• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,701 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

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Author's Note:

Foreword from the Author:

This story is a work in progress, my friends. Although it is a re-write of a story I wrote not too long ago, I wouldn't be surprised if one or more of you find some part(s) of the story a bit "iffy". I generally get gloomy whenever I see another dislike:fluttercry:, but I still accept it as much as I do another like:twilightsmile:. However, in the event that you DO leave a dislike, I humbly ask that you PM me and elaborate on exactly what part of the novel troubles you. I will then either see what I can do to remedy the issue or provide you with a reasonable explanation why I don't think it's worthy of correction. With the exception of overtly hateful reviews, all feedback is beneficial in the perfection of a story, and so I encourage you to speak your mind:rainbowdetermined2:. Now, without further ado, you may proceed with the story. I hope you like reading it as much as I do writing each of its chapters:twilightsmile:.
- Cavalryunit001

A young human stood on a balcony facing an adjacent courtyard. The sun was slowly setting in the distance, covering him and the courtyard in a vibrant hue of yellow-orange. Skyscrapers towered high above him, and the air was littered with vehicles constantly hovering past them (albeit in straight lines and different directions). A normal afternoon given the reputation of this planet, but it wasn't so for the human. But it wasn’t the sunset, the skyscrapers, or even the mere emptiness of the courtyard that ruined this particular afternoon for him. He was more concerned about something else.

Moments pass as the human peered into the horizon. He hoped so dearly for something – anything - to come out of those golden skies and tell him that everything will be okay, that what he feels is just a strong sense of anxiety. Needless to say, it was all for naught. The sun continued on her path, vanishing ever so slowly behind the line that divided the earth and the heavens. The man admitted defeat with a heavy sigh, resting his head on top of his arms.

“We’re in danger. I just know we are... and yet, no one but me seems to notice it. It’s like the war’s progress has everyone lulled into a false sense of security. If I warn them now, I’ll be labeled a lunatic. Yet if I don’t, I fear it will be too late. *sigh* What am I to do?”

“Is there room for one more?” A mild sense of surprise swept over the young man as he heard a very familiar voice behind him. He lifted his head up and turned around. A young, blond-haired female of his species was standing before him, and she was dressed in attire well-suited for a member of his order. The man made no reply, however. He just nodded and turned back to the sunset, ignoring the sound of her approaching footsteps. He didn’t even bother to look to his side when she joined him on the balcony’s edge.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She awaited a more cheerful response from her male companion. None came. “I used to enjoy it when I was a little girl. My father would take me out to a lake near my house sometimes and we’d watch until the sun was completely gone. *chuckle* It always annoyed my mother, but I didn’t mind. There are few things more elegant in this galaxy.” The man continued to be silent. If the girl didn’t know him, she would’ve thought he was intentionally ignoring her. But she wasn’t going to give up on chatting with him, no matter how tightly shut his mouth was. Suddenly, it hit her.

“*sigh* It’s about your vision, isn’t it?” A more tranquil expression engulfed her face as the young man gently nodded his head. It wasn’t what she wanted to hear, but at least she knew what was eating away at him.

“They think I’m mad, Jesse,” he spoke in a low voice, “Windu, Plo Koon, Mundi… even my own master.”

“You know that’s not true. The Council trusts your judgment just as much as they do the living Force. ESPECIALLY Yoda.”

“Then why won’t he believe me? For all the time I spent trying to convince him that it’s true, Yoda still thinks the Chosen One will not fall to the Dark Side. I KNOW he can sense how close Skywalker’s getting towards it.”

“You know how he feels about the prophecy, Jack. Our predecessors have spent their entire lives trying to restore balance, and not once did they get as close as we are now. Skywalker may be our only key to achieve that goal.”

“That’s no excuse. Skywalker’s growing more audacious with his power and Yoda knows it. Sure, he fulfills the Council’s orders regardless of how he uses it; but now his actions have become so ‘acceptable’ to the Council that even Yoda turns a blind eye to them. Sometimes, I wonder if that damned prophecy is all he and the other Masters care about.” A dark cloud seemed to be looming over Jack’s head. Jesse could almost feel the frustration that gripped his weary mind with a vice. However, she knew she could rid him of this dark emotion. She placed a compassionate hand upon her friend’s shoulder.

“No one else has seen this vision, Jack. Not even me. The only information we have to go on is Skywalker’s assault on a Tusken Raider village. Even then, we’re the only ones in the entire Order who know that even happened. You can’t expect the others to listen if we don’t have any tangible proof that Anakin is truly straying from the Light.” Jack sighed and placed his own hand on top of hers.

“I know. I just wish we had more time to GET proof. The Clone Wars will soon be over, but I fear my vision will have already been realized by then.”

“Then we will make haste in getting that proof… and pray that Skywalker remains loyal to the Order until then. Now come, we must head to Dantooine while we still have time.”

