• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,944 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

  • ...

Second Sign: Part 2

Mom's Back

The crowd roared with cheers and the thunderous applauds of stomping hooves. The Wonderbolts, the ace pegasi flyers of Equestria, zoomed overhead, performing dazzling tricks and daredevil stunts that a few only dared to attempt.

One of the Wonderbolt pegasus mares, sporting a rainbow mane and tail, flew side by side with another pegasus mare, whose mane and tail resembled the color of fire. The two of them were a spectacular pair, matching each other move for move, staying in perfect sync. The rainbow maned pegasus and fiery pegasus mare flew high into the sky, higher than most could see. The first pegasus then aimed carefully and went into free fall. A Mach cone started to form in front of her sharpening and stretching with each passing second. Till, finally, the pegasus broke through the barrier holding her back, creating the legendary Sonic Rainboom.

A halo of rainbow colors spread out across the sky, dispelling the nearby clouds from the sheer force it. She wanted to push herself further, flying ever faster, another Mach cone formed before her. With one more push the rainbow maned mare burst through the cone, creating a second Sonic Rainboom. The fiery pegasus just chuckled, mouthing the words "show off."

It was now the second pegasus' turn. She climbed a bit higher than her partner and began to spin. The mare then arched herself downward, aiming right for the rainbow halos. Sparks started to come off her body, building up more and more friction, at the last second she stopped spinning and unfurled her wings. A trail of fire followed her as she went into a spiral dive, swirling flames caught up with the rainbow halo, igniting it into a wondrous display of prismatic flames of all hues. The other Wonderbolts followed the two mares' lead, flying in close formation as they executed a joint Storm Flash maneuver.

The entire thing ended in grand explosion of blazing rainbow lightning that echoed throughout the sky. The whole Wonderbolt team landed on large a cloud with graceful ease, they waved to their many adoring fans, putting on a big smile for them all. But one of Wonderbolts, although she was smiling, was not all that happy.

After the show the team reconvened in the locker rooms, the mare Wonderbolts all patted each other on the back as they removed their uniforms and stored them. The rainbow maned mare was more or less staring off into space, she would say the occasional "good job," or "nice moves," to her other teammates, but her mind was somewhere else, it was always somewhere else lately. This behavior, however, did not go unnoticed.

"Hey Rainbow Dash," called out a teammate.

Rainbow Dash was suddenly snapped out of her little inward thinking, and turned to look at who addressed her. "Oh, hi Spitfire, what's up?"

Spitfire leaned up against the adjacent locker and smirked at her. "You know what's up. I could see it plain as day during the show."

"What're you talking about!? I rocked out there, we all did!" Rainbow Dash retorted.

"Yeah your body was, as far as a routine we practiced and done over and over again, pretty much muscle memory. But your heart and mind was somewhere else Dash, now are you going to tell me or do we have to play twenty questions," asked Spitfire.

"It's just…well…"

"You're worried about your marefriend and your son, right?"

"I…" Rainbow Dash sighed, "…yeah, in a way, I am."

"I don't blame you Rainbow, after hearing about all that craziness in Ponyville who wouldn't be, right," said Spitfire with concern in her voice.

"There's just a lot on mind right now, and part of it is about what happened in Ponyville. I know I shouldn't be, I mean, Applejack can pretty much take care of anything that comes at her, and Clay's equally as tough."

"If he's your kid then I wouldn't expect any less," joked Spitfire.

"Look, Spitfire…I was wondering, could I – I mean – would it be alright if I…?"

Spitfire placed a comforting hoof on Rainbow's shoulder, the rainbow maned mare looked at her friend with confusion. "As your friend I suggest you go and spend some time with your family. As your Captain, our team will be while before we make our way to Canterlot, at least two or three days before we actually get there, and then there's the three day prep work. You know, just saying."

Rainbow Dash caught on to Spitfire's hint, she gave a smile to her friend and Captain. "Thanks Spitfire…" Dash ran out of the locker room, a big smile on her face, but as she passed by the stallion's locker room she heard the voice one of the most irritating and frustrating pegasus stallion she had ever met.

