• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,943 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

  • ...

First Sign: Part 6

Welcome Back

After a few hours the train pulled into the station. All the passengers disembarked from the locomotive, including Bright Blade and Twilight. The two of them marveled a bit at how the town had changed since they had last been there. The town had been expanded, just a bit. With the addition of a few shops, houses, and businesses, yet it still held its old rustic appeal.

Twilight and Bright Blade began trotting down Mane Street, heading towards the library, and taking note of all the Hearth's Warming decorations that had been strung up. All the while they couldn't help noticing that the towns ponies were surprisingly scarce. After a while their ears started to pick up the faint sounds of music.

The couple headed further into town, curious to see if there was a celebration going on. Once they did they watched as almost all of Ponyville had broken out into a song and dance number. Twilight just chuckled at the sight, Bright Blade had heard of them often breaking out and doing such things, but he had never seen one.

"What's going on here," asked Bright.

It wasn't until after Twilight started hearing the lyrics to the music that she knew exactly why they were singing. "C'mon, I have a feeling there's a certain pink pony behind all of this."

Unsure, Bright Blade followed Twilight further into town. Ponies were hopping on rooftops, standing hoof to shoulder, each one wearing a big smile on their faces. At the center of it all, just as Twilight had said, was a certain pink party pony. Pinkie Pie, along with two other ten-year-old foals, were dancing and singing in the center of the entire crowd, in fact, it would seem that she was the center of it all. Pinkie, along with the two foals, started to spin around and around, still continuing to sing.

"Smile, smile, smile, SMILE! Come on and SMILE! Come on and smile!"

Pinkie Pie stopped in front of Bright Blade's face, giving the golden alicorn stallion a clear look at her bright blue eyes. He chuckled nervously and smiled. "Hey Pinkie Pie, how's it going," asked Bright.

Pinkie Pie quickly stepped back and let out an exaggerated gasp. "Twilight, Bright Blade, you're here, you're back!" With unprecedented speed, Pinkie Pie enveloped both Bright Blade and Twilight into a tight hug. The two of them were quickly reminded about Pinkie Pie's remarkable super strength. "I can't believe you two are here back in Ponyville when did you get in!?"

"Pinkie Pie…crushing lungs…hard to breathe…" croaked Twilight.

"Mom I think you'd better let them go now," said the pegasus colt to her right.

"Yeah, their starting to turn blue, and I think their eyes are popping out," said the unicorn filly to her left.

Pinkie Pie broke out from her barrage of questions and took note that, she was indeed, squeezing the life out of the two of them. "Oops!" Pinkie Pie released the two of them, both Twilight and Bright coughing and taking in deep gasping breaths of life giving air. "Sorry Twilight, sorry Bright, I was just so excited to see the two of you!"

"No problem *cough* Pinkie Pie," said Bright.

"Thanks Pumpkin, thanks Pound," croaked Twilight.

"No problem," said the twins in unison.

"I still can't believe you guys came back! Why didn't you call, or send a letter – OH we've got to throw you two a Welcome Home party!? Just give me an hour or two, and I'll get everything set up," said Pinkie Pie, rather quickly.

"Thanks Pinkie Pie, but that won't be necessary. We're actually…" Twilight glanced over to Bright Blade, choosing her words carefully, "on vacation! That's why we didn't send you a message; it was a sort of, spur of the moment kind of thing."

"Oki-Doki-Loki, but can you guys stop by Sugar Cube Corner a little later at least," asked Pinkie Pie.

Both Twilight and Bright nodded, and with that they said their goodbyes to Pinkie Pie, Pumpkin and Pound Cake.

The couple soon came upon the Golden Oaks Library. Bright Blade and Twilight could already feel the nostalgic memories flooding back to them, brief though they were. Twilight opened the door to the library, the bell attached to the upper part of the inner doorframe jingled, indicating that somepony had entered. Twilight felt weird hearing that from the opposite end.

"Just a minute," called out a voice. Soon a unicorn mare appeared from one of the back rooms. She had an azure coat, a silver mane and tail, and purple eyes. She had a cutie mark of a wand, tipped with a star. "What can I do for –!?"

The azure mare stopped as she saw who had entered the library. Twilight's expression was one of happiness while Bright Blade's was a mixture of unease, but he managed a slight smile. "Hi Trixie, it's great to see you again," said Twilight.

