her armored companion spoke, “Yer makin’ the laddie nervous.”

“Oh, come on, Clover,” she pouted, “It’s not like I’m embarrassing him or anything.”

“Those cheeks of his say otherwise.” Blue Belle shot a quizzical expression at the stallion. She looked towards Bladewing and instantly noticed the red coloration of his face.

“Oh. So sorry about that, Bladewing. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“No, it’s all right,” Bladewing assured her, “It was just a misunderstanding. *ahem*…. No, this little girl isn’t mine. She is actually my niece. I’m watching over her for my sick brother.”

“Ah, okay. What’s her name?”


“Ruby, eh? What a lovely name.” Belle softly patted Ruby on her head. “But back to business.” Bladewing watched as the mare presented an open hoof in front of the armored stallion.

“This unicorn stallion you see here is Sir Clover. He’s among the eleven ponies currently serving on the king’s Council… and he was with the king that day at your duel.”

“That’s right,” Clover spoke, shaking his hoof with Bladewing’s, “Me full name’s Cloverfield, but the lads just call me Clover. I’m excited to know yer joinin’ the team, laddie.”

“As am I, Clover. I’m honored that the king chose me for a job as important as this one. I’ll be sure to contribute my best efforts to it.”

“Aye. Mountain Wind expects the best from all of us. Whether we’re at peace OR at war. Now, let’s move on. I’m sure ol’ Blue Belle’s grown a few grey hairs from all this waiting.” Clover chuckled as Belle looked away with a pout.

“You’re such a meanie, Clover. I’m far from old and you know it. Anyway, boys, follow me.” Blue Belle led the group through the door to the right of the thrones. From there, she resumed the orientation where she and Bladewing left off yesterday.

“Life as a Council knight isn’t always about work, Bladewing. During both lunch breaks and certain holidays, the king allows the knights to make use of the comforts that can be found on the royal grounds. For example, one such comfort found here is the palace dueling room.”

“A dueling room?” Bladewing asked.

“Aye,” Clover answered for Belle, “The dueling room is where we go to sharpen our combat skills. Whether it be against a programmable robot or between each other, the place lets us have fun and vent any bad feelings we get from our job. Ya know, frustration and such. And believe me, laddie – there are times in the workplace where you’ll NEED a good outlet.”

“Ah, I get it. It actually sounds like something I would take advantage of.”

“*chuckle* I like yer spirit, Bladewing. What do ya say we go for a wee sparring match sometime? Loser buys the winner lunch.”

“Sure. Why not? I love a good challenge.”

“Brilliant! Come to me whenever yer up for it. I’m almost NEVER busy on me off-time.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” No sooner did Bladewing say that than he heard the sound of grunts and clashing of swords. It came from up ahead, and it seem to emerge from a door on the left side of the hallway.

“I don’t suppose we’re approaching the dueling room right now?”

“We are,” Belle answered him, “It’s the next door on the left. Let’s go.” Bladewing followed Blue Belle and Clover into the dueling room… and marveled at its beauty.

Modeled after the reception area where Bladewing encountered the drunken noble, the dueling room was enormous. Massive glass panes on the ceiling served as windows into the lonely, but comforting skies wherein resides Heaven; portraits of Council knights from times past decorated the scarlet walls like banners; and the polished mahogany floor on which Bladewing stood had the royal crest, painted with gold, imprinted all over it like tiles. To him, this room was like a proving ground, one where Mountain Wind’s warriors come to show their mettle before the angels for a chance to become a hero of Cydonia one day. The feel for battle was adamant in this place, but Bladewing embraced it with a grin. For in here, his skill with the sword will be both tested and recognized by the ponies he will soon know as his comrades.

Having taken in the dueling room’s setting, Bladewing focused his attention on the duel unfolding in front of him. A white, black-maned pegasus mare was parrying blow after blow from a robotic pony armed with a sword. She was wearing the armor of the Council knights, and sweat could be seen beading on her forehead as she battled her iron foe. The sweat was a clear indication to Bladewing that the robot was almost as mighty as she was, if not exactly.

“Oh, it’s Lafleur,” Blue Belle spoke.

“Aye,” replied Clover, “It looks like she’s doing another one of her warm-up fights.” Bladewing was about to greet her when Clover blocked him with a hoof. He in turn looked questioningly at the unicorn.

“Don’t be so hasty, laddie,” Clover murmured to him, “Let’s wait ‘til the end.”


“You’ll see.” Bladewing was curious. He heeded Clover’s advice and stood in wait. Just mere seconds afterwards, Bladewing was hit with a surprise.

Lafleur entered an impasse with the robot, pushing her sword against his with all her might. Once she had him far enough, she quickly thrust him back, sending him a foot or two away from her. She used the momentum from her thrust to go for the kill. She cut off one foreleg and then the other, making a 180 turn as she delivered the killing blow – a puncture strike deep into the robot’s chest. She grinned with satisfaction at the few sparks that flew out of the robot’s wounds, and it showed Bladewing that she knew her enemy was defeated. With soft, shallow pants, she pulled her sword out of the robot, letting him fall to the floor like a corpse while she holstered her sword. Bladewing stood both surprised and shocked.

“Crikey,” he gasped, “She’s brutal.”

“You should see when she’s fighting a squad of them.” Bladewing looked at Blue Belle with surprise.

“She’s that good?”

“Oh, yes. It’s why she’s known as ‘The Lioness’ among stallions.” Bladewing looked back to the Council mare, only to find her walking slowly towards him and the others. She had an open water bottle in her hoof, and a handkerchief soaked with her sweat on her shoulder.

“*sigh* Zat was most invigorating,” she spoke, taking a sip from her bottle.

“Still keeping yer skills sharp as yer blade, eh lassie?” Clover joked.

“*giggle* You know me, Clover. A mare cannot keep her reputation if she doesn’t practice her trade.”

“Aye, that be the truth. I guess that explains why stallions are so afraid to flirt with ya.” Clover chuckled heartily as Lafleur grimaced and stuck her tongue out towards him.

“Smug devil. I’ll have you know zat your kind yearn for a mare with my beauty. You just don’t like being outmatched by her.” Clover continued to grin mischievously, a move to which Lafleur responded playfully with a soft punch to his shoulder. As the stallion rubbed the affected area, Lafleur redirected her attention to Blue Belle.

“Welcome back, Belle,” she greeted, hugging her, “What can I do for you?”

“There’s somepony I’d like you to meet. Did Skywalker give you the news?”

“Oui. She said Mountain Wind’s appointing a new pony into ze Council. You know, to take Burning Ridge’s place.”

“You heard right.”

“Great. Where is he?”

“He’s looking right at you.” Lafleur was surprised. She looked slowly to her right and opened her eyes wide at the smiling stallion gazing at her.

“No way! Is zat-” Blue Belle nodded her head in agreement. “*gasp* Mon dieu! Zis is incredible.”

“I’ll say. Anyway, *ahem* let us have our introductions.” Blue Belle presented Lafleur to Bladewing with a foreleg. “Bladewing, meet Lady Lafleur. She’s one of the youngest members of the Council… and as you saw earlier, one of the toughest. She’s the best swordsmare in all of Cydonia, having won the Royal Dueling Championship three times in a row.”

“‘Tis an honor to meet you, monsieur Bladewing,” Lafleur greeted him, shaking his hoof eagerly, “I saw your duel at ze amphitheater back at a friend’s house.”

“Did you?” Bladewing mused.

“Oui. And let me tell you: I couldn’t have defeated zose two better myself.”

“*chuckle* That’s high praise indeed coming from you. It must have been a challenge earning your reputation.”

“It was. I had to defeat many foes before I got to ze finals at each RDC. But with hard work and perseverance, I had zem all in ze bag. And what about you? How does it feel to know zat you’ll become one of us?”

“Oh, it feels great. Not once in my life did I believe I’d find myself in a place like this. To know that I am is… exhilarating.”

“*giggle* I hear zat. We’ll be ze best of friends, you and I. I can feel it in my-” As with Blue Belle, Lafleur suddenly noticed the little filly Bladewing carried in his saddlebag. She was playing happily with his mane, a scene that melted her otherwise firm heart.

“Aw, she’s adorable,” she cooed, “Is zis little one yours, mon ami?” At this point, Bladewing was no longer embarrassed by this question; on the contrary, it was actually rather humorous to him.

“*chuckle* I'm afraid not, Lafleur. She is actually my niece, and her name is Ruby.”

“Ah, I see. ‘Tis a great name for her.” Lafleur motioned with a hoof to a pair of mechanics standing on the far left end of the room. The two stallions tipped their heads to her and proceeded to clean up her mess and repair the robot.

“So,” she continued, “I assume Blue Belle is giving you an orientation right now?”

“Yes. I’m picking up where she and I left off yesterday.”

“Perfect. Would you mind if I walk with you?”

“Oh, not at all.”

“Brilliant. Let’s go.” Bladewing smiled and nodded. With that said, the group went back into the hallway.

“How do you take the job description, Bladewing?” Blue Belle asked, “I trust you like what you’re seeing?”

“Yes, indeed,” Bladewing replied with a smile.

“Great. There’s lots more to do and find here, but I’ve covered the most crucial elements for you in this little tour. On that note, the orientation is over. However, there’s one more place I’d like you to see before I show you how you’ll be inducted into the Council. Are you up for it?”

“Of course. What is it?”

“We’ll be going outside for this tidbit. The place we’re heading for is at the far back of the royal grounds.”

“Oh? What would I find over there?”

“Let’s just say there’s more to Coltec culture than just glory in battle.” Bladewing was stumped. He continued onward with his mind infatuated with the mare’s cryptic clue.

As the group began their walk on the royal grounds, Bladewing wondered at the many structures that gave the estate its majestic feel. Fields abundant with various fruits and vegetables surrounded a large farm filled with many a hard-working earth pony; small streams of smoke came out of a forge as its unicorn blacksmiths put their backs into smelting iron from its ore; and near one edge of the estate, Bladewing noticed tall fences circling a training area on which a company of royal guard recruits were being tested by a senior officer. There was much more that Bladewing found around him, but these three places were the ones that stood out to him the most. But alas, Blue Belle continued walking. Whatever it was she wanted to show him, Bladewing knew it was much more prominent.

Before long, Bladewing and the others arrived at what seemed like a courthouse. It wasn’t as massive or imposing as the other structures, but the bell tower protruding from its roof made it stick out amongst them. With the exception of this tower, the building was composed entirely of rosewood, and the windows of many different pieces of stained glass. Bladewing could see images of ponies within these very windows, and some were in scenes he presumed were from tales long forgotten.

“Is this some sort of temple?” he asked.

“*chuckle* Not just ANY temple, laddie,” replied Clover. Before Bladewing could say another word, the group passed through into the structure. At the far end of the room stood an elderly unicorn stallion, and he was dressed in exquisite robes suited for a servant of celestial beings. He carried an ornate staff in his magic, and he was busy giving a newborn pegasus a blessing. The parents standing in front of him watched with a smile, ever so happy to know their son was going to receive a gift from Heaven; Bladewing, on the other hoof, stood surprised, for the baby blue aura that briefly engulfed the infant did not come from the stallion’s magic. Once the old priest was done with the incantation (and the aura faded away), he returned the boy to them, moving control of his staff from his magic to his hoof.

“It is done,” he spoke softly to the couple, “Go in peace, my children.”

“Thank you, Father,” the husband replied. The couple bowed their heads to him before leaving the temple, but not before the priest did the same. He chuckled softly to himself, beckoning to one of the temple disciples to put away his staff. Bladewing could see that the stallion enjoyed his work, but it did nothing to explain who he was.

“That guy…” Blue Belle looked towards Bladewing. “Who is he?”

“Him? He’s what makes this place special.” Belle’s statement was as cryptic to Bladewing as her previous one, a phenomena that forced the pegasus to give up his attempts to understand the situation on his own. He inevitably decided to just let her guide him through it.

“Ah, Blue Belle,” the priest spoke, hugging her, “It’s always a pleasure to see you here. How are you?”

“I’m doing quite well, Nexus,” she replied with a grin, “Have you heard the news lately?”

“I have indeed. The king’s found a brave new warrior to take Burning Ridge’s place.”

“Excellent.” Nexus watched as Blue Belle displayed an open hoof towards Bladewing. “This is him, Nexus. Meet Bladewing. I’m sure you heard of his recent exploits?”

“Oh, yes. He’s the one who defeated the warrior sisters in a 2-on-1 battle.”

“Good. Now Bladewing, meet Father Nexus. He’s the High Priest of the renowned Faustian Order.” Bladewing looked curiously at the mare.

“Faustian Order? What’s that?”

“*chuckle* You’re new here, aren’t you?” Nexus asked. Bladewing nodded his head. “I see. Very well. Allow me to enlighten you.” Bladewing accepted his offer, but Blue Belle gently pulled him close.

“We’ll wait for you and Lafleur outside, Bladewing,” she whispered.

“Is something wrong?” he whispered back.

“Hardly. I just want to discuss something with Clover in private.”

“Oh, okay. Go on ahead. We’ll meet up with you when I’m done.”

“Great. Thanks.” Bladewing smiled and turned his head back to the priest as Blue Belle walked with Clover out of the temple.

“All right, Father. You have my fullest attention.”

“Good. Let us begin.” Nexus cleared his throat before continuing onward.

“None really know why this world exists. But it’s said that it was created from more than just mere dust. The ponies of yore told tales of a mare who shaped this world in all its beauty. Born from deep within the cosmos, she came from a world ethereal, one where her kind prospered from their knowledge of the heavens, the earth… and especially, of magic. Unfortunately, that same knowledge brought about their undoing. The immense power they wielded eventually corrupted their hearts, and the ensuing struggle for it procured a war that eradicated their once-great civilization. The destruction of her race brought the mare unfathomable grief, so much in fact that she fled her homeworld for good. For eons, this mare ventured through the dark halls of the universe, searching for a place where she can start anew. Eventually, she found it.”

“Within a dark, spiral galaxy, she found a golden star. Surrounded by many a rock, it burned with a fiery passion, almost like it were alive. She could feel from the soothing warmth it emitted that this star was calling out to her. It was lonely, and it wanted company, a land where its light would provide for countless living things. The mare knew from that moment on that she had found her new home. And so, with the star itself as her lantern, she set herself to work.”

“The mare ground as many of the lifeless rocks as she could to dust. She then used her magic to carefully forge the dust into a sphere. Year after year, she gathered more dust from the rocks she crushed, molding it into new layers of stone for the sphere. Within a millennia, the mare turned an empty void into the world we know as Equestria. But she was far from done, for the massive rock she built was just that – a rock. It was without soil, without air, and most importantly, without water. She knew better than anypony else that life cannot exist without these core essentials. For another year, she worked hard to fill her world with these precious components. It was only after she finished that Equestria was finally able to support life.”

“The day the mare finished, she descended from the skies to see her new home. It looked almost exactly like the one she fled so long ago, but there was still one task she needed to do: create life itself. The practice was magic so powerful that her race forbade its use. But the mare decided since her exodus that she would heed their words no longer. And thus, for one final year, she busied herself with creating all of the different species of sentient, plant, and animal we know today. It was said that the three pony races – unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony – were born from that very year.” Bladewing was intrigued by the priest’s story.

“That’s quite a tale, Father,” he said to him, “But how does the Faustian Order tie into it?”

“A good question, my son. The Order is as old as the kingdom itself. As matter of fact, their origins go hoof-in-hoof. Both are tied DIRECTLY to the tale I just told you.”

“You don’t say.”

“I do. I’d enjoy regaling you with the story, but I must rest now. Energy fades quickly when you’re as old as I am.”

“*chuckle* Fair enough.” Bladewing smiled and shook hooves with the old stallion. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Father Nexus.”

“And you.” Lafleur motioned to Bladewing to follow her to the doors. Bladewing was about to comply when Nexus suddenly placed a concerned hoof on his shoulder.

“Hold on, Bladewing. May I ask you something before you go?”

“Of course. What is it?”

“… Is something troubling you?” Bladewing looked at him curiously.

“What do you mean?”

“I sense bewilderment within you. As if you have no idea who you are. Is there a problem you’re facing?” Bladewing rubbed the back of his head with hesitation.

“Well… I was facing a problem. But I’ve long since let it go.”

“May I ask what it was?”

“It’s my memory. I can’t remember anything from before I came to this country. I tried my best to recollect my past, but I get this bizarre headache whenever I do so. After a certain point, I gave up.”

“All right. If you’re willing, I might be able to assist you. One of the benefits of being the High Priest is that I am able to peer into a person’s past.” Bladewing looked at the priest with solemnity.

“To be honest with you, Father… I don’t think I want to try again. I said to myself when I gave up that I’ll never again delve into a problem that yields nothing but hardship. Additionally, a friend of mine counseled me about looking to the future. I so concluded that I don’t need to know who I was to know who I am – or who I choose to become.”

“A wise decision. But let me tell you something, child: in spite of your constraints, you're building a good name for yourself. One thing you should know about me is that I’m over two hundred years old. I've seen and learned many things in this life, and so I know when somepony is blossoming well. Believe me when I say I see a grand future ahead of you. I don’t need a message from Heaven to tell me that.”

“You flatter me, sir. I pray that such will be my fate.”

“As will I, Bladewing. Farewell… and may Faust smile upon you.”

“Thank you.” Bladewing bowed his head to Nexus in respect, and the priest in turn did the same. On that note, Bladewing left the temple to regroup with Belle and the others.

“So, mon ami,” Lafleur spoke, “What do think of ze old Father?” Bladewing smiled with a soft chuckle.

“He’s an interesting fellow. I normally don’t meddle with religion, but I’m confident that he and I will get along quite nicely.”

“*giggle* I had ze feeling you’d like him. He’s our go-to stallion when it comes to asking for guidance... and a good story.”

“I look forward to both, Lafleur.” Bladewing turned his face towards Blue Belle. "Thanks for everything, Belle. It was great.”

“I’m glad you liked it, Bladewing,” Belle replied, “Now, let’s move on. It’s time I showed you how Mountain Wind will officially admit you into the Council.”

“Lead the way.” Bladewing followed Blue Belle with earnest. But as they re-entered the palace, a disturbing thought suddenly jolted into his mind, forcing his eyes wide open for a short moment.

“Wait, what?! HOW OLD IS HE?!”

Great Expectations (Part II)

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“Impossible! There’s no way he’s that old! It’s a milestone to live even HALF as long!” Doubt ran amuck in Bladewing’s mind as he walked with Blue Belle and the others. He knew that a long lifespan was natural for a pony, but 200+ years was unimaginable. From his understanding of the species, such a being would be rotting away in a coffin by now; but Nexus was as much alive and kicking as he was, and he was certainly not blind or deaf like some seniors. In every aspect of the word, the old priest was a living paradox.

“Um… Lafleur?” The pegasus mare turned her head towards Bladewing. “I have a question. About Nexus.”

“*giggle* Let me guess. It’s about his age, isn’t it?” Bladewing was surprised.

“How did you know?”

“You don’t think you’re ze only one who ever questioned it, do you?”

“Well, no, but… how is that possible? A normal pony can’t REACH two hundred years, let alone exceed it.”

“Ah, but zat’s ze rub, mon ami. Who said Father Nexus was normal?”

“*sigh* Fair enough. Can you at least tell me how he lived for so long?”

“Hm…" Lafleur rubbed her chin with a wing as she thought of an answer. "... zat's a good question. I think it has something to do with an old prophecy from ze Book of Cielo.” Bladewing looked at her quizzically.

“The Book of What?”

“The Book of Cielo, laddie,” Clover repeated for her, “It’s an ancient text said to be enchanted with holy magic. 'Tis rumored that all that's happened to our kingdom, good and bad, was foretold in its pages. The prophecy Lafleur speaks of is a tale about the fabled ‘Son of Equestria.’”

“I see. What does it say?”

“It says a male alicorn will one day be born to the kingdom to bring a new golden age for the Coltec race.”

“An alicorn?”

“Aye. They're majestic ponies with the abilities of all three pony species… and the prophecy says we'll get one someday. Ol' Nexus will be adding inch after inch to his beard until we do."

“Crikey. So then he really is that old.”

“Oui,” Lafleur chuckled, “Pretty amazing, huh? Zere’s no other stallion like him on zis earth.”

“I'll say,” Bladewing added, “And who is this Faust character everypony keeps mentioning?”

“Remember ze mare in Nexus’ story?” Bladewing nodded in agreement. “Zat’s her.” Lafleur grinned as a look of realization dawned upon Bladewing.

“*chuckle* Wow. I assume she’s one of these alicorn ponies?”

"She is. Zere used to be two in zis world, but now zere’s only one.”

“I see. Who might that be?”

“Princess Celestia,” Blue Belle interjected, “Lady of the Sun. Ruler of the Kingdom of Equestria.” Hearing that name once more made Bladewing all the more curious.

“Is she the same princess who sent you news of your uncle?” The unicorn nodded her head. “Fascinating. But what of the other alicorn?” To Bladewing’s worry, Lafleur's tone turned solemn.

“We do not know. All we know of her is zat she was known as ze Princess of ze Night… and zat she went missing following a heated battle. ‘Tis one zat Celestia doesn’t speak of to anypony."

“Oh.” Bladewing was disheartened. But though the fate of the night princess was indeed a tragic one, Clover was not keen on having his new friend continue with a disappointed look on his face.

“*chuckle* Don’t be so glum, laddie,” he spoke, wrapping a foreleg over his shoulders, “That was a long time ago. Besides, this is YOUR day. We’ve only just started on gettin’ ya through to yer knighting.” Bladewing flashed a relieved smile, much to the stallion’s satisfaction.

“I guess you have a point, Clover. Let’s carry on. I’ve yet to see what other surprises I might find.”

“That’s the spirit.” Lafleur and Blue Belle grinned, and as Clover let go of Bladewing, the group refocused their attention towards their path.

Within the hour, the four ponies were approaching the throne room. Although the others provided him with much needed information, Bladewing found himself pondering once more over new questions brought on by it.

“Okay. So Faust is an alicorn. If the Coltecs consider her divine, then that must mean alicorns are gods. Wait, no... that doesn't make any sense. Gods are immortal. The alicorns wouldn't have gone extinct if they were gods; and if Faust is the only one left, then how come two others exist? *groan* I'm so confused.” Bladewing's head seemed to spin more with each second he spent thinking about the alicorns; but before long, he and the others arrived inside the throne room. Another pony made her way inside not long after, and her presence diverted Bladewing from his thoughts. She sported Council knight armor the same as Lafleur's and Clover's, and Bladewing watched curiously as the teal, white-maned pegasus mare trotted towards Blue Belle and the others with a smile.

“Bah Faust’s grace,” the mare spoke, hugging Belle, “Welcome back, Belle. How’s yer uncle holdin’ up?”

“He’s okay,” replied Belle, “His health took a nasty hit from the hemorrhage, but the doctors were able to stabilize his vitals. They say he'll make a full recovery in a few weeks' time."

“Good ta know.” As the mare let go of Belle, she noticed Bladewing standing to her right, a sight that brought an elated expression to her pretty face.

“Well, ah’ll be damned. How ya doin’, Bladewing?” Bladewing chuckled as the mare shook hooves with him.

“I’m doing quite well, miss. I assume you’re part of the Council as well?”

“*giggle* Yep. The name’s Ice Luster, sugah. But you can just call me Ice. Ah heard-” Ice Luster’s attention was severed the moment she noticed Ruby. The filly was looking wondrously at her, and although she wasn’t a mother herself, Ice Luster swore she felt maternal instinct take hold as she decided to play with her.

“Aw, look at ‘er, girls,” she cooed, tickling her cheeks, “Ain’t she the cutest little thing ever?”

“Oui,” Lafleur agreed, “’Tis rare zat I see a foal so precious.”

“Heck yeah, it is. Only babies like her can stir me up like this.” Clover was amused by how easily Ruby had distracted each of the females in the group. First his supervisor and then his colleagues. As he struggled not to tease them with a broodmare joke, Ice Luster stopped and turned her head towards Bladewing.

“Ah don’t suppose this young’un’s yours, Bladewing?”

“Oh, no, Ice,” Bladewing assured her, “She’s actually my niece. Although I can’t deny that she is indeed precious.”

“Ah hear that. What’s ‘er name?”


“Ah… Ruby. It’s a good name for 'er. Tell ‘er mom she’s a lucky mare, ya hear?”

“*chuckle* I’ll tell her the moment I see her.”

“Good. Anyway, ah heard yer gonna join our Council soon. How does it feel?”

“It feels great. I’m honored that the king chose me for this job. I look forward to knowing you better as time goes by.”

“Likewise, sugah. It takes guts ta pull what you pulled back at the duel. A LOT of ‘em. Ah’m gonna have a blast learnin’ what makes ya tick.”

“Brilliant.” Ice Luster retrieved a drumstick-like object from a pouch on her belt. Bladewing then watched as she removed its wrapping, revealing a small blue ball impaled on a white stick. He wasn’t troubled at all by the scene, but it did arouse his curiosity (especially after Ice Luster put the ball in her mouth). After hearing Lafleur's stomach suddenly growl, it was even more so.

"Ya sound a bit low on vittles, lassie," Clover joked to Lafleur, "Ya missed breakfast or something?" Ice Luster couldn't resist chuckling softly as Lafleur rubbed her nape in embarrassment.

"Um... sort of."

"Ya know there ain't no 'sort of', Lafleur," mused Ice humorously, "Either ya missed it or ya didn't. Now spill. What happened?"

"*sigh* Fine. If you insist. I left ze house in a bit of a hurry. I had to run a few morning errands for my mother. All I had for breakfast was some baby carrots my little brother put in my purse."

"Heh, figures. Yer bro's a real sweetheart, Lafleur. Ya sure groundin' 'im was right?"

"Oh, yes. After ze mess he made at Burning Ridge's resignation party, zat boy NEEDED discipline. He'll be confined to ze house until he learns some manners."

"Your call. But anyway..." Ice pulled out another blue ball from her pouch and offered it to Lafleur. "On me." Based on what he saw, Bladewing concluded that these odd spheres were some sort of candy. But though he could see that Ice Luster enjoyed them, Lafleur seemed reluctant to accept the sugary sweet.

"No thanks," Lafleur spoke, "I'm not ZAT hungry."

"Yer loss." Ice Luster put the lollipop back in her pouch. "Yer showin' 'im the ropes, Belle?

"Was, actually," Belle corrected her, "We've ended the orientation a while ago. We're currently heading for the conference room to show him how we initiate new ponies into the Council."

"Nice. Let's show 'im the video of Lafleur's initiation. She nailed it better than any of us."

"Aye," added Clover, "The lassie was glowing that day." Bladewing couldn't resist grinning as Lafleur tried to hide her blushing face with a smile.

"*chuckle* Very well," Blue Belle spoke, "This way, everypony." The group followed the mare through the door to the west hallway. Bladewing was happy to have met such pleasant ponies, but as they walked, there was something he felt was amiss.

“May I ask you something, Belle?” he spoke.

“Of course, Bladewing," answered Blue Belle, "What is it?”

“The other knights… where are they?”

"Anywhere but here, I'm afraid. You see, although they all serve Mountain Wind, the Council knights seldom work as a group.”

"Oui," added Lafleur, "Ze work is divided between us. Most are assigned to important missions outside ze city. Ze rest of us stay here with ze king to discuss our country's issues."

“I see. So you guys are the only ones here?”

“Oh no, laddie,” Clover answered Bladewing, “There’s still one more face ya need to see. The lad's a shy one, he is, but I’m sure he's brave enough to say hello.” Lafleur snorted as she tried her best not to laugh.

“Will you stop making fun of ze poor boy, Clover?” she pleaded humorously, “You know he’s only shy while he’s around mares.”

“Aye, but that’s precisely me point. A true stallion shouldn’t be afraid to be himself, especially around a pretty face. I personally think he can learn a thing or two from our new comrade.” Bladewing shot a surprised look at Clover.

“Me? What could I possibly offer your friend, Clover?”

“*chuckle* What else? Yer secret with the ladies.” Blue Belle and the other mares giggled heartily as Bladewing’s cheeks burned from blushing deep.

“I don't know what sort of stallion you're taking me for, Clover,” Bladewing said defiantly, “But whoever he is, I'm not him. Furthermore, I can't help it that the mares in this city adore me so much. That tidbit is beyond my control... and don't think for a SECOND that I find pleasure in it.”

“Of course not, laddie. Nopony’s sayin’ ya do. I just figured you could give me little buddy a hoof with his confidence, that’s all.”

“*sigh* Fair enough. Even so, I’ll decide THAT part for myself. If this friend of yours does need such encouragement, I’d prefer to see it with my own eyes.” As the group approached the conference room, Bladewing could hear two voices slowly growing louder from within. One sounded familiar to him; the other belonged to what he thought was a teenage colt. To his dismay, he wasn't sure about either of them.

"Speak o' the devil," Ice Luster spoke, "Sounds like he's already in there."

"It seems Sky's in there as well," Blue Belle mused, "Let's not keep them waiting." Hearing that name gave Bladewing pause. He didn't think she was a bad pony, but the memory of his first interaction with Skywalker remained as fresh in his mind as it was uncomfortable. After learning she was indeed inside the conference room, he felt a bit reluctant to walk in there himself.

"Here's yer chance," Clover murmured with a grin. Bladewing just chuckled nervously, all while trying his best to keep his cool.

"... I know, right? It's- oh hey, Belle." Skywalker smiled and rose from her seat to greet the mare with a hug. "Welcome back. How are you holding up?"

"I'm all right, Sky," replied Belle, "We're not interrupting anything, are we?"

"Nah, of course not. I was just wrapping up a little chat with Silver. We're working on a surprise for Mountain Wind."

"Ah, is that right?"

"It sure is. We still owe him for bailing us out at Amoreth. We figured we could repay him with something special from the two of us."

"I see. I'm sure the king will appreciate it, whatever you two come up with. For now, however, we have pressing business... and a guest." Sky watched as Blue Belle pointed an open hoof towards the black pegasus standing beside her.

“Aw, snap,” she gasped, shaking Bladewing's hoof, “Welcome back, Bladewing. How are ya?” Sky was all too pleased to see her stallion of interest standing with Blue Belle and three of her colleagues; the grey, silver-maned pegasus stallion sitting at the table, on the other hoof, was not. Something hostile seemed to burn within his soul, a flame that belied the reluctant expression everypony saw on his face. It would’ve come and gone COMPLETELY unnoticed if Bladewing lacked the capacity to sense emotion.

“So this is him,” he thought to himself, “The shy pony Clover mentioned. He certainly looks shy… but then why am I sensing contempt from him? That makes no sense at all.” Bladewing took a deep breath before calming his mind. He wasn’t sure why the stallion had such a dark emotion, but he was determined to keep it from rearing its ugly head.

“I'm doing well, Sky,” Bladewing told her, "I'm glad to see we're not on the wrong hoof."

"Come on," Sky replied casually, "You're still worried over yesterday? You heard what Belle said: that's just how I treat guys like you. They're rarer than she lets on, believe it or not."

"Is that so?" Sky could tell from Bladewing's expression that he was indeed still shaken. Something mischievous compelled her to keep him like this, but she knew that he would be more reluctant to open up to her if he were nervous. For his sake, she decided to calm him down... even if she did find his timid look attractive.

"*giggle* Yep. Funny, isn't it? But it's nothing to get worried about, stud. That just means you're all the more special to the team. So relax, will ya?" Bladewing just chuckled nervously. Skywalker meanwhile turned her attention to the grey stallion sitting behind her.

"Here he is, Silver," she whispered to him, "Come on, say hello." Silver nodded reluctantly and rose from his chair towards Bladewing. But as he did that, Bladewing mentally prepared himself for whatever manner of greeting this stallion was going to give him. He awaited his first interaction with him with a patient heart.

“Bladewing, right?” Bladewing tipped his head in agreement, and the two stallions then shook hooves with each other.

“Silver Streak. My colleagues call me Silver, but you’re free to use either name.”

“Understood,” Bladewing replied with a smile, “Clover told me about you. While I certainly don't discredit his description of you, I’d actually like to hear what YOU have to say.” Silver was surprised.


“Yes. I’d like to hear more from you. You know, about yourself… if you’re comfortable, that is.” Silver turned his head towards Sky for a brief moment. He was a bit reluctant to answer Bladewing’s request, and he hoped that Skywalker might offer him a bit of encouragement; instead, he saw her playing with the foal sitting in Bladewing’s saddlebag.

“Such a cute little filly,” she cooed softly, making Ruby laugh, “Yes, you are. You’re the most precious foal in the city.” Skywalker patted Ruby's head gently, thus ending her fun on a happy note. It wasn’t what Silver Streak had hoped for, but it worked in his favor nonetheless. The tender scene brought a little smile onto his face, and he looked back to Bladewing with a bit more confidence.

“Sure. I can do that. Um… I’m nineteen years old, turning twenty next month, and-”

“Whoa, you’re nineteen?” Bladewing asked. Silver nodded his head. “Impressive. You’re even younger than I am. Are you by chance the youngest of the Council knights?”


“I see. How did you become one?”

“My grandfather was a former member of the Council. He recommended me to Mountain Wind as a potential recruit, but the king refused.”

“How come?” Bladewing asked curiously.

“It’s because of legal matters, Bladewing,” Blue Belle answered for Silver, “Royal law permits no more than twelve ponies on the Council. Additionally, anyone wishing to join must be an adult at the time a seat is made available. I was there when Silver's grandfather recommended his service to the king. The boy was only a teenager back then.”

“Oh. That makes sense.” Bladewing turned his head towards Silver. “So then what happened?”

“Well,” Silver continued, “After his proposal was turned down, my grandfather asked the king if I could serve him as a soldier instead. I really hoped he wouldn’t, but my grandfather always had this… proud feeling towards me. It was like something told him I would one day become as great a stallion as he was. Mountain Wind liked his idea, believe it or not, and thus he agreed to enlist me as a royal guard. About a year or so into my contract, he took me under his wing and taught me everything I know about the Council knights. From then on, I studied diplomacy and finances under Blue Belle’s instruction. By the time I came of age, my guard days were over… and my grandfather long passed.” In spite of his caution, a feeling of pity overtook Bladewing, and he expressed his sympathy for Silver Streak with a solemn face.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” he spoke, “It must’ve been a painful moment for you.”

“It was… but I’m at peace with it. Even so, I wish Faust had let him live long enough to see my knighting; it was held just a week after my eighteenth birthday. Life as a Council knight is far from easy, but I am grateful to both my grandfather and the king for guiding me to this path.” As far as Bladewing could tell, Silver Streak seemed like an all-right fellow. He still couldn’t figure out what caused his contempt but for the moment, it was negligible. At least he knew for certain that such darkness did not define his true self.

“I share that feeling, Silver,” he spoke with a grin, “I never imagined that one day I'd find myself in a place like this. Yet here I am, spending time with the king’s right-hand ponies. It’s intriguing how a single moment can cause such a massive change in one’s future.” Silver chuckled nervously.

“I guess it is,” he replied, “Perhaps there will be more to come in the near future.”

“Indeed. I think we should move on for now, but there's one last question I’d like to ask you. Is that okay?”

“Um... all right. What do you want to know?”

“How do you feel about all this? My joining the Council, that is?” Within the blink of an eye, Bladewing sensed Silver’s contempt return to his spirit. This sudden reaction to his question startled him… and it indicated to him that the stallion’s hostility was directed towards him. What baffled him even more, however, was that his shy demeanor didn’t change a bit. It’s as if Silver was stealthily suppressing an urge to spite him.

“This is bizarre,” Bladewing thought, “What's going on with him? Does he hold some sort of grudge against me? Or was my question too personal?” Bladewing listened carefully for Silver’s reply.

“Well… besides what I saw from your duel, I know very little about you. I think it's wonderful that you stood up for that earth pony, but I've yet to know you personally. I guess all I can really say on the matter is that I give a fair welcome to new members of the Council... regardless of how I feel about them.” The last bit of his sentence – and the way he looked away while rubbing a foreleg – adhered to Bladewing’s suspicions. The others mistook them as part of his shy nature, but Bladewing knew without a doubt that Silver was resentful of him. Even so, he now faced a whole other dilemma. Something was clearly chipping away at Silver’s spirit, and until he could find out what it was, Bladewing decided to exercise more caution towards him. The last thing he wanted was for the two of them to become enemies.

“*chuckle* Fair enough,” Bladewing continued, “I look forward to learning more about you while we're in the king's service... and I hope to build a strong friendship between us.”

“I hope so too, Bladewing.” With that said, Silver ended the conversation.

"All right, then," Blue Belle spoke, clearing her throat, "Let's continue. E.V.E.?" Bladewing's mind stirred yet again. There was nopony else in the room, yet he could see that Blue Belle was clearly addressing somepony. Fortunately, his curiosity would soon be sated, for the flat-screen TV embedded in the wall suddenly sprang to life.

"Yes, Ms. Belle?" Bladewing was startled to hear a female voice sound from within the TV. Though the TV itself was still pretty dark, he noticed the image of a mare spread across its screen. Most of her was invisible, but the glowing blue lines contouring her body enabled Bladewing to make out a good many of her features. Eyes, ears, mouth, muzzle - even her mane - were all present (and them some). To put it simply, she looked like the outline of a more life-like robot pony. Bladewing doubted that he saw anything close to what she was, even if he didn't lose his memories.

"Wow," he spoke, "This is... downright amazing." The sound of Bladewing's voice aroused curiosity within the virtual pony, a dilemma she intended to correct.

"I don't recognize this stallion, Ms. Belle," the mare told her, "Who is he?"

"I'm glad you asked, E.V.E," Belle replied. E.V.E. watched as Belle wrapped a foreleg over Bladewing's shoulders. "Allow me to present Bladewing. This is the stallion Mountain Wind has chosen to take Burning Ridge's place."

"I see." Bladewing watched as the mare smiled and turned her gaze towards him. "I am pleased to meet you, Mr. Bladewing. My name is E.V.E."

"The pleasure is mine, miss," Bladewing replied, bowing his head, "I've never seen anything like you. Forgive me for asking this, but... what are you, exactly?"

"I am known to the Cydonian scientists who created me as an Electronic Virtual Entity. But as you can see, the palace staff prefer to call me E.V.E. for short. I am designed to assist the royal family and the other ponies who reside here with day-to-day activities, whether it be giving directions to a certain area of the palace, accessing files from my database, or even relaying messages to one of our many embassies located worldwide."

"Fascinating. I figured by now that the Coltecs were more technologically advanced than meets the eye. But to meet somepony like you is... beyond any milestone I'd expect them to achieve."

"I appreciate the compliment, Mr. Bladewing. While I am limited in my ability to express emotion, I am still able to convey it as if I were a flesh-and-blood mare. Believe me when I say I look forward to working with you."

"And I you, E.V.E. Let us continue with the day."

"Of course." E.V.E. returned her attention to Blue Belle. "How may I assist you, Ms. Belle?"

"I would like you to play the footage from Lafleur's knighting, E.V.E. I want to show Bladewing what the ceremony looks like before we can proceed any further."

"As you wish. One moment, please." Just a second later later, E.V.E. disappeared from the screen, but it didn't take long before something else besides static took her place. Needless to say, that something was the the first few seconds of Lafleur's knighting video.

"All right, everypony," Blue Belle spoke, "It's starting. Take a seat and relax, if you please." The Council knights didn't hesitate to oblige. As she and the others sat down at the table, Belle turned her head towards Bladewing for a brief moment.

"You may want to pay close attention, Bladewing," she murmured, "The knighting of a new Council member is a VERY special occassion."

"Understood," Bladewing murmured back, "I'll be sure to take full advantage of this video."

"Good." With that said, Blue Belle and Bladewing joined the others in watching the video.

Bladewing was astounded by how elaborate the scenery in the video was. It took place in the throne room, and it was literally filled with ponies. They were mostly grouped at the sides of the room, and from what Bladewing could see, the grand majority of them were nobles. The occasional commoner could be distinguished as one looked closer at the audience, but Bladewing could see clearly that all were beyond thrilled to see a new face taking the mantle of the Council knights. Camera crews were at the sides of the audience filming this very scene, and most had smiles on their faces as they filmed the lucky mare standing in the middle of the room waiting to be knighted.

The video started during a point in which the audience was cheering and clapping their hooves in applause; but after a short while, this applause came to an end. Blue Belle was the one who engendered this silence, and she stood in front of the thrones facing the room's main entrance.

"Welcome, one and all," she exclaimed happily, "I am pleased to see so many ponies attend one of the most enchanting ceremonies ever to grace these halls. For those of you watching from afar, please stay tuned, for history is in the making. Today we are about to witness the knighting of the first French mare ever to join the Council. She is a humble pony, but she has a noble and generous spirit that shines as brightly among the people as it does on the battlefield... and this gallantry is precisely why our lord king has chosen her for this most prestigious of titles. Give a tender round of applause for Lafleur, fillies and gentlecolts." Bladewing watched as Lafleur smiled bashfully from the cheers and hoof-clapping showered upon her by the crowd. He felt a tiny smile of his own begin to surface when Clover suddenly tapped him on his shoulder.

"What did I tell ya, laddie?" Clover murmured, "Lafleur was glowing at her knighting. She never admits it, but she was at her most feminine on this day."

"I heard zat," retorted Lafleur quietly, "And I certainly wouldn't admit it. I am no less female now zan I was back zen and you know it."

"Ah. So nothing happened when Ice offered ya makeup that day?" Clover's query forced Lafleur into a blush, a sight that made Bladewing curious.

"You're such a devil, Clover," she pouted, "You KNOW I hate makeup. I only accepted her offer zat day because I wanted to leave a good impression on her."

"*chuckle* Believe what ya want, lassie. In all honesty, I say it was a good call. For a brief twenty-four hours, the guards stopped calling ya 'Tomboy'." Clover's witty remark forced a gasp out of Lafleur, and the now fuming mare punched his foreleg softly in retaliation. To her dismay, Clover was still grinning mischievously at her, but the thing with Lafleur was that she was a mare who refused to let a stallion make sport of her. She finished her quarrel with Clover by sticking her tongue out at him in disgust. From Bladewing's point of view, this scene was quite a spectacle. If he learned anything from it, it was that Clover had a talent for teasing... and that Lafleur, despite being a mare, hated beauty products with a passion. He returned his gaze to the TV with baffled, yet entertained spirits.

"Wonderful," Blue Belle continued in the video, "Now then... let's continue with the ceremony, shall we?" The mare motioned with a hoof to a small group of troubadours located to the side of the queen's throne. The troubadours in turn nodded and began playing their music, just as Blue Belle returned her attention to the audience.

"While I hate to steal Lafleur's thunder, there are some special ponies here that deserve recognition as well. After all, they're the ones that carry the traditions and customs of our ancestors. We wouldn't know who we are as a race without them... and they are as delighted to be here as we are. I want you all to welcome them kindly as they come forth. All right?" On the left side of the room, a line of ponies from the top row suddenly rose from their seats. They were dressed quite differently from their aristocratic counterparts, and they proceeded towards the front doors of the throne room. Bladewing watched carefully as Blue Belle then called out their names one by one, with each corresponding stallion moving with his wife towards Lafleur to shake her hoof. He initially thought these ponies were Coltec warriors, but he wasn't sure if such words did justice for their elaborate attire. He turned towards Clover in search of answers.

"Who are these stallions, Clover?" Bladewing whispered.

"They're the Coltec Lords, laddie," Clover whispered back.

"Coltec Lords?"

"Aye. There are nine of 'em, and each one commands one of the remaining Coltec warrior clans. They answer to nopony except the royal family."

"Interesting. Do they always attend the knighting ceremonies?"

"But of course, laddie. Shaking hooves with the new member is their way of acknowledging their service to the kingdom. It's a tradition they followed for centuries."

"I see. Do you know any of them?"

"Aye. Ya see that one there?" Clover pointed a hoof towards the part of the video showing an earth pony stallion with a scar over his left eye. Bladewing nodded as soon as he caught glimpse of him. "That's White Fang. He lives in the valley outside the city... and it just so happens that HIS clan - the House of Lobos - is the mightiest of the nine."

"Whoa, really?" Clover nodded his head. "Nice. What is he like?"

"He's a born warlord - shrewd, efficient, and powerful. That scar was from a battle he won against barbarians. But don't let his reputation frighten ya. He's actually pretty nice once ya get to know him."

"I'm intrigued. Is it possible to meet with him face-to-face?"

"Not likely. The Coltec Lords don't take very kindly to uninvited guests. White Fang is no exception. Ya might want to ask the king for permission if ya want to see him."

"Oh. I guess I can't just head to his home and knock on the front door, can I?"

"*chuckle* Aye. But don't worry, Bladewing. I'm sure there will be a time when you'll get to see him. Just be patient. Okay?" Bladewing just smiled and returned to the screen. While he was disappointed that things weren't as simple as he thought, he wasn't disheartened THIS time around. He was still determined to see what the Coltec warriors - and their leaders - were like. If it meant he had to be patient and wait for the right moment, then so be it. He was in no rush. After all, time was plentiful as far as he knew.

Before long, the last of the Coltec Lords shook hooves with Lafleur. Blue Belle regained the attention of the audience as soon as he and the others returned to their seats.

"Thank you, lords and ladies," Belle spoke to them, "Now it's time for Lafleur to greet her new colleagues. Give them all a warm welcome, please." Bladewing watched closely as Blue Belle called out the other members of the Council standing by the entrance. One by one - with the audience applauding them throughout - they came towards Lafleur and hugged her. The mares among them also gave Lafleur a light kiss on her cheek. Bladewing surmised that this part of the knighting represented the new friendship formed between the Council knights and their newest member (which in this case was Lafleur). He also saw that the Council was diverse in both species and gender. Of each of the pony species, four were present; among them, two were stallions and the other two mares. As ridiculous as it sounded, Bladewing had a hunch that Mountain Wind might not have considered him for his Council had he been a mare. Whether or not the gender imbalance that would ensue from it was an actual concern to the king was beyond him, but he inevitably decided to leave it be. The idea of having a female body was making him blush.

"Excellent," Blue Belle continued in the video, "Now settle down, everypony. At this point in time, I would like us to give our attention to our benevolent leader. To his enemies, he is a menace - naturally - but to us, he is both our friend and our kin. This stallion bears the burden of upholding tranquility and justice for all who call Cydonia their home. All hail his royal majesty, King Mountain Wind." The audience - and especially the Council knights - cheered loudly as Mountain Wind rose from his throne. Blue Belle bowed her head to him and moved away so he could take her spot in front of the audience. The king waited for them to quiet down (and the troubadours to stop playing their music) before saying a word. The royal guards by the thrones remained ever still.

"Thank you, Blue Belle," Mountain Wind spoke, "And thank you for coming, everypony. It might not seem like it right now, but it brings me joy to see you all so happy and healthy. Such things are a sign for me that I am performing my duties well. A lot has happened these past few years - what with the recent turbulence in our world - but I assure you that I stand before you today as a stallion undaunted by any of it. For no matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it... and fillies and gentlecolts, I am that mountain. Neither assassination attempts nor insurgencies inspired by bigotry will deter me from doing my job so long as I have the smiles of each and every one of you to encourage me. Let it be known today, everypony, that I have never felt prouder to serve a people as great - or as glorious - as the Coltec race." The audience clapped their hooves in response to the king's bold statement.

"You needn't fear for my health, my friends. As I said many times in the past, the health of a kingdom rests not on the health of the king, but on the welfare of the people. However, I understand that if I want to protect this great country from all injustice, I will need as many trustworthy and valiant individuals by my side as possible. That is why I have chosen Lafleur to fill the vacancy in my Council. She may not have all the same attributes as the late Lady Storm Mist, but time and time again, she proved to us all that she's just as worthy of this position as Storm was. If there are any in this land who wish to say otherwise, then I will say this: to question her worth... is to question my judgment." Bladewing watched curiously as Mountain Wind walked over to Lafleur, a holstered sword swinging gently from his hip. Lafleur bowed her head to him in respect.

“Do you know why you are here, Lafleur?” the king asked.

“Yes, sir," replied Lafleur.

“Why are you here?”

“To become a Council knight, sir.”

“Do you comprehend the responsibilities - and the power - that come with this honor?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And do you understand what the punishment will be if you are caught mishandling either?"

“Yes, sir.”

“Very well. Now…” Mountain Wind lowered himself until he was at eye level with Lafleur. “… do you accept these terms and conditions without question?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.” As the king rose back to his feet, the other Council knights formed a circle with him around Lafleur. Bladewing was unsure why, but the sight of the king suddenly drawing a sword from the holstered scabbard diverted his attention from it.

"I find you worthy of this title, Lafleur," spoke Mountain Wind, pointing the sword at Lafleur, "Now prove it. Swear your service to your country.” Bladewing watched Lafleur smile and clear her throat as she gave her answer.

“I am imperfect, my lord king. I have my share of wrongs and misfortunes just like everypony else… but I am here because you see potential within me. You see me as one who can help you guide zis great nation to ze Utopian future it deserves... and I shall prove zat to you before Faust herself. I vow from zis hour henceforth zat I will serve you, your family, and ze proud people of Cydonia throughout all zat we face, in war or in peace. I offer you my strength – and my faith – knowing zat you will keep zem well.” The king tipped his head to her.

“And gladly, I accept them. As both your lord and your friend, I vow to never lead you astray and to assist you in your time of need. For such are the bonds between a Coltec king and his knights.” Mountain Wind adjusted his grip on his sword.

“On your knees,” he commanded. Lafleur in turn did as he asked. Almost immediately, the Council knights pulled out their swords in unison, holding them inches from their faces pointing vertically. The troubadours meanwhile resumed their music, this time with a special composition. It was in this moment that Bladewing understood why the Council knights circled around Lafleur: the king was going to perform an accolade on her.

"By the power of the king," Mountain Wind spoke, "And by the will of Faust... I dub you a knight, Ms. Lafleur, of this most honorable of councils. Nevermore will you carry on through life as a mere subject. You will now serve as a leader among ponies, ever striving for what is right until I release you... or death take you." Bladewing then watched the king lightly tap each of Lafleur's shoulders with his sword before replacing it inside the scabbard.

“Rise, Lady Lafleur…” The mare smiled as she rose to her hooves and shook the king's hand. “… and welcome to the High Council of Cydonia.” The other Council knights grinned and pointed their swords above Lafleur's head. The audience in turn cheered and clapped their hooves together for the newly knighted member of the Council. In its entirety, the knighting ceremony was nearly sacrosanct to Bladewing. It was one that was witnessed countless times throughout the country's history, but it only took one time for Bladewing to see how special it really was. As an added bonus, he obtained information on one of nine special ponies who attended the ceremony. He could hardly fathom the excitement he would feel once it was his time to take this rite of passage... or the adventures following it, for that matter. But there was one thing he knew for certain: it will be one of the most hallowed moments of his life.

"Thank you for the video, E.V.E.," Blue Belle spoke, "That will be all for now."

"Understood," replied E.V.E., "E.V.E signing off." The screen flashed for a brief moment before fading into black once more. Now that the video was over, the Council knights got up and stretched their limbs.

“So, Bladewing,” Belle asked him, “What do you think? Can you handle this ceremony?”

“It looks pretty meticulous,” replied Bladewing, “But I'm sure I can. I do have one question, though.”

“All right. What is it?”

“Am I allowed to bring guests to this ceremony?”

“Ah. You mean ponies like your brother and such?” Bladewing nodded in agreement. “But of course. The pony-to-be-knighted can bring as many friends and kin as he or she pleases. Well, granted that pony consults with the king before-hoof."

"Great. In that case, I think I'm ready. When do I begin rehearsals?"

"Mountain Wind said he'll send a courier to your home tomorrow morning. You'll receive a full schedule of both the rehearsal hours and the knighting itself by then."

"Hm... is he still busy from ye-" Bladewing was suddenly interrupted by a bleeping sound coming from the TV. Just a second later, E.V.E. appeared on the screen.

"Pardon my intrusion, Ms. Belle," she spoke, "But you have an incoming transmission from Mountain Wind."

"Mountain Wind?" interjected Ice Luster, "Ah thought he was in a meetin'."

"Oui," agreed Lafleur, "Did it end early or something?"

"Only one way to find out," Blue Belle spoke, "Patch him through, E.V.E."

"Right away, Ms. Belle." E.V.E disappeared from the screen, with static taking her place for a short moment. "Establishing video up-link." As soon as E.V.E. said those words, the static vanished from the TV. Mountain Wind's face appeared in its place. He seemed to be sitting inside a bedroom, and he had a concerned expression smitten all over his face.

"Ah, good," the king spoke, "I'm glad to see you're not busy, Belle."

"Not when it comes to you, your highness," mused Belle with a smile, "How was your meeting over at Yoriel? I trust it turned out well?"

"The meeting never took place." Blue Belle was surprised.

"What? But I heard the mayor herself tell you she wanted to see you. What happened?"

"It seems the pony she wanted me to meet is missing. He failed to arrive at city hall on time."

"How bizarre. Do you know what he was doing? Or at least who he is?"

"He's an archaeologist named Lode Stone. He and his excavation team were digging at the Malura Ruins. The mayor said he found something there that could potentially change our understanding of Coltec history, and he wanted to bring it to my attention. Unfortunately, the team's campsite was found completely barren when a search team investigated."

"Could they have been attacked?"

"I doubt it. The search team reported no signs of a skirmish... or any indication of where they might be. I could be wrong, but this sounds an awful lot like a kidnapping."

"It does. The only thing missing from this scenario is a ransom note. But who would want to kidnap an archaeologist? And why?"

"I'm not sure. We don't have any further intel on this dilemma. We need to find out what happened before we can accurately determine his fate."

"What will you have me do?"

"I need you to send all available Council knights to the Malura Ruins to investigate. The sooner we know what happened to Lode Stone, the sooner we can act accordingly."

"Very well. But what if this IS a kidnapping, sire? Aren't you worried that whoever took him and his team might come after you as well?"

"A little... but now isn't the time for that. Whatever it was that Lode Stone found over there must've been critically important if something happened to him before he can show it to me. As such, there may be others in this world who know what he uncovered. We cannot dismiss the possibility that if this is the case, these same individuals do not intend to use it for the good of our country."

"Well, yes, but we can't dismiss your personal safety either. You're the most influential figure in our nation, remember? If something bad were to happen to you, it would instill fear into the public. We cannot let that happen. Not when the populace needs you now more than ever."

"I understand your concern, Belle, but I'm afraid there's nothing either of us can do about it for now. The mayor is convinced that Lode Stone's disappearance is part of a terrorist plot. She too believes that my safety is at risk, and so she requested that I spend the night here, under the protection of night-watch security. Given the gravity of our situation, I've little time to argue with her. I will return to the palace in the morning, but we'll need to make the most of our time starting today. That's why I need you to send the Council knights to the Malura Ruins. If this is indeed a kidnapping, we need to act quickly and unimpeded. "

"Understood. Lafleur and the others are here with me now. I'll send them there as soon as possible."

"Good." Mountain Wind was surprised as he noticed Bladewing standing beside Blue Belle. "Hello there, Bladewing. How are you today?"

"Enthralled as ever, your majesty," Bladewing beamed, "I was just watching a video of the knighting ceremony with Belle... and now I can't wait to begin rehearsing it." Mountain Wind smiled.

"I'm glad to hear it. As you can see, assignments like these are aplenty when you're serving as a Council knight. I'm sure you'll find even more excitement there than at the ceremony itself. Although I wish I didn't have to show you an example so soon."

"It's all right with me, sir. This just makes me all the more glad that I have the job."

"*chuckle* I admire your enthusiasm, Bladewing. Rest assured that I will put it to good use. As I'm sure Belle told you, I will send you more detailed information about the knighting rehearsals in the morning. I still have to come up with an official date for the ceremony before I can proclaim to the country that you will become part of the Council. As of now, however, you may do as you please."

"Understood. I look forward to seeing you again, your highness."

"Likewise." Mountain Wind returned his attention to Blue Belle. "You have your orders, Belle. Get the knights over there."

"As you command, my lord," Belle spoke, bowing her head, "I'll have a report for you by tonight."

"Good. Mountain Wind out." With that said, the TV turned off once again. Blue Belle meanwhile focused her attention to the others.

"You heard him, everypony," she told them, "It's time for a new mission. I want you all ready to go in the throne room in one hour. I will arrange a coach for you that will take you to the Malura Ruins. You have until sundown to find either Lode Stone and his team or any clues to their disappearance. At that hour, you will return to the palace and report your findings to me in this room. Am I understood?"

"Yes, ma'am!" the others (save for Bladewing) replied in unison.

"Good. You're dismissed." Upon her command, the knights disbanded and left to prepare for the coming mission. Blue Belle herself stayed behind with Bladewing, for a thought suddenly occurred to her.

“Oh, dear,” she gasped, “I almost forgot this, Bladewing." Bladewing stood curious until he saw Belle pull out a small booklet wrapped behind the band on her dress. As soon as he saw its title, he understood why.

“Ah, ‘The Council Doctrine’,” he spoke, taking the book from her.

“Of course. I said I’d give you a copy after the orientation, didn’t I?”

"Indeed. Thanks again, Belle. I’ll see you soon.”

“Likewise.” To Blue Belle's surprise, she noticed that Silver Streak was still in the room. She looked closer and noticed that he looked a bit downcast.

"Are you all right, Silver?" she asked.

"I'm okay, Belle," answered Silver, stretching his limbs, "I'm just a little tired. I'll drink some water in a bit, and then I'll take a short nap."

"Very well." Belle smiled and patted the stallion's shoulder. "Just don't be late. Okay?" Silver just smiled back in agreement. Having said her last words, Belle made her way out of the room. Silver rose from his chair shortly afterwards, but it wasn't to leave and quench his thirst; instead, he turned his attention to Bladewing. This sudden turn of events surprised Bladewing, for now he sensed timidity coming from this stallion rather than the contempt he felt earlier. The way he was looking away from him again while rubbing a foreleg only added to his curiosity.

"That's odd," Bladewing spoke mentally, "I'm sensing shyness from him again. Does this guy have some sort of emotional disorder? Or is it just natural for him to switch feelings so frequently? Perhaps he means to give me an explanation for that." Bladewing quieted his mind to better hear what Silver wanted to say to him.

"Um... can I ask you something, Bladewing?"

"Of course, Silver," replied Bladewing, "What is it?"

"A-Are you... seeing somepony right now?" Silver's question disturbed Bladewing. Although he was sure that the question was harmless, he felt pretty reluctant to answer it. After all, it was also a personal one.

