• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,943 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

  • ...

Third Sign: Part 1

A Slight Problem

***2 Years Ago –Manehattan***

Manehattan was quite the bustling city. Everypony was going somewhere in a hurry, the industrial and economic advances around the city had made the air a little dirty, but nothing a few weather pegasi couldn't handle. The noise from the train depots was a bit off putting, and some of the citizenry weren't as refined as the Canterlot ponies. Still, the architectural design and massiveness of Manehattan itself was a sight to behold, with tall skyscrapers that could rival the Royal Palace, not to mention the many chic fashion stores and restaurants.

One pony was admiring the beauty of the city from a large balcony overlooking Manehattan. She was a unicorn, with a beautifully coiffed mane and tail, a white coat, and lovely blue eyes. The unicorn mare was lightly sipping cider from a glass she was holding in her blue telekinetic aura, sighing blissfully as she stood there taking it all in.

"Ahh, how I do love Fashion Week, ponies come from miles around, just to get a glimpse of the latest fashion designs to hit the market," said the mare. "And this year it's being held in Manehattan! Oh just think of it you two, next year will be Prance, and the year after in Manelan!"

There was a navy blue pegasus lying on one of the long chairs, her abdomen was visibly distended. "Why wait till next year, you guys can go there anytime you want right?"

There was dragon sitting in the chair next to the pegasus mare, munching on an emerald gemstone, along with a plate of other jewels that were laid on the table before them. "Yeah, we could, but Rarity likes to relax in the city after Fashion Week is over. That way we don't have to pack up, we can just stay, sight see, and do, you know, relaxing stuff."

"Oh, well, I guess that makes sense. Anyway, thanks for seeing me on such short notice, I know you guys are pretty busy right now," said the pegasus mare.

"Ballista think nothing of it, you're our friend, and we always make time for our friends and family." Rarity trotted over to Ballista and sat on a cushion near the table. "I can't believe your six months along already, you're positively glowing darling."

Ballista blushed slightly at the comment, but soon found herself rubbing her swollen belly lovingly.

"So do you know what it is," asked Spike.

"Yeah, it's a filly, a pegasus too," said Ballista.

"Oooohh, have you thought of name for the little one?"

"Gale," she said. Spike and Rarity looked to each other, a little surprised by the name, not that it didn't sound lovely, but it sounded a little too soft for the semi-retired soldier.

"Short for Gale Force."

"Awww, okay," they said in unison.

"So, what about you two, have you reconsidered…you know…?"

Ballista knew that this was a touchy subject, in the number of times she had met and spoken with the dragon and unicorn couple, they had decided long ago that they would abstain from having children, at least for a while. She couldn't blame them really, there hasn't been a crosspieces dragon-pony child born over two centuries, and that was shortly after the dragons left for the Badlands. Most of the information about what to expect when having half breed dragon foals was either taken from myth, or obscured through many years, making it impossible to know what to expect or how to prepare.

"We're still waiting for the right time," said Spike, gingerly placing a claw on Rarity's hoof.

"Yes, believe me Ballista; I'd like nothing more than to have children of my own, to dote on, and to love. But, quite frankly, neither of us know the risks involved, and with my busy career, it just wouldn't be fair to our child," Rarity added.

Ballista nodded her head solemnly. "I understand. It's no big deal."

"Anyway, where's little Gale's Dad, is he working right now," asked Spike.

Ballista's mood changed noticeably at the mentioning of the unborn foal's father. With a steady sigh, she sat up on her haunches and looked both of them in the eyes.

"That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you two about…"

Rarity and Spike started to have worried looks on their faces.

"He's…He…He left me." The couple blinked in confusion at what their friend just said, wondering if they heard correctly. "It was right around when I found out I was pregnant. I was so happy that I wanted to tell him right away, but the day I told him, he went paler than Celestia's coat. He started saying things like, 'How could this have happened,' and, 'Is it too late to do anything about it!?'"

