• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,941 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

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Third Sign: Part 7

Soldiers to the End

***30 Minutes Ago***

"Father you can't be serious, you haven't even tested it yet," said Ballista.

"With Spike's help I've been able to complete it and now it's ready! Besides, with that thing out there, we'll need as much of an edge as we can get," said Broadside.

Gale watched as her mother and grandfather argued and discussed what they were going to do. Ballista wanted to help her friends, but she was unsure if this new breakthrough would give them the edge they needed. She'd heard what the previous Envoy were capable of, and didn't want to risk dying, she couldn't leave her child like that, there were too many of those kinds of children in the world as it was and Ballista didn't want to add Gale Force to the list. Ballista laughed internally, it was funny when she thought about it. Years ago she wouldn't have given a second thought to putting her life on the line to save Equestria and to protect those she cared about. But now things were different, she had a daughter to think about, to take care of, and to be there for.

"No Dad, I can't, and neither can you! Do you really want to leave Gale all alone, without her grandfather and mother!?"

"You don't think I know that!? This isn't easy for me either, you think I like putting you in harm's way, you don't think every time you entered battle I wasn't afraid at the prospect that this was the one you wouldn't return from," said Broadside.

"It's the same for me as well; you told me you were a soldier from the beginning, and every day when you went on patrol when I was little I thought you wouldn't come back! So it isn't one sided, and I refuse to put Gale through that," shouted Ballista.

The dark maned mare sat on her haunches and cradled her little foal in her forelegs, rocking her gently as she made soothing noises. Broadside knew she was right, heck, even he realized that this was probably going to be a suicide mission even if they were just going to provide them with backup. There was, however, one underlining reason behind his logic, and it was one that the old warhorse knew Ballista was thinking about as well.

"If help doesn't arrive…if that Envoy thing kills them…then we'll lose three Elements of Harmony and one very strong dragon, even if the others are able arrive to defeat her, we won' t be able repel the next threat. Even if it's just a little bit, we have to give them some help. If the Envoy wins then foals like Gale won't have an Equestria to live in anymore, all their hopes and dreams for the future destroyed."

Ballista looked into the face of Gale, who was smiling up at her. She imagined all she would accomplish, the day she would get her cutie mark and discover her special talent, and even her first love. Then she imagined it all being taken away from her from some unknown enemies from beyond the stars, and it infuriated her to no end that her daughter and other foals coming into this world wouldn't be able to grow up and fulfill their dreams. For some reason, the motherly part of Ballista saw this as a strong reason to fight, to help her friends and save the world yet again. She released a heavy sigh and turned her gaze to Upper Crust who had taken to lying on the floor up against a display case that hadn't been destroyed.

"Upper Crust."

The unicorn mare's head shot up, "Y-Yes?"

Ballista kept Gale held between her forelegs as she hovered over towards the injured mare.

"Listen to me, there's…there's something I need for you to do, and I need you to swear to Epona almighty that you'll do as I say," warned Ballista.

"Of course, you saved my life, and dealt with that," Upper Crust pointed a hoof towards the still unconscious Glory, "I'll do whatever you have need me to do."

"Alright …listen carefully…"

***Present Time***

Ballista and Broadside, two well known ponies from the War of Darkness, the ones who lead the UEA forces in a last ditch effort to defeat the evil Tikara Balak and his Daemoni forces at the battle of Calamity's Fall. These two warriors, these two soldiers, were now standing just a few feet away from the most evil creature they've ever met.

"Looks like they need more than just support Dad," said Ballista.

"Looks like." Broadside stood on his hind legs and gripped his spear with his right hoof, assuming a fighting stance. "You know Ballista, I may not be your real father, but, I want you to know, that you've made me the proudest stallion in Equestria."

"Spare me the whole 'all hope is lost speech.' But…just so you know, I've always thought of you as my real dad, and I'm proud to be your daughter," said Ballista. "And Dad, I'm not planning to die today."

"Me neither, still, it's a good to die."

"That it is."

Peina was getting noticeably irritated by the intrusion of these two common ponies. Who were they to think that they could fight her, the Spirit of Famine, the very embodiment of greed and decay, such a thing was completely absurd, pure stupidity.