"And where the hay do you think you're going," asked the dark blue pegasus.

Rainbow Dash stopped; with a frustrated grunt she turned to face the stallion. "Sky Blazer, does it matter where I go, I'm the Co-Captain. If I decide I want to go somewhere then I'll go, I certainly don't need your permission!"

"Oh, as the Co-Captain, you are supposed to stay with the team to help with the pack up and transport back to Canterlot. That is, at least, one of your duties Co-Captain," said Sky Blazer.

"Tsk, I don't need this, I'm gone," stated Rainbow Dash.

"Listen you little fillyfooler I –!"

"Sky Blazer!"

The dark blue pegasus glanced behind him and saw Spitfire standing outside the mare's locker room door. "I authorized Rainbow Dash some leave time, besides, you should be more careful. Some ponies might hear you say the wrong things, and come to the wrong conclusions, conclusions that might get you kicked off the team," warned Spitfire.

Sky Blazer snorted, but conceited the fight, his pride in being a Wonderbolt was too important to him to let go. The dark blue pegasus trotted towards Spitfire, he then, ever so slightly, brushed up against her shoulder. Spitfire glanced at Sky Blazer, and he her. Rainbow Dash waited for Sky Blazer to disappear from sight, after a confident nod from Spitfire, Dash galloped out the door and took to the sky flying as fast as she could.

I'm coming home guys; I'll be back in ten seconds flat!

***10 Hours Later***

Rainbow Dash had been flying for hours, almost nonstop. Luckily for her, she sprang for a watch a while back so she was able to keep track of how long she'd been flying for. Rainbow had just passed Cloudsdale, which meant that Ponyville was almost within reach.

As she flew, Rainbow Dash started to think back to all the times she was able to visit. How Clay's face lit up whenever she was around, the joy she felt from the unconditional love of her adopted son, and of course, the love of her marefriend. Although whenever Rainbow thought about her son it made her heart ache. Rainbow immediately shook her head, chasing out the thought.

Don't think like that Rainbow; just go there with a smile on your face and your head held high.

Soon the skyline of Ponyville came into view; the old town had seen better days. Some of the rooftops were destroyed, either burnt or caved in. Buildings that were once where Rainbow remembered them to be weren't there anymore. The sight of this was more than a little disconcerting to the cyan pegasus. Dash had heard the rumors about what had transpired, and there were little details given to her by letters or Iris Caller. Rainbow Dash slowed herself a little, surveying the town from a bird's eye view.

"Hey watch that loose board, somepony cut that thing off before it falls off!"

Rainbow Dash heard a familiar voice; her rose colored eyes looked around till she spotted the source. She was a yellow coated mare, with a red mane and tail, wearing a hardhat and a saddle bag full of tools. The cyan pegasus smiled and descended down towards her.

"Well looky who we got here, heads up Apple Bloom!"

The red maned earth pony looked up at the last second and saw Rainbow Dash land right beside her. "RAINBOW DASH!" Apple Bloom shouted.

Rainbow Dash and Apple Bloom embraced each other in a tight hug, having not seen the other for a while now. "Nice to see you too AB."

"When did you – !?"

"Just now, I saw the damage to the buildings and I wanted to get a closer look." Rainbow Dash and Apple Bloom released each other, allowing Dash to better gaze at the surrounding destruction. "Geez, looks like a tornado rolled on through."

"Trust meh, it coulda been a lot worse. We got off lucky, no don't about that," said Apple Bloom.

"That bad…"

"Didn't anypony tell ya what happened?" Apple Bloom asked.

"No…bits and pieces mostly, some of it I got from newspapers and word of mouth," said Rainbow Dash, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Ah'm sorry Rainbow Dash," Apple Bloom placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder, "Ah had no idea."

"It's cool, really. Is your sister home," asked Rainbow Dash.

"She should be at the house, today's her day off," said Apple Bloom.

