• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,701 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

  • ...


Only an hour had gone, yet the sun continued to burn brightly over Fredericksmare. Rose and Bladewing returned to the house by this time, exhausted and otherwise thrilled by their merry chase through one of the city parks. Rose inevitably succeeded in her quest for vengeance – she crippled Bladewing with a spell that froze him like a statue – and she was positive that Bladewing will never again rise up against her. What the mare didn’t know, however, was that Bladewing had no such intentions. She left multiple kiss-shaped marks on his face while he was helpless, an act that would’ve made him swoon in pleasure had he not yielded to her in time. That otherwise romantic moment only fueled his desire to teach her who controlled his heart, and he was going to do so if she were to geld him for it. Grievances aside, Bladewing enjoyed the time he spent with her. He couldn’t wait to see what she would do while on their first official date.

“*sigh* Being on top never felt so good.” Bladewing glared playfully at Rose as he rubbed the last of her lipstick from his cheek.

“This isn’t over, dear lady,” he mused, “Someday I will repay the ‘love’ you’ve shown me today… and with a LOT of interest.”

“Save it for the foreplay, handsome. I think your ‘vengeance’ will be most effective when I’m pleading for a ravaging.” An embarrassed blush swept over Bladewing’s face, much to Rose’s satisfaction.

“*grunt* You’re so erotic, you know that?”

“Nonsense. I just happen to be a mare with a very intimate sense of affection.” Bladewing accepted defeat with a sigh.

“Remind me why I’m your coltfriend again?”

“*giggle* Come on now. You know you like having me around. Admit it: choosing me as your mare was the best decision you ever made.” The pegasus contested her with a sneer.

“We shall see, Ms. Stalker Mare.”

“As pleases you.” The couple shared a soft laugh between them, ending their banter on a happy note.

“Farewell, Bladewing,” Rose murmured, nuzzling him, “I’ll see you this weekend.”

“I look forward to it.” Bladewing watched in comfort as Rose walked away from the estate. He was disappointed that she was still persistent in her advances, but he had the advantage in the end. His heart was still out of her reach. He was confident that as long as it was so, he could keep her from making too bold a move on him. Of course, just how long the situation would stay this way remained to be seen, but Bladewing had other things to worry about. He was certain that Diamond Heart lied in wait just itching for him to tell what transpired at his meeting.

“*chuckle* I can hardly imagine his reaction. He would hop over a moon for all I know, but I digress. Let’s see what he has to say about it.” Bladewing took a deep breath before opening the door with the spare key. He found the Hearts inside the living room, but the scene was nothing like he expected. Diamond was resting on the couch, a thick blanket covering his body. Topaz sat next to him, and she was applying a damp, yet warm cloth over his forehead. The sound of the door opening alerted Topaz to Bladewing’s presence, and she turned her head towards him.

“Welcome home, Bladewing,” she whispered, “I trust things went well for you?”

“They did indeed, Topaz. But what about Diamond? Did he have a concussion or something?”

“Don’t worry. He’s okay… just.”

“*sigh* Good. What happened?” Bladewing’s ears drooped as Topaz’s voice took up a more serious tone. He watched her walk back to Diamond’s side.

“I’m afraid my husband contracted a cold, Bladewing. I found him like this when I came back from work. He left a note on the table saying he put Ruby to sleep and that he would see if he can alleviate some of the pain with a bit of rest.”

“What? But he was perfectly healthy this morning.”

“I know. I’m not sure how he caught it, but his condition will prevent him from working for a few days."

“I see. Is there anything I can do?”

“You’re already doing so much for us, Bladewing. Your watching over Ruby allows Diamond and me to put our best efforts into our work. I’d feel guilty to burden you any further.”

“*chuckle* It’s okay, Topaz. I’d be more than happy to lend a hoof, if you’ll let me. I wouldn’t feel burdened for even a moment. Diamond is my brother, after all… and caring for one another is what brothers do best.” Topaz smiled and hugged Bladewing with the purest of gratitude.

“You’re a noble stallion,” she murmured, letting him go, “I can see why Rose likes you so much.”

“Oh, don’t remind me.” The two ponies shared a moment of laughter together, being ever careful not to let their voices wake Diamond Heart.

“Now then… how was your meeting?” Bladewing beamed a small grin at Topaz.

“It’s official. Mountain Wind deemed me worthy of joining his Council.”

“*gasp* Oh my goodness. Really?”

“Mm-hm. I will be meeting him again tomorrow for an orientation. I guess I will become a knight after all.” Topaz was about to cheer, but she remembered that Diamond was asleep. Instead, she gave the victorious pegasus another hug.

“That’s wonderful news, Bladewing. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks. I’ll have quite an adventure serving the country, won’t I?”

“You think? It’s said that the Council knights get the most adventure out of all the ponies in Cydonia. I’m sure my husband would say the same if he were awake right now.”

“I’ll bet. I was just imagining how he’d take the news.”

“*chuckle* Knowing him, he’d probably tell everypony he knew that you’re his brother. I can already see the headlines on the morning paper: ‘Stallion Rescued from Death Proclaims Fredericksmare’s Newest Star is His Brother, Says He’ll be Knighted into the Council Very Soon.’” Bladewing stifled a laugh.

“Yes. That’s got his name written all over it. I guess it’s a good thing he’s asleep for now, eh?”

“Indeed. But don’t worry. Diamond wouldn’t tell a soul no matter HOW much he’d want to.”

“Actually, Topaz, I discussed that earlier with Rose. My anonymity, I mean.” Topaz shot him a curious look.

“Oh? Whatever for?”

“Well… I was thinking about how overt the job was. Rose was telling me how everypony knows who's on the Council.”

