• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 2,701 Views, 149 Comments

Bladewing: The Rise of a Hero - Cavalryunit001

Nothing lasts forever. The destruction of the Jedi Order showed just that. But where one journey ends, a new one begins.

  • ...


The next morning was a slow one. Well, at least to Bladewing, it was. He was eager to see the duel, but more than a dozen hours stood between dawn and evening. Waiting for each one to pass was like torture. Fortunately, exploring the city proved to be a great distraction - surprises were aplenty wherever he went. The hours seemed to flutter away with every place he visited and with each question he asked. Any thought of the oncoming fight was blocked by the fascination of which captivated him.

Bladewing’s exploring didn’t last long, however. Before he knew it, only half an hour stood between him and the duel. He returned to the house with haste, landing on all fours feeling very much alive. The wait had finally passed, and discovering the city for himself carried him through to the battle. It was time to witness “The Most Epic Fight of the Year.”

“You have the tickets, Topaz?”

“Yes. Now we just have to wait for Bladewing to arrive.” The Hearts were waiting patiently in the living room, and no sooner did Topaz say that than she and Diamond saw Bladewing pass through the door.

“Speak of the devil,” Diamond mused, “Convenient timing, Bladewing. I trust the spelunking went well?”

“Yes, indeed. This city has more to its name than I could have ever imagined... and I've only scratched its surface.”

“*chuckle* Great. Now let’s get going. There’s some seats in that amphitheater with our names on them.”

“Lead the way.” The trio left the house anticipating a good half-hour teeming with ferocious action.

They weren’t the only ones looking for a good time at the fight. Rose Blossom lied in wait for Blaze as the three ponies made their way to the amphitheater. She heard knocking on the front door of her home, and the unicorn eagerly opened it.

“Sorry I’m late,” said Blaze, “I had a bit of trouble back at my place.”

“It’s fine. Let’s leg it.” The two mares wasted no time leaving the structure. They walked hastily towards the amphitheater, the clock their greatest enemy.

“Ugh, I can’t believe Rei-Rei trashed my dress. I spent three weeks slimming down just so I could fit in it.”

“I told you keeping her in your room was a bad idea, Blaze. Cats love sleeping on soft fabric.”

“Oh, she snoozed on it, all right. Now it’s so full of fur it itches like hell. *sigh* Oh, well.” Rose succeeded in stifling a laugh. She strongly felt Blaze deserved it given how much trauma she put her through yesterday, but she decided she went through enough humiliation already. It was enough payback to satisfy her thirst for vengeance.

“Anyway,” Blaze continued, “I owe ya big time for this. I tried getting a ticket for myself, but the booths ran out faster than I could reach ‘em.”

“It’s no trouble. I’m more concerned about finding Bladewing in the arena.”

“Ah, right. You said he’s going to see the fight.”

“I believe so, yes. I saw him reading one of the flyers before he left the restaurant. Being the fighter type, I doubt he’ll resist attending a live battle. With any luck, we’ll see him there.”

“It’ll be awesome if we do. Although seeing him kick flank first-hoof would be even better.”

“*giggle* Maybe to you, it would, but I’m content with how he performed back at the plains. But let’s just get to the amphitheater for now. We’ll worry about our stallion friend AFTER we take our seats.”

“Right.” The two mares continued to press forward. Bladewing and the Hearts had just passed through the doors leading into the structure when they arrived. The duo didn’t notice Diamond and Topaz, but Rose was able to make out a familiar Cutie Mark vanishing into the crowd. The excited mare suppressed a squeal.

“Oh my goddess, Blaze, I knew it! Bladewing DID come to see the fight!” Blaze looked around for herself, but found nothing.

“I don’t see him. You sure?”

“Yes. He just went down that corridor.”

“Oh, jeez. There’s no way we’ll keep up with him in this crowd. We’ll just have to pray that our seats are next to his.”

“With the luck we’re getting right now, I bet they are. Let’s get over there, quickly!”

“Okay, okay, I’m going.” Rose lightly tugged on Blaze’s jacket, but she quickly let go in response to her statement. The pegasus could see that her friend was very excited to have found her stallion of interest here. Just yesterday, she was nervous to even go near Bladewing, let alone interact with him; today, she was excited over simply seeing him again.

“*chuckle* It’s about time she grew a spine,” she joked mentally, “Poor girl’s never had the courage to even TALK to boys until yesterday. Granted it wasn’t all her fault, but now she’s actually got a chance at finding love. It’s a bit weird that she’s this excited, though. I better ask her about it once we’re inside.” Blaze continued onward with her friend.

Eventually, Rose and Blaze made it to their seats. By this time, however, Bladewing and the others had long since seated themselves. Bladewing himself was sitting comfortably in between Diamond and Topaz, little Ruby in his lap. The couple grinned in amusement as their daughter played carefree with the poor stallion’s mane. Earlier they told her not to, but Bladewing was a good sport. He kindly asked that they let her be, regardless of how much “suffering” she was putting him through… and so they did, ever trying their best not to laugh.

“I’m going to need a brush after this, don’t I?” The Hearts chuckled as Bladewing cracked a joke about the mess Ruby made of his hair.

“Well, I didn’t want to say anything, but-”

“Diamond!" Topaz gasped, shooting a surprised look at her husband.

“I’m just joking, love. You know me. I’m not the type that make sport of other ponies.”

“*sigh* You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“Thank you. It’s not bad, Bladewing, really. A mild dose of hair gel can remedy that in a flash.”

“*chuckle* It would. But right now, a barber would be more useful. It seems Ruby here wants my mane to herself.”

