• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,943 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

  • ...

Fourth Sign: Part 1


The funeral was over, the wake was dying down, and Equestria's protectors were sequestered in a war room. It was quiet for some time, many of them were still coming to grips with the fact that Ballista and Broadside were dead, and others couldn't get the sight of the constellations out of their minds. It was a bit of sobering thing to see, knowing that one day that their images might be added to the night sky above, watching over the world they called home. One pony in particular was a bit edgy, and angry, since nopony was addressing the elephant in the room, she took it upon herself to do so and break the uncomfortable silence.

"So, what are we going to do now," asked Rainbow Dash.

Everypony's attention was on the rainbow maned mare, some stared in confusion, other in indignation.

"What are you talking about Rainbow Dash," asked Rarity.

"I'm talking about what our next move is?"

"Next move, how do you mean," asked Scootaloo.

"Is everypony that dense!? Our NEXT MOVE, we need to strike back!" Rainbow Dash raised her right hoof and slammed it down upon the round table to emphasize her point.

"Pray tell darling, and just how would you suggest that we 'strike back,'" asked Rarity.

"We hit them on their own turf of course!"

"Don't you think we would've done that already if we did," said Bright Blade.

"They appear out of nowhere and fly off into the sky. We know that they're coming at us from somewhere beyond our reach, the question is, where," said Shining Armor.

"It could be another plain of existence, or even a parallel world," suggested Princess Cadance.

"That's assuming they're even ponies at all."

Now the attention shifted towards Spike, his face was grim, as if knowing something, but was hesitant to even recall what he knew.

"Well don't keep us in suspense, what to ya mean," asked Apple Bloom.

"When…When I was under that Envoy's control, I saw something, just a glimpse. I think what we've seen up till now is not the real them, it felt like it was only a shell that kept the real danger hidden beneath," said Spike shuddering a bit as he recalled his brief connection to the Spirit of Famine.

"I agree with Rainbow Dash, we need to fight back," said Pinkie Pie, surprising all inside the room. "Otherwise they'll just keep coming back, and even more ponies will die!"

"Pinkie, be reasonable sugarcube. None of us are sayin' that we wouldn't go kick their flanks and stomp them into the dirt, but we just don't know where they are," said Applejack.

"Well, what about that 'Book of Doom' thing? Does it say anything," asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh please tell me you didn't bring that horrid thing here," said Rarity.

Twilight lit up her horn, levitating said book from her saddle bags. She then placed it in the middle of the table. Everypony stared at it, cautiously, as if expecting it to transform into some terrible monster that would attack them the moment they turned their backs on it.

"The book hasn't shown any activity since the most recent incident. I'd like to think it's over, but there still some pages left blank," said Twilight.

"That mare, Peina, she said we'd be better off letting her destroy us, because her elder brother was much worse than her," said Fluttershy.

"How much worse can it get after this," asked Bright Blade.

Responding to his question, the book shined with an eerie light and floated. Everypony jumped back a few feet while Twilight and Shining Armor created a barrier around them all, shielding them from whatever the Book of Doom was planning to do them. The cover of the book flipped open, many pages flapped in the wind generated by its power. Soon it stopped and the light flashed once again. When it was over, the power of the book faded, and the wind died down. Feeling that it was probably safe, the two siblings brought down their shield around their friends. They all trotted carefully to the book and inspected it. On it was a new passage.

"And so it came to pass, there was no more life lift to live, the sorrow that befell our land has brought us to our knees, making us beg for the sweet embrace of death. I wandered around my home, once so filled with life, now deathly quiet. That's when I saw him, as if waiting for me. An ash gray robe with the hood covering his face, his wings were as pale as the snow from the mountain tops. There was a dim light shining from beneath his hood. As I approached I asked him 'Are you the one whom I seek?'"

"The being before me raised his hands to pull down his hood and he did stare into my eyes, and when I peered back, all I saw was nothing but two pools of darkness. That's when he spoke for the last time, 'Yes, I am who you seek. I am Death.'"

The Nomad 99:0

Those last words hit everypony hard, "I am Death." That's what was coming for them next, they've fought a Spirit of War, a Spirit of Pestilence, and a Spirit of Famine, and now they'd have to face a being that was more formidable than any they've faced before.

