• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,943 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

  • ...

First Sign: Part 1


Ten years had passed in Equestria since the horrific War of Darkness, and peace has reigned throughout much of the land. At the Canterlot Royal Palace, many young mares and stallions were busy training. Unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, all in units made of the three different tribes. They wore bright silver armor as they clashed with other three pony teams, wielding wooden swords as they sparred with one another. They were split off into two rows, with a clear path down the middle of them. Walking this path was a golden alicorn stallion, wearing the same silver armor as the others, but just a little more ornate.

The stallion's emerald green eyes were constantly shifting from one row to the other, watching each of the pony warriors' movements with a critical eye, his wooden training sword clanging against his armor as he trotted along. The first row of warriors was mostly made up of older mares and stallions, while the second row was primarily colts and fillies.

While trotting down the line the alicorn stallion's eyes fell on one of the younger unicorn fillies, she had a gray coat, with a blonde mane and tail. Her wooden sword was being held in a telekinetic aura that seemed to have trouble stabilizing. "Dinky, concentrate a little more, your sword's wavering."

The unicorn filly looked to her instructor. "Oops, sorry SirBright Blade," said Dinky Hooves. She quickly focused her mind a bit more and the wooden sword was soon slashing and parrying with better precision.

Bright Blade continued cantering as his eyes fell upon yet another trainee filly, apparently having trouble with her hoofing. Bright Blade walked off the line and raised his right wing, prompting the other trainees to halt their sparring match. "Noi, you alright," asked Bright Blade.

The gamboge earth pony dropped her sword in order to address her instructor. "Oh, SirBright Blade! Well, um, I am having a little trouble. I can't seem to perform a side-shuffle-slash," said Noi.

"No problem, it is a little difficult, especially in regards to where you place your hooves." Bright Blade trotted next to the little filly. "Just watch me." Bright Blade was about to demonstrate the technique when he heard some noise coming from the other row.

"You bloody wanker!"

An earth pony stallion, with a white coat and a few brown spots, and spoke with a foreign accent, seemed to be having some trouble. The earth pony also had two others with him, a pegasus and unicorn, who also seemed to be having a bit of trouble during their sparring match.

"Snips on your right, Rumble heads up!"

The three stallions were engaged with a team of pegasi, the leader of the unit had a blue coat, with a dark violet mane and gray eyes. Snips tried to slash at the dive bombing pegasus, but missed at the last second. Rumble was currently in the middle of battling with the other pegasus in the air.

"Your mine Pipsqueak," shouted the blue pegasus.

"The name's Pip, Blue Blaze!"

Pip tried to take a swing at Blue Blaze, but sadly Pip missed, his disadvantage being confined to the ground. With a devious smile, Blue Blaze maneuvered himself around, swooping directly for the back of Pip's head, at an alarming speed. Pip turned his head around, but couldn't react in time to dodge, of this he was aware.

"ENOUGH!" Bright Blade quickly dashed towards the sparring stallions and wrapped Blue Blaze in his telekinetic aura, stopping him in midair. "Blue Blaze you know the rules, no direct head shots during a sparring match!"

"S-s-sorry Sir Bright Blade, I just got caught up in the heat of the fight that's all," apologized Blue Blaze.

"Hmph, you know the unit structure of the Knight Corp. Blue Blaze, one pegasus, one unicorn, one earth pony. Yet I see you with two pegasi, care to explain?"

Bright Blade lowered Blue Blaze back to the ground, so that he could hear the pegasus's explanation. "I just didn't see a need to hinder myself, I mean; honestly, the three of us alone were able to keep those three occupied! Imagine what we could do in actual combat!"

Bright Blade sighed heavily, this wasn't the first time he had to deal with Blue Blaze's attitude, and disregard to the pre-established unit formation. "Cadets, Paladins!" Bright Blade commanded. Both rows of pony warriors and trainees stopped their sparring, turned, and stood at attention. "In case some of you forgot, I'll repeat it to you all! The unit structure of the Knight Corp. is teams of three, unicorn, pegasus, earth pony. The purpose of which is to combine each other's unique strengths, as well as to teach unity amongst us, do you get me!?"


"With our skill –!" Bright Blade shouted.


"With our might –!"


"With our swords –!"


"We uphold the virtues –!"


"We are bravery, we are the protectors, who are we!?"