“I’m afraid so. But I’ll be damned if I let that happen. Come now, sweetheart. Your poor uncle’s had enough.” Ruby suddenly hugged Bladewing’s mane closely. She whimpered softly, her face smeared with a tinge of sadness.

“Now, Ruby. You know it’s not nice to make a mess of another pony’s head. Now please, let go. You had your fun.” The little filly still held on to the hair. It was clear that she had no intention of letting go.

“It’s okay, little one,” Bladewing chimed in, “Your daddy doesn’t want to punish you. He just wants you to let go. We can play some more tomorrow, if you want. Does that sound good?” Ruby cooed and nuzzled his face with a smile. “Wonderful. But do as he says, okay? I’ll only play with you if you be a good girl.” Ruby needed no further encouragement. With tomorrow’s fun in mind, she immediately let go of his mane and held out her hooves to Diamond. The earth pony in turn took her from Bladewing’s lap, setting her down next to him in his seat.

“Not bad, Bladewing. It took me weeks before I could persuade her that well.”

“*chuckle* I guess I have a way with children.”

“Indeed. I have a feeling you'll make a fine foal-sitter for her.”

“Oh, stop. You’re making me blush.” The trio laughed heartily and moved their sights back to the arena before them. Vendors selling mixed items walked through the stairs in between the stands, and one of them came by the three ponies. Topaz stopped him to order popcorn and drinks for the three of them. The vendor thanked her for the business and left, leaving the three ponies to enjoy their snacks while they waited for the main attraction to come.

“Aw, man,” Blaze groaned, “These are our seats? So much for up close and personal.” The aforementioned seats were in one of the higher stands in the amphitheater, and Blaze was a bit disappointed about getting them. To add insult to injury, Bladewing was nowhere near them.

“It’s better than nothing, Blaze,” Rose replied, “Now let’s see if we can find our stallion from here.”

“Humph. He probably got front row seats, for all we know.”

“Perhaps. But we’ll see.” Rose stood on her hind legs as she skimmed each of the stands for Bladewing. To her utter dismay, she couldn’t find him anywhere.

“Great,” she sighed, sitting herself back down, “I can’t see Bladewing anywhere. There’s too many ponies here to tell.”

“Bummer. Now what?”

“Don’t worry, Blaze. Just because I can’t see Bladewing doesn’t mean he isn’t there. If he DOES take the fight into his hooves, the spotlight will be bound to shine upon him. We just have to hope that he has enough audacity to do that.”

“Heh. We’re counting on a miracle. This is gonna be a loooong night.”

“*sigh* So it would seem. But let’s forget about that for now.”

“K. You mind if I ask you one last question?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Why are you so excited about Bladewing? I mean, I can get why you like him, but I’ve never seen you this worked up over a stallion before. Wanna fill me in?”

“Oh, that? Well, I’ve been thinking about what you said yesterday. You know, about how to get comfortable with him.” Blaze’s ears perked up in interest.

“Go on.”

“Well, I thought about it last night, and I decided that you’re right: spending as much time with him as possible WOULD be the best way to get comfortable with him. But I also think that I should be more open with him while I’m at it.”

“Oh? What do ya mean by that?”

“I mean, I shouldn’t be afraid to show Bladewing how I feel about him if I’m sincere about it. Every time I feel interested in a stallion, either another mare takes him first or I’m too nervous about what he would think of me to really make a move on him. I’ve struggled with this debility all my life, and now that Bladewing showed up in my life, I think it’s time I’ve been more assertive of my feelings. I’ve only seen a few moments of his life, but I like everything that he showed me. His strength, his character, his dashing appearance – all these things are what I want in a coltfriend, and I have a feeling he has even more to offer. I think he’s the one for me, and now that I’m finally free of my timidity around boys, I’m going to show him that I’m the one for him… and I’m going to prove it by holding nothing back. I promised myself that night that I’ll no longer be afraid to flirt with a stallion I’m interested in – and that if Bladewing agrees to be my coltfriend, I’ll be myself towards him at all times no matter what.” Blaze was amazed. She didn’t think even once that Rose was anything less than a mare, but she just saw her quickly ascend in maturity… and she couldn’t feel happier for her.

“Awesome. So you’re going all in with him?”

“I am… and I’m NOT going back. You remember our sorority’s motto, right?”

“*chuckle* Yeah. ‘No retreats, no excuses.’ I’m real happy for ya, Rose. I’m more determined than ever now to help ya capture Bladewing’s heart. I’ll be with ya every step of the way.”

“Good.” The lights above the amphitheater suddenly turned on, revealing a large square-shaped platform below. A unicorn stallion stood there, holding a microphone in his magic. The audience slowly silenced themselves so they could hear him speak.

“Good evening, fillies and gentlecolts. I hope you guys are ready for a brawl, ‘cuz that exactly what we’re gonna get tonight, in this ‘Colosseum of the Heavens!’” The audience cheered loudly for the stallion.

“Oh, look,” Topaz spoke, “It’s starting.” Diamond and Bladewing looked down towards the arena as the announcer pony continued.

“You guys are in for quite a treat. This battle is one that’s never been seen before. A lone veteran will be facing off against a fighter duo whose names are whispered all over Equestria. All three were born in this very city, and all three clawed their way up to where they are now; but only one side will become its dueling champion. At stake is 500,000 bits and their names forever written in the history of the greatest city in all of Cydonia. This will be a fight nopony will EVER forget. Now let’s give our stars a warm welcome, shall we?” As if on cue, a pegasus stallion suddenly appeared under the doors on the left side of the amphitheater. His face was covered in a golden hood that was part of his robes.