"Death…The Spirit of Death, that's who's coming next," said Fluttershy gasping.

"You just had to ask didn't you B," said Rainbow Dash.

"We cannot let that thing come to Equestria, there has to be way to fight them, away from everypony," said Bright Blade.

"I'm afraid the danger is worse than you might realize."

The doors to the war room opened up, through it trotted Princess Celestia and Luna, a stoic expression upon their faces. Formality was forgone considering what the circumstances were.

"What do you mean, worse, how –!?"

Scootaloo was silenced by Sweetie Belle's hoof, stopping the orange pegasus mare from repeating their friend's phrase and causing something else to occur.

"We know what has been plaguing our world, it came to us in a dream," said Celestia.

"It would seem that there is a conflict going on that is as old as time itself," said Luna.

The gathered ponies let those statements sink into the their minds a little, a conflict as old as time itself, what kind of enemy has been at war with Equestria for that long.

"It started in the beginning. There was only light and darkness both chased each other and fought for control, maintaining a balance. There were two beings that wielded the raw power of the light and the darkness. One was our mother, Epona, the goddess of light."

"The other is Erebus, the god of darkness. During one of their battles, our mother won, allowing her to create the universe we now live in, with light reigning over all. Erebus did not take kindly to this and vowed he would take control from her. Our mother used her divine power and sealed the beast within a dimension that he could not escape from."

"So for millions of years this ancient god has been stuck, sealed away, what does this have to do with the Envoy," asked Princess Cadance.

"The Envoy are his creations. The seal has been steadily getting weaker ever since mother trapped him there, he used his power to create those four spirits so that they could enact his will," explained Celestia.

"He is also the reason why our brother was corrupted…" Luna stopped for moment; the unpleasant memory of that time was still a sore spot. "Erebus wants vengeance on all equinekind, with our mother dead and unable to fight him, he is free to destroy the one thing she loved, our world and everypony on it," said Luna.

They didn't know how much more of this they could take, an ancient god of darkness has a vendetta against their world and was sending the Envoy to destroy it, but thankfully they've been able to repel them. This led Twilight to ask a question that had been on her mind ever since the Wonderbolt's airshow a few months ago.

"The power of Centaurus Elementus, it's connected to Epona isn't it? Those forms allow us to wield the divine power they've always possessed, am I correct," asked Twilight.

The two sisters nodded in unison.

"So my theory was correct, that means we might stand a chance of defeating them, a small chance, but a chance nonetheless!"

"And it's because of that sliver of hope that Luna and I created this."

Everypony was confused, which allowed the Royal Sisters time to unite their magical energies and envelop all in the room in a swirling sphere of yellow and azure light. The ball expanded and then condensed, and in the next moment the room was empty, no trace was left.

It was dark, extremely dark, like you couldn't see a hoof in front of your face dark. There was a lot of groaning and moaning echoing throughout the pitch black of wherever they were.

"Ouch, what did I land on," asked Shining Armor.

"Me," groaned Princess Cadance.

"Wow this place is really,really, really dark, maybe we could throw a Haunted House party here on Nightmare Night," said Pinkie Pie.

"Applejack, c'mon, now's not the time to be feeling me up," said Rainbow Dash.

"That ain't me Dashie," said Applejack.

"To the pony who has their hoof on my flank, you better be Applejack or I'm going to buck you in the face right now," warned Rainbow Dash.

"Sorry," squeaked Scootaloo. "I thought you were –!"

"Eeep, OUCH! W-W-Who hit me," cried Fluttershy.

"Oops, sorry Flutterhy, I thought you were Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle apologized rather quickly.

"Wait why did ya think she was Scootaloo," asked Apple Bloom.

There was a brief moment of silence.

"That's going to require some explaining later, much later," said Bright Blade.

"At least I found my Rarity, right honey," asked Spike.

"I am not your 'honey' young one," groaned Princess Luna.

"Wait then who am I standing next to right now, if this isn't your scales then what is it that I'm touching," asked Rarity.

"That would be me, more specifically, my regalia," said Princess Celestia.

Twilight's horn glowed in the shadows, illuminating the area. Thankfully for her Bright Blade was hadn't left her side, but the same could not be said for the others now that they could see who it was they were standing next to. Twilight took a look at the floor beneath their hooves; it was made of metal, not the wood floor of the war room they were just in.

