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Chapter 13: The Trio

Chapter 13

The trio.

Sky got out of bed and trotted down stairs and began to make breakfast. He started to make scrambled eggs when he heard the sound of hoof steps coming down the stairs. Rainbow came into the kitchen and sat down holding her head in her hooves. “Ugh, worst hangover ever........of all time.”

“Yeah, the ‘black dragon’ will do that to you the first time you drink it.” Sky said with a laugh, he set the plate of eggs down in front of her and began to cook his own.

“Hey, about last night.” Rainbow began.

“Let me guess it was spur of the moment mixed with alcohol.” Sky said with disappointment in his voice.

“What? NO, no. I meant every word I said and everything I did.” Rainbow said in a panic.

“Oh, good I was beginning to think that I lost my touch.” he said with a sigh of relief. Rainbow then trotted over to him and gave him a quick kiss. “Looks like I’ve still got it.” he said with a grin.

“I was talking about all those ponies and griffins that knew you last night.”

“Oh them! They’re just old acquaintances of mine.”

“But you said that you did a mind erasing thing on all the ponies you’ve met.”

“No I said I did that if they freaked out about my magic. Then I would erase their minds”

“So who back at the bar knew?”

“Rusty. Thats it.” he said as he ate.

“So, Soarin and Spitfire don’t know?”


“Why not?”

“They’ll freak out and try and report me.”

“I doubt that, you’ve known them for years. Plus look at me and my friends, we accepted you.” Rainbow said giving him the puppy dog eyes.

“Alright you win. Next time I see them I’ll tell them.” he then glanced at the clock. “We’d better get going and let your friends know we made out alright.”

“Good idea, plus I think we should let the mare’s of Ponyville know your taken.”

“Good, I was catching vibes from some of the mares during the party including Rarity. It was creeping me out.”

“Rarity tried hitting on you?”

“She didn’t try she succeeded.” Rainbow then looked at him with a cross look. “Hey, I can’t help it if mares are attracted to me.” Dash was about to protest but let the comment slide.

“Fine. Let’s just get down to Ponyville and let them know you’re mine.”

“Alright let’s get going then.” Sky said as he got to his hooves and trotted towards the door. “Oh wait, let me just grab my coat.” he said as he trotted back upstairs. Rainbow waited fro him by the door he soon returned wearing the black jacket.

“Why do you need that thing?”

“Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Plus you have to admit I look good in it.” he said with a grin. “Well let’s go.” the two ponies took flight towards the small town and touched down in front of the library. As they opened it they were surprised to see all of their friends inside. “Well this is convenient, now I don’t have to spend the whole day tracking you all down.”

“Why would ya need to do that?” AJ asked in anticipation.

“Sky and I are going out.” Rainbow said as she put her head on his shoulder. In the back round Applejack was holding her hoof out to Twilight who levitated a few bit’s into her hoof with a sour look on her face.

“That’s wonderful darling it took you long enough.” Rarity said as she rolled her eyes. Spike then came running down the stairs with a letter in his claw.

“Twilight, I’ve got an urgent letter from the princess.” Twilight took the letter and read it aloud.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I’m sorry that this is short notice, I request that you, the elements and Sky Blazer join my sister and I today for lunch.

~Princess Celestia.

The six ponies began to gallop towards the train station. Once on board Rainbow and Sky began telling their friends what happened during the previous night. The bar, the drinking challenge with the griffin and the walk back to the house.

“Oh that’ so romantic.” Rarity cooed. Applejack then pulled Sky closer to her and whispered.

“If you hurt her, I swear to Celestia I will buck you into Trottingham so fast you wont even have time to say ouch.” she said with across look on her face. Sky looked back at her with fear in his eyes.

“Noted.” he said as he moved back into his seat next to Rainbow Dash. He put a hoof around his mare-friend and turned his attention to Twilight. “So any idea what the princess want’s with us?”

“No, she just said that she needed to see us and you.”

“That can’t be good.” Sky said with across look on his face.

