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Chapter 15: Brotherly Love

Chapter 15

Brotherly love

Rainbow Dash galloped over to her colt-friend and helped him get to his hooves. Once Sky regained his balance he rushed over to Princess Celestia who was still getting up.


Every-pony in the room looked in shock as Sky slapped the sun goddess across her face leaving red hoof mark, ten guards with spears drawn surrounded the blue pegasus, Sky backed away from the sun goddess who started to get to her hooves.

“Do you realize what you’ve just done! You stupid IDIOT!” he bellowed his voice dripping in hatred.

“I-I just..”

“Just what? Huh? Explain, what were you trying to do?”

“I just wanted to...help.”

“Help? you wanted to help? Oh I’m sorry, here I thought you just released the most dangerous unicorn in Equestria, now that I know you were trying to help I apologize for thinking otherwise!” Twilight rushed to his side, trying to calm him down.

“Easy Sky. You’ve made your point.”

“Your right Twi. I’m sorry, now we need to prepare.”

“Prepare for what?”

“The apocalypse. Pyro won’t stop until he see’s this world burn to the ground.”

“Is there anything that can stop him?” Rarity asked.

“We have two choices, One: I try one more time to reach him and reconsider, or Two: I kill him.” Every-pony except Lilly looked up at him in shock.

“Y-you’d kill your own br-brother?” Dash said with a quivering lip.

“If I can’t get him to reconsider, then yes. I’m hoping it won’t come to that.” Sky said as he put a hoof underneath her chin.

“So what happens now?” Twilight asked.

“We have to find him.” He looked at the six mares and started to think. “Fluttershy, Talk to the animals. Tell them to look everywhere, under every rock, tree and in every cave.”


“AJ, Rarity and Pinkie. I need you three to tell every-pony about him and if they see him tell me immediately.”


“Rainbow, I need you to alert Cloudsdale. Scramble every pegasus to look for him, can you do that?”


“Good. Finally Twilight, I need you to help learn spells at a really fast rate.”

“Okay I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks, one more thing. Don’t cause a panic, fear will only give him strength.”

“How, does that work?” Princess Luan asked.

“It’s like when changelings feed off another ponies love. He feeds off fear, it’s like a drug to him.”

“So if no-pony is afraid of him...”

“Then his power will decrease substantially. Maybe even enough for me to take him.” Sky said as he noticed Celestia and Luna wanting to join the conversation.

“What can we do to help thee?” the princess of the night asked. Sky looked up at the two with an angry look.

“I think you two have done quite enough, try not to release Discord while I’m tracking Pyro.” he said as he moved to the door, the massive doors suddenly slammed shut by a yellow aura. Sky turned back to see a very cross Princess Celestia.

“How dare you! How dare-”

“Oh don’t give me that. You two can’t even protect your own country!”

“What are you talking about?” Sky bit his lower lip.

“You really want to know? Alright then! You two are weak, not even a shadow of your former selves!” the two sisters were taken back by this statement. “Who beat Nightmare Moon? Twilight and her friends. Who beat the god of chaos? Twilight and her friends. Who beat the Changeling Queen? Your niece and Twilights older brother and who saved the Crystal Empire? Twilight, her friends and Spike! Face it you two have lost your touch.”

“How dare thee-” the dark princess was cut off.

Shut up Luna! Where were you during the Changeling invasion anyway? You’re always saying how you want to step up and be there for the kingdom, well where were you on that day? Celestia you got beaten by an over grown insect so how can you expect me to believe that you can handle a unicorn that’s more powerful than both of you!” Sky took a step back and looked at the princess’s faces, frozen in shock. “That’s what I thought. So if you two want to help me than do this, Stay out of my way!” Sky began to trot away, when he saw a flash of blue and yellow light being shot at him, he spun around with his wings spread out and caught the two bolts with his feathers. Every-pony looked in surprise at the spectacle, he then launched them back at the sisters, as they collided the two were sent flying back against the wall. “I believe I’ve made my point, now if you don’t mind I need to find my brother.” he said as he took flight off towards Ponyville.