“On the left, we have a stallion who needs no introduction. He’s a winged terror who defeated fighter after fighter for six consecutive years… and his name is as nimble as the moves with which he earned it. Fillies and gentlecolts, clap your hooves together for the one, the only… FEATHERLIGHT!” The hooded pegasus walked with a smile towards the arena, the crowd roaring with applause throughout. On his left side, he carried a double-bladed sword, the hilt studded with fine gems. The stallion waved his hoof at the cheering ponies above him, stopping only after he was atop the platform.

“And on the right,” the announcer continued, “we have a very special pair of fighters. They’re warrior sisters whose dad was a seasoned veteran of the Pony Wars. Trained in the art of combat as fillies, these ladies honed their skills all the way into adulthood, toppling foes many times their size and strength. Their beauty can kill a stallion just as easily as the blades they carry… and Featherlight will be facing them in a battle that will determine the fate of his career. Be wary, everypony, for these mares are far from your ordinary twins. Tonight, I present to you, BATTERY & PHOENIX!” The crowd went wild as two unicorn mares emerged from behind the double doors directly opposite of Featherlight. Battery carried a single blade, while Phoenix carried twin swords; likewise, their robes bore complementary hues (red for Battery and green for Phoenix). Seeing as how both mares were identical in their physical features (forest-green coats with dark brown manes), these outfits served to differentiate one from the other; but neither their differences nor their reputation mattered to Featherlight. As far as he was concerned, they were but obstacles to be overcome. This fight was to be a quick one.

“Don’t place your bets just yet, everypony, for a special fight like this demands special rules. Since this is a 2-on-1 fight, the winning conditions have changed. If both mares are disarmed at any time, Featherlight automatically wins the duel; likewise, Battery and Phoenix need to disarm AND pin down our guy before they can claim victory. With that said, let us proceed to the fight. Contestants, move to the designated area.” The three combatants removed their robes and pressed forward towards each other. They stopped within spitting distance, their eyes locked onto each other. A section of the platform suddenly dove into the floor, only to resurface with another face. Upon this section stood a unicorn mare, dressed in the uniform that labeled her as a referee. Despite making a surprise appearance, the three ponies were still fixed in their gaze. Thankfully, she could see that they were aware of her presence.

“All right, guys,” she spoke off the headset mic, “I want a clean fight. That means no biting, bucking, slicing, mane or tail-pulling, and anything else that can cause serious injury. Critical hits are ESPECIALLY prohibited. Ladies, that means you’ll both be disqualified if either of you hit Featherlight in the crotch. The same goes for you, Featherlight. If you strike either of the girls on or in between the teats, you’re getting the boot. However, the fight will also be cancelled if I see glowing horns or flapping wings. Do I make myself clear?” The group nodded their heads. “Good… and good luck to all of you.” The referee returned to her mic and cleared her throat to initiate the battle.

“Competitors, turn your backs to each other and take six steps forward.” Battery & Phoenix moved towards the right and Featherlight the left, obeying the referee’s command without hesitation.

“Awesome. Now turn back around and draw swords.” The screeching sound of metal against wood sounded as each pony drew their respective weapons. The audience held their suspense.

“Ready? FIGHT!” The combatants lunged at each other viciously. It was in this moment that the year’s most fearsome battle was now in full sway.

Bladewing watched the fight closely. The combatants’ moves were as he would expect from legends – fierce and swift, yet controlled at the same time. Unfortunately, it was because these moves looked so harnessed that the outcome seemed stagnant. For the first minute or so of the fight, Featherlight was on the aggressive, but the sisters were able to counter each of his moves with little hassle. Their defense was nothing surprising to Bladewing, but Featherlight was hardly breaking a sweat. Battery kicked his chest shortly after blocking his last strike, and the sisters initiated an offensive assault of their own. As Bladewing pondered the limits of Featherlight’s stamina, Diamond Heart was nervously biting his hoof.

“This doesn’t look good, Topaz. Featherlight’s on the defensive. He’s never taken a defensive stance this early in a fight.”

“He hasn’t. But this is a 2-on-1 fight, dear… and against legends, no less.”

“I know, but… his entire career hangs on this fight. Why in the hay is relenting so early?”

“Like you said, it’s a bit early in the fight. I say we hold judgment until we start seeing sweat on his brow.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” The two ponies continued watching. By this time, however, Featherlight and the twins were at an impasse. Each side of the stallion’s double-blade was blocking one of the girls’, with Battery on his left and Phoenix on the right.

“Just give it up, big guy,” Battery taunted him, “You’re getting rusty. All those years of fighting wore you out like a Pony War-era musket.”

“Those years of fighting are what kept me strong,” Featherlight retorted with a grin, “but don’t take my word for it. Why don’t I just show you?” With that said, a new fire burned within the stallion’s heart. After thrusting both of the girls forward, he lunged full force at Battery. The mare blocked his attack, but she then suffered a flurry of strikes from the pegasus. Phoenix attempted to take some of the heat off her, but Featherlight anticipated her move. He jumped and span around to face her, kicking her in the chest. The crowd cheered as Phoenix reeled back from the shock, letting her swords drop to the floor. Battery, meanwhile, lied on her back, and she was pushing back against Featherlight with all her might. She lacked his muscular build, unfortunately, and so Featherlight was able to push her blade out of her hooves.

“It’s over, Battery. You lost.” Featherlight had the sharp side of his blade a mere inch away from her neck. All he wanted now was a look of defeat from her. What a shock it was when the unicorn instead grinned mischievously.

“What are you smirking at?”