"Good, oh and if you see Clay, don't tell him I'm here. Kinda a surprise," said Rainbow Dash with a wink.

"Meh lips are sealed."

Suddenly a wooden board fell from high up, making both mares jump back a few feet and enter a combative stance. When they realized it was only a loose piece of wood from the worksite. Apple Bloom and Rainbow Dash looked at each other and laughed at their edginess. Apple Bloom composed herself and stared angrily in the direction the board fell from.


"Sorry boss," shouted one of the workers.

"I'll just let you get back to it."

Rainbow Dash then flew away, giggling at the prospect that Apple Bloom was about to tear a stallion a new one.

***Sweet Apple Acres***

Rainbow Dash hovered just outside the farm. She was scared, she had a performed lots of daredevil stunts, death defying feats, and been through a war. But none of it compared to the feeling she had right now. She had been away for a long time, much longer than what would be considered "work related."

She's either going to be really cheesed off, or really happy to see me. Possible combination of the two.

With a deep breath Rainbow Dash flew on over the fence line that marked the Apple Family property. It was nice to see that her cloud home was still above the main house, which meant, at least to her, that Applejack hadn't completely given up on them. The cyan pegasus landed near the front porch of the main house, only to find Granny Smith. The old mare was sitting in her rocking chair, going back and forth, enjoying the nice sunny spring day. Rainbow Dash cleared her throat before speaking to the matriarch of the Apple Family.

"H-hi Granny Smith," said Rainbow Dash.

Granny Smith opened her eyes upon hearing the familiar voice. "What…who…?" The lime green earth pony's eyes finally came into focus, allowing her to see the rainbow maned cyan pegasus known as Rainbow Dash. "Been a long time since Ah seen ya around here."

"Y-yeah, well I should be back for a lot longer after the next few days…ahem, is uh, is Applejack home? I was hoping I could catch up with her," she asked.

"Oh she's inside, ya can go in if ya want," said Granny Smith.


Rainbow Dash wasn't sure, but as she entered the house, Dash could've sworn she saw Granny Smith give her a sly smile. In the end she shrugged it off. When the cyan pegasus got into the house she inhaled deeply, enjoying the old familiar smell of the rustic farm house. More than that, she could smell the scent of her lover. Rainbow took a look around downstairs and noticed that there wasn't any sign of her.

Weird, I thought Granny Smith said AJ was inside.

It was then that Rainbow decided to go upstairs. The cyan pegasus slowly trotted down the hallway, noting each room she passed by. The first room had belonged to Big Macintosh; it was cleared out years ago since they built a house for Fluttershy and them to live in.

The next room was Apple Bloom's; the door was wide open so she decided to take a peak. The inside was filly-ish, well as filly-ish as a tomcolt can get. The bed had some lacy trim as far as the canopy and sheets were concerned. But off near the window to her room, there was a table with blueprints, rulers, compasses, and all manner of geometric tools. There was a tool belt hung up on a rack, with a barrel full of rolled up plans inside.

Hard working just like your sister, she thought.

The next room was that of their son. She took her time in this room; Rainbow looked around, taking in every detail. The toys strewn on the floor, the many posters of the Wonderbolts, many of which had images of her best flying moments printed on them. A sense of pride and joy ran through her heart, seeing that Clay still thought so highly of her. Another thing she noticed was the Stetson hat that hung on the headboard of the bed. Rainbow Dash trotted into the room, gingerly, as if it were hallowed ground. She then placed a hoof on the bed sheets, gliding her hoof up and down them.


Rainbow Dash started to feel her eyes water, she tried to shake them off, but to no avail. She decided to head to the bathroom and to splash some water in her face. Going off of memory, Rainbow Dash quickly opened the door; her face felt the rush of hot air blow over making her close them. After a few seconds she heard something, like water splashing.