“Right.” Jack walked with a slightly better feeling as he and Jesse moved inside the greatest monument to the Jedi Order in the entire galaxy: the Temple on Coruscant.

All along the temple hallways, sentient beings of many species walked to and fro, and often from one room to another. Some were dressed in the traditional robes of the Jedi, while others wore garments that reflected their status in the galaxy, political or otherwise. Temple guards could be seen guarding doorways and patrolling these very halls, their eyes always open to the slightest hint of chaos. It’s quite hard to believe there is danger close when one is immersed in such a tranquil scene. But not to Jack. He knew trouble will inevitably come and whether the others could see it or not, that tranquility will soon turn into terror.

“How are you holding up, Jack?” The two Jedi were walking together in one of the less occupied halls, towards a landing pad that contained two Jedi starfighters.

“I’m still anxious... but it’s less so now, thanks to you. I’ll be okay.”

“Good. So are you ready for this?”

“The meeting? Yes, I believe so. And I know you want it to wait until we get there, but can you at least give me a hint at what you want to tell me?”

“If it weren’t so personal, Jack, I would’ve told you ages ago. But no, not even a hint. I want this to be kept between you and me.”

“What could possibly be so personal about this matter that you won’t even give me a hint?”

“You’ll know when we arrive. You’re just going to have to trust me on this. Okay?” Jack rubbed his temples firmly.

“*sigh* Fine. I leave myself in your hands.”

“Thank you.” The two Jedi reached the pad just as Jesse finished her sentence. A protocol droid with purple chrome plating was standing near the vehicles, holding a box in her hand.

“Hello, Ms. Jesse,” she greeted her mistress, “I’m so glad you’re here. I trust things are going well for you?”

“Ah, P-6R4,” replied Jesse, “Things are going quite well, thank you. What brings you here?”

“You left this in your quarters.” The droid handed over the box to Jesse, and she in turn opened it up. She was blasted with a mix of surprise and embarrassment as she took her lightsaber out of it. She thought she had it with her the whole time. It seemed she was wrong.

“Where did you find this?”

“I found it lying in the bathroom. I was going to return it to you, but you were in such a hurry that you left before I could do so. So, I picked it up, cleaned off the water with a napkin, and placed it inside that box. Really, Ms. Jesse, what were you thinking, taking a shower so late in the morning?” An amused grin beamed from Jack’s face as Jesse blushed in embarrassment.

“I was about to arrive late to a meeting with Master Gallia. I HAD to hurry. Besides, it’s not MY fault my alarm clock didn’t go off as I programmed it to.”

“That may be true, but you did sleep rather late. Did Madame Jones not warn you about staying up so late at night?”

“Mother warns me about many things, P-6, but most of the time, it’s just to annoy me. Besides, she doesn’t know how lengthy a Jedi’s work can be. I’ll be surprised if she even knows what kind of work I do.”

“*sigh* You are right, of course. She rarely inquires about the Jedi. Just be more careful, will you? I understand that your missions for the Order are important, but they can take a big toll on your health if you don’t get enough sleep.”

“*chuckle* I’ll do my best.”

“Thank you. Oh, and hello to you too, Mr. Graystorm. Are you accompanying Ms. Jesse?”

“Yes, indeed,” Jack replied, “She and I will be heading to Dantooine for a little respite.”

“I see. Well, I hope you two enjoy yourselves over there.”

“Don’t worry, P-6. We will.”

“Wonderful. I’ll be heading back to Ms. Jesse’s room to shut down for the evening. Good day, Mr. Graystorm.”

“Farewell.” As the droid walked away, Jack and Jesse boarded their vehicles and swiftly moved off their pads and into space, carefully positioning themselves for the hyperspace jump to Dantooine.


Being one of the least populated planets in the galaxy’s Outer Rim, Dantooine is a relatively quiet place. It serves as both a refuge for those who wish to escape persecution and a getaway spot for those who just want to have a good time in peace. Whichever the case, very little of what happens down there reaches the eyes and ears of the Galactic Republic. If the Jones family ever wanted a place to live in tranquil comfort, Dantooine would be it. With the beauty of nature all around them, it’s an offer they couldn’t refuse.

Jesse landed her starfighter on a pad a couple dozen meters in front of the family manor. Jack followed suit, parking his own a few feet beside hers. He saw the estate a few times before, but he still marvels at its enormity and majesty whenever he pays a visit. He almost always forgets that Jesse came from nobility.



“Your parents… they know about the meeting, right?”

“They know. I had P-6 message them in advance. Why?”

“Just wondering.” The pair said nothing further as they moved to the front door. Jesse pressed a button on the left side, patiently awaiting a response from the speaker above it.

“*static* Hello?” spoke a female voice, “Who goes there?”

“Xylene, it’s me,” replied Jesse, “Would you mind letting me in?”