"You two shouldn't be too hasty to die; you should enjoy what time you have left on this miserable planet." Peina advised.

The two soldiers merely rolled their eyes and scoffed audibly at the notion. They were about to show this Envoy the reason why she shouldn't underestimate them. Concentrating, they cried out as one.


The pegasus and earth pony's bodies erupted with powerful green aura that wisped like fire. They could already feel the surge of power coursing through their veins, their senses becoming sharper, muscles and bones strengthened, becoming stronger than they could've imagined.

Peina, as well as Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie stared in surprise and wonder at what was happening to Ballista and Broadside.

"Remember, we only have a set time limit before this ends, a cool down period, and then we can initiate another burst," said Broadside.

"Understood, since this is your creation Dad, you want first crack," asked Ballista.

Broadside laughed heartedly and dashed off towards the Envoy. His speed was in incredible, in one step was about to close the distance between himself and Peina as he glided across the ground.

"Please," scoffed Peina.

The Spirit of Famine stuck out a single hoof, planning to stop Broadside's attack with little to no effort. The old stallion thrust with was war lance, channeling his newfound energy through the weapon. The moment the spear head made contact with Peina's hoof she felt something was off, the force of the impact was more than what she was expecting, pushing her back some inches from her original position. Broadside could tell that the Spirit of Famine was taken off guard and used this to his advantage. Retracting the lance, Broadside pivoted on his right hind leg and spun around, the backend of the shaft struck Peina in the face, while the spear head came around and smashed into her right side, sending the armored mare stumbling from the impact to sidestep to the left.

My turn, thought Ballista.

Flaring her wings, and using her unlocked power, Ballista shot off towards the evil unicorn. Ballista was surprised by her sudden boost in speed; she could easily keep up with even the fastest arrow or cannonball. At least that's what she surmised. In no time at all she was on top of Peina, as she did with Glory, Ballista thrust her hoof upwards, throwing an uppercut into her enemy's lower jaw and sending her flying into air above, but she was not done just yet. Ballista zoomed off once again, this time on an intercept course. Once she was in position, Ballista swung her right hind leg and kicked Peina in her back, propelling the Spirit of Famine and sending sailing to the road below, where she landed a couple meters away from her friends.

Broadside and Ballista regrouped near their wounded friends, their green aura's suddenly disappeared, but they didn't look at all worried.

"B-Broadside is that what I…think it is," asked Spike.

"Yes, it's the project you helped me out with, and thanks to you Spike, it might've given us the strength we needed to fight on par with you all," said Broadside.

"Where's Gale, is she alright," asked Rarity.

"She's fine, and by now, somewhere safe. What about you guys, can you move," asked Ballista.

"Not very much…The venom is slowly infecting us, I-I can feel it. Aside from the pain I think it's affecting our nervous systems," explained Fluttershy.

"Guess that means you guys are on your own, sorry, I can't even call on one of my cannons to help you two," said Pinkie Pie sadly.

"It's alright Miss Pinkie, you just concentrate on fighting that venom, we'll keep her busy," said Broadside.

Meanwhile, Peina was picking herself off the ground, for the third time today. She was getting rather tired of getting thrown to it, if anypony was going to the ground, six feet under or otherwise, it would be her enemies. She screamed in anger as her dark orange aura began to appear, the intensity of her hate reflected in her now glowing yellow eyes.

Ballista and Broadside watched the spectacle before them and readied themselves for an imminent attack.

"Our priority is that tail Ballista, we take that thing out, and she loses her primary weapon. That alone should give us an advantage."

"And if it turns out that it doesn't?"

"We'll just have to keep hitting it again and again," he said.

"Thought so."

"Exceed," they shouted together.

Their bodies once again were engulfed in the green aura, this time it was double the power, stronger than the first burst. Peina growled and charged for the soldiers. Broadside took up the charge once again, this time he threw his war lance at Peina, the weapon still burned with the green aura as it barreled for its target. The Spirit of Famine skidded to a halt, letting the spear sink into the ground before her.

"Ha, you missed you senile old coot, looks like your age is catching up with you," chided Peina.