“Well, she's not wrong about that. But that doesn’t mean they’d find out you’re living with us. It’s possible for you to do your work without divulging your whereabouts.”

“I know. But now that I think about it, Topaz, I can’t see a point to it anymore. I mean, just look at me. I’m already well-known among the ponies here in Fredericksmare. I’m going to take a job that’s going to spread my name even farther than that. How I see it, my seclusion was hardly useful to begin with. I might as well just give it up entirely.”

“That makes sense. But are you sure you want to do it now?”

“Yes. It’s time I embrace the stallion I have become.” Topaz was amazed. Just days before, she knew Bladewing as a stallion who despite his bravery in battle was intimidated by the very ponies who praise him for it; this day, he was another pony entirely. Here was a stallion who understood now that life is much easier to enjoy when he accepts who he is. She couldn’t have been more impressed by him.

“*chuckle* All right, Bladewing. I wish you luck with the life you have chosen. My husband and I support you in whatever choices you make.” Bladewing nuzzled the mare with affection.

“Thanks, Topaz. It means a lot.”

“No problem.” The pair suddenly heard grunting sounds coming from Diamond. They turned towards him and found him rustling uncomfortably in his blanket. Although Topaz told him he was okay, Bladewing still didn’t like seeing him in such a grueling state.

“Isn’t there any medicine that can help with his cold?”

“Don’t you worry, Bladewing,” Topaz assured him with a smile, “I have a home remedy that should relieve him of most of his discomfort. You just make sure he doesn’t put too much stress on himself.”

“All right. I guess I’ll go tend to Ruby, then.”

“Of course.”


The morning went by quickly, and Bladewing found himself inside Fredericksmare’s commerce district. With approximately three hours standing between him and his meeting, Bladewing decided to run a few errands for Topaz. One of them was to get more of the ingredients for the remedy Topaz spoke of yesterday. Finding them was no easy task, but he still managed to complete this and all the other errands within the few short hours he was given. Everywhere he went, he was given kind smiles and excited expressions by many a civilian, most of who had seen his duel. These pleasantries were a refreshing experience for Bladewing, and even more so considering what he had to deal with in the past few days. It was nice to finally enjoy some time to himself for a change. Not even Rose’s erotic fantasy talk could ruin it for him.

Bladewing peered at one of the digital clocks embedded in a nearby shop. It read eleven-thirty a.m., and the time indicated to him that he had to head straight for the palace. He could choose to fly over to the house if he wanted to, but Topaz told him earlier that some of the ingredients were quite fragile. Flying, thus, was not an option for him, and he decided to wait until after his meeting to deliver his cargo. It was a good thing for Bladewing that none of the ingredients were frozen.

“This remedy is bizarre,” Bladewing murmured, adjusting his saddlebags, “Lemons and grapefruit? Basil and ginger root? Jicama? I don’t know HALF of the items on that list. Ah, well. I’m sure each has a purpose in her remedy.” The pegasus pressed onward, intent on arriving at Mountain Wind’s palace on time.

Unfortunately for Bladewing, his venture would not go by quietly. A group of pegasi approached him from above, landing just a few meters away from where he stood. Bladewing was unsure what they were until he saw the word “POLICE” on one of the ponies’ uniforms. His initial plan was to hide, but he dismissed that thought as quickly as it came.

“Oh, come on, Bladewing,” he scolded himself, “It’s just police ponies. You’ve done nothing worthy of any arrest warrant they can conjure up. Just let them come.” Bladewing took a deep breath as the pegasi walked towards him.

“Are you Bladewing?” asked one of the mares. Bladewing nodded his head reluctantly. “Great. We’ve been looking for ya.”

“Have you now?” Bladewing spoke nervously. The police mare nodded in agreement. “I see. I don’t suppose you’re here to arrest me?”

“*giggle* Nah, don’t worry. I’m not arresting anypony here.”

“*sigh* Great. I thought I was in trouble for a moment.” Bladewing rubbed his forehead as he made an embarrassed grin.

“I’m Sergeant Stellar,” the mare spoke, shaking his hoof, “of the Fredericksmare Police Department. All the guys you see here are my subordinates.”

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Stellar,” Bladewing replied, “What can I do for you?”

“Oh, we didn’t come for any favors, hon. The boys and I just came here to guard ya.” Bladewing stood confused.

“Guard me? From what?” Stellar pointed a hoof down the street. Bladewing looked in that direction and found a crowd of media ponies galloping towards him from up ahead. He could feel a small shiver trickle down his spine.

“Ohhhhhh dear.”

“Ditto,” Stellar replied, adjusting her officer’s cap, “You might wanna brace yourself, hon. Things are gonna get hectic REAL fast.” Bladewing just acknowledged her with a nod.

“Here we go again.” Bladewing watched as Stellar and the other officers circled around him. Journalists, photographers, and paparazzi alike swarmed upon the pegasus like wolves on a rabbit, each one pushing his (or her) best effort to get a short interview or a good snapshot from him. Of course, Stellar and her seasoned band were there to keep them at bay.

“Step back, everypony,” Stellar called out, “Give the stallion some leg room. Back up.” Seeing how she was in a position of power, the crowd had to oblige to Stellar’s command. The sad truth of the matter was that the sergeant knew she couldn’t brush them away that easily. The crowd retreated an inch or two, but that was as much as they were going to give her. After all, none of them were going to leave the area until Bladewing gave them what they wanted.

“Storm Crow, Fredericksmare Gazette,” spoke one journalist to Bladewing, “What’s your thoughts on your recent rise to stardom?” Bladewing stood frozen. With the exception of the photographers, the other media ponies silenced themselves to listen to what the pegasus had to say. The only problem here was that Bladewing didn't anticipate being interviewed so suddenly. It was a miracle that the crowd didn’t spot him earlier, but he could see that they finally caught up to him.