At this the Paladins and Cadets brandished their swords, pointing them into the air in salute. "Take that oath to heart, it is the first thing you learn upon entering, and the last thing evil hears when we appear. It is the backbone of the Corp. and…and…does anyone else hear a scraping sound?"

The Cadets, Paladins, and Bright Blade went silent for a moment, indeed there was a weird sound echoing. Like metal scraping against stone, Bright listened more intently as the noise seemed to be getting closer. It was at that moment he looked up to his left, their training grounds was close to one of the palace walls, and it was from there that this mysterious noise emanated from.

"Sir Bright Blade, up there," said one of the Cadets.

Bright Blade followed the direction the Cadet was staring at, high up on the wall, something was coming down it. The object, whatever it was, was too far away to see clearly, but it was approaching at rapid speed. At first Bright Blade was about to order his Paladins into attack formation, but as the object drew nearer his tension and worry quickly diminished. That crazy, thrill seeking, mare!

Grinding down the side of the wall was a young orange pegasus mare. Her purple eyes squinted against the rushing air that pelted her face, her violet mane and tail blown back as she quickly descended the wall. The pegasus was apparently riding a scooter, colored lime green with yellow stripes at the back and front. The orange pegasus then launched herself off the wall and started to fold the scooter. She then kicked the scooter; it sailed like an arrow, heading directly towards…

"Everybody get back, NOW!"

Bright Blade quickly let loose a telekinetic pulse that moved his Knight Corp. Paladins and Cadets away, clearing a ten foot radius. The golden alicorn jumped back just as the scooter pierced the ground, creating a decent sized crater, with its tail end sticking up. That's one tough scooter, thought Bright Blade. At that moment the mare responsible for launching the projectile flew down, gracefully landing a few feet from Bright Blade's position.

"Long time no see B," said the mare.

"Scootaloo, what in the name of Equestria was that about!?"

"Oh c'mon, just making sure you haven't gotten slow," said Scootaloo.

Bright Blade was about to give his old friend a stern talking to, but soon found himself wrapped in a green telekinetic aura. The Paladins and Cadets all gasped as they watched their instructor get picked up, and then moved like a ragdoll to and fro. Bright Blade was taken by surprise, having just realized his predicament. It wasn't until he released another telekinetic pulse that he was able to wretch himself free from the strong hold, allowing him to fly gently back to the ground, unopposed. When Bright Blade was finally able to get his bearings he quickly looked around for the one responsible, though he had a pretty good idea who it was.

From the ranks, many of the young stallions were swooning and making wolf whistles at a beautiful unicorn mare. She had a white coat, with green eyes, running a hoof through her beautifully coiffed mane as the mare strode through the path the young stallions made for her. Even the Cadet colts were swooning along with the older ponies. The only mare I know, other than Rarity, who can turn a few heads like that!

"Nice to see you, Sweetie Belle."

"Naturally, what do you think of my magic, a lot stronger than what it used to be, huh," asked Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, after you caught me off guard! I dare you to try that again," said Bright Blade.

"Won't have to, you'll have your hooves full with her."

Her, who the heck is she –


Oh pony feathers, thought Bright Blade.

Just as he heard that cry, the golden alicorn quickly rose up, balancing on his hind legs. He then spiraled around and thrust out his left forehoof. Almost immediately his punch was intercepted by the hoof of another pony. She had a yellow coat and amber eyes, with a red mane, the end of which was tied up with a lovely pink bow and tail that flowed in the wind. The mare in question spring boarded off his hoof, did a backflip, and landed just a couple of feet away from Bright Blade.

"Howdy Bright Blade!"

Bright was shaking his left hoof and wincing a little. "'HOWDY,' Apple Bloom, ouch that smarts!" Bright Blade was a bit surprised by how much stronger his old friend had gotten. It took him a few more moments to realize that he was now standing in the middle of a triangle formation, surrounded by all three mares. "Oooh~ I see how it is…"

"Do ya now?"

"You might as well admit defeat, you're completely surrounded," said Sweetie Belle.

"Really, you think I'm going to be beaten by the three of –!"

"PONY PILE!" Scootaloo shouted.

Buck me! At that moment Bright Blade found himself on the ground, with three of his best friends now piled on his back, his wings, hind and forelegs were sprawled out, the wind thoroughly knocked out of his lungs. The three mares giggled, apparently finding amusement as Bright Blade groaned in discomfort under their combined weight. "I swear, one of these days, you guys are going to break my back!"