“Ah, it’s you, Ms. Jesse. Of course, come on in.” The door slid into the left side, and the two Jedi made their way inside. Standing behind the door was a young female Twi’lek dressed in a maid’s uniform.

“Welcome home, miss,” she spoke with a bow, “It’s always a pleasure to see you here.”

“I enjoy every chance I get in visiting,” replied Jesse, “Is my dad here?”

“He’s taking a nap in his bedroom.”

“And Mum?”

“She’s over at Anaxes on a business trip. She asked me to give you her regards.”

“*sigh* Great. It’s just like her to go out on a limb trying to get richer.”

“You know the mistress, Ms. Jesse,” Xylene mused, taking her cloak and Jack’s in her hands, “She never misses an opportunity to grow the family fortune. It’s just a shame that she’s missing out on spending some time with you.”

“It’s probably for the best. I get along better with my father, anyway.”

“Sad, but true. I hope she’s not regretting her choice.” The Twi’lek looked to Jesse’s side and smiled as she glanced at her male companion. Although she was home during each of his visits, Xylene never once saw Jack.

“Oh, pffh, how rude of me. I forgot to ask about your friend here.”

“Ah, yes,” replied Jesse, clearing her throat, “Jack, this is Xylene. Xylene, this is Jack. He’s the partner I’ve been telling you about.”

“A pleasure to finally meet you, Jack,” Xylene spoke as she shook his hand, “Ms. Jesse told me much about the missions you completed with her.”

“Did she now?” he spoke, “So you know a bit about my personality, then?”

“Oh, yes. Smart, kind, proud, sometimes cocky… I think at one point, she even said flirty.” Jack reeled his head back slightly.

“She said I was flirty?” The man looked towards Jesse to find her cheeks flushed, much to the amusement of the maid.

“I said he was smooth,” she told Xylene with a glare, “That does NOT make him flirty.”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend here. All I’m trying to say is that I know a lot about Jack’s personality, nothing more.”

“Calm down, Jess,” Jack chuckled, “She just made a harmless mistake, that’s all. No need to put on a scowl.” Jesse looked at her servant with a dark stare, one which seemed to tell her “You’re so dead.” Xylene replied with a nervous grin as Jesse’s face was relieved of that very stare.

“*sigh* Very well. I’m calm… just.”

“Great,” sighed the maid, “I’ll go tell Lord Jones you’re here. Feel free to take a seat in the lounge, if you want. I’ll have Boris bring some apple tea for the two of you, along with some slices of pie.”

“Actually, Xylene, may I have a word with you first… in private?”

“Oh? Um, sure, why not? Will you be comfortable being alone for a short while, Jack?”

“I’ll be fine, miss," replied Jack, "Go on ahead.” Wasting not a second further, Jesse and Xylene walked away from the lounge. Jesse pulled her companion into her bedroom, closing the door as soon as they were both inside.

“Okay… what in the world were you doing back there?” Xylene rubbed the back of her head nervously.

“I was just trying to help your friend adjust to what you’re going to tell him. I thought adding a bit of romance to the conversation would prepare him for the shock.”

“Prepare him? Xylene, did you see the look on his face when you told him I said he was flirty? He looked like someone told him he had a secret half-brother. That little stunt you pulled only made him concerned, and now he’s going to think I only have bad news for him.”

“I mean no disrespect, Ms. Jesse, but what you’re going to tell him sort of is bad news. You know Jedi aren’t allowed to do what you want to do with him. I’m quite sure Master Gallia made that clear to you many times already.” The maid took a seat on the bed. Jesse sat beside her, rubbing her forehead with both hands.

“She did. And I know I shouldn’t be thinking about him that way, but… I just can’t hold it in anymore. With each passing year, my bond with him grows deeper and harder to restrain. My master doesn’t know how hard it is for me to live this kind of life when my entire family lives the exact opposite of it. Is it really fair to sacrifice so much of my heart just so those I protect can do what I’m forbidden to?”

“Well, no one said being a Jedi comes without hardship. Then again, if your job involves protecting others, it never does. But leading a solitary life doesn’t mean you can’t have feelings for another person. You just can’t delve too deep into it.”

“Easy for you to say. You don’t have to lead a solitary life. You can choose to be with someone whenever you like and my parents wouldn’t do a thing about it. If I even TALK about such a thing to Jack and the Order found out, I’d be persecuted for sure, possibly even banished. You have no idea how much I envy non-Jedi for that.”

“Perhaps… but there’s more to the risks of being with someone than you think. You know, things like ‘Is he cheating on me?’ and ‘Will he come back safe and sound?’ and ‘Does he even care about me?’ I think the entire reason why the Jedi are so adamant about being single is to prevent their kind from having to experience such heart-wrenching things. They usually bring the worst out of people.”