“*sigh* There goes what’s left of my cover. I should’ve known it’d expire a little sooner. But now what? Do I answer their questions? Or should I try to act like they got the wrong pony? Oh, who am I kidding? They KNOW who I am. They KNOW how I look. I told Topaz yesterday that I’d have to give up this charade eventually… and I guess that time is now.” With his mind united under one thought, Bladewing breathed deeply, swiftly conjuring up an answer for Storm Crow.

“It’s, um… pretty good, I guess. I’m flattered that so many ponies view me as a stallion worthy of their adoration.”

“Rumors have spread all over the city that you’re close with the former Miss Cydonia as of late,” spoke another stallion, holding a mic to his face, “Do you have anything to say on the matter?” Bladewing looked at the reporter with surprise.


“Miss Cydonia. Her name is Rose Blossom, and she made national headlines when she became both the youngest and the prettiest mare to ever win the Royal Beauty Pageant. Perhaps you heard of her?” Thousands of questions whirled inside Bladewing’s mind. This sudden discovery completely altered his understanding of the lady he knew as his marefriend.

“Miss Cydonia? Beauty pageant? Rose never told me she was involved in such things. I mean, sure, I never bothered to ask, but… this isn’t something that is normally kept secret. I hope she can explain this to me when we’re on our date.” Although Bladewing was shocked by Rose’s achievement, he didn’t think it was bad. He just wanted to know why she didn’t divulge this when they started courting. For now, however, he decided to suppress his curiosity.

“I can’t say I have,” Bladewing said to the reporter, “I don’t pay much attention to things of that nature. And who said I was close to such a mare?”

“We got tipped off by one of your fans,” spoke a female journalist, “She claims she saw you at the Fortune Festival with a mare matching the pageant winner’s profile. Could it be that you’re in a relationship with her?” Bladewing was having a really hard time getting rid of the blush on his cheek. The media ponies got him in a romantic, yet very awkward setting. He was tempted to say he was, but the possible consequences held him back. If he acknowledged his relationship, they would never give him and Rose a moment of peace; then again, if he didn’t, they might attempt to stalk Rose to find out the truth. Inevitably, Bladewing decided to avoid answering the question. He would be damned before he jeopardized the privacy of which made his time with her so relaxing.

“… ask the fan.” As much as Bladewing hoped it would work, his attempt to brush the ponies aside backfired. His statement only aroused their curiosity, and they almost immediately bombarded him with a deafening hail of questions. He didn’t care one bit for it, though. He gave his say on the matter and as of this moment, he wanted nothing more to do with them. And so, with Topaz’s ingredients in tow, he walked away from the scene.

“You heard him, everypony,” Stellar spoke to the crowd, “That’s about as much of a scoop as you guys are gonna get. Now move it. There’s nothing more to see here.” The ponies refused to budge, but Stellar and her team weren’t daunted. They slowly cleared a path for Bladewing, stopping only when he got to a point where following him would enable Stellar to issue fines to the media ponies for disturbing the peace. The moment Bladewing was out of their reach, the crowd stopped. They left the area in frustrated droves, much to the relief of the police. Their only comfort: what few words they managed to frisk out of Bladewing.

Now that he had some peace and quiet, Bladewing felt more at ease. As well he should, for his final venture was also the most exciting. He was going to be oriented on how EXACTLY Mountain Wind inducts a pony into the Council. Though receiving Cydonian citizenship was the most important requirement, it was also the simplest. Bladewing was sure that whatever else he had to do will be much more tedious, if not difficult. It was all the more fortunate for him that he had so much free time.

It wasn’t much longer before Bladewing was nearing Mountain Wind’s palace. The two guards at the front gates were standing as they did yesterday. However, there was also a coach parked in front of them. Bladewing looked to its front to find two pairs of mechanical pegasi harnessed to it. It was strange that actual horses weren’t pulling the vehicle, but Bladewing attributed it to the immense wealth (and technological prowess) of the country. The royal crest painted on the coach’s rear indicated to Bladewing that it was Mountain Wind’s, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy his curiosity.

“This is strange. Is the king going somewhere? But he told me to meet him exactly at noon. No, wait… maybe the coach is taking somepony else. I better inquire with Mountain Wind about this.” Bladewing approached the guards with the medallion Mountain Wind gave him in one of his robe pockets.

“Halt,” spoke Solar, moving with Rigor in front of him, “State your business.”

“I have an appointment, sir,” Bladewing replied, “The king is expecting me.”

“Do you have a note from him?”

“No… but he did give me this.” Bladewing pulled the medallion from his pocket and showed it to Solar. The guard was overcome with surprise.

“No way,” he mumbled, “The crest of the Council knights.”

“Aye, lad,” Rigor interjected, “Looks like old Mountain Wind’s gonna be appointing him soon. Let’s get him inside, quickly.”

“Yes, right away.” Bladewing thanked them kindly as they opened the gates for him. He passed through to the front doors of the palace and soon made his way inside. As before, Solar and Rigor waited until he was out of earshot before exchanging any words between them.

“*grunt* That guy’s ridiculously lucky,” Solar snorted jealously, “A beautiful mare AND a job as a Council knight? Why can’t I ever get such luck?”

“Perhaps if ya stopped trying to pull those scandalous paramour stunts, you’d know.” Solar looked at his witty comrade with a bemused expression.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“That you’re shameless… and that’s EXACTLY what mares hate in a stallion. Now, back to your post. If ya even THINK about leaving it, I’ll punish you myself. Am I understood, boy?”

“*scoff* Fine. Old codger.” Rigor chuckled humorously as Solar resumed his stance with a pout. The young stallion had a lot to learn about being a proper gentlecolt. In the meantime, however, Rigor was going to have a blast guiding him to his intended future.