"He wanted you to get rid of your baby," asked Rarity, giving her and incredulous look.

Ballista wrapped a single foreleg around her stomach, as if trying to protect from some unseen assailant. "Needless to say I was shocked at what he said. I…I loved him…and I thought he loved me enough to raise a child together. Guess I was wrong, 'cause the next day I found a letter saying we were threw…"

The sound of a hoof slamming upon the table snapped Ballista out of her sad recollection. Rarity's face was contorted with anger and fury, something that made the mare a legend in the fashion world. She's the most generous and kindest mare you'll know, but cross her or her friends and there will be blood, lots, and lots, of blood.

"HOW DARE HE DO SUCH A THING! What kind of stallion, no, what kind of pony would just get mare pregnant and just leave her high and dry!"

"Uh, Rarity, you do know I get a substantial pay check from my military service, ri –?"

"Why such creature a isn't even worthy of being called equine, such a being is lower than dirt! Spike, come my dear, we must hunt down this laggard and drag him back kicking and –!"

Rarity was quickly silenced by Spike placing his claw on her muzzle, startling the mare, but effectively stopping her dramatic rant.

"Rarity, calm down, drink your cider and breathe." Rarity grumbled for a little bit, but after a while the tension in her body started to release. Spike removed his claw from her muzzle, allowing his wife to take deep calming breaths. Once she had done that, Rarity levitated her champagne glass over and took a few sips. "Seriously though, do you want I should uh, you know," Spike gestured with his claws, balling one into fist while repeatedly smacking it into his palm.

"No you two, that won't be necessary. My father found him and pretty much tore him a new one," said Ballsita, chuckling slightly.

Both Spike and Rarity shivered at that bit of news, their thirst for revenge quickly vanished upon knowing that Major – sorry – General Broadside had given the said stallion the once over. A draconic assault, while effective, would pale in comparison to old warhorse's.

"So you've truly decided to keep her," asked Rarity.

"Despite what he did, I'm not making my foal pay for him being a jerk. Besides, even if I wanted to, I'd be risking my own health. Anyway, there was another reason, although related, why I came to see you guys."

Both Rarity and Spike nodded in anticipation, waiting for the soldier mare to tell them her news.

"I wanted know, if you two wouldn't mind becoming Gale's godparents?"

Rarity eyes practically lit up as she quickly enveloped the pregnant pegasus in a hug. Spike was left sitting there, his head looking at his wife and the place she was sitting at earlier, wondering how in the world she moved that fast without him noticing.

"I'll take this as a yes?"

"But of course, we can think of no greater honor, right Spikey-Wikey," asked Rarity, fluttering her eyelashes.

"We'd be glad to Ballista."

"Thanks, both you. I know this is a poor substitute for not having a foal of your own, but I hope that you can be a part of Gale's life. Considering the history we have," said Ballista, chuckling a bit.

Rarity giggled slightly, she then, after getting an approving nod from Ballista, placed her hoof softly on Ballista's belly. The unicorn mare's hoof jumped a bit upon feeling movement. But something about it brought out a side to Rarity that she'd never felt before, a sense of motherly instinct perhaps. It was then that her eyes trailed off a little to look in Spike's direction. He was just watching Rarity while munching on a topaz, a happy smile gracing his lips. Rarity started to wonder, just what kind of father Spike would be. But that would have to wait, neither one of them wanted to risk the others life, nor did they want feel like they would neglect their child because of their work. So for now, being a godparent would be the next best thing.

***2 Years and 3 Months Later***

Cavallo a beautiful land far south of Equestria, and home to one of its two larger cities, I speak of course of Manelan. It was busy this time of year, market vendors and store owners were on edge. For next week would be a big event. But now, let us digress to a place further outside the city, towards the countryside. Where a large home, built upon a hill, was perched, overlooking the city.