“You think I don’t know that? I wouldn’t think about discussing such a sensitive subject with Jack if I didn’t feel ready to face these risks. I know I can make it work, and I know that deep down, he feels the same way.”

“And how do you know he’s even interested? From what you said of him, he doesn’t strike me as that kind of man.”

“I… *sigh* I just do, okay? His jokes, his antics, the way he looks at me when I’m sour… you might not think it, but I can tell that he at least thinks about it from time to time. He’s interested. He just has a hard time trying to show it. I hope that by talking to him, he’ll open himself up to me.”

“Very well. I’m a little concerned for your well-being, but I trust you. I just hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

“I do.”

“Good. I’ll go wake your dad from his slumber now. Good luck with your endeavor.”

“Thanks.” The two women exited the room shortly after. While Jesse returned to Jack’s side, Xylene went down the hall and up a flight of stairs to Mr. Jones’ bedroom, but not before asking Boris – one of the family’s butlers – to prepare the items she said she’d give to the two Jedi. The human walked away to fulfill his task and as he did so, Xylene knocked on the door to her master’s bedroom. A small, but tired groan could be heard from inside as Lord Richard Jones sat up on his bed and stretched his almost hairless arms.

“It’s open,” he yawned, smacking his lips, “Come on in.” The door opened up and Richard was greeted by the pleasant demeanor of his favorite employee. “Oh, it’s you, Xylene. Something the matter?”

“Oh no, sir. I just came to inform you that your daughter had just arrived.”

“Jesse’s here?”

“Mm-hm. She’s waiting for you in the lounge, and she brought her friend Jack with her.”

“I see. Thanks for the update, my dear. I’ll be there in a few moments.”

“You’re very welcome, Mr. Jones.” The man was still a bit tired, but he had just enough strength to get up from his bed and decide on a night robe.

“What was that all about, Jess?” Jack asked curiously, “Did Xylene strike a chord with you or something?”

“Don’t worry about it, Jack,” she assured him, “I just wanted to talk to her, that’s all. She did nothing wrong.”

“If you say so.” Her face was reassuring, but Jack still pondered why Jesse was so annoyed by the ‘flirty’ comment Xylene made earlier. It wasn’t like her to get angry over a bit of witty banter. But before he could make some sense of it, Richard made it to the lounge. He beamed a warm smile as he saw his little girl rise from the sofa.

“Welcome home, Jesse,” the middle-aged man spoke softly, embracing her in a loving hug, “It always brings me joy to see you here. I missed you.”

“I missed you too, Daddy,” she replied, kissing him on the cheek, “I take every chance I get to visit you and Mum. How are you?”

“I couldn’t be better. I may not be as young as I used to be, but there’s still some life left in these old bones.”

“*chuckle* Oh, come off it, Dad. You’re not THAT old.”

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” he joked, “In the next decade or so, I might have to use a cane to get around. Next thing I know, I could find myself confined to a repulsion-lift chair.”

“Not if I can help it. With Mum’s wealth and my connections, you’ll always live a healthy, happy man. Speaking of my mother, why is she on that business trip? I thought she knew I’d be here today.”

“*sigh* She knows, Jesse. Unfortunately, that trip was just too important for her to cancel. I tried my hardest to get her to postpone it, at least, but she wouldn’t have it. She just suited up for her journey and left the planet without even looking back. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

“It’s alright. At least you’re here, and that’s good enough for me. You always were my favorite.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” The man looked to her side and grinned upon seeing Jack’s face. “Ah, I see you brought Jack with you. How are you, my boy?”

“I’m about as happy as you are, Mr. Jones,” he replied, shaking his hand with vigor, “I never grow tired of visiting. I’m truly sorry about the trouble with your wife. I don’t think she was like that in Jesse’s youth.”

“She really wasn’t. I guess it just goes to show how time can change a person. In the case of my wife, the change is rather deep. But let’s forget about her for now. If I recall correctly, you and Jesse were supposed to have a discussion here today. Or am I wrong?”

“No, you’re right. I’m not really sure why she planned one, but I’m up for it.”

“Well then, don’t let this old man stand in your way. I’ll give you two some privacy. I’ll be working on my desk if you need anything.”

“Thanks, Dad,” replied Jesse, “I’ll keep that in mind.” Richard turned to leave but before he could lift a foot, Boris came in with the tea and pie Xylene asked him to bring on a silver platter.

“Your food and beverage, Ms. Jesse,” he spoke kindly, setting the platter on the table, “And welcome home.”

“Thank you, Boris.” The old butler was just going to leave the lounge when he noticed his master standing opposite the two Jedi.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Master Jones. I was unaware you were out of your bed. Would you like some tea and apple pie as well?”

“No thank you, Boris. I was just going to my study. You’re free to go.”

“As you wish.” With that, the two men left. The two Jedi were now alone.

“All righty, Jess,” Jack started, munching away at his pie, “We’re alone and away from the Temple, just as you asked. NOW will you tell me?”