"Is there a reason you're asking me this?" Silver rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Well... sort of. It's, um... largely out of curiosity that I ask you this." Bladewing was a bit hesitant to answer this question. He was unsure what to make of Silver's reasoning. In the end, however, he decided that answering it might actually do him more good than harm. As far as he could see, it may very well be a good first step in building a friendship with him.

"Well... yes. Yes, I am." Bladewing wasn't sure how, but his gambit worked. Upon hearing his answer, Silver's shyness faded from him yet again. In its place stood a more relaxed sensation; and once more, Bladewing found himself baffled by this sudden twist.

"Just what sort of madness is this? I sensed enough bitterness within him to know he loathes me. But now I sense... relief? What's going on here?" Bladewing payed close attention to Silver's reaction.

"*sigh*... oh, um... great." Silver suddenly offered his hoof to Bladewing. In spite of how strange he thought it was, Bladewing accepted it and shook it with his own. "Let me be the first to congratulate you."

"I'm glad you feel so happy for me." Bladewing grew more and more puzzled the more Silver spoke to him. At the rate his query was going, he wasn't sure if finding a reason behind his sporadic demeanor shifts was even worth it anymore. With this in mind, Bladewing decided it would be best to just leave it be. His ultimate objective was to befriend Silver; now that it was complete, it was time for him to move on. A certain mare of his still owed him an explanation for not revealing her stardom from the beginning.

Bladewing's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of the conference room door opening wide. Ice Luster passed through without hesitation, and she looked towards Silver with a grin.

"Whatcha still lingerin' here for, Silver?" she asked him, "Ya anxious or somethin'?"

"No, not really," replied Silver, "I just wanted to talk with Bladewing."

"Well, ah hope ya wrapped it up, hon. Clover's invited us ta lunch at Rory's before we hit the road."

"I'll be there in a minute, Ice. I'll have a glass of water first."

"C'mon, Silver. Forget the water. Coffee's a tastier drink. 'Sides, you can use the energy boost. There ain't gonna be much rest fer us on this mission."

"Of course. We've dealt with this kind of mission before."

"So quit stallin' and move it. We're leavin' in two."

"*sigh* All right. I'll head out now." Silver Streak rose from his chair and moved out to the hallway. Ice Luster followed him soon after, but not before turning her gaze to Bladewing for the final time today.

"See ya at the rehearsals, sugah." Bladewing smiled as Ice winked at him before exiting the room. Although he knew that Ice didn't do that to flirt, he was still flattered that she found him so interesting. It was a refresher compared to the kind of interest Skywalker showed him. It would be a good while before Bladewing could fully process all he experienced today, but he nevertheless enjoyed it to the fullest.

Now that his meeting at the palace was over, Bladewing decided it was time for him and Ruby to return home; but as soon as the thought of Ruby got into his head, a disturbing realization struck him.

"*gasp* Oh, no. I completely forgot about her." Bladewing looked towards his seat... and just as he feared, Ruby was sound asleep. He was relieved that she didn't hurt herself or wander off while he was watching Lafleur's knighting video; but even so, he was disappointed that he couldn't give her an adventure like he had hoped.

"Aw, I'm sorry, love," he murmured, holding Ruby in his hooves, "I forgot about you, didn't I? Well, I'll make it up to you another time. Okay?" Ruby just smiled and nuzzled against his chest. It seemed yet again that she enjoyed the sound of his voice.

"*chuckle* I'll take that as a yes. Sleep well." Bladewing grinned and carefully placed Ruby inside one of his saddle bags. He was careful not to disturb her as he slowly mounted the bags onto his back. And with that, he left the conference room. With each step he took past the palace gates, Bladewing grew the distance between him and the place he will come to know as his second home.

With his agenda completely fulfilled, Bladewing's thoughts now revolved around Diamond Heart. He wasn't sure how he suddenly became ill, but he hoped that he would get better soon. The common cold may not be fatal, but he still felt uncomfortable seeing innocent ponies suffer from sickness. If Diamond DID contract a fatal illness, he wouldn't know if he could save him again. The latter made him quiver with fear, a feeling that inevitably forced Bladewing into shaking the morbid idea out of his head. He was grateful to not have to deal with that or any other further troubles. But unbeknownst to the naive stallion, troubles still lied in wait for him in the near future... girl troubles, as a matter of fact.

Revelations (Part I)

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CLIP-CLOP-CLIP-CLOP-CLIP-CLOP. These sounds, however repetitive, were a large part of what Bladewing heard on his way home. The only other sound present was the soft rustling of leaves floating in the wind. The streets on which Bladewing walked were almost barren, yet it was only one in the afternoon. Perhaps it was so empty because it was September - a month that marked the beginning of autumn. Whether or not this was the case was anypony's guess, but all Bladewing knew of it was that the slightest chill would be enough to wake an infant. To counteract this merciless current, Bladewing removed his outer cloak and wrapped Ruby inside before stepping foot outside. Doing so exposed himself to said current, but he didn't care. In any animal species, males were built to be tough. A little autumn breeze was nothing to Bladewing. Every step he made afterwards was done with a greater sense of power and security.

It took an hour of walking for Bladewing to return home, but he arrived feeling wise. He could've easily arrived home in ten minutes if he flew; sadly, flying home also meant braving even more of autumn's chilling winds. And though he could take this increased resistance, he knew that Ruby could not. As a matter of fact, it would make it even harder for him to protect her from the elements. In essence, Bladewing chose to walk home not because he didn't want to take on stronger currents, but because he didn't want ANY harm to come to his precious cargo. Such was the affection that this stallion had for his niece.

The moment Bladewing stepped foot into the door, Bladewing was greeted to the sight of a familiar blue mare smiling warmly at him.

"Oh hey, Topaz," Bladewing spoke, "How are you?"

"*giggle* I'm doing well, Bladewing," answered Topaz, hugging him, "How was your meeting?"

"It was quite a tale. Did you get off work early?"

"Yes, indeed. I figured I deserved a little extra time for myself today, and so I'm here."

"Great." Topaz looked at Bladewing more carefully, and she quickly noticed that something was amiss.

"Where's your cloak?" she asked.

"Let's just say a certain somepony needed it more than I did." The stallion grinned as he presented his sleeping passenger to Topaz.

"Aw, there's my precious little gem," Topaz cooed softly, picking her up. "How are you, sweetie?" Naturally, Ruby stayed quiet. Being in deep sleep (and wrapped in a comfortable garment), she was in no position to do anything else. Topaz just chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"You took her with you?" she asked him.

"Well, it's not like she gave me much of a choice," Bladewing joked, "She almost cried when I tried to leave the nursery."

"Ah, is that so?"

"Yes. I couldn't bear seeing her so unhappy, so I decided to bring her along."

"Aw, how sweet. She didn't cause TOO much trouble for you, did she?"

"No, not at all. She actually made my experience a lot more lively. The mares among the Council marveled at how cute she was. It was so much in fact that one of them asked me to tell you how lucky you are to have her."

"Great." Topaz enveloped Bladewing in one last hug. "You're too generous, Bladewing. Diamond is still resting, but I know he would thank you for watching Ruby while he was regaining his strength. As do I."

"I'm just doing my job, Topaz," Bladewing mused, "This foal-sitting business is quite fun." Topaz just giggled. Before Bladewing could continue, however, something delicious floated through his nostrils. He took a stronger whiff of the scent, and he was immediately enraptured by it.

"Ooh, that smells good," Bladewing murmured.

"*chuckle* I see you noticed the lasagna I just prepared," Topaz replied.

"Oh, is that what this is?"

"Yes. It's a four-cheese delight - my mother's recipe. You returned home just in time."

"Nice. May I try some?"

"But of course. Just be a dear and put some silverware and plates on the table for me. I have to put Ruby back in her crib."

"You got it." With that said, Topaz moved carefully towards the nursery with her daughter. Bladewing meanwhile took this time to do as she asked, laying out enough plates and silverware for two. The lasagna Topaz spoke of lied in the middle of the table, wrapped in a strange metallic sheet Bladewing never saw before. He had the urge to take a peek inside the metal tray, but out of courtesy to Topaz, he restrained himself. Given how hungry he was, Bladewing knew he would go straight to eating after taking said peek, and he'd rather avoid the embarrassment of getting caught with his hooves in the pie. It was all the more fortunate for him that Topaz returned in less than a minute. She brought out a knife from one of the kitchen drawers and began unwrapping the lasagna. She served Bladewing first, then herself, and she poured water into two glasses.

"This has been an eventful week," Topaz spoke, taking her glass, "Being rescued from dragon thugs, seeing you fight at the amphitheater, hearing of your nomination for the Council knight position... heh, it's more than somepony like me can imagine."

"Same here," Bladewing replied, "I feel like I've done the impossible. I'm sure it takes quite a bit of difficulty for something in a magical world to be considered impossible."

"Indeed." Topaz took a bite out of her food before continuing. "So... how DID your meeting unfold?"

"Hm... where do I even begin..."


"Nice. It sounds like the Council considers you one of their own already."

"Half of them at least, yes. I have yet to meet the others, but I think they're a pleasant bunch overall."

"*chuckle* That makes two of us. I have a brother who always dreamed of becoming a Council knight. He's not a bad pony, but I've heard enough of his visions of grandeur to know he's delusional. You can't imagine the jealousy he'd feel knowing somepony else in the family will receive that honor." As Topaz finished up her second slice of lasagna, Bladewing found himself flustered over her mentioning a family member's envy of him.

"I can't," he agreed, "On that note, neither can I imagine the surge of groupies that will come down upon me afterwards."

"Ah, yes. I still can't believe even the Council knights consider you a ladies' colt. *giggle* Are you sure it's so bad to have that reputation?"

"I don't think it's bad, Topaz. Just annoying. I don't indulge in having so many mares fawn over me."

"Hm... a stallion who doesn't like the attention of mares. It's not unheard of, but it is uncommon."

"Well, I am an uncommon pony. I have a very different viewpoint on what is considered natural for a stallion."

"Fair enough. It serves you well, actually. It makes you more enigmatic. Rose will have a very difficult time predicting you with this kind of nature."

"*sigh* Right. Rose. I just remembered that I have a date with her tomorrow." Hearing of Bladewing's date excited Topaz, a feeling she expressed with a hearty smile as Bladewing finished off his own lasagna piece.

"Do you now?" she asked. Bladewing nodded his head. "Nice. How did that come about?"

"Well... I made a deal with her on Wednesday. You know, when I first came to the palace. I told her that if she was pretty enough to get another stallion jealous of me, I'd take her out on a date. We encountered a drunken noble on our way inside, and... well, he wasn't too happy to see me with a mare in a pretty red dress." Topaz stifled a laugh.

"What? You made Rose gamble on another stallion's jealousy for the date... and lost?" Bladewing nodded his head reluctantly. Unfortunately for him, that gesture sent Topaz over the edge. She let out her laughter without a second thought, much to his humiliation.

"Oh, come on," Bladewing muttered, "That's so not funny. How was I to know we'd find a stallion like HIM in there?"

"*snort* You should've known you'd lose that gamble, Bladewing. Think about it: a stallion who's adored by many a mare, walking into the palace with a girl dressed so beautifully she could rival a princess. Did you honestly think you could walk among upper-class ponies without attracting a single jealous soul with such a profile?"

"*sigh* I did," Bladewing agreed, "Now I regret ever being so foolish." Topaz shot a smug grin at her defeated companion.

"I warned you, my dear gentlecolt: overconfidence will be your downfall."

"Humph," pouted Bladewing playfully, "Smug mare. There's no way I could've foreseen any of this. I don't care how obvious you think it was."

"*chuckle* Believe what you want. But you don't regret agreeing to this date, do you?"

"No. Why would I?"

"Oh, it's just a question. I don't mean anything by it."

"I see. Well, I certainly didn't like losing the wager so easily... but I am a stallion of my word. Regardless of how I feel about it, Rose won it fair and square. Besides, all she wanted that day was to make me happy."

"It's only natural, Bladewing. She is your marefriend, after all. I'd do the same if I were in her shoes."

"I suppose, but... well, I didn't expect her to care that much about me. I guess I made that bet so I could try and return the favor."

"Ah, so you KNEW you were going to lose?"

"*chuckle* Now that I think about it, I guess I did. A little. It felt more like folly than foresight, though."

"It sounds fair. Even with strong evidence, nothing is set in stone." Topaz rose from her seat to put away her dishes. She offered Bladewing more lasagna, but he shook his head to her. In turn, Topaz moved all the remaining plates and silverware into the sink (and the lasagna tray into the fridge).

"You're very lucky, you know," she spoke, sitting herself back into her seat, "Rose seems like a wonderful lady."

"You think so?" Bladewing asked.

"Of course. I've seen mares of her beauty before, but most that I've met turned out to be either bimbos or... well, for lack of a better term, bitches. Rose is nowhere near either of them. She's a mare who's beautiful both inside and out... *chuckle* and I think even YOU can see how much she likes you." As if on cue, Bladewing rubbed the back of his head with a nervous grin. Topaz couldn't help but grin seeing him so bashful over his marefriend's interest in him.

"I can't argue with that," he agreed, "Although sometimes I wish she were more lenient with her affection." Although his tone was serious, Topaz knew from his expression that he was lying. A clever idea soon came to her, one that she thought would get him to open up about his true feelings.

"You're kidding, right? I can see that you're enjoying it. Do you not get 'excited' when she fawns over you?" Bladewing's face suddenly flushed with a magenta glow, much to Topaz's amusement.

"I know not what you speak of," he spoke defiantly, turning his head, "I may enjoy her company, but that doesn't mean I have any such thoughts in my mind. Taking her innocence is the LAST thing I'd do to her."

"Ah, so you DO know what I speak of?" Bladewing stood dumbfounded for a brief moment... but after thinking about it for a second, he realized the blunder he just made. His head still faced away from her, but Topaz could tell from the steamy red glow on Bladewing's cheeks - and the wide-open eyes on his terrified face - that she scored a critical hit on his mental fortitude. The pegasus turned to face her in a state of fear.

"N-No, you misunderstood," he stammered nervously, "I-I was just saying-"

"Aw, how cute," Topaz cooed playfully, "Hardly a month into your relationship, and you're already thinking about making her yours. I normally don't praise such things, but this is downright romantic. I can only imagine how hot your first time will be."

"Gah, come on, Topaz!" he exclaimed, his eyes shut in embarrassment, "Can you please cut it out?! I said I enjoy her company, nothing more! You have to believe me here!" Topaz saw by the anxious look on his face that his sincerity was genuine. She was tempted to make him blush even harder, but she inevitably decided to relent on her teasing. She had another idea for him, but it wouldn't work unless she first calmed him down.

"I'm kidding, Bladewing," she joked, "All I mean to say is that you're lucky to have a girl like her as your marefriend. All right?" Bladewing was relieved, but he still felt a bit foolish that she toyed with him so easily.

"Humph," Bladewing pouted again, "Mares. How do you lot find pleasure in playing with a stallion's feelings?"

"*chuckle* You have a lot to learn about mares, my stallion friend," Topaz mused with a smug grin, "But fortunately for you, I'm willing to help you with that." All at once, Bladewing dropped all his frustration from his mind. He looked at Topaz curiously, unsure of what she meant.

"What are you getting at, Topaz?"

"It's simple. I'm going to help you prepare for your date." Bladewing was surprised.


"Of course. I'll teach you all there is to know about pleasing a mare."

"But why? I thought it was something stallions would discuss with each other."

"You're right. But the dilemma here, Bladewing, is that most lack romantic experience... and maturity, for that matter. The only reliable method to learn how to woo a mare is by asking one. Try as he might, my dear husband has a tendency to encourage love even when he's uncertain that it's there. Of course... I, am different. My knowledge is genuine." Bladewing couldn't resist chuckling at the idea.

"It sounds reasonable. Diamond means well, but I doubt he can make my situation any easier for me."

"Indeed. But don't fret, Bladewing." Topaz wrapped a foreleg around Bladewing's shoulders. "I guarantee that with my help, you'll know enough about Fredericksmare and her ladies to give Rose the time of her life... and make her fall MADLY in love with you at the same time." The idea proved very attractive to Bladewing. While it was never his intention to make Rose love him, it would certainly be a good indicator that the date was a success. He believed that said success would be enough to show him that he and Rose were now even... and that how she'll act during the date will highlight her true interest in him.

"*chuckle* Very well, Mrs. Heart," Bladewing mused, smiling intently, "I'm ready to learn."

"Good. Let us begin..."

*** THE NEXT DAY ***

It was bright the next morning. The digital clock in Bladewing's bedroom read an hour before noon, but the stallion himself wasn't there. On the contrary, he was already outside his home. Rose was by his side. A pair of emerald earrings were all she had on her, but she looked no less beautiful to Bladewing than when she wore her dress for him. However, neither her jewelry nor the long walk to Fredericksmare's central plaza mattered much to the pegasus. This was his first official date with Rose, and this down-time was just what Bladewing needed to mentally prepare himself for anything she may throw at him.

A few hours earlier, Bladewing had an idea for his date. With Topaz's help, he decided to get himself a new look. He wore a black jacket and slacks of the same color. A crimson red tie matching his mane encircled the collar of his white shirt. The mane itself was significantly transformed thanks to careful cutting. "Crew Cut" is how she said Diamond described the style; and while it certainly looked good on him, Bladewing was initially scared that part of his coat would get shaved off alongside it. It was without a doubt that he was relieved it didn't. Overall, it would seem that Bladewing transformed himself from a former Jedi into more like what his reputation described him: a daring, handsome young stud. One could even add "looking for love" into the description had Bladewing still been single. While Bladewing had no intention of showing off anything to the world, Rose had other ideas. Whether Bladewing wanted it or not, she would make sure that all who gazed upon her and him knew that they were a couple (albeit a complex one). For today, at least, love was all anyone was going to see from the two of them.

It wouldn't be long before Bladewing saw some of this love for himself. Only half an hour remained before they arrived at the plaza, but Rose, merry as can be, leaned her head on top of his shoulder. The sight of her smiling blissfully by his side made Bladewing curious, but try as he might, he couldn't bring himself to ask her to get off of him. It's as if part of him genuinely loved the attention he was getting from this beautiful mare.

"Is something the matter, Rose?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing," she murmured, "It's just... mm, you're so deliciously attractive." Rose nuzzled Bladewing's cheek affectionately, and the stallion blushed in turn. "I know I said this before, but I really am happy that you're mine."

"I see," Bladewing murmured back, "Well, I'm glad you like my new look. I had a lot of help from Mrs. Heart."

"Ah, is that right?"

"Yes. She's the one who styled my mane... and she was generous enough to give me her husband's old business suit."

"*chuckle* Well, she certainly has good taste in stallion's fashion for a mare. A lesser girl would've swooned from seeing you like this." Bladewing wasn't sure if Rose's statement was mere audacity or a ploy to get him to confess his true feelings for her. For all he knew, it could be both. However, it was because she didn't know of said feelings that Bladewing ultimately had the advantage over her. A fiendish grin enveloped him for a very brief moment as a clever ruse came to him.

"Oh, dear," Bladewing spoke, "Maybe I should change back to my robes, then. The last thing I want is to have all the mares around me drop to the ground like flies." Rose gasped in shock, and the pair immediately stopped walking.

"No, don't," she cooed, wrapping her forelegs around his neck, "That would kill me. You don't want me to die of a broken heart, do you?"

"It's my own heart I'm worried about. What if one of those 'fallen' mares comes back to get me? *gasp* Like a mad surgeon? If she takes my heart, then I would be the one to die." Bladewing felt satisfied to see Rose smile seductively at him. For him it meant that she was delusional, a sure sign that she was blind to his game. She released Bladewing's neck as she prepped what she thought was a genius reply.

"You know that won't happen, handsome. That 'mad surgeon' will never steal your heart so long as I'm with you. She only wants it so she can play with it as much as she likes. I, on the other hoof, am different. I want your heart because you're my coltfriend... and I'd tear that psycho-slut to pieces before she can so much as touch you." With that very threat, Bladewing knew Rose was ensnared in his trap: hook, line, and sinker.

"*chuckle* Are you sure she's the psycho here?" Rose initially didn't know what he meant, but a second or two of careful thinking immediately brought her up to speed. One can only imagine the embarrassment she felt as she realized she fell prey to yet another one of Bladewing's jokes. The pegasus laughed to his heart's content, all while his mare blushed and pouted angrily.

"OOH, you scoundrel!" she cried, "You wanted me to admit I'm a psycho-stalker, didn't you?!" Bladewing could see that Rose was unwittingly admitting defeat, but he wanted to see how much of her pride he can suck out of her.

"Guilty as charged, my dear," he spoke with a grin, "Although in all honesty, you really should've saw that coming... especially considering what happened LAST time."

"How could I? I thought you meant it this time."

"Oh? What gave you that impression?"

"Well, your appearance, for one thing. There's no way a stallion would make such a dramatic change in his looks unless he's really trying to impress a lady... although in this case, you'd rather use it to mislead a poor innocent girl like me."

"*chuckle* Oh, please. Since when does an innocent girl use seduction to get what she wants from a stallion?" Bladewing knew he hit home in saying that. Upon hearing his accusation, Rose immediately began to blush. She stuck her tongue out to him in defiance, much to his satisfaction.

"Smug colt. I was NOT seducing you. I was just showing how much I love y-MMPPHH!" Rose sealed her mouth with a hoof before she could finish her sentence. While the move succeeded in keeping her innermost feelings secret, Bladewing managed to catch one word out of her: love. She could see by the curiosity in his eyes that he didn't anticipate hearing her say it.

"What did you say?" Bladewing asked. Rose continued to blush (albeit even harder).

"Oh, um... nothing. I, uh... kind of lost my train of thought." Bladewing raised an eyebrow in question. "I mean it."

"I don't know. You didn't sound like you were going off on a tangent." Rose saw a sly smile slowly appear on Bladewing's face. "Ah, could it be that you were saying you love me?" Rose thought he was still joking at first, but she quickly found it improbable. The joke was already said and done, as far as she knew. With this in mind, she decided to take his humor as genuine interest in her.

"*chuckle* You're delusional, Bladewing. I said no such thing... and neither was I about to. You're going to have to treat me right if you ever want THAT kind of language from me."

"Very well," replied Bladewing, "I guess I'll never hear it, then." Bladewing's witty remark immediately reignited Rose's anger.

"Gah, come on! How hard is it for you to be a true gentlecolt for me?"

"I'm kidding, Rose. I promise you that I'll be the best gentlecolt ever for the rest of the day."

"*sigh* All right. Better a day than never." In spite of what he told her, Bladewing had one more 'trick' up his sleeve. He wrapped his wings around her and then pulled her in for a hug. Rose's expression was one of surprise.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"What does it look like?" Bladewing chuckled, "I'm apologizing. I can't have my marefriend fuming at me all the time now, can I?" Hearing those words brought relief to Rose's troubled mind, and she returned her stallion's hug with bliss.

"Aw, you big lug," she cooed, "I should've known you care in the end. Very well. I forgive you... but on one condition."

"Sure. Just name it."

"I want you to give me the time of my life while we're on this date."

"*chuckle* You got it. Let's go." Rose was more than happy to oblige. Now that Bladewing was officially done with his mischief, she knew that whatever he does next will be wholly centered on their date... and while Bladewing was in no hurry to commence, she was anxious to see how her first official date with him will unfold.

The couple didn't have to wait long to get their little party started. By the time the sun reached her peak - at noon - the central plaza was well within their sights. Rose felt her spirits grow more excited with each step she made towards it; Bladewing, on the other hoof, felt his own spirits grow more embattled. Although he was well prepared for the date, he was unsure how to ask Rose of her past without killing the mood. He thought it inconvenient to use this outing as an excuse for it, but he was unsure if he would get another opportunity like this one again. As much as he wanted to think of a way, he knew he was in no position to enact any that might come up. With this dilemma weighing heavily upon him, he inevitably decided to dispel all curiosity from his mind. His ultimate priority for now was to spend quality time with his marefriend.

"Finally," Rose sighed, "We're here. It felt like an eternity walking all this way."

"It was only half an hour," Bladewing replied.

"Maybe to you, it was. But I'm just anxious to start our day of fun. Aren't you the same way?"

"No, not really. I actually didn't mind the wait. A half-hour was just what I needed for a bit of brainstorming."

"Ah, I see. Were you thinking about me, by any chance?" As valiant as her attempt was, Bladewing saw her trick coming long before it could take hold.

"*chuckle* As a matter of fact, yes... but you're mad if you think that means I love you."

"You can't keep your feelings from me forever, Mr. Bladewing," she cooed seductively, "Sooner or later, you WILL tell me what's in your heart."

"We shall see, Ms. Rose," retorted Bladewing, "Now will you let me decide our first endeavor or not?"

"*giggle* Very well. What do you have in mind?" Bladewing stood still. He rubbed his chin in deep thought as he tried to decide what he and Rose should do first. In under a minute, an idea came to him.

"What do you think of movies, Rose?"

"They're pretty fun," Rose answered him, "I watched plenty of them with my father as a filly."

"Really?" Rose nodded her head. "Nice. What kind did you watch?"

"Oh, you know: drama, romance, comedy... things little kids enjoy all the time. While I like a good romance film as much as the next girl, I personally prefer adventure movies."

"I see. Do you know of any that are coming out now?"

"Hm... *gasp* Yes, I do. There's one playing in theaters today."

"What is it?"

"It's called 'Heaven's Twilight'. It's a film that tells the story of Faust, as iterated by the ancient Coltecs."

"Fascinating. When does it start?"

"Oh, it won't start for a while, Bladewing. The film won't begin until eight this evening."

"*sigh* That's a pity. But it's fine. Let's try something else in the meantime." Bladewing's thoughts drowned out the noise of the world around him. While he was in this state, he had a hazy flashback of earlier this morning.


"If you're willing, Bladewing," Topaz spoke, "I suggest you take Rose out for shopping. Preferably to the 'Fortune Tune' mall that just opened up at the plaza."

"If I'm willing? What do you mean by that, Topaz?"

"I mean you may not be comfortable with the idea. Shopping is normally a mare thing. Although stallions do it as well, they rarely do it with the frequency and attention that mares do. I'm not saying that you should just outright blow your money on buying things for Rose, but taking her out to a mall would certainly get her heart to skip a beat."

"Are you sure this would work, Topaz?"

"*giggle* Of course. No girl can resist looking for the best sales on merchandise."

[*** THE PRESENT ***]

"*sigh* Very well, Topaz. Let's put this idea of yours to the test." Bladewing adjusted his tie as he prepared for his next move.

"How about we go to the Fortune Tune mall, Rose?" Rose gasped and looked up at him with starry eyes, a sight that proved rather pleasing to him.

"Oh my goddess, Bladewing," she spoke, "Really? You'd take me there? To go shopping?"

"Of course. Let's see what sort of goods this place has to offer." Rose swiftly wrapped her forelegs around Bladewing, and the stallion smiled as she then brought him close for a hug.

"You're the best, handsome," she murmured, nuzzling him, "Let's go."

"Right." With a new objective in place, Bladewing walked with Rose towards the Fortune Tune mall. He wasn't sure if he would actually find something interesting for himself, but he didn't pay it too much heed. He was more intrigued by the fact that Topaz's idea worked. Rose's smile was all he needed to know that he successfully excited her.

Another twenty minutes or so, and the two ponies had passed into the mall... and to Bladewing's curiosity, it was quite huge. As is typical of a large commercial building, lots of stores lied in wait for the couple, most of which were above the floor they were on now. Stairs both escalating and not were littered all around, and dozens upon dozens of ponies walked to and fro across both the bottom floor and the walkways of the upper levels. He wondered if coming here at this time was a bad idea, but the sound of Rose's voice immediately dissipated his thoughts.

"It looks pretty busy down here, doesn't it?" she asked him.

"It does," replied Bladewing, "We might have to stay close if we want to avoid getting separated." Rose suddenly wrapped her foreleg around his, and Bladewing in turn looked at her curiously.

"Like this?" she mused with a grin. Bladewing just chuckled in amusement.

"It's not what I had in mind, but yes." Bladewing gently ran his muzzle through her mane, much to the mare's pleasure. "I caution you, my dear. Don't think this little move of yours gets you any closer to my heart."

"*giggle* Says the stallion getting a feel for my mane," she cooed, "You're a terrible liar, Bladewing... but at least I know what tickles your fancy."

"Whatever you say, Rose. Now, where do you want to go?" Rose stood still for a moment as she looked around her.

"Let's see... ah, over there." Bladewing followed Rose's pointing hoof to a clothes store on the level above them.

"That one?" he asked. Rose nodded her head. "*chuckle* Very well. Let's head on over." Rose just smiled, and she walked with Bladewing while still clinging to his foreleg. He was reluctant admit it, but Bladewing found her affection rather comforting for him. In a way, it made him feel more important than he would otherwise confess to.

Within a few more moments, Bladewing and Rose were inside the store. There was nopony around to greet them, so rather than wait at the front desk, they decided to just help themselves. For a good half-hour or so they were split up, and each pony browsed carefully through the loads of attire that were available. So little of it interested Bladewing, however, for fashion was not his forte. Given it took him a while to convince himself to change his appearance, it's not surprising. But though Bladewing was unable to find anything good for himself, Rose was having a blast browsing through the many dresses, gowns, and other mares' clothing offered by the store. She liked shopping with a passion, but it was rare that she would go out due to her low-income budget. While she was not expecting Bladewing to pay for anything, she nevertheless wanted to see if maybe she could impress Bladewing with a new look of her own.

Now that he was done with his browsing, Bladewing walked towards the mare's changing area. He waited outside patiently for Rose, and he thought more and more about where the two of them should go next with every second he spent. He didn't have much time to come up with an idea, though. Before long, Rose came out of the room, wearing foreleg sleeves and a slim red dress completely different from the one she wore last time.

"Wow," Bladewing whispered. The dress was modest compared to the other Rose wore before, but it still looked pretty on her. The mare smiled bashfully as her stallion looked at her with wonder. But before she could say a word, the store's clerk suddenly came by.

"Ugh, finally," she muttered, "I thought I'd NEVER-" The clerk was surprised to see Bladewing and Rose standing in front of her. "Oh, hello, you two. I'm sorry for not having greeted you earlier. I had a bit of a dilemma to deal vith."

"No, it's all right," Rose spoke, "We just helped ourselves."

"Well, I feel I must apologize all the same. But I must say, darling: you look beautiful in that outfit." Rose blushed at the mare's compliment.

"Thank you. I wasn't sure of it myself."

"*chuckle* You should be. 'Tis rare that I see anypony wear it so well." The clerk turned her attention towards Bladewing. "Ah, this must be your coltfriend."

"He sure is." Rose chuckled as she hugged his foreleg. "He and I are on a date."

"Aw, how sweet," she cooed, "You like how she looks in this outfit, good sir?"

"I do," Bladewing beamed, "How much will you charge me for it?" Rose gasped in surprise, and she looked at him with concern.

"It's lovely, Bladewing, really," she told him, "But it's worth two hundred bits. I couldn't possibly let you pay for it."

"Nonsense," Bladewing joked, "I'd be more than happy to do it. Besides, I can afford it."

"You should listen to him, darling," the clerk agreed happily, "I usually don't encourage a sale, but this outfit really does look good on you. If it helps, there's an offer for twenty-five percent off my vares. The ensemble is yours for only one hundred and fifty bits." Rose rubbed her chin as she thought.

"Well... all right. I'll take it. You won't mind if I wear it out of here?"

"No, not at all," the clerk replied, "I never discourage my clients from doing such things." The mare beckoned to the couple to meet her at the front desk. Bladewing took out a wallet from his pant pocket and then gave the clerk the money. As soon as she put the money in the cash register, she gave Bladewing the receipt for his transaction.

"Thank you for your business," she told them, smiling towards Rose, "Enjoy the dress, darling. I do mean that."

"I will," Rose giggled, "Thanks." The clerk tipped her head to her, and with that, Bladewing and Rose walked out of the store.

The moment the two were a good few feet away from the store, another surprise presented itself to Bladewing. Without warning, Rose smiled and kissed his cheek, and she giggled heartily as the surprised pegasus looked down on her.

"You're a gentlecolt indeed, Bladewing," she murmured, "Buying me this outfit was the LAST thing I'd expect you to do."

"It shows how enigmatic I am," Bladewing joked. Rose rolled her eyes playfully in dismay.

"Oh, don't remind me. You have a very bizarre way of showing me affection."

"Ah, but it never fails to surprise you now, does it?" Bladewing grinned victoriously as his mare nuzzled his face.

"No, of course not. Even so, I wish you didn't have to be so elaborate about it. Most of the time, I think you're just plain teasing me."

"Well, think again, my dear. I really do like you. I'm just trying new ways to keep you guessing. I'd NEVER tease you to be mean. EVER."

"*giggle* Wonderful. Now let's look for more stores. I'm positive we can find something you'd like for yourself."

"Meh. I doubt I will. But why not? Let's give it a go." Rose just grinned and nodded her head. She walked with Bladewing with even higher spirits than she had earlier, and though she had all she wanted with this dress, she wasn't keen on leaving the mall without finding something nice for her coltfriend. With that in mind, she made ready for her first shopping spree with Bladewing.

Today was a weekend, yet time seemed to go by fast for Bladewing. Hours turned into minutes, and minutes into seconds as he and Rose browsed through shop after shop in search of interesting apparel. It would seem strange that they were only searching for things Bladewing wanted, but what the stallion didn't know was that Rose wasn't like other mares. She usually ended a spree if an item she bought was expensive. Although she didn't actually buy it herself, the dress and gloves was just that. As she saw it, their shopping spree was now totally focused in getting something nice for Bladewing. Her only trouble, of course was finding that something... and so far, it was about as easy as finding a needle in a haystack.

Rose first tried a few stallions' fashion shops with Bladewing. She smiled and cooed with bliss as Bladewing tried on outfit after outfit during each visit but to her dismay, Bladewing didn't show an interest in any of them. After the fashion shops, she tried looking into some unisex shops with him. She wondered if maybe he would show an interest in stallions' fragrances. At one point, he did - most of the sweet smelling colognes he tried appealed to him - but unfortunately for Rose, it didn't last long. By a bizarre accident, a male employee from one of these stores spilled a bottle of cologne all over his face. The next minute afterwards unfolded with Bladewing and Rose exiting the store in a hurry (and the manager giving him a free bottle of the same cologne as an apology). While Rose thought it was good that Bladewing got something great, she could see that he still didn't show any interest. Needless to say, her prospects of pleasing him were looking grim.

All in all, the couple spent a good five hours browsing many of the mall's other stores; but in all that time, neither pony found anything interesting. Rose was worried that she might not be able to get something nice for him after all. For a time, the situation appeared to agree with her. Until...

"Hm... what's this?" Bladewing looked to his right towards some watches behind a glass window. Rose stopped as equally perplexed next to him.

"What's the matter, Bladewing?" she asked.

"These watches. They look good, don't they?" Rose was excited to hear Bladewing's opinion.

"Yes, they do. They're certainly better than my old hoof watch."

"Are they?" Rose nodded her head. "Interesting. Let's go inside this place. I think I might get something worthwhile after all." Rose grinned and nodded in excitement. She followed Bladewing into the store, intent on finally getting him a gift.

Within moments, the store's owner heard the couple's hoofsteps entering his shop. The earth pony stallion moved from the back end of the store towards the front to greet his company.

"Good day, sir, miss," he spoke warmly, "Welcome to me shop. How can Oi help you?"

"I'm interested in purchasing a watch, sir," spoke Bladewing, "That is, if you don't mind showing me your wares."

"But of course, mate. Oi never refuse such a favor from me cloients. Come with me." Bladewing smiled as he and Rose followed the middle-aged stallion towards the back of his little store.

"Ya said yer looking for a watch, roight?" the clerk asked.

"Yes, sir," replied Bladewing, "Do you know what would look good for pegasi?"

"Well, Oi'm no expert, but Oi reckon ye'd look real sharp with one of these." Bladewing watched the stallion pull out a small black box. He was curious what laid inside, but as soon as the manager opened it up, he was amazed by what he saw.

Within the box sat a duo of shiny obsidian-colored watches. Composed entirely of stainless steel, the minute and hour handles were made from carefully-cut ruby, and the borders of the glass case protecting them was outlined with gold leaf. The little tick marks signifying the hours and minutes were made of pure silver, and there were smaller faces that showed the day and month as well as the time in military terms. The latter of the details hardly mattered to Bladewing but all in all, these watches were truly eye-catching.

"Whoa," he murmured, "These look great."

"*chuckle* Oi should think so," the clerk agreed, "Oi built 'em meself. Me family and Oi have been making watches fer generations. These here beauties took me two years to make."

"Wow, really?"

"Mm-hm. Every detail ya see on 'em is hoof-crafted. The only part of 'em that's not is a protection spell me woife cast on 'em. Ya know, to keep 'em from gettin' damaged."

"Ah, I see. You did a great job with them. How much do you want for one?"

"Ya came here at a good toime, mate. These limited edition pieces would normally sell for twelve hundred bits each... but Oi have a good feeling about you. Something tells me yer worthy of a better deal. If you don't moind payin' upfront, Oi can give ya both of 'em for two grand." Rose shot a perturbed look at the clerk.

"Um... excuse us for a moment, good sir," she told him, "My coltfriend and I need a minute to discuss this."

"Take yer toime, miss. No hurry here." The mare smiled and then looked up to Bladewing with worry, intent on discussing the matter with him.

"I'm not sure about this, Bladewing," she whispered, "That's a lot of bits for a pair of watches. My outfit is one thing, but I simply cannot let you spend so much money on them. Furthermore, I want to be the one to pay for your gift."

"You heard him, Rose," he whispered back, "They're much cheaper if I decide to buy both of them. Besides, it's not like you have to. I'd be more than happy to pay for them as well."

"But why get two? Wouldn't it be even cheaper to get just one?"

"*chuckle* If I do that, then I won't have anything to give you." Rose was surprised.

"What? So you mean to tell me-"

"Yes." Bladewing smiled and nuzzled his mare's face. "I'm getting both... because I want to give one of them to you." Rose's heart suddenly melted with joy, an emotion she expressed with a meager smile.

"R-Really? You're willing to give up two thousand bits... just for me?"

"I am. I can't imagine how much it sucked for you to have spent so many bits on the iron claw machine just to get a measly trinket. I think you deserve so much better than that. I'm getting those watches for us so that I can help you get just that." Bladewing senses a bizarre mix of sadness and felicity from her... and like a tidal wave, it splashed over him, in the form of a teary-eyed hug.

"Oh, come on, Rose," he joked softly, offering a kerchief, "Whatever is the matter? I didn't break your heart for real, did I?" Rose couldn't resist letting a small chuckle escape her mouth.

"I'm fine, Bladewing," she spoke, drying her eyes, "I'm just so happy right now. I knew you cared about me, but I never thought you'd care THIS much."

"*chuckle* Fair enough. Consider this a first... and it certainly won't be the last." Bladewing shot a quick wink at Rose, and the mare in turn smiled warmly at him. Now that he knew she was on board with his decision, Bladewing stepped forth towards the counter.

"All right, sir," he spoke to the clerk, giving him two thousand-bit bills, "I'll take your offer."

"A foine choice, mate," answered the clerk, "Moi thanks fer yer business." The earth pony gave the box to Bladewing as well as his receipt. The moment he and Rose touched them, however, something magical happened before them. A red aura suddenly engulfed the two watches, and they disassembled themselves into their individual components. They spun around in a spiral around their forelegs, and both ponies watched in amazement as the watches re-materialized around their hooves.

"Crikey," Bladewing exclaimed, examining his watch, "That was incredible."

"I'll say," added Rose, "What happened?"

"Oh, roight," the clerk spoke up, "Oi forgot to mention this to you. Me woife enchanted those things with another spell. They automatically disassemble and rebuild around the foreleg whenever they get a new owner. Afterwards, you can just tap the glass circle twice to put 'em on or take 'em off as you see fit."

"Nice," Bladewing spoke, "Very nice indeed. Thanks for telling us."

"No problem. Enjoy yer day, sir, miss." Bladewing turned around towards Rose, but to everypony's greatest astonishment, something miraculous happened within the store. Before Bladewing could take a step outside, he accidentally slid on an oily rag littered on the freshly polished floor. He tried quicky to regain balance, but to no avail. He slid towards Rose without any form of brakes. Without even a second to react, Rose felt herself get knocked down to the floor with Bladewing. A few seconds have passed before they regained their senses, but by the time they realized the position they were in, it was too late.

Bladewing laid almost completely flat on top of Rose. The mare herself was immobilized underneath his weight, and to the surprise of both ponies, their lips were touching. They blushed deeply at the awkward, yet romantic situation they were in (and the clerk was burning in his own blush). For a short while, they just looked into each other's eyes, motionless as statues. It was a surprising moment for Bladewing, one he pondered incessantly as he slowly removed himself from their kiss; but though he was shocked that he accidentally stole a kiss from Rose, the mare herself reveled in it.

"Mm, that was good," she cooed in a whisper, "I'm curious why you haven't done this sooner." Rose's remark made Bladewing blush even harder, and a nervous expression was smeared all over his face.

"T-This isn't what it looks like, Rose, I swear," he stammered, "I-I didn't mean-"

"Shh, it's okay. I understand. Now, um... can you get off me, please? You're sort of crushing me."

"Sorry." Bladewing carefully moved back onto all fours, allowing Rose the freedom to do the same. Throughout this whole episode, the store clerk's face flushed with embarrassment, and he stepped past the counter towards the two of them.

"Oh, Oi'm so sorry fer that, mate," he spoke to Bladewing, "Oi forgot to check me floor for these things."

"What things?" The clerk picked up the rag Bladewing slipped on just earlier. "Oh. THOSE things."

"Indeed. Oi was cleaning up a mess me boy made just earlier. Oi'm not sure how this little rag escaped me, but Oi assure you that it won't happen again."

"It's all right," Bladewing grunted, stretching his limbs, "No harm done. Thanks again for the watches."

"*chuckle* Good man. Come back anytoime." Bladewing just smiled and shook his hoof happily. With that dilemma settled, Bladewing walked with Rose out of the store.

In spite of what transpired, the couple were far from over their little mishap. As they roamed their level's walkways, Rose grew more eager to find out what Bladewing really thought about her. After everything she experienced with him, today, she found herself borderline between liking him and just plain loving him. She hugged his foreleg tighter than ever, much to her stallion's surprise.

"You were quite the lover boy back there, handsome." The seductive grin on Rose's face incensed Bladewing, a sensation he expressed with yet another blush.

"I know not what you're talking about," Bladewing pouted defiantly, "You saw what happened. I tripped over an oily rag, and that's it. I had NO intention of knocking you down whatsoever."

"Ah, but which would you rather have happen? That you knock me down? Or that you knock me UP?" Rose tacitly rejoiced in the apple-red blush that now adorned Bladewing's cheeks. His face was also stricken with fear, and the moment she saw this very expression, the mare released her own volley of laughter. She could only imagine what other part of him she had excited.

"GAH, you're so bloody erotic!" he cried, "You know PERFECTLY well that last part wasn't an option. I'm in no position to become a father and you know it... and I wouldn't care if you were in heat BEGGING for it." Rose took a moment to recollect herself before replying to him.

"*giggle* I'm kidding, Bladewing. You didn't think I'd let you claim me so easily, did you?" As much as he wanted to assume she was still teasing him, he knew deep down (and from the tone of her voice) that she was serious. Defeated and too frustrated to hold on to his anger, he sighed deeply.

"No. I guess not."

"Exactly. We're not married. Hell, you haven't even told you love me yet. There will be no baby talk until I know how you truly feel about me. So just relax for me. Alright?" Bladewing was relieved to hear that, but he still felt a bit outraged that she fooled him so easily.

"You're cruel," he spoke, "You played that joke on purpose, didn't you?"

"Yes indeed," Rose giggled, "But what was it you said? Ah, yes: 'Although in all honesty, you really should've saw that coming... especially considering what happened LAST time.'" Bladewing's eye twitched in shock.

"Humph," he pouted, "Smug mare. I should've known you'd use my own words against me." Rose looked at the defiant pegasus with a sassy grin.

"*chuckle* You have a lot to learn about mares, my stallion friend. Perhaps even more than you realize." Bladewing cringed, and his eye twitched once again as another flashback suddenly entered his mind.


"Humph," Bladewing pouted, "Mares. How do you lot find pleasure in playing with a stallion's feelings?"

"*chuckle* You have a lot to learn about mares, my stallion friend," Topaz mused with a smug grin.


"Bloody hell, this is so humiliating. Am I really so susceptible to a mare's wiles?" One could hardly fathom the embarrassment that now filled Bladewing's spirit. This time around, however, he was able to conceal it. With Rose clueless to his thoughts, Bladewing let his humiliation burn within him for a few seconds before exhaling it through a defeated sigh.

"Oh, very well," Bladewing groaned, "You win. I deserved the full brunt of that joke."

"Good." A little smile formed onto Bladewing face as Rose gently nuzzled him. "But don't you worry, handsome. We're as good as even now."

"*sigh* Good. Now I don't know about you, but all this shopping has depleted my stomach. Let's see if we can find an eatery on this floor."

"Agreed. Let's go." Bladewing smiled and nodded his head. With his mare clinging happily to his foreleg, the stallion walked with her towards a diner located opposite of where they were now. Rose was as hungry for nourishment as Bladewing was, but she had one more joke to tell him before they would end their time at the mall with a hearty meal.

"I can let you in on a little mare secret if you want, Bladewing," she murmured, "Are you interested?"

"Meh," Bladewing muttered, "Sure. Why not? At this point, I can use all the information on mares I can get."

"*giggle* Good. Here it is." Bladewing leaned his ear towards her to listen to her better. "Do you know the real reason we mares consider payback a girl?"

"No. What is it?"

"It's because she's a bitch." Bladewing just chuckled softly. He remembered that even though Rose toyed with him a bit, she wanted to make him happy deep down. Having been reminded of that through her little joke, he returned the gentle nuzzling she gave him two-fold. Needless to say, Rose enjoyed every second of his affection. While their date was still far from over, enjoying a meal at one of the mall's restaurants would certainly be a good to end their time at this place. But whether Bladewing realized it or not, his girl troubles were far from over as well. As a matter of fact, they were only just beginning.

Unbeknownst to Bladewing, another familiar mare was present at the restaurant to which he and Rose were headed. It was Skywalker, and she sat at one of the tables of the restaurant's dining area reading a magazine. In lieu of her council knight armor, she wore a slim brown dress (as well as complimentary foreleg sleeves). She was waiting to receive a card, and she had no idea that Bladewing and Rose were coming towards the restaurant.

"Hm... I wonder if they still have this hat for sale?" Sky didn't have much time to think about her dilemma with one of the magazine's coupons. She heard hoof steps coming from behind her. She turned around and noticed the waitress who took her debit card earlier approaching her.

"Here's your card back, miss," she said to her, "Thank you for coming."

"Thanks for the food." The waitress just giggled and left the Council mare's side with a smile. Skywalker rose to her hooves with her purse, but before she could take a step, she noticed Bladewing sitting at one of the other tables. More specifically, he was sitting at one of the tables touching the short metal fence surrounding the dining area, but Sky was more interested in the stallion himself.

"Aw, snap," she thought, "He's here... and alone... ooh, and smoking hot, too. I wonder if he's interested in some company." Skywalker grinned as she slowly walked towards Bladewing. He was indeed alone, but what Skywalker didn't know was that Rose left to use the mares' bathroom before she realized Bladewing was there. It was strange that Bladewing himself was unable to sense Skywalker coming towards him, but this was because his mind was elsewhere.

"*sigh* Okay. I've gotten most of the fun out of the way. Now would be a good time to ask Rose of her former 'Miss Cydonia' status. But how do I do that? It would be difficult enough with-" Bladewing was diverted from his thoughts as he felt a pair of sleeved hooves suddenly cover both of his eyes. He had no idea who it was, but the sound of giggling behind him gave him a good clue.

"Guess who?" Sky cooed softly in song. Bladewing knew exactly who the mystery mare was as soon he heard her. Fortunately for him, he was no longer timid around Skywalker; on the contrary, he was pleased to notice that the dark aura that he originally sensed from her was gone. With this on his conscience, he felt more free to be himself around her.

"*chuckle* Hello to you too, Sky," he greeted back, his eyes still covered, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, nothing much. I was just enjoying a good meal. I've spent the past hour shopping non-stop."

"Did you now?"

"*giggle* Yep. I got quite a haul in this here purse. But anyway, what are YOU doing here?"

"If I tell you, will you let go of my eyes?"

"Hm... how about no?" A smug grin quickly overcame Bladewing's face.

"Oh, that's too bad. I guess I won't tell you, then."

"*sigh* Fine, okay. You win, stud. I'll let you see again, but on one condition."

"And that is?"

"Tell me what you think."

"About what?"

"About this." Sky removed her hooves from his eyes just as quickly as she covered them... and the moment he could see again, he was met with face of a lovely mare smiling at him.

"Wow," he murmured. Bladewing adjusted his posture for a better look at Skywalker. "You look wonderful, Sky."

"Thanks. I got these for a really good deal while I was out shopping... and now I feel like a starlet."

"I would imagine so. How did the mission go?"

"Aw, man, I really wish I could tell ya. But the thing here, Bladewing, is that it's classified."

"Oh? So then how come Mountain Wind had no trouble briefing you and the others about it in front of me?"

"Beats me. I guess it shows how much he trusts ya."

"Fair enough. I guess it's a story for another time, then."

"*chuckle* Yep. But don't worry: once you're officially on the team, I'll tell ya all about it."

"I look forward to it." Unbeknownst to the two ponies, Rose was standing outside of the entrance to the restaurant's bathrooms. She had just gotten there when she noticed another mare talking to him face-to-face, and she felt a slight mix of both fear and jealousy fill her spirit.

"What?" she thought worriedly, "Who is that girl?" Rose stepped forward a bit for a closer look at the mystery mare... and as soon as she discovered her identity, she felt her woes fade as quickly as they came.

"*sigh* Thank Faust," she murmured, "It's just Lady Skywalker. Of course she would be talking to him. They're colleagues... well, they will be soon, anyway." Rose walked over to Bladewing with the intent of reuniting with him. Although she was unaware of Sky's true intentions, she felt a bit foolish to have felt jealousy towards her. She didn't see Bladewing as the type of stallion who would dare to break a commitment to his mare.

"So, Bladewing," Skywalker continued, "What are you doing in a place like this?"

"Oh, I'm just spending time with a friend," answered Bladewing.

"Nice. Are you two having fun?"

"We are indeed, Sky. Oh look, here she comes." Skywalker was surprised.

"She?" Bladewing briefly pointed a hoof towards Rose. Sky reluctantly looked in the direction he pointed for her. As soon as the two mares saw each other, Bladewing's road of life permanently changed course... and neither pony will ever be the same again.

Revelations (Part II)

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"The hell? Who's this bimbo?" Skywalker felt a toxic brew of outrage and jealousy fill her soul. While she had no idea who this other girl was, she was nevertheless disappointed that it was a mare Bladewing mentioned. Rose, on the other hoof, harbored no such contempt towards her fellow unicorn. As far as she was concerned, she had nothing to fear from her, and she made that notion clear as she came towards Bladewing with a smile on her face.

"I'm back," she told Bladewing, hugging him, "Did you miss me?" Bladewing shot a mischievous grin at Rose.

"Hm... what if I said no?"

"*gasp* You wouldn't dare. Whatever happened to being the best gentlecolt ever for me?"

"*chuckle* I'm kidding. Yes, I missed you... even if only for a second." Rose just giggled and playfully punched Bladewing's shoulder. Her short, yet flirty moment with Bladewing added further to Skywalker's woes. She grew concerned that this girl might actually be more to Bladewing than just a friend.

"Bladewing?" Bladewing turned his attention to Sky. "Who is she?"

"Ah, yes," muttered Bladewing, "*ahem* I nearly forgot." The stallion smiled warmly as he presented his mare with an open hoof. "This is her, Sky. Meet Rose Blossom."

"A pleasure to meet you, Lady Skywalker," Rose greeted her, offering a hoof. If this were any other scenario, Sky would've returned the greeting in a heartbeat. In this instance, however, she stood still, petrified in her fears. She felt as though a lifetime passed by the time Bladewing snapped her out of it.

"...Sky?" Upon hearing Bladewing's voice, Skywalker returned to reality (albeit in a state of confusion).

"What?" Bladewing shot a concerned expression at her. He wasn't sure of it, but he sensed for a very brief moment a hint of the fear Skywalker was emitting.

"You look troubled, Sky," he told her, "Is something the matter?"

"Oh," replied Sky, chuckling nervously, "Sorry about that. I must've zoned out for a bit."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Don't worry about it." Sky put up her best poker face, hoping desperately that Bladewing would buy her excuse... and sure enough, he did. His smile soon returned to his face, but what Skywalker didn't know was that Bladewing didn't view her as the deceiving type at all. He was uncomfortable with her initially, but now that he got used to her behavior, he saw no reason to assume anything immoral about her. As far as deceit goes, Bladewing neither saw it in her nor had any interest in finding out for himself.

"Very well," he spoke, "If you're sure." Sky nodded in agreement, and she then returned her attention to the green mare offering her hoof to her. She was still hesitant to accept it but given her situation, refusing it would give Bladewing the wrong idea about her. Thus - under great protest - Skywalker shook her fellow mare's hoof.

"Rose, right?" she asked.

"Yes," replied Rose with a smile, "I heard you recently captured one of the co-leaders of that earth pony supremacy group. Congratulations." In spite of her attitude towards Rose, Sky was flattered that she at least appreciated her work. It helped a lot in calming her down while she talked.

"Thanks," she spoke modestly, "I can't say it was easy, but it felt good bringing scum like her to justice."

"*giggle* I'll bet. The king must feel very relieved now that you brought him one step closer to taking them down for good."

"Yeah, he is. It won't be much longer before we have them all behind bars."

"Indeed. I hold great reverence for mares of your valor, Lady Skywalker... and I'm just overjoyed that my coltfriend will serve alongside you on the king's Council." Skywalker stood surprised once more.


"That's right," Rose mused, hugging Bladewing, "This brave stallion you see here is mine." Just like that, Skywalker felt her very soul catch fire. Her outrage ran rampant within her like a toxin, and it completely dissolved the fear and anxiety she felt earlier.

"NO! This is bull! I swear it is! There's no way Bladewing would just take some random bimbo as his marefriend!" Skywalker couldn't feel more like venting her anger at Rose. However, still knowing full well the circumstances in which she stood, she held herself back. Even the slightest hint of hostility would alert Bladewing to her true opinion of the mare. Unfortunately for her, simply maintaining a calm posture wasn't enough to hide her emotions from Bladewing. He sensed Sky's bitterness quite clearly, and he in turn began to question how she was really holding up.

"You don't have any qualms with this, Sky, do you?" Bladewing asked, "My courting Rose, I mean?"

"Nah, don't be silly," she joked, forcing back her ire, "I could care less about your love life. Well, maybe if you were dating a heartless bitch, I would. Then I'd step in and tell her to leave you alone. For your safety, of course."

"*chuckle* I see. I can assure you that Rose here is nothing of the sort. She treats me with the utmost respect and affection... although maybe a bit TOO much on the latter."

"Aw, come on," Rose cooed, nuzzling his face, "Don't be like that. Do you not like it when I shower you with love?"

"Oh?" joked Bladewing, "You still call it that, my dear? I would've thought you learned your lesson after I saw through your 'love' the first time."

"Oh, posh. This is nowhere near seduction and you know it, Bladewing. Can I help it that I love seeing you smile for me?"

"*sigh* Fine. I'll indulge in your desire. Just this once." True to his word, Bladewing smiled and returned Rose's affection with gentle nuzzling of his own. Normally, Skywalker would find such a tender moment heartwarming; this particular instance, however, was anything but to her. She was watching another mare flirt with her stallion of interest without even a murmur of resistance (and watching said stallion return her affection). After witnessing it all, Sky's heart had sunk low to the polished tile floor. A great opportunity had dissipated from her sight, and with nothing else keeping her spirit alive, she found no point in staying any longer.

"Oh," Sky spoke reluctantly, "That's nice. I'm glad you're in good hooves." If the tone in her voice didn't alert Bladewing to her disappointment, the sadness he suddenly sensed from her certainly did.

"Are you sure you're okay, Sky?" he asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just remembered some business I gotta deal with." Sky didn't care how big of a lie that was, but it certainly worked in concealing her true feelings from him. Her frustration drowned out any hint of deception Bladewing could've sensed from her.

"All right. Will you need any help?"

"Nah, it's cool. Just keep going with your date. I'll see you at the rehearsals."

"Very well. See you then." Sky forced a smile for Bladewing before she returned to her table to pick up her saddlebags. She left the dining area not long afterwards. Bladewing was puzzled by how quickly her mood turned solemn from her earlier happy state. He rubbed his chin in deep thought as he pondered on this bizarre twist.

"What's wrong, Bladewing?" Rose asked worriedly.

"Hm... there's something amiss here. Did you notice that tone in her voice?"

"I did. What about it?"

"It's a bit odd. She was happy just a moment ago. Now she seems... melancholy. I wonder why." Rose understood Bladewing's concern, but she still felt that it was unnecessary.

"You heard what she said, Bladewing: she's fine. I think you're going about it the wrong way."

"Maybe, but... I still feel compelled to talk to her about it. We may not be colleagues yet, but I consider her a friend. Do friends not help each other?" After hearing his argument, Rose finally got the whole picture. She was assured yet again that Bladewing had no romantic interest in her, and she could see clearly just how caring a stallion he really was.

"Aw, Bladewing. Come here." Rose pulled him closer to her. "I can see that you have a big heart. I get why you'd want to help Skywalker. Really, I do. But you must understand that when a mare says no, she means it. I'm not sure what's going on with her, but you should respect her choice. You can't offer help when it is not needed."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Just let her deal with her issues on her own. You may only intervene if they're life-threatening. Okay?"

"*sigh* Very well. I'll leave her be."

"Good." Rose nuzzled him one last time before letting go of him. The moment she sat herself back in her chair, the same waitress that attended Skywalker arrived at the table.

"Good day, sir, miss," she spoke, offering the two of them menus, "Welcome. Can I get you anything to drink?"

"I'll just have some iced water," spoke Bladewing.

"You got it, sir," replied the waitress, "And how about you, miss?"

"A tall glass of cola for me, if you please," Rose answered.