Inside this were various varieties of expensive furniture and artwork. Further in, passed the oak wood double doors, was a massive bedroom. You'd almost mistake it for a theater. Velour red curtains hung, tied off with golden rope to let the sun shine in, illuminating the marble floor and large ornate columns which held up the ceiling. Inside the room, coiled around a large round cushion from head to tail, was a purple dragon. His muscles rippled as he shifted for comfort. The dragons emerald green eyes looked down the cushion he kept close to his body, smiling down at it as he watched its occupant sleep peacefully.

Spike was an early riser; it had become a habit since his younger days. Being Twilight's number one assistant meant that he had to get up early in order to help with the chores, and to cook for the unicorn mare, since, back then, she couldn't boil water without blowing up the house. Spike kind of wished he could sleep in, just ignore his habit and keep sleeping, but then again, he'd be denying himself the pleasure of watching the love of his life sleep within his protective encirclement. As much as he enjoyed the sight, Spike knew he had rouse his wife from her slumber.

He lowered his large muzzle down towards Rarity, who was dressed in silk pajamas and covered in a light blanket. Spike gently nuzzled her, making the unicorn mare produce objecting groans. After a few more nuzzles, Rarity's eyes started to flutter open.

"Really love…I was enjoying the most wonderful dream," groaned Rarity.

"Sorry Rarity, but we need to get up, we have a busy day today," said Spike.

"I have a better idea." Rarity turned around, her serene blue eyes meeting spikes giant eyes, her lips forming a coy smile. "Why don't you change your form to something more manageable, and you can come in here and snuggle with me instead?"

Oh now that wasn't fair, she knew Spike liked snuggling with her, and it was very tempting, oh so very tempting. But, steeling his resolve, the large dragon held his ground. Rarity sighed in defeat, seeing that her husband would not be swayed, still, she had to give it a shot, and there would be snuggles later tonight.

"Alright, alright, shall we," asked Rarity.

"Let's," responded Spike.

Rarity used her telekinesis to lift the blankets off her body, once she had; the unicorn mare began trotting towards the entrance of their bedroom. Spike had stood to his full height, opening his maw, and letting his dragon fire spill out. The flames wrapped around his body, till he was nothing but a large dragon shaped inferno. Even though the flames burned, nothing in the room caught fire, they weren't even hot. Soon the flames died down as the shape of the flames changed. What stood in their place was Spike, about a head higher than Rarity, standing on two legs. While not as muscular as his true form, it wasn't lanky like before when his greed was accelerating his growth.

Now that Spike had shrunk down he joined Rarity and the two of them went on to prepare for the day. After freshening up in the bathroom, Rarity strolled into her walk-in closet; her horn immediately lit up, as combs, curling irons, coat brushes, and hairpins levitated and danced around her. Rarity's mind was always good at multitasking, which helped in both her work, and her telekinetic abilities.

"Now Spike, be a dear and tell me what's on our agenda for today."

Spike held out his left claw, an orb of green light appeared in his palm, which quickly popped, producing a clipboard and with his right he summoned a red quill pen.

"Let's see, today we're heading to the city, the hosts of the fashion show are going to assign the designers a day to present, so we'll head there first. Afterwards we're going to meet Fancy Pants and Fleur-De-Lis at a charity auction at the Alfalfa Romeo Museum, probably just make a brief appearance at the very least," said Spike.

"Excellent, what about the models, did the ones I requested reply?"

"Yep, two pegasi, one earth pony, and one unicorn, all mares, all accounted for."

"Fabulous, is that all?" Rarity asked as she levitated one outfit after another, trying to decide which one to wear.

"Let's see…" Spike started to flip through clipboard, making sure he didn't miss anything. When he got to the seventh page, his eyes went wide, and he face palmed himself. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Ballista, Gale, and Broadside, are coming to visit!"

Rarity stopped rifling through her dresses and made an excited gasp. "Little Gale is coming!?"

Spike nodded.