Sweetie Belle looked down at Bright Blade; by her expression he could tell that she was miffed. "Are you insinuating something Bright?"

"Now how funny would that be? The big tough Knight, gettin' his back broken 'cause ah three little fillies," said Apple Bloom chuckling.

"First of all: you aren't, by any stretch, little fillies! Second: now that you've had your fun, could you please get off, you're freaking out my troops," grunted Bright Blade.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all looked at the crowd of Knight Corp. Paladins and Cadets, staring wide eyed at the spectacle before them, whispering amongst themselves. Needless to say all three mares quickly got back up on all fours, their faces blushing with slight embarrassment, even Bright Blade was blushing.

"Well troops, if you have, or haven't figured it out by now, these three fine mares here are my best friends and the famous trio, the Valkyries!"

Soon Bright Blade was pushed away as his troops surrounded the Valkyries, fan colts and fillies, shaking their hooves, asking for them to autograph their practice swords or their armor, and even asking the mares all manner of questions, mostly from the younger Cadets, since most of the older Paladins knew them from foalhood.

"Is it true you three saved two foals during the Second Ponyville Siege," asked a filly Cadet.

"Did you guys really fight against Tikara Balak," asked a colt Cadet

"Are any of you Sir Bright Blade's special somepony!?"

That statement alone almost gave Bright Blade a heart attack on the spot. The older Paladins giggled and snickered at the last Cadet's question, they, of course, knew who Bright Blade's special sompony was, as too did the Valkyries. Still, that didn't stop them from having a little fun at Bright Blade's expense.

"Actually…there's a funny story about that," said Scootaloo with a devious grin.

Bright Blade knew where she was going with this, noting that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had the same grin on their faces as well. But he was having none of that, for more than one reason. "SPARRING MATCH!" The Cadets, Paladins, even the Valkyries, looked at Bright Blade confused. "Sparring match up, Valkyries vs. Knight Corp. Paladins and Cadets!"

The ponies of the Knight Corp., though confused at first, were now starting to get excited. The prospect of going one on one with the protectors of the realm was very enticing. The Cadets and Paladins all started to draw their wooden training swords, an eager look starting to creep upon their faces. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were getting a bit anxious, feeling like they were being backed into a corner.

"Gee, we liked to Bright Blade, but we uh…weeeeeeeeeee…." Scootaloo looked to her friends.

"WE don't have any training swords!" Sweetie Belle chimed.

At that moment three training swords appeared in front of them, wrapped in Bright Blade's golden telekinetic aura. "There you go!"

"Thanks Bright…" Apple Bloom deadpanned.

"No problem – FIGHT!"

The Valkyries' eyes went wide with surprise as hundreds of Knight Corp. mares, stallions, colts, and fillies charged them without a moment's hesitation. The only thought on the three mares' mind was…

"Bright Blade, you suck," said Scootaloo.

Bright Blade, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle were trotting down the streets of Canterlot. Every now and again some paparazzi ponies would pop up and snap a picture or ask some questions of the Valkyries and the Knight of Hope, they liked to get any juicy gossip they could when it came to them. Needless to say, this didn't help to lift the mood of the three mares, who were apparently ticked at Bright Blade.

"What are you complaining about? You guys won!"

"Still, siccing your Knight Corp. troops on us, real knightly behavior," said Sweetie Belle in an annoyed tone.

"You did them, and me, a favor! They got to pit their skills against you, and now I know who needs improvement!" They still wore a deadpan expression, not at all pleased. "Fine, I'll take you to Pony Joe's, everything on me, alright?"

The Valkyries huddled together, quietly discussing the offer amongst them. They turned around and gave Bright a nonchalant look. "Okay, we'll take ya up on yer offer, and we might consider forgiven' ya," said Apple Bloom. With a chuckle the four of them continued trotting, their new destination Pony Joe's.

All around them the ponies of Canterlot were about enjoying their day. Many mares and fillies were entering and exiting one of the more popular clothing stores in the city and in the rest of the land as well. Carousel Boutique Incorporated, one of many stores that have opened up in the past few years, garnering the attention of both the elite and common pony alike, where everypony could look, as the owner and founder would say, "Fabulous!" Sweetie Belle couldn't help but feel proud of her older sister's accomplishments, seeing almost every mare and filly dressed in one of her many popular fashion lines.