"Y-yeah, great," added Bright.

Trixie pointed her nose into the air, in a rather haughty fashion, and began to trot towards the couple. "Hmph, so Twilight Sparkle, you come to kick Trixie out of her new home, and reclaim it for yourself!?"


"No, Trixie understands! She shall resign herself to the lonely streets, becoming a homeless mare once again, by your –!"

"TRIXIE," the couple yelled in unison.

Trixie halted her dramatic "woe was me" speech. She started to giggle, which quickly turned into straight out laughter. "Come now Twilight, surely you didn't take me seriously?"

Although they wouldn't admit it, they kinda did. With the awkward tension broken, Twilight trotted up to Trixie and embraced her in a hug. "It really is good to see you again."

"And you as well." Trixie watched as Bright Blade levitated the rest of their luggage inside. The golden alicorn trotted next to Twilight, and then turned his gaze towards Trixie. Now, Bright Blade has had mixed feeling regarding Trixie. On the one hoof, she didn't want to kill Twilight, only humiliate her. On the other hoof, she turned to an evil super villain in order to get the power she wanted. But after Twilight told Bright about how she saved her, he decided to try and give her a chance, a very small chance. Trixie now looked back at the alicorn stallion; she then reached out a hoof to Bright Blade. "It's been a while, Bright Blade."

The golden stallion, gingerly, grasped Trixie's hoof and shook it. "Same to you, Trixie."

Twilight made a quick mental note to help the two of them become better friends. "So, ahem, were you able to set up our room," asked Twilight.

"Hmm, oh yes I have!" Trixie led Twilight and Bright Blade upstairs. The azure mare couldn't help but notice that something was off. "To be honest Twilight, I found it rather strange that you would send a letter that late at night. If I may offer an observation, the others didn't seem to know of your arrival as well, quite peculiar, no?"

Bright Blade and Twilight glanced at each other, and gave a heavy sigh.

***3rd Day Back***

Bright Blade woke up a bit early that day. He was out flying, stretching his wings, heading towards Sweet Apple Acres. The alicorn stallion breathed in the fresh morning air of Ponyville; it was sweet, cold, and very relaxing. He gazed out towards the town, at the taller structures that had been added on, new businesses and living spaces.

Bright Blade had been taking it easy all day yesterday, per Twilight's orders, he was to rest, and relax during their stay. Luckily he was able to wear down his marefriend into letting him go out and do something. He knew why they were there; he knew he had to get a handle on whatever it was that made him flip out.

Soon enough Sweet Apple Acres was coming into view. Ponyville wasn't the only thing that had changed. Above the farm was a house made of clouds, with its rainbow streams, and large columns.

Below that was the farm house, still rustic looking as ever. A few yards from the farm house was a newly built home, with some hanging baskets from the awing, filled with beautiful flowers.

Bright Blade decided to do a few passing sweeps over the orchards, seeing if he could spot Applejack and any of the Apple Family. His search didn't take long as he quickly spotted Applejack, Clay, and Apple Bloom, bucking apple trees down below.

The golden alicorn quickly made his descent down to the trio of earth ponies, but not before swooping overhead, letting them know he was there. Once on the ground the earth ponies gathered to him.

"Well howdy Bright, didn't expect to see ya here," said Applejack.

"Yeah, sorry about dropping out of the sky so suddenly, I was just out stretching my wings." Bright Blade looked down and saw Clay, wearing a Stetson hat similar to his mothers. "S'up little guy?"

Bright Blade held out his hoof, to which Clay responded with a hoof bump. "Not much, we have the next three weeks off, since it's almost Hearth's Warming!"

"And almost yer birthday, turnin' twenty-six right," said Apple Bloom, nudging the alicorn stallion in the ribs.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," said Bright.

"So what brings ya out here, Bright," asked Applejack.

"I was wondering if you guys needed any help with anything, I've been cooped up in the library and I need a little exercise."

"Heh-heh, well we're just bucking the last of these here apple trees before the pegasus ponies start bringin' in the big snowstorms and all. There's plenty of'em to go around, so just find yerself a tree and start bucking."

With a nod Bright Blade went to work, using his magic to levitate some buckets underneath one of the trees he was about to kick. When the golden alicorn stood before the tree, he looked at it, as if analyzing the best way to approach the task. Apple Bloom couldn't help but let out a chuckle, seeing her friend think so hard about what he was doing.

