• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,943 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

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First Sign: Part 5

To the Place We First Met

***1 Day Later***

After the incident had occurred, Twilight and Bright Blade had been rushed over to Saving Grace general hospital. Luckily enough, none of the Cadets were injured, even Dinky Hooves and Sunshine managed to escape serious injuries. Twilight said a silent prayer of thank you to Lady Epona for that. The whole time, the lavender unicorn was thinking back to the night before, even now in that room.

Twilight sat there on her haunches, listening to the beeping of the EKG machine, watching the rising and falling of Bright Blade's chest as he slept in the hospital bed. Her coltfriend's fore hooves were strapped to the side railing of the bed, etched onto them were rune symbols, made by Twilight herself. His horn was surrounded by a purple magical aura, Twilight's extra insurance to make sure he wouldn't use his magic against any pony.

Since the incident, Twilight had been trying to think of any reason why Bright Blade would suddenly attack his own Cadets, and, why his three swords wouldn't appear when he called for them, not that she wasn't complaining mind you. It was at that moment the door to the room opened and a unicorn mare walked in wearing a white lab coat, and a stethoscope hanging from her neck. Her amber mane was tied into a bun, with her tail braided. Her turquoise eyes full of care and gentleness, made Twilight feel a little better and less worried.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I'm Doctor Cure All," said the physician.

"Nice to meet you…tell me Doctor, have you found anything wrong with Bright Blade?" Twilight asked.

Doctor Cure All's horn began to glow, and instantly a chart appeared before her. She took a moment to peruse its contents, double checking everything. "Well, as far as a physical reason, there seems to be nothing wrong with him. The x-rays didn't show anything out of the ordinary, and his blood work came back clean."

Twilight was surprised by this; she thought for sure that there was some kind of physical aliment making her coltfriend act the way he had. "Doctor Cure All you – you can't be serious! You're not going to just stand there and tell me nothing is wrong with him!? Because nothing of today –!"

"Miss Sparkle," Doctor Cure All's kind tone had become stern, making the lavender mare stop before she went into a full rant. "Although there is nothing physically wrong with him, I haven't ruled out the possibility of it being something mental."

"Mental…? Excuse me, but what are you implying?" Twilight asked, suspicious of where this was going.

"I'd like to speak with you privately in my office, if you wouldn't mind," asked Doctor Cure All.

Twilight didn't want to leave Bright alone, partly because she thought that he might slip into another frenzy state, but mostly because she was worried about him. Reluctantly, the Knight of Magic decided to follow the Doctor to her office. Rationally speaking, Twilight knew better than to argue with a Doctor. She may have studied all sorts of magic, and read many books on many different medical subjects, but the diagnosis of a real Doctor far exceeded whatever she could figure out.

Soon enough they made it to Doctor Cure All's office. Twilight glanced around, taking in the details. On the wall to her right hung many diplomas, ranging from psychology, neurology, and almost everything in between. To her left was a wall, converted into one big bookshelf. From what the former librarian could tell Doctor Cure All seemed to have an impressive collection of medical journals and books. The front wall was a window that overlooked the courtyard down below, as well as the various trees and flowerbeds. Doctor Cure All levitated a velvet cushion for Twilight to sit on and placed it on the other side of the desk.

"Please sit," said Doctor Cure All.

Twilight sat down on the cushion, and watched as the doctor did the same behind her desk. "So…what's this all about?"

"Miss Sparkle, tell me, have you noticed anything amiss, any strange behavior," she asked.

"Well…he has been stressed out a bit lately. Bright Blade's been leading different missions all across Equestria, dealing with ponies going crazy and hurting others."

"Hmm-hmm, I've heard about those incidents. Has he displayed any violent tendencies in the past," asked Doctor Cure All.

"What – no of course not, this was the first time Bright Blade has ever acted this way!"

"Has he seemed edgy, not sleeping much?"

"A little yes…"

"Lashing out without any clear reason?"


"Now this next question may be a little personal Miss Sparkle, but I need you to tell me. Has Sir Bright Blade hurt you?"