"Okay. I'll be back in a bit." The waitress smiled and walked away. Now that they were alone once more, Bladewing breathed deeply. He wasn't sure how the situation will turn out, but he wanted more than anything to find some answers to the questions whirling in his head.

"You look tense," Rose said to him. Bladewing exhaled calmly before turning his gaze to her.

"I'm fine. I was just letting go of my woes. They were starting to give me a headache."

"I see." Rose rubbed her hoof against her hoof-watch. "It was very sweet of you to get this thing for me." Bladewing grinned modestly.

"It's no trouble. I'm just glad you like it."

"I do. I'll be treasuring it for the rest of my life."

"Great. I have a few questions I'd like to ask you. If you don't mind, that is."

"No, not at all. Feel free to ask me anything."

"Good." Bladewing took another deep breath before continuing. "Are you truly the former 'Miss Cydonia'?" Rose's expression quickly turned to surprise the moment he uttered that question.

"I am," she spoke, "But how did you know?"

"It's a long story, but I'll try my best to explain. I was confronted with it the day after we met Mountain Wind. I was on my way to my orientation when reporters caught me about halfway there. They inquired about my affairs and it was there that one of them told me you were once the winner of the Royal Beauty Pageant. I know for certain now that you are, but my ultimate question is: why didn't you tell me about this?" Rose could hear clearly the concerned tone in Bladewing's voice. While she had every intention of explaining herself to him, she did so with a very reluctant look on her face. Getting caught off guard by his query completely removed all of her bravado.

"My former title isn't something I often discuss," she answered, looking away, "Not many ponies ask about it."

"Even so, I'm surprised that I learned of this from another pony than from you. Why did you withhold this from me?"

"It's not like I did it on purpose, Bladewing. I just didn't think you'd want to know about it." Now that Rose gave him an answer, Bladewing took this opportunity to relieve her of her worry. She looked with wonder as he took one of her hooves in his own, a warm smile engulfing his face.

"That's where you're wrong, Rose. I told you since the Festival that I want to know more about you. I may never know if I'm in love unless I know all about the mare I'm falling for." Rose looked joyously into his eyes.

"Really? You want to hear about my journey to the pageant?"

"*chuckle* I do. So will you tell me or not?" Rose returned Bladewing's interest with a smile of her own.

"I will." Rose retracted her hoof before she went on. "Where do you want me to start?"

"How about the beginning?" replied Bladewing, "I'm curious what kind of girl you were growing up."

"*giggle* You got it." Bladewing grinned as Rose breathed deeply. She sat herself upright, intent on regaling her stallion with her past.

"My path was a long one. I first got the idea in middle school, when I was trying out for a school play. I was only six at the time, a young filly with neither a Cutie Mark nor any idea how to get one."

"Right," Bladewing murmured, drooping his head in dismay, "Cutie Marks. Can you tell me more about them?"

"Like what?" asked Rose.

"Oh, I don't know... how long it takes to get one, perhaps?"

"It depends, Bladewing. Most achieve them as foals. Others during their teenage or adult years. Either way, nopony truly knows."

"I see. How did you come across yours?"

"*giggle* It's funny you should ask. I got it the day I tried out for the play."


"Yes. The play itself was a tale about Aurelia, an ancient Coltec princess who struggled to find true love in the land. A few days before my audition, I was in the plaza shopping with my mother. I was looking for an outfit that would help me win a role in the play. I figured at the time that simply making myself beautiful would be enough... but goddess, was I ever wrong that day."

"By the time I found a dress I liked, I noticed a familiar face standing at the far end of the counter. I took a better look and realized that pony was Crystal Rain. She's one of the most renowned actresses in the film industry. I was a big fan of hers growing up - I still am - but never in all my life did I imagine that I'd find her here in Fredericksmare. I saw her retrieving a specially tailored dress from the store's owner. You can't imagine how happy I was when I walked up to meet her."

"I'll bet," joked Bladewing, "What did you tell her?"

"Oh, I just told her hello. Being the friendly mare she was, she greeted me back, but then she asked what I was doing. I told her I was looking for a dress to wear to my audition. I was nigh unprepared for the reaction I got from her."

"Really? What did she do?"

"... she laughed." Rose's answer befuddled Bladewing, a concern he expressed with a puzzled expression.

"Why would she do that?"

"I couldn't say. I thought she went mad at first, but then she saw my confused expression and calmed down."

"'Tell me something, dearie,' she told me, 'Do you know why I'm good at my job?' I replied, 'Is it because you're so pretty?' She chuckled and told me, 'No, of course not.' I looked at her more confused than ever."

"'Really?' I asked, 'So why are you good at your job?' Crystal Rain leaned towards my ear and whispered, 'It's because I'm myself.' Her answer wasn't a cryptic one, but I still felt unsure of what she was getting at. I wasn't very good with taking hints back then."

"I asked her what she meant by her statement and she told me this: 'To be a great mare, you must first be yourself. You cannot hope to gain fame or admiration by being somepony you're not. My job may revolve around such things, but I am still me in the end. I love who I am, and I wouldn't change it no matter how much somepony wants me to. You should do the same if you want the best from your audition.' I looked at her very curiously, as her words were no simpler to me than earlier."

"'I'm not sure I understand,' I told her. She replied, 'Trust me, dearie: a princess is more than just another pretty lady.' She winked at me, and then she walked out of the store. Throughout that entire conversation, I couldn't make any sense of what she said; after the encounter, however, I had this gut feeling that getting a dress was probably a bad idea. I told my mother we should return home, and so we did. I walked to my bed empty-hoofed, still pondering over Crystal Rain's words. It wasn't until the day of my audition that I finally understood her." Bladewing knew from the latter of her words that Rose was reaching a pivotal moment in her tale.

"I'm intrigued," he mused, "How did you realize it?"

"It was an unexpected moment. I was in the school's auditorium waiting for my turn at auditioning. A lot of foals were with me, most of who were in my class. I was among a few other girls trying to claim the lead role of the Coltec princess. I doubted that Crystal Rain knew I was trying to get that part in the play, but I had a very hard time convincing myself that she didn't. Her words played in my head like an echo, and I had this strong feeling that somehow, whether I believed it or not, she read my mind that day at the store... and that she was helping me prepare for this very moment. I was so nervous about how I would do that I decided to be the last one to audition."

"*chuckle* Wow. You must've really wanted that part."

"I did. I thought I'd be more comfortable if I took a few moments to relax. It worked well at first - I was calm enough to stop shaking - but then the girl in front of me went next. Within seconds, I was trembling once more. I watched nervously as she read some of the lines written for Aurelia. The girl was very pretty, as she wore a dress not unlike the one I wanted to buy back at the store. I was worried that being so pretty, she just might win the part. But then my teacher came by and talked to me."

"It's okay, Rose,' he told me, 'Just do your best.'"

"'But she's so pretty,' I told him, 'I look nothing like a Coltec princess.' I had no idea at the time that I was being superficial, but my teacher seemed to notice. He chuckled and then nuzzled me."

"'You don't have to look like a princess to be a princess,' he murmured. I was about to ask him what he meant, but then I heard muttering from the judges. I looked over and saw the annoyed look on their faces. They seemed disappointed, like something about this girl was not boding well with them. Then I overheard one of them mention one word: 'awful'. Before long, I realized why they were so annoyed: the girl's performance was not on par with her beauty. All at once, Crystal Rain's words hit me. The whirlwind of anxiety I had for my audition left me just as quickly, for I now knew what I had to do."

"Sounds exciting," Bladewing spoke eagerly, "What did you do?"

"I did exactly as Crystal Rain told me to, Bladewing: be myself. I no longer worried over whether or not I looked the part. That detail didn't matter to me anymore. I took the script from one of the judges and I started my audition."

"I read each of my lines like they were my own words. I let the emotion within them fill my spirit, never once worrying about whether I was doing good or not. I may have only been reciting dialogue but in that instance, I truly felt like I was Aurelia herself. When I heard the judges clapping lightly at the end of my performance, I could tell that they thought the same way."

"About half an hour later, the judges rose from their seats to greet the fillies and colts. I sat tensely in my chair as one by one, they called out the lucky few that earned a spot in the play. Finally - after what felt like forever - they named the girl who would play the role of the Coltec princess."

"Let me guess," Bladewing joked, "You were chosen, weren't you?"

"*giggle* You bet... and words can't describe how happy I was in that moment. The judges called me back to the stage to give me my outfit for my new role. I smiled and took it happily from them, but before I could thank them, a bright light suddenly flashed around me. I was blinded for a few seconds, and I rubbed my eyes the moment I let go of my dress. When I came to, the other foals were awing at me. I was confused at first, but when I looked at my flank, I knew exactly what happened: I got my Cutie Mark."

"No way. You got it then and there?"

"Yes," Rose agreed happily, "I was astounded. I signed up for the audition with the sole intent of getting the lead role in the play. Never in a million years would I expect to get both it and my Cutie Mark at the same time. In that moment, not only did I understand EXACTLY what Crystal Rain told me, but I also understood who I am."

"Impressive. What did you discover?"

"Well, I understood that I am a mare brimming with passion and determination. I may not always know what my abilities are, but that never deters me from completing whatever goal I make... for I am using them whether I know it or not. I just needed to realize that my potential isn't limited by whether or not I have the tools to do a given task, but by whether or not I can convince myself that I can do it. All who found their purpose in life understand this notion. And mine... is to restore happiness those who have lost it." After hearing all of that, Bladewing had a newfound understanding of Rose. She hardly finished her story, but he heard enough for him to know that she was a special kind of mare. The gold digger comment he made at the Fortune Festival may have been a mere joke, but Bladewing still felt that leaving it unspoken may have been a better idea. Here, as he saw it, was a mare who was not only beautiful, but also valued love and kindness more than any sum of money he could ever get; and yet, even with all this, Bladewing held himself back. He wanted to know her on a deeper level than through her history, and until that happened, he would keep his emotions in check. Now, he thought, was not the time to let them flow freely.

"Sounds wonderful," Bladewing mused with a grin, "Is that what inspired you to take part in the pageant?"

"It was. I've heard tales of mares that were renowned for being the fairest in the land. This kind of fame is among many things I wanted in life, and winning the role of the Coltec princess introduced me to my first taste of it. I made it my goal from that point onward to someday win the Royal Beauty Pageant and become the prettiest mare Cydonia has ever seen."

"I see. How did you fare on this path?"

"I had an arduous time, that's for sure. I had to compete with several other girls who shared my goal as well as balance work and school. I had my share of good moments and bad on this journey - oh, ESPECIALLY the bad - but I faced them all undaunted. As a matter of fact, I managed to befriend a few of the mares I defeated on the way. Their support came in REALLY handy for when I was in the finals. When the time came to announce who would be the next 'Miss Cydonia', I was as nervous as can be; but when they called out my name, I quickly became ecstatic. After years of preparation, I finally achieved my goal. Not only did I become the prettiest mare in the country, but at only eighteen, I also became the youngest one to ever win the RBP." Her story was now finished, but Bladewing found himself wishing for more. Rose became more appealing to him the more she talked about her past. He didn't anticipate feeling like this at all, and it made him all the more curious as to what other ordeals she may have endured.

"Awesome," Bladewing chimed, "That's quite a tale, Rose. I'm truly disappointed that you didn't consider telling me this earlier. If I had known that you were this ardent, I would've been more receptive to your affection." Rose looked at him wondrously.


"Yes. I initially thought your talk of facing the future with me was just you being nice..." Bladewing took her hoof in his own again before continuing. "... but I couldn't feel more wrong about that than I do now. However, there's still one thing I have yet to settle: what was the REAL reason you kept this from me?"

"What do you mean?" Rose asked curiously, removing her hoof.

"*chuckle* Come on. You knew that I'd find out about your time as 'Miss Cydonia' sooner or later. Things of that nature never stay secret for long. I know there is more to your reluctance to tell me than a simple fear of boring me." Regaling Bladewing with her past was one thing, but Rose was very reluctant to fulfill this particular request.

"You really want to know?" Bladewing nodded his head, and the mare in turned sighed in defeat. "All right. I'll say it: I wasn't sure if I could trust you." Bladewing was appalled.

"What?" he asked, "Why would you think that?"

"It's nothing personal, Bladewing. It's just..." Rose suddenly began rubbing her foreleg nervously, a gesture that indicated to Bladewing that she was approaching an uncomfortable subject. "I never had a coltfriend before." Bladewing looked at her feeling quite shocked.

"Whoa. So then that means-"

"Yes. You are my first." Bladewing looked away from her for a brief moment lost in his thoughts.

"This is so bizarre," he thought to himself, "There's no way she can have trust issues with a stallion if she's never been with one. What other motive could she have in doing that?" Bladewing returned his attention to Rose.

"Are you serious about this?" he asked. Rose looked back at him with annoyance, almost like she was irritated.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" The slight outrage in Rose's tone alerted Bladewing to his blunder, and although he didn't mean to offend her, he still felt stupid for it.

"I'm sorry," he spoke with a sigh, "It's just surprising to me. I'm honored that I'm your only coltfriend, but... well, I'd assume you had a bad romantic experience in the past if you're so reluctant to tell me anything."

"No, it's not that... not EXACTLY, anyway."

"I see. So why were you single for so long?"

"It's a long story. I'm no stranger to romance, but I never had a real opportunity to experience it. My father was very protective of me growing up. While I certainly don't need his permission to mingle now as an adult, he still hates it whenever I bring it up in a conversation." Bladewing raised an eyebrow to her with a grin, and Rose returned his humor with a grin of her own. "I know, it's a bit odd. I'd be lying if I said I'm never frustrated by it. But he's a good stallion, Bladewing, trust me. He just thinks I should wait a little longer before I start looking for a coltfriend."

"Fair enough," chuckled Bladewing, "Is he the kind of father that tells his daughter she's his little princess?"

"*giggle* He is. I never ask him to stop, though. It's one of many things that I enjoy about being a 'Daddy's Girl'. It's a little guilty pleasure I have with him." Rose was amused to see Bladewing roll his eyes playfully in dismay.

"I figured as much," Bladewing sighed, "But let's get back to the subject at hoof."

"Yes. Anyway, he always warned me over the years to be wary whenever I'm in a stallion's company. I never got why until a childhood friend of mine came to me in tears."

"Oh, no," spoke Bladewing worriedly, "What happened?"

"Well, it turned out that she caught her coltfriend kissing another mare. I asked her why he would do that and she told me he just wanted to be with her because she was pretty... and that he loves the other girl more because she's even prettier. I tell you, Bladewing, I never despised a stallion so much in my life. Not only did he treat my friend like she was a nobody, but he also showed that he had no real love for her." Bladewing's ears drooped low in remorse.

"That's pretty harsh. Your father's words must've sounded in your head that day."

"They did. In that moment, I finally understood why he warned me about being with a stallion all those years... and once I did, I wanted to be sure that I wouldn't leave myself vulnerable to one as shallow as my friend's coltfriend. That's why I didn't tell you about my time as 'Miss Cydonia'... and aside from my father's protectiveness, it's the reason why I never had a coltfriend until now."

"I understand. Now I ask that you start trusting me more. I am not the stallion that betrayed your friend. I'm sure you wouldn't have considered being with me if I were ANYTHING like him. Besides, you're the one who sought me out, remember? If you truly want this relationship to work, you should give me as equal a chance as I did for you. You know that, don't you?"

"I do now."

"Good." Bladewing leaned forward towards Rose, and the mare in turn did the same until their muzzles were touching. "So no more fears. You will tell me if there is something I should know about you. Okay?" Bladewing could tell from Rose's passionate nuzzling that the plan Topaz created for him was a success. Not only did he relieve Rose of all of her personal woes, but he also sensed a deep feeling of affection from her. Such emotion was a clear sign that she loved him... and thus, he confirmed that her interest in him was genuine.

"All right," Rose murmured, kissing his cheek, "I will. Thank you... for being so kind and patient with me." Bladewing just smiled and settled himself back into his seat. The couple heard hoof-steps approaching them from the left. It was the waitress they encountered earlier, and both Rose and Bladewing noticed her mane was slightly disheveled.

"So sorry to keep you waiting, sir, miss," she joked, giving them their drinks, "There was a bit of an issue back in the kitchen."

"It's all right," Bladewing assured her, "I didn't mind the wait."

"Ditto," added Rose, "I know what that's like, trust me. You're fine."

"*sigh* Good. Thanks SO much for your patience." The mare cleared her throat (and held a notepad and pen in her magic) before she went on. "Now what can I get for the two of you?"

* * * ONE HOUR LATER * * *

The skies quickly darkened by the time Rose and Bladewing were out of the mall. The sun was close to setting in the distance, and the once bustling streets of Fredericksmare were slowly becoming empty. The breeze of autumn was lukewarm compared to the cold of winter, but it was still weather that few ponies enjoyed. In the case of ponies like Rose, it was even more so. She shivered slightly each time the winds hit her body. It was a phenomena that troubled Bladewing with each passing minute until he could take no more.

"Are you okay, Rose?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," replied Rose, "It's just a little wind. I forgot how random Fredericksmare's weather is. It could be calm one moment but breezy the next."

"I've noticed." Bladewing stopped for a moment and took off his jacket. Rose followed suit and, to her surprise, watched him drape it over her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" she asked with concern.

"What else?" Bladewing murmured softly, "I'm making sure my mare stays warm." Rose adored his worry, but she nevertheless thought it was a bit silly.

"I love your attentiveness, Bladewing," she mused humorously, "but I'm not letting you suffer for my sake. You better put this thing back on."

"*chuckle* Not a chance. You're cold, and all that shivering proves it. Besides, I'm hardly suffering. What kind of stallion would I be if I couldn't take a little breeze?"

"Ooh, tough guy," Rose cooed, hugging his foreleg close, "I like it. What else can you brave, Mr. Bladewing?"

"Well, I'd say possessive psycho-stalker, but then I'd be showboating for having one this close to me." Rose just giggled and nuzzled his face. This may very well be the only time she would let him call her a stalker without a fuss. She knew he would never let her live it down but at the moment, she could care less. As Bladewing promised her, she was having the time of her life today... and their date was still far from over.

"Keep teasing, handsome," cooed Rose with a grin, "You'll learn to give your mare the love and dignity she deserves whether you like it or not. But anyway, where should we go now?" Bladewing stood puzzled.

"Hm... good question. I'd say we go see that 'Heaven's Twilight' movie, but we still have about an hour to spare. Perhaps you have any ideas?"

"Let me think... ah, I know. Why don't we try the local range?" Bladewing was confused.

"A range? What's that?"

"It's a place where ponies get to practice their skills in archery. You know, the sport where you fire arrows from a bow." Informative as she sounded, Bladewing remained as confused now as he did a few seconds ago.

"I'm not sure I follow. I never heard of ANY of those things."

"You didn't?" Bladewing shook his head. "Oh. Archery must be completely new to you, then."

"It is. But I'm not one to hesitate in trying new things."

"*giggle* Good to know. I just LOVE shooting arrows from a bow. I feel like I'm one of the legendary Coltec archers when I'm over there firing at a target."

"Hm. I never would've thought you'd enjoy that sort of combat... or any combat at all, for that matter."

"You didn't think I'd loathe such things because of my looks, did you?" Bladewing blushed in embarrassment.

"Well," he spoke, rubbing the back of his head, "Yes. I'm sorry. I should've known better than to assume."

"Aw, that's okay," Rose murmured, nuzzling him, "I'm used to it. But now, then..." Bladewing smiled as Rose took his hoof in her own. "... what do you say we go there? I'd love to see how good you are with a bow."

"Sure," Bladewing murmured back, letting go of her, "Why not? Lead the way." Rose smiled and walked with Bladewing towards the range.

As the term itself implied, the range spanned a huge area. It's official name was "Ye Old Barracks", and it lied next to the amphitheater where Bladewing fought his legendary battle. A counter stood at the front entrance to greet customers, and employees could be seen roaming the hallways as they assisted in both servicing clients and keeping the structure in order.

Bladewing and Rose were attended by a middle-aged earth pony within moments of registering. They followed the stallion to one of the wide grassy areas comprising most of the building's space. Several circular targets stood on the far end, and each was contained in its own lane marked by white lines. Bladewing noticed a few ponies already firing at some of these lanes, and to his convenience, there were two empty ones standing side by side in the middle.

"Here we are, sir, miss," the attendant told the couple, "The firing lanes. I assume you know how to use a bow and arrow?"

"I do," replied Rose.

"Excellent." The earth pony turned his head to Bladewing, "And you, sir?"

"No, not really," answered Bladewing.

"Very well. You may ask the scorekeeper for your lane to assist you. Now, the rules of the arena go as follows: stay within your lane and behind the designated firing line. Do not turn towards somepony while the bow is primed with an arrow. If by chance you let an arrow drop to the ground, just leave it be. The scorekeeper will come by and pick it up for you. Am I understood?" The couple nodded their heads in agreement. "Good. Have fun." The attendant smiled and left the two ponies alone; but as he did, the two identical mares serving as scorekeepers for their lanes moved towards them. They were unicorns with white coats and scarlet manes, and both were ecstatic to see a familiar face at their workplace.

"OMG, Rose," the left one spoke, hugging Rose, "It's so good to see ya. How are ya?"

"I'm doing well, Pearl," Rose answered, "How are things going with you?"

"I'm feeling pretty good myself... but I had better days. The pay is great, but it's so boring when Amber and I are servicing noobs... well, unless one of them's a hottie. But that's a whole other scene entirely, wouldn't ya say?" Rose and the other mares laughed heartily at the idea.

"Indeed it is, Pearl. And speaking of hotties..." Rose smiled and nuzzled Bladewing's face as she wrapped her foreleg around his. "This one here is all mine." Pearl and Amber were stunned to see Bladewing's face up close for the first time.

"No way," Amber gasped, "Bladewing? You got HIM as your coltfriend?" Rose grinned and nodded her head. "GODDESS, I'm jealous! Why didn't you tell us it was him?"

"I wanted to make it a surprise."

"Heh, figures," Pearl joked, "Leave it to you to keep the good stuff secret."

"I have a lot of fun doing it, Pearl," Rose replied with a grin, "Now let's have some introductions." Rose cleared her throat and first presented Pearl with an open hoof. "Bladewing, this is Pearl. She and her sister Amber here are good friends of mine from my middle school days."

"That's right," replied Pearl, shaking his hoof, "It's a real pleasure to meet you, Bladewing. That was one hell of a fight you put up back at the amphitheater. It's the talk of the town."

"You flatter me, miss," Bladewing spoke with a grin, "I'm as equally pleased to meet the two of you. How close are you to Rose, if I may ask?"

"Oh, we're pretty close," Amber mused, "We used to hang out a lot as fillies. We've been friends since second grade."

"*chuckle* Nice. I'm new to archery, but I hope I can learn a thing or two from you guys."

"You sure will, stud," Pearl replied, "We'll get you up to speed in no time. Now let's do some damage. I call dibs on the lucky mare." Rose just grinned and followed Pearl to the lane on the right.

"I guess this means I'm with YOU, Bladewing," Amber giggled, "Let's go."

"Right." Bladewing followed the mare into the arena. They walked until they reached the firing line, stopping just a few feet behind it. To the right of each lane was a stand with a bow leaning against it. A quiver loaded with 20 arrows stood tall behind it, and Bladewing watched as Amber walked over towards these deadly weapons.

"All righty, handsome," she spoke, picking up the bow, "Let's get started. How new are you to archery?"

"New enough to be considered a complete newbie," joked Bladewing, "Or 'noob', if you'd rather use that term."

"*giggle* I see. Using this thing is a bit tricky, but it's not hard. It just takes some getting used to... and a LOT of focus."

"Fair enough. I'll follow your lead."

"Right on. Here's how it's done..." As Amber busied herself in educating Bladewing, Rose spent her time talking with Pearl while readying her first shot.

"You got quite the catch with you, Rose," Pearl spoke.

"I know," chuckled Rose, "It almost feels too good to be true. Bladewing's the kind of stallion I've always dreamed about... and more."

"Is he now?" Rose nodded happily in agreement. "Nice. What is he like? Besides bold and handsome, that is?" Rose looked in awe towards Bladewing, and the gesture evoked a little smile onto Pearl's face.

"He's kind; humorous; attentive; generous... you name a quality in your dream stallion, Bladewing's got it. I feel SO blessed that he's mine."

"*chuckle* Wow. You must really like him if you're this attached to him already."

"You bet. I'd even say he's husband material, but then I'd be getting ahead of myself. I still have to hear that he loves me before I can discuss marriage with him." Pearl was happy for Rose up until this point. She found it strange that Bladewing had few romantic feelings for her.

"What do you mean, Rose? Doesn't he feel the same way you do towards him?" Rose rubbed the back of her head pensively, her arrow still in hoof.

"It's complicated. He was a bit reluctant when he agreed to be my coltfriend. While I don't think he doesn't trust me, he said he wanted to know me better before he can tell me how he feels about me. I guess he wants to be sure that I'm the kind of mare he would desire for himself."

"Ah, I get it. So he doesn't NOT love you... he's just trying to figure out how he really feels about you."

"That's the gist of it. I don't mind it much, though. I told him I'd be by his side whether he tells me or not... and to tell you the truth, I'm actually looking forward to what he will do in the meantime."

"*giggle* I hear that. It sounds like you got this relationship down, Rose. Ya got a good stallion with an equally good head on his shoulders. I'm real happy for ya."

"Thanks." Rose shot a daring grin at her fellow mare. "Now let's show Bladewing how it's done."

"You got it." Pearl turned her attention to Amber. "How's it going back there, sis?"

"We're getting there, Pearl," Amber answered, "He's making good headway." Bladewing tried his best to ready his bow, but to Pearl's dismay, the arrow quickly turned from pointing towards the target to drooping down towards the floor. Rose watched humorously as Pearl's face turned pale with horrid disappointment.

"Aw, hell," she groaned, "Is Bladewing really this bad at archery, Rose?"

"It sure seems that way," Rose joked, "I think he's more of a sword specialist, Pearl."

"*sigh* Great. Here I thought a stallion like him would be a fast learner. I guess that was wishful thinking."

"Take it easy, Pearl," Amber chuckled, "He's new at this, but that doesn't mean he's bad. He's just getting a feel for it. Besides, I personally think he's better at this than he gives himself credit for."

"Ah, is that right?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Okay, then. What do you say we put it to the test?"

"Bring it." Amber shot a determined look at her male companion. "How about it, Bladewing? Let's show the girls just how good an archer you REALLY are."

"It would be my pleasure, Amber," Bladewing told her with a grin, "Let's do it."

"Great." Amber turned her attention to Rose. "How about you, Rose? You're not afraid of losing to your coltfriend, are you?"

"Oh, please," retorted Rose playfully, "What do I have to fear from a rookie? I'd be more than happy to show off my archery skills to him."

"*chuckle* You'll be singing a different tune soon enough." Amber looked boldly towards Pearl. "All righty then, sis. Let's have at it."

"Now we're talking," chuckled Pearl, "Let's get it on. Whoever has the most points after firing all their arrows wins this contest."

"May the best pony win." Having said that, Amber focused her attention back to Bladewing; likewise, Pearl did the same with Rose. With nothing else to be said, Bladewing and Rose engaged in their very first archery competition together.

The rules on how points were earned were simple. Each target had a small red circle in the middle surrounded by four colored bands. How many points were awarded for each shot depended on where the arrow hit the target, from ten points for hitting the red circle to two points for hitting the outermost band. Despite having literally no experience in archery, Bladewing managed to land most of his arrows near the center of the target. Handling the bow felt very awkward to him, but he somehow found a way to steady his aim; Rose, on the other hoof, had a great deal of experience with the bow and arrow, and so despite being handicapped in the fact that she couldn't use her magic to help her, she was able to steady each of her shots with ease. Bladewing knew she outclassed him in this bout, but he was still determined to put up as great of a fight as he could. If he were to lose, then he would lose trying his very best.

For the next fifteen minutes, all that could be heard aside from the chatter of the employees was the FWOOS! sound of arrows being fired into the otherwise calm air. Rose and Bladewing each had twenty arrows at their disposal, but of the two, Bladewing took a longer time to load and fire. By the time Rose had expended all of her shots, he was down to his last five arrows. His slow pace wasn't unexpected given his cautious nature, but it was more so because of his patience. Being an amateur at archery, taking his time with his shots served Bladewing better than any other tactic he could've tried. Needless to say, when he fired off his last arrow, he felt content with his performance. It would not be until a few minutes later - when Pearl and Amber busied themselves with calculating the final scores - that he would find out just how well he really did.

"How are you holding up, Bladewing?" Rose asked.

"I think I did well," Bladewing told her, "It felt weird handling the bow, though. How did you get used to that thing?"

"It takes time. Then again, I always found it easier with magic."

"Well, I appreciate that you didn't use it here. It makes the contest all the more fair for me."

"No problem. I wouldn't feel right in winning with an unfair advantage." Bladewing just smiled and turned his attention to the sisters. It took them a few moments, but they successfully calculated the scores. They returned with the results in their magic.

"All right, guys," Rose told them, "What's the score?"

"I got your total at 188, Rose," Pearl spoke, "How about you, Amber?"

"It's official," Amber replied with a defeated sigh, "Rose won. Bladewing scored 152. Still, it's pretty good for a rookie."

"Oh, for sure. That's semi-pro level. He's just eight points short of top tier." Pearl turned her face towards Bladewing, and she then offered her hoof. Bladewing accepted and shook it with a smile. "I guess you're not so bad at archery after all, Bladewing. Nice work. For real."

"Thanks," Bladewing replied, "I enjoyed this experience. Maybe next time I'll be able to match Rose's skill, if not surpass it."

"*giggle* I'm sure you will. Come back anytime. Be sure to ask for my sister and me if you want the best out of this place."

"Will do." Bladewing turned his attention to his mare. "Let's go, Rose. There's some seats in that theater with our names on them."

"Right." Rose hugged both of the sisters closely. "It was nice seeing you again, girls."

"Same here, Rose," Amber spoke, "Enjoy your night."

"I will." Having said her farewell, Rose joined Bladewing in walking out of the building. She clung happily to Bladewing's foreleg once again, a sight to which Pearl and Amber awed with bliss.

"They make a cute couple, don't they, Pearl?" Amber asked. Pearl smiled and chuckled softly.

"Yeah," she murmured, "They sure do." With nothing further to be said, the two mares returned to their respective lanes.

It would be another hour or so before Bladewing and Rose reached the amphitheater, but got there they did. After paying for their tickets at a booth (and popcorn and soda at a stand), they entered one of the stages playing the "Heaven's Twilight" movie. To Rose's greatest delight, not only was the movie 3D, but their seats were also very close to the front. She grinned with pleasure as she and Bladewing finally sat down. By this time, only five minutes remained before the movie would begin.

"Here, Bladewing," she whispered, offering 3D glasses, "Put these on." The baffled stallion took them from her as she put on her own pair.

"What are these things for?" he whispered curiously.

"Watching the screen, of course."

"I can see it just fine. Why would I need glasses?"

"*giggle* You'll see." Bladewing wanted to ask her for clarification, but the screen suddenly sprang to life. The video that played was only an ad promoting the theater's services and products, but he had a feeling that the movie itself would play soon enough. That precaution was reason enough for him to just hush and do as Rose asked him. And so - amidst great confusion - he put on the red-and-blue glasses. He awaited the start of the movie unaware of the surprises that lied in wait for him.


The movie was now over, and Bladewing and Rose found themselves back on the streets of Fredericksmare. Rose was thrilled to have seen "Heaven's Twilight" in theaters, but Bladewing was even more so. From Faust's foal and teenage years to the deadly war on her home planet to her ascension to her current status as an immortal goddess, Bladewing enjoyed every second of what the movie revealed about the fabled alicorn mare's life. He was uncertain whether the movie stayed true to the original tale told by the ancient Coltecs, but he was sure that the director of the movie did his or her very best to make it so. By the time it was over, Bladewing was awash with emotions.

"Whew, what a movie," he spoke excitedly, "I loved it to death."

"That makes two of us," replied Rose with a grin, "Do you see why I asked you to put on those glasses?"

"I do. They made the action feel so real. Especially that one scene where a hailstorm of arrows came down upon the battlefield. I could've sworn they were coming straight for us."

"*giggle* I know. It makes you wonder if you're living the movie, doesn't it?"

"It does. I never felt so thrilled in all my life. We should do this again sometime."

"You bet." Rose covered her mouth with a hoof as she stifled a yawn, much to his amusement.

"Tired already?" he mused humorously, "What happened to all that energy you had with you?"

"Gone to the heavens with Faust, it seems," the mare answered, stretching her forelegs, "*grunt* Then again, it's pretty late. I'm usually asleep by this hour."

"Ah, I get it. Do you want to go home, then? Or would you rather keep going with our date?"

"To be honest... I think the former would be best. I really wish we could do more, but I have plans for the early morning tomorrow."

"Very well." Rose watched with a smile as Bladewing offered his foreleg to her. "May I escort you home, dear lady?"

"You certainly may, sir knight." Bladewing smiled as his mare followed up her answer with a wink. With that said, Rose took his hoof and began walking with him to her home.

Within the hour - when he and Rose were closing in on their destination - Bladewing's curiosity returned to him. While he was certainly grateful for the personal information Rose shared with him, he still felt that there was something he left unresolved.

"Do you live with your parents, Rose?" The mare turned her head towards him.

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason. I'm just curious. You sort of implied it when you spoke of your father."

"I see. Yes, I live with them. Have been all my life."

"All right. Do they know that you'll be out this late?"

"My mother does. I haven't yet told her about us, though. I want to make it a surprise for her and Dad."

"Would she approve of me?"

"*giggle* Of course. She trusts my judgement completely. She'd be very interested in meeting you once she finds out."

"And your dad? You did say he hates it when you bring up the subject of relationships. I have doubts that he'll like seeing me with you."

"Don't you worry, Bladewing. My father may be protective, but he's not stubborn. He'll come around once I convince him to give you a chance."

"You think so?" Rose smiled and nuzzled Bladewing reassuringly.

"Positive. Just let me do all the talking when the time comes. Okay?" Bladewing chuckled and nuzzled her back.

"All right. We'll do it your way." Delighted and otherwise satisfied with his answer, Rose turned her sights back to the front... and not a moment too soon. The pair stopped by a green-grayish house two stories tall. It was slightly smaller than that of the Hearts, but it looked comfortable enough for any family to live here. Bladewing stopped with Rose at the staircase leading up to the structure's front door, and he watched as she then returned her attention to him.

"I guess we should part ways now, Bladewing," the mare spoke, hugging him, "Thanks so much for the date. I had a wonderful time today."

"I was just keeping my end of the bet, my dear," Bladewing joked, letting go, "I assure you that I won't lose the next one so easily."

"*giggle* We shall see. I look forward to our next outing."

"You know where to find me." Rose was amused to see her stallion capitalize on his sassy remark with a wink. She in turn blew a kiss to him seductively, effectively signaling to him that she liked his smooth talk. With nothing else left for them to do, she left his side to enter the comfort of her home. Bladewing likewise decided that he should return home as well. As he saw it, their date was now officially over. But before he took off to the skies, a very humorous thought came to him.

"*chuckle* I wonder if she'll realize that she just tacitly admitted that she's a stalker." Unbeknownst to Bladewing, Rose stood petrified before her bed, her left eye twitching from the shock of a discovery she made just a second ago.

"D-Did... did he just... OOH, that sly pegasus! He is SO regretting that the next time we meet!"

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All was dark - and mostly quiet - in the asphalt streets of Fredericksmare. Bladewing had no problem navigating the city from the air, but he felt a bit guilty that it gave him an advantage over the few ponies stuck with the ground. What would only take five or so minutes for him to get home from Rose's house would take other ponies upwards of an hour walking on hoof (even with the lamp posts illuminating the streets). Then again, he also knew that being a pegasi meant he can never wield unicorn magic nor carry/pull immensely heavy loads like an earth pony stallion. After about a minute debating in his head, he deduced that these restrictions balanced out his abilities as a pegasus. The only true advantage he had other other ponies was being able to interact with objects using a supernatural force... and given how easily it can be influenced by his emotions, it was one that he intended to use cautiously.

Bladewing's stamina was nearly spent by the time he returned home. The little he had left was just enough to get him to his bed. The moment he was under the covers, he felt his body shut down to "recharge" itself. It was probably the only feeling he would ever get used to in this life.

* * * THE NEXT DAY * * *

The morning presented itself as comfortable to Bladewing. It should, given he was not being chased by fan girls or reporters, but the ultimate reason why was because he was expecting news from Mountain Wind. Bladewing remembered that a royal courier was going to visit him today to deliver a full schedule of the rehearsal hours for his knighting ceremony. He was eager to rehearse it as much as he could before the big day comes, but he didn't have much trouble waiting for the courier to come. The "torture" of waiting was about as significant to him as the past he no longer remembers.

Before long, the wait was over. He heard a hoof knocking on the front door, and Bladewing's ears perked up almost immediately. He walked to the door ready to greet the courier... and he was happy to find it was the same one that visited him before.

"Good morning, Mr. Bladewing," the mare spoke happily, "How are you?"

"Never felt better, miss," replied Bladewing with a smile, "I don't suppose you have something for me?"

"*giggle* You bet." The courier took out a scroll from the saddlebag she carried on her side. "Here's your schedule, along with the king's regards." Bladewing smiled and took the parchment from her.

"Thanks. Tell him I said hello, will you?"

"You got it. Enjoy your day, sir."

"You too." The courier mare flew into the skies to return to the palace. Bladewing likewise closed the door, and he walked over to the living room couch for a better look at the schedule. He covered his mouth with a hoof as he scrutinized the contents in his head.

"I see. It looks like I'll have rehearsals Monday through Friday for the next two weeks. The officially ceremony will take place the following Monday. The weekends are completely free, however. What should I do in that spare time?" Bladewing rubbed his forehead gently as ideas flowed freely into his head. He reviewed each of his options carefully, weighing the pros and cons of each one. After a short while, he found the right one for him.

"Hm... I think I should learn all I can about Cydonia during those days. For all the time I spent trying to settle in this country, I know very little about it. Researching it a bit should help me adjust to my new role as a Council knight." While the plan certainly relieved Bladewing of the dilemma with the weekends, there was still one more problem he had to deal with.

"*sigh* Speaking of which... I wonder how Sky is doing." The memory of the disappointed look Skywalker had yesterday troubled Bladewing. He surmised that she looked so sad because of the business she spoke of that day, but it was a tough sell for him. Sky mentioned nothing about what that business was, and Bladewing had few clues as to what it could be. With all this on his mind, he found it hard to leave her be as Rose asked him to.

"Something had clearly upset her during that moment. This 'business' she spoke of may very well be a facade. But how can I be sure it is? She wouldn't say a word about it back then, and I have serious doubts that now will be any different. Unless... she's already let go of her frustration." For the next moment or so, Bladewing debated whether or not he should really talk to Skywalker about her 'business'. There was little about the idea that made it seem unwise, but he was still hesitant to act on it. Unfortunately for him, his little brainstorming session seemed to be getting him nowhere.

"*grunt* Forget it. This bloody problem is giving me a headache. I'll just take Sky's word for what it's worth." Bladewing knew that leaving Sky alone with whatever troubles she was facing would likely prolong them; however, since his earlier pondering had failed him, he had no other options at his disposal. He decided that it would be best to refrain from interfering in her affairs unless it's out of convenience. At least this way, he wouldn't feel the need to justify his actions.

Now that he made up his mind, Bladewing decided to go outside for another go at exploring the city. Since the knighting rehearsals won't commence until tomorrow, he believed that today was the best time for him to start learning more about his new homeland. The mere thought of it excited him, for nothing tickled his fancy like venturing deeper into a world where the landscape is alien. Before he stepped forth outside, however, he wanted to be sure that Diamond and Topaz knew where he was going. He didn't want them to worry. He grabbed a pen and a set of sticky notes atop the refrigerator and wrote a message for the couple, and he stuck it onto the table. With this loose end taken care of, Bladewing was now ready to embark. He left the house proudly, intent on starting another round of spelunking in Cydonia's capitol city.

The streets of Fredericksmare were as lively as when Bladewing first came here; but this time around, he was in a different part of the city. Beyond the plaza and the city's commerce district lied a more suburban part of Fredericksmare. Houses were few and far in this area, but the agrarian background they presided in more than made up for their scarcity. Farmland lied in abundance, some of which were complemented by flowers, bushes, and many a tree; the ranches and barns that overlooked these lands were quite large, and Bladewing could see a few of their workers tending to the produce and livestock; and the mountains that could be seen on the far east made for a good distraction for all who dwell here. All in all, Bladewing thought this place was a relaxing sight. He couldn't think of a better way to begin his adventure than with a view like this one.

For a while now, Bladewing was only seeing the rural part of the city from the skies. It's not uncommon that somepony with wings would prefer to view a landscape in the air, but after seeing how relaxing this placed looked, Bladewing thought he would appreciate it more if he walked through it. With this in mind, he slowly descended from the air onto the dirt roads of Fredericksmare's rural district.

"Mm, this feels nice," Bladewing thought of the wind, "It seems like autumn all around me. And yet... this breeze is just right." Bladewing would normally find it strange that he would feel lukewarm wind in autumn (or that he would even notice such things); but today was an exception. He never felt more relaxed in his entire life here in Fredericksmare, and as such, he was more accepting of details that he would otherwise dismiss as odd. It was no surprise then that few things, if any at all, appeared out of the ordinary to him now.

After about an hour of walking, Bladewing encountered an oddly shaped building to his left. He spotted it while he was still in the air - it was so large it was hard NOT to - and from what he saw of it, it looked nothing like the farms and ranches that he encountered earlier. A few smaller buildings were beside it, and there were a few enclosed areas where ponies were doing casual activities (like watching TV, conversing with one another, eating out, etc.) He was curious why something so urban would be built in a place so agrarian, and so he proceeded inside to find out. For the moment, nothing else mattered to him.

In spite of its appearance, the structure was a far-cry from the Fortune Tune mall Bladewing visited with Rose. It had its share of shops the same as any other commercial building, but most of the merchandise that was sold here was attuned to adventurers. Weapons, medical kits, maps, and lots of other gear were sold here, a sight that Bladewing would normally associate with a military installation; but seeing how there was little here that explicitly labeled this structure as such a thing, he quickly dismissed the idea as mere speculation. Whatever the reason for its creation, Bladewing was certain that it had to be pretty dangerous.

Many of the ponies greeted Bladewing warmly as he wandered the building's floors in search of knowledge. Being the courteous kind of stallion, Bladewing returned their greetings with a smile or a tipping of his head. He was flattered that even here his reputation preceded him. The weapons technology that was available to adventurers here surprised him (as well as the variety of produce sold by the local farmers at the building's bottom floor). However, the one thing that truly got his attention about the structure was the abundance of books. The ones detailing Cydonia's history, culture, and geology were especially intriguing to him, for he felt that they will prove vital in helping him get better acquainted with the country. He paid for these and a few other articles at one of the bookstores on the top floor, and he continued onward with his spelunking.

In about two hours, however, Bladewing soon found himself at a crossroad. The building was huge, but it only had four floors in total, and this was including a lower floor to which only the building's staff were allowed access. Bladewing had already explored the rest of the building by this point in time, but he didn't let it bring down his spirits. The books were each a whole other adventure as far as he was concerned, and he looked forward to retrieving the wealth of information stored in their pages. The question now was whether he should stop here and start reading or continue with his little expedition.

"Hm... there's still so much to see here. Outside of the building, that is. I think I'll read these things another time." Bladewing felt certain of what he should do next. Unfortunately for him, his stomach had its own agenda. It growled with a vice, as if it were angry at Bladewing for having forgone a decent breakfast this morning... and the hunger Bladewing felt afterwards was its way of punishing him for it.

"*sigh* Great," he murmured, "Leave it to my stomach to interrupt my venture." Bladewing looked around for a place where he could sate his hunger. In a short moment, he spotted a little convenience store to his right. He wasn't keen on waiting a little longer for a better place, so he proceeded to getting something from there... and after about a minute or so of browsing, Bladewing determined exactly what he would need. He continued on his path as soon as he paid for his items.

As much as he wanted a smooth journey, Bladewing would encounter more than just the beauty of Fredericksmare's rural side on his path. About an hour after he left the building, the pegasus encountered a hooded figure while on his way to the building's exit. His eyes and mane were concealed behind his gray hood, but Bladewing couldn't find much other reason to distrust him. His mysterious appearance made for a very superficial reason at best, and so Bladewing didn't feel uncomfortable in the slightest when this strange pony approached him. If anything, he felt curious over this stranger's identity (and more importantly, his intentions).

"Hey, mac," the stallion murmured, "You got a minute?"

"Um... sure. What do you want?"

"Word on the street is that you beat the Viper Twins back at the amphitheater. Is that right?"

"'Viper Twins'? Is that what those two called themselves?" Bladewing let this thought float in his mind as he moved on with the conversation.

"Yes, that's right," he spoke, "What about it?"

"Well, it just so happens that I got somethin' here that might interest a guy with your prowess. Wanna see?"

"Ehm... maybe. Just what are you, exactly?" The hooded stallion just grinned mischievously.

"Don't worry about what I am, mac. Just answer my question. Ya wanna see or no?" After seeing that wicked expression on his face - and his dodging his question - Bladewing was inclined to answer no. However, he didn't see any harm in simply looking at whatever this stranger was offering. After another moment of thought, he decided that he would at least find out what it is.

"*sigh* All right. What is it that you want to show me?"

"This." Bladewing watched with surprise as the stallion revealed what was hidden behind his cloak. Sitting snugly within holsters sewed into it were vials of a glowing red liquid.

"What are they?" Bladewing asked curiously.

"Love potions," the stranger replied, retracting the cloak. Bladewing looked at him with disbelief.

"You're kidding, right? I doubt such things even exist."

"Oh, but they do, mac... and these little beauties are the real deal." Bladewing was unconvinced.

"Very well. Let's say hypothetically that they ARE love potions. Why would I want to buy one?"

"*chuckle* To have a little fun, of course. Gals can't resist this stuff. Just put it in their drinks and they'll-" Before another word could be uttered, a soft PANG! sounded a little distance behind Bladewing, followed by a loud whizzing sound next to Bladewing's ear. The next thing he knew, the stranger was pricked by a tranquilizer dart to the neck. Bladewing watched with horrid surprise as the stallion grunted in pain and fell lifelessly to the ground. He caressed his ear gently, as the thought of that dart narrowly missing his head sent waves of chills down his spine. He pondered incessantly over why he couldn't sense the coming danger.

Bladewing turned around to see where the dart could've come from... and in only a few seconds, he found the culprit. An armored unicorn mare armed with a rifle was standing atop a balcony on the floor above him. He wondered what she was trying to accomplish in shooting the stranger, but he didn't have much time to think about it. While the stranger wasn't dead, the ponies around Bladewing thought differently. They thought he was assassinated, and they started to fear for their own safety. It was very fortunate for Bladewing that another pony was there to stop them from going into a mad frenzy.

"Nopony panic," spoke a stallion out loud, "It's RBI business. Move on with your day." Bladewing focused his attention to the stallion speaking to the crowd. Like himself, he was a pegasus, but his mane was hazel and his coat a shade of khaki. Bladewing watched curiously as the stallion approached him with a cool demeanor, just as the crowd carried on with whatever tasks they were doing earlier.

"You were quite the distraction, Bladewing," he spoke, "Thanks for keeping him busy." Bladewing was baffled.

"Distraction?" he spoke, "What's going on here?"

"I'll explain in a bit. Just know that you played a big role in capturing this slimy bastard." Bladewing nodded in agreement, and the pegasus in turn whistled to a pair of police ponies far behind him. Upon hearing his call, the stallions galloped as fast as they could to his side, stopping a just a foot in front of him and Bladewing.

"Is it really him?" one of the officers asked. Bladewing watched with wonder as the pegasus who talked to him earlier compared a photo he pulled out of his jacket to the victim's face.

"It's him, all right," he spoke, "Photo I.D. confirms it."

"Looks like your plan worked, Sir- eh, I mean, Mr. Ridge," spoke the other officer.

"Aye. Lock him up, gents. Mission is accomplished."

"Yes, sir," replied the officers in unison. "Mr. Ridge" grinned in victory as the stallions hauled away their new prisoner, and he then pulled out a communicator from his jacket.

"Subjugation confirmed, Sandra," he spoke into it, talking to the mare on the balcony, "Good work. Let HQ know 'The Love Doctor' just got his license revoked."

"*static* Got it, returning to base," spoke the mare through the device. As soon as Bladewing heard her voice, the mare he saw at the upper level put away her gun and proceeded to return to headquarters. Throughout that whole scene, Bladewing didn't move a muscle. He was too surprised to even let out a murmur.

"No way. That officer was about to call him 'Sir'. Could this guy be who I think he is?" After having these thoughts, Bladewing wanted answers from this stallion more than ever. He cleared his throat as soon as his fellow pegasus turned around to face him.

"Now, then," he spoke, "Where were we?"

"You said you were going to explain what was going on here," answered Bladewing.

"Right. What do you say we start over?"

"It's fine with me."

"Good." The stallion offered his hoof to Bladewing, and Bladewing in turn accepted it. "The name's Ridge, Mr. Bladewing. Burning Ridge."

"Oh, YOU'RE the retired Council knight Mountain Wind told me about," replied Bladewing.

"*chuckle* Aye. I served under him for more than a decade. It's a good job, but my responsibilities lay elsewhere right now."

"Ah, yes. He told me you had newborns recently."

"Yeah. I retired from the Council so I can be a full-time dad. This job I just finished with RBI was a loose end from my days as a knight."


"Royal Bureau of Investigation. They handle high-profile cases involving twisted S.O.B.s like the one you were talking to earlier."

"I see. I hate to be brash, but why don't we take this outside? It feels kind of awkward to be in here now."

"Sure. Let’s go." Bladewing grinned with earnest as he and Burning Ridge exited the building.

The two stallions were going down a chiseled stone path as soon as they left the building. Although the smaller buildings surrounding the structure were all pretty nice to Bladewing, his mind was almost completely focused on getting the explanation Burning Ridge owed him.

“That’s better,” Bladewing mused, sighing in relief, “So what was going on back there?”

“It’s a long story,” replied Burning Ridge, “But the gist of it is that I was helping RBI crack down on one of the ponies on Cydonia’s ‘Most Wanted’ list... and you, my friend, made the job a hell of a lot easier.”

“I see. Who was that guy?”

“He’s a pegasus named Funnel Ashes. He’s notorious for smuggling contraband goods in and out of the country. Especially love potions.”

“Ah, so THAT’s why you called him ‘The Love Doctor’.”

“Yeah. The filth is famous among the country's rapists. His business is the reason a good bunch of them are serving life sentences in the slammer.”

“What led you to conclude he would be here?”

“We got tipped off by one of his old prison buddies. The poor devil wanted revenge on Funnel Ashes for not getting him out of prison as he promised him... or so he told me back when I was on the Council. He said this installation is one of his favorite places to sell, so we set a trap for him here and kept an eye out for his next visit. I tell you, Bladewing, your timing was perfect. Not only did you find him for me, but you kept him so focused on your conversation that he didn’t notice my girl Sandra setting up for her shot.”

“*chuckle* Nice. I didn’t anticipate being a part of your little mission, but I’m glad I could help.”

“Right on." Burning Ridge returned his attention to the path ahead of him. It wouldn't be long before he and Bladewing were outside the outer walls of the estate... and once they did, he determined that now would be a good time to finally relax.

"Well, I'll be," spoke Ridge with satisfaction, "There's a bench right by that boulder. What do you say we stop there for a bit?"

"Sure," Bladewing replied, "Why not?" Bladewing followed Burning Ridge to the bench he pointed out. The two stallions sat on it with aching legs (and minds), and each pulled out food from the saddlebags they had with them. Bladewing only had potato chips and bottled water with him, but it was all he needed; Burning Ridge, on the other hoof, had a box stuffed with a sandwich and a small salad (along with a bottle of wine). He offered Bladewing half of his sandwich to complement his meal, a deal to which Bladewing accepted without much of a second thought. Without any further ado aside from eating, they continued with their conversation.

"So tell me," asked Ridge, opening his wine bottle, "What's your story?" Bladewing looked at him curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"*chuckle* Come on. Don't tell me you just popped into this world out of the blue. I'd expect you of all ponies to have gone through an adventure or two." Bladewing didn't understand Burning Ridge at first, but after hearing the latter part of his words, he got the picture within seconds.

"I see. Is it a backstory you're asking for?"

"Aye. So what's yours?" Bladewing rubbed his head with frustration.

"There isn't much to tell. I can't remember my past."

"Ah, right. You said that back at the amphitheater." Burning Ridge took a sip of his wine before continuing. "How about when you arrived in the country? You remember that, don't you?"

"Sort of. It might sound a bit crazy. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

"I once heard a mare claim she saw a hippogriff. Trust me, my friend, I know crazy when I hear it."

"*sigh* Very well. I'll tell you everything..."


"Heh. It's some story you got there, mate." After hearing what little Bladewing had to share, Burning Ridge found himself feeling entertained. By contrast, Bladewing was just glad that he didn't think it was weird in the slightest.

"I'll say," Bladewing agreed, "I feel like I had more excitement in this one week than a normal pony would in a month."

"Aye. The whole lot sounds like something straight out of an action hero comic book... and I've read MANY as a colt." Burning Ridge put his wine bottle on the bench to his side.

"I hope you got a plan for the future," he continued, biting his sandwich, "The job is great, but you can't treat it like it's everything you'll ever do or experience in this life."

"I'm not sure I have one," replied Bladewing, "This is all still very new to me."

"Well, you do have a good head start. You got a home, a new family, and even a marefriend at your side. I don't think you'll have much trouble finding out what to do next."

"Maybe... but to be honest, I think I'll wait until AFTER I am knighted to do any planning. It'll feel more comfortable knowing that I've a stable foundation in this country."

"Your call." Burning Ridge ended their conversation on that comment. But just as he carried on with his lunch, Bladewing noticed a familiar mare looking towards the east mountains. After taking a more careful look, he realized that it was Skywalker. She didn't seem depressed like she did before, but Bladewing couldn't tell for sure. He was so far away from her that he couldn't sense anything beyond her mere presence. Nevertheless, seeing her again meant that once more, Bladewing had the opportunity to deal with the problem he cast aside back home.

"Should I try it?" he asked himself mentally, "She seems much calmer than when she left me and Rose... and unless she's waiting for somepony, she appears to be alone. Now would be the perfect time to talk to her about what's really going on." Bladewing pondered for a moment over the best course of action for this situation. In the end, he decided to go with his instincts and talk to her. It may very well be that Sky will turn him down again, but he had serious doubts that he would get a better chance to get her to talk about her troubles than now. With this in mind, he felt it was best to take it while it was still there.

"Can you excuse me for a moment, Burning Ridge?" Bladewing asked him, "I got some business to take care of."

"Of course, mate," replied Ridge with a grin, "Go right ahead."

"Thanks." Bladewing left the bench and walked towards Sky, intent on relieving Sky of her stress (and himself of his concern).

Upon approaching Skywalker, Bladewing realized that he was correct about one thing: she was much calmer now. He couldn't sense ANY emotion from her, let alone depressed. Even so, he kept his guard up. At any moment, her mood can change for the worse.

"Hello there, Sky," he spoke with a smile. The sound of his voice surprised Skywalker for a short moment, and she turned her head towards him. She was happy to see him at first, but then she remembered that day at the Fortune Tune mall. Only a second afterwards, her spirit was completely stripped of happiness.

"Hey." Bladewing wasn't sure from the monotone sound of her voice if she was bored or if she was still depressed from their last encounter. He prayed for the sake of his success that the former was true.

"Would you mind a bit of company?" Skywalker just shook her head, her mane temporarily covering her eyes. She wondered what Bladewing was doing in a place like this, but she was hesitant to ask him.

"Shouldn't he be hanging with that bimbo marefriend of his?" Sky normally wouldn't hold grudges against fellow mares, but Rose was an exception. She felt Bladewing was hers for the taking, and in that sense, Rose stole him from her. If not for the conscience that yet lingered in her mind, bitterness would've consumed her to the point that she would've lashed out at Rose then and there (and maybe even start a catfight with her). It was all the more fortunate - for both her sake and his - that she kept her anger on a short leash.

"It's pretty nice out here." Skywalker moved away the locks of her mane covering her eyes with her magic just as he said that.

"I guess," she replied. Bladewing had hoped she would say more, but it was clear that she lacked the enthusiasm for it. But he didn't let her lackadaisical attitude deter him, not for a single second.

"What brings you out to a place like this?"

"I don't know. Boredom?"

"*chuckle* Bored? You? No way. You don't strike me as the type that gets bored easily."

"You'd be surprised... not that you'd notice."


"Nothing." Bladewing was certain that he heard her frustrated remark, but like with her disinterested tone of voice, he cast it aside. He was determined more than ever to get to the bottom of what was causing her change in attitude.

"I've been meaning to talk to you. Ever since you left me and Rose yesterday."

"I told you before, Bladewing. I'm fine. I just had some business to deal with that day."

"That's a bit hard for me to accept, Sky. You seemed very disappointed when you left, even though you were cheerful just minutes before."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you were dealing with something more serious than you're willing to admit. Now I'm not sure what this 'business' is, but I intend to find out." After hearing the determined tone in his voice, Sky took on a more defensive one herself. She looked at him with an irritated look on her face.

"Why do you care? This is a personal issue. It does NOT concern you."

"It does if it's taking a toll on you."

"And so what if it is? Why should you care about how I feel about my personal issues?"

"Because you're my friend." The serious tone in Bladewing's voice surprised Skywalker. Unfortunately for the stallion, it also made her heart sink even lower. If seeing him being intimate with another mare wasn't bad enough for her, being friend-zoned by him certainly was. Now she felt he'll NEVER want her. All she could do to keep from crying was feign an outraged expression and look away from his face. Bladewing sensed the melancholy that suddenly emanated from her without a hassle, but it was fortunate for Sky that he confused it as a product of her unwillingness to cooperate with him.

"*sigh* Look. I'm not comfortable seeing other ponies suffer. I'm the type of stallion who would rather help them instead of just stand there pitying them. We've only known each other for a few days, but I consider you my friend... and friends do NOT let each other carry on with their lives in strife."

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Save it. We're going to be colleagues soon, are we not?" Sky normally hated being told to hush, but given the situation, she couldn't muster the will to fire back at him. She just followed it up with a sigh.

