> Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope > by Michael_Ravencroft > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Sign: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invetation Ten years had passed in Equestria since the horrific War of Darkness, and peace has reigned throughout much of the land. At the Canterlot Royal Palace, many young mares and stallions were busy training. Unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, all in units made of the three different tribes. They wore bright silver armor as they clashed with other three pony teams, wielding wooden swords as they sparred with one another. They were split off into two rows, with a clear path down the middle of them. Walking this path was a golden alicorn stallion, wearing the same silver armor as the others, but just a little more ornate. The stallion's emerald green eyes were constantly shifting from one row to the other, watching each of the pony warriors' movements with a critical eye, his wooden training sword clanging against his armor as he trotted along. The first row of warriors was mostly made up of older mares and stallions, while the second row was primarily colts and fillies. While trotting down the line the alicorn stallion's eyes fell on one of the younger unicorn fillies, she had a gray coat, with a blonde mane and tail. Her wooden sword was being held in a telekinetic aura that seemed to have trouble stabilizing. "Dinky, concentrate a little more, your sword's wavering." The unicorn filly looked to her instructor. "Oops, sorry SirBright Blade," said Dinky Hooves. She quickly focused her mind a bit more and the wooden sword was soon slashing and parrying with better precision. Bright Blade continued cantering as his eyes fell upon yet another trainee filly, apparently having trouble with her hoofing. Bright Blade walked off the line and raised his right wing, prompting the other trainees to halt their sparring match. "Noi, you alright," asked Bright Blade. The gamboge earth pony dropped her sword in order to address her instructor. "Oh, SirBright Blade! Well, um, I am having a little trouble. I can't seem to perform a side-shuffle-slash," said Noi. "No problem, it is a little difficult, especially in regards to where you place your hooves." Bright Blade trotted next to the little filly. "Just watch me." Bright Blade was about to demonstrate the technique when he heard some noise coming from the other row. "You bloody wanker!" An earth pony stallion, with a white coat and a few brown spots, and spoke with a foreign accent, seemed to be having some trouble. The earth pony also had two others with him, a pegasus and unicorn, who also seemed to be having a bit of trouble during their sparring match. "Snips on your right, Rumble heads up!" The three stallions were engaged with a team of pegasi, the leader of the unit had a blue coat, with a dark violet mane and gray eyes. Snips tried to slash at the dive bombing pegasus, but missed at the last second. Rumble was currently in the middle of battling with the other pegasus in the air. "Your mine Pipsqueak," shouted the blue pegasus. "The name's Pip, Blue Blaze!" Pip tried to take a swing at Blue Blaze, but sadly Pip missed, his disadvantage being confined to the ground. With a devious smile, Blue Blaze maneuvered himself around, swooping directly for the back of Pip's head, at an alarming speed. Pip turned his head around, but couldn't react in time to dodge, of this he was aware. "ENOUGH!" Bright Blade quickly dashed towards the sparring stallions and wrapped Blue Blaze in his telekinetic aura, stopping him in midair. "Blue Blaze you know the rules, no direct head shots during a sparring match!" "S-s-sorry Sir Bright Blade, I just got caught up in the heat of the fight that's all," apologized Blue Blaze. "Hmph, you know the unit structure of the Knight Corp. Blue Blaze, one pegasus, one unicorn, one earth pony. Yet I see you with two pegasi, care to explain?" Bright Blade lowered Blue Blaze back to the ground, so that he could hear the pegasus's explanation. "I just didn't see a need to hinder myself, I mean; honestly, the three of us alone were able to keep those three occupied! Imagine what we could do in actual combat!" Bright Blade sighed heavily, this wasn't the first time he had to deal with Blue Blaze's attitude, and disregard to the pre-established unit formation. "Cadets, Paladins!" Bright Blade commanded. Both rows of pony warriors and trainees stopped their sparring, turned, and stood at attention. "In case some of you forgot, I'll repeat it to you all! The unit structure of the Knight Corp. is teams of three, unicorn, pegasus, earth pony. The purpose of which is to combine each other's unique strengths, as well as to teach unity amongst us, do you get me!?" "WE GET YOU SIR!" "With our skill –!" Bright Blade shouted. "WE OVERCOME ANY CHALLENGE!" "With our might –!" "WE DEFEND THE DEFENSELESS!" "With our swords –!" "WE CUT DOWN THE WICKED!" "We uphold the virtues –!" "OF HONOR, TRUTH, AND JUSTICE!" "We are bravery, we are the protectors, who are we!?" "WE ARE THE KNIGHT CORP.!" At this the Paladins and Cadets brandished their swords, pointing them into the air in salute. "Take that oath to heart, it is the first thing you learn upon entering, and the last thing evil hears when we appear. It is the backbone of the Corp. and…and…does anyone else hear a scraping sound?" The Cadets, Paladins, and Bright Blade went silent for a moment, indeed there was a weird sound echoing. Like metal scraping against stone, Bright listened more intently as the noise seemed to be getting closer. It was at that moment he looked up to his left, their training grounds was close to one of the palace walls, and it was from there that this mysterious noise emanated from. "Sir Bright Blade, up there," said one of the Cadets. Bright Blade followed the direction the Cadet was staring at, high up on the wall, something was coming down it. The object, whatever it was, was too far away to see clearly, but it was approaching at rapid speed. At first Bright Blade was about to order his Paladins into attack formation, but as the object drew nearer his tension and worry quickly diminished. That crazy, thrill seeking, mare! Grinding down the side of the wall was a young orange pegasus mare. Her purple eyes squinted against the rushing air that pelted her face, her violet mane and tail blown back as she quickly descended the wall. The pegasus was apparently riding a scooter, colored lime green with yellow stripes at the back and front. The orange pegasus then launched herself off the wall and started to fold the scooter. She then kicked the scooter; it sailed like an arrow, heading directly towards… "Everybody get back, NOW!" Bright Blade quickly let loose a telekinetic pulse that moved his Knight Corp. Paladins and Cadets away, clearing a ten foot radius. The golden alicorn jumped back just as the scooter pierced the ground, creating a decent sized crater, with its tail end sticking up. That's one tough scooter, thought Bright Blade. At that moment the mare responsible for launching the projectile flew down, gracefully landing a few feet from Bright Blade's position. "Long time no see B," said the mare. "Scootaloo, what in the name of Equestria was that about!?" "Oh c'mon, just making sure you haven't gotten slow," said Scootaloo. Bright Blade was about to give his old friend a stern talking to, but soon found himself wrapped in a green telekinetic aura. The Paladins and Cadets all gasped as they watched their instructor get picked up, and then moved like a ragdoll to and fro. Bright Blade was taken by surprise, having just realized his predicament. It wasn't until he released another telekinetic pulse that he was able to wretch himself free from the strong hold, allowing him to fly gently back to the ground, unopposed. When Bright Blade was finally able to get his bearings he quickly looked around for the one responsible, though he had a pretty good idea who it was. From the ranks, many of the young stallions were swooning and making wolf whistles at a beautiful unicorn mare. She had a white coat, with green eyes, running a hoof through her beautifully coiffed mane as the mare strode through the path the young stallions made for her. Even the Cadet colts were swooning along with the older ponies. The only mare I know, other than Rarity, who can turn a few heads like that! "Nice to see you, Sweetie Belle." "Naturally, what do you think of my magic, a lot stronger than what it used to be, huh," asked Sweetie Belle. "Yeah, after you caught me off guard! I dare you to try that again," said Bright Blade. "Won't have to, you'll have your hooves full with her." Her, who the heck is she – "Kyyyyy-yaaaaaaaaaaahhh!" Oh pony feathers, thought Bright Blade. Just as he heard that cry, the golden alicorn quickly rose up, balancing on his hind legs. He then spiraled around and thrust out his left forehoof. Almost immediately his punch was intercepted by the hoof of another pony. She had a yellow coat and amber eyes, with a red mane, the end of which was tied up with a lovely pink bow and tail that flowed in the wind. The mare in question spring boarded off his hoof, did a backflip, and landed just a couple of feet away from Bright Blade. "Howdy Bright Blade!" Bright was shaking his left hoof and wincing a little. "'HOWDY,' Apple Bloom, ouch that smarts!" Bright Blade was a bit surprised by how much stronger his old friend had gotten. It took him a few more moments to realize that he was now standing in the middle of a triangle formation, surrounded by all three mares. "Oooh~ I see how it is…" "Do ya now?" "You might as well admit defeat, you're completely surrounded," said Sweetie Belle. "Really, you think I'm going to be beaten by the three of –!" "PONY PILE!" Scootaloo shouted. Buck me! At that moment Bright Blade found himself on the ground, with three of his best friends now piled on his back, his wings, hind and forelegs were sprawled out, the wind thoroughly knocked out of his lungs. The three mares giggled, apparently finding amusement as Bright Blade groaned in discomfort under their combined weight. "I swear, one of these days, you guys are going to break my back!" Sweetie Belle looked down at Bright Blade; by her expression he could tell that she was miffed. "Are you insinuating something Bright?" "Now how funny would that be? The big tough Knight, gettin' his back broken 'cause ah three little fillies," said Apple Bloom chuckling. "First of all: you aren't, by any stretch, little fillies! Second: now that you've had your fun, could you please get off, you're freaking out my troops," grunted Bright Blade. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all looked at the crowd of Knight Corp. Paladins and Cadets, staring wide eyed at the spectacle before them, whispering amongst themselves. Needless to say all three mares quickly got back up on all fours, their faces blushing with slight embarrassment, even Bright Blade was blushing. "Well troops, if you have, or haven't figured it out by now, these three fine mares here are my best friends and the famous trio, the Valkyries!" Soon Bright Blade was pushed away as his troops surrounded the Valkyries, fan colts and fillies, shaking their hooves, asking for them to autograph their practice swords or their armor, and even asking the mares all manner of questions, mostly from the younger Cadets, since most of the older Paladins knew them from foalhood. "Is it true you three saved two foals during the Second Ponyville Siege," asked a filly Cadet. "Did you guys really fight against Tikara Balak," asked a colt Cadet "Are any of you Sir Bright Blade's special somepony!?" That statement alone almost gave Bright Blade a heart attack on the spot. The older Paladins giggled and snickered at the last Cadet's question, they, of course, knew who Bright Blade's special sompony was, as too did the Valkyries. Still, that didn't stop them from having a little fun at Bright Blade's expense. "Actually…there's a funny story about that," said Scootaloo with a devious grin. Bright Blade knew where she was going with this, noting that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had the same grin on their faces as well. But he was having none of that, for more than one reason. "SPARRING MATCH!" The Cadets, Paladins, even the Valkyries, looked at Bright Blade confused. "Sparring match up, Valkyries vs. Knight Corp. Paladins and Cadets!" The ponies of the Knight Corp., though confused at first, were now starting to get excited. The prospect of going one on one with the protectors of the realm was very enticing. The Cadets and Paladins all started to draw their wooden training swords, an eager look starting to creep upon their faces. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were getting a bit anxious, feeling like they were being backed into a corner. "Gee, we liked to Bright Blade, but we uh…weeeeeeeeeee…." Scootaloo looked to her friends. "WE don't have any training swords!" Sweetie Belle chimed. At that moment three training swords appeared in front of them, wrapped in Bright Blade's golden telekinetic aura. "There you go!" "Thanks Bright…" Apple Bloom deadpanned. "No problem – FIGHT!" The Valkyries' eyes went wide with surprise as hundreds of Knight Corp. mares, stallions, colts, and fillies charged them without a moment's hesitation. The only thought on the three mares' mind was… "Bright Blade, you suck," said Scootaloo. Bright Blade, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle were trotting down the streets of Canterlot. Every now and again some paparazzi ponies would pop up and snap a picture or ask some questions of the Valkyries and the Knight of Hope, they liked to get any juicy gossip they could when it came to them. Needless to say, this didn't help to lift the mood of the three mares, who were apparently ticked at Bright Blade. "What are you complaining about? You guys won!" "Still, siccing your Knight Corp. troops on us, real knightly behavior," said Sweetie Belle in an annoyed tone. "You did them, and me, a favor! They got to pit their skills against you, and now I know who needs improvement!" They still wore a deadpan expression, not at all pleased. "Fine, I'll take you to Pony Joe's, everything on me, alright?" The Valkyries huddled together, quietly discussing the offer amongst them. They turned around and gave Bright a nonchalant look. "Okay, we'll take ya up on yer offer, and we might consider forgiven' ya," said Apple Bloom. With a chuckle the four of them continued trotting, their new destination Pony Joe's. All around them the ponies of Canterlot were about enjoying their day. Many mares and fillies were entering and exiting one of the more popular clothing stores in the city and in the rest of the land as well. Carousel Boutique Incorporated, one of many stores that have opened up in the past few years, garnering the attention of both the elite and common pony alike, where everypony could look, as the owner and founder would say, "Fabulous!" Sweetie Belle couldn't help but feel proud of her older sister's accomplishments, seeing almost every mare and filly dressed in one of her many popular fashion lines. The citizens, most of them, were wearing a strange device around their necks. At first glance it seemed as if they were talking to themselves, but upon further inspection, they were talking to the device, more specifically, the pony on the other end of the device. After the war was over, Equestrian scientists went to work on making the communication device known as the Iris Caller, more available to the public, now ponies could hold conversations at length and as far away as they wanted to. Bright Blade recalled the days when he used the Iris Caller on the battlefield, now it was a modern appliance. Flyers had been posted at different corners of the city, as well as on billboards. It was a promotional for an upcoming Wonderbolts air show, the picture that was on the flyer showed a Sonic Rainboom halo, with at least six other Wonderbolt pegasi flying through it. Scootaloo was jumping up and down as she pointed that the Wonderbolts would be doing a show in Canterlot a couple of months from now. The group had finally arrived at Pony Joe's shop, the door opened up, setting off the bell that hung overhead. Behind the counter was a unicorn stallion, wearing a white baker's shirt, and a small hat. "Welcome, what can I get ya –!?" The stallion turned around, and gave a hearty chuckle when he saw who it was. "Heh-heh, Bright Blade nice to see ya, and what do we have here!? Three lovely mares, you know Twilight's gonna kill ya." Joe chuckled. "Ha, ha, ha, very funny Joe, the usual for me and anything my friends want, on me." "Sure, what'll ya have ladies," asked Joe. "What's the most expensive thing on the menu," asked Sweetie Belle. "Oh ho ho, my prized creation, one of a kind in all of Equestria, Donuttopia, complete with your choice of tea, coffee, or soda pop!" "Great, we'll have that," said Scootaloo. These three are going to empty my coin purse, can't say I didn't see that coming. Bright Blade went closer to the counter and quietly spoke to Joe. "And uh, if you don't mind…" Bright then cocked his head in the direction of the door, where many paparazzi were storming their way. "I gotcha, no problem," said Joe. Joe's horn shined, casting a spell over the entire shop. Almost instantly a force field was erected over the shop. While some of the patrons were able to get in and out, the reporters and paparazzi however were stopped dead in their tracks, letting out a number of groans and under breath name calling not meant for the ears of little foals. Satisfied that his barrier was holding, Joe went into the back and started to prepare their order. After a few minutes Joe wheeled out his prized creation, Donuttopia. With a hefty lift he placed the donut city on the table, along with Bright's modest assortment of donuts, powdered, sprinkled, a few glazed ones for good measure. Once they had gotten midway through their meal Bright Blade thought he'd start catching up. "So what's going on, been a while since I'd seen all three of you in Canterlot, how are things going at Sweet Apple Acres," asked Bright Blade. "Oh things are going great on the farm, especially with Clay, Swift Hummer, and Spring Day helpin' out, ah love bein' an aunt! Also, since the Mayor decided to expand Ponyville ah've been super busy with construction jobs and such," said Apple Bloom. Scootaloo kicked back, putting her forelegs behind her head for support. "As for me, I'm just doin what I do best, shreddin' and being a natural born daredevil," said Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow at Scootaloo. "Really Scootaloo, is that all you're doing," asked Sweetie Belle. "Y-yeah, of course, nothing else!" "Is there something I should know?" Bright Blade asked. "She's been takin' dancin' lessons at a studio that opened up in Ponyville," said Apple Bloom. "APPLE BLOOM!" "And she's really good at it too," said Sweetie Belle. "Ugh, okay fine, just don't go blabbing about it, I've still got a rep to protect. Anyway B, there was a reason why the three of us came to see you," said Scootaloo. Bright Blade raised an eyebrow as he lowered his can of soda. "I was wondering why all three of you were here, usually I just see one or two of you when visiting," said Bright Blade curious. For this part Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked to Sweetie Belle, who was nervously sipping at her tea. After a few sips Sweetie Belle finally spoke. "Well…Bright Blade, do you know who Sapphire Shores is?" "Sapphire Shores, of course I do! She's the Pony of Pop, a musical diva! Why, what about her?" "You see, while I was at the Performing Arts Academy, Sapphire Shores was there and she heard me sing…" "Aaaaaannnndd?" "And offered to be my mentor, and help my singing career, and that was about a couple of years ago," said Sweetie Belle. "But that's not all," said Apple Bloom. "Yeah, she also wants Sweetie Belle to sing a concert at the Canterlot Grand Opera Hall!" Scootaloo blurted out. Bright Blade almost spat out his soda upon hearing this piece of news. "YOU'RE GOING TO SING!? In front of a crowd, at the Grand Opera Hall, Sweetie Belle that's great! When is it, what time!?" "Seven o'clock, two weeks from now, since I was going to have to stay in Canterlot for a while I decided to come and invite you and Twilight personally," said Sweetie Belle. And yet you three attack me out of nowhere, thought Bright Blade. "Well you have mine and Twilight's RSVP. We'll definitely be there. Who else is coming, if you don't mind my asking?" "Applejack said she'd come, and that Clay would come with, since it'll be his first time coming to Canterlot and such," said Apple Bloom. "Rarity said she'd might, but she's busy – and I'd understand if she couldn't make it," said Sweetie Belle rather quickly. After they were done eating, and reminiscing, Bright Blade bid his friends a fond farewell, but not before teleporting them somewhere far from the proverbial vulchers that awaited them outside Joe's anti-paparazzi barrier. With that done he decided to pop in on Twilight at her work, in order to give her the good news. Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, an academy founded by Princess Celestia herself in order to better educate and train young unicorn foals in the ways of magic. Only the best were able to get into this school, and of course, Twilight Sparkle was no exception. Bright Blade, however, never attended. There wasn't much point since he was receiving private lessons from Twilight, as well as Celestia and Luna on the side. Bright Blade was busy roaming the halls of the academy; it was everything most unicorn foals thought it would be, spotless hallways, decorated with awards for excellence, pictures of famous unicorns from olden times, and the occasional drawing made by the students using magic. Bright was passing by a trophy case and stopped to look inside. The school had won many magical based competitions, everything from spell casting to practical magic applications, and even hoofball. Along with the trophies was a picture of a class of young unicorns gathered around a certain lavender unicorn mare. She seemed to be holding a plaque, which seeing it from the photo was illegible. Bright turned his head to the right and there was the plaque in question, leaning up against the photo. Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns Teacher of the Year Awarded to Head Mistress, Dame Twilight Sparkle Lower on the plaque were small metal plates that showed that Twilight had been winning the award ten years running. Bright Blade couldn't help but remember the first time she had won the award. She was so happy, I couldn't stop her from bouncing around the house, you'd think she was Pinkie Pie. What he tried not to remember was the long kiss she gave him afterwards. A thought he quickly pushed out of his mind, not wanting to face his marefriend with a blushing face. Bright Blade made his way to Twilight's classroom, she taught advanced magical formulas and beginner level magic. If I remember her schedule correctly, she should be teaching Magic Training 101, he thought. Eventually he found the room; he peaked inside and saw Twilight talking to her class of colts and fillies. "Okay class; let's review the light spell shall we. Everypony up." The foals all rose from their desk, eagerly awaiting their teachers next set of instructions. Twilight had her mane up in a bun and was wearing a pair of glasses, hoofpicked by Rarity of course. The class was made up of twenty foals, compared to her other class which was forty teenage mares and stallions. Twilight trotted from behind her desk and came to the front of the class. "Remember kids, feel the mana within your body, let it build up." The foals all began to concentrate, scrunching their faces as they willed their mana to flow within them. Twilight could sense the energy build up inside her students, taking note of the ones who were struggling. "Alright, now focus that power to the tip of your horns." The foals did as she said, their horns started to glow with various colored auras, a sphere of light appearing at the tip. "Very good class, now remember, I know you might feel like you want to let go, but just imagine that the ball is stuck on your horn." Bright Blade watched as some of the spheres tried to float away from the foals, but were quickly reined in by their respective owners. One foal, however, seemed to have a problem. What the Daemoni? The foals sphere seemed to be growing bigger, and bigger, and bigger, to the point that Twilight was getting nervous, at the size of the ball of light. "Ummm…Sunshine, sweetie, you might want to ease up a bit before –!" Before Twilight could finish her sentence the entire room was filled with light, followed by a low explosion. Bright Blade quickly opened the door, only to have a cloud of smoke blow over him. The golden alicorn stepped to the side of the door, coughing and sputtering. After a few seconds many of the foals inside started to run out of the classroom. "She's going to blow us all up!" "Run before Exploshine, gets you!" Exploshine…? Bright Blade was mentally taking count of how many foals were running outside, when his count ended at nineteen he panicked. Just before he could enter the classroom, the smoke was sucked back into the room, surrounded by a purple magical aura. Twilight, who was now covered with soot from the fallout of the explosion, condensed the smoke till it was completely gone. Thank Celestia. "Well that was *cough* exciting, wasn't it class? Class?" Twilight opened her eyes and groaned in frustration, her entire class had ran away, save for the little orange-red filly Sunshine, who was now sniffling sadly. "Oh honey what's wrong, are you hurt?" "No…it happened again, every time I do a simple spell, it blows up in my face," said Sunshine, her gaze turned downwards. "Honey, don't let your classmates get to you, they're just overreacting that's all," said Twilight. "No they're not! What would happen if I accidentally used too much power, I could've really hurt somepony!? I hate my magic!" Sunshine's eyes were on the verge of tears. Twilight trotted up to her student and gently raised her head with her hoof. "I can sense that you have a lot of magical energy Sunshine, you could do great things with that power, but you mustn't fear it or hate. To do so would be the equivalent of hating yourself, it's a part of you. I won't have you saying such things about yourself, do you understand," asked Twilight, her tone a combination of comfort and sternness. "O-okay, Miss Sparkle, I-I understand," said Sunshine sniffling. "Good girl," Twilight then wiped the filly's tears away, and smiled warmly at her. "You know, if you want, I could tutor you after school." "Really, you would!" Sunshine's eyes lit up, her tears almost vanishing from sight. "Well we'll have to talk to your parents first, but yes I would. I'll come by later tonight alright?" "Thank you Miss Sparkle!" Sunshine then hugged her teacher's right foreleg, making the lavender unicorn blush with embarrassment. The little filly quickly pulled herself away from Twilight's leg, now feeling embarrassed herself. "Um…should I take my seat," she asked. "No, we'll just call it a day; I seriously doubt they're coming back. Class dismissed then, go on home Sunshine." With that, Sunshine cantered happily out of the classroom and down the hall, wearing a smile on her face. Bright Blade, smiling himself, entered the classroom. "Seems like you have your hooves full with that one," said Bright Blade. Twilight simply smiled upon seeing her coltfriend, and went to her desk to gather her things. "Sunshine has so much potential, but she's too hard on herself. She almost reminds me of myself at her age," said Twilight. "I can relate, Dinky Hooves could be one of my best Cadets, she just needs a little push. I remember when Clay asked if he could enter the Knight Corp." Bright Blade shuddered a bit. "If looks could kill, Applejack and Rainbow Dash would've done me in on the spot." Twilight giggled upon remembering the day when the two of them visited Ponyville, Derpy Hooves' service in the military automatically made her daughter eligible, to which Bright Blade and Twilight went to see if she wanted to join. Apparently Dinky jumped at the chance, but they left on a bit of a sad note, seeing as how Clay wanted to join with his best friend. "Well, maybe one day, so to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit Sir Bright Blade?" Twilight said playfully. "Dame Twilight, we have been officially invited to a concert at the Canterlot Grand Opera Hall. Starring, none other than, Sweetie Belle," said Bright Blade in a rather dramatic fashion. "Seriously, Sweetie Belle's going to be in a concert!? That's wonderful, she must be so happy!?" Bright Blade thought back to Sweetie Belle's reaction, she was excited, but he could sense a bit of nervous energy. "Bright Blade?" "What – Oh yeah she's happy!" Twilight moved towards Bright and began to nuzzle him affectionately, to which Bright returned the favor. "Looks like we finally have an excuse to wear those fancy clothes that Rarity sent us, c'mon, let's head home." Bright Blade and Twilight walked side-by-side down the hallway, making the other students of the school go "Uooooo" as kids normally do. It was then that Bright Blade remembered something important. "Uh, Twilight…" "Yes?" "You may see some pictures in the newspaper tomorrow, just keep in mind that there's two sides to every story," said Bright Blade nervously. It would be much later, to Bright Blade's dismay, that Twilight would see said newspaper. And that the house they lived in, was almost sent into the stratosphere. "And low I beheld, that there were days of peace, filled with happiness and free from strife. Songs would be sung, and dreams shall be made real, this, to me, was nothing short of paradise." – Dalithian 8:11 > First Sign: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening Night ***2 Weeks Later*** It would be a gross understatement to say that the concert wasn't a big deal. It was about six o'clock, and already there was a crowd. A red carpet was laid out, leading from the street to the entrance of the Grand Opera Hall. The building was enormous, fifty foot stone columns held up part of the roof that was jetting outward, while at the front of the entrance, two bronze unicorn statues stood on either side of the doorway, horns crossed to form an X. Most of the more wealthy and elite ponies had entered the Opera Hall, but now came the part that the reporters and paparazzi were waiting for, the honored guests. The first to arrive were Twilight Sparkle and Bright Blade. Bright Blade was wearing a stunning black tuxedo, while Twilight was wearing a beautiful dark violet, velvet dress. The two of them arrived by carriage, which, upon exiting, were barraged almost immediately. The entire front of the building was being lit up with the flashing bulbs of cameras, the air filled with the roaring of the crowd, reporters, and onlookers, asking questions, asking for autographs, at some point a couple of ponies had thrown out marriage proposals to Twilight and Bright Blade. They were quickly removed. The next carriage quickly came up behind the other one, sporting a flag with an apple on it. The first to step out was an orange earth pony mare, with a blonde mane and tale, sporting a lovely white dress. Twilight recognized this mare, one of her best friends, Applejack. The blonde maned pony turned around and looked inside the carriage. "C'mon Clay, don't be scared now," said Applejack. "Alright mama," said a voice from inside the carriage. His mane and eyes were brown, his coat is light gold, wearing a tuxedo and looking rather dapper. Clay jumped out of the carriage and confidently looked up to his mother Applejack, after giving her son a little nuzzle against the cheek, the mother and son duo trotted across the red carpet. It wasn't long before Clay spotted Twilight and Bright Blade, and quickly ran up to them. Applejack just shook her head, smiling the entire time. "Aunt Twilight, Uncle Bright!" "Nice to see you again little guy," said Bright Blade. "Well don't you look like a regular gentlecolt, how do you like Canterlot," asked Twilight. "It's really big, and fancy! Hey, is mom here, do you know if she's coming," asked Clay. The couple knew who Clay was referring to. In the years he's spent growing up, he'd taken to calling Applejack mama, and Rainbow Dash mom. Unfortunately this was a question that caught both of them off guard, thankfully though Applejack was there to do damage control. "Now Clay, ya know darn well that yer mom is workin' in Las Pegasus right now," said Applejack, rubbing the colt's mane. "I just thought she might show up," giggled Clay. "She'll be back soon enough; ya know her tour ends here in Canterlot. In a couple of months we'll be back, and so will mom, alright?" "Alright," said Clay has he nuzzled against AJ's right foreleg. Just then a roar echoed across the night sky, everypony on the ground went deathly quiet, looking around frantically for the source of the roar. The air was again filled with a strong roar, but this time accompanied by the beating of huge wings. Bright Blade, Twilight, and Applejack, however didn't flinch, while Clay stood his ground. A whooshing of wind blew around them as a large dragon descended from the air. The paparazzi all too stunned to start taking pictures. When the dragon landed, it did so with ease. Upon its back was a unicorn wearing a black dress, with a fire heart ruby necklace. The dragon laid out his arm so that the tip of his claws ended at the red carpet. The unicorn gracefully trotted down the makeshift platform, almost immediately her face became visible as the cameras started flashing. Her flawless white coat, her perfectly styled violet mane and tail, her long batting eyelashes, yes this was the mare that had taken the fashion world by storm, the pony that made all stallions swoon, Rarity. When Rarity was on the red carpet, the dragon then burst into green dragon fire, eliciting gasps from the crowd. The flames eventually died down, revealing a purple scaled dragon, wearing a tux, with a fire heart ruby carved into the shape of a rose, pinned to his lapel. Twilight had a wide smile upon her face as the dragon and pony cantered towards their group. "Twilight, darling, it's been too long," said Rarity. "You're telling me!" Rarity then hugged Twilight, and then Applejack. She then stepped back for a moment, looking at the orange earth pony mare. "As I thought Applejack, you look simply marvelous in that outfit!" "Well thanks Rarity, ta be honest ah was worried that ah'd look ridiculous," said Applejack, her face blushing slightly. "See mama, I told you that you looked pretty," said Clay. His comment all but made Applejack go beet red, and wishing she had brought her Stetson hat to cover up. "Clay, you're growing up to be quite the young stallion, and you have such cute little cheeks!" Rarity then used her hooves to mush Clay's face. The little colt looked to his mother for help, but Applejack pretended not to notice, her indirect way of getting Clay back. Spike was busy giving his mother/sister a hug; ever since the purple scaled dragon had left with Rarity they have been seeing each other less and less. Although they sent letters and communicated via the Iris Callers, they still missed each other, and tonight was a joyous reunion. "I can't believe how big you've gotten, you've grown a lot since the last time I saw you," said Twilight. "Actually this isn't my real size, if it were, they'd have to carve a bigger door for me to walk through," said Spike proudly. "Bright Blade, bro, how's it going!?" Spike held out his claw and balled it up into a fist. "Good, looks like you and Rarity are doing well." Bright Blade brought up his left hoof and bumped it against Spike's fist. "Guess that's everypony, should we head in –!?" Suddenly a golden chariot flew out of the sky and came to a swift landing in front of the red carpet. Stepping off the chariot was none other than Princess Celestia, garbed in a sparkling golden gown, her royal regalia sparkling as the flash bulbs fired off. Twilight, Bright Blade, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, and Clay, all bowed respectfully to their ruler. "Greetings everypony," said Princess Celestia. "Princess Celestia, we didn't know you were coming," said Twilight. "Well, Sapphire Shores had sent me a letter requesting my presence, and when I found out that it was our dear Sweetie Belle, I couldn't say no." The crowd of ponies, reporters, and paparazzi were almost in a full frenzy. "Shall we?" The group followed the Princess inside, the whole time Bright Blade was thinking. I hope Sweetie's prepared to sing for royalty? ***20 minutes to curtain*** "PRINCESS CELESTIA'S OUT THERE!?" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Ah told ya we shouldn't of said anythin'," scolded Apple Bloom. "I'd thought she'd be excited, how was I supposed to know she was going to shut down!?" Scootaloo shot back. Indeed Sweetie Belle, after hearing the news about Princess Celestia's arrival, was curled up into a fetal position, shaking in the corner and muttering to herself. Making Apple Bloom and Scootaloo really worry about her, especially this close to show time, just then the door to the dressing room opened up. A light yellow earth pony, wearing a fluffy white coat, and white hat perched atop her cobalt blue mane. Her half-lidded amber eyes fell on the shivering young mare now stroking her tail in the corner of the room. "Good gracious, what happened," asked the fancily dressed mare. "Sapphire Shores, well um, ya see…" "Sweetie's havin' a bit of a panic attack over here," said Apple Bloom Sapphire Shores trotted over to Sweetie Belle, and gently placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "Oh honey don't worry, once you're out on that stage, and lose yourself in the music, you'll be sensational," said Sapphire Shores, singing the last word. "I know it's just that – what if I mess up! After all the trouble you went through getting this all together, I don't want to let you down, or the Princess, or any of my friends and family!" "I thought you might feel this way," Sapphire Shores then turned her head towards the doorway, "which is why I brought somepony who might be able to help." Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle gasped as they saw who entered. Sweetie slowly rose up from the ground, a smile arching across her face. "Now what's this I hear about my talented little sister succumbing to stage fright?" "Rarity!" Sweetie Belle rushed to her older sister, giving her a tight hug. "I thought you had a fashion show in Manelan!?" "Come now Sweetie, the fashion world won't crumble down because I'm not there. Besides, how could I not be here to see my little sister become a star," said Rarity. "Now no more of this 'I can't,' nonsense! You are going to go out there and sing from your heart Sweetie Belle!" Sweetie Belle stared into the eyes of her big sister, she could almost feel the unwavering confidence Rarity had for her being transmitted into her. "C'mon girls, I need your help to set up!" With that said, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, all dashed out of the dressing room in the direction of the stage. "Hm, hm, hm, gonna have to work on that," said Sapphire Shores. "Thanks Rarity, looks like I owe ya one." "Oh think nothing of it, Sweetie deserves to show off her special talent, after everything they've been through," said Rarity. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a concert to go watch." The full orchestra had gathered; tuning their instruments, making the final adjustments before the singer came out. Amongst the band was the, now famous duo, Lyra Heartstrings and Octavia. Oddly enough another famous musician pair was there with them, Vinyl Scratch, sporting her amazing turn tables and stereos. As well as Big Pwny, wielding, as he puts it, a "kickin' guitar." Princess Celestia was in her private box, overlooking the stage. Next to her was another private box, the guests of honor were all stationed inside ready to hear Sweetie Belle sing. There was a slight amount of tension amongst them; Rarity had been called away by Sapphire Shores. Bright was worried for Sweetie, this would be the first time she's ever sang in front of a huge audience. Well, except for the Talent Show anyway, which according to Twilight and Applejack, was a bit of a fiasco. "Still worried about Sweetie Belle," asked Twilight. "A little, and having Sapphire Shores come up here to get Rarity, probably wasn't a good sign," said Bright Blade. "Ah don't worry B, I'm sure it's nothing," said Spike. "Indeed it is nothing." The others turned around and saw Rarity trotting into the private box. She nonchalantly took her seat next to Spike, and simply stared out towards the stage. Before any of them could ask what she was up to the lights started to dim, the audience became hushed, and waited for the show to start. The red velvet curtain slowly rose up, revealing a beautiful young unicorn mare. Sweetie Belle was wearing a string of pearls around her neck; her normally fluffy mane was straightened, sheening as the stage lights shined upon her. She wore a black and gold dress upon her body, giving the singer a very elegant look. Sweetie Belle took a few steps forward and stopped. "I'd like to dedicate this song, with the Princess's permission, to the memory of Prince Arion." Everypony looked up to the Princess's box; she gave a nod of the head, along with a smile. Once that was taken care of the band started to play and Sweetie Belle's horn went to work. It painted a scene for all those to see, swirling galaxies, bright stars, and a peaceful land. A silver alicorn flanked by one midnight coated alicorn mare, and another whose coat was alabaster white. It was then that Sweetie Belle began to sing... "Memories Keeping me My steps have said You must go through every door Where you are led~ Silences hangs In my fear Daylight fades And I know you will be here Melting our ground In never ending shadows I'll follow you to greater lights Burn through me Around me I'll follow you to greater lights~" The audience looked on in awe, as Sweetie continued to show them the days of old, Celestia and Luna were young. It had occurred to Celestia that maybe Luna had told Sweetie Belle about these happy times, seeing as how her presence was unaccounted for. "Words will fly Beyond us Waking now No longer numb to the sound Of every voice In never ending shadows I'll follow you to greater lights Burn through me Around me I'll follow you to greater lights In never ending shadows I'll follow you to greater heights Burn through me Around me I'll follow you to greater li~ghts~ I'll follow you to greater lights~ I'll follow you to greater lights I'll follow you to greater heights I'll follow you to greater lights…" Sweetie Belle paused, and waited. A round of clopping applause could be heard all around the auditorium. They did not last long, as Sweetie Belle started to move into her next song. Although bolstered slightly from the success of the first song she was a bit nervous about this one, since she wrote for those who lost their loved ones during the war. Sweetie's horn again glowed; a new image was painted before them. That of winter, of Hearth's Warming, and fun times had with family and friends... "Dancing bears, painted wings Things I almost remember And a song someone sings, Once upon a December Someone holds me safe and warm Horses prance through a silver storm Figures dancing gracefully, Across my memory~" Suddenly the room was filled with magically created snowflakes, as the chorus line took over, letting out a beautiful, yet haunting tone. "Far away, long ago Glowing dim as an ember Things my heart used to know Once upon a December Someone holds me safe and warm Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully Across my memory! Far away, long ago Glowing dim as an ember Things my heart used to know, Things it yearns to remember… And a song someone sings… Once upon a Dec~em~ber…" There wasn't a dry eye in the house, some were crying, others applauding. Up in the private box where the others were, it was pretty much the same. Applejack noticed that Clay was sniffling a bit. "Clay, honey, are ya alright?" Clay seemed a bit startled that his mother had addressed him. "Ye-yeah, I'm fine! I wasn't crying!" On the other hoof, Rarity was bawling, moved by her little sister's song. Spike had to wrap his arm around her foreleg and make soothing sounds to comfort her. Twilight and Bright Blade, well, they just held each other's hooves tight. Not wanting to be the next to let the tears flow out too quickly. Sweetie Belle took a bow, letting some of her own tears fall from her face before she rose again. "Thank you all, this next song I wrote was inspired by the final battle, Calamity's Fall. I think it's meaning, which is obvious, rings true even today." Sweetie Belle allowed her horn to once again create dazzling images for them all, showing the battle Twilight and her friends fought against Phantasma Sun and Nightmare Moon, along with the battle between Bright Blade and Tikara Balak. The band, and surprisingly, Vinyl and Big P started to play their respective instruments. The choir began and so did Sweetie, rising onto her hind legs, striking a pose, and whipping her mane from side to side… "There comes a time, When you face the toughest of fights, Searching for a sign, Lost in the darkest of nights, The wind blows so cold, You're standing alone, Before the battle's begun, But deep in your soul, The future unfolds, As bright as the rays of the sun. You've got to believe, In the Power of Love, You've got to believe, In the Power of Love, The Power of Love. Blazing Emotion, There's a light that glows from your heart, It's a chain reaction, And nothing will keep us apart, Stand by my side, There's nothing to hide, Together we'll fight till the end, Take hold of my hoof, And you'll understand, What it truly means to be friends. You've got to believe, (You've got to believe) In the Power of Love You've got to believe, (You've got to believe) In the Power of Love, It gives meaning to each moment, It's what our hearts are all made of, You've got to believe, (You've got to believe) In the Power of Love, The Power of Love…" The imagery shifted, showing when the Crusaders became the Valkyries, how they raced to the Altar of Calamity, the revival of Bright Blade, and the subsequent fight that ensued. Big P went into a wicked guitar solo for a few seconds before Sweetie started again. "You've got to believe, (You've got to believe) In the Power of Love, You've got to believe, (You've got to believe) In the Power of Love, It gives meaning to each moment, It's what our hearts are all made of, (Just look inside) You've got to believe, (You've got to believe) In the Power of Love, The Power of Love~" The audience's jaws hung open, Princess Celestia was surprised, and even Sweetie's friends, who were watching from backstage, were doing the same. It was silent for a while, but then everypony started to cheer and whoop it up, as it were. But none of them cheered louder than Rarity, who almost had to be held back by Spike; for fear that she might accidentally fall off the edge. The whole time Clay just stared at the mare. "Mama is Aunt Rarity alright," asked Clay. Applejack waited a moment before answering that, "She's just…very happy fer her sister is all." "Very, very, happy," added Twilight. "Extremely happy," chimed Bright. Sweetie Belle then took a bow; her heart was a flutter, her smile wide. Her song was a hit, all of them, she could hardly believe it. The smiling faces of the ponies out in the audience, along with their roaring cheers made Sweetie feel like she was on top of the world. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were smiling even wider than the others; their friend was living her dream, more accurately, taking the first steps towards something greater. Sapphire Shores trotted up beside the two young mares, and sighed softly. "Sensational…" "You can say that again," said Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle rose up from her bow, her horn flared up again. She was thankful to so many, to Sapphire Shores for showing how to project her voice, and to the teachers at the Music Academy for showing her how to create those beautiful images with her magic. The crowd was almost screaming for an encore, in fact, many of them were. "An…an…encore," said Sweetie Belle nervously. Rarity had stopped her screaming cheers and was now looking worriedly at her little sister. The others were too, it would seem that she wasn't prepared to give an encore, or so it seemed anyway. "Well…there is one song. Back when I was a little filly, me and my friends formed a club called the Cutie Mark Crusaders. We did everything we could to get them; we even created a theme song!" At this, Rarity's and Applejack's eyes, along with their ears, began to twitch, noticeably. Twilight and Spike looked across from each other; their worried expressions were now ones of panic. Bright Blade and Clay raised an eyebrow at this; curious as to why they were reacting this way. "Oh dear Celestia, she can't be planning on singing THAT song," said Rarity. "Ah knew it was strange that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo weren't up here with us," said Applejack. "Uh, mama, are you alright?" "Twilight that theme song was okay for the talent show, but this – in front of all these Canterlot ponies," said Spike. Twilight shifted her eyes from the stage, to the Princess's box, and then back to the stage. "I think I might be able to do something just in case this goes south!" "Uncle Bright, what's going on," asked Clay. "I could say I know, I could even say I understand, but to be honest Clay…" The fears were realized when they started hearing the, all too familiar, beginnings of the Cutie Mark Crusaders theme song. Suddenly all the lights in the theater blacked out, soon enough a single spotlight was shot towards the stage. Scootaloo's head was illuminated, to her right was Apple Bloom, and to her left was Sweetie Belle. Although their makeup was similar in color, it was toned down considerably compared to the infamous talent show. "Look, here, are three little ponies, Ready to sing for this crowd, Listen up, 'cause here's our story I'm gonna sing it…" "VERY LOUD!" As they sang this in unison, the stage lit up, Sweetie Belle's horn was shining, creating the backdrop for their song. To the surprise of everypony, Scootaloo's singing was actually, good. "When you're a younger pony And your flank is very bare Feels like the sun will never come When your cutie mark's not there So the three of us will fight the fight There is nothing that we fear We'll have to figure out what we'll do next…" "Till our cutie marks are here! We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders On a quest to find out who we are And we will never stop the journey Not until we have our cutie marks!" The stage was filled with fog, almost obscuring the singers. At that moment Scootaloo began twirling around. Dancing gracefully while Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle provided backup, the young mare was beautiful, she was on fire. No, really, she was actually on fire. She would fan out her wings, and glide her hooves across the stage, creating a blazing trail of fire, and letting out embers as she continued. "They all say that you'll get your mark When the time is really right And you know just what you're supposed to do And your talent comes to light But it's not as easy as it sounds And that waiting's hard to do So we test our talents everywhere…" "Until our face is blue We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders On a quest to find out who we are And we will never stop the journey Not until we have our cutie marks We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders On a quest to find out who we are And we will never stop the journey Not until we have our cutie marks!" The ending came with Scootaloo pirouetting around and around, creating a mini fire tornado, the tornado then engulfed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, making the audience, and their friends, gasp in horror. After a few short seconds the fire tornado broke apart revealing all three mares striking a dramatic, yet heroic, pose. The crowd, the Princess, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Spike, Clay, and Bright Blade, all were speechless. Mouths visibly hanging open. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were panting hard, exhausted from their performance. "Ya think they didn't like it," asked Apple Bloom. "Maybe the tornado was a bit too much," whispered Scootaloo. "Why aren't they doing anything." The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. ***1 Hour Later*** "Cheers!" The gang, along with some of the other guests, had relocated to Canterlot Palace. More specifically the Grand Galloping Gala hall, all the guests were happily eating and talking, rubbing elbows if you will. There was a private celebration going on near one of the tables, all gathered around Sweetie Belle. Many of them were sipping sparkling cider, congratulating the success of the young mare. Rarity had a foreleg wrapped around Sweetie's neck, partly for stability, but mostly because she was proud of her. "Sweetie Belle, my little sister, I am so proud of you!" Rarity then started to nuzzle the side of Sweetie's cheek. Although it was embarrassing for her she really didn't mind at all. "Ah'll tell ya, we were a bit worried there for a minute," said Applejack. "A bit," questioned Apple Bloom. "Alright, a might worried!" "Didn't know you could sing like that Scoots, last I heard you're singing was – OHMPH!" Twilight, at this time, had taken the liberty of elbowing her coltfriend in the ribs, hard. She then shot him a warning glare, he immediately knew why of course. "Yeah I know, it wasn't the greatest thing in the world," said Scootaloo. "You should've seen Sweetie Belle; she has to be the harshest teacher I've ever seen, she wanted to make sure that this whole thing turned out alright. Which was fine really, I got to get her back with the dance number." Scootaloo then winked at Twilight and Bright Blade. "It looks like it was all well worth it. A ten minute, standing ovation, you girls did really great out there," said Twilight. "By the way, how did you create that fire tornado, was it Sweetie's magic?" "Yeah, what was up with that," asked Spike. "I am curious myself, pray tell, how did the three of you create that," asked Princess Celestia. "Actually that whole fire thing was from Scootaloo," said Sweetie Belle. All eyes turned to the orange pegasus, who was now rubbing the back of her head, and smiling sheepishly. They couldn't quite wrap their heads around the idea that she was the one producing the flames, even more amazing was that none of them got hurt from them. "Yeah, that was our reaction too," said Apple Bloom. "Huh, well ah'll be, that's a nifty trick! What do ya think Clay?" Applejack looked down to her right, only to see that the colt in question was not there. "Clay…?" Applejack started to look around, but, to her growing dismay, there was no sign of the little guy. "Clay! Gosh darn it, where the hay are ya!" The others started to look around as well; unfortunately, there was no sign of Clay, anywhere! "Did anypony happen to see where he went," asked Princess Celestia. "Not me," said Spike. "Nor I," said Rarity. "Me neither," said Bright Blade. Applejack was starting to get worried. "Applejack calm down, he probably went off to go play with some of the other foals. He couldn't have gotten far," said Twilight. Of course she knew this; Clay was strong and tough, hard working too. If push came to shove she was confident her son could take care of himself, but still, knowing that did not make her worry any less. He had a habit of letting his temper get the best of him sometimes, and around here, that wasn't a good thing. "Worry not Applejack, let us go and search for him, I am sure he's close by." No sooner had the Princess said those words did the image of a light gold colt, wearing a tux, come strolling along towards their group. Applejack quickly trotted over to Clay and gave a scolding look. "Clay, where in tarnation did ya go!? Ya had me worried!" "Sorry mama, I thought I saw something in the window. So I went outside to see what it was…" "Towards the gardens, at night, without tellin' me!" "Y-yeah, I guess I got a little lost, but I just followed the noise from the party and I was able to find my way back," finished Clay. Applejack wanted to give the little colt the once over, but seeing as this was a happy occasion, she decided to ruffle his mane and half smiled at him. "Well…if you do that again at least tell me where yer goin', alright?" "You're not mad mama," asked Clay. "Nnnnope, besides, your punishment is about to start in 5, 4, 3, 2…" "CLAY!" Oh no, thought Clay. At that moment Rarity appeared, seemingly, out of nowhere and enveloped the little colt in a tight hug, smushing her face against his. The little guy was almost struggling to get air. His eyes darted to Applejack, pleading for help, but he knew that she was going to make him suffer through this. Just long enough. Spike quickly rushed to the little colt's rescue, but was cut off by Applejack, thrusting a fore hoof between him and Rarity. The purple dragon looked to her quizzically; Applejack just glanced at the sight before her with a devilish grin. "Ah'd say Rarity been dippin' into the cider a little hard," observed Applejack. "Maybe a little…Uh, Applejack, how long are you going to let this happen," asked Spike. Rarity peppered Clay in kisses, saying how she was worried for the little gentlecolt. The light gold earth pony tried to get out, but could not escape the, surprisingly strong, bawling white unicorn mare. He kept mouthing the words "help me" many times, silently calling out to anypony that could wretch him away from the overly emotional Rarity. "Just a bit longer." ***5 Hours Later*** Everypony pretty much called it a night. Princess Celestia was kind enough to lend Applejack and Clay a place to stay in Canterlot Castle. Spike, unfortunately, had to carry out Rarity on his back, passed out from having a little too much of the hard stuff. Luckily for them, Princess Celestia also offered them a place sleep. The Valkyries had their own place so they went there after everything was done, which left Twilight and Bright Blade walking happily side-by-side to their home, their tails were intertwined with the others, purple on white. Twilight was a bit annoyed at how tall Bright Blade had grown lately. Of course she knew it was natural, but the fact that the young stallion was about ten inches taller than her, and knowing that she was the older one, made this feel a little awkward. "I can't believe this," said Twilight. "Believe what," asked Bright Blade. "All of this, you and me, Sweetie Belle's singing, all of us living our lives like this. It's almost like a fairytale." "I hope not." Twilight looked up at Bright, "Why not?" "Because, if it were, then that would mean that this is all a dream. I don't know about you, but I've had enough of fake memories and goodbyes. This…right here, this is real." Bright Blade nuzzled Twilight's cheek gently, although it was cold outside, the warmth between them kept the unicorn, alicorn, couple nice and warm. "I agree, wholeheartedly." Twilight and Bright Blade continued to trot together, under the light of Luna's full moon. ***Canterlot Castle*** Celestia was laying in her bed, reading in the light of the lamp on her nightstand, her regalia lined up neatly on the dresser across the room. The royal alicorn mare couldn't help but hum the songs from the concert, Sweetie Belle's musical talents had, honestly, surprised her. She had heard many a famous singer in her lifetime, from the bards of olden days, to the pop stars of the modern world. But Sweetie Belle, she sang with passion, and feeling, truly she had embraced her special talent. But there was one thing that still bothered her. Lulu where could you have gone, Sapphire Shores had invited the both of us, and you up and vanish to…mother knows where!? For a while now Luna had been out of the public eye, even more so from Celestia's. Every now and again she would come back to the castle, looking all kinds of tired, and just a tad grumpy. She would not say where she was, but it was obvious that wherever Luna had been doing, it had drained her. For a brief moment Celestia's mind had wandered into the gutter, to which she quickly pulled away from such thoughts. "Blasted!" Celestia's ears twitched as she cocked her head towards the door. She could vaguely pick up on the sounds of hoofsteps coming from the hall way, and from what she could tell, they were stumbling. The alabaster mare rose from her bed and proceeded to crack open the door. At that moment Luna was stumbling about, swaying to the left and right as if she were drunk. "Luna, what have you been…?" Celestia opened her door fully, apparently Luna hadn't noticed and kept going towards her room. "Luna!" Luna jumped up and did a one-hundred and eighty degree turn, looking quite startled. She panted heavily, her eyes were slightly bloodshot, and for a moment Celestia thought that her little sister would attack her by accident. Luckily though, that wasn't the case. Luna quickly realized who she was staring at and released whatever tension she was holding. "Oh Tia, it's only you…" Luna started to lean forward, not stopping, almost like she was… "LUNA!" Celestia caught Luna in her telekinetic grip just in time; her body went limp, allowing herself to be suspended by Celestia's aura. The elder sister levitated her younger sister into her bed chambers, and laid her down on the soft bed. "Luna are you alright, answer me Lulu!?" Celestia brought an ear close to her, listening to the rising and falling of her chest as Luna breathed in and out. "Luna?" The midnight colored alicorn wiggled and squirmed, apparently Luna had collapsed from exhaustion of some kind, and was now making herself comfortable on Celestia's bed. Honestly Lulu, what could you be doing to put you in such a state… Celestia wanted to immediately wake her little sister and demand she explain, but as she looked down upon her sleeping face Celestia started to have a change of heart. I'll just ask her in the morning. Celestia used her telekinesis to gently remove Luna's regalia and set them on her dresser beside her own. The alabaster mare then moved to the other side of the bed and laid down next to the Princess of the Night. She began to brush Luna's mane with her hoof, this action seemed to sooth the tired alicorn. Celestia then started to think back to the concert, and decided to have Luna hear at least one song. "Far away, long ago Glowing dim as an ember Things my heart used to know Once upon a December~" And so they all slept peacefully, happily, wrapped in the glorious time of the Age of Harmony, having dreams and living them at the same time in bliss. …For now… > First Sign: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go Mad ***2 Months Later*** Twilight and Bright Blade were at home, a roaring flame in the fireplace as the cold winter months were setting in. Twilight, who was lying comfortably on a cushion near the warm fire, was busy reading a book called Deragon, the tale of a pony mare who became bonded with a magical dragon. In some ways it reminded her of the way she and Spike met, except for the fact that the main character rode on the dragon's back and brandished a red blade sword into battle against an evil king. While this was going on, Bright Blade was hard at work, standing at a desk near the window. Being the commander of the Knight Corp, he had to come up with different training regimens for the troops. Their house, which of course was located in Canterlot, was very similar to the one in Twilight's "Reality Window" spell. There was one wall that was a giant bookshelf, containing various types of tomes. Next to the fireplace was a stand, where Twilight's pet owl Owlowiscious was perching himself, enjoying the sereneness of their situation. Next to Bright Blade, on another stand, was an odd looking bird. It was bright blue, with a white curved beak, it had a single crescent feather plume atop its head, and every so often its long tail feathers would give off a little spark of electricity. "What do you think Squall, this formation look good to you," asked Bright Blade. The blue bird squawked softly, giving his approval. "Great, we'll practice this first thing when the weekend's over!" Twilight giggled to herself, watching Bright Blade talk to his pet thunderbird Squall. Bright Blade had found Squall's egg during a flyby in the Everfree Forest. There were no signs of its parents anywhere so Bright had decided to take care of the egg. And now three years later Squall was growing up to be a strong and healthy thunderbird, with Owlowiscious acting as his big brother. Twilight yawned, after which she looked up at the clock. Ten o'clock, time flies when you're reading a good book, thought Twilight. "Bright I think we should head to bed soon." "What – Oh yeah sure, just let me finish up this last part of the formation. I'm thinking of calling it Formation Omega," said Bright Blade excitedly. Twilight flashed the golden alicorn an annoyed glare, but quickly let it go as she placed her book back on the shelf. She then trotted over to Bright Blade and began to nuzzle his neck affectionately, causing the alicorn to stop writing midway. "Now Bright Blade, you're not going to tell me that you went and forgot about our little date tomorrow did you?" Oh buck me! "Cause I'd hate for you to be tired and cranky all day, when we're on our fun, fun, fun date!" Buck me sideways!! "Of course I didn't forget Twi, that would be a pretty bone headed thing for me to do! But seriously, tomorrow will be the most romantic date you ever had, I promise," said Bright Blade trying to hide behind his confident façade. Twilight then kissed Bright Blade's cheek and gave him a sultry look. "Well good, I'll go and get the bed ready. See you upstairs." With that said Twilight began trotting towards the stairwell, swishing her tail, and trotting away suggestively. After Bright Blade was finally able to wrench his mind out of the gutter, he slapped himself across the face and went into panic mode. "Crap!!! I totally forgot about the date! Okay calm down, calm down – oh who am I kidding I'm dead!" Bright Blade's eyes then shifted towards his pet thunderbird. "Squall, any suggestions, I'll seriously take anything you got!?" Squall only shook its head; it would seem that this was the first time the young thunderbird had seen his owner freak out. "Owlowiscious, c'mon help me out here, has Twilight hinted to you, or better yet, told you anything!?" "Who…" said Owlowiscious. "WHO!? Twilight that's who, who else would I be talking about!?" "Who…" "Owlowiscious I don't have time for mind games and –!" At that moment it just occurred to Bright Blade what he was doing, he then facehoofed himself and groaned. "I got sucked in just like Spike did, didn't I?" The wise owl only gave a nod, confirming that he was indeed an idiot. "I'm not dead yet, I still have time to create a plan of action before –!" "Bright Blade, let's head to bed already," called Twilight. CRAP!!! Bright Blade was the first to rouse from his sleep. He was sleeping on the left side of the bed, staring at the wall. Bright then tossed to his right and was met with the sleeping face of Twilight. She looked so peaceful, even though her mane was completely disheveled, as it was every time she slept, Twilight was still the most beautiful thing in the world to him. Bright Blade used his hoof to gently move a lock of hair that was tickling her nose over Twilight's ear; she then smiled, as if to silently thank him. He still couldn't believe his luck, after everything the two of them had been through together, to be right here, sleeping beside the one he loved, the whole thing was almost surreal. What did I do to deserve a mare like her, thought Bright Blade. Twilight started to lazily open her eyes, her gaze greeted by the smiling face of Bright Blade. The two of them shared a kiss, enjoying their time together. "Morning Bright…" "Morning Twi…" "You ready for our terrific date," asked Twilight. "Of course Twilight, I got the whole thing planned out," said Bright Blade, smiling. The hay am I talking about!? Of course I don't have anything planned out, I am so dead! Twilight then gave him another kiss and the golden alicorn melted. Then again maybe not… The couple rose from their comfortable, and warm, bed. They both shivered as the cool morning temperature chilled them. Twilight and Bright levitated their robes, which were hanging from a rack near the door, and quickly put them on. Once they did they made their way downstairs, upon entering the living room they were greeted by soothing warmth that seemed to permeate the lower level, most of it coming from where Owlowicious and Squall were sleeping. The young thunderbird gave off heat when he slept, apparently, according to Fluttershy, during the winter months thunderbirds generated a kind of electrical heat field while they slept. It helps to keep them and their family warm at night; in this case, it served to keep the living room and downstairs very toasty. -KNOCK!!!- -KNOCK!!!- -KNOCK!!!- Suddenly Twilight and Bright heard violent knocking coming from the front door, the noise startled their avian pets, making Owlowicious ruffle his feathers, and making Squall let loose a low voltage lightning bolt or two. The couple was confused, they weren't expecting anypony today, and they had no deliveries ordered for either of them. -KNOCK!!!- -KNOCK!!!- -KNOCK!!!- The knocking didn't seem to let up. Twilight made her way to the front door and used her telekinesis to quickly open it. The lavender mare was surprised by what she saw, especially this early the morning. A Royal Guard soldier, looking all kinds of distressed, was standing at attention and saluting Twilight. "Dame Twilight Sparkle, terribly sorry for waking you at this early hour," said the Royal Guard stallion. "No problem, but, why are you here so early," asked Twilight. "Oh sorry, I have an urgent message for Sir Bright Blade," said the Royal Guard. Twilight turned her head to Bright Blade, who was sparking the fireplace. Apparently he heard his name being called and started to make his way towards the front door. Bright Blade noticed that Twilight had a worried look on her face. "Twilight what's up, you don't look…so…good…" Twilight moved aside and revealed the Royal Guard stallion. "What's going on?" "Sir Bright Blade, Princess Celestia has called for your presence at Canterlot Castle! There's an emergency situation that requires the immediate mobilization of the Knight Corp.!" ***Canterlot Castle*** A bright purple flash filled the halls of Canterlot Palace. The Royal Guard unicorn stallions on duty lowered their horns and readied themselves for battle. When the light dissipated Twilight Sparkle and Bright Blade were standing at its epicenter. The stallions immediately stood at attention and saluted the two knights. With a nod the couple quickly galloped past the guards and into the throne room. Princess Celestia was pacing back and forth, her expression filled with worry. "Princess Celestia, we came as soon we could," said Twilight. Celestia stopped her pacing and looked up, her face lit up, although not as much to dispel whatever was causing her such worry. "Twilight Sparkle, Bright Blade, I'm sorry to have called you here under such troubling circumstances." "The messenger said it was urgent, what's happening Princess," asked Bright Blade. "There's trouble in Trottingham…" Both Twilight and Bright Blade looked confused, Trottingham was normally a very peaceful province of Equestria. To say that there was trouble must mean that something truly bad was happening. "I've been getting reports over the LRIC that a revolt has broken out, and the citizens are riled into a frenzied rage!" "A revolt, what for," asked Twilight. "I don't really know, actually it would be more prudent to say that the reasons are all inconsistent! One report says they're revolting against some unjust laws, another one wants mine and Luna's rule to end, and other ones that are just as ludicrous as the last," said Princess Celestia, apparently the stress of the whole matter was getting to her. "Bright Blade I need you and the Knight Corp. to go to Trottingham and quell the fighting, find out what exactly is going on!" "Princess…do you really think it's that bad," asked Bright Blade. "In all honesty I'm hoping that your presence there will stop the revolt, but…if that should fail then…" Bright Blade's expression became serious; he confidently stepped forward and saluted the Princess. "Princess Celestia, do not worry…the Knight Corp. is on the job!" "Thank you Bright Blade, I've taken the liberty of calling in all your Paladins. Most of them should be at your training grounds in just a few short minutes," said Princess Celestia. Bright Blade was about to head out, but stopped the moment he saw Twilight. The look on her face was easy enough to read. "Twilight I…" Twilight wrapped her forelegs around Bright's neck, hugging him tightly. Bright Blade wrapped his left foreleg around her. "Just be safe Bright Blade, and come back in one piece…" Twilight released Bright from their embrace and let him dash off down the hallway. Ten minutes later Bright Blade was in full battle armor, with a standard issued Knight Corp. sword hanging from his left side. He walked up and down the rows of armored ponies. Although Bright Blade was semi-glad that he didn't have to worry about taking Twilight on that date he didn't plan out at all, this whole situation didn't sit well with him. Unfortunately the number of Paladins that showed up wasn't what he was hoping for. There were at least sixteen-hundred Knight Corp. Paladins, it would seem that these ponies were all that managed to arrive when the alarm was sounded. Which was fine with Bright, since one of the ponies who had arrived was the one that was going to be helpful in Trottingham. "Sigma Squad, front and center," ordered Bright Blade. Rumble, Snips, and Pip quickly separated from the large group and stood at attention. "YES SIR," they said in unison. "Pip, you're originally from Trottingham aren't you!?" "Yes sir!" Pip answered. "Do you know your way around your old stomping grounds," asked Bright Blade. "Of course sir!" "Good, then I want you and Sigma Squad stay close to me during the operation!" The three young stallions saluted in confirmation. "Alright Paladins, today we're heading to Trottingham! We don't know what exactly is happening, other than there's a revolt going on! Whatever the challenge remember to keep a cool head, and be ready for anything! Who are we!?" "WE ARE THE KNIGHT CORP.!!!" Satisfied that his troops were more or less ready for the mission, Bright Blade decided to make the final preparations. "Behold you blackhearts, the power of my ancient arts! See this wondrous sight! Your mystic power shall roar, magic sword Excelsior!" From the sky above, a blue lightning bolt shot down towards Bright Blade. The Paladins stared in amazement, witnessing for the first time their commander's sword summoning. The blue lightning bolt stopped in front of Bright, the electrical energy dispersed to reveal a new sword. The blade was single edged, the metal a brilliant cerulean color, and finely honed. It had an elegant curve to it, as the weapon radiated mana energy. The guard was in the shape of a silver crescent moon, with the blade sticking out from the cradle. Bright Blade then took hold of Excelsior with his telekinesis; he then pointed the cerulean blade at the large group of Knight Corp. Paladins. "Draíocht ar: Claimhte Codlata Toir!" Immediately all the swords of the Paladins began to glow with a blue light similar to that of Excelsior. "The spell I just cast on our swords will make it so, in the event we have to use force, the blades will harmlessly pass through them and knock them out. Now everypony hold still, we're going for a ride!" Bright Blade concentrated once again, flaring up his horn and channeling his mana through Excelsior. "Athlonnú: Trottingham!" A blue magic circle appeared underneath the sixteen-hundred Knight Corp. Paladins. It then created a barrier bubble, sealing itself, and everypony inside it. The energy of the circle glowed brighter, till it became a glowing mass of blue mana. The light sphere suddenly thinned out and shot up into the air, disappearing from sight. The light beam traveled as fast as lightning, passing over every major city and village below. All the citizens could hear was the sound of thunder rumbling across the sky, and a quick streak of blue. The blue light was heading northeast, sailing across a small ocean divide, all the way until an island-continent came into view, the Equestrian Province of Trottingham. As the city of Coltton, capital of Trottingham, came into view the giant clock tower, known to the residents as Big Bronco, started to ring, each time the bell was rung it sent out strong vibrations throughout the area, a loud reminder to the ponies of the time. The blue beam then slowed itself down, changing back into a sphere of blue mana. The light of the sphere then became transparent, allowing all inside to view the situation from a higher vantage point. Shops and houses trashed, windows broken, doors busted down, and some had small fires going on. The trail of destruction got worse as the sphere continued on. The Paladins gasped at what they saw next, bodies. A few here, a few there, some looked beaten to death or trampled upon, either by accident or purposefully was hard to tell. Mares, stallions, even young fillies and colts, all were left behind, like bread crumbs leading to something more. Unfortunately, Bright Blade was familiar with this kind of thing, having seen more than his fair share of death during the War of Darkness. However, when he looked to the troops, their faces were green, sickened by the sight of senseless death. Although, not all of them were sick, since many of the older Paladin troops were from Ponyville and had already seen death multiple times. "It won't get any better from here," said Bright Blade sternly. "If you want to throw up, or start crying, do it now! When we land, those ponies need to see confident and strong warriors; they need to believe that we can stop whatever is happening here! Discard any lingering doubts!" The troops who were more familiar with this helped the ones that weren't, Bright Blade had a pit in his stomach! This wasn't something he was expecting to see again. Ten years of peace…and then something like this…why!? Soon enough the Knight Corp. had finally arrived at the Parliament building, the center of marry old Coltton. The building, fortunately, was surrounded by a barrier. Outside it was a mob scene, many ponies were either beating down the barrier or beating each other, it was complete madness. Every now and again, a magic bolt would be launched from the mob, exploding against the shield or blowing up a nearby institution. The mob was yelling and screaming, shouting out profanities, and things that didn't quite make sense. "DOWN WITH CELESTIA!!!" "LONG LIVE LUNA!!!" "EQUALITY FOR ALL EQUINES!!!" "ANARCHY!!!" "DEATH TO THE ROYAL FAMILY!!!" The blue beam shot straight through the barrier, collecting itself till it reformed the glowing sphere. Royal Guard ponies all started to gather in the courtyard, ready to do battle with the unknown intruders. Soon the sphere touched down on the ground, revealing Bright Blade and the Knight Corp. The Royal Guard ponies all breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing their reinforcements. "I am Sir Bright Blade, Knight of Hope, and commander of the Knight Corp.!" "Blimey, thank Celestia," exclaimed the Royal Guard stallion. "Where's your Captain, we need to be briefed on the situation," asked Bright Blade. "Now that's going to be a problem…" Bright's ears perked up, that voice, it was familiar to him. The Royal Guard stallions that were lined up in front of the Corp. separated upon hearing the gruff voice. An earth pony stallion trotted towards them, he had a brown coat, weathered black mane, intelligent gray eyes, and clad in dirtied yellow armor. His cutie mark was that of a large red and yellow shield, with a black spear in the center. "Been a long time kid," said the stallion. Bright Blade smiled widely upon finally recognizing the stallion. "Major Broadside!" "General Broadside, and don't forget it!" Broadside warned in a playful tone. "What – how – when did – why are you here!?" "If you can believe it, I was on vacation. C'mon, I'll brief ya inside," said Broadside. The General, along with the other Royal Guard ponies, lead the Knight Corp. towards the Parliament building, along the way they passed by a statue of Princess Celestia, with words inscribed at the pedestal stating "In Celestia we trust!" Further up ahead the group trotted up some stairs, between two large columns and into the building itself. Inside was chaos, ponies were scampering about in a panic. Public officials, Ministers, and several civilian families that had somehow escaped the madness, all clamored for answers, wondering why this was happening. Some of the noise stopped upon seeing the large group of armored ponies cantering inside, stopping to take a look. Bright Blade and General Broadside trotted side-by-side, their dual presence commanding both power, experience, and respect as the other ponies looked on in awe. After a while the group was lead into a large room. From what Bright Blade was able to figure it was the meeting room the Parliamentary leaders used to discuss political matters, for now it served as a makeshift War Room. Broadside had Bright Blade gather round a large table, on it was a map of Coltton with red marks showing different movements. "So what's going on General Broadside, why are all those ponies riled up into a frenzy," asked Bright Blade. "You're guess is as good as mine." The others seemed confused by the answer, even the General didn't know why this was happening. "All I know is that thirty-six hours ago all Tartarus broke loose. It was a nice sunny day, just like any other. Then all of a sudden ponies started to get a little edgy, then they started arguing, after a while they broke out into straight out brawls!" "Did anypony see the one who started this," asked Pip. "That's just it, it started everywhere! It was almost like a virus was spreading out through the city, and before you know it we got a full mob going crazy!" Broadside rubbed his temples with his forehooves and groaned. "Wait a minute, so where's the Captain!? No offense to you General, you're technically a civilian," said Blue Blaze. "Heh-heh, he's about five miles back that way," Broadside pointed in the general direction of where the mob was, "he succumbed to the frenzy, fought ten ponies at once, and then got himself killed." Bright Blade was looking at the map, from the looks of it they had been holding various points within the city, but apparently they were all broken through. "Is the whole city of Coltton out there!?" "Not all of them, some of the citizens are in here, the ones that are still right in the head. I tell ya, ten years of no fighting and we get overrun this easily!" Broadside then snorted, not too pleased about the combative skill of the Royal Guards. "Have you tried reasoning with them," asked Noi. "Yes, and failed miserably…" "Looks like we'll have to use force, sixteen-hundred versus, roughly, two-million crazed ponies, that sound about right?" "Just like old times, huh kid," he said with a smile. The other Knight Corp. members didn't seem as enthusiastic about the prospect of fighting two-million frenzied ponies as Broadside was. Bright Blade noticed the tension building amongst his troops; this wasn't going to be easy by any stretch. Daemoni were easy, they were monsters so we didn't have to hold back. But against civilians…Bright Blade knew that his troops would get injured, or worse, die. "Maybe we don't have to fight them, if I use Excelsior, and with enough power, I could cast a spell that could knock them all out," suggested Bright Blade. "Sir Bright Blade is that possible," asked Snips. "Can you do it," asked Broadside "Maybe, if I start now I should –!" Suddenly the entire area was filled with the ominous sound of shattering glass, followed by a small rumbling quake that shook the building. General Broadside, along with the other Royal Guards, looked at each other with worry and panic. Their fears were confirmed when somepony in the other room shouted. "THE BARRIER IS DOWN!!! THE BARRIER IS DOWN!!!" Indeed it was true, their worst fears were realized. The barrier was slowly starting to deteriorate, the pieces falling off and shattering like fragile glass. The mob of ponies continuously smashing and firing magic bolts only quickened the process. Bright Blade, General Broadside, and the Knight Corp. quickly gathered outside. "FORM UP," ordered Bright Blade. The sixteen-hundred began forming ranks, splitting into their three pony squads. "DRAW!" All the Knight Corp. Paladins quickly drew their swords from their sheaths, some with their hooves, some with telekinesis, and others with their teeth. The blades of their swords all glowed with an iridescent blue aura, a sign that Bright Blade's spell was still active. Bright Blade drew his sword as well; he didn't want to use his more powerful weapons, not unless he was absolutely sure that he didn't have any other choice. General Broadside, who was brandishing a large shield, then looked to the small army of Paladins and grinned approvingly. "You got yourself a fine group of soldiers there kid, nice work." "Thank you sir," said Bright Blade. The shield finally fell, and the mob galloped at full speed. The group didn't move at all, they just patiently waited. Bright Blade's horn started to glow with golden light, the energy building with each step the mob took. The gap between was closing fast, fifty yards, ten yards, five yards, thirty feet, fifteen feet, ten feet! NOW!! Bright Blade released the pent up mana he had been collecting and fired a telekinetic pulse that propelled itself forward towards the mob. The wave of power hit the first wave of ponies, sending them flying up into the air and flying towards the back rows. The shockwaves then traveled through the rest of the mob, effectively stunning them. The waves kept going, stunning the rest of the ponies further back, Bright Blade knew it would take a while before the effects were felt by the entire mob, but right now it provided them with a tactical advantage. "CHARGE!" Bright Blade shouted. The Knight Corp. let loose their war cries as they stampeded toward the mob. Bright Blade was the first to strike, his blade passing through them harmlessly, and sending them into a deep sleep. Soon the rest of the Knight Corp. was slashing through the mob of ponies, each one falling before their blade. They had to work fast, they knew that mob wouldn't stay stunned for long, and the longer they took to get to the back rows, the more the mob had time to recover. ***Four Hours Later*** "HOLD THE LINE," shouted General Broadside. The mob had quickly regained its second wind, coming at them with double the ferocity. The Knight Corp. was forced into creating a defensive line around the Parliament building, making the mob come to them. Unfortunately, the never ending stream of ponies was starting to take its toll on the Paladins. Pip, Snips, and Rumble were in the thick of the mob, along with ten other squads. Whittling down as many of the frenzied ponies as they could, two incoming ponies, a unicorn and earth pony were charging straight at Pip. Pip bit down on his sword hilt, waiting for the two charging stallions. The unicorn fired a magic bolt, Snips saw the attack and fired a magic bolt, the blast sharpening itself into a crescent blade, and cutting through the blast in midair. Pip, knowing that his fellow squad mates had his back, charged straight for them. He quickly slashed the unicorn, the blade passed through his head and the unicorn instantly fell to the ground unconscious. The earth pony stallion, who had ran passed him, did a one-eighty turn, and raised his forelegs to stomp down on Pip. Rumble saw what was about to happen and acted fast, the gray pegasus flew as fast as he could, flapping his wings furiously. Grasping the sword in the crook of his hooves and swung down, letting the blade glide through the frenzied pony. The stallion, just like the others, fell to the ground. "Thanks Rumble, thanks Snips," said Pip. "No problem," they said in unison. "Bloody hay, what is wrong with all of them!?" "Don't know, their eyes are all bloodshot, and crazy looking," said Snips. "At this rate we'll run out of steam before any of them – On your right Snips!" A team of earth pony colts came charging at the grayish unicorn, Snips used his telekinesis to slash in a wide arc, taking down all five at once. If anything made this fight harder it was this, not just grown mares and stallions, but young colts and fillies as well. Up above, Bright Blade, was drawing as many of the frenzied pegasi to him, taking down each one, and getting bruised while trying not to hurt any of them. There's got to be a reason for all of this, something that's driving them!? Two pegasi started to fly towards Bright Blade, one from his right, the other from his left. They flew at full speed, firmly locked on their target. Bright Blade waited for just the right moment and then, folded his wings, and dropped down. The two pegasi then collided with each other, sending them spiraling to the ground. Bright used his telekinesis to grab them before the duo crash landed, gently placing them behind their lines. Suddenly, as Bright Blade scanned the ground, he spotted a figure. It was red, shimmering, and an earth pony from what he could make out. The mob didn't seem aware of it, but at the same time, parted, creating a path for it to walk. Bright Blade descended to the ground landing within the clear space the mob had created; he then sheathed his sword and proceeded to address the unknown entity. "Who are you," he called out. The entity only looked about, with its glowing dark-yellow eyes, utterly ignoring Bright Blade. "I asked you a question! Who are you and what are you doing here!!!?" This time the entity's head snapped in Bright's direction, the red, ephemeral, pony tilted its head in a sort of curious fashion, as if wondering if Bright Blade was really speaking to it. "Yes you, the red ghost thing! I don't know what you are, but you better start talking!" The Red Ghost, now aware that Bright Blade could indeed see its form, shifted its stance. Its eyes narrowed, glaring at the Knight of Hope, and raking its hoof against the ground. "So…you want to fight, huh? In that case! Here my prayer for my need is dire; bring forth the power that I desire! Let nothing stand in your way! Begin the battle's aria, sword of might Exia!!!" The cloud filled sky then rumbled as a red lightning bolt shot down, the bolt stopped in front of Bright Blade to reveal a new sword. It was a dual edged sword; the twin blades color a bright ruby red, and a black leather grip. The Red Ghost appeared stunned by the display and cocked its head to the left. Bright Blade took the twin blade sword, gripping firmly with his teeth. All together the sword was about ten feet long tip to tip, yet was light as a feather. Bright Blade then raked his hoof against the ground, showing that he too was ready to do battle with the strange apparition. The Red Ghost galloped at full speed, Bright Blade dashed forward, using his wings to propel him faster. The two of them drew closer and closer, the Red Ghost showed no signs of changing its path, it became clear that this was a game of chicken, and Bright Blade wasn't about to lose to a ghost. At the moment before impact, Bright Blade jerked his head to the right, slashing with Exia. Something odd happened though, when the sword made contact, the ghost then became a giant wave of red mist, it then blew through Bright Blade. The sensation was unlike anything he'd ever felt. Rage, anger, pain, and hatred, all pierced his soul, washing over him like a great flood. It wasn't normal, that much he could tell, this felt old, ancient, a culmination of all four, gathered from many beings. What was worse, Bright Blade could feel it trying to fill him, almost consume him. Don't think I'm going to let you win, whatever you are!!!! Bright Blade, reached deep inside of himself, sending his mind all the way back to Canterlot, trying to connect to the one thing he knew would help him banish this ghost: the Element of Hope. Once he felt the power, Bright Blade's body shimmered with golden light. The red mist was now roaring in protest; apparently this thing did not like the power of Hope. "RAY! OF! HOPE!" The area was bathed in golden light, dispersing the red mist completely. Bright Blade quickly disconnected his link to the Element of Hope, although he was a bearer, connecting to the Elements power, without the item itself on him, was a dangerously draining feat. While Bright Blade was recovering from the power drain he couldn't help but notice, all the frenzied ponies, were still. They all looked around, staring at Bright Blade, then the Knight Corp., and then everywhere else. A little pegasus filly broke from the crowd and started to trot towards Bright. The golden alicorn kept Exia firmly held between his teeth, ready to use deadly force should she, and the crowd, decide to attack again. The filly looked up at him, "Excuse me sir, but what are we all doing here," she asked innocently. Bright Blade, taking this on good faith, dismissed Exia. "Little one, you don't remember what happened here?" The pegasus filly shook her head, Bright then turned to the rest of the crowd. "Do any of you remember what happened, why you're here?" The crowd of ponies around him shook their heads as well; soon they all started to talk amongst themselves, trying to figure out why they were all in the center of the city, and at the Parliament building no less. Did that Red Ghost have something to do with this!? But why though, and where did it – A mare pony then ushered a scream from the back of the crowd, Bright Blade realized that they must've just now noticed the dead bodies behind them. Soon the Knight of Hope was being barraged with questions by a confused and scared crowd of citizens. Problem was; he had no answers to give. The Knight Corp.'s mission to Trottingham was, more or less, a success. But what was that mysterious Red Ghost, and what does its appearance mean!? It would seem that the peace filled times for Equestria are about to end here… > First Sign: Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breaking Point "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!?" Bright Blade shouted. Three weeks had passed since the incident in Trottingham. Although it was quelled, somewhat, more strange frenzied mob scenes have been popping up around Equestria. Three involving small villages, one in Baltimare, another in Hoofshire, Dodge City, and Appleloosa, making Bright Blade stretch the Knight Corp. Paladins pretty thin, but thankfully they were able to control the situations in each city and village. Twilight was watching him from the upstairs guardrail, a look of worry plain on her face. Owlowicious and Squall were perched on the same guardrail, looking down the golden alicorn, along with the lavender mare. This whole ordeal wasn't doing Bright Blade any good, he was stressed, getting angry, and kept spouting something about a Red Ghost. Twilight couldn't figure it out, he hadn't talked much since his return, and now it was getting to the point where her coltfriend was staying up all day and night. "I'm going to go talk to him," said Twilight. Squall and Owlowicious looked at her with concern, but she simply smiled at them reassuringly and descended the stairs. As she trotted into the foyer she could see Bright Blade's quill pen furiously scratching at the parchment paper, his mane and tail were disheveled, and his ears were twitching at different intervals. "Bright Blade…?" "I know that thing is behind all this! That damn Red Ghost, there's no way all these different places could be experiencing the same madness as Trottingham – this isn't mere coincidence – something is happening!" "Bright Blade!?" The golden alicorn stallion stopped his writing and turned his head. His eyes were narrowed; even so she could make out the dark bags under his eyelids. "What is it Twilight?" "I was just coming to tell you that it's late, maybe you should get some rest," suggested Twilight. "Heh, rest, I don't have time to rest! Equestria is going crazy and I need to figure out how to stop it! And nopony's seen the Red Ghost, but I saw it, why was I the only one who saw it," ranted Bright Blade. Twilight was really starting to worry for Bright's mental state. "I think you should stop, come to bed, you have training with the Cadets tomorrow." "Oh there you go again," Bright Blade turned around and looked at Twilight, "I'm starting to get tired of that tone Twi!" Twilight was taken a little aback by what Bright Blade had said, and at the same time a little miffed. "What exactly are you talking about, what tone!?" "That same tone you use when you're teaching, like I'm some damn school foal! I got a newsflash for ya Twi; I'm twenty-five, about to be twenty-six! So stop treating me like a kid!" Bright Blade shouted. "Treating you like a kid!? Bright Blade I haven't treated you like a kid since you turned eighteen!" "Yeah, and still, you continue to look down on me! I've nearly reacquired all my old powers, not to mention forged two new swords! Well I'm not you're student anymore Twi, I am a warrior, a stallion!" Bright Blade was inching closer to Twilight, but stopped his advance and just stared angrily at her. He then gave a grunting huff and turned his back to the lavender mare. "I'm going to keep working, so leave me alone, now!" Twilight didn't know how to take this, in all the years she had been with Bright Blade he had never talked like this to her. There was genuine anger and, dare she think, hate in his voice. Twilight trotted closer to her coltfriend, and gently placed a hoof on his left shoulder. "Bright Blade I didn't mean –" Suddenly Bright Blade flared his left wing, pushing Twilight's hoof away. He twirled around, causing his wing to push her back. The lavender unicorn mare soon found herself thrown to the floor, taken by surprise by what had just happened. Twilight looked back and watched as Bright Blade brought up his right hoof, preparing to strike his marefriend, his emerald eyes were filled with a fiery fury, it paralyzed her. She had never seen Bright Blade like this. Everything was happening in slow motion, Twilight watched as the hoof of the one she loved made its way towards her, the whole thing was so unreal, the dark-violet maned mare kept thinking that this was a bad dream that she would wake up at any moment. Unfortunately that wasn't the case, this was happening, this was real. Bright Blade!? Squall, who could no longer sit by and watch, let loose a noise that was a combination of a hawk screech and a thunderclap, he even discharged a few lightning sparks for good measure. The sound and display from Squall made Bright Blade stop mid-strike, his hoof just inches from Twilight's muzzle. Bright Blade looked up at his pet thunderbird, shaking his head as if he'd been in a daze. "Squall…? What…why did you –!?" The golden alicorn's gaze drifted downwards, he had just noticed how close his hoof was to Twilight's face, and the look of fear in her eyes. "WHAT THE BUCK!!!??" Bright Blade pulled back his hoof and began retreating backwards till his back hit the desk. He was hyperventilating, eyes wide as saucers, and iris's reduced to the size of pinpricks. It was strange, but Twilight could clearly see it, Bright was afraid, completely and utterly terrified at what he almost did. "Bright Blade…It's okay, I'm alright," said Twilight worriedly. "NO! I-I almost – but I wouldn't – I couldn't! Twilight I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Twilight, with her fear now gone, was now looking at Bright with a mixture of comfort and concern. She could tell that this was the real Bright Blade, the one she loved and loved her back. "Bright Blade I'm fine, really, see!?" Twilight got up and trotted closer to the stallion. "No, please no, stand back Twilight! I think, maybe it's best that…that I sleep down here tonight…" Twilight wanted to protest, to do nothing more than comfort her coltfriend. But she could tell by the look in his eyes, her presence right now would do him more harm than good. Reluctantly, she complied. "Alright Bright Blade, if you…if you need me just call, alright?" Twilight asked. Bright Blade nodded in response, he then turned away from her, shame overtaking him. "Well…goodnight…" Twilight made her way upstairs, taking one last look at the golden alicorn. She could hear faint crying coming from downstairs. Owlowicious looked at Twilight with worry in his wise eyes; she petted the owl gently, conveying that she was indeed just fine. She then turned her attention to Squall, watching over his owner with a dutiful gaze. Twilight could tell that Squall was just as worried about Bright Blade as she was. "Thank you Squall," said Twilight. The thunderbird gave her a nod and went back to watching Bright Blade. With that Twilight went inside the bedroom, and slept, her mind was still trying to contemplate what exactly happened tonight, but reasoned that everything might make better sense tomorrow. ***Early Morning*** Celestia's sun had barely risen, but some of the faint light of the moon still peaked through the Knight Corp. barracks. One of the Cadets, a gray unicorn filly, known as Dinky Hooves, got up from her bunk bed. She stretched her forelegs and yawned widely. Once she rubbed the sleep from her eyes Dinky got out from her bed and made her way to the washroom. After Dinky had gotten something to eat she went to the training grounds. It was cold out, and a light mist hung low to the ground. The sun was already beginning to rise, most of the Cadets didn't start coming outside to train, but Dinky did. She was up early almost every day, the first one on the training grounds. Dinky knew what the other Cadets said about her behind her back. How she only got into the Knight Corp. by luck, that she had no real skill. Dinky was also aware about what the older ponies said about her mother, she didn't know why they said mean things about her mother. Just because her eyes weren't always straight, and clumsy, and sometimes a bit goofy, that didn't give them any right to call her mother names, that is why she trained. Dinky would often find herself staring out in the direction of Ponyville, wondering how her friends back home were doing. She often thought of her friends, Pumpkin and Pound Cake, Swift Hummer and Spring Day, and of course her best friend Clay. The two of them were close; they shared almost everything, even a goal. They both wanted to join the Knight Corp., Dinky had her own reasons, but Clay, Clay never actually told her why. Dinky shook her head, noticing that her wooden training sword was wavering once again. I've got to focus! Parry, step, lunge, slash, repeat! The sword, wrapped in her pink telekinetic aura, followed her direction. Dinky imagined that with each swing of the sword she was cutting down all the negative things the foals and older ponies said about her and her mom. I'll show them, I'll be a knight just like Sir Bright Blade! I'll be the best swordsmare in Equestria! Dinky then galloped at a fast pace, stopped, and then flipped in the air, three times. When she landed, Dinky quickly turned around, taking the sword into her teeth, and began slashing at imaginary opponents. She kept count of every one she was fighting, in her mind fighting two or three at a time, defeating them all with her superb sword skills. After defeating the last imaginary opponent, Dinky stopped. She saw that the sun was higher now, which meant that the other Cadets would be coming to the training grounds soon. Knowing this she decided to take a break, soon enough she'd be hard at work again. As Dinky waited for the Cadets to arrive, she thought back to the first time her instructor, Bright Blade, caught her training at the early morning hours. He wasn't angry, thank Celestia, but he did offer her some advice before leaving her to her practice. "The problem with fighting an imaginary opponent is that he's always highly skilled, and there can be many of them, but in the end they are always easily defeated." As her teacher walked away he said one more thing, something that gave Dinky a bit of a reason to train harder. "Whenever you feel like it, challenge me, sometimes you can learn a lot more from fighting your instructor than from non-existent warriors." Before Dinky could further contemplate how she would go about challenging her instructor, her train of thought was interrupted by the chattering of the other Cadets as they approached. And among them were some of the fillies and colts that she didn't particularly like. "Well if it isn't the brownnoser," said a colt Cadet. "Why don't you just give up, there's no way you're going to make the cut," said a filly Cadet. "Knock it off you guys!" Noi scolded. The other Cadets stopped their teasing, directly anyway, and proceeded to grab their training swords from the nearby racks. Noi looked in Dinky's direction, Dinky smiled back, thanking her. This wasn't the first time and it wasn't going to be last time, she and Clay got plenty teased by a certain blue pegasus that shall not be named. ***5 Minutes Later*** "Something's wrong," said Dinky. "What do you mean," asked Noi. "Sir Bright Blade should've been here already." "He's probably just running a little late; Sir Bright Blade has been busy lately." Dinky knew this was true; their teacher was always there before class started, and by now they were already underway. Although with all the missions he'd been leading around Equestria it was understandable that he'd be tired and forget, but still, Dinky couldn't shake the feeling that there was something wrong. Suddenly an orb of golden light appeared in the center of the crowd of Cadets. They all made a wide circle, staying clear of it. The orb flashed, revealing Bright Blade, in his armor, staring at the ground and panting a little hard. Before anypony could call out to him, the golden alicorn's head shot up quickly, making the young Cadets flinch. "Why haven't you all started training yet," asked Bright Blade. "We were waiting for you, Sir Bright Blade," said a colt Cadet. "Hmph, do I need to hold your hooves all the damn time!? Can't you all improvise if I'm a little late!?" Bright Blade shouted. The Cadets were a little hurt by their teacher's words, and a bit scared about his sudden change in attitude. Dinky was watching Bright Blade; he seemed tense, rigid, with narrowed eyes that were bloodshot. This was not the knight that she admired. "Sir Bright Blade…what's wrong? You don't seem well?" "Very observant DINKY! Tell ya what, next time you can lead the next four missions, and when you come back – if you come back – you'll only know half of what I'm feeling!" Bright Blade huffed and trotted through the Cadets, making his way towards the sword rack. He used his telekinesis to lift many different ones, looking for one that he liked. At this point the Cadets were all talking amongst themselves, wondering what was up with their teacher. "Geez Dinky, why is Sir Bright Blade such a jerk today," asked Noi. "YOU REALIZE I CAN HEAR EVERY SINGLE WORD YOU'RE SAYING!!!" Bright Blade whipped his head around, shooting them a death glare that could've killed them on the spot. "I just realized what you're problem is! I've been going too easy on all of you!" Bright Blade then lifted one of the training swords with his telekinesis; he inspected the wooden sword for a few seconds, and in the next moment crushed it into splinters. The act elicited a gulping sound from the little ones, putting in prospective just how easily their teacher could hurt them if he so chooses. "No more of these imitations, from today on, we use the real thing!" Bright Blade raised his head, his horn flared with a golden aura. He then pointed it at the Cadets and fired a arcing gold lightning bolt at them, the Cadets gasped in terror, thinking the heroic knight was going to kill them all. The lightning bolt then splintered into several bolts, each one striking the wooden training swords. Bright Blade cancelled his spell and waited for the Cadets to notice his work. Dinky levitated her sword from its holster; her eyes went wide, now seeing what Bright Blade had done. "These are…these are real swords!" "Another point for the filly in the back row – yes indeed it is! From here on out you will all train with these, maybe you'll get better and pay attention more if you use the real thing!" "But Sir Bright Blade, you don't expect us to really use these on each other, do you!?" Noi asked panicked. "Oh no Noi, not on yourselves, I couldn't allow that." The others let out a sigh of relief; maybe the Knight of Hope wasn't as crazy as he appeared. "You're all going to fight me, one versus many, first of you to make me bleed wins!" I retract my earlier statement; he was indeed as crazy as he appeared. The fillies' and colts' jaws hung open, they couldn't believe what they had just heard, this couldn't be happening to them. As if to drive the point home, Bright Blade fired a beam of mana into the air. The blast then exploded and formed a bubble around the entire training grounds. Bright Blade then levitated one of the swords close to him and assumed a fighting stance. "So who's first!?" At this point all the Cadets screamed their heads off, and ran for the hills. Unfortunately they soon discovered that the golden bubble was in fact a barrier. They pounded, bucked, slashed, and a few even fired a magic bolt or two, but nothing could break it. The mass of foal Cadets then turned around, their armor rattled as they shook in fear, watching as their instructor slowly made his way towards them, like a predator cornering his prey. Dinky looked around, at the scared faces of her fellow Cadets, and at the crazed look in Bright Blade's eyes. Mustering all the courage she had, and then some, Dinky flared up her horn, taking her sword into her telekinetic grasp. The Cadets all parted, creating a path for Dinky, they watched her in confusion, wondering what the blonde filly was up to. She stood before Bright Blade, about three feet of open space between them. With a confident voice she spoke. "I will challenge you! I will fight you Sir Bright Blade!" The golden alicorn smiled wickedly and, without warning, launched his sword at Dinky. The filly quickly used her sword to intercept the blow, Bright's sword blade slammed onto Dinky's, the mental recoil almost made the unicorn's head split open. Bright easily saw the opening and took it, charging straight at her at full speed! Dinky, having regained a bit of her senses, dodge rolled to her right. Tumbling about till she was, relatively, a safe distance from the crazed alicorn. So that's what Impact Recoil feels like, ouch! Sir Bright Blade isn't holding back, if I take too many of those he'll knock me out! Dinky glanced at the foals, who were now taking this opportunity to try and break open the barrier. I may not win, but at the very least I can buy them some time! Bright Blade turned to the unicorn filly, who was now noticeably sweating. "C'mon Dinky, don't tell me you're tired from just one move!? I expected better from you!" Dinky let out a battle cry as she broke into a full gallop, Dinky moved her sword to her mouth and gripped it with her teeth. While she wouldn't suffer the mental stress of Impact Recoil, she was taking a risk; instead of mid-range combat she was going to engage her teacher at close range. Bright Blade chuckled as he watched Dinky charge at him. He quickly slashed at Dinky from the right, the filly met the blade with her own, stopping it, and continuing the charge. Bright attacked from the left, to his surprise, Dinky switched the direction of the blade and quickly intercepted the strike. The white maned stallion was mildly impressed, she had figured out a difficult technique. Dinky was closing in on the alicorn, she decided to try something new in order to unbalance her teacher. The floating sword then thrust forward, Dinky let her armor absorb the blow, glancing off her. She slid low, balanced herself on her forelegs, and bucked with her hind legs into Bright Blade's jaw. Bright Blade unfurled his wings and with a strong flap, jumped back a few feet. He landed gracefully back to the ground, feeling some pain in his jaw, the Knight of Hope then spat out some blood, with a little streaking from the corner of his mouth. "It's over Sir Bright Blade, I've won," declared Dinky. The alicorn stallion only chuckled at the unicorn's statement. "No Dinky, the fight still goes on!" "B-b-but you said, the first to make you bleed w-wins!? You're bleeding from your mouth right now!" "Yes, but you used your hooves and not your sword. The purpose was for you to use the sword!! Can't you do anything right you stupid filly!!!?" Dinky felt a stinging sensation in her heart; it hurt more than the Impact Recoil, making her drop her sword. Of all the ponies she expected to hear those words from, she never expected to hear them from him, her teacher, and a knight. Dinky had to bite her lower lip, trying desperately to stifle the tears that wanted to flow from her eyes. "Since you couldn't follow the rules, the conditions will change! Now, you will have to kill me with your sword!" Bright watched as Dinky's eyes went wide with fear, a sight that he seemed to relish. Bright Blade was repositioning his floating sword, pointing it right at the little filly. "Touché!" The sword launched straight for Dinky, who was now paralyzed with fear. The weapon only made it a few inches before it mysteriously exploded, surprising both Bright Blade and Dinky Hooves. Both combatants looked around, trying to figure out what or who stopped the sword. Their gaze eventually found the one responsible, it was an orange-red unicorn filly, with a yellow mane and tail, and magenta colored eyes. Bright Blade recognized this filly, one of Twilight's students, Sunshine. "What, the buck, are you doing here little filly!?" Bright Blade shouted. "M-M-Miss Sparkle wanted me to bring you a message, and then this barrier came up and –!" "You got caught inside, you should've stayed quiet! I wouldn't have noticed you," said Bright. Sunshine put on a brave face, staring down the insane stallion. "Please just stop this, you're scaring everypony, if Miss Sparkle –!" The filly was then cutoff by a telekinetic force wave that pushed Sunshine a few inches, not enough to hurt her, but just enough to make sure she wouldn't finish that sentence. "This is a Knight Corp. training session, and since you're here, you'll be participating Sunshine!" Bright Blade shot another spell blast at the racks that still had wooden swords. The imitation weapons were quickly transformed into real blades, to which Bright levitated three of them, aimed right for Sunshine. "Let's see you blow these up!" The swords zoomed straight for the unicorn, Sunshine tried to concentrate, but was finding it very difficult to do so as she watched the blades soar towards her. "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" Suddenly the three swords halted, mere inches from Sunshine. They were now wrapped in a pink aura, as opposed to the golden aura of Bright Blade. The alicorn was surprised; he turned to Dinky, her horn flaring with pink mana energy, and with a fierce look in her eyes. The gray unicorn filly galloped to the side of Sunshine, who had closed her eyes. When Sunshine reopened them she saw Dinky, standing at her side, with all three swords at attention, floating around the two in a protective orbit. "Are you alright," asked Dinky. "Y-yeah, I'm fine, but how did you…?" Dinky was at loss herself, she didn't know how she was able to take control of the swords away from Bright Blade. It was then that Sunshine gasped and pointed her hoof towards Dinky's flank. The blonde maned filly turned her head to see a cutie mark, a pair of broadswords crossed to form an X. I-I got my cutie mark! I can't believe it! Dinky's joy over obtaining her cutie mark was a bit overshadowed by the fact that there was still a crazed alicorn still staring them down. The young Knight Corp. Cadet assumed a fighting stance, and glared at the knight. "Hey, what's your name?" Dinky whispered. "Sunshine." "That exploding thing you just did, can you do that again?" "I was actually trying to stop the sword, not blow it up," whispered Sunshine dejectedly. "That works for me, okay so listen closely." Bright Blade stood there, pacing back and forth, waiting for whatever pitiful strategy the fillies were concocting. He took a moment to see what the other Cadets were doing; some had given up trying to break the barrier, while still others continued to try in vain. Bright Blade, for some unknown reason, was delighted by all this. He noticed that Dinky had gotten her cutie mark, and was hoping that this latest development would prove to be more challenging. "That's long enough, either you attack or I do!!? Expect no mercy from me!!!" Dinky and Sunshine had stopped their whispering and turned their attention to Bright Blade. The orange-red filly's horn started to shine, Bright Blade could feel her mana building up, it was similar to the last time she used a spell. Soon a ball of light appeared at the tip of her horn. Instead of keeping it there, Sunshine allowed it to float away towards Bright Blade. The sphere of light continued to grow in size, shining as if it were the sun itself. Bright Blade assumed a defensive stance, not quite sure what Sunshine was up to. The ball of light let loose a blinding flash, causing Bright Blade to shield his eyes with his wings. The Cadets turned away, scared out of their minds as to what was going on. It was at that moment that Bright Blade saw something, a figure, he wasn't quite sure. He didn't have to guess long, as Bright saw Dinky spiraling in the air and descending towards him. Bright Blade had to act quickly, he had no sword of which to wield so he opted for the next best thing. Dinky was building up momentum as she spun herself around, her sword clenched firmly between her teeth. The gray unicorn filly concentrated on her target, she knew it wasn't a good thing to do, but it had to be done. Forgive me Sir Bright Blade, but I have to do it! Forgive me!!! Dinky jerked her head, swinging her blade with all the built up momentum and strength she could muster. Dinky closed her eyes at the very last minute, not wanting to watch her sword slice through her mentor's horn and see the inevitable look of pain and shock. Surprisingly, when Dinky's sword hit its mark she stopped. Dinky opened her eyes and was surprised to see the Knight of Hope's horn glowing. The blade was grinding against the energy field around Bright Blade's horn, the force of both suspending the filly in the air. The deranged warrior stallion looked up at Dinky, giving her an evil grin. "Did you think that that was actually going to work," asked Bright. "Yes I did Sir Bright Blade, but that's why there's a plan B! SUNSHINE NOW!!!" The blinding light suddenly retracted, condensed to the size of a marble, then exploded with a loud boom. The fallout from the explosion created a giant cloud of smoke, and thanks to Bright Blade's barrier, blacked out almost everything. Dinky had disengaged herself from the initial attack, and ducked down low into the smoke. Bright Blade readied himself, not being able to see where Dinky was going to attack from. At that moment a sword wrapped in a pink aura flew at Bright; he quickly lowered his wings and moved his head to the left, letting the weapon sail passed him. The next attack came from the left, the floating sword started to slash at Bright Blade. Using his horn, he quickly clashed with the levitated sword. The floating sword then disappeared into the smoke, vanishing form sight. Bright Blade had had enough of this; his anger was rising like a phoenix, blazing fury within his eyes. I think it's working!? If Sunshine and I can keep this up we should be able to –! A powerful energy wave washed over the entire area. The smoke was being blown away; at the epicenter of the wave was Bright Blade. The barrier, much to the surprise of the colts and fillies, had been brought down. The alicorn now stared at the two fillies responsible for the little minor distraction, completely exposed. Dinky quickly brought the other two swords to her side and readied herself to attack. Bright Blade snickered, knowing full well that she hadn't the skill to fight him. To prove this Bright Blade flared his horn once again. Dinky watched as her two floating swords started to shake, the aura around them changing from pink to gold, back and forth. Dinky could feel her swords being taken from her, she tried to exert her own will over the weapons, but found it increasingly difficult to do so. Soon enough Dinky had to let go of the two swords, feeling that the tug-of-war within their minds would end badly if she continued. "Great tactic, excellent strategy, but you still couldn't follow through with the kill Dinky…I'm disappointed in you," said Bright Blade in a rather sadistic tone of voice. The two swords he had gained control of were now pointed in Sunshine's and Dinky's direction, one for each filly. "Sir Bright Blade, please stop this," said Dinky through clenched teeth. Bright Blade showed no signs of stopping, there was a kind of bloodlust in his eyes, and he was going to satiate it, now. The Knight of Hope fired the two swords, one for Dinky, and the other for Sunshine. The two fillies closed their eyes, not wanting to see their demise coming. The swords whistled as they cut through the air, almost at their respective targets. "ENOUGH!!!" A beam of purple mana energy shot down from the sky above, destroying the two swords midway before they reached Dinky and Sunshine. The Cadets, Dinky, and Sunshine looked up in awe, a sphere of purple light descended down between Bright Blade and the targets of his insanity. The golden alicorn scowled, he recognized this mana, and it filled him with even more anger. The sphere dissolved itself, revealing a lavender colored unicorn mare, looking very displeased. Once she landed the mare, without turning her gaze away from the alicorn stallion, spoke to the fillies. "Dinky, Sunshine, are you two alright?" "MISS SPARKLE!!! Yes we're alright," said Sunshine. "Dame Twilight, something's wrong with Sir Bright Blade, he's – I don't know, going crazy or something," said Dinky Hooves. Twilight looked at Bright; her gaze was narrowed, not out of anger, but with a stern and serious face that radiated authority. "It's fine Dinky, I'm here." Twilight took a few steps forward, squaring off with her coltfriend. "Bright Blade…what in the name of Lady Epona are you doing?" Her tone was calm; it was one she had become familiar with, a tone of voice she had not used since the war. "This isn't your concern Twilight! These are MY training grounds, and these are MY Cadets! You're interrupting a training session so go back to your classroom, NOW!" Bright Blade ordered. "'Training session,' Bright Blade you're scaring the hay out of your Cadets, and you nearly killed one of them, not to mention one of my own students," said Twilight. Bright Blade spat out some of the blood from Dinky's last attack, he then stared at Twilight with a disdain filled look. "Fine, take Sunshine out of here! Dinky and I aren't done yet!" "I say that you are! Bright Blade can't you see what you're doing, please calm down and come with me so I can help you," asked Twilight, her voice layered with concern. The golden alicorn just glared at Twilight, he turned his gaze upwards towards the sky. "With strength unmatched I sing this song, that might and magic be as one! Shine your light upon the land! Let evils wrath be undone, mystic sword Excellion!" Everypony there gasped, they knew of this chant, Bright Blade was summoning his ancient sword, bestowed upon him by Prince Arion. Much to their relief, the sword did not appear, surprising even Bright Blade. "Behold you blackhearts, the power of my ancient arts! See this wondrous sight! Your mystic power shall roar, magic sword Excelsior!" Just like with Excellion, the sword of magic did not appear. "Hear my prayer for my need is dire; bring forth the power that I desire! Let no enemy stand in my way! Begin the battle's aria, sword of might Exia!" Bright Blade was becoming agitated, not just one, but all three of his swords had disobeyed his call. Twilight had a twinge of fear; she was starting to remember the story of the Princesses' brother, Arion. How Excellion didn't come when he called, because the Prince had been corrupted with darkness. Twilight's mind was working out all kinds of explanations, why this was happening, anything other than her coltfriend succumbing to dark power. Forgive me Bright Blade, this might hurt a little… The Knight of Magic's horn glowed with a purple aura. From her horn she fired a multi magic bolt blast; five beams all bearing down on Bright Blade. All five beams hit their mark, exploding on impact and creating a small dust cloud. The golden alicorn flew straight up, hovering in the air and shaking off the damaged pieces of armor. Twilight wasn't surprised, she knew that kind of attack wasn't enough to bring him down, but it did get him where she wanted. Twilight, within the depths of her soul, called out to the Element of Magic. Once she felt the connection Twilight's eyes and body glowed with intense magical power, they were warned against doing such things, connecting to the Elements power without having it on them. Nevertheless, Twilight did so, needing to end this quickly before anything else went wrong. The lavender unicorn quickly wrapped the alicorn stallion in her telekinetic aura, and then immediately, proceeded to slam her colt friend repeatedly into the ground. Dinky and Sunshine watched, mouths agape, as the Knight of Hope was thrown around like a ragdoll. Every time Twilight slammed Bright into the stone ground, he created a bigger crater. After being thrown into the ground, about thirty to forty times, Twilight threw him into the wall. Bright Blade's body sprawled out, creating a decent sized impact crater against the thick castle wall. Bright Blade peeled himself off, and shakily stood up. "HOW DARE YOU!!! I AM AN ALICORN, THE KNIGHT OF HOPE, AND I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY SOME DAMN –!!!" "Magicales Cogere Somino!!!" Bright Blade was then assaulted by a powerful blast of mana, sending him reeling back into the wall, and bringing down the wall on top of him. Bricks and mortar scattered everywhere. Twilight cutoff her link to the Element of Magic, she already felt the energy drain, but was still standing. As grateful as Dinky Hooves and Sunshine were for Twilight saving them, they were worried if the Knight of Magic might've killed her special somepony. Twilight noticed their looks; she then used her power to levitate a few of the bricks away, showing that Bright Blade was not crushed to death. "Don't worry girls, Sir Bright Blade is fine. He'll wake up feeling like a mountain ran him over, but otherwise alright…" Twilight looked to the orange-red filly, "Sunshine I need you to go find a Royal Guard and tell them to bring us some doctors, and a stretcher." Sunshine didn't hesitate; she galloped off the way she originally came. The Cadets all stared at their unconscious teacher, wondering why he had gone crazy, and they weren't alone in that line of questioning. Bright Blade what's happening to you…? "And so I saw, that the days of peace were slowly coming to an end, neighbor would soon turn against neighbor, and even the mighty shall fall and succumb, becoming equal to a beast of baser instinct…" - Alalenthe 5:6 > First Sign: Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the Place We First Met ***1 Day Later*** After the incident had occurred, Twilight and Bright Blade had been rushed over to Saving Grace general hospital. Luckily enough, none of the Cadets were injured, even Dinky Hooves and Sunshine managed to escape serious injuries. Twilight said a silent prayer of thank you to Lady Epona for that. The whole time, the lavender unicorn was thinking back to the night before, even now in that room. Twilight sat there on her haunches, listening to the beeping of the EKG machine, watching the rising and falling of Bright Blade's chest as he slept in the hospital bed. Her coltfriend's fore hooves were strapped to the side railing of the bed, etched onto them were rune symbols, made by Twilight herself. His horn was surrounded by a purple magical aura, Twilight's extra insurance to make sure he wouldn't use his magic against any pony. Since the incident, Twilight had been trying to think of any reason why Bright Blade would suddenly attack his own Cadets, and, why his three swords wouldn't appear when he called for them, not that she wasn't complaining mind you. It was at that moment the door to the room opened and a unicorn mare walked in wearing a white lab coat, and a stethoscope hanging from her neck. Her amber mane was tied into a bun, with her tail braided. Her turquoise eyes full of care and gentleness, made Twilight feel a little better and less worried. "Sorry to keep you waiting, I'm Doctor Cure All," said the physician. "Nice to meet you…tell me Doctor, have you found anything wrong with Bright Blade?" Twilight asked. Doctor Cure All's horn began to glow, and instantly a chart appeared before her. She took a moment to peruse its contents, double checking everything. "Well, as far as a physical reason, there seems to be nothing wrong with him. The x-rays didn't show anything out of the ordinary, and his blood work came back clean." Twilight was surprised by this; she thought for sure that there was some kind of physical