"Need a lesson in apple bucking," asked Apple Bloom.

"Nope, fake memories or not, I still remember how to," said Bright Blade.

To demonstrate, Bright Blade positioned himself, with his backside facing the tree. Remembering the amount of strength his alicorn form had, he used only one hind leg to strike the tree. It proved sufficient enough to jostle all the apples from the branches, landing in the buckets with multiple thudding sounds. Applejack whistled, Clay stared wide eyed, and Apple Bloom just smirked.

The work was getting done faster thanks to the extra help; Clay would occasionally ask how Dinky was doing. The mentioning of the filly's name would cause Bright Blade to hesitate before answering, even though she was alright and had forgiven him he still hadn't forgiven himself for what happened.

The group had bucked, in total, about twenty-five apple trees, and they were just getting started. Bright Blade was a little chilly at first but was working up a good sweat with the work; he looked back at Apple Bloom, Clay, and Applejack, smiling and laughing, having a good time as a family. It was something he couldn't get enough of, the happiness they all had fought for.


"What the…!"

Suddenly Bright Blade whipped his head around, staring off into the distant apple trees. There was nothing, nothing but trees and bushes. He then turned back to the three earth ponies.

"Did you guys hear that," asked Bright Blade.

"Heard what sugarcube," asked Applejack.

"I didn't hear anythin'," said Apple Bloom.

"Me neither," said Clay.

Bright Blade looked back into the distance again, wondering if he indeed heard anything. He decided to dismiss it and go back to work. Bright Blade went and bucked four apple trees, and was preparing to do so with a fifth.


The alicorn stallion jerked his head up, and swiveled around, trying to figure out the source of the voice. He glanced back to Clay, Apple Bloom, and Applejack, yet again they seemed to not notice. But something was different, he found himself staring at the earth pony family. His vision tinting with red, off and on, his breathing becoming heavy, his pupils reduced to the size of pinpricks.

Take out the oldest one, her back is turned, snap her neck!

"Shut up!!" Bright whispered.

Kill the other mare next while they are stunned; impale her with your horn straight through the heart!!

"Shut up!" Bright whispered louder.

Use your hooves to trample the young one, he will not take long to end, savor it – savor them all!!!

"Shut up!!!" Bright whispered even louder.

Kill them, rip them apart, eviscerate them, crush them, murder them, and hate them!!!!!!


Clay, Applejack, and Apple Bloom stared at Bright Blade, confused and concerned at his state. Bright Blade's breathing was labored; he shook his head violently over and over again, as if trying to shake off something they couldn't see.

"Bright Blade are ya alright," asked Apple Bloom.

After a few seconds Bright stopped shaking his head, the red tint giving way to a clear view of his surroundings. "Y-yeah, I'm alright! Guess I didn't sleep too well last night, starting to hear things."

"Well, why don'cha just go rest a spell, we'll finish up around this area," suggested Applejack.

"What, no, I said I was going to help you guys out," protested Bright.

"Sugarcube, don't go overworkin' yerself if yer not feelin' good," said Applejack sternly. "Now go on over to that tree there and rest up, there's still plenty more apple trees to buck."

Bright Blade was about to protest again, that is, until Clay came up and tapped him on the foreleg. "You'd better do what she says, when mama gets that look in her eyes there's no arguing with her," said Clay.

Reluctantly, Bright Blade trotted over to the tree that Applejack indicated. He then lowered himself down to the ground, resting his head on his forelegs. From time to time he would look at Applejack, Clay, and Apple Bloom, waiting to see if that voice came back or his vision turned red again. To his relief it didn't.

What the heck was all that about, he thought. Why was I hearing all those things…and…why did I feel like doing that stuff!!?

Bright Blade began to close his eyes, believing that exhaustion was causing him to go down this train of thought.

***12th Day Back***

A few days had passed since Bright Blade was at Sweet Apple Acres; he'd go by and help them once in a while, but was scared that his thoughts would be led astray by the wicked voice he heard.

Today was going to be a new day, the voice hadn't rang through his mind since then, and he was determined to make the best of his stay in Ponyville. Bright Blade was on his way to Fluttershy's cottage, which, according to what Applejack had told him, was converted into an animal hospital and daycare. Bright wanted to help out his friends, since he helped out Applejack, he thought he should do the same with Fluttershy.