“Yes,” she answered, taking a sip from her cup, “I will.”

“Good. What is it?” Jesse began to rub her neck nervously, a gesture which sparked Jack’s curiosity all the more.

“I… I was just thinking… you know, about what Yoda told you on Geonosis… you remember what he said, right?”

“I remember. ‘Trust your feelings, you should. In these times, help you, they can.’ What about it?”

Do you trust your feelings?”

“Sort of. Most of the time, I just use my head to get out of harm’s way.”

“What about when you’re NOT in harm’s way? You know, like when you feel a certain way about someone?” Jack’s expression was a pensive one. After setting his pie back on the table, he covered his mouth with the palm of his hand.

“Hm… it’s difficult to say. I guess it depends on how well I know this person. Why?” Jesse rubbed her leg nervously. Jack thought he sensed a slight hint of anxiety in her, but he wasn’t too sure. His only clue was her gesture.

“Well… I think I might have a similar problem with my own feelings.”

“What do you mean?” The girl could feel the concern in his words. Xylene was right about one thing: it was bad news. Nevertheless, Jesse was determined to get her point across to him. She took a deep breath before moving on.

“I’ll be honest with you. I’ve been getting these warm emotions over the years, ever since the Council discovered the small bond between us. I thought it was just me getting excited over something so rare among Jedi at first, but… the more I worked with you, the more I began to realize it was much more than that. I start smiling and laughing whenever you’re horsing around; your effrontery became more appealing despite how foolish it made you look; and every once in a while, I’d find myself catching brief glimpses of you while you’re not looking.”

“Did you see something you liked?” Jack mused.

“Oh, shut up. Smug Lech. Anyway, it’s hard to put it all into words, but what I know for certain is that learning about you opened up a side of me I thought would stay locked forever.” Jack had an idea of what she wanted to tell him, but he had a hard time believing it. This sudden discovery alone was a big change in her personality. Now he was starting to wonder if he even knew her anymore.

“What are you getting at, Jess?”

“What does it look like, Jack? I… I love you.” Jack sat frozen in pace. She just confessed to having romantic feelings for him. He sighed quietly, fumbling in his head for a reply as he moved his hand from his mouth to his forehead. He was not anticipating something like this to happen.

“So this is why you wanted this conversation to be private.” Jesse was worried. His reply was nothing like she expected.

“Are you angry with me?” she asked nervously, placing her tea on the table. The man shook his head.

“I’m not angry, Jesse. But I’m not happy, either.”

“What do you mean? Are you saying you don’t feel the same way about me?” Her voice was beginning to tremble. Jack could see that she was serious. He knew he had to choose his words carefully, or else he might deal horrendous damage to her emotional health. Before he could give an answer, he gently clasped her hand in his own.

“I’m not saying I don’t. It’s just… *sigh* this kind of emotion is forbidden. You know we can’t have romance between us.” Jesse’s vision blurred as her eyes began to water.

“But why? What is so wrong about sharing your feelings with someone you care about?”

“We’re Jedi, Jesse. That’s what’s wrong. As long as we’re a part of the Order, love is something we simply cannot have.”

“What about all the adventures we had together? Did we not encounter a few moments of bliss where it was just the two of us? Alone and cut off from the world around us?”

“We did. And I cherish each one like a precious gem. But no amount of bliss can convince the Order to let us be together.”

“Why should you care if they approve? No decision they can make can ever change how we feel about each other. Don’t you care about us? All those times where we came to each other’s rescue and been there for one another during the darkest hours of our lives? Don’t they mean anything to you?” Her question struck a heavy blow to his conscience. He remembered those said times well. He never regretted being the rock on which she stood on for support and even now, as she uses those very moments against him, he did not.

“How dare you,” he spoke with fiery eyes, “You know bloody well I care. We’d both be dead if I didn’t. And yes, those moments where we stood together through hard times DO matter to me. I’m absolutely appalled to hear the one person I can truly call a friend say they don’t.”

“I want to be more than just a friend, Jack. I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my entire life, and I know you feel the same way about me.”

“How I feel about you doesn’t matter. I can’t put us at risk… no matter HOW much my heart yearns for you.” Jesse moved a wistful hand to the man’s cheek.

“We can face that risk together. It’ll be just the two of us, an unstoppable duo fighting as one for the Republic and safeguarding a bond no other Jedi can ever hope to have. We can make it happen if you choose to be with me. Please, my love… say you will.” This moment was like no other for Jack. Jesse was practically pleading on her knees, and all she wanted was for him to be hers for the rest of their lives. It was an offer he knew he couldn’t refuse, not when his own feelings are just as strong. But alas… he couldn’t do it. His heart may have been strong, but his brain was stronger. And so, like a holy man sacrificing an innocent soul, his mind laid his feelings to rest. A single tear trickled down his cheek, and he painfully closed his eyes. He firmly grasped her hand for a moment as he prepared to let down the one person who knew him better than anyone else in the galaxy.