"Yeah," she muttered, "We are."

"So there you have it. Now I don't know how the Council knights deal with each other's personal issues but in this moment, I could care less. A team can never stay strong if one of its members is going through hardship all alone. If we're going to serve king and country together, then you MUSTN'T hesitate to share your struggles with me. So accept it." Sky was unwavering at first. After seeing him being intimate with Rose, she was more inclined to turn him down out of spiteful jealousy. But then she realized that his relationship with Rose had nothing to do with his actions. His only concern at this moment was her happiness. After coming to this realization, Sky felt some life return to her spirit. She felt most of her bitterness lift from her as well, but Bladewing's plea wasn't enough for her to tell him EXACTLY what was wrong. She knew that telling him her feelings for him would complicate his relationship with Rose, and although she wanted Bladewing more than any other stallion she met, she didn't want him to go through any more trouble on her behalf. For his sake - and to save herself further heartache - she decided to tell him indirectly what was wrong.

"You really want to know?" she asked calmly.

"Yes," answered Bladewing, "All I want is to relieve you of your troubles, Sky... but I can only do that if you let me."

"*sigh* All right. You win." Sky took a deep breath, exhaling through the mouth to cleanse her body of the little melancholy she had left. "The reason I left is because I remembered that I had to drop by a friend's place." Bladewing acknowledged her with a nod.

"I see. What was it about?"

"She wanted to talk to me about some trouble in her love life." Bladewing had little idea that this 'friend' Sky spoke of was actually her, but he didn't sense any deception from her. It was probably because she was so relaxed in saying that, but he wouldn't know. Her mind was about as alien to him as his surroundings.

"If I may ask... what was the problem?"

"Well, she has a really big crush on this stallion that showed up at her job. She wanted to tell him how she felt about him and ask him if he would be her special somepony, but she recently discovered that he already has a marefriend."

"Oh, dear. I don't suppose she took it to heart?"

"That's putting it mildly. The poor girl was sobbing when she broke the news to me. I promised her that I'd pay her a visit the day we were at the mall." While he had great pity for Sky's "friend", Bladewing was unsure if Sky was exaggerating her sorrow a bit.

"I do feel sorry that she lost a chance at love... but is that really worth crying over? I'm all for happy endings to every romance, but surely she understands that there are other stallions out there worthy of being her coltfriend." It was in this moment that Bladewing suddenly sensed a hint of sadness again from Sky. It's as if his words stung her.

"She's been through a lot, Bladewing. More than any other girl I know. She decided since the day she saw him that he would be her last chance at romance. If she failed, then she would be single for the rest of her life."

"*hiss* Ouch. She had that bad of a love life?"

"Yeah. I'd tell ya more, but she made me promise that I'd never tell anypony about the deeper stuff she went through. What I can tell ya is that I had to leave you and Rose behind so I could cheer her up. It's because of THAT that I was so disappointed. I was hoping me and you could hang out that day."

"Very well. I applaud you for your choice, Sky. I enjoy hanging out with friends as much as anypony else, but I'd forgo that idea in a heartbeat if one of them is in need of my help."

"Maybe YOU would, but... I have a life too, Bladewing. I wanna have fun as much as anypony else in this country. I think it's unfair that in cheering up somepony close to me, I miss out on a great opportunity."

"It's not like it's the only one you had left, Sky. There will be plenty of time for us to hang out once I'm on the Council. And who knows, maybe your friend will get another chance at love." Sky looked away from Bladewing for a short moment.

"I don't think she will, Bladewing. She usually follows through on any vow she makes. From what I know of her love life, she might forget about romance period."

"But you don't know that. Maybe your friend got the wrong idea about the girl she thinks is her crush's marefriend. If that's the case, then she might still have a chance to be with him. She just has to make friends with him first. You know, like how you and I are friends."

"You think so?"

"You bet. I think you're an interesting mare to hang out with... and as far as I'm concerned, the only thing your friend SHOULD worry about is whether or not she's as willing to befriend her crush as I am of you." After hearing him compliment her, Sky couldn't help but smile. Sure, he wasn't flirting with her, but she still liked that he found her interesting. Bladewing adjusted his saddlebags to a more comfortable position shortly afterwards, and he offered his hoof to her. Instead of accepting it, however, Sky shot Bladewing a curious look.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I know you told me not to worry about it," replied Bladewing, "But I really do feel that we got off to a rocky start. I think those first impressions could've been better. So, let's start over." It didn't take long for Sky to realize his intent... and once she did, she couldn't help but feel amused.

"Ah, I get it," she told him, "You wanna start a friendship with me here and now."

"Yes. I consider you a friend already, but it won't be official unless we shake hooves on it. Are you up for it?" Sky thought about it for a short moment. While she would literally be confirming her friend-zoned status in shaking Bladewing's hoof, she did appreciate that Bladewing cared enough about her to stop by and cheer her up. With that said, the choice was clear for her. Whether as a coltfriend or just a friend, she wanted this stallion in her life no matter what.

"All right, Bladewing. You got a deal." The mare smiled and shook Bladewing's hoof with vigor, much to the stallion's satisfaction.

"Good. So no more regrets. Don't hesitate to help a friend in dire need... and if you ever want to hang out or just need a bit of support, just ask me. I'd be more than happy to give you my time."

"I'll be sure to remember that," mused Sky, "Got any other concerns, stud?" Bladewing couldn't resist smiling after hearing the playful tone in Sky Walker's voice again. This was a definite sign that he successfully returned Sky to her lively, cheerful self.

"Nope," chuckled Bladewing, "That was it. I think my job here is done." Bladewing was about to turn around and return to the bench besides Burning Ridge, but before he could even turn his head, Skywalker giggled softly and quickly kissed Bladewing's cheek. The sudden warmth of her lips touching his otherwise cool cheek shocked Bladewing, and he looked to Sky with a blush on his face.

"You're sweet, Bladewing," she told him softly, "No stallion EVER cheered me up the way you did. Not even my dad. I'm happy that you came by when you did... and I'm even happier knowing that we're gonna be serving Mountain Wind side by side very soon."

"As am I, Sky. I look forward to knowing everypony on the Council better but of them all, I think I'll enjoy learning more about you the most. I have a good feeling that we'll become very close in our friendship."

"*giggle* Same here. I'm gonna do everything I can to make it happen." Skywalker held out her foreleg to him, but Bladewing just looked at her curiously.

"What's this for?" he asked, speaking of the gesture.

"Aw, come on, stud," she cooed playfully, "Are you saying I can't get a hug from you? I know you got a marefriend, but every girl deserves some love. Especially if it's from a stallion she likes."

"Ah, I see. Very well." Bladewing smiled and held Sky Walker close as he hugged her. While he thought nothing of this moment, Skywalker thought differently. Here she was, alone in an agrarian area with a stallion she couldn't feel more comfortable being with in her life... and she was sharing a hug with him. She relished the few seconds or so that she nestled in his embrace, for this hug was as close to being romantically intimate with him as she could ever get.

"I'll see ya at the rehearsals, Bladewing," she told him, turning around, "I'm gonna bounce. Later."

"Farewell." As Skywalker left his side, Bladewing found himself feeling accomplished. Just hours earlier, he was hesitant to do anything concerning Sky's troubles (albeit with good reason); after taking advantage of the opportunity presented before him, he felt glad that he followed his gut. Rose would probably get jealous if she ever saw Skywalker kissing him, but he wouldn't withhold it from her if she asked him. As far as he was concerned, the kiss was nothing more than a show of gratitude to him. If she thought otherwise, it was HER problem, not his. He successfully restored Sky to her normal self, and that was all that mattered.

"*chuckle* Smooth moves, tiger. Thanks for making one of my best friends happy."

"Oh, no problem. Hhngh!" Bladewing cringed the moment he realized who just spoke to him. He turned around slowly and saw Burning Ridge looking at him with a smug expression, and his face heated up in a blush the moment he did.

"Uhh... how much did you hear of the conversation?"

"Enough to know what your 'business' was," joked Burning Ridge, "And to know why Clover thinks you're a ladies' colt." After hearing yet another pony pin that moniker on him, Bladewing felt defeated. The blush went away, but now it was replaced with an expression of frustration.

"*sigh* I figured as much. I'm going to bear that reputation forever, aren't I?" Burning Ridge couldn't help but grin.

"Listen, Bladewing. I'm not going to say that you should be proud of being one of the lucky few that have it, but I WILL say that you should rethink what's good and bad about it. I don't think you have them set up right."

"Humph. After all I've experienced under this cursed title, I think I've established the pros and cons just fine."

"We'll see. Anyway, I did mean what I said. I appreciate what you did for Sky." Bladewing felt his mood soften by Burning's compliment.

"It was nothing," Bladewing spoke modestly with a smile, "I'm always glad to help a friend."

"*chuckle* Don't be so modest, mate. I think ya handled the conversation better than anypony else in the Council ever would. I know her better than any of the others, but even I couldn't cheer her up like you did just now."

"You think so?"

"Aye. I can't wait to hear what sorts of shit you two will get into." Burning Ridge tilted his head towards the bench that he and Bladewing were sitting at earlier. Seeing how their lunch break was still not done, Bladewing felt more than willing to return to his snacks. The two stallions walked back towards their bench and made themselves comfortable once more.

"Could ya do me a favor, Bladewing?" Burning asked, picking up his wine bottle.

"Of course, Burning," replied Bladewing, "What is it?"

"I want you to look after Sky for me." Bladewing was puzzled.

"Why? Is something wrong with her?"

"Nah. She just has a habit of flying off the handle. She's a tough girl, but she's also very headstrong. I lost count of how many times I had to calm her down before she did something crazy."

"I see. Are you asking that I do the same for her?"

"Yeah. Now that I'm retired, somepony's gotta be there to make sure she doesn't do anything that'll put the Council in a bind... and who better to fill that role than the bloke who just cheered her up?"

"*chuckle* Good point. Very well." Bladewing offered his hoof to Burning Ridge, and the stallion in turn shook his hoof happily. "I'll keep a close watch over her. I'll do my very best to make sure she keeps herself in check."

"Good. Best of luck to ya, mate." Burning Ridge ended the conversation with that wish, and he and Bladewing carried on with their lunch.

Rite of Passage

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Darkness filled the heavens by the time Bladewing returned home. He decided to explore the city some more before heading back to his room, and though the move had significantly drained him of his stamina, it was an outcome he was counting on. Few things herald a deep and peaceful sleep like exhaustion.

“*yawn* I can’t wait,” murmured Bladewing, “I feel like I’ve been out here forever.” Forever was a word Bladewing rarely used, but he was too tired to think of a better one. He was more concerned with making it to his bed without fumbling with his hoofsteps.

He passed through the front door quietly. It was almost midnight, so he knew that the Hearts were currently in deep sleep themselves. Climbing the stairs would’ve been easy had he not been so depleted of energy. His tired muscles ached with every step he took, as if they were lashing out at him for prolonging their stress with this slower speed. Even so, Bladewing bore the strain and did his very best to reach his room without waking the couple. It was all the more unfortunate for him that his body would not cooperate with him this time.

“*grunt* Come on... n-not... now...” His legs no longer able to bear his weight, he went into a crawl and collapsed with a soft thud shortly thereafter with a sigh. His bedroom door was just to the side of his head.


The golden rays of the morning sun shone through the windows of the Heart residence. A few of them managed to reach Bladewing’s face, and though he was well-rested, he didn’t like getting flashed in the eyes. He grumbled and kept a hoof in front of his eyes as he sat upright in his bed.

“*yawn* What a night. That was some dream.” Bladewing was shocked when he removed his hoof from his face to find himself back in his room. He rubbed his eyes firmly thinking he was seeing things, yet all that happened was his pupils returning to normal size.

“Whoa. How did I get here?” Bladewing took a moment to think about his question... and then remembered everything.

“*sigh* Damn. I must’ve fallen asleep on the spot. So much for making it to my room.” Bladewing exited his room and moved towards the bathroom, pondering incessantly over the matter while he took a shower. No answer came to him even after he finished, but it wasn’t a complete waste. At the very least, he still managed to get a good night’s rest.

While Bladewing didn’t find an answer to his question, he did find something else once he came down the stairs. That something just so happened to be Diamond Heart, and he was busy feeding Ruby some applesauce.

“Hello there, Bladewing,” he greeted, “I trust you slept well last night?”

“I have,” Bladewing spoke through a yawn, “Although I wasn’t expecting to wake in my bed.”

“Ah, yes. Topaz was the one who carried you to your room. She told me she found you lying unconscious outside your room. Whatever did you do last night?”

“Oh, I was just exploring again. I was at a different part of the city this time, so I took a little longer to return. I thought I had enough fuel left in me to get myself to bed, but I guess I was wrong.”

“*chuckle* So you were. It’s perfectly all right, though. I’m sure it was worth it for you if you enjoyed it.”

“In more ways than one,” joked Bladewing, “but I digress. I don’t suppose I’m late for breakfast again?”

“Actually, we both are,” reassured Diamond, pointing a hoof at a stack of pancakes, “Topaz left a note for me saying the in-laws need her help with something, so she made breakfast for the both of us while we were still in bed. I’m not sure how long these were out, but let’s find out together.”

“Hopefully, they’re not too cold.” The two stallions chuckled lightly at their misfortune. Bladewing took a seat opposite of where Diamond sat, and as he began loading a plate with his share of pancakes, Diamond began self-administering medication, in the form of a familiar cocktail of ingredients.

“Huh,” spoke Bladewing curiously, “Is that the home remedy Topaz spoke of?”

“It is,” Diamond replied reluctantly, “A brew so ghastly it may as well be a potion concocted by witchcraft.”

“Oh, come on, Diamond,” Bladewing chuckled humorously, “It can’t be THAT bad. I’ll admit that some of the ingredients on that list she gave me seemed strange, but they don’t sound like anything that would taste horrible in a mixture.”

“You don’t know my wife as I do, Bladewing. She always adds an ingredient that tastes nasty and overpowers the flavors of the others. ‘It helps numb the headaches,’ she tells me. Well, how I see it, she’s asking me to first feel discomfort in order to get RID of discomfort.”

“I see. May I try some?”

“You sure? I’m not joking about this.”

“*chuckle* Neither am I.” If Bladewing’s words weren’t enough to convince Diamond, his daring grin certainly was... and as such, he found no further reason to deny his request.

“Heh. I should’ve figured he’d be this way. If he can brave a two-on-one battle against the sisters, this should be nothing to him.”

“Very well, Bladewing,” Diamond spoke, pouring out some of the medical brew into a small glass, “Let’s do it together.” Bladewing took the glass from Diamond Heart with a smile.

“Cheers.” The two stallions clinked their glasses together, downing the medicine with one gulp... and Bladewing quickly understood why Diamond disliked it so much.

“Elw,” Bladewing spoke, putting the glass down with a grimace, “Ugh, GOD, that’s vile.”

“Told you so,” replied Diamond, “Do you see what I mean?”

“I do... and I think it’s burning my throat, ack!”

“Here, let me get you some water.” Diamond grabbed a clean glass from a tray and filled it with ice-cold water.

“Thanks.” Bladewing wasted no time taking the glass and draining it of every last drop of water. Until it was done, he didn’t pause for a single second.

“*sigh* That’s better. I was so not expecting that.”

“That’s the side effects for you,” spoke Diamond, “One of them, anyway. I’ve always found that one the most irritating.”

“But I don’t get it. Just what did Topaz put in this stuff that makes it taste so horrible?”

“Your guess is as good as mine, Bladewing. Topaz never tells me what that ingredient is. All I know of the matter is that she insists the medicine works better with the ingredient than without it... and so far, she’s never been wrong. I heal from colds in 2 to 3 days with this brew whereas I take at least 5 with normal medication.”

“I see. Is there no way to mask this flavor? Or at least minimize it?”

“I’m afraid doing so will ruin its medicinal properties, Bladewing... or so Topaz tells me. That ingredient will stay in there for so long as she can’t find a more pleasant replacement for it.”

“Damn. I don’t know which is worse: the cold or the cure.”

“*chuckle* Imagine how I feel drinking this stuff every morning. It’s quite literally all I have for energy whenever I wake up late for work.” Bladewing looked at Diamond Heart with shock.

“What? Just how do you work with nothing but a vile liquid in your stomach?”

“Let’s just say you become numb to the nastiness after a few rounds.”

“Oh. I guess there’s no avoiding it, then.” Bladewing was unsure whether he’d get used to the medicine’s flavor himself, but he trusted Diamond’s word. At the very least, he knew it was as equally effective as it was vile... and more importantly, that he didn’t have a cold for it to cure.

“Indeed. But let’s forget about it for now. Today will be my last day of drinking this medicine. Besides, I’m sure Mountain Wind won’t want to hear about a bad experience you had with home remedies.”

“Mountain Wind...” A thought was trying to surface into Bladewing’s mind, but once it did, he was awash with alarm. When he looked at what his hoof-watch read, it was even more so.

“Gah, this can’t be!” Bladewing shrieked, “It’s almost time for the rehearsals!”

“What?” replied Diamond with surprise, “When does it start?”

“In five minutes!”

“By goddess! You better get going, man. We can’t have you late for this.”

“Ack, I know, but I’ll need to get my armor first. Give me a moment.” Bladewing galloped up the stairs to retrieve the Council knight armor the king gave him, and he returned in it just as quickly. He didn’t bother to check for any imperfections on it before putting it on as he never took it out of his wardrobe until now. He had but one goal in mind as he went back to the kitchen: get to Mountain Wind’s palace on time.

“Take this, Bladewing,” Diamond told him, giving him an apple, "It's not much, but it should stave off hunger for a short while.”

“Thanks,” replied Bladewing, “I’ll be back soon.”

“Good luck with the rehearsals.” Bladewing tipped his head in agreement and exited hastily through the front door out of the house. Somehow, he was able to keep himself from slamming it. Diamond was thankful for that, but he was more concerned over whether Bladewing would make it in time... for even with flight, he had a lot of distance to cover in just a few minutes.

The wind brushed hard against Bladewing’s face. At his speed, the few droplets of juice that escaped his mouth from biting into the apple smeared in streaks across his cheeks like thin wet stripes. He managed to rub most of it off him, but his fur still gleamed a bit in the areas where the juice marked him... and with no open sources of water nearby, it would stay this way until he found a bathroom. Moments like these are usually the exceptions where looks did matter to him, but making it to Mountain Wind’s palace on time was all he could think of for now. He decided he’ll worry about presentation after he beat the clock.

And sure enough, Bladewing indeed made it on time. Granted, he was at the gates on the dot, but he was sure that Mountain Wind would still count it as being on time. After all, given how long he had to rehearse the knighting ceremony, one or two minutes lost was sure to be negligible. Unfortunately, his recklessness with his appearance would still cost him, in the form of a chuckling, but friendly stallion standing guard with his younger comrade.

“Welcome back, Bladewing,” Rigor told him, “How ya been this morning?”

“A lot livelier, that’s for sure,” joked Bladewing.

“You don’t say, lad. I can see it on your face.” Bladewing shot a confused look just as Solar chuckled softly. He felt his face with a hoof and noticed immediately by the sticky feeling on his hooves that some of the apple’s juices dried into sticky streaks across his cheeks.

“Damn. I must’ve eaten sloppier than I thought.”

“Here.” Bladewing looked curiously at Solar as he gave him a damp rag. He remembered that Rigor told him that Solar was a bit jealous of him for having both a marefriend and the future title of Council Knight, and so his generosity at the moment surprised him. However, given the circumstances, he was grateful for it. He took the rag graciously from the guard and took a short moment to wipe his face clean.

“Thanks.” Solar just grinned as Bladewing gave him back the rag.

“*ahem* Right then,” said Rigor to Bladewing with a more serious tone, “Let’s get you inside. Help me with the gates, Solar.”

“Yes, sir.” Bladewing smiled and tipped his head in thanks, passing through towards the palace in a speed walk, but not before Rigor had a moment of curiosity himself.

“Heh... I wonder what’s gotten Solar in a good mood.”

Meanwhile, waiting for Bladewing by the king’s throne was Blue Belle. Although she was accustomed to seeing him in the palace, she was more so pleased to see him this time around because of his appearance. All that now stood between him and his place within the king’s high Council is his knighting. Once he successfully executed this rite of passage, he will show the entire nation that he is worthy of the armor he is wearing... and more importantly, of the power it bestowed on him.

“Well done, Bladewing,” she spoke with a smile, “You came right on time.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world, Belle,” replied Bladewing with enthusiasm, “Let’s do it.”

“You got it. The others are waiting for you in the dueling room as we speak. Let’s not keep them waiting.” Bladewing nodded and followed Belle to the room. Like Belle, all five of the knights – Clover, Lafleur, Ice Luster, Silver Streak, and especially Sky Walker – were pleased to see him once more, and they were eager to begin rehearsing.

“Good to see ya again, laddie,” spoke Clover, “Ya ready to learn how it’s done?”

“I am indeed, Clover,” Bladewing answered, “I’ve been looking forward to this.”

“We all were, sugah,” added Ice with a grin, “We’ve been anxious ta see yer knightin’ through since day one. Right, Sky?”

“You bet,” replied Sky Walker, “But before we get this little party started, we wanna introduce ya to one more of the crew. You mind if I take over, Belle?”

“Go ahead, Sky. You have the green.”

“Sweet.” Besides the five knights Bladewing already knew, there was one more standing next to them. Her fur coat was cream-colored while her main and tail were blonde, the latter two complimenting the blue irises of her eyes. Regardless of her background, she was a sight to behold.

“This cool earth pony gal you see here is Laurie. Laurie, this is Bladewing.”

“A pleasure to meet you, herr Bladewing,” Laurie spoke, shaking his hoof, “My full name is Lauren von Schneider, but Laurie is fine if you vant. As you can see, my comrades prefer this version of my name.”

“I can see why,” chuckled Bladewing, “But to be honest, I like your full name just fine. It’s very unique. Are from you here?”

“Mm-hm. Born and raised. However, both of my parents come from Germainey.”

“Germainey, you say?”

“Ja. My father used to vork as a shipwright in ze German navy. He helped build and repair naval vessels for Kaiser Wilhemein for a living.”

“Kaiser means ‘emperor’ in German,” Sky whispered to Bladewing, a fact to which Bladewing assimilated with a nod.

“Wow. That’s very interesting, Laurie. What made your dad decide to move your family out of Germainey?”

“Vell, it’s... complicated. I vasn’t even conceived yet vhen he made ze decision. He made a very decent salary from his vork, but my mother told me he vanted ‘better for ze family’. My parents veren’t exactly poor or in debt, but for reasons even Mum didn’t know, my father felt at ze time that our family could live better if we made Cydonia our home. And so one day, when he earned enough bits to buy a house here in Fredericksmare, he and my mother moved out of Germainey and into Cydonia. I’ve yet to understand vhat my dear papa meant by ‘better’, but I vouldn’t trade ze life I have here in this country for anything... *chuckle* and now vith YOU in ze gang, it’s even less so.”

“Aw, thanks. That makes feel even happier to have accepted the job. Speaking of which, how did you become part of the Council?”

“*giggle* Vell, that’s a much longer story, but let’s just say that it helped that my French sister here vasn’t ze only one ze king favored during ze finals at ze Royal Dueling Championship.”

“Oui,” interjected Lafleur heartily, “She and I met for ze very first time at my last RDC. She’s quite skilled, mon ami – we ended in a draw for three whole rounds before I finally defeated her. I tell you, I never sweated so much in my entire life as she made me did in ze finals.”

“No way,” replied Bladewing with a grin, “That’s incredible. You guys must be equally matched if it took so long to decide a winner.”

“Ja,” continued Laurie, “But we still have an occasional duel vhenever we have free time together. You know, for ze sake of keeping each other’s skills sharp... *chuckle* and also to show Lafleur here that she’s far from ze only ‘lioness’ in ze crew.” Lafleur chuckled at Laurie’s remark and hugged her closely in solidarity.

“And let me tell ya, stud,” chimed Skywalker, “When those two duke it out, it’s one hell of a fight.” Bladewing smiled and nodded being pleased to have heard as much as he did just now.

“Nice, very nice,” he continued, “We’ve only just met, and I’m already feeling like I’ve known you for years. I look forward to learning more about you, Laurie. Especially about the rest of your journey to the Council.”

“And I you, mein freund,” replied Laurie happily, “Believe me vhen I say I look equally as forward to vorking with you.”

“Awesome.” Bladewing turned his head to Blue Belle. “Let’s carry on, Belle.”

“You got it.” Blue Belle took a moment to clear her throat before continuing. “Normally, it’s tradition that the soon-to-be-knighted pony gets introduced to all the current members of the Council during the rehearsal period. In your case, Bladewing, I’m afraid we’ll have to make an exception. The other five knights you’ve yet to meet are still serving active duty outside of Fredericksmare.”

“Ah, so THAT’s why they’re not here.”

“Indeed. It will take some before they complete their missions and return to the palace for debriefing. In the meantime, we’ll have to make do with the few of us that are here now.”

“And Mountain Wind?”

“The king will be here shortly, Bladewing. He just stepped outside for a bit for some fresh air.”

“All right. Let’s get started, then.”

“Right. Get in formation, everypony. Today begins the first day of rehearsals.” Bladewing smiled to have seen the other knights cheer before getting into their role in Bladewing’s knighting. There was little doubt in his mind that the next two weeks will be a blast.


It was 8 in the evening, and the night cast its shadow upon Cydonia and her capital. Bladewing completed the final rehearsal of his knighting for the day roughly an hour ago, and he was currently with Clover, Skywalker and the king at a little party thrown by the palace kitchen staff to celebrate Bladewing’s successful completion of the rehearsals. Blue Belle and the other knights have left by this time, and Bladewing was enjoying one last slice of mushroom pizza at the table with the rest of the group.

“*sigh* That was a good feast,” Clover spoke with bliss.

“It sure was,” agreed Sky, finishing her last glass of wine, “The chefs have outdone themselves this time, sir.”

“I’ll be sure to pass the compliment,” mused Mountain Wind with a grin.

“Cool. I’m gonna call it a night. Thanks for the food.”

“Aye,” chuckled Clover, moving off his chair, “I feel the same, sir. Ya have me thanks for the vittles as well.”

“You’re most welcome,” replied Mountain Wind, “Sleep well... and I'll see the both of you here tomorrow morning.”

“Sir.” After saying that in unison, Clover and Skywalker bowed their heads to the king in respect. But before she left with Clover out of the palace, Sky walked over to Bladewing and gave him a hug.

“I hope you’re ready for this, stud,” she murmured softly to him, “It’s gonna be all eyes on you tomorrow.”

“*chuckle* I feel as ready as I’ll ever be, Sky.”

“Sweet. See ya tomorrow.” Bladewing agreed with a nod and with that, Skywalker walked together with Clover out of the palace... and at least for him, it wasn’t a moment too soon.

“Now then, Bladewing,” Mountain Wind said to the pegasus, “I hope you’ve enjoyed the little party I threw for you.”

“I have, sir,” Bladewing replied with a grin, “After spending two weeks mastering my movements and lines for the ceremony, I feel this was the perfect way to end the rehearsals before the big day comes.”

“Excellent. As you know, there is one more step you must take before the knighting can begin.”

“Yes. I must convene with Heaven in the Holy Temple of Faust.”

“Correct. It’s a small part of your rite of passage into the Council, but it’s an important one nonetheless. Are you ready for it?” Bladewing made sure to finish his slice of pizza and clean his hooves with a napkin before answering.

“I’m ready when you are, sir.”

“Good. Let us go.” After ordering the maids standing by the food tables to clean up the room, Mountain Wind left with Bladewing out of the dueling room.

Even now, as he was to have an audience with a literally divine mare, Bladewing was hesitant to believe in immortal beings. The memory of the spectral mare he encountered in his dream lingered in his mind, and though he had no proof that both the experience and the mare weren’t real, he wanted more evidence that she was not only a goddess, but also in fact Faust herself. He felt that perhaps in this first step of his rite of passage, he would at last find some answers.

Within a few minutes, Bladewing and the king arrived at the mahogany doors of the temple. Father Nexus was standing behind it, and his back was facing them as he observed the temple disciples singing part of a verse-less song. He turned to face the two stallions as soon as he heard the doors behind him open.

“Good evening, your majesty,” he told the king, bowing in respect, “I trust the festivities went well?”

“They have indeed, Nexus... and now that they’re finished, it’s time for the next step of Bladewing’s knighting. I’ll let you take over from here.”

“As you wish, my lord.” Mountain Wind turned his attention to Bladewing for the final time today.

“I’ll retire to my chambers for the night, Bladewing. Father Nexus will guide you through this last step. You are free to do as you wish when it’s done, but remember: though the ceremony tomorrow will start promptly at 10 a.m, I want you in the palace conference room by 9:30. Be sure you’ve had enough sleep by then.”

“Understood. Rest easy, sir.”

“You as well, Bladewing. See you then.” As soon as the king exited the temple, Bladewing turned to face Father Nexus once more.

“How does it feel to have come this far in your life, Bladewing?” The young pegasus returned the warm smile of the old priest with one of his own.

“I feel very accomplished, Father. Saving the Heart family, becoming Fredericksmare’s dueling champion, meeting my marefriend, and now becoming a Council knight? I feel like I’ve done and gained more than I ever would in a year or even a decade.”

“As well you should. Every step you make has a purpose... and look where they got you. So few can stand tall when the odds are against them. Even fewer can persevere.”

“It was nothing. I am but an example of what ponies are capable of. All who believe in justice have the potential to do the same.”

“*chuckle* And that’s why Mountain Wind chose you, child. The nobility of the Council shines naturally from you... and through both your choices and your actions, you’ve proven that you’re worthy of the power it bestows upon its chosen.”

“I am grateful that you think so, Father. I’m sure that after tonight, it’ll be even more so.”

“And so it shall be, my son. Let’s carry on.” With that said, Bladewing followed Father Nexus down the purple carpet in between the two columns of disciples... and given the details of this ritual, he found it very interesting. Each column had 12 disciples (or 24 in all), and the disciples themselves had lit candles in front of them. Each one was hooded, and only their muzzles were visible before the light of the candles. The song they sang sounded very heavenly to Bladewing, despite being somewhat foreboding in nature. All in all, this ritual was indeed one of repentance, and though Bladewing didn't regret protecting the Heart family, he knew he still had to repent his taking life to do so. For him, violence was a burden made heavier with every kill he made outside of war.

In only a moment, he and Nexus reached the temple’s podium. In front of this podium stood an altar, and Nexus turned to face him shortly afterwards.

“It’s time, Bladewing. Relinquish your arms. The holy mother forbids violence in her house of worship... and future knights are not allowed to carry weapons during sacred rites like this one. They will be returned to you when the ritual is complete.” Bladewing needed no further persuasion. He took his lightsabers and gave them to the lone female disciple standing next to him. Now that he was unarmed, Nexus turned to face the white alicorn embodied in the glass window before him... and Bladewing lowered his head in solidarity with the disciples of the temple.

“Lay them down here, child,” Nexus told the girl, patting the altar, “and bring the sacrificial crops.”

“Yes, Father,” she replied, bowing her head. After placing the lightsabers on the altar, she left for a brief moment to obtain the produce Nexus requested. Once she had them in a wicker basket in her foreleg, Nexus beckoned her to put said basket next to the podium (as well as a sample of Bladewing’s blood he took from the pegasus the day before). Now that he had everything he needed, Nexus began the ritual, all while the other disciples continued their singing.

“Hear us, o heavenly mother. We come before you tonight to ask that you grace us with your presence. Bladewing is here with us. Our lord king has chosen him to stand with his other warriors and help him in his quest to lead us into a new era of peace and prosperity. I, your most faithful servant, beseech thee.” In only a second after saying this last sentence, Bladewing sensed another presence enter the temple. It was a friendly one, and though he couldn’t see it in his position, he could detect its movement without much of a hassle. This presence took the form of a translucent white mist, and it passed through the doors of the temple and then through the lane made by the two columns of disciples. Bladewing felt this warm mist brush by his sides before ultimately gathering within the glass that made up the body of the white alicorn in the window and the stars that surrounded her. The now-possessed glass panes glowed from the window with a shimmering baby blue aura, indicating to Father Nexus and the disciples that their divine goddess was among them.

“This is it,” Bladewing thought to himself, “She’s here. Maybe now I will finally get some answers.”

“You may rise, everypony,” Nexus told them, “The holy mother is among us.” Without hesitation, Bladewing and the disciples rose from their knees and stood tall. Their current song had finished by this time, and now that it did, they began to sing another verse-less one. This one also sounded heavenly to Bladewing, but it was also a bit more cheerful. Though he came here to repent before Faust, he felt more at ease with this new song.

“We thank you for joining us, o mighty one,” Nexus continued, “Now we ask that you hear our audience. This brave warrior standing before you rescued a family of three from death at the claws of dragons. It is true that he claimed their lives to protect this family, but we ask that you show him mercy and pardon him for the blood that he spilled that day, for only those whose sins have been forgiven can serve on this great Council... and only you have the power to cleanse the soul.” The old priest returned to face Bladewing once more.

“Raise your head, Bladewing.” The pegasus did as Nexus asked, and he prepared himself for whatever the old priest would ask of him next.

“Faust and her angels are here, my son... and I can hear them talking. They say that they too find you worthy of being a Council knight. However, Faust herself says you are destined for even greater things. She spoke to you one night, didn’t she?” Bladewing’s eyes shot open in surprise. He was getting a feeling that Nexus may know more about him than he let on.

“H-How... how did you know?”

“*chuckle* I can sense that you have doubt. That is, doubt over whether or not deities exist... but I can assure you, child, that they do. Faust herself is real, as was the rest of your dream. I wouldn’t have known about it if she were but a figment of your imagination.” Nexus winked at Bladewing shortly after saying that, a startling indication to the pegasus of just how much he knew of his encounter with Faust.

“Bloody hell. It’s like he heard every word I exchanged with her. Could it really be that Faust and the mare I encountered are one in the same?” Bladewing had little idea how to answer this question. He briefly looked up to the window behind Nexus but once he saw the glowing mare within it, the realization that hit him also unnerved him.

“N-No way... it’s her. Faust was the one I was talking to this whole time.” Unsettled by the shock of his realization, Bladewing was unable to decide what to do next. He at last found the answers he sought, but now he had more questions in his mind. What was the danger Faust warned him about so long ago? What exactly does she mean by “greater things”? And could it be that despite doing everything on his own, this immortal mare was somehow controlling his fate? The daunting idea of the latter caused him to look away and tremble within, more so than he ever did since the moment he woke in this world. For the very first time, Bladewing felt the genuine and paralyzing sensation of fear... but fortunately for the now nervous pegasus, Nexus understood his dilemma. He can literally feel the fear that now dominated Bladewing’s heart, and as a humble servant of Heaven, he intended to dispel all fear from those who have earned Faust’s favor.

“Don’t be alarmed, Bladewing. I know it’s a lot to take in, but you don’t need to be afraid. Faust doesn’t want you to fear anything... and for that matter, neither do I.”

“I know, Father,” murmured Bladewing, “It’s just... I have so many questions to ask now.”

“I’m sure you do, my son. You will receive answers to all of them in due time. However, you must learn to trust our holy mother. She can tell you what you want to know, but only if you can accept her existence.”

“I... I’m not sure I can. I never felt as scared in my time here as I do now. For once in my life, I have to completely change how I view both destiny and reality... and I’m unsure if I’ll have what it takes to move forward if I do.”

“I understand. Adjusting to change is never easy, but you don’t have to do it alone. You have me, your new family and the one you call your marefriend to rely on for support – and once you’re knighted, Mountain Wind and the Council as well. It may be that you arrived alone in this land because you once led a solitary life but whether it’s true or not, you won’t be so alone here. None who serve on the side of good are ever truly alone.” The old priest’s words inspired Bladewing, but he still held fast to the old way of thinking that carried him here. There was nothing wrong with trusting tried and true experience, but Bladewing knew well that he couldn’t grow as a person if he resisted change. Realizing that Faust was both real and the one he spoke to in his dreams finally shattered his notion that gods and goddesses didn’t exist, and if he continued to persist in this and other beliefs that his divine encounter disproved, he would never realize his full potential. Thus, it was clear to him what he must do now. However, he wanted more assurance that this alteration of his lifestyle will be the right choice.

“You’re sure that Faust will answer all of my questions?”

“All in due time, Bladewing. Like the motherly figure she is, she will help you no matter what – but only if you let her into your heart. Let go of the world you once knew, child, and embrace the one that welcomes you with open arms. Its doors will lead you to the future you were meant to have; but it’s up to you to decide whether to pass through them or seal them forever.” Reassured that he will indeed get answers to the new questions he had for the goddess, Bladewing turned to face Nexus knowing that the choice he now made meant there was no going back.

“Very well, Father. I have made my choice... and I choose to accept Faust into my life.” Nexus grinned warmly, for he could tell from both his smile and the tone in his voice that Bladewing was sincere... and now that he was, he had little doubt that Faust will indeed give him what he needs to not only join the Council, but also embrace the pony that she meant him to be.

“You have chosen wisely, my son. Faust will reward you in kind for your faith... and may your heart continue to guide you on your life’s journey.”

“Thank you, Father. Let’s get on with the ritual.”

“Of course. Now then...” Nexus motioned with a hoof for the female disciple next to him to replace the lightsabers that sat on the altar with the wicker basket containing the sacrificial produce. He thanked her for it before letting her return to her original position, and then he returned his attention to Bladewing.

“The Council awaits you, brave warrior. However, you are not yet pure. The blood of the dragons stains your soul as it does the ground on which they were slain. The holy mother abhors carnage on her peaceful lands, but she looked into your heart that day... and she sees you as one who doesn’t thirst for blood. She will pardon you for this slaughter and make you pure once more... but only if you confess to the deed. Do you claim responsibility for the ones you have sent to the grave?”

“I do, Father.”

“And do you repent?”

“Yes, Father. I find no pleasure in taking life... and I do it only if nothing else will save the innocent.” Nexus tipped his head to acknowledge Bladewing, and he then turned to face the glowing mare in the window.

“Bladewing has spoken, o great one. He wishes to use his strength only to serve the light and bring those who thrive in the shadows of evil to justice... and so we ask that you accept this offering as tribute to spare him the eternal punishment that comes with taking life.” Once he made his plea, Nexus took the tube containing the sample of Bladewing’s blood from the wicker basket and opened it, letting the contents flow freely onto the fruits and vegetables within said basket. As if struck by lightning, the basket was set alight only seconds afterwards. From what Blue Belle told him of this ritual (besides its purpose of getting the goddess to pardon the knight-to-be of his or her sins), Bladewing understood that the manner in which the pardon was granted depended on the severity of the sins or crimes.

For petty sins (like those that aren’t serious enough to warrant the attention of the royal family), the tribute varied depending on the type of sin committed. For example, if the sin involved money or valuables such as theft, the tribute offered to Faust involves the pony in question either surrendering all stolen valuables or paying a sum of money equal to the value of said valuables to the Faustian Order. Being an order that followed a vow of poverty, the High Priest or Priestess and their disciples would return these valuables to their rightful owners, and the ones that were left unclaimed after one full year were then sold to the public and all the proceeds either given to the poor, donated to charity, or both. The majority of the knights that served the kingdom since its birth fell into this category of sin.

For more serious crimes such as bullying, animal cruelty, and even corruption, the tribute offered to Faust was much greater. It required that for three entire days, the knight-to-be must endure extreme hardship – that is, he or she must live in isolation within the Holy Temple without a single bit of food or water. This ordeal served as penance for the pony in question to atone for the pain he or she inflicted upon those they have wronged. Needless to say, very few of the kingdom’s honorable knights committed crimes grave enough to warrant this type of atonement... and none who repented them ever dared to commit them again.

Normally, ponies with severe sins such as mutilation, rape, slavery, and especially murder were ineligible for the title of Council Knight as their crimes were deemed in the Order’s sacred texts as punishable by an eternity in Tartarus (in addition to possible persecution by the royal family.) However, under extremely rare circumstances outlined in Cydonian law, an individual guilty specifically of murder may be exempt from this rule. Bladewing’s case was one such exception. Since his only intention in killing the mighty lizards was to protect the Hearts from harm, he was still eligible to become a knight under the law... and according to a passage from the Book of Cielo, all Bladewing had to do to atone for spilling their blood was offer some of his own as tribute. Naturally, Bladewing was more than willing to cooperate. Father Nexus drew out a sample of his blood the day before using a needle and syringe and though small, this sample was more than enough for the offering. Bladewing was still required to confess his wrongdoings and repent before Faust, of course, but he was fortunate that taking life was the only sin he had to his soul.

“It is time, o heavenly mother,” Nexus continued, “Cast your judgment upon this young stallion.” Like a child awaiting a serious talk with his parents, Bladewing waited nervously for Faust to decide whether he would be forgiven or doomed to live as a marked pony. How Nexus and the disciples interpreted her verdict depended on the color change of the fire. If it turned blue, it meant that Heaven accepted the offering and the holy goddess pardoned Bladewing of his sins; if it turned green instead, it meant Heaven rejected the offering, and Bladewing didn’t truly repent. Nexus normally performed this variant of the ritual only for condemned prisoners facing capital punishment, and this was the first time he did it as part of the knighting ceremony. He understood why Bladewing was as timid as he was now. However, Bladewing’s timidity wasn’t as strong as when he made the connection between Faust and the mare he spoke to in his dream, especially since he committed no other sins. Regardless, he knew that the goddess had the final say in deciding whether he would be knighted or not. Needless to say, it was among the most nerve-wracking moments of his life.

Fortunately for the humble pegasus, Heaven showed its mercy to him tonight. As Nexus himself expected, the fire of the offering turned from orange-red to blue, a clear sign to the old priest that his immortal mistress cleansed Bladewing’s soul of the blood that stained it. He was now pure and ready to be knighted into the Council (as if the priest himself had any doubt.)

“The holy mother smiles upon you, Bladewing,” he told him, “Your sins have been forgiven. You may rise.”

“Thank you, Father.” With the ritual now complete, Bladewing rose to his hooves once more, relieved that his ordeal was over. The fire engulfing the sacrifice died down shortly afterwards, and the pegasus was amazed that all it left behind on the altar was soot. Everything else was quite literally consumed by the flames. The mist that possessed the glass image of the alicorn floated out of the temple and vanished into the wind, just as the disciples finished their last song.

“Well done, everypony,” Nexus told his disciples, “The ritual is complete. You may blow out your candles and retire for the night.” Happy that their work had been a success, the disciples bowed their heads to Nexus and then blew out their candles. They dispersed from their columns and exited the temple quietly, leaving only Nexus, Bladewing, and the female disciple still holding Bladewing’s lightsabers left within.

“Thank you for assisting me, Aura,” Nexus told the teen filly, “Return Bladewing’s weapons to him and you’re free to go. You have my blessing.”

“Thank you, Father.” The girl gave Bladewing’s lightsabers back to him, but not before bowing to Father Nexus in respect. She then left the two stallions alone with a smile as she headed for her room on the other side of the temple.

“*sigh* Such a sweet girl,” Nexus murmured to Bladewing, “It pains me to know that she started life the way she did.”

“How so, Father?” Bladewing asked.

“Well, I found her as a foal. I was returning with my disciples from a pilgrimage to the south when I noticed smoke to my left. We went to the site to investigate and to our horror, we found a log cabin burned to cinders. Soon we heard the sound of a baby crying to the side of the house, and that’s where I found her. She was in a little carriage that was slowly starting to catch fire, but we put out the flames before they could consume both her and the carriage. We were happy to have rescued her from the fire unharmed, but when we paid closer attention to the ruins, we found several burned corpses buried in the pile of charcoal and rock. We assumed that they were her family, but it was late in the evening and we didn’t have enough time to investigate further or give them a proper burial. After we brought her back to the temple and reported the incident to the authorities, I discovered through them that they were indeed her family. How she survived or how the fire even started we still don’t know but as a servant of the holy mother, I’m duty-bound to care for ponies like her who come my way. I scoured the royal database with Blue Belle for days afterwards looking for any living blood relatives, but none were found. I named her Aura and raised her as my own ever since.” Bladewing’s ears drooped in sadness.

“Oh... I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It's all right, Bladewing. It was pure hell what she went through, but I’m doing what I can as a father figure to help her become a strong and wise pony. It’s what any parent would want for their child.”

“I agree. I’m unsure whether her parents’ deaths were accidental or a product of murder, but I’ll tell you this, Father: it’s my hope that I’ll make this country a better place to live for ponies like her.”

“I will pray for your success, my son. As Faust herself told me, you are destined for things even greater than what you’ve already achieved. Have faith in her, and she’ll give you the strength you need to overcome all that stands in your way.”

“*sigh* Speaking of which... why does she say that? What does she see in me that compels her to think I’m going to become so great a pony?”

“Faust works in mysterious ways, Bladewing. As old as I am, even I don’t know what plans she has for us. Even so, there’s no reason for you to mistrust her. She only wants what is best for all of us.”

“Even if that means imposing unwanted burdens?” Nexus was confused at first but after thinking more critically of how Bladewing reacted during the ritual, he understood why he thought this way. As such, Nexus smiled and put a compassionate hoof on his bewildered friend’s shoulder before continuing.

“No path is set in stone. While it’s true that Faust has great expectations of those who earned her favor, we still have the freedom to choose whether our fates intertwine with those expectations or not. This chance for greatness is but an offer, Bladewing. I promise you that she would never force you into accepting it, whatever it may be. That decision was, is, and forever will be in your control.” Bladewing wasn’t sure if Nexus’s words were more than mere pep talk, but he was grateful to have heard them. If he didn’t already see him as a good friend, he sure did now... for as he saw it, Nexus was among the few that understood him. He returned Nexus’s kind words with a grin of his own and a firm hug of friendship.

“Thank you, Father. Adjusting to this new reality will not be easy, but I’m grateful to have a friend like you to help me with this transition.”

“You are most welcome, my son. I’m here for you whenever you need me. *yawn* With that said...” Nexus stretched his limbs before continuing. “I think it’s time I retired for the night. You’re free to stay and continue convening with Faust as long as you like... or return home, if you wish.”

“I’m sorely tempted to choose the latter, Father,” joked Bladewing, “My first attempt at the former failed miserably.”

“*chuckle* Don’t worry. I’m sure the only reason it did was because you lacked faith. I assure you that Faust will listen and speak to you if you truly want it. All you need to do... is believe.” With these as his parting words, Nexus turned towards the doors and exited the temple. Bladewing trusted Nexus, but he was still somewhat reluctant to try and talk to the goddess. Simply accepting her existence was daunting for him. Talking to her with no guarantee of a reply (or a way to know if she was even listening) was a prospect he was more likely to try if he were as drunk as the noble that cost him the bet with Rose. However, he knew that he would have to do it eventually if he wanted answers to the new questions that haunted his mind. On that note, he decided to get some peace of mind (even if only temporary) and finally get these answers before the confusion drove him insane. He turned towards the stained-glass window and took a deep breath before uttering his prayer to the immortal mare.

“*sigh* I’m not sure if you can hear me, goddess, but... I’m sorry. I’m sorry that for so long, I didn’t take you seriously. You didn’t deserve it; but please understand that this is not easy for me. This whole time I thought that gods and goddesses neither existed nor had any real influence over mortals’ lives. Now that I know that our time together was more than real, I have more questions to ask than ever... and I am not leaving this temple until you’ve answered every last one. I did my part in accepting you for both who and what you are, and now I ask that you do yours. Show yourself, Faust. For once in my life... I believe.” Just seconds after he uttered the final words of his prayer, Bladewing noticed the glass image of the alicorn mare glow once more. Once it reached a certain brightness, a mist – the same on he sensed during the ritual – floated out of it onto the floor. It shaped itself back into the translucent goddess, and though Bladewing could see that she was certainly listening, he was still wary of her. After all, she had yet to give him the answers he sought.

“So...” Bladewing held his ground as he looked into Faust’s eyes with audacity. “You’re real after all.” The smiling goddess tipped her head in agreement. “All right. I appreciate that you actually answered this time. Even so, Faust... you owe me some answers.”

“*chuckle* As I said, Bladewing: all in due time. However, you needn’t be so defensive.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one who’s been chosen by a deity to carry out a quest you barely know about.”

“You are right, of course. However, you and I both know that the choice is yours.”

“*scoff* Some choice. You tell of a coming evil that will consume this world if I do nothing. Normally, I’d discard such a premonition from my mind as quickly as I felt it. Now... well, it’s not so simple anymore.”

“Nothing is simple when it comes to life-changing decisions, Bladewing. You should know this better than anyone else.”

“You got THAT right.” The look in Bladewing’s eyes turned from defensive to one of scorn. “Do you have any idea how heavy this decision weighs on me? I’m so close to finally having a solid grip on my life. If this evil you speak of is a genuine threat, then this quest you’re asking of me will surely throw it all back into disarray. I am NOT going to take on a task that will undo everything I’ve worked so hard to build. Especially if the one who’s giving it to me won’t even explain it.”

“I wish I could, Bladewing. Truly, I do. But the time is not yet right.”

“AND WHY THE BLOODY HELL IS IT NOT?!” Bladewing tried to be patient, but Faust’s response was the last straw. She stayed mum on the matter ever since their dream world encounter, and it slowly ate away at his opinion towards her. He just declared his genuine trust in the goddess, and yet still she refused to give him the answers he sought. Snapping at her was his only option for release... but after doing so, he quickly rued it. Angry as he was, he knew it wasn’t right. She never once yelled at him, and doing it to her made him feel unfair. The calm and gentle expression she still had on her face only made his regret sting even more.

“*sigh* Look... I don’t mean to say that you’re unreasonable. I’m sorry if my outburst made it seem otherwise but right now, I need answers and I need them now. I cannot accept anything you ask of me until I know what I’m getting myself into.”

“And you will. Just not now. You have not yet progressed far enough in your life.”

“And just how will I know when I have?”

“You won’t. You’ll just have to trust me, Bladewing. As I trust you.” This was it. Having heard what he heard just now, Bladewing could turn her down outright without a second thought – and no one, man or beast, would fault him for even a moment. After all, so few would travel a life road where all the forks had a high chance of requiring a leap of faith. Yet somehow, Bladewing couldn’t bring himself to do it. Was it reluctance? Pity? A fear of this alleged doom being even slightly possible? All were likely reasons but for better or for worse, Bladewing decided that it was time he obtained peace of mind at any cost... even one larger than the leap of faith he was about to make.

“*sigh*… All right. I’ll let you decide when it’s time for me to know more about this quest, but on one condition.”

“And that is?”

“I don’t want to hear about it ever again. I will not hesitate to risk my life for the greater good, but if you insist that this evil exists, then I want to see proof of it with my own eyes. Until then, I will hear no more of it. All I want is to live life as I see fit... and unless I have an irrefutable reason to put it on the line, I will not let anyone, even a goddess, throw it all into chaos.”

“Is that all?” Bladewing nodded his head lightly, a gesture to which Faust smiled warmly. “Very well, Bladewing. I will grant your request. However, while I will not condition you in turn for it, it will still come with a price. Ignoring the looming darkness will indeed make your happy times more so... but once you’ve come face-to-face with it, you will experience fear like you’ve never felt before. Can you bear this consequence?” Undaunted by her warning, Bladewing looked defiantly into her eyes.

“I’ll take my chances.”

“As pleases you. I will honor your choice and leave you be, Bladewing. However, if you so desire, I will answer at least one of your questions about your journey before I go. Consider it a parting gift from me.” As dismayed as Bladewing was that she will answer only one of his many questions about this mysterious quest, he appreciated that he was at least getting some closure from it.

“All right. Answer me this, then: how far along am I on this 'journey' you speak of?”

“*chuckle* You’ve only just started it.” Before Bladewing could speak further, a white aura began to rapidly engulf the alicorn, exploding within seconds into a blinding flash of light. Despite having anticipated this blinding phenomenon, he was unable to shield his eyes in time, and part of the flash managed to temporarily blind him. When his sight came to, all he could see in front of him was emptiness... or at least what would’ve been emptiness had it not been for a random box lying at his forehooves.

“Faust?” Bladewing’s attempt to reestablish contact was in vain as no response came. Even so, he looked around him just to be sure. Not a soul lay in sight. He then checked the image of the goddess in the stained-glass window only to find that it wasn’t glowing anymore. There was no doubt in his mind that he was alone once more. With that matter settled, he went to open the cardboard box and inspect whatever contents lay inside.

“What’s this?” Bladewing was surprised to find a sheathed sword lying within the box. The scabbard was old, apparently worn from having gone through times Bladewing could only imagine. Despite its archaic look, however, it was surprisingly intact... and from the dim light it was emitting, the blade it protected seemed to hold a mystic and possibly ancient power. Bladewing took hold of the hilt and pulled the sword out of the scabbard, marveling at the sight that literally glowed before him.

“Bloody hell.” The weapon that Bladewing held in his hoof was unlike any he had ever seen before. Though the blade itself was of traditional steel, its polished finish augmented the glow emerging from the runes that engraved its edges on either side. Two emeralds studded its intricately designed golden hilt – one in the left end and one in the right – and the bulb at the bottom end held a ruby bearing the royal crest. This crest glowed as the runes did, but it glowed red rather than blue, a phenomenon that Bladewing easily attributed to the ruby gemstone.

“It’s quite a nice sword,” he thought, “It must belong to the king if it bears that crest. But why would Faust just leave this thing here, and for what? Could it be this start to my journey she spoke of? *sigh* She just had to be stingy with her answers.” These questions floated ominously in his mind as Bladewing put the sword back in its scabbard and then into the box. He thought at first to try and locate Father Nexus, but he then remembered why it was a bad idea. Since no one else was around for him to talk to, he inevitably decided he’ll give it to Mountain Wind and sort it out with him tomorrow. Whatever the reason for the sword’s sudden appearance, one thing was certain to him as he carried the box home on foot: it was heavier than it looked.

Step into Legend

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“Come on, Topaz, hurry up! We can’t be late for this.” It was 9:00 a.m., and Diamond Heart was waiting anxiously with Ruby at the kitchen.

“Just a moment, dear,” called out Topaz, “I’m almost done applying my makeup.” Clearly unable to accelerate the process, Diamond just sighed and turned his attention to Ruby.

“Sounds like Mummy wants to become the next Miss Cydonia, little one.” Ruby just giggled and held her hooves out to him. Her father was more than happy to oblige, and he carefully picked her up from her toddler’s chair and placed her inside his right saddlebag... and no sooner did he do that than Topaz moved down the stairs to meet with them.

“Sorry for the wait,” she told Diamond, nuzzling him, “How do I look?”

“*sigh* Beautiful as always, love. I can’t see why you feel a need to try so hard. It’s not like we’re going to a wedding or anything.”

“You forget, dear: a lady must always look her best whenever she goes out. Especially when she’s with her husband.”

“Nonsense. Bladewing’s the star of the show here, remember? How good either of us look at the ceremony will hardly even matter. Besides...” Diamond grinned mischievously as he rubbed his muzzle against her neck and cheek. “The only eyes that should be turning towards such a beauty are mine.”

“Then let me be beautiful for you, my love,” Topaz cooed with a whisper, “Let me give your fellow stallions a reason to snort with jealousy. Rose certainly had that effect around Bladewing. Why don’t you let the wife have a crack at it?”

“Hm... looking more like a stud does sound appealing...” Topaz couldn’t help but giggle as Diamond pondered the idea while rubbing his chin with a hoof.

“Tell you what: if you let me take a little more time to improve this look, I’ll try on that sexy outfit you’ve been asking for when we get back. You still want to see me in it, no?” Topaz’s lustful remark was all she needed to crush Diamond’s resistance, a defeat that was as plain as the blushing that quickly spread over his cheeks.

“Grr, damn it. That’s so not fair. You know such garments are my weakness.”

“You have nopony to blame but yourself for that, love,” mused Topaz with a sly grin, “You always were a naughty one... but it’s one of the many things I love about you. Indulge in my desires, and I’ll indulge in yours – and I promise that you won’t regret it one bit. What do you say?”

“*sigh* All right. You win.” With her victory literally secured by his words, Topaz chuckled and kissed Diamond lovingly on his lips.

“You’re the best, dear husband,” Topaz spoke softly to him, “I won’t be long.”

“Of course.” Diamond stood by the door for a few more moments as Topaz went back to their room. He certainly didn’t mind indulging in his wife’s tastes – he just thought she chose a really bad time to ask for it. It was all the more fortunate for him that the carriage he reserved yesterday had just arrived at his house. The sound of the wooden wheels slowing to a halt assured him that everything will still go as planned. To further reinforce this notion, Topaz came back down the stairs soon thereafter.

“See?” giggled Topaz, “That wasn’t long now, was it?”

“Not long at all,” agreed Diamond with a smile, “Our carriage has just arrived. Let’s not keep them waiting.”

“Agreed.” Without any further delay, the couple went outside with little Ruby and entered the carriage. The carriage itself departed for Mountain Wind’s palace soon after, maintaining a steady, yet reliable speed on the cobblestone roads.

While the Hearts were on their way, Bladewing was in the palace conference room dressed in his Council knight armor. The other knights were with him, and they were all waiting for the king to enter the room and speak with them one last time before the start of the ceremony.

“’Tis quite a sword, laddie,” said Clover, looking at the sword in the box, “I can’t imagine what could make the goddess give ya such a fine blade.”

“Ja,” added Laurie, “It’s almost too good to be true. Ze royal armory has many swords, but none like this one. Are you zertain that it belongs to ze king?”

“I am, Laurie,” answered Bladewing, “It has to be. It shouldn’t have the royal crest on it if it wasn’t Mountain Wind’s. Besides, he might know more about it than I do.”

“Yer doin’ the right thing, sugah,” agreed Ice Luster, “This here blade could be her testin' yer soul again for all we know… and it sounds like she’s got nuthin’ ta worry about.”

“Nah, his soul was always good,” spoke Skywalker confidently, “He didn’t need to go through all that ritual stuff to prove it. Faust just repeated what we already know.”

“Maybe so, Sky,” countered Lafleur, “but ze ritual was necessary nonetheless. Imagine how mistrustful of us ze people would be if zey found out we let Bladewing join ze crew without it. Ze scandal would be too much for even Mountain Wind to snuff out.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Faust’s word beats ours any day.” The others mumbled in agreement just as Mountain Wind and Father Nexus entered the room.

