• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,944 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

  • ...

First Sign: Part 8


"Heya Twilight," said Apple Bloom.

"How…I didn't know you three could call upon your armor…" said Trixie weakly.

"Who said we couldn't, when Pinkie Pie came to the Apple farm yelling about something happening in Ponyville, well, naturally we had to come and try to help," said Scootaloo smirking.

"Now you mind telling us what's going on with everypony here, and why Bright Blade's eyes look like Daemoni eyes," asked Sweetie Belle worriedly.

"Long story short, Bright Blade's – I don't know – possessed! We need to snap him out it before he destroys Ponyville single hoofedly!" Twilight urged.

"Don't worry Twilight, leave this to the Valkyries!" Apple Bloom declared.

The smoke around Bright Blade cleared as he dispelled his shield, his furious gaze filled with even more rage, if that were even possible. "DAMN YOU THREE! THIS IS MY FIGHT, DON'T YOU INTERFERE OR I'LL KILL YOU AS WELL!!!"

The Valkyries flinched a bit at those words; they weren't used to hearing Bright Blade yell with such hate and rage. It was starting to look like the whole "being possessed" thing was less of a farfetched notion. Nonetheless the mares stood their ground and assumed a combative stance.

Bright Blade grinned evilly at them. "ALRIGHT, LET'S FIGHT!!!" Bright Blade charged at them. Apple Bloom, swiftly and gracefully, pulled out her hammer with her right hoof, using the momentum to double her striking power. The flat of the hammer caught Bright Blade in the cheek, sending him flying into a nearby structure, causing it to fall down on top of him. Apple Bloom immediately facehoofed herself after the fact.

"Great, now ah'm gonna have'ta rebuild that whole thing," she groaned.

"You just smashed B in the face with your hammer and you're more worried about the house he flew into," said Sweetie Belle cocking an eyebrow.

"Like that's gonna be enough to –!" The debris of the house exploded into splinters as Bright Blade rose up, shaking off the bits that still clung to him. "See!?"

Sweetie Belle sighed and faced her possessed friend. The bell around her neck started to sway back and forth, with each ring a beautiful melody played. Soon a blue aura surrounded the bell, matching the aura around Sweetie Belle's horn. "Rhapsody Rampage!" All around the white mare orbs of blue light appeared and launched in rapid fire succession, all aimed for Bright.


The blades and energy blasts collided in the center, exploding upon impact. Bright Blade flapped his wings and ascended, continuing his attack. Sweetie Belle aimed her Rhapsody Rampage upwards, keeping in line with Bright's attack. At that moment Bright felt something wrap around his hind legs. When he looked back Bright Blade saw that he had been ensnared by Scootaloo's fire whips.

"Sorry about this B!" Scootaloo flew up higher into the sky. The sudden ascension jerked Bright up with Scootaloo, halting his attack. Bright Blade was dragged higher and higher, struggling to regain control. Scootaloo stopped for a brief moment, somersaulting in midair with her forelegs behind her. With one great pull, she brought her forelegs forward. The fire whips followed her motion, bringing Bright Blade along for the ride. He went over the orange pegasus mare's head and down towards the ground, descending at a rapid pace. "Ignited Sniper!" Scootaloo flared her wings as two dozen fire arrows rocketed for their target.

Bright Blade, in the end, slammed into the ground. Within a few seconds of hitting the dirt the fire arrows rained down on him, exploding with resounding force. The fire whips retracted back to their owner as all three mares were now on the ground in triangle formation, ready for the attack. But none came. When the dust settled Bright Blade was lying still on the ground, unmoving. His body was bruised, and a streak of blood trickled down his face, the origin starting at his head.

"Bright Blade…?" Sweetie Belle whispered.

"We-we couldn't have…" said Scootaloo.

"No way…" whispered Apple Bloom.

Twilight, along with Trixie, watched as the three mares slowly made their way to the alicorn stallion. All of them worried that the combined triple attack might've done more serious damage then what was intended. When the Valkyries where at least two feet away, Bright Blade's eyes shot open, the crimson light shining from them. The golden alicorn's horn flared with mana, conjuring a dust devil around them. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo closed their eyes, wincing at the stinging dirt as their eyes watered.