“I can’t.” Jack reopened his eyes, moving Jesse’s hand away from his face. “I’m sorry.” The poor girl was devastated. This was her one (and only) chance to have him forever but just like that, it was gone. Blown to pieces by the self-righteous force that was his conscience. Unable to fight her tears back anymore, she let them flow freely from her wounded eyes.

“I… *sniff* I see it all now. I should’ve known you’d turn me away. I thought you were better than that.” Jesse rose from the sofa and prepared to retreat to the comfort of her room.

“Wait, Jesse,” Jack spoke worriedly, “Hear me out. You don’t understand-”

“Oh, I understand plenty, you wretch!” The heartbroken woman pivoted around swiftly, a look of scorn shooting from her eyes. “You say I’m a great matter to you, but you block me out when I offer you a life even better than this one. To think I actually thought you cared about something more than just being a Jedi. Well, you know what? The Order can HAVE you, for how I see it, you wouldn’t be with me if I were on my deathbed!” Jack gasped in horror. That was the worst possible thing she could’ve EVER said to him. She ran to her room sobbing quietly.

“Jesse, I…” Jack's attempt to calm her down was all for naught. In just a few seconds, Jesse was locked away inside her room. He listened in anguish as she cried deeply into her pillow, cursing himself for having caused her pain in the first place. A worried Richard exited his study with a look of concern, moving himself in front of the door.

“Jesse?” he asked, knocking gently, “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” She made no reply. Her sorrow was just too strong. The middle-aged man entered the lounge in search of Jack, only to find him covering his eyes with his hand.

“Jack?” The Jedi looked up with remorseful eyes. “What’s going on here? Why is my daughter weeping?” Richard took a seat next to him.

“She asked me if I could be her boyfriend. And I… I refused. I couldn’t let her put us at risk for my sake, no matter how much it hurt her.”

“I see. So she’s finally told you how she felt about you.”

“You knew?” Richard nodded lightly.

“Yes. I’ve known for a while, to be honest.”

“Oh.” Jack’s face took on a glum expression. “I guess I better get going then.”

“What do you mean?”

“You want me to stop interacting with her ever again, don’t you?” The old man was confused at first, but now his expression was one of empathy.

“*sigh* Listen, Jack. I don’t like seeing my daughter so traumatized, but I don’t hate you for it. You knew the Order would punish both of you if you were caught sharing romance with her. However, you must understand that Jesse’s heart is very fragile. Holding in her feelings for you for so long made it unstable, and hearing you can’t be with her has all but ruptured it. I won’t ask that you apologize to her or reconsider your choice, but I want you to be more considerate of her emotions. It may be the only way to mend the damage.”

“I don’t know if I can do that, sir. I fear she’ll no longer listen to anything I say.”

“She’ll listen. If I know Jesse, she won’t stay mad for long. Just be careful of what you say to her. If you want to preserve your friendship with her, then you’d be wise to avoid speaking of sentimental things with her. Do you understand me?” Jack nodded his head, wiping away the streak that the tear left on his cheek.

“Alright. I will.”

“Good.” Hardly a second expired before Boris entered the lounge, drawing the men’s attention towards him.

“You have received a message from Anaxes, Master Jones. It’s from the mistress.”

“What does it say, Boris?”

“She’s requesting your immediate presence on the planet’s surface. She says it’s urgent.”

“*groan* Great. She must’ve mouthed off one of the Anaxsi nobles again. Thank you, Boris. Notify my wife that I’ll arrive in twenty minutes.”

“Yes, sir.” With nothing further to say, Boris left the room. Richard meanwhile grabbed his coat from one of the hooks hanging to the side of the sofa.

“I hope the rest of the day goes well for you, Jack,” he said as he put it on, “And I wish you luck with your task. I leave my daughter’s happiness in your hands.”

“I’ll do all I can to protect it, Mr. Jones.” Before exiting the mansion, Richard placed a reassuring hand onto Jack’s shoulder.

“You’re not a bad man, Jack… but you must be more attentive to Jesse’s feelings. She’s a strong woman, but she’s just as sensitive on the inside as any other young lady. If there IS a way that you can return her affection, I’d advise you do it. I’d rather see the both of you happy in each other’s company than galaxies apart.” Jack sighed as he nodded his head.

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you. And may the Force be with you. Both of you.” With that said, Lord Jones made his way to his vehicle, leaving Jack on his own. Richard left the young man feeling more compassionate, and he was armed with a better understanding of both himself and Jesse. On that note, Jack began contemplating what he must do now. He sat on the sofa upright, rubbing his temples in deep thought.