“Look behind you.” Featherlight’s grin immediately disappeared. The stallion slowly looked over his shoulder, only to find Phoenix pointing one of her swords at an angle towards his neck.

“No way.”

“Way,” Phoenix mused, “We’re still in the fight, stud. You’re gonna have to do a lot better than that to beat us.” The mare suddenly grabbed Featherlight by the collar of his uniform and tossed him away from her sister. The stallion grunted from the shock.

“Get up, Featherlight,” Phoenix taunted, sliding his sword to him, “We’re not done with you yet. We still need to beat you.” The stallion grunted as he picked up both himself and his blade. His forehead was now showing a few beads of sweat, much to the sisters’ amusement.

“Would ya look at that, sis,” Phoenix gasped, “Our stallion friend’s working up a sweat.”

“*chuckle* Looks like we've worn him out. Let’s finish him.”

“It’s just sweat,” spoke Featherlight, “and I’m far from worn out.”

“We’ll see about that. Phoenix, on me.” Battery initiated the assault with a flurry attack of her own. Whilst Featherlight was distracted, Phoenix approached from behind and swung both her blades at him. Unfortunately, Featherlight anticipated her once again. After swiftly pushing Battery away from him, he span backward and managed to block Phoenix’s attack, thrusting her to Battery’s side. The pegasus was mighty indeed, but the sisters were right: his prior offensive maneuver have drained him of much of his energy. The stallion stood panting, the sweat on his forehead illuminating him like a crystal. If the odds weren’t stacked against him prior to the fight, they were now. Featherlight was exhausted, and the sisters were still packing serious firepower. Victory could’ve been his a few seconds ago had Phoenix not picked up her swords in time. Now he stood across from the sisters in a weakened (and demoralized) state.

Featherlight wasn’t going to go down easily, however. Massing what little strength and stamina he had left, he made one final offensive against Battery and Phoenix. He twirled his double-blade with graceful agility, and all the audience could see of it was a blur. He managed to disarm Phoenix again, but it wasn’t enough. Battery jumped in the air and landed her rear hooves onto Featherlight’s chest. The stallion grunted as he was knocked onto his back and slid backward, his double-blade lying a few feet away. The sisters took this time to claim the victory they sought. Before Featherlight could rise back to his hooves, Battery and Phoenix jumped towards him and pointed their swords at the beleaguered pegasus. Featherlight looked at the two of them with a pale face.

“That’s game, handsome,” Battery spoke with a grin, “We won.” Featherlight grunted as he raised his forehooves in defeat. The sisters accepted his surrender and helped him back on all-fours.

“THE FIGHT IS OVER, EVERYPONY!" The announcer cried, "BATTERY AND PHOENIX ARE THE WINNERS!” The audience stomped their hooves loudly in applause. That is… all but two.

“Oh, no,” Diamond mumbled, “He lost.”

“This can’t be,” Topaz added, “He NEVER lost a fight. NEVER.” The announcer pony signaled to a pair of mares near one of the arena doorways to bring out the prize.

“Congratulations, ladies,” he spoke, “You are now Fredericksmare’s new dueling champions. How does it feel to have defeated the most fearsome swordspony in the city?”

“It feels great,” Battery spoke into the mic, “Featherlight was one tough son-of-a-gun… and it’s awesome to know Phoenix and I are even tougher.”

“You got that right,” Phoenix chimed in, “We faced many fighters in the past, but we never thought we’d own a stallion like Featherlight. But tonight we did, and now the spoils – and his title – are as good as ours.”

“They sure are, Phoenix,” the announcer pony replied, “Ladies, show them their prize.” The mares he signaled earlier had a massive briefcase with them. They were just about to move to the arena with it when something caught Phoenix’s attention.

“Look over there, sis,” Phoenix spoke, pointing a hoof at Diamond Heart, “That stallion looks really bummed out.”

“He does, doesn’t he? Let’s see if we can cheer him up. Hold the train, girls.” Battery's horn glowed intensely with a green aura. In a short moment, the microphone she held in her magic teleported in front of Diamond.

“What the…?” Diamond Heart watched in compete surprise as the microphone landed in between him and Ruby.

“Hey, you,” Phoenix cooed to him through the mic, “Why the long face?” One of the spotlight above the arena hovered its light above Diamond Heart. The audience watched in wonder as the earth pony picked up the microphone and cleared his throat.

“Oh, um… well, I’m sort of disheartened that Featherlight lost the match.” Diamond’s face was blushing. Bladewing could see that he wasn’t comfortable, and he was getting concerned.

“Aw, the poor thing,” replied Battery, “He’s sad because his champion lost the match. But cheer up, hon. There’s a new pair of champions in Fredericksmare. As long as you’re cheering for US, we’ll be more than happy to fight for ya.”


“Hey, lay off of him.” The audience gasped in shock. Bladewing was now on the mic, and he was none too happy to see his friend being talked to like that. Battery and Phoenix watched with surprise as the spotlight moved from Diamond to him.

“There he is, Blaze,” murmured Rose excitedly, “Look.” The mare obliged with excitement of her own.

“I’ll be damned. He showed up after all.”

“*giggle* Indeed. Let’s see what he’s going to do next.” Blaze nodded and looked on.

“Excuse me?” Battery spoke, “I was talking to your friend, not you.”

“It doesn’t matter,” countered Bladewing with a glare, “I don’t like the way you’re talking to him. So what if Featherlight lost? That doesn’t mean he should start cheering for somepony else… especially not for a mare who knows nothing of respect.”

“You’re one to talk. Didn’t anypony ever tell you not to butt in on other ponies’ conversations?”