The citizens, most of them, were wearing a strange device around their necks. At first glance it seemed as if they were talking to themselves, but upon further inspection, they were talking to the device, more specifically, the pony on the other end of the device. After the war was over, Equestrian scientists went to work on making the communication device known as the Iris Caller, more available to the public, now ponies could hold conversations at length and as far away as they wanted to. Bright Blade recalled the days when he used the Iris Caller on the battlefield, now it was a modern appliance.

Flyers had been posted at different corners of the city, as well as on billboards. It was a promotional for an upcoming Wonderbolts air show, the picture that was on the flyer showed a Sonic Rainboom halo, with at least six other Wonderbolt pegasi flying through it. Scootaloo was jumping up and down as she pointed that the Wonderbolts would be doing a show in Canterlot a couple of months from now.

The group had finally arrived at Pony Joe's shop, the door opened up, setting off the bell that hung overhead. Behind the counter was a unicorn stallion, wearing a white baker's shirt, and a small hat. "Welcome, what can I get ya –!?" The stallion turned around, and gave a hearty chuckle when he saw who it was. "Heh-heh, Bright Blade nice to see ya, and what do we have here!? Three lovely mares, you know Twilight's gonna kill ya." Joe chuckled.

"Ha, ha, ha, very funny Joe, the usual for me and anything my friends want, on me."

"Sure, what'll ya have ladies," asked Joe.

"What's the most expensive thing on the menu," asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh ho ho, my prized creation, one of a kind in all of Equestria, Donuttopia, complete with your choice of tea, coffee, or soda pop!"

"Great, we'll have that," said Scootaloo.

These three are going to empty my coin purse, can't say I didn't see that coming. Bright Blade went closer to the counter and quietly spoke to Joe. "And uh, if you don't mind…" Bright then cocked his head in the direction of the door, where many paparazzi were storming their way.

"I gotcha, no problem," said Joe.

Joe's horn shined, casting a spell over the entire shop. Almost instantly a force field was erected over the shop. While some of the patrons were able to get in and out, the reporters and paparazzi however were stopped dead in their tracks, letting out a number of groans and under breath name calling not meant for the ears of little foals. Satisfied that his barrier was holding, Joe went into the back and started to prepare their order.

After a few minutes Joe wheeled out his prized creation, Donuttopia. With a hefty lift he placed the donut city on the table, along with Bright's modest assortment of donuts, powdered, sprinkled, a few glazed ones for good measure. Once they had gotten midway through their meal Bright Blade thought he'd start catching up.

"So what's going on, been a while since I'd seen all three of you in Canterlot, how are things going at Sweet Apple Acres," asked Bright Blade.

"Oh things are going great on the farm, especially with Clay, Swift Hummer, and Spring Day helpin' out, ah love bein' an aunt! Also, since the Mayor decided to expand Ponyville ah've been super busy with construction jobs and such," said Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo kicked back, putting her forelegs behind her head for support. "As for me, I'm just doin what I do best, shreddin' and being a natural born daredevil," said Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow at Scootaloo. "Really Scootaloo, is that all you're doing," asked Sweetie Belle.

"Y-yeah, of course, nothing else!"

"Is there something I should know?" Bright Blade asked.

"She's been takin' dancin' lessons at a studio that opened up in Ponyville," said Apple Bloom.


"And she's really good at it too," said Sweetie Belle.

"Ugh, okay fine, just don't go blabbing about it, I've still got a rep to protect. Anyway B, there was a reason why the three of us came to see you," said Scootaloo.

Bright Blade raised an eyebrow as he lowered his can of soda. "I was wondering why all three of you were here, usually I just see one or two of you when visiting," said Bright Blade curious.

For this part Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked to Sweetie Belle, who was nervously sipping at her tea. After a few sips Sweetie Belle finally spoke. "Well…Bright Blade, do you know who Sapphire Shores is?"

"Sapphire Shores, of course I do! She's the Pony of Pop, a musical diva! Why, what about her?"

"You see, while I was at the Performing Arts Academy, Sapphire Shores was there and she heard me sing…"


"And offered to be my mentor, and help my singing career, and that was about a couple of years ago," said Sweetie Belle.