"Oh how wonderful, once Fashion Week is over, we really must take them on a tour around the city, with all the craziness that has occurred over these past few months, they could use a vacation," said Rarity.

"You got that right."

Rarity and Spike were now sailing over the skies of Manelan, having arranged for a pegasus drawn carriage in order to get them to their destination faster. In all honesty it would've been a lot faster if Rarity had rode on Spike's back in his massive dragon form, but they didn't want to cause a panic. A large purple scaled dragon flying through the skies was not a cause for alarm in Ponyville, but around here, the citizens tend freak out over something like that. Once they had entered the city proper, the pegasi slowly descended down to the stone road, after landing the two pegasi stallions trotted the rest of the way.

Rarity had been watching the scenery pass them by, while Spike read over some of the notes he had made from their last walkthrough. It was then he heard an audible sigh coming from his wife.

"What's wrong Rarity?"

"What…Oh nothing, just thinking about Applejack's and Rainbow Dash's wedding, as much as those two hate dressing up, they really do look quite beautiful when they do. I'm just happy they finally, tied the knot, as it were, I swear they were going to be as old as Granny Smith before one of them proposed," joked Rarity.

"Let's not forget, Granny Smith wasn't a big fan of those two getting together in the first place, the fact they she gave her approval means she's really accepted Rainbow Dash as part of their family." Both the unicorn and dragon shared a smile. "Now all we need to do is get Twi and Bright married."

Rarity chuckled, "Oh Spike, you really do care about their happiness don't you?"

"Of course I do, Twi raised me and Bright, well, fake memories or not, I still care about him like my brother, and I want them to be happy. Although…"

Rarity could sense where Spike was going, "Indeed, these recent events have had me a little on edge as well…" Rarity pulled a little at the collar to her dress, revealing the Element of Generosity, safely clasped around her neck. "And with Rainbow Dash and Applejack's newly discovered powers, it's starting to make me think that…well…"

"You think there's another war coming, or do you think it really is the end of the world," asked Spike.

"Unfortunately, no one has the answer to that. Regardless, I refuse to let something as trivial as that dampen my spirits! This coming week is too important," said Rarity with vigor.

Spike grinned at Rarity's ability to relegate something like the end of the world as trivial. Still, Rarity was right; there was no point in worrying about something that wasn't certain, yet.

Soon the carriage came to a halt; one of the pegasi unhitched himself and came around to open the door. Rarity, wearing a flowing velvet dress, and Spike, wearing a tux and red boutonniere, stepped out of the carriage. After thanking the two pegasi, and informing them that they would be making further stops today, the unicorn and dragon couple entered the large building.

Palazzo Della Moda, at least that was its name in Cavalian, in Equish, it was called the Palace of Fashion. It was aptly named; the halls were lined with statues and paintings of ponies that had left their mark in the Equestrian fashion world. Part of the palace was sectioned off, acting as a museum in dedication to the legendary designers, where their first creations were housed in glass cases neatly preserved for all to see. It was noted that anypony wanting to further their knowledge in the field, simply needed to come to Manelan. It's no wonder that this city was included to create the Big Four, along with Trottingham, Manehattan, and Prance.

All the top designers were filing in, moving to the grand hall where they would be informed of the day they would present. It was during this time that all the designers would hobnob, gossip, and wish others luck in their endeavors. Rarity and garnered many friends within this world, some new designers just striking out for the first time, others were veterans who really didn't need to enter, but did so as recreation. Then there were the other type of ponies, those who were out to prove themselves number one, who were devious and wealthy enough to use almost any underhanded trick to get an edge. Rarity and Spike have had to deal with these types many times over. One of them, Rarity saw among the crowd.

She was a unicorn mare, in her early twenties, with a scarlet mane. Her coat was white, almost blindingly so, with violet eyes that could easily draw you in, like a snake hypnotizing you into coming closer, before it snuck its fangs into you. Glory was her name, her cutie mark that of a sapphire blue star, with golden vines intertwining and forming what appeared to be feathered wings, although, they looked more akin to bat wings.