“Blame yourself, Battery. You mess with my friends, you mess with me.”

“*hiss* Ooh. I could be wrong, sis, but I think he just threatened you.” Battery just chuckled at Phoenix’s comment and placed a hoof over the hilt of her sword.

“Maybe you’re right. But what makes ya think I’m intimidated by the likes of you?”

“You’re looking at the stallion who rescued him from certain death.”

“Ah, is that right?” Bladewing suddenly passed the microphone to Diamond, and the earth pony was now feeling more confident.

“He speaks the truth, Battery. Yesterday, my wife and I were assaulted by four malicious dragons on our way back here. If it weren’t for Bladewing, they would’ve long since killed us by now.”

“Whoa,” murmured Blaze, looking back towards Rose, “You were right all along, Rose. He really did fight those dragons.”

“Told you,” replied Rose. The two mares returned their attention to the arena.

“Dragons, eh? That’s saying a lot. What do ya say you and I have a duel, right here and right now? It’ll show our audience just how brave you REALLY are.”

“I have a better idea: why don’t I just take you BOTH on?” Determination filled Bladewing’s soul as he used the Force to jump from his seat all the way down to the arena. The audience reeled from the utterly unbelievable feat, their voices collected into a gasp.

“Whoa,” Battery gasped, “How did he do that?”

“I’m as clueless as you are, Battery,” Phoenix replied, “What I want to know is how he landed safely without wings.”

“*grunt* Whatever. I don’t know how you nailed that jump like a cat, stranger, but it’s not gonna help ya.”

“*chuckle* For what I’m going to do, I won’t need ANY help.”

“We’ll see. Announcer, get him some blades.”

“Don’t bother. I have a pair of my own.” The audience reeled in surprise yet again as the pegasus turned on (and simultaneously twirled) his lightsabers. To the audience, it would seem that Bladewing was full of surprises… and to a certain unicorn mare, even more so.

“By goddess, Blaze, it’s happening! Look!” Rose pointed Bladewing out to her brimming with excitement. Blaze could hardly blame her. Scenes like this one are excruciatingly rare, and to see one unfold in the most unusual of circumstances is nothing short of a miracle.

“No way!” she cried, “He’s taking the fight into his hooves after all!”

“You better believe he will! Go, Bladewing!” Blaze soon joined her and the rest of the crowd with a cheer of her own. The stadium was in an uproar not seen in Fredericksmare in decades.

“What do you say we raise the stakes a bit, stranger?” Battery spoke through the mic.

“What do you have in mind?”

“If my sister and I beat you, we get to keep your swords.”

“Agreed. But if I win, not only do you surrender your title and prize money, but you’ll also apologize to my friend for making him feel uncomfortable.”

“*scoff* Like I have anything to feel sorry about. But why not? You got a deal.” Bladewing deactivated his lightsabers and the two ponies approached each other to shake hooves. With just that, the new wagers were made final.

“It seems the fun’s not over yet, fillies and gentlecolts!” The announcer pony spoke proudly, “A new pony has arrived to battle our devastating duo, and he carries swords that glow as brightly as his potential. But can he succeed where Featherlight has fallen? We shall see, for tonight, he fights not only for the title and prize, but for the honor of both himself and his friend!” The three combatants moved to the middle of the arena just as the stallion finished his declaration. The crowd continued to applaud.

“All right, stranger,” the referee mare spoke, “I’m gonna tell you the same thing I told them: I want a clean fight. That means no biting, bucking, slicing, mane-or-tail pulling, or anything else that can deal serious damage. Critical hits are especially prohibited. That means you’ll be disqualified if you hit either of the ladies on or in between the teats; likewise, the girls will be kicked from the arena if they hit you in the groin area. Since you’re a pegasus, you’re also forbidden to use your wings for the duration of this fight. Do I make myself clear?”


“Good.” The referee quickly moved the mic on her headset back into position. “Combatants, turn your backs to each other and take six steps forward.” As the combatants followed her directions, Bladewing suddenly had a disturbing question: how was he going to duel with blades that cut through anything?

“I can’t fight like this. Even when blocking, they’ll cut through their swords like butter. I’ll risk disqualification before I even go a full second.” The stallion stood worried. Fortunately, a solution arrived within this very moment. Bladewing felt a rectangular lump underneath the hilt of his lightsabers. He cast a quick glace to find switches lying across them.

“Switches?” A flashback suddenly appeared in Bladewing’s mind. He recalled the fight he won just yesterday, more specifically the old log that lied just behind where the specter stood. The specter launched it at him using the Force... and yet despite successfully blocking it, Bladewing’s lightsaber didn’t even singe its bark.

“*gasp* Of course! I remember now! I couldn’t cut through the damn thing because I had the switch on the side reading ‘Flashsaber’! If I set it to that position, then I can block the girls’ swords without even leaving burn marks. Brilliant!” Bladewing knew what to do. He set the switches to the sides labeled ‘Flashsaber’ just as he and the sisters turned to face each other.

“Draw swords," the referee commanded. Battery and Phoenix unsheathed their weapons. Bladewing in turn reactivated his lightsabers with yet another twirl.

“Ready? FIGHT!” The sisters charged Bladewing with deadly abandon; and just like that, “Round 2” of the battle had begun.

The crowd could feel the climate that now filled the arena. A pony who may very well be a complete stranger was waging war against the duo that defeated Featherlight in his prime… and yet they felt compelled to cheer for this very stranger. His audacity had rekindled the old warrior spirit within the crowd, the very thrill of the fight for which their race was known. The odds were against Bladewing, but it gave the audience even more reason to cheer for him… for such battles are what mold fighters into legends.