"But that's not all," said Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, she also wants Sweetie Belle to sing a concert at the Canterlot Grand Opera Hall!" Scootaloo blurted out.

Bright Blade almost spat out his soda upon hearing this piece of news. "YOU'RE GOING TO SING!? In front of a crowd, at the Grand Opera Hall, Sweetie Belle that's great! When is it, what time!?"

"Seven o'clock, two weeks from now, since I was going to have to stay in Canterlot for a while I decided to come and invite you and Twilight personally," said Sweetie Belle.

And yet you three attack me out of nowhere, thought Bright Blade.

"Well you have mine and Twilight's RSVP. We'll definitely be there. Who else is coming, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Applejack said she'd come, and that Clay would come with, since it'll be his first time coming to Canterlot and such," said Apple Bloom.

"Rarity said she'd might, but she's busy – and I'd understand if she couldn't make it," said Sweetie Belle rather quickly.

After they were done eating, and reminiscing, Bright Blade bid his friends a fond farewell, but not before teleporting them somewhere far from the proverbial vulchers that awaited them outside Joe's anti-paparazzi barrier. With that done he decided to pop in on Twilight at her work, in order to give her the good news.

Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, an academy founded by Princess Celestia herself in order to better educate and train young unicorn foals in the ways of magic. Only the best were able to get into this school, and of course, Twilight Sparkle was no exception. Bright Blade, however, never attended. There wasn't much point since he was receiving private lessons from Twilight, as well as Celestia and Luna on the side.

Bright Blade was busy roaming the halls of the academy; it was everything most unicorn foals thought it would be, spotless hallways, decorated with awards for excellence, pictures of famous unicorns from olden times, and the occasional drawing made by the students using magic. Bright was passing by a trophy case and stopped to look inside. The school had won many magical based competitions, everything from spell casting to practical magic applications, and even hoofball. Along with the trophies was a picture of a class of young unicorns gathered around a certain lavender unicorn mare. She seemed to be holding a plaque, which seeing it from the photo was illegible. Bright turned his head to the right and there was the plaque in question, leaning up against the photo.

Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns Teacher of the Year
Awarded to Head Mistress, Dame Twilight Sparkle

Lower on the plaque were small metal plates that showed that Twilight had been winning the award ten years running. Bright Blade couldn't help but remember the first time she had won the award. She was so happy, I couldn't stop her from bouncing around the house, you'd think she was Pinkie Pie. What he tried not to remember was the long kiss she gave him afterwards. A thought he quickly pushed out of his mind, not wanting to face his marefriend with a blushing face.

Bright Blade made his way to Twilight's classroom, she taught advanced magical formulas and beginner level magic. If I remember her schedule correctly, she should be teaching Magic Training 101, he thought. Eventually he found the room; he peaked inside and saw Twilight talking to her class of colts and fillies.

"Okay class; let's review the light spell shall we. Everypony up." The foals all rose from their desk, eagerly awaiting their teachers next set of instructions. Twilight had her mane up in a bun and was wearing a pair of glasses, hoofpicked by Rarity of course. The class was made up of twenty foals, compared to her other class which was forty teenage mares and stallions. Twilight trotted from behind her desk and came to the front of the class. "Remember kids, feel the mana within your body, let it build up."

The foals all began to concentrate, scrunching their faces as they willed their mana to flow within them. Twilight could sense the energy build up inside her students, taking note of the ones who were struggling. "Alright, now focus that power to the tip of your horns." The foals did as she said, their horns started to glow with various colored auras, a sphere of light appearing at the tip. "Very good class, now remember, I know you might feel like you want to let go, but just imagine that the ball is stuck on your horn."

Bright Blade watched as some of the spheres tried to float away from the foals, but were quickly reined in by their respective owners. One foal, however, seemed to have a problem. What the Daemoni? The foals sphere seemed to be growing bigger, and bigger, and bigger, to the point that Twilight was getting nervous, at the size of the ball of light.

"Ummm…Sunshine, sweetie, you might want to ease up a bit before –!"

Before Twilight could finish her sentence the entire room was filled with light, followed by a low explosion. Bright Blade quickly opened the door, only to have a cloud of smoke blow over him. The golden alicorn stepped to the side of the door, coughing and sputtering. After a few seconds many of the foals inside started to run out of the classroom.

"She's going to blow us all up!"

"Run before Exploshine, gets you!"