Bright had decided to trot to Fluttershy's instead of fly, in order to take in the scenery along the way. Soon enough he came upon the cottage now turned animal daycare and hospital. Bright Blade noticed that there was a red earth pony filly walking about the grounds, and speaking to the animals. She had a long pink mane and tail, deep blue eyes, blank flanked, and a bit tall for the average filly. The alicorn stallion walked up to the gate, he quickly scanned the area, but didn't see Fluttershy.

"Excuse me," the red filly's head snapped up surprised, "You're Spring Day aren't you, is your mother here?"

"H-h-how do you know my name, w-w-who are you!?" Spring Day said.

Bright Blade stared at Spring Day perplexed, and then it hit him, he hadn't been formerly introduced to Spring Day. Although Fluttershy and Big Macintosh had sent him and Twilight pictures of their family, this was the first time he actually met her face to face.

"P-p-please go away, I-I don't…" Spring Day then proceeded to hide behind her long bangs, shrinking back, she then fell to the ground, still hiding herself the best she could. The animals around her started to glare at Bright Blade as if saying "Leave her alone!"

Great B, you went and scared the poor filly, thought Bright Blade.

"O-okay, listen I'll just come back later. Just tell your mom that I – Fluttershy!"

At that moment the creamed colored pegasus mare came out of the cottage, her mane was shorter, the long bangs she used to hide behind were no longer there, although she kept it longer at the back. Fluttershy noticed her daughter's distraught state and quickly flew to her side.

"Oh my goodness Spring Day, what's wrong honey!? Are you hurt, did something scare you!?" Fluttershy began to rub the back of her daughter's head caringly; she then leaned in close, straining her ears to hear what she had to say. "Uh-huh, yes, a scary pony, he knew your name – he knew my name!? Where is he!?"

Spring Day pointed a hoof towards Bright Blade's direction, Fluttershy immediately turned in that direction, her face showing she was ready to beat the hay out of anypony who dared to scare her daughter. Bright Blade simply raised his right hoof and waved to the cream colored pegasus.

"Uh…hi Fluttershy…"

"Bright Blade…?" It took a minute before Fluttershy made the connection that Bright was the scary, unknown pony. Once she had figured that out Fluttershy looked back at Spring Day, gave a light chuckle, and then smiled. "Oh sweetie, that's not a stranger, he's a dear friend! He's also really nice, c'mon now, it's okay."

Spring Day started to lift her head up slowly, gazing at her mother's kind eyes, looking for any sign that she may be lying, she wasn't. After a while, Spring Day finally rose to her hooves. Fluttershy waved with her right wing, baying Bright Blade to come closer. Once Bright Blade was inside the gate she trotted up to the golden alicorn, proceeding to give a friendly nuzzle against his left cheek.

"I heard you and Twilight were in Ponyville, but wasn't expecting you to come to see me today," said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, I'm just visiting our friends. I was at Applejack's a few days ago, lending them a hoof with the apple bucking. Thought I'd see if I could do the same for you, but it looks like you already have yourself some help," said Bright Blade.

Fluttershy positioned her head underneath Spring Day's, gently tilting it upwards. "Honey, this is Bright Blade. He's an old friend, go on and say 'hi.'"

Spring Day hesitantly moved the bangs that hid her face. Bright Blade smiled warmly at the tall filly, trying to exude a calming aura. It seemed to work, as Spring Day gradually revealed more and more of her face, sheepish smile, and blushing slightly.

"Um…hi Mr. Bright Blade…Um, sorry for calling you a strange pony," said Spring Day.

"It's alright, I should've remembered that we hadn't met before," said Bright, giving her the best apologetic face he could.

It seemed to make Spring Day feel a little better, since she felt safe to move her bangs away from hiding the rest of her face. "Well, now that we've cleared that up, why don't you stick around? We could still use an extra hoof, if you don't mind, that is?"

Same old Fluttershy, thought Bright Blade.

With that settled Bright Blade went to work helping Fluttershy and Spring Day. He tended to the avian critters that were hanging around in the trees and up in the clouds above Fluttershy's cottage-turned-daycare. Spring Day was busy handling some the smaller animals, a couple of chipmunks, a few dozen bunnies, and a chinchilla or two.