As with Featherlight’s battle, Bladewing was on the offensive for the first minute of so of the fight. Though the said bout had significantly drained the sisters’ stamina, Battery and Phoenix were still able to keep Bladewing at bay. He swiped, he lunged, and he even pounced… but Bladewing was blocked each time. Before long, however, the stallion entered an impasse with his opponents, with Phoenix to his left and Battery on his right.

“I’ll give ya credit, stranger,” Battery spoke to him, “You’re good… but you’re still outclassed.”

“Perhaps I am,” Bladewing replied, “But even legends can be defeated. Featherlight was a good example.”

“Good one,” mused Phoenix, “But what makes you think we can be beat?”

“Simple. Legends are all bound by one rule.”

“*chuckle* What rule?”

“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” Temporarily stunned by the logic of his statement, Bladewing swiftly jumped out of the impasse. With no one to stop them, Battery and Phoenix slammed into each other in a comical display of idiocy. They dropped to the floor seeing stars. Bladewing, meanwhile, landed across from them trying his best to suppress a laugh. The sisters shook off the starry effect and picked themselves up.

“Ow, that hurt,” Phoenix groaned, “He’s a slippery one, isn’t he, sis?”

“More than I’d want him to be,” Battery replied, “But he’s not untouchable. We’re just gonna have to fight harder. On you.”

“Right.” Phoenix initiated an assault of her own, with Battery flanking his side. Bladewing was now on the defensive, but he was able to hold his own in spite of the ground the sisters slowly took from him. It wasn't long before they had him backed into the side of the arena. He leaned back on his rear hooves on the platform’s edge, and he was pressing hard to keep Battery and Phoenix from pushing him off. It was a struggle few had the courage to endure.

“Who’s gonna fall now, stud?” Battery taunted him.

“Oh, please,” Bladewing countered with a grin, “You back me onto a ledge and you think you’ve won? Big mistake.”

“*chuckle* but not as big as you challenging us. Sayonara, stranger.” Bladewing spotted a pole that lied just a foot away from him. He thrusted them back just enough to do a 180 spin, grab the pole with a hoof and swing behind the two mares. Battery was able to let go of her pressure in time, but Phoenix wasn’t as fortunate. With nothing to slow her down, she tumbled down onto the arena floor. The crowd was shocked.

“Ooh, that was close,” the announcer pony spoke, “but that’s a wrap for our gal Phoenix, fillies and gentlecolts. With her out of the fight, the playing field has leveled to a one-on-one fight. Can Battery defeat this mysterious stallion? Or will the stranger become Fredericksmare’s newest champion? The stakes are higher than ever before, and a winner still hasn’t emerged. You better brace yourselves, everypony, for tonight… all Hell breaks loose.” Phoenix moved towards the edge of the platform to speak with her sister.

“Sorry, sis,” she mumbled, “It looks like I’m down for the count. It’s all up to you now.”

“*sigh* I guess it is. Go take a back seat for now, Phoenix. This stallion’s mine.” As Phoenix went towards the doors to the left of the arena, Battery quickly turned around to face her contender.

“Bravo, stranger,” she applauded with a sneer, “You took down my sister. I’d be lying if I said I’m not impressed.”

“See what happens when you mess with the wrong stallion?”

“Ha! You only took down one of us. I’m still in the fight, if you haven’t noticed.”

“*chuckle* Not for long.” Bladewing turned his lightsabers back on. A look of paleness suddenly swept over the mare’s face. For the first time in her entire career, Battery was afraid. Bladewing had a look in his eyes that seemed to tell her, “I’m coming for you.” Her sister was out of commission, her forehead was glimmering with sweat, and they still haven’t won the fight. To put it simply, Battery was facing a foe like no other she and Phoenix faced before… and the look in his eyes was slowly eating away any hope she had of defeating him.

“Who in the hay is this guy?” she thought nervously, “He’s like some alien warrior in pony form. And how is it that he’s beating me and Phoenix without even panting?” The mare suddenly quivered with her sword (albeit for a very brief moment). Bladewing couldn’t resist cracking a grin.

”What are you waiting for, my dear?” he taunted, pointing his blue lightsaber at her, “En garde.” All of a sudden, Battery’s fear vanished from her soul. It there was one thing she hated more than losing, it’s losing to a pony who tries to make a chump out of her. Letting out a low, but audible grunt, the mare charged at Bladewing with the ferocity of a starved lioness. The announcer was right about one thing: Hell would certainly break loose tonight, in the form of an exhausted (and very desperate) unicorn.

It was here that Bladewing faced Battery’s full potential. Picking up one of the swords Phoenix left on the platform, the mare struck him with an aggression not seen when even Featherlight fought her. She attacked so viciously, in fact, that Bladewing largely evaded her strikes, blocking only when he was certain that she couldn’t disarm him. Seconds turned into minutes as Bladewing jumped, slid, and rolled out of the way in search of an opening. Finally, he found it.

The stallion took note of Battery’s method of attacking throughout the match. Before Phoenix fell, her attacks were like a tsunami – chaotic and overwhelming, yet predictable to a degree. At her current state, however, her moves changed form. Her strikes were now more like lightning – fast and unpredictable, yet almost completely blind. Bladewing used her recklessness to his advantage, guiding her towards middle of the platform. The stallion suffered immensely with every second he waded out her flurry of strikes. Needless to say, his patience was amply rewarded.