Sure enough, Mountain Wind was waiting inside for Bladewing. The king wasn’t seated as before, but he was still in the throne room. He was talking to a unicorn mare wearing a business dress as well as a pair of glasses. The pair heard the sound of the palace doors creak, and they turned their heads towards the pegasus passing through them.

“Ah, Bladewing,” Mountain Wind spoke, “You’re right on time. Are you ready for what you’ll be doing today?”

“Yes, sir,” Bladewing replied, bowing his head low, “I am ready.”

“Good.” Mountain Wind pointed an open hand to the navy blue, teal-maned mare standing next to him, and the mare in turn beamed a warm smile at Bladewing.

“This is Blue Belle. She is the secretary I was telling you about. She will be the one granting you citizenship as well as an in-depth orientation on the position as a Council knight. I know I said I’d join you, but I am needed elsewhere right now. I hope you’ll pardon me if I go back on my word this once.”

“It’s all right, your highness. At least I know why there’s a coach parked outside.”

“*chuckle* Indeed. If you have ANY questions regarding your job, feel free to ask Belle. She knows even more about the Council than the knights themselves.”

“Understood. I hope your day goes well for you, sir.”

“Thanks. Farewell, Bladewing.” Belle and Bladewing watched as the king exited the throne room towards the parked coach. With him gone, Blue Belle adjusted her glasses and returned her attention to Bladewing.

“So you’re the Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare?” The pegasus nodded as she shook his hoof. “Nice. I saw your duel from my home TV. It’s not often a swordspony triumphs in a 2-on-1 battle. Even more so against legendary opponents. What you did back then was TRULY a fight for the ages.”

“It was nothing,” Bladewing replied modestly, “I just wanted Battery to apologize to my earth pony friend. I loathe ponies with her personality with a vice.”

“Maybe so, but your chivalry was good enough to catch the king’s attention. Surely you must find pride in THIS tidbit.”

“Oh, but I do. I imagine performing the work of a Council knight is quite difficult, despite how qualified for it Mountain Wind believes I am.”

“It is. But I guess that’s why he assigned me to guide you, eh?”

“*chuckle* Right. Let’s get to it.”

“You got it. Follow me.” Bladewing followed Blue Belle through a door on the left side of the throne room. As they walked, the mare elaborated on the many things that involved the Council knights.

“As Mountain Wind told you yesterday, advising him on important decisions is one of the many tasks in which the Council knights play a critical role. During periods of international unrest, the decision often involves declaring war on a hostile nation. If the king goes through with the latter, the Council knights may choose to use the leeway given to them by royal law. In our culture, however, it’s considered more honorable to fight for one’s country than to stand down.”

“I can understand that,” Bladewing replied, “but I’m no judge. I guess it comes down to who’s making the choice.”

“It does. The leeway is there regardless. Anyway, you’ll receive additional benefits when becoming a Council knight. Apart from a total exemption from taxes, you’ll also get all of the benefits you’d find in a typical job. You know, things like a retirement pension, paid sick days, vacation days, and the like. They’re all listed in a booklet called ‘The Council Doctrine’. I’ll give you a copy of it once your orientation’s over.” Bladewing nodded in acknowledgement, and he continued to follow Blue Belle through the long halls of the palace.

“This is the war room, Bladewing.” Bladewing marveled at the massive space Blue Belle presented to him. Paintings of seasoned generals and battles from the country’s past decorated the walls, along with banners and a pair of flags crossing each other at a wall section in between two windows. In the middle of the room was a large square table. Though the table was perfectly flat, Bladewing noticed a grid glowing on its pitch-black surface. It seemed to be made of the same material as the TV screen Bladewing saw at his meeting with the king.

“The Coltecs are more technologically advanced than I thought. But why does this table lo- *grunt*” Bladewing rubbed his forehead with a hoof as he shook off a sudden throbbing sensation that plagued his head. The pain was minor, but he still counted himself lucky that Blue Belle didn’t notice his eye twitching slightly from it. He didn’t want her to worry.

“It looks great. The room, I mean.”

“Glad to hear it. This room is where the Council knights meet with the king when the country’s at war. This table here works like a map, but you can adjust it to digitally construct any real-world area, whether it be the landscape of an entire hemisphere or the layout of a particular structure. From this room, Mountain Wind assigns the knights to perform special operations within specific areas across the globe. Most of these are quite dangerous, so combat experience is a plus in selecting a new member of the Council.”

“I see. I’ve wondered what sort of adventures I would find being a Council knight.”

“*chuckle* That’s one way of looking at it. We’re at peace right now, of course, but you’ll want to know about these tasks for if we’re not. One never knows who will pick a fight with Cydonia.”

“Very well. I’ll keep this in mind.”

“Good. Let’s move on.” Blue Belle continued to guide Bladewing through the palace. Eventually, the pair arrived at an enormous rectangular room. A long obsidian table stood in its center, and chairs of a similar color lined its two long sides. The two short sides each had a pair of more elaborate chairs, one of them facing a huge flat-screen TV set embedded in the wall. Bladewing was certain that these particular chairs were reserved for the royals, but it mattered very little to him at the moment. He’d find out with time.

“This is the conference room, Bladewing. This is where you will perform the political aspect of your job. You see, in our government, laws are created by the royal Senate. It’s a coalition of representatives from the sixty states that make up our nation. Once a bill they create is voted viable, it becomes the king’s duty to decide whether or not it gets signed into law. The Council’s job is to advise him through this tedious task. Sounds simple enough?”

“Mostly,” Bladewing replied with a nod, “It sounds like a mere matter of principle, but I know how much weight a choice can carry. Is there anything I should be wary about?”

“Well, some senators tend to ‘cozy up’ to the knights through festivities. You know, parties and such.”