Glory seemed to spot Rarity and, much to her displeasure, trotted over in their direction. Once she was there, she put on a practiced smile.

"Rarity, so nice to see you," said Glory.

"Likewise Glory, I'm sure," responded Rarity, as politely as she could.

"I'm surprised you're here, I would've thought you would take a rest from last year."

"Yes well, the mysterious disappearance of my fabrics did cause a slight wrinkle, but nothing I couldn't handle. You'd be amazed at the generosity of the small business stores in Manehattan, they're still thanking me for noting their contributions to my works, and last I heard their businesses are booming," said Rarity.

Spike watched the two mares, he knew what this was. Polite society had its own rules on how to go about fighting. Open brawls were frowned upon, so instead, such fights were done with a verbal jab or quip. Using ones accomplishments or the others shortcomings as weapons, Rarity was good at this, but Glory was almost her equal, almost.

"Yes…very fortunate of you." Glory's eyes shifted towards Spike, but just for a moment, she quickly showed a look of disgust, and then returned to Rarity. "Honestly, I don't know why you continue to have this, 'thing,' follow you around."

"I'll ask you not to refer to my husband in such a manner," said Rarity.

Glory scoffed, "'Husband,' that creature is nothing more than a glorified servant."

Spike had learned to keep his temper in check, such insults weren't uncommon, and there were still some ponies who viewed her marriage to a dragon as unseemly. Since no pony wanted to see just how wrathful a dragon could be when an insult was made to him or his mate, Rarity would step in and take control.

"Really Glory, lobbing such pity insults at my husband in front of me, it is most unbecoming of a young mare such as yourself. Then again, it could be the reason behind your, how shall we say, less than desirable works."

"At least I'm not mooching off of my title, Dame Rarity. Do you really think that ponies would be taking notice of your work if you weren't a Knight of Harmony," ask Glory with venom.

"Trust me darling, my title has nothing to do with how I create my works. I take pride in what I do; knowing that what I make will be enjoyed by all. Competing is one thing, but the joy I get from others wearing my creations and having fun while doing so, is much more rewarding." Rarity began to trot near Glory, "Now, if you don't mind, it seems that they'll be announcing any minute, ta-ta."

With that, Rarity and Spike left Glory there, seething in anger. Just like she had said, the director of the fashion show appeared on the stage in the Grand Hall. Using his magic, he created a magical window that displayed the names of all the designers and on what day they were to present. Rarity's eyes found her name, listed under Friday at noon, while at the same time, Glory's name was listed as well, scheduled to go on before her at 11:00.

"Seriously, she's going on the same day as we are," asked Spike annoyed at the roster listing.

"Don't worry love; as usual we'll take the necessary precautions." Rarity placed a comforting hoof on the dragon's shoulder, assuring him that everything would be alright.

"You sure I can't, you know?" Spike let out puff of dragon fire to indicate his intention.

Rarity looked to Glory, contemplating if the stuck up mare didn't deserve to have her mane styled by an accidental misfire of dragon fire. After a minute, she decided against it, though filed it in her memory for further thought later. What she didn't see however, was that the young mare was shooting Rarity a sinister smile.

***Later at the Carousel Boutique Studio***

Spike and Rarity arrived at their allotted studio for Fashion Week. Fancy Pants and Fleur's charity auction was a pleasant change of scenery, the couple had wished them luck in the upcoming week and saying that they would be rooting for them in the crowd. She really did owe a lot to those two; they've stood by her ever since that day when she presented them with her latest designs after the war. Even now, years later, they were still popular.

Once at the studio, Rarity pretty much leapt out of the carriage, eager to work on her latest project. It had become a common thing for him, Spike having to go and chase after his wife when she was in "the zone," as Rarity would put it. Once inside the studio they saw that the workers were in full panic mode, Rarity and Spike raised an eyebrow at this, wondering what could be making them act like this.