Rainbow Dash quickly opened her eyes upon hearing the familiar voice her marefriend. Applejack was sitting in a tub of hot water; her wet blonde mane clung to her, with some bangs hanging in front of her face. Both mares' eyes were wide with surprise, Applejack for seeing her marefriend, and Rainbow Dash for seeing her marefriend, wet, in a tub, taking a bath.

"R-Rainbow Dash…?"

"Heh, heh, hey AJ," said Rainbow Dash nervously.

Applejack, now realizing that her marefriend had caught her in the middle of a bath, quickly brought her hooves to cover herself up. Mostly out of principle. The surprise finally wore off, and her gaze was now filled with annoyed anger.

"G-g-get outta here Rainbow, NOW!"

Rainbow Dash quickly ran out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her. "Sorry," she called out. Applejack's response was the throwing of something hard against the door, hard enough that Rainbow Dash actually felt the thump on her back. Rainbow's cheeks were as red as apples; she had seen her marefriend plenty of times, but never like that.

I uh…I just uh…I need some cider…yeah, that's what I need, I need some cold, cold apple cider…

With that Rainbow Dash stumbled her way downstairs, she would soon come to the realization that no matter how much cider she drank, there was no getting that image out of her mind.

Rainbow Dash was sitting at the table, with three empty cider mugs, and was now on her fourth. She was about to down the frothy beverage when she heard the sound of hoofsteps coming towards the kitchen. There, standing in the doorway, was Applejack, her mane and tail were loose, and still seemed a bit damp. Dash could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks, hopefully not enough for AJ to notice.

"Howdy Rainbow," said Applejack.

"I didn't see anything!" Dash blurted.

The cyan pegasus quickly covered her mouth, having just said something embarrassing. Applejack blushed at bit, but shrugged it off. "At least ya didn't go for the hard stuff."

"Not five o'clock yet," replied Rainbow.

Applejack trotted to where Rainbow Dash got her cider, and poured herself a mug. She then joined her marefriend at the table, taking sips and staring back at her. The tension was thick, thick as a heavy fog; Rainbow tried to read Applejack, but was afraid she'd misjudge a nonverbal cue as something else.

"So…yer Wonderbolts tour over, Ah thought ya still had to perform at Canterlot," she asked.

"No, it isn't over yet. We're still performing at Canterlot, but I was able to get some time off while the team packs up for the move back," said Rainbow.

Applejack seemed a little surprised by that. "Really, Ah didn't think they'd let ya go, bein' the Co-Captain and all?"

"Yeah, Spitfire actually authorized it! I was just as surprised as you were; we've actually started becoming really good friends!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow at that, "Really, well Ah'm glad fer ya, Ah mean, she is yer idol after all."

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head slightly embarrassed; there was no denying that Spitfire had been her idol ever since she first dreamed of being a Wonderbolt. "Well…ahem, enough about what I've been doing, what's been going on. I've been hearing stuff about the townsponies trying to kill each other, and Bright Blade fighting some Spirit of War or something!?"

"Oh yeah, well…"

Applejack began to regale Rainbow Dash about the events the transpired. The whole time the rainbow maned mare listened intently, taking in every detail as it was told. At the end of the story, Rainbow Dash leaned back and took a sip of her cider.


"Tell meh about it…" Applejack took a swig of her cider.

"Tell me something, why didn't you guys send me a letter, or even use the Iris Caller? I was worried about you guys when I was all the way in Las Pegasus!"

"Ah didn't see the need to bother ya when the whole thing was resolved quick like," said Applejack.

"You think I'm so busy that I can't drop everything for something like this! I mean, c'mon Applejack, what kind of mare do you think I am!?"

"One that could stand to be around more if ya ask meh," answered Applejack.

"Excuse me, what was that!?"

"Ya heard me Rainbow, wouldn't kill ya to show yer face here every so often."

Rainbow Dash sat up and slammed her hooves on the table. "Hey I'm busy busting my flank so you and Clay can have an easy life!"

"Between the both us Dash we make more than enough money ta get whatever we need, life's been plenty easy," said Applejack.

"Then what Applejack, explain to me what the problem is," she asked angrily.