Bright Blade appeared before Apple Bloom, when the yellow earth pony mare finally noticed, it was too late. Bright took his right hoof and drove it upwards into Apple Bloom's lower jaw. The uppercut sent Apple Bloom flying backwards, landing outside the dust devil. He turned his attention to Sweetie Belle, with amazing speed he closed the distance between them, and bucked her with his hind legs in the chest. The impact knocked the wind out of Sweetie's lungs as she sailed out of the twister. Finally, Bright swiped Scootaloo's forelegs, making her fall to the ground. Taking advantage of her fall, Bright used his telekinesis to wrap Scootaloo's forehooves and picked her up. Concentrating, he twirled the pegasus mare around like a rag doll overhead and tossed her with a mighty heave. Scootaloo skidded to a stop on the ground, almost literally eating dirt.


"Girls are you alright," shouted Twilight.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom slowly rose to their hooves, groaning in pain as they did. Apple Bloom rubbed her chin where Bright Blade had punched her. Sweetie Belle took in deep breathes, coughing with each pained inhale. Scootaloo dusted herself off, spitting out a hefty amount of dirt from her mouth.

"We're fine, Twilight," said Scootaloo.

The Valkyries gathered together and faced Bright Blade. Behind him they could hear the sounds of the town destroying itself, the cries of ponies killing each other, the screams of the ones who hadn't turned. Their home, and their friend, were gripped with an insanity that had to be stopped.

"Sweetie, Scoots, we gotta stop Bright Blade now, the longer we keep fightin' him, the worse it's gonna get for Ponyville," said Apple Bloom.

"So, does that mean we should pull out our last trick," asked Scootaloo.

"We don't have a choice at this point, our power saved him once, we can do it again," reasoned Sweetie Belle.

With that said the orbs in the center of the Valkyries' chest plates shined. Apple Bloom's body erupted with a yellow and red aura, Sweetie Belle with a white and purple aura, and Scootaloo with an orange and violet aura. Bright Blade narrowed his glowing red eyes, wondering what they were up to. The auras melded into one giant glowing multicolored sphere. The sphere took off into the sky; it climbed to a height of a hundred feet, and then arched its way downward. A long streak of light trailed behind it, the combined power of the Valkyries all aimed directly for the alicorn stallion below.


Bright Blade created a powerful barrier around himself, standing his ground against their combined attack. The Valkyries' Soul Roar attack slammed against the barrier, hard, causing a shockwave that shattered many windows and knocked down many ponies, including Twilight and Trixie. The magician mares stared in awe as they watched the four friends clash against each other.

"They're going to destroy each other," shouted Trixie.

"No, if anypony can bring Bright Blade out of this, it's those three," said Twilight.

Bright Blade cried out in anger as cracks started to spider web throughout the barrier, and in that same instant, shattered like fragile glass. The power of the Soul Roar washed over him, the Valkyries putting everything they had into ridding Bright of this evil.


A bright light lit up the area, followed by a powerful explosion that rumbled through the air, a large column of smoke bellowed up from the spot where Bright Blade stood. Three streaks of light flew from the column and landed a couple of feet from it. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle panted hard, their brows beaded with sweat, most of their energy exhausted. Twilight, with Trixie leaning on her, hobbled over to the young mares and waited beside them. Twilight was worried, partially because the moment after the explosion the spell sealing her magic had lifted. Which either meant her coltfriend was back to normal, unconscious, or…

"Girls…do you think…do you think it worked," asked Twilight.

"It better, ah don't know if we could do that ah second time," said Apple Bloom.

"Look," said Trixie.

Stumbling out of the smoke, his fur dirtied, and his mane disheveled, was Bright Blade. The mares all tensed, not sure who to expect. The kind and honorable Knight or the possessed, insane, stallion bent on killing everypony. Bright rubbed the back of his head and groaned in pain.

"Ouch, did anypony see what hit me," asked Bright Blade.