The pegasus blocked her final strike for a few seconds before swiftly thrusting her back. After swiftly turning off his lightsabers, he flipped backwards, knocking her swords out of her hooves. Battery slid away from him on her back, temporarily stunned from the shock. Bladewing used these few seconds to pick up her swords and jump high above her. Battery shook off the stun effects and looked up, only to find Bladewing falling towards her. Time seemed to slow as she waited for Bladewing to deliver what she thought was the killing blow. Bladewing, of course, had no such intentions. All he wanted from her was an apology. No more, and no less.

The audience had other ideas, however. When they heard the sound of metal grinding against wood (and Battery’s feminine scream), they thought Bladewing finished her for good. They were relieve to find that it was not so. However, the scene they saw below was a sign that he was victorious.

Battery closed her eyes tightly in the final seconds of that moment. It was only when the audience had gone completely quiet that she opened them up. The sight she saw was a shocker: her swords had penetrated her uniform sleeves into the wooden floor, nailing her there like thumbtacks.

“The hell?” she gasped. The mare attempted to move her forelegs, but it was futile. The swords were too deep in the wood (and the uniform’s fabric too sturdy to tear apart without hooves). She looked up to find Bladewing towering over her on his hind feet, an amused expression adorning his face.

“No way.”

“*chuckle* Way,” Bladewing replied, “I got you right where I want you. And now…” Bladewing turned on his green lightsaber and pointed it directly in her face, forcing a faint gasp out of her.

“You’ve been beaten.”

“*grunt* Fine. I surrender.” Satisfied, Bladewing removed the blades from her uniform and helped her to her hooves.

“Now then,” he continued, “I believe you owe a certain earth pony an apology.” The unicorn just grunted and took the mic from Bladewing’s hoof.

“Hello?” Diamond Heart picked up the other mic as soon as he heard her voice. He was excited to have seen Bladewing defeat her, but he was careful not to let it cloud his judgment.

“Yes, I’m here,” he spoke. The audience watched anxiously.

“Good. It looks like your pal’s beaten me. I’m not the type who break deals, so I’m gonna keep mine. I’m… *sigh* I’m sorry. For making ya feel uncomfortable.”

“Your apology is accepted, Battery. Thank you.” Battery forced a smile and walked away, but not before the announcer pony took the mic from her.

“We have our victor, fillies and gentlecolts. Give it up for the pegasus!” The audience cheered in the loudest uproar of the night. The fight turned out exactly as advertised and more. Their champion may lost the battle, but a new one had risen from the crowd to take his place… and he accomplished a feat that was literally unbelievable.

“Damn it,” Battery mumbled, “We lost.” The mare walked with Phoenix through the doors on the left of the arena.

“Don’t take it too hard, sis,” Phoenix consoled her, “You did the best you could.” Her words were soothing, but Battery still harbored a grudge against the black pegasus.

“This isn’t over, stranger. We will meet again… and I’m gonna make you regret challenging us.”

“OMG, Rose, he did it! He won!” Blaze was thrilled beyond belief, and for her unicorn friend, even more so.

“You see, Blaze?! I told you he was tough!”

“Heck yeah, he is! I can’t WAIT to meet him!”

“You and me both, sister!” The two mares continued to cheer. Meanwhile, the announcer pony moved to Bladewing’s side, accompanied by Featherlight and the mares he summoned earlier.

“That was incredible, stranger,” the announcer continued, “I’ve never seen a pony fight so well in a 2-on-1 battle, and against legends, to boot. How does it feel to claim victory in one?”

“Oh, it feels wonderful, sir,” Bladewing replied, “I’ll admit I was scared at first. I was sure I bit off more than I could chew in challenging those two. But tonight, I stand in front of a wonderful audience as a stallion filled with pride.”

“I know that feeling, my friend,” Featherlight chimed in, “I stood many times upon this very platform as Fredericksmare’s finest swordspony. For six straight years, I’ve accepted the applause of every last one of the ponies who are with us this evening. Tonight, however, it is you they cheer for. You have accomplished what I and every other pony before me never could.”

“You flatter me, Featherlight. It’s not often that I receive praise from your type.”

“Well, consider this a first. I must be off now, but I’ll tell you this: NEVER stop fighting for what you believe in. I may leave this arena a retired warrior, but I’ve always stayed true to the principles that brought me this far. Follow yours and your reputation will certainly echo throughout the history of Fredericksmare.”

“I will. Thanks, Featherlight.”

“Good man. Another round of applause for him, everypony!” The retired pegasus walked through the doors on the right of the arena just as the audience cheered for him once again.

“There you have it, stranger,” the announcer continued, “Even Featherlight himself says you’re amazing.”

“*chuckle* I guess I am, aren’t I?”

“Yes, indeed. And I can’t help but wonder about your swords. They’re nowhere near anything Cydonia’s ever seen before. Can you tell us how you got them?”

“Oh, these?” Bladewing turned on his lightsabers for the final time this night, and the audience watched curiously. “I don’t really know, actually. I mean, I know I got them at some point in my life, but I lost much of my memory. All I know is that they’ve been with me for quite some time.” Bladewing switched his blades back off shortly afterwards.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. But that’s okay. Before I present you your prize, our audience would like to know the identity of their newest celebrity. What is your name, stranger?”

“I am Bladewing, sir.”

“All righty, then.” The announcer pony shook Bladewing’s hoof with great vigor. “Congratulations, Mr. Bladewing. You are now the Dueling Champion of Fredericksmare and the 500,000-bit prize is all yours!” The crowd cheered and stomped their hooves with applause as the mares presented him with the briefcase containing the money.They watch the stallion hover to the Hearts, briefcase on his back, and hug them, walking with them through the doors leading into the hallways. With the event now officially over, the audience began leaving the amphitheater in droves… save for one particular earth pony.

