• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,944 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

  • ...

First Sign: Part 2

Opening Night

***2 Weeks Later***

It would be a gross understatement to say that the concert wasn't a big deal. It was about six o'clock, and already there was a crowd. A red carpet was laid out, leading from the street to the entrance of the Grand Opera Hall. The building was enormous, fifty foot stone columns held up part of the roof that was jetting outward, while at the front of the entrance, two bronze unicorn statues stood on either side of the doorway, horns crossed to form an X.

Most of the more wealthy and elite ponies had entered the Opera Hall, but now came the part that the reporters and paparazzi were waiting for, the honored guests. The first to arrive were Twilight Sparkle and Bright Blade. Bright Blade was wearing a stunning black tuxedo, while Twilight was wearing a beautiful dark violet, velvet dress. The two of them arrived by carriage, which, upon exiting, were barraged almost immediately. The entire front of the building was being lit up with the flashing bulbs of cameras, the air filled with the roaring of the crowd, reporters, and onlookers, asking questions, asking for autographs, at some point a couple of ponies had thrown out marriage proposals to Twilight and Bright Blade. They were quickly removed.

The next carriage quickly came up behind the other one, sporting a flag with an apple on it. The first to step out was an orange earth pony mare, with a blonde mane and tale, sporting a lovely white dress. Twilight recognized this mare, one of her best friends, Applejack. The blonde maned pony turned around and looked inside the carriage.

"C'mon Clay, don't be scared now," said Applejack.

"Alright mama," said a voice from inside the carriage.

His mane and eyes were brown, his coat is light gold, wearing a tuxedo and looking rather dapper. Clay jumped out of the carriage and confidently looked up to his mother Applejack, after giving her son a little nuzzle against the cheek, the mother and son duo trotted across the red carpet. It wasn't long before Clay spotted Twilight and Bright Blade, and quickly ran up to them. Applejack just shook her head, smiling the entire time.

"Aunt Twilight, Uncle Bright!"

"Nice to see you again little guy," said Bright Blade.

"Well don't you look like a regular gentlecolt, how do you like Canterlot," asked Twilight.

"It's really big, and fancy! Hey, is mom here, do you know if she's coming," asked Clay.

The couple knew who Clay was referring to. In the years he's spent growing up, he'd taken to calling Applejack mama, and Rainbow Dash mom. Unfortunately this was a question that caught both of them off guard, thankfully though Applejack was there to do damage control.

"Now Clay, ya know darn well that yer mom is workin' in Las Pegasus right now," said Applejack, rubbing the colt's mane.

"I just thought she might show up," giggled Clay.

"She'll be back soon enough; ya know her tour ends here in Canterlot. In a couple of months we'll be back, and so will mom, alright?"

"Alright," said Clay has he nuzzled against AJ's right foreleg.

Just then a roar echoed across the night sky, everypony on the ground went deathly quiet, looking around frantically for the source of the roar. The air was again filled with a strong roar, but this time accompanied by the beating of huge wings. Bright Blade, Twilight, and Applejack, however didn't flinch, while Clay stood his ground. A whooshing of wind blew around them as a large dragon descended from the air. The paparazzi all too stunned to start taking pictures.

When the dragon landed, it did so with ease. Upon its back was a unicorn wearing a black dress, with a fire heart ruby necklace. The dragon laid out his arm so that the tip of his claws ended at the red carpet. The unicorn gracefully trotted down the makeshift platform, almost immediately her face became visible as the cameras started flashing. Her flawless white coat, her perfectly styled violet mane and tail, her long batting eyelashes, yes this was the mare that had taken the fashion world by storm, the pony that made all stallions swoon, Rarity.

When Rarity was on the red carpet, the dragon then burst into green dragon fire, eliciting gasps from the crowd. The flames eventually died down, revealing a purple scaled dragon, wearing a tux, with a fire heart ruby carved into the shape of a rose, pinned to his lapel. Twilight had a wide smile upon her face as the dragon and pony cantered towards their group.

"Twilight, darling, it's been too long," said Rarity.

"You're telling me!"