His eyes were no longer orbs of glowing crimson light, just the gentle emerald green color they always were. His wicked, evil, angered grin was gone, leaving a look of confusion in its stead. Trixie released Twilight and got Sweetie Belle to help her stand.


"Go Twilight," urged Trixie.

Twilight nodded in gratitude, she then galloped straight for Bright Blade. She skidded to a stop and threw her forelegs around his neck, bringing him into a tight hug. Bright, although a bit surprised, managed to bring his right foreleg around to hug her back, he could feel Twilight's tears running down her face and onto his shoulder.

"I thought…you were lost completely this time, thank Epona you're alright," said Twilight.

"Twi…" Bright Blade's eyes fell upon the four mares behind Twilight, at their injured bodies, and exhausted looks. "I did all this…I hurt my friends…and I hurt you…"

"No, it wasn't you, not the real you! I know now, it was the Red Ghost!"

Bright Blade let Twilight go; his eyes went wide upon hearing what she had said. "Twilight, you know about the Red Ghost!? You've seen it!?"

"Uh, not that I'm not glad you're back B, but we still have a bit of a situation," said Scootaloo.

The ponies who were stunned by the shockwaves and buffeting pressure from the earlier attack were now beginning to rise back onto their hooves. It wouldn't be long before the mayhem kicked off once again. Bright Blade's eyes narrowed, but it wasn't out of anger, more like a righteous fury.

"Stand back Twi," said Bright.

"What are you…?"

Bright Blade closed his eyes, concentrating, linking his soul to the one thing that could save these ponies, the Element of Hope. Once the stallion felt the power of the Element, Bright Blade flew up into the sky over Ponyville. His body emitted a golden glow that grew brighter with each passing second.


Multiple golden energy waves rippled across the sky, showering Ponyville with sparkling lights that fell like snow. As soon as the sparkles of light covered the town, the ponies stopped, shaking their heads as if they were in a daze. It wasn't long until they had snapped out of their insanity and were back to normal, wondering what was going on. At the same time Twilight's fatigue was disappearing, the Valkyries' and Trixie's injures were healing, their energy restored. The Ray of Hope faded as it began its descent back to the ground, landing next to Twilight.

Bright stumbled a little, making Twilight lean up against him for stability. "Not going to scold me for using my Element?"

"Given the circumstances, I think I can let this one slide," said Twilight playfully.

Suddenly the ground shook violently, their brief moment of peace crumbling. Dark clouds blotted out the radiant sun, a wave of oppressive pressure rolled through the town, making all the ponies bend at the knees. Then, a few feet away from the group, a pillar of harsh red light shot forth into the sky, they had to look away; the clouds erupted with the same colored lightning as the energy hit the clouds. The pillar dispersed, the shaking stopped, and all was quiet, except for the occasional rumble of thunder. The heroic group opened their eyes and gasped at what they saw.

"I-I-it can't be!?" Twilight gasped.

"Is…is that it," asked Trixie.

"It is…"

"What," asked the Valkyries.

"The Red Ghost…!" Bright Blade growled.

Indeed it was the Red Ghost, but something was happening to its form. The ghostly red light faded, and broke off, revealing a flesh and blood stallion underneath. It was an earth pony, a head higher than Big Macintosh, his form powerful and muscular, covered head to hoof in crimson colored armor. On its back were four metal orbs, what parts the armor didn't cover, showed the onyx colored coat of the mysterious stallion. It's shimmering yellow eyes fell upon the group, the stallion snorted.

"You, golden one, twice have you broken my influence, and twice hath these mares taken you from my control…you are perplexing," said the armored stallion, his voice was strong and deep, almost rumbling.

"Who are you," asked Scootaloo.

"I am an Envoy…"

Twilight's eyes went wide, the armored stallion had just spoke the same words as were written in the book. "Why have you come to our world, for what reason do you seek to end our peace!?"

"Originally, I was to prepare this world for its end, but…" the Envoy's gaze fell squarely on Bright Blade, "You golden one, what is your name?"