“Bladewing,” he spoke, “A befitting name for a stallion of HIS caliber.” A unicorn stallion adorned in dark leather armor stood at his side.

“Aye, sir,” he replied, “The lad’s a gifted one, he is.”

“Just the type I want to meet. Tell the courier to send him a message… and a gift.”

“Yes, sir.” The armored stallion bowed in respect before leaving his side. The robed earth pony looked on, the crowd slowly vanishing before him.

It wasn’t long before Bladewing was back in the comfort of his room. The excitement that befell him this night was overwhelming, and he rolled onto the bed in a euphoric state.

“Good lord,” he mumbled humorously, “What in the world did I get myself into?” Accepting his victory was easy for Bladewing; accepting the fame that came with it, however, was another task entirely. Winning that fight instantly transformed him into a superstar. He hadn’t lived a full week in this city and already the locals became acclimated to his presence. He wasn’t complaining, of course – at least the populace liked him – but his low-profile advantage was no longer such. If he knew anything about celebrities, it was that he will never be given a moment of peace from now on.

Bladewing suddenly heard knocking from his bedroom door, interrupting his thoughts.

“It’s open,” he spoke, “Come in.” The door opened to reveal Diamond standing in the doorway. Topaz was behind him carrying little Ruby on her back.

“How are you holding up, Bladewing?” Diamond asked him. The pegasus rubbed his head with uncertainty.

“To be honest… I’m still wondering what I did just now.”

*giggle* Feeling overdosed with glory, are we?” Topaz joked.

“Don’t get me wrong, Topaz. I feel great to have won that match. It’s the sudden fame that’s got my mind in a frenzy.”

“Well, you did beat two legendary swordsponies in a 2-on-1 battle. I’m surprised you hadn’t thought of that before you decided to turn gladiator.” Diamond grinned as Bladewing struggled to defend against Topaz's remark.

“I am NOT to blame,” he defied her playfully, “I was very ill with battle fever at that moment. You can ask my doctor if you don’t believe me.”

“Rubbish. You knew what you were getting yourself into, but you rushed into the fray anyway. Admit it, Bladewing: you can never resist a good challenge.” Bladewing tried to find a comeback, but her glare shot down any that came. With a sad puppy look, he lowered his head in defeat.

“*sigh* All right. You got me: I charged in there more recklessly than a drunken warhorse.”

“I thought as much. Don’t you dare lie to me, my good stallion. My husband tried that once and it quickly backfired.”

“Did you really?” Diamond nodded his head to Bladewing’s query with a grin.

“She had me sleep on the couch that that night. But I STILL say it was worth it.”

“I’ll bet it was,” Topaz joked, “and speaking of worth…” Topaz sat Ruby on the bed and removed her saddlebags, pulling out the briefcase Bladewing received at the amphitheater.

“I believe this is yours.” Bladewing smiled and took it from her hooves.

“Thanks.” The pegasus soon noticed Ruby crawling slowly towards him. Before long, she was directly in front of him. She held out her hooves to him and cooed lovingly.

“I think Ruby wants you to rock her to sleep, Bladewing,” Diamond said to him.

“*chuckle* Sure. Why not?” Bladewing picked up the little foal and cradled her gently. Her eyes slowly closed with she eventually grew very tired. She then yawned, rolled to her side, and fell asleep in the stallion’s embrace.

“Good job, Bladewing,” Topaz whispered, slowly taking Ruby off his hooves, “I’ll take over from here.”

“Understood. Good night.” Topaz slowly placed Ruby onto her back, and she stood near the door.

“Are you coming, dear?”

“I’ll be with you in a bit, love,” Diamond replied, “I want one last moment with Bladewing.”

“Very well. Good night, boys.” The mare left the room, leaving Diamond alone with his pegasus friend.

“You have a noble spirit, Bladewing. Not many ponies stood up for me when I was a colt.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble. I’m just glad Battery didn’t get away with her slander. I really hate her type.”

“*chuckle* Maybe so, but what you’ve done this night gave me more reason to consider you like a brother. I’m not as mighty as you are, but believe me when I say I will return the favor someday. You have my word on it.”

“It’s not necessary, Diamond. But thanks, all the same. I look forward to what the future has in store for us. All of us.”

“Same here. Sleep well.”

“Likewise.” With that, Diamond left Bladewing to join his wife. Bladewing was still uncertain of himself, but he felt ready to face any surprise Fate could throw at him.

“Come at me, world. This stallion *yawns*… has… no fear.” The darkness of night finally took its toll upon Bladewing, and he fell asleep on the spot. Unbeknownst to him, however, a pair of ponies were indeed coming at him. They didn’t arrive outside his home to disturb or challenge him, however; they had a different purpose altogether.

“Ah, so THAT’S where he lives.” Rose stood alongside Blaze in front of the structure, and she was happy to finally know where she can find him.

“Holy heck,” Blaze gasped, “I know who owns this place.”

“You do?” Rose asked curiously.

“Yeah. It belongs to the Hearts. You know, the couple we saw him eating with back at the restaurant.”

“Wait, that was them?”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t know.”

“How would I? It’s not like I see them daily.”

“And the plains? Didn’t the couple introduce themselves to Bladewing after he rescued them?”

“Well, yes, but they were so far away I couldn’t make out their words. Bladewing’s voice was the only one I could hear clearly.”

“*sigh* Figures. But whatever. At least we know where to find him. I’ll see ya tomorrow.”

“Farewell.” The mares split from each other towards their homes. Bladewing was indeed getting a surprise in the near future… and Faust knows how he will react.