Rarity then hugged Twilight, and then Applejack. She then stepped back for a moment, looking at the orange earth pony mare. "As I thought Applejack, you look simply marvelous in that outfit!"

"Well thanks Rarity, ta be honest ah was worried that ah'd look ridiculous," said Applejack, her face blushing slightly.

"See mama, I told you that you looked pretty," said Clay. His comment all but made Applejack go beet red, and wishing she had brought her Stetson hat to cover up.

"Clay, you're growing up to be quite the young stallion, and you have such cute little cheeks!" Rarity then used her hooves to mush Clay's face. The little colt looked to his mother for help, but Applejack pretended not to notice, her indirect way of getting Clay back.

Spike was busy giving his mother/sister a hug; ever since the purple scaled dragon had left with Rarity they have been seeing each other less and less. Although they sent letters and communicated via the Iris Callers, they still missed each other, and tonight was a joyous reunion. "I can't believe how big you've gotten, you've grown a lot since the last time I saw you," said Twilight.

"Actually this isn't my real size, if it were, they'd have to carve a bigger door for me to walk through," said Spike proudly. "Bright Blade, bro, how's it going!?" Spike held out his claw and balled it up into a fist.

"Good, looks like you and Rarity are doing well." Bright Blade brought up his left hoof and bumped it against Spike's fist. "Guess that's everypony, should we head in –!?"

Suddenly a golden chariot flew out of the sky and came to a swift landing in front of the red carpet. Stepping off the chariot was none other than Princess Celestia, garbed in a sparkling golden gown, her royal regalia sparkling as the flash bulbs fired off. Twilight, Bright Blade, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, and Clay, all bowed respectfully to their ruler.

"Greetings everypony," said Princess Celestia.

"Princess Celestia, we didn't know you were coming," said Twilight.

"Well, Sapphire Shores had sent me a letter requesting my presence, and when I found out that it was our dear Sweetie Belle, I couldn't say no." The crowd of ponies, reporters, and paparazzi were almost in a full frenzy. "Shall we?" The group followed the Princess inside, the whole time Bright Blade was thinking. I hope Sweetie's prepared to sing for royalty?

***20 minutes to curtain***

"PRINCESS CELESTIA'S OUT THERE!?" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"Ah told ya we shouldn't of said anythin'," scolded Apple Bloom.

"I'd thought she'd be excited, how was I supposed to know she was going to shut down!?" Scootaloo shot back.

Indeed Sweetie Belle, after hearing the news about Princess Celestia's arrival, was curled up into a fetal position, shaking in the corner and muttering to herself. Making Apple Bloom and Scootaloo really worry about her, especially this close to show time, just then the door to the dressing room opened up. A light yellow earth pony, wearing a fluffy white coat, and white hat perched atop her cobalt blue mane. Her half-lidded amber eyes fell on the shivering young mare now stroking her tail in the corner of the room.

"Good gracious, what happened," asked the fancily dressed mare.

"Sapphire Shores, well um, ya see…"

"Sweetie's havin' a bit of a panic attack over here," said Apple Bloom

Sapphire Shores trotted over to Sweetie Belle, and gently placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "Oh honey don't worry, once you're out on that stage, and lose yourself in the music, you'll be sensational," said Sapphire Shores, singing the last word.

"I know it's just that – what if I mess up! After all the trouble you went through getting this all together, I don't want to let you down, or the Princess, or any of my friends and family!"

"I thought you might feel this way," Sapphire Shores then turned her head towards the doorway, "which is why I brought somepony who might be able to help."

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle gasped as they saw who entered. Sweetie slowly rose up from the ground, a smile arching across her face. "Now what's this I hear about my talented little sister succumbing to stage fright?"

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle rushed to her older sister, giving her a tight hug. "I thought you had a fashion show in Manelan!?"

"Come now Sweetie, the fashion world won't crumble down because I'm not there. Besides, how could I not be here to see my little sister become a star," said Rarity. "Now no more of this 'I can't,' nonsense! You are going to go out there and sing from your heart Sweetie Belle!"

Sweetie Belle stared into the eyes of her big sister, she could almost feel the unwavering confidence Rarity had for her being transmitted into her. "C'mon girls, I need your help to set up!" With that said, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, all dashed out of the dressing room in the direction of the stage.