"It's Bright Blade, the Knight of Hope," he said confidently.

"I've watched you ever since the first day I arrived here, I saw how you commanded your army, how you charged into battle with such fearlessness and power! I wonder, could you be the one I seek," said the Envoy.

"What do you mean," asked Bright.

"A battle, you and me, one on one, I wish to see if you are, indeed, the worthy opponent I've been seeking."

"Hold on!" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, stepped forward in front of Bright Blade, "If ya fight Bright Blade, ya fight the Valkyries too!"

The Envoy snorted, eyes narrowing. "I have no quarrel with you mares, I wish to face him in single combat! Do not think I have any reservations about going through you…" the Envoy's stance widened, indicating that he was preparing to attack.

Twilight, along with Trixie, joined the Valkyries, readying themselves for a fight with this otherworldly being. Twilight had no idea how they were going to fight against this strange stallion, the pressure she felt from it earlier was stronger than what she felt from Tikara Balak, and that was with the added power of the Elements of Darkness! But one thing was for sure, this was the cause of her coltfriend's plight, the ghost that haunted him and made Bright do things he would never do. Twilight wanted nothing more than to pay back the Envoy for all the pain it put them through, with interest!

"Wait…" The five mares glanced behind them, Bright Blade strode passed them, and stared down the red armored one. "I'll fight you Envoy!"

"WHAT!!!?" Twilight shouted.

"Are ya still not right in the head," asked Apple Bloom.

"You can't take that thing alone B," said Scootaloo.

"You need our help," stated Sweetie Belle.

"Not to mention you used up a great amount of your mana using your Ray of Hope, even I can sense your energy levels are low, this is foolish!" Trixie protested.

"Look, there are still civilians in the town; we can't all fight him at full strength with them around. I'll distract him, you guys get everypony out of here," said Bright Blade.

Trixie and the Valkyries all voiced various protests against Bright's plan, but Twilight still pondered his words. She took a quick look around, at the buildings that had caught fire, at the scared townsponies, the Envoy, and finally to her coltfriend. His eyes said it all; Twilight knew he would not be swayed in his decision, the lavender unicorn mare knew what she had to do, granted her own reluctance to do so.


"Twilight ya can't be serious!?" Apple Bloom asked.

"You're really going to let him fight that thing on his own!?" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"Girls, he's right, believe me I don't like it, but he's right. We have to get everypony out of here," said Twilight sternly.

The other four mares were skeptic, but the look in Twilight's eyes made them think otherwise. Reluctantly they resigned themselves to the task of clearing out the town the best they could. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom took off in different directions, Trixie, after reforming her torn mask, galloped forth and teleported away. Leaving Twilight the last to go, she glanced at Bright Blade and stopped.

"Are…are you sure you can do this, Trixie was right, you did use up all of your power," asked Twilight.

Bright Blade smiled confidently, "I'm not completely out of power. With strength unmatched I sing this song, that might and magic be as one! Shine your light upon the land! Let evils wrath be undone, mystic sword Excellion!" The ancient sword appeared before Bright Blade in a flash of white light. "Behold you blackhearts, the power of my ancient arts! See this wondrous sight! Your mystic power shall roar, magic sword Excelsior!" To the right of Bright, a blue flash of light revealed the elegantly curved cerulean sword. "Hear my prayer for my need is dire; bring forth the power that I desire! Let no enemy stand in my way! Begin the battles aria, sword of might Exia!" Another flash of light, red in color, revealed the dual edged sword to his left. All three swords were floating beside their wielder, ready to do battle. "Send me a signal when you guys are done."

Twilight nodded, feeling a little more confident in her coltfriend's plan, galloped away into the town, to aid the others in the evacuation.

"Well then, let's start!" Bright Blade gripped Excellion's hilt with his teeth, while grasping Exia and Excelsior with his telekinesis and pointing the tips of their blades at the Envoy.