“Why do you say that?”

“Notice how she used ‘element’s’ in stead of ‘your friends’. That means it’s serious, well according to me it is.”

“True.” Twilight said as she scratched her chin.

“I’m hungry!” Pinkie whined.

“We’ll arrive at Canterlot in thirty minutes, just wait.” Rarity said.

“But I skipped breakfast!”

“Hang on.” Sky said as he riffled through his pockets. He withdrew a small bag of peanuts, along with an old photograph that fell to the floor. He threw the packet to the pink mare. “Those should hold you over until you get to Canterlot.”

“Thanks!” Pinkie said as she started to gobble the snack down, the other ponies rolled their eyes at the action. Rainbow’s eyes then fell upon the photograph, she picked it up with her hooves. The photo showed a small blue pegasus, a red unicorn and a light green earth pony filly with their hooves around each other smiling. Sky suddenly snatched the photo out of her hooves.

“Who’s that?” Rainbow asked in an eager tone, soon the other ponies had their eyes on the photo. Sky looked down at the photo and gave a deep sigh.

“My brother and an old friend.”

“You have a brother?” Twilight said in surprise.

“Had a brother.” the group fell silent.

“Are they..”

“Dead? I don’t know.”

“Is he older or younger?”

“We’re twins. But I’m a few minutes older than he is.”

“What happened to them?” Rainbow asked.

“After my mother, brother and I escaped we took shelter in an old cave.” the ponies began to fabricate the scenario in their minds.

The two brothers found an old cave and took shelter from the storm carrying a very weak unicorn mare on their backs. A red unicorn with a black mane sat in the corner and went into the fetal position. Sky trotted over to his brother and brought him into a hug. “We’ll make it through this. We make it through everything as long as we’re together.”

“But what about dad!? he’ll be alright, right?”

“I don’t know. I hope so. After we get our strength back, we’ll go and find out.”

“We should go NOW!”

“We don’t even know where we are. We need to keep a cool head.”

“Sky! We need to go after him!”

“That’s just what their hoping for, to draw us out and kill us!” Sky said as he looked at his brother, who was in tears. “I’m sorry Pyro. But we need to calm down and think, dad was most likely captured.” The maroon unicorn mare started to stir and open her eyes. The two brothers rushed over to her. “Hey mom, how do you feel?”

“Better knowing that you two are all right.” she said with a smile.

“Save your strength.” Pyro said as he held her hoof. Shining Star looked up at her two sons with tears in her eyes.

“I won’t need it. This needs to be said.” Star brought Sky close to her and whispered something. Sky had a confused look on his face.

“What did she say?”

“She’s delirious, mom you need to shut up and save your strength. What are we going to tell dad when we find him.” Sky said as he began to cry.

“Tell him that I love him.” she then brought her two son’s close and kissed them on the forehead. “I love you two both very much. Promise me you’ll look after each other.”

“We will.” the two colt’s said with tears in their eyes.

“Then here, take these.” The mare then withdrew two necklaces Sky’s had a blue crystal and Pyro’s had a red one, both were beautiful. “Your father got these for you when he was visiting the griffin kingdom. He said it reminded him of you two. Here take them.” the two colt’s did as they were asked and took the gems. “And one other thing.” she said as she took their hooves in hers. The two brothers suddenly felt like they were getting electrocuted they held on to their mother with whatever strength they had left. Their mother had let go of them, when the two brothers looked back at their mother she looked...weaker.

“Mom, what just happened?” Pyro asked as he looked back at her.

“I transferred.....what magic I had left.......into you two.......for......your protection.”

“But mom you said for me to never-” Sky was cut off

“That’s all in the past now.......do what you need to do......to survive.” she continued to breath heavily.

“What do you mean? You’re going to be fine....We’re going to find dad and then we’ll be happy again.” Sky said as he started to cry.