Her words were quickly eaten as Broadside came galloping down the street, faster than he did before. The old warhorse lunged forward and grabbed hold of his spear with his front hooves. Cocking back his hind legs, he used his spear to swing around and buck Peina right in her narcissistic face. She backed away from slight amount of pain that radiated from her nose. Broadside finally landed on the ground, tearing his war lance out of the street. Broadside then began to thrust and swipe with the lance, Peina, regaining her composure, used her tail to counter all his attacks while throwing in a few strikes of her own.

Both the stallion and mare traded blows back and forth, Broadside easily dodged her stinger, after figuring out her attack pattern it was easy enough. Unfortunately the same could be said about himself, the spear was Broadside's best weapon, but there were only so many ways to strike with it before his enemy knew how to counterattack, and Peina was a fast learner. Peina raised her tail into striking position and brought it down on Broadside. Seeing the attack coming, he caught the strike in the middle of the spear shaft and now it became a grappling match, with Peina pushing down and Broadside pushing up.

"For all your strength and speed, you still can't match me cretin," said Peina.

"Well, I'll admit, you're faster than me, and you have good power. But that's not my style, that's what cutie mark is for. A spear to signify my proficiency with this weapon, and a shield to show that I'll do all I am able to protect those around me, and to defend the defenseless," said Broadside.

Peina sensed something coming; she immediately broke off her attack on Broadside and readied herself. Ballista came screeching out of the air and unleashed of flurry of strikes with her hoof blades. Peina was having a hard time keeping up with this mare, she'd appear in one spot, attack, disappear, and then reappear in another spot. Her scorpion tail flicked and swiped in almost every direction possible, putting a noticeable strain on the Envoy.

"My cutie mark is a little different. The arrow represents my flying abilities, fast and deadly. While the flames around it show that I'm able to blaze a trail for others to follow, to lead them to a victory, or to get them to safety. The qualities that our marks represent are what make us who we are, and why we fight, we won't let you or any more like you threaten our world, for the sake of the future," proclaimed Ballista.

Just like her father's spear, Ballista's blades were empowered by her aura. With each slash she managed to scratch at the Envoy's armor, bit by bit. This was starting to worry the Spirit of Famine, how long would it be before they got in a lucky shot and defeat her. Peina refused to beaten by some mere mortal ponies, especially these two.

"You annoying little insects, I'll kill you both!!!"

Peina spun around in a three-sixty fashion, whipping her tail around to give her some breathing room. The two soldiers regrouped once again some distance away, their auras dissipating.

"How you holdin' up honey," asked Broadside.

"Why you asking, getting tired, Dad," said Ballista smirking.

Broadside chuckled. "Let's end this, Exceed!!!"


For the third time their green auras flared, bigger than last time as they lapped off their bodies like flames. This time Ballista charged, her blades shined in the light of her power as she flew towards Peina.

She was ready; Peina was going to kill these fools once and for all, right here, right now. The Spirit of Famine raised her tail into striking position, channeling her energy and venom to the tip preparing to fire. Suddenly Ballista, in a burst of great speed, closed the distance between herself and the Envoy. Peina was now staring Ballista in the eyes, for a moment she was there, and in the next, she was gone. It took her a few seconds to realize what was going on and when she did, it was too late to do anything about it.

Broadside was dashing towards Peina; the tip of his war lance was brimming with power, hidden in the wake of his daughter's earlier charge. Peina fired her Venomous Decay at the oncoming stallion, but missed as he feinted to the left. Broadside pivoted on his right hind leg, dragging the spear behind him. The tip of the weapon tore into the ground as he brought it up in a wide arc. The tip made contact with Peina's scorpion tail, grinding against it and causing the Envoy to grit her teeth from the sensation of pain that now emanated from point of contact. Broadside continued the slash with the lances' sharp point, using all his might to cut through his enemy's main weapon. In the end, the spear could not finish its work, as the attack slid off, leaving a crack near the hard shell of the tail where the spear had struck.

"Grrr, just a little bit more and I could've –!"


Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Ballista all stared in wide eyed horror at the sight. The a beam of orange energy shot from Peina's stinger struck Broadside in the back, going through his chest and further still. When the beam was stopped the earth pony stallion looked down at his chest, at the hole where his heart would be, at the blood that now seeped from the open wound. Ballista flew down as quickly as she could to help her father, but with the last of his strength, Broadside tossed up his prized war lance at his daughter. Ballista stopped in midair and grabbed her father's weapon, holding it tightly.