Twilight and the others rushed to the princess’s side, as the royal sisters got to their hooves the looked at each other with a sad look in their eyes. Celestia looked back at the ponies with tears in her eyes. It was a full forty five minutes before Celestia finally said something.

“He’s right.” she breathed out.

“What? No princess, we need you. Sky is just upset, he didn’t mean it.” Twilight said as she comforted her mentor.

“Thank you Twilight Sparkle, but your friend is correct.” Luna said as she hung her head in shame. “We have lost much of our old strength. Here we sit behind the safety of Canterlot’s walls while our subjects suffer.” she looked back at the group of mares with tears in her eyes. “We sent you six on such dangerous assignments, while we waited patiently on our thrones.”

“Well no more! It is time that we did our duty!” Celestia said as she looked at her subjects. “we have sat behind the walls of Canterlot for too long, it’s fine time that we take action. I think I know just how to help Sky with his ‘problem’.” Celestia said as her horn began to glow. Soon a battered and bloodied Sky Blazer along with three small fillies appeared in the room with tears in their eyes, Sky fell to the ground and began to cough up blood and soon passed out.


Sky flew back into Ponyville with anger in his eyes, he made his way through Ponyville deep in thought, until..


“WHAT?” he bellowed, he looked behind him to see three small frightened fillies glaring at him. “Oh it’s you three, sorry for yelling at you. I’m just having a really, really bad day.”

“What happened?” Sweetie Belle asked with a worried look in her eyes.

“It’s my brother, he’s coming to visit.”

“That’s nice of him.”

“Not really, we don’t really see eye to eye on a lot of things.”


“A long time ago we had a fight, haven’t spoken to each other since. Now he’s come back to screw up my life.”

“Well, sometimes Rarity and I get into a fight. But deep down I know she loves me and I love her.” Sky ruffled the fillies mane.

“That’s a nice statement Sweetie but it’s a little more complex than that when it comes to my brother and myself......But on a lighter note did you three need something?”

“Oh we’ve been practicing what you showed us and ah think we’ve got something.” Applebloom said with delight.


“Yeah watch.” the three fillies lined up and started to concentrate, Sky saw Sweetie’s horn begin to glow, as well as Scootaloo’s wings and Applebloom’s body. In front of each of them a tiny little ball started to appear, they soon fizzled out and the three fillies fell to the ground in exhaustion.

“That was amazing! You three really show promise.” Sky said as he clapped his hooves.

“What are you talking about? It fizzled out!” Scootaloo said in surprise.

“Still, that’s way more progress that I showed when I was your age.”


“Yeah, I do have some advise for you though.”

“What is it? Anything will help.” Sweetie Belle said with a smile.

“Try working together to form one in between you three and then gradually work to form your own.”

“Um ah don’t understand.” Applebloom said with a confused look on her face.

“Here I'll demonstrate.” Sky then made two copies of himself, they stood in a circle with one hoof stretched out. The three pegasi closed their eyes and concentrated, soon a blue sphere began to appear between them. The copies vanished and the ball fizzled out. “Like that you see?”

“Okay, alright Cutie Mark Crusaders let’s-” they were cut off by a blast of red magic being shot over their heads. The three fillies jumped in surprise and looked over to see a dark red unicorn with a black mane staring at them with malice in his eyes Sky dashed in front of them with his hooves outstretched.


“Why? Who’s he?”

“Just run!” the red stallion laughed at the sight before him.

“Oh, you didn’t tell them about me, I’m hurt brother.”

“He’s your brother?” Applebloom said in shock.

“JUST GET OUT OF HERE!” the three ponies did as he said and hid in a nearby bush. “What do you want Pyro?”

“Well, lets see you trapped me in that prison for close to seven years.”

“I’m sorry, I really am but you gave me no choice. Please let’s not do this.”

“Oh, scarred are we?”

“Yes, I’m scarred to what I have to do to you if don’t stop, we can be happy again, Lilly is here she want’s to see you.”

“Sounds like a trick to me!” the red pony bellowed as he shot a bolt at Sky sending him into the nearest shop. The fillies looked with tears in their eyes at one another.

“We gotta help him!” Applebloom said.