"Spike if you please," asked Rarity.

Spike sucked in as much air into his lungs as he could, and in the next moment, unleashed a powerful roar that rumbled throughout the entire studio, rattling the windows to the point of shattering. All the ponies within stopped in their tracks, both out of fear and curiosity. When Spike was through with his dragon roar, he cleared his throat and composed himself.

"Thank you love."

"Anytime," said Spike.

"Now, could somepony please tell me what all the fuss is about?"

The gathered ponies seemed hesitant to answer Rarity, stallions and mares looking to one another, knowing glances being exchanged. Rarity adored her design team, having hoof picked many of them herself, but if there was anything she hated, it would be when somepony was withholding something back, a comment, an idea, or even advice. It was something that she'd learned not to take for granted, a trait Rarity had taken away with the friendships she had made. And she made it clear to her staff to come to her or Spike when there was a problem, which is why Rarity didn't understand why they looked so afraid and worried.

"Come now, I can't help or do anything if I don't know what the problem is."

It took some time, but one of the mares stepped forward from the crowd. She looked nervous, real nervous.

"Um well, Miss Rarity, there's a spot of bother concerning the models," said the mare with a Trottingham accent.

Rarity gave an exasperated sigh, "Let me guess, they're being absolute divas aren't they. Just let me talk with them, I'll straighten them out."

"That would be nice…if they were here…"


"They aren't here…"

"You're kidding right," asked Spike.

"No sir…"

"May I ask, how and why," asked Rarity, a little edge to her voice.

"Two of the pegasus models have the feather flu, and the last two have pony pox, ma'am…"

"Seriously!? The feather flu I get, but the odds of two ponies catching it, let alone having the pony pox are – Uh Rarity are you alright?"

Rarity's right eye began to twitch noticeably; she hyperventilated and made angered grunting noises. The unicorn did an about face, looking away from her staff and husband. She started grinding her teeth, her hooves making their way towards her mane, threatening to pull it out at the roots, Rarity's body then started to tremble as she rose on her hind legs. After a few more seconds of her episode, Rarity went still. She released a sigh and turned around to face her staff, eyes wide and sparkling, with a very ladylike smile gracing her lips.

"Oh is that all."

Almost every member of the design team stared at Rarity, jaws dropped, eyes wide as saucers; you'd think she had just spoken blasphemy against the Princesses.

"Is that all!? Miss Rarity it is –!"

"Only a slight problem and one that I will see to is rectified." Rarity then clapped her hooves together, gaining everypony's attention. "Now then, everyone, please prepare the outfits for resizing, we'll have to be quick for when the new models arrive."

No pony seemed to argue with Rarity, there was no need to. They had been with her long enough to know that the fashionista always had an ace up her sleeve when it came to sticky situations, and this was one doozy of a sticky situation. Rarity trotted towards her personal design room, with Spike following close behind. Unbeknownst to all, even Rarity, Spike had snapped his fingers, quickly casting a spell to block all sound entering his ears. Rarity used her telekinesis to open the door and strode right in; Spike was the last one in, closing the door behind him.


Spike turned around and watched as Rarity rose on her hind legs and bellowed into the air, screaming at the top of her lungs. From what he could read from her lips, she was spouting all manner of obscene words that were not meant for ears of foals. Spike continued to watch the spectacle before him as Rarity now paced back and forth, still swearing, stamping her hoof on the floor every once and awhile. Rarity then moved on to the couch, using her telekinesis to grab one of the cushions. She then levitated the cushion over to her muzzle; Rarity took a deep breath then roared into the cushion. Spike knew that that little thing wouldn't muffle much of her screaming, luckily, the room was enchanted to be soundproof, as to keep any design secrets from being overheard.

Spike now saw that Rarity was out of breath, panting as she took in deep calming breaths. It was then that he dismissed the spell he had used to deafen himself with a wave of his claw.