“I’m so sorry dear......but that’s going to be impossible......I’m so sorry to do this to you two. I love you both so much.” she said as she hugged the two colt’s and began to cry. Sky an his brother hugged their mother in a tight embrace. “I love you both so much..look after each other...happy birthday.” she said with one last smile. She closed her eyes and entered the endless sleep. The brothers sat there crying until day break, holding their dead mother in their hooves. In the morning the buried her within the cave. Sky looked over to his brother with tears in his eyes.

“Let’s go find dad.” Pyro nodded in agreement, he hopped onto his brothers back and the two took flight and rose above the forest. They flew until their eyes fell upon a familiar town. Their eyes were filled with rage of the memories of the night before. “Let’s go have a closer look.” he said as he landed outside the town. Sky pulled his father’s coat over him and his brother and began to walk through the streets. They kept their heads down and made their way to a friends house. They knocked on the wooden door, a light green filly earth pony with a golden mane and tail answered it. Once she looked into their eyes she pulled them inside.

“I’m so glad you two are okay. All the stallions and mares are saying that you’re criminals.” she said as she hugged the brothers. They then began to explain what had happened during the night and what happened in the cave, the filly began to cry as she hugged them. “I’m so sorry, you two can stay here for as long as you need to.”

“Sorry Lilly, we’re only here to get dad.” Pyro said as he broke the hug.

“He’s right. Do you know where he is?” Lilly looked at the two brothers with tears in her eyes.

“They took him to that big prison in the in the middle of the city.” The two brothers looked at each other with a concerned look.

“Great, now all we have to do is bust him out and-” Sky was cut off by a light green hoof.

“Are you two insane? The entire town is after you two. You won’t make it passed two blocks without being spotted.” Sky started to scratch his chin in frustration. Soon they heard a knock at the door Lilly quickly moved the brothers into a closet. A dark orange stallion trotted through the door. “Hello dad.” Lilly said with a nervous grin. “How are things? Out there I mean.”

“Not good Lilly, I heard that Scorching Comet’s trial is not going to end in his favor.” the stallion said as he looked down at his daughter with a sad look in his eye. Pyro started to cry, Sky tried to muffle his brothers cries but not before a few sobs left his lips. The stallion then rose to his hooves and opened the closet to see the two colts frozen in fear. “Lilly....why are these two here?”

“Dad, they need help. Please is there anything you can do?” The stallion looked at his daughter and then back at the brothers.

“I can get them out of town and send them on their way.” he said as he looked at the blue colt.

“What about dad? We can’t abandon him.” Sky bellowed.

“Look I’m sorry I can’t-”

“WE’VE ALREDY LOST OUR MOTHER, HOW MUCH MORE CAN WE LOOSE?!!!” Sky said with tears rolling down his face. The stallion looked down at the brother’s with sympathy in his eyes.

“I can’t stop the trial, but I know where it’s being held.” the colts looked up at the stallion. “It’s tomorrow at the court house at 10:15 am.” the stallion then left the room and trotted upstairs. Lilly looked back at the two brothers and gave them some dinner.

“So what are you two going to do?”

“Get dad out of this place.” Sky said as he took a sip of water.

“I mean after that.”

“Find a place to settle down and try and forget this nightmare.” Pyro said to the filly.

“Will you come and visit me?”

“We’ll try but no promises.” he looked back at the green unicorn who had a sad look on her face.

“I just don’t understand why the grown ups are doing this. You two didn’t do anything wrong!”

“It’a because of me.” Sky said with a sad tone in his voice. “It’s because I can do magic.”


“Ponies consider it ‘unnatural’ and think that only unicorns can do magic. Do you remember how I levitated that vase the other day in class and all the teachers and student’s started giving me dirty looks?” Lilly nodded. “I basically threatened the way of life they’re used to and they’re scared of what I can do.”


“Plus, Sky and I are are stronger than before.” Pyro said as he put a hoof on his brothers shoulder. “Our mom transferred her magic to us before she-” Lilly raised a hoof.

“I understand. But what are you going to do?”

“Stop the trial.” Sky said with a determined look in his eyes.

“How are you going to do that?”