“Are you crazy! That pony will demolish us.” Scootaloo said back to the yellow filly.

“Sky already saved us once! We all owe him! Let’s try his advice and do that magic thing.” Sweetie Belle said as she glared at the orange pegasus.

“Fine let’s do it.” the three fillies put a hoof in and began to concentrate. Meanwhile Sky was dodging spell after spell that Pyro was throwing at him. Sky tried to fly above the pony with was gripped by a magical whip that wrapped itself around his back hoof.

“Oh no you don’t you slippery little snake!” Pyro said as he yanked the whip bringing Sky down into the library, and into a few nearby houses. Sky could feel his bones begin to crack, and splinter from the attack. Sky was on the ground trying to get up when he felt his mane being yanked by the red stallion.

“Do you know what I thought about when I was locked in that prison?” he said as he held Sky so that their eyes met. “I though about all the ways how I was going to make you pay. But standing here now....I honestly don’t know which one to pick.” Sky spat in his face. Pyro wiped the blood off of him. “That’s very unsanitary brother.” he said as he punched him in the eye. “So back to my predicament, I though of approximately 395 ways for me to punish you, so let’s start with....”

“GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Pyro looked back to see three fillies rushing towards him with a small pink sphere in between them, Pyro had no time to move. The fillies orb made contact with the unicorn’s back sending him flying off of their friend and into a nearby building. Sky looked at the three tired fillies in amazement. Soon they saw the unicorn exit the ruined shop with a small limp.

“Looks like I need to prepare for this fight....I’ll be back!” Pyro said as he vanished from their sight. The three fillies turned their gaze to their blue friend, they started to cry at his state.

“Thank you.” he said has he hugged the small fillies. He felt a strange presence flow within him and felt himself being pulled by an unknown force. He closed his eyes and felt the small fillies holding on to him, he closed his eyes and held them tighter when he opened them again he saw the familiar faces of Rainbow and the rest of his friends glaring at him with deep concern in their eyes, as he tried to get up he felt his legs give under his own weight and slipped into unconsciousness.

Rainbow and Lilly rushed to his side and brought him over on the couch, Rarity and Applejack galloped over to their sisters and hugged them tightly. Celestia trotted over to the injured pegasus and examined him. Sky opened his eyes to see Celestia looking down at him.

“What happened?” she asked in a sympathetic tone.

“Pyro.” he spat out. “He attacked me while I was with the girls.” he started to rise form the couch but was held down by a sobbing Rainbow Dash.

“Applebloom what did-”

“AJ stop, I owe them my life, they saved me.” Sky said as he raised a hoof.

“How could mah little sister possibly-” Sky nodded at the three fillies who formed a small circle, they started to re create the orb they used against the red unicorn. The other ponies watched in amazement. Even the royal sisters were impressed by the spectacle. The three fillies let the orb dissolve between them, they adverted their eyes from the mares.

“How did they learn that?’ Luna asked.

“I taught them.” Sky said with a grin. The other ponies looked back at him with shock in their eyes.

“You taught them magic!” Twilight said in surprise.

“Yeah, I offered to teach them and they said yes.”

“And you wouldn’t tech me?”

“Where’s the fun in teaching a pony who’s already an expert? These three are quite the challenge and I love challenges.” he said as he grinned at the three fillies. “And they’ve made good progress. It took me years to form a sphere, these three managed it in a few days. You should be proud.” he said as he glanced over at the white and orange mare.

“Why should ah be proud? mah sister is a fr-” Applejack stopped herself from finishing the statement, but Applebloom finished it with tears in her eyes.


“Applebloom ah didn’t mean-”

“YES YOU DID!!! YOU THINK I’M A FREAK! WELL FORGET YOU!!” Applebloom said as she stormed out of the room. Applejack started to go after her but Lilly put a hoof on her shoulder.

“No, I’ll go talk to her. I know what she’s going through.” Lilly got to her hooves, and began to trot after the small filly. Lilly found her looking out the window with tears in her eyes. “Hey are you okay?”

“Ah’m fine. Who’re you?” she said with a sniffle.