"Let meh think, our son is gettin' teased at school, he got beat up a couple days ago and he won't tell meh who did it, and he's worried that he doesn't have a cutie mark yet."

Rainbow Dash just stared at Applejack, how could all of this have happened just in one tour? "I-I didn't know…"

"That's the point Rainbow, you should've…" Applejack took another swig of her cider. "Oh, and he thinks ya don't want'em for some darned reason."

"WHAT, why would Clay think something like that, who told him that load of crap," asked Rainbow Dash.

"Ah'm guessin' it's the same one that beat'em up, and he ain't talkin'," said Applejack.

The rainbow maned mare sat back down and sighed in bewilderment. She couldn't believe how much had gone on, at best she tried to make it for all his birthdays, or some of the major holidays, but this, she never imagined this was going on. Rainbow Dash rubbed her temples in frustration, not for her marefriend, but for herself.

"I am a terrible parent…"

Applejack's slight anger towards her marefriend was starting to simmer down, having gotten most of what she wanted to say off her chest. "Yer not a terrible parent, alright. Could ya stand to be around more, yes, but other than that Clay still loves ya…and…ya know, Ah do too."

Rainbow Dash stared at the orange earth pony eyes wide. "Thanks…"

Applejack got up from where she was sitting and trotted over to Rainbow. She then enveloped her in tight hug, surprising the cyan pegasus. After a second Rainbow Dash hugged her back, she had missed holding the one she loved close to her. Her mane and coat smelled wonderful, the warmth of her body so comforting.

"Welcome home Rainbow…"

"It's good to be home…"

They separated, but only a little, just enough for them to stare into each other's eyes. The two mares then leaned in and kissed, passionately. Time seemed to slow for them, the world around them having dissolved away, leaving only the two of them. After what seemed like forever, the two lovers ended their kiss and leaned their foreheads up against the other. Rainbow Dash didn't want to spoil this moment, she didn't want anything to, but there was something that she had to tell Applejack, something about Clay.

"Listen, Applejack, there's something I have to tell you."

"Yeah Dashie…"

Damn, do you have to use my pet name…!?

"Well it's about –!"

Rainbow Dash didn't get to finish her sentence as she heard the front door opening, along with an accompanying, "Ma I'm home!" Applejack and Rainbow Dash knew this voice and quickly released each other, hoping that their blushing faces wouldn't be too obvious. Soon enough a light gold, brown maned earth pony rounded the corner, looking oblivious to the fact that Rainbow Dash was in the room as he made his way towards the fridge.

"Hey Mom, hey Ma, today was funny at school! First Pound and Swift tried to race each other and Miss Cheerilee –!" Clay stopped in his tracks; he turned his head slowly towards the table. He did a double take, and rubbed his eyes, making sure that what he saw wasn't an illusion or trick of the mind. "Mom…!?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled, "The one and only."

Clay threw off his saddle bags and dashed for the rainbow maned mare. He threw his forelegs around Rainbow Dash and hugged her as tight as he could. "MOM YOU'RE BACK!"

"Yeah kiddo, I'm back, hopefully for a lot longer."

It wasn't until Clay looked up at her that Rainbow Dash finally noticed the black ring around his left eye. She tried to keep her smile, despite the rising anger and need to kick the flank of whoever hurt her son. But that could wait till later, for now, Rainbow was just glad she could hold her son like this. For how much longer would be another question…

***Next Day***

It was midmorning, and the weather was nice. Clouds were abundant in the sky, but none of them storm clouds. Up above Rainbow Dash was flying around, but she wasn't alone, as an orange and violet blur streak followed after her. Rainbow looked to her right and saw Scootaloo quickly gaining on her, a determined expression radiating from the young mare's face. Rainbow Dash banked to the left and Scootaloo followed suit. The rainbow maned mare stopped suddenly and zoomed upwards climbing higher and higher, she looked back and saw that her longtime friend wasn't too far behind her.