“She’s right about one thing: I feel as much the same way she does about me. It's only natural, given our history. So then why does it feel so wrong?” A whirlwind of doubt was moving about in the Jedi’s mind. This wasn’t the first time Jack questioned the Jedi Code, but it was the first time his loyalty to it brought pain to another. He wondered if the Code was as morally just as the Order made it out to be… and whether or not he should continue to follow it.

“Hey, wait a minute. Since when did loving someone else become a crime? It’s not like it’s guaranteed to turn someone evil. I just have to keep from making rash decisions from it, that’s all. *sigh* who am I kidding? Such things are easier said than done. But Jesse deserves happiness as much as anyone else.” Another moment of pensiveness passed, and Jack judged all the outcomes he could think of. With a sigh of adjournment, he finally decided his fate.

“No. I just can’t. The Order is in trouble and keeping it and the Republic safe is my top priority…” Jack turned to face the door to Jesse’s bedroom. She wasn’t crying anymore, but he knew she was still hurt.

“…but I won’t give my life to them just yet.” Jack knew what he had to do. Although his mind was made up, he still felt the need to see a smile on Jesse’s face one last time. It may very well be the last time he sees it, but he didn’t care. She loved him, and he was going to return the favor, at least this once. She deserved that much.

The man slowly made his way to her door. Silence was all he could hear from within her room, and the air around him turned heavy. He breathed deeply before knocking gently.

“Jesse?” There was no response. Jack tried a second time.

“Come on, Jess. Please open up. I just want to talk.” Still nothing. It was clear that Jesse had no intention of talking to him.

“*sigh* Look. I know you hate me right now. I don’t blame you for it. You knew I’d enjoy spending the rest of my life with you, and yet I turned you away when you asked me. I understand if you don’t want to talk right now. I’ll return to the temple and leave you alone. But before I go, I just want you to know this: I really do care about you. You might not think so right now, but I love you just as much as you love me. Your only mistake was thinking I could afford time with a woman like you.” With a heavy heart, Jack left her door. He was hardly halfway through the hall when he heard a door open behind him. He didn’t bother to turn around, though. Jesse made her point clear to him.

“Jack, wait.” The man was stunned. He looked over his shoulder to find Jesse standing at the end of the hall. He stood still, watching tensely as she walked closer and closer.

“Do you really mean that?” she spoke softly. Jack looked to his female companion with a smile. In a brief moment, the two were inches apart. The man ran her hair through his hand, and Jesse could almost feel the warm sincerity emitted by his touch.

“I do. You know me better than I know myself. You can tell what’s wrong with me before I even get a clue, and you always find a way to cheer me up. The only thing you wanted in return was my heart. You have no idea how much it pains me to have to keep it from you.”

“It’s not too late, Jack. You can still change your choice. No one else will know except you and me.”

“I’m sorry, Jess. I made up my mind. There’s just too much at stake here. If times were any different, I would’ve reconsidered, at least.”

“I understand. Really, I do. I just thought you refused because you cared about the Order more than you did me.”

“What? No. Don’t ever think that. I just want to keep it safe, that’s all. Especially from things like what I saw in my vision.”

“Good. So you’ll reconsider, then? When we finally won this stupid war?” Jack cracked a small, yet humble grin.

“If you can wait that long for a thick-witted fool like me.” The girl smiled and giggled softly in amusement.

“I can wait. But you’re no fool. You’re just a man. A stubborn one, yet lovable all the same.”

“Of course. Now what do you say we share one final moment of romance?” Jesse gasped in surprise. A shade of red could be seen flushing her cheeks.

“Wait, here? Now?”

“*chuckle* Oh, come now, Jess. Weren’t you telling me earlier how much you love me?”

“Well, yes, but this is so sudden… and unexpected, at that. Plus, what if Xylene’s watching us right now? If she sees this, she’ll gossip with the other maids about it for sure.” The man beamed a smug, playful grin.

“Let her look. She’s probably just jealous that she doesn’t have a man like me by her side.” A mischievous twinkle could be seen coming from Jesse’s eye. She liked that idea, and the smile she made was proof enough.

“I’m all yours, love,” she cooed, wrapping her arms around his neck. Jack pulled her head closer with his hand, and he soon embraced her lips with bliss. It wasn’t uncommon to see such spectacles from a couple, but the emotion of which filled this moment was a very special kind. They’ll never experience this level of intimacy again for a very long time. The Council would likely incriminate them just for this moment alone, but they couldn’t care any less. Secrecy was on their side, and as long as the Order didn’t know, their passion will stand the test of time.

Unbeknownst to the two Jedi, Xylene was in the bathroom opposing Jesse’s room the whole time. Before Jesse ran out the lounge in tears, she was busy cleaning the showers. By the time Jesse came out in the hallway to talk with Jack, she had her ear plastered to the door. She overheard the shouting from the lounge and she feared for Jesse, but she didn’t want to make the situation any worse. Instead, she decided to stay silent behind the door, listening closely for any sign of trouble. She was surprised to hear what transpired just now, but the small moaning from the two Jedi kissing turned her mood from surprised to aroused.