"So, you too can wield multiple weapons. In that case I shall oblige you!" Still in his fighting stance, the Envoy's body glowed with crimson power. The metal orbs on his back started to shift, glow, and grow out. In a matter of seconds the Envoy had four metal arms protruding from his back, each arm had an orb, and on it were three talons that flexed into a fist. With another burst of energy something formed in each hand. The front two arms wielded chakrams, serrated like buzz saws. The rear right arm sported a halberd, while the left back arm had a battle ax. "Shall we begin!?"

Oh buck me!?

***20 Minutes Later***

"Gorm Gealach Gearrtha, Gan Teorainn Slais!"

Bright Blade held Excelsior in the crook of his right hoof and thrust the curved blade at the Envoy. Immediately a magic circle, appeared, blue in color, bearing Bright's cutie mark at its center, along with the symbol of the crescent moon around the edges. The circle then fired multiple crescent energy blasts.

The Envoy didn't move he used his four arms to intercept the attacks one after the other. The crimson armored stallion hurled his two chakrams, the weapons buzzed as they cut through the air, coming for Bright Blade from two different directions.

Bright Blade saw the two weapons coming and flapped his wings, propelling himself upwards and letting the two chakrams fly passed him. Bright willed Excellion to spin in front him, creating the golden magic circle. His horn blazed with powerful mana as he repositioned himself behind the armored stallion. "Magna Blast!"

The Envoy glanced behind his back and watched as a beam of powerful gold colored mana came towards him. With surprising speed, he leapt upwards, causing the beam to hit the ground, exploding.

Bright Blade watched as the Envoy ascended into the air, his hooves blazing with crimson energy, possibly keeping him afloat. Bright only snorted, he switched to Exia, gripping it with both hooves. The chakrams, made one more pass, but Bright used his dual edged sword to swat them away.

The Envoy took his halberd and battle ax into his front two arms and waited for the alicorn stallion to attack, a little grin arching across his lips as he enjoyed the fight.

"Burst Striker!"

Exia's blades shined, a third circle appeared in front of Bright Blade as he flew at the Envoy. The distance between them was quickly closing as he drew nearer; once Bright was in striking distance he made his move. Bright Blade slashed through the circle, the Envoy used his halberd to intercept. The moment the weapons made contact they exploded.

The Envoy was blown back a bit, but shook it off. The alicorn stallion was still on the charge, slashing with great speed and vigor. Each time the Envoy tried to block the attack another explosion would occur, the majority of the blast wave directed towards him. He tried to attack from another angle, galloping through the air. Summoning a long spear into his rear right arm, the Envoy sped up and thrust the spear at Bright Blade from overhead.

Bright Blade saw this and summoned back Excelsior, "Cosain dom!Sciath de Draíochta!"

A giant shield of blue mana appeared over Bright as the Envoy's spear impacted. Bright winced at the recoil and strength behind the blow. The Envoy didn't let up; he pushed forward driving Bright Blade into a descent, faster and faster they went, the wind whistling around them. The barrier slammed into the ground with a resounding boom, sending rock and sediment flying in all directions.

With a flash of golden light Bright Blade teleported himself away from the crater, shaking off the debris still caught in his fur. The alicorn stallion trained his three swords in the direction of the crater, ready to attack at a moment's notice. The Envoy trotted away from the crater, nonchalantly, as if the impact didn't even faze him in the least.

Bright was panting hard; it was taking all he had just to keep the fighting in the center of Ponyville. He sensed Twilight's teleporting magic popping in and out of the town, but that's all he could allow himself to sense, focusing the majority of his instincts on reading the Envoy's movements. Whether or not the citizens were out was something he had to hope Twilight was taking care of.

Twilight tell me you're almost done, I not sure how much longer I can hold out at this rate!?

***Outer edge of Ponyville***

"THIS WAY HURRY!!!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"KEEP IT MOVING!!!" Scootaloo shouted.

The Valkyries were on the outer perimeter of Ponyville, guiding as many of the ponies as they could towards Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight and Trixie used their teleporting magic to gather together large groups of ponies and bring them to where the Valkyries were. While this was going on a great battle was taking place in the center of town, never going beyond that spot. Twilight knew that Bright Blade was doing his best to keep the fighting from going any further, but just how much longer this could go on was beyond her.