"Princess just where have you taken us," asked Twilight.

"You all spoke of wanting to take the fight to Erebus and his Envoy, we've brought you here so that you may see that which will take you to your battlefield," said Princess Luna.

There was a brief flash of light that came from Celesita's and Luna's horns. Suddenly the emptiness was filled with the echoing sounds of clicking. The ponies looked up and watched as rows upon rows of lights flickered on, chasing away the darkness of the room and revealing what was hidden. It was a massive room, made of metal; it almost looked like an airship hangar. There were barrels off to the side, dozens of wires hanging high overhead, connecting to, to, to…

"What in the name of Equestria is that!?" Twilight shouted.

"That is your vessel," said Celestia plainly.

It was a gigantic ship, easily a hundred and fifty miles long, and ninety across. It was platinum colored, having a faint glow, giving the resemblance of starlight. The top of the deck was made of the same material, with a hill-like mound raised at the center, crystal blue glass shined on the mound giving the sense that it could be seen through. Further down a large cylindrical turbine attached by a metal arm to the ship's hull. The ship was streamlined, with several panel blocks that shown at different places. At the bow of the ship there were words written in equish.

"Sentinel," said Bright Blade.

"What you are seeing is the fruits of eleven years worth of blood sweat and tears. Many ponies from Equestria were ferried here to work on this ship, in secret, sworn to never reveal what they were building," said Princess Luna.

"I don't understand, how did you hide such a large ship, this easily outclasses even our dreadnoughts, this is a Super-Dreadnought," said Twilight.

"You're right, it is hard to hide such a thing on Equestria, which is why we aren't on Equestria," said Princess Celestia.

"Pardon," asked Apple Bloom.

The alabaster alicorn nodded towards a window on the adjacent wall. All the ponies rushed towards the window, wanting to know exactly where the Princesses could hide such a magnificent ship. When they reached the window their jaws dropped in disbelief.

"You have got to be kidding me," said Rainbow Dash.

"If Ah wasn't seein' it right now, Ah wouldn't believe it," said Applejack.

"I'm seeing it and I'm still having a hard time believing," said Pinkie Pie.

"We're…We're on the moon!" Fluttershy gasped.

"We are actually in a sub-dimension within the moon, but close enough," said Luna in a matter-of-fact tone.

"This is incredible," said Spike.

Bright Blade turned around and faced the Royal Sisters, his expression resembled that of anger, "Wait a minute, eleven years? So you started building this place and that ship not too long after the War of Darkness!?" The sisters nodded. "So you knew that the Envoy were coming to Equestria!?"

"Bright Blade," hissed Twilight.

"No, it is alright. In truth I did not know why I was to build it, our brother Arion came to me in a dream and told me it was of the utmost importance that Knights of Harmony should have such a vessel, it is only now that the Sentinel's true purpose is known to us," said Luna forlornly.

"I don't get it, what did you use to power such a ship, to move something this massive would take a tremendous amount of magical energy, more than what – no disrespect Princesses – you two are capable of," said Twilight.

"You're right my faithful student, which is why it is powered by something as old and powerful as the Elements of Harmony, the Fire of Friendship," said Celestia.

It was one blow after another, on top of evil spirits, ancient gods of darkness, hidden divine Element powers, and now added was a gargantuan ship powered by the very thing they sang carols about during Hearth's Warming.

"Whoa," they all said in unison, for lack of a better word.

"This ship will allow you to sail through the vast reaches of space, to the place where Erebus and the Envoy await. Make no mistake my little ponies; this will be the most dangerous journey any of you have ever been on. You will be far from any help that we can provide, traveling through space itself. This is not a decision to take lightly, if nothing else, this ship will act as an Ark to save who we can, should you decide not to go, so either way the choice is yours," said Princess Luna.

This was a monumental endeavor, on the one hoof; the Knights could board the ship and traverse the vast reaches of space, all to go fight an evil that has practically existed since the dawn of time. There was only one decision for them to make.

***1 Week Later***

The hangar was abuzz with activity; many workers were moving around, doing final safety checks on the Sentinel. Thousands of ponies each one checking from the bow to the stern of the ship, welding shut any hole that could cause the mighty ship to break apart. Inside, the technicians were making sure the bridge systems were operating at optimal levels. In the engine room, mages and workponies did everything to insure that the container for the Fire of Friendship was intact.