“We’ll improvise.” Pyro said with a grin.

We’d better get some rest. We’re gonna need it for tomorrow.” Sky said as he got up from the table.

“You two can take the guest room, head upstairs, first door on your left.”

“Thanks Lil.” the red unicorn said with a smile. The two brothers entered the guest room and got into their individual beds and drifted off to sleep.


The brothers woke up and mage their way downstairs they were both surprised to see Lilly there waiting for them.

“Morning Lil.” they both said.

“Look I’m not gonna beat around the bush. I’m here to try and convince you not to go through with this rescue mission.”

“What! Why?” Sky bellowed.

“You two are my best friends and I can’t bare the thought of you getting arrested.” she said with tears starting to form in her eyes. “So that’s why I’m coming with you.”
“Come again?” Sky said as he raised an eyebrow.

“When you two leave I want to go with you!” her eyes now filled with tears.

“Lil you can’t. You have life here and we’ll only-”

“You two are my best and only friends. If you leave then I’ll have no-pony!”

“What about your parents?”

“I don’t care! You guys are the only real family I have.” the green filly started to break down in tears. “I hate living here! No-pony likes me, my parent’s resent me and every-pony is so cruel. I can’t stand it anymore!” Sky then put a hoof on the filly’s shoulder as she looked up at him.

“Lilly, you realize that if you go through with this then you can never come back here. Understand?”

“So you mean...you’ll let me come along?”

“Yeah.” the two colt’s said in unison. Lilly hugged her friends tightly as she cried.

“O-okay, how much can I bring with me?”

“Whatever you can carry, we travel light. In the event we get separated then we’ll meet back at the club house, okay?” Pyro said with a grin.

“Okay. I’ll be right back and then we’ll go to the trial.” she said as she trotted upstairs. The brothers waited for her, she soon returned with a saddle bag on her back. “So how are we going to get into the trial?”

“We’ll sneak in through the back door and take a seat, there will probably be so many ponies there that they wont bother to check us.” Sky said with a grin.

“Alright then let’s do it!” The three ponies high hoofed and trotted out the door into the busy street. They all fit underneath the coat as they made their way through the crowd and entered the courtroom undetected. The found a seat way in the back as the trial started.Sky and Pyro saw their father take the stand. Scorching Comet didn’t try and defend himself , he just sat there and took it. Suddenly the Judge turned to the jury.

“Has the jury reached a verdict?”

“We have you honor, we find the defendant Scorching Comet guilty of practicing dark magic.” the three ponies gasped at the statement.
“Then by the power invested in me I sentence you to life in prison with no chance of parole!” as the judge was about to strike hiss gavel Sky leapt out from the shadow and on to the court’s main floor.


“SKY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? GET OUT!” his father bellowed.

“It’s the colt! Kill him!” the judge shouted soon two stallions wielding knives came at the colt, Sky shut his eyes and awaited the pain. He looked up to see his father looking down at him with two silver blades protruding from his chest.

“Sky......run!” Sky watched in horror as his father fell in front of him, dead. Soon Pyro and Lilly galloped to his side Lilly was comforting a crying Pyro as two more ponies continued to advance. Sky started to feel a burning rage inside of him, his eyes began to glow with magic and anger. The stallions stepped back away from him in fear, the air started to crackle and hiss with magic in a blinding flash of light Sky, Pyro, Lilly and Scorching Comet were gone from the court room and appeared in front of the cave where their mother was buried. As the children came too the brothers were overcome by sadness and grief. They soon pulled themselves together, Sky and Pyro buried their father right next to their mother, Lilly helped of corse. The three spent the night there and talked about their plans.

“So...we’re really leaving then.” she said as she looked up at the two.

“If you want to back out then now’s the time, I can still fly-”

“No, I’de rather die than go back to that place.” she said with a decisive tone.

“Alright then let’s get some shut eye.” Pyro said as he put a hoof on his friends shoulder. The three ponies laid down to rest with hope of a new future filling their minds.