Twilight's eyes narrowed, she rose from the cushion and slammed her fore hooves on the desk, looking at the physician mare with an angered stare. Doctor Cure All wasn't fazed by the lavender mare's reaction, her face as calm and collected as when the two of them entered.

"Bright Blade would never hurt me!!! How can you even suggest –!!!!" Twilight stopped, her mind flashed back to the night before. The night when Bright Blade nearly did something that even scared him.

Doctor Cure All saw the change in demeanor, and decided to press this. "Yes Miss Sparkle, you were saying?"

Twilight fell back on her haunches, staring down at the floor. "Last night, before all this started, Bright Blade almost hit me."


"I was worried about him, but when I went to touch him his wing unfurled itself and pushed me back. I was taken by surprise and fell to the ground, and in the next moment I saw Bright, looming over me, and thrusting out his right hoof like he was going to punch me," said Twilight.

"And did he," asked Doctor Cure All.

"No… our pet thunderbird, Squall, stopped him. The thing is, when Bright Blade saw what he was about to do to me he freaked! He was more scared than I was, he started breathing hard and his eyes went wide as well…That was the first time that's ever happened…"

Doctor Cure All closed her eyes for a moment, mentally analyzing this new information, coming to a diagnosis of the alicorn's condition. "Miss Sparkle, have you ever heard of PTSD?"

Twilight raised her head and cocked an eyebrow at the odd question. "PTSD, you mean post-traumatic stress disorder? But what does that have to do with this?"

"It's not at all uncommon, I've seen many cases after the War of Darkness ended. Ponies who were on the frontlines, their minds suddenly flashing back to the battlefield, lashing out un-expectantly and hurting those around them. From what you've told me thus far, Sir Bright Blade has all the things that lead me to believe this," said Doctor Cure All solemnly.

Twilight, having heard this, tried to grasp this. PTSD!!? Bright Blade!!? That doesn't make sense!!? "But Bright Blade hasn't showed any of these 'signs' or 'symptoms' for ten years now, going on eleven! If this was going to happen then it should've a long time ago!"

The doctor sighed, "Different things can trigger these episodes. My theory is that these recent incidents might have brought back some memories of the war, from what I understand, he was a young colt when the fighting started."

Twilight let out a heavy sigh, she couldn't believe that she didn't see this coming, they were happy; everything was okay and now this. "Doctor Cure All, what do you recommend?"

"I could prescribe Sir Bright Blade with some sedatives, just to keep him calm. Although with him being an alicorn and all, I'm not exactly sure how effective they'd be…" Doctor Cure All knew what she was talking about, having had the privilege of attending to the Princesses a few times. "There is another option though…"

"What, anything just name it!?"

Bright Blade was hovering in the sky, below him the ground was burning with, villages and cities crumbling. The locations always shifted, Trottingham, Las Pegasus, Fillydelphia, Hoofshire, Appleloosa, Baltimare, and even Canterlot. But that wasn't the worst of it, what was getting to him was the multitude of ponies killing each other!

They acted like rabid timberwolves, even going so far as to actually EAT other ponies. Bright Blade shook his head, becoming slightly queasy at the sight of this. When it came to Daemoni it was easier to take in, but this, these regular ponies! They were just killing each other for no apparent reason.

Suddenly Bright Blade was whisked away to another village, he didn't recognize it, but the scene was the same, just close up now. Stallions, mares, fillies, and colts, all committing acts of wanton murder and destruction, Bright Blade tried many times to get the pony citizens to stop, but none of them paid any attention to him, they just simply ignored his words.

Up ahead, Bright Blade saw it, the apparition from Coltton! The Red Ghost, simply trotting along the road while everything around it dissolved into madness. Even though it had no facial features, Bright could tell that this whole situation pleased the specter. Not since the fight with Tikara Balak had Bright Blade felt this much fear, the Red Ghost was something otherworldly of this he was certain.

The Red Ghost's trot turned into a full gallop, its gaze falling on him. The apparition started to grow in size till it was bigger than the buildings around him, Bright Blade wanted to run, fly, but was paralyzed. The last thing he saw was a giant crimson hoof falling on top of him.