“Good morning, everypony,” the king spoke to his knights, “I appreciate that you’ve all arrived on time. Now we can proceed as planned. Do you all remember your lines for the ceremony?” The king was pleased to hear his knights agree in unison. “Good. Does anypony have any last questions before we begin?” Assured by the silence he received, Mountain Wind let out a soft, satisfied grunt before he turned his gaze towards Bladewing.

“So, Bladewing,” he told his pegasus friend, “I am told you have something for me?”

“I do, your majesty,” replied Bladewing. Mountain Wind waited patiently as Bladewing took out the sword from the box, now sheathed in its scabbard once more, and gave it to him… but just as he did so, both Mountain Wind’s and Nexus’ eyes opened wide.

“What?” Mountain Wind stood dumbfounded as he gazed upon the blade, much to the Council’s utter surprise. Here they thought the king would know something about this weapon, but they couldn’t tell if he was a clueless as they were or if there was something special to him about the sword that the Council wasn’t aware of. Thankfully for them, the latter case was reality, but Mountain Wind had to ask more of Bladewing before he would divulge such information.

“Where did you get this, Bladewing?”

“Well, I’d tell you, but I’m not sure if you’d believe me.” As if reacting to his hesitation, the runes on the sword glowed brighter, allowing more light to emanate from the scabbard. Seeing this, Mountain Wind knew he was in for quite the tale.

“… try me.” Bladewing needed no further persuasion, and he proceeded to calmly tell Mountain what happened that night.

“All right. I decided to stay in the Temple and try to pray to Faust after she pardoned me of my sins. After a few seconds or so, she answered my prayer and her apparition appeared before me. I spoke with her as much as I could about my future - you know, like what she has planned for me and such – but all I could get from her was that my ‘journey’ had only just begun. After that, she temporarily blinded me and left me alone in the Temple. When I came to, I noticed a box with this thing inside. I saw that the hilt has the royal crest on it, so I figured she wanted me to give it you. That’s it, that’s all I know.” After having heard Bladewing’s story, both Mountain and Nexus seemed more relaxed. The two stallions were still surprised, of course, but now it seemed they understood what was going on.

“Could it be, sire?” Nexus asked him. Mountain Wind looked long and hard at the sword as he thought, pondering over and over what the sword’s appearance could mean… and after a moment or so, he convinced himself of the answer, one the Council was eager to know as they saw him make a relieved smile while looking at his reflection in the ruby hilt.

“Yes… and after so long, too.”

“Forgive us for not understanding, sir,” spoke Silver Streak, “but is there something we should know about the sword?” Mountain Wind was not one to keep information like what he knew of the blade a secret, but he felt that he needed a better setting first.

“I’ll explain soon,” answered Mountain Wind, “but let’s carry on. The ceremony starts in a few minutes.” The king turned his head back to Bladewing.

“Thank you for giving this sword to me, Bladewing. You have no idea how deeply I appreciate it.”

"You're most welcome, sir,” replied Bladewing with a smile, “I’m glad to be of service. I’ll see you in the throne room.”

“*chuckle* Indeed.” Mountain Wind turned his back to the council after finishing his conversation with them. “Come, Nexus. We must make ready.”

“At once, your majesty.” With the sword in his right hand, Mountain Wind and Nexus left the conference room without further ado… but though they both left calmly, the Council knights (save for Bladewing) were anything but. For the first time in decades since his wife and son were taken from him, the king smiled before them. It was a smile so warm and tender that it belied the suffering he endured up to that point. Needless to say, all of the knights were shocked beyond comprehension… well, all except Bladewing.

“What’s the matter?” he asked them, “Is it so wrong to see him smile?”

“Well, no, but...” Bladewing could hear the surprise in Lafleur’s voice as she tried her best to stay calm and collected. “… zis… zis is different. Much different.”

“I’m not sure I follow.”

“Ya don’t understand, sugah,” said Ice with a grin, “Mountain Wind’s been through Hell and back for years now. Do ya realize how long it’s been since he gave us a smile like that?”

“No. How long?”

“Too long,” answered Laurie, “Most of us have vatched him closely, even before we vere knighted. Ze only way he vould ever give a smile like that is if something truly special has come into his life… and it seems that sword has something to do vith it.”

“What? So then you mean-“

“Aye, laddie,” beamed Clover, “Something wonderful has happened… or will happen soon, at least. I can feel in me bones.” Bladewing couldn’t resist joining in the giddiness that slowly befell the knights.

“*chuckle* Wow. I guess when you guys put it that way, this smile really is different. But what could be the sword’s role in all this?”

“Heck if we know, stud,” spoke Sky Walker, “but if I had to guess, he’s gonna spill it to all of us at the ceremony itself.”

“I see. Well, if that’s the case, let’s get to it. Let’s give the populace a good show!” Bladewing felt encouraged to see the others shout in agreement, a sure sign for him that his knighting will indeed be one of the most hallowed moments of his life.

It took only a few moments for Bladewing and the others to get into their positions. The Hearts, meanwhile, had just finished made themselves comfortable in one of the rows of seats situated high in the throne room.

“Whew, thank Faust Bladewing reserved these seats for us,” sighed Diamond.

“You said it, dear,” replied Topaz, “This is the perfect view in which to watch the whole ceremony. Isn’t that right, Ruby?” Ruby just cooed and nuzzled her mom as she nuzzled her in return. Not long after that, Rose Blossom and Blaze made their way to the seats next to the Hearts. Rose herself wore the same outfit Bladewing bought for her back at the Fortune Tune mall, with the only major difference being that she applied a bit of makeup this time around; Blaze meanwhile was now wearing the slim white gown that her cat Rei-Rei had previously ruined for her (after getting all the fur out, of course). Both mares were beautiful regardless, and they were excited to see their the Heart family was sharing the seats next to theirs.

“Oh wow,” Rose gasped, shaking the couple’s hooves, “It’s so good to see you here, Mr. Heart, Mrs. Heart.”

“Ditto, Rose,” replied Diamond, “I don’t suppose Bladewing also reserved some seats for the two of you?”

“He sure did, Mr. Heart,” replied Blaze happily, “We weren’t gonna miss this for the world… and I’m sure you guys wouldn’t either.”

“Well said, my dear,” spoke Topaz, “Now make yourselves comfortable. The knighting ceremony will start any minute now.” Rose was happy to oblige her. As soon as she sat down, Diamond Heart decided to continue the conversation just a little while longer.

“So tell me, Rose: how does it feel to know you’ll soon have a Council knight for a coltfriend?”

“Oh, it feels great, Mr. Heart. He’s been so wonderful to me. We got into some trouble here and there, of course, but he’s loveable all the same… and now, after what feels like forever, I get to share one of his fondest memories.”

“Same here. He’s done more for me and my family than I can ever repay. I am proud to call him brother… and now I get to see him ascend to one of the highest positions in the land.”

“Agreed. Let us never forget this day.” Diamond smiled and nodded, and the two ponies joined the others in watching the scene unfolding below. It wasn’t long before Blue Belle and Mountain Wind came into the throne room, and Blue Belle’s instructions to the camera crews signaled to all in the room that the ceremony will start soon.

“Looks like it’s starting,” Topaz whispered to her husband, “Did you bring the camera?”

“Sure did,” Diamond whispered back, “Give me a minute to take it out from the bag.” Topaz nodded and returned her attention back to the ceremony… and sure enough, it started just as Diamond got his camera working and trained at the area below. The official start was signaled by the sound of the royal trumpeters playing their trumpets. They played for but a few seconds before Mountain Wind signaled with his hand to stop and let Blue Belle take over at the podium in front of him.

“Good morning, everypony,” spoke Blue Belle into the mic, “I am delighted that so many of you could come, for this day marks the ascension of a truly unique pony. From lands unknown even to him, this stallion came to ours with nothing but the garments on his back and the blades for which he is known to us all. Only Faust knows what he was like as a colt, but one thing we know for sure: he more than earned the honor our leader will bestow upon him. No matter how bad the odds were stacked against him, he stood tall and threw himself into the heat of battle again and again, whether it’s avenging the honor of a slandered comrade or saving both him and his family from the icy embrace of Death. If anypony understands the true meaning of ‘putting others before yourself’, it is he.” Diamond Heart couldn’t help but smile proudly at Blue Belle’s statement. No other pony in this room knew it better than he did.

“That being said, everypony, let us never forget this day. Especially those of you watching from home. The loss of all that our uncommon hero once had is truly a tragedy… so let’s not make it a greater one by letting this once-in-a-lifetime event slip from our sight OR our memory. Now then, without any further ado, it is my great honor to formally introduce this brave warrior on the king’s behalf. Give a big round of applause for Bladewing.” The throne room thundered with the clapping of hooves as Bladewing moved into the throne room on cue… and none more so than the ones he personally invited to his knighting. Rose in particular was barely able to restrain herself from calling out to him. She didn’t need to, however, for Bladewing gazed in her general area not long after he passed through the palace doors. She smiled and waved at him with Blaze and the Hearts as soon as he saw her, and the pegasus in turn smiled back before returning his sight to the front. He stopped at the same spot where he saw Lafleur did in her knighting video, then turned around to face the palace doorway. Needless to say, it signaled Blue Belle’s next cue (as did the music that the troubadours began to play.)

“Wonderful. I’m sure everypony here and at home is by now familiar with him. He is friend to all who need one… but today, the eleven that will soon welcome him into their circle will know him as so much more. Please give them a warm welcome as I call upon each of them. *ahem*… Lady Lafleur...” The crowd proceeded to applaud as commanded as Lafleur emerged from the doors and moved down the room towards Bladewing. As soon as she stood before him, she shook his hoof and assumed her position besides him.

“… Sir Clover Field...” As with Lafleur, the crowd cheered as Clover moved through the doors towards Bladewing. However, he pulled Bladewing in for a hug with his free hoof just before he was done shaking hooves with him. As with the kiss on the cheek for female knights-to-be, it was tradition for the stallions in the Council to transition the hoof-shaking to a hug if the knight-to-be was male… and Bladewing was due for four more of these gestures before the knighting’s end. He waited patiently for each of the other knights to come and perform their welcome gestures to him as Blue Belle called them out, with each one standing in a line beside Clover and Lafleur.

“… Lady Skywalker... Sir Silver Streak… Lady Ice Luster… Sir Brimstone… Lady Lauren von Schneider… Sir Crixus… Lady Flora… Sir Nikolai Kutuzov… and finally, Lady Ariadne.” Although Bladewing only had a few hours each day with the other five knights, it was more than enough for him to get to know them. Maybe not so much on a personal level as an associate level, but at least they got along well with him all the same. Now reassured that he earned the complete acceptance of the Council, he was ready for what Blue Belle had planned next.

“Thank you for your generosity, everypony. Now we must give our attention to the esteemed ponies seated among us. Time and time again, they come to the knighting ceremonies to recognize each newcomer to the Council. Bladewing is no exception. Please show your greatest admiration as they descend from their seats to accept Bladewing’s new role in our nation. *ahem*… Lord and Lady Filos, of the House of Tiburon…” Bladewing waited patiently as the couple walked together towards him, complete with cheers from the crowd. Once they did, he bowed his head in respect and shook hooves with them, first Lord Filos himself and then his wife. Bladewing was pleased to have met a Coltec Lord for the first time in his life, and he looked forward to see each of them. He just had to wait patiently for Blue Belle to draw them out one by one.

“... Lord and Lady Ignacio, of the House of Varracruz… Lord and Lady Lighthoof, of the House of Conego… Lord and Lady Vylon, of the House of Sandoval… Lord and Lady Sparrow, of the House of Nuves… Lord and Lady Swiftsure, of the House of Soros… Lord and Lady Ladrus, of the House of Perova… Lord and Lady Strong Claw, of the House of Agila… and last, but certainly not least…” Bladewing waited eagerly for Blue Belle to finish, for he knew exactly who he had left to meet.

“Lord and Lady White Fang, of the House of Lobos.” It wasn’t long before Bladewing saw White Fang and his wife walking towards him… and he was pleased with the experience. As Clover himself mentioned, White Fang’s demeanor was very pleasant, a character that certainly belied the sense of fear his scar would normally induce. Bladewing needed not a single word from him to know straight away (not that he had time for it right now – he was prohibited from saying much more than a “Hi” to any of the Coltec Lords throughout the whole ceremony.) He was just as surprised to see that despite the scar over White Fang’s eye, the eye itself was perfectly intact. Bladewing wondered if perhaps the reason for it was because White Fang managed to pull his face back far enough to keep the enemy blade from damaging his eye, but he decided he’ll ask later when he gets Mountain Wind’s permission to speak with him. After all, he was certain that White Fang didn’t yet trust him enough for a casual conversation.

“We appreciate your company, lords and ladies,” Blue Belle said to the couples, “Thank you again for gracing our halls with your presence. Now then, everypony. It’s time for the moment we’ve all come to witness. As such, my final request to you this day is to set your gaze upon our supreme leader. Since the day Bladewing rose from his seat in the audience and won his battle against the legendary Viper Twins, he was fascinated by what drove him to win… and once he looked deep into this stallion's heart, he knew that Bladewing is more than worthy of the honor he will soon bestow on him. All hail his royal majesty, King Mountain Wind.” Blue Belle indeed needed no further words, for the crowd was more than happy to oblige her. They cheered loudly for the king as he rose from his throne and walked towards the podium. Bladewing himself wondered why he had no sword swinging gently from his hip this time, but he was sure he’ll find out soon enough. The king signaled with his hand to the troubadours to stop playing their music before addressing the audience, with Father Nexus standing beside the throne room holding the sword Bladewing brought in.

“Thank you, Blue Belle… and I thank you, everypony, for coming to the ceremony. It’s a wonderful thing to know that so many of you were eager to come. So much so that a crowd is huddled around the front gates of my palace this very moment – certainly a first for me. I lament that this room is not big enough for all of us, but I implore those watching outside to please stay calm and be kind to my two guards who are posted there. I would like them to emerge from this ceremony un-trampled, if you please.” The crowds both inside and outside couldn’t resist letting out a little laugh as Mountain Wind made this light-hearted joke. Rigor and Solar in particular just smiled and chuckled at each other knowing that for the first time since their enlistment, their king was in much brighter spirits.

“Now, then… jokes aside, everypony, I am truly honored to see that so many, both here and across the land, have taken time out of their morning to witness an event that will soon be immortalized. Our pegasus friend has been on quite the journey these past few days. He arrived in our land with next to nothing – even his memories weren’t spared – and yet in such a short time, he had done and earned more than most others couldn’t achieve in years… and he’s done it all without ever thinking of himself. These selfless acts of service, coupled with his inherent strength and his incorruptible loyalty to the light, are all what I looked for in the one to replace the now-retired Sir Burning Ridge. Some among you may be asking, ‘But he’s still alien to us, sir. How can you be sure Bladewing is the one to replace him?’ Well, my friends… this is why.” Mountain Wind motioned with his right hand to Father Nexus to bring him the sword, the blade itself still sheathed in its scabbard. As soon as Mountain Wind took the sword from him, Nexus bowed his head in respect and took his place next to him by the podium. Mountain Wind made sure to let everypony inside see it, including the camera crews to either side of him.

“This was given to Bladewing by Faust herself. It’s much more than a mere weapon. It is evidence of the promise our holy mother made to us centuries ago. A promise that despite being discarded by most of our ancestors was remembered and faithfully executed by the nine who didn’t. It seems through none other than Bladewing, Faust has assured me that not only does she remember her promise, but also that she will fulfill it soon… and Bladewing will be the one to help me see it through. If his character and actions alone aren’t already enough reason to knight him into the Council, then this very blade certainly is.” Mountain Wind moved in front of Bladewing not long after finishing his speech. The Council knights in turn formed an incomplete circle around Bladewing, each of them excited for what is to come (as was Bladewing himself.)

“Do you know why you are here, Bladewing?” the king asked him.

“Yes, sir,” replied Bladewing.

“Why are you here?”

“To become a Council knight, sir.”

“Do you comprehend the responsibilities – and the power – that come with this honor?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And do you understand what the punishment will be if you are caught mishandling either?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Very well. Now then…” Mountain Wind lowered himself onto one knee until he was eye level with Bladewing.

“Do you accept these terms and conditions without question?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.” Now that everypony in the room saw that Bladewing accepted the things he will do and experience as a knight, Mountain Wind rose once more to his feet.

“Tell me, Bladewing: do you believe in destiny?” Bladewing and the Council knights were surprised. The sword was one thing, but they didn’t plan for Mountain Wind to say something so off-script. They looked in confusion towards each other, then back to Mountain Wind, unsure of what will happen next. By contrast, the audience were none the wiser, for they believed it was all part of the process. Bladewing himself stood just as surprised as Mountain Wind was confidently happy.

“No, sir.” Despite his answer also being off-script to the other knights, it was exactly what the king needed to hear.

“Then you shall see why I do.” Less than a second later, Mountain Wind quickly drew the sword from out of the scabbard. He pulled it out so quickly in fact that the noise of its release sounded just loud enough for all in the room to hear it clearly… and they were absolutely mesmerized by how beautiful the sword really was.

“Behold, everypony!” declared Mountain Wind, “The Sword of Cielo!” Both the audience and the Council knights alike awed in wonder at the the blade that now glowed brightly in Mountain Wind’s right hand.

“What?” gasped Diamond Heart, “But how is this possible?”

“I wish I knew, dear,” replied Topaz, “I always thought that blade was little more than myth.” The couple waited with the rest of the audience, in great anticipation, to what Mountain Wind was going to do next.

“I can hardly believe it myself, my friends,” he told them, lowering his arm, “but I can confirm that this is indeed the fabled Sword of Cielo. A blade dating back to the very birth of our kingdom, it was crafted by the ancient Coltec blacksmiths… and blessed with holy magic by the very first High Priestess of the Faustian Order. Faust spoke to her one night through a vision, one where the holy mother promised our ancestors that in exchange for worshipping her and following the path of righteousness, she would protect our people for countless generations, make us a leading nation in this world… and one day bring us into a lasting era of peace and prosperity. This blade, she said, was meant to serve as proof of that promise. However, to ensure that it will never fall into the wrong hooves, Faust sent angels to take the sword and keep it with her in Heaven. The High Priestess foretold that she will return this sword to the royal family and fulfill the third part of her promise…” Mountain Wind slowly turned his head towards Bladewing with a smile before continuing.

“… when a warrior with blades of light brings it to them.” At this point, Bladewing was taken completely by surprise. There was no mistake: the one this High Priestess spoke of was him. The Council knights were both surprised and thrilled, for not only did they realize who this “warrior with blades of light” was, but also that they were in effect helping Faust fulfill her promise to their people. But while they were ecstatic, Bladewing himself was just barely so.

“Wow… so Faust really thinks I am destined for greatness. Great.” Bladewing wasn’t sure whether to continue to be surprised or accept this notion and be happy that she’s “guiding” him on this journey. After taking a look at how happy his soon-to-be colleagues and everypony else are, he decided that he will finally embrace the latter thought, a choice he confirmed with a smile.

“Heh. Very well. If you insist, goddess. Let’s see what else you have planned for me on this journey.” Now without a shred of doubt left in his mind, Bladewing waited for whatever else Mountain Wind had to say.

“I meant it when I said I appreciated your giving this sword to me, Bladewing,” spoke the king, “Through you, Faust has given me renewed hope in her promise… and I’m confident that you will be an essential part of it. Now I have but one question left to ask you: will you help me bring it to life?” Bladewing was unsure of what to say at first – he was no more prepared for this sudden change in the ceremony than the others were – but when he realized that Mountain Wind was speaking from the heart, he understood exactly where he would find the words he sought. He took in a deep breath before uttering his answer.

“I’ll be honest, sir: I'm a bit hesitant to answer that. Never in all my life did I think that I would one day be here… or that I would ever find myself believing in an otherworldly power. I used to believe that such things don’t exist, that only I am in control of my fate. Even now, as I learn I’ve played a critical role in Faust’s plan, I still hold on to this latter belief… and yet it’s because of this role I played that I now understand the true meaning of destiny. It’s true that our choices shape our future but in the end…” Bladewing looked up to Father Nexus before continuing. “… no path is set in stone.” Needless to say, the old priest was pleased. His words have finally sunk into Bladewing’s mind, and his retelling of them was all he needed to know that Bladewing was sincere. He smiled as he waited for what else the pegasus had to say.

“That said, my lord, if there’s anything I’ve learned from my time in this land, it’s this: a little faith goes a long way. I may have done all of my deeds on my own, but it was Faust who rewarded me for each of them. Now I have a home, a new family…” Bladewing turned around to face the Council knights. “… and soon, the best comrades I could ever ask for.” The knights couldn’t resist returning Bladewing’s grin with smiles of their own. They were flattered that Bladewing showed how special they were to him… and like Father Nexus, they were eager to hear more as Bladewing returned his attention to the king.

“So now I say, sir: I have my answer to your question. If helping you fulfill Faust’s promise means that we’ll all live the lives we were meant to have… then for the sake of my family, my friends, my new homeland…” Bladewing turned his head one last time, this time to face one very special pony.

“… and the one who owns my heart…” Rose felt her own heart melt as Bladewing uttered that phrase. It may not have officially counted as Bladewing saying he loves her, but she knew nonetheless that it was a huge step in opening himself up to her. Here he was openly declaring in front of everypony in the land that he belonged to her. If this wasn’t proof enough that Bladewing had feelings for her, nothing was. She watched with her soul aflutter as her stallion turned his face back towards the king.

“… I vow to give my very life if needed to help you do it.” The Council knights grinned with content. They were relieved to hear that Bladewing finally accepted Faust’s role in his life… and more importantly, that he agreed to help the king fulfill her end of this five thousand year old agreement. They turned their gaze towards Mountain Wind, who was now smiling proudly.

“You have chosen wisely, Bladewing. I am certain that we will all one day be in your debt.” Mountain cleared his throat before continuing on with the knighting.

“I find you worthy of this title, Bladewing. Now prove it. Swear your service to your country.” Bladewing bowed his head briefly before uttering his oath of loyalty to his king.

“I am imperfect, my lord king. I have my share of wrongs and misfortunes just like everypony else… but I am here because you see potential within me. You see me as one who can help you guide this great nation to the utopian future it deserves… and I shall prove that to you before Faust herself. I vow from this hour henceforth that I will serve you, your family, and the proud people of Cydonia throughout all that we face, in war or in peace. I offer you my strength – and my faith – knowing that you will keep them well.” Mountain Wind tipped his head to Bladewing.

“And gladly, I accept them. As both your lord and your friend, I vow to never lead you astray and to assist you in your time of need. For such are the bonds between a Coltec king and his knights.” The king then adjusted his grip on the sword.

“On your knees,” he commanded. Bladewing obliged and got down to knees without hesitation… and the knights responded in kind by drawing out their swords in unison as before, inches from their face pointed vertically. The troubadours meanwhile played the composition they made for this specific moment.

“By the power of the king… and by the will of Faust… I dub you a knight, Mr. Bladewing, of this most prestigious of councils. Nevermore will you carry on through life as a mere subject. You will now serve as a leader among ponies, ever striving for what is right until I release you… or death take you.” At long last, Mountain Wind made it official and lightly tapped each of Bladewing’s shoulders with the still-glowing Sword of Cielo. He put it back into the scabbard (which to everypony’s amazement quickly turned from old to brand new) before moving on.

“Rise, Sir Bladewing,” the king ordered, shaking Bladewing’s hoof as he did so, “and welcome to the High Council of Cydonia.” Happy that Bladewing was now officially their comrade, the other knights raised their swords above his head. The trumpeters in turn sounded off one last time, signaling the official end of the ceremony. The audience and the crowd outside the palace went into an uproar, as they knew that today indeed marked a special event: the dawn of a new era.

“Oh, isn’t this wonderful, Father?” asked Blue Belle.

“Yes,” Father Nexus replied, “Bladewing has finally accepted the stallion he was meant to be… and the holy mother rests knowing that the time to fulfill her promise has come.”

“How much longer will it take to see it through?”

“I don’t know. But…” Nexus looked towards Bladewing feeling at the greatest of ease. “… the wait will be worth it.”

Now that the ceremony was over, the other knights holstered their swords and proceeded to hug Bladewing. If they didn’t already consider him a friend, they certainly did now. They all knew that their lives can only get better from here on out, and they were determined to make sure that Bladewing felt right at home amongst them… for they will do nothing less for one who was chosen by Faust herself.

Once they were done, the knights, together with Bladewing, left the throne room and made their way back to the conference room.

“Congratulations, laddie,” spoke Clover, “Yer now part o’ the crew.”

“Thanks, Clover,” replied Bladewing, “I meant what I said. I’ve only known you all for a few weeks, but I feel in my heart that I couldn’t ask for better colleagues. I hope to build strong friendships with each of you.”

“As do we, comrade,” spoke Sir Nikolai – a brown, black-maned earth pony – “We all vanted to see zis day come… and now zat we know it was you ze High Priestess spoke of long ago, our time with you will be even more special. We Brushians have saying about zat: good brotherhood makes ze best wealth.” Bladewing grunted softly and smiled in agreement. It wasn’t long after that Mountain Wind entered the room, and all of the knights, including Bladewing, bowed in respect to him.

“You did well, my friends,” he said to them, “Especially you, Bladewing. I am pleased to know that I have your complete support in this centuries-old agreement.”

“It was the least I could do, sir,” answered Bladewing confidently, “If Faust really thinks that I am a crucial piece of this puzzle, then who am I to refuse? I may as well enjoy the ride.”

“*chuckle* I couldn’t have said it better myself.” It was at this moment that the king overheard Blue Belle thank the other ponies for coming (and also they were now free to go.) Knowing this, he turned his attention back to Bladewing.

“Your family must be waiting for you. You are now free to leave the palace.”

“Are you sure, sir?”

“I insist. Just be sure to report to Blue Belle’s office by 9 a.m. tomorrow. She'll have your first set of assignments ready for you by then.”

“All right. You have my thanks, your majesty. I will spend this time wisely.”

“See that you do.” Bladewing bowed his head to the king one last time before exiting the room. It was at this moment that a sudden thought came to Mountain Wind.

“Hm… now that I think about it… who is Bladewing’s new family anyway?”

“That would be the Heart family, my lord,” spoke Silver Streak, “They were seated in the top row center of the west bleachers.”

“Ah. So Mr. Heart is this ‘brother’ he spoke of?”

“Aye, sir,” replied Clover, “and rightfully so. That stallion owes him his life.”

“Indeed, Clover… and I expect each of you to follow his example. You never know if the ones you rescue will return the favor later in life.” The knights agreed with their king and chanted “Here, here!” in unison.

It didn’t take long before Bladewing was outside the palace; and as anyone in his position would expect, he was showered with attention by both fans and reporters alike the moment he was seen. However, this time around, he was not keen on lingering at the scene. With little more than a smile and a few waves of his hoof, Bladewing flew away from the crowd into the skies. The Hearts, together with Rose and Blaze, were already on their way home to meet up with him there, but his faster speed meant he will get there long before they did. The extra downtime was just what he needed to sober up from his excitement at the ceremony.

Within the hour, Rose and the others arrived at the house. After opening the front door, they proceeded inside and spotted Bladewing seated at the table. His back was facing them, but he got up and turned himself around as soon as he heard the front door opening. He was happy to see them once more, a feeling he showed with another smile as he hugged Diamond and Topaz.

“Good show, Bladewing,” said Diamond, “You were amazing back there.”

“Oh, it was nothing,” replied Bladewing, “I’m just lucky I found the words to speak in a pinch.”

“*chuckle* Don’t be so modest,” spoke Topaz, “This is your time to shine and you know it. At long last, you’re a Council knight... and thanks to that sword you found, it seems you’re destined to become much more than that. Your parents would be proud, wherever they are.” Unfortunately for Topaz, her words did not had the effect she intended. In fact, they did the opposite. Bladewing’s smile slowly disappeared as he remembered all he had lost, and he turned his head away in an attempt to hide his thoughts.

“Yeah. I’m sure they would.” The solemn tone in Bladewing’s voice gave Topaz pause, for she feared she accidentally brought low his spirit. But though this was indeed the case, Rose had every intention of bringing it back up. As his marefriend, she felt it was her duty to do so, a point she made clear as she gently grasped his cheek with her hoof and moved his head to face her.

“Bladewing,” she spoke softly, “Don’t be like that. Your mum and dad really would be proud of you. She didn’t mean anything else by it.” Bladewing nodded and firmly grasped her hoof with his own. His eyes slowly closed, and they stayed like that for a brief moment before he resumed the conversation.

“I know, Rose. It’s just… well, let’s face it: I really did lose everything I once had. Blue Belle was right in saying that. Even if by some miracle I regain the memories you say I sealed away…” Bladewing let a tear streak down his right eye as he said that, a sight that shook everypony in the room. “… I might never see any of my old friends and family again. It makes me wonder just how painful my past was to make me overlook the memories of my parents in particular. Did I not love them enough? Or did I in fact seal away my past because their passing was the final straw?”

“Aw, Bladewing.” Rose quickly embraced him in a hug. Even now, as he let the rest of his tears flow freely from his eyes, Bladewing refused to sob… for his heart was as strong as the rest of him, and he knew it was all part of the closure he needed to finally move on from his past and embrace the future he had made for himself.

“It’s okay, handsome,” Rose continued, “I know you miss them. I would be crying too if I wasn’t sure about the fate of my own loved ones… but don’t EVER think that they’re gone forever. No matter where they are, your parents will never truly leave your side. Even if you don't remember them.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because I already know them.” Bladewing looked towards Rose with a mix of wonder and sadness. “Because I know you. You’re the sweetest and bravest gentlecolt I’ve ever met. I can tell that your parents did a wonderful job in raising you. It’s true that I don’t know their fates any more than you do, but they don’t need to be alive OR remembered to stay with you. If there’s one thing about family that my mother taught me, it’s this: children are the reflection of their parents. I didn’t understand her back then… but I do now. Only a father who risks his very life to protect his family can teach his son the true meaning of courage and to stand tall for the sake of justice no matter the odds… and I can tell that he taught you well. The same goes for your mum. Only a mother who truly understands love can show her child why it’s important to be kind to others and to never be afraid to show your truest feelings to them. If she could see the joy you brought me these past few weeks, she’d be at a loss for words to describe how proud of you she is.” Rose could see that her words had an effect on Bladewing, for his eyes stopped shedding new tears and he no longer had a sad look on his face.

“Do you really believe that?”

“*chuckle* You know I do. You may not think so, Bladewing, but your parents are still with you. It’s through both your actions and your character that their spirits live on in you, whether they’re actually dead or not – or even if you remember them or not. It’s only when you stop being yourself that they’ll truly be gone.” The wisdom infused in her words proved very soothing to Bladewing. If his soul were an army on the brink of defeat, Rose provided it with the morale boost it needed to fight on for the sake of their fallen commander. Needless to say, it convinced him that he had the strength to break free of the chains of sorrow that still bound him to his past.

“Yes… you’re absolutely right.” Rose smiled and dried the rest of Bladewing’s tears after letting go of him.

“Good. There’s no reason to be sad. You may not have your old family anymore, but you do have a new one. If it weren’t for your bravery that day at the fields, the Hearts wouldn’t have lived to see this day.”

“Indeed,” added Diamond, “Topaz and I owe you more than we can ever repay in this lifetime. Letting you live here as part of our family is but a small fraction of the things we plan to do for you.”

“My husband is right, Bladewing,” agreed Topaz, “It’s my own personal hope that we can change your life in far greater ways than you changed ours. You have my word that we won’t ever stop being there for you.” Bladewing chuckled lightly and hugged Topaz.

“Thanks, Topaz. That’s very reassuring to hear.” After finishing his hug, Bladewing returned his attention to Rose.

“I guess you have a point, Rose. In a way, I haven’t lost much of anything, have I?”

“*giggle* See? And it’s not just a new family you have. You have new friends as well.”

“That’s right,” chimed Blaze, “Besides your buddies in the Council, you also have me, stud. I used to think Rose would never have the spine to talk to boys and one day have a relationship with one because she was so damn shy around them. Once she told me so happily how brave you were in fighting those dragons, though, I had a gut feeling that you’d be the one to finally break her out of her shell… and MAN, it felt so good to be right. You have my sincere thanks for that, Bladewing… and I promise you just as I did with Rose that I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you two have a great future together.”

“I’m glad I could be of help, Blaze,” replied Bladewing, “And thanks. I’m sure my relationship with Rose will flourish quite well with you around.” Blaze grinned and tipped her head to Bladewing just as he returned his attention for the final time to his mare.

“And speaking of relationships…” Bladewing could almost feel the sincerity in her words as Rose put her hoof back onto his cheek. “…you also have me, Bladewing. Despite what Blaze here may think of it, I already knew you had a role to play in my life. I just wasn’t sure if it was as a friend… or something more. Once I got to know you a little more, I knew in my heart that the latter would be it. I may have struggled here and there to build up my courage to try romance, but you made it all worth it. Especially now that I can be the one to help you finally move on from your past and fill your future with the love and happiness you rightfully deserve.” If what Rose told Bladewing that day at the Fortune Tune mall wasn’t already enough proof that she genuinely wanted him, what she said now was certainly it. That being said, Bladewing smiled as he gently removed her hoof from his face.

“*sigh*… You know what? You’re right. I may never have my old life back, but why should I be sad over it when I have a great start in this new one? I may as well be like the phoenix and raise a new me from the ashes of the old me. I guess I shed tears for my past one last time because I wanted to make it official… and now that I have, I’m finally at peace.” Relieved that she had succeeded in helping her stallion heal from the loss of his memories once and for all, Rose now knew what she had to do to get him to start looking forward to his future.

“Good. So no more sorrow. I cannot bear to see you cry any more than you can bear seeing me do it. From now on, we will face the good and bad in your life together… and no matter how bad it gets, we will see it through to the very end. Deal?” Bladewing nuzzled his mare’s face before giving his answer, much to the warm delight of the Hearts.

“Deal.” There was no question that everypony in the room was happy to see Rose successfully restore the happiness Bladewing lost only moments ago. As if more proof of it was even needed, Rose’s Cutie Mark began to glow with a strong red aura. It was surely a sign that she was more than worthy of the power this mark bestowed on her.

“Thank you, Bladewing. That was all the proof I need that you’ve finally let me into your heart. *chuckle* Even after the fast one you pulled on me after our date.”

“Ah,” Bladewing joked, “So you figured it out.” The stallion chuckled as Rose playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

“I certainly did, you sly colt. However, after what you said at the ceremony, this ‘stalker’ lacked the will to stay mad at you… and for that, she has forgiven you completely. Consider yourself lucky.” Bladewing couldn’t resist blushing and grinning nervously as he figured out what Rose meant by that.

“Oh… right. THAT part.”

“Mm-hm. That was very sweet of you… and now I want to reward you.”

“Reward me? For what?”

“For making me the happiest mare in the land.” Before anypony could figure out what she meant by this ‘reward’, Rose pressed forward and kissed Bladewing lovingly on his lips. Bladewing moaned in surprise as he felt her lips softly caress his own. The Hearts, including little Ruby, watched in awe at the romantic scene. Blaze meanwhile stood in complete shock, as she never thought Rose had it in her to be this deeply intimate with a stallion. She wasn’t complaining, though. At least she now had an excuse to playfully tease Rose if she ever tries to hide any juicy details about the relationship from her.

“Not that I think I’ll ever need to,” she thought to herself, “I’m just glad Bladewing’s taking it pretty darn well.”

Unfortunately for Blaze, Bladewing wasn’t sure how to take it at all. Especially given he was nigh unprepared for such a move from Rose. After processing everything that happened until now, however, he decided that now was the time to reveal to Rose how he truly felt about her. As such, he finally shed his hesitation and embraced the emotion he kept from her since day one. He closed his eyes and wrapped his foreleg around his mare’s head as he returned the kiss with equal passion.

“Way to go, Bladewing!” cheered Diamond, “That’s how it's done!”

“Quiet, you,” joked Topaz, “You’re not ruining this beautiful moment if I can help it.” Diamond both grinned and chuckled nervously as his wife gave him an evil grin, and it was all it took for him to apologize and sober up to reality once more.

The deed done, Rose slowly parted her lips from Bladewing’s, and Bladewing in turn removed his hoof from her head. All the stallion could feel right now was a warm feeling radiating from within.

“Wow. So this is what you meant.”

“*giggle* What can I say, Bladewing? I love you. Even if you won’t say it, I will… and I hope that someday you will too.”

“Then you can stop hoping… because I love you, too.” Rose couldn’t believe what she heard. She wasn’t sure if he was teasing her again or if maybe – just maybe – he was sincere. She looked at him with longing in her eyes.

“Do you mean that? For real this time?” Having heard exactly what he needed to hear, Bladewing let her have it.

“With all of the heart you’ve successfully claimed.” Bladewing’s words were too much for Rose to handle. It’s only been a few weeks but given how much Bladewing teased her (albeit playfully), she felt he would never surrender his love to her… and yet after pulling his very soul out of the abyss (and of course her kiss), he finally legitimized her claim on him. This victorious conquest allowed her to let loose tears of her own, ones that unlike Bladewing’s were laced with joy.

“Aw, come now, Rose,” Bladewing cooed teasingly, hugging her, “Don’t cry on me now. Didn’t you say something about ‘no more sorrow’?”

“Oh, shut up and kiss me, you smug colt.” Bladewing was more than happy to oblige her command. The two lovebirds embraced each other’s lips once more. Truth be told, their love swelled so much it would make a particular pair of humans blush… but at least Rose and Bladewing’s love wasn’t frowned upon. Especially not by the four ponies that were more than happy to see Bladewing finally accept the romantic feelings he had for Rose.

“*sigh* So it has come to pass,” spoke Topaz, “Our pegasus friend has finally given the relationship the care it needs to bloom.”

“So he has, love,” Diamond spoke, “*chuckle* Let’s see how it goes.” Bladewing enjoyed the calming warmth of his mare with every second that she nestled in his embrace. Before long, they separated their lips from one another, but they still stood together.

“I’m glad to have been a part of your special day, Bladewing,” Rose spoke softly, “and I hope that we will share many more memories together.”

“You have my word that we will, Rose… and I promise to cherish each one as I cherish you: like a precious gem.” The love that flowed between the couple was powerful, a sentiment shared with awe by the four ponies watching them. Bladewing was uncertain what the future holds for him but in this moment, he could care less. He was now a Council knight, and after what felt like ages, he finally got the closure he sought for his past and moved on from it… and confessed his love to Rose while he was at it. There was little else he could think of that would make this day any better for him. He looked towards the cloud-filled sky with gratitude, as if to thank the goddess for having made this day so perfect for him. And so began Bladewing’s first step into legend: burying who he was, embracing who he is… and imagining who he will be.

* * * END SEGMENT I * * *

Interlude I: The Long Road Ahead

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Somewhere in Cydonia, all was peaceful. It was a Saturday night, and a large feast was spread over a rectangular dining room table. Within this house lived a unicorn couple blessed with twin foals. The colt and filly were each seven years old… and based on how much food was on the table, they were glad that seven was a lucky number. The parents who were standing at the table were just glad to have their two little ones in their lives.

“Wow, look at all the food,” spoke the colt.

“Yeah, there’s so much of it,” added the filly.

“*chuckle* All the more reason to thank your father, little ones,” replied the mother, seating herself next to her husband, “I couldn’t have made all this without the ingredients he bought for us. Now have a seat. We will give our thanks to the goddess, then we eat.” The kids just nodded and proceeded to sit themselves at the table with their parents… and as soon as they did, the father put his hooves together to begin the family prayer.

“Dear Mother, we gather here today to thank you for this wonderful feast. We did our best to follow the path You set for us, and we hope that as we continue to follow it, so too will You continue to watch over our family and our people. Heaven be praised.” The stallion’s family repeated the last sentence he uttered and then began to fill their plates with food.

“You’re amazing, my love,” spoke the husband, “I could’ve sworn I bought less than what we have here.” The wife just giggled and kissed his lips.

“You bought enough, dear. Don’t worry so much. We’re here together, and that’s all that matters.”

“Yeah, Dad,” the colt added, pouring himself some orange juice, “It’s not your fault you got laid off. At least you came out okay.”

“He’s right, Papa,” spoke the filly, grabbing a fork for her salad, “Besides, you’ll have a new job soon. Right, Mommy?”

“That’s right, honey,” replied the mother, “And you know what else? While your papa waits to begin his first day of work at his new job, he’s still getting money from his old one through a settlement.”

“What’s a settlement, Mom?” asked the colt.

“It’s a deal where a judge forces a company to pay workers like your father the money they owe them.”

“But why do they have to fight, Mom? I thought the company always pays Dad and his buddies.”

“Not always, son,” said the father, swallowing his mouthful of lasagna, “Sometimes a company can get greedy and stop paying us workers on time. Other times, they don’t pay us at all. Either way it goes, it almost always happens when that company is about to close down. When it does close, us workers are the first to lose our jobs.”

“That’s terrible, Papa,” spoke the filly worriedly.

“It is, sweetie. That’s why Mommy and I tell you two to stand up for yourselves. People won’t always give you what you rightfully deserve. Sometimes you need to show them that you mean business.”

“You bet, Dad,” replied the colt with confidence, mimicking a boxer’s punches, “We won’t let anypony steal from us. We’ll kick their butts if they try it.”

“*chuckle* And kick butt we did, little one. You see, at my job, we have unions – big groups of workers that come together to fight for better pay and other good stuff. We fought the company for weeks through the courts until the judge finally forced them to give us our final paychecks – and more.”

“Indeed,” added the wife, “Through your father’s union, he and his fellow workers did more than just get their money – they showed the whole country that they weren’t afraid to stand up for what is right.”

“Just like Bladewing?”

“*giggle* Exactly like Bladewing.” The colt smiled as he got back to eating his plate of cheese lasagna. It was no surprise that he admired Bladewing, and his father remembered why as a flashback entered his mind.


It was an warm day in autumn. Leaves rustled gently in the wind as the ponies within the park enjoyed their time. Well, most of them anyway.

To the misfortune of a particular unicorn colt, a vanilla ice cream cone now laid splattered on the cobblestone sidewalk. His eyes slowly began to well up with tears as he whimpered over having lost his precious frozen treat.

“Aw, it’s okay, little one,” the boy’s father told him, “It’s only ice cream.”

“But you got it for me, Papa,” the little colt whimpered, “And I ruined it.”

“I know, but it’s not your fault. It was an accident. Let’s see if we can get you another one. Just give me a moment.” The stallion pulled out his wallet to buy a replacement cone for his son but to his dismay, the wallet was empty. He feared that the day would end with him taking his little one home in sorrow… but little did he know that Faust was smiling upon him that day. Having saw the colt’s tears, she saw fit to send somepony to help them, in the form of a hooded stallion walking with a beautiful mare.

“Give him a replacement cone, sir,” spoke the hooded pegasus, “I’ll be footing the bill.”

“You got it, boss,” spoke the vendor, “That’ll be two bits.” The mysterious stallion nodded and gave him the coins. The vendor in turn procured another vanilla ice cream cone for the little colt.

“Here ya go, kid,” spoke the vendor, giving him the cone, “Be sure not to drop this one, okay?”

“*giggle* I won’t.” The father felt his heart warm as his son smiled once more, the boy happily licking his ice cream. He then turned to face the hooded stranger.

“You have my thanks, sir. I feared my son would come home with me in tears.”

“It’s no problem, my friend,” spoke the stranger, “I saw that your wallet was empty and I felt I had to help. I know what it’s like to have nothing, trust me. I’d curse myself if I left the area knowing I could’ve restored the happiness of a little boy but did nothing. You owe me nothing for this.”

“You have a noble and generous spirit. May the goddess bless you and your marefriend.” The mare smiled and nuzzled her coltfriend as he said that. Just as the father and son duo were going to leave the park, however, the hooded stranger wanted to commit one final good deed.

“Before you go,” he spoke, digging into his robe’s left pocket, “I want you to have this.” The unicorn stallion turned around to face the stranger and gasped as he pulled out a gold pocket watch.

“It’s so shiny, Papa,” said the colt. The father nodded in agreement as the stranger gave him the watch.

“Good goddess,” spoke the father, “This thing is worth at least two thousand bits. I couldn’t possibly accept this, sir.”

“I insist,” spoke the stranger, “I’m sure you’ll have more use for it than I do. Do as you please with it.”

“I… oh, what I can say to such generosity?” The father held his hoof out to the stranger, and he in turn grinned as he shook it. “I sincerely hope Faust pays you back ten-fold for it, good sir. You have no idea just how much you helped my family with this.”

“Always happy to help, my friend. You may go in peace.”

“You as well. But first…” The father turned his head to face his little one. “Son, what do you say to the stallion?” With the happiest of smiles, the boy looked up to the hooded stranger.

“Thank you.” The stranger just chuckled and ruffled the little colt’s mane with his hoof before leaving the area with his mare.

“Wow, what a nice guy,” spoke the vendor to the father, “He gave ya an expensive watch AND bought your boy another cone.”

“Yes… and I shall never forget his kindness. For as long as I live.” The vendor nodded and left with his cart. The father and son soon did the same, the boy especially happy for the good fortune that befell the two of them.

“That stallion was very nice, wasn’t he, Papa?” The father chuckled as he nuzzled his son’s face.

“He sure was, little one.”

“Do you think we’ll see him again?” The father looked towards his left and saw the hooded stranger and his marefriend walking out of the park in the opposite direction.

“Maybe someday. Let’s pray to Faust that we will.”

* * * THE PRESENT * * *

“Is something troubling you, dear?” The sound of his wife’s voice snapped the stallion out of his flashback.

“It’s nothing, love. I was just remembering that day at the park. I still can’t believe it was Bladewing I was talking to that whole time.”

“Me neither, Papa,” agreed the filly, “I wish I was there with you and big brother. Bladewing sounds like a really nice guy.”

“He is. If I had known it was him under that hood, I would’ve asked him to engrave his autograph on that watch.”

“What’s an autograph, Dad?” asked the colt.

“It’s a signature, son.”

“Oh, like the name you write on letters?”

“Exactly. Famous ponies write their autographs on things all the time. If you’re a fan of one, all you have to do is ask him… and if you’re lucky, he’ll sign his name on whatever you like, from as small as photos to as big as carriages.”

“But why do people like autographs so much, Papa?” asked the filly.

“It’s because things that are autographed by famous ponies are rare, sweetie. They’re often so rare that they’re worth many times more than their original prices. I know that watch could’ve easily been worth four thousand bits if it had Bladewing’s signature on it.”

“Wow, really?”

“You bet. From what I heard, Bladewing doesn’t give his autograph very often, so it’s pretty rare.”

“Sweet! Do you think he can sign my bow?”

“I don’t think a bow is something Bladewing can write his name on, sis,” spoke the colt, “Bows are for girls.”

“But you heard Papa, big brother: famous ponies like Bladewing can write their autographs on anything.”

“Well, he’s not wrong, honey,” agreed the mother, “but I think what your brother meant was that it would be better to get Bladewing’s autograph on something that has a connection with him. You know, like a magazine or shirt with his face on it.”

“Oh, okay. How about my cap? You know, the one you gave me on my birthday?”

“Hm… that can work. Would you want his autograph on it?”

“Yes, please.”

“All right, little one,” chuckled the father, “I’ll see if I can get him to sign your cap for you.”

“Don’t forget about me, Dad,” spoke the colt, “I want his autograph on my Bladewing action figure.”

“*giggle* It’s a doll, big brother,” corrected the filly, “Actions figures are just dolls with moving body parts.” The colt blushed as his sister grinned.

“No, they’re not,” he countered, “Action figures are cool. They kick butt and do poses and everything.”

“If it’s small and looks like a pony, then it’s a doll. Boys can play with them too, you know.”

“No, they can’t.”

“Yes, they can.”




“Yeah.” The siblings kept bouncing back and forth with their responses as each tried to win over the other’s argument… and as any parent would be, the couple was amused. However, they weren’t keen on carrying on with their meal in this verbal battlefield.

“That’s quite enough, you two,” said the mother with a laugh, “Your father won’t get those autographs for you if you behave like this.” She turned her head first to her daughter, and then to her son as she continued.

“Honey, you know you can’t force your thoughts onto somepony else. Even if they are fact, that other pony might not see it that way. You must respect their views as they respect yours.”

“Yes, Mommy. I’m sorry.”

“Good. As for you, young colt, you know there’s nothing wrong with boys playing with dolls… and action figures ARE dolls.” The colt grimaced playfully at his sister just as she shot back at him by sticking out her tongue.

“I know, Mom. It’s just that ‘action figure’ sounds cooler.”

“It doesn’t matter what you call it, son,” said the father, “Action figures and dolls don’t make you cool. You do. Bladewing didn’t need to prove to anypony that he’s cool, did he?”

“No, he didn’t.”

“So there you go. Don’t ever be ashamed of what you love... because you’re cool just the way you are. Do you understand me?”

“*sigh* Yes, sir.” The father extended a hoof to ruffle his son’s mane and chuckled.

“That’s my boy. Mommy and I don't want to hear any more fighting between you two tonight... and if you still want me to get those autographs, you will apologize to each other right now.”

“Okay, Papa.” The filly turned to face the colt. “I’m sorry, big brother.”

“Yeah,” replied the colt, “I’m sorry too, sis.”

“Excellent. Now let’s continue with our feast.” The father was pleased to hear his children say “yeah” in unison before resuming with their meals. However, it wasn’t very long before a thought came to the mother’s mind out of curiosity.

“Hm… why did the company close down anyway, dear?”

“Business decision,” replied the father, taking a sip from his cup of water, “SteelWorks has been bleeding money for years. The Board of Directors said they wanted to avoid bankruptcy, but the boys and I knew that was a load of garbage. They just wanted to use our wages to pay the fines the royal government slapped them with.”

“Fines? For what?”

“For lying to RBI officials. It turns out some of the ponies on the Board knew exactly why we were getting our paychecks much slower than usual… and it was because they were secretly funneling some of their profits to multiple criminal organizations. They lied to the RBI in the hopes that they wouldn’t get caught and punished for it.”

“Oh, how awful. They’re a multi-million bit company, and yet they decide to get their hooves deep into shady business anyway. It’s like they have no honor anymore.”

“I’m afraid so, love. Thankfully, Bladewing put an end to all of it. Through him, the RBI learned that the corruption within the company’s leadership spread all the way up to the CEO... and the CEO himself was one of a hoofful of wealthy ponies who funded the Earth Legion’s attack on the Senate building three years ago.”

“*gasp* That’s horrible, Papa,” spoke the filly with fear, “Why would he help bad ponies like them?”

“I wish I knew, sweetie. The CEO was the last pony I expected to be associated with the Legion. After Bladewing and the other Council knights arrested him and the Board members who helped him, they were all tried and found guilty of accessory to both murder and attempted murder as well as high treason, and the few ponies left on the Board of Directors stripped them of their power not long after they were put in jail. We weren’t sure what would happen to SteelWorks, but all the boss and us workers knew for sure was that we had to be ready to stand tall against the Board… for we knew that whatever happened next will not be pretty.”

“It wasn’t, Dad,” said the colt, “The company took away you and your buddies’ jobs one by one until only your boss was left. Even then, they took away his job too… but you guys didn’t let them get away with it.”

“That’s right, little one. With each other’s support, we made things right once more. Looking back on it, I’d say it was a good thing it all happened the way it did.”

“I couldn’t agree more, dear,” replied the mother, “You set a good example not just for our kids, but for all of Cydonia... *chuckle* and now I can brag to the ladies at my own job that my husband helped bring a corrupt company to its knees.”

“I don’t know about that, love. The company Board still denies any wrongdoing to this day, but this much I’ll say: thank Faust that we had somepony like Bladewing to make them pay for all of it.”

“You said it, Dad.” The father watched as his son raised his glass. “Here’s to Bladewing.” Spurred on by his wife and daughter also raising their glasses, the father smiled and decided to join in on the toast.

“May he soon lead us into the promised Golden Age. Cheers!” The family repeated his last word and clinked their glasses together before taking a sip from their cups. It wasn’t long after that before the little TV that stood in the corner of the kitchen counter gave the colt an idea.

“Can we see if Bladewing is on TV, Mom?”

“Ooh, that’s a great idea,” added the filly, “Can we, Mommy?”

“Now, kids,” replied the mother with concern, “You know the rules: no TV watching is allowed during dinner.”

“Aw, come on, love,” spoke the father, “Let them have a little fun. They do their chores and are earning good grades at school. We can make an exception this once.” The wife remained unconvinced, but the husband could tell that she was considering it.

“I don’t know, dear. We may just spoil them in doing that.”

“You won’t, Mom,” assured the colt, “It’s the only time we'll ask you, I promise.”

“Hm… well…” As if nothing else in the world mattered to them, the colt and filly both shot sad puppy-eyed looks at their mom… and to their delight, it worked. She smiled upon the two of them and sighed. How could she say no to such cute little faces?

“All right. I’ll let you watch TV during dinner this once. But are you sure you’d rather see Bladewing over watching ‘Pony Rangers’?”

“For sure, Mom,” replied the colt, “Bladewing’s so much cooler.”

“Yes, Mommy,” added the filly, “We watch ‘Pony Rangers' all the time. We can go a day without it.”

“*chuckle* You heard them, my sweet,” spoke the father with a smug grin, “Let's see if we can catch Bladewing on the news.” Dismayed as she was that she caved in to her children’s demands, the mother couldn’t help but join in her husband’s humor.

“Humph. I swear, you dote on them way too much.”

“What can I say, love? I love them more than I love myself… and at least Papa’s not stingy with the cookies.” The wife gasped at the wisecrack he made of her; by contrast, the colt and filly couldn’t resist giggling as their mom did so. She playfully stuck her tongue out at her husband in defiance, and she made sure to remind him who commanded the cookie jar by lightly slapping his shoulder with a cloth napkin. Without anything more to say between the two, the wife used the remote to turn on the TV. On the screen were VTN News anchors Razor and Crimson Blast, and hostess Sandy Peak was wrapping up one of the many questions she and her companions had for one very familiar pegasus (who was currently sitting on a couch across from them within the studio).

“-gotten used to it. I really am flattered that so many ponies look up to me.”

“Oh my goodness,” gasped the wife, “It’s him.”

“Dad, look!” exclaimed the colt, pointing at the black pegasus, “It’s Bladewing. He’s on TV after all.”

“So he is, little one,” the father spoke, “But calm down. We don’t want to be too loud here. We can’t hear him talk if we are.”

“Right. Sorry.” The father just tipped his head to acknowledge him, and he returned his head to the screen shortly after.

“Nice,” spoke anchor Razor, “It’s great to hear you’re not shying away from stardom anymore, Bladewing. If any stallion deserves it, it’s you.”

“*chuckle* Good to know somepony thinks so… and I can promise that I’ll continue to serve the people faithfully in my role as a Council knight.”

“Right on,” said Crimson Blast, “It’s been more than two years since the king gave you that title. Are your views on destiny the same as they were back then?”

“Hm… that’s a good question. I’ll admit that I still have a little doubt over whether Faust actually controls anypony’s destiny, let alone mine. I can’t see why any immortal being would do that to somepony if we all have freedom of choice. Yet whenever I reflect on my life – from waking up in the fields outside Fredericksmare to after my colleagues and I arrested the SteelWorks CEO – I can’t help but feel that somehow, whether I can see it or not, it was all meant to unfold as it did. Maybe Faust IS in control of my fate and I’m just struggling to accept it still. Whether or not that’s true is beyond me, though. All I know for sure is that my trust in her is much stronger now than it was back then… and as long as I can still make my own choices, I have no issue whatsoever in leaving my destiny in her hooves.”

“An interesting choice, my friend,” said Sandy Peak, “I think I speak for everypony in the nation when I say we’re all looking forward to what you’ll do next. While we’re on the subject, is there any choice you made that you’re particularly fond of?”

“Well, I do have one. There’s this one time where my marefriend and I encountered a unicorn stallion and his son at a park.”

“*gasp* He’s talking about you and big brother, Papa!” exclaimed the filly.

“He sure is, sweetie,” beamed the father happily, returning his gaze to the screen.

“You don’t say,” spoke Razor, “Can you tell us more about it?”

“Of course. I was just coming back with Rose from winning at a game of strength when we saw a little unicorn colt crying nearby. He had dropped his ice cream cone and though he did try, his dad was unable to get him another one. Rose couldn’t stand seeing the little colt so unhappy… and to be frank, neither could I. So, I decided to step in and get him a replacement cone identical to the one he dropped. I then gave the watch I won from my game to his dad. He refused at first because he said it was worth two thousand bits, but I didn’t care. He needed it more than I ever did. Besides, even if I wanted something in return for it, the boy’s happy face would already be more than enough. You can put prices on watches all day long, but a child’s genuine smile is priceless.”

“Well said, my friend,” said Crimson Blast with a grin, “Nothing shows a happy family like giggling and smiling kids. Is there anything you wish you could’ve done differently that day?”

“Well, if I truly wanted to do things a bit differently, I probably should’ve autographed that watch before giving it to the little colt’s dad. I don’t want to sound pompous or anything, but if I had known how prominent I would become in the future, I’m sure my signature could’ve made that watch be worth four thousand bits.”

“Aw, snap,” gasped the colt, “You were right, Dad. Autographs DO make stuff worth more.”

“Told you so,” mused the father, “But it’s okay that he didn’t autograph the watch. There’s no way we could’ve known back then that it was him under that hood.” The colt just nodded and joined his father in watching the screen again.

“Nah, you’re fine,” continued Crimson, “There’s nothing wrong with simply using your name to help somepony in need make a little more money. Right, guys?” Crimson Blast grinned with pleasure as his colleagues agreed with his opinion.

“*chuckle* I’m sure you’re right, Crimson. Whatever that stallion did with the watch, I sincerely hope that it brought him and his family good fortune, whether through selling it or keeping it as a family heirloom.”

“We hope so too, Bladewing,” added Sandy, “I’m sure that little boy in particular looks up to you as a role model. He could be watching us this very moment. Do you have anything you would like to say to him?” The father couldn’t help but chuckle as he saw his son beam an adorable grin, his eyes attentively fixed onto Bladewing.

“I do.” Bladewing turned his head to face the camera closest to him. “Never give in to despair, little one. Things may look bad at first, but there is always a way to make it better. You just have to remember that just as good things don’t last forever, neither do bad things. Listen to the voice in your heart that’s telling you how to end the bad things, and you’ll make the good things all the longer and sweeter. The fight is not over until either you or the bad things in your life wins… so be sure that the one who wins is you.”