"Hm, hm, hm, gonna have to work on that," said Sapphire Shores. "Thanks Rarity, looks like I owe ya one."

"Oh think nothing of it, Sweetie deserves to show off her special talent, after everything they've been through," said Rarity. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a concert to go watch."

The full orchestra had gathered; tuning their instruments, making the final adjustments before the singer came out. Amongst the band was the, now famous duo, Lyra Heartstrings and Octavia. Oddly enough another famous musician pair was there with them, Vinyl Scratch, sporting her amazing turn tables and stereos. As well as Big Pwny, wielding, as he puts it, a "kickin' guitar."

Princess Celestia was in her private box, overlooking the stage. Next to her was another private box, the guests of honor were all stationed inside ready to hear Sweetie Belle sing. There was a slight amount of tension amongst them; Rarity had been called away by Sapphire Shores. Bright was worried for Sweetie, this would be the first time she's ever sang in front of a huge audience. Well, except for the Talent Show anyway, which according to Twilight and Applejack, was a bit of a fiasco.

"Still worried about Sweetie Belle," asked Twilight.

"A little, and having Sapphire Shores come up here to get Rarity, probably wasn't a good sign," said Bright Blade.

"Ah don't worry B, I'm sure it's nothing," said Spike.

"Indeed it is nothing."

The others turned around and saw Rarity trotting into the private box. She nonchalantly took her seat next to Spike, and simply stared out towards the stage. Before any of them could ask what she was up to the lights started to dim, the audience became hushed, and waited for the show to start. The red velvet curtain slowly rose up, revealing a beautiful young unicorn mare. Sweetie Belle was wearing a string of pearls around her neck; her normally fluffy mane was straightened, sheening as the stage lights shined upon her. She wore a black and gold dress upon her body, giving the singer a very elegant look. Sweetie Belle took a few steps forward and stopped. "I'd like to dedicate this song, with the Princess's permission, to the memory of Prince Arion."

Everypony looked up to the Princess's box; she gave a nod of the head, along with a smile. Once that was taken care of the band started to play and Sweetie Belle's horn went to work. It painted a scene for all those to see, swirling galaxies, bright stars, and a peaceful land. A silver alicorn flanked by one midnight coated alicorn mare, and another whose coat was alabaster white. It was then that Sweetie Belle began to sing...

Keeping me
My steps have said
You must go through every door
Where you are led~

Silences hangs
In my fear
Daylight fades
And I know you will be here
Melting our ground

In never ending shadows
I'll follow you to greater lights
Burn through me
Around me
I'll follow you to greater lights~"

The audience looked on in awe, as Sweetie continued to show them the days of old, Celestia and Luna were young. It had occurred to Celestia that maybe Luna had told Sweetie Belle about these happy times, seeing as how her presence was unaccounted for.

"Words will fly
Beyond us
Waking now
No longer numb to the sound
Of every voice

In never ending shadows
I'll follow you to greater lights
Burn through me
Around me
I'll follow you to greater lights
In never ending shadows
I'll follow you to greater heights
Burn through me
Around me
I'll follow you to greater li~ghts~
I'll follow you to greater lights~
I'll follow you to greater lights
I'll follow you to greater heights
I'll follow you to greater lights…"

Sweetie Belle paused, and waited. A round of clopping applause could be heard all around the auditorium. They did not last long, as Sweetie Belle started to move into her next song. Although bolstered slightly from the success of the first song she was a bit nervous about this one, since she wrote for those who lost their loved ones during the war. Sweetie's horn again glowed; a new image was painted before them. That of winter, of Hearth's Warming, and fun times had with family and friends...

"Dancing bears, painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings,
Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully,
Across my memory~"

Suddenly the room was filled with magically created snowflakes, as the chorus line took over, letting out a beautiful, yet haunting tone.

"Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory!

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know,
Things it yearns to remember…
And a song someone sings…
Once upon a Dec~em~ber…"

There wasn't a dry eye in the house, some were crying, others applauding. Up in the private box where the others were, it was pretty much the same. Applejack noticed that Clay was sniffling a bit.