"Okay, now that you've got that out of your system, we need to find replacement models before Fashion Week starts up," said Spike.


"What do you mean; I'll just call up the local modeling agency."

"Spike, every fashion designer in the city – no – In all of Cavallo are here, and already under the direction of their assigned designers! In short getting one on such short notice is near to impossible!" Rarity shouted.

"C'mon, there's gotta be a few models left…"

"There aren't any! I know because when I requested those four, they were the last ones left!" Rarity threw herself onto the couch in a dramatic fashion. "Feather flu and pony pox, my flank," she scoffed.

"You don't think Glory had anything to do with this…do you," asked Spike.

"I wouldn't put it passed her, but that's not the point…"

"Well…today's Thursday, we still have the weekend, and since you don't have to go on till next Friday, we have plenty of time to find somepony."

Rarity scoffed yet again, "Yes, seven whole days to find replacement models, this is going to be the event that finishes my career Spike…Might as well face the music, it was a fun ride while it lasted, huh love?"

Spike couldn't believe what he was hearing, since when did Rarity start talking like a quitter! The drake paced back and forth, from one side of the room to the other, racking his brain for a solution, anything that could salvage this possible shipwreck. It was then that something clicked inside his head, an idea was sprouting, and one that he was sure might work.



"Why don't we call up our friends for help, I'm sure they'd do it in a heartbeat!"

Rarity was about to say something, but stopped for just a moment, pondering her husband's idea. "Well…Applejack and Rainbow Dash are out on their honeymoon, so they're out of the question. Twilight and Bright Blade have been on high alert since these Envoys have showed up, and they can't leave Canterlot at the moment…So that leaves…"

"Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy," Spike face palmed himself, "why didn't I think about them from the start, this'll be perfect!?

Rarity just stared at her lover, trying to understand his logic and reasoning behind why the shyest pony she knew, and the other who was a hyperactive party pony, even when taking care of the twins. Rarity began to rub her temples, not that she didn't love her Spikey-Wikey, but with the current situation she was having a hard time contemplating how this was a solution to their current problem.

"Spike, darling, please, how is this, in all honesty, supposed to help us?"

"Don't you see, it's perfect! Fluttershy used to be a model, even though it was for a short time, there are still ponies who ask if she's going to make a comeback!" Spike said.

Rarity hated remembering the day when she had pushed Fluttershy into becoming a model when she clearly didn't want to, all in the name of her fragile pride. "Spike…you do realize that Fluttershy was absolutely miserable during that time, right?"

"Well, yeah, but this'll be different. It won't be forever, just a onetime thing, plus I'm sure she'd prefer working for you than Photo Finish."

Rarity's mind started to go over the details of such a plan, could it work, there were many variables, and there's no way they could just up and leave their children behind.

"If I agreed to such an idea…we'd still be short one pegasus and one unicorn…"

"Well, why don't you model your outfits, you used to back in Ponyville, and…you know, you'd look good in one of those new dresses you made," said Spike, winking at the mare.

Rarity rolled her eyes at the attempt of her husband complementing her looks, but it did make her feel better hearing that. "Okay…maybe it might work…but…They all have their own lives Spike; we can't just simply ask them to drop everything they're doing, just to have them whisked away on a whim." It was then that Rarity's head popped up, a blank expression appeared upon her face as she remained still as a statue.

"Uh, Rarity, you alright?"

"Ideeeeeeeeaaaaaaaa~," she announced as her eyes sparkled and her beautiful smile returned.

"Oh boy," sighed Spike, "she's back."

"Spike, take out a quill and parchment, there are a list of things that I need done before Friday rolls around and if we're going to make this work, we must take quick and precise action!"

"Yes ma'am!" Spike remarked, adding a salute.

"Such riches a plenty, our people thrive and rejoice in our bounty. The land yields so much food, and generosity flourished under such. Truly there were none as fortunate as us, for we share and share alike, our bonds shall hold strong from now until forever."

– Diaesa 77:10