“Wise words, Bladewing,” agreed the mother, “If only I could thank you in person for what you’ve done for us.”

“Wow, this is so cool, big brother!” exclaimed the filly, “He’s talking directly to you.”

“For sure, sis,” agreed the colt, “Man, this is SO much cooler than ‘Pony Rangers’.” The two foals returned their gaze to Bladewing not long after.

“Sage advice, Bladewing,” said Razor, “Let’s hope he takes it to heart. Thanks again for coming into our studio.”

“It’s my pleasure, Razor. I look forward to the next time I am invited here.”

“You bet,” spoke Sandy, “Let’s hope it’s soon.” The mare then turned her head to the camera focusing on her, with various scenes being displayed on the TV screen (as well as music) as she described each one. “Moving on with our top stories, we have the governor of Sacerus commenting at a press conference on how his state will implement the doctrines of the New Haven Act if the king signs it into law, then we have news from the Royal Palace on rising tensions between the newly formed Volatis Kingdom and the Dragon Empery and how the nation will react if negotiations between them fall through, and then finally new details emerge on the alleged suicide of notorious smuggler Funnel Ashes suggesting that perhaps there’s more to his death than meets the eye. All this and more after a word from our sponsors, so stay tuned.” Having said these final words, the screen shifted from the studio back to the VTN News logo with a voice closing out the scene.

“VTN Evening News at 9 will return after these messages.” Having heard the last of Bladewing for the day, the mother turned off the TV.

“Well then, kids,” said the mother with a grin, “You got your wish. I hope you're satisfied with the results.”

“Oh yes, Mommy,” replied the filly, “Watching Bladewing talk was amazing. Especially when he talked to big brother.”

“Yeah, Mom,” added the colt, “It’s awesome to know he still remembers me and Dad. Now I can’t wait to meet him again.”

“*chuckle* You and me both, son,” chimed the father, “We may even be lucky enough to invite him to dinner someday.”

“Really? We can do that?”

“Well, I don’t see why not. He got us through the time we spent with the delay in my paychecks. Having him over for a day would be the least we can do to pay him back for it. Wouldn’t it, love?”

“It certainly would, dear,” answered the wife, “But let’s save it for another time. We don’t want to let the dinner we have now get cold.”

“Ah yes, of course.” The father turned his head to address his children. “You heard Mommy, little ones. Let's finish our meal. There will be no further chatter until we are all done.”

“You bet, Dad,” replied the colt, “But first…” The boy turned his head to face his mother.


“Yes, sweetie?” said the mother.

“Thanks. You know, for letting me and sis watch TV during dinner tonight. Seeing Bladewing talk about me and Dad was better than any episode of ‘Pony Rangers’. I’ll never forget it… and I swear that I’ll keep my promise and never ask you to do it again.”

“Aw, you’re most welcome,” she cooed, “my little stallion.” With nothing else left to be said, the family carried on with their feast.

Within the hour, the whole family was sleeping soundly. With stomachs as full as theirs, one can expect nothing less. But while nothing further happened here, the same could not be said elsewhere. Not far from where this family lived was an apartment building, and laid on a couch in one of its rooms was a young pegasus stallion. A few bottles of beer littered the floor on either side of the couch, a strong indicator that if the darkness of night didn’t put him to sleep, the heavy dose of alcohol certainly did. It was a good thing for him in the end, however, for he would not have to witness what would soon appear on his screen.

The TV in front of the stallion was tuned in to a marathon of what appeared to be a crime drama series. It was displaying a scene where a police chief was speaking to reporters at a press conference.

“... that everything is under control. This-” Before the chief could say another word, the screen quickly warped into static. This blurry sight of gray and black lasted but a second or two, and the stern face of an earth pony stallion emerged from the static. Only his mouth and muzzle were visible, the rest of his face shrouded behind a deep veil of shadow. The angry expression on his face showed any who looked upon him that he was anything but friendly, a profile made more sinister by the whimpering of a young mare hidden somewhere in the background.

“No,” he said in a deep voice, “It’s not under control. For too long was this world forced to be shared with the impure ones. For too long this nation was led by a stallion who has betrayed his own kind. People of Cydonia, you are afraid tonight. You are afraid because you thought it was all over... and you thought wrong.” The screen then zoomed out to include a pegasus mare quivering with fear. Her wings and limbs were bound in rope, and an empty sack covered her head. Only Faust herself knew what was going on, and it was a pity indeed that the rules that governed her prevented her from intervening.

“Please... let me go.” The mare’s vain attempt to negotiate with her captor seemed to give the mysterious stallion a thrill as a smirk slowly emerged onto his face. The fear and anxiety that emanated from the poor girl was like a drug to him: intoxicating and making him crave more.

“You really think I’d let freaks like you go? *chuckle* Foolish girl. Your kind shouldn’t even exist.” The stallion proceeded to punch her face as hard as he could, forcing a yelp from the mare and making her weep.

“Listen well, you dozen saint wannabes. Do you think the capture of our SteelWorks cohorts scares us? We have more friends in high places than you think. All your little triumph did was steel our resolve. This land is filled with ponies ready to stand against you and the corrupt regime you protect... and it’s only a matter of time before the both of you fall to our might.” Another stallion moved into view of the camera holding a musket in his hooves. He pointed it at the mare with malicious intent, and the sound of the gun’s hammer cocking horrified the mare, for she knew exactly what was going to happen next.

“Ple-he-he-ease… don’t do this. I’ll give you anything you want. *hic* Just name it.” The mare continued whimpering nervously as she felt her captor grab her by the head and sat her upright once more.

“You’re in no position to negotiate, my dear. Your life is in my hooves whether you like it or not. It’s unfortunate that it won’t be for much longer.”

“No, wait, please! *sob* I can still give you my body. I’ll give you as many foals as you like. I’ll even raise them for you. Just please… don’t do this to me.” As much as he would enjoy forcing his foals on her, the mysterious stallion had no interest in doing so.

"And let you bring disgusting half-breeds into this world? I think not." The henchman chucked fiendishly as his boss moved his face back towards the camera.

“I hope you’re seeing this, Sky Walker. You may have my partner imprisoned, but this is still far from over. Neither you nor Bladewing can stop the coming storm… and this creature will be one of many that you’ll fail to save from it. May she haunt your minds forever as you continue your futile mission to change the inevitable." The camera then zoomed out to include all three ponies, and the henchman holding the musket moved closer until the end of the barrel was roughly 3 inches away from the back of her head. At this point, the mare lost what little hope she had left and began sobbing uncontrollably, lowering her head to the ground.

“Please, I beg of you!” she cried, “*hic* Let me go! I swear I won’t tell anypony about this! I don’t even know your name!”

“*chuckle* Did I not tell you already, you stupid slut? I’m not letting you go… well, at least not yet.” The mare yelped in pain as her captor felt out her mane through the bag and pulled her head up by it.

“As for my name… you’re more than welcome to know. I may as well ease some of your fear by letting you know who gave you the honor of being the one to help me send my message to the Council Knights.” Having completely destroyed this innocent girl’s will to resist, the mysterious stallion let go of her mane. Her head bobbed for a brief moment before returning to a praying position.

“I am Ares,” he declared with an evil tone, “And I claim your soul for the Earth Legion.” The cruel laughter that now emanated from the two stallions grew from soft to loud as the mare, too helpless to even dry her tear-soaked face, quivered with horror for the last time… and the screen flashed white then turned to black before it could reveal the bloody scene that unfolded.

“Please, no… No… NOOOOO-”


Abnormal Normalcy (Part I)

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*Begin Segment II: The Twilight Years*

“*sigh* This is Heaven.” It was late in a Saturday evening, and Bladewing was enjoying himself in a spa at a mountainous facility somewhere in the southern half of Cydonia. Clover and Nikolai were in the pool with him, with Clover to Bladewing’s left and Nikolai to his right. They arranged to use up two of their saved vacation days for a fun time as a trio (with the king’s approval, of course) and right now, they couldn’t feel more at ease. Especially after all the work they put in for the past month.

“Now you see why zis was a good idea, comrade,” mused Nikolai, “No mares. No missions. Just us stallions enjoying well-earned comforts.”

“You said it, Nikolai. My body never felt so relieved. I can’t remember the last time I had a vacation.”

“Neither can I, laddie,” replied Clover, “It feels good to be carefree for a bit. Especially since we won’t have fun like this again for a good while.”

“Then let’s make ze most of zis, boys,” chimed Nikolai, “Today, we live like kings.” The Brushian stallion was pleased to hear his comrades grunt softly in agreement. They followed it up with a deep sigh, their weeks of grueling stress melting away with the bubbling water firmly rushing against their bodies. It wasn’t long after this moment of silence that Nikolai decided to liven things up with a bit of banter.

“Speaking of which… it seems Mountain Wind may have secret admirer.”

“Secret admirer?” asked Bladewing curiously, “What makes you say that?”

“Remember ze mare who stood next to him yesterday?”

“What mare?” asked Bladewing.

“Why, the lass who sent us off, laddie,” replied Clover, “Ya did see her, right?”

“Well, yes, I did, but I didn’t think too much of her. I was just glad to be off-duty.”

“Aye, I felt the same. Still, ya have to admit that she was quite pretty.”

“I suppose. What was her name anyway?”

“Sage Tulip, I think,” answered Nikolai, “She’s the new maid Blue Belle hired last week.”

“Is she now?”

“Da. Now I don’t know much about her, but I can tell that she has a crush on ze king.”

“And just how do you know that?”

“*chuckle* Don’t tell me you didn’t notice her gawking at him when he gave us his permission to go. It was plain as day, comrade.”

“Hmm… now that you mention it, she was acting a bit strange… but surely it can’t mean she has a crush on him. Maybe she’s not yet used to working for royalty.”

“Oh no, laddie,” spoke Clover, “I saw it in her eyes. I haven’t seen a mare look away from a stallion so shyly in all me life. If anypony had a crush then and there, it was her.”

“*sigh* I guess you have a point. Still, what does it matter? It’s not like Mountain Wind noticed it any more than I did. At best, he’ll think she just likes him like everypony else does.”

“Ah, but Mrs. Heart said the same about you and Rose and look how that turned out.” Clover and Nikolai laughed heartily as they remembered a conversation they once had with the Hearts at a party.

“Grr, I told you guys already,” Bladewing grunted defiantly with a blush, “It was NOT ‘love at first sight.’ She fell for me, not the other way around. Ooh, you two have a lot of nerve insinuating the feeling was mutual since day one.”

“Maybe it wasn’t, Bladewing,” joked Nikolai, "But you had feelings for her nonetheless. Why else would you have agreed to be her coltfriend?"

“It was NOT because I had feelings for her. It’s just, well… she made me an offer I couldn't refuse. What more can I say?” Although Bladewing was telling the truth, Nikolai saw little reason to believe him. How can he with how bashful Bladewing was being about his relationship? All he could do was chuckle with a smug grin.

“Vhatever you say, comrade. To be frank with you, I would’ve made ze same choice if I were in your 'shoes. So few mares can rival her beauty.”

“Aye, it’s the truth,” replied Clover with a smile, “Who would’ve thought ya had the former ‘Miss Cydonia’ of all mares as yer marefriend? If ya told me that during the knighting rehearsals, I would’ve thought you were crazy.”

“I wouldn’t have blamed you for it, Clover. I still can’t believe it’s more than two years since we started dating.”

“Tell me about it. Yer one lucky dog, laddie, I’ll give ya that.” Bladewing rubbed the back of his head as he grinned with a blush.

“Well… I suppose. I think it’s pure coincidence that she’s the former pageant winner, though. I would’ve been perfectly content with her simply being an ordinary mare.”

“Suuuuure you vould,” teased Nikolai. Bladewing’s face turned nervous with that remark, a result that made Nikolai grin with satisfaction.

“I-I’m serious, Nikolai. I’ll admit that she’s very beautiful – she has to be if she got that title – but that in no way means I enjoy the attention that comes with dating somepony like her. Is it so wrong to want some peace and quiet when I’m with her in public?”

“*chuckle* Just listen to yourself, Bladewing. Do you really think you’ll have peace and quiet when every mare in the land knows who you are and what your role in our future is? There’s already a good hoofful of them that want you for that reason alone… and if there’s one thing Clover got right about you, it’s that you’re a natural ladies’ colt.” Both Clover and Nikolai chucked mischievously as Bladewing’s face blushed harder.

“Gah, you guys are such jerks!” exclaimed Bladewing, “I just told you that I don't enjoy that attention. What do I have to do to be rid of that cursed title?”

“Well…” Bladewing looked towards Clover as the unicorn spoke. “… there is ONE way.” As if Bladewing couldn’t blush any harder than he already did, his cheeks turned a steamy red as Clover made a glowing ball with his magic and began to spin it in a circle… for he knew EXACTLY what he was suggesting.

“Oh, no. No, no, no – NO. I am NOT proposing to Rose. You’re mad for even suggesting I should. I am not yet ready to consider such a thing.”

“Aw, and why not? Ya said it yerself: you’ve been dating her for more than two years. Ya should’ve at least thought about it by now. If ya marry her, it’ll send a clear message to the other lassies that yer taken… and keep them off yer flank once and for all.”

“He’s got a point,” answered Nikolai with a sneaky smile, “Two years is quite a long time. Even if you won’t think about, how you say, ‘tying ze knot’, Rose might. No mare dates a stallion for that long unless she sees him as more than just a coltfriend. For all I know, she could be thinking about marriage zis very moment.”

“*scoff* Yeah right, Nikolai. You and Clover just want to use any wedding between me and Rose as an excuse to party until you’re drunk off your flanks.”

“*chuckle* And vhat’s wrong with that, comrade? Weddings are to be celebrated, no?” Bladewing drooped both his head and his ears as he sighed in dismay.

“I knew you’d say that. Remind me again why I joined you guys here.”

“Ah, don’t be like that, Bladewing,” assured Clover, “Ya know we’re only joshing ya. Buck up. Besides, ya know it’s true: if you won’t think about marriage at this point, Rose will. It will happen one way or another. It’s only a matter of when.”

“Then you BOTH are in for a dose of disappointment: I’m not proposing to Rose, and neither of you can make me.”

“Ah, is that so, Bladewing?” Bladewing had his eyes closed in defiance and so didn’t notice the mischievous smirk that now overcame Nikolai's face.

“Yes, it is. I will not marry her just so you two can drink to your hearts’ content at the wedding reception.”

“Aw, vhat a shame. That’s ok, though. We have one last way to persuade you. Don’t we, Clover?” Clover couldn’t help but sneer as Nikolai winked at him, for he knew exactly what he had in mind.

“Aye,” Clover answered, “We’re not giving up on ya just yet, laddie. We have a way that can change yer mind for sure.”

“Humph. Just what can you do that can possibly persuade me?”

“Oh, nothing much. Just a wee bit of encouragement. Or better yet… a SPLASH of it!” Bladewing scarcely had time to react when Clover and Nikolai grabbed him by his shoulders and flanks and used their combined might to launch him off his rear and into the air. Bladewing yelled in surprise as he hung in the air for a second or two before literally splashing back into the pool with a loud SPLOOSH! The pegasus, taken aback by the sudden launch, sprung his head out of the water before gasping for air and getting on his rear legs. Clover and Nikolai laughed harder than hyenas as Bladewing tried his best to remove the now-soaked strands of his mane away from his face.

“Whew, that was priceless, Nikolai,” exclaimed Clover, wiping a tear from his eye, “Ya think that drove the point home?”

“It had to,” replied Nikolai, “There’s no way he can continue to resist after THAT.” Needless to say, the two stallions were getting quite a laugh out of their prank, but they didn’t enjoy it for long. A sudden tidal wave of water surged through the pool and splashed hard over them, forcing their laughs to become gurgled as they were pushed down into the water towards the pool’s bottom. Being natural swimmers, it took but a moment or two for them to dive out of the water and onto their hind legs. They coughed and sputtered as they too tried to remove as many wet strands of mane as they could from their faces, shock smeared all over their faces like cream from a pie.

“You were saying?” Clover and Nikolai stood in surprise as they saw Bladewing standing tall on his hind legs with an amused grin, his forearms pointed forward after having used the Force to push that tidal wave. At first they thought he was mad but after seeing the smirk on his face, they knew right away that he took the prank like a good sport… and that he was tacitly challenging them to get back at him.

“Oh-ho, it’s on, laddie,” Clover answered Bladewing with a daring sneer, “We’re gonna have ya soaking in defeat. Literally.”

“Da,” agreed Nikolai, “You’ll be wearing engagement ring like a necklace by ze time we’re through with you. Oh, I can taste ze wedding liquor already.”

“*chuckle* The only liquor you fools will taste is the bittersweet wine of my revenge. Drink THIS!” With another thrust from his forelimbs, Bladewing used the Force to form yet another tidal wave and launch it hard against his two comrades… and just like that, the aptly named “Battle of the Pool” had begun.

For a good ten minutes, water splashed to and from the sides of the pool – and formed into many kinds of creatures, whether through the Force or through magic – as Bladewing fought to protect his unmarried life against the selfish desires of his bachelor comrades. He stood alone, but with the combined power of the Force and his own intellect, he was successfully able to hold his “foes” at bay. Granted, he knew they weren’t truly going to make him marry Rose even if they did win, but he felt he had to teach them an important lesson anyway… and that lesson was to NEVER challenge him to a battle of wits.

Before long, the three stallions laid on the ground exhausted and panting. They were all laughing together, but they were panting hard from how much energy they expended trying to achieve victory in this “naval” battle. In the end, neither side prevailed… or so it seemed at first.

“*chuckle* Give up yet, laddie?”

“Fat chance, Clover,” replied Bladewing defiantly, “I’m just getting warmed up.”

“Yeah right, comrade,” retorted Nikolai, “You’re just as tired as we are. Admit it: you’re done.”

“Then prove it,” taunted Bladewing, “Come on. Finish me.”

“That’s the spirit,” chimed Clover, “Meet yer fate with dignity.” Bladewing watched in defiance as Nikolai tried his best to get himself back onto his hooves. He thought at first that this was it – that he and Clover had won – but a flicker of hope soon arose within him.

“*grunt*… damn it!” Try as he might, the energy Nikolai had left was not enough to bring him to his hooves. He collapsed back onto the wet floor helplessly, unable to move another muscle.

“No,” wheezed Clover, “Not now. Don’t ya DARE give up on me, Nikolai. We’re so close to victory.”

“I’m -NNGH- sorry, Clover,” apologized Nikolai, “I’m too weak to move.”

“Oh, that's too bad,” joked Bladewing fiendishly, “because it's my turn now. Embrace oblivion, you dogs.” In one last attempt at victory, Bladewing used what little strength he had left to rise to his hooves once more… but alas, it was all for naught. He groaned loudly before collapsing back onto the floor, much to Clover’s sheer delight.

“Some oblivion,” cackled Clover, “Ya couldn’t even scare me ol’ nanny with that. Ya sure you don’t want to surrender, laddie?”

“Never. I’m not conquered yet.”

“Aw, come on. You can barely even talk, let alone stand. Ya can’t seriously think ya still have a chance to win.”

“*chuckle* Then come get me.”

“Oh, I plan to,” replied Clover with a sneer, “Prepare to meet yer doom.” With the promise of limitless liquor egging him on, Clover grunted as he tried his very hardest to pick himself up… but it seemed even that was not enough for him. As with his two brothers-in-arms, he fell back onto the floor, mentally cursing himself for not being any stronger.

“It seems you can’t stand either,” joked Bladewing again.

“Aye,” replied Clover, “What do ya say we call this one a draw?”

“Hm… how about no?” Needless to say, Clover was quite dismayed to hear Bladewing say that.

“*grumble* Fine. Seeing that I’m a sportsman, I’ll give ya a moment to recuperate.” Bladewing couldn’t help but chuckle hard hearing that come out of Clover of all ponies.

“Getting a little sore, are we?”

“Not even close, laddie. Me stamina‘s as fine as a horse’s.” A brief moment of silence befell the room as the joke sank into the minds of the three stallions. As soon as they realized what had just been said, they first muffled a few snorts before inevitably breaking out howling in laughter.

“I can’t believe you just said that,” said Nikolai, “‘Fine as a horse’s?’ Did you forget what we are, Clover?”

“Aye, it goes without saying. Still, I can’t help it if it’s true.”

“Rubbish,” countered Bladewing, “We’re all out of stamina and you know it, Clover. Let’s just be honest with ourselves.”

“And so what if we are, comrade?” replied Nikolai with a grin, “We’re not admitting defeat any more than you are.”

“Ah, it’s okay, Nikolai. The laddie’s right. Let’s just call it a night.” The Brushian stallion couldn’t believe what he was hearing from Clover.

“You can’t be serious, Clover. We’re so close to tasting those wedding drinks I can almost smell them. Weren’t you just telling me that a minute ago?”

“Aye, but it’s only liquor in the end. We can have it any day. Besides, it’s kinda pointless to keep going in this state. Bladewing won fair and square.”

“*sigh* I guess he did.” Nikolai returned his attention to Bladewing. “Okay, Bladewing: you win zis one. You’re a lucky dog indeed.”

“*chuckle* And let this defeat be a lesson to the both of you: NEVER challenge me to a battle of wits.”

“Oh, please. Your stamina is as drained as ours. If it weren’t for me and Clover, how you say, ‘tapping out’ early, we could’ve kept zis thing going. Believe me, comrade: we would’ve won otherwise.”

“Suuuure you would.” The three stallions let out one last laugh as Bladewing used Nikolai’s own words against him… and with the latter’s and Clover’s surrender, Bladewing was now victorious. After about a minute or two of rest, they were soon back on their hooves. Bladewing was certainly satisfied with his victory, and even though he felt they didn’t deserve it, he wasn’t keen on parting ways with them for the night without giving them a consolation prize.

“Tell you what, guys,” mused Bladewing, “if you take back that ‘ladies’ colt’ jab, I’ll buy you drinks. All on me. What do you say?”

“Aw, but it’s true, laddie,” whined Clover, “Ya really think it’s so bad?”

“I do… and if you legitimately want that liquor, you’ll honor my request. So are you in or no?”

“*sigh* All right. I take back the 'ladies' colt’ jab… but only because you’re letting us get drinks anyway… and because you can make the rules being the winner. I am a sportsman, after all.”

“Same,” added Nikolai, “You have our word that neither of us will say it again, comrade. Not unless you give us your permission.” Bladewing smiled and patted both stallions on their backs as he hugged them.

“Thanks. Now let’s get those drinks. I may as well since I’m leaving soon.”

“Yer not staying with us?” asked Clover.

“I’m afraid not, Clover. I promised Rose that I would meet up with her tomorrow morning… and if I want to make it by train to Fredericksmare on time, I have to leave Volaris after I buy you guys your drinks.”

“And you, Bladewing?” asked Nikolai. “You’re not buying one for yourself?”

“I can’t. Rose plans to introduce me to her parents tomorrow. I don’t mind drinking with you guys, but I’m not sure if her parents will appreciate meeting me while I reek of alcohol. In which case, it's best that I stay sober for now.”

“Ah, that makes sense. I guess there’s no way around it, then.”

“Indeed. That’s okay, though. I’ll drink with you guys some other time. Let’s get a move on.” Soon after Clover and Nikolai murmured in agreement, the three knights moved their way towards the bar located in one of the rooms near the entrance to the indoor pool. Clover and Nikolai took a moment to ask the bartender there what they wanted, and after she served them their drinks (and of course received payment from Bladewing), they turned to face their pegasus friend.

“That should do it,” spoke Bladewing, hugging the two stallions, “It's time to catch the train. I’ll see you guys back at the palace.”

“Aye, laddie,” answered Clover, “We’ll see ya Monday.”

“Ditto,” chimed Nikolai, “Have a safe trip.”

“I will. See you then.” With that last line, Bladewing turned around and began to walk towards the bar’s entrance. Clover meanwhile wasted no time resuming the conversation with Nikolai.

“So… do ya think Sage Tulip will tell Mountain Wind how she feels about him?” Before Nikolai could have time to come up with an answer, a distant, yet familiar voice answered for him.

“Twenty bits says she never will!” Clover turned around to face Bladewing but before he too could say a word, the pegasus shut the door behind him. Seeing that, Clover just chuckled and turned his gaze back to Nikolai.

“Oh, that Bladewing. He’s quite the character.”

“Da, he is,” agreed Nikolai with a grin, “He can stare Death in ze face without fear and yet he gets nervous when Rose is brought up… or when he gets called a ‘ladies’ colt.’ Oi, ze dichotomy is hilarious.”

“Should we should take him up on that bet?”

“I don’t see why not. Even Bladewing can’t best ze devil twice.”

“Eh, I digress. He just might if we let him heh heh. But what do we know?” Clover gently swirled the whiskey in his glass with his magic before continuing. “I’m just glad he still bought us these, to be honest.”

“Same. Still, they vould taste even better had he told us he’s proposing to Rose. Do you think he will?”

“Of course. He’s just too embarrassed to admit he even thinks about it. Maybe he won’t propose now, but he will eventually. It’s not a question of if, but when.”

“Let's hope you're right. We can’t have Rose worrying over ‘side chicks’ forever now, can we?” Clover and Nikolai chuckled and clinked their glasses together before proceeding to enjoy their drinks.

As the liquor slowly took its toll on the two stallions, Bladewing eventually made it to the train station. One of the employees working there gave him his ticket after he showed his credentials, and he boarded the train soon after.

For the next few hours, Bladewing busied himself with getting some rest. Being a Council Knight meant he had the privilege of always being able to travel in what the Cydonians called “royal-class” for free, and though he would’ve been content with traveling in a lower class, he was grateful that this one came with a bedroom, a private bathroom, and as much space, food, and drink as it did. He felt more comfortable sleeping when he felt right at home.

For the most part, all was quiet onboard the train, and Bladewing had little issue sleeping; however, what inevitably woke him from his slumber didn’t come from the train at all. He was enjoying a particularly good dream, one where he was reliving his battle at the amphitheater. He barely got to the part where he received his prize money when the case containing it suddenly flew right into his face and knocked him out cold. He was unsure how it even flew in the first place, but of one thing he WAS sure: the pain felt shockingly real.

“Ugh. GOD, that hurt.” After lifting his head above the floor, Bladewing rubbed his eyes with a hoof and opened them up. He was back in his room aboard the train, but he was surprised to find himself on the floor instead of his bed. His bedsheets hung halfway from the side of his bed.

“*chuckle* Well, I’ll be damned,” he muttered, rubbing his sore forehead, “Did I just fall off the side of my bed? Oh, goddess… these dreams are getting out of hoof.” Amused by his foolishness, Bladewing lifted himself back to all fours and stretched his body and wings to rid himself of whatever exhaustion was left in him.

Now that he was wide awake, Bladewing tended to himself. As always, he was careful not to cut himself on his feathers as he showered, and he had barely finished drying himself off when he noticed his reflection in the mirror from the corner of his eye. He was still himself for the most part. The only noticeable difference was the little red goatee beginning to form on his face. Bladewing liked his facial hair – it made him feel wiser, if not more noble – but the amount he had on was not enough to satisfy his tastes. Even if it were, Rose would sometimes complain about it whenever she kissed him while he had a full beard (not that she hated his facial hair herself – she only disliked how prickly the mustached part of it was.)

“It’s a wonder anypony can feel anything through all this fur,” Bladewing thought curiously, “But eh… it’s whatever. I’m sure a full beard will be more appropriate further along in the relationship. For now, it’s time to hone this face.” Bladewing looked around for shaving cream and a razor. He found a small cylindrical tube containing shaving cream in the cabinet behind the mirror but to his dismay, he couldn’t find anything in the cabinet that was even sharp, let alone a razor.

“*sigh* Come on. What kind of commercial bathroom doesn’t have the full set of basic stallions’ grooming products?” Bladewing closed the cabinet and faced his reflection once more… and once he saw his wings, he came up with an idea.

“Hm… I should be able to use my feathers as razors if I’m careful. Ugh, it sounds so bloody reckless, but it never hurt to try.” With his mind made up, Bladewing squeezed some of the cream out of the cylinder and began to run it into his face. He then raised one of his wings to his face, top feathers spread out, and inhaled deeply before attempting to shave with them for the first time.

“Okay. Here goes… something.” Bladewing gently pressed the edge of the topmost feather at an angle against a section of beard on his left cheek and moved it downward. He was half-expecting the move to take some of his coat along with the target facial hair, but he was surprised to find that not only was that not true, but he also took the target hair off completely. Save for the little bit of cream that remained between the hairs of his coat, the cut was clean as it could be.

“Hm… That wasn’t too bad. Still, that could be beginner’s luck. One more time.” After wiping the cream and trimmed hair from the feather, Bladewing pressed it against a different section of beard and moved downward again. As before, only the facial hair was removed. The coat beneath it remained perfectly intact save for being slightly mushy from the cream.

“No way. This is easier than I thought it would be. *chuckle* I guess I never needed a razor after all.” Now confident in his ability to use his own feathers as his grooming tools, Bladewing use the next few minutes to shave off his goatee completely. As soon as he was done, and he washed all the shaving cream off both his wing and his face, he looked back into the mirror and examined his reflection.

“Wow. What a difference.” Bladewing slowly rotated his head as he inspected his face for any spots he may have missed. Thankfully, none were found, and so he knew that his feathers did the trick. “I look so much younger now. Well, not that it matters much to me: I’m only doing this for Rose. If I had my way, I would’ve let it grow to a more appreciable level.” Satisfied with his work, Bladewing exited the bathroom.

After exiting his room, Bladewing proceeded to enjoy breakfast at the buffet reserved for royal-class. The pancakes and coffee he had there were certainly high-quality, but he liked them just a little bit more when it was Topaz who made them. Perhaps it was just because she was a good friend to him, but it was difficult for him to say. Placebo or not, the flavor they had with Topaz as the chef just had no equal in his eyes.

“Attention, all passengers. This is your conductor speaking. The train will arrive in Fredericksmare in five minutes. Be prepared to depart at Fredericksmare Red Line Station if this is your destination.” Bladewing has just finished his coffee when he heard the conductor announced the train’s ETA to the capitol over the intercoms. He wasted no time giving the waitress who attended him her tip before leaving towards the exit.

As he waited for the train to pull up to the station, an old unicorn mare carrying several bags walked next to him by the train’s doors. Her coat was beige, and the silver strands flowing through her faded orange mane showed her age as did the many wrinkles on her face. Though she had quite a few suitcases in tow, she didn’t seem fazed by their weight – an oddity for a mare whose frame seemed too brittle to even carry half of them.

“Excuse me, young colt,” she asked Bladewing, “What city did the conductor say we’re arriving in again?”

“I believe she said we’re arriving in Fredericksmare, ma’am,” answered Bladewing, “We should be there shortly.”

“Ah, ok. I was a bit busy, so I didn’t hear her say it the first time. Thank you for telling me.”

“There’s no need for that, ma’am,” replied Bladewing with a smile, “Helping my fellow ponies is part of my job.”

“Your job?” The old mare saw something shiny on Bladewing and noticed both his uniform and the golden dog tag pinned on it. “Ah, yes. Silly me. You’re a Council Knight, aren’t you?”

“*chuckle* Yes, ma’am.” Bladewing bowed his head in courtesy to her. “Sir Bladewing, at your service.” The old mare giggled as she smiled with pleasure.

“My, my. A Council Knight. I was but a little filly when I first met one… and it seems you’re just as handsome as he was.” Bladewing blushed and grinned bashfully at her flattery.

“Well, I’m not too certain of that, but I appreciate the compliment nonetheless. Are you getting off at Fredericksmare too?”

“I am. I have a son who lives here. He and my daughter-in-law have been asking me to live with them since my husband passed away.” Needless to say, Bladewing wasn’t pleased to hear such a tragic thing, and his ears drooped in sadness.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. About your husband, I mean.”

“Aw, it’s ok,” the old mare replied with a warm smile, “That was a while ago, child. It hurt, yes, but at least I know he’s in a better place. Besides, death is a natural part of life. It’s the reason why life is so precious: nopony knows when it will end. You can never truly appreciate life unless you both understand and accept death.” Bladewing could tell from her words that the years have blessed the old mare with great wisdom.

“You are very wise, ma’am. I’m honored to have met somepony who sees life and death as you do.”

“*chuckle* Thank you. I’m just as honored to meet you, Sir Bladewing. I have a granddaughter who admires Council Knights as much as I do, if not more so.”

“You do?”

“Of course. I used to regale her with tales of their bravery and valor when she was a foal… as well as their unwavering loyalty to the crown and the nation. My husband used to joke about it saying that I’m grooming her to one day be married to one, but I never thought too much of it. I’d just be happy if she married at all.” Bladewing looked at her curiously.

“What makes you say that?”

“Well, it’s mostly because of her father. My son is very protective of her. It’s completely normal for a father to be weary of any boys trying to flirt with his daughter, but my son has a habit of taking it too seriously. The poor girl’s quite shy around stallions because of him.” The old mare’s last sentence gave Bladewing pause, for he could’ve sworn that he heard it before.

“Hm… that sounds oddly familiar. Could she be talking about Rose? It’s possible, but Rose never told me about any of her grandparents. Surely this old mare can’t be one of them.” Bladewing shook the thought from his mind before continuing with the conversation.

“I see. Does she live here too?”

“She does. Last I’ve heard, she still lives with her parents. I’m not too worried about it, though.” Bladewing was humored to find a bold grin enveloping the old mare’s face. “She’s smarter than she looks, Sir Bladewing. If I know my granddaughter as I think I do, she won’t stay in the nest for much longer. Just you wait.”

“I look forward to hearing about it, Mis- oh, I’m so sorry. I forgot to ask you your name.”

“*giggle* It’s all right. My name is Daffodil, Sir Bladewing, but you can call me Mrs. Sunfire if you want. The latter is my married name.”

“Understood.” Bladewing offered his hoof to the old grandmother, and she accepted it gladly and shook it. “I’m pleased to have met you, Mrs. Sunfire.”

“And I you, sir knight.” No sooner did they finish their conversation than they noticed the conductor’s voice sound through the intercoms again.

“Attention, all passengers. We have now arrived at Fredericksmare Red Line Station. If the capitol is your stop, please take this time to depart the train. Otherwise, remain on the train. Regardless, thank you for choosing Cydonian Transit. All ponies on the platform, you may now board the train. The next stop is Chancellorsville, Sacerus.” Bladewing was relieved that he finally made it home, and he was about to lift a hoof when he remembered all the baggage that the old mare had with her… and something within him told him that his time with her wasn’t over just yet.

“Let me help you with your luggage, Mrs. Sunfire. It’s a bit much for any one pony to carry by themselves.”

“*giggle* You’re too kind, Sir Bladewing. This is nothing, really, but I appreciate that you’re willing to help nonetheless. I’ll just carry the smaller cases, then, if that’s ok with you.”

“You got it. Let’s go.” Mrs. Sunrise nodded in agreement, and the two ponies proceeded to carry the luggage off the train. The train departed from the station just as they stopped at a bench on the station platform.

“Ok,” spoke Bladewing, “Did we miss any of them?”

“No, that’s all of them,” replied Mrs. Sunfire with a smile, “Thank you again for the assistance, Sir Bladewing.”

“Don’t mention it. Does your family live far from here?”

“Oh, they’re not too far. I can reach their house from here on hoof in about an hour.”

“Holy Faust. An hour? Wouldn’t it be better to arrange for a carriage?”

“*chuckle* Don’t you worry, child. I may be old, but this little mare is far from weak. I can handle a lot more than these suitcases.”

“Oh, I’m sure you can, Mrs. Sunfire. Still, I wouldn’t mind helping you carry your luggage there. Let this knight perform one last service for you.”

“Aw, you’re so sweet. Well, if you’re sure you won’t mind helping an old lady one last time, then why not? I’ll lead the way.”

“Right on.” The old mare smiled one last time before she and Bladewing left the platform towards the ground level of the station.
As with any major train station, the ground level was bustling with people. There were as many ponies coming into the station as there were ponies coming out. It took a few minutes for Bladewing and Mrs. Sunfire to clear the crowd and move to an emptier area, but they were glad to have made it. It was a day in late summer, and neither of them were keen on staying too long in the sun.

“Whew,” spoke Mrs. Sunfire, “Fresh air at last.”

“Ditto,” agreed Bladewing, “I thought we’d NEVER get out of there. Do you know the way home from here?”

“I do. We’ll just follow this dirt road here and-”

“Bladewing?!” The sound of another mare’s voice sounded in the distance, one which sounded very familiar to both ponies. They looked behind them and noticed a green, red-maned unicorn mare galloping towards them.

“What?” The old mare's eyesight wasn’t as good as Bladewing’s, so she pulled her glasses out of her purse to put them on and get a better look at the young mare approaching them from the station. “Is that-”

“Rose?” Bladewing recognized that voice anywhere, but it wasn’t until after she got within 100 feet of them that he confirmed it was her.

“Bladewing!” she called out again.

“Oh my goddess!” he exclaimed, “Rose!” Bladewing felt his heart leap for joy as his mare galloped towards him. As soon as she was by his side once more, she embraced him in a hug, gripping him as tightly as a filly would a doll. Bladewing had no issue bracing against her pressure, for he knew it was only out of longing for him; after not seeing him for over three months, he’d be surprised if she didn’t. After they broke the hug, the couple shared a loving kiss between them and chuckled for a brief moment.

“Welcome home, Bladewing.” The stallion enjoyed the warmth of Rose’s body against his own as she gently nuzzled his face. “I missed you. It’s been such a long time since we spent any time together.”

“I missed you too, love,” replied Bladewing, nuzzling her back, “And yeah, it was. Not a single day went by where I didn’t think about you. Even in the heat of battle, you were always in my mind… for nopony inspires me to survive like the love of my life.”

“Aw, you big dolt. You know just how to make a mare happy. Still, you’ve made yours feel quite lonely these past few months. You better make it up to her.”

“Oh, I plan to. As soon as we’re done with your introducing me to your parents, we’ll go outside and have the best day ever.”

“*giggle* We had better. You may be the king’s finest knight, but you’re still my coltfriend… and I’m not letting him have you back until I’m satisfied.”

“Ah, but what if he slaps me with insubordination charges?”

“Then I’ll just tell him it’s a hostile takeover… for I’ll be taking back what’s rightfully mine.” The two ponies laughed at the joke Rose just made of such a situation. She wasn’t serious about holding him hostage, of course – she knew better than to get him in trouble with the king over something so trivial as a date – but she wanted to show him nonetheless that she would hold him to his word. Bladewing was more than happy to oblige her… as soon as he escorted the mare who took quite a bit of pleasure in watching the romantic scene unfold.

“*chuckle* So… you’ve gotten yourself a stallion after all, Rosie.” The old mare’s comment took Bladewing aback, for the revelation that hit his mind shocked him.

“What?” he thought to himself, “Is she-”

“You bet, Grandma,” replied Rose with a smile, kissing her cheek, “It’s so good to see you. You should’ve told me you were coming to see Daddy and me.”

“Oh, I just wanted to keep it a surprise for the two of you. Your mother already knows I’m coming… and thanks to the help of this sweet young colt, it won’t be long at all before we reach the house.” Rose smiled gleefully at Bladewing as she let go of the old mare. Unfortunately for the stallion himself, he felt more shock than awe.

“Wait, so… is this lady your grandmother, Rose?”

“*chuckle* She sure is,” replied Rose, hugging the old mare, “Meet Grandma Daffy. I’ve been close to her since I was a foal… and even now, I still enjoy it when she visits me and my parents. She’s like a second mother to me.”

“I see.” Bladewing turned his head to Mrs. Sunfire. “So then it’s Rose’s house we’re going to, Mrs. Sunfire?”

“That is correct, sir knight,” she replied with a smile, “I see you’ve already met my granddaughter… and made her yours while you were at it.” Rose couldn’t resist giggling with a cheeky grin as she saw her stallion blush from her grandma’s comment… for she knew exactly what she was insinuating.

“W-Well, in a manner of speaking, yes,” agreed Bladewing reluctantly, “She was, um… quite persuasive in getting me to be her coltfriend.”

“*giggle* Take it easy, child. I'm only joking.”

“*sigh* Thank Faust. You had me on edge there.” Rose laughed for only a second when Mrs. Sunfire suddenly used her magic to seal her mouth closed (albeit very gently.)

“Ah, ah, ah,” joked the old mare with a mischievous grin, “You’re in no position to be laughing, dearie. You have a lot of nerve getting a coltfriend behind your father’s back, little Ms. ‘Daddy’s Girl’… even one as sweet as this young pegasus.” Bladewing normally wouldn’t take joy in seeing Rose be put in her place, but seeing how it was her grandma doing it – and that it was him Rose laughed at – he felt the goddess will forgive him this once for a slight twinge of satisfaction. As such, he let out a soft, content chuckle as Mrs. Sunfire let go of her now-blushing granddaughter’s mouth.

“Oh, come on, Grandma,” Rose pouted, “I thought you WANTED me to get a coltfriend. I don’t need Daddy’s permission anymore. You even said that to his face.”

“Yes, I did, but you kept it a secret from both him and me nonetheless. I may have yanked Bladewing’s chain a bit, but at least he didn’t hide his relationship with you from me. That being said, he has more reason to laugh than you do… so unless you want me to tell Daddy his little princess was doing naughty things behind his back, you will give this noble stallion the respect he deserves.” Bladewing struggled hard not to laugh as Rose’s face turned pale with fear. If there was one thing she learned from her grandmother, it was to never annoy her. Rose knew she would never lie to her father but given his nature, he might take her grandma’s words the wrong way anyway and think she was doing some less-than-innocent deeds. As such, she knew better than to challenge her authority.

“So, my little Rosie,” Mrs. Sunfire cooed, “Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-Yes, ma’am,” replied Rose nervously, much to Bladewing’s entertainment.

“Good. Now, then…” Rose watched as her grandmother pointed an open hoof at Bladewing. “Be a good girl for Grandma and apologize to your coltfriend.”

“Oh, it’s ok, Mrs. Sunfire,” replied Bladewing with a smug grin, “There’s no need for that. I think the look on her face is proof enough that she learned her lesson.” Defiant even in defeat, Rose grimaced and stuck her tongue out at him, forcing yet another soft chuckle out of him.

“As pleases you, child…” As if she wasn’t done already, Mrs. Sunfire pulled on the collar of Bladewing’s uniform with her magic, bringing him closer to her. The stallion himself felt a bead of sweat gather on his forehead as he saw a smug expression envelop the old mare’s face. “… but don’t think I’m letting you off the hook either. I appreciate that sexual activity is among the least of your desires – it shows that you’re a stallion with both class AND a pure heart – but my protecting your honor from her will come with a price nonetheless. I can see that you genuinely love my granddaughter, so you have both my approval and my permission to date her; however, I better hear that you’ll start a family with her if you ever decide to marry her. I want at least one great-grandfoal out of any marriage between the two of you, so you better promise that you’ll give me one before I give you my blessing OR my consent to make her your wife, whether my son agrees with me or not. Am I understood?” Now having experienced first-hoof how assertive the old mare was, Bladewing could see why Rose feared her authority… and while he was hoping he could find an indirect way out of his predicament, he had a gut feeling the old mare can tell when somepony was lying to her. After looking at the deep blushing and nervous smile on Rose’s face, he could tell that she thought the same thing. As such, he dared not get any closer to drawing her ire than Rose did.

“Y-Yes, ma’am,” replied Bladewing with a blush, “I give you my word.”

“Excellent.” Satisfied that she asserted her influence on the young couple, Mrs. Sunfire picked up the handles of two of the smaller suitcases in her magic before continuing. “Now then, dearies… let’s go home.” Bladewing and Rose needed no persuasion – after seeing how quickly the old grandmother demonstrated her power over their relationship, they were happy that she gave them little more than a verbal slap on the hoof. They proceeded to walk side by side while Mrs. Sunfire took the lead.

After about a minute or so of walking, Bladewing noticed – or rather felt – something peculiar. A slight pulsation appeared on his shoulder, a sensation he initially wrote off as his blood experiencing a brief restriction in that area (thought how, he couldn’t say.) Once he heard the sound of a familiar voice in his head, however – and saw a wispy red aura slowly vaporizing off of his shoulder – he learned quickly that his assessment was dead wrong.

“Psst, Bladewing. Can you hear me?” Bladewing was certain the voice he heard was from Rose, but he had no proof to verify it. The most he could do was answer mentally and watch Rose’s lips to see if they move in response, a test that was fairly easy to do since she was looking at him.

“Rose? Is that you talking in my head?”

“*sigh* Thank Faust this thing works. Yes, it’s me.” Bladewing focused carefully on Rose’s lips, but he couldn’t see any movement from them. Now that he knew that she was legitimately talking to him with her mind, he couldn't help but be in awe by just how clever she was, a feeling made clear by the impressed smile on his face.

“Oh my goddess. That’s amazing, Rose. Where did you learn this magic?”

“My mother taught me. She used to use this spell all the time with my aunts.”

“I see. Your mum’s a very smart mare. Now I can’t wait to see her.”

“You and me both, handsome. But anyway…” Bladewing looked curiously as Rose began to blush nervously. “I really do want to apologize. You know, for what Grandma Daffy said about the marriage thing.”

“Oh no, it's fine. I wasn't offended by that at all. It’s not like that’ll ever keep me from marrying you. I just think it’s a bit soon for her to be talking about that… or great-grandfoals, for that matter.”

“*giggle* Agreed. She means well, but I think she’s becoming a bit obsessed with being a great-grandmother. I sometimes hear her talking about it with my father. And, well, I get it – so few mares live long enough to receive such an honor. Still, I’d never force fatherhood on you just to satisfy her desire to become one. You know that would be wrong just as I do.”

“I do... but to be honest with you, Rose, it’s more than just that.” Rose felt worried for Bladewing as she watched him turn his face away while his smile slowly faded away. “I’m not sure if I’d be a good father. Sure, I took very good care of Ruby these past two years, but it was only easy for me because I had the Hearts to assist me if I’m unable to make time to watch over her. Had I been the only family she has left, I would’ve been much less confident in taking care of her. I may not be a parent, but I know that a child needs emotional AND physical support to grow up well… and I fear that with my job as a Council Knight, I’ll be unable to be there often enough for any children we DO bring into this world.”

“Aw, Bladewing.” Now that she understood what he meant, Rose knew exactly how to ease his troubles. She got closer and nuzzled her stallion again, refocusing his attention back to her. “Don’t ever say that again. You’d be a wonderful father. Why else did the Hearts trust you with Ruby in the first place? Sure, you aren’t around her as often anymore, but do you really think they mind that? Or that they don’t know it’s only because of your job?”

“Well, no, but-”

“Save it. You just admitted that you don’t think so… and that should be proof enough that even you know you’re as capable of being a parent as they are. So accept it.”

“It’s not that I don’t accept it, Rose. It’s just… well, it’s one thing to say it, but it’s another to actually do it. I’d have a lot more responsibility with our own foals versus with Ruby. Especially while you’re carrying them. What if your water suddenly breaks and I’m unable to be there for you during childbirth? I’d be scared out of my bloody wits.”

“Don’t be. I’d be scared too if that ever happened – I’ll be going through hours of pain giving birth without my husband, for Faust’s sake – but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Do you think I’m not aware of the consequences your duties as a Council Knight will have on our relationship?” It was at this point that Bladewing finally realized why Rose was so persistent in convincing him of his concern: he thought she didn’t fully accept him. It’s true that she loved him deeply, but he was paranoid nevertheless that she might one day leave him if he ever made her sad or angry, even if it was for a reason beyond his control… and now that she made it clear that he was wrong, he understood how foolish he sounded.

“*sigh*… No. I did not. I know it’s dumb to think my job would ever be an issue for you. I guess I just didn’t think you’d be that patient with me… or that you even fully accepted me.”

“Then I will ask you the same thing you asked of me long ago: that you start trusting me more. I know how important your job is, my love. I know you may not always be around to help me raise our little ones, even if you ARE there for me during childbirth… but I’d still want to have them with you. It’s not having a lot of time with your children that makes you a good father – it’s being there for them when they need you most. Grandma Daffy was right in saying you’re noble and pure of heart, and I would have no other stallion sire my offspring than you.” Rose could see that her words had an uplifting effect on Bladewing, for a subtle little smile began to form on his face.

“Do you mean that?”

“*chuckle* You know I do. I’m sure our little ones would be very happy knowing their father is the king’s finest and most trusted soldier… and that he loves them no matter what. You may think that being away for long periods of time will somehow be too much for me to bear, but I already paid that price when I took you personally to see Mountain Wind. If being with a Council Knight means I’ll only see you every so often, then so be it. I love you, and that won’t ever change. No matter how paranoid you are that it will.” It was at this moment that Bladewing finally submitted to his mare’s point of view. He understood now that Rose truly meant it when she said she’ll go through the good and the bad in his life with him… and he couldn’t hold back how touching her argument was. He let a single tear trickle down his left eye, much to the mare’s amusement.

“Aw, you big softie,” Rose cooed playfully, wiping his tear with her magic, “Did I not tell you to not be sad anymore?”

“Oh, shut it,” retorted Bladewing with a chuckle, “It’s your fault I’m like this. Your grandma may have yanked my chain, but you were yanking harder at my heart… and I thought I had a way with words.”

“Then I guess it’s time for the wife to have her turn at it.”

“Future wife, you mean. HHNGH!” Bladewing’s eyes shot wide open, and he turned deep red in the face having realized what he just “said”… and Rose had a very hard time containing her laughter.

“*giggle* Gotcha.” Rose winked playfully at Bladewing and stuck her tongue out in victory... and now that he was fully aware of the trick she just pulled on him, Bladewing found himself quite literally babbling incoherently.

“Ooh… um… w-well, I… t-that’s not what I… *sigh*… I’m such an idiot.” Rose felt utterly delighted to see her stallion droop his head low in submissive defeat. “I guess this means I do have to marry you, doesn’t it?”

“*chuckle* Of course not, you silly boy.” Rose could see that he was flustered, so she nuzzled his face again to cheer him up. “But at least I know you’re thinking about it. I’m happy with that… and consider this revenge for the trick you pulled on me that day at Mountain Wind’s palace.”

“Humph.” Bladewing grimaced as he looked away defiantly, his cheeks still blushing . “Smug mare. You’re lucky I love you. I’ll submit to you this once, but only because you’re right… and because I deserve it for being so careless with my tongue.” Rose found it very cute how Bladewing still wanted to show her who wore the horseshoes in this relationship, even though she had just tricked him into admitting he’s thinking about marrying her one day… and in the most humorous way possible, to boot. She knew deep in her heart that today will be a great day for the both of them.

“Whatever you say, handsome.” Bladewing felt Rose grasp his head in her magic, and she turned his gaze back towards her. “The spell will wear off soon. I’ll let you decide when and if we become more than just coltfriend and marefriend, but on one condition.” Bladewing’s ears perked up as he prepared to listen to what she had in mind.

“Sure. Just name it.”

“I want you to promise me that if you do decide to make me your wife, you’ll propose to me in the most epic way possible. Don’t tell me a single detail about it, no matter how suspicious it makes you seem to me. Promise?” A warm feeling engulfed Bladewing as he shared one last kiss with his mare before giving his answer.

“All right, love,” he replied, nuzzling his mare one last time, “I promise.” Now in agreement as far as marriage was concerned, the couple smiled at each other and refocused their sight back on the road ahead of them, the suitcases still in tow. It was true that their whole conversation was literally out of earshot of Mrs. Sunfire, but she had a gut feeling that something was up between the young ponies.

“You’ve been awfully quiet back there, loves,” spoke the old mare, “Is something the matter?”

“It’s nothing, Grandma,” replied Rose, “We were just enjoying the view. You know, the trees and flowers and such. Right, Bladewing?” Bladewing was amused to see Rose wink at him, for he knew exactly what to say.

“You bet,” he added, “Mother Nature’s looking beautiful today. Maybe I should pluck some of those flowers for a bouquet for your mum, Rose. Wouldn’t that be nice?”

“Oh, for sure. She just loves roses. It’s why she named me after them.” Humored by how cute their dialogue was, Mrs. Sunfire deduced that all was well… even if the soft moaning she heard earlier sounded a little suspicious to her.

“*chuckle* Young couples these days.” Bladewing and Rose just giggled at the old mare’s comment. They knew they were lying to her, but even if she did know the truth, she didn’t seem to care much. They were certain that she knew they weren’t having any inappropriate fun. Nevertheless, the couple were grateful that their conversation was kept completely private, especially Bladewing. He was certain that had Clover and Nikolai listened in on it, neither of them would ever let him hear the end of it.

Abnormal Normalcy (Part II)

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“Oi. The things I do to give that little filly a good life.” Within a white house near the very edge of Fredericksmare, a middle-aged unicorn stallion waited impatiently at a couch in the living room. His coat was a shade of green, and his brown mane showed streaks of a lighter hue that revealed a clue to his age. A mare of his species was with him, and though she was also concerned, she was nowhere near as anxious as he was. Her own coat meanwhile was white, and despite being about the same age as him, her red mane showed not a single streak of hair of a lighter tint.

“Take it easy, darling,” chuckled the mare, “You don’t know what she has in store for us. You’re making it sound-”

“*sigh* I know, I know: like it’s a bad thing. I know it’s not, love, but still – I always had a feeling she was hiding something from us. It doesn’t help that she’s been much more cheerful since that Bladewing fellow was knighted into the Council.”

“*giggle* And what’s wrong with that? Is that not what you wanted for her?”

“Being happy? Yes, of course. I wouldn’t dare take that from her.” The stallion looked away from her before continuing. “Still, it’s odd that she received an invitation to the knighting ceremony to begin with. More than two years pass and she still refuses to tell me why. Do we not deserve at least that much? We MADE her, for Faust’s sake. We should be the last ponies she'd be keeping secrets from.” Now seeing why her husband was acting the way he is, the mare grasped his cheek with her hoof and turned his head back to face her.

“You need to trust her more, my love,” she spoke softly, removing her hoof, “I don’t know what this surprise of hers is any more than you do, but you and I BOTH know it’s nothing serious. She knows better than to get herself into deep trouble.”

“*sigh* Yeah. I’m probably just being paranoid.”

“Or overprotective again.” The wife chuckled as her stallion grimaced in defiance.

“Humph. I’m not being overprotective. I just wish that she’d tell me what’s going on. You’d think that I of all ponies would be the first one she’d confide in. Wouldn’t you treat my father-in-law the same way?”

“Hm…” A curious expression overtook the stallion’s face as he saw his wife don a smug grin. “Well… if Daddy ever limited how much time I had around boys… or limited how often I had sleepovers with the girls… or even told me I couldn’t wear whatever I liked… I wouldn’t want to tell him anything either.”

“Hey! I never said that last part to h- oh… oh, goddess….” The mare could see that she got through to her husband by the rueful look that now appeared all over his face.

“*chuckle* See what I mean?” The stallion looked away and held his forehead up with a hoof as he sighed in dismay.

“Damn… I-” The wife put her hoof over his lips to silence him, and the stallion in turn returned his gaze back to her.

“It’s ok. At least you understand. I agree that she should be more open with us, but you need to give her time. She may not have gotten over it just yet. Even so, I promise you that she still loves you. She is a ‘Daddy’s Girl’ after all, is she not?” The husband smiled and nodded in agreement.

“I guess you’re right. I’ll try to be more patient with her.”

“Good.” The mare looked outside the window by their couch and grinned at the nice weather that befell the city. “Why don’t we go outside for a bit? The weather is quite lovely.”

“Eh, why not?” replied her husband, “Let’s go.” With their conversation now over, the couple went outside and stood at the top of the stairs… and sure enough, she was right: the weather was lovely.

“Ah, that’s nice,” the stallion spoke, letting the gentle breeze brush against his face.

“See?” answered his wife, “Now wasn’t this a good idea?”

“It seems it is. Perhaps the wait won’t be so bad after- huh?” A green figure in the distance caught the stallion’s attention, and he squinted his eyes in an attempt to get a better look.

“What is it?” his wife asked.

“That mare… there in the distance. Is that her?”

“Let me see.” The mare leaned against the handrail on the side of the staircase to have a look for herself. She too saw a pony. Three of them, in fact… and she couldn’t feel more pleased to see them.

“It’s Rose, all right. Ooh, and it looks like Sir Bladewing’s with her as well.”

“Yes, I wondered who that pegasus was… and if I’m not mistaken, that must be Mother walking in front of them. Sir Bladewing is one thing, but what’s she doing here?”

“Oh, right. About that…” The stallion shot a look of concern at his wife who was now grinning sheepishly. “She sent me a letter in advance telling me that she was coming today.”

“What? How come you never told me?”

“She wanted me to keep it a surprise. She had hoped to surprise both you and Rose, but it seems Rose found out first.”

“*sigh* Typical. I swear, those two are plotting against me. I just know it.”

“*giggle* Oh, stop. You’re being overdramatic. There’s nothing wrong with having your mum here and you know it. Just be grateful, will you? She came all this way to see us.”

“I am. I just wish she didn’t make a surprise out of it. I have enough on my plate as it is."

“Then you can set that plate aside for now. We have more pressing matters to attend to.” The husband just sighed again and nodded as he followed his wife to the gate.

A few minutes earlier, Rose was thrilled to see the white house that signaled the end of their brief journey. Bladewing felt more of less the same way, but he was more concerned with how he’ll present himself before Rose's parents, especially her father. Mrs. Sunfire was generous in quickly accepting him as Rose’s coltfriend, but it offered him little towards seeking a similar result from her son. Thankfully for him, Rose noticed the tense expression on his face, and she nuzzled him to try and calm him down.

“Don’t worry, handsome,” Rose murmured, “I know it’s your first time meeting my parents, but there’s no need to be nervous.”

“Easy for you to say,” Bladewing murmured back, “You’re not the one who’s trying to make a good impression on the beings who raised your beloved.”

“It’s okay. Just be yourself. Being a Council Knight alone is already a good start. I’m sure they’ll love everything else about you.”

“Even your dad? Didn’t you tell me winning him over will not be easy?”

“Of course. That’s why I told you to let me do the talking. Daddy is many things, but unreasonable isn’t one of them. He’ll come around once he knows you better.”

“Maybe so, but I feel indebted to him nonetheless. Our relationship wouldn’t be possible if he didn’t bring you into this world first. Earning his friendship is the least I can do to thank him.”

