• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,943 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

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First Sign: Part 9

A Circle of Friends We'll Be

Snow had fallen across Ponyville, blanketing everything in powdery white sheets. The buildings and houses, at least the ones that weren't completely destroyed, had their roofs and windows boarded up to keep the falling snow from damaging the insides. Some of the pegasus ponies delayed the snowfall, at least long enough for patch work to be done, despite all that happened, they couldn't just delay the weather, ecosystems and all that.

Back at Golden Oaks Library, Twilight was sitting on a cushion, watching her coltfriend sleep. She had been worried about his physical health since the fight with the Spirit of War ended, the alicorn stallion had used up a lot of his mana, and she was afraid he had tapped into his life force for the spell he performed.

Please Bright Blade, wake up…

It was then Twilight heard groaning, and watched as Bright Blade began to squirm under the sheets. He tossed over to his left side and slowly opened his eyes; the light coming from the window blurred his vision as his eyes adjusted. The purple blur before him started to become more defined, after a minute he was able to see Twilight, a happy smile arching across her lips. A smile that made the alicorn stallion mimic the expression.

"Hey Twi," said Bright weakly.

"Bright Blade your awake! How do you feel," asked Twilight.

Bright, carefully, sat up in the bed, taking a moment to feel if anything was out of place, thankfully there wasn't. "I think I'm alright, everything feels like it's where it's supposed to be."

"That's good…" Twilight gently placed her right hoof on her coltfriend's cheek, sliding it to the back of his head and rubbing that one spot gently. She then raised the same hoof and swung it forward, smacking Bright upside the head, hard! "Otherwise I would've felt bad about doing that!"

Bright Blade yelped from the pain, placing his hooves on the spot where Twilight had hit him. "OOOOWWWW, What the hay Twilight, that hurt!!!?"

"I hope it did! Bright Blade what in the name of Epona were you thinking!? Using Rune Magic to fuse your body with not one – BUT ALL THREE SWORDS – not to mention the alterations you made to your body! Do realize what could've happened to you, mixing inorganic and organic matter together, added to the draining effect of connecting to your Element from earlier!? YOU COULD'VE DIED!!"

Twilight finally took a breath, venting all her pent up grievances about Bright Blade's latest sword creation. He knew there'd be Tartarus to pay after the fighting was over. "I know Twi…I knew it was dangerous, to be honest, this was the first time I used the sword –"

"You didn't even test the spell!!!?" Twilight interjected.

"Twilight that thing was going to create a massacre! What else was I supposed to do!?"

"You could've waited for us, so that all six of us could fight together! Bright Blade, why did you do that, do you even know how scared I was, I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO LOSE YOU!!!" And there was the heart of the matter, signified by the tears that flowed from her eyes.


"It was like that time long ago, during the battle of Calamity's Fall, when you fought against Tikara Balak alone…That Envoy, the Spirit of War, I could feel it, he was stronger than Tikara Balak, even when he was using the Elements of Darkness! You're not a Construct anymore Bright Blade, you have a flesh and blood body now, and you're not invincible!" Twilight shouted.

Twilight caught herself, immediately regretting the last part of her sentence. Although it has been ten years since the War of Darkness, the time Bright Blade spent as a Construct was still a touchy subject. But she had to say it, Bright would do the occasional reckless thing, sometimes bordering on dangerous or life threatening. She feared Bright still considered himself un-killable, and it worried her.

"I'm…I'm sorry Twilight…I really am…you said it yourself, he was stronger than Tikara, MUCH stronger, but that's why I wanted to beat him then and there! To protect you and everypony," said Bright Blade.

Twilight quickly hugged her coltfriend, surprising him in the process. The lavender unicorn's tears falling on his coat as she hugged him tightly. "I know you do, but you don't have to fight alone, I'm here, and so are your friends! So promise me you won't do something crazy like that again, please…?"

Twilight pulled away a bit, her amethyst eyes staring into Bright's emerald eyes. He could see the worry and fear for his safety, it was there, plain as day. Bright didn't want to see this in his marefriend's eyes; he wanted to see the twinkle she got whenever she read a good book, or when she taught in school, or when the two of them…kissed. "I promise Twilight."