Further down the road the Apple Family did their best to handle the mass influx of pony evacuees, housing them either in the barn or in their own homes. Applejack and Big Macintosh guided the ponies to their destinations on the farm, while Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Granny Smith took care of the young foals.

Twilight zapped back to where the Valkyries were, with a group of evacuees. "Go to Sweet Apple Acres, you'll all be safe there!" Twilight ordered.

The Valkyries, along with Twilight, lead the group to the apple farm where AJ and Big Mac were waiting. "Come along now, everythin's goin ta be alright," said Big Macintosh.

Applejack watched as the group entered the farm, and looked to Twilight who was noticeably exhausted from multiple teleportation's. "Twi is that everypony?"

"Trixie's doing one last sweep to make sure," said Twilight.

"It better be, it's a miracle Bright has kept that thing from destroying the entire town up till now," said Sweetie Belle.

Just then a magenta flash of light sparked behind them, revealing Trixie as her alter ego, Mare-Do-Well. "That was the last of them, at least…the ones that weren't killed during the outbreak," said Trixie.

"So now, what," asked Scootaloo.

"We give Bright Blade the signal." Twilight concentrated, willing her magic into her horn. She built up as much mana as she could, judging the distance and angle of trajectory from where she stood. Taking careful aim, the lavender mare fired a magic bolt straight for Ponyville, the orb of purple light sailed higher till it exploded over the town.

"Ah hate this, without our armor, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and ah can't do much but keep everypony calm," said Applejack.

"Don't worry sis, we can handle it," said Apple Bloom.

"Come, we should hurry back before –!"

Trixie didn't get to finish her sentence as a massive quake rumbled through the ground, through the air, and through them. Twilight sensed a huge spike in mana coming from Ponyville, the power of it seemed to be felt by even Applejack and Big Macintosh. Twilight could tell that this was the work of her coltfriend, but something worried her about the magic he was using, a worry that seemed to be shared by Trixie as well.

"This can't be," said Twilight.

"Twilight what's goin' on, why's everthin' shakin, and what's this feeling ah'm gettin'," asked Applejack.

"It can only be one thing, at least judging from the amount of power Bright Blade is putting out," remarked Trixie.

"Rune Magic…" said Twilight.

*** Ponyville (Center of Town) ***

Bright Blade looked up into the sky and watched as the purple magic bolt exploded overhead, he let out a small sigh of relief, thankful that the town was now completely evacuated. This, however, did not go unnoticed by the crimson armored stallion.

"So then, has whatever has been distracting you finally been resolved," asked the Envoy.

Bright Blade looked at the Envoy, surprised. "What, how did you know!?"

"We haven't left this space since we started fighting, and the majority of your attacks had force, but no power."

"Then why?"

"Because I seek a real battle, it does me no good to go all out if you aren't either. Now that the distraction that was plaguing you is gone can we dispense with this 'warm up' and truly fight!?" The Envoy stamped his hoof on ground, causing a mini-quake.

Bright Blade only smiled, unfazed by the stamping of his hoof, he returned to a normal stance and took a deep breath in and out. "Alright, if that's what you want, no holding back! Count yourself lucky, this is the first time I get to use this new power I created! I haven't been able to properly field test it yet, but I guess now is as good a time as any!"

Below Bright Blade's hooves, a giant magic circle appeared, rotating slowly beneath him. Exia took a spot on the left side of the circle, Excelsior the right, and Excellion the center, right in front of the alicorn stallion. The Envoy was intrigued by this new tactic, wondering where he was going with this.

Bright Blade's horn flared with mana energy, he widened his stance, and let out a fierce battle cry. Suddenly the ground started to shake violently once more, even the air seemed to quiver. The magical swords glowed with radiant light, after a few seconds rune symbols began to dance around Bright Blade, floating about in the air, glowing just as brilliantly as the swords and circle. Out of the dozens upon dozens of runes, five of them shined brighter than the others, they floated above the circle, burning in the air. Bright's eyes shined with white light, as he cried out the spell!