Bright Blade rose up quickly from his bed, but was stopped suddenly. He was breathing hard and his heart was pounding, which was made more apparent by the rapid beeping of the EKG. It took a moment before Bright Blade calmed down enough for him to realize where he was. He could tell he was in a hospital room; the unmistakable sterile smell was a dead giveaway, as well as the hospital gown, and the beeping EKG.

The one thing he didn't understand was why his forelegs were put in restraints. "What the buck…?" Bright Blade tried to use his magic to release himself, but every time he concentrated he found something blocking his magic. Bright looked up the best he could at his horn, finally noticing the purple aura wrapped around it. "Hey what's going on here!?"

It was about that time the door to the room opened. Bright Blade was about to give the nurse, or whoever was in charge, a verbal bashing for putting him in restraints, and blocking his magic. His anger dissipated immediately upon seeing who it was.

"Hey Bright Blade…"

"Twilight, thank Celestia you're here. Why am I in the hospital," asked Bright Blade.

A shocked expression came over Twilight's face. "What, Bright you seriously don't remember!?"

"Remember, Twilight what are you tal –!" Bright Blade's mind started to flashback, to the training grounds, to the fight with Dinky and Sunshine, the threatening of his Cadets and the short battle with Twilight. Bright Blade began to visibly shake; his iris's becoming the size pinpricks. "Oh Epona…Twilight wha-what have I done!!!? Are Dinky and Sunshine alright, and what about the Cadets!!!!???"

Twilight quickly made her way to Bright Blade's bedside, placing her fore hooves on his shoulders. "Bright just calm down, listen to me, Dinky, Sunshine, and the Cadets are all alright. They're fine love," said Twilight.

"But I…I could've –! Twilight I would never do something like that, I don't even know why I did that at all!"

Bright Blade was crying, seeing her coltfriend in this state hurt Twilight deeply. "It's alright Bright Blade…it's alright…" Twilight then hugged Bright Blade tightly, trying to take in all his sadness.

After about an hour and a half, Twilight got through explaining everything that had happened, including her little talk with Doctor Cure All. At this point Twilight had released him from the restraints and magic blocker, assured that Bright Blade was back to his normal self. The alicorn stallion just laid there in the bed, absorbing everything that his marefriend told him.

"So, those are the only options Twi," asked Bright Blade.

"Afraid so, it'd only be temporary, and we'd get to see some of our friends again," said Twilight.

"The Cadets, Dinky…Guess I can say goodbye to the Knight Corp. huh?"

"Don't be like that; we'll get through this together, you and me." Twilight leaned her head down next to Bright's and started to nuzzle the side of his cheek. At first he resisted, not thinking himself worthy of her affection, but soon he gave in and nuzzled her back.

"I'm sorry…"

***2 Days Later***

Twilight and Bright were sitting comfortably on a bench at the train station. The platform was filled with dozens of other ponies, waiting for the train to arrive as well. Their suitcases were sitting on the side of the bench, ready to go to their destination. Bright Blade sighed, having still not forgiven himself for what he had done. Twilight was hoping this little trip would make him feel better, or at least alleviate his guilty feelings. It was then they heard a long whistling sound coming from the distance.

"It's almost here," said Twilight.


"I already made the necessary preparations at the library, you sure you'll be alright sharing the place?"

"Don't worry, it's fine," said Bright Blade.

The chugging of the train was starting to become more prevalent, all the ponies on the platform looked to their right as the train started to pull into the station. The train's brakes screeched and squealed as the locomotive came to a halt, releasing a small cloud of steam after the fact. The passengers started to disembark, making way for the new passengers to enter. Twilight and Bright got off the bench and were prepared to get on board when they suddenly heard some familiar voices.


The couple turned around and watched as two little fillies ran up to them, nearly out of breath. It was Sunshine, with Dinky right beside her carrying a saddlebag. This came as a bit of a surprise to them both, not expecting to see either of their respective students here. Twilight noticed that Bright Blade had a hard time meeting the gaze of the fillies, understandable really.