With a grin, Rainbow Dash looped around and nosedived, aiming straight for Scootaloo. Neither pegasus changed their course, the distance between them quickly closing with each passing second. At the last possible moment, the two pegasi altered their course just a smidge, passing by mere inches, their fur lightly brushing up against each other.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo regrouped and began performing figure eights in the sky, the only thing a pony on the ground would see was a fiery orange streak looping around with a rainbow streak in an almost blinding rate of speed. After a while the two pegasi found a comfy large cloud for the two of them to rest on. They both landed gently on top of it, panting a bit from their little fly session.

"Looks like you've gotten a lot faster since the last time I was here," said Rainbow Dash.

"Maybe, or maybe you're just getting slower," said Scootaloo nudging her idol.

The two mares shared a laugh, and after while just stared out into the endless blue sky, resting their heads on their forelegs. Rainbow Dash forgot how relaxing it was to just take a nap on the clouds whenever she felt like it. Ever since she joined the Wonderbolts Rainbow had been sure she was at the top of her game, training and pushing herself, but she knew when to stop. Rainbow Dash especially missed being able to go all out like she had done earlier with Scootaloo, besides Spitfire, Scootaloo was the only other pegasus who could keep up with her during flight.

"Hey Scootaloo, I heard you, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom really blew away the crowd at the Canterlot Theatre. They were especially impressed with the dance number you came up with," commented Rainbow with a sly smile.

Scootaloo began to blush out of embarrassment, her bad girl façade having been blow out of the air. "Rainbow Dash…look don't get me wrong, I love flying, it's part of who I am! But…I…I love dancing too, it's a real thrill, and it's awesome! …I probably sound like a real frilly filly right now…"

Scootaloo began to hang her head, afraid that she might've lost the respect of her idol. But what she received instead was a pat on the back, and warm smile from the cyan pegasus. "Scoots, why would I think that?"

"You mean…you don't think that my dancing thing is too…you know…"

"Scootaloo, it's who you are, you're special talent! I couldn't be more proud of you, and after what I heard you did, that fire thing, you're awesome!"

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash, thank you," said Scootaloo smiling.

"Actually, Scootaloo, there was more than one reason why I asked you out to fly," Rainbow admitted.

The orange pegasus raised an eyebrow, "Really, what?"

"It has to do with Clay…"

"Oh…is there something wrong with him," asked Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash fidgeted a little, feeling a little guilty for calling out Scootaloo for this. "Well Applejack told me that, a few weeks ago, Clay got beat up pretty bad…"

"I think Apple Bloom told me about that, can't believe that happened," said Scootaloo concerned.

"Yeah, me neither. So I was wondering if you might've heard anything or maybe seen anything."

"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I try to keep a bird's eye view of things, but I didn't see it." At that moment, a thought popped into Scootaloo's head. "Say, when exactly did this happen?"

"Applejack said it happened on the first day of school, it would've happened after three o'clock sometime."

Scootaloo thought hard, she really wanted to help Rainbow Dash find the culprit that hurt her son. "During that day I was flying, when this pegasus colt flew by me, he looked beat up and really mad for some reason."

Rainbow's head shot up, "What, do you remember what he looked like!?"

"His coat was a dark blue, a white mane and tail with a stripe running through them, and pair of wings for a cutie mark."

Dark blue pegasus…I wonder…no there couldn't be any relation?

"Thanks Scootaloo, that helped, at least I have something to go on."

"Wish I could be more helpful," said Scootaloo and little sad.

"Well, if you don't mind, the next time I'm away for a while, could you keep an eye on him for me? When you get the chance of course," asked Rainbow Dash.

"Sure I would, no problem Rainbow Dash!"

"So, you up for another race Scoots!?"

Scootaloo smirked; she then jumped up and got into racing position. Rainbow Dash did the same, matching her stance and raking her hoof across the cloud. Both mares stared outwards toward the wild blue yonder, controlling their breathing, their muscles tensing with anticipation.

"On three…one…two –!"