"Clay, honey, are ya alright?"

Clay seemed a bit startled that his mother had addressed him. "Ye-yeah, I'm fine! I wasn't crying!"

On the other hoof, Rarity was bawling, moved by her little sister's song. Spike had to wrap his arm around her foreleg and make soothing sounds to comfort her.

Twilight and Bright Blade, well, they just held each other's hooves tight. Not wanting to be the next to let the tears flow out too quickly.

Sweetie Belle took a bow, letting some of her own tears fall from her face before she rose again. "Thank you all, this next song I wrote was inspired by the final battle, Calamity's Fall. I think it's meaning, which is obvious, rings true even today."

Sweetie Belle allowed her horn to once again create dazzling images for them all, showing the battle Twilight and her friends fought against Phantasma Sun and Nightmare Moon, along with the battle between Bright Blade and Tikara Balak. The band, and surprisingly, Vinyl and Big P started to play their respective instruments. The choir began and so did Sweetie, rising onto her hind legs, striking a pose, and whipping her mane from side to side…

"There comes a time,
When you face the toughest of fights,
Searching for a sign,
Lost in the darkest of nights,
The wind blows so cold,
You're standing alone,
Before the battle's begun,
But deep in your soul,
The future unfolds,
As bright as the rays of the sun.

You've got to believe,
In the Power of Love,
You've got to believe,
In the Power of Love,
The Power of Love.

Blazing Emotion,
There's a light that glows from your heart,
It's a chain reaction,
And nothing will keep us apart,
Stand by my side,
There's nothing to hide,
Together we'll fight till the end,
Take hold of my hoof,
And you'll understand,
What it truly means to be friends.

You've got to believe,
(You've got to believe)
In the Power of Love
You've got to believe,
(You've got to believe)
In the Power of Love,
It gives meaning to each moment,
It's what our hearts are all made of,
You've got to believe,
(You've got to believe)
In the Power of Love,
The Power of Love…"

The imagery shifted, showing when the Crusaders became the Valkyries, how they raced to the Altar of Calamity, the revival of Bright Blade, and the subsequent fight that ensued. Big P went into a wicked guitar solo for a few seconds before Sweetie started again.

"You've got to believe,
(You've got to believe)
In the Power of Love,
You've got to believe,
(You've got to believe)
In the Power of Love,
It gives meaning to each moment,
It's what our hearts are all made of,
(Just look inside)
You've got to believe,
(You've got to believe)
In the Power of Love,
The Power of Love~"

The audience's jaws hung open, Princess Celestia was surprised, and even Sweetie's friends, who were watching from backstage, were doing the same. It was silent for a while, but then everypony started to cheer and whoop it up, as it were. But none of them cheered louder than Rarity, who almost had to be held back by Spike; for fear that she might accidentally fall off the edge. The whole time Clay just stared at the mare.

"Mama is Aunt Rarity alright," asked Clay.

Applejack waited a moment before answering that, "She's just…very happy fer her sister is all."

"Very, very, happy," added Twilight.

"Extremely happy," chimed Bright.

Sweetie Belle then took a bow; her heart was a flutter, her smile wide. Her song was a hit, all of them, she could hardly believe it. The smiling faces of the ponies out in the audience, along with their roaring cheers made Sweetie feel like she was on top of the world. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were smiling even wider than the others; their friend was living her dream, more accurately, taking the first steps towards something greater. Sapphire Shores trotted up beside the two young mares, and sighed softly.


"You can say that again," said Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle rose up from her bow, her horn flared up again. She was thankful to so many, to Sapphire Shores for showing how to project her voice, and to the teachers at the Music Academy for showing her how to create those beautiful images with her magic. The crowd was almost screaming for an encore, in fact, many of them were.

"An…an…encore," said Sweetie Belle nervously.

Rarity had stopped her screaming cheers and was now looking worriedly at her little sister. The others were too, it would seem that she wasn't prepared to give an encore, or so it seemed anyway.

"Well…there is one song. Back when I was a little filly, me and my friends formed a club called the Cutie Mark Crusaders. We did everything we could to get them; we even created a theme song!"