“A wise decision, child,” agreed Mrs. Sunfire, grabbing his attention, “But like she said, don’t worry. We’re by your side whether my son accepts you or not. So don’t be afraid if he doesn’t. The final say in the relationship is yours and hers alone.” Bladewing nodded and refocused his gaze on the path ahead. The little pep talk from Mrs. Sunfire helped to calm him down, but he kept his guard up nonetheless. He wanted to be prepared for whatever questions Rose's father would throw at him.

It wasn’t long when the three ponies noticed the middle-aged couple opening the front gate of the house. The couple waved to the trio before approaching them, stopping only when the were face to face.

“Welcome home, dear,” the middle-aged mare spoke to Rose with a smile, hugging her, “It took you long enough. Your father was beginning to worry about you.”

“I’m sorry, Mum,” replied Rose, “I wasn’t expecting Grandma Daffy to show up with Bladewing at the train. It threw me off course a little bit.”

“Ah, yes. Speaking of which-”

“Hold on.” The group silenced themselves as Bladewing interrupted the conversation. “Did you hear that?” Bladewing heard what sounded like clanging and fabric tearing far away just after Mrs. Blossom began to speak. He looked around and checked for anything that might have produced the sound, but found nothing. Mr. Blossom then noticed a thin rod-shaped shadow slowly growing over the group, and he looked up to investigate. What he saw next made his eyes shot wide open.

“INCOMING!!!” he cried, jumping towards Rose to push her out of the way. He closed his eyes as he held tightly onto his daughter, all the while expecting a loud thud to sound. What the two ponies heard instead was nothing less than shocking.

“*grunt*… Bloody FAUST, this thing is heavy.” Mr. Blossom felt a mix of fear and awe by the scene before him, for standing tall on his hind legs was Bladewing. He had his forelegs pointed towards an enormous marble pillar, and his eyes were shut tight as he tried to focus on keeping the pillar suspended above them using the Force… and Mr. Blossom could tell through Bladewing’s gritted teeth that it was as difficult as the pillar was massive.

With himself and his daughter safe, Mr. Blossom then checked on his wife and his mother. Both mares laid on the ground trembling with their heads down, but they were otherwise okay. Even so, he was unsure how long Bladewing could keep the pillar from crushing all three of them, so he had to act fast. He and Rose got back to their hooves as soon as he let go of her.

“Bladewing!” Rose exclaimed worriedly, galloping to him, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Rose,” he grunted through his teeth, “*gasp* But I can’t hold this thing up for long. Get your mum and grandma out of here, now.”

“You heard him, sweetheart,” added Mr. Blossom, “Get them to the front yard. I’ll be right behind you with the luggage.”

“Right.” Rose wasted no time getting the two mares back on their hooves just as her father busied himself with carrying the suitcases in his magic. He wasn’t used to carrying so many, but his burden still paled when compared to the one Bladewing had. Needless to say, he carried the extra weight without a fuss.

Once the Blossoms and the grandmother were safe within the yard, Rose galloped back out to meet up with Bladewing.

“They’re safe, Bladewing,” she told him, “You can let go now.”

“Oh, thank Faust.” Rose watched in amazement as Bladewing slowly opened his eyes and moved the pillar away from the house. Once the pillar was a good dozen or so feet away from the front gate, he grunted loudly before letting go of it. The pillar itself sounded with a loud THUD before fracturing into four giant pieces of near-equal length and leaving little rod-shaped craters underneath. Bladewing was unsure how he was still standing but for the moment, he could do little more than breathe heavily from the immense pressure he’d just been put through. Now letting the realization of how close she was to losing her mother, her grandmother, and especially her coltfriend sink in, Rose hugged Bladewing firmly.

“Oh goddess, Bladewing,” she murmured, letting a tear escape her left eye, “Don’t ever scare me like that again. I almost lost you.”

“I’m sorry, love,” Bladewing murmured back, nuzzling her, “But I had to do something. I’m not letting anypony die today, be it your family OR myself.” Relieved by his response, Rose smiled before kissing his lips lovingly.

“Thank you.” Rose let go of Bladewing to allow him to breathe more calmly, but while the danger had passed, they had other matters to deal with. They were unsure how the pillar even got to where they were in the first place, but they were going to get answers soon enough.

Just as the Blossoms and Mrs. Sunfire came through the gate to see the damage, Rose and Bladewing looked to the sky upon hearing the flapping of wings above them. There were about thirty-two pegasi coming towards them, and all but one of them were wearing yellow vests and helmets denoting them as construction workers. The one pony in question wore an orange vest instead, and Bladewing deduced that this bearded stallion was their leader. It was odd that some of the pegasi were connected together by what seemed like multi-fiber cables, but Bladewing was certain that this stallion would provide him with some answers.

“Oh, shit,” spoke the leader nervously, taking off his helmet, “It’s you, Sir Bladewing.” The other workers briefly bowed their heads to Bladewing in respect before the leader continued and shook his hoof. “My name’s Hardwood, sir. I’m so sorry for what happened just now. Are you hurt?”

“I’m okay,” replied Bladewing, ruffling his feathers, “Just a bit sore from holding that thing up.” The other pegasi mumbled curiously among themselves after having heard Bladewing say that, but Bladewing himself wasn’t too fazed by it. They quieted down just before he continued the conversation. “What were you doing with it anyway?”

“We were transporting that pillar to the floating city of Stygius a few miles south of here. All my guys you see here were hauling it with straps, but somehow a few of the straps broke off their clamps and it slid out of our grasp.”

“I see. Are any of your workers hurt?”

“Nah, they’re all good. Even so, I apologize again for this little mishap, sir. I’ll get a couple of clean-up crews over here to pick up the pieces and-”

“…w, let me go, damn it! I didn’t do anything!” Bladewing and Hardwood turned their heads to see a pegasus stallion about Bladewing’s age coming towards them. He was in between two of his coworkers, and each one held on to one of his wings to keep him from escaping.

“What’s going on here?” Hardwood asked them.

“We caught the one responsible, sir,” replied one of the two stallions guarding the prisoner.

“What? The newbie did all this?”

“Yeah, we caught ‘im tryin’ ta fly away,” replied the other stallion, “Da son of a bitch says he’s innocent, but then why would he be runnin’ from us? I don’t know what his deal is, but he reeks o' guilt.”

“I see.” Hardwood gave a stern glare to the new worker, and he in turn shot a nervous expression at him before Hardwood turned his attention to his other workers. “Check your straps, boys. Tell me what you see.” The stallions then proceeded in pairs to check the straps for any signs of tampering… and before long, they found something.

“The straps have been sabotaged, sir,” spoke one of the workers, “They all are.”


“Aye, the clamps have been tinkered with,” replied another worker, “The metal rings attaching ‘em to the straps have been replaced with these weird contraptions.”

“Let me see.” The stallion who last spoke showed his boss the straps, and Hardwood in turn inspected the metal rings… and sure enough, the rings on all of them were gone. In their place sat odd metal discs with two holes each. The straps went through the lower holes and the clamps attached via smaller rings at the upper one. Hardwood inspected them more closely and noticed a device embedded in them that he never would’ve thought he’d find on a strap of all things.

“What the… what are receivers doing here?” Tiny little antennae stuck out from the discs like miniature horns. Hardwood was unsure what purpose these devices had, but he had a feeling the new worker knew why. He returned his attention to the two other workers holding him down.

“Did you two find anything on him?”

“Just this saddlebag, sir,” spoke one of the stallions, holding a bag in his hoof, “He kept trying to fight us when we pried it off of him.”

“That’s private,” grunted the prisoner, “Get your hooves off-AHH!” The stallion suddenly felt his left wing being temporarily bent at an unnatural angle, and it forced him to relent his struggling a bit.

“Shut it, Auburn,” replied the stallion to his left, “Ya lost yer right ta privacy da moment ya started flyin' away in a hurry like a traitor. Ya shoulda dought o’ dat before pullin’ such suspicious shit.”

“Indeed,” agreed the stallion to his right, “You’re anything but innocent. Now we just have to prove your guilt.” Auburn gulped nervously, for he was unable to weasel his way out of this predicament. Hardwood took note and used his fear to try and extract a confession out him.

“I don’t like going through another guy’s things, Auburn…” Hardwood held the saddlebag in front of him before continuing. “But if ya wanna keep these private, ya better start talkin'. Is there anything in here that controls those weird doohickeys?” As desperate as he was to relieve himself of the pressure, Auburn stayed quiet. Unfortunately for him, his defiance had the opposite effect as it only made Hardwood angry.

“Answer me, rookie! Is there anything in this bag that controls them?!” Hardwood gave him a good few seconds to answer, but Auburn still refused to speak.

“*sigh* All right, then.” Hardwood pointed a threatening hoof at Auburn. “If I find ANYTHING in here that links you to this shit, you’re fired. Ya hear me?” The stallion waited once more for a response from Auburn. None came.

“Yer wastin' yer breath on ‘im, boss,” spoke the stallion to the left of Auburn, “It’s clear he ain’t budgin’.”

“So be it. It’s his funeral.” Hardwood then opened up the bag and reached into it with a hoof. He felt something box-like after about a second, and he pulled it out shortly afterwards. The other stallions in the group felt surprised upon seeing the object.

“The Hell? What’s a remote doing in your bag?” To nopony’s surprise, Auburn said nothing. Hardwood himself was mildly annoyed at worst. The remote had a few buttons on it, but there were no labels anywhere on it that could tell him what they were for. With nothing else to go on, Hardwood tried pressing the big button in the center of the remote to see what happens… and the result caused everypony to gasp.

Just shortly after pressing the button, the sound of clanging and tearing was heard as a few more straps came clean off of the clamps in front of everypony’s eyes.

“It’s a clean cut, chief,” spoke one of the other workers, holding one of the tampered straps close to his face, “Looks like those discs are rigged to cut through the straps with a press of that button.” Having saw everything he needed to see, Hardwood turned his eyes angrily towards the guilty party, the stallion in question looking squeamish from having been found out.

“Well?” Hardwood grunted, “Ya have anything to say for yourself?” Even now, as his crime was laid bare, Auburn refused to speak. Hardwood maintained his composure, but one of the stallions holding Auburn down grew angry at his audacity.

“Da boss asked ya a question, asswipe!” he growled, “Ya have a lot o’ balls keepin’ yer trap shut at a time like dis. Now spill it before I decide to spill yer guts instead.”

“Make me.” Now realizing the jig was up, Auburn did not feel like sticking around. He shoved the coworker to his left, and then used the momentum to buck the one to his right hard. Both stallions were knocked to the ground, and Auburn used the brief window of freedom to escape. However, he only flew for a split second before an unseen force stopped him mid-flight.

“What, the Hell?” Auburn tried desperately to fly, but he couldn’t move no matter how hard he flapped his wings. He looked down with a pale face towards the ground to find Bladewing pointing a hoof at him from below.

“None escape justice, Auburn,” spoke Bladewing firmly, “Not even you.” The other ponies in the group looked at Bladewing with surprise. For many of them, this was the first time in their lives that they saw him hold somepony without magic – and having witnessed his power, they no longer doubted that he stopped the pillar with it.

Now that Auburn had no chance of escape, Bladewing lowered his hoof to bring him back onto the ground.

“Bind him!” The other workers in the group were more than happy to oblige Bladewing’s command. Some secretly hated Auburn, others simply didn’t like the act he just committed, but the one thing they could all agree on was that backstabbers were not welcome among them.

Grabbing one of the cut straps, the stallions set themselves to work tying down Auburn’s wings. He squirmed and pleaded for them to get off of him, but his cries were as meaningless to them as the workers themselves were to him. Effectively speaking, he was trapped.

“Struggle all you want, Auburn,” Bladewing told him, pressing a button from a box-like device on his belt, “I’m arresting you whether you like it or not.”

“Y-You can’t arrest me,” spoke Auburn nervously, “You’re a Council Knight, not a cop. You don’t have the authority.”

“Bladewing can arrest you BECAUSE he’s a Council Knight, you idiot,” Hardwood scolded him, “Royal law permits the Knights to arrest anypony who’s caught committing even one crime.”

“Exactly,” continued Bladewing, “You’ll be serving a ten-year minimum sentence just for workplace sabotage alone. Do you see these ponies beside me?” Auburn watched as Bladewing pointed towards Rose’s family.

“Yeah,” replied Auburn, “So what?” Bladewing pointed an open hoof towards the ponies in question as he continued.

“‘So what?’ These ponies happen to be the parents and grandparent of this wonderful mare beside me – and that pillar you made fall would’ve killed them had I not caught it in time. For that, you’ll be serving another ten-year minimum sentence for reckless endangerment.”

“Bullshit. You’re making that up.”

“Oh, it’s legitimate, all right… and by showing no remorse for putting the lives of the ponies closest to the love of my life in danger, you just made it personal.” The Blossom couple gasped upon hearing his statement, for they were now aware what Rose’s surprise really was. The very stallion who saved them from Death’s icy grip was also their daughter’s coltfriend… and they were seeing part of the personality that made her fall in love with him.

Just as tensions began to heat up again, Sergeant Stellar came to the area with a small group of female police officers.

“We picked up your signal, Sir Bladewing,” she said, “What’s the- whoa… what happened here?”

“This stallion is charged with workplace sabotage and reckless endangerment,” replied Bladewing, pointing his hoof at the guilty party, “That ruined pillar fell on top of the five of us here and almost killed us, and he was caught sabotaging the equipment that carried it.”

“Say no more, sir. We’ll take over from here. We’ll have him and the evidence in for processing in no time.” Now realizing that prison was no longer avoidable, Auburn’s expression quickly turned from scared to outraged.

“Damn you, Bladewing,” Auburn grunted as the officers placed hoof-cuffs on his legs, “I swear I’ll get my revenge when I get out of that shithole.”

“Spare me your venom,” Bladewing snapped back, “You brought this fate on yourself. But let me ask you something.” Auburn shot a look of scorn at Bladewing as he paid attention. “What made you sabotage those straps anyway?” Auburn initially wanted to tell him nothing but now that he saw the futility of hiding his crimes, he calmed himself down just enough to come clean (albeit unapologetically).

“I hate this job. I only signed up for it because I couldn’t find work anywhere else. I wanted to give these chumps a piece of my mind before I quit, so I figured I'd fuck up this last operation.” Like his now-betrayed coworkers, Bladewing was incensed by Auburn’s response, and he grabbed the stallion by the shirt underneath his vest. It was a move that surprised Rose, for even when they had the rare quarrel, she never saw him get this angry before.

“And you think that gives you an excuse to disregard the lives of others, you egocentric son of a bitch? You disgust me, but I can see why no employer wants you. You should've taken it as a sign to change for the better. Now you’ll just have to do it behind bars… but you can start here by apologizing to my marefriend and her family.”

“Fuck you. I already lost everything thanks to you, Council Knight. I have nothing left to lose except you from my sight. So you can shove it up your ass, because I’m not apologizing for shit!” Being no longer able to stand Bladewing, Auburn summoned enough saliva into his mouth and spat in Bladewing’s face. The filth smeared the right side of Bladewing’s face, and everypony gasped as his reflex forced him to let go of Auburn. Rose was especially worried as it was the first time she saw him experience such disgusting disrespect, and she took the rag sitting in his belt to help him.

“Oh my goddess, Bladewing,” she told him, giving him the rag, “Are you all right?” The stallion took a moment to wipe the spit from his face with the rag before answering her.

“I’m okay, love. It’s only spit.” Rose was relieved to hear that, but the same could not be said of Sergeant Stellar.

“You should’ve listened to him, pal,” she told Auburn sternly, “Now you just added even more jail time for both assaulting AND intimidating a Council Knight.” The sergeant then turned her head towards her subordinates. “You heard him, ladies. Get the evidence into the bags and take this punk to the station. Make sure the strap on his wings won’t come off easily.” The other officers either nodded or said “Yes, ma’am” in reply, and they proceeded to gather all the evidence they needed to prove his guilt in court. Before long, they were walking away with Auburn under their watchful eye.

Now that the fiasco was over, Hardwood returned his attention to Bladewing.

“Holy shit, Sir Bladewing,” he told him, “That was amazing. I haven’t seen a Council Knight take down somepony like that in years… or take being spitted on in stride. You have my deepest respect.”

“Thanks,” answered Bladewing, “I’m normally not vulgar when I’m angry, but he took it too far when he got my marefriend and her family involved in his scheme.”

“Oh, you’re totally fine, sir. The boys and I swear all the time. I don’t think any of us blames you for going off on Auburn’s ass like that.”

“That’s most reassuring. But anyway…” Bladewing offered his hoof to Hardwood, and the stallion in turn shook it gladly. “I’m pleased to have met you, Mr. Hardwood. Even if it wasn’t in an ideal setting.”

“*chuckle* For sure. As I said, I’ll get some clean-up crews here pronto to clear out this rubble for you guys. This won’t take long.” Bladewing nodded his head in agreement. Satisfied that he and Bladewing were in mutual agreement, Hardwood turned his head to face the Blossoms.

“Are you guys okay?” he asked Mrs. Blossom.

“We’re fine,” Mrs. Blossom answered, “Just a little unnerved from the near-death experience.”

“All right. I’m very sorry for the trouble my new employee caused you and your family. He’s a bit rough around the edges, but I never would’ve thought he’d be crazy enough to pull something like this.”

“It’s okay. I’m just grateful that Sir Bladewing was here to save us.”

“And thank Faust he did.” Hardwood took out his wallet and proceeded to pull a few 100-bit bills from it before giving them to Mrs. Blossom. “Lunch, dinner, and entertainment for the family’s on me today. Thank you for your patience and your understanding.”

“No, thank you. My husband and I appreciate that you’re doing your best to hold both yourself and your employees accountable.” Hardwood tipped his head in agreement and then turned to face his crew.

“All right, guys,” he told them, fluttering his wings, “Let’s head back to HQ. We’re done here.” The other workers were more than happy to oblige him. Before Bladewing and the others knew it, they were in the air and flew away soon after.

Now that the worst was over, the Blossom couple returned their attention to Rose and Bladewing. Both ponies were still trying to process what just happened, but the one at a greater loss for words was Mr. Blossom… for if the suspicion he had of Bladewing was correct, his actions gave him a clue as to why he was here with them.

“That… that was brave, Bladewing,” he said to him, “I… *sigh* I’m sorry, I can’t find the right words to say. So much has happened so quickly.” Bladewing smiled and put a sympathetic hoof on his fellow stallion’s shoulder.

“I understand. Why don’t we take this inside? I’m sure neither of us wants to stay out here.”

“Yes. Let’s do that.” Bladewing nodded, and both stallions carried Mrs. Sunfire’s suitcases while she and the other mares followed them into the house. An air of unease hung between the two of them, and the reasons for it couldn’t be more different. It was all the better for them that each had a special somepony to assist them with the coming resolution.

“Wow. This place is better than I imagined.” Bladewing was in awe over how spacious Rose’s house was. The colors of the interior weren’t as vibrant as those back at his own home but given where the house was located, it was quite fitting. He had a hard time believing that Rose grew up here.

“You can set the luggage here, Bladewing,” Mr. Blossom spoke, pointing to an area beside a table in the kitchen, “We’ll determine what to do with them later. I’d like a word with you in the living room table if you don’t mind.”

“Oh, not at all,” replied Bladewing, “Let’s do it.” Pleased that Bladewing was very cooperative with him, Mr. Blossom led the way to the living room. A table stood in the center of a C-shaped couch within this room. He and his wife made themselves comfortable at one end of the couch while his daughter and Bladewing sat together opposing them on the other. The old grandmother meanwhile sat in the middle section that separated the other two, a position that highlighted her influence as the family matriarch.

“Remember, my love,” Rose whispered to Bladewing, “Let me do the talking. You’ll know when I’m done when you hear it.” Bladewing simply smiled and nodded his head, a gesture that allowed Rose to have the first say from their side in the conversation.

“That’s better,” said Mr. Blossom, “But now, then… where to start…”

“If I may, Daddy…” The stallion looked towards the beautiful young mare that was his daughter. “How about we start with some introductions?”

“Are you sure that’s necessary, Rose? I am well aware of who your pegasus friend is. Even without his dog tag.”

“Well, that’s true, but he doesn’t know who you are. It’s only fair that I at least introduce him to both you and Mum.”

“She has a point, darling,” agreed Mrs. Blossom with a grin, “Don’t you always say that starting a conversation without them is a bit rude?”

“*sigh* I do. Very well, then. Let’s have some introductions.” Rose smiled with delight knowing she started the meeting on a good note.

“Great. *ahem* Well, Mum, Daddy, you already know who Bladewing is. No surprise there. Bladewing, meet my parents: Amaryllis and Arbor Blossom.”

“Charmed,” Bladewing answered, shaking each of their hooves happily, “It’s a great honor to meet the two of you.”

“The honor is ours, Sir Bladewing,” spoke Amaryllis, bowing her head in respect, “My husband and I have heard of many of your exploits. It’s difficult enough to meet a Council Knight in person with how often they’re at work. Meeting one as distinguished as you while also being saved by him is truly a rare treat.”

“Indeed,” added Arbor, “I’m not very knowledgeable or enthusiastic about the Council myself, but I’ve seen and heard enough about you to know you more than deserve your place in it. You truly are the king’s finest Knight… and you have my thanks for rescuing my wife and my dear mother.”

“It’s nothing, Mr. Blossom,” replied Bladewing, rubbing his neck bashfully, “I’m just doing my job.” Arbor can tell from his demeanor that Bladewing was a humble young colt, and though he was not yet ready to trust him, it earned him both his respect and a little smile towards him.

“Nonsense. Your heroism deserves recognition… and as far as rewards are concerned, I’m sure you already have it in my daughter.” Arbor's comment surprised Rose. She thought he didn’t know about her relationship yet, but once she remembered that Bladewing told Auburn she was the love of his life, she realized the cat was no longer in the bag… and though her father didn’t seem angry about it, she wasn’t too sure if he was or wasn’t. Not when he behaved in a similar manner to the colts he told to stay away from her in the past.

“Um… about that, Daddy…” Rose rubbed one of her forelegs nervously, much to Arbor’s concern. “I… I can explain. It's not what you-” Arbor raised a hoof to request silence. With no way of telling what he wanted, all Rose could do was oblige him without a fuss.

“It’s okay, Rose. We’ll discuss it later. Right now, I wish to be alone with your coltfriend for a bit.” Rose felt worried by her father’s request. She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

“What? But why?”

“Well, I won’t give him any trouble, if that’s what you’re thinking. I just want a conversation with him in private. It has nothing to do with you.”

“But Daddy-”

“No buts. You’ve gone against my wishes long enough, young lady. I won’t let you deny me this one as well… and unless you want to be in ACTUAL trouble, you will honor this harmless request.” Rose couldn't have felt more helpless than she was now. She didn’t want to anger her father, but she also didn’t want him to interrogate Bladewing like some prisoner of war. Granted, he assured her that he wouldn’t give him such treatment but given how he treated her colt classmates in the past, she was tempted to fear the worst.

Fortunately for Rose, Bladewing took note of her movements and understood how she felt. He couldn't stand seeing her like this, and he knew the guilt of leaving her in this state will affect how he interacted with Mr. Blossom. He decided to alleviate her stress before the anxiety drove both of them mad.

“It’s okay, love,” he spoke softly, “I’ll be fine. Just do it. Trust him as you trust me.”

“But Bladewing, I-”

“Shhh...” Bladewing nuzzled his mare, silencing her on the spot. “Please... do as he says. For me.” The warm feeling of his muzzle gently rubbing against her face comforted Rose, and she calmed down just enough to think rationally once more. She softly kissed his lips, a move that evoked sympathy from both her mother and her grandmother.

“All right,” she said to him, “We’ll do it your way.”

“Thanks. It’ll be over soon.” Rose acknowledged with a nod, and now that she gave up all further protest to her father’s request, Mrs. Blossom decided it was her turn to provide her with some relief.

“You heard him, dear,” she told her, “Let’s give them their privacy. It’ll be over before you know it.”

“Indeed, Rosie,” added Mrs. Sunfire, “It’s only a conversation. Let’s focus on other things for now. I still need to unpack, you know.”

“Ok, Grandma,” she agreed, “Let’s go.” Rose got up from her seat and walked with her mother and grandmother upstairs to help unload the luggage. Of the three mares, she was the last to go, but before she vanished from Bladewing’s sight, she looked over her shoulder towards him. She had a worried expression that showed him she had second thoughts. Thankfully, Bladewing knew what to do. He shot a reassuring smile at her, one that seemed to tell her, “Go on. I’m with you in spirit.”… and to his relief, it worked. The look on her face changed from worried to a relieved happy grin, and she turned back around to continue up the stairs.

Relieved that the love of his life was no longer anxious, he turned to face the stallion that helped bring her into existence. Arbor was nowhere near as bulky as the stallion that fell over on his back at the Fortune Festival, but he was still a bit larger than Bladewing. If not for his otherworldly powers, Bladewing would’ve easily been intimidated by his size. Even so, in order to pose less of a threat to him, Bladewing decided to refrain from using said powers. The last thing he wanted was to give Mr. Blossom a reason to so much as mistrust him, let alone hate him.

“Thank you for convincing Rose to listen, Bladewing,” Arbor told him, “It makes this conversation a lot easier for me.”

“It's all right, Mr. Blossom. If it makes you more comfortable, then I will not object.” Arbor nodded his head, and the two stallions took this moment to make themselves comfortable in their seats. Arbor himself was unsure how to start the conversation, but he was grateful that Bladewing let him go first. He felt more at ease when he took the lead, and he started their chat with a deep sigh.

“So…” Bladewing sensed discomfort from Arbor as the stallion looked away. “Are you really dating my daughter?” Bladewing could tell right away that the stallion was on edge. He wasn’t sure if it was because of his protective nature or if he was displeased that Rose was seeing him behind his back, but he knew that he had to be careful with how he answered him. He thus did his very best to control his tone.

“I am, Mr. Blossom,” replied Bladewing calmly. Now that his suspicions were confirmed, Arbor turned his gaze back to Bladewing, a much calmer tone engulfing his voice.

“I see. How long have you been with her?”

“Since at least two weeks before my knighting, sir.”

“Oh. That long?”

“Yes. It might not be what you want to hear, but it’s the truth.”

“Don’t worry. I believe you… and I’m grateful that you’re being honest with me from the start. I'm sure Rose already told you a bit about myself.”

“She did.” Bladewing smiled warmly at Arbor as he continued. “She told me that you’re a good stallion. I don't know what things were like between you and her, but I believe her with every fiber of my being.” The bit of praise he got from Bladewing comforted Arbor, and he showed it by giving him a little smile.

“Well, it’s good to know she still speaks kindly of me. Rose often portrays me as being overprotective – and for a time, I was – but I assure you, Bladewing, that I neither still am nor did it intentionally. As a father, you do whatever it takes to keep your child safe. I just made the mistake of using the trust mine had in me as a sacrifice. I’m not the type of father who doesn’t EVER want his daughter to have a special somepony. I wouldn’t dare force Rose to live her whole life that way.”

“I understand, sir,” Bladewing assured him, “You simply want her to make her choice wisely. I can’t ever fault you for that. Not even in a fit of anger.”

“So then you know where I’m coming from.” Bladewing nodded his head. “All right. It’s good to know we have a mutual understanding, Bladewing… and I appreciate that you’re showing me both patience and respect.”

“It’s no trouble, Mr. Blossom. I'm just glad that you're not angry at Rose, to be honest. She seemed quite worried over your request for privacy.”

“*sigh* Yes.” Arbor briefly held his forehead with a hoof in dismay. “I know. I’m not angry at her, Bladewing. She’s old enough to have a coltfriend if she wants to. However, you must understand that she kept me in the dark about her relationship with you for the last two years. I asked her to let me know if she’s seeing somepony, but it’s only now – and from her own coltfriend, no less – that I learn she is. She deliberately disobeyed me and as such, she should count herself lucky that excluding her from our conversation will be all she’ll suffer as punishment.”

“I see. It’s your right to exclude her if you wish, sir, but still… isn’t that a little extreme for what she did?”

“When you have children of your own, Bladewing, you’ll understand. She will too. For now, just know that she’s in no real trouble. I want this discussion to be strictly between you and me.”

“Understood. I still think that the punishment seems excessive, but I will respect your decision.”

“Thank you. But enough about me. Now I want to know more about you, Bladewing. Can you tell me about yourself?”

“Sure. What would you like to know?”

“Hm… well…” With those two words, Bladewing and Arbor delved deep into the conversation.

Meanwhile, shortly after they made it to one of the rooms upstairs, Rose and her mother began to unload the luggage Mrs. Sunfire brought with her. They were about a quarter of the way done when the two stallions began to go deep into the conversation, and Mrs. Blossom used this time to try and get Rose to rid herself of her worry.

“Don’t worry so much, dear. I'm sure your father’s not angry with either of you. Especially not Bladewing. So please, calm down.” Try as she might, Mrs. Blossom’s words did little to cheer Rose up. Her face continued to be smitten with unease.

“I'm not sure I can, Mum,” Rose answered, “I never would’ve believed Daddy would kick me out of his very first conversation with my coltfriend. I know I disobeyed him by keeping Bladewing a secret, but I thought for certain that he wouldn’t mind it too much. At least not after Bladewing saved both you and Grandma.”

“I don't think it’s personal, dearie,” Mrs. Sunfire responded, “Getting to know a daughter’s coltfriend is usually a conversation between stallions. I think your father just wants this one to be unbiased.”

“Unbiased? Just how would my presence make it biased?”

“Well, you are Bladewing's marefriend, aren't you? Do you really think your father would trust Bladewing’s answers to his questions knowing you’re sitting next to him? It's clear that boy loves you to death. If he sees even the slightest hint of discomfort from you, then he’ll only give your father what he wants to hear and not what he needs to hear. All for the sake of keeping you happy and out of trouble.”

“But you don’t know that, Grandma. I could just stay calm and keep my mouth shut while they talk to each other. I don’t see how Daddy can object to that.”

“I’m afraid she’s right, sweetie,” countered Amaryllis, “Your father did exactly that with my own father – your other grandpa. I stayed in the conversation when they discussed our relationship and he couldn’t give any straight answers to your grandfather’s questions. I insisted to your father that I leave him alone, but he was too stubborn to listen. It worked out between the two of them in the end, but I think your father understood why it could've been easier had he listened to me and focused more on answering the questions. It's likely he asked for privacy because he secretly doesn’t want Bladewing to make the same mistake with you.”

“*sigh*… I guess you’re right, Mum. But still…” a worried look enveloped Mrs. Blossom as her daughter rubbed her foreleg nervously. “I’m scared. What if something goes wrong? Like if Daddy starts yelling at Bladewing? I can’t bear to find out he treated my coltfriend like he did all those other boys. This time would be even worse since I can’t do anything about it. Bladewing’s a wonderful stallion, and he doesn’t deserve any of it.”

“I know, dear. Bladewing seems like a sweet colt to me.” Amaryllis smiled and placed a hoof on her shoulder, making her daughter look up to her. “And it’s because he’s a sweet colt that I don’t think your father would harm him in any way. He seems to understand how much you love Bladewing, so I’m sure he knows better than to say anything that would hurt him.”

“I really want to believe you, Mum. I really do. But I… *sniffle* I…” Mrs. Blossom felt her heart sink as she saw her little girl's eyes begin to water. She didn’t like seeing her so deep in distress, and she would not stand for it.

“Aw, sweetie. Come here.” Rose could not hold in her despair any longer, and she let her tears flow freely from her eyes as she embraced her mother in a hug, the older mare softly caressing her mane with a hoof. Rose sobbed softly as she remembered all the heartache her father put her through from his overprotectiveness. The whole scene appalled Mrs. Sunfire, for though she knew that her son made plenty of mistakes with her granddaughter, she didn’t think he traumatized her THIS badly.

“I’m sorry, Mum,” Rose murmured to her, “I just can’t bear to think about it. Bladewing’s the only boy I had any quality time with… and it's with him that I finally got to experience true love. I just can’t let Daddy take him from me. I won’t let him.”

“He won’t, dear,” Amaryllis murmured back, kissing her cheek, “I promise you he won’t. Your father already apologized for pushing all those other boys away, didn’t he? He wouldn’t dare be so cruel to you as to treat Bladewing the same way. Not when he risked his life to save mine and Grandma Daffy’s.”

“She’s right, dearie,” added Mrs. Sunfire, “Give your father a second chance. He’s not perfect, but he loves you all the same. He’s just afraid that you would choose the wrong stallion.”

“I… *sniffle* I’m sure you’re right, Grandma, but still… it’s just further proof that he doesn’t trust me. Yes, I kept my relationship a secret from him, but it was only because he denied me the chance at love too many times already. How could I have chosen the right stallion if he never let me try?” As much as she hated to admit it, Mrs. Sunfire knew Rose was right. Her son brought her granddaughter’s lack of faith in him on himself and she knew it. She had no choice but to nod gently in agreement.

“I know, Rosie. He deserves it and then some, I’m sure… but that’s in the past now, love. Your father’s not the same stallion he was before. Do you think he would’ve let Bladewing stay here if he was?” Rose shook her head, a sign that signaled to Mrs. Sunfire that she was getting through to her. “Okay. So then it’s proof that he changed for the better. Bladewing said it perfectly, love: trust your father as you trust him. He knows as your mother and I do that everything will turn out fine. So chin up and cheer up. If you can’t do it for your father, then do it for your coltfriend.” Mrs. Sunfire reinforced her argument with a smile in the hopes that Rose would listen and be happy… and she was relieved to see that she did. Rose ceased her crying, and she let go of her mother with renewed hope.

“Okay, Grandma. I’ll give Daddy a second chance. I’m still not comfortable letting Bladewing talk to him alone, but I will trust in both him and the goddess. Thanks for cheering me up.”

“*giggle* You’re very welcome, dearie. Now dry those tears. I’m sure Bladewing doesn’t like seeing you cry any more than we do.” Rose smiled and did as she was told, grabbing a handkerchief from the dresser next to her to wipe her tears.

“Your father should be done by now,” Mrs. Blossom said to her, “I’ll go downstairs and check on him and Bladewing. I’ll come back here if they’re done.”

“All right, Mum. I’ll wait.” Rose smiled as she then felt her mother touch her forehead with her own, the tips of their noses just millimeters apart.

“I know it’s hard to believe in him, dear… but I’m grateful that you’re giving your father another chance anyway. Congratulations on your relationship…” The older mare wrapped her hoof around Rose and softly caressed her mane. “And I wish you and Bladewing all the happiness in Cydonia.”

“Thanks, Mum. I’m glad that at least you are on my side.” Mrs. Blossom chuckled as she removed her head from Rose’s and left the room shortly afterwards. She returned only a minute later bearing good news.

“They’re done, ladies,” she told them, “Let’s go.”

“We’re right behind you, Mum,” replied Rose. The three mares moved together downstairs to rejoin the stallions in the living room. Bladewing noticed when Rose took her seat beside him that her eyes looked a bit watery, and it made him concerned.

“Oh my goddess,” he gasped, “What’s wrong, Rose? You look hurt.”

“It’s nothing, Bladewing. Don’t worry about it.”


“Shhh…” Now that it was her turn to serve as stress relief, Rose softly nuzzled her stallion to silence him. “It’s okay. It’s not what you think. Let’s just hear what Daddy has to say. Trust me as you asked me to trust him.” Bladewing was amused to hear his mare spin his own words back to him. Now reassured of his concern, he nodded and nuzzled her back.

“All right. I will… with both my heart and my life.” Rose chuckled and wrapped her foreleg around Bladewing’s, bracing herself for whatever her father would say next.

“Okay,” Arbor spoke, rising to his hooves, “I appreciate your willingness to open up to me, Bladewing. You did well in answering my questions. However, there’s one last question I want you to answer before I can say I’m satisfied. Can you do that for me?”

“You bet, Mr. Blossom. Ask away.”

“Very well.” Arbor took a deep breath and exhaled. “What made you choose my daughter above all other girls as your marefriend?” Despite the question’s open-ended nature, Bladewing anticipated him asking something along those lines – and he was therefore more than ready to answer it. He cleared his throat and gently ruffled his wings before he gave his response.

“Hm… I’m not sure how to answer that, sir.”

“Oh? What makes you say that?” Arbor watched curiously as Bladewing grinned happily and turned his attention to Rose.

“Because I'm not sure where to start.” Rose just giggled and leaned towards him to nuzzle him. Arbor could see that Bladewing had a lot to say regarding his question, and though seeing his daughter cuddle him so closely made him a tiny bit jealous, he looked forward to hearing it.

“Very well,” replied Arbor with a little grin, “In that case, you may start at wherever makes you comfortable.” Bladewing acknowledged him with a nod.

“I often ask myself that same question, sir: why DID I choose her? Was it for love? Was it for my future? Was it for her? It turns out…” Bladewing returned the gentle nuzzling his mare gave him earlier, much to the awe of her mother and grandmother. “… it was for more than all those things put together.” Arbor liked what he was hearing, and he wanted more.

“Go on,” he told him.

“Well, in the beginning, Mr. Blossom, I had nothing. No home, no family, no friends. Not even memories on ever having any of it. It was only when I saved the Heart family that the void in my life was filled once more. Even then, I did not anticipate that my life would change yet again so soon. When I met Rose for the first time at her job, I thought she simply liked me and that my interaction with her would end then and there; but when she surprised me at my home on her day off and spent time with me – time she willingly gave up just for me – I knew that she would become an important pony in my life. *chuckle* I just never thought it would be as my marefriend.”

“I see. How did she persuade you to be hers?”

“Well, she said, and I quote, ‘If he does agree to be mine, I’m going to make him happy for the rest of his days.’… and to this day, even after so many dates, she has never failed to do so.” Rose gasped in surprise. She could’ve sworn Bladewing didn’t hear her say that to Blaze when she briefly left him alone… and yet here he was telling her own father he did. She couldn’t help but blush with a bashful grin as her father continued the conversation.

“How touching. Well, I’m glad to both hear and see that you’re very fond of my daughter, Bladewing. Do you have anything you would like to ask me?”

“I do, sir.”

“All right. Then ask.” Bladewing nodded and then caressed Rose’s cheek with his muzzle in a cute gesture to get her to let him go. Rose happily obliged him and relinquished her hold on his foreleg, allowing the pegasus to rise to his hooves to face her father.

“Do you hate me, Mr. Blossom?” Arbor was both surprised and troubled by Bladewing’s question. It was true that he regarded Bladewing with suspicion at first, but he didn’t think Bladewing would mistake it for hatred.

“What? No, of course not, Bladewing. Why would you ask such a thing?” Bladewing looked away from Arbor while rubbing his foreleg.

“Well, Rose told me stories of how you treated boys that interacted with her growing up. I can't say if they deserved it or not, but I wasn’t sure if you would treat me the same way, whether I was a Council Knight or not. When she started to worry after you asked for privacy, I feared the worst. I don’t like seeing her worry, but I didn’t want to anger you.” Bladewing then smiled and looked up towards Arbor with a hopeful expression in his eyes. “It’s the other reason I looked forward to meeting you, Mr. Blossom: to try and earn your acceptance and your friendship. Sure, not everything Rose said about you was pleasant, but I can tell that she loves you dearly nonetheless. I can think of no greater way to make the love of my life happy than to befriend the stallion she looked up to her whole life.” Bladewing left Arbor almost completely speechless with his answer. A mix of emotions stirred within his soul as he tried to process everything he brought up, and he put a hoof over his mouth as he thought.

“Oh… oh, goddess… what have I done?” Arbor until now felt nothing but anxiety and anger as he tried to comprehend why Rose didn’t tell him about her relationship, but once he got to know Bladewing, a deep feeling of remorse hit him. He thought he kept her safe from heartbreak by driving those other boys away from her; the ironic truth was that all he accomplished in doing so was break her heart himself. Yet even after all that trauma, Rose still loved him, so much so that she had the courage to bring Bladewing home to him in spite of his protective nature. The regret hurt him even more seeing that Bladewing was nothing like the other colts. Only a stallion who truly loved his daughter would risk his ire just to befriend him. The realization of just how deep in the wrong he was about everything gave him a strong urge to cry for being such a tyrant towards Rose.

Thankfully for Arbor, his wife could see the emotional turmoil he was enduring and intervened. Mrs. Blossom placed a sympathetic hoof on his shoulder, and the stallion turned towards her. She had a reassuring smile on her face, one that seemed to tell him that she knew what he was thinking… and more importantly, that it was okay for him to feel this way. He placed his own hoof on hers, closed his eyes, and sighed one last time before returning his gaze to Bladewing.

“Is… is all of it true?”

“It is, Mr. Blossom… and I won’t ever take ANY of it back. If Rose won’t give up on you, then neither will I.”

“I see. Well, I appreciate your effort, Bladewing… but none of it will be necessary.” Bladewing looked at Arbor with surprise as he rose to his hooves.

“Oh? And why is that?”

“Because you’ve already earned them.” Less than a second later, Arbor embraced Bladewing in a heartfelt hug, a clear indicator to the pegasus that he won him over. Rose was delighted to see it, but Bladewing himself was a harder sell.

“I… I don’t understand, sir,” replied Bladewing as Arbor let go of him, “What do you mean, ‘already’?” Arbor chuckled softly before telling his pegasus friend his logic behind his decision.

“Exactly that, my boy: you’ve already earned both my acceptance and my friendship. You may not have realized it yet, but you already gave me enough reason to accept you as my daughter’s coltfriend. I may have saved her from getting crushed by the pillar, but by risking your life to save both my wife and my dear old mother from the same fate, you’ve shown me that you treat the three of us – her family – as if you were a part of it… and the only way you would do that is if you loved her enough to know how much each of us means to her.” Bladewing’s ears perked up in excitement.

“Really? Are you serious?”

“Yes. By standing tall against Auburn, you also showed me that you’ll protect her at any cost. I want any coltfriend of hers to keep her safe long after I join my father in Heaven, Faust bless his soul… and I feel confident that you’re more than capable of doing that.” Bladewing couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and yet at the same time, he was happy he did.

“All right. You have my thanks, Mr. Blossom… and I promise to never let you OR Rose down.”

“*chuckle* Good.” Arbor offered his hoof to Bladewing, and the pegasus in turn accepted it and shook it. “I welcome you to my family, Bladewing… and thank you for giving my little princess the happiness she always deserved.” Bladewing found himself as Arbor was earlier: at a loss for words. He didn’t need them, though, for the happy expression on his face conveyed his thoughts clearly to Arbor. Rose, on the hoof, had plenty to say to her father, for the moment she had been waiting for her whole life had finally arrived. She squealed with joy as she got up and hugged him firmly, much to the sheer delight of her mother and grandmother.

“I’m so happy you like him, Daddy,” she told him, letting a few tears escape her eyes, “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“I do know, sweetheart… and I'm very proud of you.”

“No. You don’t know.” Rose’s words gave Arbor pause, and both he and Bladewing looked at her with concern as she let go of him before continuing with teary eyes. “Do you have any idea how long I waited for this moment? Do you have any idea how much it hurt me to know my own father doesn’t trust me around boys? I know you said back then that I was too young to be dating, but I would’ve liked to be friends with some of the colts I met... and yet you wouldn’t even let me have that. When you kicked me out of your conversation with Bladewing, I thought for sure that you would yell at him or try and force him to break up with me. I never felt more scared in all my life, because I feared you were going to take away the only stallion I had the courage to fall in love with.” Having heard such traumatized thoughts from her own mouth, Arbor could not hold back his tears any longer. His own daughter was telling him how tyrannical he was towards her, and he couldn’t hate himself more for it. His only thought now was to comfort Rose and give himself closure in the process.

“Oh, Rosie. Come here.” Arbor firmly held his daughter in his foreleg, and he caressed the back of her head with his hoof as they both let their tears run freely from their faces. “I’m so sorry. It was never my intention back then to hurt you. I only asked you to leave us because I wanted to be sure that Bladewing’s answers to my questions were genuine. I never meant to make you feel helpless over it. You have to believe me.”

“I do, Daddy, but still… you hurt me for so long that I just couldn’t bring myself to believe you changed at all. You’re scary when you’re serious, and I didn’t want to anger you any further. Not if it means I’ll make things worse.”

“I know, and I’m sorry that I intimidated you…” Arbor let go of Rose, allowing her to see him face-to-face. “…but I want you to know that the fault for not telling me about Bladewing was never yours. It was mine. I’m the one who denied you any meaningful interaction with boys. I’m the one who wouldn’t trust you with knowing right from wrong in romance… and you had every right to not trust me with the truth because of it. You only did what you thought was right for you.” Rose smiled with relief as she wiped some of the tears from her eyes.

“R-Really? Do you mean that?”

“Of course I do, sweetheart. I meant it when I said I’ll stop being overprotective of you. I'm a changed pony. I just have a hard time letting you go. Can you forgive me? For being a blind and possessive tyrant of a father?” Rose gently nuzzled his face, bringing a little smile to his cheeks.

“I already have. You gave the love of my life a chance – so now I can do the same for you.” Arbor was relieved to hear her say that, for though he was sincere the first time he apologized, Rose never told him if she accepted it. Needless to say, she set him free of his guilt.

“Thank you, sweetheart. Congratulations on successfully choosing the right coltfriend. I really am proud of you… and always remember that I love you.” Rose smiled and embraced her father in one final hug, holding him as tightly as she did Bladewing a few hours earlier.

“I love you too, Daddy. I always have… and I always will.” Bladewing couldn’t hold in how beautiful this moment was to him, and he a single tear escape his own eye. Here he could see just how badly hurt Rose was by her father’s overprotectiveness… and more importantly, that even after all she went through because of it, she still had enough love for him to forgive him for all of it. She truly was a “Daddy’s Girl”. He didn’t want Rose to see his tear, however, so he wiped it from his face before she could notice. He had to be as strong for her now as he was earlier.

Now that father and daughter had reconciled with each other, Mrs. Blossom walked towards her husband to cheer him up with a hug of her own.

“I’m proud of you, darling,” she said softly, “I knew you’d come around to let our daughter have true love someday… and it’s even better knowing she chose possibly the best stallion of them all.”

“Thanks, love. It makes me feel better about being a lousy father.”

“*giggle* You weren’t a lousy father. You were a lousy pony. There’s a major difference.” The Blossom couple shared a chuckle together before inevitably silencing themselves. For all intents and purposes, the meeting was now over.

Unfortunately for both Rose and Bladewing, neither of them would be able to enjoy their success for long. A device within Bladewing’s ear began to beep softly, instantly disturbing the peaceful quiet.

“What’s that noise, Bladewing?” Rose asked him.

“Oh, it’s just my communicator,” he replied, pointing to the little earbud close to his ear, “It beeps whenever the king or one of my fellow Knights is trying to call me.”

“I see. Go ahead and answer it. We’ll keep quiet for you.”

“Thanks. This won’t take long.” Rose nodded and proceeded to gesture to the others to silence themselves. Bladewing then moved the earbud into his ear and pressed the button on the little bar connecting the bud to its tiny, elliptic-shaped power supply.

“Bladewing here… Oh hey, Crixus. How are you?... Oh, I’m back in the capitol with Rose and her parents right now… Really? What seems to be the trouble?... Oh. Oh, goddess. When did this happen?” Bladewing’s face became swept with concern as he said the latter part, and it drew concern from each of the other ponies.

“Damn. Last night? No wonder so few people know. Still, isn’t the RBI handling it?... Oh, I see. Well, even so, Crixus, Mountain Wind already approved me for the day off today, and I have other plans with Rose right now… What? He gave the order?... I see. *sigh* Great… Oh, he won’t count today as one of my days off?... Well, if he’s offering it, then I guess I can live with that… Now?... Very well. Just give me a minute with Rose… I will, trust me. It won’t be too long… All right. I’ll see you there.” Bladewing sighed in dismay as he pressed the button again to hang up the call, and Rose in turn looked at him with worry.

“What's wrong, Bladewing?”

“It's the king. Sir Crixus told me he's summoning the Council to an emergency meeting. The Earth Legion televised the execution of a pegasus mare last night.” The other ponies gasped in horror at the news.

“Oh, no,” Rose said worriedly, “Did that really just happen?” Bladewing nodded his head reluctantly. “Oh, goddess. You better get going then, for sure.”

“I’m sorry. I really hoped that we could go on that date like we planned.”

“Oh no, Bladewing, it’s fine. I totally get it. We’ll just schedule it for another time.”

“But-” In an effort to both shut him up and calm him down, Rose wrapped a foreleg around her stallion and hugged him.

“Go,” Rose murmured, nuzzling his face, “and don’t ever forget I love you.” Bladewing smiled and nuzzled her back.

“All right. I won’t… and I love you too.” Now assured that his mare was fine with him leaving, Bladewing let go of her and moved towards the door. He opened it and was about to leave the house when a playful joke convinced him to turn around.

“Hm… are you sure we can’t-”

“*giggle* Boy, if you don't get those wings flapping, I'll break up with you for real.” The other ponies chuckled as Rose playfully threatened him while walking towards him.

“Oof, easy, love. I'm just joking.”

“You better be. Smug colt.” The young couple shared one last laugh between them knowing they likely won’t be together again for a few more days. For that same reason, they decided to embrace each other’s lips one last time, as if Bladewing were being sent into battle instead. The Blossoms, especially Mrs. Blossom, found this heartfelt moment very cute.

“Go get ‘em, tiger,” Rose cooed. Bladewing tilted his head in agreement, and Rose then followed him outside before stopping at the edge of the steps. After ruffling his feathers again, Bladewing jumped forwards high into the air in a front-flip, unfurled his wings, and began gliding above the ground in a left turn. To this day, Rose still couldn’t understand how he was able to jump like that, but she was glad it made his take-offs all the more fun to watch. The Blossoms meanwhile moved outside with her having just barely caught him in the act.

“He’s a keeper,” Mrs. Blossom mused, “You’ve done well, dear.”

“He sure is, Mum,” replied Rose, “And thanks. Mountain Wind may have him now, but it won’t be forever.”

“And so it will be, sweetheart,” agreed Mr. Blossom, “Now let’s keep helping Grandma unpack. I’m treating us all to lunch after this.”

“You bet, Daddy.” Arbor was pleasantly surprised as Rose then kissed his cheek in bliss.

“And thank you... for giving us a chance.” Arbor just chuckled with a smile and nuzzled her. He wasn’t sure how well he’d take seeing his little girl with another stallion, but if it meant she’ll be happy long after his time comes, it was worth it.

Before he reentered the house, he felt a hoof touch his shoulder, and he turned his head to face the mare who gave him life.

“Well done, Arbor,” spoke Mrs. Sunfire with a grin, “Your father would be proud.” Arbor let a final tear slip past his right eye as he smiled and went inside the house with his dear old mother.

“Oh, Dad… the things I’d give to have you here one last time.”

Dia De Los Muertos

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The din by the front gates of the royal palace was near deafening. Huge blankets of gray clouds were coming overhead from a distance, and the noise of cameras flashing and ponies chattering were relentless despite Blue Belle’s efforts to quell them. A dozen or so royal guards blocked the path of the news ponies in front of her and for the moment, they were able to control the crowd. It wasn’t until Bladewing arrived that Blue Belle found some relief from the situation.

“… you already, the king is busy right now. Oh hey, Bladewing.” Bladewing was just above her when she noticed him, and she hugged him as soon as he was beside her.

“Hey, Belle,” he greeted back, letting go of her, “I hope I’m not late to the party.”

“*chuckle* We haven’t even started yet. Your timing couldn’t be more perfect.”

“Great. And the others?”

“They’re inside. Just give me a moment to-”

“Sir Bladewing, what’s your thoughts on recent developments?” Despite one of the reporters asking the question abruptly, Bladewing wasn’t caught off guard by it. Even so, he planned to wrap up this gathering quickly.

“Um, come again?”

“A pegasus mare was brutally murdered by the Earth Legion last night on national TV,” spoke one of the mares among the group, “It’s rumored that they have several others like her captive. Any thoughts?”

“Well, I only recently found out about the execution myself. It's vile that they put her death on display, but other than that, I've little else to say on the matter.”

“Do you know what the king plans to do about it?” asked another reporter.

“I don’t. Even if I did know, only he would be allowed to disclose that information. For now, just know that my fellow Knights and I will do what we can to assist him.”

“Indeed,” agreed Blue Belle, “There will be no further discussion at this time. Now if you’ll excuse us, we are needed elsewhere.” Unwilling to relent, the crowd of news ponies bombarded both Blue Belle and Bladewing with questions as they left the scene. The royal guards meanwhile did their best to clear the area.

“Nothing left to see, folks!” shouted the male captain in command of the guards, “Let the Council do its job! Hey, you over there…”

Within the next minute, Bladewing and Blue Belle were walking down the hallways of the palace. They soon arrived at one of the doors leading into the conference room and upon entering the room, they were greeted by the sight of King Mountain Wind and of course, Sir Crixus himself.

Crixus was an earth pony of a khaki-colored coat and a mahogany mane. Like his pegasus comrade, he bore the blue leather armor of the Council Knights along with a dog tag with his name on it. A spot a few shades darker than his coat covered most of the area around his left eye, and though the current events were anything but pleasant, he was happy to see one of his dearest friends make it to the meeting.

“Bladewing,” spoke Crixus warmly, pulling Bladewing towards him for a hug, “Glad to see you could make it, bro.”

“It’s good to see you too, Crix,” chuckled Bladewing, letting him go, “Is anypony else coming?”

“Nope. Just us.”

“I see. I guess the others will be using the new Holo-Vision technology to participate, then?”

“Yeah. I still can’t believe the royal tech geeks created this stuff. None of it’s been tested yet.”

“I’m afraid we have no other choice in the matter, Crixus,” Mountain Wind told him as he sat in his chair, “This is too great an emergency, and we’ve little time to waste. A live test will have to do.”

“Understood, sir.” Bladewing noticed that Mountain Wind looked a bit disheveled, and he walked towards him to find out why.

“I came as quick as I could, my lord,” Bladewing said, bowing his head in respect, “Forgive me for asking this, but are you okay? You seem a bit unnerved.”

“I’m fine, Bladewing. I just woke up late this morning, that’s all.” Bladewing then watched as the king smiled and raised the white cup beside him. “Thank Faust we have good coffee here at the palace.”

“*chuckle* Indeed, sir. I know you told us not to worry over you, but I just wanted to be sure. I don’t normally see you like this.”

“Well, I appreciate the concern nonetheless. Please, help yourselves to some if you wish. It will take a minute for my team of scientists to set up the equipment needed to operate the Holo-Vision technology.”

“Don’t mind if we do, sir,” spoke Crixus with a grin, “I’m feeling pretty thirsty myself.” Mountain Wind just grunted softly in reply. Bladewing and Crixus then sat beside each other at the table, and no sooner did the two serve themselves some coffee than a group of ponies in lab coats showed up. One of them pushed a cart loaded with large metal discs behind the group, and Bladewing watched as they placed the discs on ten of the chairs (four beside him and Crixus and the remaining six on the other side). The discs whirred to life after they pressed a couple of buttons on them, and the leader of the group then asked the others to gather around him before speaking to the king.

“Ze technology is primed and ready to go, your majesty,” spoke the stallion.

“Very good, Dr. Krupp,” replied the king, “I will call you immediately if there are any issues.”

“Yes, sir.” Dr. Krupp and the others bowed their heads in respect before exiting the conference room. Blue Belle looked towards Mountain Wind for the go-ahead to commence the meeting, and the king in turn replied by tipping his head. After acknowledging him with a nod, she pressed and held a button on a device on the table that looked similar in shape to a kiosk.

“Attention, all Council Knights,” she spoke through the kiosk’s mic, “An emergency meeting will soon commence. Locate the nearest government building and get inside. Enter a private room and be sure to lock all outside access to it and have your Holo-Vision discs on hoof. Send me your signal when you’re ready to join.” Blue Belle let go of the button shortly afterwards. Bladewing then watched curiously for a few minutes as one by one, all ten unlit lights on the kiosk’s surface turned on with a green glow, indicating to Blue Belle that the other ten Knights outside of Fredericksmare are ready to join the meeting.

“They’re online, sir,” Blue Belle told the king, “You may start when ready.” Mountain Wind nodded his head before pressing a button on a console in front of him with a finger.

“Attention, all Council Knights,” he spoke into the console’s speaker, “The emergency meeting is now in session. All Knights outside the capitol, report immediately.” As if by magic, life-size holograms of the other Knights began to materialize over each of the discs as each knight reported him or herself present. Bladewing kind of expected it to happen, but seeing it in person was nonetheless exhilarating.

“Lady Ice Luster, reportin’ in.”

“Lady Lafleur, reporting in.”

“Sir Nikolai Kutuzov, reporting in.”

“Lady Ariadne, reporting in.”

“Sir Clover Field, reporting in.”

“Lady Flora, reporting in.”

“Sir Brimstone, reporting in.”

“Lady Lauren von Schneider, reporting in.”

“Sir Silver Streak, reporting in.”

“Lady Skywalker, reporting in.” Pleased that all of his Knights answered his beckoning call, Mountain Wind carried on with the conversation.

“Excellent. I’m pleased that this new technology works… and more importantly, that all of you are here. Now let’s get down to business. As some of you may already know, the Earth Legion murdered a pegasus mare on live television last night.”

“Aye, sir,” replied Clover, “The bastards put a bag over the poor lassie and shot her in the head. They even made sure she was in pain first.”

“Indeed. The Legion is becoming more aggressive with their messaging. Her death makes the fourth pony they’ve killed this year.”

“We’re gonna have ta do somethin’ quick, sir,” spoke Ice Luster, “At the rate this is goin’, we might have another four bah the end o’ this month.”

“Yes, I agree, Ice. The issue here is that we lack sufficient intel to determine where they're conducting their operations from. Finding her body would at least give us a starting point. RBI agents have already reviewed the footage of the execution, but they couldn’t glean any significant information from it. Perhaps you lot will have better luck than they did.”

“Only one way to find out, sir,” said Skywalker, “Let’s play the footage.”

“Of course.” Mountain Wind turned around to face the overhead TV behind him. “E.V.E.?” Bladewing and Crixus then watched as E.V.E. appeared on the screen with a BLIP noise.

“Yes, your majesty?” replied E.V.E.

“Play the footage of the execution last night.”

“As you wish, my lord. One moment, please.” E.V.E. disappeared from the screen shortly afterwards, and she was replaced by static for a brief moment before the screen cleared up to reveal Ares in front of the camera.

For the next minute or so, the footage of the gruesome murder unfolded, and the Knights – some squeamishly – paid close attention throughout.

“Please, no… No… NOOOOO- *chk-BLAAAAM!*” With the final cry of the fallen mare, the chilling footage stopped, and the Knights turned their heads away from the screen as they did their best to recover… and of them all, only one was unable to fully regain his composure.