“What? Do they try to bribe them or something?”

“Oh, no. It’s usually just a casual discussion on the bill. Corruption of any kind from a knight is considered equal to high treason and is punishable by a jail sentence as well as immediate expulsion from the Council.” Bladewing hissed in surprise.

“Ouch. It’s a good thing I’m not the wicked type, then.”

“*chuckle* Indeed. Anyway, besides helping with the lawmaking process, the Council also assists the king with international matters in this room. Cydonia is among one hundred and fifty countries worldwide that have a seat in the UNE.”

“The UNE?”

“It’s an acronym for the United Nations of Equestria. The UNE holds annual meetings addressing the state of the planet and the dilemmas each nation may have. During these times, the king may ask the Council for guidance on what must be done on behalf of Cydonia. One of the job requirements Mountain Wind overturned for you is to have an adequate understanding of the laws and history of our country. Mastering both is necessary for this task, but he believes you can learn about them as time goes by. For that reason, he assigned me to be your mentor.”

“Sounds like a plan. I will pay close attention to your teachings, Ms. Belle.”

“Excellent. You can just call me Belle, by the way. We are friends, after all. Aren’t we?”

“*chuckle* We are. Let’s continue.”

“Right. This way.” The two ponies pressed onward. They had just passed a T-section of the hallway when one of the female members of the Council noticed a familiar face passing by. She wore armor exactly like the kind Bladewing received from the king, and she paused for a moment as she deciphered who she just saw.

“*gasp* OMG. It’s him. But what’s he doing here?” The unicorn mare cautiously peeked from the corner towards the pair. Sure enough, that was Bladewing Blue Belle was walking with. However, the mare was still stumped as to what sort of business he had here.

“Hm… I think I’ll follow them. I’m sure Belle’s just giving him a tour of the palace or something. *giggle* Here’s hoping she’s got room for company.” The mystery mare followed them closely, making sure the pair were still unaware of her presence. It wasn’t like she had ill will or anything, but the mare wanted to surprise Bladewing. If he’s here for the reasons she thought, then she wanted to be the first of her brethren to meet him. It was too good an opportunity to resist.

Eventually, Bladewing arrived with Blue Belle at a room well-suited for a mare of her position. At one end of the room stood a desk equipped with many devices. To the right of the desk stood a large box-like machine, an open tray full of papers exposed on its side; to the left, an extended bookcase loaded with books was spread across the wall. A mechanic was working on the machine to the right of Blue Belle’s desk, and he came towards the mare to whisper something in her ear. Belle nodded and thanked the stallion for his work, letting him exit the room to fulfill his other tasks.

“*ahem* Here we are, Bladewing. Welcome to my office. It’s a bit bland, but it’s comfortable. Have a seat.” Bladewing obliged and sat in the chair in front of the desk, placing his saddlebags to his side.

“So,” he spoke, ruffling his feathers, “What are we doing here?”

“*giggle* What else? I’m going to grant you citizenship.”

“Oh. Pffh, right. Sorry.” The mare hiding behind the door was intrigued.

“Ah, so he’s not from here. Nice! This could be my chance to warm up to him. What kind of stallion can resist touring a city with a hot chick?” The mare continued her eavesdropping with a mischievous grin.

“It’s all right,” Blue Belle continued with a smile, “Anyway, allow me to explain how the citizenship process normally works: like with the Council knight position, you must take an exam on the history and laws of our country as well as a background check. If you passed both, you were then supposed to recite an oath of allegiance to our country in front of an immigration officer. Of course, Mountain Wind overturned the first two for you due to your circumstances; however, you must still recite the oath before I grant you documentation confirming your citizen status.”

“Understood. How does it go?” Blue Belle raised her right hoof as she prepared to demonstrate.

“*ahem*… ‘By applying to become a subject of Cydonia, I acknowledged that I must give up allegiance to all other foreign countries for which I am a denizen; by swearing this oath, I also acknowledge that I will pledge this allegiance to the kingdom of Cydonia instead. I will comply with her laws as faithfully as do the native-born citizens who share this land with me. I understand that although I will be given the same rights and freedoms as everyone else under the law, I will risk losing my right to live here if I am ever tried for and proven guilty of high treason OR if my criminal record becomes substantial enough to deem me a significant threat to the country. Under penalty of exile, I swear this oath.’” Blue Belle lowered her hoof as soon as she finished. The oath was a long one, but Bladewing had little trouble remembering it.

“Okay. Here goes nothing.” Bladewing cleared his throat before raising his hoof and reiterating Blue Belle’s words. He went a little slower than she did, but it helped with the phrasing. Belle beamed a hearty smile as she took control of the keyboard to her desktop computer using her magic.

“Well done, Bladewing. You got it right on the first go. Now I just need you to give me some personal data and I’ll print out your ID. Can you do that for me?”


“Good. Let us begin. What’s your full name?”


“Okay. Date of birth?” Bladewing hesitated for a moment. He didn’t understand HOW he knew his age was 20. He just knew. What his exact birth date really is was anypony’s guess.

“Um... I don’t really know.” Blue Belle looked at him quizzically.

“You don’t?” Bladewing shook his head. “Crikey. You must’ve lost more of your memory than I thought. But that’s okay. I can remedy that.” Blue Belle pulled out a strange hoof-sized machine from one of her desk drawers. It almost looked like a communicator, but Bladewing hardly knew what even THAT was. He looked to the mare with curiosity.

“What’s that?”

“It’s called a Sangre Script. It’s a special device that allows somepony to derive biological information from a living being by analyzing a blood sample.”

“I see. I suppose I must now give you some of my blood?”