All three swords fired a beam of energy towards Bright's horn, the energy built up more and more as it swallowed him and the swords together. A giant pillar of red, blue, white, and golden light shot forth into the sky above! The pillar punched a hole in the clouds, making them scatter and disappear in an instant! The pillar's four different energies swirled around harmoniously, till they became one unified beam of light. The entire time Bright Blade let out his battle cry, as he felt the power transform him, altering his body from the outside in!

The pillar of light ended, the energy dispersing into tiny particles in the air. The Envoy stood there, speechless at what was now before him.

Bright Blade was almost as tall as the Envoy; his wings were bigger, more majestic, and shimmered as if they were actually made of gold. The alicorn stallion's body was muscular yet lean, with golden mana outlining his form. Bright's eyes had now become two orbs of emerald green light, his mane and tail were a couple of feet longer, and spikier. But the most startling part of this transformation was his horn, no longer an appendage of bone and magical nerves, but was now a shining gold and white blade, at least four feet in length.

"This…is the unification of sword and wielder, my ultimate weapon, Xiaon!"

The Envoy gritted his teeth, and summoned to his two front arms a pair of broad swords, and to his back arms, a mace and war club. "Show me what this power of yours can do!"

Bright Blade vanished from the Envoy's sight; the armored stallion scanned the area, searching for him. Bright Blade had reappeared to the right of the Envoy; he swung his head to the left, slashing with Xiaon! The Envoy saw the attack at the last second and sidestepped to the left, his right side armor receiving a long gash. The Envoy quickly whirled around to face his opponent and began slashing with the two broadswords. Bright Blade, effortlessly, dodged each attack with fluid motion. This seemed to anger the Envoy, as he roared and slashed with both swords at once! A loud boom thundered, but when the Envoy looked to see what he had hit, he saw that Bright Blade had once again vanished from sight.

"Looking for me?" Bright Blade had reappeared, a few feet away from the Envoy.

"Impossible, his speed has increased dramatically!" The Envoy changed his broadswords, switching back to this chakrams. The armored stallion infused a large amount of his power in the serrated discs; they glowed with the power of his red energy. The Envoy hurled the spinning discs of death at Bright Blade! The alicorn stallion didn't move he simply maneuvered his wings to cover his front, the chakrams impacted on his wings, exploding and sending fire and power flooding over him. "I hope that didn't kill you, I was just starting to have fu –!"

Bright Blade flared his wings outwards, clearing the dust cloud, and revealing that he had not a scratch on him. The Envoy recalled his swords, and charged for the Knight of Hope. Bright Blade did the same, and slashed with Xiaon, their swords clashed back forth, the ringing of metal and the humming of power, all resounded as the two warriors fought. Bright Blade executed a vertical slash with Xiaon, making the Envoy intercept it with his swords, both blades fighting for supremacy. Bright took a step forward, the Envoy took one step back, Bright took another step forward, and again the Envoy retreated. Sparks were flying as the blades grinded against each other, until, the broadswords of the Envoy snapped in half, allowing Bright's attack to follow through.

Luckily, for the Envoy, he was able to narrowly dodge the cut. Bright Blade knew this had to end now, for everyponies sake, and for his. "Time to finish this Envoy, once and for all, no longer will you cause harm to any living thing, ever again! Aureus Storm!!!!!"

Bright Blade aimed Xiaon at the Envoy, from the blade a tornado of golden mana energy roared to life and zoomed for the armored stallion. The Envoy was quickly swept up by the tornado, spinning him about, and buffeting him with the tremendous power that the Aureus Storm possessed. Bright Blade flapped his wings, ascending into the air above the tornado. To Xiaon he called forth all the power within himself, and even the free floating mana that resided in the air. All gathered to the glowing sword, as Bright Blade made his descent. The Envoy gazed upwards, unable to stop what was coming, his end at hoof.

"Blade of Heaven!!!!!"