“My, this is so hot,” she thought, rubbing her left breast gently, “I never thought I’d find her this intimate… and it seems I’m hearing a juicy morsel of the action. *chuckle* I wonder if she’ll go even farther with him.” The Twi’lek tried moving closer to them, but she accidentally knocked over a lamp post. The object hit her left foot, forcing a small yelp out of her. She clasped her mouth shut and froze instantaneously, hoping the couple didn’t hear the thud. Unfortunately for her, they did, and they quickly broke lip contact.

“What was that?” Jesse asked. The pair looked down the hall, but found nothing.

“I think it came from the bathroom,” replied Jack, “And that voice sounded like Xylene.” The two made their way to the room, but they heard nothing further from inside.

“Xylene?” Jesse called, “Are you in there?”

“I’m here, miss,” she replied, replacing the lamp post.

“What were you doing in there?” Xylene raised her head with blushed cheeks.

“Oh, um, nothing,” she spoke nervously, “I was just cleaning the showerhead, that’s all. Nothing you need trouble yourself with.” Jesse dismissed her claim with a smug grin. She could sense the deception in her words. It wasn’t dark, but she could tell Xylene was hiding something.

“Nice try, Xylene, but I can see through that one. Come out of there and talk to me. I know you’re hiding something.” Xylene gulped anxiously. Jesse had her cornered and she knew it. With great fear, she did as she asked.

“Now then… were you listening to our conversation?” Jesse tapped the ground steadily with her foot, impatiently waiting for Xylene to tell her the truth. “Well?”

“Um… I may have overheard a FEW things.” The Twi’lek rubbed the back of her head tensely. She looked up to Jesse’s face, only to find her raising her right eyebrow in doubt. That little gesture, however, was more than enough for the poor girl to cave in.

“*sigh* Okay, okay. Yes, I listened to your conversation.”

“I see,” Jesse mused, “Did you enjoy that little kissing scene I had with Jack?” The maid’s cheeks flushed yet again, this time with a deeper shade of red.

“A little more than I should have, actually.” Her response elicited a profoundly amused chuckle from Jack. He’s seen women get aroused before, but Xylene took the cake by a LONG shot. She got off simply be hearing him and Jesse share a kiss (albeit a risky one, given the situation).

“Wow,” Jack chuckled, “So forbidden love turns you on, eh?” Xylene nodded her head shamefully.

“It’s a little fetish I have. I try my best to control it, but hearing things like that still gets me sometimes. If you two got to the point of making love, I would’ve absolutely lost it.” Now it was Jack’s turn to blush. Sharing such heated passion with Jesse while Xylene was getting aroused from it would’ve been very uncomfortable for him.

“Oh. Well, it’s a good thing I just kissed her, then.”

“Sorry.” After lifting her head back up, Xylene noticed an entertained Jesse smiling upon her.

“Don’t fret, Xylene. Jack and I will keep what you’ve done here a secret, but on one condition.”

“Sure. What is it?”

“You don’t gossip for a full six weeks. ESPECIALLY about what happened tonight.” The Twi’lek reeled back with a cringe, much to Jesse’s amusement.

“What? Come on, Ms. Jesse, that’s not fair. It’s the only fun the girls and I ever get.”

“*chuckle* You lot gossiped about other women’s love lives for years. A couple weeks’ worth of silence won’t kill you.”

“But it’s so unbearably boring,” she whined playfully.

“Then you will find a new way to have fun. Try playing Pazaak or something. Until those weeks have expired, not a single mention of boyfriends, models, divas, or any of the like will escape your mouth. Am I understood?” Xylene acknowledged her with a nod, accompanied by a sad sigh of defeat.

“Good.” The victorious Jesse turned her attention to her male companion.

“Thanks, Jack,” she said to him, embracing him in a hug, “I’m still upset that I can’t have you, but at least I know you love me.”

“It’s all I can give you for the moment, Jess. I can’t make a final decision until after we win this war.”

“I understand.” Jesse decided to send him off with a feather soft kiss to his cheek. “I’ll see you on Coruscant.”

“Farewell.” With that said, Jack made his way back to his starfighter. Jesse giggled for a very short moment before turning around.

“Oh, and by the way,” she whispered to Xylene, “If he said yes, I would’ve done more than just kiss him. I would’ve loved to see how naughty you’d get hearing him drive his sword into my scabbard.” Xylene gasped and stepped back in surprise, and her cheeks flushed for the third and final time this night. As her human friend walked away with a look of satisfaction, Xylene felt something wet just underneath her skirt. She checked for a closer look and was embarrassed to find her panties slightly soaked in fluids normally released during intercourse.

“Curse this bloody fetish.”