One week to prepare the ship, one week to train the Knight's of Harmony about the ship, and one week to round up any loose ends. The family and friends of the Knights were gathered in a waiting room that overlooked the Sentinel. Each had broken off into their own group in order to say their goodbyes; needless to say, it was met with some reluctance and sadness.

"But why can't me and the girls come with y'all!? We may not have them fancy new powers, but we're still the Valkyries! We can help," said Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, besides, what if something happens like at Calamity's Fall, you'll need us to give you a hoof if it turns out like that," said Scootaloo.

"Sugarcube, it's because you and your friends have your Valkyrie powers is the reason why ya gotta stay behind, Equestria has the Princesses, but they can't protect it all on their own. That's why you three and Spike are our last line of defense," said Applejack.

"And besides, with this Centaurus power, we can beat those Envoy guys and this Erebus guy easily, it won't even take ten seconds, so don't worry squirt," said Rainbow Dash as she ruffled Scootaloo's mane.

The two mares weren't entirely convinced, but they did make some points, so they reluctantly nodded, agreeing with their reasons for them to stay.

"Do you…do you guys really have to go, I mean…what if, what if something bad happens," asked Clay, worried about his mothers' wellbeing.

"What, you don't think your moms can win," asked Rainbow Dash cockily.

She was met with silence from the young colt. Rainbow put a hoof under his chin, raising his head to meet her rose colored eyes.

"Look, we're coming back, there's no way we're going to die so soon after becoming a family, you got that?"

Clay still didn't want either of them to go, but he knew that his mothers were two of the strongest mares in Equestria, if nothing else; he was comforted by the fact that they would watch each other's backs.

"I'll miss you two," he said.

The two mares brought their son close to them and gave him a tight hug, as if it would be their last. Applejack looked to Granny Smith who was watching both her grandchildren go through their goodbyes with a heavy heart.

On the other side, Fluttershy was saying her goodbyes to her two children as well as her husband. Big Macintosh really didn't like this at all, but he'd been through the war along with his wife, and he knew that this was something beyond his power to help her with. Spring Day had her forelegs draped around her mother's neck crying into her shoulder, while Fluttershy stroked her mane and made comforting cooing sounds to her daughter.

"Shh, shh, it's okay honey, I'll be okay," said Fluttershy.

"B-B-But you'll be so far away! A-A-And what i-if you don't come back," cried Spring Day.

"Now listen, when has your mother ever broken a promise to either of you. Yes I will be going far away, but I'll have my friends with me, your aunts and uncle, so don't worry alright?"

Spring Day released her mother and stood before the pegasus mare, Fluttershy used her wing to gently wipe a tear from her daughters eye, causing her to smile. Swift Hummer on the other hand was a little different, he had been sitting on his haunches, forelegs crossed, with his back turned his mother. Fluttershy knew the headstrong colt wasn't angry, he was just as scared as his sister, but he wasn't as forthcoming when showing such emotions. Instead, Fluttershy trotted over to her son, she then sat beside him, draping a protective wing over his shoulders. The young colt pretended to struggle against the embrace, but eventually gave up and allowed her to bring him close.

"Swift, take care of your sister, okay."

"She's a big filly she can take of herself," said Swift Hummer.

"You know what I mean, she may be your big sister, but you're her brother, and she'll need you and your dad more now than ever," said Fluttershy.

"Why can't you guys just stay here instead of flying off into space, huh? You're like, super powerful, can't you fight those bad guys here!?"

"Believe me, there's nothing I'd rather do than stay here with you and your sister, but if my friends and I don't go it'll put everypony in danger, do you understand," asked Fluttershy.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I have to like!"

"I know."

She leaned down and kissed her son gently on the forehead, before she rose up; the young colt wrapped his forelegs around her left, as if holding her down with all his strength. Fluttershy just wrapped her tighter around Swift, and held him there.

While this was going on there was another little bit of drama going on over where Pinkie Pie and the Cake twins were. For some reason Twist was lying unconscious on the floor, with a funny look on her face.

"You think I might've overdone it," asked Pinkie Pie.

"Nah, she'll wake up in a minute, I think," said Pumpkin.