“Some-pony who knows how it feels to be called that. You and your friends are like Sky and me.” the small filly looked at her in confusion. Lilly suddenly made the plant in the corner of the hall grow twice it’s size then back to normal. “See?”

“So Sky...”

“Yeah he taught me, so did his brother. I know what it’s like to get those looks from ponies. But you have something I wish I had back then.” she said as she put a hoof on the filly’s shoulder.

“What’s that?”

“An older sister who loves you.”

“But she said-”

“I said the same thing when I found out my best friend could do magic, but I realized something.”


“That Sky was still the colt I knew and played with. I was the only one outside the family who knew the truth about him.”

“And you accepted him?”

“Yes and Applejack will too, she just needs some time.” the small filly began to cry again. Lilly got Applebloom to her hooves and walked her back inside where the other ponies were. Applejack rushed towards her sister and embraced her in a hug.

“Applebloom ah’m so sorry I didn’t mean it I swear.” Applebloom hugged her sister and smiled at her.

“Ah know. You were weirded out, ah was too the first time ah saw Sky use magic and if you want me to stop then-”

“You do what ever makes you happy.” Applejack said with tears in her eyes.

“Thanks sis!” The mares in the room all ‘awed’ on cue. Sky then shifted until he was sitting up.

“Okay, I don’t mean to break up this whole sister sister moment but we need to think about what to do out about Pyro.”

“Valid point. Do you know if he has any weaknesses?” Luna said with a stern voice.

“Nothing too big, we’re basically the same except for our power control.”


“I locked most of my powers away to save my sanity.”

“Could you clarify?”

“My brother went nuts as he got stronger. I started to as well, I locked a lot of power away so I can keep my sanity.”

“Well that’s smart.”


“So how strong are you?”

“If I went all out? I’d say about as strong you two.” he said as he looked at Celestia and Luna.


“Well I don’t know, I’ve never done it!”

“Why not?” Celestia asked.

“Because I can’t control it, I put seven locks in place, I can releasing three of them. Then I start to turn rampant. Lilly is my witness.” the mares then turned to the green mare.

“It’s true, last time he went past lock four he almost burned down a town.”

“So if I face Pyro I’m going to need 100% of my powers and if I do that then I will go insane.”

“Maybe not.” Celestia said with a warm smile.

“What are you talking about?”

“I can train you to control your powers and you can still be sane.”


“I can’t tell you-”

“Well that’s a lot of help.”

“Let me finish. I can’t tell you but I can show you.” Celestia said as she trotted out of the room, she looked back at the ponies with a confused look. “Are you all coming?” the ponies followed her Rainbow helped Sky to his hooves and the group followed the royal sisters down into the catacombs, Twilight’s eyes boggled at the amount of books that were held down there. The three fillies and Fluttershy kept to Applejack’s and Rarities side in fear. The dampness of the air filled Sky’s nostrils, once or twice he felt Rainbow grab his hoof in fright, they stopped in front of a massive gate with six locks on the outside. “Now we begin.”

Comments ( 15 )

What could possible go wrong?
-Shadow Flare

Comment posted by Silentpegasus deleted Dec 18th, 2012

The Mary sue transformation is coming:facehoof:

1845878 The what transformation?

Mary sue is a term that means a perfect character in situations such as battle or just can't be beaten. I almost agree but it is still a big if. Anyway great chapter

1894709 Oh, thanks for the clarification.

Damn. Just read the whole story...again...
If only it wasn't on hiatus? :pinkiehappy:

Other than that. It's still a little bit rushed in a few cases. Good story though. :twilightsmile:

Why was this canceled? Did you get writers block or something? This is a really good story and I think you should have continued it. Maybe you should bring it back?

3245224 Yeah, writer's block hit me like a mofo. I'll TRY and work on it again but no promises.

3246406 Cool bro. I know how that is. I keep getting ideas for stories but I can't seem to get them out of my head fast enough to get out enough to continue before I lose my train of thought.

3246406 Any ideas? cause this is really good, the price of loyalty is also really good. Come to think of it all your stories are good, but still i hope you get ideas soon. Cheers!

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