Exploshine…? Bright Blade was mentally taking count of how many foals were running outside, when his count ended at nineteen he panicked. Just before he could enter the classroom, the smoke was sucked back into the room, surrounded by a purple magical aura. Twilight, who was now covered with soot from the fallout of the explosion, condensed the smoke till it was completely gone. Thank Celestia.

"Well that was *cough* exciting, wasn't it class? Class?" Twilight opened her eyes and groaned in frustration, her entire class had ran away, save for the little orange-red filly Sunshine, who was now sniffling sadly. "Oh honey what's wrong, are you hurt?"

"No…it happened again, every time I do a simple spell, it blows up in my face," said Sunshine, her gaze turned downwards.

"Honey, don't let your classmates get to you, they're just overreacting that's all," said Twilight.

"No they're not! What would happen if I accidentally used too much power, I could've really hurt somepony!? I hate my magic!" Sunshine's eyes were on the verge of tears.

Twilight trotted up to her student and gently raised her head with her hoof. "I can sense that you have a lot of magical energy Sunshine, you could do great things with that power, but you mustn't fear it or hate. To do so would be the equivalent of hating yourself, it's a part of you. I won't have you saying such things about yourself, do you understand," asked Twilight, her tone a combination of comfort and sternness.

"O-okay, Miss Sparkle, I-I understand," said Sunshine sniffling.

"Good girl," Twilight then wiped the filly's tears away, and smiled warmly at her. "You know, if you want, I could tutor you after school."

"Really, you would!" Sunshine's eyes lit up, her tears almost vanishing from sight.

"Well we'll have to talk to your parents first, but yes I would. I'll come by later tonight alright?"

"Thank you Miss Sparkle!" Sunshine then hugged her teacher's right foreleg, making the lavender unicorn blush with embarrassment. The little filly quickly pulled herself away from Twilight's leg, now feeling embarrassed herself. "Um…should I take my seat," she asked.

"No, we'll just call it a day; I seriously doubt they're coming back. Class dismissed then, go on home Sunshine."

With that, Sunshine cantered happily out of the classroom and down the hall, wearing a smile on her face. Bright Blade, smiling himself, entered the classroom. "Seems like you have your hooves full with that one," said Bright Blade.

Twilight simply smiled upon seeing her coltfriend, and went to her desk to gather her things. "Sunshine has so much potential, but she's too hard on herself. She almost reminds me of myself at her age," said Twilight.

"I can relate, Dinky Hooves could be one of my best Cadets, she just needs a little push. I remember when Clay asked if he could enter the Knight Corp." Bright Blade shuddered a bit. "If looks could kill, Applejack and Rainbow Dash would've done me in on the spot."

Twilight giggled upon remembering the day when the two of them visited Ponyville, Derpy Hooves' service in the military automatically made her daughter eligible, to which Bright Blade and Twilight went to see if she wanted to join. Apparently Dinky jumped at the chance, but they left on a bit of a sad note, seeing as how Clay wanted to join with his best friend.

"Well, maybe one day, so to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit Sir Bright Blade?" Twilight said playfully.

"Dame Twilight, we have been officially invited to a concert at the Canterlot Grand Opera Hall. Starring, none other than, Sweetie Belle," said Bright Blade in a rather dramatic fashion.

"Seriously, Sweetie Belle's going to be in a concert!? That's wonderful, she must be so happy!?" Bright Blade thought back to Sweetie Belle's reaction, she was excited, but he could sense a bit of nervous energy. "Bright Blade?"

"What – Oh yeah she's happy!"

Twilight moved towards Bright and began to nuzzle him affectionately, to which Bright returned the favor. "Looks like we finally have an excuse to wear those fancy clothes that Rarity sent us, c'mon, let's head home."

Bright Blade and Twilight walked side-by-side down the hallway, making the other students of the school go "Uooooo" as kids normally do. It was then that Bright Blade remembered something important. "Uh, Twilight…"


"You may see some pictures in the newspaper tomorrow, just keep in mind that there's two sides to every story," said Bright Blade nervously.

It would be much later, to Bright Blade's dismay, that Twilight would see said newspaper. And that the house they lived in, was almost sent into the stratosphere.

"And low I beheld, that there were days of peace, filled with happiness and free from strife. Songs would be sung, and dreams shall be made real, this, to me, was nothing short of paradise."

– Dalithian 8:11