Fluttershy, well, Fluttershy was handling the bigger critters. A bear had come strolling into the daycare, roaring and bellowing. Bright Blade was up in the air when he heard the noise and flew down to see what was going on. Fluttershy trotted up to the bear without fear, Spring Day didn't seem too worried, in fact, she didn't even pay attention to the bear, when she saw her mother go up to it she smiled and went back to tending to the critters.

Fluttershy flared her wings and zoomed with a speed that Bright Blade hadn't seen since the war. She reappeared behind the bear; planting her right hind leg into the bear's back, sending the beast plummeting to the ground. Bright Blade's mouth hung open at what he was witnessing. Fluttershy then delivered a series of punches at a spot on the back of the bear, afterwards she took the bear's head into her hooves and twisted it to one side, and the bear fell limp.

Bright Blade shook his head, horrified that Fluttershy had just snapped the neck of the bear with little to no remorse. Bright Blade looked to Spring Day who seemed totally unfazed that her mother had just killed a bear with her bare hooves! It wasn't until he heard a contented purring growl that the alicorn stallion looked back at the bear.

Fluttershy was kneading the bear's back, at the same spot she was pummeling earlier. "Mr. Bear you really need to see me right away when this happens, even a big strong bear needs a little help now and again." The bear let out another purring growl, which Fluttershy seemed to recognize as agreement.

Satisfied that the bear was not actually dead; Bright Blade went about to work again. He had to bust up a fight between Fluttershy's pet rabbit Angel and a squirrel, although he didn't get the gist of what was happening he was able to pacify it, but not without Angel throwing a carrot at the back of his head.

A few hours had passed and it was just about lunch time. "Spring Day, Bright Blade, I'm heading inside to make us some lunch. Could you two start feeding some of the critters while I do?"

"Yes mother," said Spring Day happily.

"We got this," replied Bright Blade.

Bright Blade used his telekinesis to lift up many of the bags of food and pour them into the bowls of the critters, while Spring Day attended to the ones whose food needed special arrangement. Bright watched the young filly work, at one point she used one of her hooves to lift a large bag of feed onto her back, which must've weighed a lot more than what it seemed.

Bright Blade continued to fill the bowls of the other animals with their various assortment of food, that is, until it happened. His vision was tinting with red once more, the sudden change made Bright drop the food he was carrying in his telekinesis. He shook his head back and forth in an attempt to clear the crimson color from his sight, shutting his eyes tightly as he did so. When Bright opened them again he saw clearly, no red, just the normal colors. Spring Day seemed to have noticed the agitation in Bright Blade, since she was now staring at him worriedly.

"Mr. Bright Blade, are you okay," asked Spring Day.

"No – I mean yes – I mean, ugh!" Bright took in deep calming breath before he opened his mouth again, "Yes Spring Day, I'm fine, just a little tired is all."

"Oh, then maybe you should go inside and rest, I can finish feeding the other critters. If that's alright with you," she suggested.

"No, no, I said I was going to help and I will."

The young earth pony filly seemed to take his words at face value and went back to attending to the other animals. But it was not long before another flash of red filled his gaze, off and on it went, making his heart race and breathing slightly erratic. Bright Blade glanced over to the pink maned filly and nearly gasped in horror.

Beside her was the very thing he was searching for since Trottingham, the Red Ghost. It just stood there, shifting its gaze between the alicorn stallion and the earth pony filly. Every alarm in Bright's mind fired off at once, he wanted to dash straight for the apparition, he wanted to zoom with lightning speed and get Spring Day away from it, and the only thing stopping him was that Spring Day didn't notice it at all.

Spring Day turned around and saw that Bright Blade was just standing there staring and shaking a little. Which was making the filly just a little bit uncomfortable, "Mr. Bright Blade are you sure you're okay?"

The Red Ghost looked at him this time, its yellow eyes fixated on the alicorn, mocking him, daring him to attack, no, enticing him to do so. But Bright had to hold back, she didn't see it, just like in Trottingham, nopony saw it. The Red Ghost's eyes flashed with yellow light, at the same time Bright Blade's vision was once again tinted red.

You're doing this aren't you!? Why is it that only I can see you, why do you only appear before me and not others!!?

Just like before, he received no answer. But the urge was returning again, the urge to fight and destroy, to kill. Bright bit the inside of his mouth trying to compose himself the best he could.

"Listen…Spring Day…I-I need to head back to the library…There's something I forgot I was supposed to do could-could you tell your mom that I had to go, and that I'm sorry?"