“Yes. You won’t mind if I take some?” Bladewing shook his head. He watched as Blue Belle pulled a small tube equipped with a needle from the side of the device. The sight made him cringe in his seat.

“Try to hold it in for me,” she spoke softly, “It won’t hurt as much if you stay still.” Bladewing nodded reluctantly, letting the mare stick the needle inside his right foreleg. Blue Belle stuck it in slowly to reduce the pain, but it still forced a twitch from him. He watched the wire-thin tube slowly fill up with his blood, a scene he’d expect more from a hospital than here. Blue Belle pulled the needle out of him shortly afterwards, disposing the tip and placing the tube back in its original position.

“Thanks, Bladewing,” she spoke, “Now let’s see what it says.” Blue Belle typed on the keyboard once more with her magic, the Sangre Script hooked up to a port in the computer’s hard drive.

“Excellent. I have everything I need right here.”

“Great,” replied Bladewing, “So what is my birth date?”

“Let’s see… according to this, you were born approximately January 1st, 2180. It’s September 2200 right now, so that means you’re currently twenty years old.”

“All right. What else does the device say of me?”

“Well, it also says you have no known illnesses at the moment, which is good. I’d recommend having a good doctor on hoof regardless. Hm… eye and hair color, we already know… oh, dear.” The concern in Blue Belle’s voice incited worry within Bladewing.

“What’s wrong, Belle?”

“It’s your genus. The Script is acting very strange in determining what sentient species you are. We both know you’re equine, but all I see here is literally a string of random letters.”


“Take a look.” Blue Belle rotated her computer screen towards Bladewing, and Bladewing in turn looked to the area she was pointing at with her hoof. Just as she told him, the lines mentioning genus and species were completely indecipherable. The letters were about as random as the roll of a die… and yet, to Bladewing’s greatest wonder, the rest of the data on the screen seemed normal.

“This is strange. I know for certain that I’m a stallion. Yet, this device is saying otherwise. It’s like it’s telling me I’m not even from this- Ungh!” Bladewing’s head suddenly throbbed again, forcing the stallion to lower it as he rubbed it with a hoof. This time around, the pain was more intense. How he wished somepony could explain to him what was causing this trauma!

“Is something wrong?” Bladewing shook his head at Blue Belle’s question.

“I’m fine,” he spoke, beaming a warm smile at her, “I guess I’m just overthinking things.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. Let’s keep going. I’m eager to find out how I will be inducted into the Council.”

“*giggle* All right. Let’s see how far along we are now.” Bladewing tipped his head in agreement. Now reassured of her concern, Blue Belle rotated the monitor back towards her face.

“Hm… okay, Bladewing. Besides the genus and species categories, I have all the personal data I need. I’ll just make an override to the system for you and your ID card should properly label you as a pegasus.”

“Okay.” The keyboard clicked and clacked as Blue Belle pressed its keys using her magic. Before long, the override was complete.

“*sigh* We’re almost done. The last thing I need from you is a photo. Move in front of the lens behind this monitor, please.” Bladewing did as she asked. “Great. Smile.” The stallion beamed a hearty smile as a light flashed briefly from the monitor. Blue Belle typed into her keyboard for a short moment before the machine to the right of her whirred to life. She then got up and walked towards it. Bladewing watched closely as she pulled out from it a small card as well as a complementary document, both of which labeled Bladewing as a Cydonian citizen.

“Congratulations, Mr. Bladewing. You’re now an official subject of the kingdom of Cydonia.” Bladewing smiled as he held in his hooves the paper and ID card she just printed out. He lived in this country, sure, but these documents confirmed it. With a secure foundation in his grasp, he was now ready to proceed with the steps to receiving the mantle of the Council knights.

“This feels nice, Belle. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. It’s part of my job. Now let’s-” Blue Belle was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the door opening. She and Bladewing turned in that direction and noticed the hiding unicorn mare passing through the door. This mare heard enough of their conversation to write a play, but she feigned ignorance in order to distract the surprised stallion looking at her.

“Hey, Belle,” she greeted with a grin, “How’s it going?”

“Convenient timing, Sky,” Belle replied, “I’m in the middle of a presentation, if you must know… and I’m sure you know who I’m giving it to.”

“*chuckle* So does everypony else in the country… but I guess I’m gonna be the first of the crew to meet him in person.” Bladewing sensed an erotic, yet harmless aura surrounding the armored mare approaching him. It felt eerily similar to the one Rose always gave off whenever she’s being intimate with him. It was a feeling he prayed he wouldn’t experience from yet another mare.

“I REALLY don’t like the way she’s looking at me,” he thought nervously, “and I think I know why. *sniffle* Oh god, why? Why am I a magnet for lustful mares?” Bladewing stood in place, watching tensely as Sky stopped in front of him.

“Nice to meet ya, Bladewing,” she cooed seductively, “Are you touring the palace with Belle?” Bladewing stammered as the mare suddenly moved to his side, her face but a few inches away from his.

“Um… I-I am, but-”

“*giggle* Relax, handsome. I’m not like those noble mares. You don’t have to be formal towards me… or shy, for that matter. I’m as ordinary as your average joe.”

“That’s good and all, but, um… c-can you back away, please?”

“Aw, that hurts,” Sky spoke, faking a sad puppy look, “Are you saying you don’t wanna be my friend?”

“*chuckle* That’s enough, Sky,” Blue Belle said to her, “You know what he means. Give him some space. You’re making him uncomfortable.”

“Gah, you’re such a buzzkill, Belle. You never heard of playful banter?” Sky backed away from Bladewing, allowing the pegasus to rub the sweat from his forehead.

“Don’t mind her, Bladewing,” Belle assured him, “She’s perfectly harmless. She just happens to adore stallions of your reputation. They’re quite rare, even in a country like ours.” Bladewing gulped nervously as Sky blushed with an embarrassed smile.