At this, Rarity's and Applejack's eyes, along with their ears, began to twitch, noticeably. Twilight and Spike looked across from each other; their worried expressions were now ones of panic. Bright Blade and Clay raised an eyebrow at this; curious as to why they were reacting this way.

"Oh dear Celestia, she can't be planning on singing THAT song," said Rarity.

"Ah knew it was strange that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo weren't up here with us," said Applejack.

"Uh, mama, are you alright?"

"Twilight that theme song was okay for the talent show, but this – in front of all these Canterlot ponies," said Spike.

Twilight shifted her eyes from the stage, to the Princess's box, and then back to the stage. "I think I might be able to do something just in case this goes south!"

"Uncle Bright, what's going on," asked Clay.

"I could say I know, I could even say I understand, but to be honest Clay…"

The fears were realized when they started hearing the, all too familiar, beginnings of the Cutie Mark Crusaders theme song. Suddenly all the lights in the theater blacked out, soon enough a single spotlight was shot towards the stage. Scootaloo's head was illuminated, to her right was Apple Bloom, and to her left was Sweetie Belle. Although their makeup was similar in color, it was toned down considerably compared to the infamous talent show.

"Look, here, are three little ponies,
Ready to sing for this crowd,
Listen up, 'cause here's our story
I'm gonna sing it…"

"VERY LOUD!" As they sang this in unison, the stage lit up, Sweetie Belle's horn was shining, creating the backdrop for their song. To the surprise of everypony, Scootaloo's singing was actually, good.

"When you're a younger pony
And your flank is very bare
Feels like the sun will never come
When your cutie mark's not there
So the three of us will fight the fight
There is nothing that we fear
We'll have to figure out what we'll do next…"

"Till our cutie marks are here!
We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders
On a quest to find out who we are
And we will never stop the journey
Not until we have our cutie marks!"

The stage was filled with fog, almost obscuring the singers. At that moment Scootaloo began twirling around. Dancing gracefully while Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle provided backup, the young mare was beautiful, she was on fire. No, really, she was actually on fire. She would fan out her wings, and glide her hooves across the stage, creating a blazing trail of fire, and letting out embers as she continued.

"They all say that you'll get your mark
When the time is really right
And you know just what you're supposed to do
And your talent comes to light
But it's not as easy as it sounds
And that waiting's hard to do
So we test our talents everywhere…"

"Until our face is blue
We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders
On a quest to find out who we are
And we will never stop the journey
Not until we have our cutie marks
We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders
On a quest to find out who we are
And we will never stop the journey
Not until we have our cutie marks!"

The ending came with Scootaloo pirouetting around and around, creating a mini fire tornado, the tornado then engulfed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, making the audience, and their friends, gasp in horror. After a few short seconds the fire tornado broke apart revealing all three mares striking a dramatic, yet heroic, pose. The crowd, the Princess, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Spike, Clay, and Bright Blade, all were speechless. Mouths visibly hanging open.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were panting hard, exhausted from their performance. "Ya think they didn't like it," asked Apple Bloom.

"Maybe the tornado was a bit too much," whispered Scootaloo.

"Why aren't they doing anything."

The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

***1 Hour Later***


The gang, along with some of the other guests, had relocated to Canterlot Palace. More specifically the Grand Galloping Gala hall, all the guests were happily eating and talking, rubbing elbows if you will. There was a private celebration going on near one of the tables, all gathered around Sweetie Belle. Many of them were sipping sparkling cider, congratulating the success of the young mare. Rarity had a foreleg wrapped around Sweetie's neck, partly for stability, but mostly because she was proud of her.

"Sweetie Belle, my little sister, I am so proud of you!" Rarity then started to nuzzle the side of Sweetie's cheek. Although it was embarrassing for her she really didn't mind at all.

"Ah'll tell ya, we were a bit worried there for a minute," said Applejack.

"A bit," questioned Apple Bloom.

"Alright, a might worried!"

"Didn't know you could sing like that Scoots, last I heard you're singing was – OHMPH!" Twilight, at this time, had taken the liberty of elbowing her coltfriend in the ribs, hard. She then shot him a warning glare, he immediately knew why of course.