The filly was a little perplexed by Bright Blade's sudden change. "I'll tell her Mr. Bright Blade, don't worry."

With that Bright Blade unfurled his wings and took off into the sky, he glanced back down to where Spring Day was. To his amazement, it was gone, the Red Ghost was gone. Bright flew faster back to the library, deciding to place himself in seclusion for the remainder of his stay.

You will not make me do that again!!! I will not hurt anypony else!!!

***18th Day Back***

Celestia's sun started to peek on the horizon. The brisk cold air blew through the town, an early warning that the pegasi were brewing up a snowstorm. A misty fog hung low to the ground, illuminated as the early morning light shined.

Inside Golden Oaks Library Twilight and Bright Blade were comfortably lying next to each other, snuggling close together for shared warmth. It wasn't until the first strands of light came through the window, and stirred Twilight from a restful sleep. As her eyes began to open she was greeted by the sight of a sleeping alicorn stallion.

She still had trouble believing what the doctor had told her. Ten years she had been by his side, and yet she didn't suspect a thing. Was Bright Blade bottling it all up for her sake, or were the signs there all along and she just didn't notice. In either scenario she kicked herself mentally for her lack of diligence. Why…I'm his marefriend, I should've been the first one to see that something was wrong…But, he never showed any signs up till now. I wonder?

Twilight maneuvered herself out her stallionfriend's embrace and out of the bed. Stealthily she trotted out of the room and into the library itself. Her mind would occasionally flashback to days long ago. The day she first came to Ponyville, the numerous times Rainbow Dash would crash land inside and mess up all the books, even her first ever slumber party.

Twilight stared at the numerous books that lined the walls, recalling all her hardcore study sessions. There was one thing she couldn't get out of her mind though. Something that Bright Blade had said the night before everything went south.

"'Red Ghost,'" whispered Twilight.

Doctor Cure All had told Twilight that the supposed "Red Ghost" was a possible manifestation within Bright Blade's mind. Now Twilight wasn't so quick to write it off as some delusion, not yet at least. The lavender mare's horn glowed, as her purple aura surrounded the books.

The tomes floated around her, pages flipping back and forth as Twilight's keen eyes scanned the contents of each one. "No, not this one, not even close, what the hay is this one…" Twilight was going from one book to the next, but no matter how many she speed read, none of the books in the library seemed to have any mention of a "Red Ghost," or anything similar in reference.

"Old habits die hard, don't they?"

Twilight twirled around, surprised by the voice, and saw that Trixie was standing right behind her. The azure unicorn was smirking, like a mother who had just caught her child sneaking a cookie.

"Trixie, you almost gave me a heart attack!"

Trixie chuckled a little, startling Twilight was not her intention, but it was amusing. "Forgive me Twilight, but it has become a habit of mine to wake up early. Although you stated in your letter that the two of you were coming to Ponyville for 'relaxation,' what you're doing now seems more like work, as if you're looking for something in particular."

Twilight was getting just a bit nervous. She never told Trixie why they came back, but the way Trixie was talking indicated that she wasn't buying it.

"What are you talking about; I'm just doing a bit of light research! Being the Head Mistress at the School for Gifted Unicorns, as well as a teacher, does require me to keep abreast of my own studies," said Twilight, as convincingly as she could.

Trixie cocked an eyebrow at Twilight's wording, but, for now, decided not to press it. "Well, anyway, would you kindly place them all back; I'd like to chat with you over some tea if you don't mind?"

Twilight looked at Trixie, to the books, and then back to Trixie. She then sighed and smiled, "Of course I don't." With that said Twilight levitated the books back to their original places on the shelves. Trixie had trotted into the kitchen, only to return a moment later with a tea kettle, and two cups, floating in her telekinetic aura. There were cushions already placed at the table, Twilight took a seat on one, while Trixie sat on the one next to her. After pouring their tea, savoring the aroma and taste, they sighed contently.

"So Trixie, have you been doing alright, how have the townsponies treated you," asked Twilight.

"Well, there was some tension, of course you know of this already, but now…everything's quite peaceful," answered Trixie smiling warmly.

It came as a great relief to Twilight hearing Trixie say that, there was some tension when Trixie made her return back into the lives of Twilight and the others. Bright Blade and her friends made no attempt to hide their displeasure about the azure unicorn, but after some lengthy discussions, and a Pinkie Promise or two, they were able to accept the mare as the new librarian. Of course that didn't come without constant surveillance by the others.