"So…you two don't think it's weird that I'm…going to date Twist?"

"No way, it's awesome! We like Aunt Twist, or, maybe we should call her Momma Twist, huh Momma Pinkie Pie," asked Pound with a devilish grin.

The insinuation was not lost on Pinkie, as her pink coat did nothing to hide her blushing face as she rubbed the back of her hoof in a nervous gesture. She then stopped her action, shook her head, and stood firm with a confident stare.

"Now Pound Cake don't tease your Momma Pinkie, besides, I said date, I didn't say anything about marrying Twist."

"So then why did you just kiss her," asked Pumpkin wiggling her eyebrows.

Yet another blush hit Pinkie Pie.

"We'll see," she said simply.

Twist began to stir from her unconscious state, raising her head and getting back on all four hooves.

"Oh wow, I had a crazy dream just now. I-I dreamt you kissed me Pinkie and said you wanted to be marefriends," said Twist chuckling at the absurdity of her dream.

"It wasn't a dream, I really did just kiss you and said I wanted to be marefriends, but then you froze up and fell over with a kind of Ka-thud," said Pinkie mimicking the sound Twist made when she impacted the floor.

"B-B-But why!? I mean – don't get me wrong Miss Pinkie – I-I really like you, I mean I really like like you! But why are you asking me now…?"

Twist was overjoyed that the mare she was infatuated with had the same feelings as she did, however the timing of such news put a damper on her wanting to be overly overjoyed.

"Because…I don't want to leave anything unsaid, or not do anything that I never got to do, especially with what's happened in the past few days…I don't plan on not coming back, but when I do, I want to come back to not just my Cake twins and friend, but…to my marefriend and children…"

Pumpkin, Pound, and Twist enveloped Pinkie Pie in a vice of a group hug, Twist let go just enough so that her muzzle was close to Pinkie's. She then gave the party pony a kiss on the cheek and smiled at her.

"We'll be waiting with smiles."

Rarity was holding Gale her forelegs, gently rocking the cradled foal back and forth, looking down upon her sleeping face. Spike and Sweetie Belle were standing just a foot away, watching Rarity.

"It's funny, for years I didn't think I was ready to be a mother, but now it feels natural, as if I was always meant to be one," said Rarity.

"I always told you you'd make a great mom, Ballista believed you would too," said Spike.

Rarity let out a sigh; she wrapped Gale in her telekinetic aura, not losing the rhythm of her rocking as she passed the foal over to Sweetie Belle, who then took her into her telekinetic embrace, not missing a beat of the rocking motion.

"I know I'm asking a lot of you Sweetie, but I just feel better knowing that Spike and Gale won't be alone," said Rarity.

"Don't worry about it, you know I'm always happy to help you out," said Sweetie Belle.

"There's something I want to ask you before I'm off to fight a dark god and all Tartarus breaks loose."


"You have a thing for Scootaloo don't you," asked the fashionista.

Sweetie Belle almost lost the rhythm of her telekinetic rocking; as her eyes went wide and her cheeks went red, her white coat not helping the matter.

"Heh, I knew it," said Spike.

"H-How did you…I never told anypony, we haven't even told Apple Bloom yet!?"

"I didn't know darling, you just told me now," she said slyly.

Sweetie Belle brought up her right hoof and smacked herself square in the forehead loud enough for it resonate within the room. Spike had to stifle a laugh; he saw that coming a mile away.

"Don't worry about it Sweetie, I'm happy for you."

"I knew you wouldn't be upset, I mean, you weren't upset when you knew Rainbow Dash and Applejack liked each other. I was just worried…"

"Perish the thought little sister, I'm married to a dragon for pony's sake, why would I have any cause to disapprove of your choice in romantic partners."

Spike placed a comforting claw on his sister-in-law's shoulder, "You really should tell Apple Bloom about you two. You guys are best friends, and she'd want to know as soon as possible, just saying."

"I will."

"Spike, look after Gale and Sweetie, I'll be counting the days till I return to you," she said.

"Same to you."

Spike and Rarity hugged each other tightly; she then leaned up and whispered something into his ear. Whatever was said made the dragon gasp in surprise and then smile widely.

At another part of the room Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and Trixie were saying their goodbyes to Twilight and Bright Blade.