aliment making her coltfriend act the way he had. "Doctor Cure All you – you can't be serious! You're not going to just stand there and tell me nothing is wrong with him!? Because nothing of today –!" "Miss Sparkle," Doctor Cure All's kind tone had become stern, making the lavender mare stop before she went into a full rant. "Although there is nothing physically wrong with him, I haven't ruled out the possibility of it being something mental." "Mental…? Excuse me, but what are you implying?" Twilight asked, suspicious of where this was going. "I'd like to speak with you privately in my office, if you wouldn't mind," asked Doctor Cure All. Twilight didn't want to leave Bright alone, partly because she thought that he might slip into another frenzy state, but mostly because she was worried about him. Reluctantly, the Knight of Magic decided to follow the Doctor to her office. Rationally speaking, Twilight knew better than to argue with a Doctor. She may have studied all sorts of magic, and read many books on many different medical subjects, but the diagnosis of a real Doctor far exceeded whatever she could figure out. Soon enough they made it to Doctor Cure All's office. Twilight glanced around, taking in the details. On the wall to her right hung many diplomas, ranging from psychology, neurology, and almost everything in between. To her left was a wall, converted into one big bookshelf. From what the former librarian could tell Doctor Cure All seemed to have an impressive collection of medical journals and books. The front wall was a window that overlooked the courtyard down below, as well as the various trees and flowerbeds. Doctor Cure All levitated a velvet cushion for Twilight to sit on and placed it on the other side of the desk. "Please sit," said Doctor Cure All. Twilight sat down on the cushion, and watched as the doctor did the same behind her desk. "So…what's this all about?" "Miss Sparkle, tell me, have you noticed anything amiss, any strange behavior," she asked. "Well…he has been stressed out a bit lately. Bright Blade's been leading different missions all across Equestria, dealing with ponies going crazy and hurting others." "Hmm-hmm, I've heard about those incidents. Has he displayed any violent tendencies in the past," asked Doctor Cure All. "What – no of course not, this was the first time Bright Blade has ever acted this way!" "Has he seemed edgy, not sleeping much?" "A little yes…" "Lashing out without any clear reason?" "Well…yes…" "Now this next question may be a little personal Miss Sparkle, but I need you to tell me. Has Sir Bright Blade hurt you?" Twilight's eyes narrowed, she rose from the cushion and slammed her fore hooves on the desk, looking at the physician mare with an angered stare. Doctor Cure All wasn't fazed by the lavender mare's reaction, her face as calm and collected as when the two of them entered. "Bright Blade would never hurt me!!! How can you even suggest –!!!!" Twilight stopped, her mind flashed back to the night before. The night when Bright Blade nearly did something that even scared him. Doctor Cure All saw the change in demeanor, and decided to press this. "Yes Miss Sparkle, you were saying?" Twilight fell back on her haunches, staring down at the floor. "Last night, before all this started, Bright Blade almost hit me." "Almost…?" "I was worried about him, but when I went to touch him his wing unfurled itself and pushed me back. I was taken by surprise and fell to the ground, and in the next moment I saw Bright, looming over me, and thrusting out his right hoof like he was going to punch me," said Twilight. "And did he," asked Doctor Cure All. "No… our pet thunderbird, Squall, stopped him. The thing is, when Bright Blade saw what he was about to do to me he freaked! He was more scared than I was, he started breathing hard and his eyes went wide as well…That was the first time that's ever happened…" Doctor Cure All closed her eyes for a moment, mentally analyzing this new information, coming to a diagnosis of the alicorn's condition. "Miss Sparkle, have you ever heard of PTSD?" Twilight raised her head and cocked an eyebrow at the odd question. "PTSD, you mean post-traumatic stress disorder? But what does that have to do with this?" "It's not at all uncommon, I've seen many cases after the War of Darkness ended. Ponies who were on the frontlines, their minds suddenly flashing back to the battlefield, lashing out un-expectantly and hurting those around them. From what you've told me thus far, Sir Bright Blade has all the things that lead me to believe this," said Doctor Cure All solemnly. Twilight, having heard this, tried to grasp this. PTSD!!? Bright Blade!!? That doesn't make sense!!? "But Bright Blade hasn't showed any of these 'signs' or 'symptoms' for ten years now, going on eleven! If this was going to happen then it should've a long time ago!" The doctor sighed, "Different things can trigger these episodes. My theory is that these recent incidents might have brought back some memories of the war, from what I understand, he was a young colt when the fighting started." Twilight let out a heavy sigh, she couldn't believe that she didn't see this coming, they were happy; everything was okay and now this. "Doctor Cure All, what do you recommend?" "I could prescribe Sir Bright Blade with some sedatives, just to keep him calm. Although with him being an alicorn and all, I'm not exactly sure how effective they'd be…" Doctor Cure All knew what she was talking about, having had the privilege of attending to the Princesses a few times. "There is another option though…" "What, anything just name it!?" Bright Blade was hovering in the sky, below him the ground was burning with, villages and cities crumbling. The locations always shifted, Trottingham, Las Pegasus, Fillydelphia, Hoofshire, Appleloosa, Baltimare, and even Canterlot. But that wasn't the worst of it, what was getting to him was the multitude of ponies killing each other! They acted like rabid timberwolves, even going so far as to actually EAT other ponies. Bright Blade shook his head, becoming slightly queasy at the sight of this. When it came to Daemoni it was easier to take in, but this, these regular ponies! They were just killing each other for no apparent reason. Suddenly Bright Blade was whisked away to another village, he didn't recognize it, but the scene was the same, just close up now. Stallions, mares, fillies, and colts, all committing acts of wanton murder and destruction, Bright Blade tried many times to get the pony citizens to stop, but none of them paid any attention to him, they just simply ignored his words. Up ahead, Bright Blade saw it, the apparition from Coltton! The Red Ghost, simply trotting along the road while everything around it dissolved into madness. Even though it had no facial features, Bright could tell that this whole situation pleased the specter. Not since the fight with Tikara Balak had Bright Blade felt this much fear, the Red Ghost was something otherworldly of this he was certain. The Red Ghost's trot turned into a full gallop, its gaze falling on him. The apparition started to grow in size till it was bigger than the buildings around him, Bright Blade wanted to run, fly, but was paralyzed. The last thing he saw was a giant crimson hoof falling on top of him. Bright Blade rose up quickly from his bed, but was stopped suddenly. He was breathing hard and his heart was pounding, which was made more apparent by the rapid beeping of the EKG. It took a moment before Bright Blade calmed down enough for him to realize where he was. He could tell he was in a hospital room; the unmistakable sterile smell was a dead giveaway, as well as the hospital gown, and the beeping EKG. The one thing he didn't understand was why his forelegs were put in restraints. "What the buck…?" Bright Blade tried to use his magic to release himself, but every time he concentrated he found something blocking his magic. Bright looked up the best he could at his horn, finally noticing the purple aura wrapped around it. "Hey what's going on here!?" It was about that time the door to the room opened. Bright Blade was about to give the nurse, or whoever was in charge, a verbal bashing for putting him in restraints, and blocking his magic. His anger dissipated immediately upon seeing who it was. "Hey Bright Blade…" "Twilight, thank Celestia you're here. Why am I in the hospital," asked Bright Blade. A shocked expression came over Twilight's face. "What, Bright you seriously don't remember!?" "Remember, Twilight what are you tal –!" Bright Blade's mind started to flashback, to the training grounds, to the fight with Dinky and Sunshine, the threatening of his Cadets and the short battle with Twilight. Bright Blade began to visibly shake; his iris's becoming the size pinpricks. "Oh Epona…Twilight wha-what have I done!!!? Are Dinky and Sunshine alright, and what about the Cadets!!!!???" Twilight quickly made her way to Bright Blade's bedside, placing her fore hooves on his shoulders. "Bright just calm down, listen to me, Dinky, Sunshine, and the Cadets are all alright. They're fine love," said Twilight. "But I…I could've –! Twilight I would never do something like that, I don't even know why I did that at all!" Bright Blade was crying, seeing her coltfriend in this state hurt Twilight deeply. "It's alright Bright Blade…it's alright…" Twilight then hugged Bright Blade tightly, trying to take in all his sadness. After about an hour and a half, Twilight got through explaining everything that had happened, including her little talk with Doctor Cure All. At this point Twilight had released him from the restraints and magic blocker, assured that Bright Blade was back to his normal self. The alicorn stallion just laid there in the bed, absorbing everything that his marefriend told him. "So, those are the only options Twi," asked Bright Blade. "Afraid so, it'd only be temporary, and we'd get to see some of our friends again," said Twilight. "The Cadets, Dinky…Guess I can say goodbye to the Knight Corp. huh?" "Don't be like that; we'll get through this together, you and me." Twilight leaned her head down next to Bright's and started to nuzzle the side of his cheek. At first he resisted, not thinking himself worthy of her affection, but soon he gave in and nuzzled her back. "I'm sorry…" ***2 Days Later*** Twilight and Bright were sitting comfortably on a bench at the train station. The platform was filled with dozens of other ponies, waiting for the train to arrive as well. Their suitcases were sitting on the side of the bench, ready to go to their destination. Bright Blade sighed, having still not forgiven himself for what he had done. Twilight was hoping this little trip would make him feel better, or at least alleviate his guilty feelings. It was then they heard a long whistling sound coming from the distance. "It's almost here," said Twilight. "Yeah…" "I already made the necessary preparations at the library, you sure you'll be alright sharing the place?" "Don't worry, it's fine," said Bright Blade. The chugging of the train was starting to become more prevalent, all the ponies on the platform looked to their right as the train started to pull into the station. The train's brakes screeched and squealed as the locomotive came to a halt, releasing a small cloud of steam after the fact. The passengers started to disembark, making way for the new passengers to enter. Twilight and Bright got off the bench and were prepared to get on board when they suddenly heard some familiar voices. "DAME TWILIGHT SPARKLE, SIR BRIGHT BLADE WAIT!" The couple turned around and watched as two little fillies ran up to them, nearly out of breath. It was Sunshine, with Dinky right beside her carrying a saddlebag. This came as a bit of a surprise to them both, not expecting to see either of their respective students here. Twilight noticed that Bright Blade had a hard time meeting the gaze of the fillies, understandable really. "Girls, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked. "We-we heard that-that the both of you are quitting, and leaving Canterlot forever," said Dinky. "Miss Sparkle that's not true is it," asked Sunshine with an almost sad tone in her voice. Twilight shook her head and chuckled lightly. "No girls, we aren't leaving forever. Sir Bright Blade and I are just going to take a little vacation, that's all." The fillies sighed in relief, now assured that their teachers weren't in fact leaving them forever. "Now that I think about it, how did the two of you know that we'd be here?" Sunshine started to rub the back of her head nervously, "I maybe, sorta, kinda, used a little locater spell," said the filly, blushing. "Nothing blew up I swear!" Dinky facehooved herself, apparently remembering when said orange-red filly used the spell. "Anyway, we wanted to say goodbye and…" It was at this time that Dinky noticed Bright Blade was doing his best not to make eye contact with them. "And we wanted to give you this Sir Bright Blade." Bright Blade snapped his gaze to the little fillies. Dinky's horn lit up, lifting the saddlebag flap with her telekinesis. Out from the bag floated a card, a fairly large one at that. Bright Blade used his telekinesis, grabbed hold of it, and then opened it. Inside was a little drawing of him and the other Cadets training, along with a few small signatures, and few lines of text that expressed their hopes to see him again. To say that Bright Blade was stunned by this would be an understatement. He was sure that the Cadets would have nothing to do with him after what had happened. When Bright Blade returned his gaze to the gray unicorn filly, he was caught off guard by her saluting. "Sir Bright Blade, I promise to make sure that the other Cadets continue to train hard! We'll be even better when you return sir!" Suddenly Sunshine started saluting as well, "Dame Twilight, I promise I'll work harder too, I won't let you down ma'am!" The couple both cracked a wide smile; they quickly raised their hooves and saluted their two pupils, prompting them to let their hooves return to the ground. After a minute the train whistle sounded and the conductor started calling out to any stragglers that the train was about to depart. "Thank you girls, and don't worry we'll be back before you know it," said Twilight. As the two of them began getting on the train, Bright Blade started to feel a tug at his tail, he turned around to see that it was Dinky who was impeding him. With her gold eyes she stared up at the alicorn stallion, "Can…can you tell Clay hi for me when you get the chance," asked Dinky. Bright Blade turned around and ruffled the filly's mane with his hoof, "Sure Dinky, I'll make sure of it." The train whistle sounded once more as the stack bellowed a column of steam. Twilight and Bright entered the train car and quickly found a window. As the train pulled from the station Sunshine and Dinky started to wave goodbye, to which the couple did the same in response until their images were too far away to see anymore. After a short minute, Twilight and Bright found their private car, and placed their belongings in the over caddies. Bright Blade sat on the cushioned bench near the window along with Twilight; both watching the scenery pass them by. The wide valley down below, filled with trees and passing clouds would soon be seen in short periods as the train entered the tunnels. Twilight looked over to her coltfriend, who was staring forlornly out the window. "Bright Blade, you okay," asked Twilight. "The other Cadets they're worried about me, even Dinky," said Bright Blade. "Seems even the foals you teach know when you're acting strangely, they wouldn't abandon you, not now. And Dinky certainly won't either!" "Just like your 'protégé,' huh," said Bright with a smile. "Yeah," Twilight rose from her seat across from Bright Blade and went over to his side, "just like that." Bright Blade maneuvered his head under Twilight's chin, nuzzling her neck, with Twilight resting her head atop his. There was silence in the private car for, what seemed like, hours. In the end it was Bright who broke the silence. "Do you really think going to Ponyville with solve this," he asked. "Did you forget what you're Element is, as long as we have hope, we'll be fine," assured Twilight. Right now, hoping is all we can do… And so the alicorn, unicorn, couple make their way back to Ponyville, the place where everything started for the two of them, and where, hopefully, Bright Blade will be able to make sense of what is happening to him. > First Sign: Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome Back After a few hours the train pulled into the station. All the passengers disembarked from the locomotive, including Bright Blade and Twilight. The two of them marveled a bit at how the town had changed since they had last been there. The town had been expanded, just a bit. With the addition of a few shops, houses, and businesses, yet it still held its old rustic appeal. Twilight and Bright Blade began trotting down Mane Street, heading towards the library, and taking note of all the Hearth's Warming decorations that had been strung up. All the while they couldn't help noticing that the towns ponies were surprisingly scarce. After a while their ears started to pick up the faint sounds of music. The couple headed further into town, curious to see if there was a celebration going on. Once they did they watched as almost all of Ponyville had broken out into a song and dance number. Twilight just chuckled at the sight, Bright Blade had heard of them often breaking out and doing such things, but he had never seen one. "What's going on here," asked Bright. It wasn't until after Twilight started hearing the lyrics to the music that she knew exactly why they were singing. "C'mon, I have a feeling there's a certain pink pony behind all of this." Unsure, Bright Blade followed Twilight further into town. Ponies were hopping on rooftops, standing hoof to shoulder, each one wearing a big smile on their faces. At the center of it all, just as Twilight had said, was a certain pink party pony. Pinkie Pie, along with two other ten-year-old foals, were dancing and singing in the center of the entire crowd, in fact, it would seem that she was the center of it all. Pinkie, along with the two foals, started to spin around and around, still continuing to sing. "Smile, smile, smile, SMILE! Come on and SMILE! Come on and smile!" Pinkie Pie stopped in front of Bright Blade's face, giving the golden alicorn stallion a clear look at her bright blue eyes. He chuckled nervously and smiled. "Hey Pinkie Pie, how's it going," asked Bright. Pinkie Pie quickly stepped back and let out an exaggerated gasp. "Twilight, Bright Blade, you're here, you're back!" With unprecedented speed, Pinkie Pie enveloped both Bright Blade and Twilight into a tight hug. The two of them were quickly reminded about Pinkie Pie's remarkable super strength. "I can't believe you two are here back in Ponyville when did you get in!?" "Pinkie Pie…crushing lungs…hard to breathe…" croaked Twilight. "Mom I think you'd better let them go now," said the pegasus colt to her right. "Yeah, their starting to turn blue, and I think their eyes are popping out," said the unicorn filly to her left. Pinkie Pie broke out from her barrage of questions and took note that, she was indeed, squeezing the life out of the two of them. "Oops!" Pinkie Pie released the two of them, both Twilight and Bright coughing and taking in deep gasping breaths of life giving air. "Sorry Twilight, sorry Bright, I was just so excited to see the two of you!" "No problem *cough* Pinkie Pie," said Bright. "Thanks Pumpkin, thanks Pound," croaked Twilight. "No problem," said the twins in unison. "I still can't believe you guys came back! Why didn't you call, or send a letter – OH we've got to throw you two a Welcome Home party!? Just give me an hour or two, and I'll get everything set up," said Pinkie Pie, rather quickly. "Thanks Pinkie Pie, but that won't be necessary. We're actually…" Twilight glanced over to Bright Blade, choosing her words carefully, "on vacation! That's why we didn't send you a message; it was a sort of, spur of the moment kind of thing." "Oki-Doki-Loki, but can you guys stop by Sugar Cube Corner a little later at least," asked Pinkie Pie. Both Twilight and Bright nodded, and with that they said their goodbyes to Pinkie Pie, Pumpkin and Pound Cake. The couple soon came upon the Golden Oaks Library. Bright Blade and Twilight could already feel the nostalgic memories flooding back to them, brief though they were. Twilight opened the door to the library, the bell attached to the upper part of the inner doorframe jingled, indicating that somepony had entered. Twilight felt weird hearing that from the opposite end. "Just a minute," called out a voice. Soon a unicorn mare appeared from one of the back rooms. She had an azure coat, a silver mane and tail, and purple eyes. She had a cutie mark of a wand, tipped with a star. "What can I do for –!?" The azure mare stopped as she saw who had entered the library. Twilight's expression was one of happiness while Bright Blade's was a mixture of unease, but he managed a slight smile. "Hi Trixie, it's great to see you again," said Twilight. "Y-yeah, great," added Bright. Trixie pointed her nose into the air, in a rather haughty fashion, and began to trot towards the couple. "Hmph, so Twilight Sparkle, you come to kick Trixie out of her new home, and reclaim it for yourself!?" "Trixie…" "No, Trixie understands! She shall resign herself to the lonely streets, becoming a homeless mare once again, by your –!" "TRIXIE," the couple yelled in unison. Trixie halted her dramatic "woe was me" speech. She started to giggle, which quickly turned into straight out laughter. "Come now Twilight, surely you didn't take me seriously?" Although they wouldn't admit it, they kinda did. With the awkward tension broken, Twilight trotted up to Trixie and embraced her in a hug. "It really is good to see you again." "And you as well." Trixie watched as Bright Blade levitated the rest of their luggage inside. The golden alicorn trotted next to Twilight, and then turned his gaze towards Trixie. Now, Bright Blade has had mixed feeling regarding Trixie. On the one hoof, she didn't want to kill Twilight, only humiliate her. On the other hoof, she turned to an evil super villain in order to get the power she wanted. But after Twilight told Bright about how she saved her, he decided to try and give her a chance, a very small chance. Trixie now looked back at the alicorn stallion; she then reached out a hoof to Bright Blade. "It's been a while, Bright Blade." The golden stallion, gingerly, grasped Trixie's hoof and shook it. "Same to you, Trixie." Twilight made a quick mental note to help the two of them become better friends. "So, ahem, were you able to set up our room," asked Twilight. "Hmm, oh yes I have!" Trixie led Twilight and Bright Blade upstairs. The azure mare couldn't help but notice that something was off. "To be honest Twilight, I found it rather strange that you would send a letter that late at night. If I may offer an observation, the others didn't seem to know of your arrival as well, quite peculiar, no?" Bright Blade and Twilight glanced at each other, and gave a heavy sigh. ***3rd Day Back*** Bright Blade woke up a bit early that day. He was out flying, stretching his wings, heading towards Sweet Apple Acres. The alicorn stallion breathed in the fresh morning air of Ponyville; it was sweet, cold, and very relaxing. He gazed out towards the town, at the taller structures that had been added on, new businesses and living spaces. Bright Blade had been taking it easy all day yesterday, per Twilight's orders, he was to rest, and relax during their stay. Luckily he was able to wear down his marefriend into letting him go out and do something. He knew why they were there; he knew he had to get a handle on whatever it was that made him flip out. Soon enough Sweet Apple Acres was coming into view. Ponyville wasn't the only thing that had changed. Above the farm was a house made of clouds, with its rainbow streams, and large columns. Below that was the farm house, still rustic looking as ever. A few yards from the farm house was a newly built home, with some hanging baskets from the awing, filled with beautiful flowers. Bright Blade decided to do a few passing sweeps over the orchards, seeing if he could spot Applejack and any of the Apple Family. His search didn't take long as he quickly spotted Applejack, Clay, and Apple Bloom, bucking apple trees down below. The golden alicorn quickly made his descent down to the trio of earth ponies, but not before swooping overhead, letting them know he was there. Once on the ground the earth ponies gathered to him. "Well howdy Bright, didn't expect to see ya here," said Applejack. "Yeah, sorry about dropping out of the sky so suddenly, I was just out stretching my wings." Bright Blade looked down and saw Clay, wearing a Stetson hat similar to his mothers. "S'up little guy?" Bright Blade held out his hoof, to which Clay responded with a hoof bump. "Not much, we have the next three weeks off, since it's almost Hearth's Warming!" "And almost yer birthday, turnin' twenty-six right," said Apple Bloom, nudging the alicorn stallion in the ribs. "Yeah, yeah, I know," said Bright. "So what brings ya out here, Bright," asked Applejack. "I was wondering if you guys needed any help with anything, I've been cooped up in the library and I need a little exercise." "Heh-heh, well we're just bucking the last of these here apple trees before the pegasus ponies start bringin' in the big snowstorms and all. There's plenty of'em to go around, so just find yerself a tree and start bucking." With a nod Bright Blade went to work, using his magic to levitate some buckets underneath one of the trees he was about to kick. When the golden alicorn stood before the tree, he looked at it, as if analyzing the best way to approach the task. Apple Bloom couldn't help but let out a chuckle, seeing her friend think so hard about what he was doing. "Need a lesson in apple bucking," asked Apple Bloom. "Nope, fake memories or not, I still remember how to," said Bright Blade. To demonstrate, Bright Blade positioned himself, with his backside facing the tree. Remembering the amount of strength his alicorn form had, he used only one hind leg to strike the tree. It proved sufficient enough to jostle all the apples from the branches, landing in the buckets with multiple thudding sounds. Applejack whistled, Clay stared wide eyed, and Apple Bloom just smirked. The work was getting done faster thanks to the extra help; Clay would occasionally ask how Dinky was doing. The mentioning of the filly's name would cause Bright Blade to hesitate before answering, even though she was alright and had forgiven him he still hadn't forgiven himself for what happened. The group had bucked, in total, about twenty-five apple trees, and they were just getting started. Bright Blade was a little chilly at first but was working up a good sweat with the work; he looked back at Apple Bloom, Clay, and Applejack, smiling and laughing, having a good time as a family. It was something he couldn't get enough of, the happiness they all had fought for. CUT THEM DOWN! "What the…!" Suddenly Bright Blade whipped his head around, staring off into the distant apple trees. There was nothing, nothing but trees and bushes. He then turned back to the three earth ponies. "Did you guys hear that," asked Bright Blade. "Heard what sugarcube," asked Applejack. "I didn't hear anythin'," said Apple Bloom. "Me neither," said Clay. Bright Blade looked back into the distance again, wondering if he indeed heard anything. He decided to dismiss it and go back to work. Bright Blade went and bucked four apple trees, and was preparing to do so with a fifth. CUT THEM DOWN, NOW!! The alicorn stallion jerked his head up, and swiveled around, trying to figure out the source of the voice. He glanced back to Clay, Apple Bloom, and Applejack, yet again they seemed to not notice. But something was different, he found himself staring at the earth pony family. His vision tinting with red, off and on, his breathing becoming heavy, his pupils reduced to the size of pinpricks. Take out the oldest one, her back is turned, snap her neck! "Shut up!!" Bright whispered. Kill the other mare next while they are stunned; impale her with your horn straight through the heart!! "Shut up!" Bright whispered louder. Use your hooves to trample the young one, he will not take long to end, savor it – savor them all!!! "Shut up!!!" Bright whispered even louder. Kill them, rip them apart, eviscerate them, crush them, murder them, and hate them!!!!!! "I SAID SHUT UP!!!!" Clay, Applejack, and Apple Bloom stared at Bright Blade, confused and concerned at his state. Bright Blade's breathing was labored; he shook his head violently over and over again, as if trying to shake off something they couldn't see. "Bright Blade are ya alright," asked Apple Bloom. After a few seconds Bright stopped shaking his head, the red tint giving way to a clear view of his surroundings. "Y-yeah, I'm alright! Guess I didn't sleep too well last night, starting to hear things." "Well, why don'cha just go rest a spell, we'll finish up around this area," suggested Applejack. "What, no, I said I was going to help you guys out," protested Bright. "Sugarcube, don't go overworkin' yerself if yer not feelin' good," said Applejack sternly. "Now go on over to that tree there and rest up, there's still plenty more apple trees to buck." Bright Blade was about to protest again, that is, until Clay came up and tapped him on the foreleg. "You'd better do what she says, when mama gets that look in her eyes there's no arguing with her," said Clay. Reluctantly, Bright Blade trotted over to the tree that Applejack indicated. He then lowered himself down to the ground, resting his head on his forelegs. From time to time he would look at Applejack, Clay, and Apple Bloom, waiting to see if that voice came back or his vision turned red again. To his relief it didn't. What the heck was all that about, he thought. Why was I hearing all those things…and…why did I feel like doing that stuff!!? Bright Blade began to close his eyes, believing that exhaustion was causing him to go down this train of thought. ***12th Day Back*** A few days had passed since Bright Blade was at Sweet Apple Acres; he'd go by and help them once in a while, but was scared that his thoughts would be led astray by the wicked voice he heard. Today was going to be a new day, the voice hadn't rang through his mind since then, and he was determined to make the best of his stay in Ponyville. Bright Blade was on his way to Fluttershy's cottage, which, according to what Applejack had told him, was converted into an animal hospital and daycare. Bright wanted to help out his friends, since he helped out Applejack, he thought he should do the same with Fluttershy. Bright had decided to trot to Fluttershy's instead of fly, in order to take in the scenery along the way. Soon enough he came upon the cottage now turned animal daycare and hospital. Bright Blade noticed that there was a red earth pony filly walking about the grounds, and speaking to the animals. She had a long pink mane and tail, deep blue eyes, blank flanked, and a bit tall for the average filly. The alicorn stallion walked up to the gate, he quickly scanned the area, but didn't see Fluttershy. "Excuse me," the red filly's head snapped up surprised, "You're Spring Day aren't you, is your mother here?" "H-h-how do you know my name, w-w-who are you!?" Spring Day said. Bright Blade stared at Spring Day perplexed, and then it hit him, he hadn't been formerly introduced to Spring Day. Although Fluttershy and Big Macintosh had sent him and Twilight pictures of their family, this was the first time he actually met her face to face. "P-p-please go away, I-I don't…" Spring Day then proceeded to hide behind her long bangs, shrinking back, she then fell to the ground, still hiding herself the best she could. The animals around her started to glare at Bright Blade as if saying "Leave her alone!" Great B, you went and scared the poor filly, thought Bright Blade. "O-okay, listen I'll just come back later. Just tell your mom that I – Fluttershy!" At that moment the creamed colored pegasus mare came out of the cottage, her mane was shorter, the long bangs she used to hide behind were no longer there, although she kept it longer at the back. Fluttershy noticed her daughter's distraught state and quickly flew to her side. "Oh my goodness Spring Day, what's wrong honey!? Are you hurt, did something scare you!?" Fluttershy began to rub the back of her daughter's head caringly; she then leaned in close, straining her ears to hear what she had to say. "Uh-huh, yes, a scary pony, he knew your name – he knew my name!? Where is he!?" Spring Day pointed a hoof towards Bright Blade's direction, Fluttershy immediately turned in that direction, her face showing she was ready to beat the hay out of anypony who dared to scare her daughter. Bright Blade simply raised his right hoof and waved to the cream colored pegasus. "Uh…hi Fluttershy…" "Bright Blade…?" It took a minute before Fluttershy made the connection that Bright was the scary, unknown pony. Once she had figured that out Fluttershy looked back at Spring Day, gave a light chuckle, and then smiled. "Oh sweetie, that's not a stranger, he's a dear friend! He's also really nice, c'mon now, it's okay." Spring Day started to lift her head up slowly, gazing at her mother's kind eyes, looking for any sign that she may be lying, she wasn't. After a while, Spring Day finally rose to her hooves. Fluttershy waved with her right wing, baying Bright Blade to come closer. Once Bright Blade was inside the gate she trotted up to the golden alicorn, proceeding to give a friendly nuzzle against his left cheek. "I heard you and Twilight were in Ponyville, but wasn't expecting you to come to see me today," said Fluttershy. "Yeah, I'm just visiting our friends. I was at Applejack's a few days ago, lending them a hoof with the apple bucking. Thought I'd see if I could do the same for you, but it looks like you already have yourself some help," said Bright Blade. Fluttershy positioned her head underneath Spring Day's, gently tilting it upwards. "Honey, this is Bright Blade. He's an old friend, go on and say 'hi.'" Spring Day hesitantly moved the bangs that hid her face. Bright Blade smiled warmly at the tall filly, trying to exude a calming aura. It seemed to work, as Spring Day gradually revealed more and more of her face, sheepish smile, and blushing slightly. "Um…hi Mr. Bright Blade…Um, sorry for calling you a strange pony," said Spring Day. "It's alright, I should've remembered that we hadn't met before," said Bright, giving her the best apologetic face he could. It seemed to make Spring Day feel a little better, since she felt safe to move her bangs away from hiding the rest of her face. "Well, now that we've cleared that up, why don't you stick around? We could still use an extra hoof, if you don't mind, that is?" Same old Fluttershy, thought Bright Blade. With that settled Bright Blade went to work helping Fluttershy and Spring Day. He tended to the avian critters that were hanging around in the trees and up in the clouds above Fluttershy's cottage-turned-daycare. Spring Day was busy handling some the smaller animals, a couple of chipmunks, a few dozen bunnies, and a chinchilla or two. Fluttershy, well, Fluttershy was handling the bigger critters. A bear had come strolling into the daycare, roaring and bellowing. Bright Blade was up in the air when he heard the noise and flew down to see what was going on. Fluttershy trotted up to the bear without fear, Spring Day didn't seem too worried, in fact, she didn't even pay attention to the bear, when she saw her mother go up to it she smiled and went back to tending to the critters. Fluttershy flared her wings and zoomed with a speed that Bright Blade hadn't seen since the war. She reappeared behind the bear; planting her right hind leg into the bear's back, sending the beast plummeting to the ground. Bright Blade's mouth hung open at what he was witnessing. Fluttershy then delivered a series of punches at a spot on the back of the bear, afterwards she took the bear's head into her hooves and twisted it to one side, and the bear fell limp. Bright Blade shook his head, horrified that Fluttershy had just snapped the neck of the bear with little to no remorse. Bright Blade looked to Spring Day who seemed totally unfazed that her mother had just killed a bear with her bare hooves! It wasn't until he heard a contented purring growl that the alicorn stallion looked back at the bear. Fluttershy was kneading the bear's back, at the same spot she was pummeling earlier. "Mr. Bear you really need to see me right away when this happens, even a big strong bear needs a little help now and again." The bear let out another purring growl, which Fluttershy seemed to recognize as agreement. Satisfied that the bear was not actually dead; Bright Blade went about to work again. He had to bust up a fight between Fluttershy's pet rabbit Angel and a squirrel, although he didn't get the gist of what was happening he was able to pacify it, but not without Angel throwing a carrot at the back of his head. A few hours had passed and it was just about lunch time. "Spring Day, Bright Blade, I'm heading inside to make us some lunch. Could you two start feeding some of the critters while I do?" "Yes mother," said Spring Day happily. "We got this," replied Bright Blade. Bright Blade used his telekinesis to lift up many of the bags of food and pour them into the bowls of the critters, while Spring Day attended to the ones whose food needed special arrangement. Bright watched the young filly work, at one point she used one of her hooves to lift a large bag of feed onto her back, which must've weighed a lot more than what it seemed. Bright Blade continued to fill the bowls of the other animals with their various assortment of food, that is, until it happened. His vision was tinting with red once more, the sudden change made Bright drop the food he was carrying in his telekinesis. He shook his head back and forth in an attempt to clear the crimson color from his sight, shutting his eyes tightly as he did so. When Bright opened them again he saw clearly, no red, just the normal colors. Spring Day seemed to have noticed the agitation in Bright Blade, since she was now staring at him worriedly. "Mr. Bright Blade, are you okay," asked Spring Day. "No – I mean yes – I mean, ugh!" Bright took in deep calming breath before he opened his mouth again, "Yes Spring Day, I'm fine, just a little tired is all." "Oh, then maybe you should go inside and rest, I can finish feeding the other critters. If that's alright with you," she suggested. "No, no, I said I was going to help and I will." The young earth pony filly seemed to take his words at face value and went back to attending to the other animals. But it was not long before another flash of red filled his gaze, off and on it went, making his heart race and breathing slightly erratic. Bright Blade glanced over to the pink maned filly and nearly gasped in horror. Beside her was the very thing he was searching for since Trottingham, the Red Ghost. It just stood there, shifting its gaze between the alicorn stallion and the earth pony filly. Every alarm in Bright's mind fired off at once, he wanted to dash straight for the apparition, he wanted to zoom with lightning speed and get Spring Day away from it, and the only thing stopping him was that Spring Day didn't notice it at all. Spring Day turned around and saw that Bright Blade was just standing there staring and shaking a little. Which was making the filly just a little bit uncomfortable, "Mr. Bright Blade are you sure you're okay?" The Red Ghost looked at him this time, its yellow eyes fixated on the alicorn, mocking him, daring him to attack, no, enticing him to do so. But Bright had to hold back, she didn't see it, just like in Trottingham, nopony saw it. The Red Ghost's eyes flashed with yellow light, at the same time Bright Blade's vision was once again tinted red. You're doing this aren't you!? Why is it that only I can see you, why do you only appear before me and not others!!? Just like before, he received no answer. But the urge was returning again, the urge to fight and destroy, to kill. Bright bit the inside of his mouth trying to compose himself the best he could. "Listen…Spring Day…I-I need to head back to the library…There's something I forgot I was supposed to do could-could you tell your mom that I had to go, and that I'm sorry?" The filly was a little perplexed by Bright Blade's sudden change. "I'll tell her Mr. Bright Blade, don't worry." With that Bright Blade unfurled his wings and took off into the sky, he glanced back down to where Spring Day was. To his amazement, it was gone, the Red Ghost was gone. Bright flew faster back to the library, deciding to place himself in seclusion for the remainder of his stay. You will not make me do that again!!! I will not hurt anypony else!!! ***18th Day Back*** Celestia's sun started to peek on the horizon. The brisk cold air blew through the town, an early warning that the pegasi were brewing up a snowstorm. A misty fog hung low to the ground, illuminated as the early morning light shined. Inside Golden Oaks Library Twilight and Bright Blade were comfortably lying next to each other, snuggling close together for shared warmth. It wasn't until the first strands of light came through the window, and stirred Twilight from a restful sleep. As her eyes began to open she was greeted by the sight of a sleeping alicorn stallion. She still had trouble believing what the doctor had told her. Ten years she had been by his side, and yet she didn't suspect a thing. Was Bright Blade bottling it all up for her sake, or were the signs there all along and she just didn't notice. In either scenario she kicked herself mentally for her lack of diligence. Why…I'm his marefriend, I should've been the first one to see that something was wrong…But, he never showed any signs up till now. I wonder? Twilight maneuvered herself out her stallionfriend's embrace and out of the bed. Stealthily she trotted out of the room and into the library itself. Her mind would occasionally flashback to days long ago. The day she first came to Ponyville, the numerous times Rainbow Dash would crash land inside and mess up all the books, even her first ever slumber party. Twilight stared at the numerous books that lined the walls, recalling all her hardcore study sessions. There was one thing she couldn't get out of her mind though. Something that Bright Blade had said the night before everything went south. "'Red Ghost,'" whispered Twilight. Doctor Cure All had told Twilight that the supposed "Red Ghost" was a possible manifestation within Bright Blade's mind. Now Twilight wasn't so quick to write it off as some delusion, not yet at least. The lavender mare's horn glowed, as her purple aura surrounded the books. The tomes floated around her, pages flipping back and forth as Twilight's keen eyes scanned the contents of each one. "No, not this one, not even close, what the hay is this one…" Twilight was going from one book to the next, but no matter how many she speed read, none of the books in the library seemed to have any mention of a "Red Ghost," or anything similar in reference. "Old habits die hard, don't they?" Twilight twirled around, surprised by the voice, and saw that Trixie was standing right behind her. The azure unicorn was smirking, like a mother who had just caught her child sneaking a cookie. "Trixie, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Trixie chuckled a little, startling Twilight was not her intention, but it was amusing. "Forgive me Twilight, but it has become a habit of mine to wake up early. Although you stated in your letter that the two of you were coming to Ponyville for 'relaxation,' what you're doing now seems more like work, as if you're looking for something in particular." Twilight was getting just a bit nervous. She never told Trixie why they came back, but the way Trixie was talking indicated that she wasn't buying it. "What are you talking about; I'm just doing a bit of light research! Being the Head Mistress at the School for Gifted Unicorns, as well as a teacher, does require me to keep abreast of my own studies," said Twilight, as convincingly as she could. Trixie cocked an eyebrow at Twilight's wording, but, for now, decided not to press it. "Well, anyway, would you kindly place them all back; I'd like to chat with you over some tea if you don't mind?" Twilight looked at Trixie, to the books, and then back to Trixie. She then sighed and smiled, "Of course I don't." With that said Twilight levitated the books back to their original places on the shelves. Trixie had trotted into the kitchen, only to return a moment later with a tea kettle, and two cups, floating in her telekinetic aura. There were cushions already placed at the table, Twilight took a seat on one, while Trixie sat on the one next to her. After pouring their tea, savoring the aroma and taste, they sighed contently. "So Trixie, have you been doing alright, how have the townsponies treated you," asked Twilight. "Well, there was some tension, of course you know of this already, but now…everything's quite peaceful," answered Trixie smiling warmly. It came as a great relief to Twilight hearing Trixie say that, there was some tension when Trixie made her return back into the lives of Twilight and the others. Bright Blade and her friends made no attempt to hide their displeasure about the azure unicorn, but after some lengthy discussions, and a Pinkie Promise or two, they were able to accept the mare as the new librarian. Of course that didn't come without constant surveillance by the others. "Well, I'm happy you're doing well," said Twilight sincerely. "Wish I could say the same about you," remarked Trixie. Twilight's tea cup halted in midair, just inches from her lips. "Excuse me?" "Trixie knows, Twilight, about what happened at Canterlot, how Bright Blade went berserk and almost killed his students," said Trixie. Twilight rose up from her sitting cushion and just stared at the azure mare, astonished that she knew about the incident, and scared of where she was going with this. "Trixie…h-how do you know about that!?" "I have my…sources. But more to the point, tell me, is the reason why you are here is to avoid a scandal? I could certainly understand why you would, not a good thing to have a renowned Knight of Harmony attacking young foals now is it, I fear what else he may have done to make you run all the way back here…?" "How could you even say something like that, let alone think it!? None of this is his fault!" Twilight shouted. Trixie just sat there and sipped her tea, unfazed by Twilight's angry tone of voice. "Really, then it must've been another alicorn stallion with a golden coat and white mane. Twilight, do not take me for a fool." "You are if you'd think for one second that that's the only reason we're here!!? We aren't here to hide, nor are we running away from anything!!!" "Then tell me Twilight, what is the real reason?" Twilight's anger seemed to let up, the tone in Trixie's voice was more caring, and worried. "You've seen me at my worst, and I yours. You're the only real friend I made, which is why when I heard about what happened, and received your letter, I was a bit angry at you." "Trixie, but why?" "Because I thought you could confide in me a little more, considering what we've been through! I may not have known you as long as your other friends, but after all this time I'd hoped you would've come to trust me a little more," said Trixie a little hurt. Twilight didn't know what to say, she'd been busy keeping the others in the dark and finding out a reason for Bright Blade's condition, that she forgot that her friends could have helped her out all along. "I'm sorry Trixie, it's just…I keep thinking that this is all my fault, that I should've foreseen this, or at least noticed something was up a long time ago!" "You mean about what happened at Canterlot?" "The doctors say he has PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. I didn't want to believe it, I still don't believe it, but I can't help thinking that I could've prevented this somehow…and then there's the fact that his swords never answered to his call, just like Prince Arion…! Trixie…I don't know what to do…" Trixie stood up from her sitting cushion, she then came around to the other side of the table and gave the lavender mare a hug, to which Twilight gladly accepted. "None of this is your fault, Twilight. Things happen, even a mare as Great and Powerful as you can't predict or see everything that goes on, but I do know that there is no problem that Twilight Sparkle can't solve!" Trixie gave the lavender mare an encouraging smile. "Thank you Trixie…" The two mares, after their hug, went to sit near the fireplace. Warming themselves by the fire as they discussed the events leading up to the incident, trying to figure something out between the two of them. "A 'Red Ghost,' Trixie – I mean – I haven't read anything about such a thing. Do you think it's related," asked Trixie. Twilight allowed herself a brief chuckle at Trixie almost slipping into third-person. "I think so, I did some research back in Canterlot before we left, but I couldn't find anything. I was hoping I'd have better luck here, sadly nothing, and I doubt there's anypony else who may have a clue." "Well…there is one pony who might, but she isn't exactly a pony," suggested Trixie. It took a moment, but Twilight figured out who she was talking about. "ZECORA, of course, she knows about all kinds of different things! Maybe she knows about the 'Red Ghost' or at least something close to it!" Twilight got up and rushed to the door, but not before wrapping a pink and white striped scarf around her neck. Trixie looked at Twilight puzzled. "Are you going to go see her now?" "Of course, the sooner I do, the sooner I might find a way help Bright Blade!" With that said, Twilight opened the door and dashed right out. Trixie shook her head at the impatient mare, and then smiled. Before Trixie could clear the table of the cups and kettle she heard the front door opening, with Twilight sticking her head inside blushing. "Um, Trixie, does Zecora still live in the Everfree Forest?" Trixie facehoofed, "Yes, yes she does." "Thanks!" With that information confirmed Twilight once again dashed off towards Zecora's hut. "Good luck Twilight." Bright Blade's peaceful stay back in Ponyville is marred by frightening voices and visions urging him to hurt those around him. Can Twilight figure out what the Red Ghost is before Bright Blade snaps once again!? > First Sign: Part 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crimson Vision Twilight was trotting through the Everfree Forest, her destination, Zecora's hut. It might've been the fact that she had grown stronger in her use of magic over the years, but she wasn't as scared as she normally was when going into the mysterious woods. Still, that didn't mean she let her guard down when she was trotting along. Soon Zecora's hut came into view, nothing had changed, at least from what Twilight could tell from the outside. The strange tribal masks still adorned the front of her hut, along with the sweet aroma of whatever concoction the zebra was brewing. Twilight trotted up to the front door of the hut and gave it a few knocks with her hoof. It wasn't long before the door opened and the monochrome zebra was revealed. "Twilight Sparkle well I'll be, what brings you to my residency!?" "Hi Zecora," Twilight gave the zebra mare a hug, to which Zecora returned, "I was wondering if-if I could speak with you about something?" Zecora noticed the concerned look on the lavender unicorn's face, which made her curious. "But of course oh enchanter, please enter." Twilight walked into the hut, it was the same as she remembered it. Various jars and bottles containing different potions lined the shelves around her home, the familiar black cauldron was bubbling in the center of the room, while the candles lit up the inside. Zecora ushered Twilight to the table where she sat down, with Zecora sitting across from her. "Now Twilight Sparkle, what seems to be your boggle," she asked. Twilight rubbed the back of her head with her forehoof, "Oh my, where should I even start…?" In the end Twilight decided to regale Zecora of events passed from the beginning. Starting with the incidents taking place around Equestria, leading up to Bright Blade's apparent episode at Canterlot, all the while the wise shaman listened intently, carefully. "So I was wondering, if you've ever heard anything about a Red Ghost that makes ponies want to kill each other, really any information you could give me would help." Zecora's eyes narrowed at the mention of the Red Ghost, and it didn't help that she had remained silent for a while now. "Zecora…?" Zecora still didn't say a word; she rose from her sitting position and began trotting to a room with a curtain for a door. She reappeared a minute later carrying, what appeared to be, a book upon her back. When Zecora walked up to the table she slid the book onto the table and eyed it critically. "This tome that I lay before you holds the answers to your woe. But take heed Twilight, for once it is done you may get more then you need." Twilight stared at the book before her; it was leather bound and black in color, with metal edges. There was a circle seal upon the cover, a symbol that not even she had seen before, but something told her that whatever it was wasn't anything good. Zecora just waited for Twilight to make the choice, she said nothing, but waited. With a gulp, Twilight opened the book and read the first page: "And low I beheld, that there were days of peace, filled with happiness and free from strife. Songs would be sung, and dreams shall be made real, this, to me, was nothing short of paradise." – Dalithian 8:11 Twilight turned the next few pages, pictures of non-pony beings having fun and playing games. Beside the pictures were sentences giving descriptions of what was going on, mostly done by somepony called Dalithian. "Zecora what is all this, the place that this book is describing doesn't appear to be Equestria?" Zecora didn't answer; she merely motioned with her hoof for Twilight to keep reading on. Twilight came up to another passage, by a different writer: "And so I saw, that the days of peace were slowly coming to an end, neighbor would soon turn against neighbor, and even the mighty shall fall and succumb, becoming equal to a beast of baser instinct…" - Alalenthe 5:6 At this passage Twilight became worried, it sounded just like what Bright Blade had described to her after the Trottingham Incident. After that passage more pictures were shown depicting just that, the non-pony beings slaughtering each other like rabid animals. Twilight winced as the pictures became more gruesome, showing large armies fighting savagely. But there was something that made Twilight look at them more intently, in the background was an ephemeral apparition that seemed to wander the illustrated battlefield. It was red as blood, with yellow eyes, and nopony seemed to notice, at least from what she could tell. If anything it seemed to be the instigator of it all. "Zecora this is it! This is the Red Ghost! Now if only this thing would –!" Twilight gasped, the rest of the pages were blank, no more words, no more illustrations. "What-what is this, that can't be all!? Zecora what is this book!?" "Many a night I would pray, to never see this day. But it would appear the die have been cast, this peace was not to last," said Zecora forlornly. "What do you mean 'this peace was not to last,' you can't possibly be saying –!" The book's blank pages shined brightly, making both mares jump back a few feet. When the light died out Twilight and Zecora gingerly walked back to the table. There, where there once were blank pages, a new passage had appeared: "It would come to pass, the First Sign, as everything before me was reduced to constant destruction and fighting! All the while I cried out 'Why, why has all this madness been wrought upon us!?' In a blaze of crimson light my question had been answered! The specter that hath haunted the fields of bloody death did make itself known! I asked of it 'What are you!?' It only answered 'I am an Envoy…'" – Silia 22:1 There were a few pictures depicting what the passage had said, but whoever or whatever drew them was only able to sketch out just a little of the "Envoy," unfortunately it was not enough. Twilight's heart was racing, her pupils reduced to the size of pinpricks. This book of unknown origin was telling the story of a world that had ended, and, possibly, foretelling the end of Equestria. "This…This can't be true…ten years of peace…ten years of happiness and harmony…what was the purpose of fighting in the War of Darkness if only to delay the inevitable!? Is there even a chance for us to stop these prophecies from coming to pass?" Twilight asked. "Twilight listen I –" Before Zecora could finish her sentence a series of explosions rumbled through the air. Twilight and Zecora rushed out of the hut and frantically looked around for the source of the explosion. There seemed to be nothing around them, no signs of destruction. It wasn't until Twilight looked up into the air and saw smoke rising in the general direction of Ponyville. All manner of horrifying scenarios played through her mind, and it didn't help that she just read the "Book of Doom." "Zecora I'm sorry but I need to go, I'll be back as soon I can!?" With that Twilight galloped away through the woods, a few seconds later Zecora saw a purple flash of light shine through the shadows of the trees, along with a popping sound. The zebra mare just stood there and sighed. {There was nothing we could do to prevent this.} Zecora turned her head and saw the ghostly white stag trotting towards her, his eyes full of sympathy for what she was feeling. I know that, but still… {This is a trial that they must face, if we interfere too much then…} Then it could upset the events that come to pass, I know Faerden. {Have faith in them} said Faerden. I do, I just hope it is enough… ***1 Hour Earlier*** Bright Blade had awoken from his slumber; the first thing he noticed was the lack of warmth by his side. The next thing that roused him was the absence of a distinctive lavender smell. When Bright had fully opened his eyes he wondered why Twilight was not beside him. The alicorn stallion, against his better judgment, left the comfortable warmth of the blankets. The air inside was cool, not too bad, but that still didn't stop his body from letting out a few shivers. His nose then caught the scent of something sweet coming from downstairs. Bright Blade descended the stairs and saw an azure unicorn mare placing breakfast on the table. Curious, Bright Blade approached the table. On it was a pitcher full of ice cold orange juice, a plate with a stick of butter, a container of maple syrup, and a stack or two of steaming hot pancakes. The unicorn mare was just coming out of the kitchen when she saw him eyeing the breakfast. "If you're wondering if I poisoned the food, don't be, it's perfectly safe." Bright Blade's head shot up, surprised by the unicorn's words. "You can even choose which stack I eat first to test it if you'd like?" "No, no, that's not necessary," said Bright Blade, suddenly feeling a bit guilty. "Relax Bright Blade, come, sit, you're a growing stallion and I've made enough for the both of us," said Trixie. Still feeling a little guilty, Bright Blade sat on one of the cushions. Using his telekinesis, he levitated a plate of pancakes over to himself. Trixie sat across from him and did the same, and after pouring some syrup and layering some butter on them, the two ponies began to eat. "So Bright Blade, how does my cooking compare to your marefriend's," she asked. The fork stopped about halfway to Bright's mouth. "Oh, it's um, good – you're both good!" "Hmm-hmm, I see you still have some trust issues when it comes to me." Bright Blade sighed, "Forgive me if my first impression of you was that of a crazed psycho sorceress." "I'll admit I wasn't in my right state of mind. My pride consumed me, but a small part of me still had some…sanity left. Which was why I had…I had…" Trixie sighed heavily and put her fork and knife down. She sat up and began walking to Bright's side of the table. Bright Blade got up and looked at Trixie's face, he couldn't read her. "Trixie…?" The silver maned mare began rubbing the back of her head, "Listen Bright Blade, I know you haven't made an attempt to hide that the only reason you're trusting me is because of Twilight." "Well…I wasn't exactly being subtle about it…" "I've spent the last few years trying to reestablish the trust of this town, and those who dwell within it. I wanted to live up to the trust that Twilight placed in me, which was why I didn't hesitate when she asked me to take the position of librarian." Trixie trotted closer to Bright Blade and gently placed her left hoof on his shoulder. She felt as he flinched under her touch, but he didn't back away. "But I know that I have yet to make things right by you…" "Trixie you don't have to –" "Yes I do! Out of all the ponies I hurt, both you and Twilight are the ones I've hurt the most. That's why I'd like to start over with you, I know you cannot forget the past, but I'd like to start something new." Trixie backed up from Bright Blade and held out her right hoof, Bright could see it in her eyes, she was genuinely trying to make amends, if only to start trying to at least. With a gentle smile, Bright Blade clasped Trixie's right hoof with his own and the two shook. "Okay, we'll start over, clean slate?" "A clean slate," confirmed Trixie. "Well then let's get back to breakfast; I haven't eaten my fill just yet!" "Hmph, Twilight must be going bankrupt filling your gullet." "Ha, ha, very funny." "I thought it was." Bright Blade let that one slide, he was about to take a sip of orange juice when something hit him. The glass he was holding in his telekinetic grip shattered to pieces. Bright's vision was once again becoming tinted with shades of red, his heart beating faster, his breathing becoming heavy. Trixie watched the alicorn stallion as he shook his head violently, as if trying to get something out his mind. "Bright Blade what's wrong!?" "It's here – the Red Ghost – I can feel it!!!" Just then a scream erupted from outside. Both Trixie and Bright galloped to the front door and burst through it, they then scanned the area the best they could. It seemed quiet enough, but the other townsponies were on edge, some shaking, as if suppressing some unknown feeling. It didn't take them long before they saw the cause of the scream. A stallion had just beaten another stallion to death, his forehooves stained with the blood of his victim. The one left standing was just as beat up, but his breathing was labored and he was growling like a beast. Before either of them could do anything a mare randomly came out of nowhere and cracked the stallion over the head with a thick piece of two-by-four. Then another mare came punched out the mare with the two-by-four. It soon cascaded from there, one mare punching out another, a stallion tossing a table into a brawling crowd, after a while the streets were becoming one big smack down. Bright Blade was recalling what Broadside had told him happened before Coltton dissolved into the chaotic mess it had become, and now he was witnessing it right before his eyes. But what made it harder to watch was the overwhelming urge to join in and take them all down, he knew he could do it, for him it would a simple task, like stretching his wings. "Bright Blade…Bright Blade…BRIGHT BLADE!!!" The alicorn stallion snapped out his trance like state and saw that Trixie was shaking him with her hooves. "This isn't the time, I need you here Bright, we need to keep everypony from hurting themselves and I can't do it alone!" Bright Blade looked to the brawling masses and back to Trixie. "Y-y-you're right, we have to stop this, don't worry Trixie I've got your back!" "Glad to hear it!" Trixie stepped back a few feet, "Now allow me to slip into something more appropriate for the situation!" Trixie's horn began to glow as she wrapped herself in a bubble made of magenta colored mana. Suddenly strands of violet and dark blue started to snake their way into the bubble, swirling about faster and faster, till the entire thing burst apart. Bright Blade stared in amazement at what he saw. She wore a violet hat and suit, with dark blue bindings on her hooves, a cowl with sky blue eyes, and long cape that flapped from the wind generated by the bubble disappearing. It was her, the masked super heroine, the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well! "Well Bright Blade," Trixie's voice was augmented, it was still feminine, but had a gruff tone to it, "shall we get to work!?" "Uh yeah Trix – I mean Mare-Do-Well!" With that said the two of them dashed forth into the crowd, Bright Blade used his telekinesis to divide the crowd into two halves. Mare-Do-Well's horn shined with power as she prepared to unleash a spell! "Déste tous, na tous kratí̱sei akóma!" All around the ponies' bodies glowing chains were wrapped around them, they couldn't move as they struggled in vain to get free and rampage. Unfortunately it wasn't stopping there as more and more pony citizens were succumbing to the madness with each passing second. Mare-Do-Well and Bright Blade continued their tactic, one would divide, and the other would conquer. The duo had made it halfway down town when they came upon Sugar Cube Corner. The windows had been shattered and the door had been busted open. They both felt a twinge of fear as they galloped like the wind towards the bakery! At that moment both a stallion and mare were sent flying out of the shop, landing hard on their backs. Both ponies' faces were covered with cake and appeared to be knocked out. Bright Blade and Mare-Do-Well stared at the ponies curiously, but it wasn't long before five more ponies flew out of the shop, all their faces covered in a variety of different colored cakes. A pink earth pony mare stepped out of the shop, wielding a rather large cake in her right hoof. "Who else wants some!!!?" She snorted and growled, her crystal blue eyes searching for a new target, Bright and Mare-Do-Well were ready, just in case their friend was about to go mad. "Pinkie Pie…?" Bright Blade asked. Pinkie Pie stared at the heroic duo and her angered expression turned to one of joy. "Bright Blade, Mare-Do-Well, boy am I glad to see you two!" "Ms. Pinkie Pie, what has happened here?" Mare-Do-Well asked. "These ponies just broke into Sugar Cube Corner and started to tear the place apart, luckily I had a few cakes in the back, so I began assaulting them with cakes!" Proving her point, another crazed pony started galloping towards the pink party pony, Pinkie Pie launched the confectionary treat right at the charging stallion hitting home. The stallion's head was thrown back from the impact and sent him tumbling about till he landed in a heap on the ground, unmoving. "Damn Pinkie Pie, must be some heavy duty cakes," remarked Bright Blade. "I went heavy on the flour, anyway, what in the name of Celestia is going on!!!?" "Suffice to say the whole town's going mad!" Bright Blade shouted. "It would be wise if you and your family head to Sweet Apple Acres, it should be far enough away from what's happening! We'll escort you there," said Mare-Do-Well. "No, you two need to stay and help everypony! We'll be fine – PUMPKIN, POUND, TWIST, WE'RE LEAVING, NOW!!!" Pinkie Pie's shouting almost deafened Bright and Mare-Do-Well. Soon Pumpkin and Pound Cake came running outside, both siblings carrying their mother's Party Cannon. The next to run out was a white earth pony mare; her red mane was beautifully curled, with stylish glasses adorning her face. Bright Blade almost didn't recognize this mare, if it wasn't for the candy cane cutie mark, and Pinkie Pie shouting the name, he wouldn't have believed it. "Twist, is that really you!?" "Well of course it's me silly, who else would it be," said Twist, her lisp completely gone. "Good luck you two, we'll fill in Applejack and the others once we get there!" The group of four then rushed off as fast as they could, leaving the heroic duo to finish up their work around town. Ponyville was starting to look like it was under siege again. Unfortunately the two of them alone were only delaying a full blown breakout. They had decided to split up and in order keep the whole town from killing itself. Bright Blade saw that a few of the pegasi were flying around and taking themselves out and decided to restrain them, at the same time Mare-Do-Well was taking care of the ground-bound ponies, the unicorns and earth ponies. Mare-Do-Well felt like she was getting a handle on the situation, that was, until, the explosion. A giant blast erupted a few yards away from Mare-Do-Well as a building completely crumbled down. The masked heroine teleported herself to the spot where the explosion occurred and saw Bright Blade standing before the burning building, completely still. "Bright Blade, are you alright, what happened!?" No answer. "Bright Blade!!?" The alicorn stallion slowly turned around, his wings flared outwards; a wicked grin adorned his lips, and the final piece, his eyes. Bright's eyes were completely red, no irises, no pupils, just glowing orbs of crimson. Mare-Do-Well gasped at the sight, Bright Blade had succumbed to the madness. Bright Blade, no, you can't have!? "Bright Blade listen to me, don't let this consume you, fight it," she shouted. Bright Blade didn't answer her. His horn began to erupt with golden mana as he pointed it straight at Mare-Do-Well. Bright's horn fired a beam of energy, the force of it tearing the ground apart as it sailed towards the mysterious mare. "Archaía téchni̱:̱ Aspída Tou Karkínou!" The symbol for Cancer appeared around Mare-Do-Well in the form of a magic circle. The circle glowed light blue as it surrounded her in a protective shield, completely nullifying Bright Blade's attack. "Bright Blade you must stop this, think about Twilight!" The beam stopped firing, for a moment Mare-Do-Well thought that she had gotten through to the stallion. That notion was quickly shot down as the golden alicorn let loose a volley of magic bolts at the shield once again. "DIE, DIE, DIE, BURN AWAY AND DIE!!!" "You need to cool off! Archaía téchni̱:̱ Ydrochóos Palirroïkó Kýma!" The symbol for Aquarius burned in the air above the shield, droplets of water and mana started to gather at the symbol, condensing, becoming more and more powerful. The combined power of water and mana released themselves in a great deluge as the giant torrent roared right at Bright Blade. The tidal wave engulfed Bright Blade, but from within the torrent, a golden light shined. Bright Blade had erected a barrier around himself. "IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT!!!?" "Not even close! Archaía téchni̱:̱ Kriós Aspída Diakópti̱!" The symbol for Aries appeared in front of the Mare-Do-Well's barrier, glowing red. The symbol fired a concentrated beam of mana through the tidal blast, the beam slammed against Bright's barrier smashing it to pieces. The beam eventually hit Bright Blade and sent him flying through one building after the next. "Sorry Bright Blade, but it was for your own good." Bright Blade was not down long, he shot up from the ruined buildings, as the alicorn stallion hovered in the air. He zeroed in on the masked mare, his crimson eyes still blazing with bloodlust. Bright Blade gathered his energy and surrounded himself in a sphere of golden mana. The sphere then zoomed straight for Mare-Do-Well, streaking like a comet! "Oh buck…!" Mare-Do-Well also created a sphere of magenta colored mana, the two orbs clashed against each other, sending sparks flying in every direction. At first it was a stalemate, and then, little by little, Mare-Do-Well's sphere was being pushed back. Her sphere dug into the ground with every inch. Bright Blade, with insane laughter, infused more power into his sphere. Causing it to grow three times larger than it already was, transforming it into an enormous fireball of golden mana! Mare-Do-Well tried to match the alicorn's power, but was finding it more difficult given the multiple spells she had cast previously. The gold sphere soon found enough leverage to push the sphere along. The two of them sailed through the air, only mere inches from the ground, as the golden orb plowed against the magenta sphere. Mare-Do-Well's sphere was breaking apart; she could feel the strain on as her mind worked to keep it together. Finally, no longer able to take the attack, Mare-Do-Well dispelled the orb and barrel rolled to the left, allowing Bright Blade's attack to go through unmolested. Mare-Do-Well was panting hard as she took in the sight of their new location. Their little tug of war had sent them all the way into the center of town. What in Equestria do I have to do in order to get through to him, thought Mare-Do-Well. Bright Blade broke out from his sphere, the particles of energy danced in the air around Bright. The stallion's horn glowed and the particles changed into dozens of individual orbs. He then launched all of them at blinding speeds; Mare-Do-Well had to do some fancy hoofwork in order to dodge most of them. Five of them struck Mare-Do-Well, three hit her body, the fourth at her right hind leg, and the fifth hit her face. All five orbs exploded on impact, creating a cloud of dust all around her. The dust finally settled and Mare-Do-Well, or rather Trixie was damaged. The cape was tattered and worn, parts of her costume were ripped and burned, the hat had been blasted off, and most of the cowl was gone revealing half of Trixie's face and most of her horn. Trixie tried to move but her right hind leg ached with pain, as did the rest of her body. If I hadn't enchanted this costume years ago I'd be dead right now…! "I'M GOING TO TEAR YOU APART TRIXIE! I'LL RIP YOUR LEGS OFF ONE BY ONE, SLOWLY – OH SO SLOWLY!!" "Listen to yourself, this isn't you!!! Bright Blade don't make me have to…!" Mare-Do-Well summoned her power once again, waiting for just the right moment to attack. Bright Blade called forth even more of his power, his horn flaring with mana energy. At that moment about two dozen orbs of golden energy floated around him, each orb then took the form of a sword pointed downwards. "BLADES OF LIGHT!" Trixie watched as the blades all pointed towards her, she waited, ready to counterattack. "BRIGHT BLADE STOP THIS!!!" Both Trixie and Bright Blade watched as Twilight teleported herself right to them, putting herself between the two. Bright's red eyes narrowed, glaring at his marefriend. "Twilight be careful, something's wrong with him!!" Trixie shouted. "I know Trixie," Twilight turned her gaze to the sky, where Bright Blade was hovering prepared to attack. "I know exactly what's wrong." "Twilight…?" Trixie didn't understand what she was talking about, did she truly know what was going on. Twilight, now knowing the plight of her coltfriend, tried to reason with him, to bring him back. "Bright Blade I know about the Red Ghost, I know it's controlling you! You're stronger then this thing, don't let it win!" Bright Blade cocked his head to the right, as if wondering what her words meant. He then smiled a wicked smile as he fired a mana blast straight for Twilight, the beam struck the lavender mare's horn sending her flying backwards. Trixie quickly caught Twilight in her telekinetic aura and set her safely down on all fours. "Twilight are you alright!?" "Y-yeah I'm fine…" Twilight touched her horn where Bright Blade had hit her; the moment she brought her hoof to it she was zapped. "OUCH!" "A Magic Disruption Spell, how does he know that kind of spell," asked Trixie. "Probably because I used it on him at the hospital, nevertheless we have –!" "TWILIGHT LOOK OUT!!!" Twilight felt Trixie push her to the right as a Blade of Light sailed right for them, slicing Trixie's left shoulder. The azure mare hissed as the pain surged through her left foreleg. Both mares landed on top of each other in a heap, Twilight groaned then gasped upon seeing Trixie's injury. The lavender mare looked upwards and watched as Bright Blade maneuvered the remaining Blades of Light in their direction. "Bright Blade please stop! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" The alicorn stallion let out a savage roar and let loose the Blades of Light. Trixie was down, and Twilight's horn was incapacitated, all that was left was to watch. Or so the two mares thought. "Sonata Shield!!!" A light pink, octagon shaped, energy shield appeared in front of Twilight and Trixie. The shield emitted a lovely musical tune as the Blades of Light bounced off and disintegrated upon impact. Both magicians stared at the shield, wondering where it came from. Bright Blade, however, was not amused by this intervention. His horn was ablaze with mana, prepared to fire a powerful magic bolt at the shield. "Ignited Sniper!!!" Bright Blade immediately cancelled his spell when he saw dozens of gold tipped fire arrows whizzing straight for him. The golden alicorn stallion flew upwards, but the arrows followed him. He banked right, then left, and then swooped low, Bright took a look behind and was frustrated, nothing could shake them. "Hammer of Might!!!" Bright Blade heard the voice and quickly looked forward, only to see an energy wave fissuring the ground as it snaked towards him on an intercept course. Bright stopped and created an energy shield around himself at the last minute, the arrows and energy wave collided on his position, exploding rather spectacularly. Twilight rose up on all fours, giving Trixie a shoulder to lean on as she shakily got to her hooves. At that moment three mares landed before them, garbed in golden armor. The center mare had an apple red mane, a twin tailed pink scarf, a hammer holstered on her left, and two octagon shaped shoulder pads that floated just mere inches near her actual shoulders. The mare to her right was a pegasus with flaming wings, she had a more streamed lined build. Her front leg horseshoes had two boxes with a spike protruding from them. The mare on the left had see-through lace capes that draped, stopping at her knees. Her hoof plate bracers had various music notes molded into them, along with a choker that had a bell hanging from it. Twilight recognized these mares, and was overjoyed that they had arrived in the nick of time. "GIRLS!" Twilight has learned the grim truth behind the apparition that haunts her coltfriend on the battlefield and now fears an even greater threat to their world! Meanwhile, Bright Blade has succumbed to the rage of the Red Ghost, along with the rest of Ponyville! Can the arrival of the Valkyries turn the tide and prevent a tragedy!? Find out next time in Part 8 of the First Sign Arc of Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope! > First Sign: Part 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unity "Heya Twilight," said Apple Bloom. "How…I didn't know you three could call upon your armor…" said Trixie weakly. "Who said we couldn't, when Pinkie Pie came to the Apple farm yelling about something happening in Ponyville, well, naturally we had to come and try to help," said Scootaloo smirking. "Now you mind telling us what's going on with everypony here, and why Bright Blade's eyes look like Daemoni eyes," asked Sweetie Belle worriedly. "Long story short, Bright Blade's – I don't know – possessed! We need to snap him out it before he destroys Ponyville single hoofedly!" Twilight urged. "Don't worry Twilight, leave this to the Valkyries!" Apple Bloom declared. The smoke around Bright Blade cleared as he dispelled his shield, his furious gaze filled with even more rage, if that were even possible. "DAMN YOU THREE! THIS IS MY FIGHT, DON'T YOU INTERFERE OR I'LL KILL YOU AS WELL!!!" The Valkyries flinched a bit at those words; they weren't used to hearing Bright Blade yell with such hate and rage. It was starting to look like the whole "being possessed" thing was less of a farfetched notion. Nonetheless the mares stood their ground and assumed a combative stance. Bright Blade grinned evilly at them. "ALRIGHT, LET'S FIGHT!!!" Bright Blade charged at them. Apple Bloom, swiftly and gracefully, pulled out her hammer with her right hoof, using the momentum to double her striking power. The flat of the hammer caught Bright Blade in the cheek, sending him flying into a nearby structure, causing it to fall down on top of him. Apple Bloom immediately facehoofed herself after the fact. "Great, now ah'm gonna have'ta rebuild that whole thing," she groaned. "You just smashed B in the face with your hammer and you're more worried about the house he flew into," said Sweetie Belle cocking an eyebrow. "Like that's gonna be enough to –!" The debris of the house exploded into splinters as Bright Blade rose up, shaking off the bits that still clung to him. "See!?" Sweetie Belle sighed and faced her possessed friend. The bell around her neck started to sway back and forth, with each ring a beautiful melody played. Soon a blue aura surrounded the bell, matching the aura around Sweetie Belle's horn. "Rhapsody Rampage!" All around the white mare orbs of blue light appeared and launched in rapid fire succession, all aimed for Bright. "BLADES OF LIGHT!" The blades and energy blasts collided in the center, exploding upon impact. Bright Blade flapped his wings and ascended, continuing his attack. Sweetie Belle aimed her Rhapsody Rampage upwards, keeping in line with Bright's attack. At that moment Bright felt something wrap around his hind legs. When he looked back Bright Blade saw that he had been ensnared by Scootaloo's fire whips. "Sorry about this B!" Scootaloo flew up higher into the sky. The sudden ascension jerked Bright up with Scootaloo, halting his attack. Bright Blade was dragged higher and higher, struggling to regain control. Scootaloo stopped for a brief moment, somersaulting in midair with her forelegs behind her. With one great pull, she brought her forelegs forward. The fire whips followed her motion, bringing Bright Blade along for the ride. He went over the orange pegasus mare's head and down towards the ground, descending at a rapid pace. "Ignited Sniper!" Scootaloo flared her wings as two dozen fire arrows rocketed for their target. Bright Blade, in the end, slammed into the ground. Within a few seconds of hitting the dirt the fire arrows rained down on him, exploding with resounding force. The fire whips retracted back to their owner as all three mares were now on the ground in triangle formation, ready for the attack. But none came. When the dust settled Bright Blade was lying still on the ground, unmoving. His body was bruised, and a streak of blood trickled down his face, the origin starting at his head. "Bright Blade…?" Sweetie Belle whispered. "We-we couldn't have…" said Scootaloo. "No way…" whispered Apple Bloom. Twilight, along with Trixie, watched as the three mares slowly made their way to the alicorn stallion. All of them worried that the combined triple attack might've done more serious damage then what was intended. When the Valkyries where at least two feet away, Bright Blade's eyes shot open, the crimson light shining from them. The golden alicorn's horn flared with mana, conjuring a dust devil around them. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo closed their eyes, wincing at the stinging dirt as their eyes watered. Bright Blade appeared before Apple Bloom, when the yellow earth pony mare finally noticed, it was too late. Bright took his right hoof and drove it upwards into Apple Bloom's lower jaw. The uppercut sent Apple Bloom flying backwards, landing outside the dust devil. He turned his attention to Sweetie Belle, with amazing speed he closed the distance between them, and bucked her with his hind legs in the chest. The impact knocked the wind out of Sweetie's lungs as she sailed out of the twister. Finally, Bright swiped Scootaloo's forelegs, making her fall to the ground. Taking advantage of her fall, Bright used his telekinesis to wrap Scootaloo's forehooves and picked her up. Concentrating, he twirled the pegasus mare around like a rag doll overhead and tossed her with a mighty heave. Scootaloo skidded to a stop on the ground, almost literally eating dirt. "LOOK WHO'S GETTING RUSTY NOW," he laughed. "Girls are you alright," shouted Twilight. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom slowly rose to their hooves, groaning in pain as they did. Apple Bloom rubbed her chin where Bright Blade had punched her. Sweetie Belle took in deep breathes, coughing with each pained inhale. Scootaloo dusted herself off, spitting out a hefty amount of dirt from her mouth. "We're fine, Twilight," said Scootaloo. The Valkyries gathered together and faced Bright Blade. Behind him they could hear the sounds of the town destroying itself, the cries of ponies killing each other, the screams of the ones who hadn't turned. Their home, and their friend, were gripped with an insanity that had to be stopped. "Sweetie, Scoots, we gotta stop Bright Blade now, the longer we keep fightin' him, the worse it's gonna get for Ponyville," said Apple Bloom. "So, does that mean we should pull out our last trick," asked Scootaloo. "We don't have a choice at this point, our power saved him once, we can do it again," reasoned Sweetie Belle. With that said the orbs in the center of the Valkyries' chest plates shined. Apple Bloom's body erupted with a yellow and red aura, Sweetie Belle with a white and purple aura, and Scootaloo with an orange and violet aura. Bright Blade narrowed his glowing red eyes, wondering what they were up to. The auras melded into one giant glowing multicolored sphere. The sphere took off into the sky; it climbed to a height of a hundred feet, and then arched its way downward. A long streak of light trailed behind it, the combined power of the Valkyries all aimed directly for the alicorn stallion below. "SOUL ROAR!!!!" Bright Blade created a powerful barrier around himself, standing his ground against their combined attack. The Valkyries' Soul Roar attack slammed against the barrier, hard, causing a shockwave that shattered many windows and knocked down many ponies, including Twilight and Trixie. The magician mares stared in awe as they watched the four friends clash against each other. "They're going to destroy each other," shouted Trixie. "No, if anypony can bring Bright Blade out of this, it's those three," said Twilight. Bright Blade cried out in anger as cracks started to spider web throughout the barrier, and in that same instant, shattered like fragile glass. The power of the Soul Roar washed over him, the Valkyries putting everything they had into ridding Bright of this evil. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" A bright light lit up the area, followed by a powerful explosion that rumbled through the air, a large column of smoke bellowed up from the spot where Bright Blade stood. Three streaks of light flew from the column and landed a couple of feet from it. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle panted hard, their brows beaded with sweat, most of their energy exhausted. Twilight, with Trixie leaning on her, hobbled over to the young mares and waited beside them. Twilight was worried, partially because the moment after the explosion the spell sealing her magic had lifted. Which either meant her coltfriend was back to normal, unconscious, or… "Girls…do you think…do you think it worked," asked Twilight. "It better, ah don't know if we could do that ah second time," said Apple Bloom. "Look," said Trixie. Stumbling out of the smoke, his fur dirtied, and his mane disheveled, was Bright Blade. The mares all tensed, not sure who to expect. The kind and honorable Knight or the possessed, insane, stallion bent on killing everypony. Bright rubbed the back of his head and groaned in pain. "Ouch, did anypony see what hit me," asked Bright Blade. His eyes were no longer orbs of glowing crimson light, just the gentle emerald green color they always were. His wicked, evil, angered grin was gone, leaving a look of confusion in its stead. Trixie released Twilight and got Sweetie Belle to help her stand. "Trixie…?" "Go Twilight," urged Trixie. Twilight nodded in gratitude, she then galloped straight for Bright Blade. She skidded to a stop and threw her forelegs around his neck, bringing him into a tight hug. Bright, although a bit surprised, managed to bring his right foreleg around to hug her back, he could feel Twilight's tears running down her face and onto his shoulder. "I thought…you were lost completely this time, thank Epona you're alright," said Twilight. "Twi…" Bright Blade's eyes fell upon the four mares behind Twilight, at their injured bodies, and exhausted looks. "I did all this…I hurt my friends…and I hurt you…" "No, it wasn't you, not the real you! I know now, it was the Red Ghost!" Bright Blade let Twilight go; his eyes went wide upon hearing what she had said. "Twilight, you know about the Red Ghost!? You've seen it!?" "Uh, not that I'm not glad you're back B, but we still have a bit of a situation," said Scootaloo. The ponies who were stunned by the shockwaves and buffeting pressure from the earlier attack were now beginning to rise back onto their hooves. It wouldn't be long before the mayhem kicked off once again. Bright Blade's eyes narrowed, but it wasn't out of anger, more like a righteous fury. "Stand back Twi," said Bright. "What are you…?" Bright Blade closed his eyes, concentrating, linking his soul to the one thing that could save these ponies, the Element of Hope. Once the stallion felt the power of the Element, Bright Blade flew up into the sky over Ponyville. His body emitted a golden glow that grew brighter with each passing second. "RAY OF HOPE!" Multiple golden energy waves rippled across the sky, showering Ponyville with sparkling lights that fell like snow. As soon as the sparkles of light covered the town, the ponies stopped, shaking their heads as if they were in a daze. It wasn't long until they had snapped out of their insanity and were back to normal, wondering what was going on. At the same time Twilight's fatigue was disappearing, the Valkyries' and Trixie's injures were healing, their energy restored. The Ray of Hope faded as it began its descent back to the ground, landing next to Twilight. Bright stumbled a little, making Twilight lean up against him for stability. "Not going to scold me for using my Element?" "Given the circumstances, I think I can let this one slide," said Twilight playfully. Suddenly the ground shook violently, their brief moment of peace crumbling. Dark clouds blotted out the radiant sun, a wave of oppressive pressure rolled through the town, making all the ponies bend at the knees. Then, a few feet away from the group, a pillar of harsh red light shot forth into the sky, they had to look away; the clouds erupted with the same colored lightning as the energy hit the clouds. The pillar dispersed, the shaking stopped, and all was quiet, except for the occasional rumble of thunder. The heroic group opened their eyes and gasped at what they saw. "I-I-it can't be!?" Twilight gasped. "Is…is that it," asked Trixie. "It is…" "What," asked the Valkyries. "The Red Ghost…!" Bright Blade growled. Indeed it was the Red Ghost, but something was happening to its form. The ghostly red light faded, and broke off, revealing a flesh and blood stallion underneath. It was an earth pony, a head higher than Big Macintosh, his form powerful and muscular, covered head to hoof in crimson colored armor. On its back were four metal orbs, what parts the armor didn't cover, showed the onyx colored coat of the mysterious stallion. It's shimmering yellow eyes fell upon the group, the stallion snorted. "You, golden one, twice have you broken my influence, and twice hath these mares taken you from my control…you are perplexing," said the armored stallion, his voice was strong and deep, almost rumbling. "Who are you," asked Scootaloo. "I am an Envoy…" Twilight's eyes went wide, the armored stallion had just spoke the same words as were written in the book. "Why have you come to our world, for what reason do you seek to end our peace!?" "Originally, I was to prepare this world for its end, but…" the Envoy's gaze fell squarely on Bright Blade, "You golden one, what is your name?" "It's Bright Blade, the Knight of Hope," he said confidently. "I've watched you ever since the first day I arrived here, I saw how you commanded your army, how you charged into battle with such fearlessness and power! I wonder, could you be the one I seek," said the Envoy. "What do you mean," asked Bright. "A battle, you and me, one on one, I wish to see if you are, indeed, the worthy opponent I've been seeking." "Hold on!" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, stepped forward in front of Bright Blade, "If ya fight Bright Blade, ya fight the Valkyries too!" The Envoy snorted, eyes narrowing. "I have no quarrel with you mares, I wish to face him in single combat! Do not think I have any reservations about going through you…" the Envoy's stance widened, indicating that he was preparing to attack. Twilight, along with Trixie, joined the Valkyries, readying themselves for a fight with this otherworldly being. Twilight had no idea how they were going to fight against this strange stallion, the pressure she felt from it earlier was stronger than what she felt from Tikara Balak, and that was with the added power of the Elements of Darkness! But one thing was for sure, this was the cause of her coltfriend's plight, the ghost that haunted him and made Bright do things he would never do. Twilight wanted nothing more than to pay back the Envoy for all the pain it put them through, with interest! "Wait…" The five mares glanced behind them, Bright Blade strode passed them, and stared down the red armored one. "I'll fight you Envoy!" "WHAT!!!?" Twilight shouted. "Are ya still not right in the head," asked Apple Bloom. "You can't take that thing alone B," said Scootaloo. "You need our help," stated Sweetie Belle. "Not to mention you used up a great amount of your mana using your Ray of Hope, even I can sense your energy levels are low, this is foolish!" Trixie protested. "Look, there are still civilians in the town; we can't all fight him at full strength with them around. I'll distract him, you guys get everypony out of here," said Bright Blade. Trixie and the Valkyries all voiced various protests against Bright's plan, but Twilight still pondered his words. She took a quick look around, at the buildings that had caught fire, at the scared townsponies, the Envoy, and finally to her coltfriend. His eyes said it all; Twilight knew he would not be swayed in his decision, the lavender unicorn mare knew what she had to do, granted her own reluctance to do so. "Alright." "Twilight ya can't be serious!?" Apple Bloom asked. "You're really going to let him fight that thing on his own!?" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Girls, he's right, believe me I don't like it, but he's right. We have to get everypony out of here," said Twilight sternly. The other four mares were skeptic, but the look in Twilight's eyes made them think otherwise. Reluctantly they resigned themselves to the task of clearing out the town the best they could. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom took off in different directions, Trixie, after reforming her torn mask, galloped forth and teleported away. Leaving Twilight the last to go, she glanced at Bright Blade and stopped. "Are…are you sure you can do this, Trixie was right, you did use up all of your power," asked Twilight. Bright Blade smiled confidently, "I'm not completely out of power. With strength unmatched I sing this song, that might and magic be as one! Shine your light upon the land! Let evils wrath be undone, mystic sword Excellion!" The ancient sword appeared before Bright Blade in a flash of white light. "Behold you blackhearts, the power of my ancient arts! See this wondrous sight! Your mystic power shall roar, magic sword Excelsior!" To the right of Bright, a blue flash of light revealed the elegantly curved cerulean sword. "Hear my prayer for my need is dire; bring forth the power that I desire! Let no enemy stand in my way! Begin the battles aria, sword of might Exia!" Another flash of light, red in color, revealed the dual edged sword to his left. All three swords were floating beside their wielder, ready to do battle. "Send me a signal when you guys are done." Twilight nodded, feeling a little more confident in her coltfriend's plan, galloped away into the town, to aid the others in the evacuation. "Well then, let's start!" Bright Blade gripped Excellion's hilt with his teeth, while grasping Exia and Excelsior with his telekinesis and pointing the tips of their blades at the Envoy. "So, you too can wield multiple weapons. In that case I shall oblige you!" Still in his fighting stance, the Envoy's body glowed with crimson power. The metal orbs on his back started to shift, glow, and grow out. In a matter of seconds the Envoy had four metal arms protruding from his back, each arm had an orb, and on it were three talons that flexed into a fist. With another burst of energy something formed in each hand. The front two arms wielded chakrams, serrated like buzz saws. The rear right arm sported a halberd, while the left back arm had a battle ax. "Shall we begin!?" Oh buck me!? ***20 Minutes Later*** "Gorm Gealach Gearrtha, Gan Teorainn Slais!" Bright Blade held Excelsior in the crook of his right hoof and thrust the curved blade at the Envoy. Immediately a magic circle, appeared, blue in color, bearing Bright's cutie mark at its center, along with the symbol of the crescent moon around the edges. The circle then fired multiple crescent energy blasts. The Envoy didn't move he used his four arms to intercept the attacks one after the other. The crimson armored stallion hurled his two chakrams, the weapons buzzed as they cut through the air, coming for Bright Blade from two different directions. Bright Blade saw the two weapons coming and flapped his wings, propelling himself upwards and letting the two chakrams fly passed him. Bright willed Excellion to spin in front him, creating the golden magic circle. His horn blazed with powerful mana as he repositioned himself behind the armored stallion. "Magna Blast!" The Envoy glanced behind his back and watched as a beam of powerful gold colored mana came towards him. With surprising speed, he leapt upwards, causing the beam to hit the ground, exploding. Bright Blade watched as the Envoy ascended into the air, his hooves blazing with crimson energy, possibly keeping him afloat. Bright only snorted, he switched to Exia, gripping it with both hooves. The chakrams, made one more pass, but Bright used his dual edged sword to swat them away. The Envoy took his halberd and battle ax into his front two arms and waited for the alicorn stallion to attack, a little grin arching across his lips as he enjoyed the fight. "Burst Striker!" Exia's blades shined, a third circle appeared in front of Bright Blade as he flew at the Envoy. The distance between them was quickly closing as he drew nearer; once Bright was in striking distance he made his move. Bright Blade slashed through the circle, the Envoy used his halberd to intercept. The moment the weapons made contact they exploded. The Envoy was blown back a bit, but shook it off. The alicorn stallion was still on the charge, slashing with great speed and vigor. Each time the Envoy tried to block the attack another explosion would occur, the majority of the blast wave directed towards him. He tried to attack from another angle, galloping through the air. Summoning a long spear into his rear right arm, the Envoy sped up and thrust the spear at Bright Blade from overhead. Bright Blade saw this and summoned back Excelsior, "Cosain dom!Sciath de Draíochta!" A giant shield of blue mana appeared over Bright as the Envoy's spear impacted. Bright winced at the recoil and strength behind the blow. The Envoy didn't let up; he pushed forward driving Bright Blade into a descent, faster and faster they went, the wind whistling around them. The barrier slammed into the ground with a resounding boom, sending rock and sediment flying in all directions. With a flash of golden light Bright Blade teleported himself away from the crater, shaking off the debris still caught in his fur. The alicorn stallion trained his three swords in the direction of the crater, ready to attack at a moment's notice. The Envoy trotted away from the crater, nonchalantly, as if the impact didn't even faze him in the least. Bright was panting hard; it was taking all he had just to keep the fighting in the center of Ponyville. He sensed Twilight's teleporting magic popping in and out of the town, but that's all he could allow himself to sense, focusing the majority of his instincts on reading the Envoy's movements. Whether or not the citizens were out was something he had to hope Twilight was taking care of. Twilight tell me you're almost done, I not sure how much longer I can hold out at this rate!? ***Outer edge of Ponyville*** "THIS WAY HURRY!!!" Apple Bloom shouted. "KEEP IT MOVING!!!" Scootaloo shouted. The Valkyries were on the outer perimeter of Ponyville, guiding as many of the ponies as they could towards Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight and Trixie used their teleporting magic to gather together large groups of ponies and bring them to where the Valkyries were. While this was going on a great battle was taking place in the center of town, never going beyond that spot. Twilight knew that Bright Blade was doing his best to keep the fighting from going any further, but just how much longer this could go on was beyond her. Further down the road the Apple Family did their best to handle the mass influx of pony evacuees, housing them either in the barn or in their own homes. Applejack and Big Macintosh guided the ponies to their destinations on the farm, while Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Granny Smith took care of the young foals. Twilight zapped back to where the Valkyries were, with a group of evacuees. "Go to Sweet Apple Acres, you'll all be safe there!" Twilight ordered. The Valkyries, along with Twilight, lead the group to the apple farm where AJ and Big Mac were waiting. "Come along now, everythin's goin ta be alright," said Big Macintosh. Applejack watched as the group entered the farm, and looked to Twilight who was noticeably exhausted from multiple teleportation's. "Twi is that everypony?" "Trixie's doing one last sweep to make sure," said Twilight. "It better be, it's a miracle Bright has kept that thing from destroying the entire town up till now," said Sweetie Belle. Just then a magenta flash of light sparked behind them, revealing Trixie as her alter ego, Mare-Do-Well. "That was the last of them, at least…the ones that weren't killed during the outbreak," said Trixie. "So now, what," asked Scootaloo. "We give Bright Blade the signal." Twilight concentrated, willing her magic into her horn. She built up as much mana as she could, judging the distance and angle of trajectory from where she stood. Taking careful aim, the lavender mare fired a magic bolt straight for Ponyville, the orb of purple light sailed higher till it exploded over the town. "Ah hate this, without our armor, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and ah can't do much but keep everypony calm," said Applejack. "Don't worry sis, we can handle it," said Apple Bloom. "Come, we should hurry back before –!" Trixie didn't get to finish her sentence as a massive quake rumbled through the ground, through the air, and through them. Twilight sensed a huge spike in mana coming from Ponyville, the power of it seemed to be felt by even Applejack and Big Macintosh. Twilight could tell that this was the work of her coltfriend, but something worried her about the magic he was using, a worry that seemed to be shared by Trixie as well. "This can't be," said Twilight. "Twilight what's goin' on, why's everthin' shakin, and what's this feeling ah'm gettin'," asked Applejack. "It can only be one thing, at least judging from the amount of power Bright Blade is putting out," remarked Trixie. "Rune Magic…" said Twilight. *** Ponyville (Center of Town) *** Bright Blade looked up into the sky and watched as the purple magic bolt exploded overhead, he let out a small sigh of relief, thankful that the town was now completely evacuated. This, however, did not go unnoticed by the crimson armored stallion. "So then, has whatever has been distracting you finally been resolved," asked the Envoy. Bright Blade looked at the Envoy, surprised. "What, how did you know!?" "We haven't left this space since we started fighting, and the majority of your attacks had force, but no power." "Then why?" "Because I seek a real battle, it does me no good to go all out if you aren't either. Now that the distraction that was plaguing you is gone can we dispense with this 'warm up' and truly fight!?" The Envoy stamped his hoof on ground, causing a mini-quake. Bright Blade only smiled, unfazed by the stamping of his hoof, he returned to a normal stance and took a deep breath in and out. "Alright, if that's what you want, no holding back! Count yourself lucky, this is the first time I get to use this new power I created! I haven't been able to properly field test it yet, but I guess now is as good a time as any!" Below Bright Blade's hooves, a giant magic circle appeared, rotating slowly beneath him. Exia took a spot on the left side of the circle, Excelsior the right, and Excellion the center, right in front of the alicorn stallion. The Envoy was intrigued by this new tactic, wondering where he was going with this. Bright Blade's horn flared with mana energy, he widened his stance, and let out a fierce battle cry. Suddenly the ground started to shake violently once more, even the air seemed to quiver. The magical swords glowed with radiant light, after a few seconds rune symbols began to dance around Bright Blade, floating about in the air, glowing just as brilliantly as the swords and circle. Out of the dozens upon dozens of runes, five of them shined brighter than the others, they floated above the circle, burning in the air. Bright's eyes shined with white light, as he cried out the spell! "UNITY!!!" All three swords fired a beam of energy towards Bright's horn, the energy built up more and more as it swallowed him and the swords together. A giant pillar of red, blue, white, and golden light shot forth into the sky above! The pillar punched a hole in the clouds, making them scatter and disappear in an instant! The pillar's four different energies swirled around harmoniously, till they became one unified beam of light. The entire time Bright Blade let out his battle cry, as he felt the power transform him, altering his body from the outside in! The pillar of light ended, the energy dispersing into tiny particles in the air. The Envoy stood there, speechless at what was now before him. Bright Blade was almost as tall as the Envoy; his wings were bigger, more majestic, and shimmered as if they were actually made of gold. The alicorn stallion's body was muscular yet lean, with golden mana outlining his form. Bright's eyes had now become two orbs of emerald green light, his mane and tail were a couple of feet longer, and spikier. But the most startling part of this transformation was his horn, no longer an appendage of bone and magical nerves, but was now a shining gold and white blade, at least four feet in length. "This…is the unification of sword and wielder, my ultimate weapon, Xiaon!" The Envoy gritted his teeth, and summoned to his two front arms a pair of broad swords, and to his back arms, a mace and war club. "Show me what this power of yours can do!" Bright Blade vanished from the Envoy's sight; the armored stallion scanned the area, searching for him. Bright Blade had reappeared to the right of the Envoy; he swung his head to the left, slashing with Xiaon! The Envoy saw the attack at the last second and sidestepped to the left, his right side armor receiving a long gash. The Envoy quickly whirled around to face his opponent and began slashing with the two broadswords. Bright Blade, effortlessly, dodged each attack with fluid motion. This seemed to anger the Envoy, as he roared and slashed with both swords at once! A loud boom thundered, but when the Envoy looked to see what he had hit, he saw that Bright Blade had once again vanished from sight. "Looking for me?" Bright Blade had reappeared, a few feet away from the Envoy. "Impossible, his speed has increased dramatically!" The Envoy changed his broadswords, switching back to this chakrams. The armored stallion infused a large amount of his power in the serrated discs; they glowed with the power of his red energy. The Envoy hurled the spinning discs of death at Bright Blade! The alicorn stallion didn't move he simply maneuvered his wings to cover his front, the chakrams impacted on his wings, exploding and sending fire and power flooding over him. "I hope that didn't kill you, I was just starting to have fu –!" Bright Blade flared his wings outwards, clearing the dust cloud, and revealing that he had not a scratch on him. The Envoy recalled his swords, and charged for the Knight of Hope. Bright Blade did the same, and slashed with Xiaon, their swords clashed back forth, the ringing of metal and the humming of power, all resounded as the two warriors fought. Bright Blade executed a vertical slash with Xiaon, making the Envoy intercept it with his swords, both blades fighting for supremacy. Bright took a step forward, the Envoy took one step back, Bright took another step forward, and again the Envoy retreated. Sparks were flying as the blades grinded against each other, until, the broadswords of the Envoy snapped in half, allowing Bright's attack to follow through. Luckily, for the Envoy, he was able to narrowly dodge the cut. Bright Blade knew this had to end now, for everyponies sake, and for his. "Time to finish this Envoy, once and for all, no longer will you cause harm to any living thing, ever again! Aureus Storm!!!!!" Bright Blade aimed Xiaon at the Envoy, from the blade a tornado of golden mana energy roared to life and zoomed for the armored stallion. The Envoy was quickly swept up by the tornado, spinning him about, and buffeting him with the tremendous power that the Aureus Storm possessed. Bright Blade flapped his wings, ascending into the air above the tornado. To Xiaon he called forth all the power within himself, and even the free floating mana that resided in the air. All gathered to the glowing sword, as Bright Blade made his descent. The Envoy gazed upwards, unable to stop what was coming, his end at hoof. "Blade of Heaven!!!!!" Xiaon made contact at the left shoulder plate of the Envoy, and passed through the crimson armor. The power that was built up erupted all at once, causing an explosion in the form a sphere of mana! Bright Blade somersaulted in the air three times, and landed outside the explosion, safely on the ground. After taking in a breath or two, he turned his gaze to the now dissipating explosion sphere. It was over; the root of this nightmare was finally severed. "BRIGHT BLADE!" The Knight of Hope turned around and watched as the air a couple of feet from him started to twist, a purple light flashed before his eyes as he witnessed his marefriend teleport Trixie and the Valkyries to his location. Twilight took one look at her coltfriend and gasped at the sight of his new form. The others did as well, although they sensed no evil in this transformation, it was still surprising nonetheless. Twilight slowly walked up to Bright, cautiously, taking in as many details as she could. Bright Blade was noticeably nervous, although he just defeated an embodiment of evil; he still feared the scrutinizing look of his marefriend even more. "Bright Blade, what have you done to yourself," asked Twilight astonished. "Well…you see…it's a funny story!" *Crack* "What was that sound," asked Sweetie Belle. *Crack* "It sounds like an eggshell breaking," said Apple Bloom. "Or like something made of glass was about to –" *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* "Everpony look up!" Trixie shouted. The others did as Trixie said; the explosion sphere was cracking, light leaking out from the fissures that ran along its surface. The cracks shot out in different directions, spreading to all corners of the sphere, till it happened. The sphere blew apart, with the Envoy still alive. He floated down to the ground, his hooves blazing with scarlet mana. "There's no way he could've survived that!?" Twilight, Trixie, the Valkyries, and Bright Blade all assumed a fighting stance, ready to fight the red menace to the bitter end. But something happened that neither of them expected, he laughed. The Envoy laughed boisterously, as if he had been told a hilarious joke. The armored stallion landed softly on the ground, his laughter slowly died out as he caught his breath. "I can't believe it, after all this time I've finally found what I've truly desired! I knew it; you ARE a worthy opponent, the strongest warrior, the only warrior to match me in single combat! I am overjoyed, Knight of Hope, now I may wield my full power without holding back!" You gotta be kidding, he was still holding back this entire time!? "Get ready, for our glorious battle is about to begin!" The Envoy's aura erupted all around him, the ground shook once again as his energy skyrocketed. "Tear through all and leave none standing! Crimson Scour –!" At that moment the sky let loose a powerful thundering series of booms. The Envoy stopped whatever he was about to do, his expression went from one of joy to one of anger; he glanced towards the sky, as if it was the cause. "Master, I am not yet done here, I have finally found a strong opponent! Allow me to face him, and then I shall do your bidding!" The sky thundered once again, stronger and louder than the first time. The others wondered who in Equestria could the Envoy be talking to!? Soon, the Envoy let out a defeated sigh, his aura waned down till there was no trace of it around him. "As you wish, my master…" The Envoy's hooves once again had blazing red energy around them, the power pushed him up into the air. They couldn't believe what they were seeing, was the Envoy really leaving them that easily. "Bright Blade, Knight of Hope, you gave me your name, but I did not give you mine. I am Polemos, Spirit of War, bringer of hate and battle! Remember my name, for I am the only one who will have the honor of defeating you in combat! So you had better survive what is to come, you are not allowed to die!" With that, Polemos the Spirit of War, encased himself in a orb of scarlet energy and zoomed off into the sky, a sonic boom echoing as he broke the sound barrier. " '…you better survive what is to come…'" whispered Twilight. "Does this mean…he'll be back, that there's more than one of them!?" Trixie asked. "Polemos, Spirit of War…" "Well, at least he's gone. Anyway B, how the hay did you turn into –!?" Scootaloo watched as Bright Blade collapsed right in front of her. Xiaon was gone, and Bright's body had returned to normal. "BRIGHT BLADE!!!!?" Bright Blade, wielding his ultimate sword Xiaon, defeated the Envoy, now known as Polemos the Spirit of War! Who is this 'Master' that controls such a mighty spirit and what could be their agenda!? > First Sign: Part 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Circle of Friends We'll Be Snow had fallen across Ponyville, blanketing everything in powdery white sheets. The buildings and houses, at least the ones that weren't completely destroyed, had their roofs and windows boarded up to keep the falling snow from damaging the insides. Some of the pegasus ponies delayed the snowfall, at least long enough for patch work to be done, despite all that happened, they couldn't just delay the weather, ecosystems and all that. Back at Golden Oaks Library, Twilight was sitting on a cushion, watching her coltfriend sleep. She had been worried about his physical health since the fight with the Spirit of War ended, the alicorn stallion had used up a lot of his mana, and she was afraid he had tapped into his life force for the spell he performed. Please Bright Blade, wake up… It was then Twilight heard groaning, and watched as Bright Blade began to squirm under the sheets. He tossed over to his left side and slowly opened his eyes; the light coming from the window blurred his vision as his eyes adjusted. The purple blur before him started to become more defined, after a minute he was able to see Twilight, a happy smile arching across her lips. A smile that made the alicorn stallion mimic the expression. "Hey Twi," said Bright weakly. "Bright Blade your awake! How do you feel," asked Twilight. Bright, carefully, sat up in the bed, taking a moment to feel if anything was out of place, thankfully there wasn't. "I think I'm alright, everything feels like it's where it's supposed to be." "That's good…" Twilight gently placed her right hoof on her coltfriend's cheek, sliding it to the back of his head and rubbing that one spot gently. She then raised the same hoof and swung it forward, smacking Bright upside the head, hard! "Otherwise I would've felt bad about doing that!" Bright Blade yelped from the pain, placing his hooves on the spot where Twilight had hit him. "OOOOWWWW, What the hay Twilight, that hurt!!!?" "I hope it did! Bright Blade what in the name of Epona were you thinking!? Using Rune Magic to fuse your body with not one – BUT ALL THREE SWORDS – not to mention the alterations you made to your body! Do realize what could've happened to you, mixing inorganic and organic matter together, added to the draining effect of connecting to your Element from earlier!? YOU COULD'VE DIED!!" Twilight finally took a breath, venting all her pent up grievances about Bright Blade's latest sword creation. He knew there'd be Tartarus to pay after the fighting was over. "I know Twi…I knew it was dangerous, to be honest, this was the first time I used the sword –" "You didn't even test the spell!!!?" Twilight interjected. "Twilight that thing was going to create a massacre! What else was I supposed to do!?" "You could've waited for us, so that all six of us could fight together! Bright Blade, why did you do that, do you even know how scared I was, I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO LOSE YOU!!!" And there was the heart of the matter, signified by the tears that flowed from her eyes. "Twilight…" "It was like that time long ago, during the battle of Calamity's Fall, when you fought against Tikara Balak alone…That Envoy, the Spirit of War, I could feel it, he was stronger than Tikara Balak, even when he was using the Elements of Darkness! You're not a Construct anymore Bright Blade, you have a flesh and blood body now, and you're not invincible!" Twilight shouted. Twilight caught herself, immediately regretting the last part of her sentence. Although it has been ten years since the War of Darkness, the time Bright Blade spent as a Construct was still a touchy subject. But she had to say it, Bright would do the occasional reckless thing, sometimes bordering on dangerous or life threatening. She feared Bright still considered himself un-killable, and it worried her. "I'm…I'm sorry Twilight…I really am…you said it yourself, he was stronger than Tikara, MUCH stronger, but that's why I wanted to beat him then and there! To protect you and everypony," said Bright Blade. Twilight quickly hugged her coltfriend, surprising him in the process. The lavender unicorn's tears falling on his coat as she hugged him tightly. "I know you do, but you don't have to fight alone, I'm here, and so are your friends! So promise me you won't do something crazy like that again, please…?" Twilight pulled away a bit, her amethyst eyes staring into Bright's emerald eyes. He could see the worry and fear for his safety, it was there, plain as day. Bright didn't want to see this in his marefriend's eyes; he wanted to see the twinkle she got whenever she read a good book, or when she taught in school, or when the two of them…kissed. "I promise Twilight." Bright Blade closed his eyes and leaned in, kissing Twilight gently on the lips. The lavender mare didn't fight it; she closed her eyes and leaned into it as well. It wasn't a passionate kiss, more to reassure the other that they were alive, that their promise was true. The mare and stallion separated, with Twilight gently pressing her forehead against Bright's, letting their horns cross. "I love you, Bright Blade." "I love you too, Twilight." The two of them remained in silence, enjoying the peaceful moment they had to each other. It was then that a thought passed through Bright Blade's mind, something that bothered him. "Hey Twi, how long was I out?" Twilight's eyes sprang open as she backed up to look at Bright. "Well, actually, you've kinda, sorta, been out for…eight days," she squeaked. "EIGHT DAYS!?" "You really used up a lot of energy, it probably would've been longer if I hadn't infused some of my own into you," said Twilight rubbing the back of her head. "Guess I missed Heath's Warming, and my birthday," chuckled Bright. "Say, do you think you're strong enough to walk," she asked. "Don't know, I can try though." Twilight moved away from the bed and gave the stallion some room. Bright Blade moved the covers off his lower half and swung his legs to the edge of the bed. He let them hang there for a minute, judging whether or not he really had the strength for this. He let his hind legs touch the floor first, followed by his forelegs. So far, he was staying up, but now came the real test, trotting. Bright took a few baby steps, so far so good. He then took longer steps, moving towards Twilight. "You look alright, but you'd better lean on me for now, just in case." Twilight trotted to Bright Blade's right side and stood there. The alicorn stallion seemed unwilling to do so. "Just do it," said Twilight smirking. Bright Blade sighed and did as his marefriend said, putting a little of his weight on her. Twilight smiled and trotted slowly alongside him, keeping a steady pace till they reached the stairs. They slowed themselves, going down each step one at a time. For some reason, the lower they got, the darker the interior of the stairway got. Bright Blade was becoming increasingly curious, the sun was shining outside, but the inside was dark. The air smelled unusually good. "Are the blinds still closed or something," asked Bright Blade. Twilight didn't say a word; she only held her grin as she glanced over at him. Soon the two of them made it downstairs, it was dark, except for the light shining down the stairwell, as well as the little that seemed to come from the kitchen, Bright couldn't see anything in front of him. Just then Twilight's horn lit up, followed by the sounds of curtains being pulled away. Instantly the inside of the living room was illuminated, a Hearth's Warming tree was decorated near the fireplace, not many gifts lay below it. The sight of the decorations made the alicorn stallion happy. But somepony seemed to be missing. "Where's Trixie," asked Bright. "Trixie is in the kitchen preparing a Hearth's Warming meal." Trixie's head popped out from the kitchen doorway, her smile wider at the sight before her. "Good, now that you're awake, the food I prepared for the three of us won't go to waste." Trixie went back into the kitchen preparing the rest of the food. "What did – is she!?" "She insisted on making enough for all three of us, regardless if you woke up today or tomorrow," said Twilight. Just then they heard knocking at the front door, Twilight and Bright glanced at each other, wondering who it could be at this time of day. Twilight sat Bright down on the nearby couch, and went over to see who was visiting. Twilight used her telekinesis to open the door and was surprised by what she saw. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HAPPY HEARTH'S WARMING!" Standing outside was Pinkie Pie with all their friends in tow. Some were carrying more food, others some gifts, and some of their own decorations from home. Twilight quickly ushered them all into her home, Bright Blade and Trixie were also surprised by the influx of guests. "Pinkie Pie, how did – when did you!?" Twilight was stumbling over her words, unable to find the right ones to describe this situation. "Well, this morning I felt weird! For one thing, my ears twitched, my spine tingled, and my eyes fluttered, which could only mean one thing! My Pinkie Sense was telling me that Bright Blade was going to wake up today, so I went around and gathered all our friends so we could be here and celebrate together," said Pinkie Pie. Twilight, Trixie, and Bright just looked at her flabbergasted, about a million questions ran through their heads, but, as they learned a while back, it's better not question the power of the Pinkie Sense, it'll give you a headache just trying. "Now let's party!" Pinkie shouted. ***1 Hour Later*** Twilight hadn't seen this much partying sense the first time she came to Ponyville, the kids were running about the library, playing games and having fun. Granny Smith, who had Big Mac bring her rocking chair, sat back and told stories about the Hearth's Warming holidays she had when the old mare was growing up. The festivities appeared to be raising Bright Blade's spirits, since he was starting to move about on his own. Pinkie Pie had brought a birthday cake with her from Sugar Cube Corner; all the ponies gathered around the table as she placed it in the center of the table and revealed the confectionary treat. It had white frosting, with a yellow trimming around it. What really wowed everypony was the image on top of the cake. It was a picture of Bright Blade, when he was using Xiaon. The amount of detail on him and the background was astonishing. The wording underneath the image read "Happy Birthday Hero." "Wow Pinkie Pie, this looks good, how did you do it," asked Twilight. "Oh it wasn't me, it was Pumpkin and Pound," said Pinkie Pie. The older ponies all looked to where the aforementioned colt and filly were, the two of them just stood there, cheeks reddening, embarrassed by all the attention they were getting. "It was nothing, we just went off of what the older ponies told us," said Pound. "We just wanted to do something special," said Pumpkin. Bright Blade trotted up to the two foals and patted them on the head. "Thank you, all of you. I'm sorry for everything that's happened, even my little…" Big Mac came up and patted the alicorn stallion hard on the back, a move that nearly knocked out all the air in his lungs. "Now don't ya go and start sayin' stuff like that, it's Hearth's Warming, and it's yer birthday." "Heh, uncle Big Mac's right, now come over here so we can embarrass you by signing happy birthday," said Clay. The other ponies laughed, they knew that Bright Blade got just a tiny bit embarrassed when they started singing that song. Big Mac and Applejack scooted the stallion over to his designated spot and sat him down. Pinkie Pie started the song and everypony else joined in, Trixie used her telekinesis to place a candle in the shape of the number twenty-six on the cake, lighting it as she did. At the end of the song they all clapped their hooves. "Make a wish Bright Blade," said Fluttershy. Bright thought for a moment, thinking hard, after a while he sucked in air and blew out the candles. Afterwards the group ate cake, and once that was done they moved on to the one thing the foals were looking forward to, the opening of presents. *Knock* *Knock* "Huh, wonder who that could be," said Sweetie Belle. "Don't know, I'll go and see," said Twilight. Twilight made her way to the front door and slowly opened it, there was nopony there. Curious, Twilight stepped forward, but stopped when she felt her hoof step on something. When she looked down the lavender unicorn let out a gasp, there before her, laid the ominous book that foretold the coming of Polemos, Twilight quickly scanned the area, wondering if Zecora had made a drop off. Something caught her eye in the snowfall; a figure that she was certain wasn't a pony. It was white as snow, with horns on its head, and walked on all fours, its eyes a gentle blue. The figure was staring at her with, dare she say, a sad expression. "Excuse me!?" Twilight shouted towards the figure. A gust of wind blew through, kicking up the snow and obscuring Twilight's vision. When the wind died down the figure was gone, Twilight looked down at the snow, to see which direction the figure came from when it delivered the book, but there was nothing. No hoof prints in the snow; actually, except for the spot where the book lay, the snow had not been disturbed. Who…who was that…? With a shifting glance, Twilight brought the book inside. Her friends were too preoccupied to notice what she did next. Twilight quickly placed the book into the hidden compartment underneath the horse head statue, the same place where she hid her journal when Bright Blade arrived. "Déjà vu," whispered Twilight. "Hey Twi, we're about to sing some carols, can't start without you," called out Bright. Twilight knew she had to tell them, about the book, about the talk with Zecora, but that would spoil the moment. For now, she decided, they would have their happy time, sing and laugh, crack a joke or two, just having fun. Besides, who knew how many more chances they would have to enjoy moments like this, and many of those pages still remained blank. She was so deep in thought that Twilight didn't even notice that she was already standing at her coltfriend's side. "Hey Twi, you alright," asked Bright. "What – Oh yeah – I'm fine!" Twilight placed her hoof over Bright's, the two of them smiling at the other. "Happy Birthday, Bright Blade." "Happy Hearth's Warming, Twilight." Fluttershy was waving her hoof, setting the rhythm of the carol, they all waited for the right moment and began to sing as one. "The fire of friendship lives in our hearts As long as it burns we cannot drift apart Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few Laughter and singing will see us through (will see us through) We are a circle of pony friends A circle of friends we'll be to the very end~" End First Sign Arc… > Second Sign: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That Night Long Ago A few months had passed since the arrival and departure of the Envoy known as Polemos. Spring had returned to Ponyville with a promise of new beginnings, none of this held truer than at Sweet Apple Acres. The trees all bloomed with ripe fresh apples, ready to be bucked from their branches, the various crops shooting up from the ground, ready to be sold at market. The morning started early for the Apple Family, Applejack was the first to awake in the main house. She was already preparing breakfast for the household; Granny Smith had woken up a minute or two later and decided to help with the preparations. Applejack stared out the window near the sink, having opened it up to allow the fresh air inside, and started to reminisce about events passed. Twilight and Bright Blade were gone now, having stayed long enough to help with Winter Wrap Up, and went back to Canterlot. AJ was happy that everything was back to normal for them, well as normal as it gets for a Knight of Harmony anyway. The orange mare soon found her gaze drifting upwards to a formation of clouds above, shaped into a house, Rainbow's house. It had been a long time since the rainbow maned mare had come back home, she knew Clay missed her, and AJ would be lying if she didn't miss her too. Lately though, Applejack couldn't help but wonder if her marefriend was avoiding the two of them. Sure, she knew being a Wonderbolt was very busying work, but even when they had days off, Rainbow Dash seemed to prefer the training camp to their happy home. "Mornin' sis," said Apple Bloom groggily. The sudden appearance of Applejack's little sister quickly snapped her out of her daydreaming. "Huh – what – oh mornin' Apple Bloom!" Applejack did a quick head count and found that they were short one eleven-year-old colt. "Apple Bloom, where the heck is Clay?" "Ah woke him up, but he probably went back to sleep," said Apple Bloom yawning a bit. "Heh, heh, little tyke probably still thinkin' it's Winter Break." Granny Smith chuckled. "Well, time for a wakeup call," said Applejack. Applejack dried her hooves off with a towel and ascended the stairs up to the second floor. The blonde earth pony opened the door to Clay's room, and grinned. He was wrapped up in his blankets in a makeshift cocoon. On the walls were posters of the Wonderbolts, some featuring members of the flight team, most were of Rainbow Dash at her best moments. The other posters were of the Knight Corp., underneath them a slogan saying "Do you have what it takes to be in the Knight Corp.!? Join now and become one of the Paladin Elite, and earn your spot as a hero of Equestria!" Applejack sighed, she hated those posters. She didn't blame Bright for the posters; it was mainly done by a PR group. Hero…too many of them on the Memorial Wall in Canterlot, thought Applejack. Rainbow Dash and Applejack made a promise between them, that they would never let Clay join the Knight Corp., he would grow up to be a strong stallion, live his own life, and not have it cut short. After the events with the Spirit of War, she was more certain than ever that they made the right decision. But back to the problem at hoof, the matter of waking a sleeping colt. Applejack trotted over to Clay's bedside, she used her right hoof and gently placed it on, what she assumed was, the colt's side. "Clay, sugarcube, wake up now. It's the first day ah school, and ya don't wanna be late for Miss Cheerilee's class," she said, gently nudging him. The colt in question squirmed and groaned under the sheets, "Five more minutes' Ma…" "'Five more minutes' and yer Aunt Apple Bloom will've eaten yer breakfast too, now up and atom!" Applejack nudged Clay again and was met with the same response of groans and moans. "Alright, like yer mom likes to say, 'we'll do this the hard way.'" Applejack stood on her hind legs and raised her forehooves into the air. She then pounced on Clay, tickling him without mercy. The little colt started to flail around, knocking the sheets off of himself and laughing loudly. "NO, NO, STOP, STOP, I'M AWAKE MA, I'M AWAKE!" Applejack stopped her tickle attack and stood there smirking as her son caught his breath. Clay, after catching his breath, looked at his mother with an annoyed smile. "Geez Ma, that's so not fair!" "Heh, heh, Ah gave ya a chance. Anyway, Ah wasn't kiddin' about Apple Bloom eaten yer food. Ya might wanna hurry," said Applejack. "Wait – what!? AUNT APPLE BLOOM!" Clay cried out. He jumped out of bed and raced downstairs, Applejack let out another chuckle, it was sort of an empty threat, but considering Apple Bloom's appetite as of late, she wouldn't be surprised if her little sister did just that. Applejack descended down the stairs and back to the kitchen where everypony was now seated and eating. Thankfully, Clay was able to get downstairs just in time to stop Apple Bloom from eating his portion of breakfast. "Aunt Apple Bloom, are you going to help Ma apple buck," asked Clay. "As much Ah like to, Ah can't. Ah talked to the Weather Patrol a couple of weeks ago, they promised to keep the skies clear around Ponyville long enough for repairs to be made to the town that we couldn't do during the winter." "Now don't ya go and worry about that, yer Uncle Big Macintosh and Ah can handle it, but if ya want, ya can come and help us out after school," said Applejack. "Cool, thanks Ma!" "Did y'all hear that," asked Granny Smith. "Hear what Grandma," asked Clay. The others strained their ears, listening for whatever Granny Smith had heard. Just then they heard two knocks on the backdoor, followed by a third knock which made said door fall flat on the floor. AJ, Apple Bloom, Clay, and Granny Smith all stared wide eyed at the fallen door. When they looked back up they saw that Spring Day was standing there, left hoof raised, just as wide eyed as them. "Dang sis, when I said knock harder, I didn't mean break the door down," said a voice. A pegasus colt floated down from above Spring Day, he had an orange colored mane and tail, with a grass green coat and aquamarine eyes, the filly's younger brother, Swift Hummer. The colt crossed his forelegs and shook his head back and forth, pretending to be disappointed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to knock down the door, again, sorry Aunt Applejack," whimpered Spring Day. You still can't control that strength of yours cuz, thought Clay. "Now don't ya worry about that honey, a door's a door, it can be fixed," said Granny Smith. "Even though Ah'm the one who's probably goin' to be doin' the fixin' when Ah get back," sighed Apple Bloom. "Really sorry Grandma, hey Clay, are you ready cuz, we're going to be late," said Swift Hummer. "Yeah I'm coming, bye Ma, bye Granny, bye Aunt Apple Bloom!" Spring Day had shut her eyes and continued to repeat "I'm sorry" over and over again. In the end Clay and Swift Hummer had to push the tall filly out the door in order to get her moving. "Takes after her father and mother that one," commented Granny Smith. "Eeyup," the two sisters said in unison. Clay, Spring Day, and Swift Hummer trotted at a fast pace towards the school. Along the way they met up with two of their friends, the Cake twins Pound and Pumpkin. The group of five had grown up together, since their parents knew each other, they hit it off right away, becoming kind of a big family. However, one was missing from their group, a certain gray unicorn filly. It was no secret that Clay missed Dinky; she was his first friend after all, well, outside his family and family friends. For some reason though, every time he thought about Canterlot, he thought of another pony. A filly actually, a pink coated, pegasus filly to be more exact… "Uh-oh, looks like we lost Clay," said Pound Cake. Swift floated over Clay's head and waved a hoof in front of his eyes, "Equestria to Clay, come in Clay!" "Huh…what are you doing Swift!" Clay batted his cousin's hoof away, eliciting a round of laughter from the other foals. "Seriously Clay, that's the fifth time this month we caught you daydreaming, do you really miss Dinky that much," asked Pumpkin. Clay's face immediately went red from embarrassment. "NO – I mean – Yeah I miss her, but that's not who I'm thinking about!" "Oh, are you thinking about that filly you met in Canterlot," asked Spring Day. "Spring Day!?" "Sorry, I forgot it was a secret," she apologized. Pumpkin, Pound, and Swift all looked at Clay with smirking expressions, their eyes hungry for knowledge about what Clay had been hiding from all but Spring Day, and they all knew she wasn't about to slip twice. The earth pony colt was feeling like he was being backed into a corner, but luckily for him he heard the ringing of the school bell. "Oh look, time for school," said Clay, dashing for the safety of the school building. Just when Clay thought he was home free, he found himself being tripped up by an outstretched hoof, which made Clay tumble about till he hit the steps of the school house, staring upside down at the world around him. The moment Clay saw the color of the hoof he knew exactly who it was. The colt had a dark blue coat, yellow eyes, and a white mane and tail with a dark blue stripe running through it. "Well if it isn't the blank flank," said the colt. "Sky Tearer…" "Going to be a great year, freak," said Sky. Sky Tearer used his wings to jump over Clay and walked into the school building, ignoring the possibility that the Clay could be hurt. He turned his head to glance at the brown maned colt, Sky only let out a cold chuckle as he entered the school. It was by this time Pumpkin, Pound, Spring Day, and Swift Hummer galloped up to their friend and helped him back to his hooves. Clay dusted himself off, angry that he had let that happen, and even more angry at Sky Tearer's words. "Clay are you alright, you're not hurt are you!?" Spring Day asked concerned. "Hmph, no." "Cuz…?" "C'mon let's get inside…" They knew it was better to let Clay cool down after an encounter with Sky Tearer, he terrorized them all, but Clay and Dinky got it the worst, for more than one reason. Still, the bully pegasus seemed less inclined to try anything when they were all together, so they tried to stay in a group whenever they saw Sky "Terror," coming. In the end, they all went inside; the other foals chatted and laughed, regaling their friends about what they did during the break. Others told them about the battle that had happened between the Knights of Harmony, and the Spirit of War, since some of the foals were gone elsewhere during the vacation it came as quite the shock when they were told. The school bell rung for the second time, the foals quickly took their seats and waited. The door to the classroom opened as a maroon colored earth pony mare trotted in. She had a warm smile, radiating kindness, only amplified by her cutie mark of three smiling flowers. Cheerilee was the best teacher they could have; she treated all of them with respect, love, and undivided attention. She recently took to wearing glasses, which only added to her kind visage. "Good morning class!" "Good morning Miss Cheerilee," said the class in unison. "I'm so happy to see you all back from vacation my little ponies, well then, I'd like to start with Pre-Equestrian history. So open your textbooks to page fifty, 'The Beginning of Alagotha.'" Not that listening to Miss Cheerilee's lecture wasn't fascinating, but Clay's mind seemed to wander. His eyes found their way to the window, soon finding himself staring off into space. Taking him back, back to Canterlot, back to that night… ***Canterlot Gardens – Five Months Ago*** Clay didn't want to admit it, he just got swept up into all the excitement of being in the capital, and then the concert, and now…now he was lost. The earth pony colt had found himself wandering the hedge maze, not out of a need to explore, but because he saw something fly across the sky when he was inside. Suddenly he heard the sounds of flapping wings, he had become very good at spotting that sound, being around pegasi and all will do that to you. Clay followed the flapping noise; unfortunately it was taking him further into the maze itself. As he exited one of the corridors he came upon an open space. There was a pagoda, and underneath it, was a pink pegasus filly, with a blue mane and tail. The full moon light made the young filly's fancy dress shimmer, and her purple eyes sparkle. Clay was captivated by this filly: she was, dare he say, beautiful. He gulped, swallowing hard, knowing that there were a few options right now. One: he could go up to the filly and introduce himself, although she was most likely from Canterlot, and possibly one of those upper class ponies, or two: since she was a pegasus she could probably help him find a way out, at the risk of looking like an idiot. Oh those are great options, Clay sighed, well I need to do something. Before Clay could move to go and talk to the filly, she stood up on all fours. The earth pony colt stepped back, thinking he had been spotted. The pegasus filly moved her head towards the sash around her waist, she then pulled at the sash with her teeth, making her fancy dress become looser. After a minute she shook off the dress and spread her wings, the young filly ran out from under the pagoda and took off into the air. Clay watched as the pink pegasus flew around in the night air, zooming at great speed. Performing loop-de-loops, somersaults, and all manner of aerial tricks, Clay recognized some of these moves, they were similar to the Wonderbolts. The filly continued to do one daring trick after the other, almost as if she was building up for something. She's not about to do that trick, is she!? As the filly pegasus sped up with each passing moment, something was forming. Electrical sparks started to flash behind her, arching from her flank, to her tail, creating a trail. Soon the sparks began to ignite, creating a smoke trail, with the electrical discharges flowing through them. This confirmed what Clay thought the filly was doing, she was about to perform one of the Wonderbolts' special moves, the Storm Flash. She's crazy; Mom said that even the new Wonderbolt recruits couldn't pull that move off without a lot of training! Clay was right; the execution of the move itself wasn't the hard part. The real trick was maintaining it after the move had been engaged. The Storm Flash took the natural power of a pegasus' weather manipulation, and transformed it into a powerful trail of lightning and thunder. One wrong move and the performer could easily harm themselves, or give them too much of a speed boost and cause them to fly out of control. The earth pony colt watched in worry and concern for the unknown filly's safety. Soon the filly was able to pull it off, a low rumbling boom echoed through the air, causing a trail of storm clouds to follow the filly. To anypony else, it looked like smoke, but it was in fact condensed storm clouds with lightning arcing from them. The pink pegasus seemed to be in control of the move, flying evenly, with no abnormal shifts, so far. "She's got it, she's really doing it!" Clay said excited. That's when it all went downhill. Suddenly the pegasus filly started to wobble around in the air, the lightning traveling dangerously up the filly's body. A stray bolt of lightning arced up the pegasus' filly's chest. She clutched at her heart as her wings stopped flapping, the Storm Flash fading fast. It wasn't long before she started to go into free fall, descending right out of the sky at a rapid rate. "WHAT THE BUCK!" Clay shouted. The earth pony went into action, no thought involved, just the drive to save this unknown filly before he bared witness to her dying. He had to time this right; otherwise the least that would happen would be a serious injury. Clay remembered what both of his mothers' told him. Applejack taught him how to maximize his speed and control while galloping, without tiring himself out. Rainbow Dash taught him timing and awareness, it did no good to move fast and not know what's around you. Clay galloped passed the pagoda, following her path of descent, till she was low enough, and in position for his next move. The earth pony colt picked a launch point on the ground; once he reached it Clay placed all four hooves on that spot. Using the momentum, he pushed off with his hind legs, jumping into the air. For a brief moment it appeared as if Clay was flying through the air, on an intercept course for the fallen filly. At the last second, Clay plowed into her, wrapping his forelegs around her midsection and rolling in the air. The two of them rolled as they fell to the ground, Clay doing his best to make sure she didn't take the brunt of the impacts. After a few minutes they stopped, Clay was on the ground panting hard, while the filly laid on top of him. When he realized the awkward position they were in, Clay quickly, yet gently, moved the filly off and onto the ground next to him. "H-h-hey are you alright," he asked. No response. "Can you hear me!?" Yet again, there was no response. "Oh Celestia no…!" Clay rolled the filly onto her back, minding her wings. He quickly placed an ear to her chest, there was no movement, nor was there a heartbeat. It was as he feared, he remembered his Mom telling him about pegasi who messed up during the move and almost died of heart failure because of the lightning discharges. "You're not dying on me, you can't!" The earth pony colt took in a couple of deep breaths, and mentally prepared himself for the act of putting his lips to a filly's in order perform CPR to save her life. Luckily, or unluckily, depending on your point of view, the filly began stir and then. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* Clay stopped and backed up. The filly's chest started to move up and down on its own, she also made raspy breathing noises, but at least she was breathing. The pink pegasus placed a hoof on her chest where her heart was, no doubt she was hurting from the lightning. He then breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that the filly was not dead. Thank Celestia she's alright… "Hey who's there," a voice shouted. Clay's head shot up as he heard the voice of an unknown pony, a stallion, possibly a Royal Guard. Clay quickly galloped into the entrance of one of the maze paths. The tall hedge cast a shadow over the path, obscuring him from sight. The earth pony colt stopped and turned around, keeping his eyes on the pink pegasus. To his relief, it was a Royal Guard unicorn stallion. The Guard quickly went to her side, a deep concern filling his eyes. Clay decided it was best to leave her to him, but not before he took one last glance at her. His eyes fell to the filly's flank; with the dress gone he could clearly see her cutie mark, making a mental note to remember the twin blue lightning bolts. Luckily for Clay, the path he took was a straight shot back to the maze exit, and back to the after party in the ball room, where he would soon be smothered by a certain fashionista unicorn as punishment for his wandering away from his Ma's sight. ***A Few Hours Later*** School let out for the day and, much to the children's delight, with no homework whatsoever. Pumpkin and Pound Cake left to go help at Sugar Cube Corner; Swift Hummer was going to meet his mother for a flying lesson, while Spring Day took care of the animals. And so the gang went their separate ways, Clay trotted along towards Sweet Apple Acres, back to his home. He still thought about that pegasus filly, she really was pretty, talented, really cute, and…and probably wouldn't give him the time of day. Although there wasn't much of it happening, there were some ponies who, especially those of substantial wealth and status, who were a little tribest, not wanting to date or marry outside their own pony tribe. That went double for their children. Although Clay had saved her life, he didn't think it would make that big a difference, especially given the fact that he left her side after the fact. "Oh give it up Clay, not like you'll ever see her again. Besides…" Clay stopped trotting and stared back at his flank, barren of any cutie mark, and at eleven years old. "Well heya blank flank!" Speaking of tribest, thought Clay. Much to his dismay, the dark blue pegasus, Sky Tearer, was flying overhead. The bully pegasus landed a few feet in front of Clay, blocking his path towards his home. "Don't you have better things to do than bother me," said Clay as he began to trot around Sky Tearer. "It must be hard on you and that fillyfooling, hick, mother?" Clay stopped in his tracks. "What are you talking about Sky," asked Clay, a certain edge in his voice. "Being rejected by your other fillyfooler mother," said Sky. "Shut up, if I remember correctly, my Mom is the Co-Captain of the Wonderbolts. Which means, your dad, takes orders from her," Clay shot back. That seemed to rile Sky Tearer's feathers. He hated it when Clay reminded him about that little fact, and the fact that both his mothers were Knights of Harmony. "Yeah, but she probably won't be your mom for much longer," Sky countered. That statement made Clay's blood run cold. "W-w-what are you talking about!?" Sky Tearer smiled, he knew where to hit Clay. "I talked to my Dad a while back. Apparently your 'Mom' has been talking to a lot of ponies in a lot of cities and towns; she's been talking about YOU." Clay remained optimistic. "Pfft, so what, parents talk about their kids all the time," he said. "Really, do they talk to local adoption agencies, or to police ponies? Looks to me like she's thinking of giving you away," said Sky. "SHUT UP! My Mom would never do that! She loves me and Ma!" Clay shouted. "Please, my Dad told me himself what he saw. Honestly I'm not surprised, why would she want to be grounded by a blank flanked, abandoned, freak like you!" That tore it; Clay widened his stance and lowered his head. Sky Tearer seemed amused by Clay's show of bravado. "Take it back!" "Or what blank flank!?" "Take! It! BACK!" "MAKE ME!" Sky Tearer dared. Clay obliged him, running at full speed and smashing his head into Sky Tearer's chest, sending the dark blue pegasus flying backwards with the wind knocked out of him. The earth pony colt didn't stop there, shaking his head from the impact; he galloped for him once again, jumped, and drove his right hoof into Sky's left cheek. Sky didn't take that lying down, using his right hoof to uppercut Clay in the jaw, using his left hoof, the bully pegasus threw a hook punch into Clay's right cheek. The earth pony colt reeled back from the punch, tasting a bit of his blood inside his mouth. Sky Tearer took this opportunity to counterattack in his own fashion; the young pegasus spread his wings and flapped, propelling himself into the air. Clay grunted in frustration, Sky definitely had the advantage in the air, which meant now he'd have to be extra careful. Sky Tearer felt something trickle from the corner of his mouth, he took his hoof and wiped the corner of his mouth, noticing the red stain on his coat. "You damn grounder…HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME BLEED!" "Come down here and I'll make you bleed more!" Clay shouted. Sky Tearer, although letting his rage get the better of him, was not completely without some common sense. With a wicked grin he flew for Clay, left hoof extended. Clay quickly ducked, avoiding the blow, a gust of wind followed behind Sky Tearer, almost making Clay lose his hoofing. Is he trying to take my head off!? Sky Tearer didn't let up, he flipped in the air, and rebounded off a nearby tree, increasing his speed. The first blow landed on Clay's right cheek, the blow knocked Clay off his hooves for just a moment. The metallic irony taste of blood filled his mouth. Unfortunately he didn't have time to recover, as Sky Tearer whipped around and landed another blow right across Clay's left eye. The pain from the hit was intense enough to make him close it, a throbbing sensation pounding in his skull. Sky Tearer wanted the earth pony down for good, so on his next pass Sky pointed his hind legs at the earth pony, cocking them back; he thrust them forward, kicking Clay in the right side. Clay let out a pained cough as the air in his lungs escaped against his better wishes. He now laid on the ground, shaking from the pain radiating from both his face and ribcage. He could still hear Sky Tearer's wings flapping about in the air; his vision was blurred, only making out a dark blue splotch making its way towards the injured earth pony. Get up…I have to…get up…! At the last second Clay saw somepony jump out in front of him; it was a tall red blur from what he could make out. The next thing he heard was the sound of something like a smack, and then a pained "oomph". After a few seconds his vision came back into focus. "Uncle…Big Mac…?" Clay asked wearily. The red coated pony turned its head towards him, and smiled gently. "Clay it's me," said a concerned feminine voice. Clay's vision finally cleared up, allowing him to see more details. The red coat, pink tail and mane, and a cutie mark of different animals frolicking. "Spring Day!?" Spring Day nodded, and then turned her attention back to Sky Tearer, who was now apparently lying on the ground in pain. "You. Will. NOT! Hurt my cousin!" Sky Tearer coughed and rose, shakily, to his hooves. "Just because you got in a lucky shot, doesn't mean I'm finished, I'll go right through you!" Sky threatened. Spring Day growled and stamped her hoof, the ground around Clay seemed to shake a bit from the action. "Try me!" Sky Tearer flinched at that short statement, Spring Day was known for being a shy and timid filly, but mess with her friends or family, and she becomes an almost literal force of nature, fierce and unstoppable. Even Sky Tearer wasn't stupid enough to go one on one with her, even if she was an earth pony. Sky spat out some blood and snorted angrily. "Fine…!" With that said Sky Tearer flared his wings and took off into the sky, going as far away from them as pony possible. When Spring Day was sure that the bully was far from sight she quickly turned her attention towards her injured cousin. "Clay are you alright, what hurts!?" Clay, with a little help from Spring Day, got back onto his hooves. "I'm fine cuz, although I think my pride is hurt a little," joked Clay. Spring Day gave him a serious look that said she was not amused. "I'm fine Spring, seriously, ouch!" Spring Day took this chance to look over her cousin, poking him and examining his injuries, which was causing Clay some discomfort. "Nothing seems broken, probably just some bruising on the bones, and slight concussion." "How the hay do you know this stuff," he asked amazed. Spring Day gave Clay a sheepish shrug of the shoulders, seeming just as surprised as he was. "Well you should at least get some ice on that eye, and maybe rest for a bit before doing anything." "Can't, I'm going to help Ma apple buck when I get home," said Clay. "Clay…how are you going to explain your injuries?" "I'll think of something on the way there." Clay took a few steps down the road and stumbled a bit. Spring Day quickly rushed to his side, looking down at him with a worried filled gaze. "I got this Spring you should –" "I'm going to walk with you back home, and I'm not taking no for an answer!" Spring Day declared. With a reluctant sigh, Clay and Spring Day trotted back to Sweet Apple Acres. But Sky Tearer's words would still ring in his head the whole way there, he knew the bully would say anything to hurt Clay, but what he said couldn't be true…could it? ***Back at Sweet Apple Acres*** Applejack was hard at work, sweat dripping from her brow as she bucked the apples from their branches. Apple bucking might be work, but to her, it was a way for Applejack to clear her mind and allow her to think, especially when it came to certain things like raising a son, dealing with an absent parent, and of course the end of the world. It wasn't long after the holidays that Twilight gathered Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and herself for a secret meeting. That's when the lavender mare showed them the "Book of Doom," a tome which foretold the arrival of the Spirit of War, Polemos, and the events leading up to it. Apparently the news came as a surprise to even Bright Blade, which meant that there was more than enough cause for concern. There were some pages still blank, ah whole lot of them, thought Applejack. Times like this she wished Rainbow Dash was there, although the farmer knew exactly what she would say. She'd say it was "No big deal," or "Whatever happens we can handle it!" Applejack had to chuckle a little, and then she sighed. Ten, no, eleven years had passed since they admitted their feelings for each other. It was a trying year, but they made it work, even when they adopted Clay. Still, she wished Dash was around more, a lot more. Bet if Ah popped the big Q she probably stick around more. Applejack mentally sighed, feeling a bit ashamed. Ah know her work keeps her busy, and Ah'm happy for her Wonderbolt job, but…Applejack quickly shook her head, she then gazed up towards the sky gauging the position of the sun. Clay should be here any minute now, can't be all mopey, gotta think positive! Greet'em with ah big smile! Applejack soon started to hear the faint thudding of hooves approaching her location. After a few minutes she saw Clay, he was wearing the Stetson hat she had gotten him for his tenth birthday, for some reason though he was keeping his head down, his face hidden by his hat. "Hey Ma, hope you saved a few trees for me," said Clay enthusiastically. Applejack raised an eyebrow; her son not looking her in the eyes was a bit disconcerting. "Plenty ah them, but Clay, ya remember what ah said about lookin' somepony in the eye when talkin' to'em, right?" "Y-y-yeah…" "Well then, ah'm waitin'," said Applejack. Clay, slowly, raised his head up to look his Ma in the eyes like she instructed. Applejack gasped at what she saw, Clay had a black eye, his face slightly swollen. And now that she took a closer look, he had bruising on his right side! "Clay, what in tarnation happened to ya sugarcube!" Applejack's motherly instincts were going into overdrive at that moment. "Ma it's alright, really, I just wasn't looking where I was going and I slammed into a couple of trees on the way here!" "Clay don't be lyin' to meh now. Ah've been through mah share of fights, and ah know the difference between slamming inta somethin' and somepony beatin' the livin' snot outta yeah!" "Ma…please…can we just drop it." Applejack wanted to question Clay, find out who in Equestria would dare to hurt her son and give them a stern talking to, and that was only the mild version of what she was going to do. But, the look in Clay's eyes told her that he really didn't want to talk about it, and she didn't want to risk alienating her son by pressing the matter. "Alright Clay…when ya want ta talk about it Ah'm here," said Applejack caringly. Clay nuzzled Applejack's chest and smiled weakly. "Thanks Ma…" The mother and son earth ponies got to work; Applejack and Clay strategically placed the baskets underneath the branches where the apples were going to fall. Even though Clay was only eleven, he still had the necessary strength needed to buck the stubborn apples from their branches. Both Applejack and Clay positioned themselves near the trunks of their respective trees. They raised their hind legs and kicked the trunks of the trees, the cacophony of a hundred plus apples thudding against the baskets below told them that their work with these trees was done. Applejack and Clay moved on, bucking about thirteen more trees, and were now moving on to their fourteenth when Clay turned his head to his Ma. "Hey Ma…?" "Yeah sugarcube?" "When do you think I'll get my cutie mark?" Applejack dropped the basket from her mouth before she answered. "Ah told yer Aunt Apple Bloom when she was a filly, and Ah'll tell ya the same thing. Yer cutie mark will appear when it's good and ready." Clay sighed, "Ma, my friends, and even my cousins have their cutie marks, and I'm eleven years old and still a blank flank!" Applejack couldn't deny that. Swift Hummer had a silver wing cutie mark, Spring Day frolicking animals, Pound and Pumpkin had, well, a pound and pumpkin cake cutie mark. And they learned just recently that Dinky had obtained hers as well. Which left Clay as the only one of their group of friends who didn't have a cutie mark; it was then that Applejack made a connection. "Does it have anythin' to do with what happened today," asked Applejack. Clay remained silent on that topic, Applejack just sighed. The two of them went on bucking more trees; Applejack saw the position of the sun and noticed how late it had gotten. She then signaled for Clay to stop and help her fill the wagon with the baskets of apples they had just bucked. After hitching herself to the wagon, Applejack and Clay made their way back to the farm. Clay seemed to hang his head low most of the way. "Somethin' else botherin' ya honey?" "It's just…never mind…" "Clay, this is yer Ma, you can tell meh anythin'," said Applejack. "Am…am I a freak?" Applejack stopped in her tracks, the wagon's wheels creaking to a halt. "What, now why would ya think that!?" "Because…because I have two mothers and no father…" "Clay, yer not ah freak, ya hear me! Anypony who says otherwise don't know what they're talkin' about! If anythin' yer a lucky, lucky colt to have tWo mothers who love you very much," said Applejack. "Do you think…do you think that Mom doesn't want me anymore?" Applejack unhitched herself from the wagon and quickly enveloped her son in a tight hug. Clay was obviously surprised, but he didn't fight it either. She tried to radiate all the love, all the kindness, and affection she had for this colt she called her son. "She loves ya, and so do Ah, don't you ever ferget that! Ya hear meh!?" Clay didn't say a word, there was no need to, he only wrapped his forelegs around his mother and the two of them just held that embrace. "A family, what is the foundation of any family…Trust and Love. Trust in your loved ones and trust in yourself, love for others and for your friends, without either the foundation crumbles. But that shall never happen, no, surely my days and the days of peace that are to come will be nothing if not joyous." - Orados 11:5 > Second Sign: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mom's Back The crowd roared with cheers and the thunderous applauds of stomping hooves. The Wonderbolts, the ace pegasi flyers of Equestria, zoomed overhead, performing dazzling tricks and daredevil stunts that a few only dared to attempt. One of the Wonderbolt pegasus mares, sporting a rainbow mane and tail, flew side by side with another pegasus mare, whose mane and tail resembled the color of fire. The two of them were a spectacular pair, matching each other move for move, staying in perfect sync. The rainbow maned pegasus and fiery pegasus mare flew high into the sky, higher than most could see. The first pegasus then aimed carefully and went into free fall. A Mach cone started to form in front of her sharpening and stretching with each passing second. Till, finally, the pegasus broke through the barrier holding her back, creating the legendary Sonic Rainboom. A halo of rainbow colors spread out across the sky, dispelling the nearby clouds from the sheer force it. She wanted to push herself further, flying ever faster, another Mach cone formed before her. With one more push the rainbow maned mare burst through the cone, creating a second Sonic Rainboom. The fiery pegasus just chuckled, mouthing the words "show off." It was now the second pegasus' turn. She climbed a bit higher than her partner and began to spin. The mare then arched herself downward, aiming right for the rainbow halos. Sparks started to come off her body, building up more and more friction, at the last second she stopped spinning and unfurled her wings. A trail of fire followed her as she went into a spiral dive, swirling flames caught up with the rainbow halo, igniting it into a wondrous display of prismatic flames of all hues. The other Wonderbolts followed the two mares' lead, flying in close formation as they executed a joint Storm Flash maneuver. The entire thing ended in grand explosion of blazing rainbow lightning that echoed throughout the sky. The whole Wonderbolt team landed on large a cloud with graceful ease, they waved to their many adoring fans, putting on a big smile for them all. But one of Wonderbolts, although she was smiling, was not all that happy. After the show the team reconvened in the locker rooms, the mare Wonderbolts all patted each other on the back as they removed their uniforms and stored them. The rainbow maned mare was more or less staring off into space, she would say the occasional "good job," or "nice moves," to her other teammates, but her mind was somewhere else, it was always somewhere else lately. This behavior, however, did not go unnoticed. "Hey Rainbow Dash," called out a teammate. Rainbow Dash was suddenly snapped out of her little inward thinking, and turned to look at who addressed her. "Oh, hi Spitfire, what's up?" Spitfire leaned up against the adjacent locker and smirked at her. "You know what's up. I could see it plain as day during the show." "What're you talking about!? I rocked out there, we all did!" Rainbow Dash retorted. "Yeah your body was, as far as a routine we practiced and done over and over again, pretty much muscle memory. But your heart and mind was somewhere else Dash, now are you going to tell me or do we have to play twenty questions," asked Spitfire. "It's just…well…" "You're worried about your marefriend and your son, right?" "I…" Rainbow Dash sighed, "…yeah, in a way, I am." "I don't blame you Rainbow, after hearing about all that craziness in Ponyville who wouldn't be, right," said Spitfire with concern in her voice. "There's just a lot on mind right now, and part of it is about what happened in Ponyville. I know I shouldn't be, I mean, Applejack can pretty much take care of anything that comes at her, and Clay's equally as tough." "If he's your kid then I wouldn't expect any less," joked Spitfire. "Look, Spitfire…I was wondering, could I – I mean – would it be alright if I…?" Spitfire placed a comforting hoof on Rainbow's shoulder, the rainbow maned mare looked at her friend with confusion. "As your friend I suggest you go and spend some time with your family. As your Captain, our team will be while before we make our way to Canterlot, at least two or three days before we actually get there, and then there's the three day prep work. You know, just saying." Rainbow Dash caught on to Spitfire's hint, she gave a smile to her friend and Captain. "Thanks Spitfire…" Dash ran out of the locker room, a big smile on her face, but as she passed by the stallion's locker room she heard the voice one of the most irritating and frustrating pegasus stallion she had ever met. "And where the hay do you think you're going," asked the dark blue pegasus. Rainbow Dash stopped; with a frustrated grunt she turned to face the stallion. "Sky Blazer, does it matter where I go, I'm the Co-Captain. If I decide I want to go somewhere then I'll go, I certainly don't need your permission!" "Oh, as the Co-Captain, you are supposed to stay with the team to help with the pack up and transport back to Canterlot. That is, at least, one of your duties Co-Captain," said Sky Blazer. "Tsk, I don't need this, I'm gone," stated Rainbow Dash. "Listen you little fillyfooler I –!" "Sky Blazer!" The dark blue pegasus glanced behind him and saw Spitfire standing outside the mare's locker room door. "I authorized Rainbow Dash some leave time, besides, you should be more careful. Some ponies might hear you say the wrong things, and come to the wrong conclusions, conclusions that might get you kicked off the team," warned Spitfire. Sky Blazer snorted, but conceited the fight, his pride in being a Wonderbolt was too important to him to let go. The dark blue pegasus trotted towards Spitfire, he then, ever so slightly, brushed up against her shoulder. Spitfire glanced at Sky Blazer, and he her. Rainbow Dash waited for Sky Blazer to disappear from sight, after a confident nod from Spitfire, Dash galloped out the door and took to the sky flying as fast as she could. I'm coming home guys; I'll be back in ten seconds flat! ***10 Hours Later*** Rainbow Dash had been flying for hours, almost nonstop. Luckily for her, she sprang for a watch a while back so she was able to keep track of how long she'd been flying for. Rainbow had just passed Cloudsdale, which meant that Ponyville was almost within reach. As she flew, Rainbow Dash started to think back to all the times she was able to visit. How Clay's face lit up whenever she was around, the joy she felt from the unconditional love of her adopted son, and of course, the love of her marefriend. Although whenever Rainbow thought about her son it made her heart ache. Rainbow immediately shook her head, chasing out the thought. Don't think like that Rainbow; just go there with a smile on your face and your head held high. Soon the skyline of Ponyville came into view; the old town had seen better days. Some of the rooftops were destroyed, either burnt or caved in. Buildings that were once where Rainbow remembered them to be weren't there anymore. The sight of this was more than a little disconcerting to the cyan pegasus. Dash had heard the rumors about what had transpired, and there were little details given to her by letters or Iris Caller. Rainbow Dash slowed herself a little, surveying the town from a bird's eye view. "Hey watch that loose board, somepony cut that thing off before it falls off!" Rainbow Dash heard a familiar voice; her rose colored eyes looked around till she spotted the source. She was a yellow coated mare, with a red mane and tail, wearing a hardhat and a saddle bag full of tools. The cyan pegasus smiled and descended down towards her. "Well looky who we got here, heads up Apple Bloom!" The red maned earth pony looked up at the last second and saw Rainbow Dash land right beside her. "RAINBOW DASH!" Apple Bloom shouted. Rainbow Dash and Apple Bloom embraced each other in a tight hug, having not seen the other for a while now. "Nice to see you too AB." "When did you – !?" "Just now, I saw the damage to the buildings and I wanted to get a closer look." Rainbow Dash and Apple Bloom released each other, allowing Dash to better gaze at the surrounding destruction. "Geez, looks like a tornado rolled on through." "Trust meh, it coulda been a lot worse. We got off lucky, no don't about that," said Apple Bloom. "That bad…" "Didn't anypony tell ya what happened?" Apple Bloom asked. "No…bits and pieces mostly, some of it I got from newspapers and word of mouth," said Rainbow Dash, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Ah'm sorry Rainbow Dash," Apple Bloom placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder, "Ah had no idea." "It's cool, really. Is your sister home," asked Rainbow Dash. "She should be at the house, today's her day off," said Apple Bloom. "Good, oh and if you see Clay, don't tell him I'm here. Kinda a surprise," said Rainbow Dash with a wink. "Meh lips are sealed." Suddenly a wooden board fell from high up, making both mares jump back a few feet and enter a combative stance. When they realized it was only a loose piece of wood from the worksite. Apple Bloom and Rainbow Dash looked at each other and laughed at their edginess. Apple Bloom composed herself and stared angrily in the direction the board fell from. "WHAT DID AH TELL YA ABOUT CUTTING THAT THING BEFORE IT FELL!?" "Sorry boss," shouted one of the workers. "I'll just let you get back to it." Rainbow Dash then flew away, giggling at the prospect that Apple Bloom was about to tear a stallion a new one. ***Sweet Apple Acres*** Rainbow Dash hovered just outside the farm. She was scared, she had a performed lots of daredevil stunts, death defying feats, and been through a war. But none of it compared to the feeling she had right now. She had been away for a long time, much longer than what would be considered "work related." She's either going to be really cheesed off, or really happy to see me. Possible combination of the two. With a deep breath Rainbow Dash flew on over the fence line that marked the Apple Family property. It was nice to see that her cloud home was still above the main house, which meant, at least to her, that Applejack hadn't completely given up on them. The cyan pegasus landed near the front porch of the main house, only to find Granny Smith. The old mare was sitting in her rocking chair, going back and forth, enjoying the nice sunny spring day. Rainbow Dash cleared her throat before speaking to the matriarch of the Apple Family. "H-hi Granny Smith," said Rainbow Dash. Granny Smith opened her eyes upon hearing the familiar voice. "What…who…?" The lime green earth pony's eyes finally came into focus, allowing her to see the rainbow maned cyan pegasus known as Rainbow Dash. "Been a long time since Ah seen ya around here." "Y-yeah, well I should be back for a lot longer after the next few days…ahem, is uh, is Applejack home? I was hoping I could catch up with her," she asked. "Oh she's inside, ya can go in if ya want," said Granny Smith. "Thanks…" Rainbow Dash wasn't sure, but as she entered the house, Dash could've sworn she saw Granny Smith give her a sly smile. In the end she shrugged it off. When the cyan pegasus got into the house she inhaled deeply, enjoying the old familiar smell of the rustic farm house. More than that, she could smell the scent of her lover. Rainbow took a look around downstairs and noticed that there wasn't any sign of her. Weird, I thought Granny Smith said AJ was inside. It was then that Rainbow decided to go upstairs. The cyan pegasus slowly trotted down the hallway, noting each room she passed by. The first room had belonged to Big Macintosh; it was cleared out years ago since they built a house for Fluttershy and them to live in. The next room was Apple Bloom's; the door was wide open so she decided to take a peak. The inside was filly-ish, well as filly-ish as a tomcolt can get. The bed had some lacy trim as far as the canopy and sheets were concerned. But off near the window to her room, there was a table with blueprints, rulers, compasses, and all manner of geometric tools. There was a tool belt hung up on a rack, with a barrel full of rolled up plans inside. Hard working just like your sister, she thought. The next room was that of their son. She took her time in this room; Rainbow looked around, taking in every detail. The toys strewn on the floor, the many posters of the Wonderbolts, many of which had images of her best flying moments printed on them. A sense of pride and joy ran through her heart, seeing that Clay still thought so highly of her. Another thing she noticed was the Stetson hat that hung on the headboard of the bed. Rainbow Dash trotted into the room, gingerly, as if it were hallowed ground. She then placed a hoof on the bed sheets, gliding her hoof up and down them. Clay… Rainbow Dash started to feel her eyes water, she tried to shake them off, but to no avail. She decided to head to the bathroom and to splash some water in her face. Going off of memory, Rainbow Dash quickly opened the door; her face felt the rush of hot air blow over making her close them. After a few seconds she heard something, like water splashing. "WHAT THE HAY!?" Rainbow Dash quickly opened her eyes upon hearing the familiar voice her marefriend. Applejack was sitting in a tub of hot water; her wet blonde mane clung to her, with some bangs hanging in front of her face. Both mares' eyes were wide with surprise, Applejack for seeing her marefriend, and Rainbow Dash for seeing her marefriend, wet, in a tub, taking a bath. "R-Rainbow Dash…?" "Heh, heh, hey AJ," said Rainbow Dash nervously. Applejack, now realizing that her marefriend had caught her in the middle of a bath, quickly brought her hooves to cover herself up. Mostly out of principle. The surprise finally wore off, and her gaze was now filled with annoyed anger. "G-g-get outta here Rainbow, NOW!" Rainbow Dash quickly ran out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her. "Sorry," she called out. Applejack's response was the throwing of something hard against the door, hard enough that Rainbow Dash actually felt the thump on her back. Rainbow's cheeks were as red as apples; she had seen her marefriend plenty of times, but never like that. I uh…I just uh…I need some cider…yeah, that's what I need, I need some cold, cold apple cider… With that Rainbow Dash stumbled her way downstairs, she would soon come to the realization that no matter how much cider she drank, there was no getting that image out of her mind. Rainbow Dash was sitting at the table, with three empty cider mugs, and was now on her fourth. She was about to down the frothy beverage when she heard the sound of hoofsteps coming towards the kitchen. There, standing in the doorway, was Applejack, her mane and tail were loose, and still seemed a bit damp. Dash could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks, hopefully not enough for AJ to notice. "Howdy Rainbow," said Applejack. "I didn't see anything!" Dash blurted. The cyan pegasus quickly covered her mouth, having just said something embarrassing. Applejack blushed at bit, but shrugged it off. "At least ya didn't go for the hard stuff." "Not five o'clock yet," replied Rainbow. Applejack trotted to where Rainbow Dash got her cider, and poured herself a mug. She then joined her marefriend at the table, taking sips and staring back at her. The tension was thick, thick as a heavy fog; Rainbow tried to read Applejack, but was afraid she'd misjudge a nonverbal cue as something else. "So…yer Wonderbolts tour over, Ah thought ya still had to perform at Canterlot," she asked. "No, it isn't over yet. We're still performing at Canterlot, but I was able to get some time off while the team packs up for the move back," said Rainbow. Applejack seemed a little surprised by that. "Really, Ah didn't think they'd let ya go, bein' the Co-Captain and all?" "Yeah, Spitfire actually authorized it! I was just as surprised as you were; we've actually started becoming really good friends!" Applejack raised an eyebrow at that, "Really, well Ah'm glad fer ya, Ah mean, she is yer idol after all." Rainbow rubbed the back of her head slightly embarrassed; there was no denying that Spitfire had been her idol ever since she first dreamed of being a Wonderbolt. "Well…ahem, enough about what I've been doing, what's been going on. I've been hearing stuff about the townsponies trying to kill each other, and Bright Blade fighting some Spirit of War or something!?" "Oh yeah, well…" Applejack began to regale Rainbow Dash about the events the transpired. The whole time the rainbow maned mare listened intently, taking in every detail as it was told. At the end of the story, Rainbow Dash leaned back and took a sip of her cider. "Damn…" "Tell meh about it…" Applejack took a swig of her cider. "Tell me something, why didn't you guys send me a letter, or even use the Iris Caller? I was worried about you guys when I was all the way in Las Pegasus!" "Ah didn't see the need to bother ya when the whole thing was resolved quick like," said Applejack. "You think I'm so busy that I can't drop everything for something like this! I mean, c'mon Applejack, what kind of mare do you think I am!?" "One that could stand to be around more if ya ask meh," answered Applejack. "Excuse me, what was that!?" "Ya heard me Rainbow, wouldn't kill ya to show yer face here every so often." Rainbow Dash sat up and slammed her hooves on the table. "Hey I'm busy busting my flank so you and Clay can have an easy life!" "Between the both us Dash we make more than enough money ta get whatever we need, life's been plenty easy," said Applejack. "Then what Applejack, explain to me what the problem is," she asked angrily. "Let meh think, our son is gettin' teased at school, he got beat up a couple days ago and he won't tell meh who did it, and he's worried that he doesn't have a cutie mark yet." Rainbow Dash just stared at Applejack, how could all of this have happened just in one tour? "I-I didn't know…" "That's the point Rainbow, you should've…" Applejack took another swig of her cider. "Oh, and he thinks ya don't want'em for some darned reason." "WHAT, why would Clay think something like that, who told him that load of crap," asked Rainbow Dash. "Ah'm guessin' it's the same one that beat'em up, and he ain't talkin'," said Applejack. The rainbow maned mare sat back down and sighed in bewilderment. She couldn't believe how much had gone on, at best she tried to make it for all his birthdays, or some of the major holidays, but this, she never imagined this was going on. Rainbow Dash rubbed her temples in frustration, not for her marefriend, but for herself. "I am a terrible parent…" Applejack's slight anger towards her marefriend was starting to simmer down, having gotten most of what she wanted to say off her chest. "Yer not a terrible parent, alright. Could ya stand to be around more, yes, but other than that Clay still loves ya…and…ya know, Ah do too." Rainbow Dash stared at the orange earth pony eyes wide. "Thanks…" Applejack got up from where she was sitting and trotted over to Rainbow. She then enveloped her in tight hug, surprising the cyan pegasus. After a second Rainbow Dash hugged her back, she had missed holding the one she loved close to her. Her mane and coat smelled wonderful, the warmth of her body so comforting. "Welcome home Rainbow…" "It's good to be home…" They separated, but only a little, just enough for them to stare into each other's eyes. The two mares then leaned in and kissed, passionately. Time seemed to slow for them, the world around them having dissolved away, leaving only the two of them. After what seemed like forever, the two lovers ended their kiss and leaned their foreheads up against the other. Rainbow Dash didn't want to spoil this moment, she didn't want anything to, but there was something that she had to tell Applejack, something about Clay. "Listen, Applejack, there's something I have to tell you." "Yeah Dashie…" Damn, do you have to use my pet name…!? "Well it's about –!" Rainbow Dash didn't get to finish her sentence as she heard the front door opening, along with an accompanying, "Ma I'm home!" Applejack and Rainbow Dash knew this voice and quickly released each other, hoping that their blushing faces wouldn't be too obvious. Soon enough a light gold, brown maned earth pony rounded the corner, looking oblivious to the fact that Rainbow Dash was in the room as he made his way towards the fridge. "Hey Mom, hey Ma, today was funny at school! First Pound and Swift tried to race each other and Miss Cheerilee –!" Clay stopped in his tracks; he turned his head slowly towards the table. He did a double take, and rubbed his eyes, making sure that what he saw wasn't an illusion or trick of the mind. "Mom…!?" Rainbow Dash chuckled, "The one and only." Clay threw off his saddle bags and dashed for the rainbow maned mare. He threw his forelegs around Rainbow Dash and hugged her as tight as he could. "MOM YOU'RE BACK!" "Yeah kiddo, I'm back, hopefully for a lot longer." It wasn't until Clay looked up at her that Rainbow Dash finally noticed the black ring around his left eye. She tried to keep her smile, despite the rising anger and need to kick the flank of whoever hurt her son. But that could wait till later, for now, Rainbow was just glad she could hold her son like this. For how much longer would be another question… ***Next Day*** It was midmorning, and the weather was nice. Clouds were abundant in the sky, but none of them storm clouds. Up above Rainbow Dash was flying around, but she wasn't alone, as an orange and violet blur streak followed after her. Rainbow looked to her right and saw Scootaloo quickly gaining on her, a determined expression radiating from the young mare's face. Rainbow Dash banked to the left and Scootaloo followed suit. The rainbow maned mare stopped suddenly and zoomed upwards climbing higher and higher, she looked back and saw that her longtime friend wasn't too far behind her. With a grin, Rainbow Dash looped around and nosedived, aiming straight for Scootaloo. Neither pegasus changed their course, the distance between them quickly closing with each passing second. At the last possible moment, the two pegasi altered their course just a smidge, passing by mere inches, their fur lightly brushing up against each other. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo regrouped and began performing figure eights in the sky, the only thing a pony on the ground would see was a fiery orange streak looping around with a rainbow streak in an almost blinding rate of speed. After a while the two pegasi found a comfy large cloud for the two of them to rest on. They both landed gently on top of it, panting a bit from their little fly session. "Looks like you've gotten a lot faster since the last time I was here," said Rainbow Dash. "Maybe, or maybe you're just getting slower," said Scootaloo nudging her idol. The two mares shared a laugh, and after while just stared out into the endless blue sky, resting their heads on their forelegs. Rainbow Dash forgot how relaxing it was to just take a nap on the clouds whenever she felt like it. Ever since she joined the Wonderbolts Rainbow had been sure she was at the top of her game, training and pushing herself, but she knew when to stop. Rainbow Dash especially missed being able to go all out like she had done earlier with Scootaloo, besides Spitfire, Scootaloo was the only other pegasus who could keep up with her during flight. "Hey Scootaloo, I heard you, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom really blew away the crowd at the Canterlot Theatre. They were especially impressed with the dance number you came up with," commented Rainbow with a sly smile. Scootaloo began to blush out of embarrassment, her bad girl façade having been blow out of the air. "Rainbow Dash…look don't get me wrong, I love flying, it's part of who I am! But…I…I love dancing too, it's a real thrill, and it's awesome! …I probably sound like a real frilly filly right now…" Scootaloo began to hang her head, afraid that she might've lost the respect of her idol. But what she received instead was a pat on the back, and warm smile from the cyan pegasus. "Scoots, why would I think that?" "You mean…you don't think that my dancing thing is too…you know…" "Scootaloo, it's who you are, you're special talent! I couldn't be more proud of you, and after what I heard you did, that fire thing, you're awesome!" "Thank you, Rainbow Dash, thank you," said Scootaloo smiling. "Actually, Scootaloo, there was more than one reason why I asked you out to fly," Rainbow admitted. The orange pegasus raised an eyebrow, "Really, what?" "It has to do with Clay…" "Oh…is there something wrong with him," asked Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash fidgeted a little, feeling a little guilty for calling out Scootaloo for this. "Well Applejack told me that, a few weeks ago, Clay got beat up pretty bad…" "I think Apple Bloom told me about that, can't believe that happened," said Scootaloo concerned. "Yeah, me neither. So I was wondering if you might've heard anything or maybe seen anything." "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I try to keep a bird's eye view of things, but I didn't see it." At that moment, a thought popped into Scootaloo's head. "Say, when exactly did this happen?" "Applejack said it happened on the first day of school, it would've happened after three o'clock sometime." Scootaloo thought hard, she really wanted to help Rainbow Dash find the culprit that hurt her son. "During that day I was flying, when this pegasus colt flew by me, he looked beat up and really mad for some reason." Rainbow's head shot up, "What, do you remember what he looked like!?" "His coat was a dark blue, a white mane and tail with a stripe running through them, and pair of wings for a cutie mark." Dark blue pegasus…I wonder…no there couldn't be any relation? "Thanks Scootaloo, that helped, at least I have something to go on." "Wish I could be more helpful," said Scootaloo and little sad. "Well, if you don't mind, the next time I'm away for a while, could you keep an eye on him for me? When you get the chance of course," asked Rainbow Dash. "Sure I would, no problem Rainbow Dash!" "So, you up for another race Scoots!?" Scootaloo smirked; she then jumped up and got into racing position. Rainbow Dash did the same, matching her stance and raking her hoof across the cloud. Both mares stared outwards toward the wild blue yonder, controlling their breathing, their muscles tensing with anticipation. "On three…one…two –!" "THREE!" Scootaloo took off, leaving Rainbow Dash eating her cloud vapor. Rainbow Dash chuckled at the notion that Scootaloo thought she could get a head start on her. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings, the wind generated from the flapping dispelled the cloud, as she was about to educate a certain pegasus mare who the real speed demon is. ***The Day After*** Rainbow Dash was waiting outside of the school house, today was the day that that all three of them were going to Canterlot together. Since the Wonderbolts were going to perform on Sunday, Rainbow Dash had decided that the three of them should head up there today to be there on Friday. Usually Rainbow Dash wasn't so patient, but since they pretty much packed up already, and since this was her son, she didn't mind. Soon enough the school bell rang and all the little foals burst out of the school house. Rainbow Dash waited till Clay was alone, although she knew he wasn't embarrassed by his mother, Dash didn't want to draw attention to them. She wanted to take this time be alone with him, to talk to her son. Luckily for her, she had told Clay to head for the train station after school and that she would meet up with him soon. Rainbow watched as Clay said his goodbyes to his friends and left soon after, keeping a constant eye out from her cloud hiding spot. She was also keeping an eye out for a certain dark blue pegasus, ready to administer her punishment should this mystery colt dare to show his face and hurt Clay again, in fact a little part of Rainbow actually wanted him to show up just so she could. Anyway, Clay had gotten halfway down the road with no incident. Guess now's as good a time as any. With that said the rainbow maned mare spread her wings and took off. She gradually lowered her altitude, gliding on the air currents rather than flapping. Clay was partially oblivious to her descent, that is, until he saw her shadow being casted on the ground. For some reason though when Clay looked up towards her direction, he had an angered look on his face, his stance widened, indicating he was ready for an attack. After a minute he seemed to realize who it was and his body went lax. "MOM!" Clay called out. "Hey Clay," she replied. Rainbow Dash landed gracefully in front of her son, the young earth pony ran up and nuzzled Rainbow's chest. She returned the gesture by my nuzzling the top of Clay's head. After that the two of them began trotting along down the road, neither of them said anything, Clay was smiling widely, apparently just being able to walk side-by-side with Rainbow Dash was enough. However, as much as Rainbow wanted this to stay as a happy occasion, she had questions and she needed answers. "So kiddo, I was wondering about something," she said. "Oh, what is it Mom?" Clay asked curious. "The way you looked up at me, you looked angry; it was like you were expecting to fight somepony?" Clay's trot stumbled a bit, just a tad. "W-what, oh I wasn't angry! I just – uh – stubbed my hoof on a rock!" "Clay, don't lie to me." "I'm not!" "Clay look, I've been through my share of fights, more than that even. I know when a pony is getting ready to fight, and you looked about ready to punch me in the face," said Rainbow Dash. Clay seemed like he was trying to come up with a good excuse, unfortunately though, he couldn't. The earth pony colt hung his head low in defeat. "Just like Ma…she could tell too." "Yeah, she could because we've both been through a war Clay, don't look so disappointed. Now are you going to tell me who you were expecting?" Clay remained silent. "Is it that dark blue pegasus colt, the one with a stripe in his mane and the wing cutie mark?" At this Clay snapped his head towards Rainbow Dash's direction. "You…you know about him!? But h-how I never told Ma or Aunt Apple Bloom!?" "I only know what he looks like Clay, not his name; I was hoping you could do that." Clay looked like he wanted to say the name, but was for some reason reluctant to. "Clay, one way or another, I'll find out who this colt is. Once I tell Applejack about this it won't take long before me and her go ask Miss Cheerilee. You'll save us a lot leg work, and it'll help you too." Clay had been backed into a proverbial corner; there was no way he could lie his way out of having to explain who the mystery colt was. Rainbow Dash hated doing this to her son, but she wanted to help him and she wasn't one for beating around the bush. "His…his name is…Sky Tearer…" "His father's Sky Blazer, isn't it?" Clay nodded. Rainbow Dash snorted noticeably ticked off. Damn you Sky Blazer, when I get to Canterlot we're going to have some serious words! Rainbow and Clay were almost to Ponyville, having passed the grazing pastures of the cows and almost at the entryway. They were silent for a while, Clay was obviously not happy about having told his mother the name of his bully, and that he was a fellow Wonderbolt. The cyan pegasus searched for a topic to lighten the mood, anything to a least get Clay talking to her. It was then that Rainbow remembered something she saw in his room that might help. "I saw the posters in your room." Clay seemed a bit embarrassed by that. "I'm glad those photographers were able to catch my good side during the shows, how about you? Do you think they did me justice, Clay," asked Rainbow Dash, rather smugly. Clay picked up his head, smiled, and then gave a light chuckle. "Yeah, they did, you looked awesome Mom." "I also saw those posters for the Knight Corp." Clay seemed to fidget at that. "Y-yeah…" "You don't actually want to join them do you, you know how Applejack and I feel about it," said Rainbow Dash. "I-I know, it's just, well, you know how Dinky got her cutie mark, right," asked Clay. Rainbow Dash nodded in response. "Well, I was wondering if I might be able to find my special talent like she did in the Knight Corp." Rainbow Dash stopped trotting, making Clay do the same. She then stared at her son with a serious expression upon her face. "Clay…that is a terrible reason to join them, do you know what your Ma and I saw when we were fighting in the War of Darkness!? Young stallions and mares getting killed without mercy, slaughtered Clay!" Rainbow Dash could see that Clay understood how she felt about it, the tone in her voice made it clear. It was then that the light gold earth pony hung his head low, after a minute he raised it up and looked into his mother's eyes. "Th-that's not my only reason…" Rainbow Dash sighed, "Alright then, what else?" "I want…I want to protect other ponies, yes I know it's dangerous, but…I just want you to be proud of me, Mom!" Rainbow Dash stared at Clay with wide eyes. "W-why would you think I'm not proud of you Clay, I love you," she said, with a little hurt in her voice. "Because I'm not a pegasus, because I can't fly around with you, because I slow you down…At least, if I'm in the Knight Corp. I can be a pony you can be proud of –!" Rainbow Dash quickly pulled her son into a tight hug. She hugged fiercely, as if trying to pour all her love and affection for this colt through this one act. "Listen to me; I'm proud of you no matter what you do. It doesn't matter to me that you aren't a pegasus, you could be a changeling for all I care, but that wouldn't change the fact that you're our son, and I'll always be there for you, understand!?" Rainbow Dash could feel Clay crying into her chest, his hot, wet tears staining her cyan coat. She wanted to cry, but Rainbow had to remain strong, it did her no good to be bawling too, in fact she had more than enough reasons to want to cry without this. The rainbow maned mare moved back a little to look down at Clay; she then smiled at her son lovingly. "Let me ask you something, do you really want to join the Knight Corp. because you really want to help and protect other ponies? From the bottom of your heart, is that something that you want to do?" Clay looked up at her; a serious expression came over his face. Rainbow Dash could tell that he was thinking hard. After a short minute Clay finally answered. "Yes, that's really what I want. I want to help ponies, to protect them!" Rainbow Dash sighed and shook her head. She then smirked at the little colt and noogied his head, messing up his mane a little. "Alright, I promise to talk seriously with Ma. But, if she says no, that's the end of that, is it a deal Clay?" Clay nodded; seeming happy that Rainbow Dash was even considering the idea and willing to talk it over with Applejack. "C'mon, your Ma's waiting for us." "They are all after me…killers all of them! I can trust no one, not even my loved ones! They are all out to get me, the green one told me so, he never lies, I must trust the green one!" – Saleek 13:11 > Second Sign: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot Days: First Love Clay woke up that morning a little early; he was a bit restless sleeping in a bed that wasn't his own, but it wasn't altogether bad. Applejack and Clay were staying with Twilight and Bright for the duration of their stay in Canterlot, while Rainbow Dash stayed at the Wonderbolts lodge to help with the setup for the big air show on Sunday. Clay made his way downstairs, he felt like exploring a little since he hadn't actually been to his Aunt and Uncle's house. When he entered the foyer the first thing he noticed were the pet birds Twilight and Bright kept. Owlowicious quietly snored "who," while the thunderbird, Squall's, snores were like a low rumble of thunder. Clay quietly walked up to the wall across from the writing desk near the window and was amazed by all the novels and magical tomes that lined the shelf wall. Clay could only wonder what kind of spells his Aunt Twilight must've learned or created. But, there was something else on Clay's mind, something that had been eating at him. The Canterlot filly he saved back at the castle hedge maze, if she was even from Canterlot at all. Of course she is, he reasoned,as nicely dressed as she was, she had to be from Canterlot! But…where in Canterlot… It was eating at him, these emotions were new for Clay, he had been around a lot of fillies back home, but none of them affected him as much as this one pink pegasus! And now that he was here, Clay started to wonder if he should go out and find her, but what did he know about fillies, nothing to be honest. He needed advice, grown up advice, question was, from which grown up? No offense to his mothers, but this wasn't exactly an easy topic for him to discuss with them, plus he was sure they'd give him the fabled "birds and the bees" talk. Neither was it one for his Aunt Twilight, whom he suspected would somehow turn it into a lecture, a long, long lecture, which left only one other stallion he could talk to, Clay just hoped he had at least some answers to give him. "Hey little guy." Clay turned around and saw that his Uncle Bright Blade was descending the stairs, sporting his bedmane and stretching his wings. "You're up early, you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine Uncle Bright…say, do you know what we're going to do today," asked Clay. Bright Blade yawned widely before answering, "Well, obviously, Rainbow Dash is busy with her Wonderbolts practice. Twilight and your Ma are going to have some sort of 'mare time' together, so they'll be out for the rest of the day. And since today is my day off, it looks like me and you are going to have some guy time." PERFECT! Clay did a hoof pump. Clay and Bright Blade were in the backyard working up a sweat. Luckily for Clay, his uncle always had some training swords lying around for practice. So when Clay took the opportunity to do a little sparring with his uncle, he wasn't going to pass up the chance. Clay held the wooden sword firmly in his teeth, as his Uncle Bright's sword floated between them, ready to strike. They're eyes were narrowed, watching the others movements, waiting for a slight shift, a small movement to indicate which direction to attack. Clay dashed forward, swinging his sword to the right; the floating wooden blade intercepted the attack, pushing against Clay's blade. The earth pony colt stepped back and attacked again, this time he jumped into the air and over the floating sword, he spun once in the air, aiming his blade right for his Uncle. Unfortunately, Bright Blade saw the move coming, and quickly side stepped the slash. Clay then threw the sword in the air, and backed up. When it was in position, the light gold earth pony raised his hind legs and kicked the wooden sword. He had hit it at just the right angle to have the point of the fake weapon trained on his Uncle, sailing towards him like an arrow. Clay saw the surprised look on Bright Blade's face, the Knight of Hope's sword was still floating far from where he was, and there wasn't enough time to dodge it. He had won, or so he thought. At the last second Clay's sword was wrapped in a telekinetic aura, stopping the wooden sword just mere inches from Bright's snout. Clay clicked his tongue, he was sure he had his Uncle. At that moment Clay felt something resting on his right shoulder, it was his Uncle's sword, he didn't even see it till now. "I think that's game Clay," said Bright Blade. Clay sighed and then smiled, "I give." Clay and Bright were sitting on the edge of the porch, taking big sips of water from their bottles. "That was fun Uncle Bright, thanks for letting me train with you!" "No problem Clay, just uh…keep this between us, your moms would kill me if they found out. You catch on quick, Dinky would be impressed," said Bright. Clay wasn't about to say a word, he liked learning these fighting techniques, he only wished he could use them on Sky Tearer, no way he would keep messing with him. Clay didn't know if now was the best time to bring up his questions, he was enjoying the fun he was having, but it was either now or never. "Um, Uncle Bright…?" "Hmm, what's up," asked Bright Blade as he chugged some more water. "H-how did you and Aunt Twilight…get together?" Clay watched as his uncle's eyes flew open as the alicorn stallion spat out the water he was drinking. Bright Blade coughed several times, trying to catch his breath. When he did, Bright looked at Clay in confusion. "WHAT!?" "I just asked how you and Aunt Twilight – " "I heard what you said, what I want to know is why!?" Clay twiddled his hooves, "Well…I was just wondering is all…" It was then that Clay got an idea, a way to keep this a little less awkward. "You know, guy to guy! I mean, you are younger than Aunt Twilight." "Listen, Clay, the way I met Twilight…it wasn't exactly what you might call 'normal.' Why the sudden interest in my relationship?" "I uh, I…" Clay could feel his face heating up again, turning red. When Clay looked back at Bright Blade he seemed to have a knowing smirk on his face, making the young colt gulp. "Clay~ is there somepony you like?" "…Maybe…" "It's Dinky isn't it!? I knew it!" Clay stared at his uncle with wide eyes, "NO! Why does everypony think me and Dinky are like that!?" "Oh…sorry Clay…Well then, if you're not interested in Dinky, then who are you interested in," asked Bright, genuinely curious. Clay sighed heavily; he knew asking a question like this wasn't going to be easy without an explanation. So he began the tale, going back months ago. When Clay was done telling his uncle about the unknown filly, he stared off into the sky, as if pondering his words. "And you really thought asking me for advice was a good idea?" "To be honest…given that Aunt Twilight was originally from Canterlot, I thought you might help me figure out how Canterlot fillies think…" Clay put his hoof to his chin and now stared at his uncle critically. "Now that I think about it, the way Aunt Twilight and you met was never really clear, Mom and Ma never gave me much detail about it." "Yeah that's because uh – what I mean is – IT'S COMPLICATED!" Bright Blade looked back at Clay, seeing something else in his eyes. "You're really hung up on this filly, aren't ya Clay." "I just…I just can't stop thinking about her is all. It's been bugging me for months now, and don't even know her name! Problem is…I don't know if what I'm feeling is just a crush or if I…you know." Clay's heart was heavy, he was truly confused about how he felt for that unknown filly, if he could see her again, talk to her, then maybe he'd have a better idea. But with all the things that could go wrong, that could be standing in his way, he just didn't' know. It was then that Clay felt his uncle's large wing wrap around his right shoulder, he then saw Bright smile at him confidently. "Clay I know what it feels like, believe me, I do. So that's why you can't give up, no matter what." Bright Blade suddenly had a twinkle in his eye. "And you know what; I'm going to help you!" Clay's eyes went wide. "R-really you are, but how, I don't even know if she really does live here in Canterlot!?" Bright Blade retracted his wing and stood up on all fours. "Clay, did you forget who you are talking to!? Sir Bright Blade, one of the Seven Knights of Harmony, and commander of the Knight Corp.! I can find that filly no problem!" "Really, you can!" "Being a knight does have its privileges! C'mon, let's go get cleaned up and head over to the Castle," decreed Bright. Clay couldn't believe it, he was really going to find the filly pegasus! It made him wonder why he didn't think of this sooner, it was all downhill from here! ***3 Hours Later*** Clay waited outside the Records Room inside Canterlot Castle. Bright Blade had entered the place, but the record keeper had made his uncle take him outside. It was a long three hours; the occasional guard would say hi to Clay, he'd even seen some of the Knight Corp. Paladins trot by as well. Wonder if Dinky's around, he thought. The voices inside sounded louder, Clay placed an ear to the door to try and hear what was being said. He couldn't catch much, but he could tell that it was more the records keeper's voice then his uncle's. After a couple of minutes the door flung open. Bright Blade was retreating backwards as if being pushed out by some invisible force. "AND DON'T COME BACK TILL YOU HAVE PROPER CLEARANCE!" With that said the door to the Records Room was slammed shut, making both the colt and stallion wince as the sound reverberated. Clay then stared at his uncle with a raised eyebrow. "Problems," he asked. "Minor setback," chuckled Bright. "What happened?" "Apparently I need written clearance from an official or higher to take a look at the records." "But…you're a knight, shouldn't that be enough?" "No, apparently it isn't. I looked through the public records and found nothing, so I checked up on the records for the nobles of Canterlot, apparently those are considered private and unless I am conducting an investigation, criminal or otherwise, I am not allowed to even look at them!" Bright snorted, a bit agitated. Clay sighed in defeat, "Forget it Uncle Bright, thanks anyway." "Oh no, we aren't giving up that easily! We'll just have to do this the old fashioned way!" "You mean…?" "Exactly, we're going to search all of Canterlot!" Bright declared. "Are you sure, I mean that seems like a lot of area to cover," said Clay. "Pfft, how many ponies can there be in Canterlot!?" ***5 Hours Later*** "Eight-hundred thousand…there are eight-hundred thousand ponies living in Canterlot…" panted Clay. "And only half of that are the nobles…" gasped Bright. The colt and stallion duo had searched most of Canterlot, different residences, different districts. Searching high and low for Clay's mystery filly, but so far to no avail, along the way they came close to bumping into Twilight and Applejack. Thankfully though they were able to slip by without incident, which was good, Clay really didn't want to explain why the two of them were going around Canterlot. After an exhaustive search, the two of them sat on a bench near a park. Trying to figure out what their next move was going to be, as well as to catch their breath. "Sorry Clay, we didn't have much luck today, but we still have tomorrow. I can make up some excuse for the two of us to run around Canterlot," he offered. "No, it's fine Uncle Bright. You don't have to, just bad luck I guess," said Clay. "Listen, do you mind if I walk around for a while…I kinda want to be alone…" Bright Blade looked to his nephew, "Alright Clay, just make sure you're not out long…how about you meet me at Pony Joe's in a couple of hours, and then we'll head back home?" "Sounds good…" Clay got off the bench and started trotting away; he was heading in no particular direction, just wherever his hooves would take him. It kind of surprised Clay how bummed out he was about not finding the mystery filly, she wasn't even conscious when he saved her life, so there was no way she saw him. And even if he did find her, how would she react? "Oh hi my name is Clay, you don't know me, but I saved your life a few months ago and left you alone soon after," said Clay to himself. Please who am I kidding; she'd either run away or call me a weirdo and call the Royal Guard on me…great options… Clay had wandered into downtown Canterlot he was becoming increasingly aware of the strange looks that the more highbrow ponies were giving him. He didn't really care, but it did make him think. Was he really that out of place that any Canterlot pony could spot him? Clay shrugged at the thought. The young earth pony colt looked around for the time, an hour had passed by already. Better start making my way back to Uncle Bright, Clay thought. "Germane do we really have to go now?" "Sorry Miss Philomena, but your father wishes for us to return home." "Alright…and Germane, could you please call me Firefly!?" Clay looked across the street, hearing the voices. Once he did Clay's mouth dropped. A pink coat, blue mane and tail, and a twin blue lightning bolt cutie mark, it was her! The filly he and his uncle had been searching Canterlot for all this time, and she was just on the other side of the street! Clay looked to one of the clock poles; it was at least forty minutes till he had to meet Bright Blade at Pony Joes. Okay, on the one hoof, I have found that filly I was looking for and now have a chance to find out where she lives! Only problem is that if I do follow them, I run the risk of not meeting Uncle Bright and possibly getting the both of us in trouble…Sorry Uncle… Clay kept on the other side of the street, making sure that Firefly…Philomena…whatever, was still in his line of sight. The earth pony colt saw them turn at a corner, Clay then quickly ran across the street, weaving in and out of different ponies. Soon he was able to catch up to the pegasus filly and the earth pony stallion that accompanied her. Clay had lost track of how long he had been following them, he was sure that his uncle was probably getting a little worried about now. That's when he wondered how long it would take for him to come looking for him, being an alicorn, it probably wouldn't take him that long at all. Even more incentive to keep following them and stay out of sight, he couldn't risk alerting them to his presence. Soon they left the shops and businesses of downtown Canterlot and were now moving into the suburbs, the ritzy part anyway. Mansions were everywhere, he thought his Aunt Twilight and Uncle Bright had a big house, compared to that; these made their house look like a regular house. Luckily for Clay, the two ponies finally arrived at a big mansion, he hid behind a bush and watched the two of them go inside the house. There was a plate on the side of the house that read "Goldhoof Residence." This was great, Clay now new exactly where she lived, and her family name! Now all he had to do was trot right up to that door and… "And what…?" All the worries and anxieties he had about the filly were starting to resurface, finding her now seemed like the easy part, actually having to talk to her was the hard part. "What if…what if she's like Sky Tearer, all tribest and stuff, and she's rich, really rich from the looks of it…" It was at this point that he really did wish he was a pegasus, although he remembered what his mother told him, Clay still wished he at least had wings. At least so he could find out how he really felt about her, and if she felt the same way. It was then that a thought crossed his mind, a story that Clay's mother, Rainbow Dash, told him once. "The Best Young Flyers Competition!" With that thought in mind, Clay galloped back downtown, he was on a mission and nothing was going to stop him nothing! It was at this point that Clay saw a bright gold flash of light in front of him. When the young colt opened his eyes he cringed a bit. There before him was his uncle, looking down on him with a scolding expression. "Clay…do you have any idea what time it is!? I was worried about you kid! So, what do you got to say for yourself," said Bright Blade. "Heh, heh, I uh…I found out where she lives…!" "Hello…where am I?" Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria was in an infinite void, floating around in a vast nothingness. She was stripped of all her regalia and her mane and tail took on the pink hues from when she was younger, in fact she looked younger from what she could tell. Celestia continued flying around, searching for anything, a clue to which she could discern her location. It was then that she saw something, a silvery being standing in the middle of the nothingness. As she drew closer her eyes grew wide. It was an alicorn stallion, his coat shined like actual platinum, his mane and tail were like a window into the cosmos, with dozens of galaxies, stars, and quasars wafting through. "It…it can't be, Arion!?" Celestia called out. The alicorn's head turned to see who had called his name, his amber-gold eyes rested on the image of the alabaster mare and he smiled warmly. Celestia flew up next to Arion and quickly nuzzled him under his chin. The Princess of the Day was overjoyed to see her brother once again, even in this weird place. "Brother…I can't believe it's you! How did – where are we?" Arion nuzzled his little sister's cheek, when he pulled back he said not a word. "Arion…why do you not answer me?" The Star Prince turned his gaze forward and gestured with his hoof for Celestia to do the same. Further ahead of them there was light, a radiant light that was different from the sun. Celestia didn't understand what her brother was trying to get at. "Arion what does this mean, is it connected to what happened in Ponyville?" Just then Celestia felt something, a looming presence, an oppressive power. Soon the area began to shake, it wasn't shaking constantly. The tremors came in waves, like there was a rhythm to it. Almost as if there were something walking… It was at this point that Arion's gaze drifted upwards and to his left. Celestia looked in the same direction, and for the first time in her immortal life, she felt a terror like none she had ever known. Above them, an impossibly large being strode passed them. Celestia could not make out what it was exactly, all she could see were its red eyes that bore power unimaginable. The eyes seemed not to notice the two siblings as it kept on walking. Celestia huddled closer to her brother, feeling fearful, like a little filly, of this giant. "B-brother, what is that thing!?" Arion, again, said no words. He extended his right wing and draped it over Celestia, bringing her close to him. The alabaster mare felt a sense of security and safety wrapped in her brother's wing. But she could still feel the fear that that giant had instilled in her. It was then that something else appeared on the side where the radiant light was. Another pair of eyes appeared, changing color like an aurora, with a golden energy trailing behind it. Celestia recognized this giant, she would never forget her. "Mother!?" Celestia shouted. The two giants of light and darkness started to run towards each other. The area shook with the pounding of each step they took, charging straight for their respective foes. At the last second the two giants collided, creating a powerful explosion that resounded throughout the nothingness. Celestia watched as the explosion drew closer towards Arion and herself. Arion then brought up his left wing and shielded the two of them from the blinding light. "It's alright Tia, you can wake up now," said Arion. "What, wait Arion!?" "ARION!" Celestia shot up from her bed, sweat dripping from her forehead, pupils dilated to the size of pinpricks. She panted heavily, her eyes darted around the room as if searching for any sign that her brother Arion was there. "Arion…" "Tia, are you alright?" Celestia looked towards her balcony and saw Luna landing on it. Her eyes still appeared to be bloodshot, but her usual grumpiness was not apparent in her voice. "I-I'm fine Lulu," said Celestia, wiping the sweat from her brow. "You do not appear to be fine, sister." "You're one to talk, little sister." Luna looked like she wanted to snap at Celestia for that little comment, but decided to let it slide. "Was there a reason why you cried out our older brother's name in your sleep?" "I-I-I had a dream, or maybe a nightmare…I'm not really sure," said Celestia. "What did you see Tia?" "Nothing it was dream, nothing more." "Did you forget that as the Princess of the Night, I have dominion over the dream world, so who better to interpret if your dream meant anything or not." Luna started to form a sly smile. "Unless, of course, your dream was something more…private dear sister," asked Luna. "Lulu what are you talking –" Celestia stopped as a fierce blush overtook her face. "LUNA!" The Mare in the Moon couldn't help but chuckle at the reaction of her older sister. "Forgive me Tia; I couldn't help myself, besides I needed a good laugh." "Glad I could be a source of amusement for you," Celestia deadpanned. "Sorry, but please Tia, tell me what it was that you saw." Celestia sighed deeply; she then began telling Luna all about her dream. The giant of darkness, Arion, their mother, and the void she was in. The whole time Luna listened intently to what she said. "So then Luna, what does my dream tell you," asked Celestia. "…Sister, I think it is time you knew exactly what I have been up to…" Clay has found the filly he had been pining over for months now, but will she return the affection he has for her, and what is his plan to find out? Meanwhile Celestia's dream has prompted Luna to reveal the truth behind her late night outings. > Second Sign: Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot Days: Wings Bright Blade, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack were trotting along through the Castle grounds. They all had a look on their faces, a combination of seriousness and sadness. "So are ya sure about this Twi," asked Applejack. "Yes, the book I told you about last time just added some more pages in the last few weeks," said Twilight. "And that means something else is coming, that Polemos guy again," asked Rainbow Dash. "We're not sure, from what Twilight and I could tell, the passages seem different from what Polemos' were," said Bright Blade. "Whatever's coming, there's no way we can face it like we have been. We need more power if we're going to stand a chance against Polemos or anything like him," remarked Twilight. Soon the group stopped, before them was a tower, a familiar one at that. Twilight used her magic to open the large double doors and they continued to walk inside. The windows were all stained glass, depicting the many heroic deeds of the Elements of Harmony, or as they were now called, the Knights of Harmony. "They did a nice job with the place, especially after what B did to it," said Rainbow Dash. Bright Blade blushed, remembering the incident when they all teleported to the Elements Chamber. "Ahem, yeah, well, I didn't exactly know how to use my powers back then, how was I supposed to know that the Magna Blast was that powerful!?" "Don't worry about it none Bright, Rainbow Dash just likes givin' ya a hard time," said Applejack as she nudged Rainbow. Soon they were at the doors, where laid behind them were the Elements of Harmony. "Bright Blade…let's do it," said Twilight. Bright Blade trotted next to Twilight, their horns began to glow with their auras, the energy they built up shot forth from their horns and hit two specific jewels on the door. The large purple doors slowly opened as the light from within started to pour out, making them cover their eyes. When the light faded the four of them looked upon the box that contained their Elements. Twilight used her telekinesis to open the container and gently lifted their individual Elements out of it. Magic, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Honesty, and Hope, all seven of them drifted towards the four knights. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, along with Twilight and Bright, looked upon their Elements with a sense of hesitation. "Never thought Ah'd have to see my Element again," said Applejack. "Me neither," agreed Rainbow Dash. "I'm sorry, but with everything that's happened so far, we can't take any chances. I suggest that we wear our Elements at all times, just in case." Applejack and Rainbow Dash nodded their heads in agreement. Twilight then levitated the Elements of Honesty and Loyalty over to them; she then clasped the two necklaces around the couple's necks. Twilight then placed her Element of Magic tiara atop her head. The lavender unicorn seemed to flinch upon placing it. Bright Blade had used his telekinesis to grasp his Element of Hope, he examined it, he almost seemed afraid of it. The three mares could tell that Bright Blade was reluctant to place the Element on himself; they remembered all that the Element put him through. After a minute of staring at it Bright Blade clasped the Element around his neck, it felt heavy, or like a noose. "I thought all the fighting was over," said Bright Blade. "So did we," said Twilight as she came up and nuzzled the side of his cheek. "What about the other Elements, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity aren't here to get them," said Rainbow Dash. "I'll call them later today and give them the rundown of what's happening, as far as their Elements, I have a spell ready to send them." Twilight floated the remaining Elements into the saddlebag, with that settled all four of them left the Elements Chamber, the giant doors closing with an ominous thud. "Well enough with this depressing junk, Applejack, what do ya say me and you go have ourselves a little date," asked Rainbow. Applejack seemed to blush at the offer, "W-what, don't you have Wonderbolts training today!?" "Yeah, but I said I'd be out for a while, no need to rush." Rainbow Dash then bumped her flank against AJ's, making the earth pony mare blush even more. "Anyway, I'll be teaching for the rest of the day," said Twilight. "Bright Blade…will you be alright?" "Yeah…I'll be fine…I'm just going to head back home for now," said Bright. "Alright, don't hesitate to call me." Twilight nuzzled her coltfriend once again. After that Bright Blade flared his wings and took off into the sky, heading towards their home. Twilight watched the one she loved with a forlorn expression, she knew what he was feeling, and she felt the same way too. "So Twilight, when are you and Bright Blade going to tie the knot," asked Rainbow Dash. Twilight's face became beet red. "Rainbow," scolded Applejack. "What, he's a grown stallion now, it's okay to marry, c'mon Twilight, when are you two going to get hitched and start having some kids?" "Uh…Twilight…sugarcube…?" Twilight was red up to her ears; it was at that moment that the Knight of Magic actually fell over, completely frozen stiff. Clay was looking through all the books on the shelf, every magical tome that his Aunt Twilight had. It was hard trying to understand most of what his magical aunt wrote down, but he was able to get the gist of what they were meant to do thanks to the illustrations. The hard part about doing this was putting them back in their right place, Clay knew that his Aunt Twilight was meticulous about how her books were organized and would surely notice if any one of them was out of place. "Not this one…not this one…not this one either! If I were Aunt Twilight, how would I organize a spell book that gave you wings…?" Clay sighed and opened another spell book. His eyes peered over every sentence and illustration, trying to find the right spell. Clay turned the next page and gasped. There was the illustration he was looking for, and under the words "Wings for the Earth Bound." "This is it, I found it!" "Found what exactly?" Clay quickly turned around and saw that Bright Blade was staring at him quizzically, his heart began to pound in his chest, feeling very much busted. "U-Uncle Bright, I thought you were going to be out for a while!" "I was, and it didn't take that long. What I want to know is why are you looking through Twilight's spell books," he asked. Clay sighed, he had been caught red hoofed there was no hiding it now. "Alright…you remember when I said I found that filly I was looking for?" Bright Blade nodded. "I was worried that she might not be interested in an earth pony, that's when I remembered the story Mom told me about the Best Young Flyers Competition, how she saved Aunt Rarity from falling when her false wings burned away. So I started looking through the books for the right spell and I found it…" Bright Blade took the spell book into his telekinetic grip and floated it over towards him. Clay watched as the alicorn stallion seemed to read over the spell. Afterwards he lowered the book and looked directly at Clay. "So you found the spell, and who were you going to get to perform it on you?" "Um…I was hoping Dinky would…" "Okay, let me get this straight. You were going to take this spell book all the way to the Castle, ask Dinky to cast an advanced spell on you, and go and meet this filly under the guise of being a pegasus! Am I correct," he asked. "Pretty much…" Bright Blade sighed, "Clay why do you feel like you need to do this, you should just go and talk to her, not try and be somepony you're not." "Uncle Bright Blade, I'm just…what if it turns out that she only likes other pegasi, if she's tribest!?" "Then I don't think she's the filly for you, and you shouldn't worry about all that status stuff, once her parents find out who you're related to they'll sing a different tune," said Bright Blade. "That's just it, I want her to like me for me, not for who my parents are, or because I'm a pegasus!" Clay said. Bright Blade looked over the spell one more time, "Clay this Flight spell only lasts three days, are you seriously expecting this to work in only three days!?" "Three days should be more than enough for me to find out if she's the one, I gotta know Uncle!" Clay's eyes were downcast, the sorrow and confusion he was feeling about this filly was really eating away at him. The young colt looked up at his uncle once again; the golden alicorn then rubbed the back of his head and groaned as he did so. "Ugh, I'm already in hot water with Twilight after that whole 'Xiaon' thing…Oh forget it, I'll do it!" "What…?" "I'll cast the spell Clay, but you have to be careful about who sees you, do you understand!?" Clay eyes went wide with surprise and joy; he fiercely nodded his head up and down. He then ran up to his uncle and hugged him the best he could. "Thank you Uncle Bright!" Bright Blade patted the top of Clay's head and motioned for the two of them to head for the backyard. Once there Bright Blade ordered Clay into position, Clay watched as his uncle re-read the spell book, probably making sure that he would cast it correctly. After a minute, Bright Blade closed the book and lit up his horn. It glowed with golden mana, shining brighter and brighter. Clay was soon wrapped in a cocoon of gold mana, Bright's horn let loose a small ball of energy, it slowly moved towards the cocoon and entered. There was flash of light, making Bright cover his eyes with his right wing. Clay had closed his eyes partially out of fear, mostly due to the blinding light. He cautiously opened his eyes and saw that Bright Blade's eyes were wide. "What…what happened!?" "It worked," he simply said. Clay was about to ask what he was talking about till he felt something on his back. When he turned his head, Clay saw that he had wings, they shined as they sun light hit them, giving the avian appendages a glorious sheen. Clay was speechless, for years he had wondered what it be like to fly with his mother, to be able to do all things he liked with his Ma Applejack, and to fly around with his Mother Rainbow Dash. Now he could, and just as importantly, he felt a huge confidence boost from the wings, like nothing could stop him from talking to her. "Thank you…Uncle Bright Blade, I'll never forget this, just… thank you!" "Clay, before you go and take off, there's something you should know…The spell may only last three days, but after those three days your wings will permanently disappear…If you want I can take them away, that way I'll be able to recast the spell anytime, as long as it isn't the deadline day, alright?" Clay looked at Bright Blade, giving his words serious thought. He then looked over to his wings, flapping them, it was a strange sensation, but one that he was growing to like. Clay nodded his head. "I understand, three days should be more than enough time." Bright Blade smiled, "Good…now go and meet that filly you're crushing on, I'll come up with something to hide your wings when you get back, hopefully." With that said Clay flared his wings, he then flapped them and propelled himself into the air. It felt so natural, like he was meant to be a pegasus, the knowledge of how to fly was somehow ingrained into his mind. The air currents, the positioning of his wings, the way to shift his body weight through the turns. It all felt so liberating. Now that he had what he needed, Clay aimed himself in the direction of Philomena/Firefly's house and took off. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were at a fancy restaurant taking an early lunch. Some the paparazzi were hounding the couple, till Applejack ripped a camera off one of them and crushed it like it was a paper cup. Apparently that didn't send the message home, till they showed off their Elements necklaces and they cleared out like the plague. After that annoyance was over Applejack and Rainbow Dash continued to eat, AJ had to admit, it was nice being able to have a date with her marefriend again. She could tell Rainbow Dash was on edge about something, the pegasus was good at hiding it from others, but nothing got by Applejack's eyes. "Dashie, are ya goin' to tell meh what's been buggin' ya," asked Applejack. "Huh – what, nothings bugging me, why would there be something bugging me!?" "Cause ya seem more skittish then cat in a rainstorm." Rainbow Dash sighed, apparently finding it annoying that she was found out so quickly. "I kinda solved the bully problem, sorta." "Oh, ya found out who's been messin' with Clay?" "One of my teammate's kids, he's a gigantic pain in the flank, and his kid looks like he's following in his dad's hoofsteps," Rainbow Dash let out an angry snort, "Anyway, I talked to Spitfire and if I find that his kid does anything like that to Clay again, he'll be suspended for an entire season." Applejack raised an eyebrow at that, "Really, just suspension, sounds like he's gettin' off easy if ya ask meh." "Trust me, his pride and ego about being a Wonderbolt means a lot to him, this suspension would be the equivalent of kicking him in the – you know where – repeatedly," Rainbow Dash snickered at that last bit. "Well…so long as his kid stops fightin' with Clay, Ah guess it's fine…" Applejack took a sip of her apple juice, feeling semi-content that the situation was resolved, hopefully. "Hey Applejack…I talked to Clay about more than just the bully thing…" "Really, what else ya'll talk about," asked Applejack. "The uh…Knight Corp…Clay wants to join it…" Applejack suddenly stopped drinking her apple juice and spluttered it out in front of her, completely soaking Rainbow Dash who had a less than pleased expression. "*cough* What in the hay *cough* why would he want to do that fer *cough*!?" "I guess you could say he wants to follow in our hoofsteps, he seems like he really wants to join for the right reasons and –" Applejack slammed her right foreleg on the table, making the rainbow maned mare jump a bit, and making most their food scatter about on the table itself. The orange earth pony mare had a furious look in her eyes; she couldn't believe what she had heard. "Did you say somethin' to him!? What did ya fill his head with, did you tell him it was okay!? Ya did, didn't ya!?" Rainbow Dash raised her forehooves up in defense, trying to calm her marefriend. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, settle down AJ. I didn't tell him it was okay, I just said we'd talk about it. Clay promised me that he wanted to join to –" "That's not the point!" Applejack slammed the same hoof on the table once again. "We agreed that he would never join anythin' havin' to do with military or fightin' nonsense! He's goin' to grow up and have a normal life, settle down with somepony, and have a family, without havin' to go through all that strife like we did!" "Chill out Applejack, yeah I remember making that agreement. But if you haven't noticed we're not exactly normal, nothing we've done or have been through in our lives has been what most ponies would call 'normal!' Besides, he's a growing colt, it's his life and if wants to join then we can't stop him, especially when he gets older!" "Oh Ah'll stop this alright, Ah'll go back to Twi and Bright's place and settle this now!" Applejack shouted. Applejack then threw down a few bits on the table and started marching off. She then stopped in her tracks when Rainbow Dash appeared right in front of her. "Hold on Applejack, cool off for a moment! If you go and start talking to Clay all riled up, he's going to shut down!" "Look maybe YOU want this to happen, but Ah don't! Ah'm gonna nip this in the bud! Maybe if ya were here a lot more, he wouldn't have such ideas floatin' around in his head," said Applejack. Rainbow Dash seemed to take offense to that last statement. "Look if…if it's bothering you that much then I'll talk to Spitfire, maybe I can request some more time off and –!" "Don't bother! Why don't'cha just go on back to the Wonderbolts, and Spitfire since ya think so highly of her!" Rainbow Dash blinked and shook her head, apparently not believing what her ears heard. "Excuse me, what the hay are you trying to say!?" "Ah'm sayin' that maybe the reason we've been seein' less and less of ya, is because of that Spitfire…!" "Really, you really think I've been cheating on you!? After everything we've been through together, you're going to start saying I'm rolling around in the hay with SPITFIRE!?" Rainbow Dash shouted. "You said 'rollin' around in the hay,' Ah didn't, guilty conscience there Rainbow!?" Rainbow Dash scoffed at the idea, "WHAT – I'm not – how could you – UGH! You know what AJ, I'm gone! When you're ready to apologize, I'll be waiting!" Having said that, Rainbow Dash took off into the air and headed towards the Wonderbolts lodge. Applejack felt so angry, so angry in fact, that she accused Rainbow Dash of something without any evidence. After a minute, Applejack cooled down enough for her to realize what she had said, and it made her regretful. But it wasn't without bases, she had, for a long time, suspected that that was the reason for her lengthy absences after Wonderbolt tours were over. It was at this point that Applejack noticed the other ponies who were watching their little display. "AND WHAT'RE YA'LL LOOKING AT!?" Applejack then stamped her hoof on the ground, her Element of Honesty symbol glowed, causing a mini-quake that rumbled through the ground. The other ponies all quickly looked away and went back to whatever it was they were doing, a bit scared now. Applejack then looked up into the sky and sighed sadly. Rainbow…Ah'm sorry… ***Meanwhile*** "Okay there it is…" Clay was hovering over the house of the pink pegasus filly, Firefly, or Philomena, he wasn't too sure which was her real name. The winged earth pony slowly descended to the ground, softly landing a couple of feet from the front door. Clay trotted up to the huge, intimidating structure, and gulped. Steeling himself, Clay raised his right hoof and knocked on the door. For a few seconds there was nothing, but soon he heard the sound of hoofsteps. Slowly the door opened and revealed, not a pegasus filly, but the dapper earth pony butler who was with her, Germane. His eyes wandered down, staring at Clay, almost as if he were analyzing him. "Can I help you sir," asked Germane. "Y-yes, ahem, is uh, Firefly here?" Germane's left eyebrow rose slightly, with an expression that was half puzzled half on edge. "And…what exactly is your…relationship to Miss Philomena?" "Well I was – you see…" Clay had to think of something quick, Germane seemed like he getting more suspicious of his presence the longer he dragged this out. It was then that an idea popped into his head. Firefly, Philomena, whatever, was performing stunts and Wonderbolts moves when he saw her that night. "I'm a recruiter!" Germane went from edgy to just plain puzzled, but he still kept his critical eyes scanning the young colt. "You are a recruiter, and what exactly are you recruiting for, may I ask?" "The Wonderbolts sir, I'm going door-to-door of the pegasi residents in Canterlot, seeing if they want to join the summer training camp!" Clay blurted. "Oh, I see. Well then, young sir, I regret to inform you that Miss Philomena is currently out at the moment. I'd also like to thank you, but Miss Philomena will not be joining your training camp," said Germane. "Oh…are you sure, maybe I could come back later," he asked. "No thank you, it is Master Goldhoof's wishes I'm afraid, good day young sir." Germane slowly backed up and closed the door, ending the conversation. Great…just great… Clay did an about face, spread his wings, and took off. She's not here, and I was pretty much told to not come back…what next!? Just then Clay slammed into something in midair; he lost altitude for a minute, almost nearing the ground before quickly stabilizing himself. Clay rubbed the top of his head, feeling a bump forming. "OUCH! What the hay did I hit!?" Clay shouted. "ME YOU FEATHER BRAIN!" Clay looked up, only to come face to face with the anger filled purple eyes. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," apologized Clay. "Seriously, you could've…It's…It's you!?" The filly in front of him drew back, allowing Clay to see the filly completely. A pink coat, blue mane, and a twin blue lightning bolt cutie mark! It was her, it was – Wait a minute what does she mean "it's you!?" "Excuse me?" "I mean, it's YOU! The colt who saved me back at the maze!" "Wait a minute you remember me! I thought you were unconscious," said Clay. The filly rubbed the back of her head, feeling embarrassed about recalling her near fatal accident. "Yeah…not completely…anyway…" "Hey, uh, sorry for leaving you there, I really should've stayed but –" "No, I understand, actually, I think my father would've been more angry with me if he saw you there," Firefly then facefhoofed herself, suddenly realizing something, "Duh, I've been talking this whole time and I haven't even introduced myself! My name is Firefly," she said with a smile. Firefly, I thought it was Philomena? Oh well. "Firefly, my name is Clay." The pink pegasus filly looked at him confused, "'Clay?' That's a strange name for a pegasus, but okay, Clay! Glad I finally have a name to go with the face of the one who saved me." Clay let out a mental sigh, he had nearly blown it. "So, exactly why did you come all this way," she asked. "I-I wanted to see if you were alright, you know, since I last saw you at that party a while back," said Clay. Firefly blinked at that statement. "You've been worried about me this whole time?" "Well yeah, kinda…you could say you've been on my mind since then…I guess you could say I…like you." Firefly was taken completely off guard by that, and Clay could tell. "Sorry for saying that out of the blue…I'll just go." Clay was about to trot past the filly, but she quickly raised up a hoof to stop him, surprising the faux pegasus colt. "Hold on…you've said what you wanted to say; now it's my turn." Clay stopped in tracks, stood firm, and waited for Firefly to give her two bits about what she thought. It wasn't totally unexpected, of course she'd have something say to him, but Clay wasn't sure if he was ready to hear it, emotionally anyway. "You said you've been thinking about me ever since my little accident. Well…it's the same for me, I've been thinking about you, the colt who saved me…I only got a glimpse of you, but that glimpse has been recurring in my dreams, and even when I'm just doing regular things you're just there…It didn't hit me, literally and metaphorically, till just now…" Clay raised an eyebrow; this couldn't be going where he thought it was going, couldn't it? "What I'm trying to say is…I like you too." Clay's jaw pretty much hit the ground when heard those four words. "Y-y-you like me – Seriously!?" Firefly nodded, her pink fur hiding her blushing. "T-then…how about a date tomorrow…" Firefly put a hoof to her chin, as if thinking hard on the subject. Problem was that it was only making Clay more nervous as the seconds passed by like minutes as he waited for her answer. "Well…" Bright Blade was waiting patiently outside his home. Applejack had arrived earlier, she looked very sad. Bright had tried to ask what was wrong but AJ just kept avoiding the question and finally retreated into her room. Applejack was a stubborn mare, but he knew she'd come around and tell them in her own due time, or at least until Twilight gets home. Thankfully for him, Twilight wasn't home, yet. Unfortunately, neither was Clay, and it was going to be all the more complicated if they appeared at the same time. Bright had spent most of the afternoon re-shelving the spell books, and doing his best to erase any latent trace of magic from the spell he cast on Clay. "C'mon little guy, no pressure, I hope everything is going well for you and that filly you like, but for the love of all things sacred and pure it's going to be both our flanks if your Ma or Twilight see you with wings!" Bright quietly yelled under his breath. Just then his eyes spotted something in the sky; a pegasus pony with a light gold coat was soaring overhead. After about a minute the faux pegasus landed in front him, with a giant grin on his face. "I take it all went well," asked Bright. "She said YES!" Clay jumped into the air, pumping his hoof for emphasis. "Good, well, I hope things work out, I'll be there to help you where I can alright?" Clay nodded enthusiastically. "Great, in the meantime, take this." Bright Blade channeled his magic, before them a flash light brought forth a hoody. It had the same color scheme and pattern as the Wonderbolts, just the right size for a young colt. "Wear this to cover your wings while you're in the house." Clay sat on his haunches and raised up his forelegs. Bright used his telekinesis to slip the hoody over Clay; afterwards the colt got back onto his hooves and examined the hoody. It was nice and roomy, enough so that his wings didn't feel cramped, but so that nopony would be able to tell. "This is cool, thanks Uncle Bright!" "You're welcome, the last thing we need is for anypony to find about your wings, especially –" "Hey boys." "Twilight!" The unicorn mare was casually trotting towards them, a smile on her face and a happy tone in her voice. "Hey you two, what're you doing out here," she asked. "Oh nothing, we were just hanging around, we just got home ourselves, right Clay?" "Chocolate Milk!" Clay blurted out as his lips puckered inward and his pupils rolled back. "Excuse me," asked Twilight confused. Both Clay and Bright Blade did a mental facehoof at the reaction. "Clay was just reminding me to get some chocolate milk; we're all out and need some more." Twilight shrugged it off, seemingly noting it for future reference. "Oh, well I'll start dinner soon, and Clay, I like that hoody, very cool." Twilight trotted up to Bright Blade, kissed him on the cheek, and went inside. Both the stallion and colt let out a sigh of relief; they had dodged a big bullet just now. "That was close," said Clay. "Tell me about it, kid." The Elements of Harmony have been released, in preparation for an unforeseen evil to come. Clay, now possessing his wings has asked out the filly of his dreams, but what is the fate of Applejack and Rainbow Dash, how will their relationship fair after their blowup? Find out in Part 5 of the Second Sign Arc! > Second Sign: Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot Days: Tension Applejack could barely sleep that night. Her mind kept replaying that fight she had with Rainbow Dash over and over again. As angry and annoyed as she'd been at her absence over the last couple of years, Applejack never lost it like that, never went off the handle in such a fashion, especially when she accused Rainbow of cheating on her which was something out of left field. Of course Applejack knew that Rainbow Dash idolized Spitfire, and she knew that the two had become close friends since Rainbow became a Wonderbolt, although there was that little paranoid part of her that thought that, she never believed it. But…for some reason, when they were arguing, Applejack had to call Rainbow Dash on it. Problem was, Dash's reactions made her think that maybe she was right… No! She'd never cheat on meh! Rainbow wouldn't do somethin' like that to me, especially not to Clay! Ah…Ah can't think that way… But she never denied it… S-so, she, she was taken by surprise! Ah'd act the same way if Rainbow said somethin' like that…! But you don't know for sure…even now you can't be sure…you may have driven her into the hooves of another mare, maybe even into something else more, elicit, perverse… SHUT UP! Ah – Rainbow would never do that! Ah love her, Ah trust her with meh life! Applejack tossed and turned, her paranoia on the rise, giving a voice to the fears and doubts within her heart. Can you really? A love born in the heat of battle can fizzle out with time… W-what are ya sayin'!? Rainbow was afraid, ashamed about having feelings for another mare, her friend. But you freed her from those binding chains, and now that Rainbow has reveled in her lust for you she wants more… Ah…that's not…she… Spitfire is the perfect match for her. She's fierce, strong, an elite athlete…but she also has something else, Spitfire is a pegasus, not bound to the earth below your hooves. Rainbow can be with one who can match her in the skies, her natural home…face it…you were nothing but a toy to her…playing make believe with a best friend turned marefriend and an adopted earth pony child! Now Rainbow Dash is tired of this fantasy and is ready to move on to a real fling, with a real mare…! "NO!" Applejack screamed. The earth pony mare shot up in her bed, tears cascading from her eyes as she panted hard. Applejack's body was covered in sweat, her eyes wide with fear and sorrow. It was about that time that the door to Applejack's room was flung wide open, with Twilight standing in the middle of the doorway. "Applejack are you alri –!?" Twilight stopped, now seeing the state her friend was in. The unicorn mare quickly rushed to Applejack's side, sitting on the edge of her bed, and grabbing the southern pony's shoulders. "Applejack, what happened!? Applejack!?" Applejack didn't respond for a few seconds, her green eyes staring off into space, pupils the size of pinpricks. Twilight shook the earth pony harder, trying to bring her back and fearing for her mental state. After a minute and a half Applejack blinked. Her body, which was tensed up, was slowly relaxing. "Twi," said Applejack, her voice sounding distant. "I'm here Applejack, what's wrong, please tell me!?" "Twi…Ah…" Applejack couldn't finish her sentence; she only moved forward and embraced Twilight in a fierce hug. Twilight herself was taken by surprise, but managed to return the hug, doing what she could to comfort Applejack. Upon her back, Twilight could feel Applejack's tears dripping onto her. The studious mare had to admit, she was scared. Twilight had never seen Applejack in such a state. Twilight then heard something behind her; she slowly turned her head and saw Bright Blade standing where she was not a moment ago. Bright Blade didn't move, his eyes told Twilight that he was analyzing the situation. He then mouthed the words "You okay" to Twilight, to which she responded "I'm fine." Bright Blade nodded his head and used his telekinesis to quietly close the door. It took a few minutes before Applejack had calmed down enough for Twilight to ask what had upset her so much. Reluctantly, Applejack recounted the events that occurred after they departed from Canterlot Tower, the fight with Rainbow Dash, AJ's baseless accusation about her marefriend cheating on her, and even the dialogue with her inner-self. Twilight just sat there, absorbing the information, rubbing Applejack's back in a comforting fashion. After a couple minutes of silence, Twilight finally broke the silence. "Applejack…you know Rainbow Dash would never do that to you, or to Clay, she's the Element of Loyalty, how many times has she proven that to us over the years," said Twilight. "Ah know that Twi…Ah know that and still…Ah can't stop thinkin' that it might be true…" said Applejack, her voice trembling. "Applejack…" Twilight didn't know how to comfort her, not exactly. Her friend was hurting, saddened. "You need to talk to Rainbow Dash about this, you can't let it fester too long or it'll only get worse down the road…" "If she wants to be with another mare then fine!" "Applejack, you don't mean that," exclaimed Twilight. "Of course Ah do! Why not, if she wants to grab flank from another mare then it's only fair Ah get to do the same!" Applejack stared at Twilight intently, anger and desperation in her eyes. "Applejack don't you even think about it! You have no evidence to the contrary that Rainbow Dash is doing something like that – I mean, for pony's sake Applejack you –!" Twilight couldn't finish her sentence, as she was cut off by Applejack, who saw fit to silence the lavender mare by kissing her. Twilight's eyes flew open; she couldn't believe what was happening, what Applejack was doing! Applejack pressed forward, deepening the kiss, leaning further in, forcing Twilight backwards. The orange earth pony's eyes were closed the entire time, while Twilight, too stunned to react, eyes wide as saucers, just fell on her back. After what felt like forever, Applejack broke the kiss. Twilight gasped, breathing heavily as she looked up at her friend, who was now looming over her. When Applejack's eyes opened again, Twilight could still see the anger and desperation in them, but there was something else, and she dare not say it aloud or in her mind for fear that she may be, even remotely, right. "Don't act like you didn't like it, sugarcube," said Applejack with an emotionless tone. That tore it. Twilight cocked back her left hoof and brought it across Applejack's muzzle. Normally unicorns were physically weaker, compared to earth ponies, but, in this instance, Twilight mustered up enough anger and strength to bring down the Royal Palace with one strike of her hoof. A feat that was just demonstrated, as Applejack was sent flying, slamming against the headboard of the bed. She slowly got up, the back of her head and face throbbing in pain. "Damn it! Why you –!" Applejack shot Twilight a glare filled with rage, but just as quickly as it appeared, the expression vanished, being replaced with one of utter shock and disgust at her actions. The earth pony mare was clearly trembling now, shaking from the state Twilight was in. "Oh Celestia and Luna…w-w-what have Ah done!? Twilight A-Ah'm so sorry, Ah swear Ah didn't mean to do that! Ah don't know what Ah was thinkin' – Ah wasn't thinking! Twilight please forgive meh, Ah –!" "Stop." Applejack went silent. Twilight wasn't even looking at AJ when she spoke, she only cradled her left hoof, stroking it soothingly, wincing at the pain. Twilight felt like she had just struck a brick wall, and from the pain radiating from her hoof and foreleg, she might as well have. Fresh tears were now streaming from Applejack's eyes; she couldn't believe what she had just done. To Twilight, her best friend, somepony who had been there for her time and again, and she had just forced herself onto her. What was really killing her was the silence. Twilight still didn't make eye contact with her, barely so much as glanced over in her direction, Applejack couldn't blame her. She just betrayed Twilight's trust, Bright Blade's trust – Oh horse feathers, if he finds out! "I…I understand that you're not yourself AJ, and I know that you're upset…" "Twilight Ah –!" "Applejack…I'm…I'm not mad. Surprised, shocked, upset, but not mad. I should be furious with you, but I can't…You're acting like this out of confusion and misplaced jealousy…" Applejack lied down on her stomach, lowering her head, and burying her face into her hooves. "Please forgive meh…please, please forgive meh…" "I do." AJ slowly opened her eyes; Twilight was now looking right at her. The unicorn's amethyst eyes conveying exactly that, forgiveness, something that Applejack felt unworthy of even now, but was all the same happy to see it. Twilight rose up and gently stepped onto the floor, being mindful of her throbbing left hoof. "Let's forget this ever happened, okay?" Applejack simply nodded. "I'll come and check on you in the morning, goodnight Applejack." With that said Twilight, with a slight limp in her step, walked out of the room, carefully closing the door as she exited. Applejack managed to get herself back under the covers, entering into a fetal position. The farm pony still couldn't believe what she had done, as much as she wanted to dwell on this, Applejack's eye lids felt heavy and she soon found herself drifting off to sleep effortlessly. Obviously drained, emotionally anyway, from the events that had just transpired. Thankfully for Twilight, Bright Blade didn't notice her limp, or if he did he didn't say anything. When he asked what was wrong with Applejack, Twilight only gave him the basic rundown, not mentioning what Applejack had done to her earlier. "Looks like we'll have to have a talk with Rainbow," said Bright Blade. "Y-yeah…" "Twilight are you okay, you look pale?" "I'm fine really, don't be such a worrywart," said Twilight with a chuckle. After that Twilight got back into bed, facing away from Bright Blade, and pretended to sleep. An hour had passed and Twilight still couldn't sleep, she spent that time staring up at the ceiling. The unicorn mare often did that when she was trying to figure something late at night. She sometimes found her answers in the ceiling, though it was usually silent; it never failed to provide her with a solution to a problem. Tonight, however, the ceiling didn't seem to have an answer to her current dilemma. Absurd though it was, she was getting a little angry that her home couldn't give her any advice on the situation at hoof. Thanks a lot, she thought. ***Wonderbolt Lodge, same time*** Rainbow Dash had spent most of her time training; it was her way of dealing with a situation. If she was moving she didn't have to think, her body did the thinking for her, just flying about, letting muscle memory take her away from her troubles, clearing her mind of everything. However, no matter how many barrel rolls she did, no matter the number of aerial tricks she performed, Rainbow Dash still felt a stinging sensation within her heart. The rainbow maned mare was resting on her bed. On the nightstand next to her bed was a picture frame. In it was a photo of Applejack, Clay, and herself, all three of them on the farm with smiling happy faces. But when Rainbow Dash looked at that picture, at the face of the mare she loved, she could only see the rage, hurt, and accusing expression of Applejack from earlier that day. Where does she get off saying that I'm cheating on her!? I've been working my flank off for Clay and her! And she comes and dumps this pile of crap on me! Rainbow Dash turned away from the picture, scowling and muttering under her breath. Me and Spitfire, give me a break! Just 'cause I idolized her, doesn't mean I want to do THAT with her! She's a good friend, that's all…! So…why do I feel guilty…? Because you know you are… Sneaking glances of your Captain while in the showers, just like you did with Applejack. And it's my fault that Spitfire and Applejack are both physically attractive!? Stallions do it all the time, even when they have marefriends, they still stare at other mares they think are hot! True, but then again, it's not as if you're married to Applejack, you're still just marefriends. Which means you're free to dump her and trade up to something in yellow with a fiery colored mane… I don't like Spitfire that way!! You can't deny it; it's been eating at you, just like everything else about your relationship with AJ! You've allowed Clay to get beaten up and bullied, the cause of which is you, failing as a parent! Rainbow Dash placed her hooves on her temples and began shaking her head violently, trying to silence the voices within her mind. You can't even hold on to the mare you've been wanting since you first met, and now she's mad at you, she hates you! You were never meant to be a parent, or a lover, just a lone mare that has the occasional fling. You're wrong, I love Applejack, and I love Clay, I'd do anything for them! I'm not all those things, I'd marry AJ if Granny Smith –! Stop lying to yourself; you know well that Granny Smith gave you her consent months ago… Rainbow Dash's eyes were wide open, her hooves falling to her sides. Dash's mouth tried to form words, but no sound came out to give them life. You could've proposed to her at any time, but you keep putting it off. You're afraid to commit to her, afraid to be tied to one mare, and let's not forget Clay… Leave him out of this!!! Why? It's part of the reason; after all, what's the point in marrying AJ if neither of you can keep the little colt? You have to tell him, it's your duty to tell Clay the truth, but you're even more afraid of losing him, that he'll cast you aside once you've told him that – SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!!!!! You found his relatives! Rainbow Dash was sobbing now, clenching her teeth so as to not alert her fellow teammates about what was happening. The voice within was right. Face it, all you've ever been good at is flying, friends well always be friends, but you can't hold onto the things that you most care for…and once you do lose them…you have no idea what to do with your life…achieving a dream is nice, but not as fulfilling if there is no one special to celebrate it with… Rainbow Dash couldn't say anything, she only grabbed the picture frame on her nightstand and held it close to her as she wept, and silently fell asleep. ***Elsewhere*** "I cannot believe you've been constructing this thing for the past ten years Luna." "Indeed sister, neither can I. Arion contacted me through the dream world, he instructed me to build this, saying that it is of vital importance that Twilight and the others have it." "I can't imagine why they would need it," said Celestia, "Why would they ever need to go that far out of Equestria." Luna sighed, "It is perplexing, but I am sure that as events unfold before us, its true purpose will be made known." "I don't know if I want such events to unfold. Is peace so much to ask for Luna, is happiness such a foreign concept to our lives?" Luna trotted up to Celestia and nuzzled the side of her neck comfortingly. The alabaster alicorn mare moved her head down to nuzzle the top of Luna's head, appreciative of Luna's presence. It was then that Celestia stared straight ahead, raising her left hoof and placing it on the clear surface in front of her. She gazed out, surveying the landscape, white and barren, with a blue planetoid shining like a sapphire in the black star filled expanse. "I'm sorry I ever banished you to this lonely place," said Celestia. "I forgave you long ago, so please forgive yourself," said Luna. Celestia looked into Luna's eyes, filled with the very forgiveness she spoke of, and a love for her older sister that only an immortal could know. It was a look that was reflected in the elder sister's eyes as well. "Luna…there's something I wish to –" Celestia was cut off by the appearance of a scroll, which flashed into existence before their eyes. At first the solar mare was going to toss it aside to read it later, that is until she noticed the color of the ribbon that used to bind the parchment together, black. Celestia quickly opened the letter and read over its contents, Luna, noticing the growing distress upon her older sister's face, moved in to read the letter as well. "We need to return, now," said Celestia sternly. "Agreed," said Luna. Doubt grows within the minds of two Knights of Harmony, threatening their relationships. Does this have anything to do with the Book of Doom's prophecy!? How will Applejack and Rainbow Dash deal with their inner turmoil!? How will Clay's date with Firefly turn out!? And what are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna building on the moon!? Even fate itself does not know the answers… > Second Sign: Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot Days: Dates, Disasters, and Decisions The morning came as the sunlight started to shine through window of Clay's room. The rays of light washed over the young earth pony colt, rousing him from sleep. He sat up in his bed and stretched out his forelegs, Clay then arched his back, remembering to stretch his newly acquired wings. Clay marveled at his new appendages as the light of the sun gave them a sheen-like sparkle. It was then he remembered what his uncle had told him about the spell. The spell may only last three days, but after those three days your wings will permanently disappear Clay… "Three days…will it be enough time…?" Clay shook his head; he couldn't afford to think that way, not now. He had a date with Firefly, and he was determined to show this filly a good time, and to find out if she was "the one." Clay quickly went to the dresser and slipped on his Wonderbolts hoody, should his Ma or Aunt come in to wake him. That's when it hit him, something was off. Usually his Ma would be waking him up, granted they were on vacation, but she was still an early riser. Clay opened the door to and looked up and down the hallway, it almost felt empty. The earth pony colt made his way to his Ma's room and knocked on the door. "Ma, are you awake?" Clay asked. There was no response. "Ma…?" Clay opened the door and cocked an eyebrow at what he saw. Nothing, no pony was inside, in fact the bed sheets were all messed up, as if somepony left in a hurry. Feeling slightly worried he trotted over to his Aunt and Uncle's room and, much as he knew it was bad manners to, barged into their room. "What the…?" Just like his Ma's room, Aunt Twilight and Uncle Bright were gone, beds in disarray. "Oooookkkkkaaaayyy, this is starting to get a little weird now," remarked Clay. He quickly made his way downstairs to see if maybe they had let him sleep late. As soon as he reached the living room his speculations were unfounded, as the downstairs seemed as vacant as the upstairs. "Where the hay did they go in such a hurry?" Just then, Clay heard knocking at the front door. Then he heard what sounded like the door unlocking. "Hello…? Clay, are you there?" "Mom!?" Clay quickly ran to the front door, and sure enough there she was, Rainbow Dash, dressed up in her Wonderbolts uniform. "There you are I was starting to wonder if you left or something. Nice hoody by the way," said Rainbow smirking. "T-thanks Mom, so what happened to Ma, and Aunt Twilight, and Uncle Bright," he asked. "Yeeeeahhhh, it's kinda a top secret thing, royal business. Your Ma went with your Aunt and Uncle to lend them a hoof." "Really, how come you didn't go Mom?" "They left really early, that's why I'm here; Twilight wanted me to come and check on you and to tell you what's going on. If you want you can come with me to the Lodge, maybe hang out a bit," asked Rainbow Dash. Clay was taken a little aback by what his mother said. He always wanted to spend more time with his mother, either just the two of them, or all three of them as a family. Then again, there was still his date with Firefly, he couldn't miss that, not after all the trouble he went through trying to find her, and convincing his Uncle to cast the spell to give him wings. Clay was feeling conflicted, so he decided to gauge her response. "Well…I kind of had plans today, Mom…I'm sorry," said Clay. "Oh no, it's alright really. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't freak out because no one was here. If they're not back tonight, you can come to the Wonderbolts Lodge and bunk with me. `Kay?" "Y-yeah that's cool," said Clay. "Hey, do you want me to cook you breakfast?" Clay looked at the clock, it was already eight o'clock and he promised to meet Firefly around ten-thirty. Still, a breakfast made by his Mom, it wasn't exactly something he wanted to pass up. Plus, she seemed a bit eager to do something for him. "Sure Mom, I am kinda hungry," said Clay. "Cool, let's see what I can whip up!" Oh man, I'm going to be late! Clay had enjoyed his breakfast more than he realized. Plus talking with his mother was fun, thanks to him being in school, he didn't get that much time to talk to Rainbow Dash, so he welcomed the chat. However when she left, Clay scrambled to make himself presentable for the filly of his dreams. Brushing his mane, washing his face, and brushing his teeth, practically doing all three at once which was quite an impressive feat. Clay flew through the air as fast as he could, trying to make it on time, or at the very least trying not to be later. Soon he reached the place they promised to meet, a fountain in the middle of the park. Clay quickly spotted Firefly, and descended downwards like an arrow. The air nearly stung his eyes as the wind rushed over him, when Clay was certain he was close enough he flared his wings, coming to stop and landing on the ground with a bit of a thud. The faux pegasus panted hard, the exhaustive fast flying having taken its toll. "Sorry…I'm…late…Firefly," said Clay between pants. "Usually showing up for your first date late is a bit of a turn off, but…" Firefly looked him over, and smiled coyly, "Seeing as how you pretty much pushed yourself to make it here, I guess I can let it slide." Clay smiled at that, at least she wasn't writing him off just yet. "So, where did you want to go, how about a fly over to Cloudsdale?" Firefly flinched at that, she looked away nervously while the filly rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah, about that, maybe it's better if we just hung around here? I mean, I want to go, but my dad would kill me." "Oh, no problem, we can have it around here." Clay and Firefly began trotting, nowhere in particular, yet. The two of them just mainly talked about their respective lives, with Clay leaving out some key details about his parentage, and the fact that he was an earth pony with false wings. Luckily though, Firefly didn't find it weird that a pegasus was working on a farm, being a pegasus herself and living on the ground in a mansion. From what he could gather, Firefly, not so much despised, as she was annoyed and angry at her father. Apparently after her mother died, who was amazingly a Wonderbolt, Firefly's father had become overly protective of her. Forbidding her from doing any aerial tricks, and just learning the basics of flight, but from what Clay saw a while back, she was doing more advanced moves than what was considered basic flight. It did, however, get a little embarrassing when Firefly went on about his mother Rainbow Dash. The way she talked, despite her daredevil like attitude, about the Co-Captain of the Wonderbolts, was akin to a squealing fan filly. Clay had to look away from Firefly, so as to hide his reddening cheeks. "So Firefly, did you…I don't know, want to see a movie or something," he asked. Firefly's eyes lit up at the suggestion, "Seriously, I was just about to ask you that! There's this one movie that came out today, and I've wanted to see it ever since I first heard of it!" "Well what're we waiting for, it's my treat so let's get going," said Clay. The two of them took off into the air, flying over the shops and pavilions. Clay had to admit, the way Firefly seemed excited about this movie was kind of getting him excited too. Although Ponyville had a movie theatre, there was only one, and it didn't get as many movies as would some of the bigger cities would. Soon the movie theatre came into view, both Firefly and Clay circled around it, slowly descending to the sidewalk. The pink pegasus filly ran up to the marquee and beckoned Clay to join her. Once he got there Firefly pointed to the poster of the movie she wanted to see. When Clay saw it, his expression deadpanned slightly. "War in Equestria…?" "Yeah, trust me; it's not some documentary or anything. It's about what happened during the War of Darkness, but mostly it follows the stories of the Knights of Harmony, and what they did during the War! I heard the actors and special effects are supposed to be killer!" Something in the back of Clay's mind was telling him to probably go see another movie, and there were many choices. Casabronco, Harry Trotter: And the Society of the Firebird, the second Deragon movie, Oldest, and there was even a Doctor Hooves movie. But, one look at Firefly's eyes sealed his decision about what movie they were going to see. With a sigh, Clay walked up to the ticket counter. "Two for War in Equestria please." Clay took the tickets into his mouth and trotted to the doors, just then, Firefly zoomed towards him and enveloped him in a tight hug. "Thank you Clay, I promise this is going to be awesome," said Firefly. Clay's heart raced from being hugged by the filly, a slight blush appearing on his face. Firefly went and opened the door, with Clay following close behind her. It's just a movie; I've heard plenty of Ma and Mom's old war stories, how much different can this be, he thought. ***Meanwhile, in a far off land*** The Griffon Kingdom was known for its military strength, being an aggressive race, they took whatever chance they could to prove their strength, speed, and agility. It was because of this, that they were called upon to help at the final battle of Calamity's Fall, and in so doing, had become a great ally to the Equestrian government. So when a mysterious plague-like disease starts killing off a couple hundred thousand innocent griffons, it's a big deal. Currently, the Knights of Harmony were called upon to lend what aid they could to their aerial allies. The Kingdom was divided into city states, each ruled by a monarch of the region, with the High Emperor, and the capital, sitting in the center. Ofieldai, as well as many other middle rim cities, were being besieged by a virus that spread quickly, no one knew exactly who or what caused this disease to come into being, but the fact remained that this bug needed to squashed, and fast. Twilight had erected a powerful, self-sustaining barrier around the middle rim cities. Much to their horror, most of the outer rim cities had been lost before they arrived, almost two million griffon citizens, males, females, children, only one fourth of their population. Bright Blade and Applejack were busy searching the outer rim cities, surveying all that they could. They could tell that their armor was protecting them, but not one to take chances, Twilight had fixed them with some breathing masks, and an added layer of disease preventive wards. The two knights trotted through the quiet city, the only thing that even made noise was the wind. "This…this is awful," said Applejack. "Can't believe this…so many…" What was truly horrifying was how fast it killed the citizens; they were all just going about their day, completely oblivious to what was happening, until it was too late. "Twilight can't find any record, in griffon or pony archives, about a disease that kills this fast," said Bright Blade. "Or this painfully, judgin' by the looks on their faces," commented Applejack. "We need to find something; this is the place, reportedly, where the disease started." "Yeah…she said somethin' about a 'Patient Zero?'" "It's the first carrier, barring that; we need to check if there are any environmental causes for the virus." "Gotcha." The two of them made it to the center of the city. Applejack stood still, and then closed her eyes; the armor started glowing as her crystal cutie mark shined. Beneath her hooves, a wave of orange energy rippled through the ground, it reached out further and further, even beyond the outskirts of the city. Bright Blade flew up, about twenty feet into the air, his armor glowed too. His crystal cutie mark was shining, as it funneled its energy into his horn, sending out waves of golden energy over the skies of the city. Through their combined efforts, the two of them felt the air and land, searching for any abnormality, any hint or clue of a viral disturbance. After about ten minutes Bright Blade and Applejack cancelled their energy waves, Bright landed next to the earth pony mare, sighing disappointedly. "Nothing, what about you AJ, find anything?" "Zilch, nothin' at all…Shoot!" "Guess we go to the theory of a deliberate viral attack," suggested Bright. "Ah don't like the idea of any creature willingly makin' this happen," said Applejack solemnly. With a nod the two of them continued onwards. Applejack, despite the multitude of death around her, was glad that they were doing this mission. It helped get her mind off of certain things, things that she was regretting, things that could jeopardize her friendship with two of her friends, and the relationship she had with a certain rainbow maned mare. Lying wasn't her thing, but Twilight had said to forget about what happened, problem was, she couldn't, and it reflected in her armor. Applejack could tell that the Armor of Honesty was lacking some luster; it felt foreign to her, almost nagging her to tell the truth. "Applejack, are you alright?" "What – Oh yeah Ah'm fine, really!" Bright Blade raised an eyebrow at that statement, mostly because Applejack's lips puckered and her eyes stared off in another direction. "Applejack, I know what's eating you," said Bright Blade. Applejack flinched, had Twilight told him. "You had a fight with Rainbow Dash didn't you?" Or maybe she didn't tell him and he's coming to his own conclusions. "Y-y-yeah, Ah did. Ah…Ah said some things to her…accused her of stuff Ah had no proof of…and then Ah…" Bright Blade stopped trotting, and placed a hoof on Applejack's withers. "Hey, don't worry AJ, if you want, I'll go and have a talk with her when we get back." "No, no, please don't BB. You just tend ta Twilight, Rainbow's mah marefriend, we'll figuring somethin' out. Thanks though." Bright Blade smiled and he seemed to let the issue slide and the two of them began trotting along. Now Applejack just had to figure out a way to patch things up with Twilight, which was going to be hard, seeing as how she didn't talk to her too much. "By the way, do you know what's up with Twi? She doesn't seem like herself since last night, did something happen between you two?" That one question hit Applejack harder than Eclipse's bashings; she tripped over her own hooves, sending her flying face forward into the dirt. "AJ!?" Before Applejack could say anything, a feeling of dread washed over them both. The earth pony mare shot up back to her hooves. "Bright…ya feel that?" "I do, and I don't like it…" Suddenly a green mist started form on the ground a few feet ahead of them. The mist built up more and more till it was a sickening green cloud mass. The cloud of green mist washed over the dead bodies of the griffons, just as quickly as it covered them. A flock of birds flew overhead, the cloud shot towards them, engulfing the flock. Soon the birds fell out of the sky, ten plopping thuds, hitting the ground before them. "I think we found the cause of the disease…" "That ain't half the story Bright, look behind us!" Bright Blade turned around; the mist cloud was amassing behind them, but not just to their rear. It rose over the rooftops, oozed out of the windows, and seeped out of the dead bodies, surrounding them. "What the hay is this stuff!?" "Reckon ya summon one of those swords before we get overwhelmed," suggested Applejack. "Yeah, gotcha! Behold you blackhearts, the power of my –!" Just as soon as Bright Blade started the chant the green cloud swelled up, spiraled, and shot towards them. It was a tornado of death heading straight for them. Applejack jumped in front of Bright and stamped the ground hard, the earth beneath them rose, transforming into a dome of solid rock around them. The green mist swirled together into four tornados, each one assaulting the dome with vicious strikes. Inside Applejack was sweating, although earth dome was solid, it was being held together by her energy, which for some reason, was lacking. Look at you, defending the love of the one you have wronged… Shut up, this ain't the time to be hearin' yer nonsense! He's so oblivious, trusting you, believing in you, and yet all you do is lie to his face, do you even deserve to be called honest…? Liar, Liar, LIAR!!! Applejack felt something snap within her, the Armor of Honesty lost its glow, and then suddenly, it retracted. Bright Blade stared at Applejack, her body left bare. The earth pony mare stood there stunned, this had never happened before. "Applejack, tell me I didn't just see, what I thought I saw!?" "Meh…meh armor, it's gone!" "Well recall it before the dome –!" Too late, the dome of rock started to crack, fissures appeared in every direction, its crumbling only being aided by the turbulent pounding of the virus ridden wind outside. With one strike from the three tornados, the dome shattered around them. Bright and Applejack looked up, as the green clouds coiled, like looming snakes ready to strike at their prey. The clouds reared back, and dove right for them; Bright Blade stepped forward, calling upon his magic. "Omni Shield of the Just!!!" Bright Blade's shield spell immediately appeared before them, it expanded, taking the place of the rock dome from earlier. The virus tornados smashed against the barrier, grinding and spiraling like a drill, trying to pierce through. Applejack watched as Bright struggled to keep the shield from collapsing, whatever these clouds were they were powerful and relentless. "AJ, I think now would be a good time for you to summon your armor and make us an escape route, like RIGHT NOW!" Bright shouted. Applejack kept trying to summon her armor, but it wouldn't appear, almost as if it was refusing to do so. "Ah don't know! It's like it won't listen to meh! What about teleportin' us outta here," said Applejack. "AJ, I'd like to teleport us out of here, but right now I'm too busy trying to stop this thing from turning us into dead, diseased, corpses! I'd figure something out, quick before we're both dead," shouted Bright. Applejack tried to think, what was keeping her from using the armor. She thought hard, trying to recall anything that would have made this happen. It wasn't until one word popped into her head, "Liar…" It all made sense, her Element was Honesty; her armor was connected to this one trait that she held in high regard, and right now, she was lying about something serious. This situation reminded her of the Discord incident all over again, that the truth would break apart the friendship Applejack had with her friends, but right now, it threatened to cause a rift between Twilight, Bright and herself. Unfortunately, this wasn't the time to worry about the consequences, especially when their lives hanged in the balance. There was only one choice open to her… "Bright Blade, there's somethin' Ah need to tell ya!" Applejack shouted. "It can wait AJ! Concentrate on your armor!" "This is about my armor, but it's also about Twilight and meh too!" Bright Blade turned his head to look at the earth pony mare, her face was darkened, which only made him worry even more about what Applejack had to say. "Last night, when Twilight came to check on meh, Ah…Ah…" Applejack felt a lump form in her throat; she swallowed hard and braced herself for the worst. "Ah kissed Twilight!" The shield wavered for a few seconds, which matched with the shocked expression Bright Blade had, but then suddenly it grew brighter, now bolstered by an anger building behind his emerald green eyes. "YOU WHAT!? Why would do that, why would Twilight," he shouted. "She didn't, Ah forced mahself on her! But then she punched meh, and snapped meh out of it! Bright Blade, ah'm sorry, ah'm really sorry!" Bright Blade looked as if he were at war with himself; Applejack figured he was wrestling with the idea of wanting to throttle her, and keeping the both of them alive. "Why, Applejack, why would you do that to her, to the both of us!?" "Ah…Ah wasn't thinkin', ah was so paranoid that Dash was probably cheatin' on meh that Ah lashed out! Ah never meant to do that, and Ah hate mahself for doing that…Ah never meant to hurt either of ya…you and Twi are mah best friends…and the last thing Ah ever wanted to do is hurt you two!" Suddenly Applejack's orange apple crystal began to shine, enveloping her body in its radiant light. The three green tornado clouds stopped their assault, drawing back as if scared of what was happening to Applejack. Bright Blade cancelled his shield spell and watched as AJ rose into the air, lifted by the power of her Element. When Applejack was at least seven feet into the air her body shined with the power of her Element. A giant flash of light blanketed the area, making Bright Blade shield his eyes with his wing. The light started to dissipate, with Applejack floating gently back down to the ground, fully armored again. Once she touched down, AJ swayed, making Bright rush quickly to her side, propping her up. Applejack opened her eyes and gasped at what she saw ahead of them, prompting Bright to do the same. There, off in the distance, was the green mist, but it was different. It took the shape of a pegasus pony, with large intimidating wings, and glowing orbs of yellow light where its head was. A feeling of dread washed over the two knights, was this a new Envoy, or had Polemos returned in a new form? Before either of them could find out the answer to that, the green mist rose up and evaporated, with no trace left to be seen. Both Applejack and Bright let out a sigh of relief. "Applejack…about what you said…" AJ flinched yet again, but turned to face the alicorn stallion. "Bright, Ah'll understand if you never want to speak to meh again, just…" "It's…I guess…I need to talk to Twilight before I say or do anything else. C'mon, I'll teleport us back to the Safe Zone." Applejack just nodded, Bright's horn glowed with golden mana, enveloping them in a bubble. In a flash of sparkling light, they were gone. ***Back at Canterlot*** Who in the hay directed this movie…!? This phrase kept repeating in Clay's mind throughout the entire film. It was a decent movie for the most part; the actors looked just like his Ma and Mom, and all his Aunts and Uncles, which was probably due to the use of an illusion spell. So far, for being a true story, it was less then truthful. For one thing the actors, although they did match their characters, were a little too good at their roles. Twilight acted like a quiet bookworm, Pinkie Pie was sporadic, Rarity was even more of a diva, if that were even possible, and Fluttershy was cowering half the time, Bright Blade's actor…overly dramatic. When it came to the scenes with his Mom and Ma, those were hard to watch. Though they got their personalities down, the actors didn't seem too concerned with displaying the passion between them. Clay had to turn away several times when the movie showed his adoptive parents making out. Firefly on the other hoof, Firefly was watching the movie with such intensity that she shushed Clay a couple of times. Just as well, his reddening face was the last thing he wanted her to see. Clay leaned over towards Firefly, "You sure this is accurate?" "Shh! They're about to take down the bad guy!" At least the special effects are decent, thought Clay as he turned his attention to the movie. After about another forty minutes, the movie ended. All the ponies, including Firefly, were all abuzz from the movie. Some were talking about their favorite couples in the show; others were fixated on the mind blowing special effects. For Firefly, it was a bit of both; it was weird to see her smiling and crying a bit as they exited theatre. "Firefly, what's up," asked Clay concerned. "What – Oh it's nothing, it's just, when they all thought Bright Blade had disappeared, and then he came back as a real pony…" Firefly began to sniffle a bit, "So what did you think, did you like!?" Almost every bit of that film was inaccurate, the actors were too involved with their roles, the special effects were awesome, but nothing was like what Mom, Ma, or even what Aunt Twilight and Uncle Bright told me! Speaking of which, watching actors playing my parents, kissing and running their hooves over each other, while my fillyfriend is sitting right next to me, was the most embarrassing thing I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing! "It was great," said Clay with a big smile. "Awesome –" suddenly a grumbling noise interrupted Firefly. She quickly placed a hoof to her belly and blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry, guess I'm a little hungry." "Well then, let's do lunch." Clay and Firefly had headed to a little restaurant, nothing too fancy, but still a respectable establishment. They decided to take a late lunch, considering that the movie ran two plus hours long. They had both ordered a daffodil and daisy sandwich, with extra crispy hay fries. While their order was being made, Clay and Firefly decided to take this opportunity to get to know each other a little better. "When I went home, Germane said that somepony, a Wonderbolts recruiter, came over, I'm guessing that was you, right?" "Yeah it was." "So, does that mean you are a recruiter, or did you just say that to get past Germane," asked Firefly, a rather coy smile gracing her lips. "W-well, not exactly no…you want the truth?" Firefly nodded, still holding her smile. "Yes, I just said that so I could see you…sorry if I got your hopes up…" "Clay, it's alright. Actually it's really sweet, I've never met a colt who would do something like that just to see me, then again, not many colts have risked their lives to save mine," said Firefly. "So that's what you want to do when you get older, join the Wonderbolts?" Firefly sighed; she used her hoof to play with the straw of drink, moving around in little stirring motions. "I'd like to, I want to, but my father probably – no – definitely won't let me." Clay was confused by this information. "I don't understand, you're good flyer, really good, with some training you could join the Wonderbolts no problem!" "Because he's too afraid that I'll end up like my mother, he's afraid I'll get hurt and die!" Firefly slammed her right hoof on the table, shaking the drinks, and causing a few ponies to look in their direction. "I guess he was right…if it wasn't for you, I'd be lying dead in the hedge maze…" "It was just the one time; at least you know what not to do right?" Clay asked, trying to help Firefly see the glass as half full. "Yeah I guess…Well, enough about me, what about you?" Clay spluttered a bit, having taken a sip of his shake. "Me, well uh, what do you want to know?" "Well, anything, what are your parents like?" Clay cleared his throat, preparing himself to give as vague a description as pony possible. "I'm actually adopted. My mom is a pegasus and my, other mom, is an earth pony…" Clay prepared himself for the gasp, and look of disapproval or disgust that he was sure to follow after revealing such information. Surprisingly, he did see any of that when he looked at Firefly. "What's wrong," she asked. "Nothing…it's just…you're okay with me being raised by two moms and only one an earth pony?" "Not at all, my father's an earth pony, and my Mom taught me that if you love somepony, then that's all that matters, whether they're two fillies, two colts, a colt and a filly, or even a dragon and a pony. Why do you look so surprised?" Clay just stared wide eyed at the pink pegasus, he expected Firefly to be similar to Sky Tearer, but in reality, she was the complete opposite! "Oh, sorry, it's just I wasn't expecting you to be so accepting, thanks," said Clay. Firefly smiled warmly at that remark. "No problem, so what do you do when you're not here in Canterlot?" "I work on a farm, with my Ma, spend time with my friends and cousins, and fly whenever my Mom's home." "Well, that explains why you're little more muscular than your average pegasus. So is your Mom not around as much," asked Firefly. "Her job keeps her busy, but I'm hoping she'll be around a lot more –" "THE END IS HERE MY FELLOW EQUINES!!!" Clay and Firefly, along with a few of the patrons, stared in the direction of a unicorn stallion staggering about. His eyes were wide and shifting constantly, his mane was unkempt, but wore clothes that would indicate that he was one of Canterlot's nobles, but his behavior would say otherwise. "They're coming, THEY'RE COMING! We'll all be killed, slaughtered by the droves, and the Princesses are hiding the truth, them, and their Knights of Harmony!" The stallion spat on the ground, as if mentioning the Princesses or the Knights left a bad taste in his mouth. "What's his problem," asked Clay. "They've been popping up a lot recently. Ponies who are saying that the 'End of the World' is starting, and that the Princesses are hiding the truth from us, some nonsense like that. But…they're usually street ponies, not like him," said Firefly, pondering this event. The wild eyed stallion made his way towards the restaurant, making it a point to get in almost everypony's faces as he shouted his message. "There's sickness spreading, killing without reason, all are just the beginning! We must do something; we must appease the powers that cause this!" One of the waiters had had enough of the unicorn's ramblings and decided to do something about it. "Sir, you are disturbing our customers. I must ask you to leave immediately or I'll be forced to call the Royal Guard," said the waiter. At the mention of the Royal Guard, the wild eyed stallion stared at the waiter, causing the server pony to shudder under his gaze. "You're working for them aren't you!? You're working to silence the truth! I won't let you!" Without warning, the unicorn stallion conjured his magic, focusing it, and unleashing it upon the waiter, sending him flying against the wall. An audible crack could be heard among the hushed silence that hung in the air, but the crack did not come from the wall where the waiter landed, it came from the snapping of his neck. The waiter's body lied there on the ground, motionless, eyes wide open in shock. Clay and Firefly's minds took a moment to register what had just happened, they had just watched the waiter who had served them get killed in cold blood. "The sins of those with power, with nobility, and who live in ignorance, THEY MUST SEE!!!" The stallion used the same spell once again, this time aiming at a mare patron that was still staring and stunned. He grabbed her with his telekinesis, and slammed her face into the table, breaking it in half. The mare screamed in agony as others came to help her, but the insane stallion was not done. A few passerby earth ponies saw the commotion and galloped toward him in an effort to bum rush the unicorn. Unfortunately for the earth ponies, the insane stallion was aware of what was coming. He sidestepped one of them and turned around to face the second. Using the momentum of the rushing earth pony, the unicorn stallion thrust out his horn, piercing the Samaritan pony in the chest and killing him instantly. "He just…he killed them…" said Firefly stunned. "We need to go, right now!" Clay shouted. Clay and Firefly moved back and flared their wings, just as they took off the insane unicorn saw them out of the corner of his eye. Using his telekinesis yet again, he gripped Firefly's tail, dragging her back down to terra firma, knocking the wind out of her lungs as she landed hard on the ground. The winged earth pony turned around and saw what happened to Firefly, he quickly descended to the ground and stared angrily at the psycho unicorn. "Let her go!!!" "The death of innocence, the death of all, suffer the children!" The unicorn brought Firefly close, floating helplessly in front of him. Firefly could feel the killer focusing his magical energy on a point of her body, near her chest. The pink pegasus filly's eyes looked to Clay, pleading for him to help her. But Clay knew too well that the unicorn would kill her before he could even get close to save Firefly. "UNTO THE BRINGERS OF THE END I GIVE TO YOU –!!!" The psycho unicorn didn't get to finish his sentence as a beam of blue light smashed against him, sending him flying through the window of the restaurant. Firefly was released from the telekinetic hold, prompting Clay to rush to her side. The earth pony colt looked around for the source of the attack, thinking that a Royal Guard or Knight Corp. Paladin had come to render aid. When Clay heard the approaching hoofsteps he immediately turned to their origin, and was shocked to see who they belonged to. Trotting towards them was a unicorn filly, with a blonde mane and tail, gray coat, and a cutie mark with two crossed swords. A look of intense, focused fury radiated from her eyes. Her horn glowed pink as she held a sword in her telekinetic grip. In the center of the blade were three crystals, the top one was blue, the second violet, and the third green. The filly carefully approached Clay and Firefly, not taking her eyes off the direction the psycho unicorn flew. Her concentration was broken however upon reaching the couple, the filly stared slack jawed. "Clay!?" "Dinky!?" "RETRIBUTION!!!!!" Clay, Firefly, and Dinky watched as the unicorn jumped through the window and galloped for them. Dinky floated the sword into her mouth, biting down on the leather hilt and dashed for her opponent. The psycho unicorn tried to use the spell from earlier, but as soon as he did, the violet crystal on the Dinky's sword glowed, neutralizing the telekinetic spell. The gray filly then jumped into the air, spun around, and smacked the other unicorn with the flat of her sword. What happened next astonished Firefly. Clay took off behind Dinky, cocking back his right hoof. When Dinky hit the unicorn stallion, she quickly ducked away and let Clay finish him off. The winged earth pony thrust out his right hoof and delivered a powerful punch to the psycho stallion's face, courtesy of his years working at Sweet Apple Acres. The one-two of Dinky and Clay was enough to send the stallion to the ground, knocked out and groaning in pain. Clay and Dinky looked at their work, panting from the endeavor. They looked at each other, smiled, and hoof bumped. "Clay…" came Firefly's voice, "Who is this filly?" And now, much to Clay's dismay, came the awkward situation of explaining to his new fillyfriend who Dinky was, as well as trying to make sure that Dinky doesn't blow his identity, and answering this best friend's questions about why he had wings in the first place. Well, it wasn't as bad as Clay initially had thought. Firefly was actually cool around Dinky, although she'd never admit that she was jealous for a few seconds before Clay told her who Dinky was. Dinky on the other hoof agreed to not to reveal Clay's earth pony identity, but she promised the two of them were going to have some serious words later. It was starting to get late and with all the excitement the two of them had went through, Clay thought it was best to fly her back home. The two of them touched down a block away from Firefly's house; the pink pegasus turned to Clay and smiled at the winged colt. "Clay, I know I thanked you and Dinky a lot since we left, but, thank you," said Firefly. Clay blushed at the praise. "This makes it the second time you saved my life." "I didn't, Dinky did. There was nothing I could do; he would've killed you before I even flapped my wings…" Firefly brought her hoof to Clay's cheek, making him stare her directly in the eyes. She then leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. It wasn't anything big, a butterfly kiss, but for Clay, it was something great, wonderful. The pegasus filly drew away, her face blushing fiercely. "Firefly…" "We're still on for the Wonderbolts show tomorrow…aren't we?" "Y-yeah, yeah we are!" Firefly nuzzled Clay's neck, "Good, I'll see you there." Firefly opened her wings to fly the rest of the way towards her house. Clay did a hoof pump and shot up into the air, letting out cries of victory and joy that the filly he had a crush on returned his feelings, and she even kissed him! "WHOO-HOO!" Clay continued to soar over Canterlot, happy as can be, with the setting sun in the distance. This was going better than he could've hoped; nothing could go wrong, no, not with how good he was feeling. Soon he approached the area over his Aunt and Uncle's house, Clay aimed himself downwards and slowly descended to the ground, where a gray unicorn filly awaited him, her hoof tapping on the cobblestone road. Clay winced at the look Dinky was giving him; he knew there would be Tartarus to pay. "Dinky I know what you're going to say…" "Do you? Do you really?" "Look if it's any constellation, my wings will be gone the day after tomorrow, I plan to tell Firefly before they disappear," said Clay. Dinky sighed, "Clay, there are a lot of ways to go about asking a filly out. And what will your mothers say when they find out you have wings!? Ugh, tell me, who's the idiotic unicorn that agreed to cast the spell on you, and please tell me you didn't pay somepony to do it!" Clay would've been a little offended by that last statement, if it wasn't for the fact she demanded the name of the one who gave him the wings. "It wasn't a unicorn, it was an alicorn," he said with a smirk. "Well good, now tell me the name of the idiotic, moronic – wait – what did you say!?" "An alicorn gave me my wings." Clay could tell that Dinky was running through the number of possibilities of which alicorn could've given him the false wings. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were out, and Princess Cadance was with Prince Shining Armor out of Canterlot for the past week. That's when Clay saw it, her irises shrunk, Dinky's left eye twitched along with her ear. "S-Sir Bright Blade…?" "Eeyup," answered Clay, mimicking his Uncle Big Macintosh. "And…And I just called him a moron…" "And an idiot, don't forget that." "I can't believe I just said that," said Dinky facehoofing herself. "Said what," said a voice from behind Dinky. Clay and Dinky looked up the stoop and saw Bright Blade standing in the doorway, upon which he quickly closed now seeing that Clay was the one there. Dinky jumped and stood next to Clay, looking very apologetic, although the Knight of Hope had no idea why. "So Dinky, I see you found out about Clay's wings," said Bright. "Yes sir!" "It's okay Uncle, I explained what's going on, Dinky agreed to keep it secret." At that moment, some, of the tension that Clay's Uncle seemed to be holding lifted away. "Good, and here, put this on." Bright Blade levitated the Wonderbolts hoody to Clay, catching it with his left hoof. "I was getting a little worried that you'd show up without this. Anyway see ya later you two." Clay and Dinky watched as Bright Blade trotted passed them, "Uncle Bright, where are you going?" "I need to have a talk with your Mom." Clay was a little worried with how he said that, Bright didn't even turn to look at him when he spoke. The earth pony and unicorn both watched as Bright Blade spread his wings and took off into the sky. "What do you think happened," asked Dinky concerned. "I don't know…" ***Later that night*** Rainbow Dash was busy practicing her routine for tomorrow's airshow. She was using the obstacle course to work on her precision and timing, Rainbow felt like she was lagging and that wouldn't do. She zoomed through the rings in rapid fire succession, zigzagged around some cloud pillars, and dodged multiple heavy clouds rolled up into balls and launched at passing by racers. After going through the course about five times now, Rainbow Dash rested on large cloud, gazing out towards the course. Moving fast often helped her when she needed to think, focusing her thoughts through physical exertion. Now it was the opposite, she wanted to drown out all the things that echoed in her mind, as long as she kept moving, as long as Rainbow Dash flew faster, let her body take over, she wouldn't have time to hear her voiced fears. But when the fears weren't echoing in her mind, the voice of her marefriend prevailed over them, her words still bouncing around in her mind. "Damn it Applejack…why would you say something like that?" "Good question, better question is are you going to talk to her about it?" Rainbow Dash whirled around and watched as Bright Blade flew down and gently landed on the cloud. "B, what're you doing here," asked Rainbow. "I came to talk to you Rainbow, and before you ask, no, Applejack didn't ask me to. I'm here as a concerned friend." Rainbow Dash turned away from Bright, "Are you going to ask me to forgive her, well I won't! I can't say I'm sorry for something I haven't even done!" "Rainbow Dash, I know you wouldn't do that to Applejack. You love her too much, just like I love Twilight, if you two would just talk this out…" Rainbow just snorted in frustration, "Forget it…" she opened her wings and took off. Only to stop part way, jerking her back. The pegasus mare looked behind her to find that her tail was caught in Bright's telekinetic aura. "We're not done talking Rainbow." "Jeez, does everypony have to keep stopping me by grabbing my tail," she groaned in annoyance. "Do you even know how messed up this has made Applejack, do you!?" "No, it's her own fault!" Rainbow Dash flapped her wings faster, trying to escape the telekinetic hold of Bright Blade's aura, even considering calling on her armor to zoom up into the stratosphere. "She kissed Twilight!" Rainbow Dash stopped flapping wings, she plop onto the cloud and slowly turned towards the alicorn stallion. "What did you say!?" "It happened the same day as your fight. Apparently, from what Twi told me, she's regretting it, everything." Rainbow looked away dejectedly. "I only know this because when we were out on that mission the Princess had us on, her armor broke off, all due to her not telling the truth about what she did, or how she felt. If that doesn't give you any indication, then I don't know what will," said Bright. "So what, do you want to make out with me to get back at Twi and AJ…?" "LIKE HAY I WOULD!!!" "What, I'm not good enough or something?" Bright was starting to turn just a tad shade of red as his breathing became heavy, eyes narrowing. "Now you listen Rainbow –!" *THWACK!* Rainbow Dash blinked and in the next moment Bright Blade was gone, the aura holding her tail had vanished. When next she blinked, there was a yellow pegasus mare standing with a fierce look in her eyes. She then turned to the rainbow maned mare and placed her hooves on her shoulders. "Rainbow Dash, are you alright!" "Spitfire?" "Oh thank Celestia, I thought that stallion did something to you, he didn't did he," she asked with a low tone in her voice. "I – what – no he didn't! Spitfire, that was Bright Blade, you know, my friend!" Spitfire did a double take her gaze shifting from Rainbow, and off into another direction. "Oh geez, I bucked up," said Spitfire. Rainbow turned in the direction that Spitfire was looking. Flying towards them was Bright Blade, looking a little peeved off and rubbing his jaw with his left hoof. Bright made it back to where he once was and groaned from the throbbing in his jaw. "Next time, Captain, look before you kick," he suggested. "Sorry, I just saw you and Dash arguing and I just assumed that you were some crazy fan colt who broke in." Bright cocked an eyebrow at that. "And this happens often?" "Once or twice, a month…" "B, I think you should leave, please," said Rainbow Dash. Bright wanted to continue this conversation, but not with Spitfire present, plus he wanted to get some ice on his jaw. With a heavy sigh he turned his back to the pegasus mares and prepared to take off. "Rainbow, promise me you'll at least talk to her, after the show tomorrow or during, just talk." Saying his peace, Bright Blade flew into the night sky, leaving both leaders of the Wonderbolts team alone. Spitfire wanted to inquire further about what was going on, but one look at Rainbow Dash told her otherwise, so the two of them went to the Lodge, in order to rest up before the big day. "They are all gone, mine family and friends, taken by a disease that ran rampant through our homes! Neighbor had turned against neighbor, paranoia feeding their sickness! There was a being set before me, I knew not what it was, but somehow it seemed amused by these events! I asked of it, 'What has befallen my home and kin!?' The being turned to me, spreading its large and terrifying wings and spoke one word… 'Pestilence…'" - Arala 19:13 > Second Sign: Part 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot Days: Paranoia's Peak It was the day of the Wonderbolts airshow and the entire city was abuzz with excitement. Ponies young and old gathered at the cliff side stadium. It was improved upon in the past ten years; the stands were expanded outward to allow more ponies to watch from different angles, and to accommodate more patrons, and of course, reinforced to prevent any structural instability due to the performances. Security was high, due to the incident with a crazed Canterlot pony. Royal Guard stallions, along with Knight Corp. Paladins were strategically placed at the entrances, exits, and near the performer's dressing rooms. Clay had run ahead of both Twilight, Applejack, and Bright Blade to meet Firefly, which meant it was Bright's job to make sure that neither his marefriend or either of Clay's mothers found out about the wings spell he cast on the earth pony colt. Luckily for him, he was accompanied by a certain protégé of his, or at least, one he come to consider as his own. "Dinky, you know you don't have to be in uniform. You can just enjoy the show like any other pony," said Bright. Dinky looked up at the alicorn stallion, her armor clanking a bit as she trotted alongside him, with her sword strapped to her back. She looked up at Bright and grinned. "I know, but I want to help. Besides, it's going to be a little nerve racking to have to watch out for Clay and his date," said Dinky. "Tell me about it, the only good thing about this is that he's wearing that hoody I got him, so we should be able to avoid any mishaps." It was at this point that both master and student let out a simultaneous sigh. "By the way, Clay told me what happened at the restaurant during his date." Dinky stopped trotting, looking a little worried. "H-he did?" "Yes, he told me how you protected the civilians, and took down the crazed unicorn. I have to say, I'm proud of you," he said smiling down at Dinky. The gray unicorn filly was thrilled to hear those words of praise, especially since he didn't seem to mind what she did with that –! "Now about that sword?" And that's when Dinky felt the worry creep back in again. Knowing that her master would ask her anyway, she telekinetically unsheathed the sword and showed it to him. Bright Blade's eyes scanned the sword, critically eyeing the weapon. It wasn't much different from a standard issued Paladins sword; the weight was even, except for the blade. The metal, he could sense, had layers of enchantments placed upon it, not only that, but there were three gem stones embedded into the flat of the sword, they seemed to radiate with latent magical energy. Dinky noticed Bright Blade staring at the gem stones and decided to explain. "As you've noticed I used a bit of magic on the blade, I got Sunshine to help me look up the spells I wanted, after that I placed a Reflexive enchantment spell on it…" "To ward off magical based or physical based attacks?" "Huh – OH – Both sir!" "Interesting," Bright Blade's horn glowed and Dinky immediately released it into his grasp. The alicorn stallion gave it a few practice swings before looking back at Dinky. "You enhanced the durability of the blade to better protect it against wear and tear, you've also appeared to have added a self-sharpening spell to this too, correct?" "Yes, to make sure it doesn't dull from repeated use. The gem stones are actually Spell Rocks, they make it so if I want to cast a spell or draw energy for a certain spell, and I can draw it from the stones instead of my own reserves, sir…" Bright Blade stuck the sword into the ground, blade first, and stared down at the unicorn filly. His gaze was even, it was a look that Dinky knew all too well, it was the same look Bright Blade had on his face when he was instructing the other cadets, right before he either criticized their movements or scolded them for doing something reckless and stupid. Dinky held her head up high, ready to receive whatever verbal accosting her master was ready to give. "So basically, Dinky, you modified a dangerous weapon without my permission, carried it around in a civilian local without a permit, and used spells that could've backfired and hurt you severely without Dame Twilight or myself around." "In my defense sir, I was coming over to your home to talk to you about it…but…I know that doesn't excuse me going behind your back," said Dinky sadly. "Well then there's only one thing left to say." Bright Blade trotted towards the unicorn filly, he raised his right hoof, Dinky shut her eyes and winced, preparing for the Knight of Hope to discipline her. What she felt, however, was her mentor's hoof resting on the pauldron of her armor. Dinky opened her eyes and saw Bright Blade wearing a gentle smile. "For a young cadet, you've done an excellent modification work on your sword, and I'm proud of you." Dinky's eyes widened at those words. "Sir Bright Blade…?" "You've come a long way since you joined the Knight Corp. Dinky. And I know the other cadets weren't as welcoming of you as I was, but after recent events, you've proved that you're every bit as strong a warrior as the Paladin's. And…if you want…I'd like to take you under my wing, so to speak." In addition to Dinky's saucer wide eyes, her jaw drop to the ground, she just couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You mean…you want me…to be your apprentice!?" Bright Blade nodded. In a blur of gray and yellow, Dinky tackled the Knight of Hope, sending the both of them tumbling to the ground. Dinky had latched herself onto Bright Blade's neck, hugging him tight to the point where Bright thought she might strangle him, and strangely, he felt warm tears around his neck. "Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Sir Bright Blade I don't know what to say, just – thank you! I promise, I'll work even harder, I'll make you proud of me!" "You've already made me proud of you Dinky; this was something a long time coming for you. Now, when you're ready, could you let me back up, we're drawing a crowd and my marefriend is giving you the evil eye," he warned as he chuckled. Dinky's head shot up, indeed there were some ponies staring at the odd display of the young filly atop the alicorn stallion. She then turned her head and saw that Bright Blade's marefriend, Dame Twilight, was standing just a couple of inches away. What he neglected to mention was that her mother was also next to his marefriend, along with the Knight of Honesty, Dame Applejack. "MOMMY!?" "Hi honey," said Derpy. Dinky, at practically the speed of lightning, jumped off Bright Blade and stood next to her custom sword, trying not to look as embarrassed as she felt, which she was failing to do. "W-w-what are you doing here, I thought you had to go on a delivery to Las Pegasus," asked Dinky. "Well I was, but for some reason, they canceled the delivery, so I decided to fly here instead, wouldn't have found you if weren't for Twilight and Applejack, they told me you'd be here at the Wonderbolts show," said Derpy. "Thank you Dame Twilight, Dame Applejack." "No problem sugarcube," said Applejack. "Just try not to tackle my coltfriend to the ground again and we'll call it even," said Twilight with a smirk. Dinky's reddening cheeks were starting to show through her gray fur. Before she embarrassed herself further, Dinky levitated her sword back into its sheath and trotted up to her mother, giving her a big hug, and Derpy nuzzling her daughter lovingly. "You've gotten so big; I still can't believe you got your cutie mark already! I wish I was there to see that." "Y-yeah, ahem, hey let's go and get some seats!" Derpy nodded her head and was escorted to the stadium by her daughter, the two of them walking side-by-side, giggling and laughing together. Bright Blade had gotten back up on his hooves and smiled once again at the sight of the mother and daughter. Twilight had appeared next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. "Was she happy with the news," she asked. "Definitely, I still need to confirm some things, but I think I made the right decision," said Bright Blade. "A regular heartbreaker ain't ya Bright," said Applejack as she trotted beside Twilight. Bright Blade smirked, "Oh not just me, I'm sure Sunshine will be even more surprised when Twilight gives her the good news, she'll explode with thanks." Twilight shuddered at that word "explode," the lavender pony then turned her attention to her friend, with a worried expression. "Are you sure you're ready for this Applejack?" "Yes Twi, Ah need to talk to her, confront her about what Ah did, it's just one of those time when ya just gotta swallow yer pride." Applejack, along with Twilight and Bright Blade trotted into the stadium, were everything would culminate. Clay was waiting at the entrance of the stadium, wearing his Wonderbolt hoody. He was on pins and needles, with butterflies fluttering around his stomach. Today was the second day of the spell and his wings would disappear tomorrow, it was either going to be today or not at all. Clay was pacing as he waited, contemplating his inevitable confession. This…this is easy – yeah! I got nothing to worry about! Firefly's a level headed filly, she'll understand! Clay puffed out his chest, standing tall and strong, fueled by his unwavering resolve to tell his fillyfriend the truth. "Hi Clay!" And with that, Clay's resolve dropped from one hundred percent to about ten percent. "Firefly," he called out as Clay waved to her. The pink pegasus filly landed in front of Clay, she then trotted closer to him and nuzzled the young colt on the neck, causing him blush. After quickly assessing the number of ponies actually paying attention, which were none, Clay lowered his chin to nuzzle Firefly on her head. When they parted there was a bit of an awkward silence, this being the first time they openly displayed their affection. "Ahem, nice hoody Clay, are they selling them inside," asked Firefly, breaking the silence. "Actually no, my uncle bought me this as a gift," said Clay. "Cool, but isn't it cramping your wings, there're no holes for them to poke out of." Oh pony feathers! "Well, uh, you see when he showed it to me we both noticed that there weren't any holes for wings; the guy must've given him an earth pony version by accident. I didn't want him to go and find another one so I just decided to wear this one, and don't worry about my wings, its roomy enough for them," explained Clay. "Oh alright, let's go and get tickets before they sell out!" Firefly was about to dash for the booth when Clay cut her off. "Actually I have some reserved seats for us…actually…" Firefly skidded to a stop and stared back at her coltfriend in surprise. "Clay you seriously got reserved seats!? They must've cost you a lot!" It was then that a thought entered Firefly's mind. "I hope they weren't meant for somepony else you were supposed to bring, were you supposed to come here with your family?" Clay chuckled nervously, "You could say that, you could also say that my family is in the show…" At this point Firefly was starting to get confused, but the look on her face was telling Clay that she was starting to make the connection. "Clay…your mother…she's a Wonderbolt!?" "She's one of the Wonderbolts…she's the Co-Captain." "N-n-no way, you gotta be kidding me! There's no way –!" "Heya Clay!" Firefly and Clay turned around and watched as Dinky and her mother, along with his Aunt, Uncle, and Ma, trotted towards them. Clay looked back to Firefly, her mouth noticeably agape. "Firefly?" "That's…That's Dame Applejack, the Knight of Honesty. And that's Dame Twilight Sparkle and Sir Bright Blade, the Knights of Magic and Hope!" Clay could tell Firefly was star struck, which was only getting worse when his Ma came up beside him. "Clay, there ya are! Bright said you went to the stadium early." Applejack used her hoof to ruffle his mane, he chuckle as she did. It took a few seconds before she noticed the filly staring at them. "Uh, Clay, sweetie, who's this filly starin' at us?" "Yeah…ahem, Ma, this is my uh…fillyfriend…" Clay watched as both his Ma and Aunt's eyes went wide upon hearing that. Bright Blade and Dinky however just waited for the initial shock to wear off, while Derpy was just smiling and giving her congrats. "Well…uh…this is a surprise," said Applejack. "I planned on telling you, so, Ma, this is Firefly," said Clay. Firefly shook her head to snap herself out of her stupor, stood tall and proper. "H-hi, it's a great honor to meet you all! My name is Firefly!" Applejack looked the pink pegasus filly over, after a few seconds the orange earth pony mare smiled at her son and patted his head once again. "Well Ah'll be, meh little Clay's got himself a fillyfriend, and a cute one at that," she said with a smirk. "Ma!" "Well I hope your fillyfriend will be joining us for the show," asked Twilight. "Of course I will!" Firefly responded. "Good, oh Clay Ah'm goin' to…talk with yer Mom, if ya want, y'all can come by and pay her a visit before she goes on." Clay nodded in response, with that settled, Applejack trotted away towards the dressing rooms of the stadium. Leaving behind a relieved Clay and an even more surprised Firefly, who then turned to her coltfriend. "Your other mother…she's Rainbow Dash isn't she?" "Eeyup," said Clay. Having that bit of information confirmed, Firefly chuckled and collapsed onto the floor, staring straight up at the ceiling and having the others crowd around her asking if she were okay. "My-my coltfriend is the son of Rainbow Dash and Applejack…related to the Knights of Harmony…" "Is she going to be alright," asked Derpy. "I'll go and get her some water," said Bright trotting off to the concession stand. Oh boy…well, at least this was easy enough to deal with. Now all that's left is to tell her the real news…hopefully this will lessen the blow… ***Dressing Rooms, 30 Minutes till Showtime*** Rainbow Dash was busy preparing for the show. She was slipping into her Wonderbolts flight suit, making sure that the Element of Loyalty wasn't showing a noticeable bulge on her suit. Once Rainbow Dash had placed the goggles over her head she inspected herself in the mirror, striking many a heroic and flashy pose, psyching herself up for the performance to come. Although, as much as Rainbow tried to think of the show, there was still the nagging voice in the back of her head. After this show…I'll be able to stay with them longer…I can make up for everything as long I try harder…Yeah, it's a new day and everything's going to be alright! You're only lying to yourself… Shut up, I've already made up my mind! I'm going to say I'm sorry – even though I haven't done anything wrong – and then in a few days I'll tell Applejack what I found out! After that… Do you really think she'll forgive you so easily, she kissed Twilight, Bright Blade said so! Seems to me she's looking for an excuse to end it with you, maybe telling her about what you found out about Clay will be the key the releases her from you! "Not listening, too busy getting ready for the airshow!" Rainbow Dash said out loud, trying to drown out the voice within. Face it; she already thinks the worst of you, might as well get even like she did to you…! Rainbow Dash was about to punch out her dressing room mirror when she heard a knock at the door, making her pause mid strike. "Dash, you okay in there? It's Spitfire, can I come in?" Here she comes to wreck the daaaaay~! "Shut up!" Rainbow hissed. "Yeah, the door's open, c'mon in." Spitfire opened the door, like Dash, she kept the face part of the suit off till it was closer to show time. The yellow pegasus mare had a look of concern upon her face, making Rainbow Dash wonder if her distress was visible upon her face. "Dash, look, I don't know what's going on with you and your personal life, but I'd like to help if can," said Spitfire. "What, nothing's wrong! Everything's fine Spits, you don't need to worry about me." "Dash; from your friend visiting you, to the way you've been pouring yourself into the practices, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you got something going on." Perfect time to make a move… Rainbow Dash shook her head, trying to dislodge the annoying and creepy voice within her mind. With a long sigh Rainbow Dash turned to her Captain and friend. "Alright…if you want to know, grab a seat," said Rainbow. Spitfire did as Rainbow Dash instructed and sat down. From there, Rainbow told Spitfire everything that she felt comfortable with telling her. From the fight she had with her marefriend, to what she was able to find out about her son, and that it was why there was a bit of a strain on their relationship. Of course Rainbow left out the part about Applejack saying she and Spitfire were messing around. "Wow Dash, you know it's not healthy to not talk about all this stuff, you could've come to me or any of your other friends," said Spitfire. "Yeah, I know. To tell ya the truth, I actually feel better having talked to you." "Glad I can be of some help, and don't worry, I'm sure your marefriend will come around. After everything you two have been through, it'd hard not to." Spitfire rose from her seat and gave Rainbow a confident expression. "If anypony can make this work, it's you Dash." Spitfire then held out her right hoof towards Rainbow Dash. The rainbow maned mare quickly got the message and held out her right hoof, the two them grasp the others hoof, a fierce look in their eyes of mutual trust and understanding. What happened next could only be described as a series of weird mishaps. First: Rainbow Dash took a step forward, what she slipped on, she had no idea, but her left hind leg stepped on something and it made the cyan pegasus mare lose balance. Spitfire held onto Rainbow's hoof, but only succeeded in making Rainbow grab hold of Spitfire's hoof tighter, pulling the Wonderbolt Captain towards her. The next thing Rainbow Dash knew, she was lying on her back, with Spitfire lying on top of her. Oh you've got to be kidding me! Spitfire groaned as she rose up, rubbing her head with one hoof as she kept balance with the other. The fiery maned pegasus developed a little smirk on her face, maybe noticing that Rainbow Dash had a bit of flushed expression. "Just so you know Dash, I'm not into mares," said Spitfire. "No – I wasn't thinking that!" "I'm joking Dash." Rainbow gave her Captain and annoyed dirty look, which only made Spitfire chuckle from her reaction. At that moment the door to Rainbow's dressing room opened, the two mares turned to see who it was, and…unfortunately…it was the one mare that Rainbow Dash didn't want to see this embarrassing situation. "A-Applejack…?" The orange earth pony mare said no words, yet. She stared daggers at both the pegasus mares, her body slightly trembling with rage. "What the buck do y'all think yer doin'," asked Applejack, her tone flat and emotionless. Spitfire quickly got up off of Rainbow Dash, allowing her to spring to her hooves fast. Rainbow looked to Spitfire, and then back to Applejack, trying to mentally collect her words in order to quell the rising anger of her marefriend. "Applejack this isn't what it looks like! I tripped on something, Spitfire tried to stop me from falling but I ended up dragging her down with me! I swear to Celestia and Luna, that's all!" Rainbow shouted. Applejack pulled at the rim of her Stetson hat, lowering it just a bit. Her green eyes then fell upon the Wonderbolt Captain, her gaze held fire behind it, making the Captain wince a bit from her accusing stare. "You, outta here, now." "Hold on Applejack, Dash is right this is all –" "What part of get yer flank outta of here didn't ya understand," she interrupted. Spitfire gave Applejack an incredulous look, she turned to Rainbow Dash who motioned for her to go ahead and leave. Reluctantly, Spitfire did so. Applejack held her gaze on Rainbow Dash, not even bothering to look at Spitfire as she passed by the farmpony. Once she was gone, Applejack kicked the door closed. "Ya know…Ah came here to apologize for accusin' ya of cheatin', but…it looks like Ah have nothin' to apologize for!" "Applejack I told you I fell! Spitfire was only trying help me!" "Oh yeah, Ah always help somepony up by lyin' on top of them! You lying piece of – loyalty my flank," she shouted. Rainbow Dash was trying to hold in her anger but there was only so much she could take before she had to take a jab at Applejack. "That's the pot calling the kettle black, you went and kissed Twilight! TWILIGHT! She's our friend, and with Bright! If anything, you're the disloyal one here, not me," said Rainbow Dash. That bit of information seemed to have taken Applejack by surprise. Her mouth opened and closed many times, but no sound came out, and no words to counter the accusation. "That's what I thought! I may not be around as much you or I would like, but damn it if there's one thing I haven't been doing, it's cheating on you!" You can't believe a word she says, loyalty, although with all those cities, she could've been sleeping around without you even knowing… "And how can Ah believe that!? You're always away in different town, for all Ah know you could have a string of mares wonderin' if they'll see ya again," countered Applejack. Rainbow Dash scoffed at that remark. Even when confronted with the truth she doesn't yield, maybe she doesn't care about you, maybe she wants this to happen… "Fine then," Rainbow Dash ruffled her feathers and started to walk towards Applejack, "maybe I'll go find Spitfire, there's plenty of time for me and her to have some fun! Care to watch!?" Applejack growled in anger and swung her right hoof, catching Rainbow Dash in left cheek and sending the pegasus slamming into the wall, sliding down in a heap on the floor. Rainbow Dash picked herself up, she wiped her mouth and found a bit of blood smeared on her suit leg. The cyan pegasus stared in shock at her marefriend, a look that was reflected in Applejack's visage. "Rainbow…Ah…Ah didn't mean to –!" Before Applejack could say another word Rainbow Dash zoomed straight for the earth pony mare and slugged her across the right side of her face. Sending Applejack flying back against the door, landing with a loud thud as her body slid down the door. "Yeah, I didn't mean that either…!" Applejack, after regaining her senses, lunged for her marefriend! The two of them became entangled in a rolling ball of chaos. Hair being pulled, punches being thrown, and many a vulgar word were being slung around as the two mares fought fiercely on the floor of the dressing room. The two of the finally got to their hooves, panting hard, eyes narrowed. Rainbow Dash and Applejack galloped at each other, the two of them reared up and prepared to deliver a powerful punch to one another. "ENOUGH!" Before either mare could even get close to each other, they were frozen in place. AJ was surrounded by a golden aura, while Rainbow was trapped within a purple aura, their eyes traveled to the doorway where they saw both Twilight and Bright Blade, horns aglow, both with disappointed looks upon their faces. "What is the matter with the both you," scolded Twilight, "Do you both know how close you came to having Clay walking in and seeing this!?" At the mention of their son the two mares' rage filled expressions faded, replaced with looks of shame, but their brows were still furrowed. Bright and Twilight moved into the dressing room and moved both their friends to the opposite ends, once that was done; they stood in the middle and released their friends from telekinetic hold. Applejack and Rainbow Dash dusted themselves off, AJ fixed her Stetson hat, and RD readjusted her goggles and suit. "So, how did you two know that…?" "That things were getting bad over here?" Bright Blade finished. "Spitfire came and got us, she was worried that you two might start something, and she was right." "I can't believe you two, fighting, really!? For pony's sake, you two are marefriends, before that, best friends," said Twilight. "Well…maybe we shouldn't be marefriends anymore," said Applejack. Bright and Twilight did a double take at those words; they couldn't have heard that right, they must've misheard Applejack. But one look of her face told them that she was serious. They then turned to Rainbow Dash, who had a blank expression. The rainbow maned mare trotted towards the door and stopped, she then turned her head slightly to back in their direction, her eyes hidden behind her bangs. "Maybe we shouldn't…" Rainbow trotted out of the door, leaving them behind. She didn't want to see any of her teammates, nor did she want to run into her son with the way she was feeling at the moment. As cold as her tone was when she said those words, Rainbow Dash's heart was aching, hurting. The mare she had fallen in love with, and raised a son with, was now breaking off their relationship. The only thing that was going to make this worse was the look on Clay's face we found out. Derpy and Dinky had gone to their seating area to watch the preshow performance. While they were doing that, Clay and Firefly were taking a leisurely stroll through the commons area. Firefly had punched him in the shoulder multiple times since they were alone, scolding him about how Clay hadn't said anything about who his parents were. Thankfully she accepted his reasoning in keeping it a secret, but was still a little ticked. But currently, Clay was wondering why his Aunt and Uncle had to leave in such a hurry when Spitfire came to see them. The look on the Wonderbolts Captain's face made him worry a little, but he was sure it wasn't anything too bad. Right now it was just him and his fillyfriend. Clay was contemplating whether he should tell her now, given the little surprises that Firefly had found out, now might be the best time before the show. The earth pony colt sucked in air and let out a deep sigh, it was now or never, while his confidence was bolstered! "Hey Firefly," said Clay. "Yes?" "There's something else I need to tell you…" "Clay, if the next words out of your mouth are 'I'm actually the son of royalty' I'm seriously going to lose it," chuckled Firefly. I wish, thought Clay. "No, but it is pretty big. Firefly I wasn't really sure if you'd like me, but you've been on my mind since that night months ago. When I heard that I'd be coming up to Canterlot for a few days I was thrilled, I thought this would be my chance to find you again." Firefly looked a little embarrassed, but flattered by Clay's determination to find her. "But when I did find you I was scared that…well…" "Scared that I'd what, bite?" Firefly joked. "No, actually that would've been the least of my worries," said Clay. "Then what?" "I was afraid that you'd be more…" "Well if it isn't old blank flank!" Clay winced when he heard the familiar, yet irritating, voice of a certain pegasus that he'd rather not name but knew there was no getting around it. Clay looked up and saw the dark blue pegasus colt who had making his school life, and life in general, a living Tartarus, Sky Tearer. More like this jackass… "Had a feeling I'd see your pathetic self here," said Sky Tearer. "Clay, who in the hay is this jerk," asked Firefly. "Who's this blank flank, your fillyfriend?" "As a matter of fact I am! C'mon Clay, let's head to the stands," said Firefly. Firefly started trotting around Sky Tearer, with Clay doing the same, until Sky jumped up into the air and landed in front of them again, blocking their path. "Why are you hanging around with this earth pony blank flank, you lower your standards or something?" Firefly gave Sky Tearer a dejected look, while Clay was starting to get panicked. "Earth pony? Uh, guess again, it's the hoody lame brain! The wings are underneath it!" "Firefly it's okay, let's just –!" "This guy, a pegasus!? Alright blank flank, let's see those wings!" Sky Tearer lunged at Clay, catching the both of them off guard. The two colts rolled around on the floor, causing many of the other ponies to either get out of their way or get mowed over. Sky Tearer had finally gotten his teeth around a good portion of the hoody and began to pull upwards, Clay fought against him the best he could, but with his wings trapped by the hoody, it wasn't going well. "C'mon blank flank, show me these 'wings' of yours!" "Get off of me!" Sky Tearer flared his wings and began flapping, giving himself more momentum and strength. With one good pull of his teeth, Sky Tearer ripped off the Wonderbolt hoody, exposing Clay's faux wings. It wasn't really noticeable before, but when the light hit them the wings gave off a kind of luminance. "Well I'll be, you actually went and got yourself some wings! Fake ones at that! Wow, I called you freak before, but now your just plain crazy you wannabe pegasus," laughed Sky mockingly. Clay wanted to deck Sky Tearer then and there; in fact, he was wide open and practically begging to be punched in the face! But there was somepony else he had to attend to, the filly with the look of betrayal on her face. "Clay…he's lying right…you're a pegasus, right?" Firefly asked. The earth pony colt didn't know how to respond, well, not in any way that would make this sound better. "It's true Firefly…I am an earth pony…" "You've been lying to me this whole time!" "Firefly…" The pink pegasus didn't stick around to hear what he had say, instead, she galloped off in the opposite direction. Tears streaming down her face, continuing until Clay lost sight of her in the thickening crowd of ponies. His heart hurt, his hooves trembled a bit. Clay had just lost the filly of his dreams and all because of HIM. "Wow, looks like the honeymoon's over blank flank," mocked Sky Tearer. "SKY TEARER!" Clay flew towards Sky Tearer, and struck him square in the jaw, sending him hurdling into the crowd of ponies. Some managed to move out of the way, but some were bowled over, aiding Sky Tearer in stopping before he hit something harder. "Oh you're going to pay for that!" "Bring it you jackass son of a mule!" Sky Tearer and Clay took off at great speed, both aiming for the other, neither one showing any sign of slowing down. The pegasus and faux pegasus colts slammed into each other with a sickening thud that made all those around wince from the impact. Clay punched Sky in the stomach, exiting the air from his lungs. Sky Tearer countered with an uppercut to Clay's jaw, making him flip three times in midair before he stopped. Sky zoomed at great speed; head first, striking Clay in the gut and plowing through. Clay, barely thinking at this point, wrapped his forelegs around Sky's neck, and using his own momentum, flipped himself backwards, letting Sky fly the rest of the way into a concession cart. Clay had landed hard on the floor, hurting his head, but still rose up, not wanting to be caught unawares. Sky dragged himself up, covered in cotton candy that clung to his fur; he shook his body of the bits of confection, snorting in anger. Both colts stared the other down, glaring with hate and anger. They spread their wings, giving a test flap to make sure they were still functioning. Clay and Sky raked their hooves against the floor, preparing for another engagement. With a loud battle cry, the enraged colts dashed once more with bloodlust in their eyes. Before either colt could make contact, a bright flash of pink light lit up the space between them, stopping the warring colts in their tracks and making the already shocked crowd even more surprised. The pink light faded, revealing an armored gray unicorn filly, her sword was unsheathed and floating beside her, her blonde mane and tail flapping in the crosswind created by the power she generated earlier. "Dinky," exclaimed both colts. "What the hay is going on here!?" Dinky looked to her right and saw a familiar face, one that she didn't quite like. "Sky Tearer!? Clay what's going on!?" "Tsk, can't believe I thought it was somepony important. Doesn't matter if you're here, I'll just –!" "You'll do nothing of the sort!" An angry voice shouted over the crowd. For the first time in either Clay's or Dinky's life, they saw fear in Sky Tearer's eyes, genuine fear. A pegasus stallion descended down towards the trio of foals. He was dressed in a Wonderbolt uniform, and sporting the same coat color as Sky Tearer. It didn't take long for Clay and Dinky to figure out who this stallion was, Sky Blazer, Sky Tearer's father. The pegasus stallion landed near his son, glaring down at the colt with disdain. "D-Dad, I was just –!" "Be silent!" Sky Tearer immediately shut his mouth, cowering before his father. "Fighting in such a public place and right before the show starts! Are you trying to embarrass our family!?" Sky Tearer didn't say a word; he just continued to cower before his father. "And as for you, what kind of disgraceful, immoral, vile act have you committed!? You spit on the proud pegasus tribe, you dirty little earth pony!" Sky Blazer advanced towards Clay, slowly, like a predator. Dinky noticed the advance and placed herself between Sky Blazer and Clay, her sword floating beside her, striking the best confident pose she could muster. "That's enough sir, you need to leave now!" "And what pray tell, gives you the right to order me," he asked with a dangerous tone of voice. "Cadet Dinky Hooves of the Knight Corp, as part of the security team I'm asking you to leave now!" Sky Blazer scoffed, "You don't have any authority to tell me what to do, little unicorn." "Oh she kinda does." Many in the crowd cleared a path, trotting down the center, was Bright Blade, staring at Sky Blazer. "But if you want somepony higher up the chain of command to talk to, I'm your guy." "Sir Bright Blade, I was merely informing…" "That you were about join the rest of your team. That was what you were going to inform us about, right?" Bright finished for him. Sky Blazer didn't give much protest; he simply pushed his way through the crowd. Not caring about the crowd's numerous complaints against the Wonderbolt. "Dinky, do me a favor, escort…" Bright Blade looked down towards the pegasus colt, still vulnerable, and looking for a name. "Sky Tearer, Uncle Bright, his name is Sky Tearer," said Clay. "Thank you. Take Sky Tearer to his seat, and if causes any trouble, detain him. You won't cause any trouble, will you?" "No sir," said Sky. Dinky did as Bright Blade asked, she led the pegasus colt away towards the stands, and from the looks of it, Sky Tearer wasn't much in the resisting mood. Bright then dispersed the crowd and once that was done he trotted over to Clay. It was kind of a sobering thing for him to see, Clay knew Sky Blazer must've been an intimidating pony, he also assumed that Sky Tearer picked up most of his bad habits from his father. But, he never knew that Sky was so afraid of his own father, and he called him a disgrace, right in front of everypony. "You okay Clay," asked Bright. "What…oh…not really, Sky Tearer pretty much blew my secret, Firefly flew off somewhere, and she probably won't speak to me ever again…" Clay felt his Uncle rest a comforting hoof on his withers. "Look the show's about to start, I doubt Firefly will miss it. After it's over, you and me will look around for her, sound good?" Clay nodded. "Alright, now let's go and find you another hoody before we go see your Ma." Just above the stadium, high over the roaring crowds and jubilant fans, lied in wait something foul, something that would bring about great change, and possibly, great death. It hovered in the air, a thin layer of green mist wafting around it. It stared down the many ponies below as the little bits of confetti flew about the open air, balloons floated up, popping as soon as they came anywhere near his presence. The being took a deep breath, sniffing the ambient air. "Aahhh, such healthy bodies, full of vitality and spirit…and yet their minds are on edge…perfect…!" Soon the being could hear fanfare echoing from down below, along with the heightened roar of the crowd… "Show time…" Everything is going to Tartarus, with Clay's secret blown, Rainbow Dash and Applejack's subsequent breakup, how will things turn out for the family of three? Well…things are about to get a whole lot worse. > Second Sign: Part 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descend the Second Envoy The Wonderbolts team was standing by in the dugout landing pad. The pegasi could hear the thumping and roaring of the crowd as it reverberated through the concrete hall. Spitfire was at the head of the team, and beside her was Rainbow Dash. The fiery pegasus mare would occasionally glance over to her Co-Captain, although she remained as focused as ever, Spitfire could tell that Rainbow Dash was struggling with what had happened. She got the gist of what happened thanks to the other Knights, but what she couldn't understand was why the other Wonderbolt, Sky Blazer, was giving Rainbow Dash a death glare. "Stay sharp out there everypony! This is our last show and then we get to go on break, so let's make this a good one!" Spitfire announced. "YEAH," shouted the group. All except for two she noticed. I'm fine…just…just focus on the routine. Don't think about it, don't think about…! Damn it Applejack…damn you! "Dash!" Rainbow snapped out of whatever daze she was in and brought her full attention to Spitfire. "You with me Dash?" "Yeah, of course I am," said Rainbow. The rainbow maned pegasus could tell that her Captain was still unsure with her answer, but she'd just have to make due. "FILLIES AND GENTLECOLTS, WELCOME TO THE WONDERBOLTS AIRSHOW! WE'RE SO THRILLED THAT OUR CITY OF CANTERLOT IS THE LAST LEG OF THEIR TOUR! AND NOW…CLAP YOUR HOOVES TOGETHER FOR YOUR FAVORITE TEAM, AND MINE, THE WONDERBOLTS!" Show time, thought Rainbow Dash. Spitfire led the charge, with Rainbow Dash and Soarin right behind her. Next up, the rest of the team came flying out, in a two by two formation. The crowd cheered even louder, the stadium rumbled as the hooves of the many ponies stomped and clapped together in adulation to the ace Equestrian flyers. Once full team was assembled they gathered into a standard V formation, flying around the open-air arena and whizzing by the stands to give the crowd a closer look at the team. Many cheered for their favorite members of the Wonderbolts, while some, a few mind you, made swooning sounds as they caught a glimpse of the pegasus they had a crush on. Once they did their little flyby, the team broke off into two groups, both performed various tricks, all just a preview for what they had planned. Once each splintered group finished, they regrouped in the center, giving slight bows to their fans. As they hovered there, Rainbow Dash's keen eyes caught sight of her son, Clay, along with Twilight, Bright Blade, and…Applejack. Her, now ex-marefriend, barely looked up towards them, almost avoiding her gaze altogether. It hurt Rainbow Dash, seeing their adopted son so happy, completely oblivious to what was going to happen soon after the show. Maybe it was meant to be, it certainly would make it easier for her to tell him what she found out, and…he might actually take the offer. She wasn't sure what scared her more, the fact that she was losing her best friend, the best marefriend she ever had, or that her son was going to hate the both of them. Her worries were quickly dispelled as they were replaced by confusion. All around the crowd had expressions of fear and shock. Shock, surprise, and awe were a few she was used to, but fear was something else entirely. It wasn't until Rainbow noticed that the crowd wasn't looking at them, but above them. "What the…?" A green cloud of mist swirled overhead, getting bigger and bigger by the minute. The cloud then fired two spiraling strands towards them, at first they watched, trying to figure out what this strange phenomenon was. Rainbow Dash then turned back to where Applejack and the others were sitting and as she did, Rainbow heard the voice of her marefriend shout over the crowd. "RAINBOW GET OUTTA THERE NOW!!!" Rainbow Dash looked back up, as the spiraling columns shot down like arrows, striking two of her fellow Wonderbolts. "Rapid Fire, Lightning Streak!!!!" The two Wonderbolts were engulfed by the spiraling twisters and slammed into the side of the stadium walls. When they slid down the ponies gasped in horror. Rainbow Dash wasn't too afraid; they've survived worse than that. She did, however, worry when she saw that neither one was getting up. "No…no this can't be happening…!" The rest of the team flew down to tend to their injured comrades, before they could get close; a bubble of magical energy surrounded the down pegasi. Rainbow Dash immediately recognized the aura color, and knew exactly who was behind it. "Twilight, what's the big idea!!!? Let us help them!!!" Rainbow shouted. Just then two bright flashes of light shined in the stands. Both Twilight and Bright Blade had summoned their armor. Twilight floated towards them, using her magical energy wings. "You can't help them, they're both infected look!" Upon closer inspection the team of pegasi noticed her words to be true. Both Rapid Fire and Lightning Streak were a sickening shade of green, neither one of them were breathing, they both just lied there, still. The other Wonderbolts didn't know what to say, to have their teammates just die like that… Suddenly the cloud of disease ridden mist floated down towards the stadium. Many of the fans were frozen; unable to move or scream for fear that the cloud might attack them next. The mist started to part, creating an opening as a figure emerged from within. His wings were large and menacing, like a vultures. His armor a dark green that mostly covered him from head to hoof, what coat color was visible, showed a dark gray coat. The menace narrowed its yellow glowing eyes and smiled wickedly. Bright Blade quickly flew up to meet the new invader, matching his wicked stare, with a fierce one of his own. "So you're back Polemos, and in a new form! What's the matter, afraid you couldn't beat me in your red armor!?" The armored pegasus scoffed at the accusation as if it were an insult. "Do not compare me to my battle crazed brother, lowly hybrid creature!" Bright Blade looked confused, but upon further inspection, this Envoy was less muscular than Polemos, and his voice had a snake like feel to it. "Then who the hay are you, identify yourself," demanded Bright Blade. "I am the Second Envoy, Loimos! Spirit of Pestilence, bringer of disease and paranoia! Unlike my brother, however, I do not dawdle with the thrill of battle, I simply just kill," stated Loimos. "Like now – Blighted Wind!!! " Loimos flapped his large intimidating wings in Bright Blade's direction. It was as if the disease ridden wind was produced by the fanning of his wings, as a large plume blasted its way towards the alicorn stallion. Bright Blade hurriedly created a barrier around himself, the wind buffeted the golden bubble, scratching and slashing, trying to get at the prize within. Bright was getting worried; this Spirit of Pestilence was even stronger than the Spirit of War! That's when it dawned on him, what Polemos meant by not holding back, and the truth behind Loimos' words. "I can see you finally understand the kind of power you're up against, now at least you can die knowing that there was nothing you could've done to stop this!" Loimos prepared to give one more flap of his wings in order to break through Bright's barrier, but was stopped when he noticed multiple multicolored beams of light shoot towards him. The Spirit of Pestilence raised his left wing and used it as a shield to block the three beams, each one exploding on impact. The distraction proved beneficial, as it allowed Bright Blade enough time to slip away from the bombarding winds and into clear air. Loimos growled at the loss of his prey and searched for the cause. "Who dares!?" "That'd be me!" Loimos turned around to see a rainbow maned pegasus mare, garbed in golden armor. Her wings were like crystal, and upon her forelegs shined two crescent blades, and a red lightning bolt jewel upon her chest plate. "Bright make sure my teammates get out of here, I'll take care of this guy," said Rainbow Dash. Bright Blade flew up next his armored friend and floated close, in an attack stance. "Rainbow, believe me when I say these Envoy aren't push overs!" Bright whispered. "And what, the guy's we've fought in the past were," scoffed Rainbow. "I'm serious!" "And so am I, just get everypony out of here so we can ALL take this guy down TOGETHER!" Reluctantly, Bright left Rainbow Dash, leaving just her and the Envoy, Loimos. "So then, you think you can take me on all by yourself!?" "Not by herself!" Both Rainbow and Loimos looked off into the direction of the unknown voice. Rainbow quickly recognized the voice, she could never forget it, nor mistake it for anypony else. Applejack floated towards Rainbow Dash, standing atop a flattened boulder, and having four others hovering around her in an orbit, each one brimming with power. Her Stetson hat was pulled down slightly, making her already intense glare even more intimidating. "You…you're the one who drove me away in that kingdom!" Loimos growled. "AJ what is he talking about?" "This thing created a disease that killed a whole bunch of griffons in the Griffon Kingdom, mah Element drove him away, fer good Ah hoped," said Applejack. "Your hope was misplaced, but no matter…Time to do what my brother could not…KILL ALL OF YOU!!!" Loimos fired to spiral columns of wind at Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Both mares quickly dodged the attack and circled around the Spirit of Pestilence. Rainbow fired multiple shots from her wings, each Spectrum Beam made contact with the Envoy, but seemed to do little damage to him, only frustrating the rainbow maned pegasus. Applejack jumped up from her floating platform and grabbed one of the large boulders. She concentrated and infused her power into the boulder, drawing back and aiming at Loimos. "Meteor Wrecker!!!" The earth pony mare hurled the boulder, its core and surface burning with power. Loimos flapped his wing, firing a gust of Blighted Wind at the object. The wind and stone collided as they pushed against each other. After a few seconds the boulder explode, the air pressure moving the cloud of disease ridden wind away from the Envoy. Applejack summoned her platform; she then used her powerful hind legs to springboard off of it. AJ cocked back her right hoof, focusing her super strength into a single point to maximize the damage to her target. Loimos saw the attack coming, chuckling at her futility. A tornado of Blighted Wind swirled around the Spirit of Pestilence, creating a protective barrier around himself. Applejack saw this and gasped, she couldn't change her direction, and her platform was too far to catch her. Before she got within striking distance of the cloud a rainbow streak flew towards AJ and pushed out of the way. The farmpony mare blinked for minute, and in the next she was in the cradling grasp of her mare – her fri – comrade. Rainbow Dash gently placed Applejack on her floating platform and sighed in relief. "Thanks Rainbow," said Applejack weakly. "It's no big," replied Rainbow. Rainbow Dash turned her withering gaze upon Loimos. She flew off in another direction, and once Rainbow had made it to the distance she wanted, she began to spin rapidly in place. "Rainblossom!!!" All at once Spectrum Beams fired from the spinning multicolored sphere, dozens upon dozens of beams shot in all directions. They soon bent at different angles, each one aimed directly for Loimos. The Envoy used his Blighted Wind attack to intercept the attacks, but his wind couldn't destroy the multitudes that kept streaming, almost, endlessly at him. Loimos took evasive action, flying higher into the sky. He barrel rolled to the left, and then to the right, descending and then ascending, dodging the beams that seemed to attack from every direction. When Loimos thought he was safe from the beams, he was surprised to find out that he was in fact surrounded by them. Before Loimos could utter a word, all the beams descended upon him, explodoing in a dazzling display of sparkling explosions. Rainbow Dash broke free of the spinning ball and shot for Loimos. She knew that wouldn't be enough to take down this Spirit of Pestilence. Rainbow extended her crescent blades, and dove in for the kill. The dust cloud was thick and Rainbow Dash couldn't tell what was happening to Loimos, all she knew was that she needed to attack before he got the chance to –! The dust cloud was blown away by a strong gust of wind from Loimos' wings. Rainbow Dash quickly broke off her attack and flew in another direction getting away before the Envoy could counterattack. Rainbow flew back to Applejack's side, the country pony wore a look of relief that was not lost on the cyan pegasus. "I see, your more lethal attacks are better at close range…you can't get close enough because of my Blighted Wind," said Loimos. "Fine fer us; you'll need all the handicaps ya can get to beat us!" Applejack shouted. "Look at you two, fighting together, when you were ready to tear each other's throats out." Both mares looked at each other in confusion, how would Loimos know about what they went through earlier? Then it dawned on them, the voice in their minds, the voice that brought up all their fears and anxieties, that drove them to do what that did. "YOU," they said in unison. "Correct," he answered. "Rainbow Ah'm sor –!" "I'm sorry too!" Rainbow Dash and Applejack did a hoof pump and smiled confidently to each other. Their smile disappeared when they turned their attention back on the one responsible for everything that's been going through their minds lately, egging their fears and bringing them to a painful boil. "Buddy, it's whole a new ball game now!" "FIREFLY!?" Clay shouted. The stadium echoed with the thunderous booms of the battle happening in the arena. Many of the other ponies had been evacuated thanks to his Aunt and Uncle, and the Wonderbolts team. Clay had lost sight of Dinky and Sky Tearer when the crowd started to make a mad dash for the exits, and Clay didn't have a clue where Firefly was. He had assumed she stayed to watch the show, as mad as Firefly was at him, he knew she wouldn't pass up a chance to see the Wonderbolts in action. Problem was he didn't see her in the stands, and the open columns in the lobby areas are large enough for a pegasus to perch on and watch the show from, so he figured Firefly must be there somewhere. Please tell me she already left and I'm just on a wild goose chase! Although Clay knew flying would be faster, with the continuous rumbling and shaking of the structure made it clear that flying was out of the question, unless he wanted to be knocked out by some random debris that fell off of the ceiling. As the fight raged on in the arena Clay had already searched the lower E through C levels and was now on his way towards the B deck. She has to be here, A deck is outside, if she didn't fly away by now then… Clay shook his head, trying to dislodge the morbid, negative thoughts from entering his mind. He couldn't afford to think like that, not if he was going to find her. "FIREFLY!!? FIREFLY IF YOU'RE THERE ANSWER ME!!!" "Clay…" He froze. "Clay…?" "Firefly! I'm here, say something else!" Clay called out. "Clay…!" Her voice sounded distant, it echoed in the stone and concrete hallway, making it hard to pinpoint her location. That's when Clay made the decision, if she was close; the fastest way he was going to find Firefly was by flying. Another rumble and shake from the stadium loosed some dust and debris from the walls and ceiling once again, as if telling him this wasn't a good idea. I'm not afraid! I'm coming Firefly! Clay flared his wings and took off down the hall. As he predicted, chunks of stone and concrete fell from the ceiling as he flew, Clay quickly dodged them, maneuvering just inches away from each piece. The only thing he had to worry about was the rest of his body, since his wings were fake, if they got damaged it wouldn't be a big deal. Clay kept his eyes peeled, flying for ten minutes before he spotted Firefly's pink coat amongst the white and gray slaps. The faux pegasus skidded to a halt on the ground. Clay gasped when he saw Firefly. She was caught under a huge slab of stone; rebar was sticking out of it from different directions, making him fear the worst. Clay approached his…could he even call her his fillyfriend anymore? In any case, he trotted slowly towards her, her coat was dirty, and her mane was messy. The pink pegasus filly seemed unconscious, making him even more worried. "Firefly, please talk to me!? Are you alright!?" Soft moans could be heard coming from Firefly's mouth. Clay bent down and gently nuzzled her face. Firefly started to stir, raising her head slightly. "Clay…? You came looking for me…" "Of course I did, there's no way I wouldn't come looking for you," said Clay. "I'm sorry…Clay…I didn't give you a chance to explain…I just stormed away without even hearing your side, I was just so overwhelmed and surprised by everything that colt said…Clay…" "Shh, it's okay, I'm not angry or sad, and you don't have anything to be sorry for, if anything I'm the one who should be sorry! I swear Firefly, when we get out of this, we'll start over, I promise," said Clay. "I'd like that, Clay…I really would," said Firefly, smiling sincerely at the earth pony colt. Another rumble from the stadium told Clay that he needed to hurry before anything else happened. He quickly maneuvered his forehooves under the slab, pushing with his hind legs, in an attempt to lift the one ton piece of debris. Clay tried to push with everything he had, but it was to no avail. "Clay…it's no use…please…get out of here," she pleaded. "No way, I'm not leaving you here!" Clay fanned out his wings once again, pushing up on the slab while flapping his wings. It seemed to give him more leverage, the slab started to make scraping noises as it started to move up. "Almost there!" Clay panted and growled, drawing on whatever primal strength he could muster! In the end though, it wasn't enough, the slab fell back down, luckily, it didn't seem to harm Firefly. "I'm sorry…I'm sorry…" Clay could feel the tears starting to form in his eyes, inside he was cursing at himself, he had found a way to save her, but his wings weren't strong enough. "Don't tell me you're giving up already blank flank!" Clay turned around and Sky Tearer, one pony he really didn't have time for right now. "Sky, if you want to beat the crap out of me, you can do it later! Right now I need to help Firefly, so either leave or punch me!" Clay shouted. Sky Tearer snorted. He then started to advance towards Clay and Firefly. The pink pegasus filly was noticeably shaking, she knew the kind ferocity that Sky Tearer was capable of, and given the situation, it was a perfect time for him to exact his revenge. Clay entered a fighting stance, one that his Uncle had taught him, pretty basic, good for either armed or hoof-to-hoof combat. However, when Sky Tearer approached Clay, he simply stared him down. After a few seconds the dark blue pegasus trotted to the opposite side of Firefly and started to work his hooves under the slab. "You going to help, or not," he asked. Clay and Firefly blinked at that. "Well!?" Clay immediately got into position, placing his hooves under the edge of the slab. "Together on three! One…Two…THREE!!!" Sky Tearer and Clay flapped their wings furiously at the same time, pushing up with their hind legs and lifting with their forehooves. The stone slab scraped and grated in protest as the two colts began to lift it up. Firefly slowly started to feel the weight of the debris lessen with each passing second; hope began to find its way into her heart, the combined efforts of the two colts was working. "I just need a little more room…!" "You heard the lady, push," grunted Clay. "What the hay do you think I'm doing," growled Sky. Their forelegs burned with the strain of load they bared, their wings felt like they were going to fall off. In Clay's case it felt more literal than metaphorical. With a savage yell, both Clay and Sky pushed up with all they had. Firefly saw the progress, and quickly crawled out from under the slab as fast as she possibly could. Once Clay saw that her tail was clear he nodded towards Sky Tearer who nodded back, at once they released their burden, landing upon the ground with a loud and booming thud. Both Clay and Sky collapsed onto the floor, rolling onto the backs and taking in long deep breathes, trying to regain the strength they had used up. Firefly stood, shakily, on her hooves, and carefully made her way to the earth pony colt. "Clay, Sky, are you two alright," asked Firefly as she nuzzled Clay. "Let's see, I can't feel my forelegs, is that a good thing," asked Clay. "You'll live," groaned Sky. "Hey…thanks…for helping, Sky Tearer." "You weren't half bad yourself…blank fla – I mean, Clay." "I'd hoof, bump ya, but I'm not sure if I'd feel it." Sky started to chuckle which caused Clay to do the same, both of them breaking out into a small fit of laughter at their pathetic states. Firefly smiled, although she didn't know the full history between these two, it was nice to see that they were laughing together. Unfortunately their moment didn't last too long, explosions and thundering booms shook the stadium once again, this time more violently than the other times before it. "Guys, I think we better leave before…!" *BOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!* The rafters were crumbling, cracks spider webbing in every direction. Dust along with small fragments of rock and concrete cascaded from overhead, causing the three ponies to panic. Sky Tearer and Clay got to their hooves, which stung in protest from the weight they placed on them, their wings weren't fairing much better. Just then a loud tear-like sound screeched from above them, all three of them gasped in horror as a large chunk of ceiling fell down, there was no time for either of them to dodge it, this was it, and it'd all be over in just a few short seconds. The galloping of hooves came fast and swift, the blade of a sword, studded with three gems, shined in the dust filled air. The filly, Dinky Hooves, sword in tow, saw the danger her friends were in, forsaking all concern for her own safety, she plunged head first. Picking a spot on the ground ahead of her, Dinky then jumped into the air, grasping the sword hilt into the crook of her hooves. The blade glowed bright, as if imitating the power of the sun itself, timing it just right; Dinky swung the blade at the falling debris. As the blade made contact, a powerful stream of magical light slashed through to the other end of the debris, causing it to split in two. The energy then released, causing both ends of the divided stone to fall further away, landing with a concussive thud. Dinky somersaulted once in the air and landed on her hind legs, still gripping her sword tightly and keeping a focused gaze. Clay, Firefly, and Sky just stared in awe at what the little unicorn had just done, mouths agape. Dinky released her sword back into her telekinetic grip, allowing herself to stand on all four of her hooves. She then turned around and smiled warmly at her friends. "Hey, are you guys okay," asked Dinky. All three just simply nodded. "Oh thank Celestia, when I lost track of Sky Tearer I was afraid something bad happened." "Everything's fine Dinky, Sky Tearer helped me save Firefly," said Clay. Mentioning his heroism seemed to make Sky Tearer embarrassed, which was only made all the more apparent when Dinky flashed him a smile that he found cute for some reason. At that moment the four ponies heard another series of explosions, Clay was getting increasingly worried about his mothers. Without warning he dashed for one of the entrances to the arena, the light outside blinded him for a split second, but after his eyes adjusted he stopped galloping. Dinky, Firefly, and Sky were close behind and trotted next to Clay, their speechless expressions matching Clay's. The stands were littered with craters and missing pieces of steel and stone. The arena clouds were gone, the aerial hoops and flags destroyed. One section of the stands had completely fallen off from the supports, evidence of its long decent shone in the bits that were still clinging to the side of the cliff. Clay searched frantically for any sign of his mothers, when his gaze drew higher. Up above Clay noticed the cloud of the Envoy and the one creating it. Across from him, a couple of yards away, were Applejack and Rainbow Dash, his adopted parents glowing with power. "Mom…Ma…" Applejack and Rainbow Dash floated in midair, staring down Loimos. His smug grin only infuriating the two mares even more, in the span of time they had been engaged in battle with the Spirit of Pestilence, he had withstood many of their attacks and yet showed no sign of damage or fatigue. However the same could not be said for either of them. Applejack had lost her Stetson hat, her mane and tail, which was usually tied up at the ends, was loose and unkempt. Burses could be seen from the gaps in the armor, as well as dents in the actual armor itself. Rainbow Dash fared no better, part of her rainbow plume was cut off, her crystal wings had cracks in them, as well as some chip marks. "Well ladies, I thought you two were going to defeat me," asked Loimos. "Oh you're about to get yours," said Applejack. "Where the heck are Twilight and Bright Blade," whispered Rainbow, "They should've gotten everypony clear away from here by now!" "Your reinforcements won't be coming I'm afraid." Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash gave him a dejected look. "They're probably too busy dealing with the weaker lot who are more easily affected by my power. Take it from me, a large crowd of frightened, paranoid citizens is not something easily controlled. And it will only get worse." Applejack snorted, "So, we're on our own." "You think it's time for…that?" Rainbow asked. "That's our strongest attack Rainbow, we'll barely have enough power for a counterattack!" "At the rate this is going we won't have enough power to even use it! It's all or nothing AJ!" Applejack waited a moment, with a confident smile she nodded to Rainbow Dash who mimicked the gesture. Loimos was growing impatient with the mares, and unleashed his Blighted Wind attack in their direction. Using this opportunity, they separated and got into position. Rainbow Dash flew high over Loimos, while Applejack positioned herself below the Envoy a few yards down. The Spirit of Pestilence didn't understand what their strategy was, but he wasn't too worried, they'd barely been able to hurt him up till now, what's the worst they could do. The wind started to howl, the air thrummed with power. Applejack's body glowed with orange light, her armor gleaming, her eyes shining with built up energy. Further down below the earth pony mare something was rising up to meet her, it was a giant tornado, made up of dirt and stone. While up above, Rainbow Dash called upon the winds, they twisted and gusted around the pegasus mare, her rose colored eyes shining with power. "A new trick is it, very well…" Loimos flew off to the right, stopped and fanned out his wings. "I accept your challenge!" "Fury of the Sky!" "Roar of the Land!" The two mares launched themselves at the Envoy. Surrounded by their tornados of earth and wind, Applejack and Rainbow Dash thrust out their right hooves, a glowing aura of orange and blue energy forming on them. Loimos summoned his power, his wings shimming with energy and more of the disease cloud. "Great Plague!!!" Loimos flapped his wings in the direction of the oncoming attack, the spiraling wind blast of green vapor shined with the power of the Envoy. The two attacks struck each, causing a massive shockwave! The three tornados ground against each other, the sound similar to metal scraping against metal. The wind blasted from every direction as the forces of nature were tested against the power of evil. Applejack and Rainbow Dash poured more of their power into their attack, forcing the Great Plague back. Emboldened by their progress they pushed on, inch by inch, Loimos' attack was getting closer to its point of origin. Soon they were about ten feet away, practically within hooves reach. "While I don't share my brother Polemos' enthusiasm for battle, I do like drawing in those would be resistors in order to crush my prey's hope of victory, like how I'm doing right now!" "What," they shouted in unison. Loimos' body ignited with a dark green energy, his yellow eyes shining with greater intensity. He then channeled the power into his wings and flapped them once more; the Great Plague tripled in size and roared an unequestrian roar, like a terrifying beast. The wind blast completely overwhelmed Applejack's and Rainbow Dash's tornados, engulfing them, sending the pair spiraling and spinning around. The Great Plague slammed into the stands, exploding in a shower of green sparks and mist, debris thrown in every direction possible. Loimos ceased the blast and surveyed his work. Rainbow Dash groaned in pain, her body felt like it was going to be torn apart. She wasn't a stranger to turbulence, but that was on a completely different level. Rainbow turned her attention to her marefriend, who seemed to be in the same amount of pain that she was in. Strangely enough, the both of them had an outline of red and orange around their bodies. Rainbow Dash remembered this glow, it was the same aura that protected her when she flew up into the atmosphere, and when Applejack brought the two of them underground. "A-Applejack, you still alive…?" "Ugh…unless they changed the meanin' of the word in the dictionary, yeah Ah am…" "I hate to say it…but I think we're in trouble…" "What was your first clue…sugarcube…?" "Hmmm, interesting, that should've killed you both. Your armor seems to protect you from my disease inducing winds. But~ I willing to wager that armor has a breaking point. Let's find out shall we," said Loimos. "Oh buck," said Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Clay, Firefly, Dinky, and Sky watched in a combination of horror and awe as the entire battle played out before them. And now, Clay could only stand and watch as his mothers were being assaulted by the Envoy's unrelenting attacks. His faced darkened, eyes narrowing, gritting his teeth in anger. "Clay," whispered Firefly. "Dinky," he said. "Y-yeah," asked Dinky. "Your sword, I need to borrow it." Sky, Firefly, and Dinky all stared at the earth pony colt, dumbfounded by his request. And then it struck them what his words meant. "Hold on, look, I know your moms are in trouble! But that thing is scary strong! If they can't beat him – and they're Knights of Harmony – what makes you think you can," asked Sky Tearer. "What makes you think I don't stand a chance!?" "Clay listen to him, we need to go and get your Aunt and Uncle, some Royal Guards, more Knight Corp. warriors, someone! You can't fly out there alone!" Firefly then turned to Dinky with pleading eyes. "Dinky please talk some sense into him!" Dinky glanced to the two pegasi, and then to her best friend. The look in his eyes told her that Clay would not be deterred from this, he would go out there, whether he had her sword or not. In Dinky's mind, going out there armed, was better than just your bare hooves. Dinky levitated the sword towards Clay, eliciting gasps of disbelief from Firefly and Sky Tearer. "The gems activate on impact, releasing a concentrated energy slash that explodes after words. You have about ten more strikes before the blade loses power." "Dinky!?" Sky shouted. "What are you saying," asked Firefly. "It has wards to protect you, but given that thing's strength, I'd advise against taking direct attacks from him. Just remember, once the energy is used up, it's just an enchanted blade. Promise me you'll get out of there once you've used up the last strike." "I will…" Clay turned to Firefly, he said no words, he only leaned forward and kissed the filly softly on the cheek, causing her to blush and gasp from the action. He then turned to Sky Tearer, though he had angered expression, that did not stop the pegasus colt from nodding to Clay, to which Clay returned the gesture. The faux pegasus colt clamped his teeth around the hilt of the sword floating before him, turned around, flared his wings, and flew into the air. "How could you let him do that!? He's your best friend, you could've stopped him," said Firefly, tears starting to form in her eyes. "It's because I'm his best friend that I know he would've flew off with or without my sword. At least he has better a chance of surviving armed, plus…I believe in him…" "He's an idiot, but…so do I," said Firefly. "Ditto," admitted Sky Tearer, reluctantly. Loimos loomed over his prey, they writhed in agony from his Blighted Wind blasts, and he enjoyed every minute of it. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had crawled closer to each other, using their joined energy to fight off as much of the disease carrying wind as they could. "I'd say one more shot will end this, let's make it a good one!" Loimos declared. Rainbow Dash and Applejack could sense the Spirit of Pestilence raise his power, a sinister smile creeping across his lips. "Looks like this our last round up…" "Damn, just when I got Granny Smith's permission to marry you…" Applejack weakly turned to Dash, "You're pullin' mah leg, right?" "Uh-uh…totally serious…" Rainbow Dash took her marefriend's hoof into her own and smiled at her. Applejack smiled back at Rainbow, squeezing her hoof tightly in return, both of them preparing to accept their fates. As Loimos prepared to fire something whizzed by his field of vision causing him to hesitate, the next moment the object passed by him again, only this time he felt something hit his wing. After a brief second Loimos' left wing exploded causing the Envoy to stumble backwards, stopping his preparation. "Who dares to hinder me!?" "I DARE!" Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Loimos, watched as a light gold pegasus flew about, carrying a sword in his mouth. It didn't take long for the two mares to figure out who that pegasus was, what they couldn't believe was that he had wings, their son had wings! Clay flew at amazing speeds, keeping a vigilant eye on his target as he circled about. He dove straight down once again, keeping a tight grip on the sword. The winged pony slashed once again, slicing down the right wing, leaving a glowing lesion. When Clay was a few feet away the lesion exploded, causing Loimos to lose balance in sky. That was two, eight more strikes till it's out of power, got to make them count, thought Clay. Clay flew around, waiting and watching for an opening to attack. The Spirit of Pestilence was on to him now, and wouldn't let himself get hit a third time. The evil pegasus fired a single spiraling column of Blighted Wind at Clay. The winged pony leaned left as the blast of green mist screeched towards him, the sword began to glow as a shimmering barrier appeared around him. The Blighted Wind scrapped against the barrier, threating to destroy it on contact, Clay remembered Dinky's warning about not taking any direct attacks, so he drifted further to the left, allowing the wind blast to shoot over him. "How did he –!?" Now!!! Clay barrel rolled and flew even faster at Loimos. He dove down low, finding an intact cloud; Clay rebounded off the cloud and propelled himself up, the air whistled in his ears, his eyes squinting from stinging rush wind hitting his face. Loimos was coming up fast, Clay switched from using his mouth to placing it into the crook his hooves. With one upwards vertical swing, the blade made contact with Loimos' right side; the glowing cut appeared, making the Envoy hiss from the slight pain. Clay didn't stop there; he quickly slashed Loimos on his back, and at the back of his neck. Clay quickly flew away, just in time as all three slashes exploded in a shower of yellow energy. Loimos growled in anger as his armor hissed from the three strikes he carelessly allowed the winged earth pony to land. Clay knew he only had one last attack left before Dinky's sword became nothing more than an enchanted weapon. With that in mind, Clay climbed higher into the sky, putting the sun at his back. When Clay was at the desired height he tightly grasped the sword and nosedived straight for Loimos. The Spirit of Pestilence looked up, the sun blinding his eyes, but he had a general idea of where the annoying colt was. Building up his power, Loimos unleashed a twin torrent of his Great Plague attack, the two blast burned a sickening green and black as the energy infused columns roared in Clay's general direction. Clay watched as Loimos' attacks came directly for him, keeping the sword held forward, he continued on his flight path. The two columns missed him, giving him a narrow path to follow down the middle. Clay had to keep as straight as he could or else risk getting touched by the disease inducing wind. Unfortunately the further he flew, the narrower the gap got. The protective ward of the sword had already activated, but it was not going to last long, already Clay could see the barrier starting to wane, cracking like a fragile eggshell. When the barrier touched the edges of the twin columns it shattered completely. Clay watched as both his wings were being swallowed up by the roaring winds that flanked him. "Heh, heh, ha! I'll infect you, first your wings, and then, the rest of you will follow! You'll nothing more than a rotting disease ridden corpse on collision course with the ground below!" Loimos shouted. Clay grunted and strained under the turbulent force of the winds, but, he smirked, a confident, it's not over kind of smirk. "That would be the case, if my wings weren't fake!" At that moment Clay's wings broke apart, crumbling like dry leaves in autumn. No longer was he Clay the winged pony, now he was Clay the earth pony. The sword in his hooves glowed as the remaining energy was funneled to the blade. Clay spun in the air a few times, building up momentum as he grew closer to Loimos. When he was less than three feet away, Clay raised up his sword and stared the Spirit of Pestilence straight in his glowing yellow eyes. "This is for my Mom and Ma!!!" With single swing, the blade raked across left front of Loimos' chest. The after image of the slash shined brightly, erupting into a giant explosion of light and smoke, obscuring both Clay and Loimos from sight. All eyes focused on the cloud of smoke, Sky, Dinky and Firefly waited in anticipation for the smoke to clear from, hoping that he was alright. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were in the same boat, but both of them had many questions flying through their heads, how did Clay get those wings, and how did he learn how to handle a sword like that. Suddenly they heard what sounded like thunder coming from the cloud. In that same moment, a spiraling wind blast shot forth from the cloud. When it disappeared all gasped at what they saw next. It was Clay, falling towards Applejack and Rainbow Dash, completely still. Rainbow Dash, summoning all the strength she could, flapped her wings and zoomed towards her son. The rainbow maned mare held out her forehooves and caught the colt. "Clay!" Rainbow shouted. He was sweating profusely and coughing. Rainbow could feel his racing heart as she heard him udder shallow rapid breaths, almost gasping for air. She quickly flew back to Applejack, and laid him down between them. Rainbow Dash looked to her marefriend, her expression confirming what mere words couldn't. "Clay, can ya hear us sugarcube!?" "C'mon squirt, answer us, please!" There was stirring, Clay slowly opened his eyes, they were bloodshot, and faded, almost as if he were blind. "Ma…Mom…I can't see you…" Rainbow and AJ each took one of his hooves into their own. "We're here Clay, we're right here," said Applejack. "Sorry…Sorry I didn't tell either of you about my wings…" "Don't be, you were awesome out there, we couldn't be more proud of you," said Rainbow Dash. Clay gave a few violent coughs, Applejack and Rainbow let out horrified gasps when they saw blood fly out his mouth with each cough. "I think…I think I'm dying…" "No you're not, we'll get Twilight here! She can help you, I know it!" "Mom…Ma…promise me you'll always be together…I know you two love each other, so please, don't break up because of this…" The two mares could believe what they were hearing. Their son was dying in front of them, and yet, his concern was directed only to their relationship. Their eyes watered as tears began to stream down their cheeks. Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack leaned down and planted a kiss on either side of Clay's cheeks, they then whispered into his ears. "We promise…" Loimos loomed over the family chuckling at how feeble they were, how weak and pathetic their display of familial affection was. "Do not worry; all three of you will soon be together. I'll end his suffering along with yours in one fell swoop!" The power of the Envoy flared up once again, the black and green energy surrounding his wings as the mist started to form, thicker and heavier than before. "Great Plague…!" With one synchronized flap of his mighty wings, Loimos unleashed his most powerful attack upon the three ponies. Dinky, Sky Tearer, and Firefly screamed at the family of three, telling them repeatedly to get out of the way, to run and flee from the oncoming attack. From the other entrance of the stadium, Twilight and Bright Blade teleported inside, but only made it in time to watch as Loimos' attack drew nearer to their friends. They too added their voices to the foals, urging their friends to run and get away as fast as they could. But it was no use, the unified Great Plague struck the side of the stands were Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Clay were. Nothing could be heard over the roaring of the wind and destruction of the crumbling stone and concrete that surrounded the area. That's a lie, there was something to be heard, the sound of Loimos, the Spirit of Pestilence, bringer of disease and paranoia, laughing boisterously, reveling in the act of snuffing out three lives before everypony's eyes… It is time… Clay has resolved his feud with Sky Tearer and in the process regained the affections of Firefly. In the same day, Rainbow Dash and Applejack have thrown away their earlier jealously and anger. But was all of it for not? Was everything that they had gone through as a family wiped out by the Envoy known as Loimos!? Find out in Part 9 of the Second Sign Arc! > Second Sign: Part 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Centaurus Elementus Everypony was struck speechless by the sight. Where once lied Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Clay, now there was an unholy wispy, burning, green and black spot. Firefly was sobbing uncontrollably as Dinky held her close, trying to hold back her own sob as her tears flowed down her cheeks. Sky Tearer gritted his teeth in anger, his eyes burning with tears, tears he never thought he shed for a pony whom he had tormented, now looking back, he had wished he hadn't done anything bad to him, the fights, the insults, all of it. He'd take it all back if it meant that Clay and his parents were still alive, he pleaded to Celestia and Luna, and even their mother and brother, Epona and Arion, but he knew it was useless, they were gone. Twilight and Bright Blade were still staring at the spot where they had been vaporized, as if it were a bad joke, a nightmare they were trapped in and hopefully soon wake up. Sadly, this was reality… "This…this can't be happening…!" Twilight whispered. "Damn you…you'll pay…" Bright Blade glared in Loimos' direction. "YOU'LL PAY!!!" Loimos turned towards the alicorn stallion and unicorn mare, smiling sinisterly as he did. "Is that a fact, well I hope you fair better than your friends. But oh that's right; you didn't defeat Polemos, our Master called him back, so it's very unlikely that you will!" Loimos broke into a fit of mocking laughter, knowing that there was nothing either of them could do to stop him. Twilight glared up at Loimos, her horn blazing with mana, her mane flickering with flaming embers. Bright Blade could sense what was happening to his marefriend, but right now, it's what they needed. The alicorn stallion raised his own power levels, readying to summon his three swords to form his ultimate weapon yet again. But neither of them did anything… Loimos, felt it, so did Bright and Twilight. All three stared in the direction where the burning green and black energy was. A thumping, like a loud heartbeat, boomed from the spot where the family of three once stood. The heartbeat became magnified with the sound of another, synchronizing with the first. Soon the wispy flame energy began to expand, surprising the Spirit of Pestilence. It grew bigger and bigger, till it burst open, with two large pillars of orange and red light bursting forth and jetting all the way into the sky, and further still. The sky rumbled, the ground shook, as if resonating with power being emitted by these twin pillars of light. Twilight and Bright Blade stared in awe at the lights, as well as the three foals watching from afar. Twilight's crystal cutie mark glowed, as well as Bright Blade's sword and halo crystal cutie mark upon his chest. As if in a trance the two of them spoke. "Centaurus…" said Bright. "Elementus…" Twilight finished. Loimos was driven back a few feet, wincing from the combined power that the light was beaming, using his large wings to shield his eyes from the sight of it. When the pillars broke apart in a shower of red and orange sparkles, the Spirit of Pestilence gawked at what he saw; unable to comprehend what was before him now. New beings stood mighty and tall, made up of orange and blue energy, held together by golden armor that resembled that of Rainbow Dash and Applejack's. The orange energy being had a chest plate with the crystal apple of the Element of Honesty; upon its forearms it wore two large golden gauntlets, with four spikes on both the upper and lower knuckles, bearing intricately carved images of vines with apples at the ends. It's blonde mane and tail was bellowing like fiery plasma, while its green eyes shined with power. The lower half of this creature was equine, four hooves, with golden greave horseshoes on each one. The energy being held out its right hand, and to it, as if by command, floated up a Stetson hat. It then placed the hat atop its head and pulled down the rim. "Applejack," Twilight gasped in disbelief. The other was similar to the first. Except on its lower equine half, there were two wings made of the same blue energy. A helmet was set upon its head, making its prismatic plasma mane below into a war plume. On its forearms were two golden bracers, each one sporting a crystalline crescent wing. Its glowing rose colored eyes scanned its new form, flexing its fingers and arms, the crystal red lightning bolt cutie mark of the Element of Loyalty glowed upon its chest. Her wings flapped a few times, releasing small embers of blue plasma, crackling like fire. Both of them were easily a head taller than Celestia. "Rainbow Dash," said Bright in the same manner as Twilight. Between them was a third pony, it was Clay, no longer sick or bleeding. He was completely healed, and looking rather awestruck at the sight of both his mothers' transformation. He didn't feel scared, surprised yes, but they weren't frightening, at least not to him. The energy being emitted from their bodies was soothing and warm, it felt like when he was foal again, his mothers' warmth making him feel safe and protected. His head drifted from the being on his right and then to the left, should he call to them, would they answer him, would they remember him. "Ma…Mom…?" The being on his left, Applejack, looked down at him. Her green eyes dimmed slightly, growing gentle. The second, Rainbow Dash, did the same, placing her right hand on Clay's head and ruffling his mane affectionately. "It's alright Clay," said Applejack, her voice echoing. "This'll be over in ten seconds flat," said Rainbow Dash, in the same echoing voice. "What manner of sorcery is this!!!? What are you!!!?" Loimos shouted. Both centaurs turned their attention to Loimos, their eyes narrowed and shined brighter than before as they glared angrily at their enemy. Rainbow Dash flared her wings and gave them one flap. Instantly she disappeared from sight, making Loimos' eyes practically pop out of his skull, wondering where she went. She reappeared a few feet away from the Envoy, her arms crossed in a cocky fashion. "What's wrong was that too fast for ya," asked Rainbow. "Is this!!?" Loimos fired his Blighted Wind blast at Rainbow Dash; it was only two inches away from her before she vanished yet again. The Envoy's head swiveled around looking for his target. He didn't search long; Rainbow Dash had appeared behind him. Loimos twirled around and used his wing to fire another spiraling column of wind at the prismatic centaur. But just like last time, Rainbow Dash vanished from sight. "Hold still you damned creature!!!" "What was that Loimos, taking a practice shot?" Rainbow Dash continued to dodge Loimos' attacks. "I've seen better aim from a minotaur." The Spirit of Pestilence fired more spiral wind columns, three at once. All three crisscrossed as they completely missed the winged centaur. "My Grandma Dash can lop wind better than that and she has one bad wing!" Rainbow pointed to her left wing for emphasis, only enraging Loimos, growling with frustration as he fired off multiple streams of Blighted Wind. Twilight couldn't believe what she was seeing, she quickly summoned a quill and parchment with her magic and started jotting down some numbers and equations. Bright Blade glanced over at his marefriend and watched in confusion at what she was doing. "Twilight, what are you doing?" "Factoring in Rainbows rate of speed...miles per hour...carry the two, divide by ten...E equals MC squared..." Twilight's eyes practically bugged out of her head when her calculations were finished. "She's going nearly the speed of light!" Applejack stood there, arms crossed, watching her marefriend work. Light chuckling could be heard coming from the orange centaur. Dashie yer actin' like a foal playing with a new toy; well can't just stand here and let her have all the fun, 'sides, gotta look good for meh son. Applejack took a running stance, in one swift motion she galloped forth off the edge of the stadium seats. The others gasped as they watched Applejack about to fall down the mountain side. At that moment a large boulder flew up to meet her, acting as a platform for the Knight of Honesty. Meanwhile Loimos continued to attack Rainbow Dash, his entire form covered in the Blighted Wind as he fired multiple columns, each one failing to hit its target. The Spirit of Pestilence growled in anger at the cyan centaur's constant egging and evasion. "Stand still and fight you coward!" "Who're you calling a coward!? Besides, I'm not the one who's going to be laying the smack down on you," said Rainbow Dash. "AH AM!!!" Loimos quickly turned around at the sound of the Applejack's voice. Too late however, as Applejack had already balled up her right fist, the gauntlet burning with her energy, blazing like fire. She thrust her fist forward, punching the Spirit of Pestilence right in the face. The force of the impact created a shockwave that rippled off in different directions; Loimos was sent hurdling towards the face of the mountain, creating a large crater. The orange armored centaur stared at her outstretched arm, more specifically her fist; she drew it back and looked it over. Rainbow Dash flew next to her wondering what was wrong. "AJ what's up, you alright?" "Yeah Ah'm fine, just…Ah didn't think Ah was that strong," said Applejack, astonished at her new found strength as she flexed her fingers, which was still an odd feeling in and of itself. The crater Loimos smashed into erupted with a cloud of black and green vapor jetting out. A shimmering dark green energy shined within the vapor cloud as it parted, revealing Loimos. His armor on the left side of his face was slightly dented, a trickle of red blood crept down the corner of his mouth. The Envoy glared daggers at the two centaur Knights, his aura was flaring up, matching the deathly gaze of his glowing yellow eyes. "NO ONE MAKES ME BLEED!!! NOBODY!!!" Loimos turned his attention to Clay, who was staring up at the three of them. His wings drew back as they collected both the energy and vapor into two condensed spheres of power. "GREAT PLAGUE!!!" Loimos fired his attack; the twin blasts wove around each other like a helix and finally merged into one powerful blast that roared towards…passed Rainbow Dash and Applejack, it took a couple of seconds before they realized his true target. "CLAY!!!" Rainbow shouted. Rainbow zoomed off as fast as lightning itself and appeared in front of her son. The Great Plague continued straight at them, showing no signs of letting up. Rainbow Dash brought her arms, the crystal wings extended themselves. An aurora of multicolored light shimmered around the wings, connecting to Rainbow's palms. She brought her arms across her chest in an X shape, when the Great Plague was close enough she uncrossed her arms, a gust of sparkling rainbow wind slashed through the disease inducing vapor, as if purifying it. The entire thing then exploded into a thousand sparkles, the Great Plague thoroughly neutralized by Rainbow Dash's counterattack. "Dang…I think I could get used to this!" Rainbow remarked. "Impossib –!!!" Loimos didn't get to finish his sentence, as Applejack rushed the large winged pegasus. She unleashed a furious barrage of punches becoming a literal blur of orange and gold as they landed upon the Spirit of Pestilence! The sound of metal smashing against metal, the deafening thud of each impact, Loimos barely registered what was happening to him, all he could see was the glowing green eyes of the centaur mare before him. The barrage ended, and Loimos floated there, his armor dented, his face bleeding. Knowing he had no chance in close quarters combat, Loimos flapped his mighty wings and took off into air, he flew higher and higher till he was miles above the stadium. He glared down upon the world below, to the vast city of Canterlot, and finally the rest of the surrounding area. "I'm through playing your games!!!! I'll reduce everything here to a disease infested wasteland!!!!" Loimos' body began to shine with dark green energy, becoming a miniature sun of his power as he collected as much as he could for the final attack. Down below, Twilight, Bright Blade, Clay, and others watched as Loimos prepared to destroy everyone and everything. Applejack looked to Rainbow Dash; she then nodded towards the orange centaur as if answering a silent agreement between them. Rainbow used her great speed to collect Clay, plopping him on her back. Clay was a little reluctant to latch on to his mother while is this form, fearing her energy form would burn him, but as he recalled, when she ruffled his mane earlier, nothing happened. In fact, even now, he was alright. With that settled, Rainbow Dash quickly flashed over to Sky, Firefly, and Dinky. Without warning she scooped all three of the foals into her arms, afterwards she zapped over to Twilight and Bright's position. "You guys take them outside the stadium, this is going to be big," warned Rainbow Dash. The alicorn and unicorn nodded in understanding. Rainbow Dash released the four foals into the magical grasps of her friends. Without a second thought, they teleported away in a flash of purple and gold, satisfied that their son and friends would be safe, Rainbow Dash rejoined her marefriend in the sky. The two stared up at Loimos as he continued to build up energy for his final attack. "We can't let that even get near Canterlot," said Applejack. "Got any ideas," asked Rainbow. "Just one." Rainbow Dash glanced over to Applejack, although their bodies were made up of energy, Applejack could tell that she was smiling, no, she could feel it and so could Rainbow Dash. Applejack dropped from the sky, lowering her platform till she was below the stadium supports and closer to the actual mountain it was built into. She then brought her hands into prayer like position, concentrating, connecting. Her Element of Honesty glowed as she prepared for whatever attack she had planned. The land far below began to rumble and shake, along with the mountain she was near. It wasn't because of instability, no, it was something more. The land was answering her silent call; it was building up its strength and power. The rocks from the mountainside and the ones that floated up moved towards Applejack and hovered around her. Their material forms shifting from matter to energy as they formed an aura of power around the armored centaur mare. A single point of light appeared at the valley floor. Seeing that point of light, Applejack turned her gaze upwards, watching her marefriend wield her new-found powers, and it was beautiful. Rainbow Dash held her position. Her crystal wing blades shined once more as she widened her stance, the red lightning bolt crystal glowing along with the power of wing blades. Rainbow then began to mover her hands around, in calm and winding motions, soon the winds around her began to swirl around the rainbow maned centaur. Different strands of colored sparkles started to appear, first red, then orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and finally violet. All the wind four winds, the colors of light were being weaved by her hands, like the conductor of an orchestra, following her hand gestures and movements. Rainbow Dash altered her stance slightly, using positioning her hands at her sides as the spectra winds bellowed around her. Loimos could sense the building energy of the two mares, but he didn't care, he was confident in his own strength and power, he was an Envoy, the Spirit of Pestilence, the bringer of disease and paranoia, a being above all others! By his own power and might has he brought a pain filled end to many lives, and he'll be damned if he was going to let a bunch of ponies stop him here! "I hope you have made peace with whatever deity you worship, because you'll meet them real soon!!! ULTIMATE PANDEMIC!!!" The cloud of disease roared an unholy roar as it barreled down upon the city. It was easily three times as big as the Great Plague, almost enough to engulf the entire city of Canterlot. The cloud shined with same light as the Envoy, making it hard to distinguish between the cloud itself and the energy that was fueling it. The citizens down in Canterlot watched in horror as the Ultimate Pandemic practically blotted out the sun. "Not going to happen! Spectra Cyclone!!!" Rainbow Dash thrust her hands into the air, causing the prismatic winds around her to whistle and screech as they spiraled together into a tornado of sparkling wind. The attacks collided with each other halfway above Canterlot; turbulent winds swirled and pushed in all directions, creating shockwaves of force that thundered through the sky. Loimos used his will power to push his attack forward, with Rainbow Dash doing the same. It was like watching a large cider barrel being held up by tiny sipping straw. The Ultimate Pandemic kept forcing the Spectra Cyclone back, with Rainbow Dash showing signs of her straining to keep it back. Slowly the glowing vapor cloud crept; each foot gained was another foot further to Canterlot and the many victims that awaited their deaths. "Can you feel it, your impending death!? It won't be fast, I can guarantee you that!!! You'll die in painful agony for hours on end, the sky will be filled with your screams of pain, they'll echo for eternity long after your world is dust!!!" Rainbow Dash looked up at the cloud, smiling as confidence beamed from her eyes. Her straining had ceased and she stood tall, her arms still outstretched. "Who said it was over yet, I haven't even been trying!!!" All at once, the Spectra Cyclone grew till it was even bigger than the Ultimate Pandemic. It overpowered Loimos' attack, completely swallowing it and the Spirit of Pestilence, the cloud broke apart, completely purified, and stopping any attempts for Loimos to reform it. Now he was the one howling in pain, the purity of the cyclone burning him through his own armor. "Applejack, finish this loser!!!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Hearing her marefriend's call, Applejack widened her stance upon the platform, she then cocked back her right fist as the light below her glimmered even brighter than before. "Terra Breaker!!!" Applejack threw an uppercut up into the air, causing the power building down below her to erupt, bursting forth from the land like a volcano. The beam of orange and red light surrounded her as it continued higher into the sky. Rainbow Dash sensed the attack coming, and quickly moved out of the way. The beam shot passed the rainbow maned centaur, Loimos watched as the beam finally reached his location, blasting him with a force he never could've imagined. It was as if the full force of the land itself was crushing him, no not just the land, the planet as whole was smashing against him, unrelenting as it voiced its protest against his presence upon its surface. Loimos tried to fight against it, but to no avail, as much as it pained him to admit it, as much as he wished it wasn't true, he was losing – is losing! "Damn it, this isn't the last you'll hear of me!!! You're all already dead, you just don't know it yet!!!" Loimos proclaimed. "SHUT UP!!!" The two mares yelled in unison. The Terra Breaker and Spectra Cyclone merged together into one giant, unified assault, slamming into Loimos and pushing him higher and higher into the sky above. After about a minute and a half of the nonstop onslaught an explosion occurred, canceling out both Applejack's and Rainbow Dash's attacks. A sphere of dark green light formed in the sky, after lingering for a few seconds it took off with a resounding sonic boom as it left Equestria's atmosphere and further out into space. Rainbow Dash continued to stare up into the sky, watching to make sure that Loimos had truly left their world. Applejack slowly rose on her platform as it made its way to Rainbow's side, her eyes glued to the sky as well. "Is he gone," asked Applejack. "As far as I can tell, yeah," answered Rainbow Dash. She then turned to AJ, a happy expression radiating from her continence. "We…we did it, we won!" Applejack let out a relieved sigh. "We sure did, but…" she then took a look around, "Looks like the stadium's gonna need some work." Rainbow Dash took a look around, indeed the stadium had just been ruined, the stands were all but gone, the Sky Box seats were obliterated, and basically it was one big gigantic mess. There was a section of the seating that was still standing, which was good considering the state of the rest of the place. "It's not a total loss, look that part of the stands –" Just then there was sharp snapping sound, Rainbow looked back and watched as the last of the stadium seating crumpled apart and slid down the side of the mountain, continuing till there was low thudding crash. "You were sayin'?" "Collateral damage… comes with being a Knight…besides, I'm sure Apple Bloom can make this better than what it was before," said Rainbow Dash nervously rubbing the back of her head. "She'll either thank ya, or chew ya out fer even suggestin' she rebuild it," said Applejack wrapping an arm around her marefriend's shoulders. "C'mon, Clay's watin' fer us, ready to go?" "Eeyup." With nary another word spoken, the Knight of Honesty and Loyalty both floated over the stadium and slowly descended towards their friends, all with happy and joyful expressions upon their faces, the nightmare of Loimos was over. The mysterious new power of Centaurus Elementus has enabled Applejack and Rainbow Dash to thwart Loimos and drive him off Equestria, hopefully forever. But what is this new power, and what does the future hold for the couple? Find out in Part 10, the last chapter of the Second Sign Arc! > Second Sign: Part 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Do… Applejack awoke with a start panting and breathing hard. She turned her head from side to side, quickly spotting her marefriend, Rainbow Dash, sleeping in cot next to her. Applejack breathed a sigh of relief, semi-satisfied that Rainbow was at least safe; she took another, less frantic, look around her surroundings. It appeared to be a tent, there were tables set up with medical supplies, bottles and syringes neatly put into side by side, along with surgical tools below them. The opening of the tent flapped as a cool breeze passed through the inside. Applejack reached over and nudged Rainbow a little, the cyan pegasus let out groaning sounds in protest of the nudging. "Just five more minutes, I didn't even hear the dang rooster crow," said Rainbow Dash. "We're not on the farm Dashie, now wake up," said Applejack as she pushed harder on Rainbow's side. Rainbow Dash slowly sat up from her cot, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she lazily drifted her head in Applejack's direction. "Alright, alright, I'm up now what's the big –"Suddenly Rainbow remembered what had happened and immediately started to look around. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Where are we, is this a tent, why are we in a tent!?" "Because the two of you collapsed the moment you landed in front of us." Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned to the opening of the tent, both Bright Blade and Twilight had entered, smiling in relief that their friends seemed to be up and awake. "Thank Epona you two are alright, we were worried when you guys collapsed after you changed back to normal, we rushed you into this triage tent so you could rest, " said Bright Blade. "So, it's over, like really over," asked Rainbow. "Don't worry, Loimos is gone, he hasn't been back for hours now," said Twilight. "HOURS!? How long have we been out for," asked Applejack. "Little under four hours, but that's understandable considering what you two went through." The two mares looked at each other, the same thought having passed through their minds. "Where's Clay, is he alright," asked Rainbow Dash. Both the unicorn and alicorn nodded. "He's fine, whatever he got hit with your powers must've gotten rid of it. In fact, all those who were sick or affected by his paranoia inducing abilities are fine now. Same thing like when Polemos left," answered Bright. "Can we see'em," asked Applejack. "He's been waiting for the two of you to wake up." Twilight nodded to Bright Blade, he then trotted over to the tent and lifted the flap, poking his head out. After a couple a seconds a worried colt bolted into the triage tent. Clay's eyes locked onto his mothers and he quickly ran to them. Applejack and Rainbow Dash got out of their cots, just in time for the young colt to tackle the both of them, trying to embrace them both in big hug. The two mares chuckled lightly at their son's attempt to hug them both together, but they instead came closer into a family hug. Bright Blade and Twilight glanced to each other, seeing the happy scene before them; they left the tent to let the family of three have their privacy. "Mom, Ma, you're alright!" Clay shouted. "Of course we are." "It'll take a lot more than that to bring down yer Mom and me, trust meh on that." "Mom, Ma, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my wings…I just…there was a good reason…" "Ya did it because of that filly, didn't ya," asked Applejack, giving him a knowing look. Rainbow Dash turned to Applejack confused. "Wait – what filly – Clay has a fillyfriend – you have a fillyfriend!?" The cyan pegasus mare stared in shock at this piece of news. "Y-yeah…I've been meaning to tell you…I was going to tell you after the show was over, but with all the craziness that happened I never got the chance…" Rainbow Dash, whose mouth was agape, closed it and smiled warmly at her son. She then gently ruffled her son's mane, shaking her head a little. "Well how about that, our kid is crushing on filly…our son…" Rainbow's eyes began to tear up the longer she stared at Clay. "Mom…?" "Rainbow, what's wrong," asked Applejack. The rainbow maned mare placed Clay onto Applejack and slowly rose to her hooves. "There's something I need to tell you…both of you…it's the reason why I haven't been home a lot lately…" Both Clay and Applejack waited for Rainbow Dash's answer, but something told them it was going to be painful for her to talk about. "I…I found your family Clay…" Clay jumped to his hooves staring wide eyed at Rainbow Dash, with Applejack following suit. "What…what are you talking about Mom!?" "The times that I did come back home, I visited the Everfree Forest, to the place where I first found you…There were these goggles inside the carriage, when I looked at them they were similar to the ones I wear in the Wonderbolts. So I used those to help me track down your family…After a couple of years I found out who your parents were, apparently they're family are the owners of the team…your dad was an earth pony, and the son of the owners. Your real mom was a Wonderbolt, I couldn't believe I didn't make the connection sooner…" "So…what does that mean…my real mom and dad were the only family I have!?" "Actually…you have grandparents and an uncle, they both live in Manehattan. When I told them about how I found you they were so happy, they practically hit the roof!" "But what do they wanna do!? Ah mean, Rainbow…?" Rainbow Dash looked directly at Clay for this next part. "They told me…They told that they didn't want to mess up what Clay has with us, but…if you want, you can go and live with them in Manehattan…you can be with your…your real family…" "M-me!?" "It's your decision Clay…you don't have to stay with us if you don't want to. I know how awkward it must be to be our son…not exactly a normal life…" Clay had heard enough, he ran up to Rainbow Dash and wrapped his forelegs around her neck, hugging her as tightly as he could. "I don't want to leave you or Ma!" Clay separated himself from Rainbow and looked at her straight in the eyes. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy, really happy that I have an uncle and grandparents out there who are related to my parents…But honestly…I can't remember their faces too well…Whenever I do, I see yours and Ma's faces instead, you guys are my real parents as far as I'm concerned." This time it was Rainbow Dash who hugged Clay tightly, her tears falling from her eyes and falling onto the ground. Applejack trotted up to the two of them, her eyes watering as well, and gently placed a hoof on Rainbow's back. "I'm sorry, to both you. I was so afraid to tell you, I didn't know what you would say if you found out! And because of that, I avoided the both of you…I'm sorry…" Applejack leaned down and kissed Rainbow on the forehead, she then moved in to nuzzle her crying marefriend. "Ah forgive ya, and Ah love you." Clay returned the hug the best he could, nuzzling into Rainbow's chest. "Same for me, I love you too." The family, with their bonds strengthened, held each other like that for, what seemed like hours. They didn't mind, the warmth they shared between them, both through their bodies and hearts, was the most comforting thing in the world at that moment, and neither one of them wanted to be separated from that warmth. Not a one. Suddenly there was a bright flash between Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Their mouths gaped open; they then looked to each other and smiled widely. "Clay, guess what just happened," said Rainbow Dash. Clay looked up to his two mothers, Applejack pointed towards his flank, immediately he turned his head and stared wide eyed at what had appeared. It was a cutie mark, a red apple, the red part of the apple connecting to the red part of the blue, yellow and red lightning bolt. "I-I-I got my…my…my cutie mark…! I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!" "Congratulations," started Applejack. "Son," ended Rainbow Dash. Meanwhile, Twilight and Bright were standing guard outside the tent. They couldn't help but overhear the conversation going on inside, which made Twilight tear up just a bit. The additional jubilant sounds, along with words "cutie mark" being shouted to high heaven "I'm happy for them," said Twilight. Bright Blade nodded. "By the way, Bright, there's something I wanted to ask you." "Yeah Twi?" "Clay's artificial wings, that spell was the modified version I developed from when I used it on Rarity when me and my friends went to cheer on Rainbow Dash at the Best Young Fliers Competition." "Is it?" "Yes, it is. Now the Royal Library has a copy of the book for that Wings Spell, but it's the original. My modified version is in a book, on the shelf, with the rest of my spell books, back at our house. So, I'll concede that Clay may have searched through them and stumbled upon the spell, but…finding someone to cast the spell is another story." Bright Blade didn't meet her accusing gaze, he instead tried to focus on the passersby, but he could still feel it, his heart rate was going up. "Now there are a few unicorns with enough knowledge and skill to cast the spell, but none of them would cast such a spell for a complete stranger. So that leaves only three suspects. Sunshine is with her parents out of town, so she's out, and Dinky over there has been supposedly working on that enchanted sword of hers, and since she's got a good head on her shoulders I know she didn't. That leaves just one last suspect, but that couldn't be the one, I mean, this stallion already performed a dangerous spell on himself during a battle a few months ago. So I know said stallion wouldn't be stupid enough to push his luck with casting that spell on an eleven-year-old colt behind his marefriend's back, right?" Bright Blade tried to remain fearless, but it was getting increasingly hard. "Anything to say in your defense," asked Twilight. "I did it in the name of love," said Bright, letting out a nervous chuckle. Twilight eyed him critically, after some consideration she made her decision. "Strike two, one more and it's Magic Kindergarten for you." Bright Blade let out a sigh of relief, having come close to facing death for the second time today. At least I'm not as much in dog house as I thought. Thank Epona for small favors… Suddenly Applejack, Clay, and Rainbow Dash came out of the tent. AJ looked pretty stoked about something, which only made Twilight and Bright wonder more. "Twilight Ah need ya to get a hold of Rarity, Ah'm also gonna be askin' ya fer your help to, you know, to keep things organized and such," said Applejack. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up! What's going on," asked Bright. "We're plannin' a weddin'." "…" "…" "A WEDDING," shouted Bright and Twilight at once. ***2 Months of Planning Later*** Sweet Apple Acres was abuzz with activity. Reporters were lined up on the edge of the property; every last one of them pining to get in on the news event of the year, but fortunately or unfortunately depending on who you spoke to, a large clear barrier was erected over most of the Apple farm. Of course some of the reporters tried to get around the barrier and fly over it to take their pictures of the wedding from the sky. But thanks to a rather large and intimidating purple scaled dragon, the reporters were deterred from attempting such a thing. After all, no pony in their right mind would dare to intrude upon a dragon's friend's wedding. Inside the barrier was a different story, many of the Apple Family relatives had arrived for the event, some were helping out with the preparations while others were chatting. Among those assembled were Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Many of those attending bowed before them, thankfully they were able to convince them to stop, they were guests the same as them. As the Prince and Princess trotted through the masses they spotted a very familiar purple unicorn. Her mane was done up in a bun and she was wearing a pair of glasses that rested on the bridge of her nose. Both Cadance and Shining looked to each other and decided to go and say hi to their favorite pony. "Twily," called out Shining Armor. Twilight quickly turned around and saw her older brother and foalsitter happily walking towards her. "Shining Armor, Cadance!" Twilight went and hugged the both of them, with an apology to Cadance to forgo their usual greeting. "You look pretty busy," said Shining Armor, noticing the clipboard in her magical grasp. "Tell me about, between making sure everything goes accordingly, and organizing everypony's movements around here is quite the challenge, but it'll be worth it to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash walk down the wedding aisle. And thank you again Cadance for performing the ceremony." Cadance chuckled a bit and then grinned. "No problem little Ladybug, I've been waiting for this just as much as you have ever since Fort Valor." The three of them shared a laugh, remembering how long it took for the two mares in question to admit their feelings for each other. "I have to admit, you're doing a pretty good job little sis, doing all this and maintaining the barrier must be a bit of a headache." Shining Armor made a face similar to the one when he was under Queen Chrysalis's spell. Twilight groaned at her brother's attempt at humor. "Actually, I'm not the one responsible for the barrier." "That would be my job." Cadance and Shining Armor glanced to their left and saw Bright Blade trotting towards them. He was wearing his uniform from when they were Knighted years ago, which was sized up thanks to Rarity. Once he arrived Bright gave Twilight and affectionate nuzzle. "Twilight showed me the spell for this; since it was an outside wedding a clear invisible barrier wouldn't obstruct the view." "Very nice, but shouldn't you be dressed up too Twilight," asked Shining. "I've been so busy, I didn't want to get it messed up while I was moving around, Rarity would kill me otherwise." Twilight gave a small shutter at the mere thought of upsetting the fashionista, especially today. "You know speaking of marriages, when are we going to get the RSVP for yours," asked Cadance coyly. Both Bright and Twilight blinked at that statement. "We – uh – that is – um – you see –" As that was going on, Applejack was getting ready. Apple Bloom, Rarity, and Fluttershy were helping her out with the fitting of the dress. It was slightly similar to her Grand Galloping Gala dress, but tapered to look less frilly as per her request. The orange earth pony stared out from her room at the ponies down below. There was a long red and gold carpet leading up to the altar where Princess Cadance would marry her and Rainbow Dash. Despite everything she'd had been through, this one event proved to make her more nervous than she'd ever been in her life. "Ah don't know y'all, do ya think Ah'm doin' the right thing," asked Applejack. "What," gasped the other three mares. "Ah just…" "Why Applejack, of all the ponies in Equestria, I'd never figure you for having cold hooves," said Rarity. "Why are ya askin' somethin' like that, just two hours before the ceremony," asked Apple Bloom flabbergasted. "Ah know, Ah know…It's just…Do ya think Ah'm rushin' things?" "Darling, if you ask me, this was a long time coming. And I do think spending ten years, along with raising a wonderful gentlecolt of a foal, makes it more than certain that you're at least ready for this sort of commitment." "It'd wouldn't be that much different would it? The only real difference would be that it's more…official," said Apple Bloom. "…" "Applejack, do you really love Rainbow Dash?" Everypony in the room turned towards Fluttershy, who had remained silent for most of the conversation. Applejack did a double take at that question, wondering if she really heard Fluttershy right. "What the hay is that supposed to mean," asked Applejack. "I'm just wondering, since you're having second thoughts and all. Maybe it really isn't worth all the trouble to bring everypony here, but that's alright, I'm sure they'll understand," said Fluttershy. Rarity, Apple Bloom, and Applejack stood there, mouths agape. They couldn't believe what they were hearing, this was Fluttershy, the bearer of the Element of Kindness, a mare who had been Knighted as such, and yet her words carried very little of that very emotion. Applejack started to furrow her brow, standing firm before the pink maned mare. "And what in tarnation is that supposed to mean!? Are ya sayin' that Ah just cancel the entire thing, just 'cause Ah'm a little nervous!?" "Well it just seems more practical," she responded. "Now Fluttershy, Darling, you can't possibly…" "Practical, what's so 'practical' about doing somethin' that idiotic!?" "Sis maybe ya should calm down a bit…" "All I'm saying is when I married Big Macintosh, I was certain, from the moment I met him that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with your brother. Can you say the same thing about Rainbow Dash, if not; you don't have of any business marrying her, much less being with her." That seemed to be the straw that broke the pony's back, Applejack trotted up to Fluttershy and stared her straight in the eye. The yellow pegasus mare did not flinch, she held her serious gaze, meeting Applejack's fury that boiled within. "Now listen here missy, ya may be part of meh family, you may be my big brother's wife, but don't ya dare think that'll stop meh from smackin' ya in the muzzle for sayin' those things! Ah love Rainbow Dash with every fiber of meh being, Ah'd die for her! Meh whole life Ah was afraid, afraid about what meh family would say if they knew I loved mares more than stallions, even more so when Ah found out I loved Rainbow Dash! But Ah knew from that moment, on that Epona forsaken battlefield, that Ah wanted nothin' more than to be with her, forever! So don't you dare say that Ah have no business bein' with the one Ah love, or so help meh –!" Applejack didn't get to finish her little monologue as Fluttershy quickly embraced the bride-to-be in tight hug. Needless to say, Applejack was taken completely off guard. "You have your answer now," said Fluttershy in the kindest, most gentle tone she could muster. Applejack's eyes widened at the realization, her friend and sister-in-law had meant for her to get riled up, and in so doing wiped all the fears she had within her heart and mind. "Thank ya, Shy." "Anytime." Rarity and Apple Bloom both released a long held breath, fearing that they were going to bear witness to full out brawl. "Thank Celestia, I really didn't want to have to explain why the bride was covered in bruises and her dress tattered," whispered Rarity. "By the way, Fluttershy has gotten a bit bolder since the last time I've seen her. It's really quite becoming." "Yer tellin' meh," whispered Apple Bloom. Clay was walking about on the farm, showing Firefly around his home. He had to admit, Firefly did look good in a dress, though, as she's mentioned many times over, she hates dressing up for anything unless it was absolutely necessary. So Firefly didn't mind dressing up for the wedding of her idol and coltfriend's mother. "Thanks again Clay, for inviting me," said Firefly. "Well…since our second date didn't go so well, I thought we could make it up here," said Clay, rubbing the back of his head. "Oh, is that all, and here I thought you had ulterior motives." Firefly smirked and bumped her flank against Clay's, making the earth pony colt blush slightly. As they neared the second house, his Aunt Fluttershy and Uncle Big Mac's dwelling, Clay started to glance back and forth at his sides, he missed the feeling of the faux wings resting there. He hung his head slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by Firefly. She nuzzled Clay's neck affectionately, trying to lift his spirits. "You still miss them, don't you?" "A little…I didn't even get to the third day before they were destroyed," said Clay. "But…didn't Dame Twilight say that you could get them back, since they were taken away," asked Firefly. Clay sighed, "Yeah, but I don't want to…at least not after meeting my uncle and grandparents last month." "To be honest I'm kinda glad you decided to stay with your moms," Firefly leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, making the colt blush. "I like it better when you're close." "Heh, heh. So how's your dad holding up knowing that I'm your coltfriend?" Firefly's pace slowed just a bit. "He's…adjusting…Knowing that I'm dating the son of two Knights cushioned the blow. But he's still a little angry that I didn't tell him straight out…Honestly I hate it when he does that." "He's just looking out for you, it's what parents do," said Clay. Firefly stopped trotting; Clay was a few steps ahead of her before he noticed her absence. "Do you know why he named me Philomena? It's the same name as Princess Celestia's pet phoenix! That's all I am, just bird in cage to keep safe and admire…the fact that he's even letting come out all the way out here is a miracle in itself…" Clay's ears flattened, Firefly had never shared that piece of information with him before. Although, it did make a bit of sense why she liked doing daredevil stunts and admired the Wonderbolts so much. Firefly liked the freedom they possessed, being able to fly out and return of her own free will. "Firefly…I'm sorry." Firefly seemed to snap out of her small fit of anger, noticing the saddened look upon Clay's face. "No, no, no, it's not your fault…Sorry, thinking about my Dad and his constant…you know what never mind. This is a happy day, c'mon let's head back." The pink pegasus walked closer to Clay, giving him an encouraging nuzzle, perking him up a bit. As both Firefly and Clay trotted towards where the ceremony would be held, Clay caught a familiar sound coming from the barn they were passing. He stopped for a moment, his ears twitching in search of the sound. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh…!" "That sounds like…Mom?" "Rainbow Dash, you hear her?" Firefly started to listen more closely, soon her ears started to pick up on the sound of her voice. "Oh yeah, that is her, but where…?" Clay and Firefly looked around till they were able to pinpoint where it was coming from. It was coming from the upper level of the barn. The two foals quickly entered through the barn doors, where Rainbow Dash's voice was becoming clearer. Firefly motioned towards the ladder; Clay understood and started climbing it, while Firefly flew up alongside the ladder. They popped their heads through the opening and watched as Rainbow Dash paced back and forth, not even noticing their presence. Clay looked to Firefly; she nodded in understanding and mouthed the words "See you in a bit." With Firefly gone, Clay climbed up the rest of the way till he was on the second level of the barn. Clay was wearing a tuxedo vest, while his Mom was wearing one, though, thanks to his Aunt Rarity, it looked more like a cross between a tuxedo and dress. He remembered the big argument they got into when Rainbow Dash proclaimed that she wouldn't wear any kind of frilly dress. "Hey Mom," said Clay. "AHHH!" Rainbow Dash jumped up, her wings flapping like crazy. She then landed back on the floor staring in Clay's direction. "Oh good… it's just you Clay." "Yeeeah…were you expecting somepony else?" "No…" Rainbow Dash started staring out through opening on the upper level, gazing out towards the many ponies who were moving around, to the hulking mass that was Spike, resting near the entrance of the Sweet Apple Acres . Clay could tell that something was up; his normally energetic, brash mother was acting very strange, especially on her wedding day. "Mom, what's wrong," asked Clay as he joined Rainbow Dash by her side. "Do…do think your Ma will be happy, with me I mean?" Clay had to shake his head for a moment, because honestly he couldn't have heard his Mom ask that question. "Say what? Why would you ask something like that?" "Sorry Clay, maybe that was a bit over your head –" "No it's not that I don't understand, it's just, I don't get why you'd think that?" Rainbow Dash sighed; she then lowered her body and laid down on the floor. With her left hoof she motioned for Clay to sit next to her, upon which he did. The two of them sat there in silence for a while, just looking at the sky and farm. "You know, it was right here that I really knew that I was in love your Ma, that was years ago," said Rainbow Dash, breaking the silence. "Really?" "Yeah, course, a lot of stuff happened and I was going through some issues back then. That's why you got off easy after your little wings stunt, I know how you feel when it comes to somepony you love." Clay couldn't help but feel embarrassed, knowing that Rainbow Dash was talking about Firefly. "So…why do you think Ma won't be happy with you?" "After everything I've put you and her through…along with, well, you know how your Ma and I get sometimes…I mean, before, being marefriends, if something went south the worst that could happen would be us breaking it off. Now, it's serious, if we have a big fight or something, then we'll have to get divorced and then –!" Clay quickly put his hoof on Rainbow Dash's mouth, silencing his mother from further ranting. "Jeez Mom, do you always have to go to the extreme?" Clay was answered with a slight shrug and a sheepish grin. That's what I thought. "Look Mom, you and Ma are perfect for each other, and besides, so what if you fight. If you do, I'll be there to make sure you two stay in line," said Clay with a cocky smirk. Rainbow shot him one of her own, at the same time brining up a hoof to ruffle his combed mane. "Oh really mister big shot, well then, I hope you can handle reining us in when things get heated." After ruffling his mane, Rainbow Dash rested the same hoof on his cheek. "You've grown a lot haven't you? Already have a fillyfriend and you can kick some serious flank. You're really awesome Clay." "That's because I have a couple of awesome moms that raised me to be." Rainbow Dash rose up and sat on her haunches, she then enveloped Clay in hug, to which Clay repaid in kind. The mother and son held each other for what felt like a long time. After another minute or so, they separated and smiled. "C'mon Clay, I have a special somepony to go and marry!" Rainbow Dash declared as she stood up and flared her wings proudly. Clay stood up tall and proud as well, with a confident look in his eyes. "Right!" All the Apple family members gathered on either side of the red carpet that led to the altar. Princess Cadance took her place at the center, mentally going over her lines. Rainbow Dash stood to her left, no longer a bundle of nervous, but instead happy and ready to wed the mare of her dreams. Scootaloo stood next her, taking her place as Rainbows best mare, the orange pegasus almost created her own Sonic Rainboom when she got the news. And next to Scootaloo stood Clay, the cushion with the rings resting atop his back. Where Applejack would soon stand was Apple Bloom, one her bridesmaids, as giddy as a school filly at her big sister getting married. Beside her was another mare that Rainbow Dash and Clay had met once before. She had a copper colored coat, a red mane and tail, green eyes, and a cutie mark of a seedling sprouting. Babs Seed, Applejack's and Apple Bloom's cousin, if she remembered correctly. Apple Bloom and Babs had a bit of a rocky start when they first met, but after a while they became best friends, especially after Apple Bloom helped her in getting her cutie mark. On one side of the aisle, Rainbow's side, the Wonderbolts team, along with Pinkie Pie and Pound, Rarity, Derpy Hooves, even Twilight and Bright. Applejack had suggested at one point that they invite Rainbow Dash's parents to the wedding, to which she vehemently protested. Still, it was their special day, and Applejack really didn't want Rainbow's side devoid of her actual family. So when her father,Rainbow Rush, and mother, Dawn Light, showed up, it caused a bit of tension. But in the end, Rainbow Dash at least accepted part of their apology for what happened years ago when she was a filly. It would be a long road to true forgiveness, but Rainbow owed it to Clay to at least put in the effort to make peace with soon-to-be grandparents. Applejack's side contained the majority of her family. Fluttershy and her son Swift Hummer stood proudly with Granny Smith. They were just a bit afraid at how their family would react to the wedding to mares, surprisingly enough, they took it pretty well. Even among the elder of the Apple generations. In fact this little event actually helped some of them to go out and seek their special someponies with a newfound passion, be they of the same or opposite gender. Suddenly the crowd went silent, as the wedding march song, performed by Octavia and Lyra's group, began to play. All eyes shifted towards the other end of the long red carpet. Three flower girls stepped forward, Dinky Hooves, Spring Days, and Pumpkin. The three fillies, baskets in mouth, skipped down the aisle, swinging the baskets back and forth, lettering the ground with red and white flower petals. Once the three fillies made it to the altar, baskets emptied, they trotted off to their respective sides. The family members turned back once again, and there she , standing right next to Big Macintosh, the two of them slowly walking towards the altar, passing by many ponies crying tears of joy, among them was Granny Smith. As much as she wanted to remain composed, she couldn't, this was her granddaughter, her little pony, the filly she raised since the day her parents…no, no this is a happy day, no need to bring up sour memories. As Big Mac lead Applejack to the altar, she whispered to her big brother. "Thanks big brother, for givin' meh away and all…" "No need to thank meh, sis, this was something I hoped to do for a long time now. Ah'm just glad ya did before you became an old spinster," joked Big Mac. Applejack did a quick elbowing of the stallion's side, "Yer gonna call me an old spinster on mah weddin' day, you got some nerve! But…thanks, Ah just wish mom and dad were here…" "Same here. Don't let it get'cha down though, you gotta keep smilin', can't let your wife see a sad face up there." Taking her brother's words into consideration, Applejack put on the biggest, happiest smile she could muster. When both brother and sister reached the altar Princess Cadance opened her wings, signaling the band to halt the music. She cleared her throat and spoke to the crowd. "Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today in the union of Dame Applejack Apple and Dame Rainbow Dash." Cadance trained her gaze onto the red stallion before her. "Who gives this bride away to be wed?" "I, Big Macintosh Apple, do give her away," he said. The elder Apple sibling took his sister's hoof and raised it up to Rainbow Dash; she graciously accepted it and nodded in thanks to her soon-to-be brother-in-law. Applejack trotted up the rest of the way till she was staring right across from Rainbow Dash, the two mares' gaze firmly fixed on the other. "If anypony should give just cause as to why these two should not be married, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." Cadance stared out into the crowd once more, only this time her expression was serious, almost daring somepony to say something in front of the Princess of Love, just so that she could zap them. These two are getting married, they've been driving me nuts for years with their pent up love! I swear if anypony says something I'm going to – Did that mare just –!? Oh wait, false alarm. "Ahem, Miss Rainbow Dash, do you swear to take Applejack Apple as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and told, in sickness and in health, from this day forward, so long as you both shall live?" Rainbow Dash nodded, "I do!" Princess Cadance turned to Applejack. "And do you, Miss Applejack Apple, take Rainbow Dash to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and told, in sickness and in health, from this day forward, so long as you both shall live?" "Ah do," said Applejack. "May we have the rings?" Clay quickly made his way in between his mothers, presenting the rings that were on the cushion. Since unicorns had horns, a ring could easily fit over their horn. But for earth ponies and pegasi, special gold earrings were fashioned to be worn for such ceremonies. Princess Cadance wrapped the two earrings in her telekinetic aura, moving them to their respective recipients. One of them bore a red ruby apple hanging from it, which was clipped onto Rainbow Dash's left ear. While the other, bearing a ruby lightning bolt, was clasped onto the left ear of Applejack. "Then by the power vested in me, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and by our late goddess Epona above, you are now and forever more, married!" The jewels on the earrings started to shine in conformation of the Princess's words. "You may kiss the bride." Neither one of them wasted anytime with that. As soon as the words left her mouth, both Rainbow Dash and Applejack kissed passionately. Twilight's horn flared up, in the sky above a Sonic Rainboom erupted and thundered across the sky, bathing the sky in its multicolored brilliance. Sure it was only a mock imitation of the real thing, but it did make the whole event a lot cooler, or least that's how Rainbow Dash put it. At the same time, per Fluttershy's suggestion, doves flew out in all directions; thankfully they were able to leave the dome easily. The crowd on both sides of the aisle cheered loudly and boisterously, shouting their combined happiness to the heavens above. When Applejack and Rainbow Dash broke their kiss they looked to Clay and motioned for him to join them. The young colt eagerly rushed to his newlywed mothers, standing between them, a new family of three, one that will never be broken, and ones whose bonds will remain intact for many years to come. ***Unknown Location – Beyond Time and Space*** The Spirit of Pestilence, Loimos, growled and sneered, ruffling his feathers in anger as he shouted obscenities into the void of darkness around him. He couldn't believe how easily he was defeated, and by two creatures that were at his mercy too. Where had they gotten that power from, it was unlike anything he'd ever faced, it made them more powerful, nearly invincible! "Tough day, brother?" Loimos turned in the direction of the voice, knowing exactly who it belonged to. Wispy, flaming red plasma flashed into existence, fading away shortly thereafter to reveal the first Envoy, the Spirit of War, Polemos. "Spare me your sarcasm, Polemos!" Loimos growled. "What do you have to complain about!? The golden one is a worthy adversary, you shouldn't be surprised that you were defeated, your strength doesn't lie in battle," said Polemos. "You battle crazed, four armed, imbecile! It wasn't the golden one!" Polemos, although angered by his fellow Envoy's tone, was intrigued by what he had said. "I'll overlook your condescending tone, for the moment, now tell me what occurred." Loimos, regrettably, recanted the sequence of events that led to his "tactical retreat" from Equestria, how the two mares he was fighting somehow accessed new avenues of power that rivaled and maybe surpassed his own. With each word spoken, Polemos only seemed to get more and more excited, like a foal being told a great story. "And that's it…" he said with spite. At that same moment Polemos' body erupted with red energy, his four mechanical arms sprouted out and thrust themselves into the air, fists balled. Polemos began to laugh manically, with a sort of happy madness. "I don't believe it! You mean to tell me they can become even more powerful! This is fantastic!" Polemos roared happily. "You must be joking," Loimos deadpanned. "I must return to that world! I must fight them! The Great Battle I have been searching for has finally presented itself to me!" "You know very well that you cannot return to Equestria." Both Polemos and Loimos scowled at the sound of this disembodied voice. They knew for whom it belonged to, and they were less than pleased to hear it. "Sister…" growled Polemos "Of course, I was wondering when you'd show up," said Loimos "It's the Taint, our powers will only allow us one world to destroy a piece, and since the two of you have been driven from Equestria you can no longer return. All traces of your Taint are gone." "I was not driven away; I was recalled by the Master!" "In any case, you two had your shot and blew it. Big brother isn't pleased, and you know that the Master isn't in any better a mood. You two lack elegance, strategy, and even more so, a sense of presentation. And now…" A bright flash of orange light appeared before Polemos and Loimos in the distance. Yellow shining eyes and a dark orange aura burned slowly as it moved towards the other two Envoy. "It's my turn…" End Second Sign Arc… > Third Sign: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Slight Problem ***2 Years Ago –Manehattan*** Manehattan was quite the bustling city. Everypony was going somewhere in a hurry, the industrial and economic advances around the city had made the air a little dirty, but nothing a few weather pegasi couldn't handle. The noise from the train depots was a bit off putting, and some of the citizenry weren't as refined as the Canterlot ponies. Still, the architectural design and massiveness of Manehattan itself was a sight to behold, with tall skyscrapers that could rival the Royal Palace, not to mention the many chic fashion stores and restaurants. One pony was admiring the beauty of the city from a large balcony overlooking Manehattan. She was a unicorn, with a beautifully coiffed mane and tail, a white coat, and lovely blue eyes. The unicorn mare was lightly sipping cider from a glass she was holding in her blue telekinetic aura, sighing blissfully as she stood there taking it all in. "Ahh, how I do love Fashion Week, ponies come from miles around, just to get a glimpse of the latest fashion designs to hit the market," said the mare. "And this year it's being held in Manehattan! Oh just think of it you two, next year will be Prance, and the year after in Manelan!" There was a navy blue pegasus lying on one of the long chairs, her abdomen was visibly distended. "Why wait till next year, you guys can go there anytime you want right?" There was dragon sitting in the chair next to the pegasus mare, munching on an emerald gemstone, along with a plate of other jewels that were laid on the table before them. "Yeah, we could, but Rarity likes to relax in the city after Fashion Week is over. That way we don't have to pack up, we can just stay, sight see, and do, you know, relaxing stuff." "Oh, well, I guess that makes sense. Anyway, thanks for seeing me on such short notice, I know you guys are pretty busy right now," said the pegasus mare. "Ballista think nothing of it, you're our friend, and we always make time for our friends and family." Rarity trotted over to Ballista and sat on a cushion near the table. "I can't believe your six months along already, you're positively glowing darling." Ballista blushed slightly at the comment, but soon found herself rubbing her swollen belly lovingly. "So do you know what it is," asked Spike. "Yeah, it's a filly, a pegasus too," said Ballista. "Oooohh, have you thought of name for the little one?" "Gale," she said. Spike and Rarity looked to each other, a little surprised by the name, not that it didn't sound lovely, but it sounded a little too soft for the semi-retired soldier. "Short for Gale Force." "Awww, okay," they said in unison. "So, what about you two, have you reconsidered…you know…?" Ballista knew that this was a touchy subject, in the number of times she had met and spoken with the dragon and unicorn couple, they had decided long ago that they would abstain from having children, at least for a while. She couldn't blame them really, there hasn't been a crosspieces dragon-pony child born over two centuries, and that was shortly after the dragons left for the Badlands. Most of the information about what to expect when having half breed dragon foals was either taken from myth, or obscured through many years, making it impossible to know what to expect or how to prepare. "We're still waiting for the right time," said Spike, gingerly placing a claw on Rarity's hoof. "Yes, believe me Ballista; I'd like nothing more than to have children of my own, to dote on, and to love. But, quite frankly, neither of us know the risks involved, and with my busy career, it just wouldn't be fair to our child," Rarity added. Ballista nodded her head solemnly. "I understand. It's no big deal." "Anyway, where's little Gale's Dad, is he working right now," asked Spike. Ballista's mood changed noticeably at the mentioning of the unborn foal's father. With a steady sigh, she sat up on her haunches and looked both of them in the eyes. "That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you two about…" Rarity and Spike started to have worried looks on their faces. "He's…He…He left me." The couple blinked in confusion at what their friend just said, wondering if they heard correctly. "It was right around when I found out I was pregnant. I was so happy that I wanted to tell him right away, but the day I told him, he went paler than Celestia's coat. He started saying things like, 'How could this have happened,' and, 'Is it too late to do anything about it!?'" "He wanted you to get rid of your baby," asked Rarity, giving her and incredulous look. Ballista wrapped a single foreleg around her stomach, as if trying to protect from some unseen assailant. "Needless to say I was shocked at what he said. I…I loved him…and I thought he loved me enough to raise a child together. Guess I was wrong, 'cause the next day I found a letter saying we were threw…" The sound of a hoof slamming upon the table snapped Ballista out of her sad recollection. Rarity's face was contorted with anger and fury, something that made the mare a legend in the fashion world. She's the most generous and kindest mare you'll know, but cross her or her friends and there will be blood, lots, and lots, of blood. "HOW DARE HE DO SUCH A THING! What kind of stallion, no, what kind of pony would just get mare pregnant and just leave her high and dry!" "Uh, Rarity, you do know I get a substantial pay check from my military service, ri –?" "Why such creature a isn't even worthy of being called equine, such a being is lower than dirt! Spike, come my dear, we must hunt down this laggard and drag him back kicking and –!" Rarity was quickly silenced by Spike placing his claw on her muzzle, startling the mare, but effectively stopping her dramatic rant. "Rarity, calm down, drink your cider and breathe." Rarity grumbled for a little bit, but after a while the tension in her body started to release. Spike removed his claw from her muzzle, allowing his wife to take deep calming breaths. Once she had done that, Rarity levitated her champagne glass over and took a few sips. "Seriously though, do you want I should uh, you know," Spike gestured with his claws, balling one into fist while repeatedly smacking it into his palm. "No you two, that won't be necessary. My father found him and pretty much tore him a new one," said Ballsita, chuckling slightly. Both Spike and Rarity shivered at that bit of news, their thirst for revenge quickly vanished upon knowing that Major – sorry – General Broadside had given the said stallion the once over. A draconic assault, while effective, would pale in comparison to old warhorse's. "So you've truly decided to keep her," asked Rarity. "Despite what he did, I'm not making my foal pay for him being a jerk. Besides, even if I wanted to, I'd be risking my own health. Anyway, there was another reason, although related, why I came to see you guys." Both Rarity and Spike nodded in anticipation, waiting for the soldier mare to tell them her news. "I wanted know, if you two wouldn't mind becoming Gale's godparents?" Rarity eyes practically lit up as she quickly enveloped the pregnant pegasus in a hug. Spike was left sitting there, his head looking at his wife and the place she was sitting at earlier, wondering how in the world she moved that fast without him noticing. "I'll take this as a yes?" "But of course, we can think of no greater honor, right Spikey-Wikey," asked Rarity, fluttering her eyelashes. "We'd be glad to Ballista." "Thanks, both you. I know this is a poor substitute for not having a foal of your own, but I hope that you can be a part of Gale's life. Considering the history we have," said Ballista, chuckling a bit. Rarity giggled slightly, she then, after getting an approving nod from Ballista, placed her hoof softly on Ballista's belly. The unicorn mare's hoof jumped a bit upon feeling movement. But something about it brought out a side to Rarity that she'd never felt before, a sense of motherly instinct perhaps. It was then that her eyes trailed off a little to look in Spike's direction. He was just watching Rarity while munching on a topaz, a happy smile gracing his lips. Rarity started to wonder, just what kind of father Spike would be. But that would have to wait, neither one of them wanted to risk the others life, nor did they want feel like they would neglect their child because of their work. So for now, being a godparent would be the next best thing. ***2 Years and 3 Months Later*** Cavallo a beautiful land far south of Equestria, and home to one of its two larger cities, I speak of course of Manelan. It was busy this time of year, market vendors and store owners were on edge. For next week would be a big event. But now, let us digress to a place further outside the city, towards the countryside. Where a large home, built upon a hill, was perched, overlooking the city. Inside this were various varieties of expensive furniture and artwork. Further in, passed the oak wood double doors, was a massive bedroom. You'd almost mistake it for a theater. Velour red curtains hung, tied off with golden rope to let the sun shine in, illuminating the marble floor and large ornate columns which held up the ceiling. Inside the room, coiled around a large round cushion from head to tail, was a purple dragon. His muscles rippled as he shifted for comfort. The dragons emerald green eyes looked down the cushion he kept close to his body, smiling down at it as he watched its occupant sleep peacefully. Spike was an early riser; it had become a habit since his younger days. Being Twilight's number one assistant meant that he had to get up early in order to help with the chores, and to cook for the unicorn mare, since, back then, she couldn't boil water without blowing up the house. Spike kind of wished he could sleep in, just ignore his habit and keep sleeping, but then again, he'd be denying himself the pleasure of watching the love of his life sleep within his protective encirclement. As much as he enjoyed the sight, Spike knew he had rouse his wife from her slumber. He lowered his large muzzle down towards Rarity, who was dressed in silk pajamas and covered in a light blanket. Spike gently nuzzled her, making the unicorn mare produce objecting groans. After a few more nuzzles, Rarity's eyes started to flutter open. "Really love…I was enjoying the most wonderful dream," groaned Rarity. "Sorry Rarity, but we need to get up, we have a busy day today," said Spike. "I have a better idea." Rarity turned around, her serene blue eyes meeting spikes giant eyes, her lips forming a coy smile. "Why don't you change your form to something more manageable, and you can come in here and snuggle with me instead?" Oh now that wasn't fair, she knew Spike liked snuggling with her, and it was very tempting, oh so very tempting. But, steeling his resolve, the large dragon held his ground. Rarity sighed in defeat, seeing that her husband would not be swayed, still, she had to give it a shot, and there would be snuggles later tonight. "Alright, alright, shall we," asked Rarity. "Let's," responded Spike. Rarity used her telekinesis to lift the blankets off her body, once she had; the unicorn mare began trotting towards the entrance of their bedroom. Spike had stood to his full height, opening his maw, and letting his dragon fire spill out. The flames wrapped around his body, till he was nothing but a large dragon shaped inferno. Even though the flames burned, nothing in the room caught fire, they weren't even hot. Soon the flames died down as the shape of the flames changed. What stood in their place was Spike, about a head higher than Rarity, standing on two legs. While not as muscular as his true form, it wasn't lanky like before when his greed was accelerating his growth. Now that Spike had shrunk down he joined Rarity and the two of them went on to prepare for the day. After freshening up in the bathroom, Rarity strolled into her walk-in closet; her horn immediately lit up, as combs, curling irons, coat brushes, and hairpins levitated and danced around her. Rarity's mind was always good at multitasking, which helped in both her work, and her telekinetic abilities. "Now Spike, be a dear and tell me what's on our agenda for today." Spike held out his left claw, an orb of green light appeared in his palm, which quickly popped, producing a clipboard and with his right he summoned a red quill pen. "Let's see, today we're heading to the city, the hosts of the fashion show are going to assign the designers a day to present, so we'll head there first. Afterwards we're going to meet Fancy Pants and Fleur-De-Lis at a charity auction at the Alfalfa Romeo Museum, probably just make a brief appearance at the very least," said Spike. "Excellent, what about the models, did the ones I requested reply?" "Yep, two pegasi, one earth pony, and one unicorn, all mares, all accounted for." "Fabulous, is that all?" Rarity asked as she levitated one outfit after another, trying to decide which one to wear. "Let's see…" Spike started to flip through clipboard, making sure he didn't miss anything. When he got to the seventh page, his eyes went wide, and he face palmed himself. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Ballista, Gale, and Broadside, are coming to visit!" Rarity stopped rifling through her dresses and made an excited gasp. "Little Gale is coming!?" Spike nodded. "Oh how wonderful, once Fashion Week is over, we really must take them on a tour around the city, with all the craziness that has occurred over these past few months, they could use a vacation," said Rarity. "You got that right." Rarity and Spike were now sailing over the skies of Manelan, having arranged for a pegasus drawn carriage in order to get them to their destination faster. In all honesty it would've been a lot faster if Rarity had rode on Spike's back in his massive dragon form, but they didn't want to cause a panic. A large purple scaled dragon flying through the skies was not a cause for alarm in Ponyville, but around here, the citizens tend freak out over something like that. Once they had entered the city proper, the pegasi slowly descended down to the stone road, after landing the two pegasi stallions trotted the rest of the way. Rarity had been watching the scenery pass them by, while Spike read over some of the notes he had made from their last walkthrough. It was then he heard an audible sigh coming from his wife. "What's wrong Rarity?" "What…Oh nothing, just thinking about Applejack's and Rainbow Dash's wedding, as much as those two hate dressing up, they really do look quite beautiful when they do. I'm just happy they finally, tied the knot, as it were, I swear they were going to be as old as Granny Smith before one of them proposed," joked Rarity. "Let's not forget, Granny Smith wasn't a big fan of those two getting together in the first place, the fact they she gave her approval means she's really accepted Rainbow Dash as part of their family." Both the unicorn and dragon shared a smile. "Now all we need to do is get Twi and Bright married." Rarity chuckled, "Oh Spike, you really do care about their happiness don't you?" "Of course I do, Twi raised me and Bright, well, fake memories or not, I still care about him like my brother, and I want them to be happy. Although…" Rarity could sense where Spike was going, "Indeed, these recent events have had me a little on edge as well…" Rarity pulled a little at the collar to her dress, revealing the Element of Generosity, safely clasped around her neck. "And with Rainbow Dash and Applejack's newly discovered powers, it's starting to make me think that…well…" "You think there's another war coming, or do you think it really is the end of the world," asked Spike. "Unfortunately, no one has the answer to that. Regardless, I refuse to let something as trivial as that dampen my spirits! This coming week is too important," said Rarity with vigor. Spike grinned at Rarity's ability to relegate something like the end of the world as trivial. Still, Rarity was right; there was no point in worrying about something that wasn't certain, yet. Soon the carriage came to a halt; one of the pegasi unhitched himself and came around to open the door. Rarity, wearing a flowing velvet dress, and Spike, wearing a tux and red boutonniere, stepped out of the carriage. After thanking the two pegasi, and informing them that they would be making further stops today, the unicorn and dragon couple entered the large building. Palazzo Della Moda, at least that was its name in Cavalian, in Equish, it was called the Palace of Fashion. It was aptly named; the halls were lined with statues and paintings of ponies that had left their mark in the Equestrian fashion world. Part of the palace was sectioned off, acting as a museum in dedication to the legendary designers, where their first creations were housed in glass cases neatly preserved for all to see. It was noted that anypony wanting to further their knowledge in the field, simply needed to come to Manelan. It's no wonder that this city was included to create the Big Four, along with Trottingham, Manehattan, and Prance. All the top designers were filing in, moving to the grand hall where they would be informed of the day they would present. It was during this time that all the designers would hobnob, gossip, and wish others luck in their endeavors. Rarity and garnered many friends within this world, some new designers just striking out for the first time, others were veterans who really didn't need to enter, but did so as recreation. Then there were the other type of ponies, those who were out to prove themselves number one, who were devious and wealthy enough to use almost any underhanded trick to get an edge. Rarity and Spike have had to deal with these types many times over. One of them, Rarity saw among the crowd. She was a unicorn mare, in her early twenties, with a scarlet mane. Her coat was white, almost blindingly so, with violet eyes that could easily draw you in, like a snake hypnotizing you into coming closer, before it snuck its fangs into you. Glory was her name, her cutie mark that of a sapphire blue star, with golden vines intertwining and forming what appeared to be feathered wings, although, they looked more akin to bat wings. Glory seemed to spot Rarity and, much to her displeasure, trotted over in their direction. Once she was there, she put on a practiced smile. "Rarity, so nice to see you," said Glory. "Likewise Glory, I'm sure," responded Rarity, as politely as she could. "I'm surprised you're here, I would've thought you would take a rest from last year." "Yes well, the mysterious disappearance of my fabrics did cause a slight wrinkle, but nothing I couldn't handle. You'd be amazed at the generosity of the small business stores in Manehattan, they're still thanking me for noting their contributions to my works, and last I heard their businesses are booming," said Rarity. Spike watched the two mares, he knew what this was. Polite society had its own rules on how to go about fighting. Open brawls were frowned upon, so instead, such fights were done with a verbal jab or quip. Using ones accomplishments or the others shortcomings as weapons, Rarity was good at this, but Glory was almost her equal, almost. "Yes…very fortunate of you." Glory's eyes shifted towards Spike, but just for a moment, she quickly showed a look of disgust, and then returned to Rarity. "Honestly, I don't know why you continue to have this, 'thing,' follow you around." "I'll ask you not to refer to my husband in such a manner," said Rarity. Glory scoffed, "'Husband,' that creature is nothing more than a glorified servant." Spike had learned to keep his temper in check, such insults weren't uncommon, and there were still some ponies who viewed her marriage to a dragon as unseemly. Since no pony wanted to see just how wrathful a dragon could be when an insult was made to him or his mate, Rarity would step in and take control. "Really Glory, lobbing such pity insults at my husband in front of me, it is most unbecoming of a young mare such as yourself. Then again, it could be the reason behind your, how shall we say, less than desirable works." "At least I'm not mooching off of my title, Dame Rarity. Do you really think that ponies would be taking notice of your work if you weren't a Knight of Harmony," ask Glory with venom. "Trust me darling, my title has nothing to do with how I create my works. I take pride in what I do; knowing that what I make will be enjoyed by all. Competing is one thing, but the joy I get from others wearing my creations and having fun while doing so, is much more rewarding." Rarity began to trot near Glory, "Now, if you don't mind, it seems that they'll be announcing any minute, ta-ta." With that, Rarity and Spike left Glory there, seething in anger. Just like she had said, the director of the fashion show appeared on the stage in the Grand Hall. Using his magic, he created a magical window that displayed the names of all the designers and on what day they were to present. Rarity's eyes found her name, listed under Friday at noon, while at the same time, Glory's name was listed as well, scheduled to go on before her at 11:00. "Seriously, she's going on the same day as we are," asked Spike annoyed at the roster listing. "Don't worry love; as usual we'll take the necessary precautions." Rarity placed a comforting hoof on the dragon's shoulder, assuring him that everything would be alright. "You sure I can't, you know?" Spike let out puff of dragon fire to indicate his intention. Rarity looked to Glory, contemplating if the stuck up mare didn't deserve to have her mane styled by an accidental misfire of dragon fire. After a minute, she decided against it, though filed it in her memory for further thought later. What she didn't see however, was that the young mare was shooting Rarity a sinister smile. ***Later at the Carousel Boutique Studio*** Spike and Rarity arrived at their allotted studio for Fashion Week. Fancy Pants and Fleur's charity auction was a pleasant change of scenery, the couple had wished them luck in the upcoming week and saying that they would be rooting for them in the crowd. She really did owe a lot to those two; they've stood by her ever since that day when she presented them with her latest designs after the war. Even now, years later, they were still popular. Once at the studio, Rarity pretty much leapt out of the carriage, eager to work on her latest project. It had become a common thing for him, Spike having to go and chase after his wife when she was in "the zone," as Rarity would put it. Once inside the studio they saw that the workers were in full panic mode, Rarity and Spike raised an eyebrow at this, wondering what could be making them act like this. "Spike if you please," asked Rarity. Spike sucked in as much air into his lungs as he could, and in the next moment, unleashed a powerful roar that rumbled throughout the entire studio, rattling the windows to the point of shattering. All the ponies within stopped in their tracks, both out of fear and curiosity. When Spike was through with his dragon roar, he cleared his throat and composed himself. "Thank you love." "Anytime," said Spike. "Now, could somepony please tell me what all the fuss is about?" The gathered ponies seemed hesitant to answer Rarity, stallions and mares looking to one another, knowing glances being exchanged. Rarity adored her design team, having hoof picked many of them herself, but if there was anything she hated, it would be when somepony was withholding something back, a comment, an idea, or even advice. It was something that she'd learned not to take for granted, a trait Rarity had taken away with the friendships she had made. And she made it clear to her staff to come to her or Spike when there was a problem, which is why Rarity didn't understand why they looked so afraid and worried. "Come now, I can't help or do anything if I don't know what the problem is." It took some time, but one of the mares stepped forward from the crowd. She looked nervous, real nervous. "Um well, Miss Rarity, there's a spot of bother concerning the models," said the mare with a Trottingham accent. Rarity gave an exasperated sigh, "Let me guess, they're being absolute divas aren't they. Just let me talk with them, I'll straighten them out." "That would be nice…if they were here…" "Pardon?" "They aren't here…" "You're kidding right," asked Spike. "No sir…" "May I ask, how and why," asked Rarity, a little edge to her voice. "Two of the pegasus models have the feather flu, and the last two have pony pox, ma'am…" "Seriously!? The feather flu I get, but the odds of two ponies catching it, let alone having the pony pox are – Uh Rarity are you alright?" Rarity's right eye began to twitch noticeably; she hyperventilated and made angered grunting noises. The unicorn did an about face, looking away from her staff and husband. She started grinding her teeth, her hooves making their way towards her mane, threatening to pull it out at the roots, Rarity's body then started to tremble as she rose on her hind legs. After a few more seconds of her episode, Rarity went still. She released a sigh and turned around to face her staff, eyes wide and sparkling, with a very ladylike smile gracing her lips. "Oh is that all." Almost every member of the design team stared at Rarity, jaws dropped, eyes wide as saucers; you'd think she had just spoken blasphemy against the Princesses. "Is that all!? Miss Rarity it is –!" "Only a slight problem and one that I will see to is rectified." Rarity then clapped her hooves together, gaining everypony's attention. "Now then, everyone, please prepare the outfits for resizing, we'll have to be quick for when the new models arrive." No pony seemed to argue with Rarity, there was no need to. They had been with her long enough to know that the fashionista always had an ace up her sleeve when it came to sticky situations, and this was one doozy of a sticky situation. Rarity trotted towards her personal design room, with Spike following close behind. Unbeknownst to all, even Rarity, Spike had snapped his fingers, quickly casting a spell to block all sound entering his ears. Rarity used her telekinesis to open the door and strode right in; Spike was the last one in, closing the door behind him. Three…two…one. Spike turned around and watched as Rarity rose on her hind legs and bellowed into the air, screaming at the top of her lungs. From what he could read from her lips, she was spouting all manner of obscene words that were not meant for ears of foals. Spike continued to watch the spectacle before him as Rarity now paced back and forth, still swearing, stamping her hoof on the floor every once and awhile. Rarity then moved on to the couch, using her telekinesis to grab one of the cushions. She then levitated the cushion over to her muzzle; Rarity took a deep breath then roared into the cushion. Spike knew that that little thing wouldn't muffle much of her screaming, luckily, the room was enchanted to be soundproof, as to keep any design secrets from being overheard. Spike now saw that Rarity was out of breath, panting as she took in deep calming breaths. It was then that he dismissed the spell he had used to deafen himself with a wave of his claw. "Okay, now that you've got that out of your system, we need to find replacement models before Fashion Week starts up," said Spike. "SPIKE THERE ARE NO OTHER MODELS!" "What do you mean; I'll just call up the local modeling agency." "Spike, every fashion designer in the city – no – In all of Cavallo are here, and already under the direction of their assigned designers! In short getting one on such short notice is near to impossible!" Rarity shouted. "C'mon, there's gotta be a few models left…" "There aren't any! I know because when I requested those four, they were the last ones left!" Rarity threw herself onto the couch in a dramatic fashion. "Feather flu and pony pox, my flank," she scoffed. "You don't think Glory had anything to do with this…do you," asked Spike. "I wouldn't put it passed her, but that's not the point…" "Well…today's Thursday, we still have the weekend, and since you don't have to go on till next Friday, we have plenty of time to find somepony." Rarity scoffed yet again, "Yes, seven whole days to find replacement models, this is going to be the event that finishes my career Spike…Might as well face the music, it was a fun ride while it lasted, huh love?" Spike couldn't believe what he was hearing, since when did Rarity start talking like a quitter! The drake paced back and forth, from one side of the room to the other, racking his brain for a solution, anything that could salvage this possible shipwreck. It was then that something clicked inside his head, an idea was sprouting, and one that he was sure might work. "OUR FRIENDS!" "What…?" "Why don't we call up our friends for help, I'm sure they'd do it in a heartbeat!" Rarity was about to say something, but stopped for just a moment, pondering her husband's idea. "Well…Applejack and Rainbow Dash are out on their honeymoon, so they're out of the question. Twilight and Bright Blade have been on high alert since these Envoys have showed up, and they can't leave Canterlot at the moment…So that leaves…" "Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy," Spike face palmed himself, "why didn't I think about them from the start, this'll be perfect!? Rarity just stared at her lover, trying to understand his logic and reasoning behind why the shyest pony she knew, and the other who was a hyperactive party pony, even when taking care of the twins. Rarity began to rub her temples, not that she didn't love her Spikey-Wikey, but with the current situation she was having a hard time contemplating how this was a solution to their current problem. "Spike, darling, please, how is this, in all honesty, supposed to help us?" "Don't you see, it's perfect! Fluttershy used to be a model, even though it was for a short time, there are still ponies who ask if she's going to make a comeback!" Spike said. Rarity hated remembering the day when she had pushed Fluttershy into becoming a model when she clearly didn't want to, all in the name of her fragile pride. "Spike…you do realize that Fluttershy was absolutely miserable during that time, right?" "Well, yeah, but this'll be different. It won't be forever, just a onetime thing, plus I'm sure she'd prefer working for you than Photo Finish." Rarity's mind started to go over the details of such a plan, could it work, there were many variables, and there's no way they could just up and leave their children behind. "If I agreed to such an idea…we'd still be short one pegasus and one unicorn…" "Well, why don't you model your outfits, you used to back in Ponyville, and…you know, you'd look good in one of those new dresses you made," said Spike, winking at the mare. Rarity rolled her eyes at the attempt of her husband complementing her looks, but it did make her feel better hearing that. "Okay…maybe it might work…but…They all have their own lives Spike; we can't just simply ask them to drop everything they're doing, just to have them whisked away on a whim." It was then that Rarity's head popped up, a blank expression appeared upon her face as she remained still as a statue. "Uh, Rarity, you alright?" "Ideeeeeeeeaaaaaaaa~," she announced as her eyes sparkled and her beautiful smile returned. "Oh boy," sighed Spike, "she's back." "Spike, take out a quill and parchment, there are a list of things that I need done before Friday rolls around and if we're going to make this work, we must take quick and precise action!" "Yes ma'am!" Spike remarked, adding a salute. "Such riches a plenty, our people thrive and rejoice in our bounty. The land yields so much food, and generosity flourished under such. Truly there were none as fortunate as us, for we share and share alike, our bonds shall hold strong from now until forever." – Diaesa 77:10 > Third Sign: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vacation Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood side-by-side, watching the many earth ponies and unicorns work before them. The earth pony workers were busy hauling and fine tuning a strange metal apparatus. It was spherical in design, and easily the size of a hydra. The unicorns were also busy, their horns were aglow as their magic etched an arcane circle into the floor below them, ten unicorns and ten earth ponies in all, working together to crave out every interact detail, every rune mark. Celestia looked down at her little sister, she noticed that the bags under Luna's eyes had all but faded away, which wasn't surprising seeing as how the Princess of the Night had been getting regular sleep. Of course most of that time Celestia had to drag Luna to her bed chambers, throw her onto the bed, and tuck her in tight enough to immobilize her. But most of the time, she did not resist. In fact, Celestia had taken a liking to sleeping beside Luna; the solar mare also noticed that she slept more peacefully in her presence. After a minute Luna finally noticed the glances her elder sister was giving her and decided to inquire about them. "Am I really that interesting to observe Tia," asked Luna. "When you're acting calm, and not high strung after countless days of no sleep," said Celestia with a coy smile. Luna chuckled a bit at the good natured jab, remembering just how much of a grumpy, irritated mare she was back then. "I do apologize for that, but since you have been helping, this project has been less of a burden." Celestia raised her right hoof and placed it on her sister's shoulder, "I am sorry you had to for so long, I'm just glad that Arion appeared to me, it must've been his way of telling me that it was time I lent a helping hoof." Luna smiled, but her eyes held a bit of sadness, she then placed her own hoof over Celestia's. "Even in death…he still looks out for us…" Celestia couldn't help but feel a ping of sorrow willing up in her heart. Thinking their older brother was dead all these years, only to find out he had succumbed to an unknown darkness, and then having her little sister fall prey to her own darkness, the last thousand years had taken a toll on her emotions and her heart. Losing not only her big brother, but her little sister as well years later, it was almost too much for her to handle. But things were different now, Arion was gone, but his soul was purged of evil. And Luna…she had grown into a fine mare and was now loved by all of Equestria's subjects, even the little foals whose dreams she protected. "Luna…you're really all I have left…" "I can say the same about you Tia…" "It's more than that…When Arion was gone; I know it hurt you…" Luna looked up at her big sister, "It hurt us both…and I know I hurt you more when I…" "That's in the past now, but if there's anything I've learned, it's that things happen unexpectedly, for good or bad. So…Lulu…that's why…" Celestia stared at Luna, her eyes full of sorrow, but also hope, and love. The lunar mare could see these emotions radiating from the elder sister's eyes, for some reason though; her heart began to beat faster. Celestia could feel her head drifting slowly towards Luna or maybe it was Luna who was drifting closer to her, Celestia couldn't tell. She never noticed before just how beautiful those cyan eyes were… "Your Majesties," called out one of the unicorns. Both Luna and Celestia were slightly startled by the voice of one of the mages. They quickly scooted a few inches from each other, making sure that there was a sizeable gap between them. "Yes, have you finished the circle?" Celestia asked. "It is ready for your use; the containment sphere is ready as well." "Excellent, standby with the others, Ti – I mean – Celestia and I will take it from here," said Luna catching herself before she accidentally spoke her sister's nickname. The royal sisters strode towards the magic circle and stood at its center. They closed their eyes, concentrating, summoning ancient forces of power that only a few ponies were able to conjure as a group. Their horns glowed with their respective auras, their wings flared, the wind kicking up and spiraling around the two alicorns. A spark of energy arced from Celestia's horn at the same time as Luna's, the two bands of mana linked to one another. Memories started to flood their minds, of friendships forged, both new and old. Celestia and Luna focused on those memories, allowing the feelings held by them to fill their hearts and souls. They remembered the Elements of Harmony, back to the time when the ancient divine items heeded their call and when the magic of their friendships fueled their omnipotent power. Suddenly the emotions and memories all culminated together, welling up inside the sisters, begging to manifest itself! Luna and Celestia opened their eyes as they shined with white light. From the tips of their horns a violet flame shot forth and rose into the air above them. The flame was not like normal fire, besides its color, it radiated with magical power. It wasn't normal magic or alicorn magic which made up this flame, it was something else entirely. This was the physical manifestation of the power of friendship. The flames continued to build, taking shape. When the flame-like energy stopped flowing from the horns of the royal sisters the flame had formed into a burning heart above them. This was the very thing that the Hearths Warming carols were sung about, that which brought the three pony tribes together. This was the Fire of Friendship. Celestia looked to Luna, upon which the Mare in the Moon nodded to her sister. The two sisters took a few steps back, once they did, the diarchs bowed their heads till their horns touched the circle. Immediately the arcane magic circle lit up, forming a containment field around the Fire of Friendship. Once that was done, Celestia and Luna flew up high above the Fire and circle. The apparatus that the earth pony workers had brought was strategically placed per their instruction, using their telekinesis; they both moved the two giant pieces. The two halves of the metal spheres raked across the floor, moving closer and closer together. Till, with a mighty, slamming thud, the sphere was completed. The seams of the metal sphere were magically welded shut, through the tempered glass the ponies on the ground watched as the Fire of Friendship roared to life inside it, no longer restrained by the magic circle from earlier. The alicorns of night and day landed in front of the giant sphere, inspecting it to make sure the apparatus held. Satisfied that it was indeed stable, they ordered the rest of their staff that were standing by to move the sphere to its designated location. "Do you think it will be enough to power it," asked Luna. "The Fire of Friendship is fueled by friendship itself. I have no doubt that Twilight and the other Knights will be able to make the Fire of Friendship burn even brighter than we have," answered Celestia. "This was the final piece; all that is left now is to integrate it as the power core, after which we need to do some final checks on the armaments and the systems. This project is by far the most fantastic feat of engineering in Equestria's history, despite what it will be used for, I can't help but feel a sense of pride in its completion," said Luna. "And I feel honored to have helped you create something as magnificent as this. You and Arion deserve the credit." "You do as well, Tia. Without you I would've never thought of using the Fire of Friendship as a power source," Luna wrapped her forelegs around Celestia's neck, bringing her into a tight hug, "Thank you." The Princess of the Day was taken a little by surprise by her little sister's show of affection, but welcomed it all the same, even if her cheeks were starting to turn a light shade of red. ***Ponyville – Friday*** Sugar Cube Corner, one of the premier establishments in Ponyville, catering to parties and creating tasty confectionary goods for all its citizens, they've even started taking out of town orders due to their popularity. Of course, such popularity didn't spring up overnight, no; it took the hard work and dedication of one pink party pony, one bespectacled filly, and two rambunctious twins. For eleven years now Pinkie Pie and Twist had been working together to make Sugar Cube Corner the best it could be. When Pumpkin and Pound finally got their cutie marks, Pinkie Pie was so proud of them, and it made the twins happy to follow in their late parent's hoofsteps. Twist, having been recruited by Pinkie years ago, had been selling her candy out of store, bringing in more customers. Together the four of them had become a makeshift family. Currently, Twist was in charge of the store, while Pinkie Pie had gone out to pick some items from the market. It was around nine o'clock, the lunch rush wouldn't be for a few hours, and they were only getting the occasional hoof traffic. The young mare was much different from when she was a filly, from what Rarity and some of her other friends had told her, she was curvier, her nose more dainty, she even switched out her glasses for something rimless with a metallic purple bridge and temples. At this time, Twist was cleaning the counter when she heard the bell ring. "Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner, have a seat wherever you want, and I'll be right with you," she said, not even looking up. "Take yer time Twist," said the mare with a southern accent. The white earth pony mare's head popped up, and saw her oldest and best friend standing in the doorway. "Apple Bloom!" Twist put down her cleaning rag and trotted from behind the corner, she then came up and hugged Apple Bloom. "I'm glad you came," said Twist. "Well, from what you asked meh yesterday, Ah had to come. So what was it that ya wanted to talk about?" "Hold on, I'll bring us some tea." Apple Bloom nodded and went to sit at one of the window side tables. After a couple of minutes, Twist returned with a tray of tea, along with some cups and cupcakes. Once she had placed them on the table, the two mares enjoyed their little snack, before they got down to business. "So, are ya goin' to tell meh, or do Ah have to guess?" Twist started to act a little shy, using her hoof to circle the rim of her teacup, and staring out the window. "Well…Apple Bloom…it's about Pinkie Pie." "Somethin' goin' on, did y'all have a fight?" Twist quickly looked back and shook her head vigorously, "No, no, nothing like that! Oh, I don't know how to go about this…" "Twist just take a minute, breathe, and then tell meh what you want to tell meh," suggested Apple Bloom as she sipped her tea. The earth pony candy maker did as her friend instructed, she took a deep breath, collected her thoughts. "I think I'm in love with Pinkie Pie!" Apple Bloom's eyes went wide as she reeled back and spluttered her mouthful of tea. She coughed for a few seconds, trying to catch her breath as she tried to comprehend what Twist just said. When she looked up, Apple Bloom blushed in embarrassment, she had completely sprayed Twist with the tea from earlier, and the bespectacled mare's mane had drooped down covering most of her face. "Oh mah gosh, Ah'm so sorry!" "It's…alright…I'm just going to go and get a towel." Twist sat up and went into the kitchen. Meanwhile Apple Bloom's mind was buzzing with dozens of questions. Did Twist really just say she was in love with Pinkie Pie, there was no way she could've heard that right. Not that she wasn't opposed to her friend coming out to be a fillyfooler, but…Pinkie Pie…this definitely needed some further explanation. A couple of minutes later Twist returned, completely dried off. "Okay, now, explain to meh why ya think ya love Pinkie Pie," said Apple bloom. "It's…kind of hard to put into words, I mean, Pinkie Pie's a lot of fun to be around. Even when I'm down just being around her makes me feel happy, and I forget about the thing that has me upset," said Twist. "Yeah, well, that's just Pinkie bein' Pinkie. She always likes to make other ponies smile. Ah guess what Ah'm tryin' to get at here is, why are ya head over hooves for her?" Twist started to stare out the window towards the blue sky, resting her chin on her hoof. "You know my dream was to be able to have ponies from everywhere taste my candies, in the same way, I wanted to put a smile on their faces with what I made. The day that Pinkie Pie found out she was going to be Pumpkin and Pound's legal guardian, I found her walking around Ponyville moping, but when I gave her some the candy I made she perked up to her usual self." Apple Bloom sat there and listened to her friend as she continued to speak about how Pinkie Pie had won her heart. The whole time Apple Bloom noticed the twinkle in Twist's eyes when she talked about the pink mare, it was rather nice to see her friend so happy, not that she wasn't, but this was the kind of happy could only come from talking about somepony close to your heart. "Well, why don't you go ahead and tell her how you feel." Twist turned her gaze downwards, staring at her cupcake. "I…I want to, but I don't know if she's…you know…" "Oh…yeah, that could be a problem." "I just don't know what to do…" "You could always ask her, you know, just confess," suggested Apple Bloom. "No way, it'd be too embarrassing!" "Okay, well…like ya said earlier, this whole thing's moot if ya don't know if she's into mares." "Oh that'll be a great conversation. 'Hi Pinkie, guess what, I'm a fillyfooler! I was wondering are you into mares too, because I have a super big crush on you!' Yeah…a real good conversation," said Twist in a melancholy tone. Apple Bloom sighed; she really didn't know how to help her friend with this situation. Suddenly the bell rung, signaling the entry of a patron, "Pinkie Pie, you won't believe who just –!" The two young mares turned around and watched as a pink maned, yellow pegasus trotted in looking surprised to find only the two of them. "Oh I'm sorry, was I disturbing you, I can come back later." "No it's alright, please come in Fluttershy." Fluttershy trotted towards the two mares, as she approached Fluttershy could tell that something was bothering Twist just by looking at her. The pegasus mare inquired about Twist's dourer mood, to which Apple Bloom filled in Fluttershy on all the details. Fluttershy's cheeks instantly flushed upon hearing that Twist had feelings for her friend, the mood changed when Twist herself brought up her worries about Pinkie Pie. "I'm sorry Twist, but I'm not sure if Pinkie Pie likes mares, I'm not even sure if she likes stallions either. At least none that I've seen anyway," said Fluttershy. "Thanks anyway I just wish that –" "WE'RE BACK~!" The door to the shop flew open, with Pinkie Pie doing flips and somersaults as she entered, each time she flipped or spun Pinkie Pie was tossing up and catching bags full of the groceries she had bought. Eventually her acrobatics ended before she hit the counter, landing on her hind legs and catching both bags in her forelegs. Pound hovered inside, carrying one bag, and Pumpkin trotted in second with another bag held her telekinesis. "Hi Fluttershy, what's brings you here," asked Pinkie. "Oh, I almost forgot! Rarity called me today, and she asked if we wanted to go and visit her for a little vacation," said Fluttershy excitedly. "Ooooh really, where Fluttershy, Canterlot, Fillydelphia, Las Pegasus, or maybe Manehattan, those sound all sound super fun for a vacation!?" "She wants us to come and spend a week in Cavallo, more specifically Manelan!" "MANELAN," gasped Apple Bloom, Twist, and Pumpkin. Pound didn't seem to understand what the big deal was about someplace called Manelan. So, knowing that he was probably going to get an earful, his morbid curiosity wouldn't let it go. "So what's the big deal about Manelan anyway?" Pumpkin looked up at her twin brother and let out an exasperated sigh. "Seriously Pound; Manelan is the fashion capital of Equestria! Every big named designer either studied at or came from Manelan, they're reputation is so big they even have an entire castle built to honor that history, it's called…" Twist, out of nowhere, appeared next to Pumpkin, the mare and filly knew what was next to say, so as one they swooned in saying "Palazzo Della Moda." "Besides fashion, Manelan is a beautiful city, full of sights, music, history, and is also known as of the top ten romantic destinations in Equestria, right after Prance, and Coltton in Trottingham," added Twist. "Sorry I asked," said Pound, "Well it sounds like you'll have a good time at least, huh Momma Pinkie?" "Yeah, it sounds like fun, but sorry, I can't go." Pound, Apple Bloom, Twist, Fluttershy, and Pumpkin all stared at the pink mare surprised that she'd turn down such an offer, especially one from a close friend. "Oh, well, do you mind if I ask why?" "It's nothing bad, it's just a little too far away, that's all," said Pinkie Pie nonchalantly. "Too far, Ah don't get it?" "Silly, I can't leave for a whole week that far away, besides; I have to take care of the shop and my cute little cakes as well." Pound and Pumpkin just glanced at each other, and sighed, they knew the reason behind Pinkie Pie's reluctance to leave, and quite frankly they had enough. "Momma Pinkie Pie, you should go," they said in unison. Pinkie Pie seemed to flinch at the statement the twins made; she then turned around and gave them a worried looked. "Why, did I do something wrong, are you mad at me, I promise whatever I did I won't do it again," said Pinkie in rather desperate and sad tone. "No, that's not what we're saying. You've been working hard, that's all we're saying," said Pumpkin. "Yeah, so we think it's time that you took a vacation, you know, spend time with Aunt Fluttershy and Aunt Rarity, we'll be fine," said Pound. "B-B-But…who'll look after you, I can't just leave you two here alone for seven whole days…" "I'll watch them!" Twist trotted up to the twins and shot Pinkie Pie her most confident smile. "It'd be no trouble, I'll run the shop and watch Pumpkin and Pound, we'll be fine, trust me." "Besides, if anythin' does come up, Ah'll be around and Ah can get Scootaloo to help as well," said Apple Bloom. Pinkie Pie seemed hesitant about agreeing, but she had to admit, visiting Rarity and Spike would be fun, and she'd never been to Cavallo, actually she'd never been anywhere farther than Canterlot or Manehattan. But Twist did offer to stay with the twins, and the twins really liked her, and she's proven more than once that she could rise to the occasion, especially with all the crazy lunch rushes and out of town ponies who sometimes made catcalls at either one of them. So it was with a heavy sigh that Pinkie Pie smiled. "Okay, I'll go." Pinkie said. "Oh, I guess I should go pack, wonder what I should take? Let's see, balloons, streamers – oh and I gotta take my emergency party cannon…" Pinkie continued to ramble on about things she was going to take with her on the trip as she ascended the stairs. "We'd better go with her," started Pound. "Before she packs all of Sugar Cube Corner with her," finished Pumpkin. Once the twins and Pinkie left for the upper levels of the shop, Apple Bloom slammed her hoof on the table, causing Fluttershy and Twist to jump and turn in her direction. "Oh my, Apple Bloom, what was that for?" Fluttershy asked. "Ah just figured out a way for Twist to find out if Pinkie Pie is into mares or not," announced Apple Bloom. "Really, what – how!?" "Fluttershy!" Apple Bloom pointed a hoof at the yellow pegasus mare. "Me!?" Fluttershy gasped, looking totally confused. "While yer on the trip you could find out for her! It's perfect; you'll have plenty of chances to bring it up!" Fluttershy looked a bit skittish about such a plan; she really didn't like to pry into other pony's private life, especially when it comes to their orientation. But when she looked at Twist's face, that hopeful expression beaming at her with a tiny bit of desperation, Fluttershy couldn't stand seeing the young mare tormented like this. In some ways Twist reminded her of herself, which only helped to strengthen her decision. "I'll do it!" Twist lunged at the pink maned pegasus, wrapping her forelegs around the mare's neck, and pulling her into tight hug that threatened to crush her spine. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Fluttershy! You have no idea how much this means to me!" "Oh…I…can…imagine," croaked Fluttershy. Oh boy, better pry her off the poor mare before she crushes her to death. ***Cavallo, Manelan – Same Day*** The carriage shook on the unpaved road as the pegasus stallions cantered along. It was Rarity's private carriage, since it bared her trademark three diamond cutie mark, although, the passengers inside weren't Spike or Rarity. No, today her private carriage would play taxi for their esteemed guests. The pony drawn carriage pulled up the road and made a left, and there, near the top of the hill, was their destination. Different sections of the house were made enormous, while some parts were normal size. In front of the building was an ornate fountain, with crystal water flowing from it. The pegasi rounded the fountain and came to a stop at the doorway; one of the pegasi stallions trotted around and opened the door. Once it was open a dark cerulean pegasus trotted out of the carriage, with a baby holster strapped to her body. She stretched out her toned body, letting several cracks of the joints. The pegasus mare then brushed her black mane to make it more presentable. The baby in the holster giggled and cooed, waving its forelegs. The pegasus mare turned her head to the right and smiled at her child. The foal was a pegasus like her mother, her mane was black with a purple streak through it, and her coat a light cobalt blue. "Oh you're happy to be out and about too aren't you Gale," she said. Gale looked to her mother and smiled back, giggling in response to her mother's question. "You alright in there Dad, you need me to lend you a hoof?" A brown earth pony stallion trotted out of the carriage, stretching out his limps and groaning as he did so. "I ain't that old yet, sweetheart! I still got a good sixty years left before I kick the bucket." After a minute the doors to the house opened up the stallion and mare were greeted by the sight of Rarity and Spike, both with a happy expression upon their faces. "Ballista, Gale, Broadside, it's been far too long," said Rarity. Rarity trotted up to Ballista and gave her a light hug, being mindful of little Gale as she did. Spike walked up to Broadside and the old warhorse gave the young dragon a strong pat on the back. It was then that Spike noticed the large amount of luggage that was secured on top of the carriage. "Gee Ballista, you remember to pack," asked Spike. Ballista narrowed her gaze at the dragon, but she held a playful smirk. "Oh very funny, besides, most of that is Dad's stuff, I only packed three," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Well it is better to be prepared, come, let us go in, your rooms are ready," said Rarity. One of the pegasus ponies trotted up to Spike, "Will you be needing any help with the luggage sir?" "Nah, just untie it and I'll carry it in," said Spike. "You sure about that kid, some of that isn't the lightest stuff in Equestria," warned Broadside. Spike waved off Broadside's warning and waited for the pegasus to fly up and untie the luggage. He hovered over the knot that kept it held in place; he looked worriedly at Spike and pointed at the pile as if wondering if he really didn't want any help. Spike gave the pegasus a confident nod, to which Broadside had conveniently taken five steps to the right. Once the pegasus unlatched the knot the luggage spilled over the side, before Spike to make a move the purple scaled dragon was buried in pile of suitcases, the unusual sound of clanking metal was heard amongst the crash as the last piece hit the pile. Ballista and Rarity quickly turned around and gasped at the sight of Spike disappearing under the pile; Gale just clapped her hooves and giggled. They were beginning to worry, Spike hadn't made a sound after the luggage hit him, and there wasn't any movement. Soon the suitcases started to shake and tumble about. In matter of seconds Spike emerged from the pile, standing on all fours, his body twice the size it was before; his neck was elongated along with his snout and tail. Spike shook his body making the rest of the suitcases fall off of him. "Epona above Broadside, what the hay you got in those things," asked Spike. "Oh just the essentials, toothbrush, shampoo, bracers, a chest plate, helmet, a collapsible spear, two daggers, one short sword, a pair of aerial foreleg blades for Ballista…" The dragon and unicorn couple just stared at Broadside, their eyes giving a slight twitch as he listed off the items he had brought with him. The way he was going, you'd think Broadside was preparing to go to war as soon he got here. "Good heavens Broadside, why ever would need armor and weapons for a vacation," asked Rarity. "Trust me, after what Dad told me what happened in Trottingham I'm not surprised. I'm just lucky I was able to talk him out of bringing a cannon along," commented Ballista. Spike raised his right claw and used his magic to collect the suitcases and place them on his back. With that settled the five of them walked inside the house. It was a lavish manor, with its velvet curtains, large windows that had a view of the countryside, soft couches, and exotic Saddle Arabian rugs, it truly was a getaway. The visiting friends had to admit, it certainly was in keeping with Rarity's style. As they approached the first guest room Rarity used her telekinesis to open the door, Spike then levitated the luggage on his back into the room, putting it into a pile in the middle of the room. After doing that he shrank down to a more manageable, bipedal form and entered the room with Broadside. He sifted through the luggage and took out the ones that belonged to Ballista and Gale, placing them outside the room. "Well then, Spike, why don't you help the Major – oops – I mean the General, with unpacking, whilst I assist Ballista and little Gale," suggested Rarity. "Can do," said Spike. With that the two mares, and one filly foal, exited the room. Broadside had then directed Spike to unpack the suitcases he had designated. The young drake opened the first suitcase and gawked at was inside. Indeed, just as the old warhorse had said, it was filled with pieces of armor. "You weren't kidding, being prepared I mean." "Not after what happened a few months ago no, you can stack that in the corner over there. The second case has my weapons, be careful with those." Spike scoffed at the remark, like they'd be able to hurt his hide. With the warning duly noted he began stacking the armor neatly in the corner next to the window, bracers, chest plate, and helmet, all arranged so that Broadside could dawn them quickly. Though Spike didn't see why he would need to. Afterwards he brought the second suitcase over to a chest at the foot of the bed. Spike opened the case and whistled at the array of weapons he was able to pack. Short swords, some daggers, a bolo, and a couple of aerial blades lined the inside of the carrier. Those must be for Ballista, but I'd doubt she'd need them. The last weapon to be placed in the trunk piqued Spike's curious nature. It was a three foot long shaft, colored black with gold metal rings on it. At the tip was an arrow head spike, similar to the one on his tail. It was made of hardened steel, at least twelve inches long and six inches wide. Spike began fiddling with the weapon, but as he did something happened. The shaft suddenly shot out on both ends, it's length tripling to nine feet. Spike let out a yelp and dropped the weapon surprised by its sudden action. Broadside on the other hand was chuckling a bit at Spike's reaction. "It's alright Spike, that's my special Spear. You must've tripped the mechanism that extends it." "Oh…OH! So this is your famous spear, the one you used at Calamity's Fall! Cool. I always wondered where you stashed it when you weren't using it, this makes sense." Spike reached out and grabbed the famous weapon, examining it in a new light. "So, do you want me to put it with your armor, or do you want me to try and put in the chest?" "Nah, you can place it next to the nightstand," said Broadside. Spike blinked at that statement, he thought about asking for what reason he could possibly want it near his bed, but then again this was a veteran soldier. Shrugging his shoulders, Spike leaned the Spear next to Broadside's nightstand. It was then that the drake noticed something. The earth pony soldier was busy taking out some papers and placing them on the writing desk. Ever the curious one, Spike walked on over and decided to see what it was. When he got there, he had only one thing to say. "Whoa…" "Thought you might say that," he said with a smirk. The parchment paper had a diagram of an earth pony's body, all around it were formulas and mouthwritten notes with arrows that pointed to different parts of the body diagram. There was also an almost exact copy of the diagram and notes, only this one of a pegasus. Spike read over the formulas, being around magic, and assistant to a Liberian, Spike had read numerous books on magical formulas and their use in creating spells, but it didn't make sense. Why would Broadside, an earth pony, be creating a spell? But the longer he stared at the notes the more he understood what they were. "This is an enhancement technique." "You're dead on kid; it's been my pet project since before the war. A way to boost the strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance, and abilities of pegasi and earth ponies alike by drawing out their full power and boost it further." "Wow, that's amazing, I didn't know you were the scholarly type General," said Spike. "Not exactly, it's had a few setbacks. The biggest of them being that the power output that this yields would breakdown the body of the one using it once it was disengaged." Broadside started to rub the back of his head in frustration. "But I still can't figure it out, even after all this time." Spike took up the pages of Broadside's project; he eyed the notes and formulas with a critical eye, his brain working on a solution that maybe the General missed. After reading them over for a tenth time, Spike deduced it, the metaphorical light bulb clicking on. "Timing and bursting…!" "Pardon?" Broadside asked. Spike placed the originals to the side, using his magic Spike produced a quill and some of his own parchment paper. He then placed it on the desk and began writing out something. "You're right, their body's would breakdown, but not if they had time to get adjusted to the power! See, if you use this formula so it creates a kind of timer, all you have to do account for the variable A, which initial burst time limit, and variable B, which is the amount of time till a another burst can be used/activated, and lastly variable C, how much power is given during each burst till the full amount is reached." Broadside watched in awe as the young dragon scribbled away at the parchment, the formulas that he was using, corresponding to his original works. The more details Spike gave him, the more sense it made, this could work, no, it would work! Broadside raised his right hoof and patted the drake on the back, a bit hard, but it was friendly. "Spike my boy, thanks to you; I'm going to finish this. And by doing so, you might've given all of equine kind an edge." The purple drake's cheeks started to turn a slight shade of pink, embarrassed that he had gotten such praise from Broadside. Rarity was leading Ballista to Gale's room, once there; she opened the door and revealed the grandeur that was the little foal's room. There toys everywhere, ones that would make any little filly squee with glee. Although taking consideration that this was Ballista's daughter, Rarity stocked the room with toys that not even a closet tomcolt couldn't resist, just to cover her bases. Once in the room, the little foal started to yawn as her eyelids began to droop. "Looks like someone's ready for a nap," said Ballista. "Allow me dear." Rarity used her telekinesis to gently lift the foal out of the holster, which allowed Ballista to remove the cumbersome device and stretch her wings. The unicorn mare sat on her haunches near the crib, stretching out her forelegs, Rarity cradled Gale, rocking her forelegs back and forth gently. Ballista went over to the crib and lowered the wall, she place her daughter's favorite blanket and pillow, preparing it. The cerulean mare nodded towards Rarity, seeing the gesture, she ever so carefully laid down Gale into the crib. Once that was done, Ballista leaned down and kissed her child on the forehead, which elicited a little giggle from the snoozing foal. The two mares then exited through the door to the adjoining room, quietly closing the door behind them. "Thanks Rarity, this was her first overseas trip, and I guess it took a lot of her." "No problem at all, darling, any excuse to hold that cute little bundle," giggled Rarity. "Oh, that reminds me, the walls of Gale's room are soundproof so as to not disturb her naps, she can't hear us, but we can hear her if anything happens. Just a little enchantment that Spike and I cooked up." "Wow, now that's cool." Ballista and Rarity started to unpack, placing various knickknacks and clothes into the appropriate drawers. Glancing at Rarity, the pegasus mare couldn't help but think about it. "You were really good with Gale; you should see her whenever we mention your guy's name. She gets so excited she climbs the walls…literally…she fly's on up there and just walks on the ceiling…adorable, yet strangely creepy sometimes." Ballista had to brace herself against the shuddering of her body. "Well the feeling is mutual; I just love that adorable thing, and Spike does too, the lovable oaf." "Again, thanks for letting us stay for our vacation. I know you're busy with that fashion thing coming up next week. We'll try to stay out of your mane in the meantime." At the mention of the fashion show, Rarity's ears shot up, as if realizing something. The unicorn mare turned around and looked at the pegasus mare. Oh just look at her, that lean and well toned figure, her graceful curves, the sheen of her wings, tail and mane, not to mention her pristine dark cerulean coat, along with those fierce yet entrancing eyes, Rarity sighed, it's a shame that Ballista became a soldier instead of a model, she could've been as big a hit as Fluttershy was. That's when it hit her, who said that Ballista missed her shot! "Ballista!" "What!?" Ballista asked, taken by surprise at the urgent tone in her friend's voice. "I have a favor to ask of you, and honestly, there aren't that many ponies I can turn to or trust enough to ask this of because…" Rarity trotted closer to the pegasus mare, who was now sitting on her haunches, and placed her forehooves on Ballista's shoulders. "Rarity, you're my friend and I–" "I need your body!" Ballista's mind came to a grinding halt. "Say what?" "I know it's rather rude, but, I don't know any other with as beautiful a figure as yours, and I promise you it'll be fun, please" said Rarity as she batted her eyelashes. Now Ballista didn't hide it, while she did like stallions, it was no secret that she was also into mares. A piece of information that she had divulged many years ago, that she was probably regretting right now. Although Ballista hadn't thought about it, Rarity was attractive, very attractive. What am I thinking!? "Rarity I-I couldn't …I mean, what would Spike say!?" "Oh darling it was his idea." *Pomf* That was the audible sound of Ballista's wings suddenly fanning out and up. Her left eye began twitching as her mind tried to contemplate what Rarity was asking of her, sure she knew that Spike and Rarity were romantic, but she never imagined they'd be into…such things…and said things were unfortunately playing through her mind at this moment. "Ballista, are you alright? You're looking a little flushed dear." Ballista shook her head, trying to dislodge the images in her mind before she spoke to Rarity. "R-Rarity, I like you, I do, and you are a very attractive mare…but…I can't do such things with you, not under the same roof as my daughter and father! And Spike! What is he thinking, asking you to engage in such activities – did he put you up to this or did you give him the idea – actually forget it I don't want to know!" Rarity just stood, utterly confused as to what she was rambling about. "Ballista, what in Equestria do you think I'm talking about?" "You're going to make me say it!?...Fine, what I'm saying is I won't –!" *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* The grandfather clock in the room went off, signaling that it was currently eleven o'clock. Anyway, Rarity's eyes were as wide as saucers, while her pupils were reduced to pinpricks. She was blushing furiously; her body was completely red, the whiteness of her coat not at all aiding in hiding it. "B-B-Ballista…I was just asking if you would model my outfits in the upcoming fashion show…" "You're kidding…you are kidding me right," asked Ballista, hoping she had heard wrong and that she didn't just make a total fool of herself. Rarity shook her head back in forth, confirming that she was not joking. Ballista brought her right hoof to her face and immediately began facehoofing herself multiple times; on the tenth hit she smacked herself hard, leaving her hoof there and possibly making an indention as to mark her stupidity. "I can't believe I just made a total fool of myself…" "Darling don't worry about it, now that I think back upon my choice of words, the lack of context could only have been construed in such a light…" There was very long and awkward silence in the air, Ballista's wings had finally dropped from the flared position, now resting at her sides. After a couple more seconds of silence, Ballista cleared her throat. "Ahem, well then, in answer to your real question, yes, I wouldn't mind." Rarity's eyes went wide once again, sparkling with a giddiness that seemed to shatter her embarrassed and awkward feelings earlier. She quickly enveloped Ballista into fierce hug, almost lifting the pegasus mare off the floor. "Thank you Ballista, I promise you won't regret this!" Ballista, though still feeling a bit embarrassed, smiled at her friend, she didn't exactly know what kind of trouble she was in to ask her for such a big favor, but if she could help she was glad to. Rarity seemed to realize what she was doing and quickly released Ballista. "Now then, shall we, um, continue unpacking?" "Yes, let's." As the two mares went back to unpacking the rest of the suitcases, Ballista couldn't help but notice that Rarity kept glancing back at her from time to time. After about the fifth time she turned her head and caught her red hoofed, "Was there something else you wanted to ask?" "It's just…no never mind." "What is it?" "It's nothing really…" "Rarity." "I'm quite serious…" "RARITY!" "Okay, okay, fine!" The unicorn mare took a deep breath, calming her nerves before she spoke again. "Do you…do you really find me attractive?" Ballista felt the urge to facehoof herself yet again, but decided against it, afraid that she might give herself brain damage. So with a steady sigh, Ballista decided to tell her the truth. "Yes…I do…I know you're married to Spike, but…that's just how I feel…is that bad?" "No, no it isn't. I actually take it as a compliment, really. Nice to know that I can turn the heads of not just stallions but the occasional mare as well," said Rarity with hint of pride in her voice as she struck an elegant pose. On second thought, Ballista decided that brain damage wasn't all that bad. The stage is set, no pun intended. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, with a minor bit of reluctance on the pink party pony's side, are on their way to Manelan. And after an embarrassing little misunderstanding, Ballista has agreed to help Rarity with her dilemma, now if she can convince her other friends then things are looking up! Can Fluttershy help Twist in her quest to win Pinkie Pie over, will the mystery of Rarity's MIA models be resolved, and will her fashion show go off without a hitch!? Will I make you wait a week to find out!? Oh most definitely. Stay tuned! > Third Sign: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Half-Truths and Debuts Twilight Sparkle was currently resting in her bed, well, her version of resting. Which consisted of sitting up in her bed and jotting down notes on floating parchment paper, she seemed deep in thought, even though her stomach made many attempts at trying to distract her with the threat of vomiting. Still, Twilight believed as long she focused on something else, the queasiness in her stomach wouldn't have time to get the better of her. It was at that moment the door to the bedroom opened, Bright Blade entered and groaned when he saw his marefriend. "Twilight what are you doing," he asked. "Just trying to figure something out," said Twilight nonchalantly. "You know you should be resting, you've been –" Twilight shot him a warning glare. Reminding the stallion that the next word, while one that accurately described what had been happening to her, was a forbidden word that brought up certain things best left were they remained. Bright thought for a moment and chose his next words carefully. "Not feeling well these past few weeks." "I know, I know, but I have to figure this out, the book just added a new verse and pages, and you know what that means." "Unfortunately…" Bright Blade trotted closer to Twilight's bedside and took a glimpse at what she was writing. "Centaurus Elementus…?" "Those were the words you and I spoke when Rainbow Dash and Applejack transformed. This can't be a coincidence. First the Elemental Armor, and now this new form that had powers that could revival one of those Envoys, it's got to be connected," said Twilight. "I don't get it, why now, why not back then when we were fighting for our lives against Tikara Balak and the Elements of Darkness. Why didn't this new power appear then," asked Bright, a bit agitated that they had this great power and could not use it earlier. "Maybe it's because we weren't ready." Twilight noticed the confused look on her coltfriend's face. "Think about it, as powerful as AJ and RD were, do you think they would've been able to handle that much power before?" Twilight started go deep into thought, the gears in her mind grinding, trying to figure out what this new power meant for their team. "I have theory…" "I'm listening." "What if the Armor was preparing us? The Elements of Harmony were forged by Epona, the goddess of light, from her divine power and life force. Maybe the Elements still retained that divine power. If so, then there would be no way for us to handle it, we weren't ready, more specifically, our bodies and souls weren't ready!" "So the Armor was conditioning us for when we could use that Centaurus power?" "Exactly," announced Twilight. "Mind you though, it's just a theory, so far only Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been able to use it. We'll have to wait and see if the rest us are able to access it, only then will my theory be proven correct." "You know you're cute when you're playing scientist," said Bright. "I am a scientist, thank you very much," she huffed. "Oh excuse me, Professor Twilight." Bright Blade bowed to the mare, smirking up at her. "Shut up." Twilight used her telekinesis to throw a pillow at the cheeky stallion, hitting him square in the face. A few feathers escaped the pillow covering her coltfriend's face and making him splutter and rub them off. All in all the whole thing made Twilight giggle. "Well at least I succeeded," said Bright. "In what exactly?" "Making you laugh." Twilight playfully rolled her eyes. "That is so corny." She then reached out her left hoof, to which the stallion took, drawing them both closer to each other. "But you're my corny stallion." "And you're my adorkable mare." "I hate it when you call me that." "Really?" "No." The stallion and mare drew in closer, on the verge of their lips meeting in a loving kiss. Their eyes started to close with every inch they closed in. That's when it happened. Twilight's eyes shot open and she drew back, quickly placing her hooves over her mouth. Bright Blade looked offended for a few seconds, but then quickly realized what was happening. Twilight scrambled out of the bed and zipped into the bathroom faster than Rainbow Dash with her armor on. The door quickly slammed behind her, cutting off Bright Blade from going and helping his marefriend. Before he could call her name Bright could hear the sounds of Twilight vomiting. Even though he wasn't sick, hearing anybody throw up makes you want to as well. "Twilight c'mon and let me in so I can help you!" "I don't need *vomit* help! It's just an upset stomach, nothing mo*vomit*!" "An upset stomach that lasts for three weeks?" Whatever response Twilight was going to say was lost when she yet again regurgitated into the toilet of their bathroom. Bright Blade wore a deadpan expression. "That's it; we're going to go see Dr. Cure All tomorrow, and that's final." Bright Blade could hear Twilight try to muster up a response to stop him, but he knew four magic words that would stop the mare dead in her tracks. It was the ultimate veto, to which no sound argument the intelligent mare could come up with would stop. This was his secret weapon, his greatest sword, stronger than any shield, and ten times as lethal as any attack spell. "I'll tell Princess Celestia!" It got real quiet. Works. Every. Time. Bright Blade was about to leave, but at that moment Twilight came stumbling out of the bathroom, leaning against the doorframe for balance. She then glared at her coltfriend, scowling at bit; she then raised an accusatory hoof at the stallion. "You suck Bright Blade…" "Love you too Twi." It was Saturday when the airship pulled into the docks at Manelan. Many of the passengers had fallen asleep since it was night time when they left the mainland. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie watched as the giant ship smoothly landed, ponies on either side of the ship cast out lines to the ones standing on the docks, to which they then tied the ropes to large weights to anchor the ship in place. It was actually fun to watch since neither of them had ever been on an airship, or been this far away from home. It was a little scary for Fluttershy, but knowing that their friends would greet them made it easy. It was then that her aquamarine eyes fell on her companion. Pinkie Pie, although smiling happily, still seemed a bit on edge. Fluttershy had found her reaction to leaving Ponyville odd; although this is Pinkie Pie we're talking about, this was still pretty odd, especially with the way she acted before they left. That's when she shook her head. No Fluttershy, you can't be distracted! Remember that you need to find out if Pinkie Pie is…is…oh dear this may be harder than I thought… Even though Fluttershy made a promise to Twist about finding out if the pink pony was into mares or not, the whole thing still made her feel uneasy. It wasn't like it was a normal conversation topic, and there were very few ways to find out if she was…well…at least, ways that wouldn't get either of them in trouble with anypony. The gangplanks were finally let loose and all the passengers were allowed to disembark. Due to the events of recent months, the two mares had taken to bringing their Elements along with them everywhere they went; even now the ancient items were in their saddle bags. The mares quickly searched the crowd, knowing that Rarity was going to meet them when they landed, but the thick crowd was making it quite hard to do so. "Hey, there's my favorite mares!" Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looked up, and gasped in joy when they saw who it was. "Ballista," they shouted at the same time. The cerulean mare pointed her hoof down at the ground, indicating where they were to meet. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie quickly moved through the crowd and found both Rarity and Ballista, all smiles as they waited for their friends. "Belli!" Pinkie Pie shouted. The pink earth pony zoomed right for the pegasus mare, bowling her over, ending with Pinkie standing on her hind legs while she embraced Ballista in a tight hug. "I happy to see you too, Pinkie Pie," gasped Ballista. At that moment she heard a couple of cracking sounds coming from her back, to which black maned mare relaxed and moaned in content. "Oooh, thanks Pinkie, I needed that." Pinkie released her captive, "No problem, anything to help a friend." Meanwhile, both Rarity and Fluttershy were enjoying friendly nuzzle. "Fluttershy darling, it's been too long," said Rarity. "But we just saw each other at the wedding a few months ago," said Fluttershy. Rarity scoffed at the remark, "A few months in this business is equivalent to twenty years," she joked. "C'mon girls, let's go and catch up." Rarity, Pinkie, Ballista, and Fluttershy were currently seated at quaint outdoor café, enjoying a sip of Manelan style tea, which had quite the invigorating taste to it. All the while the mares caught up on past events. Pinkie and Fluttershy were especially interested in Ballista's foal and how she was doing. After the waiter brought them their tray of sweets, along with a fresh pot of tea, the conversation decided to take a more serious turn. Rarity hated this, true she was delighted to see her friends, but not under false pretenses. "What is it Rarity, are you okay," asked Fluttershy. "What…Oh yes dear, I'm fine." You always could read my mood couldn't you Fluttershy. "Well…in truth everything is not fine, it's quite a mess right now." This seemed to grab the other three mares' attention, Rarity never did tell Ballista as to why she needed her as a model, but better now than never she supposed. "What's wrong, did you chip your hoof, did you forget your anniversary, maybe you forgot your birthday – no that's silly – did you forgot Spike's," rambled Pinkie Pie. "No Pinkie, although, compared to this current dilemma, those would be more preferable." Rarity sighed heavily, readying herself for what she was about to say. "I've lied to you, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie. My offer to have you join me in Manelan for a vacation was nothing more than a ruse, for you see I am in desperate need of your help, you too Ballista." "Does this have to do with that, ahem, incident yesterday?" "The very same, you see, the models that I had picked out to debut my latest works during Fashion Week have grown ill and are unable to perform next week." "Oh Rarity that's awful," said Fluttershy. "Don't worry, I'm sure you can find other ponies to model your clothes, I mean, who wouldn't want to," said Pinkie Pie, trying to lift her friend's spirits. "It's not that simple I'm afraid. The agencies all over Manelan, indeed in all of Cavallo, are under contract with the other designers, which means, as it stands, I am without any pony to showcase my latest designs, it could well set me back, if not ruin my career…" "Is there anything we can do to help, Rarity," asked Fluttershy. "Actually, much to my chagrin, I had ulterior motives for asking you to come here other than a vacation…To put it bluntly, I would like you three to model my latest designs next Friday during Fashion week," said Rarity. "M-M-Model…" "Say what?" "Now this makes sense." Rarity fidgeted with her teacup, she didn't like having to bring her closest friends all the way out to Cavallo under false pretenses, but she knew that it was the only way for them to clear some time, she'd even put up their families in her home, she had the room. The fact that the two of them came here alone was actually a blessing in disguise. "I realize that it was a bit underhoofed of me, but…" "I'll say!" Rarity, Fluttershy, and Ballista turned to Pinkie Pie, who looked very upset by this turn of events; it was a surprising sight considering her normally joyous and happy attitude. "You call us out here to have a vacation, but you only did it because you needed models!?" "Well, yes, but I –!" "I don't want to hear it! I have responsibilities Rarity, to Pound and Pumpkin, and to Sugar Cube Corner! I just can't drop everything like that, I mean, it would one thing if we had brought our kids along, but I'm the one taking care of them!" Pinkie sat up from the cushion and started walking off down the road. "Pinkie Pie, wait, where are you going," asked Rarity. "I'm going back to the docks to buy me a ticket for the earliest flight back to the mainland," she said without even turning around to acknowledge the unicorn mare. Rarity looked like she was on the verge of a breakdown, she knew this plan wasn't a very good one, but she couldn't risk them saying no, now it just may have cost the fashionista her friendship with Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy quickly sat up as well and flew after the pink mare. "Pinkie Pie, stop," said Fluttershy as she landed in front of her. "No Fluttershy, I'm heading back to Ponyville. Aren't you mad at her, she lied to us!" "I am a little upset by it, but that doesn't mean I'm going to abandon her when she needs our help the most! Pinkie Pie, of all the ponies in Equestria, you should be behind this, you never turn down a chance to help your friends and make them smile," scolded Fluttershy. That seemed to strike a chord with Pinkie, she was right, she always did her best to help other ponies, to make them smile and be happy. But still… "What about the shop, and the twins, I don't know if I should be away from them for a whole week…" "Pinkie Pie, Twist can more than look after both Sugar Cube Corner and the twins, plus, it's not like she's alone. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo will probably stop in and check on her, and I'm sure Big Mac and the children will pop by, if not for something to eat, then just to visit. So don't worry Pinkie, they'll be fine," assured the cream colored pegasus. Pinkie sighed in defeat, she was right; they'd be alright for a week without her, probably, maybe… Seeing that the issue had been resolved, Fluttershy redirected Pinkie back towards the table. Finding Ballista consoling Rarity, she wasn't crying, but she seemed ready to burst into tears at any moment. Pinkie Pie felt a pang of guilt in her heart, how could she have done that, and to her one of her best friends too. "Rarity…" The unicorn mare's head shot up, apparently just now noticing Pinkie's presence. "Pinkie Pie…I'm sorry, truly, I never meant to cause you such stress. If you really want to return to Ponyville I'll go back to the depot and request that you'd be on the earliest flight back to the mainland, with my sincerest apologies." "It's okay, you don't have to. I didn't mean to make you sad, I just, I don't know…Anyway, I'll help you Rarity, you can count on me!" Pinkie Pie saw the look on the fashionista's face, her smile was returning little by little. "But, next time, just ask." "I will, I promise that I'll never do anything like that again, and I fully intend to treat you all to the time of your lives when this is over!" "Pinkie Promise?" The others couldn't help but giggle, and Rarity couldn't resist it either, after all, she had a lot to be happy about. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my ey– OW!" The other mares winced as they watched Rarity accidentally stick her hoof in her eye before closing it. "Do you need an eye patch," asked Pinkie, said eye patch in hoof. "No, no, darling I'll be fine." "Where exactly did you get that?" Ballista asked. "I have eye patches stashed all over Equestria, in case of eye patch emergencies," said Pinkie matter-of-factly. "I thought they were just in Ponyville?" Fluttershy asked. "Nope, EVERYWHERE, along with rubber chickens, any and all musical instruments, sneezing powder, balloons, oh and Party Cannons, couldn't forget those. And, hmm, what else…?" Pinkie started to scratch her chin with her hoof, trying to remember what else she stashed around world. Ballista leaned in towards Rarity along with Fluttershy in order to whisper. "She's been busy, it seems," Rarity spoke. "I didn't even know she had that much hidden, actually, I didn't know that she did in the first place," said Fluttershy. "Forget Knight, maybe she should be in the espionage division of the Royal Guard." Ballista shivered for a moment and then shook it off. "Why did I just get a cold feeling up my spine?" It was at this moment at all three mares came to a unanimous decision, it was far better to have Pinkie Pie as your friend, rather than your enemy, and they thanked their lucky stars she wasn't in charge of anything more…shadowy. ~~~ "And how would you know?" Because I'm the writer Pinkie, I made up the story and – Damn it Pinkie Pie don't break the fourth wall in the middle of a serious story! "But nothing's happening yet." I'm getting to some serious stuff soon, just wait! "Okie-Doki-Loki." Going to have to remember to patch that breach later…Sorry about that folks that shouldn't happen again, hopefully, but I'm not holding my breath. Anyway it's now time for a scene transition/time skip! ***3 Days Later, Manelan City Square*** It had been a long and slightly grueling three days for the Carousel Boutique Team. Many hours were spent redesigning and refitting the dresses to add certain flares that would match their models. The staff at the studio were ecstatic about their replacement models, many knew Fluttershy by reputation along with Pinkie Pie, Ballista was regarded as a diamond in the ruff, coming off as a bit masculine, but she did have a ladylike grace and beauty if done right. And of course when Rarity's staff learned that she would be joining in the modeling work, their jaws almost literally fell off. Today was a kind of day off, mostly for Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Rarity was working with Ballista on her runway walk. Apparently for all her grace in combat, when it came to strutting her stuff on a catwalk with dozens, upon hundreds of ponies watching your every move and silently judging you, she needed work, a lot of work. So in the meantime, Fluttershy and Pinkie decided to take a stroll around the city. Currently they were coming up on the Paso Feno Cathedral, it was awe inspiring, a gothic styled Cathedral which was a work of architectural art. With one-hundred and thirty-five spires, marble statues of lined most of the front and sides of the structure. Most were of famous ponies of the past, whose contributions and reputation withstood the passage of time. On the main spire were two gilded bronze statues of the Royal Sisters, Celestia and Luna. When they entered the Cathedral the two mares took note of the stunning stained glass windows that perforated the interior and exterior. Once upon a time, this place was used by locals to offer up prayer and worship to the goddesses of night and day, but, at the behest of Celestia and Luna, they were asked all over to not worship them as gods, telling them that they were simply a gifted race of pony that wished to help and guide the other tribes. Of course back then they said that to stop the worshipping, they were goddesses, but they didn't want to be revered as such. So here it stands, like others, a magnificent cathedral now turned tourist attraction. Even with all this history, culture, and artwork before her, Pinkie Pie still couldn't stop thinking about Ponyville, more to the point, should couldn't stop thinking about Pumpkin and Pound. Her emotions were quickly picked up on by her friend, who was in a bit of a pickle herself, since she was charged with the task of finding out her friend's orientation and preferences when it came to stallions and mares. I hope they're doing alright, did I leave the oven on, I think I did!? Oh wait, no I didn't, false alarm. But did I remember to check and see if the register was filled with change!? Pinkie thought for moment. Never mind, I did. Maybe…maybe this was a mistake… "Pinkie Pie, are you okay," asked Fluttershy. "Who – what – where – huh?" "I was just asking if you were alright. You seemed to be deep in thought." "Oh, yeah, sorry for spacing on you Fluttershy, I just have a lot on my mind," said Pinkie. The pink party pony started to trot off further into the cathedral, with Fluttershy following close by. Even while steeped in her little funk, Pinkie was still able to admire the grandness of the old structure. She made a mental note to bring Twist and the twins here one day on a family vacation, on Rarity's tab of course. Wow, that was strange, I thought of Twist as family. Well duh, she is, of course she is. Twist's like an aunt to Pumpkin and Pound, and she's a real knockout! There was a long pause within her mind. Did I just say that Twist was a "knockout!?" Yep, I did, but she is. I mean, she was cute when she was filly, but now, wow. Half the stallions in Ponyville come in just to see here…that irritates me a bit? Oh well, Fluttershy looks nervous about something; let's find out what is so I can help! "Hey Flutters, a bit for your thoughts," she asked. Fluttershy let out an "eep" that echoed through the rotunda. "Oh um, it's just…" Fluttershy let out a heavy sigh, whatever was eating her, it sure seemed serious. "Pinkie Pie, there's really no way for me go about this or to phrase in any other way, so I'm just going to come out and ask." Steeling herself, Fluttershy spoke, "Are you into mares or stallions please don't hate me!" The cream colored pegasus closed her eyes, wincing, ready for the possible verbal accosting from her offended friend. Pinkie Pie placed a comforting on her friend's shoulders, smiled wide at her, bringing the shy mare out of her scared state. "Of course I don't hate you, it's just a question, and as for my answer, both." "Both?" "Both." "Both…" "Both." "BOTH!" Pinkie Pie nodded. "Oh my…um, I wasn't expecting that…I…okay. So I have another question," asked Fluttershy. "Shoot." "Since you don't care about whether they're a stallion or mare, what kind of qualities are you looking for in a…relationship?" Pinkie Pie sighed once again, her gaze drifting towards the podium where the preachers of old would speak to the crowd. "Fluttershy, you're asking me this because Twist has a crush on me, aren't you?" It was as if the universe itself came to a grinding halt. Well, Fluttershy's universe anyway. How did Pinkie know, she never brought this up till now, and she never even mentioned Twist's name! This was, this was, it didn't even make sense! Now Fluttershy knew how Twilight felt when the unicorn tried to figure out the pink mare's mysterious Pinkie Sense. "H-H-How did you know, I never said a word!?" "Itchy belly." Fluttershy was now confused. "When my belly gets itchy, it means that somepony in the room has a crush on another pony, or it means I laid down on poison ivy leafs. And since there wasn't any rash, it was the ladder." "But how did you know it was Twist?" "Because the majority of the time that it happened it happened when it was only Twist and I in the room alone," said Pinkie Pie. "And, to answer your next question, yeah, I like like her too." Fluttershy was dumbfounded; she was flabbergasted, she was every word you could think of to describe how surprised she was. All the time she spent worrying how she was going to ask this party machine how she felt about a mare who had ask her to find out about her feelings on her behalf. And now, in a short time span of just one minute, thirty seconds, said party machine just completely and without hesitation, told her all she needed to hear. But still, there was one thing that bothered her. "So, you know Twist has a crush on you, and you like Twist the same way. Why haven't you said anything to her, she's worried about how you might react if she told her feelings!?" "Because I can't…I'm, I have to take care of things." "What do mean?" Pinkie's ears flopped down and her mane and tail were losing a bit of their curly fluffiness. "You know this, but when the Cakes died they left me everything, even their foals. I promised myself that I would do everything I could to make sure Pumpkin and Pound grew up happy and smiling, and that they continued to have a place to live. That's why…I never really tried to date anypony, I tried to keep myself focused on Sugar Cube Corner and the twins, but that's when I started to notice Twist…At first, when I offered her a job at the shop, it was so that I could help her sell her treats to other ponies. As the years went on, I saw just how much fun she was, and the twins really love her too. When she got older, I started to notice just how beautiful a mare she was becoming, and like I said, I knew she had a crush on me." Fluttershy was still not following. "It sounds perfect Pinkie, you love Twist, and she loves you. Pound and Pumpkin are already attached to her, so having the two of you together would only make everything better," said Fluttershy. "But what if it doesn't work out, and something happens to where it makes working together hard for us both, she'll have to quit and leave…Pound and Pumpkin would be sad…and so would I…" Fluttershy, no longer able to stand the sad expression of her friend, brought the pink mare into a hug, wrapping her forelegs around her tightly. Pinkie Pie was a bit startled by the sudden embrace, but after a moment she wrapped her forelegs around Fluttershy's midsection. As the two mares held each other, the sun light started to shine through top of the rotunda, the warm light washed over them, as if it sought to rid them of the sadness. Soon they released each other; Pinkie Pie's mane and tail were quickly inflated back to their original fluffy curliness. "Thanks Fluttershy." "Don't mention it, and Pinkie, I promise you that letting Twist know how you feel about her will make the both you happy. Trust me." "I do, plus, the author wouldn't let anything that bad happen in this story, right," said Pinkie with a coy smile. ~~~~ Pinkamena Diane Pie, I swear by all the powers of the cosmos and holy deities of yore I will take this cupcake and – *CENSOR* – right up there and – *CENSOR* – so much that even a carrion crow won't touch it you pink – *CENSOR*! ~~~~ "What author?" "Oh nothing, c'mon let's go and get something to eat, all this saddy-waddy stuff made me hungry, la, la, la, la~" Pinkie started to hop towards the exit. Fluttershy wanted to inquire further about what she meant, but decided against it, feeling she might be opening a can of worms better left closed. The two mares were now outside, and at that moment, they heard a beeping sound. The sound persisted, making both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie look around for its origin. It wasn't until Pinkie Pie put her ear to Fluttershy's saddle bag that she was able to determine what it was. "Flutters, I think your Iris Caller is beeping." Fluttershy used her left wing to open the lip of her saddle bag. She then reached in with her hoof and saw that her Iris Caller was indeed beeping. She placed around her neck, the item automatically securing itself. She then pressed on the crystal to answer it. "Hello, this is Fluttershy speaking." "Fluttershy, you and Pinkie Pie have to get back here quick!" "Spike, what's going on!?" "Rarity will give you guys the details, I'm busy with something related, again, hurry!" Wasting no time, Fluttershy took the air while Pinkie Pie followed suit on hoof. Both wondering what kind of emergency they were about to stumble into. [center***Night Time, New Location***] The gauntlet had been thrown, the challenge issued, the battlefield chosen. Rarity expected something like this to happen, not this soon, not this close to the day of the fashion show. There was no choice; they had to meet the threat head on if they were to have any hope at winning, victory needed to be assured. The mares and dragon suited up, dawning their apparel for the coming fight. The road leading to the field of battle was long; the night air was unsteady as if the tension had tainted the usually sweet smelling aroma it naturally carried. Soon they were flanked by many others who had also gotten the summons. And there it was their destination, the place where bloody battle would be waged. Their transportation had come to a halt, the occupants steeled themselves, this was going to be brutal, for this was their chance to land a preemptive strike, but at the same time it could easily turn against them and cause irreparable damage. The doors opened, and they exited. Rarity and Spike were the first to leave the carriage. Spike sported his black tux, red bowtie, and fire ruby flower, neatly secured to his lapel. Rarity was wearing her sparkling pink dress, with a V neck drop; she also had on her pink sparkling foreleg covers, and to finish it off she wore her fire ruby necklace clasped around her neck, a matching set, for a matching couple. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were second to exit, wearing their Grand Galloping Gala dresses that Rarity recreated for the occasion. Ballista was the last to exit, not particularly one to wear a dress, she instead wore her finest uniform. Silver with gold shoulder pads and cuffs, a white sash looped around her from left shoulder pad to the other side. Pinned to the sash were her various medals for her service, on the either side of the sleeves was a sword and two flaring wings on both sides, her symbol for the rank of Captain. With an affirming nod, the group of five entered the manor before them. The door attendants welcomed them to the manor, and extended their thanks on behalf of their hosts. Inside, within the large mansion, they were being led to their destination where the true battle would be held. Finally they made it, a grand ball room filled with many high society elite. Many of whom Rarity and Spike recognized, along with others they didn't. They slowly descended the stairs, staying close together. Rarity held an intense gaze, hiding it behind a mask of elegance and a lady like smile. Spike had left his wife's side and slowed his pace to join the other three mares behind them. "The way Rarity described this thing, I thought we were about to enter an underground fight club," whispered Ballista. "Don't be fooled Ballista, this is far from a nice little social gathering." Spike warned. "What do you mean, Spike," asked Pinkie Pie. "Unlike in normal settings, where if you want to start something with a guy in a bar you just slug him and brawl, this is a socialist elite way of fighting. Your armor is the mask you put on, hiding your real emotions as to not give an edge. Where a jab and light hearted insult are just as damaging as sword." "Oh my," squeaked Fluttershy. "So then why did Rarity even agree to come to something like this," asked Ballista, both intrigued and worried about why her friend would show up to such a fight. "It happens often, a high class pony throws a party, like this one, inviting all their friends, frienemies, and just plain enemies, so that they can find a way to damage their reputation. It's really a lot of cloak and dagger stuff. The way to win is to get the last word in, to verbally flog your opponent till they're left with nothing to say and are forced to bow out. An absolute win is when you can get the other guy to completely lose it and create a scene. The first part of the game is the invite, not showing up is the worst thing you can do; it allows them time to work the room. Rarity was hoping something like this wasn't going to happen, since word of the models she had originally got around, somepony's trying to derail her and slander her as quickly as possible," explained Spike. "Whoa, sounds like a war for assassins or something," said Ballista. "Why would anypony want to do something like that, parities are supposed to be fun, so that everypony can smile and laugh, not insult and be mean to each other!?" Spike could tell that Pinkie Pie was taking this personally, he couldn't blame her, and Pinkie's special talent was making other ponies happy through either crazy shenanigans or big wild parties. Seeing that your special talent could be used in such a perverse and cruel way really riled her up. "I know Pinkie, but the fashion world is like this. Rarity knew that going in; she took all the bad, along with the good." "Well, at least some of them look like they don't mean Rarity any harm," said Fluttershy. Fluttershy's words were true, Spike watched as his wife was surrounded by familiar faces. Ponies that the both of them had met numerous times over the years, but all was not well, Spike's keen dragon eyes peered to the other end of the ball room, spotting the hosts of this little soiree. He watched as Rarity built up her army, as the opposition did the same, both sides steadily moving down the line, working their way to the center of the room where they would meet in combat. Spike had his arms crossed, he knew the plan, keeping the others close to him, and far from Rarity, but just close enough to enter the fray, for their friends were their secret weapon, and it would do no good to reveal their hand early. Soon it came, Rarity was now at the middle, so too were her opponents. There were three of them, all unicorns. The first unicorn was Upper Crust and her husband Jet Set. The third was Glory, standing in the middle, being brandished as their main weapon. "Jet Set, Upper Crust, it's been far too long," said Rarity. "Indeed it has, so sorry we missed you last year in Prance," said Upper Crust. "Quite alright, it was a fabulous event." "So, how are things going, getting ready for the big day," asked Jet Set. And there it was, the set up, Rarity knew it was coming. Now she just needed to bait them, spring the trap and reverse it when the time was right. "Things are coming along, could be better though, but peachy all the same." "Oh, will that's good, I was starting to get worried." "Why's that darling…?" "You know the rumor mill, ponies are saying that you won't be able to showcase your designs on our scheduled day, the nerve of such ponies, spouting nonsense when they have no evidence to back it up," said Glory, feigning contempt. And I wonder who started those rumors. "Well…I am sad to say…that it is true." Many of the posh ponies nearby gasped, right on cue. "It would appear that my models have taken ill and won't be able to perform come Friday…" The three unicorns before her wore shocked expressions, but Rarity's discerning eyes could see beyond the mask they wore. For all their practiced emotional expressions, they could not hide their true emotions from her eyes, nor from their own. For it was in those conniving eyes of theirs that she could see the glint of sadistic pleasure, they were savoring her fake despair, and were waiting to go for the kill. All just as expected. I guess it's true what they say, the eyes really are windows into the soul. Rarity listened to the whispers of the crowd; already the word was spreading, their suspicions proving to be correct. "Well that's inconvenient, but I'm sure you'll be able find suitable replacements from another agency," said Upper Crust, pretending to show concern. "Unfortunately all the agencies models are unavailable at the moment, many of them are bound to their individual designer's contracts, and therefore cannot be hired until Fashion Week is officially over I'm afraid…" They were loving this, they knew there was no way that the fashionista could squirm her way out of this. Many a time had she made the impossible possible, coming back from the brink just in the nick of time, but now things were different. Rarity Unicorn would not be able to fix this, this was not some loss of material, designs, or equipment, this was a more detrimental blow than any of that combined could hope to recreate. "Oh Rarity that's awful, and dreadfully unfair, I was looking forward to Friday…now it seems you'll have to bow out, don't worry love, things will be alright," said Glory as she tried to sooth Rarity, emphasis on trying. It was time. "I appreciate your sentiments Glory, you as well Upper Crust, Jet Set." Rarity perked up her smile returning tenfold. "But they aren't needed as I am not bowing out just yet!" "Oh Rarity please, there's no need to put on a brave face, sometimes things just happen that you can't control," said Jet Set. "Yes, unexpected things do happen, and they can cause wrinkles in any best laid plan. If there's anything I've learned in all my years of dealing with the unexpected, it's that when such events arise you must look to the friendships you've made, to those whom you hold near and dear to you. And that's exactly what I've done! Oh Spike~" The crowd behind Rarity parted as the handsome dragon made his way towards her. Flanking him were Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Ballista, the ballroom was filled with cacophony of whispers, ooohs, and awes. The four assembled around Rarity, Jet Set and Upper Crust brandished their weapon, now it was time for Rarity to do the same. "Allow me to introduce to you to my friends. This is Fluttershy, or you may know her better by her title as Knight of Kindness." Rarity moved on. "Pinkie Pie, the Knight of Laughter, and one of the most energetic mares you'll ever meet in your life." Last but not least. "And this is Captain Ballista, Captain of 504th Aerial Squadron from during the War of Darkness, and just as close a friend." Rarity moved away from her friends to stand more proudly near the center. "Without further ado, I like to introduce you to my new models for this Friday's show!" "The soil is turning; the retched stink of decay is the air! It won't be long before the rabble start turning as well, searching for sustenance. I won't let them take what I worked so hard to maintain! They will beg, plead, shout, and fight me to get the fruit of my labors upon this land! But they won't, because it's mine all MINE!" – Ezarak 101:15 > Third Sign: Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greed is a Beautiful Thing All the money in Equestria would not be enough to match the priceless expressions of utter shock and disbelief that were on Glory, Jet Set, and Upper Crust's faces right now, their mask having been soundly shattered and letting their real emotions show. For Rarity she had already won, so now everything that happened from this moment forward would be icing on the cake. "What are you talking about, those aren't models!" Glory spat. "You are wrong!" The crowd parted and revealed the source of the voice. It was an earth pony mare in a black and white dress; she had a white mane and light blue coat, and wore pink tinted sunglasses. "Because I, Photo Finish, can attest that zes is true!" "What are you talking about," asked Jet Set. "Are you blind, just look!?" Photo Finish zipped through the open path and came up next to Fluttershy. "Zes is fraulien Fluttershy, the mare who took ze modeling world by storm practically overnight! I should know, I, Photo Finish, had the opportunity to launch her career, allowing everypony to see and experience, ze magicks," she said, striking a pose. Once Photo Finish revealed Fluttershy's short, if not astronomically successful, modeling career, the crowd began to recognize the mare. Some remembered her from when she modeled their designs, and posed for their marketing ads. "And I can vouch for this happy-go-lucky pink mare." The crowd cleared again, allowing a new pony to enter the excitement. It was an earth pony stallion, with a gray coat, a puffed up white mane, wearing violet tinted sunglasses, and the cutie mark of a bronze and purple fan, the big fashion mogul, Hoity Toity. "I've personally seen this mare in a fashion show, on more than one occasion, hosted by our dear Rarity hear where she showcased the very outfits you see before you." Everything was going according to plan, like a well played game of chess. Spike (the King) stood by, ready to protect Rarity (the Queen), should her opponents threaten her. While Fluttershy (the Bishop) and Pinkie Pie (the Rook), had confirmed a check. Now if Ballista (the Knight) could impress the crowd, and dispel any lingering doubts, Rarity could come in and declare checkmate. As it stood, it was the King and Queen's move, would they use their Pawn, or strike out themselves. "Alright, so these two have some experience, but what about her!? A soldier, really Rarity, is your theme military," scoffed Upper Crust. "Well now don't write off this beautiful mare just yet," said a familiar voice. Just in time, thought Rarity. Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur-De-Lis were trotting through the crowd side-by-side, joining the little consortium of ponies who had gathered to Rarity's defense. "Ballista was it?" Fleur asked. "Y-Yes, that's my name," she said. "Let's have a look at you then." Fleur-De-Lis left her husband's side, the tall unicorn mare started to examine Ballista. Her eyes peering over every detail of the pegasus' form, everything from her wings, the sheen of her coat and hair, her eyes, face, tail and legs. Rarity could tell that Ballista was feeling a bit uncomfortable being sized up like she was, but luckily she held strong till Fleur was done. The white unicorn mare backed away and smiled at Ballista. "My dear, I simply don't know why you are in the military, with your figure and roughish looks, you could go far in this line of work," said Fleur. That did it; the crowd had turned, no longer having any more doubts that these three mares would be fabulous come Friday. But Glory didn't seem to let up. "Did you forget, a total of four models are required for the show, you only have three!?" "Now that is a problem, but luckily, I've decided to throw my hat into the ring, so to speak. I'll take the fourth position and model as well," said Rarity. The crowd really gasped at that statement. This was unheard of; a designer actually modeling her own line, such a notion was preposterous, risky, and daring! It was the equivalent of an actor saying "good luck," instead of, "break leg." It invited a disaster, and put more pressure on the designer, but it also meant that she had put her faith in the others, and in her own grace and ability. "Creating and displaying your own wardrobe, I say, you really are a bit of a maverick aren't you Rarity," said Fancy Pants. It was quite the display coming from Jet Set and Upper Crust, a noticeable scowl plastered upon their faces, which was only a glimpse into the seething anger they held inside. Oddly enough, Glory was the polar opposite. Earlier she was as angry as they were, but now she was calm and staring at Rarity with a narrowed gaze. Rarity had to admit it was a bit disconcerting, her mood changing rather quickly and with little warning. Spike seemed to catch on to what Rarity saw, and he too tensed. Glory finally softened her expression and gave her rival a little smile. "Oh Rarity, this will be a most interesting Fashion Week indeed. It was nice meeting you all, see you on Friday dear." Glory gave a little curtsy before turning around and walking away. Jet Set and Upper Crust looked at their cohort in incredulity. After regaining their composure, the couple excused themselves and went after Glory. Once gone the crowd started bombarding the group with questions left and right, excited at the newest development that Rarity had set forth, Rarity looked up at her beau and he to her, both of them wearing wide grins. "Checkmate," asked Spike. "Checkmate." Meanwhile Jet Set and Upper Crust where in their study, fuming over their failed attempt to bring down Rarity, they just couldn't believe it, that mare really must have the luck of Epona, almighty, to pull something like this off. "We paid those divas off to fake being ill, and what did it amount to!? We lost money and she calls upon her FRIENDS to help!" Upper Crust shouted. "Stolen materials in Manehattan, sabotaging her studio in Prance, and each time she managed to pull a last minute miracle! That Podunk pony doesn't deserve to be where she is," said Jet Set. The socialite couple noticed that Glory wasn't contributing to the conversation, she was merely staring out the window at the starry night sky. "And you, you were supposed to beat her at her own game, humiliate her! Yet for the past six years you've still haven't bested her! We found you, a newcomer in the industry, you who came in as second best to Rarity, and even with all the money we've sunk into your designs, you've been the biggest waste to date!" Glory didn't respond at all, which only served to further infuriate the stuck up mare. She quickly marched to the red maned mare, determined to have her answer. "What have you got to say for yourself!?" Glory responses came swiftly, and painfully. The red maned unicorn pivoted on her right hind leg, brining up her right foreleg, and in the same motion, slapped her hoof against Upper Crust's face, sending the mouthy mare sprawling to the floor. "Shut your mouth you mewling quim! I've had enough of your bloody whining!" Upper Crust, after getting over the initial shock of getting smacked in the face, stared daggers at the young mare. To which her husband mirrored with a little more fury behind it. "Have you gone mad!? How dare you strike my wife, I'll – grgahck!" Jet Set felt his throat clinch up, a ring of magical energy squeezed on his throat, growing tighter and tighter with each passing second. Upper Crust watched in stunned horror as her husband was then lifted up and brought before Glory. Her eyes stared at the stallion floating before her as he desperately clawed at his throat. "I've grown weary of you," Glory glanced down at Upper Crust, who winced as if being singed by her stare, "both of you." "What are you doing!? Let go of him right this instant!" Upper Crust's horn started to light up, preparing to stop the insane mare. Before she got the chance Glory was right in her face, Upper Crust just blinked and suddenly she was there. Her blood ran ice cold; any bravery she mustered at that moment was immediately depleted. Glory brought up her left hoof slowly, the snooty mare closed her eyes, expecting yet another harsh blow, and to her surprise, she did something else. Her hoof gently rested on the spot where Glory had struck Upper Crust earlier, rubbing the spot soothingly which made Upper Crust wince from the slight amount of pain that it caused. "Shh, shh, shh, don't fret. I didn't mean to hit you, I just lost my temper for a moment," said Glory, speaking as if to a scolded child. It was at this time that Jet Set was starting to make wet gurgling sounds, his body was spazimming uncontrollably. Glory noted this and let out an aggravated sigh. She concentrated on her magical hold on his throat and loosened the ring, just enough for him to live, but not enough to escape. Jet Set took in deep, raspy breaths of life giving air, his bloodshot, teary eyes wide as saucers. "Now listen, today's little display was unexpected, and well calculated. Calling upon her friends was a crafty move, entering the fray herself, even more so. For that she has my respect." "Damn…your…respect," said Jet Set gasping. "You should learn to choose your words more wisely, considering that neither of you are in the best of positions to talk down to me," warned Glory. "G-Glory, I'm – we're – sorry, truly! We're all a little worked up…" "You both don't seem to understand the precarious situation you find yourselves in. For these past six years, as you've said, you've backed me and my projects, all in order to bring down Rarity. While I share your dislike of her, I knew that, one day, this would come back to bite us in the flank. So I've been preparing, I've kept my hooves clean throughout all our joint endeavors, at the same time jotting down every little back alley deal you've made in order to hinder and or sully her," said Glory. Jet Set, not wanting to be upstaged by this psycho of a mare, spoke once again. "You…you can't, even if you've been able to cover your own tracks…you'll lose all our funding, we'll completely cut you off…and you'll go back to being a nobody…!" "Oh I beg to differ." Upper Crust watched as the doors to the study magically opened. Jet Set strained his neck a bit; trying to see who it was that had entered the room. It was a unicorn mare, dressed in a velour violet dress with a long trailing train, her tan coat contrasting beautifully with her pale brown mane. Her eyes were a stunning blue, almost as captivating as Glory's. Speaking of which, the white unicorn mare grinned happily upon her entrance. "Who-who are you," asked Upper Crust timidly. The unknown mare sauntered towards them; Upper Crust knew she wasn't here to help neither her husband nor herself, so what purpose could she have here. Once she was there, the unknown unicorn looked down at Upper Crust, for some reason she feared this mare more than Glory. "Well, you're not damaged goods, not just yet. I think I'll keep you," she said as if shopping for a new accessory. "Glory, what did I tell you about taking it easy on her, you know I don't like my potential possessions to be marred before I've the chance to appraise them." Her words were like honey, her tone so sweet, but she spoke with a sociopathic, amoral view of the troubled couple. "I'm sorry Mistress, but I was really starting to get knackered by her constant prattling, plus I was a bit riled up to begin with," said Glory. The Mistress placed a hoof under Glory's chin, bringing the mare close as she gave a light peck on her nose, making the white unicorn blush. "No need, I understand. Just be mindful in the future, I wouldn't want you to accidentally harm yourself." Upper Crust couldn't believe what she was saying, and neither could Jet Set. Who was this mare, where did she come from, and how did she know Glory? Were they in a relationship, a possible fillyfriend, a coconspirator out to ruin the couple? "What about him," asked Glory, nodding towards Jet Set. The Mistress looked the stallion over, but it was clear by the look on her face that she did not like what she saw. "He is quite the looker, but I've got my eye on another male, one that more closely reflects my interests. Furthermore you've strangled him, and now he'll have a bruise around that strong neck of his. I'm betting you did that on purpose didn't you," she asked raising an eyebrow. "I might have." Glory was grinning innocently, like a child having been caught in a fib. "Shame, oh well, do with him as you please." Glory smiled wickedly as her telekinetic hold instantly tightened up once more, Jet Set barely had any warning when his throat was constricted for the second time. He began thrashing about wildly, his horn lighting up in several attempts to counter what was happening, but the increasing pain and lack of air was making it hard to form a single thought. Upper Crust was panicking, her husband was being killed right in front of her and she knew not what she could do save him. That's when it hit her, the words the mystery mare said not a moment ago. "STOP!!! Please stop, I'll do anything, I'll become your 'possession,' I won't say a word of what happened here! Just please don't kill him!" Upper Crust begged. The Mistress looked down and watched as the mare groveled at her hooves, tears streaming down her face. She took her right hoof and ran it through her luxurious mane, after a brief moment, the mare came to a decision. "Do you swear to be mine, to become my sole possession, to do with as I please, to follow any and every order I give without forethought? Well, do you?" There was barely any hesitation, she didn't even think about it, for Upper Crust the answer was clear, this was for her husband, the love of her life, she wouldn't let him die, and as powerless as she was this was the only thing she could do to save him. Upper Crust glanced briefly at her husband, for all the pain he was enduring, Jet Set's eyes told her in a silent cry not to do it. Upper Crust smiled wearily and mouthed the words "I love you." She turned to the sadistic duo and put on the most confident expression she could. "I will, I swear it…" The mystery mare quickly enveloped Upper Crust in a tight hug, squealing joyously, giddied at her latest acquisition. "Oh I'm so happy! Glory …" The unicorn in question looked to her Mistress with a somewhat disappointed expression, "…be a dear and end his misery, would you." "Yes Mistress." *CRACK!* The party had gotten a bit livelier since the departure of Glory, Upper Crust, and Jet Set. A considerable amount of ponies had been bombarding Rarity and the group with questions, some redundant, a few noteworthy, and others who were talking just to talk with the famed Knights and Captain. Spike had taken to standing in a corner of the room, sipping some wine from his glass; it had a nice bouquet, and a sweet taste, but not too sweet. The young drake watched as his wife chatted up the room, no longer in need of his protection. It was perfect the way they set up Glory and those two rich snobs. He never liked them, ever since back at the Garden Party when they first got their big break. He sighed contently as Spike saw the smile that Rarity wore proudly, he raised his glass to her and toasted. Good work Rares. "Are you sure Fluttershy, I'd hate to see you wazte your potential." Spike turned his attention to another spectacle; Photo Finish had been on Fluttershy like tree sap on the Crusaders. Constantly asking if the pegasus wanted to return to her modeling career, which, according to her, would be even bigger than it was when Fluttershy first started out. Spike had to resist the urge to walk over and help the timid mare out, but Fluttershy had carried herself with a confidence that he found quite refreshing. "I'm sorry Photo Finish, but for the umpteenth time, no. I have a wonderful husband, a son and a daughter; I can't just abandon them like that. My family comes first Photo Finish, so please try to understand that," said Fluttershy. Photo Finish sighed in defeat, she knew she wouldn't budge Fluttershy; she had changed so much from the painfully shy mare she used to be. Guess having a family will do that to you. "Alright, I see your conviction. I guess I, Photo Finish, will have to find another pony who has…ze magicks!" "Thank you anyway, although it was a bit scary, the whole modeling thing was fun." Photo Finish curtsied to Fluttershy and started to walk off towards the crowd to mingle, but stopped and turned towards the pegasus mare as if just remembering something important. "Fluttershy, your daughter wouldn't happen to be interested in –!?" For some reason Spike felt the room grow heavy, a cold feeling running up his spine. This feeling, it was like murderous intent, held back only by sliver of thread. Spike was almost prepared to fight out of pure survival instinct, that is, until he figured out that the source of the feeling was coming from Fluttershy using her Stare that radiated an unholy aura. "Oh no, I'm afraid my daughter has already decided what she wants to do, but thank you anyway." Fluttershy had said that normally, and sweetly, but it was all just a dam to hide the furious wrath from flooding out. Photo Finish seemed to pick up on the "subtle" no; she then said something unintelligible and quickly zipped back into the crowd of ponies, like a scared rabbit feeling a predator. When Fluttershy turned to Spike her expression was normal, the intense feeling had completely vanished. The cream colored mare then trotted and stood next to Spike, smiling sweetly up at him. "She really is a nice mare, a bit eccentric, but nice." "Y-Yeah…" "Spike, why aren't you with Rarity and the rest of us," she asked. "I'm fine over here, Rarity's having a good time, plus it's not my kind of crowd," said Spike taking a sip of his wine. "What do you mean, I'm here, and our friends are here, what don't you like?" "It's not our friends I'm talking about; it's the rest of them." Spike waved his right claw in a sweeping motion, gesturing to the ponies inside. "The ones I don't know, the ones who would give Rarity grief for having me near her." "Why would they do that? Your Rarity's husband now, you shouldn't feel ashamed to stand beside her," said Fluttershy. "I'm not ashamed, it's just that…some are still disapproving of Rarity marrying me…a dragon. Besides other reasons, it's partly why I haven't pushed, you know, that." Fluttershy's cheeks went pink with embarrassment, knowing full well what he meant. "Also, I hate that Rarity has to defend me when somepony makes a crack about us. I want to say or do something, but I know if did, it'd only prove them right on some level or another, and Rarity knows that too," said Spike solemnly. Spike flinched a bit when Fluttershy placed her hoof on his left claw unexpectedly, but it was hardly noticeable. He could feel Fluttershy's kindness flow through him, soothing his sadness. "Spike, you'll need to stand by her, you can't always just keep watch over Rarity from a distance. She'll think she's hurting your feelings, you know how she picks up on these things," warned Fluttershy, her tone sounding motherly. "I know, I know. One of these days, I will, for now, I'll just let her have fun and mingle." Fluttershy still looked skeptical. "I'm fine Fluttershy, really. Go and have fun with the others." Reluctantly, Fluttershy trotted back to where Ballista was, noticing that she was trying to keep Pinkie Pie from convincing the band from playing the Pony Pokey. Spike had to chuckle at that, remembering the stories from their Grand Galloping Gala incident. Spike went to take another sip of wine, but stopped when he noticed that it was empty. He placed it on the table next to him, adding to the nine that he had collected after emptying them of their contents. One drawback to having a fast draconic metabolism, you can't get drunk, thought Spike. "A glass my good sir?" Spike's ear frill twitched when he heard the voice of mare. He glanced to his right and watched as a tan colored unicorn mare trotted towards him. The mare was beautiful, objectively speaking of course, especially the way her hair covered her right eye. Her horn was aglow with violet energy as two wine glasses levitated next to the unicorn. One of the glasses floated in front of Spike, to which he gingerly took the glass into his claw. "Thanks ma'am." "Don't mention it. So, how come you aren't with the rest of the crowd, as I understand tonight has been quite a show, and favorable to Dame Rarity?" "I just don't like crowds, I get edgy," he lied. "If you don't mind me asking, why aren't with everypony else?" "Crowds don't bother me, but I do need the occasional break, a moment to catch my breath and all that." Spike sniffed the wine, making sure that there was nothing in it. Not that he thought the mare was suspicious, just weary of any drink that he hadn't been poured by either Rarity or himself. Satisfied that the drink was just that, he sipped it. "Forgive me, but I couldn't help but eavesdrop on you and your friend. And I personally think it's not right for you to have to stand here on the sidelines and not out there with her," she said. "It's fine, just the way things are right now –" "No it is not fine," the mare interrupted. "I've done my homework on you and Miss Rarity, mostly you. Draconic Guardian, that is your title, and you earned it many times over, if anything they should be showing you absolute respect!" Spike stared wide eyed at the mare; he was flattered by the way she was defending him, and just a little freaked out. The mare seemed to pick up on Spike's reaction, her countenance taking on a very apologetic look. "Forgive me; I was out of line…" "No, no, you're alright. Not every day I here somepony say that about me, so I was kinda taken by surprise, thank you though," said Spike. "Would you mind terribly if I asked you a question? I've always been curious about dragons, but seeing as a how many of them aren't as sociable as you…" "Nah, I don't mind, ask away." Spike didn't know why, but his tone sounded chipper. "Thank you for indulging me. I was wondering, is it true that young dragons have a tendency to go through an accelerated rate of growth when they start hoarding random items?" That was a bit of a sore spot for Spike, it brought back memories of Ponyville and the War of Darkness all at once. But he couldn't blame her, it's not like she knew exactly what happened, some of that information was stricken from official records. "Yeah it's true, if a dragon starts collecting a lot of stuff, and isn't stopped, it results in a premature growth acceleration, making them forget everything else, and going to any lengths to get what they want, even if they destroy some things in order to obtain it," explained Spike, clenching his fist at the thought of being controlled by that side of himself. "Sounds rather romantic if you ask me." "WHAT – I mean, no it isn't, Dragon Greed pretty much blanks out everything! The dragon's personality, it rules his actions, and he shows little if no remorse for what he's done! I'm basically a mindless monster!" Spike winced as he noticed that he was referring to himself in that last sentence. However, his little outburst did nothing to dissuade the mare, she didn't even look offended. "What you call 'greed,' is just another form of love. It's no different when you obtain an item, right then it's just an object, but as time moves on, it starts to develop sentimental value that you couldn't get rid of for all the money in the world, no matter how much it's worth. Take your marriage to Miss Rarity for example." "You're crazy, 'greed the same thing as love!?' That's insane, and how does marriage fit into this!?" Spike asked incredulously. "When you marry, you own them, and they own you, you are each other's soul possessions till the day one of you expires." The mare, rather quickly, stood on her hind legs and grabbed Spikes shoulders, bringing them face to face. She moved her mane away from her other eye, and stared deeply into Spike's eyes. "So you should not deny your Dragon Greed, it's a part of you, it always will be. Plus, who says you only need one mare, as powerful and strong as you are, you could have many wives, a harem if you wished, with a mountain of treasure and riches to which there is no equal!" Spike felt something boiling inside him, a feeling that was clawing from deep within him, roaring to break free. He tried to push it down, back into whatever dark place it crawled from, but he couldn't, the mare's intense, hypnotic gaze held him. "That's not – I don't want anything like that! I – All I need is Rarity, that's it, I'm happy with what we have!" "Do not deny what is plain before my eyes; I can see the beast within. You do yourself a disservice by banishing it, but I can set you free, I can bring out your true self…" The mare inched her face closer to Spike's, moving her muzzle so that her lips were close to Spike's right ear frill. "I can fulfill you're desires, all that you want, jewels, gold, assorted knickknacks, dwelling…mares… anything…All you need do is swear to be mine…" Between this beautiful mare before him, the roaring and clawing of something trying to break out, Spike couldn't think straight, his mind was racing, heart pounding in his abdomen threatening to explode. His breathing was heavy, almost a growl. Spike could feel his body wanting to burst free of this miniature form, to roar proudly and bellow his dragon fire into the air, proclaiming his dominance over all he surveyed, and daring anything or anyone to oppose him, just so he could make an example out of them. "Spike…?" The young drake snapped to attention, to his left was Rarity, standing there and staring worriedly at him. "W-W-What, what is it!!?" "I-I was just wondering if you were alright love, you're positively drenched with sweat, and you look rather flushed," said Rarity, a bit of hurt in her voice. Spike's mind clicked, remembering the unicorn mare who was all over him a minute, and quickly spoke to defend himself. "Rarity this isn't what it looks like, she's – I don't know her!" "Spike what are you talking, who don't you know?" It was then that Spike realized that the mare he had been talking to just a moment ago had disappeared; there was no trace of her, not even the wine glass that she was drinking from. N-no way…she was here! I saw her, heard her, felt – did she teleport!? Couldn't have, I didn't sense any mana fluctuation; I definitely would've felt that happen as close as she was! Spike started to hyperventilate, was the mare nothing more than just a figment of his imagination, had all the wine and hard cider over his years finally caught up with him, or was it something else, something even more troubling? "Spike, love, what's wrong? You really aren't looking good, we should leave," said Rarity, concerned by her husband's strange behavior. "No…I just…I need some air, I'm flying back to the house, I'll see you there," said Spike, walking away from Rarity at a brisk pace. "Spike, wait a minute. Please tell me what is the matter, did some pony say something to you, threaten me or our friends," asked Rarity as she tried to catch up to the fast walking dragon. "NO!" Spike unintentionally roared. Rarity just stopped in her tracks, utterly shocked by Spike's hostility. When he realized what he had done, Spike's visage became sad. "Sorry…I'm just tired and not feeling too good…" Rarity composed herself, she was surprised by his reaction, but understanding, Spike usually did get a little edgy when he was tired or very exhausted. She trotted up to him and stood on her hind legs, pressing her forehooves onto his chest for balance. Rarity then nuzzled the side of his cheek lovingly before returning to all four hooves. "It's alright, go on ahead then, the girls and I can wrap up the rest. I don't think we'll be seeing those three for the rest of the night, hopefully. I'll be back soon," she said with care. "T-Thanks…I'll see you later then." Spike continued to walk on, ascending the stares till he was outside in the cool night air. Snapping his fingers, Spike made his suit vanish off his body, a trick he had learned from seeing Discord way back when. With another snap of the fingers green flames started to jet out from where his shoulder blades were, the flames quickly dissipated, revealing his wings. Spike jumped into the air with the aid of his wings and flew off in the direction of their home. Unbeknownst to Spike, two figures watched him leave, hidden in the shadows of the nearby trees. Glory and her Mistress were standing side-by-side, with Glory's head resting on the mystery mare's shoulder. "You really want that thing Mistress?" Glory asked. "No, not him, that thing is merely a shell that houses my real prize. Although he may be resisting me, the other inside begs to come to me. You, that little whimpering one, and that dragon will the only things I'll need from this world once it's gone." "I'm happy to have caught your eye Mistress." "You'll be glad you did, I treat all my possessions with a great deal of care…" The unicorn mare lifted Glory's head with her telekinetic energy and planted a delicate kiss upon her lips, "and love." The plan Rarity had concocted had worked, with the support of the other designers and backers, she can worry less about their approval or reaction, and now focus on the task at hand. Meanwhile a mysterious mare, referred to only as "Mistress," has somehow awakened something in Spike he had buried a long time ago. What does this mean for the future with the show only one day away? Stay tuned and find out in Part Five of the Third Sign Arc… > Third Sign: Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Showtime! The night had gone off without a hitch, and everything was right as rain. Well, it would've been if Spike didn't have to leave so abruptly. When Rarity got back that night she found her love asleep in their room, but, to her surprise, he was tucked in a corner, such as a large dragon could be tucked. She didn't disturb him, knowing that he needed his sleep, despite his increased maturity and stature he was still prone to overexerting himself, and sometimes late nights tended to wear him out a lot more than they did Rarity herself. The next morning, the day before their performance, or "Judgment Day," the four mare group practiced on a makeshift runway in the backyard of Rarity and Spike's villa. Rarity had demonstrated the routine that the others would have to mimic so many times that she lost count; nonetheless, she was determined to see this endeavor through, come Tartarus or high water. Fluttershy was up first, and just as Rarity expected, she was as graceful as ever. Even though she hadn't been in the modeling game for quite some time she still remembered the movements, which added to her own natural grace, made her the perfect mare to start off with. Next up was Pinkie Pie, it took some time to convince the pink hyperactive pony to move in accordance with the guidelines of a specific routine, many a time she wanted to strike a more dramatic pose, or add some fancy pyrotechnics and party cannon fire to shake things up. Rarity made a note to check the stage to make sure Pinkie hadn't jerry rigged anything to blow up, shoot confetti, or make cake batter appear from nowhere. Ballista, by far, was the most difficult, but Rarity expected that. Just like Rainbow Dash, the mare barely had any patience for this kind of stuff, but after seeing it as a challenge of sorts, Ballista persevered, plus Rarity believed she wanted to show that there was more to her than just a rough and tuff mare. Speaking of Ballista, Rarity glanced behind her and took a look at was going on. Broadside had joined them outside, sitting at a table and scribbling away at his little project. Spike was a few yards away, in his full grown dragon form. He was playing with little Gale, letting her crawl all over his large body and sliding down his tale and snout, even blowing a puff of air to give the pegasus a helping updraft to get her hovering. "Amazing huh?" Rarity turned back to see Ballista, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie watch Spike as he played with the little foal. "It's cute," said Fluttershy happily. "I kinda want to do that to, in fact, be right back," announced Pinkie Pie. Before another word could be uttered, Pinkie was already halfway there to Spike and Ballista. "Guess we'll take five then," said Rarity. The three mares laid down on the soft grass at the foot of the catwalk, watching Pinkie and Gale use Spike as an amusement park, though the dragon wore an annoyed expression, his smirking from time to time told them that he was otherwise having a bit of fun with what was happening. It was then that Rarity's countenance grew melancholy, which didn't go unnoticed by her friends. "Rarity, are you alright," asked Fluttershy. "Huh…what was that dear?" "If you're worried about tomorrow don't be, we'll do great and blow away all those would-be designers, especially that Glory chick," said Ballista. "Oh right, the show tomorrow, to be honest that isn't the thing that's worrying me right now. Spike was acting weird last night, as if he were sick," said Rarity. "He seems fine right now, do you want me see if there's anything I can do?" Fluttershy asked. "No, but thank you anyway. Something happened to him last night and I can tell he's upset, but he won't talk to me about it." Noticing the concern for her husband, Fluttershy opted to tell Rarity what she had talked about with Spike that night. Of course this didn't come as too big of a revelation, Rarity already knew about the disapproving glares and whispered insults towards her love, but she did not care, she had found love. All the princely aspects she ever wanted in a stallion were really in a dragon, in Spike to be more exact. Rarity giggled for a moment finding something funny in this line of thinking. "What's so funny," asked Ballista. "I was just thinking, my father and mother used to read me bedtime stories about Princesses being rescued and swept off their hooves by Princes and knights in shining armor, and how they'd have to do battle with terrifying creatures, and fearsome dragons. Little did I suspect that I would become a Knight and the prince who swept me off my hooves would be a dragon, ha-ha!" Now that they thought about it, it was actually kind of funny, in an ironic sort of way. The giggling was contagious as it spread through to Fluttershy and Ballista, which ended up with all three of them guffawing loudly, and rolling onto their backs as they held their sides. "What's all the hubbub about," asked Broadside. The three mares opened their eyes staring straight up, seeing the confused looks of Broadside and Spike as they looked down on them. Gale looked confused as she sat in Spike's claw, wondering what was so funny. While Pinkie Pie appeared on the tip of Spike's snout, looking quite perturbed. "What's this; you guys are having fun without me!?That is absolutely unacceptable! UNACCEPTABLE!!" Pinkie Pie shouted in a screechy high pitched voice. The pink menace ran up Spike's head till she stopped half way between his back. "What's she doing?" Ballista asked. Pinkie began to limber up, stretching her leg muscles, cracking the joints in the process. "She isn't," gasped Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie got on her mark, her eyes narrowing, and her brow furrowed as she gazed down her line of sight with intense focus. "She wouldn't dare," said Rarity feeling an urgent need to run. Suddenly Pinkie Pie galloped at full speed, leaving a smoke trail in her wake. Once she got to Spike's snout, she jumped up, landed on his nose, and then bounced off of it like a diving board. She reached out her hooves as she dived straight down for her targets below. "Pinkie Pie don't you even think –!" Too late the pink party pony pounced on the three mares, and, without mercy, began her torturous work of tickling her three friends. She was doing a rather impressive job of it, using her forelegs and tail in unison to attack all three mares at ones. Somehow Pinkie Pie found all their most ticklish spots, as Ballista, Fluttershy, and Rarity began to let out boisterous laughs as their eye watered. "Pinkie – HA HAHA – oh no don't – HA AHA HA –!" Fluttershy gasped. "Father – Daddy – HA HAH AHA – help me please, she's kil – AHAHA HA – ling me!" Ballista begged. Broadside thought about helping, but then he heard the giggling approval of his granddaughter and decided to let her enjoy the show, in fact he just sat on his haunches and did just that.\. "S-S-SPIKE – WAHA HA HA – please save me, I'm begging you!" "Really Rarity, where are your manners, you didn't say please," said Spike with sly smile. "Oh you brute – HAH AHAHA HA – h-h-how can you j-just stand there – HA HAHA – and watch as your wife is tortured in such a manner – Ah AHAHAHHA!" "Say uncle, c'mon, say it," said Pinkie Pie. Spike and Broadside looked to each other and chuckled to themselves. "How long do ya think we should let this keep going till we need to intervene," asked Broadside. "I'M GOING TO WET MYSELF!!!" Rarity shouted at the top of her lungs. "Probably now," said Spike worriedly. ***Later that night*** Rarity was sitting in front of her vanity mirror, using her telekinesis to brush her mane with an upturned snout. Spike lied there, coiled around the heart shaped bed, resting his head in the palm of his claw. "For the hundredth time Rares, I'm sorry," said Spike. "You let Pinkie Pie accost me for well over a minute, and made me scream something vulgar before you made her stop," said Rarity, not even looking back to address the dragon. "C'mon, I'm sorry, I'll do anything, I swear." Spike pleaded. Rarity stopped brushing her mane and thought for a moment. Finally after mulling it over, she came up with something. "Alright, there is something that you can do to make it up to me." "Sweet, just name it!" "Tell me what happened at the party last night." Spike flinched noticeably, something that Rarity was able to see reflected in her vanity mirror. "I told you I wasn't feeling well," said Spike. "Is that really what it is, or was it because somepony made you feel sick," asked Rarity. That seemed to make Spike raise his head up in shock, for what reason she didn't know, but Rarity had a sneaking suspicion that she was close in discerning the root of this problem. "N-No…I…" Rarity put down her brush and trotted over to the large dragon, she placed a comforting hoof on his scaled claw, causing him to look down at her. "Spike, I've been into your soul, I've felt the love you have for me, we're connected on a level much stronger than any other husband and wife. When you're happy, I'm happy, and when you're sad I am as well…So when something is troubling you, I want to help, and it hurts me to think that there's nothing I can do, but if there is I want to try. So please, my Love, tell what is troubling you." Rarity could see that her words struck a chord with Spike, being reminded of their experience with his soul was a painful subject, figuratively and literally, but it was also the event that signified the beginning of their relationship. So, with a reluctant sigh, Spike spoke of his troubles. Of the mysterious mare that came to see him, the things she spoke of to him, even the feeling of something trying to rise up from deep within himself. All this was a little disconcerting to hear, but Rarity remained strong for Spike. "And…that's it…" "And you believe that his, 'Thing,' might be the…the other you from the war?" Rarity cautiously asked. "I don't know…It's been so long since I became that monster…I thought when I crushed that crystal, I destroyed that part of myself for good! Even if I didn't, I've been careful to avoid any chance of me succumbing to the Greed again…but…when she was near me…I felt it…stronger…hungrier…even right now I can feel it…I'm scared Rarity…" The fashionista had to admit, hearing that Spike's Dark Dragon persona was alive was more than a little upsetting, and it was scary. Even to this day she could still remember the beast's pitch black scales and red eyes, and its evil need to possess Rarity for his own, to do with as he pleased. If it weren't for Spike's act of self-sacrifice, Rarity and her friends would've had to do the unthinkable. "I'm sorry Rarity…telling you all this right before the big day, I shouldn't have said anything, you need to be focused for tomorrow instead of worrying about me," said Spike. "Spike, darling, a fashion show is a fashion show, there will be plenty more. I'll cancel the whole thing tomorrow –" "NO!!!" Spike roared. "You can't, not after everything we did last night, you can't let Glory and those to stuck-up snobs win! After Pinkie, Flutters, and Ballista all agreed to help! You can't just forfeit because of me, I won't allow it!" "Spike –!" "Promise me Rarity!" Spike lowered his head, looking Rarity straight in the eyes. "Promise me you won't call it off!" Rarity wanted to protest, she wanted to put her hoof down and tell Spike that she would not be swayed in her decision. However, the stern and unwavering resolve that radiated from his stare was enough to tell Rarity that he would not be budged. She could just thrown in the towel, it'd be easy enough, when it came to the wellbeing of Spike, Rarity was willing to push certain things to the sidelines, but then again, she knew Spike wouldn't forgive himself knowing that he was the cause of any fallout from her decision. So it was with a heavy heart, that she made her choice. "Alright, Spiky, I'll continue on tomorrow. But if you feel at all strange, don't you dare hesitate to tell me or the others, even if we're in the middle of a show! I'll only promise if you agree to those terms," said Rarity. Spike didn't like the idea of jumping onto the stage in the middle of the show and tell Rarity that he was probably going to transform into monster he thought he gotten rid of eleven years ago. But, this beat the alternative. "Alright, I promise." "Good." Rarity trotted up to his snout and nuzzled it affectionately, sending him all the comforting love she could through the action. "When this is done, I'll go on hiatus; we'll take some time to ourselves and just sit back and enjoy our lives without the hustle and bustle of the fashion world." "You think…we could move back to Ponyville…back to the Boutique?" "Of course we can, I've made sure that the living quarters in the shop are still livable, and honestly I could use the peace that our hometown provides. Although…you might not be able to go to sleep as you normally do now." "I don't mind, everypony there knows me, so I can be like this and not freak them out." Rarity let out a very ladylike chuckle; she then kissed her husband on the snout before retiring to her bed. She nestled herself under the blankets and yawned demurely. Spike repositioned his head, so that it now lied next to the bed, completely encircling it. "Good night my love," said Rarity. "Good night Rarity," responded Spike. ***Judgment Day (aka The Fashion Show)*** Palazzo Della Moda was packed, normally during Fashion Week it was always so, but today was especially packed. All of Manelan came to see the competition, when news got around of the models for Carousel Boutique Inc. were none other than the Knights and Captain of the 504th Squadron, ponies flocked to the famous palace just to get a glimpse. Needless to say that this was more or less free publicity for Glory, allowing her own to designs to be seen by many, wowing the crowd with her bold and flashy wardrobe, a cacophony of applause erupted throughout the entire theater. Rarity and the others were backstage preparing to go on; she was busy running through the routine in her mind, doing last checks on the dresses with her staff. Now all that was left was to pray to Epona above that nothing went wrong, by her friends or by the hooves of – "Hello Rarity," said a familiar voice. The violet maned unicorn whipped around and saw, much to her displeasure, the very unicorn she did not want to see. "Glory, nice to see you," said Rarity, grinning like a madmare. "Oh don't worry Rarity, I'm sure you'll do fine, break a leg," said Glory as she started to walk passed her. "Hold on, wait a minute, that's it. No pity insult, no quip about my husband, or how you're so superior?" Rarity asked. Glory turned to glance at Rarity; there was no sign of indignation, malice, or loathing. In fact it was the look of a mare that had not a care in the world. For some reason this slightly scared Rarity, having not seen such an expression in all the years she'd known her. "There's no need, I just simply feel…content. I've realized how useless holding onto a grudge is, a waste of time and energy, besides; we don't exactly know what the future holds, so I see no need in wasting my time with such things." "Oh…I see, well then, I guess, thank you Glory," said Rarity, uncertain about to react to her sudden change in her outlook about their rivalry. "See you at the after party." Rarity watched as Glory trotted off with a pip in her step. She made a mental note to file this encounter as weird, but possibly a good thing. As Rarity began to make her way towards the dressing rooms she noticed something even odder, Upper Crust, the last pony she'd expect to see back there. She seemed startled a bit by her arrival; needless to say, Rarity was startled by her appearance. Upper Crust's eyes were red and puffy, as if she'd been crying a lot. Her right cheek seemed swollen a little as well. Rarity never cared for this mare, but seeing her in such a state was causing her to worry. "Upper Crust, darling whatever is the matter!? You look positively dreadful, what happened?" "Rarity…There's something wrong going on…something very wrong…" "Well what is it, forgive me for prying, but…did something happen between you and Jet Set!?" Upper Crust's eyes flared with anger as she caught what Rarity was insinuating about her husband. "JET SET WOULD NEVER LAY A HOOF ON ME! DON'T YOU EVER SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!" Upper Crust shouted. "I'm sorry darling, you can't blame me for assuming such given your current state," said Rarity, feeling annoyed that she even showed any kindness towards her. "Y-You're right…forgive me…" "It's quite alright, but please tell me what is the matter? I am a little concerned about you right now." "I-I understand…I just needed to tell you that I need to talk to you when the show is over, no matter how it goes, I must speak with you, its urgent," pleaded Upper Crust. "I promise dear, but, won't you at least tell me why you are in such a disheveled state," asked Rarity. "N-N-No, not now, not here! I'll see you later, good luck!" Upper Crust cantered away, not even letting Rarity say so much as a "thank you" in return. She decided to mark this incident as disturbing and worth further investigation later on. Rarity continued along her path and entered the dressing rooms, finding all three of her friends getting the final touches for their makeup and fittings. Her staff members were quickly touching up the dresses, with Rarity helping out where needed, while she herself got ready to go on. "Rarity, where were you? We were starting to get worried," said Pinkie Pie. "I'm just fine Pinkie, although a couple of strange things did happen on my way here…Never mind that for now, we must hurry, we've only ten minutes before our time is nigh!" Rarity declared. Ballista was looking a bit worried as she sat before the vanity mirror, her ears flat against her head. Rarity noticed the change in her friend's mood. The fashionista made a gesture to the mare attending to Ballista, telling the mare to let her finish up. Rarity trotted over to the cerulean pegasus and started to brush her black mane. "Aren't you going to ask," said Ballista. "Ask what darling?" "Why I'm worried." "You're worried, Ballista, you simply exude confidence," said Rarity with a smile. Ballista sighed dejectedly. "I'm serious, I've never done anything like this before, what if I mess everything up for you and the girls…I'm just…" Rarity gave the usually strong mare a hug, comforting Ballista and dashing her worries to pieces. It was at this point that the pegasus felt two more bodies being added to the hug, turning it into a group hug. "Let's go out there and wow them," said Pinkie Pie. "We'll do our best," said Fluttershy. As much a Ballista and was enjoying the feeling of friendship she was getting from the three knights, she was starting to get just a little bit uncomfortable, and annoyed that it was continuing this long. "Okay, confidence restored now, you can let me go…Girls…? Girls…? GIRLS!?" The crowd was anxious, the much anticipated show of Carousel Boutique Inc. was about to begin. Spike and Broadside were sitting in the front row, with Gale sitting between the two of them, giggling happily and just as eager as the rest of them. Soon the lights dimmed down and silence washed over the audience. The spotlights shined, illuminating the stage in multicolored beams. Soon the music began to play and it began. "Mares and gentlecolts, from Carousel Boutique Inc., may we present Rarity Unicorn's latest line…Le Cosmos." The curtain at the other end of the catwalk rose up, revealing a sparkling light, once the full curtain was drawn the light shined even brighter, mesmerizing the audience. A swirling green galaxy appeared before them, spiraling with dozens of tiny white sparkling stars. Suddenly the center of the galaxy started to bulge outwards, further and further it stretched till something burst forth from the center. The green galaxy wrapped around the figure as it flew around. The sparkling spirals created a long train which lead up and opened a bit to show two cream colored wings. Four legs appeared, and where the head would be, was a pink sparkling spiral, which then bloomed like a flower and showed the face of the first model, Fluttershy. The crowd let out cheers, as well as oohs and awes. Although her fame was short, it had not faded; many instantly recognized the mare, not just for her title as the Knight of Kindness, but for her career and popularity as a model. She strode down the catwalk, poised and with a natural grace that was her own, not learned or taught. Once she was at the head of the catwalk, Fluttershy demurely let her wings unfurl. She whipped her head around, letting her mane sparkle in the light and come to a rest over her face, covering her face just a bit. Her dress seemed to shimmer in ripples, mimicking the galaxy from which Fluttershy sprouted from earlier. The audience loved her entrance and her pose. Fluttershy knew not to linger any longer; she quickly turned around and moved on down the catwalk. Her dress began to glow and emit a blast of green light that concealed the catwalk. It then gave way to an explosion of pink and blue stardust. The stardust started to bounce around for a while, compress, into tight ball, and once again exploded outwards. Pinkie Pie emerged from the ball, showcasing her dress, the blues in the dress made Pinkie's eyes pop, along with the pinks to gently flow. Although it wasn't how she would've liked, the presentation was just a fun as she'd hoped, even though there wasn't any party cannons, confetti, or cake batter. ~~~~ "And would it kill ya to put something like that in here! C'mon I know it's a fashion show, but these ponies need to learn how to really have some fun!" Pinkie Pie, what did I tell you about breaking out of the story, you'll confuse the readers! Plus I thought it was the best way to let you have some fun, you were bouncing around. Now get back out there and strut your stuff! "Oki-Doki-Loki!" Ugh, I love ya pinks, but sometimes you just…never mind, anyway~! ~~~~ Pinkie made her way down the runway, swaying her flanks back and forth, allowing the dress to release a wisp of pink and blue sparkling dust with each shake. When she reached the same spot as Fluttershy did earlier, Pinkie Pie spun around in place, releasing more stardust. Once she stopped the pink party pony struck a grand pose, with the stardust sparkling around her like an aura. Once she was done, Pinkie began trotting back, but not before giving one more pirouette, which gave way to the next model. The stardust lingered about culminating in streaking stars. One shone brighter than the others. It was a comet made of ice crystals; the audience was once again put into a state of amazement and wonder as they watched the comet streak over their heads. The comet started to show cracks and fissures as it made its way back to the stage. When it was over the runway it shattered into pieces, making the audience gasp in surprise. The ice crystals floated down like snow made of diamonds. Upon the stage, amongst the powdery white, was a figure standing amongst the glimmering snow. The figure step forward, horn aglow, revealing the third model, the creator of all the dresses thus far. Rarity shown spectacularly, her dress shimmering brilliantly, like ice that was sewn into place. It made it hard for the audience to distinguish if it really was ice, diamond, or something else entirely. Rarity trotted forward, wearing a demure smile, with her mane done up. She carried herself with the kind of confidence and boldness as only she could. Everypony found this as shocking, even knowing it before hand. Many have never even dreamed of a designer actually modeling their own clothes, maybe they'd wear them after the fact, but certainly not modeling them for all to see. Rarity continued her walk, gave a playful wink to the audience, and went about her way back, her horn still shimmering with its blue iridescent aura. You can do this Ballista, we have faith you! When Rarity walked away the ice and snow white scenery was immediately replaced with a fiery nebula. Bright stars burned everywhere, multiple galaxies swirled, and stardust wafted through the vast expanse. Soon, one star began to move, fast as a whizzing arrow, it blazed a trail through the other stars, outshining the rest. The star flew about, dazzling the audience. Spike and Broadside knew who this was, and so too did the little foal Gale. Finally the star circled about the stage and landed in a glorious blaze of blue fire. The flames did not die out however; they simply gave way to a figure. A pegasus mare, wings flared out dramatically, her beautiful eyes sparkling in the embers. The dress came into full view, a fire pattern all around it, with a seamless transition into different blue hues, ending with a darker shade of blue that matched Ballista's coat to a T. Ballista began her walk, slowly, but surely. She could feel the eyes of the audience upon her, watching her every step, her every expression, basically every detail about her. While it was uncomfortable she pressed on. When Ballista got to head of the stage, she stopped, and scanned the front row. That when she saw her, her daughter Gale, looking at her with a new found sense of just how beautiful her mother was. That was all the confidence boost the soldier mare needed, as she too struck her pose, both bold and brash. With a flab of her wings, Ballista reignited the blue fire, causing it to spread up all around. The swirling images behind her caught the blue fire and exploded forth, to her side appeared the rest of her friends. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, all four were now assembled. The stardust, spiraling galaxies, ice crystals, and blue fire, all combined together, spelling out two words burned into the air above them. ~Le Cosmos~ The sound of the crowd cheering could've nearly brought down the entire palace on top of them. Many were either stamping, hollering, or clapping their hooves in ovation to the four mares of Carousel Boutique Inc. The four mares took a bow, and then, as a group, walked up the catwalk till they were far enough for the curtains to fall safely behind them. Once back stage all four of them let a huge sigh of relief. "Uh, Pinkie Pie, dear, may I – if it's not too much trouble?" "Nope, no trouble at all, here you go," said Pinkie Pie, bringing her tail up to Rarity. The violet maned mare took hold of her friend's curly pink tail, took one long breath, and then buried her face into it, letting out a muffled scream. After about thirty seconds, Rarity released the tail and composed herself. Ballista and Fluttershy let out few giggles, experiencing a case of déjà vu. "Thank you again sweetie. By the way, you really must tell me what shampoo you use to get that cotton candy fragrance." "Oh, I don't use a special shampoo, that's just me. Don't know why it's like that, it just is." "I can't believe we did it! That was so exciting, and Ballista you were wonderful," said Fluttershy as she hugged the dark cerulean mare. "Thanks Fluttershy, thank you all. Maybe we should make a habit of this, what do think," asked Ballista. "As much fun as this was, I'm going to have to say not. It's time I fulfilled my promise to Spike," said Rarity. "What promise," asked Pinkie. "I'm going to take a brief hiatus with Spike, you know, just for the two of us to relax, to stop and smell the roses if you will." "Sounds great to me," said Ballista. "Come now ladies, let us get undressed and relax at the after party, shall we?" ***3 Hours Later*** The day's festivities were now officially over. All the designers and models had gathered in the Grand Hall of Palazzo Della Moda, enjoying the food and drink provided by the hosts of the Fashion Week. There was quite a commotion going on, with almost everypony talking about Rarity's group and how they performed. More than once they mobbed the group, asking where Rarity got the idea to do the designs in such way, along with her masterful use of illusion spells to create the scenery. Soon the four of them found the three most important members they were looking for. Gale fluttered towards her mother and gave her as big a hug as her tiny forelegs could. Ballista tried not to show just how moved she was by her daughter's display of affection, but it was proving to be useless. Spike had done more or less the same, hugging his wife tightly, and giving her a kiss on the lips which made the fashionista blush. From there they the just continued to mingle and talk with each other and other ponies, that is, until Rarity saw Upper Crust off in the corner of the room, glancing around nervously. "Spike, love, would you excuse me a moment, I need to go attend to a little matter," said Rarity. Spike followed Rarity's gaze, now spotting Upper Crust. "You sure you don't' want me to go with you? I know the whole thing's over, but I still wouldn't put it passed them to pull a fast one," he said. "I'll be fine Spiky, just enjoy yourself." With that said, Rarity trotted off towards Upper Crust, making a mental note that Spike was still watching them from afar. Once she got close Rarity went to speak her name, but stopped upon noticing that the mare had caught onto her presence before Rarity spoke. "Rarity, thank Celestia you came, I was worried you wouldn't," said Upper Crust. "Well darling you made your offer hard to ignore, now will you please tell me what's gotten you so distraught," asked Rarity. "Not here, she could be here, follow me!" Before Rarity could inquire further Upper Crust had already begun walking away. The white unicorn mare continued to follow Upper Crust till they were in a more private area of the palace, a few doors down from the party, but well out of earshot of anypony. But even this didn't seem to make Upper Crust any less nervous. "Now dear, we're far away from anypony, will you tell me what's gotten you so jumpy and paranoid?" "Rarity…you're a Knight of Harmony, which means, you've dealt with strange and terrifying things in your life, right?" Upper Crust asked. Rarity found the question a bit strange, she didn't earn the title of Knight of Generosity, or the right to bear the Element of Generosity, just because she asked to. But nonetheless, Rarity decided to answer this rhetorical question. "Of course darling, I've fought in the War of Darkness, and I've been there for the release of Discord, and the return of Nightmare Moon. So it is safe to say that I've dealt with my share of 'strange and terrifying,' things." "Have you ever met a pony so unbelievably cruel, sadistic, and evil that you couldn't move or breathe for fear that they might kill you…?" That question made Rarity shudder, remembering her encounters with Tikara Balak and the unified form of Phantasma Sun and Nightmare Moon, Eclipse. "As much as I would like to forget, yes I have…Why are you asking me these questions?" "Because…I think I've met such a pony…" "Who," asked Rarity. "I don't know her name…only that she wants me to call her my Mistress…and that she owns me…" Rarity blinked at that statement. "Excuse me, but did you just say that, this mystery pony you're speaking of says she owns you, and wants you to call her 'Mistress?'" Some very unpleasant thoughts were starting to enter Rarity's mind. "Upper Crust, what you do behind closed doors, or whatever tickles your fancy, please keep it to yourself, I don't need such images in my head, thank you." It didn't take long for Upper Crust to understand what Rarity meant, nor did it take her long to develop an angry glare. "You idiot, I'm not talking about such low brow things as that! This mare, she had Glory kill my husband!" Upper Crust screamed with tears flowing down her face. All things in the world just came to a grinding halt. "Beg pardon…" Upper Crust began regaling Rarity of the events that transpired the night she was invited to their little party a couple of days ago. How this mystery mare seemed to be pulling the strings behind Glory murdering her husband, Jet Set. How the mystery mare and Glory seemed to be amorous towards each other, and how said mystery mare had conned Upper Crust into becoming her possession. Rarity was beyond words at the moment, trying to take in everything that Upper Crust had just explained. Now that I think about Glory's behavior was a bit odd, this would explain it…But I never thought she'd be capable of such a thing as murder! "Upper Crust…why haven't you informed the authorities, and what about Jet Set's body, how in the hay could she have hidden that!?" "Rarity…that mare…isn't equine…she's not of this world!" "How do you mean?" "After Glory killed Jet Set, that…'Creature'…produced something that looked like a scorpion's tail from under her dress. She…She…She…" Upper Crust was having a noticeably hard time as she forced herself to spit the last bit. "She used the stinger on it and pierced Jet Set's side! His body completely disintegrated right there before my eyes, nothing was left, absolutely nothing!" Upper Crust had now fallen to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. Rarity was still stunned by this information, she was hoping that all this was merely the delusions of an emotionally distraught mare, but Rarity knew different. After what Spike had told the night before she couldn't afford to – "SPIKE! Upper Crust, did that mare say anything about my Spike!?" "W-W-What…?" "On the same night my husband was approached by a mare fitting the description you just gave me! Now tell me, did she mention my Spike's name," demanded Rarity. "She…She said something about 'having her eyes another male…' But I'm not sure who she meant…you don't think…?" *RRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!* "Oh Epona above, NO!" "Everything is gone, all I owned, all that we grew, dead or dying before my eyes. Those I despised, those I loved, all were fading away like ashes being blown in the wind." "I spotted a being, a gorgeous lady; I fell before her, on my knees, weeping like a new born. I asked her, 'What is happening!?' She gently caressed my cheek and kissed me softly upon my forehead. And her yellow eyes did glow, so hauntingly beautiful. She then spoke soft tender words, words that were similar to what a lover would speak. 'Famine, my dear, that's what has happened…'" – Swelas 48:78 > Third Sign: Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lady in Orange ***10 Minutes Earlier*** Spike watched as Rarity followed Upper Crust. He was feeling uneasy about leaving his wife alone with that mare. She looked on edge already, and there was no telling what Upper Crust would do. Still, Jet Set wasn't around, and Glory was mingling with some the other ponies. Although, Spike didn't know if he should feel better that Glory was in his sights or worse because she was. Spike decided to keep on guard, just in case he needed to break through a few walls and help Rarity. He doubted she'd need any help, but it was something to prepare for. Even a Knight can be taken by surprise. Five minutes had passed and still no sign of Rarity. Spike was getting a bit anxious, and decided that maybe it was time he made an appearance. Spike~ He froze, eyes dilating, his heart racing. Spike~ I'm here~ Spike quickly looked around, scanning the crowd of ponies. His eyes shifted quickly from one part of the room to the other, looking for the source of the voice. That's when he saw her, the tan unicorn mare from night of the party, in an orange dress, standing beside Glory. Everyone else seemed to ignore them, as if they were invisible. Glory was nuzzling the unicorn mare under her chin very affectionately; while the mystery mare's yellow gleaming eyes were fixated on Spike, like a hungry predator that had spotted its kill. I know you can hear me Spike, why are you ignoring me? Stop it! You're not real! You're just my Greed trying to trick me! Oh no Spike, I am not an illusion. I am every bit as real as you or anyone else in this room. Then what do you want!? Why can't you just leave me alone!? I can't leave you alone, not when you're repressing something that is naturally part of you. It must be painful, keeping that other side chained down for so many years. Denying yourself all that you want… I have everything I need! I have Rarity, my friends, and family, that's all I need! Do not kid yourself, you want more than that. You crave destruction, you want everything, and all who stand your way should feel the wrath of your powerful flames… I…I…I…! Spike blinked for a moment and there she was, staring him face to face. She closed her eyes and kissed the drake gently upon the lips. Spike felt something surge forth through his body, something dark and powerful, and yet strangely fulfilling. It called to the creature deep inside, it called to his baser instincts. This mare, she had the power to fulfill all he wanted. Power, love, everything, all this he felt in just one kiss. The mystery mare pulled back, licking her lips and staring at Spike with half lidded eyes. I can give you everything you ever wanted…I can give you the stars themselves if you so choose. I…I…I want it! I want it all! Then swear to be mine and mine alone. You'll be my greatest possession, will you be mine, Spike? YES!!! Then complete our covenant… "Uh, Dad, your saddle bag is glowing," noted Ballista. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie also noticed the strange pink, blue, and violet light that emanated from Broadside's saddle bag. The old warhorse quickly flipped open the bag, Ballista, Pinkie, and Fluttershy all gasped when they saw what was inside. "Sir, you brought our Elements," said Fluttershy surprised. "Can't be too careful, besides, I think the real question is why are they glowing," said Broadside. "Don't know, this is a new one on me. The only time they ever glowed is when we were about to armor up, or when something bad was about to happen," said Pinkie Pie. "Well you're not wearin' them, so that must mean…Oh buck." "Father, watch your language around Gale!" Ballista scolded. "On that note, has anypony seen Spike?" All four of them searched frantically for the purple scaled dragon. You wouldn't think that a six foot tall, purple scaled dragon would be that hard to spot in a room full of ponies. Just then Gale started to giggle as she reached out her hooves in a certain direction. Ballista stopped her search and looked at her daughter. "What is it honey, what do you see?" Ballista stared in the direction Gale was, and what she saw made her jaw drop. Spike was holding a unicorn mare close to him, with his left claw around her waist, and his right resting on her cheek. Ballista tried speaking numerous times, but no words would come out of her mouth. "Ballista there you are, have you found Spike?" Fluttrshy asked. She nodded. Soon Pinkie Pie and Broadside found her, still staring in a stupefied state. "Honey, Ballista, are you alright?" Broadside asked. Pinkie Pie started to wave a hoof in front of Ballista's face, but there was no response. "Okay, I think Ballista has left the building," said Pinkie Pie. "Ballista, where's Spike, you said you found him?" The dark cerulean mare only lifted a hoof and pointed in the direction she was staring at. The others looked in the direction she was pointing, and soon enough, the rest of them had the same expression as Ballista. "I'm not seeing this, tell me I'm not seeing this," said Fluttershy. "This…This is a joke right…Spike's playing a joke on us," said Pinkie Pie, chuckling weakly. "If it is, it ain't funny, what is that dragon doing!? He's married for pony's sake! I'll go and straighten him out," said Broadside, his tone dangerous and angered. Ballista blocked her father from moving any further. Soon Spike started to lean forward, his head drifting dangerously closer to the unknown mare's face. The mare puckered her lips, awaiting the dragon's kiss. The Element necklaces started to shine brighter and brighter, as if warning them to a danger, possibly connected to what they were seeing. After a few seconds Spike and the mare kissed, and that's when all Tartarus broke loose. Both the mystery mare and Spike were engulfed in a spiraling vortex of black and orange energy. The blast created a shockwave of power that erupted forth, throwing everypony who was in a three meter radius. Some went through the glass windows, others into the walls, many more were thrown through the doors and out into the halls. Broadside, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie ducked down low to the floor, Ballista had done the same, cradling Gale in her forehooves, shielding her from the shockwaves that radiated towards them. "What's going on!?"Fluttershy shouted. "This really can't be good!" Pinkie Pie yelled. The vortex of orange and black energy shot up through the ceiling. All those who weren't completely devastated by the powerful blast got up and tried to help those whom they could. The others watched as Rarity came rushing inside, looking around frantically with a frightened look in her eyes. "Spike, where are you!? Answer me, Spike!?" Rarity still scanned the area, till she spotted her friends and quickly made her way towards them. "What in Equestria happened in here!?" They were silent, Ballista tended to a now crying Gale, while Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy seemed hesitant about telling her what they just witnessed. However, Broadside didn't seem to share the same sentiment. "I don't know how to tell you this Rarity, but your husband, our Spike, was…he just grabbed some random mare and kissed her! After that there was this this spiraling column of energy and then they were both gone!" "This mare, was she a unicorn, with a tan coat and pale brown mane, yellow eyes as well?" The others were astonished by Rarity's description of the very mare they had just seen moments ago. What surprised them even more was that Rarity hadn't even been in the same room when this had happened. "Rarity, how did you know what she looked like," asked Ballista. "It's a long story, but right now we need to find out –!" *RRRRROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRR* "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" All the ponies in the room turned towards the broken windows as they heard a random mare scream. They all gasped in horror when they saw a creature come crashing down upon a large building across from the palace. It was a dragon, one that all four mares recognized immediately. Its scales were pitch black, eyes as red as blood, with dark green spines and a violet underbelly. This was Spike's dark side, the Dark Dragon. "It can't be," said Rarity. "Not again, poor Spike," whimpered Fluttershy. Broadside snapped himself out of the shock of seeing Spike in his current form. The old warhorse started to formulate a plan of action as to relay it to the others. However, any plan he had concocted was quickly dashed as Rarity used her telekinesis to take her Element of Generosity out of Broadside's bag and clasp it around her neck. The violet diamond shaped crystal engulfed her in its elemental light, summoning her armor, and creating her orbiting gemstones. The red gem floated in front of her, glowing with power. "Stand back," she ordered. The others quickly did as she said. "Rubis, Annihilate!!!" A crimson beam of light shot forth from the gem, blasting the wall in front of Rarity, she then galloped quickly out of the opening and towards the beast that was once her husband, ignoring the cries of her friends. Rarity watched as the Dark Dragon roared, bellowing its violet flames on any and all structures that were in its line of sight. Its giant claws ripped through one building and through the next; there was no rhyme or reason behind it, just wanton destruction. Rarity couldn't bear to see her husband in such a state, so she steeled herself, readying the gem she would need to save her love. "SPIKE!!!" The Dark Dragon halted its rampage, its head tilted in the direction of Rarity's voice. Its red eyes caught sight of the unicorn mare and growled as if she were an enemy. "Don't worry Spike, I'll save you! And this time I'll make sure that beast is no more!" The purple gemstone floated before Rarity, her horn ignited with her blue aura, resonating with the gem. "Grenat!!!" Rarity's horn fired a beam of blue mana, which then passed through the gemstone, Grenat, and let loose a larger beam of purple light. The light stream struck the Dark Dragon, causing the creature to reel back from the shock of the soul intrusion. Rarity could feel her mind and soul leaping out of her body traveling down the path her gem created. The white unicorn mare could feel it, she was getting closer, soon Rarity would be able to wrench her love from his prison of darkness and –! BE GONE!!! Rarity was forced back into her body, a backlash of energy throwing her ten feet from where she stood, skidding to a stop when she landed on her right side. The Knight of Generosity pushed herself up on forehooves shakily, her mind reeling from the impact of what hit her. Thundering stomps started to approach her; Rarity looked up and watched as her husband loomed over her, his red eyes shining with bloodlust. "Spike…" The Dark Dragon opened its maw slightly, violet flames dancing within. "Spike please…it's me, Rarity, remember …" The Dark Dragon opened its mouth even more, allowing the violet dragon fire to grow in intensity. "Spike…I love you…" "Spirit Flame!!!" At that moment a blast of milky blue fire struck the Dark Dragon in the chest, hurling him a good twenty feet before he slammed into a building. Rarity turned her head and confirmed the source of the flames. A dragoness, the same color as the flames, gently touched down near Rarity, its glowing white eyes looked upon the unicorn mare with concern and worry. "Rarity, are you alright, are you hurt!?" "No, Fluttershy, just a bit winded," she responded. The Dark Dragon picked itself up from the rumble of the collapsed building; he roared at the dragoness for her surprise attack and readied himself for the charge. Before he could even take one step, multiple, multicolored, fireworks like explosions littered his path, each one impacting with a resounding BOOM. The black scaled beast retreated, jumping back till he was perched upon another large structure. From the skies floated down five large Giga Party Cannons, on the center one was the Knight of Laughter, Pinkie Pie. A serious expression was upon her face, with her pauldron cape flapping in the air. The lead cannon floated down to meet the other two Knights, allowing Pinkie to jump off and join Rarity's side, and lend her a helping hoof up. "Rarity, haven't you tried to contact Spike with your floaty jewel thingy," asked Pinkie. "My 'floaty jewel thingy' didn't work! I don't understand it, Grenat was how I was able to reach Spike before, why couldn't I do it now!?" "Because I won't allow it…" All three mares looked up at one of the older structures; trotting from behind one of the spires was a unicorn mare in an orange dress. She looked down upon the Knights superiorly, as if everything below her, figuratively and literally speaking, was inferior to her and not worthy of her sight. Rarity seemed to recognize this mare, she fit the exact description that Upper Crust and Spike had given her. "YOU!!!" Rarity shouted. "Yes?" "You're the one that did this to Spike, aren't you!?" The mystery mare chuckled, "Guilty as charged. Although, I do like him better this way, unrestrained, driven by pure Greed, destroying everything per my command, he's truly marvelous isn't he?" As if to answer, the Dark Dragon roared loudly, shaking everything. "You have no right to do this to Spike!" Fluttershy yelled. "Yeah, just who do you think you are," said Pinkie Pie. "Heh, heh, why, haven't you figured it out by now, I mean, if my brothers, Loimos and Polemos have visited this sad little world, who do you think that makes me?" The realization seemed to hit all three of them, and the mystery mare could plainly see that it had sunken in. "That's right…!" A flash of dark orange energy surrounded the unicorn mare, obscuring her from view. After a few seconds the energy broke away and revealed her true form. She was covered from head to hoof in a dark orange armor, her sharp horn protruding proudly from her helmet, and her eyes shined a bright yellow. But this wasn't the most striking part of this mare, her tail was not like normal pony tails, it was in fact, a scorpion tail. It was dark violet color, with a ridiculously sharp stinger, the tail wafted back and forth, more flexible than any tail a pony possessed. "Y-You're one of those Envoy," said Rarity. "Correct. I am Peina, Spirit of Famine, bringer of greed and decay! Your allies may have defeated my brothers, but unlike them, I'm more cunning, guess you could say I'm more the brains of the operation." Peina whipped her tail through the spire next to her, smashing through it, making it break apart as if it were nothing more than frail twig. "Why did you do that to Spike, huh, why'd you pick on him like that," asked Pinkie Pie. "Why I wanted him of course, he's going to be, excuse me, is my prized possession." Peina jumped off the rooftop and landed on the ground, swiftly and daintily, as if she weighed nothing more than feather. "I assume my other possession told you of me, Upper Crust. I must remember to discipline her once we're through here." "You killed her husband, and you talk about others like they were mere trinkets, how can you have such a warped mind!?" Peina let out a very ladylike chuckle, "It's easy my dear, because that's all everything in this universe is to me. I am, by far, more powerful than any living creature – except my Master and elder brother – so I can take whatever I want, plus once you've ended so many lives they tend to blur together. By becoming my possession they are spared the end of their world, and are free to live with me, for as long as they obey me that is. Just like my dear Glory, just like Upper Crust, and most importantly…Just. Like. Spike!" Rarity let out a battle cry and charged Peina; she willed Rubis to her side and energized the crystal. "Rubis, Annihilate!!!" The crimson beam fired at Peina, with double the power she used to destroy the wall of the Palace of Fashion. The beam roared as it tore apart the ground, scorching anything and everything in its path. The beam struck Peina dead center in her chest, the beam washed over her, creating a bubble of red light. In the next moment the bubble exploded violently, creating a large crater where the Envoy of Famine stood. Rarity grinned, but that grin did not last long. Peina strode out of the dust filled crater, walking on the air as if she were a pegasus, till her hooves met solid ground. She then dusted herself off, paying no never mind to Rarity till she was through. "That was rather rude; allow me to show you why I am not to be trifled with." The stinger of Peina's scorpion tail aimed itself at Rarity. The Envoy's body glowed with power, funneling it to the tip of her stinger. The energy built up into a sphere of violet and orange light. "Venomous Decay!" The energy fired as a concentrated beam from Peina's stinger, Rarity didn't have time to defend, but instead opted to dodge the beam. It narrowly missed the Knight of Generosity, as well as Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and struck the building behind them. They had expected an explosion, but that did not occur. Instead, the building started to deform, its solid architecture becoming liquefied. What they heard next chilled the Knights to their very core. Screams could be heard coming from the building, desperate cries for help, along with pain filled yells. They didn't last long, as it took all of thirty seconds for the entire building to dissolve into a pile of rotted putty. All too clearly it made sense to Rarity, how Peina was able to dispose of Jet Set's body. Despite the display, Rarity turned towards Peina, eyes narrowed, hooves firmly planted. "Do not think your little scare tactic will deter me! If it means freeing my Spike from your clutches, I'll fight a hundred of you!" Rarity declared. Peina smirked at this declaration, as if seeing the Knight mare in a new light. "Still, how can you free him, if you're too busy fighting him – SPIKE!" The Dark Dragon roared, spread his wings and flew towards them. His fangs and claws were bared, ready to tear into the hide of his Mistress's enemies. Just then, Fluttershy's dragoness avatar unfurled its wings and flew at Spike. The Knight of Kindness and Dark Dragon collided in a thunderous crash, both falling to the ground. Both dragons quickly rose to their feet and began attacking, interlocking their claws, grappling with each other. "Rarity, we'll handle Spike," said Fluttershy. "You worry about Miss Takes-Whatever-She-Likes-And-Doesn't-Care-Who-She- Hurts, and whup her flank!" Pinkie jumped high into the air, her lead cannon swopped below her as she landed on top of it. The Knight of Laughter watched as Fluttershy's avatar fought with the Dark Dragon, she then saw its mouth opening preparing to unleash a blast of violet dragon fire. Pinkie Pie aimed her Giga Party Cannon downward and at the dragon. "FIRE!" From the muzzle of the cannon, a slew of streamers flew out, guided by Pinkie's willpower. The streamers wrapped around the Dark Dragon's maw, closing it shut and causing the fire blast to explode within its mouth. The black scaled reptile back peddled, with his claws he tried to tear off the steel strong streamers, but Fluttershy didn't give him a chance. The dragoness avatar twirled around and used its tail to whip the Dark Dragon across the chest sending hurdling backwards further away. "We have to get Spike out of the city, we can't keep fighting him here," said Fluttershy. "Alright, I will roger that!" Rarity waited till her friends had made Spike move further away, Peina seemed to be watching with as much interest as she had. "I'd prefer it if would avert your eyes from my husband," said Rarity with a dangerous tone. "Oooh, scary mare aren't we?" Peina started to slowly saunter Rarity, making the Knight of Generosity fall back. "You know Rarity, not many are willing to stand up to me once they see what I'm capable of. Most either beg for mercy or try to pledge themselves to me, but you, actually standing up to me like that. I must say, you became a lot more…how shall I put this…attractive." Rarity's left eye gave a noticeable twitch to hearing that, as well as a look of disgust. "Think about it, you'll be with Spike and be spared the destruction of your world, you'll be able to create outfits for the most beautiful creature in the cosmos, what do you say?" Peina asked as she fluttered her eyes. "Honestly, I'm unintentionally attracting attention from all sorts of mares. And as to your offer here's my response…Diamant!!!" The clear diamond crystal left the orbit of the other gems and moved into position. A white magic circle bearing Rarity's cutie mark at its center appeared before her. The clear crystal pointed itself at the circle and fired off multiple splintering shards, when they passed through the other side the shards more than tripled in size, becoming diamond hard spears that flew at the Envoy of Famine. Peina used her flexible scorpion tale to bat the shards one by one in rapid succession, her seductive grin still held fast. Rarity growled in frustration at the Envoy's persistent strength. "We'll see my dear, you may end up changing your mind soon enough! In the mean time, I think it's about time I went to work." Peina channeled her energy into her tail once again. Instead of aiming it at Rarity she aimed towards the sky, where a small cloud floated over head. "Rotting World!" The venom filled energy blast shot into the air, hitting the clouds. Instead of passing through it, the cloud seemed to absorb the energy. The cloud then grew bigger and bigger, eclipsing the sun over head. An ominous violet and orange light was the only source of illumination for the city. Soon the clouds began to thunder, with orange lightning arcing through the clouds. The clouds then began releasing violet colored rain water, with each drop that hit the ground it hissed, as if the planet itself was protesting the touch of this water. Rarity looked on curious; she didn't know what kind of game the Envoy was playing. "What have you done, Envoy," asked Rarity. "Merely let my venom spread, don't worry though, the toxic rain will not harm you, or any pony. Although the flora and fauna will die, even now the soil absorbs my venom, growing more and more decayed and infertile, soon nothing will be left, starvation will encompass the world, and all shall succumb to greed in order to survive, you will all destroy each other," said Peina blissfully, as if describing a dream. "HAVE AT YOU WITCH!!!" The sounds of battle could be heard echoing through the halls of Palazzo Della Moda, many of the designers, models, and backers had fled. Ballista, Broadside, and Gale were still inside however. Ballista was helping direct other ponies outside while her father searched through the different rooms to make sure that they could safely abandon the palace without worrying if there was anypony still left inside. Soon he was joined by his daughter, and granddaughter who was clinging to her mother's neck. Broadside was impressed by Gale Force, only a year and a half and she hadn't cried except for when the fiasco earlier happened. "Father I think we've done all we can. We have to get out of here now while we have the chance," said Ballista. "You go then, I'll keep searching," said Broadside. "No, we leave together!" "Think about Gale, you've done all you can, now go!" Ballista hesitantly turned around, Gale's lower lip was quivering apparently she too did not want to leave her grandfather behind. "But…father…" "Don't make me have to pull rank on you and make this an order," he said simply. The dark cerulean pegasus turned away and started to make her way down the hall. Then Ballista turned and went down another hallway, and then another, and another, till about the tenth or twelfth hall Ballista started to question if her sense of direction was failing her. "I thought it was this way, maybe I should've taken a right when I took that last left," said Ballista. Gale started to make noises of annoyance at her mother's confusion. "Give me a break, the constant rumbling and explosions aren't exactly helping. Plus I've never been in this place!" Gale just shook her head. "Oh really little miss smarty pants, then tell me, where do you think I should go?" Ballista asked. Gale popped her head up and pointed down the hallway to their right, she then pointed to a sign on the wall that read "Ball Room." Ballista glanced up at her daughter, who was now wearing a smug smile. "Shut up," she groaned playfully. Gale giggled. "Don't get cute with me my little pony." Ballista galloped down the hall as fast as she could. The look of the hallway was becoming familiar the longer she ran; now the mare was certain of where she was going. Before they could make it to the Ball Room, Ballista stopped upon hearing some noises coming from the room she had passed. Curious, she turned around, the closer she got the more the noises became more defined. "YOU KILLED HIM!!!" *CRASH* Ballista recognized these noises, they were the sounds of two ponies fighting, and from the sounds of it, one of them was the snooty mare from the party she had went to with Rarity and the others. Wait, who killed who? "Oh don't kid yourself, Mistress never said she'd spare him, so stop acting like you were double-crossed," said another voice. Glory!? Ballista nudged the door to the room a little, allowing her to peek inside. What she saw as Glory and Upper Crust engaged in a fight, Upper Crust had used her telekinesis to grab a halberd from the wall and was now swinging it at Glory, with poor form I might add. Glory was calm, almost menacingly so. She dodged each of the wild swings of the distraught mare with such fluidity that Ballista couldn't help but be impressed. During one of the swings, Glory dashed forth, slipping past the halberd's striking range, and getting close to Upper Crust. The red maned unicorn concentrated her telekinetic energy and released it in a burst of energy that sent Upper Crust hurdling into display a case; glass flew everywhere as the faded yellow unicorn laid sprawled on the floor. Glory trotted slowly towards Upper Crust, looking down upon the beaten mare, and then to the garment she was on top of. "Look at this, you've ruined a priceless piece fashion history that's survived for hundreds of years, and in less than ten seconds you've reduced it to nothing more than a rag." Glory's expression then became a scorning scowl; she reared up and brought her forehooves down upon the Upper Crust causing the mare to scream in pain. "HOW DARE YOU! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY MISTRESS WANTS TO KEEP YOU!? YOU'RE NOTHING, NOT EVEN WORTHY OF LICKING THE DIRT OFF HER HOOVES!" Ballista couldn't bear to watch this, but neither could she stand by and let Upper Crust get stomped to death by Glory. She carefully lowered Gale onto the floor next to the door. Ballista took a few seconds to make sure the area around her daughter was free of any sharp debris or anything that might fall on her. Once she'd done that, Ballista looked her daughter in the eye, giving her a serious expression. "Listen honey, I need you to stay right here, Mommy will be back in just a little bit," she assured. Gale let out a few whimpers of protest. "I know I know, but I promise I'll be back. Grandpa should be heading down this way soon, alright, so just wait right here and be very quiet, shh." The little foal seemed to understand, not entirely, but she could tell her mother was serious about whatever she was talking about. Confirming that Gale did understand, Ballista went about sneaking inside the room. It seemed that Glory had stopped her trampling of Upper Crust, and from what Ballista could tell not a moment sooner. There was no doubt that Upper Crust had a few broken bones, bruises were clearly visible even through her fur. Her left eye was blackened and swollen shut, her nose and mouth were bleeding as well. "I could kill you like your husband, but that would be too easy, plus I don't like to repeat myself." Glory looked to her right and saw the halberd that Upper Crust had brandished earlier. With her telekinesis she grabbed the weapon and levitated it to her side, she then leaned down and whispered into Upper Crust's ear. "I'm going to use this to disembowel you, 'get medieval on you' as the common folk would say. Now I won't have to spend the rest of my life with you by Mistresses side, to be honest, I prefer the dragon over you!" Glory raised up the halberd, ready to bring it down upon the cowering mare. Fortunately, Glory never got the chance to deliver her death blow, as Ballista came whizzing like an arrow, and struck the insane unicorn mare in the face with her right hoof, sending her flying to the other side of the room. The halberd was then released from Glory's hold, luckily Ballista caught the weapon, twirling it around herself expertly and bringing it to a rest next to her. "Y-You…you're one of Rarity's friends….right?" "Yes I am, the name's Ballista, can you stand," she asked. Upper Crust rose shakily to her hooves, she made pained hisses, as if every move was only magnifying the pain. Ballista knew she must've sustained a lot of internal injuries and needed to get some medical attention soon. Unfortunately that wasn't going to happen as quickly as she'd like. Glory was back on her hooves, POed beyond belief that she was struck by the pegasus. "How dare you harm me, I must be presentable for my Mistress," shouted Glory. "If you mean that creature with the freaky tail, then you're more messed up than I thought," commented Ballista. "Do not think you are my better, I am a unicorn, and I wield power like you wouldn't believe! You aren't even a threat!" Ballista rose up onto her hind legs and held the halberd in the crook of her forehooves, twirling it around before she entered a combative stance. "You think you scare me, I fought horned Daemoni face to face on the battlefield, and compared to them, you're as threatening as newborn kitty!" That seemed to really get Glory as she began to fire off concentrated blasts of telekinetic energy at Ballista. The dark cerulean mare began spinning the halberd, remembering the lessons Broadside had taught her about handling such weapons. The first TK blast neared Ballista, she angled the halberd's blade, and using the built up momentum from her twirling, she sliced through the sphere as if it were made of wet tissue paper. She then proceeded to do the same for the others, each one cut down in similar fashion as the next. Glory continued her volley, determined to kill this pegasus mare before her. Ballista used her wings to jump up into the air; she spun around twice before she landed somewhere else in the room, drawing Glory's attention. The deranged unicorn mare had no idea that she was falling into Ballista's trap. Sure swinging around a six foot long halberd was tiring, but not half as tiring as releasing telekinetic blasts in rapid succession as Glory was, soon she would use up her energy and Ballista could end this, for now she had to keep Glory's attention on her. As it stood, Upper Crust was in no shape to offer assistance or flee without gaining Glory's unwanted attention. Unbeknownst to the three of them, a small foal crawled its way into the room, its natural curiosity getting the better of her. Gale used her wings to flutter in the air, when she saw her mother, fighting Glory, performing a feat of weapon mastery; she couldn't help but giggle and clap her hooves, thinking it was all a game. The clapping and giggling did not go unheard, Upper Crust, Ballista, and even Glory saw Gale hovering in the air. "GALE FORCE GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!!!" Glory saw the distress and heard the fear in Ballista's voice. The insane mare released one more volley before taking off towards the foal. With rage in her eyes, Ballista batted the volley away and flew into the air; she raised the halberd overhead and brought it down at an incredible rate of speed, hoping to kill Glory before she even got close to her child. Much to her disappointment, Glory used her telekinesis to grab hold of the foal; she skidded to a halt and levitated Gale towards her. Ballista's eyes went wide; she began to flap her wings furiously to halt her descent. With just a few inches to spare, the halberd's ax blade stopped just a hairs breath away from Gale's head. Ballista quickly flew backwards and resumed her fighting stance from earlier, a fire burning within her eyes, her maternal instincts on overdrive. "Let go of my child or so help me you won't live to see the hindsight of your actions!" Ballista warned. "Oh I think I will, and truthfully, I think this little adorable filly will be my ticket out of here," said Glory victoriously. "You…you mule, you would use a child…as a shield," said Upper Crust weakly. "Hmph, like you and Jet Set, I take every opportunity I can get. Now, put down the weapon, do it now or watch me twist this foal's head off," said Glory. That sentence only made Ballista hold onto the halberd tighter, she grit her teeth in anger and hatred for this mare, any compassion or mercy she was going to show her before had flown out the window. Ballista's eyes fell on Gales, they were filled with panic and fear, watering and on the verge of a full out sob. Reluctantly, Ballista dropped the halberd, and was now standing on all four hooves. "Good girl, now, the two of us are going to leave the palace and you two will stand there and not move a muscle!" Glory eyes now fell on Upper Crust, which made the injured mare flinch. "Guess I won't get to kill you, but that's not too bad, once Mistress has killed those Knights of Harmony, the whole world will die off, while I watch from my lofty perch beside her. And this little one will be a nice souvenir, I'll make sure to raise her so that she'll learn to worship Mistress, and be my obedient little slave filly." Glory began to laugh evilly, reveling in her victory. Suddenly two hoof blades shot out from the open door and landed before Ballista, stuck in the ground at perfect angles to be used. Surprised, Glory turned to see who or what had thrown them, she didn't have enough time to process it, as Broadside galloped at full speed and lunged for Gale. He grabbed the filly foal and brought her close to his chest as he tumbled about. Once he was safely stopped he checked on Gale who had a happy smile to show her grandfather. "BALLISTA!!!" Ballista shoved her front hooves into the openings of the hoof blades, the mechanisms latched together, securing the weapons to her forelegs. Taking advantage of Glory's confusion, Ballista flew at the source of her motherly vengeance. She pirouetted in the air, till she was two feet away from Glory. With the momentum, she thrust out her left hoof and used the blade to slash at Glory. It was like air, her movements fast, sudden, and deadly. Glory paused for a moment, waiting to see where Ballista had cut her, but after a couple of seconds there was no sign of blood, nor a feeling of pain. "Are you kidding me!? After all that you didn't even –!" Glory started to feel something wet drip down her face; it was a sparkling violet like substance. She didn't know what to make of it, for it wasn't blood. As if to answer her question, Glory watched as she saw something white and pointy fall from her head and onto the ground before her. She gasped in horror as the realization hit her. Her horn had been severed, and the substance, was in fact, magical plasma, a mediator between the magic and mind held within the horn. Glory touched the top of her forehead with her shaky hoof, when she brought it back down to eye level her irises shrank to tiny dots as her lower lip quivered. "W-W-What have y-you done to me!? My horn…YOU CUT OFF MY HORN!!!" Ballista cocked her right forehoof and launched an uppercut at the dehorned mare, landing square into her lower jaw. The force of the impact sent Glory flying up and landing with a hard thud onto her back, knocking the air out of her lungs and knocking her out at the same time. Ballista trotted over to Glory, contemplating whether or not to let the mare live or not, she turned to glance at Gale who was now looking at her mother quizzically. Releasing a sigh, Ballista snorted and spat on Glory. "You're not worth staining my blades with your blood." Ballista rushed over to her father and daughter. Broadside held out Gale, allowing Ballista to scoop up Gale and bring her into a tight hug. "Thank you Father." "No one harms my granddaughter unless they're willing to pay," said Broadside. "I had a look at our friends outside, they're not holding up too well." "You can't be serious; we need to call the others!" "I'm sure distress calls have been going off like crazy since this whole mess started, but they aren't here yet, which means it's probably going to take awhile before they can mobilize and render aid," said Broadside grimly. "So…what can we do, if they're defeated…?" Broadside opened up his saddle bags, and with his teeth he pulled out a scroll. Ballista seemed to instantly recognize this scroll. "With this, we may be able to give them a fighting chance." Peina stood in the center of the streets, with the Dark Dragon standing behind her, snarling and growling. Rarity had Rubis, Emraude, and Diamat floating nearby and on standby for counterattack. Fluttershy's dragoness avatar was looming over the Knight of Generosity, looking a little exhausted. Pinkie Pie was standing on her lead Giga Party Cannon, with two others floating nearby, primed and ready to fire. It was pretty much a standoff at the moment. The three Knights knew that they still had to free Spike, but as long as Peina, the Spirit of Famine, fueled his greed, there was no way to get through to him. Up till now Rarity had been holding her own against Peina, but she knew that the Envoy was merely toying with her, as powerful as she was, she could've ended this at any time. Which led her to believe that the scorpion tailed mare really did want to make Rarity her own personal 'possession.' The mere thought made Rarity's skin crawl, although… "Well this has been fun Rarity, really it has, but how much longer must we continue this futile struggle? My offer still stands my fine mare, join me, become mine, and you can be with your beloved." Peina reached out a hoof, as if physically offering to take her in. Rarity looked to the destruction their battle had wrought thus far. The Paso Feno Cathedral had been decimated, it's grand architecture which had stood fast for hundreds of years was now broken, its hallowed halls and beautiful stained glass windows now just a memory. The same could be said for the museum, priceless works of art gone, lost for all time. Many housing structures, businesses, and government buildings weren't in any better shape, and who knew how high the casualty count was, despite their best efforts to keep this fight from taking too many lives. Fluttershy dispelled her avatar and gently floated down towards Rarity, Pinkie Pie had leapt off her cannon and landed beside her friend. "Rarity, what do you think we should do," asked Fluttershy. "Yeah, because I don't know how much longer we can keep this up, trying to help Spike and beat Miss Psycho Mare over there! At least Discord didn't fight us when Spike became a Dark Dragon, he had manners," said Pinkie Pie. I don't know, on the one hoof we need to save Spike, my husband, my love. And then we still have this creature controlling him, not to mention this toxic rain! If only I could reach out to him, somehow, but what can I do!? Grenat can't get me past her influence so how –?! It suddenly clicked in Rarity's mind, a possible solution to this whole thing, it was risky, it was dangerous, and if she failed Rarity would either end up dead or as a possession of Peina. "Girls, I need you to trust me," said Rarity. Both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looked confused by that statement. Rarity separated herself from her friends and began trotting towards Peina. A noticeable smile started to appear on the Spirit of Famine's face as she felt yet another item fall into her clutches. "Alright Peina, I'll become a possession…" "WHAT," yelled Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy incredulity. "Oh Rarity, you've made a wise decision –" "Hold on just one moment, I never said I'd become your possession!" Rarity looked up at the Dark Dragon that was once her husband. "SPIKE! I am yours, a part of you once sought to take me as your own, can you really say you are content with just Peina's power!? If I'm right then take me now, I will not resist!" To prove her point, Rarity's armor shined and returned to the form of the golden necklace. The Knights of Kindness and Laughter felt their jaws drop, they couldn't believe what their friend was doing! It was just too unbelievable! However, the whole thing seemed to amuse Peina. "Oh Rarity, such self-sacrifice is hardly necessary, my gem of a dragon won't –" Suddenly the ground shook, Peina watched as one of the Dark Dragons large clawed feet stepped over her as he made his way towards Rarity. The Spirit of Famine thought about ordering him to stop, but she surmised that this might be a fun show to watch, to see the violet maned mare struggle in futility to bring the love of her life back; oh it was too delicious a thing to pass up. Spike continued to stop forward till he was only a few feet away from Rarity, with his right claw he snatched up the mare and brought her close to his maw. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie gasped and readied themselves to attack, but one look from Rarity halted them, there was no fear in her gaze, only determination, a burning desire to wrench Spike's mind and soul from Peina's control. Rarity then turned her head back to Spike, now staring down the red eyes of her draconic lover. "Spike, I know what this she-witch says is not true. You are not just greed alone, you're more than that!" "But…I want…more…!" "Am I not enough!? Is my love for you not enough!?" "…" "ISN'T IT!!?" Spike released a powerful roar, making Rarity squint from the heat and pressure. When it was over, Rarity released a calming breath and opened her eyes. "You once said that I wouldn't think twice about going out with you being a dragon, let alone marry you. But I did, and we've had eleven long years of happiness together, did that not mean anything to you…?" Spike started to shake his head a bit, as if something inside was trying to remember. Down below Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were getting worried, especially since Peina didn't look worried at all, in fact, she was watching this whole thing happen as it were a movie. "Flutters, Rarity can't get through on her own," said Pinkie. "How do you know that," asked Flutteshy. "Uh, duh, Pinkie Sense, anyway we have to help her." "But how, with Rarity that close to him!? If we move in then it could set Spike off and he could…" Unpleasant thoughts started to enter Fluttershy's mind, but Pinkie Pie placed a placating hoof upon her withers, bringing her attention to the pink mare. "Maybe not directly, but maybe there's another way…" Pinkie Pie's crystal emblem started to pulsate with blue energy, at the same time; it resonated with Fluttershy's. Both crystal emblems released waves of pink and blue energy as they moved towards their friends. The two waves washed over Spike and Rarity, the waves activated the Knight of Generosity's emblem, creating third wave of violet energy that synchronized with the blue and pink. "What – what's happening," asked Rarity. We're helping you Rarity. I'll use my Element to soothe him, echoed Fluttershy. And I'll use mine to fill his heart and mind with happiness. You can do it Rarity, we believe in you, echoed Pinkie Pie. Rarity nodded in appreciation for her friends' help, she returned her attention to Spike, who was noticeably starting to feel the effects of all three Elements of Harmony. "Spike, I want to be with you, whether you're the beast you are now, or the kind, funny, and strong dragon I fell in love with before, I will never abandon you. Not now not ever…" Spike loosened his grip on Rarity, flattening his palm so that it acted as a platform for the mare to stand on. "But…I…I…" Rarity stood on her hind legs and placed her forelegs on either side of Spike's snout. Closing her eyes she leaned in close and spoke the three words that meant everything to the both of them. "I love you." With that Rarity kissed the dragon on the snout. Suddenly the three Elements flared up, surrounding Spike, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity in a sphere of pink, blue, and violet energy. The force of the blast pushed Peina back a few feet, she dug her hooves into the ground, trying to anchor herself. This energy that was being radiated by the sphere sickened her, making her squint her eyes as she tried to focus on what was happening before her. The sphere started to disappear, when it was gone, the Dark Dragon was no more. Spike's scales had returned to their normal color, Rarity's armor had returned as shiny as ever, the same as Pinkie Pie's and Fluttershy's. Spike opened his eyes, which had returned to their normal green color, allowing him to see his wife hugging his snout and laying her head upon it. "Rarity…" The white unicorn mare raised her head and took a few steps back. "I love you too." Peina was infuriated; she had just lost the one thing she wanted more on this pitiful world. She never imagined that Rarity could break him free. No, it was those Elements of Harmony, the remnants of long since dead goddess, they were the cause for her losing that precious creature of greed, she wasn't going stand for this, she was not the kind of lady to be denied what she wanted, and she wasn't going to start now. The Spirit of Famine raised her left hoof and stamped it upon the ground, causing a fissure to appear that arced forth five feet in front of her. "How could you, was the power I gave you not enough!? I am greed incarnate, why was I not enough satisfy you, tell me," demanded Peina. Spike placed Rarity back on the ground and then turned to facedown the Evnoy. "Because you underestimated me and because I have the best mare in Equestria as my wife. If you really thought your 'power' was enough to keep me under your control then you don't know just how powerful the love between us is, and I feel sorry for you!" Peina screamed in frustration and pointed her scorpion tail at the dragon that spurned her companionship. "Venomous Decay!!!" The beam of orange and violet energy shot out from the stinger. Spike's wings sprang out in a burst of emerald fire and flew up into the sky as quickly as he could, narrowly dodging the attack. Spike roared with might as he dived down towards Peina. He opened his mouth and blasted the area where the Spirit of Famine was with his green dragon fire. Peina didn't stay in the flames long, as she quickly jumped out and into the air, but before she could get her bearings, she was slammed by Spike's tail, sending her careening into an uninhabited building. The structure that Peina had been sent flying into, literally, disintegrated in less than couple of seconds as her dark orange aura erupted like a volcano. She was very much miffed, especially when she noticed her well kept mane was singed at the ends. "You'll pay for that!!!" "Actually darling, O think it is you who will doing the paying!" Peina's eyes grew wide when she saw Rarity perched on a roof top a few feet away. In her left hoof was a bow made of white and blue mana, created by her horn. Notched in the energy bowstring was an arrow with a crystal tip, within the crystal burned a rainbow of colors, each one from the six crystals from before. "In spades!" She looked to her left, Fluttershy was there, encased her dragoness avatar, and to her right was Spike, both dragons ready to unleash their strongest attacks. "And in triple-quadruple spades!" Up above was Pinkie Pie, defying the laws physics and standing on her cannon while it was pointed down and not sliding off of it. All five of her Giga Party Cannons were aimed right for the Envoy, rotating around in a tight circle as their barrels burned with pent up energy. "You wouldn't dare –!!?" "Spirit Flame!!!" "Surprise!!!" Both Spike and Fluttershy released their flames in unison, rushing the armored mare and engulfing her in a mixture of milky blue and emerald flames, Pinkie Pie's cannons fired off in rapid succession while still rotating, each one unleashing a crackling ball of multicolored fireworks explosions. The three attacks bombarded the Envoy from above and from the sides, leaving her no room to dodge or maneuver. All that was left was for Rarity to deal the final blow. "Flèche Prisme Tirer!!!" Rarity launched her arrow, it whistled as it cut through the air, leaving behind a trail of blue light. When the arrow entered the onslaught the entire thing exploded in a brilliant shining white light. The light slowly faded away, leaving the four warriors on the edge, they knew from the accounts of their friends that the Envoy weren't an easy lot to defeat, but they hoped their combined blitz attack was enough to, at the very least, KO the Spirit of Famine. The light had completely vanished and, much to their horror and disappointment, Peina was still there. She wasn't moving however, which made them think that it might have knocked her out. Her armor was sizzling and glowing red hot as steam rose from her body and the ground where she stood. They all flinched when they saw Peina's scorpion tail twitch; it then began to swipe back and forth in an agitated fashion. The armored mare took one step forward, and then another step, and then another, slowly she made her way out of the smoldering crater and onto level ground. The cobblestone and concrete street hissed with every step, her hoof sinking in as the intense heat melted a hoof sized hole wherever she stepped. Peina's horn began to glow; the ground then shook and rumbled, making them wonder what kind trick she was up to. At that moment a large pipe was uprooted from the ground, it then unleashed a torrent of clear water that washed over Peina, a loud hiss echoed through air as the water cooled the Envoy down. She then used her telekinesis to pinch the pipe shut in order to shut off the deluge. Peina shook her body free of any water droplets and whipped her mane back forth. "Phew, I needed that," she said. "You've gotta be kidding me," exclaimed Pinkie Pie. "What are these Envoy, gods or something," asked Spike in an exacerbated tone. "No we aren't, godlike would be more accurate. We are beyond you ponies, even your Princesses aren't on the same level as the four of us." "T-There are four of you!?" Fluttershy gasped. "Yes, the eldest of us, is the fourth, but none of you will live to see him, and I'd really hate for him to come and finish something that I couldn't finish. Polemos and Loimos will rub it in my face otherwise." Peina let out an annoyed huff thinking about her fellow Envoys. "I'm going kill you all now." The four warriors' eyes flew wide open at the simple statement. They blinked for a second and then Peina was gone, she then reappeared behind Rarity. Before Rarity could re-summon her gemstones Peina slammed her stinger into the side of Rarity's armor. The Knight of Generosity let out a yelp of pain as the impact dented her armor, breaking a few of her ribs and sending her flying into air. "RARITY!" Spike flew, claws outstretched, catching Rarity in his strong grasp. Before he could angle himself away, Spike felt the bombarding sting of Peina's venom filled energy blasts. Spike could feel the venom coursing through his veins, paralyzing him, making his wings seize up. Keeping a tight, protective hold on Rarity, Spike fell from the air and landed hard on the ground with a thunderous boom. His right claw fell to the ground and released Rarity who then slumped down beside him. Fluttershy transformed from her dragoness avatar to a manticore avatar, the beast roared in anger as she went to strike down Peina in vengeance. But the Envoy was ready, or least she thought she was. She suddenly felt her tail being restrained; it felt like it was being tugged in the opposite direction. When Peina turned around she saw that Pinkie Pie had wrapped her tail up in streamers and was proceeding to hold back the dangerous appendage. "How cute." Peina flared her aura once again which caused the streamers to burst apart. The Spirit of Famine then quickly turned her body, angling her tail so that it she was able to sting Fluttershy in her underbelly. The manticore avatar roared in pain as it felt the venom enter its body, passed the avatar shell, and into the mare beneath. Peina flicked her tail in the direction of Spike and Rarity, Fluttershy's body landed next to them in a heap. "Don't think I forgot about you –" "Party Popper!!!" Pinkie Pie thrust a hoof towards Peina's face; in it was a round pink bomb with a short fuse. When she made contact the bomb exploded in Peina's face. Pinkie jumped back, unharmed by her own weapon, and waited to see what she could do. Suddenly her Pinkie Sense went into panic mode, altering her to an immediate attack. Peina fired her Venomus Decay at Pinkie who easily dodged it. Pinkie Sense one, crazy scorpion mare ze –! Pinkie Pie then felt her right side being struck with Peina's stinger, she blinked, astonished that the armored mare had accurately predicted where she would move. Correction…Pinkie Sense: zero…crazy scorpion mare…one… Peina used her telekinesis to throw Pinkie to where her friends were into one big pile of defeat that she relished. The Spirit of Famine descended back to ground level and trotted towards her victims. Surprisingly they were still alive, in a catastrophic amount of pain, but alive. She figured that Spike's draconic immune system would cause her venom to take time to kill him, but she thought for sure the Knights would die instantly. It was then that she saw the crystals upon their chest plates and it made sense. "It seems your Elements are trying to save you, but judging from that fading light, I don't think they can keep it up much longer." Peina arched her tail, channeling her energy and power into the stinger, preparing to end this soap opera once and for all. "Well…this isn't the way I imagined I'd go," said Rarity with a weak laugh. "Yeah…maybe on a hill overlooking a sunset would be better," said Spike. "That sounds nice," said Fluttershy. "Better than seeing her," chuckled Pinkie Pie. "Never figured you guys for quitters," sounded a gruff voice. Peina glanced behind her and watched as two ponies made their way towards them. One of them a was pegasus mare, with a black mane, dark cerulean coat, and wielding two blades attached to her forelegs. The other was an earth pony stallion, an old one from the looks of him; in his left hoof he carried a black shafted spear with a gold spear tip. "Who are you two?" The mare and stallion glanced to each other and came to a silent agreement as to how to as answer the Spirit of Famine's question. "I am Broadside and this is my daughter Ballista." "As to who we are, well that's simple. We are soldiers." What is this Gambit that Broadside and Ballista have come up with, and can it save their friends from the wrath of Peina!? Find out in Part 7 of the Third Sign Arc! > Third Sign: Part 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soldiers to the End ***30 Minutes Ago*** "Father you can't be serious, you haven't even tested it yet," said Ballista. "With Spike's help I've been able to complete it and now it's ready! Besides, with that thing out there, we'll need as much of an edge as we can get," said Broadside. Gale watched as her mother and grandfather argued and discussed what they were going to do. Ballista wanted to help her friends, but she was unsure if this new breakthrough would give them the edge they needed. She'd heard what the previous Envoy were capable of, and didn't want to risk dying, she couldn't leave her child like that, there were too many of those kinds of children in the world as it was and Ballista didn't want to add Gale Force to the list. Ballista laughed internally, it was funny when she thought about it. Years ago she wouldn't have given a second thought to putting her life on the line to save Equestria and to protect those she cared about. But now things were different, she had a daughter to think about, to take care of, and to be there for. "No Dad, I can't, and neither can you! Do you really want to leave Gale all alone, without her grandfather and mother!?" "You don't think I know that!? This isn't easy for me either, you think I like putting you in harm's way, you don't think every time you entered battle I wasn't afraid at the prospect that this was the one you wouldn't return from," said Broadside. "It's the same for me as well; you told me you were a soldier from the beginning, and every day when you went on patrol when I was little I thought you wouldn't come back! So it isn't one sided, and I refuse to put Gale through that," shouted Ballista. The dark maned mare sat on her haunches and cradled her little foal in her forelegs, rocking her gently as she made soothing noises. Broadside knew she was right, heck, even he realized that this was probably going to be a suicide mission even if they were just going to provide them with backup. There was, however, one underlining reason behind his logic, and it was one that the old warhorse knew Ballista was thinking about as well. "If help doesn't arrive…if that Envoy thing kills them…then we'll lose three Elements of Harmony and one very strong dragon, even if the others are able arrive to defeat her, we won' t be able repel the next threat. Even if it's just a little bit, we have to give them some help. If the Envoy wins then foals like Gale won't have an Equestria to live in anymore, all their hopes and dreams for the future destroyed." Ballista looked into the face of Gale, who was smiling up at her. She imagined all she would accomplish, the day she would get her cutie mark and discover her special talent, and even her first love. Then she imagined it all being taken away from her from some unknown enemies from beyond the stars, and it infuriated her to no end that her daughter and other foals coming into this world wouldn't be able to grow up and fulfill their dreams. For some reason, the motherly part of Ballista saw this as a strong reason to fight, to help her friends and save the world yet again. She released a heavy sigh and turned her gaze to Upper Crust who had taken to lying on the floor up against a display case that hadn't been destroyed. "Upper Crust." The unicorn mare's head shot up, "Y-Yes?" Ballista kept Gale held between her forelegs as she hovered over towards the injured mare. "Listen to me, there's…there's something I need for you to do, and I need you to swear to Epona almighty that you'll do as I say," warned Ballista. "Of course, you saved my life, and dealt with that," Upper Crust pointed a hoof towards the still unconscious Glory, "I'll do whatever you have need me to do." "Alright …listen carefully…" ***Present Time*** Ballista and Broadside, two well known ponies from the War of Darkness, the ones who lead the UEA forces in a last ditch effort to defeat the evil Tikara Balak and his Daemoni forces at the battle of Calamity's Fall. These two warriors, these two soldiers, were now standing just a few feet away from the most evil creature they've ever met. "Looks like they need more than just support Dad," said Ballista. "Looks like." Broadside stood on his hind legs and gripped his spear with his right hoof, assuming a fighting stance. "You know Ballista, I may not be your real father, but, I want you to know, that you've made me the proudest stallion in Equestria." "Spare me the whole 'all hope is lost speech.' But…just so you know, I've always thought of you as my real dad, and I'm proud to be your daughter," said Ballista. "And Dad, I'm not planning to die today." "Me neither, still, it's a good to die." "That it is." Peina was getting noticeably irritated by the intrusion of these two common ponies. Who were they to think that they could fight her, the Spirit of Famine, the very embodiment of greed and decay, such a thing was completely absurd, pure stupidity. "You two shouldn't be too hasty to die; you should enjoy what time you have left on this miserable planet." Peina advised. The two soldiers merely rolled their eyes and scoffed audibly at the notion. They were about to show this Envoy the reason why she shouldn't underestimate them. Concentrating, they cried out as one. "EXCEED LIMIT!" The pegasus and earth pony's bodies erupted with powerful green aura that wisped like fire. They could already feel the surge of power coursing through their veins, their senses becoming sharper, muscles and bones strengthened, becoming stronger than they could've imagined. Peina, as well as Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie stared in surprise and wonder at what was happening to Ballista and Broadside. "Remember, we only have a set time limit before this ends, a cool down period, and then we can initiate another burst," said Broadside. "Understood, since this is your creation Dad, you want first crack," asked Ballista. Broadside laughed heartedly and dashed off towards the Envoy. His speed was in incredible, in one step was about to close the distance between himself and Peina as he glided across the ground. "Please," scoffed Peina. The Spirit of Famine stuck out a single hoof, planning to stop Broadside's attack with little to no effort. The old stallion thrust with was war lance, channeling his newfound energy through the weapon. The moment the spear head made contact with Peina's hoof she felt something was off, the force of the impact was more than what she was expecting, pushing her back some inches from her original position. Broadside could tell that the Spirit of Famine was taken off guard and used this to his advantage. Retracting the lance, Broadside pivoted on his right hind leg and spun around, the backend of the shaft struck Peina in the face, while the spear head came around and smashed into her right side, sending the armored mare stumbling from the impact to sidestep to the left. My turn, thought Ballista. Flaring her wings, and using her unlocked power, Ballista shot off towards the evil unicorn. Ballista was surprised by her sudden boost in speed; she could easily keep up with even the fastest arrow or cannonball. At least that's what she surmised. In no time at all she was on top of Peina, as she did with Glory, Ballista thrust her hoof upwards, throwing an uppercut into her enemy's lower jaw and sending her flying into air above, but she was not done just yet. Ballista zoomed off once again, this time on an intercept course. Once she was in position, Ballista swung her right hind leg and kicked Peina in her back, propelling the Spirit of Famine and sending sailing to the road below, where she landed a couple meters away from her friends. Broadside and Ballista regrouped near their wounded friends, their green aura's suddenly disappeared, but they didn't look at all worried. "B-Broadside is that what I…think it is," asked Spike. "Yes, it's the project you helped me out with, and thanks to you Spike, it might've given us the strength we needed to fight on par with you all," said Broadside. "Where's Gale, is she alright," asked Rarity. "She's fine, and by now, somewhere safe. What about you guys, can you move," asked Ballista. "Not very much…The venom is slowly infecting us, I-I can feel it. Aside from the pain I think it's affecting our nervous systems," explained Fluttershy. "Guess that means you guys are on your own, sorry, I can't even call on one of my cannons to help you two," said Pinkie Pie sadly. "It's alright Miss Pinkie, you just concentrate on fighting that venom, we'll keep her busy," said Broadside. Meanwhile, Peina was picking herself off the ground, for the third time today. She was getting rather tired of getting thrown to it, if anypony was going to the ground, six feet under or otherwise, it would be her enemies. She screamed in anger as her dark orange aura began to appear, the intensity of her hate reflected in her now glowing yellow eyes. Ballista and Broadside watched the spectacle before them and readied themselves for an imminent attack. "Our priority is that tail Ballista, we take that thing out, and she loses her primary weapon. That alone should give us an advantage." "And if it turns out that it doesn't?" "We'll just have to keep hitting it again and again," he said. "Thought so." "Exceed," they shouted together. Their bodies once again were engulfed in the green aura, this time it was double the power, stronger than the first burst. Peina growled and charged for the soldiers. Broadside took up the charge once again, this time he threw his war lance at Peina, the weapon still burned with the green aura as it barreled for its target. The Spirit of Famine skidded to a halt, letting the spear sink into the ground before her. "Ha, you missed you senile old coot, looks like your age is catching up with you," chided Peina. Her words were quickly eaten as Broadside came galloping down the street, faster than he did before. The old warhorse lunged forward and grabbed hold of his spear with his front hooves. Cocking back his hind legs, he used his spear to swing around and buck Peina right in her narcissistic face. She backed away from slight amount of pain that radiated from her nose. Broadside finally landed on the ground, tearing his war lance out of the street. Broadside then began to thrust and swipe with the lance, Peina, regaining her composure, used her tail to counter all his attacks while throwing in a few strikes of her own. Both the stallion and mare traded blows back and forth, Broadside easily dodged her stinger, after figuring out her attack pattern it was easy enough. Unfortunately the same could be said about himself, the spear was Broadside's best weapon, but there were only so many ways to strike with it before his enemy knew how to counterattack, and Peina was a fast learner. Peina raised her tail into striking position and brought it down on Broadside. Seeing the attack coming, he caught the strike in the middle of the spear shaft and now it became a grappling match, with Peina pushing down and Broadside pushing up. "For all your strength and speed, you still can't match me cretin," said Peina. "Well, I'll admit, you're faster than me, and you have good power. But that's not my style, that's what cutie mark is for. A spear to signify my proficiency with this weapon, and a shield to show that I'll do all I am able to protect those around me, and to defend the defenseless," said Broadside. Peina sensed something coming; she immediately broke off her attack on Broadside and readied herself. Ballista came screeching out of the air and unleashed of flurry of strikes with her hoof blades. Peina was having a hard time keeping up with this mare, she'd appear in one spot, attack, disappear, and then reappear in another spot. Her scorpion tail flicked and swiped in almost every direction possible, putting a noticeable strain on the Envoy. "My cutie mark is a little different. The arrow represents my flying abilities, fast and deadly. While the flames around it show that I'm able to blaze a trail for others to follow, to lead them to a victory, or to get them to safety. The qualities that our marks represent are what make us who we are, and why we fight, we won't let you or any more like you threaten our world, for the sake of the future," proclaimed Ballista. Just like her father's spear, Ballista's blades were empowered by her aura. With each slash she managed to scratch at the Envoy's armor, bit by bit. This was starting to worry the Spirit of Famine, how long would it be before they got in a lucky shot and defeat her. Peina refused to beaten by some mere mortal ponies, especially these two. "You annoying little insects, I'll kill you both!!!" Peina spun around in a three-sixty fashion, whipping her tail around to give her some breathing room. The two soldiers regrouped once again some distance away, their auras dissipating. "How you holdin' up honey," asked Broadside. "Why you asking, getting tired, Dad," said Ballista smirking. Broadside chuckled. "Let's end this, Exceed!!!" "Exceed!!!" For the third time their green auras flared, bigger than last time as they lapped off their bodies like flames. This time Ballista charged, her blades shined in the light of her power as she flew towards Peina. She was ready; Peina was going to kill these fools once and for all, right here, right now. The Spirit of Famine raised her tail into striking position, channeling her energy and venom to the tip preparing to fire. Suddenly Ballista, in a burst of great speed, closed the distance between herself and the Envoy. Peina was now staring Ballista in the eyes, for a moment she was there, and in the next, she was gone. It took her a few seconds to realize what was going on and when she did, it was too late to do anything about it. Broadside was dashing towards Peina; the tip of his war lance was brimming with power, hidden in the wake of his daughter's earlier charge. Peina fired her Venomous Decay at the oncoming stallion, but missed as he feinted to the left. Broadside pivoted on his right hind leg, dragging the spear behind him. The tip of the weapon tore into the ground as he brought it up in a wide arc. The tip made contact with Peina's scorpion tail, grinding against it and causing the Envoy to grit her teeth from the sensation of pain that now emanated from point of contact. Broadside continued the slash with the lances' sharp point, using all his might to cut through his enemy's main weapon. In the end, the spear could not finish its work, as the attack slid off, leaving a crack near the hard shell of the tail where the spear had struck. "Grrr, just a little bit more and I could've –!" "DAMN YOU JUST DIE!!!" Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Ballista all stared in wide eyed horror at the sight. The a beam of orange energy shot from Peina's stinger struck Broadside in the back, going through his chest and further still. When the beam was stopped the earth pony stallion looked down at his chest, at the hole where his heart would be, at the blood that now seeped from the open wound. Ballista flew down as quickly as she could to help her father, but with the last of his strength, Broadside tossed up his prized war lance at his daughter. Ballista stopped in midair and grabbed her father's weapon, holding it tightly. "Finish this Ballista, for Gale!" He then turned his head and gave Peina a shifty eyed glare while smirking. "See you in Tartarus, hag!" Releasing his dying breath, Broadside plopped onto the hard and unforgiving road, still wearing the smirk as his eyes slowly closed. Ballista flew back to where her friends were, keeping her back to them and her front towards their enemy. She stood on her hind legs and brandished her war lance in much the same way her late father did, the green aura fading away yet again. "Broadside," whispered Spike. Fluttershy was weeping silently, tears flowing down her face. While Pinkie Pie just stared in disbelief at what she just saw, the strongest stallion besides Big Mac that she knew had just died right there in front of all of them. "Rarity, Spike, listen to me… I want you two to take care of Gale," said Ballista. Both Spike and Rarity's jaws dropped, they couldn't have heard her right. "What are you saying Ballista," asked Rarity. "You know what I mean, I'm going to finish what my Father and I started." "You're not serious, she needs you! You can't leave Gale alone!" "I'm not leaving her alone, I realized that when we started this fight. You two are her godparents, she loves you two. And with Pinkie and Fluttershy there as well, I know she'll grow up happy and loved, and really, that's enough for me…" The four watched as sparkling tears started to fall to the ground around Ballista. "Damn it, why am I crying now when should've been doing this when I said goodbye to her…" "Belli don't do it! Please!" Pinkie Pie pleaded. "I love you all, you guys…really are the best friends could've asked for…!" Ballista took in a deep breath, she concentrated on the power within her, on the memories of Gale and her playing, laughing, napping, even the smallest things, they were all treasured memories, and they would live on forever in her heart. "Exceed!" the aura flared up again, but Ballista wasn't done. "Exceed!!" the aura tripled in size. "Exceed!!!" it grew once more, Ballista showed signs that the sudden bursting was taking a toll on her body, but it was not going to stop her, she had a mission to complete and she'd see it through to the bitter end. "EXCEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!" "BALLISTAAAAA," they desperately cried out, nearly causing them to go hoarse from the strain. The green aura was now a raging inferno that blocked out the view of her friends behind Ballista. Peina seemed surprised by the size of this power, when her eyes locked with Ballista's, for the briefest instant in her eternal life, the Spirit of Famine felt a twinge of fear. Without warning Ballista shot off faster than a bullet, the power of her aura leaving behind a burning wake, destroying the very ground. Ballista readied her father's spear to skewer Peina. The armored mare energized her stinger and was about to fire, when suddenly, Ballista vanished from sight. Peina snapped her head from one direction to other trying to locate her. The next thing she heard was a fierce battle cry echoing from the sky above. The Spirit of Famine looked straight up and saw Ballista diving right down for her, she cranked her tail back, preparing to fire at the pegasus mare. Ballista released the spear, allowing it to fall. She then got behind it and with her left hind leg kicked the weapon, launching it even faster than she was going. The spear found its home in Peina's tail, in the very same area that Broadside had struck, the spear went all the way through the tail and into the ground behind it, pinning Peina's appendage in place. The Envoy let out a deafening scream of pain at the sensation of her tail being pierced, despite the pain; she tried to wrench herself loose, but to no avail. Once seeing that the spear had done its job, Ballista used her great speed to disappear and then reappear right over the butt of the lance. "This is for my friends!!!" Ballista cocked back her right hoof, channeling all her energy into her right foreleg. She then punched on the spear, driving it the rest of the way through like a railroad spike. The energy in her foreleg streamed through the spear, and combining with the energy from Broadside already in it, created an energy burst that blasted Peina's tail apart, sending the stinger flying off in the opposite direction. Peina howled in pain yet again as she felt part of her tail being severed, the toxic venom spilled over everything, melting whatever it touched, but the power of covering the lance protected both it and Ballista from being affected. The dark cerulean pegasus couldn't help but let out a chuckle from seeing the Spirit of Famine being in pain, knowing that she was dealt a mortal blow by a mere mortal. "DAMN YOU! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY BEAUTIFUL TAIL!!!!" Peina whipped around to face Ballista, fury and hatred burned in her yellow eyes as her horn began to glow. Ballista willed the aura to act as her shield. Peina's horn glowed bright orange as she galloped straight for the pegasus mare. It then elongated into an orange energy spike that pierced through the aura barrier, the point running through Ballista's chest till Peina's head was just a mere few inches away from touching the fur on her chest. Suddenly the energy of the spike grew hotter as Peina released an energy blast through the spike that erupted behind Ballista, she cried out in pain as the surge burned her from within. Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike could only watch in horror as yet another of their friends was killed before them, without mercy. Fresh tears streamed down their faces as the sorrow gripped them. When the cries stopped Ballista went limp, hanging from the energy spike. "Foolish little pony, you managed to damage my precious tail, but it will grow back, even now I can feel it regenerating. All you did was deny your friends' a swifter death, now I'll have to kill them slowly." Peina dispelled her elongated horn, allowing Ballista to fall limply. Just then, Ballista's aura roared to life once again, her wings flared out. Within her eyes burned the green power of the Exceed Limit! Ballista quickly grabbed hold of Peina's head; the Envoy's yellow eyes went wide with shock. "AND THIS IS FOR MY FATHER!" Ballista drew her head back, and with all her strength, slammed her head into Peina's helmet. The force and power of the head-butt resonated through the armored helm and into Peina's head. Ballista released the Spirit of Famine as she reared back upon her hind legs and covered her face with her forehooves. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! You stupid son of – URRRRRGGHHHH AHAHHAHH!!! – You cracked my helmet!!!" Peina cried out. Ballista was lying on her back. The strain of the triple Exceeds, along with the wound had taken a toll on her. She could feel herself slipping away. Ballista turned her head to the right and saw her friends, all of which had sad faces; a single tear escaped her right eye. As the pegasus mare closed her eyes she wanted to say she was sorry, to them, and to Gale… When next she opened her eyes something had changed, Ballista saw clearly. Before her, in the distance, she saw Spike and Rarity. They looked a bit older than they are now, they seemed to be playing somewhere, she wasn't sure of the location. That's when Ballista saw her, Gale. The pegasus foal, a grown filly, about ten years of age, no cutie mark as of yet. Her daughter was laughing and smiling with her godparents, she seemed happy. That's when Ballista noticed that Rarity, who was lying on the ground, was cradling something in her forelegs. It was a three year old foal, with blue eyes that would sometimes shift to a slit dragon eyes, and a blue mane. The foal had fur, but beneath it was a fine layer of dragon scales, white as snow to match its coat. "Is this…a dream…or…is it a vision…?" "Why can't it be both," spoke a melodious voice. Ballista suddenly felt a warm light surround her body, it filled her with a strange happiness, as if she were being reunited with somepony she hadn't seen for a long, long time. When she turned away to see who spoke Ballista was taken by surprise at who now stood beside her. A golden bellowing mane, eyes that shifted colors seamlessly like an aurora, an ivory white coat, and a cutie mark of rune symbols set up in a circle. "Milady Epona…?" "Yes child, it is I," said Epona smiling. "I don't understand, is what I saw really just a dream or was it a vision of the future," asked Ballista. "Like I said, why can't it be both? Dreams, the ones held closest to your heart, can become the future, if given a chance." "I'm the worst mother…I couldn't even stay alive for my daughter, I wouldn't blame her if she never forgave." Epona lowered her head to nuzzle the pegasus mare, it was strange, even though Ballista had never met the goddess of light, she couldn't help but feel the same kind of love radiate from the nuzzle as would a mother. Although the more she thought about it, Epona is the one who created all of ponykind, so it not so farfetched to believe that the goddess would show the same love as a mother. "You are not, you, Ballista Arrowcrest, are an outstanding mare. You have given Gale a chance to live; you and your father have left behind a two legacies that will live on forever." "My father…is he?" "Right here honey." To Epona's left side appeared Broadside, a smile across his face. "Daddy!?" "It's time to go my little ponies. You've done well, and you've earned your rest. The rest is up to them…" Epona reached out a hoof towards Ballista; she slowly raised her own hoof and grasped the ancient goddesses hoof into her own. And with that, all three of them disappeared into the ephemeral world, to their paradise. RIP – Captain Ballista Arrowcrest RIP – General Broadside Stronglance > Third Sign: Part 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strike Back! Ballista's body lied there on the ground motionless. The others were crying hard, they had lost two of their friends; they died protecting them, to give them a fighting chance against this…this…monster! Rarity had ceased crying, her blue eyes fell upon the Envoy who had taken her friends away from them, and she was furious. Forgetting the pain, she rose to her hooves; shakily Rarity began trotting towards Fluttershy. The Knight of Generosity tapped her friend on the shoulder, causing the creamed colored mare to look up at Rarity. No words were spoken, there was no need for them, the fire burning within Rarity's eyes was all Fluttershy needed to see. Nodding her head, Fluttershy got up and trotted alongside Rarity to Pinkie Pie. The Knight of Laughter saw her two friends, their faces locked in a state of anger and determination. It only took Pinkie a nanosecond to rise up as well. All three mares began trotting towards Peina, they moved slowly, the venom within their bodies was still in effect, but that would not stop them. Ballista and Broadside had died trying to help them and they would not let their sacrifice be in vain. Peina had finally stopped wailing, standing on all four hooves. There was a trickle of blood coming down from her forehead; a sizable crack could be seen on her helmet where Ballista delivered her earlier head-butt. Now able to think more clearly, Peina saw the three Knights trot towards her. A cocky smile arched across her lips as she stood proudly. "Isn't this grand, you three are coming to me to die. Do you really think you'll fare any better than they did? Look," Peina angled her tail; the damaged part of it was starting to regenerate. "Soon my tail will have grown back and I will move on to the rest of this miserable world!" Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy stopped trotting. They called upon the power of their Elements, drawing on whatever energies they had left to rid their bodies of the poison. They looked deep within themselves, passed the surface of what they already knew, diving deeper into the true power of the Elements of Generosity, Kindness, and Laughter. Suddenly they felt something, an untapped well of power, as if it was waiting for them. They called out to this power and the well of power became like a vast, endless ocean. They allowed this new power to fill them until it happened. The three mares were engulfed in pillars of violet, pink, and blue energy that shot up into the skies piercing the cloud of toxic rain. The lights had completely eradicated the clouds, allowing the beautiful sunlight to shine down upon the land. The dark, polluted ground, regained its fertility, becoming purified of the venom. Spike felt the wave of power as it rumbled through the air, it passed through his body, ridding him of the venom within, returning him to full strength. Peina didn't understand what was happening; this light was powerful, far more powerful than what they were supposed to be capable of. It was at that moment that a startling revelation hit the Spirit of Famine, remembering her brother Loimos' recanting of his battle against two of the Knights of Harmony. But that can't be possible! The ones who possess that power are far away, unless –! They all have it, they're unlocking it!!! Soon the pillars of light broke apart, showering the area in falling sparkles of light. Rarity stood at the center, her body was no more bound by flesh and muscle, now it had transformed into a white burning light, held together by golden armor. On her lower equine half, a shimmering skirt surrounded her, held in place by a lone stretch of gold armor on her back. On her upper half she wore a chest plate, fitted with the violet diamond of the Element of Generosity. Attached to her wrists were gold bands that had the same shimmering material, floating around her back and attached to each wrist band. Her eyes glowed blue as her mane and tail were now violet plasma energy. A tiara adorned her brow, studded with the six jewels she used before that rested below her horn. Two large diamonds, shaped like a three dimensional rhombus, floated on her left and right, while a third floated above her head. Fluttershy's body was made of yellow energy, with her pink butterfly crystal shining on her armored chest. In her right hand she held a golden metal shepherd's crook, at the top of the hook there were three wings sitting in a row ranging from small, medium, and large. The hook of the staff spiraled inward, wrapping itself around a pulsating blue pearl. Her shoulder pads had small blue pearls embedded in them as well, one in the center of her tiara, one on each wrist band, and one at the front of each horseshoe. Her teal eyes burned with power, as her pink plasma mane bellowed up and down. Pinkie Pie was made up of different hues of pink energy, her tail and mane made of darker tint then her body. Her pauldron cape flapped in the wind generated by their power. In her hands she held two weapons; both were Wheelock pistols, with blue metallic barrels, silver handles, and a purple band around the muzzles. Pinkie Pie crossed her arms to form an X across her chest, where the blue balloon Element of Laughter shone brightly, matching the intensity in her blue eyes. Luckily for Peina, her tail had fully regenerated, but she was still weary of this latest development. She quickly took aim at the lifeless body of Ballista, priming her tail to fire a beam of poison filled energy. "Watch it, don't want to see your friends' bodies turn to ash now do you," she warned. Fluttershy stepped forward from the trio; she raised her staff into the air, the pearl glowing with milky-blue light. "Ḍraigana Rakṣaka!" All the pearls shined brightly, streams of energy poured from them all, combining into a sphere above the staff. Fluttershy then thrust the staff in Peina's direction; the sphere zoomed past the Spirit of Famine and stopped when it reached Ballista's body. The orb expanded and then exploded outwards, transforming into a large dragon that coiled its tail around the body, roaring at Peina, warning her not to even think about coming close to her. Fluttershy fired another orb; the second one became a dragon as well, protecting the body of Broadside. "How is that possible, you're still standing right there!?" "They are me, and I am them, these are extensions of my spirit, unbound by my or any physical limitations. Now it's time you felt terror Spirit of Famine!" Fluttershy raised her staff yet again. "Bhēṛiyā Paika!" This time she hit the ground with the butt of the staff; the energy from the pearls flowed from the staff and surged forth into the ground. Twelve orbs appeared in front of her; they then transformed and became a new set of animals. It was a pack of wolves, roughly the same size as a full grown stallion pony, they growled and snarled at the Envoy, snapping their jaws and raking the ground with their claws. Peina took a step back, and then another, when she took a third step she shot up into the air. "Hamalā!" Fluttershy shouted. The wolves howled and then leaped into the air, running after Peina. Fluttershy let her wings unfurl and she took off with them. Pinkie Pie reared up on her hind legs and when she landed galloped after them. Rarity stayed behind, the draconic spirit beasts took one look at her, they then nodded towards Rarity and in that same moment disappeared into wisps of smoke. The white centaur could feel the thundering stomps of Spike behind her as he approached. She turned and looked up at him, although he was surprised by her transformation, he was not scared. A kind of quiet understanding had passed between them. "Take care of them, this shouldn't take long," said Rarity. "Alright, be careful," said Spike. Although her face was made of nothing but white energy, Spike could tell that she was smiling at him. With that settled, Rarity willed one of the three diamonds to flatten out and become a platform for her to stand on. The platform lifted the Knight of Generosity and in the next moment she had gone to do battle with their hated foe. Spike glanced to Ballista's body, and then to Broadside's, he could already feel his eyes begin to water again. He looked up to the retreating form of his wife and his eyes narrowed. "Kick her flank, for them…!" Peina could not escape them. She thought using her magic to levitate in the air would give her a better advantage, to get her away from the pack of spirit wolves, in truth, she could not escape them. They pack just gave chase, defying gravity as if it did not exist. The wolves came close to sinking their fangs in her hind legs, but a quick blast from her Venomous Decay dealt with two of them, now there were only ten to go. Two of the wolves circled around and attacked from the left and right, Peina used her horn to create the spike she had used earlier to skewer the oncoming wolf. The second leaped up and tried to bite her neck, Peina twirled around and tail whipped it, snapping its neck and making it disappear. "If that's the best you got I'm not impress –!" Just then two beams of sparkling, crackling, multicolored light shot at Peina, she nearly got hit by the first, but didn't manage to dodge the second which hit her directly in the right shoulder. The Spirit of Famine hissed and growled at the searing pain that now radiated from the area, she gasped when she noticed that a layer of the armor had been burned away. Peina looked towards the direction where the beams were fired and saw the Knight of Laughter perched on a rooftop. The metal wheels on the sides of the pistols were spinning rapidly, mimicking the effect of a spiraling sparkler. "How do you like my Merry-Go-Rounds, not as big as my GPC's, but as the saying goes 'size isn't everything!' And on that note welcome…" Pinkie Pie crossed her arms yet again, behind her dozens of Merry-Go-Rounds pistols appeared, they formed an arch behind her, one with twelve pistols, the other had the same amount, which gave way to a third row. "…to my Caliber Carnival!!!" Pinkie Pie released her first two weapons, both of them vanishing into thin air. To her hands two of the Merry-Go-Rounds flew into her now vacant palms, both spinning up and prepared to fire. Pinkie Pie brought up the two pistols and opened fire on Peina, her shots were quick and fluid, you could hardly tell when the first round ended and the second began. Before Peina knew it her field of vision was littered with the sight of dozens of oncoming blasts. "Corroding Barrage!!!" Peina's tail arched up and released a volley of poisonous energy blasts to match Pinkie Pie's attacks. Each beam impacted the other in midair, creating magnificent explosions that looked like fireworks. While Peina was able to intercept many, the few that got by either exploded near or on her, the pain that shot through her body with each hit only served to infuriate her more, it wasn't only damaging her body but her pride as well. Never before had any creature, from any world, cause her to feel pain and anguish like she felt now. Suddenly the barrage from Pinkie Pie stopped, and that same time, Peina felt something sharp and hot pierce her flesh. One of the spirit wolves she didn't destroy had bitten down on her right hind leg. She was about to blast it off, but yet another appeared from her blind spot chomped down on her tail. A third bit her left hind leg, a fourth her right foreleg, and a fifth descended down on her and got its jaws around her armored neck. Peina was finding out quickly that her precious Envoy armor was no protection against these things; she could feel the fangs of the fifth wolf slowly inch their way through her armor and into her neck, causing warm blood to trickle. Peina tried in vain to shake the wolves off, even after unleashing her aura multiple times. The Knight of Kindness flew overhead, watching the display down below her; with a wave of her staff she initiated the final move of her attack. All five of the wolves began to glow brightly, almost blindingly so, until each one exploded in a flash of milky-blue light and energy. A cloud of smoke appeared where the Spirit of Famine once was, out of the cloud Peina plummeted, she hastily regained her altitude and floated there; staring daggers at the two centaurs who dared to damage her. "How dare you mar my beauty, undermine my power, and steal my possessions!!! BUCK this world!!! I'll just finish it here and now!!!" Peina gathered her power once again, more quickly, and with more of a harsh glow than before. "Rotting World: Last Breath!!! " Instead of firing this attack into the air, Peina fired the sphere at the ground instead; the ball of death dealing energy fell like a lead weight, faster and faster, making the very air it flew through become old, stale, and putrid. "Trinité Bouclier!" Three large diamonds raced to get under the sphere; they met in the center, each of their pointed tips glowing with blue light. The three diamonds separated and formed a barrier in the shape of a triangle. The ball hit the center of the shield; it crackled and hissed as the sphere tried to pierce through the barrier and to its intended target. The shield held strong, not allowing the attack to get anywhere near the ground. The three diamonds then let out a pulse of energy that shot into the barrier, the combined energy of the diamonds hit the sphere of putrid energy and instantly purified it, nullifying Peina's attack. The Spirit of Famine now saw the perpetrator who stopped her attack. It was Rarity; she was trotting slowly on the ground towards her general location. The three diamonds canceled their barrier maneuver and returned to Rarity's side. "We've grown tired of your presence on our world Spirit of Famine, it is time you paid for your crimes against Equestria and to the ponies who's lives you've taken, and for the deaths of our friends," said Rarity. Peina was cornered and she knew it, her brother Loimos had a hard enough time with just two of these Knights, but she was up against three, and each with a burning hatred to see her fall before them. "Brilliance de la Lumière! " One of the diamonds melded onto Rarity's left forearm, she raised her left arm allowing the tip of the diamond to open and release an impossibly bright light into the air. Peina felt the burning light; it literally hurt her to see this light, closing her eyes as to not even peek at it. Her body sizzled as the light faded, writhing and screaming from the burning sensation all over her body. Pinkie Pie took this opportunity to start her attack. She called off her Merry-Go-Rounds and summoned something else in their stead. "Magnificent Musketeer Madness!" Suddenly large barreled muskets started to rain down from the sky, colored the same way as her previous weapons. There must've been at least two hundred plus falling, with another ten appearing in a circle around stuck in the ground around her, but none of the ones from the sky ever hit the ground. With a wave of her hand, Pinkie had each of the muskets stop in midair, with another wave of her hand the barrels of the muskets each pointed towards Peina, and with a snap of her fingers the fuses on each musket lit up. She then reached into her pauldron cape and comically pulled out another musket out of nowhere and took aim. "Extravaganza!!!" She pulled the trigger of her personal MMM and fired the first round, the blast created a shockwave that blew the dust and debris around Pinkie away. Peina was able to open her eyes, just in time to see as the sparkling ordinance came screeching right at her. Before she could even yelp the round hit her and exploded brilliantly with resounding thunder. Soon the other MMM's started to fire off as well, each one hitting its target and exploding on impact. While the MGR's and MMM's weren't as big as the Giga Party Cannons, they were more accurate, and more importantly, they condensed the original blasts of the cannons and more than tripled its destructive power. Something that Peina was experiencing first hand. Having spent the first round of her MMM, she grabbed the two closest ones and dual-wielded them, firing both weapons at the same time, discarding them, and then firing again with another pair. When she was on the last two of her MMM's she fired them, and at the same time, the two-hundred floating MMM's fired simultaneously, the whole thing exploding in the shape of a smiling pink face. Fluttershy could still sense Peina was alive, which was good, because she had a piece of her mind to give to her as well. The Knight of Kindness swiped her staff in front of her horizontally, leaving behind a pink energy wake. She then swiped two more times diagonally, combining the light wakes together. When she saw Peina through the dust cloud, Fluttershy spun her staff in the air, held out it horizontal in front her, and brought her left hand into prayer position. "Pavitratā kī Lahara!!!" The wakes combined in one long crescent shaped wave and launched itself at Peina. The wave struck the scorpion tailed mare in the midsection, grinding against her underbelly armor as it pushed against her. The Spirit of Famine held fast, gritting her teeth, she was not about to forced off this world, nor be defeated so easily. That's when she saw it, Rarity. Her right arm was stretched out; the three diamonds began to orbit her forearm. A blue light shined within them getting brighter as they spun faster around her arm. All three of them melded into one weapon around her forearm, extending nearly seven feet. Rarity widened her stance and cocked back her right arm as if preparing to through a punch. The Knight of Generosity's glowing blue eyes locked onto prey. "Javelot de la Révolution!!!" The diamond weapon shined with blue light, some it lapping off it like fire. Rarity used her newly acquired strength and jumped into the air, creating a crater from where she took off. When she was in range Rarity thrust out her right arm, the tip of the weapon striking Peina dead center where Fluttershy's attack was still trying to go through. Peina yelled out in agony from the two attacks. Her yellow eyes met those of Rarity's blue shining slit orbs, and she knew that there was only one way this was going to end. Reluctantly, and with all the contempt and self-loathing she had for this, Peina engulfed her body in an orb of orange light, cancelling out the attacks. Rarity's diamonds disengaged and became three once again, with the third turning into a platform for her to stand upon. All three Knights stared in wonder at what Peina's next move would be. "You will all pay for this! You think you've won – not even close!!! When my elder brother arrives you'll be wishing that it was me who had ended your miserable lives!!!" Peina shouted, her voice echoing intangibly. Fluttershy readied her staff, Pinkie summoned another MMM, and Rarity's two other diamonds glowed. Sensing that her time to rant was short, Peina's sphere took off into the sky, letting loose multiple sonic booms at it exited Equestria's atmosphere. All three centaur mares kept watch over the sky, their weapons primed and ready should Peina try to sneak attack. But after five minutes there was nothing. The lowered their weapons and let out a sigh of relief. It was over, they had won the battle, and Equestria was safe, for now. As much as they wanted to allow themselves to feel happy about their victory, they knew that wasn't going to be the case, nothing could overshadow the fact that their victory came at a high price. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all returned to where Spike was. Their weapons were dismissed but they were still in their centaur forms. Spike had been sitting on his haunches, with a tail curled carefully around the bodies of Broadside and Ballista in a protective manner similar to the spirit dragons. He had both father and daughter laid next to each other. Spike looked to see his friends arriving and uncurled his tail a little to allow them to come closer. When they were close enough, all three mares released their powers, changing back into their pony forms, their Elements clasped around their necks. Each of them broke down into tears before the bodies of their fallen friends, Spike tried to put on a strong front for them, but he couldn't help but let slip a few tears from his eyes. The fighting was over, the danger had passed, and now, now it was time to cry… ***Unknown Location, Beyond Time & Space*** Loimos was laughing boisterously into the nothingness around them, while Polemos just stood there smirking, both brothers amused by the disheveled and rattled condition that their sister Envoy returned in. "And you were chastising me for my retreating, HA! At least I knew when to fall back to fight another day, but you just stayed there and took it! HA HA HA!" Loimos laughed. "This just gets better and better; now three more have new powers. I can't wait to do battle with them," said Polemos. "Well I'm glad I can provide entertainment for you both!!!" Peina levitated her helmet off her head and threw it at Loimos striking him in the head, hard. Stopping the Spirit of Pestilence's laughter and making him fall over. Polemos looked down at his stricken brother and let out a light chuckle at his expense. "Do not fret sister; any experienced warrior can be taken easily when dealing with unknown weapons. We were not certain if the power that the two Knights, Loyalty and Honesty, was a unique ability of their own or one that they all shared. I think now we know what we're dealing with," said Polemos. "And just what are you getting at," asked Peina. "Now that we know at least five of their capabilities, we can return and fight them as a unit. You and I know how much stronger we are when our powers are linked." Loimos and Peina raised an eyebrow at that, true as his statement was, they hated such an option. "Like it matters, you were recalled by the Master, out of the four of us, only you and our elder brother can go back to Equestria," said Loimos. "Enough of your bickering." All three Envoy went silent in that instant. Ash gray light shined in the distance, it flickered like fire as it slowly approached them. It then took the shape of an alicorn, forming wings, a horn, a head, and four legs. Two eyes made of black energy stared at Polemos, Loimos, and Peina. "Thanatos…brother…I just…" Peina tried to speak, but couldn't find the right words to explain her spectacular failure. "Silence," he ordered. Peina did as her brother said, Loimos and Peina knew better then to anger their elder brother, but Polemos didn't share the same sentiment. "Thanatos, what say the Master? Can I return to Equestria," asked the Spirit of War. "No, he does not want you to return, and neither do I for that matter." "But why, you know I've sought the perfect warrior who can match me in combat, and here I've come to find several on one planet! Why does the Master –!?" Thanatos' body erupted with ash gray light, his black light eyes flaring in anger. "You question my orders!? You question our Master's!?" Polemos released his own blood red aura, matching his older brothers as he bared his teeth. The two stallions stared each other down while Peina and Loimos stared, personally they didn't care if Polemos died. His ideals of battle got annoying from time to time. Soon both stallions' auras returned to normal, whatever fight that was going to take place was halted by a strong pressure wave that rumbled throughout the nothingness. "You're treading upon thin ice Polemos," warned Thanatos. Polemos snorted, but kept silent nonetheless. "We have a new plan of attack my brothers and sister, and we must prepare. As such, the Master has allowed us the use of our 'True Forms.'" Loimos and Peina heads popped up and they both had a sinister smile creep upon their face, full of wickedness, and sadistic glee. Thanatos turned about and trotted towards his next destination, but stopped suddenly. He turned his head and gave Polemos a sideways glance. "And little brother. The reason you asked about, was because you were about to release your 'True Form' without the Master's permission. Remember that we are his Envoy; we conquer and destroy in his name. Your first and only priority is to carry out his will and not for the sake of your lust for a 'Perfect Opponent.'" With that said Thanatos' form vanished, leaving the Spirits of War, Pestilence, and Famine alone to prepare. Despite what you may believe brother, I will see to it that my fight is brought to fruition, no matter what you say… Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy have unlocked the power of Centaurus Elemnentus, defeating the third Envoy. But now it seems that something even more sinister is the works, what kind of evil plan can the Envoy be scheming? Only time will tell… > Third Sign: Part 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stars for the Fallen ***5 Hours Later, Airship Docks*** Royal Guard and Knight Corp. airships occupied every dock in the port. Soldiers flooded the area, taking charge, assessing the damage, and providing medical help where needed. According to the captains of the fleet, Peina's earlier Rotting World had created a vicious storm that acted like a corrosive barrier, much to their disappointment, five other ships found that out the hard way. One of the ships docked in the final available port and released their gangplank. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Bright Blade stormed off of the ship and immediately went to work finding out the fate of their friends. Luckily one of the citizens, a mare by the name of Upper Crust, directed them to where Spike and the Knights of Generosity, Kindness, and Laughter were residing, the morgue. The moment they heard that dreaded word, all four of them zoomed off, almost barreling through the crowd. As they made their way through some tents towards the morgue, Rainbow Dash spotted a familiar mare trotting out of a tent. "FLUTTERSHY!!!" Rainbow shouted. The prismatic mare quickly grabbed her longtime friend and hugged her fiercely; Fluttershy was taken by surprise and nearly punched Rainbow Dash on instinct, but stopped when she realized who it was. "Rainbow Dash, everypony, you made it," said Fluttershy. "Yer alive!" Applejack shouted happily. "Of course I am." "But what about Rarity, Spike, and Pinkie Pie," asked Twilight. "They're fine." "So wait, I don't get it, why did that mare say you guys were in the morgue when you aren't even dead," said Bright Blade confused. The others seemed to share in his confusion, Fluttershy sighed heavily, this was not going to be a pleasant conversation. "Follow me, I'll tell you along the way." As the group trotted along Fluttershy regaled them with the story of what had transpired during their stay in Manelan. She started with the light stuff, in a way she was cushioning them for the blow. That's when she spoke about their run in with Peina, the Spirit of Famine, and how she took control of Spike. There was a noticeable vein popping on Twilight's forehead, no doubt angry beyond all reason that somepony hurt her surrogate little brother/son. But once Fluttershy got to the part about Ballista and Broadside, well, that's when the conversation got really heavy. The end of Fluttershy's story brought them to the end of their journey to where Pinkie, Spike, and Rarity were. Rarity was lying on a cot, while Spike sat next to her, cradling a pegasus foal in his arms. Pinkie Pie was sitting next to Spike, making baby noises and funny faces. The foal happily giggled at the merrymaking of the pink party pony, oblivious to the arrival of the other Knights. "Is that…?" Bright Blade asked. "It's Gale Force, Ballista's daughter. Apparently Ballista had Upper Crust take her to this facility; she kept watch over Gale till we arrived. And now…" "Now we're her family," said Spike. "Ballista asked Spike and I to raise Gale as our own, she said…she was happy knowing that her daughter would be surrounded by good ponies who cared about her," said Rarity sadly. All the Knights gathered round their battle weary friends comforting them. Rarity and Spike's eyes glanced at a saddle bag in the corner of the tent, a bag which contained Broadside's notes about the power of Exceed Limit. They then glanced to Gale Force, a gift and responsibility to the two of them. One legacy from a father, and another from a daughter, the future for both was uncertain, as was all of their, but for now, they had each other, and that's what they needed the most, their friendship. ***Canterlot, 2 Days Later*** Many had gathered from different parts of Equestria, for today was a solemn day. Today was the funeral service for General Broadside StrongLance and Captain Ballista Arrowcrest. Soldiers who were under their command during the War of Darkness came to attend the funeral. It was a rather unusual funeral, for one thing, it was taking place at sunset, and secondly there were torches that lit the way to the departed's final resting place. Apparently Princess Luna got wind of their death and proposed that she would be in charge of the funeral, many ponies thought that the Princess of the Night was going to give them an old fashioned warrior's send off. Nobody minded, they thought it befitting fallen heroes. The Knights of Harmony were in attendance, along with the Valkeries, Spike, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and Princess Celestia of course. Friends and family showed up as well, some were war buddies, soldiers who respected and cared about them or just those who hadn't been under their command and were there to show that they too wished to grieve with the rest. The place that Broadside and Ballista were to be buried was near the castle grounds, a graveyard where ponies of long ago who proved themselves valiant and courageous, or who have helped equinekind in some way that changed society or lives. Many were buried here. Such noted names like Star Swirl the Bearded, Clover the Clever, Princess Platinum, Chancellor Pudding Head, Smart Cookie, Commander Hurricane, Private Pansy, and many more. This got some of the Knights of Harmony thinking, would they too someday be buried here in this grave site, along with these and many other great ponies of the past. The thought was both exciting and saddening at the same time. The crowd's whispers turned to murmurs, and murmurs into silence. The sun had set beyond the horizon and gave way to the night. Princess Luna's moon slowly rose in place of the sun, shining fully down upon funeral, bathing all in its serene light. At the same time the torches all sprang to life, lighting the way to the marble carved tomes that the caskets would be placed in and then sealed. The crowd turned around and watched as they approached. Princess Celestia and Luna were at the head of the procession. Their expressions were of a practiced sadness, one to show in public, breaking down in front of everypony was not something a Princess should do, and they needed to be the shoulder to cry on for their little ponies. The alicorns of day and night knew everypony would die eventually, it was the nature of things, but still, these two had fought for them, by the ones who's friendships they cherished, and through it all had earned a peaceful life only to have it taken away from them. Even to an immortal, it was still unfair. Behind them was a regiment of Knight Corp. Paladins carrying the ceremonial flags, one was made with Broadside's cutie mark and another's with Ballista's. Both flags flapped in the in air as they walked on. Behind the regiment, two groups of four Royal Guard unicorns. Their horns were aglow as their telekinetic grip took hold of each of the four palls. What everpony didn't expect to see behind them was a group of ponies that weren't military. Those who were from Ponyville recognized these two; it was Octavia and Lyra, along with the rest of their band in tow. Once they had arrived, the Princesses parted and created an opening. "Company halt!" The Knight Corp. Paladins stopped and parted to the each side, eight on one side and eight on the other. "First Company, right face!" The Paladins on the left turned to the right. "Second Company, left face!" The Paladins on the right turned to the left. "Present arms!" The first two stood on their hind legs and held out their flags, crossing them so that they formed an X. The other fourteen raised their right hooves and saluted. The pallbearer Royal Guards passed by the saluting Knight Corp. Paladins and through the draping flags, first Broadside's casket, followed by Ballista's. When the pallbearers reached the specified caskets, they lowered the coffins into the tomes. "Order arms!" The Paladins lowered their forelegs back to the ground. "Left face! Right face!" The two companies switched back to their original positions, now facing the front. The two Paladins carrying the flags detached them from their poles and folded them neatly. Being the caretakers of Ballista's child, Spike and Rarity automatically fell under the tradition of accepting the flags. Spike did so with care, nodding in gratitude to the two stallions. Many were already crying, Rarity stayed strong, as long as she could, she had to, for Gale. Soon Octavia's and Lyra's band filed through and went offside where their instruments were already set up, each of them taking their places as they awaited their cue. Princess Celestia and Luna stepped back to the center with the marble tomes on either side of them. "Today, my subjects, we come here with heavy hearts. Tonight, we mourn the loss of two of Equestria's finest soldiers, Captain Ballista Arrowcrest and General Broadside StrongLance. These two who, at great personal risk to themselves, stood up to a foe whose evil was not of this world. Through this, they saved the lives of four of Equestria's heroes, at the cost of their own. And so, in honor of their sacrifice and heroism during the War of Darkness, we enshrine these two ponies, that future generations will know what they have done for all time," spoke Princess Celestia. Princess Celesita nodded towards the Royal Guards near the marble tomes. The four guards at each tome used their combined telekinesis to lift two marble slabs into the air; they then gently placed them atop both tomes. Princess Celestia stepped forward, and with her sun-yellow aura, sealed the tops of the tomes. This next part came from the use of the rows of wrought iron lamps. Princess Celestia used her magic to collect the flames from all the lamps, one hundred in all. The flames culminated into a giant fireball that floated towards their position. With a wave of her horn, Celestia willed two streams of flames to shoot forth from the burning sphere. At the front flat surface of the two tomes, the flames etched something into the tomes, slowly, carefully. When the fireball used up its flames the marks were seared into the marble tomes. On Ballista's tome was engraved her cutie mark, and on Broadside's tome his own cutie mark shown proudly like his daughter's. Princess Celestia's horn shined once more, casting a slew of protective wards on the tomes. It was a habit that she started taking two thousands of years ago, though she doubted something like this would occur nowadays, but thousands of years ago, there were ponies known to grave rob such places, especially high profile gravesites like this one. So the Princess took to placing wards on those buried here, so that they're bodies would not be disturbed and their spirits would know peace. The area was dark now, but Luna's full moon shined brightly down upon them, illuminating everything with its soft blue light. Princess Celestia, having completed her wards, turned back to face the crowd of mourners. "Now my little ponies, my sister, Princess Luna, would like to honor these two warriors in her own way. Luna." The Princess of the Night nodded towards her older sister, Princess Celestia took a few steps back and allowed Princess Luna to take center stage. "As you may have noticed my subjects, this isn't exactly a traditional burial. Before any of you were born, when our mother Epona was still with us, our brother, Prince Arion, was the keeper of the stars." Luna raised her hoof towards the sky, indeed it was filled with thousands of twinkling stars. "When I was a little filly, my brother taught me how to move the stars, guiding them by an ethereal energy that only magic and music could bring. There were many he taught me, one of which was a song to create constellations. You see them, not right now, but they are there, constellations that I created to honor the ponies buried here, and tonight will be no different." Princess Luna's horn glowed with her azure aura, the iron lamps ignited once more, but instead of the orange and yellow flames from before, they were filled with a mystifying blue and white flame that released sparkles of light. It washed the area in an eerie, yet beautiful light that only served to make this event more magical. The band took the lighting of the lamps as their cue to play. It was a soft, yet powerful beat, carried upon the wind to the ears of the ponies around, and even to the stars above. The stars seemed to respond to the music, as unknown constellations came into view. Of course, being the scholar that she was, Twilight was mesmerized by this, knowing that there were constellations hidden in the night sky, it was something that one only saw once in a lifetime, and she, along with her friends, the gathered ponies, and the little foal Gale, would never forget. The stars up above started to zip through the night sky, Luna's horn glowed with greater intensity. It was a wondrous sight, the stars themselves were moving to different positions, many hundreds of stars aligning to create two new images in the heavens above. The stars had moved to their places in the sky, each one began to shine brightly, releasing a beam of light that traced out the image, each one connecting to one star after the other tracing out the forms of the ones they were dedicated to. Once the lines were complete the sky shined a brightly as if it were day time. The song had ended, the music faded, the light from the sky dimmed to allow the normal dark of night to take its place. All those gathered gasped at what they saw in the sky. The first constellation was of a pegasus mare, wings flared, standing proudly, with blades on her either side of her forelegs. The second was of a stallion standing on his hind legs, a spear clutched in the crook of his right hoof, gazing out as if searching for any threat that might come to harm their home. The other constellations thrummed with power, and they responded in kind, announcing the welcome of the two newest images in the night sky. And with that, they vanished, seemingly melding into the background, they were still there, watching over the ponies bellow. "Behold…Duos Militum," announced Princess Luna. Spike and Rarity smiled at the sight, the white unicorn used her hoof to rub the side of Gales face, and then she used the same hoof to point towards the sky where newest constellations were. "Look Gale, now your mother and grandfather will always be watching over you," said Rarity, trying to hold back her own tears. The little filly's eyes looked up into the night sky, in awe at the sight. Something happened; it was quick, but noticeable to those who knew what it meant. A twinkle of light flashed in the star that was the constellation Ballista's eye, same was seen in the Broadside constellation, his right star eye twinkling briefly. Gale giggled happily, her mother and grandfather would always be watching over her, whether in the day or in the dark of night, they would always be there, keeping a watchful eye over Equestria, from now until forever. End Third Sign Arc… > Fourth Sign: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Launch! The funeral was over, the wake was dying down, and Equestria's protectors were sequestered in a war room. It was quiet for some time, many of them were still coming to grips with the fact that Ballista and Broadside were dead, and others couldn't get the sight of the constellations out of their minds. It was a bit of sobering thing to see, knowing that one day that their images might be added to the night sky above, watching over the world they called home. One pony in particular was a bit edgy, and angry, since nopony was addressing the elephant in the room, she took it upon herself to do so and break the uncomfortable silence. "So, what are we going to do now," asked Rainbow Dash. Everypony's attention was on the rainbow maned mare, some stared in confusion, other in indignation. "What are you talking about Rainbow Dash," asked Rarity. "I'm talking about what our next move is?" "Next move, how do you mean," asked Scootaloo. "Is everypony that dense!? Our NEXT MOVE, we need to strike back!" Rainbow Dash raised her right hoof and slammed it down upon the round table to emphasize her point. "Pray tell darling, and just how would you suggest that we 'strike back,'" asked Rarity. "We hit them on their own turf of course!" "Don't you think we would've done that already if we did," said Bright Blade. "They appear out of nowhere and fly off into the sky. We know that they're coming at us from somewhere beyond our reach, the question is, where," said Shining Armor. "It could be another plain of existence, or even a parallel world," suggested Princess Cadance. "That's assuming they're even ponies at all." Now the attention shifted towards Spike, his face was grim, as if knowing something, but was hesitant to even recall what he knew. "Well don't keep us in suspense, what to ya mean," asked Apple Bloom. "When…When I was under that Envoy's control, I saw something, just a glimpse. I think what we've seen up till now is not the real them, it felt like it was only a shell that kept the real danger hidden beneath," said Spike shuddering a bit as he recalled his brief connection to the Spirit of Famine. "I agree with Rainbow Dash, we need to fight back," said Pinkie Pie, surprising all inside the room. "Otherwise they'll just keep coming back, and even more ponies will die!" "Pinkie, be reasonable sugarcube. None of us are sayin' that we wouldn't go kick their flanks and stomp them into the dirt, but we just don't know where they are," said Applejack. "Well, what about that 'Book of Doom' thing? Does it say anything," asked Sweetie Belle. "Oh please tell me you didn't bring that horrid thing here," said Rarity. Twilight lit up her horn, levitating said book from her saddle bags. She then placed it in the middle of the table. Everypony stared at it, cautiously, as if expecting it to transform into some terrible monster that would attack them the moment they turned their backs on it. "The book hasn't shown any activity since the most recent incident. I'd like to think it's over, but there still some pages left blank," said Twilight. "That mare, Peina, she said we'd be better off letting her destroy us, because her elder brother was much worse than her," said Fluttershy. "How much worse can it get after this," asked Bright Blade. Responding to his question, the book shined with an eerie light and floated. Everypony jumped back a few feet while Twilight and Shining Armor created a barrier around them all, shielding them from whatever the Book of Doom was planning to do them. The cover of the book flipped open, many pages flapped in the wind generated by its power. Soon it stopped and the light flashed once again. When it was over, the power of the book faded, and the wind died down. Feeling that it was probably safe, the two siblings brought down their shield around their friends. They all trotted carefully to the book and inspected it. On it was a new passage. "And so it came to pass, there was no more life lift to live, the sorrow that befell our land has brought us to our knees, making us beg for the sweet embrace of death. I wandered around my home, once so filled with life, now deathly quiet. That's when I saw him, as if waiting for me. An ash gray robe with the hood covering his face, his wings were as pale as the snow from the mountain tops. There was a dim light shining from beneath his hood. As I approached I asked him 'Are you the one whom I seek?'" "The being before me raised his hands to pull down his hood and he did stare into my eyes, and when I peered back, all I saw was nothing but two pools of darkness. That's when he spoke for the last time, 'Yes, I am who you seek. I am Death.'" The Nomad 99:0 Those last words hit everypony hard, "I am Death." That's what was coming for them next, they've fought a Spirit of War, a Spirit of Pestilence, and a Spirit of Famine, and now they'd have to face a being that was more formidable than any they've faced before. "Death…The Spirit of Death, that's who's coming next," said Fluttershy gasping. "You just had to ask didn't you B," said Rainbow Dash. "We cannot let that thing come to Equestria, there has to be way to fight them, away from everypony," said Bright Blade. "I'm afraid the danger is worse than you might realize." The doors to the war room opened up, through it trotted Princess Celestia and Luna, a stoic expression upon their faces. Formality was forgone considering what the circumstances were. "What do you mean, worse, how –!?" Scootaloo was silenced by Sweetie Belle's hoof, stopping the orange pegasus mare from repeating their friend's phrase and causing something else to occur. "We know what has been plaguing our world, it came to us in a dream," said Celestia. "It would seem that there is a conflict going on that is as old as time itself," said Luna. The gathered ponies let those statements sink into the their minds a little, a conflict as old as time itself, what kind of enemy has been at war with Equestria for that long. "It started in the beginning. There was only light and darkness both chased each other and fought for control, maintaining a balance. There were two beings that wielded the raw power of the light and the darkness. One was our mother, Epona, the goddess of light." "The other is Erebus, the god of darkness. During one of their battles, our mother won, allowing her to create the universe we now live in, with light reigning over all. Erebus did not take kindly to this and vowed he would take control from her. Our mother used her divine power and sealed the beast within a dimension that he could not escape from." "So for millions of years this ancient god has been stuck, sealed away, what does this have to do with the Envoy," asked Princess Cadance. "The Envoy are his creations. The seal has been steadily getting weaker ever since mother trapped him there, he used his power to create those four spirits so that they could enact his will," explained Celestia. "He is also the reason why our brother was corrupted…" Luna stopped for moment; the unpleasant memory of that time was still a sore spot. "Erebus wants vengeance on all equinekind, with our mother dead and unable to fight him, he is free to destroy the one thing she loved, our world and everypony on it," said Luna. They didn't know how much more of this they could take, an ancient god of darkness has a vendetta against their world and was sending the Envoy to destroy it, but thankfully they've been able to repel them. This led Twilight to ask a question that had been on her mind ever since the Wonderbolt's airshow a few months ago. "The power of Centaurus Elementus, it's connected to Epona isn't it? Those forms allow us to wield the divine power they've always possessed, am I correct," asked Twilight. The two sisters nodded in unison. "So my theory was correct, that means we might stand a chance of defeating them, a small chance, but a chance nonetheless!" "And it's because of that sliver of hope that Luna and I created this." Everypony was confused, which allowed the Royal Sisters time to unite their magical energies and envelop all in the room in a swirling sphere of yellow and azure light. The ball expanded and then condensed, and in the next moment the room was empty, no trace was left. It was dark, extremely dark, like you couldn't see a hoof in front of your face dark. There was a lot of groaning and moaning echoing throughout the pitch black of wherever they were. "Ouch, what did I land on," asked Shining Armor. "Me," groaned Princess Cadance. "Wow this place is really,really, really dark, maybe we could throw a Haunted House party here on Nightmare Night," said Pinkie Pie. "Applejack, c'mon, now's not the time to be feeling me up," said Rainbow Dash. "That ain't me Dashie," said Applejack. "To the pony who has their hoof on my flank, you better be Applejack or I'm going to buck you in the face right now," warned Rainbow Dash. "Sorry," squeaked Scootaloo. "I thought you were –!" "Eeep, OUCH! W-W-Who hit me," cried Fluttershy. "Oops, sorry Flutterhy, I thought you were Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle apologized rather quickly. "Wait why did ya think she was Scootaloo," asked Apple Bloom. There was a brief moment of silence. "That's going to require some explaining later, much later," said Bright Blade. "At least I found my Rarity, right honey," asked Spike. "I am not your 'honey' young one," groaned Princess Luna. "Wait then who am I standing next to right now, if this isn't your scales then what is it that I'm touching," asked Rarity. "That would be me, more specifically, my regalia," said Princess Celestia. Twilight's horn glowed in the shadows, illuminating the area. Thankfully for her Bright Blade was hadn't left her side, but the same could not be said for the others now that they could see who it was they were standing next to. Twilight took a look at the floor beneath their hooves; it was made of metal, not the wood floor of the war room they were just in. "Princess just where have you taken us," asked Twilight. "You all spoke of wanting to take the fight to Erebus and his Envoy, we've brought you here so that you may see that which will take you to your battlefield," said Princess Luna. There was a brief flash of light that came from Celesita's and Luna's horns. Suddenly the emptiness was filled with the echoing sounds of clicking. The ponies looked up and watched as rows upon rows of lights flickered on, chasing away the darkness of the room and revealing what was hidden. It was a massive room, made of metal; it almost looked like an airship hangar. There were barrels off to the side, dozens of wires hanging high overhead, connecting to, to, to… "What in the name of Equestria is that!?" Twilight shouted. "That is your vessel," said Celestia plainly. It was a gigantic ship, easily a hundred and fifty miles long, and ninety across. It was platinum colored, having a faint glow, giving the resemblance of starlight. The top of the deck was made of the same material, with a hill-like mound raised at the center, crystal blue glass shined on the mound giving the sense that it could be seen through. Further down a large cylindrical turbine attached by a metal arm to the ship's hull. The ship was streamlined, with several panel blocks that shown at different places. At the bow of the ship there were words written in equish. "Sentinel," said Bright Blade. "What you are seeing is the fruits of eleven years worth of blood sweat and tears. Many ponies from Equestria were ferried here to work on this ship, in secret, sworn to never reveal what they were building," said Princess Luna. "I don't understand, how did you hide such a large ship, this easily outclasses even our dreadnoughts, this is a Super-Dreadnought," said Twilight. "You're right, it is hard to hide such a thing on Equestria, which is why we aren't on Equestria," said Princess Celestia. "Pardon," asked Apple Bloom. The alabaster alicorn nodded towards a window on the adjacent wall. All the ponies rushed towards the window, wanting to know exactly where the Princesses could hide such a magnificent ship. When they reached the window their jaws dropped in disbelief. "You have got to be kidding me," said Rainbow Dash. "If Ah wasn't seein' it right now, Ah wouldn't believe it," said Applejack. "I'm seeing it and I'm still having a hard time believing," said Pinkie Pie. "We're…We're on the moon!" Fluttershy gasped. "We are actually in a sub-dimension within the moon, but close enough," said Luna in a matter-of-fact tone. "This is incredible," said Spike. Bright Blade turned around and faced the Royal Sisters, his expression resembled that of anger, "Wait a minute, eleven years? So you started building this place and that ship not too long after the War of Darkness!?" The sisters nodded. "So you knew that the Envoy were coming to Equestria!?" "Bright Blade," hissed Twilight. "No, it is alright. In truth I did not know why I was to build it, our brother Arion came to me in a dream and told me it was of the utmost importance that Knights of Harmony should have such a vessel, it is only now that the Sentinel's true purpose is known to us," said Luna forlornly. "I don't get it, what did you use to power such a ship, to move something this massive would take a tremendous amount of magical energy, more than what – no disrespect Princesses – you two are capable of," said Twilight. "You're right my faithful student, which is why it is powered by something as old and powerful as the Elements of Harmony, the Fire of Friendship," said Celestia. It was one blow after another, on top of evil spirits, ancient gods of darkness, hidden divine Element powers, and now added was a gargantuan ship powered by the very thing they sang carols about during Hearth's Warming. "Whoa," they all said in unison, for lack of a better word. "This ship will allow you to sail through the vast reaches of space, to the place where Erebus and the Envoy await. Make no mistake my little ponies; this will be the most dangerous journey any of you have ever been on. You will be far from any help that we can provide, traveling through space itself. This is not a decision to take lightly, if nothing else, this ship will act as an Ark to save who we can, should you decide not to go, so either way the choice is yours," said Princess Luna. This was a monumental endeavor, on the one hoof; the Knights could board the ship and traverse the vast reaches of space, all to go fight an evil that has practically existed since the dawn of time. There was only one decision for them to make. ***1 Week Later*** The hangar was abuzz with activity; many workers were moving around, doing final safety checks on the Sentinel. Thousands of ponies each one checking from the bow to the stern of the ship, welding shut any hole that could cause the mighty ship to break apart. Inside, the technicians were making sure the bridge systems were operating at optimal levels. In the engine room, mages and workponies did everything to insure that the container for the Fire of Friendship was intact. One week to prepare the ship, one week to train the Knight's of Harmony about the ship, and one week to round up any loose ends. The family and friends of the Knights were gathered in a waiting room that overlooked the Sentinel. Each had broken off into their own group in order to say their goodbyes; needless to say, it was met with some reluctance and sadness. "But why can't me and the girls come with y'all!? We may not have them fancy new powers, but we're still the Valkyries! We can help," said Apple Bloom. "Yeah, besides, what if something happens like at Calamity's Fall, you'll need us to give you a hoof if it turns out like that," said Scootaloo. "Sugarcube, it's because you and your friends have your Valkyrie powers is the reason why ya gotta stay behind, Equestria has the Princesses, but they can't protect it all on their own. That's why you three and Spike are our last line of defense," said Applejack. "And besides, with this Centaurus power, we can beat those Envoy guys and this Erebus guy easily, it won't even take ten seconds, so don't worry squirt," said Rainbow Dash as she ruffled Scootaloo's mane. The two mares weren't entirely convinced, but they did make some points, so they reluctantly nodded, agreeing with their reasons for them to stay. "Do you…do you guys really have to go, I mean…what if, what if something bad happens," asked Clay, worried about his mothers' wellbeing. "What, you don't think your moms can win," asked Rainbow Dash cockily. She was met with silence from the young colt. Rainbow put a hoof under his chin, raising his head to meet her rose colored eyes. "Look, we're coming back, there's no way we're going to die so soon after becoming a family, you got that?" Clay still didn't want either of them to go, but he knew that his mothers were two of the strongest mares in Equestria, if nothing else; he was comforted by the fact that they would watch each other's backs. "I'll miss you two," he said. The two mares brought their son close to them and gave him a tight hug, as if it would be their last. Applejack looked to Granny Smith who was watching both her grandchildren go through their goodbyes with a heavy heart. On the other side, Fluttershy was saying her goodbyes to her two children as well as her husband. Big Macintosh really didn't like this at all, but he'd been through the war along with his wife, and he knew that this was something beyond his power to help her with. Spring Day had her forelegs draped around her mother's neck crying into her shoulder, while Fluttershy stroked her mane and made comforting cooing sounds to her daughter. "Shh, shh, it's okay honey, I'll be okay," said Fluttershy. "B-B-But you'll be so far away! A-A-And what i-if you don't come back," cried Spring Day. "Now listen, when has your mother ever broken a promise to either of you. Yes I will be going far away, but I'll have my friends with me, your aunts and uncle, so don't worry alright?" Spring Day released her mother and stood before the pegasus mare, Fluttershy used her wing to gently wipe a tear from her daughters eye, causing her to smile. Swift Hummer on the other hand was a little different, he had been sitting on his haunches, forelegs crossed, with his back turned his mother. Fluttershy knew the headstrong colt wasn't angry, he was just as scared as his sister, but he wasn't as forthcoming when showing such emotions. Instead, Fluttershy trotted over to her son, she then sat beside him, draping a protective wing over his shoulders. The young colt pretended to struggle against the embrace, but eventually gave up and allowed her to bring him close. "Swift, take care of your sister, okay." "She's a big filly she can take of herself," said Swift Hummer. "You know what I mean, she may be your big sister, but you're her brother, and she'll need you and your dad more now than ever," said Fluttershy. "Why can't you guys just stay here instead of flying off into space, huh? You're like, super powerful, can't you fight those bad guys here!?" "Believe me, there's nothing I'd rather do than stay here with you and your sister, but if my friends and I don't go it'll put everypony in danger, do you understand," asked Fluttershy. "Yes, but that doesn't mean I have to like!" "I know." She leaned down and kissed her son gently on the forehead, before she rose up; the young colt wrapped his forelegs around her left, as if holding her down with all his strength. Fluttershy just wrapped her tighter around Swift, and held him there. While this was going on there was another little bit of drama going on over where Pinkie Pie and the Cake twins were. For some reason Twist was lying unconscious on the floor, with a funny look on her face. "You think I might've overdone it," asked Pinkie Pie. "Nah, she'll wake up in a minute, I think," said Pumpkin. "So…you two don't think it's weird that I'm…going to date Twist?" "No way, it's awesome! We like Aunt Twist, or, maybe we should call her Momma Twist, huh Momma Pinkie Pie," asked Pound with a devilish grin. The insinuation was not lost on Pinkie, as her pink coat did nothing to hide her blushing face as she rubbed the back of her hoof in a nervous gesture. She then stopped her action, shook her head, and stood firm with a confident stare. "Now Pound Cake don't tease your Momma Pinkie, besides, I said date, I didn't say anything about marrying Twist." "So then why did you just kiss her," asked Pumpkin wiggling her eyebrows. Yet another blush hit Pinkie Pie. "We'll see," she said simply. Twist began to stir from her unconscious state, raising her head and getting back on all four hooves. "Oh wow, I had a crazy dream just now. I-I dreamt you kissed me Pinkie and said you wanted to be marefriends," said Twist chuckling at the absurdity of her dream. "It wasn't a dream, I really did just kiss you and said I wanted to be marefriends, but then you froze up and fell over with a kind of Ka-thud," said Pinkie mimicking the sound Twist made when she impacted the floor. "B-B-But why!? I mean – don't get me wrong Miss Pinkie – I-I really like you, I mean I really like like you! But why are you asking me now…?" Twist was overjoyed that the mare she was infatuated with had the same feelings as she did, however the timing of such news put a damper on her wanting to be overly overjoyed. "Because…I don't want to leave anything unsaid, or not do anything that I never got to do, especially with what's happened in the past few days…I don't plan on not coming back, but when I do, I want to come back to not just my Cake twins and friend, but…to my marefriend and children…" Pumpkin, Pound, and Twist enveloped Pinkie Pie in a vice of a group hug, Twist let go just enough so that her muzzle was close to Pinkie's. She then gave the party pony a kiss on the cheek and smiled at her. "We'll be waiting with smiles." Rarity was holding Gale her forelegs, gently rocking the cradled foal back and forth, looking down upon her sleeping face. Spike and Sweetie Belle were standing just a foot away, watching Rarity. "It's funny, for years I didn't think I was ready to be a mother, but now it feels natural, as if I was always meant to be one," said Rarity. "I always told you you'd make a great mom, Ballista believed you would too," said Spike. Rarity let out a sigh; she wrapped Gale in her telekinetic aura, not losing the rhythm of her rocking as she passed the foal over to Sweetie Belle, who then took her into her telekinetic embrace, not missing a beat of the rocking motion. "I know I'm asking a lot of you Sweetie, but I just feel better knowing that Spike and Gale won't be alone," said Rarity. "Don't worry about it, you know I'm always happy to help you out," said Sweetie Belle. "There's something I want to ask you before I'm off to fight a dark god and all Tartarus breaks loose." "Yes?" "You have a thing for Scootaloo don't you," asked the fashionista. Sweetie Belle almost lost the rhythm of her telekinetic rocking; as her eyes went wide and her cheeks went red, her white coat not helping the matter. "Heh, I knew it," said Spike. "H-How did you…I never told anypony, we haven't even told Apple Bloom yet!?" "I didn't know darling, you just told me now," she said slyly. Sweetie Belle brought up her right hoof and smacked herself square in the forehead loud enough for it resonate within the room. Spike had to stifle a laugh; he saw that coming a mile away. "Don't worry about it Sweetie, I'm happy for you." "I knew you wouldn't be upset, I mean, you weren't upset when you knew Rainbow Dash and Applejack liked each other. I was just worried…" "Perish the thought little sister, I'm married to a dragon for pony's sake, why would I have any cause to disapprove of your choice in romantic partners." Spike placed a comforting claw on his sister-in-law's shoulder, "You really should tell Apple Bloom about you two. You guys are best friends, and she'd want to know as soon as possible, just saying." "I will." "Spike, look after Gale and Sweetie, I'll be counting the days till I return to you," she said. "Same to you." Spike and Rarity hugged each other tightly; she then leaned up and whispered something into his ear. Whatever was said made the dragon gasp in surprise and then smile widely. At another part of the room Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and Trixie were saying their goodbyes to Twilight and Bright Blade. "You better return Twilight Sparkle, friends though we are now, I still wish to challenge you to a proper duel one day," said Trixie haughtily. "What she's really saying is that she cares about you and will miss you," said Cadance, acting as translator. "I'll miss you too Trixie," said Twilight sincerely. The azure mare had a pink tent to her cheeks but nodded in appreciation that she would be missed. "You better look after her Bright, I'm counting on you to bring her back home," said Shining Armor. "You don't have to worry about that, I'll cut down anything that dares to even try and hurt her." Shining and Bright did a hoof bump to seal the deal between the stallions. Soon the PA system turned on overhead, gaining the attention of the ponies in the room. [Attention, attention, Sentinel launch will commence in T-Minus ten minutes, all personnel make your final checks and report to the control room ASAP. Knights of Harmony, please report to bridge and prepare for takeoff.] This is it, they thought at the same time. The Princesses along with the friends and relatives of the Knights were standing in the control room of the lunar base. Magical screens hung from the ceiling, giving them a glimpse at both the inside of the hangar, and outside the lunar surface. Stallions and mares were checking the readouts of the ship, and talking into their Iris Callers, directing the last of the workers, and making the final preparations. "Status report," ordered Princess Luna. "All engineers have confirmed Sentinel hull and internal systems are functioning normally." "What of the Knights of Harmony," asked Princess Celestia. "All seven Knights are locked in and at their stations." "The hangar is clear of debris and personnel, we are a go." Princess Celestia nodded; she then pressed the crystal on her Iris Caller, activating her link to the bridge of the Sentinel along with Luna. "This is Princess Celestia to Sentinel bridge, do you copy?" [This is Twilight; we read you loud and clear, ready to go Princess.] "Remember Twilight, the engines may be powered by the Fire of Friendship, but it will take the friendship of all seven of you to fuel it. Also, your weapons systems are linked to each of your individual traits, trust your instincts, in the Sentinel, and you'll be fine," said Princess Luna. [Roger!] said the seven in unison. "Luna, open the way," said Princess Celestia. "Ask and ye shall receive," said Princes Luna. The Princess of the Night's horn shined within the control room, in the hangar, in front of the Sentinel, a giant magic circle appeared which bared Luna's cutie mark at its center. The circle spun around rapidly till the center exploded towards the ship and then imploded back away from it. Outside, in the darkness of space, the side of the moon had a large geyser of blue energy blast out into space. When it stopped there was a hole in the moon, held open by a ring of azure mana energy. "SENTINEL LAUNCH," ordered the Royal Sisters. The engines of the ship roared to life, producing purple flames resembling that of the Fire of Friendship. The metallic arms that were holding the massive ship in place released their burden, allowing the zero gravity environment to lift the Sentinel and allow its engines to propel it out of the hangar. Slowly but surely the super-dreadnought flew out, first the bow, and then the bridge, and finally the stern. The engines on either side of the ship extended out, on the giant turbines three wings flared out, for a total of six. This was the ship that would carry them to their final battle, to their destiny. This was the Sentinel! Inside the bridge the Knight's of Harmony stared in awe as their ship floated in space. Different consoles were placed on the bridge, controlled by a single Knight each. Rainbow Dash's console was set at the front of the bridge; it looked more akin to navigators, the glass screen before her showing the location of every star in their quadrant, as well as their current location. There were two panels on either side of the screen, both with a depression to fit her hoof. Applejack and Fluttershy were set up on the left side of room; their screens gave readouts of the ship's hull, as well as two panels for their hooves as well. Rarity was on the right side; her screen displayed the internal status of the ship, displaying readouts of the outputs of different things that were going on in the ship. Pinkie Pie, like Fluttershy, was set up next to her. Pinkie's screen displayed like a targeting system. Twilight and Bright Blade were set up at the back, with Twilight at the primary console and Bright at the secondary console set up below her. Their screens jointly showed the more technical aspects of the ship, systems status, and every other miscellaneous thing. At the center of the room floated the Book of Doom, it was suspended between two devices, one on the ceiling and one on the floor, creating antigravity field to hold it in place. "Alright everypony how's it look?" Twilight asked. "Fire of Friendship is burning hot Twi, we have full power," said Bright. "All airlocks are sealed and oxygen supplies are high," reported Fluttershy. "Nothing on the, uh, what did they call this thing again? Oh right radar, nothing on the radar," said Rarity. "The hull's good too, no damage to report," said Applejack. "So where do we go from here Twi," asked Rainbow Dash. Suddenly thunder rumbled loudly outside, which was impossible seeing as how they were floating in the middle of space. The stars around them started to blink out one by one. "What's happening to the stars," asked Pinkie Pie. "I don't think anything's happening to them, look," said Bright. Indeed nothing was happening to the stars, but something was there, a giant shadow made of darkness so black that it easily visible against the backdrop of space. Two large red eyes peered from inside it, staring down the Sentinel. "Foolish little creatures, spawn of Epona, are you truly that eager to meet your demise? No matter what you do you cannot stop what is to come, give up now and you're demise will be swift and painless…" The darkness engulfed the ship, blacking out the universe around them, and leaving the Knights staring at the only sources of light, the two giant gleaming red eyes. They were scared by what they saw, the god of darkness was staring them down in the middle of their flight, but they couldn't be stopped now. Twilight's eyes narrowed as she and the others stared back at the eyes of the great evil before them. "We won't be swayed Erebus…Knights of Harmony…BATTLE STATIONS!" Twilight ordered. "Activating Maelstrom!" Bright Blade placed his hoof on the panel and pushed down on it. Outside. the bow of the ship opened up, revealing a large cannon primed and ready to fire. "MPC's are out!" "Adamant Launchers are loaded!" Pinkie and Rarity did the same as Bright, placing her hoof into the slot and pressing down on it. On the port and starboard sides of the ship, rows of metal hemispheres popped out, each with a cannon barrel attached, about three hundred in all. Below the cannons panels opened up, crystal spikes jetted out. "All weapons are deployed," said Bright Blade. "FIRE!!!" Outside the ponies gathered in the control room watched in horror as a giant black cloud engulfed the Sentinel ship. Suddenly something happened, different colored explosions started to go off one after the other. They started to appear at much greater frequency and size, till, in one great burst, the cloud of darkness was blown away. Beams of crackling, multicolored light, and a monstrous cannon that was spouting a golden ray of energy from the bow of the ship, all firing different directions, destroying the cloud of darkness. The ponies in the control room cheered and shouted in joy of the Sentinel's triumph. Inside the mighty ship, the Knights breathed a sigh of relief overjoyed that their vessel had fought off the dangerous shadow that almost overtook them. "What do you think that was," asked Fluttershy. "Probably Erebus' way of scaring us into not coming," said Twilight. "What a scaredy-cat, thinking something like that would stop us! Twi, what's our heading so we can kick this guy's butt," asked Rainbow Dash. Twilight giggled at Rainbow's boldness, the unicorn captain began running the calculations on her display, placing her hoof into the slot, letting her thoughts become one with the ship. The Book of Doom began in the center of the room swiveled in place for a moment, and then a compass appeared around it, with an arrow pointing to the left. "Bearing, eight-hundred degrees portside, jump angle set at minus twenty-five!" "Got it!" Rainbow placed her hoof into the right slot. The feeding her thoughts into it, making it move by her will, the Sentinel angled itself to the left and primed its engines in anticipation. "We're ready, let's light the furnace!" All the Knights of Harmony placed their hooves into the left slot and pushed down upon it, their Elements glowed, and their screens changed showing a gauge that was quickly filling up. When the gauge hit the top they all at the same time pushed down on the slot, upon the screen a word in equish popped up saying [FOF at maximum.] "SENTINEL, TAKE OFF!!!" The engines bellowed out the powerful purple flames of the Fire of Friendship, the six wings started to gather all ambient light and energy around them, making the wings glow an iridescent aurora of colors. Combined with the power of the wings and flames, the Sentinel flew off at a rapid speed into the distant expanse of space, leaving behind a trail of glittering light and sparkling purple flames in its wake. And so, the journey to the final battle had begun. The successful flight of the warship, super-dreadnought class, Sentinel has gone off smoothly. Now the Knights of Harmony are on their way to face their greatest foe, one that was stars away, what awaited them was unclear, but one thing was for sure. The future of the universe and all life rested on their shoulders! Go forth brave Knights and clear a path through the shadows to a bright and glorious tomorrow! More in Part 2 of the Fourth Sign Arc! > Fourth Sign: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Lies Ahead ***Day 1*** It had been nearly twenty four hours since the launch of the Sentinel, and so far all was quiet. The stars and planets passed by their gargantuan vessel in a blur, they were going fast, although it didn't feel like it, they were bypassing all the known and unknown planets as if they were just a mere stone's throw away. Currently Twilight had called a war meeting to update her fellow Knights on their situation and destination. There was a large table in the center of the room. The surface of which was crystal clear, which looked similar to their displays on the bridge. Twilight lit up her horn and immediately the screen glowed. It shined for a few seconds before projecting a holographic image of the Sentinel and the stars around them. Needless to say, it was impressive to all, even Twilight. "Okay, this is us," Twilight picked up a metal pointer with her telekinesis and tapped the image of the Sentinel. "With the help of the mage society and engineers, we were able to create a sort of makeshift interface for the Book of Doom. Somehow this book is linked to the recent happenings that have plagued our world." "So we're usin' that book to help us find where the Envoy and Erebus are hidin', right," asked Applejack. "Yes, based on our current heading, and after doing some serious number crunching, we'll arrive at our destination in less than a week." "A week! Damn Twi, I knew we were going fast, but not that fast! You sure this ship will get us there in that time," asked Rainbow Dash astonished. "Very sure, believe me, you aren't the only one who's blown away," chuckled Twilight. "They know we're coming, if that shadow thing from when we left means anything then they're definitely anticipating our arrival," said Bright Blade. "So much for the element of surprise, guess we'll just have to rush in and hit them with everything we've got, guns blazing and all that," said Rarity. "Oooh, does that mean I get lead the attack, cause I wouldn't mind, I got plenty of guns," said Pinkie Pie. "Just a figure of speech darling," corrected Rarity. Twilight sighed, "Anyway, we don't know what we'll be facing once we get there, so I suggest everypony take the time to train and get acquainted with their Centaurus powers. That's all I have for now, we can keep the ship on autopilot for now, but I'd like for some of us to maintain a presence on the bridge at all times in case something goes wrong. Till I can work out a shift schedule, I'll take first watch; anypony who wants to volunteer after me can come to the bridge in three hours. Dismissed." With that the grouped dispersed into the ship, there was still a lot to explore about their Sentinel, it was massive. Certainly it could hold a good number of the populous within it. It came with all the modern accommodations, a war room for starters. A giant gymnasium to train and keep in shape, a large mess hall, with automatic food servers, built in Garden Park with a view of space. Even multiple living quarters, the main ones were kept close to the bridge, so there wouldn't be that much a mad scramble to reach it. Many decided to head towards the gymnasium to hone their Centaurus Elementus powers, and hone they did. The entire place looked like a battlefield; it was about the size of five hoofball fields, a high ceiling and plenty of wide open space to maneuver in. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were in their Centaurus forms. RD was flying overhead, launching wave after wave of prismatic wind. Applejack countered her attacks by firing energy blasts with every punch she threw. The two of them would sometimes break off their long range attacks and go for close combat. Every impact shook the inside of the room with great force. "Heh, that all you got Applesnack," chided Rainbow Dash. "Please, Ah ain't even warmed up yet Rainbow Crash," countered Applejack. The two were on the ground now, assuming a fighting stance. Applejack kept her arms in and her fists balled. She remembered seeing boxers a while back using such a technique, she had to hand it to them, throwing punches with your forelegs was hard enough, but having to balance on your hind legs while somepony was throwing punches at you, that took real coordination. Luckily for her, she had arms, and four legs to stand on, so she could keep the majority of her attention focused on movement and striking. Rainbow Dash stared down her wife, arms stretched out to her sides. The crystal wing blades kept a spiraling wind of multicolored air around her arms, ready to be launched at any time. She had to admit, fighting in this form was pretty awesome, she felt freer, and all her previous limits in flight were gone. Which made sense seeing as her body was made of pure energy now. The Centaurus Elementus allowed them new avenues of combat that she didn't even know existed, not to mention, it made Applejack look surprisingly hotter to stare at. "Are ya goin' to just keep starin' at me or are ya goin' to fight," asked Applejack playfully. "That depends on you, whenever you stop checking me out, I'll stop," said Rainbow Dash. They could both sensed the other smirking. Even though their faces were made of energy, they could sense when the other was making a facial expression. The two centaur mares shifted around, waiting for the slightest hint that their opponent would attack. Applejack saw a glimmer in Rainbow Dash's eyes; the Knight of Honesty sprinted forward. Rainbow Dash saw this and flapped her wings, propelling her towards Applejack. Applejack threw a straight right punch; Rainbow Dash went with a flat palm strike with her left hand. The two attacks met in the center, causing a shockwave of orange and spectra energy clash against each other. The powers grinded, roared, and bellowed. AJ's green eyes shimmered with power, as too did RD's rose colored eyes. Suddenly the two opposing powers reached a breaking point and exploded in a blinding flash of light. When it faded, both mares were returned to their normal Elemental Armor. Soon their armor shimmered away, returning to their necklace forms. Both mares' right and left hooves held at the center, staring at each other intensely as they continued to stand on their hind legs. After a minute they returned to standing on three hooves, keeping contact with opposite hoof of the other. Applejack grasped Rainbow's hoof and brought her in for a passionate kiss. The cyan pegasus did little to resist her wife. When they separated, the two leaned their foreheads on one another. "Cheater," said Rainbow Dash. "Ah don't remember either one of us sayin' that kissin' wasn't allowed," said Applejack. ***Day 2**** Things were going smoothly, Twilight had figured out a rotating shift schedule so as to allow everypony to get some sleep while they weren't active and moving about on the Sentinel. Currently in the gymnasium, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity were working on a new strategy for combating the Envoy. One that utilized Rarity's Tri-Diamonds, Fluttershy's Spirit Beasts, and Pinkie's Merry-Go-Rounds, after a few hours of practicing and going over different maneuvers the three mares decided to take a break and head to the mess hall. The food line was good today, well, it was always good considering that the ship only had seven occupants. The automated food server in the kitchen was actually a magical food processor. The kitchen had been fully stocked with all manner of ingredients, spices, and foodstuffs. They only had to speak into the microphone near the line and the food would be generated and placed on a tray for them to eat. Once all three of them had gotten their food, they made their way to a table near the window. As they ate the trio of mares looked out the window. During their journey they've seen beautiful nebulas, and quasars, even newborn stars and red giants. All the things they had learned about space in school was now on display for them to see. "Beautiful isn't it, my designs don't do it justice," said Rarity. "I think you captured the essence of space really well," said Fluttershy. "Yes, but now I can't go back and redo them, seeing all this has greatly inspired me and allowed me to think of new ways to make my latest line even better, but now it has been seen, nothing to do about it now." "I wish the twins could see this, they'd be totally excited," said Pinkie Pie. "You know, once this is all over, do you think the Princesses will allow the Sentinel to be like a tour ship you know, 'Come one, come all, join us on the good ship Sentinel and see the wonders of the galaxy!'" Both Rarity and Fluttershy chuckled at Pinkie's proposal. Though it wasn't a bad idea as far as they were concerned. Not much need for a giant warship once the war was over, a tourist attraction would make good use of it. As they went on about how they could bring up such a proposal to the Princesses the three of them couldn't help but notice Twilight getting food at the kitchen. She was nose deep in her notes and was barely paying any attention to where they were. They thought it best not to disturb her; in that state of mind they'd have to threaten to destroy a book in order to snap her out of it. Fluttershy couldn't help but notice something peculiar. On Twilight's food tray, was an assortment of food that looked, well, it looked weird. There were hay fries dipped in chocolate sauce, a daisy and daffodil sandwich with slices of lemon in it, and a couple slices of pizza with hot sauce dripped all over it. And Twilight couldn't even handle spicy stuff to begin with. Once her tray was out, Twilight took it into her telekinetic aura and trotted off out of the mess hall. Rarity and Pinkie Pie saw that Fluttershy was staring at Twilight with knowing look as she rubbed her chin. "Fluttershy, darling, is there something wrong," asked Rarity. "Hmm – What – Oh nothing's wrong, nothing at all!" "So why were you staring at Twilight," asked Pinkie Pie. "Staring, I wasn't staring!?" "I'm afraid you were darling, rather intently I might add." "Fluttershy, I know Twilight has a great flank, but you can't be staring at her like that, she's with Bright Blade and you're married to Big Mac," scolded Pinkie Pie. Both the white unicorn and cream colored pegasus just stared at Pinkie Pie as she ate her food, acting as if she didn't even say anything weird at all. "Excuse me, what did you say Pinkie?" "What, I said it wasn't right to –" "Yes, yes, not that part, the part about Twilight," said Rarity. "Oh you mean about Twilight's flank being great eye candy?" Fluttershy and Rarity couldn't help their left eyes twitching in unison. "Ooookaaaaaayyyyy…Well then, ahem, our friend's attractive features aside, there's no denying you were staring at her Fluttershy," said Rarity. Oh please I don't know if I'm ready to find out that another of my friends is a closet fillyfooler, thought Rarity. "Well…" Fluttershy was twiddling her forehooves nervously, not sure if she should even say anything for fear of a backlash from the lavender mare. In the end she sighed heavily and resolved to tell them of her observations. "Okay, I'll tell you, but just so you know I'm only guessing, I'm not sure alright!" Rarity and Pinkie nodded in confirmation. "I think Twilight might be pregnant." The two mares' jaws nearly went through the floor. That was a bigger bombshell than they were expecting from Fluttershy. "F-Fluttershy how did you arrive at such a conclusion, s-she's not even showing," said Rarity. "I didn't need to see a bulge to know, all I needed to see was her food tray. The foods she had on there were almost exactly like the things I ate when I was pregnant with Swift and Spring, also…" "Also," inquired Pinkie. "Bright Blade did mention to me that Twilight was feeling sick during the time we spent in Manelan, throwing up in the mornings and sometimes in the afternoons. Again, I'm only speculating." Flutteshy said. This was unexpected. Twilight hadn't said anything to them, and yet she took on this dangerous mission knowing she was pregnant, with a developing foal. "When you spoke to Bright, did he seem like he knew," asked Rarity. "Not that I could tell, from the way he talked about it, he thought Twilight had some sort of bad stomach virus," said Fluttershy. "Well that's weird, why wouldn't she tell him? This is super-terrific news," said Pinkie Pie. "Well, I have nothing if not free time to kill. Perhaps I could find out," said Rarity as she took a sip of her cider. ***Day 3*** Twilight was lying on the soft green grass, looking up at the millions of stars through the observation window above her. So many stars, so many planets, Twilight always knew that their world couldn't be the only one in existence in the vastness that was space, just one world couldn't hold all the power of magic, just like the Mana Network, everything was connected. No doubt the universe outside that glass barrier was even grander and more powerful than she could possibly imagine. Tapping into the very power of the universe, what could one do if that were possible, pondered Twilight. Could I bend the laws of physics, break them, rewrite them even? Although…if I did tap into that much raw mana at once, would it overtake me, swallow my soul and essence? Would my mind become one with everything leaving my body an empty shell…? "Twilight…?" Maybe I'm over thinking it, there's no way I could tap into that much power. The only other time would be when I'm consumed with rage…I hate that form. All that power and I'm reduced to wanting to do nothing but destroy… "Twilight..?" Then again if I could somehow master my rage I could wield its power more efficiently! But how would I go about it, maybe I could –! "TWILIGHT!" The lavender mare was snapped out of her internal dialogue and back to reality. She looked up and saw that Rarity was standing to her left looking down at her and tapping her right hoof impatiently. "Rarity, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked. "Well, I saw you come in and I thought to myself, 'I really haven't spent any time in here,' so I just decided to come and join you. If that's alright with you darling," asked Rarity. "Not at all," said Twilight, patting the empty space next to her. Rarity tucked her forelegs under and laid down on the grass the same as Twilight, both unicorn mares staring out into the galactic expanse that was before them. Twilight saw, out of the corner of her eye, that Rarity would sneak glances at her belly from time to time. She didn't think anything of it; Rarity was often sizing them up, jotting down mental notes of each pony's measurements. Twilight didn't mind it, but it often made her feel like she was probably gaining weight or getting a little to pudgy. Although, when the white unicorn mare poked a hoof at Twilight's side, that's when she started to get a little edgy, and why was she even poking her side to begin with. "Rarity, is there any particular reason why you're touching my side," asked Twilight trying to hide her annoyance. "Twilight dear, I'm not one for roundabout wordplay, especially when it comes to a friend, so I'm just going to ask you point blank," said Rarity in a serious tone. "O-Okay," said Twilight, feeling a little bit nervous. "Twilight Sparkle, are you pregnant?" The magical mare's eyes went wide as saucers; she jumped up to her hooves and jerked her neck back and forth, looking for anypony who might've overheard her. She then took Rarity's face into her hooves and brought it close to her face. "Who told you, how did you find out, did you tell anypony else, does Bright know, you didn't tell him anything did you, do the others know!?" Rarity used her hooves to gently grasp Twilight's, bringing them down off her face. "First of all, darling: don't touch my face like that again. Secondly: don't touch my face like that again, and third: nopony else knows. Flutteshy might and Pinkie Pie, although really it's just a hunch on Fluttershy's part," answered Rarity. "So…so you're the only who knows, for sure!?" "Well with the reaction you just gave me I am." Twilight released the tension her forelegs and slumped back down onto the ground. "Twilight how far along are you?" Twilight looked up into the concerned eyes of her friend. "Right now…at least four weeks along…" "And the father, it's Bright Blade?" "Of course he's the father!" Twilight snapped. Rarity brought up her forehooves up in a defensive fashion. "Calm down darling I was only asking." Twilight cast her eyes downward, ashamed at how she reacted. "I'm sorry, I'm just… a little on edge right now." "Why haven't you told Bright Blade of the good news yet, I'm sure he'd be happy know he's going to be a father," said Rarity. "Because he doesn't need that kind of distraction, if he's too busy worrying about me, he can't fight at his full strength…" "And so the best solution is to keep it secret and only let yourself worry about your unborn child?" "It's not the best solution, but it is a temporary one," confessed Twilight. Rarity placed her right hoof on the bridge of her nose and shook her head back and forth, she loved her friend dearly, but sometimes Twilight's logic was a little off on some subjects. "Well, do you know if it's a colt or a filly," asked Rarity. "I haven't gone to the doctor to check yet, but…I can tell, it's going to be a colt," said Twilight. "How do you know?" "I just do, well that, and the Reality Window spell I cast eleven years ago said we'd have a colt and a filly, and the colt looked a bit older than the filly so –" "Hold on, you've seen them!? And what's this about a Reality Window spell!?" Twilight blushed embarrassingly, she then began telling Rarity about the time she cast the spell eleven years ago. During the time when Bright Blade was changing between alicorn and earth pony, she had cast the spell for fun, not knowing that the young colt had feelings for her, nor did she know that her feelings towards him were slowly developing towards romantic. When Twilight was done, Rarity just sat there, mouth agape. "Rarity?" "Y-Yes darling, I'm alright. So, from the sounds of this spell it appears that we all survive this little endeavor," said Rarity, feeling reassured that they would be victorious. "The spell is more like fortunetelling than an actual spell to see the future, it doesn't definitively mean we'll succeed," said Twilight solemnly. "I envy you, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash," said Rarity, staring off wistfully into the distance. "What do you mean," asked Twilight. "You four have each other's special somepony; mine, Fluttershy's, and Pinkie's await us back on Equestria. And I'm also a little jealous that you got pregnant before me," Rarity jabbed Twilight in the shoulder. "Just when I decided to finally have foals with Spike you go and beat me to the punch." Twilight and Rarity shared a laugh at that, but Twilight's expression changed from amused to serious rather quickly. "Wait a minute, what do you mean 'have foals with Spike?'" "It's just as I said darling, I don't need to go into greater detail do I," asked Rarity. "NO! No, it's just, sometimes I keep thinking of him as my baby dragon, rather than what he is now, a strong, mature, and powerful drake. And you got to admit, it's a little disconcerting to hear my best friend talking about doing…those things…with somepony I've raised since he hatched," said Twilight. Rarity let out a very ladylike chuckle, "Well I could just as easily say the same thing about you darling, seeing as how Bright Blade is a bit younger than you, despite your young appearance." "Ugh, please, I don't need to hear another joke about my age gap with him! I get enough of that with Luna and Celestia during our afternoon tea sessions," groaned Twilight. "And don't even get me started with Cadance! She's the worst of them all, calling me a 'cougar!' I don't even know what she's referring to, cougars are an extinct predator species, how does that even relate to me!?" Rarity had to turn away to hide her reddening cheeks as she tried to stifle her laughter. A 'cougar', oh Princess Cadance we so have to meet more often! "Rarity Unicorn are you laughing at me!?" "Not *snicker* at all *snicker* darling." Rarity's lips were rippling on the verge of full blown laughing fit. "You realize I'll teleport you to the nearest airlock and jettison you into the cold, airless, recesses of space, right?" Twilight warned. Twilight's threat did not seem to faze the fashionista in the slightest, as she couldn't hold it in any longer and broke out a full laughing fit, rolling on her back, holding her sides. Twilight wore a deadpan expression as she watched the spectacle before her, seriously considering letting this mare float in the cold nothingness of space. In space, no one can hear you laugh, or so the theory states. Now might be a perfect time to test it. After thinking over the action for a few seconds Twilight came to a conclusion. No, Spike will tear apart all of Equestria if he found out I threw Rarity off the ship. Oh well. "Ha, ha, yes it's funny," deadpanned Twilight. Rarity finally seemed to calm down long enough to take in air. After regaining her composure and wiping the tears from her eyes, Rarity faced her now peeved friend. "I'm sorry Twilight, truly I am. Please forgive me." "I'd forgive you if you told me what it means to be called a 'cougar,'" said Twilight. "Are you sure you want to know," asked Rarity. "Yes." "Really sure?" "Yes!" "Absolutely sure?" "Rarity!" "Alright come here then," said Rarity motioning with her hoof. Twilight huffed in annoyance and lent her friend an ear. Rarity leaned in and whispered into her ear. Twilight's expressions varied over the course of the explanation, from confused, to intrigued, to surprise, and finally to shock. Without a moments warning Twilight teleported away from Rarity, leaving her friend lying on the grass alone, with a devilish grin upon her face. "I asked if you were sure~" said Rarity in a singsong like voice. "Really Twilight dear you can simply adorkable sometimes." Purple energy flashed before Rarity, with Twilight standing in the same spot as when she left. "I am not ADORKABLE!" Twilight then teleported away, yet again, leaving Rarity alone and on the verge of another full out laughing fit. Bright Blade was on duty, gazing out the window of the bridge as the stars and planets passed them by. His thoughts were serious as he went over the events that have passed. Bright cursed himself, he felt weak, and useless. His eyes lowered and now rested on the Element of Hope that rested around his neck, a trace of a scowl appearing upon his face. You created me to be your instrument to save others and give them hope, Epona grants me a flesh and blood body and I can't even protect my friends! I've put them in danger and now a little foal will grow up without her mother! I did better when I was a construct! Maybe I should've stayed like that…! Bright Blade felt a stinging sensation in his heart when he said those words. They carried a dual weight. The alicorn stallion thought that with his new lease on life he could do better, but the loss of Broadside and Ballista hit him harder than he let on, they were his friends and he couldn't even get to them to fight against the Envoy, what's more, he was weaker than them, not having the power of Centaurus Elemnetus. Bright Blade didn't want to rely on that power, he knew why, but he couldn't let Twilight find out or the others. No…Xiaon will be strong enough, and with my armor it'll only make it stronger, I don't care if I have to –! At that moment Twilight appeared in a flash of purple light on the bridge of the Sentinel, Bright sensed her arrival as the golden alicorn turned to look in her direction, thankful for the distraction from his depressing inner thoughts. "Twilight what's up, you're shift doesn't start for another six hours, you feeling alright," asked Bright Blade. "Oh, uh, nothing – I just wanted to come up and keep you company is all," said Twilight. Bright was skeptical about her reason, but decided to let it slide nonetheless. "Well why don't you come stand next to me." Twilight seemed somewhat embarrassed about something as she trotted over to Bright's right side. The golden alicorn stallion flexed out his wing and draped it over Twilight, bringing his marefriend closer to him. She seemed a bit nervous about being in his wing embrace, which was puzzling sense he hadn't seen that look on her face since the first time he did it back during the war. "You okay Twi," he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine…" Twilight looked down at her hooves for a moment, not making eye contact with the stallion. "Bright…are you happy…with me?" Bright Blade turned his head to face his marefriend, a shocked expression upon his face at her words. "Of course I'm happy with you Twi, why wouldn't I be?" "It's just; sometimes I think you would be better off with a mare closer to your age, like Apple Bloom, or maybe Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle?" Bright Blade let out an exacerbated sigh, "Twilight I love YOU, and only YOU. And besides, I like Apple Bloom, but not like that, and call me crazy, but I think I don't stand a snowball's chance in Tartarus of dating either Sweetie or Scoots, even if I wanted to." "But still…" Bright Blade raised his right hoof and bobbed Twilight on the head, a little love tap. Twilight began rubbing the spot where Bright had tapped her and she now stared back at her coltfriend, with the alicorn only smirking at her. "What was that for," she asked. "You can be so adorkable sometimes Twi," said Bright. "I am not adorkable," said Twilight pouting like a school foal. "Heh, heh, yep, just face it, you're my adorkable marefriend," Bright leaned forward and kissed Twilight on the lips, she was taken by surprise, but only for a second as she leaned forward and returned the kiss. The stallion ended the kiss and looked deep into his love's eyes, "and I wouldn't have it any other way." Twilight scooted closer to Bright Blade, resting her head on his shoulder as the two of them continued to gaze out into space. Unknown to Bright Blade, Twilight instinctively started to rub her belly, mindful of the life growing within her; she then looked back up at the stallion, contemplating. "Bright, do you ever think about the future," asked Twilight. "All the time," he answered. "Do you remember that Reality Window spell, from way back, that I casted?" "Yeah…kinda hard to forget something like that." A noticeable blush started to reappear on his face. "Do you ever want to make that into an actual reality, to…to have a family with me…?" "I'd like to make that reality real, one day, but in a way I'm a bit nervous about becoming a father someday," said Bright. "For now, all we can do is live on and try to make the most of our time, even this moment." Twilight stared back into the void of space, her head still resting on her coltfriend's shoulder. I know you'll make a great father… What does the future hold…? Find out in Part 3 of the Fourth Sign Arc! > Fourth Sign: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cosmic Power And so came the fourth day of their journey. The crew of the Sentinel was all assembled on the bridge, on high alert for anything that might happen. The quadrant of space they were in was very different from the places they were at four days ago. The planets that they passed by barely had any sort of glow, many of them had it, a sort of iridescent light that illuminated the atmosphere, but the worlds they passed now were, for lack of a better word, dead. Even the stars seemed faded, and no matter what, they couldn't shake this uncomfortable feeling that they shouldn't be there, that they were unwelcome. "Alright everypony, we're basically in enemy territory now, they may attack at any moment, so keep a sharp eye out and stay frosty," ordered Twilight. "Roger," the others said in unison. One of the worlds they passed by had a sickening look to it, it was sinking in on itself, like it was turning into something rotted and vile. It didn't take them long to figure out which of the Envoy claimed this poor world's inhabitants. Another one had a strange green mist wafting around it, almost blanketing the skies. Applejack and Rainbow Dash could tell that that was Loimos' handy work. "So many worlds," whispered Pinkie Pie. "All those lives cut down before their time," said Rarity. "We won't let that happen to Equestria," proclaimed Rainbow Dash. *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* "Report," said Twilight. "Uh, Twilight, it looks like we may have some company," said Rarity worriedly. Far out in front of them, space itself seemed to warp, in a matter of seconds a fleet of warships materialized into existence. Dozens upon dozens of spaceships appeared, but something was off about them. Many of the ships looked wrecked, some had holes in them, the metal twisted or scorched, and all of them seemed to ooze an eerie, ghostly light from within the bowls of the ships. None of them seemed to be part of the same army; it was an array of different ships, all different shapes, sizes, and some more alien than the last. "W-W-What are those," asked Fluttershy. "That's a little disconcerting, they have a fleet of sunken battleships," said Bright Blade. "Knight's of Harmony, BATTLE STATIONS!!!" Twilight shouted. "Rarity and Pinkie Pie, release the armaments! Applejack and Fluttershy, raise the shields! Rainbow Dash, forward all Fire of Friendship energy towards the Light Wings and prepare to enter combat speed! Bright Blade, activate the Main Cannon and have it ready to fire on my command!" "AYE, AYE!!!" "Activating Gyroscopic Gravity Stabilization Field, now!" Twilight placed her hoof into the slot on her control panel, an invisible wave of energy washed over the bridge of the Sentinel, along with the sounds of many mechanical mechanisms latching and unlatching. The Sentinel had begun its transformation, the cannons on the port and starboard sides of the ship popped out and aimed forward. The panels bellow the turrets lifted up, allowing the diamond plated projectiles to stick out, ready to be fired. Two shield layers surrounded the Sentinel, the first layer was a light blue that covered the entire ship, and the second was orange and extended outwards, forming a bubble around the vessel. The bow of opened up, revealing the giant energy cannon. The engines cut off as the Light Wings extended out and shimmered even brighter than before, flapping in unison as sparkles floated off them. The air was tense as the enemy fleet readied what weapons seemed operational on their hulls. Neither side had fired yet, the seconds passing like minutes, waiting for the first shot. The Knights knew that they were outnumbered basically a hundred to one, but with the state of the fleet, the odds may be a little in their favor. Suddenly all three-hundred ships fired a volley at the single super-dreadnought. Thousands of glowing, red hot, ordinance came hurdling towards their single platinum ship. "EVADE," shouted Twilight. The Sentinel's wings shined brightly and flapped quickly, making the ship dodge at incredible speeds. The first hundred thousand shots missed the titanic ship, a good majority exploded against the shield, jostling the Knights and making them hug their consoles for support. The last of the barrage washed over the shields yet again, but they did not break. Once the storm of ordinance was over the Knights regained their composure and brought the Sentinel back into attack position. "Rainbow Dash, full speed ahead, all weapons fire at will!" The Knight of Loyalty wasted no time in launching the Sentinel towards the Undead Armada. The Sentinel entered the swarm of wrecked battleships and began to open fire on them. The turret cannons fired multiple times in almost every direction, striking one ship after another, causing damage to an already damaged fleet. The crystal projectiles fired from there salvos and targeted the rough location of where the bridge for each ship was with pinpoint accuracy. The super-dreadnought, although massive in size, had no trouble wading through the enemy fleet, nimbly zigzagging and weaving through each wrecked vessel. "Rainbow Dash, get to higher space!" Twilight ordered. "You got it boss mare," confirmed Rainbow. "Bright Blade, prepare to clear us a path!" "Alright, charging Main Cannon," said Bright Blade. "Applejack, give us some breathing room!" "On it!" Applejack shouted. The orange energy shield of the Sentinel expanded outwards, becoming a hardened sphere of light, all the ships within the vicinity of the super-dreadnought were forcefully pushed away. The alien battleships were knocked into their comrades, jackknifing and exploding on impact. The Sentinel's bow then turned upwards at a ninety degree angle, the cannon protruding from the bow glowed with an intense golden energy within its barrel. The shipwreck fleet retrained their weapons on the Sentinel and were ready to fire, but it was too late. The Main Cannon unleashed its power and fired a powerful golden beam straight up, scorching through the ships higher above them. A series of giant explosions accompanied the blast, destroying nearby ships that were caught in the aftershock of the weapons discharge. With a single flap of its six wings the Sentinel ascended through the hole it bored with the Main Cannon. Higher and higher they went, continuing to fire their weapons at any ships that dared to get near their vessel. The super-dreadnought finally burst through the sea of wrecked ships and emerged into clear space. They quickly started to fly around as the enemy opened fire upon them again. Twilight took this time to calculate the number of battleships they had just destroyed with their first attack, her face contorted into a grimace, eliciting a worried look from her coltfriend below. "What's wrong Twi," asked Bright Blade. "We only destroyed less than ten percent of their fleet!" "With just the first run, and there are still many left to go," said Fluttershy. "Then we'll just keep going through them until there's nothing left," said Rainbow Dash. "I'm afraid I'm going to need a minute over here, my console thingy says it needs time to reload," said Rarity. "Don't worry Rarity, my cannons and I can cover for you until you're ready," said Pinkie Pie giving a salute to her partner. "I don't like it, but we'll have to swoop in and fire the Main Cannon as we flyby." "You know we only have three shots, and it takes thirty minutes before it's fully charged again." Bright Blade mentioned. "I already said I didn't like it. We'll save the last shot till we really need it – NOW ATTACK!" A wrecked vessel, much like the others, floated at the back of the shipwreck fleet, watching the battle occur from a safe distance as multiple explosions erupted like fireworks. Upon the bridge of the ship three beings stood watch from the broken windows. Polemos, Loimos, and Peina saw their enemy put up a good fight, even for a single massive vessel, it was faring well considering they were outnumbered. Loimos glanced over to his brother; the Spirit of War had a smile upon his face. "At least pretend you're concerned at the amount of ships we're losing," said Loimos. Polemos shifted his eyes in the Spirit of Pestilences' direction, he then shrugged and huffed. "Why should I!? I know the concept of a glorious battle eludes your understanding Loimos, but you can't expect me to not get a little excited! They came all the way out here just to do battle with us, it only proves their determination, not even hesitating to fly into a fleet of battleships, you have to admire that." Loimos only rolled his eyes in annoyance at his brother's outlook on the situation. "Besides, Thanatos can just resurrect them once their destroyed." "Now that you mention it, the ships aren't reforming. Is there a reason why you are not bringing back the Undead Armada elder brother," asked Peina. Hidden in the shadows of the bridge, illuminated only by the ghostly gray light coming from his horn, stood Thanatos. "You mustn't rush my dear little sister. This is a game of chess, sacrificing a few pawns is part of the strategy; the pieces must be aligned correctly on the board before the trap can be sprung. Let us see if their leader is as intelligent as we've been led to believe, that she can see this coming." Polemos turned his head to face his older brother, a disapproving gaze falling upon the Spirit of Death. "What kind of 'trap?'" "This one…Pit of Despair…" A sudden and powerful shockwave rumbled through space, shaking the ship the Envoy were on. The other three Envoy gazed outwards towards the source of the disruption. The battleships retreated back some miles away, in the center of their fleet the Sentinel seemed as if it were being drawn into something, it wobbled, struggling against whatever force was being placed upon it. "What did you do," asked Peina. "I've called check." The Envoy watched as the Sentinel was drawn down further and further, some of the Undead Armada ships were being brought down into something. It was a hole in the middle of space, a great black pit. The Sentinel forwent its Light wings and fired the engines; they blazed to life as twin streams of purple fire jetted out from turbines at the sides. But no matter how powerful the flames propelled them, the Sentinel didn't move forward, it only descended, soon the stern of the ship started to disappear. It was only a few moments before the Knights' vessel was halfway submerged into space, and then, finally, the bow of the Sentinel was completely gone, swallowed up by the Pit of Despair. With a flash of Thanatos' horn, the pit closed up, vanishing from sight, taking with it half of the Undead Armada, and one Sentinel super-dreadnought. Loimos and Peina turned to look at their elder brother with pleased expressions upon their faces. "Nicely done Thanatos," said Peina. "For all their power, they can't outmatch yours!" Loimos gloated. Polemos, however, did not join in on his siblings' jubilation. Instead he held his gaze on the spot where the vessel disappeared. A stern and stoic expression permeating his countenance as his yellow eyes burned with a fierce energy. Do not disappoint me Knights of Harmony. It was impossible, maybe even improbable, such cosmic events like this didn't just spontaneously happen without something to trigger it. But it was happening, a great black pit hundreds of miles wide just opened up, drawing them into its dark abyss, and then swallowing them. Now they floated in a bottomless space made of black and dark violet light. The bridge was illuminated by the overhead lights shining down on them, allowing the Knights to see their own hooves in front of their faces, but outside, they could barely make out anything, the only thing they did know, was that they were slowly descending further down into the pit with each passing second. "Twilight, where the heck are we!?" Applejack asked. "Shh!" Twilight hissed. Applejack was about to protest being shushed, but then she heard it. A groaning, moaning sound echoed through the hull of their ship, the sound of metal straining to keep its shape, as if something was being forced upon it. "What was that," asked Fluttershy. "I think…we might be in some sort of gravitational anomaly," said Twilight. "A what now," queried Pinkie Pie. "Listen, the noises, it's the Sentinel, the metal is buckling under some sort of pressure…" Twilight placed her hoof into the slot on her console, immediately the screen displayed multitudes of information at her mental behest. Her intelligent eyes peered over the data, her expression only darkening as she read over it. "It is…the gravity being exerted on the ship is roughly five times that of Equestria's normal." "So what does that mean, for us, and the ship," asked Rainbow Dash. "The way I understand it, gravity is the force which keeps all things situated to the ground and keeps us from floating off into space. It's also the reason behind weight as well, the more gravity there is, the more you weigh, and vice versa," explained Rarity. "Exactly, and right now that very force is increasing," Twilight rechecked the readings on her console, "it's now twelve times normal!" "So what, I don't feel any different, so the ship gets heavier, where's the danger in that," asked Rainbow. "We're fine because the Sentinel has its own gravity spell generator that keeps everything normal inside. If the gravity keeps increasing then at this rate –" Bright Blade's explanation was cut short as something exploded in the darkness outside. After that another ship exploded, then a second, and then a third. Soon they started to hear cracking sounds, like glass. The Knights examined their two shield layers and noticed that they were showing signs of breaking apart. "We'll be crushed till we eventually implode and then explode," finished Bright Blade. An audible, collective gulp was heard through the room. "Fluttershy, Applejack, stay at your posts and strengthen the shields as best you can. Bright Blade, keep an eye on the data, inform me if the gravity field fluctuates drastically or if there's a weak point." Twilight started to leave the bridge, but it was Pinkie Pie who called out to her. "Twilight, where are you going?" "I'm going to try and figure out a solution." Hours passed within the Pit of Despair, although Twilight was certain that that was relevant, the actual time spent in the pit was probably accelerated contrary to the real amount of time that was passing in normal space. Bright Blade had continued to inform Twilight of the increasing gravity, as well as the destruction of the other ships around them. It helped Twilight; some of the ships that were drawn in with them were either smaller than or half as big as the Sentinel, which provided her with a rough idea of how much longer the ship had until it eventually shared the fate of the others. Applejack and Fluttershy had been keeping up maintaining the shields, but it was becoming noticeable that it was putting a strain on them, if the shields went it meant the eminent implosion of the Sentinel would accelerate immensely. Rarity and Pinkie Pie had taken to examining the ship, making note of any signs of the hull breaking or being breached by the gravity field. All in all it was a desperate situation. The schoolmare was in the war room, the table littered with hundreds of written notes filled with equations and mathematical formulas, but sadly, she was unable to come up with a solution thus far. It frustrated Twilight, with all her smarts, her knowledge of science and magic, she still couldn't find a way out of the pit. The fact that something like this could even happen was beyond her understanding. Twilight came to the conclusion that this must've been the work of the last Envoy, or, in the worst case scenario, it was done by Erebus himself. The lavender mare shook her head violently, jostling the negative thoughts from her mind. I can't think like that – no I can't afford to think like that! C'mon Twilight everypony is counting on you to get them out of this! There has to be something I overlooked, some sort of loophole that we can use! Maybe if we use the Main Cannon and funnel the Fire of Friendship, we could use the combined energy to punch a hole in the field! The walls will collapse, and could cause a spacial warp that could through you all into the heart of a star, it's too risky… Too risky, yes, yes it is. That much power being exerted in here could do that…what if…what if we used Harmonic Resonance!? The combined power might be able to create a path for us!? If Erebus is behind this, then the Elements may not be enough to open a path…he could be waiting for that very thing, you could lose your only defense against his Envoy and the god of darkness himself, too dangerous… "AAAAAHHHHHH!" Twilight swept her hooves over the table, scattering her various notes and writing utensils onto the floor in frustration. "Then what else can we do!?" Nothing… "That isn't an option!" Why not? "Because just isn't! The lives of everypony in Equestria – no the lives all living things in this universe depends on us defeating Erebus!" Twilight argued. A god that has existed since the beginning and wields the power of darkness, against seven ponies who wield the power of a fallen goddess and have become demigods. The chances of survival were already less than ten percent… "We've beaten the odds, time and again, why should now be any different!?" DO NOT LIE TO YOURSELF! Twilight stumbled backwards, retreating, from what she had no idea, but it just seemed to be the right thing to do. Something started to anchor itself in her heart and mind, sadness, a sense of defeat. "I'm…I'm not…I just don't want to give up…" Fighting only brings you pain, life is nothing but sorrow… "No…no that's not true, there are good things…not all of it is sad…" Twilight started to feel cold, like all the warmth was being drained from her body; she swore she could even see her breath wafting in the air. There is peace, but it can only come at the end of life…death is eternal Twilight Sparkle, it welcomes all, big and small, it is not indifferent towards others, and it offers lasting rest free from strife and sorrow… "Death…offers peace…?" Yes Twilight, it welcomes you. Pain can be avoided, why suffer such a long drawn out death, when it can end quickly… "End…quickly…" Something started to hover in Twilight's range of sight. It was a shard of glass from the table when she slammed her hooves and knocked everything off. It was wrapped in her telekinetic aura. It looked sharp, very sharp. The glass shard floated closer to her, Twilight didn't know if it was really her moving the shard, but for some reason she didn't care. Soon the glass shard rested and pressed against her neck, Twilight shivered from the cool sensation of the shard against her skin. She knew from her books on pony anatomy that there was a major artery right where the shard was, it would only take a swift swipe and soon her blood would come rushing out of the self-inflicted wound. "Total time of exsanguination: less than one minute to thirty seconds upon severing of the carotid artery…" The shard pressed a bit harder. "Will it hurt…?" Only for a moment…but that's all it will take, and then you may rest… The shard pressed a bit harder into her flesh, Twilight started to feel a warm trickle of liquid coming from the spot the sharp edge was at. The lavender mare closed her eyes, it wouldn't be long, one swift motion, and sleep would overtake her… *Ba-dump* She stopped. *Ba-dump* A heartbeat…? *Ba-dump* It's not mine…it feels separate from mine… Ignore it…it means nothing… *Ba-dump* No it-it does mean something…something precious…something alive. Do not give it meaning, this is your life, and death welcomes you! *Ba-dump* *Ba-dump* It's a life…inside me…it's heartbeat…it's –! Twilight's eyes shot wide open, she then quickly removed the shard from its position near her neck, and crushed to dust angrily. Her eyes flared with hatred, shifting from amethyst to a harsh orange-red color. "My son! It's my son's heartbeat!" Twilight's mane and tail started to flicker with burning embers. The magical mare then burst out of the war room and stormed her way towards the atrium park. "How dare you try and convince me to end my life! To end my son's life before it even began! You…I will never forgive you! May you be an Envoy or Erebus himself; I will never forgive something like this!" Twilight's Element of magic tiara shined with a bright harsh light, filling the hallways with a magical flame. The flames did not damage the inside, merely; they recollected themselves around Twilight's body, moving as she continued trotting towards her destination. The doors to the atrium opened, bellowing out fire and light as the sphere of intense magical energy made its way towards the center of the large area. The flames died down and finally revealed its occupant. Twilight was dawned in her armor, two half-moon shaped plates stretched upwards from her foreleg shoulders. The head piece where her crystal cutie mark was had elongated, encompassing her now white horn, and angled upwards forming a forward leaning crescent, allowing her flaming mane to become a war plume. Twilight's coat had transformed from its smooth lavender to a bright alabaster white, the black pupils of her eyes were gone, instead were two blazing orange-red eyes. The small wound on the unicorn's neck and been healed, as if it never was there to begin with. "This place will not save you from my wrath Envoy! I'll make you pay!" Suddenly Twilight heard something, the doors to the atrium opened once more. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Bright Blade had all entered and were shocked by what they saw. "What are you doing here!? Fluttershy, Applejack, I gave you orders to maintain the shield!" "We-we all felt something, something that was happening to you," answered Fluttershy. "What in the hay happened to ya," asked Applejack. "I know…" Bright Blade began trotting towards Twilight, her rage filled gaze still holding strong. When the golden alicorn stallion reached his marefriend he looked straight into her eyes, unwavering. "Why are you like this Twi?" "The Envoy, they got into my head, just like with you, and the others! It almost made me kill myself," stated Twilight. Bright Blade flinched upon hearing this, looks of fear and surprise could also be seen on the faces of the mares behind him. "I will not have my life taken by my own hoof and by the direction of intangible voice! Nor will I let –!!!" Twilight stopped herself right there, almost revealing too much information. "I will use this power; I will rip open this pit and take the fight to them!!!" There was silence for a moment, but then it was ended when Bright Blade spoke one word. "No." Twilight's eyes went wide, then narrowed in anger. "I'm more powerful in this state; I could easily get us out of here!!! It's the only way," she shouted. "You promised me…on that scorched battlefield eleven years ago…that you would never become this thing again!" Twilight's flaming mane and tail erupted, blazing before Bright Blade. "That was a long time ago, and involuntary! This I wanted, I wanted this power, and now I can use it to break us OUT!!!" "At what cost?" "WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU HAVE ME DO!!!!?" Bright Blade took the hoof of his marefriend; the act surprised the enraged mare. He then drew her into a tight embrace, the flames were still raging around her, and a part of her feared that the magical flames might burn her coltfriend, but they didn't. "Trust in your own power Twilight, and believe in our friends…" "Bright Blade…!" "We'll figure it out, there's no way in Tartarus we're giving up right here, not when we've come this far!" Twilight's eyes fell upon her friends, they had moved closer without her knowing and each of them gave her an encouraging smile. Twilight's rage suddenly started to fade, allowing her mind to think more rationally. Indeed, relying on rage and anger to empower her was not the way, it was not the reason she was chosen by the Element of Magic, and it was not the source of her power. "We'll figure somethin' out sugarcube, so don't go frettin'," said Applejack. "Yeah Twilight, no need to go all super hot, ultra, nova on everything," said Pinkie with smile. "You shouldn't lose who you are, because that's the you we love, as our friend," said Fluttershy. "As cool as you look all flamed up, I agree, becoming a rage-aholic mage isn't going to help anypony," said Rainbow Dash. "You're the smartest mare we know darling, but you mustn't forget that we're here to help as well," said Rarity. Twilight was released from Bright Blade's embrace, she then stared at the six ponies in front of her, and all were ready to support her, to fight as one. Together they had beaten Nightmare Moon and Discord, freed the Princesses from their evil halves as Eclipse, and took down Tikara Balak. "My friends…" Something sparked within Twilight at that moment; her body was engulfed in a rosy-purple column of light. The others could feel a transformation happening within the light. A powerful build up that was familiar to those who had achieved the power. Soon the column faded away and showed its occupant. Twilight was no longer in her rage form; she had ascended to the next level of power as an Element of Harmony, Centaurus Elementus. Her body was made of purple plasma energy, her shoulder pads extended outwards slightly with her cape attached to it. On the outside it was still a shimmering blue, but on the inseam, there were many stars sparkling, as if space itself had been sewn into the lining of the cape. The golden armor held her form together, her horseshoe greaves etched with one half shining sun, and the other half a crescent moon. Her bracers had many runic markings carved into them which glowed with a mysterious white light. Twilight's tiara wrapped itself around her forehead, with the symbol resting at the base of her horn. The Knight of Magic's amethyst eyes opened, she could feel it, she had changed, the power coursing through her now was unlike anything she had ever felt in her life. Twilight then looked down at her five friends and coltfriend, they were both in awe and excited at this latest development. "Thank you, all of you." Twilight then looked up at the abyss and narrowed her gaze. "It's time we got out of here, now." A wave of pressure shot out from Twilight, her body suddenly started to rise up into the air. Her hooves left the ground, now halfway up. She kept ascending till her body touched the pressurized glass ceiling, what happened next astonished them. Her body completely passed through the glass, as it weren't even there. After a minute her whole body was out of the atrium and now floating outside the Sentinel. The others watched as she started moving away from them, making a little worried about what her plan was. "Where is she going," asked Rarity. "It looks like she's heading towards the bow of ship, let's go," said Fluttershy. With great haste the six of them galloped as fast as they could towards the bridge, the doors quickly opened up, allowing them to scramble inside. They all met at the window and stared out to see that their friend was indeed at the bow of the ship, still hovering, wrapped in a powerful aura of her magic. Twilight scanned the area, the walls of the gravity pit, the condition of the shields, and the way they entered. The lavender centaur raised her right hand and examined it, she could feel the energy all around her, much like the Mana Network from Equestria, but this was bigger. The Mana Network may have been Equestria's magical access flow, but right now, right here, in space, she was connected to something more vastly enormous than that. Twilight could feel it, the power danced on her finger tips, electrified her horn, almost begging her to wield its awesome power. "This is the Cosmic Network…the energy of the cosmos itself. I can see everything, even the flaws in this pit. You never bothered to complete this abyss Envoy, because you never imagined that there was any kind of force in the universe that could free itself from this prison. Now I'll show you the error of your ways." Twilight eyes shifted to the right, a large crack started to appear on orange shield, it spider webbed throughout its surface and continued onward. The second layer was showing signs of shattering as well; it was only a matter of time till the ship was exposed to the deadly gravitational forces outside. "Graviton density is at least two-hundred times that of Equestria's. The Sentinel's hull is strong, but not that strong. First priority, protect the ship!" Twilight raised her arms and held them out in front of her. All around her runic symbols began dancing, shining with power as they appeared. "Magnus ille defensor, factus bastion fortitudinis et invincibility, nichil valerete! Mundus vult tua currentem praesidia, quod non flectitur, neque vexabit! Sic facies mea; Nebula Aegida!!!" All at once six magic circles appeared all around the Sentinel, two up above and down below, one at starboard, another at port, and the last two were facing the bow and stern. The circles emitted a powerful force field that further extended outwards, the ship halted its descent into the abyss, the groaning strains of the hull had ceased completely. Now that the ship was safe, it was time for them to exit this depressing place. New runic symbols burned into the air before Twilight, she was combing her new found mastery of cosmic magic, with that of rune magic, a feat that had never before been attempted until today. Twilight raised her right arm high above her; she flattened her palm, making her arm straight. The power started to gather to her right hand at an incredible rate. "Potestatem in terra viventium vinculum, quod invisibilia et visibilia. Et incognitanota, sed sensi, numquam attigit. Vis omnia saecula,etnuncet pro mevocaread pugnamet voseritis mihi gladium! Scindat: Gravitas Percussorem!!!" Twilight brought down her right arm in a slashing motion, a wave of purple and violet was launched at the walls of the pit. The attack hit its mark and exploded violently against the walls. Suddenly the entire Pit of Despair became unstable, violently shaking, the energy becoming warped and distorted. Twilight turned her head towards her friends who looked at her with worried expressions. "Do worry," her voice echoed, "we're going to experience a little turbulence while we're exiting." Something started to happen in normal space. A distortion started to appear, twisting in the center of the Undead Armada. Soon a hole opened up and a pillar of energy shot forth from within it. Rising slowly from the depths, protected by a powerful shield, was the Sentinel. Though it suffered minor damage it was still battle ready. Twilight was now standing at the bow of the ship, arms crossed, cape flapping in the solar winds, her stance wide, eyes narrowed and gazing beyond the fleet of shipwrecks, to the real enemy behind it. "She knows we're here," noted Thanatos. "How is that even possible!? Nothing can escape your Pit of Despair," said Loimos. "What does it take to get rid of this damn Elements of Harmony!?" Peina shouted in frustration. "Looks like your little trap didn't work out like you planned elder brother," said Polemos smirking. Thanatos chuckled, "Polemos, I would think even you could appreciate the sense of a strategy. Now we know that six of the seven have realized the power of Epona. Plus I never said the game was over, I merely called check, not checkmate. The second round begins now!" Thanatos' horn flashed yet again, the Undead Armada started to open fire on the Sentinel from every direction. Volley upon volley was released onto the single super-dreadnought, exploding with resounding force and lighting up the area. Twilight watched as the Undead Armada blasted away at her barrier, but to no avail. The fleet's barrage was little more than mere annoyance to the empowered unicorn centaur. The others watched as the attacks barely registered on the shield, surprised that Twilight's spell could be maintained for this long, at such a magnitude. "Alright Knights, to your battle stations, we're still in a fight!" Bright Blade ordered. The other Knights nodded in agreement and were about to make for their consoles. "Belay that." Everypony stopped in their tracks and turned in Twilight's direction. The Knight of Magic didn't turn to speak; she kept her gaze fixated on the enemy before her. "I'll take care of them, all of them." "Are you serious," asked Rarity. "Twilight there's like a bazillion battleships out there! How are you going to fight them all on your own," asked Rainbow Dash. Twilight brought her hands into a prayer position, suddenly the rune symbols floated around her yet again, reestablishing her connection to the Cosmic Network. Her eyes blazed, shining brighter. "Vide lux mund ivocatus est, astra in auxilium protectionis! Descendi de inimicis meis mille soles et accusam uno lapsu ruitardor! Expugnarent eos: Jaculator Stellis!!!" The dimly lit stars within this sector of space began to shine brighter than they had ever before. Space itself looked as if it were riddled with hundreds upon millions of glimmering diamonds. Suddenly one the glimmering stars shot down from up above, whizzing like an arrow, and piercing straight through ten Undead Armada ships. All ten exploded simultaneously as even more were pierced by the single shooting star. It wasn't long before more shooting stars began to rain down upon the fleet, it was glorious. Millions of shooting stars rained down from every direction, blasting all the Undead Armada ships in the vicinity. The ships tried to fire back, but their targets were millions, if not billions, of miles away. Some of the ships tried to retreat, but were unable to as some backed into one another causing them to accidentally scuttle themselves before the shooting stars even had a chance to destroy them. A lucky few managed to fallback and regroup some miles away. The rain of shooting stars ended and now only about five hundred of the Undead Armada was left. Twilight released her hands from the prayer position and let them rest at her sides. She didn't suspect that this was over, not by a long shot. As if to prove her right, giant portals of gray energy opened up around the Undead Armada. New ships began to enter the battlefield, these alien ships were bigger than the ones they've fought thus far, not much of any damage could be seen on them, but they all still retained the eerie ghost light within their bowels. Fifteen in all of the heavily armored battleships entered the fray, and equally as heavily armed. The battleships opened their panels, priming their enormous cannons, ready to unleash a firestorm upon their enemy. Twilight didn't worry, not even when all fifteen fired at once. Their powerful beam cannons smashing against her Nebula Aegida. She did not falter and neither did her barrier. When it was over, the ship and the barrier still lived, unfazed by the attack of the hulking battleships. "My turn…" Twilight raised her left hand and opened it. Red light started to gather in the center of her palm, swirling, condensing. The energy building up was immense, and compacted into such a small form, no bigger than a regular sized ball. "Invocabo rubrum lux, una potestas, quasi decem millia astra mori! Luminum eique anglica, qui ardebat, adolebit ultimo tempore! Dissiliunt magnifice: Effusis Amplitudo Novae!!!" Twilight held out her arm and fired the small sphere of red light. Five seconds passed, and then seven, and finally, at the ten second mark, a massive explosion of red light erupted from the first heavy armored battleship. The vessel was swallowed hole, broken down by the now giant red sphere of burning light. Twilight, using the same hand, touched her middle finger to her thumb. "Multiplicamini temporibus quinque!" She snapped her fingers, and instantly, five more red spheres burst into existence around the Undead Armada, multiple explosions could be seen, made up of both the smaller ships and the heavily armored ones. None survived the enormous red light spheres as everything near them was immediately vaporized into nothingness. The six spheres disappeared, becoming particle energy that melded back into the ambient energy of space. The others couldn't believe what they had just witnessed, they knew they were powerful in Centaurus Elementus, but Twilight in such a form could wield the stars themselves as her weapon. The space between the Sentinel and the Envoy was now devoid of fleet, nothing left, not even debris. "We won! Hay yeah, who's bad, we're bad," declared Rainbow Dash. "Whoo-wee, now that was a show," shouted Applejack. The two mares hoof bumped in celebration of their victory over the Undead Armada. "It's not over yet," said Twilight. Unfortunately it was not. A second portal, hundreds of times bigger than the others that opened before them, the sheer size of this blotted out all things on their peripheral vision. Something big was coming. A new ship rumbled through the gateway, making the Sentinel retreat back from the size of it. If their ship was a super-dreadnought, then by comparison, this was an ultra-dreadnought. It was like a tomato trying to take on a watermelon. This alien ship, torn and filled with reanimating ghostly light of the Envoy, barreled out of the gate, its gargantuan form now fully shown, the Sentinel soon found itself being pulled in by the enemy ship against their will, which was more than a little alarming. "What's happening!?" Rarity asked. "That ridiculously giant ship is so massive that it's creating its own gravitational field!" Bright Blade answered. "And that's bad right," asked Applejack. "It means we're going to be pulled in a smashed against its side like bug in Dashie's teeth!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "That only happened the one time!" "We're not going to be smashed, that ship will not exist for much longer," said Twilight. Now they knew she was powerful, but even she couldn't destroy something this big. Twilight held out her arms straight out to her right and left. Her aura flared up with even more intensity than previous. The amount of runic symbols more than doubled as they began channeling the energy. Twilight then thrust her arms over her head, making the rune symbols fly and collect into a giant sphere of rosy-purple light. "Fatum non estdominus meus, cum nostrils animabus nostris facimus fata! Movet autem mundi spatium et tempus, ut det mihi virtutem tuam magnam et perturbare mutare consilium ab ipsis fatis! Percutite eos: Ultima Hasta Fatis!!!" The giant sphere elongated, transforming into a spear. The inner light of the spear was purple, made up of hundreds of rune symbols. The energy of the manifested weapon flared like a newborn star, raw power ready to be unleashed. With a loud battle cry, Twilight tossed the light spear right at the new enemy ship. The spear disappeared, appearing only as a twinkling light in the distance. Soon the twinkle faded, nothing happened, the Sentinel still moved towards the behemoth ship. Just then, a bright flash of light appeared in the same area where the twinkle faded. The hull of the ship started to expand, bubbling. The metal became red hot, glowing until a pillar of light burst from one of the sides. A second one appeared on the starboard side, then the bow and finally the stern. At the center a spherical explosion occurred destroying the ultra-dreadnought from the inside out. It broke in half as it cracked open. At that moment, the ghostly light exploded, letting loose a loud shriek as both halves were destroyed in one great magnificent detonation. The fiery inferno burned in the distance, no sign could be seen of the Sentinel. The Envoy assumed they were caught in the blast, but assuming things with the Knights of Harmony was proving to be the key reason to their underestimating them. A few seconds later something emerged from the inferno, wrapped in a magical shield, the platinum colored super-dreadnought emerged from the destruction, untouched. The shield was brought down, and all occupants were safe and sound for the moment. Twilight looked back at the bridge, still standing at the bow. Her eyes softened as she flashed a smile towards her friends and lover. "Told ya," she said smugly. Peina and Loimos' jaws hung open, their brother's entire armada, even his ultra-dreadnought, were reduced to ash before their eyes by a single mare. As much as they wanted to deny what they were seeing, it happened. "It would seem we have no choice my siblings," spoke Thanatos, "I was hoping we could avoid it, but it would seem that the time has come." A combination of hate and glee entered their blackhearts, there would be no holding back now, and the time had come to teach these Knights of Harmony a lesson about who was truly the most powerful. Polemos still watched the ship, his gaze locking onto his main opponent even from this distance. Bright Blade, Knight of Hope, soon our battle will commence, and it will be glorious, I'll see to that! Twilight has now unlocked her Centaurus Elementus powers and with it single handedly defeated the Undead Armada. But now the real battle begins. Are the Knights of Harmony ready to face the true forms the Envoy!? Will Polemos finally fulfill his ambition of a glorious battle with Bright Blade!? The answers lie within Part 4 of the Fourth Sign Arc! > Fourth Sign: Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Knights vs. The Envoys The battle, though grueling, was over. Twilight had reentered the bridge, still in Centarus form. The Knights were still in the mists of celebrating their victory over the Envoy's fleet of shipwreck vessels. "That was amazing Twilight," exclaimed Fluttershy. "Now I know you're trying to make me look bad, guess I'll have to step up my game in my Centaurus form during the next fight," said Rainbow Dash. "This isn't a competition Rainbow," scolded Twilight. "Says the mare who pretty much destroyed an entire fleet and then some," added Applejack. "Wow Twilight, if I wasn't already with Twist, and you weren't already with Bright Blade, I'd say you made me fall in love with you! Oh no, wait, I can't fall in love with you, I'm in love with Twist! Unless – Hey Twilight would you two be interested in forming a –!" Pinkie Pie was quickly silenced by the perfectly pedicured hoof of Rarity being shoved into the pink party pony's mouth. "Pinkie for the love of Epona let's not open a can of worms nopony is ready for! I swear darling this isn't the place to bring something like that up," said Rarity. "Lnnn wmmf? (Like what?)" Pinkie asked with a devious grin. "Oh please like you were not just about to ask Twilight and Bright Blade to form a herd with you and Twist!?" It was quite the sight, if there was a question about whether or not a pure energy being could blush, it was answered right now. Twilight's cheeks had a very noticeable red tint to them, matched in intensity only by Bright. "Oh my," squeaked Fluttershy. Rarity immediately facehoofed herself for falling for such an obvious setup, Pinkie Pie was still grinning from her success in getting the fashionista to say the word "herd." Rainbow Dash leaned towards Applejack to whisper into her ear. "Say, uh, AJ, would you consider…" "Finish that sentence and y'all can kiss yer free cider privileges goodbye, forever," said Applejack in a rather serious tone. "Well…ahem, this is, uh, awkward," said Bright. "Very," agreed Twilight. *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* Suddenly the alert was activated, to the gratefulness of everypony around. The Knights looked outside; there were four streaks of light, red, green, orange, and the fourth, a gray colored light. It didn't take them long to figure out who the lights were. The mood on the bridge changed drastically. Serious expressions were plastered upon each of their faces. Now was the time to strike back at the Envoy, their showdown was nigh. "Looks like they're ready to face us," said Twilight. "About time," said Bright Blade. "No point in waiting, let's take the fight to them," said Fluttershy. The five mare Knights all looked to each other, reaffirming their united feelings towards these invaders and destroyers of worlds. As one the five cried out together. "CENTAURUS ELEMENTUS!!!" Seven streaks of light burst out from the bridge of the Sentinel, stopping halfway from their ship and forming a line. Applejack flexed her arms and hands, getting a good feel for her gauntlets. Rainbow Dash's crystal wing blades were extended, prismatic wind swirling around her arms. Rarity's Tri-Diamonds were floating by her side, shimmering with power. Pinkie Pie twirled her Merry-Go-Rounds on her index fingers, stopping, and then aiming them towards their enemies. Fluttershy's pearl orbs hummed with power, the pearl wrapped in the center of her shepherds crook glowing with milky-blue energy. Twilight was ready as well, although she used quite a bit of magic to destroy the Undead Fleet, she still felt she had enough to fight against them. However, one of the seven Knights was not in Centaurus form. Bright Blade was in his Elemental Armor, but wielding Xiaon upon his horn. His body had a thin layer of golden energy, as his shimmering wings fanned out. Twilight looked down beside her, she figured, being pure energy now, that the need to breathe air was unnecessary, but Bright Blade was still normal, his armor was the only thing sustaining him in the harsh environment of space. A twinge of worry crept its way into Twilight's heart, what would happen if he ran out of power, if his armor should fail him during the fight. Could she save him in time? And then there was his newest weapon, Xiaon, the sword was still experimental; it could backfire on her coltfriend during the battle. Twilight was about to say something to Bright, probably the hardest thing she ever would say. "Bright Blade…I think you –!" "Twilight, I know I don't have Centaurus Elementus powers, but there is no way I'm backing out of this fight because of that. I'm not going to sit back and watch the six of you fight from the sidelines," said Bright Blade in stern tone. "But…" "Twilight, create the telepathic link while we still have time." Twilight sighed heavily; she knew Bright would not be swayed. She then proceeded to create the telepathic link to all her friends, connecting their minds to better communicate during the upcoming fight. Checking telepathic link, sound off, thought Twilight. Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash. Applejack. Pinkie Pie. Rarity. Bright Blade. Twilight Sparkle. Link established. We're all coming in clear. Twilight glanced down one last time at Bright Blade, her worry not having been quelled. Twilight can you hear me, asked Rainbow Dash. Yes I can, what's wrong? I know you're worried about Bright; I'll keep an eye on him if anything goes wrong. Rainbow Dash I can't ask you to do that! Twi I'm the fastest of all of us, I'll be able to reach him faster than you or anyone else. …Just don't neglect your own safety, or Applejack's. Understand? Gotcha! "They're here," announced Pinkie Pie. The four streaks of light stopped a few feet from them, four spheres of gray, red, green, and orange light hovered in place. The first three energy spheres dissipated and showed Polemos, Loimos, and Peina, staring down the Knights of Harmony. Each of the Knights had their eye on a specific Envoy, ready to strike at the one they're anger was seethed for. But the fourth sphere did not burst apart like the others, Twilight's eyes were fixated on this sphere, she could sense that this was the one who almost made the Knight of Magic end her life. "Why don't you show yourself, are you afraid to face us," asked Twilight. "Watch your tone, you know not to whom you speak to," warned Loimos. "Do not fret Loimos, our opponents have every right to look upon the face of death," spoke the fourth sphere. Suddenly the sphere burst apart, showing the fourth and final Envoy. He was a pale white alicorn from his mane, coat, and tail. He wasn't as heavily armored as his fellow Envoy, just some bracers and greaves, a chest plate, and a simple helmet. It begged the question of whether or not he preferred less armor or was he so strong that the armor was just for decoration. For some reason though, the Envoy kept his eyes closed. "What's wrong, afraid to look at us, or are you just blind," asked Rainbow Dash. "Oh I assure you I see clearly, it's for your own benefit actually. My gaze tends to be a little…disconcerting for others." "Ah'd rather look a pony in the eye if Ah'm goin' to fight'em," said Applejack. "Heh, heh, very well…" The fourth Envoy slowly opened his eyes, the Knights kept expecting to see the whites of his ocular orbs, but for some reason, the only thing they saw was black. When his eyes were fully open all the Knights stared wide eyed. The fourth Envoy had no eyes, where they should be was instead darkness, emptiness, it was worse than Eclipse, this thing didn't even have the yellow glow like the others. "I am Thanatos, the Spirit of Death, bringer of destruction and sorrow!" Thanatos scanned the varied reactions in the Knights of Harmony and smiled wickedly. "They say that the eyes are the windows into the soul. So tell me Knights of Harmony, what do you see when you look into mine!?" None of them answered. "Scared speechless, how funny," said Peina chuckling. "We're going to end this fight here and now, and after words Erebus is next," proclaimed Pinkie Pie. "I think not, because it is here that your journey ends Knights of Harmony. You see we haven't been fighting you at our full strength up till now," said Loimos. "What does that mean," asked Rarity. "It means that whenever we visit a world, we take on a form conducive to that particular world. In this case we took on the forms of your equine civilization, but what you see before you is not our true forms," explained Peina. "Our true forms aren't needed to destroy worlds, but you should feel honored, no one can claim that they have seen the true forms of the Envoy," said Thanatos. The pale white alicorn flew off a few ways away, standing on a little piece of wreckage from the previous battle. "Not going to join us, brother," asked Polemos. "Having me join would be utter overkill, no need for all four of us to fight." Polemos scoffed and then snorted, seemingly a bit perturbed by Thanatos. "Do as you wish, let us begin!" The three Envoy's auras flared up, red, green, and orange light shined brightly before them, along with a massive spike in their power levels. The blinding light continued to shine as the forms of the Envoy began to shift and change. Those of the Knights who dared peeked saw the blackened bodies of the three destroyers suddenly jerk and move about. In one giant flash the transformation was over. When they next opened their eyes the true face of their enemies were revealed. Loimos was no longer a pegasus, but rather a giant condor. His fur-like mane flared with a vile green energy as it undulated and wisped. The head was elongated and dark gray, with the fully yellow glowing eyes staring right at AJ and RD. Loimos' massive wings flared outwards showing off his impressive twelve foot wingspan, the disease causing vapors hung onto to them, prepared to be unleashed. Below Loimos his pony legs were replaced with that of long lanky legs, each with four razor sharp talons, ready to tear into the their hides. Peina was, for lack of a better word, repulsive. Her lower half was all scorpion, orange in color, its exoskeleton sheened in the glow of her aura. There were two large pincers; the inner lining riddled with jagged spikes, making sure whatever she caught would regret trying to escape. The upper half was different, it was female, resembling that of the now centaur Knights. Her face was covered with a mask that seemed metallic, only allowing her yellow eyes to shine forth; her brown colored hair flowed wildly in the power of her aura. Both her arms were armored, with the tips of each finger sharpened into claws. And lastly her tail, the deadly appendage was twice as long, and now sporting three stingers arranged into a triangle. Polemos wasn't any different, but the Spirit of War was hardly equine anymore, he resembled that of a bull. His body was even bigger and more muscular than before, with the blood red armor only adding to his size. Two long horns protruded from his head, angled in just the right position to gore his opponent. Upon his back, the four mechanical arms were fully active, instead of three talons they were now four fingered, but with finely tipped points. A long whip-like tail with flaming red hairs snapped back and forth in eager anticipation. The Spirit of War snorted, his eyes resting right on the Knight of Hope. Oh buck, thought the Knights in unison. "And the fun doesn't stop there! Thanatos, it is time!" Loimos proclaimed. The Spirit of Death's ash gray aura expanded as his horn shined with ghostly light. "Synergize!" If it were possible for their auras to flare up even more, it did now. The four Envoy were engulfed in a blazing inferno of their own energy, their yellow eyes shined with an evil energy more powerful than before. The Knights of Harmony got into their combat stances, preparing to face their respective opponents. "With Synergy, we share each other's power," said Peina. "Give and take, an endless cycle that empowers one and fuels the other," said Loimos. "Now Knights of Harmony let this soon-to-be legendary battle commence," shouted Polemos. Light exploded around the warring factions. Loimos shot up in one direction, with Applejack and Rainbow Dash hot on his tail. Peina also left the vicinity, chased down by Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Polemos was still in the same spot, with Bright Blade and Twilight doing the same. Thanatos wasn't worried; he just lounged on the debris, waiting for the inevitable end of their enemies, but more than happy to enter the fight should it seem to be going poorly. Rainbow Dash flew after Loimos, it was so frustrating, she was nearly as fast a light itself, and yet she was having trouble keeping up with the Spirit of Pestilence. Loimos turned around, facing the Knight of Loyalty. To his massive wings he called forth the diseased wind and flapped his wings at Rainbow Dash. A tornado of dark green glowing wind screeched towards her, but Rainbow Dash was ready. She held out her arms and called to the prismatic winds that swirled around her. "Spectra Cyclone!!!" A tornado of rainbow wind blasted forth from her hands. The two attacks met in the middle and smashed into each other. Rainbow Dash grunted as she felt Loimos' power push against her own. Not only did his speed increase but his strength as well. The clashing powers tried to gain ground on the other, for a moment Loimos had the upper hand, but Rainbow would channel more power and push back. It was a tug of war between the two warriors. "What's the matter, not as strong as you thought you were!?" "Oh don't even get me started," shouted Rainbow Dash. "Ha, ha, face it, I am stronger than you now," said Loimos. "But are ya stronger than meh!?" Applejack had worked her way around Loimos, her right hand balled into a fist, burning with power. "Meteor Fist!!!" Applejack thrust forth her arm, sailing towards the Spirit of Pestilence. But Loimos was not impressed; he was more than aware of the two mares' tag team style of fighting. The Envoy twisted his head around and looked directly at the incoming Knight, who looked a little grossed out that Loimos had just twisted his head around and did not break his neck upon doing so. "Did you honestly think I was going to get blindsided again by the two of you!? Fool me once shame on you!" Loimos disengaged his last attack and encased his body in a giant typhoon of the disease wind. Applejack made contact with the wall, a powerful shockwave rippled through it, but the typhoon wall did not waver. Rainbow Dash, having cancelled her last attack, flew towards the wall. She thrust out her palm, striking the wall with her prismatic wind, trying to purify the evil miasma. "Fool me twice –!" The wall opened up like a giant mouth, Rainbow and Applejack barely had time to register that they needed to run, but it was too late. The wall completely swallowed them up and began twirling them around in the gale force turbulent wind that was generated by the Spirit of Pestilence. "SHAME ON YOU! AHA HA HA!!!" Pinkie Pie dashed around the area, firing off one round after the other from her Merry-Go-Rounds. The beams crackled as they flew towards Peina, but the Spirit of Famine was keenly aware of Pinkie's fighting style. With her giant pincers she swatted the blasts away as if they were pesky flies, which only served to infuriate the mare further. Fluttershy's staff glowed with power, wispy milky-blue energy spilling from her pearl orbs. "Bhēṛiyā Paika!!! Hamalā!!!" The wolf spirits appeared before Fluttershy, now a pack of twenty wolves. The pale blue beasts snarled and howled as they launched themselves at the Spirit of Famine. Fluttershy knew that wouldn't be enough, it was time to call in air support. "Gauraiyā Jhuṇḍa!!!" Fluttershy's body erupted with milky-blue light, from the aura five dozen lights shot up. The lights started to take form, growing wings, a beak, and twin tails. The new avatars had taken the shape of a flock of sparrows, each one ready to attack. The Knight of Kindness thrust her staff in the direction of Peina. "Uṛāna lē lō!!!" All the sparrows chirped upon receiving the command from their creator. As one the flock zoomed off in the direction of the wolves. Twenty wolves and five dozen birds all charged towards the poisonous Envoy; to destroy her at the behest of their master. "How predictable…" Peina readied her claws and pincers, crouching low, and then taking off to meet the bestial army head on. With a swipe of her poison filled claws, Peina slashed through two wolves at once, with her giant pincers she caught two more slicing them into halve and scattering their essence. The sparrows, seeing their fellow avatars in trouble, swooped down, becoming burning streaks of light. The Spirit of Famine angled her scorpion tail up, the three stingers each glowed in turn with the violet and orange energy of her venom. A powerful beam of venomous light fired from Peina's tail, in a sweeping motion the beam shot down almost all of the sparrow spirits. Fluttershy felt her body hurt as she clutched her shepherds crook tightly. Peina noticed this at the same time as two more wolves tried to attack her. She caught them both by the throats easily; they thrashed about, trying to get free. Peina crushed the throat of the wolf in her right claw; Fluttershy seemed to react to the destruction of her avatar spirits. It was then that the Spirit of Famine put two and two together. "I see, your greatest power is also your weakness. You don't feel anything when it is your will that detonates this wolves, but when something else destroys or disrupts them, it causes you pain. Well Fluttershy, does it?" Fluttershy didn't answer, she merely scowled at Peina. "DOES IT!?" Peina grabbed the tail of the wolf in her left arm and held tightly to the throat of the same wolf. She then tore the wolf apart, the two halves becoming nothing but particles after the fact. Fluttershy reacted to the death of her wolf, it seemed like it was hurting her. Not a lot, but she was experiencing pain. "Well that looks like an opening to me!" Peina launched herself through the wolves, slashing through and cutting down any that dared to try and latch onto her. A few of the sparrow spirits tried to intercept, but another blast from Peina's tail took care of them. She was getting closer, ten feet, six feet, four feet! The Spirit of Famine whipped her tail around and struck with nearly lightning fast reflexes. Before Peina's tri-tipped tail could make contact with the Knight of Kindness she was blocked. A blue shield appeared in front of her target, forcing her back. Peina knew who this shield belonged to and was searching for her, the search, however, did not last long. "Caliber Carnival!!!" Three blasts of crackling multicolored light struck the Spirit of Famine, forcing the insectoid Envoy to fall back from her target. To Fluttershy's side appeared Rarity and Pinkie Pie. The Knight of Laughter was aiming two of her muskets at Peina, while the Knight of Generosity maintained the light shield. "Heh, heh, how cute, all of you sticking together," said Peina mockingly. "We fight together, none of us are ever alone," said Fluttershy. "But your friend was, she was alone fighting me, while her friends lied on the ground useless and her father dead on the streets." Rarity's blue eyes burned with anger at the mention of their fallen friends. "Don't you dare speak of them; you haven't the right to even think about them!" "Oooooh, did I hit a sore spot?" "How's this for a sore spot!? Javelotde la Révolution!!!" The three diamonds spun around Rarity's right arm, transforming into a long javelin made of blue light. The Knight of Generosity charged at Peina, upon which she thrust out her right claw. The two met in the center, with Peina pushing against the tip of the javelin with her open palm. "BRING IT!!!" Peina shouted. Bright Blade and Twilight hadn't taken off with their friends, and neither had Polemos. The Spirit of War was still in the same spot as he was when the others left, a stoic expression upon his face. It was a tense few minutes, both sides remained silent as all around them explosions and streaks of light lit up the area. Polemos paid them no heed, his opponent was still here, waiting as he was. "So," spoke Bright Blade, "why haven't you flown off like the others?" "Why haven't you," shot back Polemos. "Because you didn't." "Exactly, you knew I would not move, and I knew neither would you. Our fated duel has arrived Bright Blade of Equestria. While not the most grandest of places to have such a glorious battle, but rarely does one get the chance to choose the terrain upon which conflict is waged." Twilight stepped in front of her coltfriend, a narrowed gaze bearing down on the Spirit of War. "You seem to forget Polemos, you're not facing one opponent, you're facing two," said Twilight. "I would gladly battle you next mare, the power you wield is magnificent, and would provide for an entertaining fight. But my duel is with the golden one here, so I would ask that you not interfere," warned Polemos. "You said terrain rarely favors those who wage conflict, that goes for numbers too Polemos, Spirit of War!" The black and red bull snorted, he could not find fault in that logic, being that he was the Spirit of War. While it would not be the glorious one on one battle he wished for, it would be still be a great one. "Very well, then allow me to face you with my most powerful weapon, an honor that few are worthy of!" Polemos' aura raged like an inferno, shining his red light upon them all. His back mechanical arms shifted towards the front, matching in length with the front pair. The two right arms and two left arms rose into the air, as if waiting to hold something. Bright Blade remembered this feeling; it was right before the Spirit of War called upon something, and was stopped suddenly. "Tear through all and leave none standing, Crimson Scourge!!!" A giant sword materialized into the four metal hands of the Envoy. The hilt was nearly six feet long, with the blade width four feet across, and seven feet in length. The blade shined as the red aura clung to it, the black hilt and guard of the sword was riddled with small engraved images, depicting gruesome wars, some not of Equestria, most likely, from other worlds. "So that's your best weapon," asked Bright Blade. "I would've introduced you during our first encounter, but certain…circumstances dictated that I hold off, but not any longer. Fortunately for you, Crimson Scourge requires me to hold it with all four arms so I won't be able to call upon any other weapons," said Polemos. Twilight's hands were now encased in mana, ready to fire at a moment's notice. Bright Blade widened his stance, funneling more power into Xiaon, to match the sword of the Spirit of War. Without warning Polemos swung the Crimson Scourge at the two Knights, Twilight and Bright dodged, ducking to the sides. When the gigantic sword was swung, a powerful beam of red light shot out in a vertical wave. The wave continued on, fading into the distance. A planetoid faraway was struck with the red wave, splitting it in half effortlessly, causing a chain reaction that blew up the severed planet. Did he just cut an entire planet in half, thought Bright Blade. No, he cut it in half, and then destroyed it all in one move, thought Twilight. No wonder he doesn't need to use any other weapon! Polemos was about to swing his giant sword yet again, but Bright Blade quickly flew at the Spirit of War. As the Crimson Scourge fell the golden alicorn intercepted the blade with Xiaon. The two powerful swords created a shockwave upon impact that blasted out. Bright held his ground, pushing against Polemos' weapon. The red and black bull stared at him with bloodlust glee, relishing the fight. Twilight had maneuvered herself above the Spirit of War, hovering and collecting magical energy in preparation for her attack. To her hands mana and cosmic energy flowed, becoming two spheres of power. "Cosmicam navitas influerein manibus meis facti radius interitum et uro hostes mei! Scaturiunt: Magia Undis!" Twilight combined the two spheres into her right hand and thrust it forth. A beam of pure magical energy burst from the sphere, aimed straight at the Spirit of War. Polemos could sense the incoming attack, he quickly ended his clash with Bright Blade, snapping his sword back and knocking them both free of their struggle. The beam of magic passed down between them, missing its intended target. Unbeknownst to Polemos, Bright Blade was channeling his own magic for a powerful attack. Xiaon shined as golden mana swirled around it. When Twilight's beam stopped Polemos was left open. "Aureus Storm!!!" A swirling tornado of golden energy roared from Xiaon, spiraling its way towards the Envoy. Polemos was quickly engulfed by the storm, trapping him in a twister of buffeting energy. Bright Blade ascended higher above the storm, gathering more power to Xiaon, intent on ending this fight as quickly as possible. Before the Knight of Hope could unleash his attack a wave of red light slashed through the storm, collapsing the entire attack. Polemos was unharmed; Crimson Scourge was still radiating its ominous power. The Spirit of War looked straight at his opponent, his two horns started to crackle with red lightning. In the middle, between his horns, an orb of red light began to form. The orb continued to grow as more power was gathered into it. "Battle Cry!!!" The orb erupted, releasing a powerful beam of red energy. The attack roared like an angered beast as it hurled its way towards Bright Blade. The Knight of Hope quickly dodged the attack, but his left wing was caught in the blast. Pain radiated from the avian appendage, making Bright grit his teeth to the point where he might break them. He quickly pulled his wing out of the blast, falling back a bit to assess the damage. The feathers were burnt, and so were the muscles, it was probably a safe bet that the bones were broken inside as well. Twilight flew over to her coltfriend and gasped upon seeing the condition of his wing. "Bright Blade, oh my gosh!" "It's fine, if I wasn't already in this form I probably would've lost my whole wing," said Bright grimly. "But now your wing is broken, you can't fly correctly now," said Twilight. "You seem to manage just fine," he joked. "This isn't funny!" "PAY ATTENTION!!!" Polemos was coming in from up above, ready to deliver an overhead slash directly on top of them. "Nebula Aegida!!!" "Shield of the Just!!! " The two shields of gold and rosy-purple mana formed above them, just in time to counter Polemos' strike. The impact nearly drove them back, the two shields doing their best to protect their casters. Soon the Crimson Scourge's blade started to pierce the two shields. Twilight wrapped Bright in her telekinetic aura and quickly flew away as the giant sword slashed through both shields at once. Polemos was not letting up; he zoomed after the two retreating Knights, bent on continuing their fight. "Potestatem in terra viventium vinculum, quod invisibilia et visibilia. Et incognita nota, sed sensi, numquam attigit. Vis omnia saecula,et nunc et pro me vocaread pugnam et vos eritis mihi gladium! Scindat: Gravitas Percussorem!!!" Twilight slashed with her left hand, sending a wave of dark purple energy flying towards Polemos. The Spirit of War swiped at the attack with little effort, as if swatting a fly. "Twilight let me go so I can fight!" Bright ordered. "Not happening, I'll create an opening and when you see it take the shot, understand," asked Twilight. "But –!" "UNDERSTAND!!?" Bright Blade begrudgingly agreed, she released her coltfriend from her grasp and stopped running. Her aura flared up as she called upon her next spell. "Fulgur formam, forma ignis, ventus forma, et magicae forma! Quattuor Magnus Titana Iugulare Hastas!!!" Four orbs of fire, lightning, wind, and magic appeared around Twilight. They quickly transformed into long spears, each of the elemental energy they were formed of. Twilight took hold of the fire and lightning spears, twirling them around and entering a fighting stance while the magic and wind spears hovered behind her. Polemos seemed to enjoy this latest development. Twilight charged at the red and black bull, catching his swinging sword between the X formation of the spears crossed together. The spears and sword groaned in protest of one another as both tried to gain dominance in the fight. "This is quite enjoyable! I knew you were a fighter just like Bright Blade," said Polemos. "If that's supposed to be a compliment, then I'd rather you'd insult me instead!" Twilight shouted. Polemos laughed heartedly at Twilight's remark, he kept swinging Crimson Scourge, left, right, diagonally, vertically, horizontally, every direction he could. Twilight was surprised at the speed at which he could swing such a giant weapon, but nevertheless she countered his attacks, spinning one spear in her left hand and blocking with the right spear, and switching the order every so often. This is not good, she thought. Thanatos did as he said he would, he just stood by and watched as his siblings went to work on the Knights of Harmony. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had broken free of his typhoon and were now circling him, striking at the wall every so often, but the wall of disease vapor would not yield. Loimos would then blast the mares with energy laced pestilent wind, sometimes they meet it head on, other times they dodged it, but it was only a matter of time until they realized that there was no getting through his typhoon wall. Peina, he observed, was fighting with a ferocity that he hadn't seen in her since they all four came into existence. She'd switch from long range to close range attacks, constantly keeping Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie off balance. He remembered when Peina told him how much she hated her true form, that it wasn't at all beautiful and vowed to never be seen in it. Which only made the Spirit of Death even more impressed; these mares actually got her angry enough to enter that form and to use Synergy. If he had a heart with which to feel any emotion, he'd feel proud, like an older brother usually would. Then there was Polemos. He never liked the Spirit of War; they were the two oldest, born at the same time. For what goes better hand in hand than War and Death. Thanatos knew his creation was a mistake, because of his brother's development of a ridiculous honor code, and search for the "glorious battle." That and the fact that among his fellow Envoy, he was developing something else that would be a problem, a heart; an item that was unnecessary for a world ender such as themselves. Peina was born with one, but it was filled with vanity and avarice. Loimos' was filled with sadism and a need to make others feel inferior to himself. Thanatos did not need one, for what good was a heart to death, a bringer of sorrow and despair. Polemos was a different story, he was unreadable at times, not ever knowing what he would do, while he could predict the actions of Peina and Loimos, he had a harder time anticipating the Spirit of War. Rage was a power that required emotion and rage could be fueled by more than just wanton bloodlust. Even now, as he watched Polemos, the war Envoy was enjoying every minute of this fight, so focused on the enemy before him, confident in his power that nothing could defeat him. He had narrowly dodged an attack by the Knight of Hope and was now engaged with him, sword to sword. While this was going on the Knight of Magic was calling upon her power, Thanatos could tell that this was just to buy her time to gather the necessary energy to fell Polemos. "As much as her ridding me of your headache inducing existence would please me, I can't allow it. Besides, the Master will be displeased if we were destroyed," said Thanatos. The Spirit of Death's horn lit up with gray energy, the blackness of space seemed to twist and contort in front of him. The shadows twirled around, being sewn in to something. The shadows snapped away, their work completed. It was a six foot long spike made of black and gray energy; Thanatos carefully aimed it at the Knight of Magic, making sure that his target would not move. "Black Thorn…!" Twilight was nearly ready; the spell she used to destroy the ultra-dreadnought was now strong enough to destroy the Spirit of War for good. Bright Blade was locked in a power struggle with Polemos, both Xiaon and Crimson Scourge wailed and screeched as the two warriors tried to strike the other down. The two warriors disengaged, it was time, now all that was left was to speak the incantation and they would have one less Envoy to worry about. It was then that Twilight noticed something, Bright Blade was no longer staring at Polemos, and his glowing green eyes seemed to be locked onto another target, something that was moving. Twilight looked in the same direction that he was but could see nothing. It was then that a look of utter terror and worry was shown in Bright's face. The alircorn stallion's aura erupted; he then used the power of his aura to fly towards Twilight. She didn't understand what was happening; she was ready to end the fight, why was he deviating from the plan, even Polemos seemed confused as to his actions. It was at the moment that Bright Blade slammed his shoulder into Twilight's chest, pushing the Knight of Magic far away. The hit nearly knocked the wind out of her, metaphorically speaking. Twilight shook her head and stared angrily at her coltfriend. "Bright Blade what are you doing I could've –!?" Twilight stopped talking, there was blood floating around Bright Blade. Her eyes fell upon something black and gray sticking out of his chest. The golden, raging aura was no more, and Xiaon had completely vanished. Tears of white light started to fall from Twilight's eyes as her mind finally pieced together what had happened. "BRIGHT BLADE!!!" What's wrong, asked Applejack. Bright Blade's hurt, screamed Twilight in her mind. What, damn it, I can't believe I let that happen, thought Rainbow Dash, berating herself. No time for the blame game, Twilight get Bright Blade back to the Sentinel, thought Pinkie Pie. I'll use my spirits to cover you, now hurry, ordered Fluttershy. Twilight wasted no time; she quickly flew towards her injured coltfriend, just mere feet away. But something unexpected happened. Polemos was already near Bright Blade, the Crimson Scourge nowhere to be seen, the Spirit of War used his mechanical arms to grab the Knight of Hope and slung him onto his back. Twilight's eyes narrowed in anger, her horn and hands flared with mana as her aura ignited and propelled her further towards the pair. "LET HIM GO," she shouted. Before Twilight could make another move, Polemos reached out with his left front mechanical arm and grabbed Twilight's right wrist. The red and black bull then tuned his gaze somewhere else, his yellow eyes burning with rage and power. "DAMN YOU THANATOS!!!" Suddenly all three were surrounded in a sphere of red light; the sphere then shot high up and took off towards an unknown direction. All those who were fighting stopped for a moment, trying to figure out just what had happened. Thanatos just stared in the direction the sphere went, he then released a calm breath and blinked once. He then gave a flap of his wings, and shifted his weight on the debris. "Polemos…you have betrayed us!" The battle between the Envoy and Knights of Harmony has taken a turn for the worst. Now Polemos as whisked both Twilight and an injured Bright Blade away. What does this mean for the Envoy and the Knights? Will Polemos get the "glorious battle" he so wanted!? Answers will be revealed in Part 5 of the Fourth Sign Arc! > Fourth Sign: Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- War vs. Hope Far away from the raging battle between the Knights and Envoy, on a moon upon which any trace of civilization was wiped clean, three figures appeared in a sphere of crimson light. Twilight, no longer in Centaurus form, landed hard on her hooves, tumbling about until she was able to regain her hoofing. Polemos was there, standing on his large hooves. On his back, clutched in his mechanical arms, was an unconscious Bright Blade. Twilight’s horn flared with mana, eyes narrowed with anger at the Spirit of War. “Let him go right now or else I’ll scatter your molecules to the furthest reaches of the galaxy!” Twilight threatened. Polemos didn’t blink, nor did he even seem to care about Twilight’s threat. The large black and red bull trotted towards her, the Knight of Magic was on edge, ready to attack and save her beloved from this monster. Polemos stopped trotting; his right arms then lowered Bright Blade onto the ground before the lavender mare. Twilight looked from the body of her coltfriend, and then back to Polemos in confusion. “Heal him,” he said. “What…?” “Quickly before he is lost!” As suspicious as she was of Polemos she didn’t have time to be. Twilight gently turned the alicorn stallion onto his back and examined the wound in his chest. The armor barely did its job in protecting him, but it did prevent the Black Thorn from going any deeper. Twilight immediately performed a healing spell, once cast, the spell operated autonomously of its caster. A stabilizing aura encapsulated Bright Blade, the spell then began a regeneration process, the wound in his chest slowly closing as the Element Armor’s Hope symbol started to pulsate with healing energy to speed the process. “Well,” asked Polemos. “He’s healing, he’ll live,” said Twilight relieved. “Good, how long until he is ready to fight?” Twilight’s head snapped up in surprise from Polemos’ question. Her angered gaze fell upon him once again. “If you’re looking for a fight then I’ll duel you Spirit of War, but leave him alone!” “I cannot, whether you and I do battle will depend on him. If he slays me, then that will be the end of it, but if I slay him, you’ll have your shot, and probably win as well,” said Polemos in a nonchalant tone. “I don’t understand you! You say you want to kill Bright Blade, but during the battle you go and save us both!? Your own brother nearly killed him, and yet you transport us here and ask me to heal him, just so you can fight him!? It makes no sense!” Twilight shouted. “To a warrior, it makes perfect sense. Call me what you will, a monster, a destroyer, a heartless wretch, but I’m nothing if not honorable.” Polemos trotted past the angry mare and stared down at the now healing Bright Blade. “On every world I have given them the chance to repel me, to overcome my Taint and do battle with me for the fate of their world!” Twilight scoffed at the notion, an Envoy having honor, how utterly ridiculous. “Please, you’ve killed millions, maybe billions, and you talk about honor! You’re ridiculously strong, what creature in this universe can fight you, any of you!?” “You and your friends are fighting us right now, and are putting up more than a descent fight than any other world we have ended.” Polemos spared Twilight a glance, turning his head to face her. “The truth is, once I realized that I’m quite possibly the strongest being in the universe – well next to the Master – there was no creature alive that could satisfy my hunger for a grand and glorious battle, one that would have me push my very limits, and bring me to the brink of death. I’d given up all hope until…” “Until Bright Blade,” finished Twilight. “Yes. He was the first, and then the rest of you. It was during that day that I realized that my dream was not abandoned just yet.” Twilight trotted around Polemos, it was hard to tell if this being was going to attack, his very presence exhumed hostility, but the Spirit of War seemed passive enough. Although the lavender mare did not let her guard down, it seemed, for the moment, he was not going to attack Bright Blade or herself. She laid down next to her coltfriend, cradling his head in her forelegs. Twilight looked up at the Envoy who had now taken to looking at the giant planetoid that peeked up on the horizon. “So you don’t care if he kills you,” asked Twilight. “No, to die in an honorable battle, there is no shame in that. However, what Thanatos did, interfering with my fight by attacking you. That was unacceptable!” “So that’s the other reason why you brought me here.” “Bright Blade cannot fight if he is distracted by your safety. With you here, he can focus on our fight, and nothing else,” said Polemos. Twilight was, if nothing else, a little relieved by the way this Envoy acted. He wasn’t psychotic, like Peina, nor was he cruel, like Loimos, or cold, like Thanatos. He was different. Twilight suddenly felt a stirring. She looked down and saw that the wound was completely closed, and the armor had repaired itself. Bright Blade slowly opened his eyes and was greeted with the lovely smile of his marefriend. “Hey…” “Hey yourself, what happened?” “We were transported to…to…I don’t know where,” said Twilight now thinking about their current surroundings. “It is a moon of the world that rests on the horizon; it had a civilization, one long since dead. The same for the world before us, these were two of the first worlds that I destroyed when I came into existence.” Bright Blade recognized this voice, his head snapping to the direction it came from. He tried to spring to his hooves, but his muscles ached, and his chest still had a phantom pain feeling from when he was punctured. Twilight had to force him back down before he did something to hurt himself. “It’s okay Bright Blade, he brought us here!” “What, you can’t be serious Twi!?” “It’s the truth; he brought us here away from the fighting!” Bright Blade looked towards Polemos yet again; the war bull glanced behind him yet, and then returned his gaze to the horizon before him. “Can you stand,” he asked. Bright Blade snorted, slowly, he rose to his hooves, with a little help from Twilight. The alicorn stallion scanned his marefriend, checking to see if she was really alright. Not seeing any wounds, or signs of any other kind of harm, the Knight of Hope turned to Polemos. “Thanks…for saving Twilight,” said Bright. “Your thanks will be facing me in single combat.” Polemos turned to look at Bright Blade, his face contorted disapprovingly. “Your power levels are low, even with your armor and sword you may not be at full power.” “I don’t need full power to beat you,” said Bright. “Bright Blade, he’s right, just listen.” “Options are limited, we could wait for you to regain your power naturally, but in that amount of time my siblings or your friends could be done fighting and would interfere yet again in our duel. The second option…is that I give you some of my power.” “Pass, I don’t want your tainted energy,” he protested. “I’ll fight you with everything I’ve got, down to my life force if necessary!” Twilight’s eyes went wide. “If that is your decision, then that is where we’ll do battle.” One of Polemos’ mechanical arms pointed a finger towards the planet in the sky. “There is no life upon that world, sentient or otherwise, the entire planet shall be our arena. Your mate my stay on this moon, away from danger. Is that acceptable to you?” “It is.” “No it isn’t!” Bright Blade looked down to his marefriend, a worried expression upon her face, almost on the verge of tears. “You don’t have to do this, let me fight him instead Bright I don’t want to lose you again!” “And do you think me losing you would be better, this is what I was born to do, to destroy evil,” argued Bright Blade. “Listen to yourself! ‘Born to destroy evil,’ is that all you think you’re good for!? Is that all that gives your life meaning!!?” Twilight’s hoof moved of its own accord towards her belly, where their unborn child still developed. “You don’t have to fight and seek out evil the rest of your life; this is your own life Bright…please…” Bright Blade raised his hoof and gently stroked his marefriend’s mane; she looked into his eyes, gentle and strong as ever. “I’m sorry Twi…Besides,” Bright Blade looked towards Polemos, his expression unchanged, apparently not minding this emotional display, “I don’t think I have much of a choice in this matter.” Bright Blade then kissed Twilight below her horn and then touched their foreheads, their horns crossing. “I don’t plan on losing, I’m coming back. I always do.” Bright Blade separated from Twilight and began walking towards Polemos. The alicorn stallion then nodded at Polemos, who then returned the nod. The Envoy then turned around and trotted into the distance, Bright Blade followed him, staying side-by-side with him. “Do you wish to have a moment longer with your mate,” asked Polemos staring straight ahead. “Thanks, but it’ll only make it harder,” responded Bright Blade. “She is strong, you have good taste.” “Let’s just get this over with.” Polemos smirked, just for a brief second, the same with Bright Blade. The two warriors were then incased in spheres of gold and red light, the spheres then blasted off into the horizon, flying towards the planet in the sky. Twilight was now alone on the barren moon, tears in her eyes, her hoof still resting on her belly. “Idiot…” Twilight sniffled; she then wiped her eyes and gazed in the direction where the two warriors left for. Her horn glowed with mana, preparing to cast a spell. “Superexáltet conspectu meo ...” A magic circle appeared in front of Twilight. The center of the circle faded and became like a window, almost immediately the image of Polemos and Bright Blade came into a view, their energy streaks indicating that they were still flying towards the planet. Their destination seemed to be covered in storm clouds, beyond that, using the zooming ability of the circle; she saw where their battle would commence. The city was ruined, tall skyscrapers with shattered windows, some on the verge of crumbling all together. The streets were cracked and littered with debris, whatever civilization once lived on this world was definitely gone, lost to the elements, their remains no longer upon this world’s surface, if there were any left at all. The skies roared with thunder as lightning arced through the clouds. A deluge of rain fell upon everything, obscuring many different objects and structures. But two things were visible in the storm, down one end of the street a golden light shined and was gradually moving. On the opposite end, a red light glowed and it too was moving down the street, seemingly on an intercept course. Bright Blade’s breath could be seen wafting from his nostrils and mouth, his aura sizzling from the evaporated raindrops, and Xiaon, humming with power. Polemos was the same; his hooves crunched and cracked the ground he walked on, dragging the Crimson Scourge along the pavement, the blade cutting a straight line through the asphalt. Both warriors halted about twenty feet from each other. The rain continued to pour down on the empty city, splashing about as the sound of rolling thunder echoed in the sky. “Here we are Bright Blade, two warriors, two blades, and a perfect back drop to our fight.” Bright Blade glanced around at the ruined city and shrugged. “This will end here Polemos, even if I have to take you down with me,” proclaimed Bright Blade. “Heh, heh, yes, that’s the fervor I’ve come to expect from you, let us begin then!” Lightning flashed and thunder roared, signaling the beginning of the fated duel. Bright Blade galloped forth, with Polemos taking off at the same time. Xiaon’s aura flared at the same time as Crimson Scourge. Their hooves crushed the ground with each step they took. Polemos brought up his giant sword, gripping it with all four hands. The Knight of Hope energized his horn-sword, readying himself for the impact that was to come. Both met in the center swinging their respective blades, clashing with a resounding ring. Polemos slashed right, Bright Blade parried and charged for a thrust. The Envoy brought his weapon back and blocked the attack with the flat of the giant sword. He pushed back Bright Blade and swung again horizontally, Bright flapped his wings, giving him enough push to jump up just in time to dodge the attack. Bright bowed his head, bringing Xiaon down in a vertical slash. The energy blade grazed the red armor of Polemos as he stepped back just in the nick of time. When Bright landed he swung Xiaon once again, Polemos did the same. The two swords cut through the water droplets. When the blades connected, the force generated knocked both of them back. Bright somersaulted in the air once before landing, his hooves digging into pavement as he came to a grinding halt. Polemos had quickly struck Crimson Scourge into the street, the large blade cutting a long gash as it gradually slowed his movement till he came to a full stop. Bright and Polemos looked to one another. The alicorn stallion flared his wings and took to the skies; Polemos dislodged his sword and leaped into the sky as well. They charged for one another yet again, slamming their blades at the moment of contact, sending yet another powerful shockwave that shattered all the glass windows within the vicinity. Their duel continued in the air, both warriors clashing their swords, making it impossible to tell when the swords struck and the thunder ended. Bright Blade landed on the side of the building, offering only a millisecond of respite before Polemos attacked. The war bull brought down his mighty sword, but Bright dodged yet again, spiraling in the air. The Crimson Scourge made contact with the skyscraper; a vertical gash of red light went up and down, slicing the building all the way in half. Both halves crumbled to the ground, the usual dust cloud being brought down from the heavy rainfall. Polemos looked up and watched as Bright Blade’s sword glowed with power. “Aureus Storm!!!” A tornado of golden energy blasted from Xiaon. The attack slammed into Polemos from above, sending him hurdling to the unforgiving street below. The tornado of light was cancelled, Polemos rose from the crater he had created, the assault having done little more than disorient him. But he didn’t have long to process the next attack. Bright Blade dove down at a rapid pace; the rain didn’t even have time to collect in his wake as he descended. When Bright was close he unfurled his wings, bringing him to an immediate halt. “AHHHHHHHH AARRRRGGGHHH!!!” Bright Blade swung Xiaon with all his might, the golden blade sparked as the energy weapon grinded against Polemos’ armored side. The impact sent the bull of war flying into a nearby building. Bright Blade flapped his wings, propelling him high above the skyscraper. He then slashed Xiaon through the building, bringing the entire structure down upon the Spirit of War. “Blades of Light!!!” Fifty dozen orbs of light appeared over the fallen structure, the orbs transformed into energy swords, each one pointed at the pile of debris that Polemos was under. All at once the blades flew down on the debris, each one twinkling upon impact before exploding magnificently. The surrounding structures were engulfed in a giant burning bubble of golden light, destroying them completely. But Bright wasn’t done yet, he was going to end this, here and now! “Come forth slayer of tyrants; descend upon the wicked and the evil! Let all those who bring forth misery and strife feel the sting of your metal, the heat of your fury!” Bright Blade’s wings fanned out as mana shined off his shimmering wings, his aura erupting into an inferno of power. Xiaon no longer was in sword form, but instead, rested at the tip of Bright’s horn in the form of orb of gold colored light. His fierce green glowing eyes fixed at a point in the sky and with a mere thought, fired the orb. It sailed like an arrow till it reached its appointed destination. The orb broke out and transformed into a giant version of itself, hovering just above the destruction below. Bright Blade had returned to his original armored form, but that wasn’t important, this last attack would end it all. “Judgment of Xiaon!!!” The mighty sword, with a bow of the alicorn’s head, fell like a meteor. The moment the blade made contact with the smoldering crater a bright flash of light whited out the area. “Ye are guilty…” When it faded, most of the massive city was destroyed and ruined, a large, four pointed star shaped gash scarred the land below, making many of the buildings and adjoining skyscrapers crumble and fall. A tiny orb of golden light floated up from the destruction and flew towards its wielder. Bright Blade was awaiting the return of his creation; the moment the orb made contact with is horn his body changed back to his powered form. “You wanted my all, and I gave you my all Polemos. Hope it was what you wanted, now I need to go see if Twi can –” “BATTLE CRY!!!” Bright Blade watched as the gash filled with red light, the energy then collected at the center and fired in the form of a powerful beam. Bright Blade let himself fall from the sky, letting gravity do the work after having used most of his power in his last attack. The beam sailed forth and pierced the clouds, punching a hole in the storm and revealing the moon that Twilight was on. Bright Blade corrected himself and stared in horror as the giant ray headed towards its destination. “TWILIGHT!!!” Bright cried out. Suddenly the scarlet beam angled itself to the right, further and further it moved till the Battle Cry completely missed the moon. The attack fizzled out after about a minute which allowed Bright Blade to breathe a slight sigh of relief, but only slight. He quickly whipped his head around and spotted the caster of the blast. Polemos was rising from the crater, his mane was disheveled and a few trickles of blood could be seen contrasting against his black coat. Crimson Scourge was still held between two of the four mechanical arms, no less as pristine as his armor. Bright Blade, among all the emotions he was feeling, couldn’t help but udder the two words that he knew he owed the Envoy. “Thank you…” “That was aimed at you, had I’d known the moon was there I would’ve changed the angle of my attack. It was my mistake, no thanks are necessary,” replied Polemos. Meanwhile you look like you barely took any damage and I’ve used up almost all of my power! Okay, let’s assess the situation. I’m holding onto Xiaon, but only by a thread, my armor’s power is the only thing keeping me from collapsing and that’s fading, fast, and no doubt Twilight’s probably fretting and cursing my name to Epona on high, but she’s alive so that’s a plus. Damn…is this really all I can do…? “Bright Blade that was a spectacular attack! Let us continue this glorious battle!!!” Polemos shouted. “Buck me…” Polemos launched himself at Bright Blade and brought down Crimson Scourge down upon his foe. The two swords made contact with each other, causing a shockwave that sent the alicorn reeling backwards a few feet. The attack sent Bright’s head into a tailspin; he barely felt his body, the only thing he could concentrate his mind on was the sword. Polemos swopped in again and slashed with his sword, making contact with Xiaon. This time Bright Blade countered and tried to push back against the large cleaver of a blade. The two of them continued in that fashion, one countering, and the other attacking. The glee filled look on Polemos’ face was gradually and quickly fading away with each stroke of Crimson Scourge. Something was off, this whole fight was wrong to him. Getting fed up with this, Polemos drew back his sword and prepared to strike Bright Blade with a horizontal slash. Bright Blade readied himself to dodge his attack, but his movements were sluggish, his energy levels almost at zero. When Polemos swung Crimson Scourge he quickly shifted the blade so that the flat of the sword was aimed at his opponent. The sword slammed against Bright Blade, catching the alicorn stallion off guard and sending him flying into the distance. Bright Blade crashed through three different buildings before ending up in a fourth, rolling on the floor and coming to a stop. The golden alicorn groaned from the pain, his body was weak, and his power was fading. This was it, he was about to break his promise to Twilight. Polemos floated through the hole and into the building where Bright Blade crashed landed. He slowly approached the Knight of Hope, his eyes narrowed upon seeing Bright Blade on the floor. “What are you doing…? This is not how I want our glorious battle to end! Rise up and fight Bright Blade! If you can’t fight for your own sake then do it for the ones you care about, for the one that loves you! You, who bear the hopes and dreams of countless lives, take all of that and make it your strength! NOW RISE AND FIGHT!” Polemos bellowed. Bright Blade heard the words of the Spirit of War, and it rang true. Those words, he was right. He was the Element of Hope, this whole time he had been fighting to defeat Polemos, to utterly and completely put an end to him. But that’s not what used to motivate him, it was the need to protect, to save the ones he cared about, the one mare he loved, to bring hope to those who were hopeless. Something new burned in Bright Blade, gritting his teeth; the Knight of Hope rose up onto his hooves. “For their hopes and their dreams…!” The Element of Hope crystal shined brighter than it ever had, Bright Blade’s body was now filled with renewed strength. “CENTAURUS ELEMENTUS!!!” Bright Blade’s body erupted with golden light, blinding Polemos and nearly forcing him out of the building from the power. When the light faded, Polemos saw a new being standing before him. Bright Blade was now in Centaurus form. His navy blue armor held his golden energy body together. The top edges of his wings were plated with the same armor, as well as his face and lower part of his horn. In his right hand he held Xiaon; the sword of light was more refined, it was as if he plucked a star from the night sky and forged it into a weapon. Bright’s white mane bellowed like fire, his emerald eyes blazing with power. Polemos looked upon his adversary, and smiled with glee. “Now this is what I’m talking about!” Polemos launched himself at Bright Blade, slashing at him with Crimson Scourge. Bright intercepted the blade with Xiaon’s, the attack rumbled through air upon impact. But Bright Blade didn’t seem fazed. In fact, the force wave generated blew back Polemos, his armored hooves scrapping against the floor as he came to a halt. Bright Blade didn’t give him a chance to recover. Within a single step the golden centaur bridged the gap between them. Polemos began swinging Crimson Scourge, but Bright Blade countered each strike with Xiaon’s energy blade. On the next strike, Bright Blade parried the blow, twirled his sword around, and brought the flat of his palm against the flat of the sword. Pushing forward, he created a force blast of golden energy that threw Polemos out the hole he flew in. The Spirit of War spiraled out of control through the torrential rain. He continued like this for a full minute, finding himself halfway through the city. The black bull gathered his power and strength and sent out a buffering energy burst around his body, bringing him to a halt in midair. Polemos stared out in Bright’s direction, his form visible even from this distance, like a shining gold star. “YES, YES!!! THIS IS THE BATTLE I’VE BEEN SEEKING! LET OUR FIGHT MAKE THE VERY HEAVENS TREMBLE FROM OUR MIGHT!!!” Bright Blade did not respond, though his emerald eyes blazed with a greater intensity as he tightened his grip around Xiaon. With one flap of his wings, Bright Blade was sent soaring out into the open space. Polemos took off at nearly the same time. Streaks of gold and red light soared straight for one another, on a direct collision course. Barriers of sound and air pressure burst before them as they continued to build up speed, the glass of the buildings shattering in their wake. At last the two rays of light met at the center, causing a massive shockwave that nearly toppled every building within a five block radius, the ground down below caved in from the pressure being directed in all different directions. A sphere of gold and red light was at the center, but the sphere did not last as the beams of gold and red shot towards the sky. The sound of thunder and clashing blades echoed through the stormy sky. The streams of light would separate, and then intercept yet again, causing the rain water around them to be forcefully pushed back before resuming its cascade. Several times this occurred, one titanic clash after the other. The power these two were emitting was so strong that lightning itself took on the colors of their power, as if resonating with them on primal, ethereal level. The two warriors hovered in the air above the city. Rain continued to fall upon them and evaporate on contact. Bright Blade grasped Xiaon with both hands, flaring his wings as his aura raged. Polemos snorted, his yellow eyes gleaming with unbridled joy as he relished this fight. He was tired, being pushed to the limits of his power, oh how he enjoyed every minute of it! The two then flew at each other once again, Bright Blade bringing Xiaon in for a horizontal strike. Polemos couldn’t see from their distance, but prepared to counterattack nonetheless. With a great burst of speed Bright Blade closed the distance and slashed down, Polemos veered to the left as quickly as possible. The light sword carved through his armor, slicing his left side. The warriors flew away and doubled back for second run. Polemos felt the warm sensation of blood pouring from his wound, something that he had never felt in his immortal life, and he was eager to return the favor. The Spirit of War corrected himself, and flew at Bright Blade for another attack. The golden centaur turned quickly and flew at Polemos. The two crossed paths once again, only this time the results were different. Polemos swung Crimson Scourge upwards, catching Bright Blade off guard and allowing the large blade to slash up his chest. Bright Blade quickly parried the blow before it could do anymore damage and flew past the Envoy. Liquid light began to flow from the wound on Bright’s chest. The two rounded once again for a third attack. Bright Blade opened his left palm, a magic circle forming around it as he did. Polemos could sense the build of energy, and focused his own power to his horns. When both were in range the two warriors unleashed their attacks. “MANGNA BLAST!!!” “BATTLE CRY!!!” Two gigantic energy beams fired at each at point blank range. An explosion of white, red and gold light swirled about as one tried to vie for supremacy over the other. In the end the two blasts canceled each other out, forcing the two warriors to put some distance between each other. Both were at their limits, having expanded most of their power during their heated battle. “What do you say, Bright Blade? One last attack, everything we’ve got! Let us end this glorious battle with a bang,” Polemos offered. Although you couldn’t see it, Bright Blade was smirking. “Sounds great to me, give it all you’ve got!” Bright Blade held his sword over his head as particles of golden light started to gather to him. Polemos’ mechanical arms brought Crimson Scourge into position, his body also gathering particles of scarlet energy. They hovered there, red and gold lightning flashing through the sky. Bright Blade’s eyes began to ignite with power, the time was now! “Shine down upon me and let loose your roar of might! I call forth your anger and sorrow, with hope we now take flight! Let all who stand before me be reduced to ash for the slight! Hear me now as I call unto you…” “PARADISE LOST!!!” Polemos thrust the Crimson Scourge forward. A roaring red plasma flame blast zoomed towards Bright Blade. The sky was blanketed with red as the beam it its mark. The ground below was being torn apart, the clouds dispersing from the sky. Indeed half of the horizon was engulfed in an angry and violent crimson; nothing could be seen or heard over the roar. This was Polemos’ ultimate attack, bringing the strength of all conflict, all hate into one powerful blast. This was the power of war unleashed. “…Sword of Eternal Light!!! ” Suddenly a slender ray of gold and white light cut through the scarlet wave. In the next moment that small ray grew into an overwhelming pillar of light that cut through Paradise Lost and extended into the sky and further beyond. Polemos’ attack seemed to fizzle out in the presence of this light. The dark gloomy skies were washed away as bright blue sky now adorned it. When Polemos looked upon the pillars source, his mouth gaped open. Bright Blade was still alive; hovering in the same spot had been before. Only his body was wrapped in a golden sphere of mana. What Polemos mistook for a pillar was in fact Xiaon as it poked through the sphere. The blade had become an immaculate white, extending far into the sky with no sign of the weapons tip. Polemos marveled at the mighty weapon, this one sword, this one attack, had enough power to split a star in half, this he knew for a fact was certain. With a mighty battle cry, Bright Blade swung the colossal sword downwards. The pillar blade fell with his motion, the blue sky split open, showing the vastness of space. Polemos could feel the overwhelming gravitational energy being brought down as it descended, the friction of the atmosphere blazing around it, literally cutting through the layers. Polemos knew there was only one answer to an attack like this. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Polemos ignited his aura and charged straight for the descending blade. He thrust Crimson Scourge forward using it to pierce through the intense heat and force being brought down upon him. Polemos was like a red comet heading straight for a burning, white hot star as he flew. At last Crimson Scourge made contact with the Sword of Eternal Light, and when it did the weapon shattered… From the safety of the moon, Twilight watched the battle rage on. She cheered when she saw her coltfriend bury Polemos in a barrage of light swords, cried when he was being beaten back, and once again cheered when he unlocked his Centaurus Elementus powers. Though what she couldn’t figure out was why a wave of golden light radiated outwards and continued on into space. When the wave did hit Twilight she felt a rush of power, as if being supercharged. Now Twilight stood in awe as a giant white blade pierced through the atmosphere and shoot past the moon she was standing on. Twilight didn’t need to guess whose attack that was, she could feel it. In in the next moment Twilight watched as the giant sword blade began to fall downward. Further and further the giant pillar-blade of light fell, the clouds dispersing from the sheer force and size of it. Then there was a red flash, followed by a powerful detonation on the planet’s surface. Twilight had to close the magical viewing glass and shield her eyes from the blinding flash of light. When Twilight looked again, there was a large, scorching gash upon the planet. It was as if the blade had scarred the very land. Twilight was starting to get worried, the amount of energy that was being put out earlier had fell drastically low. Twilight began to gallop at a fast and furious pace, her armor shining with the power of magic. “CENTAURUS ELEMENTUS!” Twilight’s body was then enveloped with sparkling purple mana. Transforming her into her Centaurus form, the energy continued to build up, changing her into a streaking comet that flew directly to the battle scarred area. Twilight arrived on the planet, her violet eyes searching over every inch of the surface, expanding her senses to try and find any trace of Bright Blade. At that moment she picked up on a faint pulsation. The Knight of Magic veered off to the right, following the beacon like energy in the distance. Twilight finally came upon the area where the two warriors had battled. There was nothing left; any trace of the city had been reduced to ash. Bright Blade was in Centaurus form, but his energy form was flickering, like a candle about to be blown out by the wind. Twilight hurriedly landed a couple of feet behind him and cantered up to him. When she was near, Twilight looked down and saw Polemos. His armor was gone, his bare form lay upon the ground. His black coat stained with blood, the light of his yellow eyes slowly dimming. Even though Twilight could tell the Envoy was fading away, he did not seem scared or angered in his loss, but rather, he had a content smile. The Knight of Hope’s Centaurus form finally gave out and returned Bright Blade to his original pony form. Although he had won, the alicorn stallion did not smile. True he did fell a powerful enemy, one born of war and violence, the essence of conflict itself, and yet, it seemed like a hollow victory. “Heh, heh…that was truly…a glorious battle, Bright Blade,” spoke Polemos weakly. “Was it really worth it? You defied Erebus by bringing us here; you couldn’t just side with us and fight to end his evil!? Was this all you really wanted, just a way to die!?” shouted Bright Blade. “No…For me, a true and legendary battle, is the only reason for my existence. If you and your comrades win, then my brothers and sister will fade, without the Master’s power, it would only be a matter of time before we were returned to the ether from which we were spawned…If I was to one day become nothing again, at least I would do so on my own terms, and in a way that I wouldn’t regret…” “The Master would easily unmake me if I were to confront him with the rest of you…or turn me against you by taking away my intelligence and leaving me a mindless beast! I did not want that…You made me realize something that I never believed I was capable of…” “And what was that…?” Polemos’ smile broadened, “You gave me hope, and you made me able to hope that I could bring about that which I sought. And that hope was fulfilled. I know that you loathe me…I know that when all this is over you just as soon forget –” “You’re wrong,” Bright Blade interrupted, “I won’t forget this fight. And I’ll make sure that it will be told to all those who ask me, and one that I’ll tell those who come after me. About the great battle between War and Hope, and of Polemos, the redeemed Spirit of War…” Polemos went silent, his eyes closing as the yellow light in his eyes finally faded away. Even in death his smile held, true peace had befallen the Spirit of War, his journey had finally come to an end. At that moment Twilight and Bright Blade stepped back, watching as the Envoy’s body began to glow bright red. The glow then started to disperse into tiny particles of light that disappeared into nothingness as they floated into the blue sky. Bright Blade and Twilight watched as the Spirit of War’s essence drifted away. The Knight of Magic dispelled her Centaurus form and stood next to her coltfriend, nuzzling his neck comfortingly. “Twi…” “Yes Bright?” “Is it wrong that I…I…” Twilight raised her left hoof and placed it against his cheek. “No, it’s not. Despite what I believed, he was different. He had honor, a warrior’s honor, right to the very end.” “Yeah…” Bright looked up into the sky once more. “He did, didn’t he?” Bright Blade lowered himself to the ground, the battle fatigue finally hitting him. “You mind if we rest here, I’m really tired…” Twilight lowered herself as well and allowed her coltfriend to brace up against her. “Sure…” Bright Blade and Polemos’ battle has reached its climatic end, with the Knight of Hope proving victorious. But it is far from over. Across the sea of stars, the other Knights of Harmony still continue to wage battle against the remaining three Envoy. And still, they have yet to face the God of Darkness himself. Find out the fate of the Knights and Envoy in the 6th part of Fourth Sign Arc.