Sky Blazer looked back at the mares in the train car who had tears in their eyes. “ I was eight years old and that was the dawn of our adventure.”

“What happened?” Rainbow asked as she put a hoof on her colt-friends shoulder.

“When we were traveling, something happened. Pyro and I were discovering our new strength. We went into the nearest town to get some supplies when some hot-shot unicorn started challenged Pyro to a duel. Pyro won but..”


“Pyro didn’t stop until he had broken almost every bone in his body. It took me, Lilly and two other stallions to pull him off. After that incident Lilly and I understood that we should keep out powers hush-hush.”

“Wait Lilly had powers?” Twilight interjected.

“Remember what I said at the hospital? Any pony can use magic if they have enough time and the right teacher, so I was teaching her how in order to defend herself.”

“You taught her magic?”

“Yes, only low grade stuff like levitation and some illusions, smoke or anything like that. Spells that we can use at a moments incase we get into trouble.”

“What happened with your brother?” AJ asked. Sky gave a heavy sigh.

“We had a fight, our last fight we’ll ever have. Pyro had tried holding up a store for some bits, we made promise never to use our powers for things like that. After we grabbed him and went back to our hotel room the fight started. Lilly was trying to calm us down, but I wouldn’t have it.” Sky’s tone was soon filled with sadness. “Pyro’ was ‘different’ the power he had gained had started to drive him crazy, he kept hearing voices in his head. I tried to calm him down but, it was too late he had gone completely crazy and attacked Lilly and me. After I got her to safety I teleported him somewhere safe.”


“A place where no one can find him, and where he can’t get out.”

“You sent him to prison?” Rainbow exclaimed.

“What? Celestia no! He’d probably kill them all, I trapped him in....look it’s not important, all that’s matters is that he’s gone and can’t come back!” he shouted at the mares.

“What about Lilly?” Rainbow asked.

“After our fight, she went off on her own, She was scared of me, of him. We went our separate ways, I hope she’s doing alright.”

“Did you two have a thing?”

“No, we were just friends, but I think she liked Pyro. She’d always blush when he talked to her, those two were so cute together.” he said with a laugh.

“Wait you said he began to hear voices, do you?”

“Yes, but they’re not as strong because of the locks I have in place.”


“I locked away most of my magical energy, to save myself, to save my sanity.”

“How much power to you have?” Twilight asked.

“You remember what I did to Fluttershy’s ex?” the group of mares nodded. “That wasn’t even a fraction of the power I have.” the ponies looked back at him in wonder.

“So what will happen if you access all that power?”

“I could pose a threat to Celestia herself but at the cost of my reason, my logic and sanity. Kind of poetic if you think about it ‘Is sanity the price to pay for power?’ Ha!” he said in a very dramatic fashion.

“So how many of these locks do you have in place?”

“Seven, I’m able to control it up to three levels, then I start to lose it.” he said as he hung his head in shame. Rainbow held him tightly.

“It’s okay, I think that it’s very wise for you to chose happiness and love than power.” Twilight said as she put a hoof on his shoulder.

“Thanks Twi, I needed that.” the group looked out the window to see the busy city of Canterlot. “Well don’t want keep Celestia waiting now do we? Allons-y!” the mares looked back at him with a confused look. “That means let’s go in Filly-rench.” the mares then nodded and followed him off the train, as they made their way through the bustling city, they decided to stop at a tea shop for a quick bite, the seven friends sat down at a nearby table and the waitress came out to serve them.

“Alright every-pony what can I get you?”

“Just some green tea for me please.” Twilight said the other mares nodded in agreement.

“Okay so that’s six green tea’s and what can I get you sir?” Sky sat back in his chair and took his hood off an scratched his mane.

“Umm, I’ll just go with some-” he was cut off by a crash. He looked up at the waitress, she was alight green earth pony mare, she had tears streaming down her face. “Lilly?” the mare nodded and brought him into a teary hug.

Author's Note:

Yes the 'Allons-y' is a Doctor Who referance, I'm planning to put more in future chapters.