“You don’t say.”

“I do. But don’t fret. THIS little filly knows better than to stir up trouble within the palace.” Bladewing sighed in relief just as Blue Belle shot Sky a playful, yet smug glare. It seemed as though she was giving her a warning, as if she were saying, “You’ll give him some respect if you know what's good for you.” Sky cowered with a nervous chuckle in response.

“Thanks for the reassurance.” Bladewing cleared his throat and turned his attention to Sky.

“So… I presume you are one of the Council knights?”

“*giggle* I sure am,” replied Sky, shaking his hoof, “The name’s Skywalker, stud. But the guys just call me Sky.” Once more, Bladewing’s mind was sent into a storm of uneasiness. The unicorn’s name sounded disturbingly familiar to him. To further reinforce his suspicions, Sky’s mane was henna-colored, and her coat a caramel tint – both of which seemed to mimic the appearance of somepony he met before.

“What is this? Why does it all sound so reminiscent? Could it be that we’ve met before? No. Impossible! If it were the case, then surely she would’ve alluded to it just now. But I could’ve sworn I’ve encountered somepony like her dur-” Another headache suddenly jolted within Bladewing’s head, forcing yet another low grunt out of him. He was unaware, of course, that it was the Force still trying its hardest to bar him from his past; nevertheless, he understood that whatever this supernatural entity was, it was growing very persistent. This last headache was the most painful of the three, to the point where Bladewing held his forehead with BOTH of his hooves. Blue Belle and Skywalker looked at the stallion with worry.

“Are you sure nothing’s wrong?” Blue Belle received a nod from Bladewing, but she gave him a doubtful look.

“It’s okay, Belle, really. It’s not as bad as you THINK it is. I’m probably just having a bizarre headache or something.”

“I don’t know, Bladewing. It seems more like the start of a migraine to me. You might want to continue the orientation tomorrow if you’re suffering from one right now.”

“I assure you, it’s nothing of the sort. As I said, I could be just thinking deeper about things than I should be. I’m sure it’ll go away if I just keep my mind clear of thoughts.”

"*sigh* All right. If you’re sure that’s what’s causing it.” Skywalker felt a lump in one of the pouches on her belt as she brushed a foreleg against it. She pulled out the object causing this lump and found a small tube containing smaller, egg-like things Bladewing never saw before. The oval-shaped pills gave her an idea.

“Here, stud. Eat this.” Sky gave one of the pills to Bladewing. The stallion in turn looked at them with a curious expression.

“What is it?”

“Aspirin. It’s pretty good against headaches. It takes a few minutes to kick in, but it should keep ya from feeling pain for a few hours.”

“All right. Thanks.” Bladewing ingested the pill without hesitation. Although Belle disapproved of Sky giving him a possibly allergenic drug, it helped in proving to Bladewing that she’s far from troublesome.

“See?” she told Bladewing with a grin, “What did I tell you? Perfectly harmless. Although I must admit I find her way of making friends a bit questionable.”

“*chuckle* You say that about ALL my ways,” Sky replied, “You’re just old-fashioned. Admit it.”

“Oh? And I suppose you’re the perfect example of the modern Coltec mare?”

“Yep. I’m the type of gal every stallion wants by his side.” Bladewing blushed as Sky winked seductively at him. Blue Belle, on the other hoof, just smirked with smug satisfaction.

“Keep dreaming, little filly,” she mused, “The day you become that appealing is the day I start flaunting myself before the king.”

“We’ll see. Now then… are ya gonna show him ‘round some more or what?”

“Why are YOU so interested?” Sky looked at Bladewing with interest, sending a nervous chill down his spine.

“I was hoping I could hang out with Bladewing. It’s not often I see guys like him without a crowd of chicks following them around.”

“*sigh* Fine. You can join him, but don’t distract him. He needs this orientation in order for him to know how he’ll be inducted into the Council.”

“Gotcha. I won’t say a p- wait a sec. Did you say he’s-”

“Yes. Mountain Wind met with him yesterday and officially approved him for the job.” Skywalker suppressed a squeal of delight.

“MAN, this is so awesome. I’m gonna be working with the most unique swordspony on the planet… and I got to meet him before any of the others. NICE!” Bladewing blushed with a nervous smile as Blue Belle shot a cautioning, yet playful sneer at Sky.

“Don’t go parading about the palace just yet, Sky. Like I said, I’m sti-” The door to the room suddenly opened again, revealing a perturbed earth pony stallion at the entrance. The trio turned their attention to him as he cleared his throat.

“May I have a word with you, Ms. Belle?”

“I’m a bit busy right now, Burgin. Can it wait?”

“I’m afraid not, ma’am. The situation is urgent, and your presence is mandatory.” Blue Belle sighed in frustration.

“Very well. What is it?”

“I just received word from one of the Equestrian couriers. It seems our ambassador suffered a hemorrhage at Canterlot.” Blue Belle’s eyes opened wide, a mix of surprise and fear welling up in them.

“What? Is he okay?”

“Princess Celestia says so, yes. She requests that somepony come to Canterlot and retrieve him immediately. Seeing how the king’s not available right now, you’re the only one authorized to do so.”

“I see. Prepare another coach for departure to Canterlot, quickly.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The stallion exited the room. Blue Belle then redirected her attention to Bladewing.

“I’m afraid I must conclude your orientation for now, Bladewing. The royal ambassador happens to be my uncle. I hope you understand.”

“It’s all right, Belle,” Bladewing replied, “I understand completely. Perhaps we can continue tomorrow?”

“Of course. I’ll meet you here at noon same as before. Now I know you said don’t worry, but do try to relax. If overthinking truly is the cause of your pain, I suggest you just let it go.”