"Well, I'm happy you're doing well," said Twilight sincerely.

"Wish I could say the same about you," remarked Trixie.

Twilight's tea cup halted in midair, just inches from her lips. "Excuse me?"

"Trixie knows, Twilight, about what happened at Canterlot, how Bright Blade went berserk and almost killed his students," said Trixie.

Twilight rose up from her sitting cushion and just stared at the azure mare, astonished that she knew about the incident, and scared of where she was going with this. "Trixie…h-how do you know about that!?"

"I have my…sources. But more to the point, tell me, is the reason why you are here is to avoid a scandal? I could certainly understand why you would, not a good thing to have a renowned Knight of Harmony attacking young foals now is it, I fear what else he may have done to make you run all the way back here…?"

"How could you even say something like that, let alone think it!? None of this is his fault!" Twilight shouted.

Trixie just sat there and sipped her tea, unfazed by Twilight's angry tone of voice. "Really, then it must've been another alicorn stallion with a golden coat and white mane. Twilight, do not take me for a fool."

"You are if you'd think for one second that that's the only reason we're here!!? We aren't here to hide, nor are we running away from anything!!!"

"Then tell me Twilight, what is the real reason?" Twilight's anger seemed to let up, the tone in Trixie's voice was more caring, and worried. "You've seen me at my worst, and I yours. You're the only real friend I made, which is why when I heard about what happened, and received your letter, I was a bit angry at you."

"Trixie, but why?"

"Because I thought you could confide in me a little more, considering what we've been through! I may not have known you as long as your other friends, but after all this time I'd hoped you would've come to trust me a little more," said Trixie a little hurt.

Twilight didn't know what to say, she'd been busy keeping the others in the dark and finding out a reason for Bright Blade's condition, that she forgot that her friends could have helped her out all along. "I'm sorry Trixie, it's just…I keep thinking that this is all my fault, that I should've foreseen this, or at least noticed something was up a long time ago!"

"You mean about what happened at Canterlot?"

"The doctors say he has PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. I didn't want to believe it, I still don't believe it, but I can't help thinking that I could've prevented this somehow…and then there's the fact that his swords never answered to his call, just like Prince Arion…! Trixie…I don't know what to do…"

Trixie stood up from her sitting cushion, she then came around to the other side of the table and gave the lavender mare a hug, to which Twilight gladly accepted. "None of this is your fault, Twilight. Things happen, even a mare as Great and Powerful as you can't predict or see everything that goes on, but I do know that there is no problem that Twilight Sparkle can't solve!" Trixie gave the lavender mare an encouraging smile.

"Thank you Trixie…"

The two mares, after their hug, went to sit near the fireplace. Warming themselves by the fire as they discussed the events leading up to the incident, trying to figure something out between the two of them.

"A 'Red Ghost,' Trixie – I mean – I haven't read anything about such a thing. Do you think it's related," asked Trixie.

Twilight allowed herself a brief chuckle at Trixie almost slipping into third-person. "I think so, I did some research back in Canterlot before we left, but I couldn't find anything. I was hoping I'd have better luck here, sadly nothing, and I doubt there's anypony else who may have a clue."

"Well…there is one pony who might, but she isn't exactly a pony," suggested Trixie.

It took a moment, but Twilight figured out who she was talking about. "ZECORA, of course, she knows about all kinds of different things! Maybe she knows about the 'Red Ghost' or at least something close to it!"

Twilight got up and rushed to the door, but not before wrapping a pink and white striped scarf around her neck. Trixie looked at Twilight puzzled. "Are you going to go see her now?"

"Of course, the sooner I do, the sooner I might find a way help Bright Blade!" With that said, Twilight opened the door and dashed right out. Trixie shook her head at the impatient mare, and then smiled. Before Trixie could clear the table of the cups and kettle she heard the front door opening, with Twilight sticking her head inside blushing. "Um, Trixie, does Zecora still live in the Everfree Forest?"

Trixie facehoofed, "Yes, yes she does."

"Thanks!" With that information confirmed Twilight once again dashed off towards Zecora's hut.

"Good luck Twilight."

Bright Blade's peaceful stay back in Ponyville is marred by frightening voices and visions urging him to hurt those around him. Can Twilight figure out what the Red Ghost is before Bright Blade snaps once again!?