Scootaloo took off, leaving Rainbow Dash eating her cloud vapor. Rainbow Dash chuckled at the notion that Scootaloo thought she could get a head start on her. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings, the wind generated from the flapping dispelled the cloud, as she was about to educate a certain pegasus mare who the real speed demon is.

***The Day After***

Rainbow Dash was waiting outside of the school house, today was the day that that all three of them were going to Canterlot together. Since the Wonderbolts were going to perform on Sunday, Rainbow Dash had decided that the three of them should head up there today to be there on Friday. Usually Rainbow Dash wasn't so patient, but since they pretty much packed up already, and since this was her son, she didn't mind.

Soon enough the school bell rang and all the little foals burst out of the school house. Rainbow Dash waited till Clay was alone, although she knew he wasn't embarrassed by his mother, Dash didn't want to draw attention to them. She wanted to take this time be alone with him, to talk to her son. Luckily for her, she had told Clay to head for the train station after school and that she would meet up with him soon.

Rainbow watched as Clay said his goodbyes to his friends and left soon after, keeping a constant eye out from her cloud hiding spot. She was also keeping an eye out for a certain dark blue pegasus, ready to administer her punishment should this mystery colt dare to show his face and hurt Clay again, in fact a little part of Rainbow actually wanted him to show up just so she could. Anyway, Clay had gotten halfway down the road with no incident.

Guess now's as good a time as any.

With that said the rainbow maned mare spread her wings and took off. She gradually lowered her altitude, gliding on the air currents rather than flapping. Clay was partially oblivious to her descent, that is, until he saw her shadow being casted on the ground. For some reason though when Clay looked up towards her direction, he had an angered look on his face, his stance widened, indicating he was ready for an attack. After a minute he seemed to realize who it was and his body went lax.

"MOM!" Clay called out.

"Hey Clay," she replied.

Rainbow Dash landed gracefully in front of her son, the young earth pony ran up and nuzzled Rainbow's chest. She returned the gesture by my nuzzling the top of Clay's head. After that the two of them began trotting along down the road, neither of them said anything, Clay was smiling widely, apparently just being able to walk side-by-side with Rainbow Dash was enough. However, as much as Rainbow wanted this to stay as a happy occasion, she had questions and she needed answers.

"So kiddo, I was wondering about something," she said.

"Oh, what is it Mom?" Clay asked curious.

"The way you looked up at me, you looked angry; it was like you were expecting to fight somepony?"

Clay's trot stumbled a bit, just a tad. "W-what, oh I wasn't angry! I just – uh – stubbed my hoof on a rock!"

"Clay, don't lie to me."

"I'm not!"

"Clay look, I've been through my share of fights, more than that even. I know when a pony is getting ready to fight, and you looked about ready to punch me in the face," said Rainbow Dash.

Clay seemed like he was trying to come up with a good excuse, unfortunately though, he couldn't. The earth pony colt hung his head low in defeat. "Just like Ma…she could tell too."

"Yeah, she could because we've both been through a war Clay, don't look so disappointed. Now are you going to tell me who you were expecting?"

Clay remained silent.

"Is it that dark blue pegasus colt, the one with a stripe in his mane and the wing cutie mark?"

At this Clay snapped his head towards Rainbow Dash's direction. "You…you know about him!? But h-how I never told Ma or Aunt Apple Bloom!?"

"I only know what he looks like Clay, not his name; I was hoping you could do that." Clay looked like he wanted to say the name, but was for some reason reluctant to. "Clay, one way or another, I'll find out who this colt is. Once I tell Applejack about this it won't take long before me and her go ask Miss Cheerilee. You'll save us a lot leg work, and it'll help you too."

Clay had been backed into a proverbial corner; there was no way he could lie his way out of having to explain who the mystery colt was. Rainbow Dash hated doing this to her son, but she wanted to help him and she wasn't one for beating around the bush.

"His…his name is…Sky Tearer…"

"His father's Sky Blazer, isn't it?"

Clay nodded.