“Silver?” Mountain Wind asked, “Is something the matter?” In spite of his demeanor, Silver Streak shook his head.

“It’s nothing, sir. I’m still getting used to seeing such brutality.”

“This ain’t pretty, ya know?” Silver Streak turned his attention to Ice Luster on his right, and the mare in turn shot a sobering look at him. “But it’s part o’ the job. Nopony ever gets used to it, but we gotta do our jobs no matter how bad it gets. Havin’ a cool head helps a lot with the stress.”

“Yeah. I guess you’re right, Ice.” Silver returned his attention to the king. “Let’s carry on, sir.”

“Of course,” replied Mountain Wind, “Does anything in this footage sound or look familiar to any of you?”

“Hm… now that you mention it, sir...” Mountain Wind and the other Knights turned their heads towards Bladewing as he spoke. “That location they filmed at looks an awful lot like an abandoned mansion. It’s quite dark in there, but I could vaguely see old furniture and lights strewn about. It could explain why the room looks so massive and worn.”

“Yeah, it could,” agreed Crixus, “There’s one by the castles and houses of the Lobos clan, sir. Should we try looking there?”

“Hm…” The king ran his hand through his beard as he thought carefully. “You make a very valid point, Bladewing, but… are you sure it can’t also be an abandoned TV station or something?”

“I don’t think zat's likely, sir,” countered Lafleur, “Such a station would not have most of its original equipment. Ze Legion would need it to access ze network and broadcast zeir execution.”

“Ja,” agreed Laurie, “It’s unlikely that zey vould have an interest in such a place if ze equipment is gone. Vith all zeir pooled resources, zey probably already have ze equipment themselves. That vould enable zem to choose less obvious places like abandoned homes to do zeir dirty vork.”

“Ah, yes. It would make more sense to go the alternate route, wouldn’t it?”

“Aye, sir,” added Clover, “I say we follow Crixus’ idea and check out not just the abandoned mansion by ol’ White Fang’s clan, but also go in pairs to check out the other abandoned places that are closest to our locations. The RBI can have a look at the ones we can’t cover ourselves.”

“Are you sure that’s wise, Clover?” spoke Lady Flora – a green-coated, yellow-maned earth pony mare – “That’s quite a bit of ground to cover. Even if we do find evidence that this mare was murdered in one of them, the Legion will not make it easy for us. They may have booby-trapped many of these places.”

“What other choice do we have, Flora? You saw the footage. Of the lot of us, only Bladewing here had any ideas. At least we can close off these places if we find nothing. That’ll make it harder for the Legion to find a staging ground for their next execution.”

“*sigh* Fair enough. I suppose denying the enemy access to more platforms is better than no result at all.”

“Aye.” Clover turned his attention to the king. “How about it, sir? What say you?” Mountain Wind held his chin up with his hand as he thought.

“Well... I don’t have any better ideas myself, so… why not? For your next mission, I’ll have you lot work in pairs to investigate the abandoned dwellings closest to you. Now let me see where each of you are.” Mountain pressed a different button on the console in front of him and looked at the digital map of Cydonia that came up. On this map were blue bars detailing the precise location of each of the Knights and after the king tapped certain sections of the screen, a list of addresses that do not have any known occupants appeared. The Knights waited for a good minute or two as the king thought long and hard on where to send them.

“Hm… okay. Nikolai, Clover.”

“Lord?” replied the two ponies in unison.

“You two will be investigating the old cathedral by the outskirts of Fall Springs, Helicos.”


“Lafleur and Ice Luster, you two will search the abandoned farmland by the lake at Chancellorsville, Sacerus.”

“Will do, sir,” replied Ice Luster for the two of them.

“Brimstone and Laurie, you’re in charge of investigating the derelict coal mine at Tartarus Forge, Minero.”

“Yes, my lord,” answered Laurie.

“Flora and Ariadne, the both of you are tasked with searching the abandoned shipyard at Coral Bay, Santana.”

“We’ll do our very best, sir,” replied Flora.

“Silver and Skywalker, you two will search the abandoned film studio at Agila, Puebla.”

“All right!” cheered Skywalker, “I always wanted to go there.” Despite not being enthusiastic about going to that city specifically, Silver was happy to have a new mission nonetheless. Yet despite literally being only present through technology, Bladewing could see from the dreamy expression on his face that Silver might be happy for a completely different reason from Sky. It was a shame indeed that Silver was too far away for Bladewing to sense his true feelings.

“And of course,” the king resumed, turning his head to Bladewing, “You and Crixus will search the abandoned mansion by the edge of the Lobos clan territory, Bladewing.”

“As you command, my lord,” answered Bladewing, “We’ll inform you of anything we find at the soonest convenience.”

“Good.” Mountain Wind redirected his attention to address all of his Knights. “Now listen up, everypony. With the Earth Legion stepping up their messaging to an aggressive level, I ask you all to be on high alert, whether you’re on or off-duty. There’s no telling if it’ll be another civilian or one of you they’ll try to execute next, so please look out for any suspicious activity… and more importantly, for each other. None of you are any good to me dead, so I want you to pull out of there if the situation gets too volatile. At sundown, I want each of you to head to the nearest government building and submit your findings to the RBI office there. We will meet in this room tomorrow at noon if nothing is found today. Am I understood?”

“Yes, sir!” the Knights replied in unison.

“Very well. Council adjourned.” Bladewing and Crixus watched as each of the other knights bowed their heads to the king before fading into nothing. Similarly, the Holo-Vision discs turned off with a soft blip and the fading of its power light. With the meeting now over, Blue Belle used this time to have some final words with the king.

“It seems the new technology was a success, your majesty,” she told him.

“Indeed it was, Belle. Be sure to let Dr. Krupp know that no issues thus far were found with it.”

“Will do. Now we just have one small problem left to deal with.”

“And that is?”

“The news ponies. The guards tried, but the reporters haven’t left the front gates since they showed up.”

“Ah, yes. I suppose I do owe the people an explanation. Inform the reporters that I will hold a press conference in thirty minutes. Be sure that the podium, camera crews and the like are ready when I’m done making myself more presentable.”

“On it, sir. I’ll see you outside.”

“Likewise.” Blue Belle bowed her head to the king one last time before exiting the room. Now that it was just him and his remaining two Knights, Mountain Wind turned his attention one last time to them.

“You have your orders, you two. You are now free to leave. Be sure to exit through the rear of the palace to avoid attracting attention from the media ponies out front. We don’t want to alert them to how seriously we’re handling the situation.”

“You got it, sir,” answered Crixus, “We’ll leave at once. Good luck.”

“You as well, Crixus. Dismissed.” Bladewing and Crixus bowed their heads to Mountain Wind one last time before making their way to the rear of the palace. Before the king left the conference room himself, a humorous thought came to his mind.

“Hm… I don’t recall Silver Streak ever being THAT pleased over a mission.” The king chuckled to himself as he left the conference room with his now lukewarm cup of coffee.


The rattling of rain hitting against metal, wood, and cobblestone could be heard all around the two Knights sitting in the carriage outside the abandoned mansion. It was part of a thunderstorm, and the coach pony controlling the mechanical horses hauling it cried out “Whoa!” as soon they were in front of it. He then watched as his passengers disembarked from the vehicle.

“Thanks for the ride, chief,” Crixus told him, “Have a safe trip back.”

“Will do, sir,” replied the coach pony with a smile, “Best of luck.” With those parting words, the coach pony turned the carriage around and left the two Knights alone while they in turn moved forward with their target location.

“Whoa… what a mess.” Bladewing was dismayed by the dismal state of the structure that stood before him. Tall, discolored grass surrounded the estate reaching up to his shoulders and as far forward as the cobblestone road upon which they arrived. The white paint that once coated the mansion’s walls was now turning brown and coming off in damp chunks, revealing rotting hickory wood underneath. Not a single one of its eight forward-facing windows was intact, and the frames for most of them seemed to be smashed in from the outside. As if these unnatural features didn’t disturb Bladewing enough, there was graffiti sprayed all over the walls. Some were profane; some were sexual; but in either case, one couldn’t help but feel repulsed when looking at them. Mansions, after all, were reputed to be owned by the wealthy and so were usually kept in as pristine a condition as the owner(s) who bought them. This one had clearly seen decades of neglect and abuse.

“Yeah,” added Crixus, “This place definitely saw better days. I heard the previous owners sold it because they said it’s cursed.”

“Cursed? Surely you’re joking, Crix.”

“Shoot, I WISH I was… but naw, bro, I’m not. The previous owners were a couple who experienced a whole lot of supernatural stuff while they lived here. It’s said that they were scared so bad they sold the place for practically peanuts to the royal government.”

“Wait, the royal government owns it?” Crixus nodded his head. “Huh. It makes me wonder why the officials didn’t simply destroy it if it’s allegedly ‘cursed’.”

“Your guess is as good as mine, Bladewing. I’m not too big on the occult myself, but we’re gonna have to be careful going into this place even if it’s not cursed. Parts of it might come apart on us at any moment, whether it’s the Earth Legion’s fault or not.”

“Right. Let’s get inside. I’m starting to wonder why we only brought our armor.”

“*chuckle* Lead the way.” Without any further ado, Bladewing and Crixus walked towards the front doors of the abandoned mansion and passed through them.

The interior of the mansion looked even worse to Bladewing. The original indigo finish of the walls had faded to a light purple in some areas while being stripped to varying degrees in others. Cobwebs lined the mating areas between the ceiling and the walls, and Bladewing could see a few spiders and egg sacs in some of the webs (along with the many wrapped husks of their victims). Like the outer walls, graffiti of every level of obscenity decorated the inner walls like hideous tattoos. The floor was by far the mansion’s only good quality, for though it was dusty and quite worn, it was without mildew or other mold. Even with this redeeming feature, the whole structure, combined with the poor illumination from the ambient light, seemed far from welcoming to both Bladewing and Crixus.

“Damn.” Bladewing looked towards Crixus as the earth pony wiped as much of the rain off his face and mane as he could. “It’s hard to believe this place was once a home.”

“Indeed,” added Bladewing, “Now it looks more like a hideout for criminals. Like our ‘friends’ in the Legion.”

“Yeah. Oh, shit, look at this.” Bladewing had a curious expression on his face as Crixus walked towards a particular piece of graffiti on one of the walls to the living room on their left. It was a five-pointed star within a circle made of a chain, and it was drawn with black marker.

“What is it, Crix? What’s so special about the star?”

“Do you see that?” Bladewing nodded as Crixus pointed towards the circle that surrounded the star. “Normal stars aren’t surrounded by chain circles – or point downward, for that matter. This one’s called a Demonio star.”

“A Demonio star?”

“Yeah. It’s a cursed symbol that’s often used by the occult. The word Demonio means ‘demon’ in the Coltec language.”

“I see. But how do you know that? I thought you said the occult wasn’t your forte.”

“It’s not. I just happen to be in this gig long enough to know about this stuff.”

“Fair enough. But what’s so special about this star that makes it cursed?”

“It’s said that if you do it right, you can use Demonio stars to perform a lot of supernatural feats. You know, things like trapping souls in objects, talking to the dead… even bringing the dead back to life. As the name itself suggests, though, the most common use for the star is to summon demons and other supernatural beings. The catch is that if you do use one, your soul will be condemned to eternal suffering upon death.”

“Bloody Hell. Do you think the Earth Legion dabbles in such witchcraft?”

“I wouldn’t put it past them. The sick wackos fear Faust about as much as they do the law. Even if they don’t use these stars, it’s clear from this one that at least a few occult rituals were performed here.”

“Agreed. Let’s move on, then. The sooner we finish our investigation, the sooner we can leave this place.”

“Right on. Let’s split up. You go have a look upstairs. I’ll keep looking down here for any clues.”

“Understood. Good luck.”

“You too.” Bladewing walked up the grand staircase in front of them while Crixus walked through the door on its right side to the hallway ahead. Splitting up made each stallion more vulnerable to ambush, but neither of them showed any fear. If anypony could handle surprise attacks, it was they.

Bladewing proceeded carefully down the forgotten hallways of the second floor, checking room after room for any sign that this place was recently used. In most of them, he found only furniture and one of many radiators that once warmed the mansion during the winter months. In one room, he found nothing at all except the usual dust and cobwebs. However, all that would change when he got to the final room at the very end of the east hallway.

On one side of the door leading into this mysterious room, Bladewing found a small wooden tab that seemed to display the word “NURSERY”. The U and both R’s were missing, but Bladewing could still decipher the word thanks to the dark imprint the missing letters left behind on the tab.

Before Bladewing could put his hoof on the doorknob to investigate, a deep feeling of sadness suddenly crashed into him. He felt as though his body became cold and heavy, and he leaned his forehead against the wall in an effort to keep himself upright. The toxic anguish and anxiety that instantly flooded his soul made him feel sick to his stomach. He was unable to explain what was happening but for the moment, he could do nothing but stand still until the mysterious affliction subsided… and within a few seconds, it did. However, said affliction would prove trite compared to what awaited him inside.

Shortly after his recovery, Bladewing began to hear a young mare crying. The sound was faint, and it seemed to emanate from the nursery room. Bladewing wasn’t one to believe in the supernatural, but he was reluctant to enter. His conscience and his duty as a Council Knight compelled him to enter, but a part of himself pleaded with him not to, as if doing so would scar him for life. In the end, his loyalty to the greater good won him over, and he did his best to brace himself for whatever laid within the room.

After turning the doorknob, Bladewing opened the door and proceeded inside. The initial fear quickly turned to surprise as despite still hearing crying, he found nopony within the room. He looked around for any devices that could be producing this sound, but that too yielded nothing. All he could find in the two-window room was a single crib near the center that still held a soft mattress and an infant’s blanket. Needless to say, Bladewing was baffled beyond belief.

It didn’t take long before Bladewing uncovered the room’s dark secret, however. Before he could analyze the situation, a thunderbolt boomed outside the room, and he was blinded for a split-second by a flash of white. When he came to, the scene around him changed completely. The room’s windows were whole again, each one bearing the curtains that once hung from them. The walls were no longer damaged, and the wallpaper that made the room pop with life was free of tears. Even the ruined crib was restored, as the wooden frame’s new paint job gave the crib the appearance of coming fresh out of the crate. All these renovations, combined with the afternoon sunlight and the lack of rain or clouds, gave the image of a great pastime; however, once Bladewing looked to the right side of the crib, he realized where the crying was coming from – and why this pastime was anything but great.

To the side of the crib knelt a sobbing unicorn mare. Tears stained her tortured face as she held a newborn colt in her foreleg. A unicorn stallion that seemed to be her husband stood next to her, and his own face was no drier than his wife’s as he too grieved for their foal. The black-coated, scarlet-maned unicorn colt was wrapped in the same blanket Bladewing found earlier, and upon seeing the colt’s head limp lifelessly to the side, he gasped in horror as he realized why the couple were in pain.

“Oh, no. The poor thing is dead.” A myriad of thoughts surged through Bladewing’s mind as he pondered how the infant met his demise. Was it disease? Was it asphyxiation? Could it even be the silent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? Whatever the reason was, seeing a mother grieve over losing her little one was a pain that hurt Bladewing more than any bodily injury ever could. It was without a doubt one of the most traumatic scenes he’s ever seen.

As if the death of the infant alone wasn’t heartbreaking enough for Bladewing, he watched with deep sadness as the mother, driven mad by grief, tried in vain to wake her baby.

“Please,” she murmured, nuzzling his cheek, “Ple-ease wake u-up.” The little colt did nothing, an action that though expected drove more tears out of the grieving mare. “Do-on’t l-leave me…” The mare felt a hoof touch her shoulder, and she turned her gaze upward to face her husband. The stallion shut his teary eyes painfully before sniffling and shaking his head, signaling to her that it was too late for their son. With all hope of saving her child permanently destroyed, the mare let herself drown in the bottomless lake that was her despair. She held her baby close to her one last time as she wailed in pain. Her husband, broken himself over losing his only child, simply knelt beside her and hugged her tightly. Bladewing endured the heart-wrenching sound of the mother’s cries for only a second before a lightning bolt even louder than the last one thundered outside, and he was struck again with another split-second flash of white… and just like that, the nightmarish flashback was over. The family was gone, Bladewing’s sight was restored, and the room returned to its ruinous state. All that remained other than the crib and Bladewing himself was the sound of rain still hitting the side and roof of the mansion. To say the pegasus was emotionally scarred by the experience would be a colossal understatement.

“Bloody F-Faust." Though Bladewing was no longer able to hear the mother’s cries, the sound nonetheless haunted his mind for a hellish second before the sound of the crib rocking back and forth for a brief moment interrupted it. He was tempted to think her spirit was moving it at first, but he discovered after looking at it that it was just the wind coming in from the broken windows. For now, at least, he was relieved, and he took a moment to pull himself back together to refocus on the mission.

Before exiting the room, however, Bladewing took a moment to look at the blanket that laid at one corner of the crib. The crib itself was in terrible shape, but the blanket looked unchanged from its condition in the flashback. It’s as if an unknown entity was fighting to keep its beauty from fading away like the mansion itself. He hesitated to hold the cute cloth in his hoof, but since he knew he won’t have any other chance to do so, he decided to suck it up and pick it up.

“Whoa. It’s still soft.” Bladewing was surprised by the sensation, for though its only contamination is dust, he expected the blanket to feel at least a little rough from how long it must have sat there. He had no time to ponder why, though. The more time he spent on this mission, the more time he gave the Earth Legion to send more innocents to share the fate of the infant. Even so, he wasn’t keen on leaving the room without paying his respects to the dead. He used his final moment in the nursery to dust off the blanket and neatly place it on the crib so as to cover the whole mattress that lay within it. It wasn’t much, but he hoped that if the mother yet lingered in this forsaken place, she would see his act of goodwill and be comforted knowing he treated her little one’s things with kindness. It was all he could do to try and bring some level of peace to both of their souls. After a final moment of silence for the departed family, Bladewing left the room.

“Crixus?” Bladewing now stood at the door Crixus entered earlier, and he called out to him in the hopes that he was somewhere nearby.

“Over here, Bladewing,” replied the stallion, “I’m in the living room.”

“Okay, I’m heading there now.” Now aware of his location, Bladewing walked towards Crixus to rejoin him. Crixus himself meanwhile was happy to see his comrade again.

“So,” spoke Crixus, turning around to face him, “Did you fi- damn. You okay, bro?” Crixus was surprised to find Bladewing looking so melancholy but in spite of it, Bladewing nodded.

“I’m okay, Crix. Just.”

“You sure? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Bladewing looked at Crixus with a serious expression on his face.

“To be honest… I think I felt one, too.” Crixus’ confident demeanor completely left him upon hearing Bladewing utter those words.

“You’re starting to scare me, bro. I know I said this place might be cursed, but I didn’t wanna believe all that was real. Now you’re making me wanna regret ever mentioning it.”

“I’m sorry. I just saw something horrible up there in the nursery room… and I think it could explain all the supernatural experiences the previous owners had.”

“Really?” Bladewing nodded reluctantly. “Well shoot, don’t keep me in the dark with this place. Spill it.”

“All right. I will.” After taking a deep breath, Bladewing spent the next few minutes explaining to Crixus everything that happened during his time on the second floor… and by the time he was done, Crixus felt a nauseating mix of fear and surprise.

“No way. So then there really is something supernatural in this place.”

“Yes. I don’t think it’s cursed, per se, but it sure feels haunted. If I had to guess, that family I saw must be the owners that came before the previous ones. That wave of sadness I felt must have been either residual energy from that mare’s painful moment… or her ghost passing through me. Either way, it’s likely that all the chaos the previous owners experienced was her lashing out at them thinking they were invading her home.”

“Yeah, you’re right. It’s surprising that neither of us confronted her yet – or even saw her, for that matter. I doubt the Earth Legion would have the balls to try and booby-trap this place if they knew she might still be here.”

“Let’s hope they haven’t, Crix. I don’t like this place but after what I saw upstairs, I’d hate to see it be degraded any further. Nothing sickens me more than complete disrespect for the dead.”

“Same. The kitchen’s the only room left on this floor that I haven’t checked yet. Let’s head over there.”

“All right. Let’s go.” Crixus nodded in agreement, and the two stallions walked together towards the kitchen.

After passing through the main entrance, Bladewing and Crixus looked around for any signs of either the Earth Legion’s latest victim or recent habitation. The kitchen was as filled with cobwebs, dust, and debris as the other rooms, but it didn’t take long before this room too revealed its secret.

“What’s this?” Bladewing picked up what seemed to be a torn wrapper for some kind of candy. Unlike the surrounding area, its colors were nowhere near faded, and he did a closer inspection after picking it up.

“Hm… ‘Dr. Monty’s Zero-G Geodes’.”

“Dude, I love that stuff,” spoke Crixus with a little smile, “They’re little gumballs with spray patterns on them that look like jawbreakers. They have bits of hard candy stuffed in ‘em, and each one has a portrait of at least one stick figure doing all kinds of poses. They often come in gumball machines or in packs of six like the one you have there. You should try one sometime.” Crixus was happy to see a little smile float onto Bladewing’s face, for though his levity of the situation might not be appropriate for some, it was what Bladewing sorely needed.

“I see. I just might after this mission. But anyway, it seems we’ve found our first clue. This thing looks fresh. I’m not sure if it came from squatters or a member of the Earth Legion, but it’s clear that somepony was here recently.”

“For sure. It doesn’t look like there’s much else here, so let’s head for the courtyard out back. I can use some fresh air about now.”

“You and me both.” Bladewing and Crixus wasted no time leaving the kitchen, and they were at the rear exit of the mansion before long.

Like the front area of the mansion, the courtyard was wild and unkempt. A circular stone path surrounded a large fountain, and the cracked statue of an otherwise beautiful mare standing on her rear legs sat atop it. Parasitic dandelions were scattered all over the place, and on the left and right sides of the courtyard stood chiseled stone pillars, each one holding up a section of a triangular arch of a similar style. Deep cracks, moss, and twisted vines decorated their surfaces, almost as if they were trying hard to keep Mother Nature herself from tearing them down. All in all, despite the more natural look of the courtyard, Bladewing only felt slightly better being here than in the mansion. It was all the more fortunate for him that apart from standing underneath an old awning, he wasn’t exploring it alone.

“*sigh* That’s better.” Bladewing turned his head right to face Crixus. “It might be soggy out here, but at least we don't have to deal with dust and mold.”

“I suppose. I still wish we had raincoats with us, though.”

“Same. I like showers, but not THIS kind of shower.”

“*chuckle* Indeed. Let’s start looking. Maybe the Legion hid the mare somewhere around here.”

“Yeah. Let’s hope they put her in a box or something. I don’t think either of us wants to dig up a corpse.” Bladewing nodded his head, and he looked to the left side of the courtyard just as Crixus inspected the right. Bladewing wanted this mission to be successful, but a part of him wished they wouldn’t find anything else – he wasn’t sure if what they find next would scar him even more than his encounter upstairs. He had no choice in the matter, unfortunately, for he indeed found something in the courtyard – the menacing protrusion of a mossy, cracked tombstone.

“Crix! Get over here!” The earth pony galloped to Bladewing’s side as quickly as he could, and he gasped upon seeing the top of the tombstone.

“Damn,” spoke Crixus, “There IS somepony here. It’s not our girl, though, that’s for sure.”

“Indeed. I’m trying to see what’s written on this thing, but these cursed plants are in the way. Would you mind giving me a hoof?”

“I gotcha, bro. Stand back.” Bladewing nodded and backed away from the tombstone. Crixus then drew his sword from out the sheath hanging from his left side and cut all the plants that stood in front of the tombstone with a single horizontal strike. The plants themselves fell forward onto the ground, and Bladewing waited until Crixus returned his sword back into its sheath before returning to the front of the tombstone… and upon seeing its inscription, he reeled back in shock.

“Oh, goddess.” Bladewing looked away while holding his mouth with a hoof, a move that deeply concerned Crixus. He looked at the inscription himself and felt his blood turn almost as cold as the rain by what he saw.

Here Lies Moon Light

Son Of Mother Misty Light And Father Crimson Light.

October 24th, 2098 – October 31st, 2098

Rest In Peace, Beloved Child Of Cydonia. May The Goddess And Her Angels Receive Your Soul And Give You The Life That Was Taken From You.

“Oh, no,” spoke Crixus worriedly, “Is this kid…” Crixus had a hard time finishing his question, but he didn’t need to. Bladewing nodded again, albeit extremely reluctantly.

“He is. The poor little one was only a week old when he died… and it seems it happened more than a century ago.”

“Damn. I can’t even try to imagine how his mom must have felt holding his lifeless body in her hooves. You actually saw it first-hoof.” Crixus watched as Bladewing forced back tears from his eyes.

“I did – and it was a nightmare in its own right. How much longer do we have in this infernal place?”

“Not long, bro. All that’s left for us to check is this old shed up ahead. We’ll just have a quick look in there and we’re done. We can head back to the palace afterwards and tell the king what we found.” Bladewing took a moment to let the words sink in before nodding his head.

“All right. Let’s-” Before Bladewing could say more, both he and Crixus felt rumbling underneath them. Neither stallion knew why, but what they didn’t know was that by accident, Bladewing stepped on a curved red chain painted with spray paint on top of the foal’s grave. It was part of a Demonio star that laid hidden in the grass – and it initiated a chain reaction that will soon give them the fright of their lives.

“Did you feel that, Crix?”

“Yeah, I did. But where’s it com-” Crixus stopped himself just as a red light below him caught his attention. He looked down to the ground below them, and his eyes turned wide with fear as he discovered what the light source was… and also why the light was quickly intensifying.

“Bladewing, look out!” Not wasting even milliseconds, Crixus jumped towards Bladewing to push him off of the booby-trapped grave… and it wasn't a moment too soon. Shortly after they got off the grave, a dark red pillar of light shot into the cloudy sky from the center of the Demonio star. The two stallions watched in horrified awe as the pillar burned in front of them with a fiery hatred. They heard a chilling demonic scream for the duration of the pillar’s time on this planet, and it faded together with the thinning of the pillar until both inevitably disappeared. Before long, the courtyard was near silent once more. As brave as the two of them were, Bladewing and Crixus trembled as they looked first at each other and then back to the grave, neither of them sure of nor willing to find out what will happen next. Little did they know, however, that the one who would make the next move in this diabolical game was not even of this mortal realm.

The two Knights let out a horrified yelp as they saw a hoof shoot out of the grave with piston-like force. The hoof itself and the foreleg it was attached to was completely devoid of flesh, hair, and skin, yet it somehow managed to break free of its earthen prison.

“HOLY SHIT!” Crixus was scared out of his wits upon seeing the hoof sprout out of the ground. Another lightning bolt thundered in the sky above him and Bladewing as they rose back to their hooves.

“You said Demonio stars can bring back the dead, right?” Bladewing asked nervously.

“Y-Yeah. I wasn’t expecting to see it in action, though.”

“That makes two of us.” Bladewing and Crixus said nothing further as the terrifying scene continued to unfold.

The bony hoof only stuck out of the ground an inch or two, but it was just enough to pull the rest of itself out of its tomb. Mud and earthworms sloshed against the undead creature as the earth above its skull split apart from trying to ram it. It eventually gave way to said skull, and the skeleton used its chin and free hoof to pull itself upward. Slowly but surely, it crept out of the ground, and once its other foreleg was free of the dirt, it used its full might – weak as it was – to pull its rear end out of the grave. The success didn’t come without a price, though. One of its hind legs got snagged in the mud, and it broke off at the socket in the final pull to set itself free. The little skeleton turned around carefully and mustered enough strength to pull its missing leg out of the mud, and once it did, it reattached the leg to the corresponding socket on its pelvis. Now whole again, the skeleton turned to face the two horrified stallions who bore witness to its unholy act.

Now that the complete skeleton of the unfortunate foal was on full display, Bladewing inspected him more closely. He was indeed the appropriate size for a foal who only lived for a week. Mud coated all four of his bony limbs, and his ribcage still carried some of the dirt from his grave. Like his ribcage, his skull was also packed full of dirt, and the sockets that once held his eyes were now loaded with termites. His toothless jaws, meanwhile, were a hideous shade of brown from the mud that stained them, and Bladewing could see chunks of this mud steadily falling through the gap in his lower jaw. It was an overall grotesque image, but as if he hadn’t gone through enough ready, Bladewing was hit with yet another mysterious flashback.

Another brief flash of white blinded Bladewing, and when his sight returned, the scene around him transformed once more. It was a sunny afternoon in October, and the greenery of the courtyard was kept in perfect check. The grave was non-existent, and the skeleton that scared him and Crixus was no more – in its place sat the very foal that bore it. The little unicorn colt was quite cute to Bladewing, and from the sound of a male voice in the background, he seemed to be watching him from the viewpoint of the father. Bladewing watched with a mix of joy and sadness as he watched the boy coo and gurgle with bliss from looking at his father.

“That’s it, Moony,” Mr. Light spoke, holding his hooves out to his little one, “Come to Papa.” Eager to feel his father’s warm embrace, the little colt cooed as he slowly crawled towards him. Bladewing hoped that the scene would end with the little boy making it to his father’s hooves, but as with the boy himself, Fate was cruel to him. Coupled with the boom of another thunderbolt, a final flash of light robbed Bladewing of the wholesome outcome, and the scene quickly reverted back to what it was now – save for one terrifying twist.

“Shit,” said Crixus, “He’s coming towards us.” Bladewing’s flashback had cut back into the present just as the colt began to move towards Mr. Light, and he gasped in horror as the skeleton, his eye sockets now glowing with red light, almost seamlessly took the place of the innocent colt. If it weren’t for the colt crawling towards his father rather than walking, one would think all his skin and flesh was instantly ripped off his body while he was in motion.

“For Faust’s sake, Bladewing,” Crixus said nervously to him, “This isn’t the time to be zoning out. Snap out of it.” Bladewing sent the skeleton tumbling several feet away using the Force before replying.

“I’m all here, Crix,” he assured him, “Another memory of the parents just came to me. I think I just saw the little one as he was in life… and he was having a moment with his father.” Relieved that the skeleton was defeated, Crixus turned his head to face Bladewing.

“Damn, bro. That would’ve been super cool if it wasn’t so creepy. Are the parents possessing you or something? You’re starting to freak me out.”

“I’m sorry. I really am. I don’t know what’s going on, but it doesn’t matter. We need to put an end to this and now. Hopefully that push did the trick.” As if Tartarus itself was mocking him, Bladewing watched with surprise as the skeleton, blown to its individual pieces by his push, glowed with a dark red aura before spinning and reassembling itself.

“Oh, come on,” Crixus groaned in irritation.

“Easy,” replied Bladewing, “We haven’t lost yet.” The pegasus refocused his attention to his supernatural foe. Both he and Crixus were completely soaked in rain, but it served Bladewing well in this moment… for the only method he could think of to stop the undead foal was to put him down himself. The thought made his stomach churn, for undead or not, he was about to harm a child. To him, it was the equivalent of throwing little Ruby on the ground – an act so vile it was hardly even conceivable, let alone doable. Bladewing tightly closed his eyes and gritted his teeth in pain knowing he had no choice. The skeleton meanwhile continued to walk towards him, the mud on his bones slowly washing away with the unrelenting rain.

”Forgive me, little Moon Light. You were never meant to face my blade.” Intent on finally ending this conflict, Bladewing reopened his eyes with a galvanized resolve. The undead foal in turn began to pick up speed, as if he too wanted it to end. He broke first into a trot and then into a gallop, and he let out a demonic scream as he jumped towards Bladewing to try and harm him any way he could. It was all for naught in the end, for the battle was never his to win.

As soon as the skeleton was within range, Bladewing pulled his green lightsaber into his right hoof with the Force, turned it on, and grunted as he swung it upward in a left-to-right path. The singular strike cut the undead foal down the middle, splitting him into near-identical halves. Each half passed one of Bladewing’s sides before tumbling into little pieces behind him from the impact of the fall. Crixus stared tensely for a moment at the glowing yellow burn marks that marked the bones and bits of dirt that were damaged by Bladewing’s lightsaber. The infant’s red “eyes” faded back into mud-filled sockets, a sure sign to Crixus that he was truly and permanently defeated. The hum of Bladewing’s lightsaber sounded for a few more seconds, and hissing sounds could be heard alongside them as the raindrops unlucky enough to fall into the blade turned to wispy vapor on contact.

“*sigh* Thank Faust,” Crixus mumbled as Bladewing turned off and put away his lightsaber, “He’s down for good. It’s over now.” Crixus turned to his pegasus friend to check on him. Instead of the confident partner he always knew, though, he found a rueful stallion on his knees.

“Come on, Bladewing,” Crixus said worriedly, putting a hoof to his shoulder, “Talk to me. What’s wrong?” Bladewing gripped Crixus’ hoof firmly with his own and shuddered.

“I’m sorry, Crix. I’m trying my best to keep it together, but this… bloody FAUST, I couldn’t feel more disgusted.”

“What? But why? You just stopped an undead foal from escaping this place and wreaking havoc on the living.” Bladewing looked at him with tears and outrage in his eyes.

“Do you even hear yourself? That was a foal I just cut down, damn it – a bloody FOAL! Do you have any idea how bitter a pill that is for me to swallow?”

“But he wasn’t a foal anymore, bro. We both know whatever controlled him wasn’t the same little guy you saw in your vision.”

“It doesn’t matter. He didn’t deserve any of it. You KNOW how I feel about harming little ones like him. That might as well have been my niece I just split in half. The ONLY reason I didn’t lose my sanity doing that to him is because I asked his spirit for forgiveness in advance.”

“And I respect ya a lot for it. I really do. You’re NEVER proud of killing. Even if the sick bastard on the receiving end deserves it. It’s why the guys and I trust every decision you make. I don’t ever wanna give ‘em a reason to start doubting ya, so please…” Crixus knelt beside Bladewing and pulled him in for a hug, much to the latter’s surprise. “Stay with me. I know I say it a lot, but you really are like a bro to me… and I don’t wanna see ya lose your marbles.” Bladewing was reluctant to oblige him, but hearing Crixus truly considered him family brought some degree of comfort to his soul. He let go of him before giving his answer.

“All right, Crix.” Bladewing reassured his earth pony friend by giving him a little smile. “I won’t promise anything, but I’ll try. Only because I appreciate being treated like your family.” Crixus grinned in relief, and he brought him back onto his hooves.

“Good. Now let’s head for the shed. We’ll rebury the kid once we’re done searching it.” Bladewing nodded in agreement. As much as they thought it was over, though, Fate had other plans for the victorious Knights.

Before the pair could take a single step towards the abandoned shed, they heard buzzing sounds behind them. They turned around to face the source and were beyond horrified by what they saw.

“NO FUCKING WAY!” It was clear from his cry that Crixus was the more flabbergasted of the two, and he and Bladewing watched as the bones of the fallen infant floated into the air. Sparks were arcing between most of them, and it took only a couple of seconds for the pieces to reassemble back into a complete skeleton. The burn line that marked where Bladewing cut him down still remained, but that soon changed as the dark red aura from earlier appeared along the full length of the cut. Bladewing was appalled to see the aura glow brighter as it got to work repairing the damage he had done to the bones. Before long, the burn marks disappeared completely from the skeleton, and the eye sockets glowed bright red once more. Needless to say, Bladewing and Crixus were frightened to the core.

“Dude, really?!” continued Crixus in outrage, “What kind of sick joke is this?! What will it take to put him down for good?!”

“I don’t know, Crix,” replied Bladewing, “But we need to find out soon.” As if angered over being defeated so easily by Bladewing, the skeleton went straight into a gallop towards him. Like before, he jumped towards him, but instead of striking him down again with his lightsaber, Bladewing held him in the air with a hoof using the Force. He could see that his blades were useless against him, and he couldn’t bear to harm the infant a second time.

The undead foal wasn’t giving up, though. He growled in a demonic voice as he floated above the ground, almost as if he was a lion wanting revenge for being murdered by poachers.

“That should keep him from doing any harm,” Bladewing spoke, “But it’s clear something’s wrong. Why does he keep coming back?”

“He’s not supposed to,” answered Crixus, “Anything that’s brought back by a Demonio star should die when it’s destroyed, whether instantly or when they receive the next fatal blow. I’m guessing the one on top of his grave was some kind of triggering mechanism.”

“Fair enough. I’ll keep him immobile. You look around for the star.”

“Got it.” Unfortunately for Crixus, he wouldn’t have to do any actual searching, for the courtyard had one final secret left to reveal.

“Oh, no…” Crixus noticed a circular light slowly beginning to form on the tombstone. The light intensified by the second until the menacing shape of the Demonio star was fully developed on its surface. It was a sight even one as knowledgeable in the occult as he couldn’t see coming.

“Bladewing, the tombstone! Look!” Bladewing turned pale upon hearing those words, and he turned around to have a look himself.

“No… dear goddess, no…” Bladewing really hoped that the tombstone of the poor infant would be the one thing that would be left untouched but alas, his worst fears were realized: little Moon Light's grave was completely desecrated. The question now was whether the Legion itself was responsible or a group of heartless necromancers too infatuated with power to respect even the youngest of the dead.

“*grunt* Damn it,” said Crixus, “Looks like this one’s cast into the tombstone, Bladewing. We’re gonna have to blow it up.” Bladewing was disturbed by his request.

“Are you insane? Do you know how sickening that is?”

“I know it’s sick, bro. I hate it as much as you do, trust me, but we don’t have a choice. The star isn’t coming off no matter what we do. The only way to destroy it now is to destroy the tombstone itself.” Bladewing let more tears flow from his eyes as he let the reality of the situation sink in.

“This is wrong. I'm completely destroying a child’s tomb.”

“It’s okay. It's not your fault. His grave was desecrated long before we even got here. At least you can do his mom a favor by setting him free.” With a heavy heart, Bladewing nodded his head. He got onto his hind legs and pointed his other hoof at the tombstone, applying enough Force energy to pull it out of the ground and lift it into the air; before he applied the amount needed to destroy it, though, he closed his eyes again.

“I’m so sorry, Mrs. Light. Please do not hate me for this atrocity.” With deep regret, Bladewing reopened his eyes and grunted again as he applied his full might onto the stone. As Crixus expected, the stone began to crack in several areas, and in no time at all, it broke into several pieces of varying shapes and sizes. Bladewing relented and looked towards the undead foal to see what would happen and was surprised to find that it worked. The skeleton ceased its demonic cries, and its glowing red eyes faded back into empty sockets. It was without a doubt that the infant was now truly dead, but the part that convinced him the most was the bones themselves floating away from each other. Whatever evil was controlling him had left his body, and with nothing else keeping the skeleton together, it was nothing more than a literal pile of bones.

Unwilling to look at the deceased foal any longer, Bladewing let go of the bones, allowing them to drop lifelessly onto the muddy ground. His abhorrence for the whole encounter was now too much for him to bear, and he retched as he dropped to his knees to vomit on the patch of grassy mud in front of him. He couldn’t remember how long he spent emptying his stomach of its contents, but he didn't care. He needed relief, and if it meant depriving his body of most of its fuel, so be it. Crixus himself didn’t like what they’ve done either, but he was worried nonetheless to see Bladewing so repulsed by it. He knelt down beside him and placed a foreleg over his shoulders as the pegasus fought hard to keep himself sane.

“The occult filth didn’t even spare his memory.” Crixus could tell from his words that Bladewing was disgusted by what was done to the poor foal’s tombstone. He knelt beside him again to try and relieve some of his trauma, and he gave Bladewing a napkin from his belt to wipe the stray bits of vomit from his mouth.

“I know it hurts. Don’t think for a god-damn SECOND that I don’t feel your pain and disgust. This whole freak show is like a nightmare come to life.”

“I… *sniffle* I’m not sure I can go on like this, Crix. The flashbacks, the foal, the desecration… I can almost feel my mind washing away with this bloody rain.” Crixus couldn’t stand to hear such words of despair come from him of all stallions.

“Don’t you DARE lose it on me, bro!” Desperate to keep the closest pony he had to a brother with him, he grasped Bladewing’s cheek with a hoof and turned his attention towards him. “I know what those assholes did to the little one is seriously fucked up, but none of it – and I mean NONE of it – is your fault. So keep it together, damn it! You’re scaring the living shit out of me!” Bladewing could tell from the pleading tone in Crixus’ voice that he was sincere. As hard as it was for him to stomach the hellish experience he just had, he couldn’t bring himself to stir up feelings of abandonment within Crixus. Bladewing pressed his head gently against Crixus’ before giving his answer.

“Y-You’re… you’re right. I’m sorry. Let’s just get this cursed investigation over with.” Crixus smiled and helped him get back onto his hooves.

“You bet. We’re almost at the end now… and I swear to you that we’ll bring the heartless pricks that did this to little Moon Light to justice.” Crixus was grateful to see his declaration bring a little smile onto Bladewing’s face, and now that he was reassured that Bladewing will remain strong for him, he walked with him to the front doors of the old shed.

“*cough* *cough*… Ulgh, that stench…” A foul odor hit Bladewing as soon as he and Crixus entered the structure, and he covered his mouth with a hoof in a vain attempt to filter it out.

“*cough* Ditto,” replied Crixus, coving his own mouth with a hoof, “And here I thought we smelled enough mold for one day. It’s too bad this place didn’t come stock with electric lights.” Bladewing cracked a little smile as he turned on his blue lightsaber, much to the earth pony’s surprise.

“Will this do?” he asked. Crixus chuckled contently.

“Hell yeah, that’s perfect. Let’s keep going.” Bladewing grunted softly in agreement, and he and Crixus proceeded to the final pair of doors that led into the main room of the shed.

Unlike the little room they just exited, there was little to no light at all within this one. There were a few more windows here than back there, but with so many trees from the surrounding forest throwing shade over the shed, so little of the ambient light managed to break through the darkness – unlike the now stronger stench that the two stallions smelled earlier. They walked slowly behind the blue light of Bladewing’s lightsaber, and the gentle hum it made helped calm their weary minds. They found nothing at first, but after a couple of seconds, they noticed a foreleg sticking out from the front-most edge of the light.

“Damn,” murmured Crixus, “There’s another body here.”

“Do you think it’s her?”

“I hope so. I’d hate to tell Mountain Wind the Legion sent another one to the grave.” Bladewing acknowledged with a nod, and they carried on with the exploration.

Upon moving closer, they noticed that of the entire body, only the foreleg was visible. The rest of it was covered by a moldy rug – the abhorrent smell seemed to be coming from it – and both laid within yet another Demonio star drawn in blood. Besides the blood, this one differed only in that unlit candles lined the circumference of the circle at each of the star’s five points.

“I’ll take off the rug,” Crixus spoke, “Be ready to fight if this gets ugly.”

“Right.” Bladewing poised himself for battle as Crixus put his hoof on the corner of the rug. He took a deep breath and then used all his might to yank the rug off the body in one swift tug. What the stallions saw underneath was beyond appalling.

“Bloody Faust!” The initial fear Bladewing felt was quickly joined with disgust, for laying within the Demonio star was indeed the pegasus mare executed last night by the Earth Legion. Both of her eyes were closed, almost as if she was sleeping. Streaks of blood, some dry and some fresh, could be seen trailing from the hole in the back of her head where she was shot. The part of her that disgusted Bladewing the most was the hideous writing that decorated her whole body. The words “FEATHERED FREAK” were written all over her body. Some of the iterations were written in her own blood while others were carved directly into her body. On her forehead lay the worst of it: a little Demonio star carved into her skin with “FEATHERED FREAK” carved into the center pentagon formed by the star’s five lines. It was an abominable sight to both stallions, but her discovery meant their investigation was officially over.

“*sigh*… at least we found her.” Bladewing wanted to feel bad for the poor mare but after all the hell he just been through, he was lucky to feel at all. Crixus by contrast was just starting to let the full weight of their discovery sink in.

“Yeah… and it seems those Earth Legion assholes weren’t satisfied with just killing her.”

“Indeed. This is prejudice is at its absolute worst. Thank Faust it’s over, though.” Bladewing and Crixus cringed hard as without warning, the giggle of a feminine voice sounded within the room.

“Damn it!” grunted Crixus, drawing his sword, “Not again!” The two Knights then saw the Demonio star underneath the dead mare light up along with all five candles, and they watched with terror as the mare slowly floated into the air along with a trail of dust. The giggling seemed to come from her, and they listened tensely as it slowly transitioned first into a normal laugh and then to a cackle, the volume steadily increasing with each passing second. The mare span in circles throughout, and it was only once she started slowing down that the laughter finally ceased. Before long, the room was silent once more, the dust had settled, and the mare herself stood tall on her hooves with glowing red eyes. The carved areas of her body suddenly began to glow, illuminating the racist text that embodied it. The only carved part that remained unlit was the Demonio star on her forehead.

“Not quite.” Bladewing and Crixus were disturbed to hear the mare speak. They glanced at each other nervously before looking back onto her, neither one sure what to do.

“*chuckle* Hello, gentlecolts,” she continued with a smug grin, “I’m so glad the two of you could make it.” Bladewing was unable to comment, for the sight of her simply reviving so soon after death left him speechless. It was up to Crixus to speak for the two of them.

“H-How the Hell are you talking? There’s no way you should.” A smirk quickly enveloped the mare’s face.

“You disappoint me, Sir Crixus. Do you truly believe I’m using an ordinary Demonio star? Try again.” Despite being unnerved by simply hearing her talk, Crixus obliged her and looked more closely at the star.

“*grunt*… Right. Of course.” Bladewing shot a concerned expression towards his earth pony friend.

“What’s wrong, Crix? What does she mean?”

“This star isn’t like the others, Bladewing – it’s much stronger. This one here’s called a Diablo star. It allows the user to talk through the bodies of the dead from anywhere, and it gives the latter a limited amount of magical power.”

“What? You can actually control the dead with those things?”

“Correct,” interrupted the mare, “I don’t use them very often, but I had a gut feeling you’d come here looking for this whelp, Bladewing… and I’m quite satisfied to know I’m right.” Bladewing was shocked to hear the mare belittle herself like that.

“Whelp? What do you mean, whelp?” The mare couldn’t believe Bladewing didn’t catch on yet, and she chuckled with a sinister expression.

“Oh, you sad, simple-minded fool. Who else could’ve chosen the perfect cannon fodder to send you and Skywalker the ultimate warning shot?” Bladewing’s eyes shot wide open in horror, for he now knew who was controlling the dead mare… and who was responsible for desecrating little Moon Light’s grave.

“Ares,” grunted Bladewing, furrowing his eyes in disgust. Ares meanwhile couldn’t help but relish in the stallion’s anger.

“Bravo,” mocked Ares, briefly clapping his hooves while on his hind legs, “You finally figured it out. I was starting to think this day would be quite boring.”

“Well, you won’t be enjoying it for much longer, you heathen filth! It was you who planted those Demonio stars on Moon Light’s grave, wasn’t it?” Ares’ grin turned fiendish as he saw an opportunity to wound Bladewing’s psyche.

“Guilty as charged. It’s good to hear you triggered my ‘baby-trap’. Maybe not so much defeat it, but I suppose I should’ve expected that.” Ares snickered mischievously before continuing. “It would’ve been disappointing if the king’s finest Knight let a little infanticide keep him from saving the day.” Ares’ could see that his cruel words struck Bladewing hard, for he rejoiced in the tears he shed while shuddering with gritted teeth; by contrast, those same words incensed Crixus, and he was determined to avenge his comrade’s shattered self-esteem by giving their archenemy a piece of his mind.

“You’re a twisted son of a bitch,” growled Crixus, “Where did you get the gull to use dead babies to do your dirty work? That’s low, even for supremacist trash like you. Poor little Moon Light had nothing to do with your hay with us.”

“Spare me your self-righteousness, traitor. You could’ve been on MY side – the only righteous side. Since you’d rather side with that fraud of a king, I’ll have you share the fate of this feathered freak instead.”

“That’s what you think, Ares. Bladewing and I have been through a lot worse than this… and now that you’ve completely disrespected the dead, there’s no way EITHER of us is dying before we make you pay for it. Ya should’ve let ‘em rest in peace.”

“All is fair in love and war, Council Knight scum… and this is all-out war. The little brat was fair game. At least he had purpose in death.” If Ares’ words didn’t already cut deep into Bladewing’s soul, they did now. The heartless stallion just admitted that nothing was off-limits in his pursuit of power. Even using infants who were prematurely taken from this world. This egregious audacity was the final straw for Bladewing, and it was the spark that finally ignited the pressurized fuel that was the anger he held back. All sense of self-restraint vanished from his mind, and in its place stood only the desire to kill Ares himself.

“This is the end for you, little pests.” Crixus watched in defiance as the Demonio star on the dead mare’s forehead, together with the “FEATHERED FREAK” label in its center, glowed red hot. The mare herself meanwhile took on a murderous expression on her face. “NOW JOIN THOSE WORMS IN THE AFTERLIFE!” It was from this comment that Bladewing finally lost control. With the two flashbacks and the memories of the skeleton and tombstone flashing through his mind, the once gentled-hearted stallion was no more. All that mattered to him now was avenging Moon Light’s humiliation. He let loose a bloodthirsty battle cry as he pulled his green lightsaber into his other hoof using the Force and turned it on, pouring every drop of strength he had into the strike that he hoped would kill not the already dead mare, but Ares himself. Alas, even if it did work that way, it was not meant to be.

Bladewing showed the courage of a charging berserker warrior in his attack, but before it could connect, the undead mare, now free of Ares’ control, slammed her glowing foreleg into his left side. The force from the hit sent him flying towards the wall on his right with a loud grunt. A sharp stabbing pain shot through the right side of his torso as he slammed into the wall, and he heard the sound of a stick snapping behind him before falling to the ground unconscious. The shock of hitting his head and back against the wall and being stabbed by something forced him to let go of his lightsabers, and they turned off before falling to the ground in front of him. The objects that Bladewing knocked loose upon impact fell on top of him just after he landed, covering most of the lower half of his body.

“BLADEWING!!!” Crixus was horrified to see his comrade be so quickly put out of commission, and he turned his attention back to the undead mare to engage her. The mare herself was all too willing to oblige, and she pounced at him before he could launch an attack of his own. His sword was knocked out of his hoof, and it slid towards Bladewing to join his lightsabers… and just like that, the mission turned from an investigative search to a fight for the stallions’ very survival.

In spite of the heavy blow, Bladewing had just enough adrenaline in him to wake up after a few seconds. The sounds of struggle alerted him to the battle unfolding before him, but in his weakened state, all he could do was lay still. He tried his best to keep his eyes open as he watched Crixus push hard against the undead mare to keep her from biting him. The two combatants rolled around near the room’s entrance, each one trying to pin the other to the ground. In the end, it was the mare that prevailed, for the undead do not fight fair.

Crixus tried to reach for his sword, but the mare stomped hard on his crotch, forcing him to scream and grasp it with both his forelegs. He closed his eyes with gritted teeth for a brief moment, and when he opened them again, he looked up to find the mare towering over him with his sword in her right hoof. He thought this was it – that Ares was right and this mare would ensure he and Bladewing died today. He scoffed defiantly, awaiting death by his own blade.

The mare applied all her might onto the sword, but she suddenly felt her body turn stiff. The shaking pointed tip was but an inch away from Crixus’ heart, and the stallion looked upward upon not feeling any pain for two seconds. He was surprised to find how close the blade was to stabbing him, and he looked to his right. He found Bladewing pointing a hoof at the mare, a sign that he still had some fight left in him. The wounded pegasus shot a hasty look at Crixus, as if to tell him to get away. After acknowledging him with a soft grunt, Crixus carefully slid away from the undead mare.

To both Bladewing’s curiosity and dismay, Crixus began looking frantically for something as soon as he was back on his hooves, albeit with a slight limp.

“What -URRGH- are you doing?” asked Bladewing, gritting his teeth from the pain in his torso.

“Looking for salt,” replied Crixus tensely, “Diablo stars can only be destroyed with a saltwater solution. Just keep her still for me. I’ll take care of it.” Being too badly injured to argue, Bladewing nodded reluctantly.

It took him a bit, but Crixus found the salt he needed for the solution from an old salt shaker that laid on its side on the floor. He then collected rainwater from a barrel outside using an old bucket he found at the left corner of the room. As soon as he returned inside, he removed the lid of the salt shaker and dumped the salt into the bucket, stirring the mixture vigorously with a broken shovel handle. Unfortunately for him, he ran out of time, for Bladewing sighed before slipping into unconsciousness and dropping both his head and his foreleg. The undead mare stumbled forward upon being released from his hold on her, and she turned around angrily to face Crixus. The tide of battle had turned against her, however, for Crixus was now armed with the saltwater solution.

Determined to end this hellish nightmare once and for all, Crixus spilled the solution all over the Diablo star. The blood that made up the star crinkled and began to sizzle and smoke as it peeled away from the stone floor, as if it were skin being sprayed with hot oil. As he expected, the light of the star began to fade, and the undead mare howled in pain, clutching the sides of her head with desperation. The screaming continued for a moment before the mare dropped the sword and fell forward lifelessly onto the floor. The glow of the Demonio star on her forehead and her eyes quickly faded away as did all the other carved areas of her body, indicating to Crixus that she was no longer possessed. He picked up his sword and poked her body gently with it just in case, and he sighed in relief when she did not react to it. The candles meanwhile continued to burn, for the salty water did not touch their wicks.

“*sigh*… It’s finally over.” Content with their victory, Crixus refocused his attention to Bladewing after returning his sword to its sheath. It hurt him to see him unconscious again but for now, he seemed otherwise okay.

“Hang in there, bro. I’ll…” A pool of liquid slowly growing in size underneath Bladewing caught Crixus’ attention. He thought it was rainwater at first but upon it gleaming dark red from the candlelight, he was horrified to realize it was actually blood.

“Oh, no…” The thought of Bladewing bleeding out terrified Crixus, but he didn’t have time to think about it. Wounded or not, he had to get Bladewing out of the wreckage, so with the candles themselves serving as his lamps, he set himself to work.

Crixus first lifted the bookshelf off of Bladewing followed by the tool shelf. He then grunted as he felt his foreleg get grazed by something jagged after letting go of the tool shelf. He saw upon inspection that it barely nicked his armor, but when he looked at the shelf, he winced as he saw that one of the two little spears sticking out of its sides had broken off.

“Shit… don’t tell me…” Now that Bladewing was free of debris, Crixus grabbed onto both of his forelegs and pulled him away from the wreckage. The lower half of his body until now was hidden in the shadows but once the candlelight uncovered it, Crixus flinched as he saw the jagged stump of a stick sticking out of Bladewing’s back.

“Damn it,” he thought worriedly, “This is bad. Really bad.” Now that he understood how dire Bladewing’s situation was, Crixus dared not waste any time trying to wake him up. He had to get him hospitalized and fast. He put a hoof on his neck to check for a pulse and was relieved to find he was still alive. With only the hope of saving his best friend keeping him calm, he moved the earbud of the communicator latched onto his ear into position, and he pressed the red cross-shaped button behind the call button – a button that directly connected him to the medical bay of the royal palace.

“Come on, come on…” Seconds seemed to turn into minutes for Crixus as he torturously waited for somepony, anypony, to answer. The bits of rain on his wet face mixed with the few tears of desperation that escaped his eyes.

“Pick up, you bastards!” As if responding to his command, Crixus heard a blip before he heard a male voice answered on the other end.

“Dr. Hoofington of the Royal Infirmary responding. How may I assist you, Sir Crixus?”

“I need a med team at my location asap! Sir Bladewing is wounded and needs medical attention, bad!”

“Understood, sir. I’ll send my best one to your current NPS coordinates. How bad are his injuries?”

“He-e’s got a spear stuck in his torso, and he’s bleeding out. He also took a deep hit to the side before being slammed into a wall.”

“Okay. I need you to listen carefully. Apply pressure to the wound, but avoid putting any of it on the spear. If it leaves his body, he’ll bleed to death before we can reach him. If you can, bandage him as well. Do your best to keep him conscious. Help is on the way.”

“Thanks, doc. I really appreciate it.” Crixus hung up the call with a press of the call button, picking up Bladewing’s lightsabers shortly afterwards.

Meanwhile, as Crixus busied himself with finding makeshift bandages for Bladewing, the pegasus himself groaned weakly as he woke and opened his eyes again. The world around him seemed dark and blurry, and it seemed the more he tried to keep his eyes open, the more tired he felt. Crixus’ voice now sounded muffled to him – almost like he was speaking through a pillow – but it was the only motivation he had to keep himself from completely succumbing to exhaustion.

“You’re gonna be okay, Bladewing.” Bladewing looked up with droopy eyes towards Crixus. “Just hold on. Hold on…” The wounded stallion was too weak to answer with words, so the best he could muster for a reply was keep his eyes open as best as he could.

The rest of his time at the mansion felt like a fleeting dream to Bladewing. His erratic in and out of consciousness forced his eyes to constantly open and close, making it difficult for him to keep track of time. He remembered the pain in his torso worsening slightly, first from additional pressure being applied to the wound and then from some sort of garment being wrapped around his body at that area. Crixus muttered things that he couldn’t understand, but he thought they were probably words of encouragement. He felt him try to pull him to his hooves from his right foreleg to no avail. He blacked out again, and Bladewing then felt himself roll onto his back before Crixus pulled on his forelegs and dragged him carefully out of the shed. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of Moon Light’s bones as he passed by his scattered skeleton. Seeing his undignified state forced Bladewing to black out again in sadness until he made it to the front door of the mansion. A streak of red watery blood marked the path Crixus took in getting him back inside the mansion.

In the very last moment Bladewing remembered, red and white lights were flashing outside, signaling the arrival of the medical team Crixus ordered to the scene. A group of mares in nurse uniforms went through the door as Crixus opened it, two of them carrying a stretcher. Bladewing could hear them talking to each other through their face masks, but he was unable to decipher any of their chatter. With his eyes still closed, he felt himself being lifted onto the stretcher before being carried outside on it. The cold rain made him slowly open his eyes again, and he saw the white and red colors of the specially designed ambulance carriage as the nurses carried him towards it.

Once he was inside the ambulance, Bladewing heard Crixus call out to him. He turned his gaze towards the worried stallion, and he in turn said what he thought was, “Stay with me, bro. You’re gonna make it, I promise.” Whether or not that’s actually what he said he didn’t know, but the last thing Bladewing remembered doing was look up to the white light above him before closing his eyes… just as the spectral voice of a mare said something in his head.

"Help us…"