"Girls, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

"We-we heard that-that the both of you are quitting, and leaving Canterlot forever," said Dinky.

"Miss Sparkle that's not true is it," asked Sunshine with an almost sad tone in her voice.

Twilight shook her head and chuckled lightly. "No girls, we aren't leaving forever. Sir Bright Blade and I are just going to take a little vacation, that's all." The fillies sighed in relief, now assured that their teachers weren't in fact leaving them forever. "Now that I think about it, how did the two of you know that we'd be here?"

Sunshine started to rub the back of her head nervously, "I maybe, sorta, kinda, used a little locater spell," said the filly, blushing. "Nothing blew up I swear!"

Dinky facehooved herself, apparently remembering when said orange-red filly used the spell. "Anyway, we wanted to say goodbye and…" It was at this time that Dinky noticed Bright Blade was doing his best not to make eye contact with them. "And we wanted to give you this Sir Bright Blade."

Bright Blade snapped his gaze to the little fillies. Dinky's horn lit up, lifting the saddlebag flap with her telekinesis. Out from the bag floated a card, a fairly large one at that. Bright Blade used his telekinesis, grabbed hold of it, and then opened it. Inside was a little drawing of him and the other Cadets training, along with a few small signatures, and few lines of text that expressed their hopes to see him again. To say that Bright Blade was stunned by this would be an understatement. He was sure that the Cadets would have nothing to do with him after what had happened. When Bright Blade returned his gaze to the gray unicorn filly, he was caught off guard by her saluting.

"Sir Bright Blade, I promise to make sure that the other Cadets continue to train hard! We'll be even better when you return sir!"

Suddenly Sunshine started saluting as well, "Dame Twilight, I promise I'll work harder too, I won't let you down ma'am!"

The couple both cracked a wide smile; they quickly raised their hooves and saluted their two pupils, prompting them to let their hooves return to the ground. After a minute the train whistle sounded and the conductor started calling out to any stragglers that the train was about to depart.

"Thank you girls, and don't worry we'll be back before you know it," said Twilight.

As the two of them began getting on the train, Bright Blade started to feel a tug at his tail, he turned around to see that it was Dinky who was impeding him. With her gold eyes she stared up at the alicorn stallion, "Can…can you tell Clay hi for me when you get the chance," asked Dinky.

Bright Blade turned around and ruffled the filly's mane with his hoof, "Sure Dinky, I'll make sure of it."

The train whistle sounded once more as the stack bellowed a column of steam. Twilight and Bright entered the train car and quickly found a window. As the train pulled from the station Sunshine and Dinky started to wave goodbye, to which the couple did the same in response until their images were too far away to see anymore.

After a short minute, Twilight and Bright found their private car, and placed their belongings in the over caddies. Bright Blade sat on the cushioned bench near the window along with Twilight; both watching the scenery pass them by. The wide valley down below, filled with trees and passing clouds would soon be seen in short periods as the train entered the tunnels. Twilight looked over to her coltfriend, who was staring forlornly out the window.

"Bright Blade, you okay," asked Twilight.

"The other Cadets they're worried about me, even Dinky," said Bright Blade.

"Seems even the foals you teach know when you're acting strangely, they wouldn't abandon you, not now. And Dinky certainly won't either!"

"Just like your 'protégé,' huh," said Bright with a smile.

"Yeah," Twilight rose from her seat across from Bright Blade and went over to his side, "just like that."

Bright Blade maneuvered his head under Twilight's chin, nuzzling her neck, with Twilight resting her head atop his. There was silence in the private car for, what seemed like, hours. In the end it was Bright who broke the silence.

"Do you really think going to Ponyville with solve this," he asked.

"Did you forget what you're Element is, as long as we have hope, we'll be fine," assured Twilight.

Right now, hoping is all we can do…

And so the alicorn, unicorn, couple make their way back to Ponyville, the place where everything started for the two of them, and where, hopefully, Bright Blade will be able to make sense of what is happening to him.