"Finish this Ballista, for Gale!" He then turned his head and gave Peina a shifty eyed glare while smirking. "See you in Tartarus, hag!" Releasing his dying breath, Broadside plopped onto the hard and unforgiving road, still wearing the smirk as his eyes slowly closed.

Ballista flew back to where her friends were, keeping her back to them and her front towards their enemy. She stood on her hind legs and brandished her war lance in much the same way her late father did, the green aura fading away yet again.

"Broadside," whispered Spike.

Fluttershy was weeping silently, tears flowing down her face. While Pinkie Pie just stared in disbelief at what she just saw, the strongest stallion besides Big Mac that she knew had just died right there in front of all of them.

"Rarity, Spike, listen to me… I want you two to take care of Gale," said Ballista.

Both Spike and Rarity's jaws dropped, they couldn't have heard her right.

"What are you saying Ballista," asked Rarity.

"You know what I mean, I'm going to finish what my Father and I started."

"You're not serious, she needs you! You can't leave Gale alone!"

"I'm not leaving her alone, I realized that when we started this fight. You two are her godparents, she loves you two. And with Pinkie and Fluttershy there as well, I know she'll grow up happy and loved, and really, that's enough for me…" The four watched as sparkling tears started to fall to the ground around Ballista. "Damn it, why am I crying now when should've been doing this when I said goodbye to her…"

"Belli don't do it! Please!" Pinkie Pie pleaded.

"I love you all, you guys…really are the best friends could've asked for…!" Ballista took in a deep breath, she concentrated on the power within her, on the memories of Gale and her playing, laughing, napping, even the smallest things, they were all treasured memories, and they would live on forever in her heart. "Exceed!" the aura flared up again, but Ballista wasn't done. "Exceed!!" the aura tripled in size. "Exceed!!!" it grew once more, Ballista showed signs that the sudden bursting was taking a toll on her body, but it was not going to stop her, she had a mission to complete and she'd see it through to the bitter end. "EXCEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!"

"BALLISTAAAAA," they desperately cried out, nearly causing them to go hoarse from the strain.

The green aura was now a raging inferno that blocked out the view of her friends behind Ballista. Peina seemed surprised by the size of this power, when her eyes locked with Ballista's, for the briefest instant in her eternal life, the Spirit of Famine felt a twinge of fear. Without warning Ballista shot off faster than a bullet, the power of her aura leaving behind a burning wake, destroying the very ground. Ballista readied her father's spear to skewer Peina. The armored mare energized her stinger and was about to fire, when suddenly, Ballista vanished from sight.

Peina snapped her head from one direction to other trying to locate her. The next thing she heard was a fierce battle cry echoing from the sky above. The Spirit of Famine looked straight up and saw Ballista diving right down for her, she cranked her tail back, preparing to fire at the pegasus mare.

Ballista released the spear, allowing it to fall. She then got behind it and with her left hind leg kicked the weapon, launching it even faster than she was going. The spear found its home in Peina's tail, in the very same area that Broadside had struck, the spear went all the way through the tail and into the ground behind it, pinning Peina's appendage in place. The Envoy let out a deafening scream of pain at the sensation of her tail being pierced, despite the pain; she tried to wrench herself loose, but to no avail.

Once seeing that the spear had done its job, Ballista used her great speed to disappear and then reappear right over the butt of the lance.

"This is for my friends!!!"

Ballista cocked back her right hoof, channeling all her energy into her right foreleg. She then punched on the spear, driving it the rest of the way through like a railroad spike. The energy in her foreleg streamed through the spear, and combining with the energy from Broadside already in it, created an energy burst that blasted Peina's tail apart, sending the stinger flying off in the opposite direction.

Peina howled in pain yet again as she felt part of her tail being severed, the toxic venom spilled over everything, melting whatever it touched, but the power of covering the lance protected both it and Ballista from being affected. The dark cerulean pegasus couldn't help but let out a chuckle from seeing the Spirit of Famine being in pain, knowing that she was dealt a mortal blow by a mere mortal.