Bright Blade closed his eyes and leaned in, kissing Twilight gently on the lips. The lavender mare didn't fight it; she closed her eyes and leaned into it as well. It wasn't a passionate kiss, more to reassure the other that they were alive, that their promise was true. The mare and stallion separated, with Twilight gently pressing her forehead against Bright's, letting their horns cross.

"I love you, Bright Blade."

"I love you too, Twilight."

The two of them remained in silence, enjoying the peaceful moment they had to each other. It was then that a thought passed through Bright Blade's mind, something that bothered him.

"Hey Twi, how long was I out?"

Twilight's eyes sprang open as she backed up to look at Bright. "Well, actually, you've kinda, sorta, been out for…eight days," she squeaked.


"You really used up a lot of energy, it probably would've been longer if I hadn't infused some of my own into you," said Twilight rubbing the back of her head.

"Guess I missed Heath's Warming, and my birthday," chuckled Bright.

"Say, do you think you're strong enough to walk," she asked.

"Don't know, I can try though."

Twilight moved away from the bed and gave the stallion some room. Bright Blade moved the covers off his lower half and swung his legs to the edge of the bed. He let them hang there for a minute, judging whether or not he really had the strength for this. He let his hind legs touch the floor first, followed by his forelegs. So far, he was staying up, but now came the real test, trotting. Bright took a few baby steps, so far so good. He then took longer steps, moving towards Twilight.

"You look alright, but you'd better lean on me for now, just in case." Twilight trotted to Bright Blade's right side and stood there. The alicorn stallion seemed unwilling to do so. "Just do it," said Twilight smirking.

Bright Blade sighed and did as his marefriend said, putting a little of his weight on her. Twilight smiled and trotted slowly alongside him, keeping a steady pace till they reached the stairs. They slowed themselves, going down each step one at a time. For some reason, the lower they got, the darker the interior of the stairway got. Bright Blade was becoming increasingly curious, the sun was shining outside, but the inside was dark. The air smelled unusually good.

"Are the blinds still closed or something," asked Bright Blade.

Twilight didn't say a word; she only held her grin as she glanced over at him. Soon the two of them made it downstairs, it was dark, except for the light shining down the stairwell, as well as the little that seemed to come from the kitchen, Bright couldn't see anything in front of him. Just then Twilight's horn lit up, followed by the sounds of curtains being pulled away. Instantly the inside of the living room was illuminated, a Hearth's Warming tree was decorated near the fireplace, not many gifts lay below it. The sight of the decorations made the alicorn stallion happy. But somepony seemed to be missing.

"Where's Trixie," asked Bright.

"Trixie is in the kitchen preparing a Hearth's Warming meal." Trixie's head popped out from the kitchen doorway, her smile wider at the sight before her. "Good, now that you're awake, the food I prepared for the three of us won't go to waste." Trixie went back into the kitchen preparing the rest of the food.

"What did – is she!?"

"She insisted on making enough for all three of us, regardless if you woke up today or tomorrow," said Twilight.

Just then they heard knocking at the front door, Twilight and Bright glanced at each other, wondering who it could be at this time of day. Twilight sat Bright down on the nearby couch, and went over to see who was visiting. Twilight used her telekinesis to open the door and was surprised by what she saw.


Standing outside was Pinkie Pie with all their friends in tow. Some were carrying more food, others some gifts, and some of their own decorations from home. Twilight quickly ushered them all into her home, Bright Blade and Trixie were also surprised by the influx of guests.

"Pinkie Pie, how did – when did you!?" Twilight was stumbling over her words, unable to find the right ones to describe this situation.

"Well, this morning I felt weird! For one thing, my ears twitched, my spine tingled, and my eyes fluttered, which could only mean one thing! My Pinkie Sense was telling me that Bright Blade was going to wake up today, so I went around and gathered all our friends so we could be here and celebrate together," said Pinkie Pie.

Twilight, Trixie, and Bright just looked at her flabbergasted, about a million questions ran through their heads, but, as they learned a while back, it's better not question the power of the Pinkie Sense, it'll give you a headache just trying.

"Now let's party!" Pinkie shouted.

***1 Hour Later***

Twilight hadn't seen this much partying sense the first time she came to Ponyville, the kids were running about the library, playing games and having fun. Granny Smith, who had Big Mac bring her rocking chair, sat back and told stories about the Hearth's Warming holidays she had when the old mare was growing up.