Xiaon made contact at the left shoulder plate of the Envoy, and passed through the crimson armor. The power that was built up erupted all at once, causing an explosion in the form a sphere of mana! Bright Blade somersaulted in the air three times, and landed outside the explosion, safely on the ground. After taking in a breath or two, he turned his gaze to the now dissipating explosion sphere. It was over; the root of this nightmare was finally severed.


The Knight of Hope turned around and watched as the air a couple of feet from him started to twist, a purple light flashed before his eyes as he witnessed his marefriend teleport Trixie and the Valkyries to his location. Twilight took one look at her coltfriend and gasped at the sight of his new form. The others did as well, although they sensed no evil in this transformation, it was still surprising nonetheless. Twilight slowly walked up to Bright, cautiously, taking in as many details as she could. Bright Blade was noticeably nervous, although he just defeated an embodiment of evil; he still feared the scrutinizing look of his marefriend even more.

"Bright Blade, what have you done to yourself," asked Twilight astonished.

"Well…you see…it's a funny story!"


"What was that sound," asked Sweetie Belle.


"It sounds like an eggshell breaking," said Apple Bloom.

"Or like something made of glass was about to –"




"Everpony look up!" Trixie shouted.

The others did as Trixie said; the explosion sphere was cracking, light leaking out from the fissures that ran along its surface. The cracks shot out in different directions, spreading to all corners of the sphere, till it happened. The sphere blew apart, with the Envoy still alive. He floated down to the ground, his hooves blazing with scarlet mana.

"There's no way he could've survived that!?"

Twilight, Trixie, the Valkyries, and Bright Blade all assumed a fighting stance, ready to fight the red menace to the bitter end. But something happened that neither of them expected, he laughed. The Envoy laughed boisterously, as if he had been told a hilarious joke. The armored stallion landed softly on the ground, his laughter slowly died out as he caught his breath.

"I can't believe it, after all this time I've finally found what I've truly desired! I knew it; you ARE a worthy opponent, the strongest warrior, the only warrior to match me in single combat! I am overjoyed, Knight of Hope, now I may wield my full power without holding back!"

You gotta be kidding, he was still holding back this entire time!?

"Get ready, for our glorious battle is about to begin!" The Envoy's aura erupted all around him, the ground shook once again as his energy skyrocketed. "Tear through all and leave none standing! Crimson Scour –!" At that moment the sky let loose a powerful thundering series of booms. The Envoy stopped whatever he was about to do, his expression went from one of joy to one of anger; he glanced towards the sky, as if it was the cause. "Master, I am not yet done here, I have finally found a strong opponent! Allow me to face him, and then I shall do your bidding!"

The sky thundered once again, stronger and louder than the first time. The others wondered who in Equestria could the Envoy be talking to!? Soon, the Envoy let out a defeated sigh, his aura waned down till there was no trace of it around him.

"As you wish, my master…" The Envoy's hooves once again had blazing red energy around them, the power pushed him up into the air. They couldn't believe what they were seeing, was the Envoy really leaving them that easily. "Bright Blade, Knight of Hope, you gave me your name, but I did not give you mine. I am Polemos, Spirit of War, bringer of hate and battle! Remember my name, for I am the only one who will have the honor of defeating you in combat! So you had better survive what is to come, you are not allowed to die!"

With that, Polemos the Spirit of War, encased himself in a orb of scarlet energy and zoomed off into the sky, a sonic boom echoing as he broke the sound barrier.

" '…you better survive what is to come…'" whispered Twilight.

"Does this mean…he'll be back, that there's more than one of them!?" Trixie asked.

"Polemos, Spirit of War…"

"Well, at least he's gone. Anyway B, how the hay did you turn into –!?" Scootaloo watched as Bright Blade collapsed right in front of her. Xiaon was gone, and Bright's body had returned to normal.


Bright Blade, wielding his ultimate sword Xiaon, defeated the Envoy, now known as Polemos the Spirit of War! Who is this 'Master' that controls such a mighty spirit and what could be their agenda!?

Author's Note:

For those of you wondering how to pronounce Bright Blade's newest weapon, it's sounded out as "Shay-on." Anyway sorry for the wait, school and all that jazz, hope the action made up for it!