"Yeah I know, it wasn't the greatest thing in the world," said Scootaloo. "You should've seen Sweetie Belle; she has to be the harshest teacher I've ever seen, she wanted to make sure that this whole thing turned out alright. Which was fine really, I got to get her back with the dance number." Scootaloo then winked at Twilight and Bright Blade.

"It looks like it was all well worth it. A ten minute, standing ovation, you girls did really great out there," said Twilight. "By the way, how did you create that fire tornado, was it Sweetie's magic?"

"Yeah, what was up with that," asked Spike.

"I am curious myself, pray tell, how did the three of you create that," asked Princess Celestia.

"Actually that whole fire thing was from Scootaloo," said Sweetie Belle.

All eyes turned to the orange pegasus, who was now rubbing the back of her head, and smiling sheepishly. They couldn't quite wrap their heads around the idea that she was the one producing the flames, even more amazing was that none of them got hurt from them.

"Yeah, that was our reaction too," said Apple Bloom.

"Huh, well ah'll be, that's a nifty trick! What do ya think Clay?" Applejack looked down to her right, only to see that the colt in question was not there. "Clay…?" Applejack started to look around, but, to her growing dismay, there was no sign of the little guy. "Clay! Gosh darn it, where the hay are ya!"

The others started to look around as well; unfortunately, there was no sign of Clay, anywhere! "Did anypony happen to see where he went," asked Princess Celestia.

"Not me," said Spike.

"Nor I," said Rarity.

"Me neither," said Bright Blade.

Applejack was starting to get worried. "Applejack calm down, he probably went off to go play with some of the other foals. He couldn't have gotten far," said Twilight.

Of course she knew this; Clay was strong and tough, hard working too. If push came to shove she was confident her son could take care of himself, but still, knowing that did not make her worry any less. He had a habit of letting his temper get the best of him sometimes, and around here, that wasn't a good thing. "Worry not Applejack, let us go and search for him, I am sure he's close by."

No sooner had the Princess said those words did the image of a light gold colt, wearing a tux, come strolling along towards their group. Applejack quickly trotted over to Clay and gave a scolding look. "Clay, where in tarnation did ya go!? Ya had me worried!"

"Sorry mama, I thought I saw something in the window. So I went outside to see what it was…"

"Towards the gardens, at night, without tellin' me!"

"Y-yeah, I guess I got a little lost, but I just followed the noise from the party and I was able to find my way back," finished Clay.

Applejack wanted to give the little colt the once over, but seeing as this was a happy occasion, she decided to ruffle his mane and half smiled at him. "Well…if you do that again at least tell me where yer goin', alright?"

"You're not mad mama," asked Clay.

"Nnnnope, besides, your punishment is about to start in 5, 4, 3, 2…"


Oh no, thought Clay.

At that moment Rarity appeared, seemingly, out of nowhere and enveloped the little colt in a tight hug, smushing her face against his. The little guy was almost struggling to get air. His eyes darted to Applejack, pleading for help, but he knew that she was going to make him suffer through this. Just long enough. Spike quickly rushed to the little colt's rescue, but was cut off by Applejack, thrusting a fore hoof between him and Rarity. The purple dragon looked to her quizzically; Applejack just glanced at the sight before her with a devilish grin.

"Ah'd say Rarity been dippin' into the cider a little hard," observed Applejack.

"Maybe a little…Uh, Applejack, how long are you going to let this happen," asked Spike.

Rarity peppered Clay in kisses, saying how she was worried for the little gentlecolt. The light gold earth pony tried to get out, but could not escape the, surprisingly strong, bawling white unicorn mare. He kept mouthing the words "help me" many times, silently calling out to anypony that could wretch him away from the overly emotional Rarity.

"Just a bit longer."

***5 Hours Later***

Everypony pretty much called it a night. Princess Celestia was kind enough to lend Applejack and Clay a place to stay in Canterlot Castle. Spike, unfortunately, had to carry out Rarity on his back, passed out from having a little too much of the hard stuff. Luckily for them, Princess Celestia also offered them a place sleep.