Peina whipped around to face Ballista, fury and hatred burned in her yellow eyes as her horn began to glow. Ballista willed the aura to act as her shield. Peina's horn glowed bright orange as she galloped straight for the pegasus mare. It then elongated into an orange energy spike that pierced through the aura barrier, the point running through Ballista's chest till Peina's head was just a mere few inches away from touching the fur on her chest. Suddenly the energy of the spike grew hotter as Peina released an energy blast through the spike that erupted behind Ballista, she cried out in pain as the surge burned her from within.

Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike could only watch in horror as yet another of their friends was killed before them, without mercy. Fresh tears streamed down their faces as the sorrow gripped them.

When the cries stopped Ballista went limp, hanging from the energy spike. "Foolish little pony, you managed to damage my precious tail, but it will grow back, even now I can feel it regenerating. All you did was deny your friends' a swifter death, now I'll have to kill them slowly."

Peina dispelled her elongated horn, allowing Ballista to fall limply. Just then, Ballista's aura roared to life once again, her wings flared out. Within her eyes burned the green power of the Exceed Limit! Ballista quickly grabbed hold of Peina's head; the Envoy's yellow eyes went wide with shock.


Ballista drew her head back, and with all her strength, slammed her head into Peina's helmet. The force and power of the head-butt resonated through the armored helm and into Peina's head. Ballista released the Spirit of Famine as she reared back upon her hind legs and covered her face with her forehooves.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! You stupid son of – URRRRRGGHHHH AHAHHAHH!!! – You cracked my helmet!!!" Peina cried out.

Ballista was lying on her back. The strain of the triple Exceeds, along with the wound had taken a toll on her. She could feel herself slipping away. Ballista turned her head to the right and saw her friends, all of which had sad faces; a single tear escaped her right eye. As the pegasus mare closed her eyes she wanted to say she was sorry, to them, and to Gale…

When next she opened her eyes something had changed, Ballista saw clearly. Before her, in the distance, she saw Spike and Rarity. They looked a bit older than they are now, they seemed to be playing somewhere, she wasn't sure of the location. That's when Ballista saw her, Gale. The pegasus foal, a grown filly, about ten years of age, no cutie mark as of yet. Her daughter was laughing and smiling with her godparents, she seemed happy. That's when Ballista noticed that Rarity, who was lying on the ground, was cradling something in her forelegs. It was a three year old foal, with blue eyes that would sometimes shift to a slit dragon eyes, and a blue mane. The foal had fur, but beneath it was a fine layer of dragon scales, white as snow to match its coat.

"Is this…a dream…or…is it a vision…?"

"Why can't it be both," spoke a melodious voice.

Ballista suddenly felt a warm light surround her body, it filled her with a strange happiness, as if she were being reunited with somepony she hadn't seen for a long, long time. When she turned away to see who spoke Ballista was taken by surprise at who now stood beside her. A golden bellowing mane, eyes that shifted colors seamlessly like an aurora, an ivory white coat, and a cutie mark of rune symbols set up in a circle.

"Milady Epona…?"

"Yes child, it is I," said Epona smiling.

"I don't understand, is what I saw really just a dream or was it a vision of the future," asked Ballista.

"Like I said, why can't it be both? Dreams, the ones held closest to your heart, can become the future, if given a chance."

"I'm the worst mother…I couldn't even stay alive for my daughter, I wouldn't blame her if she never forgave."

Epona lowered her head to nuzzle the pegasus mare, it was strange, even though Ballista had never met the goddess of light, she couldn't help but feel the same kind of love radiate from the nuzzle as would a mother. Although the more she thought about it, Epona is the one who created all of ponykind, so it not so farfetched to believe that the goddess would show the same love as a mother.

"You are not, you, Ballista Arrowcrest, are an outstanding mare. You have given Gale a chance to live; you and your father have left behind a two legacies that will live on forever."

"My father…is he?"

"Right here honey." To Epona's left side appeared Broadside, a smile across his face.


"It's time to go my little ponies. You've done well, and you've earned your rest. The rest is up to them…"

Epona reached out a hoof towards Ballista; she slowly raised her own hoof and grasped the ancient goddesses hoof into her own. And with that, all three of them disappeared into the ephemeral world, to their paradise.

RIP – Captain Ballista Arrowcrest

RIP – General Broadside Stronglance