“*chuckle* I’ll do my best. Thanks for everything.”

“No problem. See you then.” Bladewing lowered his head to her, and the unicorn did the same. As he left the room with his documents and saddlebags, Blue Belle pulled out a notepad and pen from one of her desk drawers using her magic. Skywalker watched as she began writing a message on the notepad’s front sheet.

“What do you think of it, Belle?”

“About what?”

“You know: Bladewing joining the Council. Aren’t you excited to have a big-shot like him to work with in the coming days?”

“Of course. Life in the office felt rather empty since Burning Ridge retired from the team. Faust bless him and the little ones he and Lily brought into this world.”

“Oh, for sure. He gets twice as many kudos from me. But how come you’re not as happy about Bladewing taking his place as I am?”

“I think the better question is WHY you’re so happy about it.”

“*giggle* Why else? I’m gonna see if he’s looking for a companion, if ya catch my drift.” Blue Belle lifted her head towards Sky in concern.

“I do hope that was a joke, Sky. You saw how uncomfortable Bladewing was when you started flirting with him.”

“Nah. I think that was because of all the slutty fan girls following him around. I’m sure he’ll show an interest in me if I show him I’m the mare he REALLY wants.”

“Just listen to yourself. That sounds like something THEY’D say. What makes you think you’re any better than they are?” Skywalker looked at Blue Belle with a witty grin.

“Simple: I got everything a stallion could ever want in a mare: charm, power, looks, and especially... a craving for BOTH kinds of love.” Sky smiled deviously as she saw her friend blushing.

“Egads!” Belle pouted, “And you say the fan girls are the slutty ones. But whatever. Just know this: if Bladewing ever comes to me saying you’re harassing him, you’ll wish you heeded my warning.”

“Chill, Belle. Don’t get your panties in a twist. I’d NEVER harass him. Ever.”

“Good.” Blue Belle wrote on the notepad for another moment before she tore the front sheet from it. She put her things back in the drawers with her magic and then walked over to Sky.

“Give this to Mountain Wind.” Skywalker nodded and took the note from Belle’s hoof. “Make sure you tell the others about the new addition to the Council… and I pray that you take my advice seriously.”

“*chuckle* You’re such a worrywart. But yeah, I got it. Have a safe trip.”

“Thanks.” Blue Belle made her way out of the room. Now that Skywalker was alone, she finally let her happiness flow freely. To say she was excited would’ve been an understatement. No… whatever emotion this mare felt at that moment, it was far more than that. She would soon have Cydonia’s most distinctive fighter as a colleague… and it set into motion a plan she thought would remain buried in her mind.

“Heh. Harass him? Nah. We’re gonna get along pretty good, he and I. I’m sure of it. I just have to play my cards right… and make sure another mare doesn’t get to him first.” Skywalker left Blue Belle’s office feeling confident. Whether her plan would come to fruition or not was a matter up to Fate, but she was determined to see it through. After all, it was Bladewing – a stallion unlike any other – who brought it back to life.

As the mare exited the room, Bladewing found himself walking alone towards his home. The aspirin Sky gave him earlier certainly helped in relieving the throbbing sensations, but he was far from over them. Something was causing this maddening sensation, and he demanded an explanation.

“What the bloody hell is wrong with me?! Why am I feeling pain whenever I try to reminisce about something? It’s like some deity is punishing me every time I do. *sigh*… look at me. Deity? I'll be damned if I start thinking they exist. There must be a sounder explanation for all this. But what? What can possibly-” Bladewing heard something on his right, at the park where Rose endowed him in her “love”. He looked around and found an earth pony couple sitting together. The stallion had a bandage wrapped around his head, and it had a few streaks of dried blood on it. It was likely that he had a medical operation or an accident some time ago, but he seemed okay for now. The mare was perfectly fine, but Bladewing discerned a hint of worry in her voice.

“Don’t push yourself, honey,” the mare spoke to him, “You’re still in recovery. Your brain’s not yet ready to handle the stress.”

“I know, babe,” he replied, “But I gotta do something. We got little ones to feed. I can’t just-” The mare suddenly smiled and placed a hoof over his lips, silencing him on the spot.

“Shhh. It’s okay. My sister is watching them. You need to get better, and the only way you can do that is by relaxing. Just let it go for now. Okay?”

“*sigh* All right. I will… for your sake.” The mare chuckled lightly and nuzzled him. Bladewing was humored to see this simple, yet tender moment unfold. The stallion’s situation was analogous to his own, and he could almost see what can happen if he too decided to let go.

“Hm… maybe that’s the answer. I don’t see why I should dwell on something if I suffer for it. Gah, if only it were that simple! If I let go of this problem now, I’ll only prolong it. How will I know if I encounter yet another familiar sight?” It was in this moment that Bladewing finally understood why this answer was so controversial: he continued to believe that his past was a necessity. It was true that all sentient beings had one; but Bladewing was different. For reasons he wished he knew, his past was wiped completely blank. Whatever manner of experience and character he obtained from it were lost to him now.

“*sigh*… I guess there’s no point, then. No matter what I do, my history will forever be out of my reach. But that’s okay. I don’t need to know who I was to know who I am, or who I’ll become. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll just forsake it entirely. If all I get for trying to discover my past is pain… then I’d rather forget I had one to begin with.” Bladewing continued on his path feeling wise. Though his choice meant his memories truly were lost, it was a consequence he was willing to accept. Attempting to prove they were not was mental suicide to him, and he couldn’t afford to lose his mind at a time like this. And who can blame him? There’s a reason why so few would beat a dead animal. Such was the pointlessness of his endeavor, one in which forced Bladewing to abandon all hope of retrieving his memories. Ah, but that’s the rub of the situation. The said memories may have been “forgotten”… but they were far from gone.