The Valkyries had their own place so they went there after everything was done, which left Twilight and Bright Blade walking happily side-by-side to their home, their tails were intertwined with the others, purple on white. Twilight was a bit annoyed at how tall Bright Blade had grown lately. Of course she knew it was natural, but the fact that the young stallion was about ten inches taller than her, and knowing that she was the older one, made this feel a little awkward.

"I can't believe this," said Twilight.

"Believe what," asked Bright Blade.

"All of this, you and me, Sweetie Belle's singing, all of us living our lives like this. It's almost like a fairytale."

"I hope not."

Twilight looked up at Bright, "Why not?"

"Because, if it were, then that would mean that this is all a dream. I don't know about you, but I've had enough of fake memories and goodbyes. This…right here, this is real."

Bright Blade nuzzled Twilight's cheek gently, although it was cold outside, the warmth between them kept the unicorn, alicorn, couple nice and warm. "I agree, wholeheartedly." Twilight and Bright Blade continued to trot together, under the light of Luna's full moon.

***Canterlot Castle***

Celestia was laying in her bed, reading in the light of the lamp on her nightstand, her regalia lined up neatly on the dresser across the room. The royal alicorn mare couldn't help but hum the songs from the concert, Sweetie Belle's musical talents had, honestly, surprised her. She had heard many a famous singer in her lifetime, from the bards of olden days, to the pop stars of the modern world. But Sweetie Belle, she sang with passion, and feeling, truly she had embraced her special talent. But there was one thing that still bothered her.

Lulu where could you have gone, Sapphire Shores had invited the both of us, and you up and vanish to…mother knows where!?

For a while now Luna had been out of the public eye, even more so from Celestia's. Every now and again she would come back to the castle, looking all kinds of tired, and just a tad grumpy. She would not say where she was, but it was obvious that wherever Luna had been doing, it had drained her. For a brief moment Celestia's mind had wandered into the gutter, to which she quickly pulled away from such thoughts.


Celestia's ears twitched as she cocked her head towards the door. She could vaguely pick up on the sounds of hoofsteps coming from the hall way, and from what she could tell, they were stumbling. The alabaster mare rose from her bed and proceeded to crack open the door. At that moment Luna was stumbling about, swaying to the left and right as if she were drunk.

"Luna, what have you been…?" Celestia opened her door fully, apparently Luna hadn't noticed and kept going towards her room. "Luna!"

Luna jumped up and did a one-hundred and eighty degree turn, looking quite startled. She panted heavily, her eyes were slightly bloodshot, and for a moment Celestia thought that her little sister would attack her by accident. Luckily though, that wasn't the case. Luna quickly realized who she was staring at and released whatever tension she was holding. "Oh Tia, it's only you…"

Luna started to lean forward, not stopping, almost like she was… "LUNA!" Celestia caught Luna in her telekinetic grip just in time; her body went limp, allowing herself to be suspended by Celestia's aura. The elder sister levitated her younger sister into her bed chambers, and laid her down on the soft bed. "Luna are you alright, answer me Lulu!?" Celestia brought an ear close to her, listening to the rising and falling of her chest as Luna breathed in and out. "Luna?"

The midnight colored alicorn wiggled and squirmed, apparently Luna had collapsed from exhaustion of some kind, and was now making herself comfortable on Celestia's bed. Honestly Lulu, what could you be doing to put you in such a state… Celestia wanted to immediately wake her little sister and demand she explain, but as she looked down upon her sleeping face Celestia started to have a change of heart. I'll just ask her in the morning.

Celestia used her telekinesis to gently remove Luna's regalia and set them on her dresser beside her own. The alabaster mare then moved to the other side of the bed and laid down next to the Princess of the Night. She began to brush Luna's mane with her hoof, this action seemed to sooth the tired alicorn. Celestia then started to think back to the concert, and decided to have Luna hear at least one song.

"Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Once upon a December~"

And so they all slept peacefully, happily, wrapped in the glorious time of the Age of Harmony, having dreams and living them at the same time in bliss.

…For now…

Author's Note:

All rights reserved to the writers of the lyrics, as well as the composers of the music. And a special thank you to Brawney Hooves for allowing me to use his OC Clay!