The festivities appeared to be raising Bright Blade's spirits, since he was starting to move about on his own. Pinkie Pie had brought a birthday cake with her from Sugar Cube Corner; all the ponies gathered around the table as she placed it in the center of the table and revealed the confectionary treat. It had white frosting, with a yellow trimming around it. What really wowed everypony was the image on top of the cake.

It was a picture of Bright Blade, when he was using Xiaon. The amount of detail on him and the background was astonishing. The wording underneath the image read "Happy Birthday Hero."

"Wow Pinkie Pie, this looks good, how did you do it," asked Twilight.

"Oh it wasn't me, it was Pumpkin and Pound," said Pinkie Pie.

The older ponies all looked to where the aforementioned colt and filly were, the two of them just stood there, cheeks reddening, embarrassed by all the attention they were getting.

"It was nothing, we just went off of what the older ponies told us," said Pound.

"We just wanted to do something special," said Pumpkin.

Bright Blade trotted up to the two foals and patted them on the head. "Thank you, all of you. I'm sorry for everything that's happened, even my little…"

Big Mac came up and patted the alicorn stallion hard on the back, a move that nearly knocked out all the air in his lungs. "Now don't ya go and start sayin' stuff like that, it's Hearth's Warming, and it's yer birthday."

"Heh, uncle Big Mac's right, now come over here so we can embarrass you by signing happy birthday," said Clay.

The other ponies laughed, they knew that Bright Blade got just a tiny bit embarrassed when they started singing that song. Big Mac and Applejack scooted the stallion over to his designated spot and sat him down. Pinkie Pie started the song and everypony else joined in, Trixie used her telekinesis to place a candle in the shape of the number twenty-six on the cake, lighting it as she did. At the end of the song they all clapped their hooves.

"Make a wish Bright Blade," said Fluttershy.

Bright thought for a moment, thinking hard, after a while he sucked in air and blew out the candles. Afterwards the group ate cake, and once that was done they moved on to the one thing the foals were looking forward to, the opening of presents.



"Huh, wonder who that could be," said Sweetie Belle.

"Don't know, I'll go and see," said Twilight.

Twilight made her way to the front door and slowly opened it, there was nopony there. Curious, Twilight stepped forward, but stopped when she felt her hoof step on something. When she looked down the lavender unicorn let out a gasp, there before her, laid the ominous book that foretold the coming of Polemos, Twilight quickly scanned the area, wondering if Zecora had made a drop off. Something caught her eye in the snowfall; a figure that she was certain wasn't a pony. It was white as snow, with horns on its head, and walked on all fours, its eyes a gentle blue. The figure was staring at her with, dare she say, a sad expression.

"Excuse me!?" Twilight shouted towards the figure.

A gust of wind blew through, kicking up the snow and obscuring Twilight's vision. When the wind died down the figure was gone, Twilight looked down at the snow, to see which direction the figure came from when it delivered the book, but there was nothing. No hoof prints in the snow; actually, except for the spot where the book lay, the snow had not been disturbed.

Who…who was that…?

With a shifting glance, Twilight brought the book inside. Her friends were too preoccupied to notice what she did next. Twilight quickly placed the book into the hidden compartment underneath the horse head statue, the same place where she hid her journal when Bright Blade arrived.

"Déjà vu," whispered Twilight.

"Hey Twi, we're about to sing some carols, can't start without you," called out Bright.

Twilight knew she had to tell them, about the book, about the talk with Zecora, but that would spoil the moment. For now, she decided, they would have their happy time, sing and laugh, crack a joke or two, just having fun. Besides, who knew how many more chances they would have to enjoy moments like this, and many of those pages still remained blank. She was so deep in thought that Twilight didn't even notice that she was already standing at her coltfriend's side.

"Hey Twi, you alright," asked Bright.

"What – Oh yeah – I'm fine!" Twilight placed her hoof over Bright's, the two of them smiling at the other. "Happy Birthday, Bright Blade."

"Happy Hearth's Warming, Twilight."

Fluttershy was waving her hoof, setting the rhythm of the carol, they all waited for the right moment and began to sing as one.

"The fire of friendship lives in our hearts

As long as it burns we cannot drift apart

Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few

Laughter and singing will see us through (will see us through)

We are a circle of pony friends

A circle of friends we'll be to the very end~"

End First Sign Arc…