Rainbow Dash snorted noticeably ticked off. Damn you Sky Blazer, when I get to Canterlot we're going to have some serious words!

Rainbow and Clay were almost to Ponyville, having passed the grazing pastures of the cows and almost at the entryway. They were silent for a while, Clay was obviously not happy about having told his mother the name of his bully, and that he was a fellow Wonderbolt. The cyan pegasus searched for a topic to lighten the mood, anything to a least get Clay talking to her. It was then that Rainbow remembered something she saw in his room that might help.

"I saw the posters in your room."

Clay seemed a bit embarrassed by that.

"I'm glad those photographers were able to catch my good side during the shows, how about you? Do you think they did me justice, Clay," asked Rainbow Dash, rather smugly.

Clay picked up his head, smiled, and then gave a light chuckle. "Yeah, they did, you looked awesome Mom."

"I also saw those posters for the Knight Corp."

Clay seemed to fidget at that. "Y-yeah…"

"You don't actually want to join them do you, you know how Applejack and I feel about it," said Rainbow Dash.

"I-I know, it's just, well, you know how Dinky got her cutie mark, right," asked Clay.

Rainbow Dash nodded in response.

"Well, I was wondering if I might be able to find my special talent like she did in the Knight Corp."

Rainbow Dash stopped trotting, making Clay do the same. She then stared at her son with a serious expression upon her face. "Clay…that is a terrible reason to join them, do you know what your Ma and I saw when we were fighting in the War of Darkness!? Young stallions and mares getting killed without mercy, slaughtered Clay!"

Rainbow Dash could see that Clay understood how she felt about it, the tone in her voice made it clear. It was then that the light gold earth pony hung his head low, after a minute he raised it up and looked into his mother's eyes.

"Th-that's not my only reason…"

Rainbow Dash sighed, "Alright then, what else?"

"I want…I want to protect other ponies, yes I know it's dangerous, but…I just want you to be proud of me, Mom!"

Rainbow Dash stared at Clay with wide eyes. "W-why would you think I'm not proud of you Clay, I love you," she said, with a little hurt in her voice.

"Because I'm not a pegasus, because I can't fly around with you, because I slow you down…At least, if I'm in the Knight Corp. I can be a pony you can be proud of –!"

Rainbow Dash quickly pulled her son into a tight hug. She hugged fiercely, as if trying to pour all her love and affection for this colt through this one act. "Listen to me; I'm proud of you no matter what you do. It doesn't matter to me that you aren't a pegasus, you could be a changeling for all I care, but that wouldn't change the fact that you're our son, and I'll always be there for you, understand!?"

Rainbow Dash could feel Clay crying into her chest, his hot, wet tears staining her cyan coat. She wanted to cry, but Rainbow had to remain strong, it did her no good to be bawling too, in fact she had more than enough reasons to want to cry without this.

The rainbow maned mare moved back a little to look down at Clay; she then smiled at her son lovingly. "Let me ask you something, do you really want to join the Knight Corp. because you really want to help and protect other ponies? From the bottom of your heart, is that something that you want to do?"

Clay looked up at her; a serious expression came over his face. Rainbow Dash could tell that he was thinking hard. After a short minute Clay finally answered. "Yes, that's really what I want. I want to help ponies, to protect them!"

Rainbow Dash sighed and shook her head. She then smirked at the little colt and noogied his head, messing up his mane a little. "Alright, I promise to talk seriously with Ma. But, if she says no, that's the end of that, is it a deal Clay?"

Clay nodded; seeming happy that Rainbow Dash was even considering the idea and willing to talk it over with Applejack. "C'mon, your Ma's waiting for us."

"They are all after me…killers all of them! I can trust no one, not even my loved ones! They are all out to get me, the green one told me so, he never lies, I must trust the green one!"

– Saleek 13:11

Author's Note:

Here you are my friends, yet another chapter for your enjoyment. Also, if you spot any mistakes don't hesitate to tell me. My assistant editor has been busy.