"You better return Twilight Sparkle, friends though we are now, I still wish to challenge you to a proper duel one day," said Trixie haughtily.

"What she's really saying is that she cares about you and will miss you," said Cadance, acting as translator.

"I'll miss you too Trixie," said Twilight sincerely.

The azure mare had a pink tent to her cheeks but nodded in appreciation that she would be missed.

"You better look after her Bright, I'm counting on you to bring her back home," said Shining Armor.

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll cut down anything that dares to even try and hurt her."

Shining and Bright did a hoof bump to seal the deal between the stallions. Soon the PA system turned on overhead, gaining the attention of the ponies in the room.

[Attention, attention, Sentinel launch will commence in T-Minus ten minutes, all personnel make your final checks and report to the control room ASAP. Knights of Harmony, please report to bridge and prepare for takeoff.]

This is it, they thought at the same time.

The Princesses along with the friends and relatives of the Knights were standing in the control room of the lunar base. Magical screens hung from the ceiling, giving them a glimpse at both the inside of the hangar, and outside the lunar surface. Stallions and mares were checking the readouts of the ship, and talking into their Iris Callers, directing the last of the workers, and making the final preparations.

"Status report," ordered Princess Luna.

"All engineers have confirmed Sentinel hull and internal systems are functioning normally."

"What of the Knights of Harmony," asked Princess Celestia.

"All seven Knights are locked in and at their stations."

"The hangar is clear of debris and personnel, we are a go."

Princess Celestia nodded; she then pressed the crystal on her Iris Caller, activating her link to the bridge of the Sentinel along with Luna.

"This is Princess Celestia to Sentinel bridge, do you copy?"

[This is Twilight; we read you loud and clear, ready to go Princess.]

"Remember Twilight, the engines may be powered by the Fire of Friendship, but it will take the friendship of all seven of you to fuel it. Also, your weapons systems are linked to each of your individual traits, trust your instincts, in the Sentinel, and you'll be fine," said Princess Luna.

[Roger!] said the seven in unison.

"Luna, open the way," said Princess Celestia.

"Ask and ye shall receive," said Princes Luna.

The Princess of the Night's horn shined within the control room, in the hangar, in front of the Sentinel, a giant magic circle appeared which bared Luna's cutie mark at its center. The circle spun around rapidly till the center exploded towards the ship and then imploded back away from it.

Outside, in the darkness of space, the side of the moon had a large geyser of blue energy blast out into space. When it stopped there was a hole in the moon, held open by a ring of azure mana energy.

"SENTINEL LAUNCH," ordered the Royal Sisters.

The engines of the ship roared to life, producing purple flames resembling that of the Fire of Friendship. The metallic arms that were holding the massive ship in place released their burden, allowing the zero gravity environment to lift the Sentinel and allow its engines to propel it out of the hangar. Slowly but surely the super-dreadnought flew out, first the bow, and then the bridge, and finally the stern.

The engines on either side of the ship extended out, on the giant turbines three wings flared out, for a total of six. This was the ship that would carry them to their final battle, to their destiny. This was the Sentinel!

Inside the bridge the Knight's of Harmony stared in awe as their ship floated in space. Different consoles were placed on the bridge, controlled by a single Knight each.

Rainbow Dash's console was set at the front of the bridge; it looked more akin to navigators, the glass screen before her showing the location of every star in their quadrant, as well as their current location. There were two panels on either side of the screen, both with a depression to fit her hoof. Applejack and Fluttershy were set up on the left side of room; their screens gave readouts of the ship's hull, as well as two panels for their hooves as well.

Rarity was on the right side; her screen displayed the internal status of the ship, displaying readouts of the outputs of different things that were going on in the ship. Pinkie Pie, like Fluttershy, was set up next to her. Pinkie's screen displayed like a targeting system.

Twilight and Bright Blade were set up at the back, with Twilight at the primary console and Bright at the secondary console set up below her. Their screens jointly showed the more technical aspects of the ship, systems status, and every other miscellaneous thing.

At the center of the room floated the Book of Doom, it was suspended between two devices, one on the ceiling and one on the floor, creating antigravity field to hold it in place.

"Alright everypony how's it look?" Twilight asked.

"Fire of Friendship is burning hot Twi, we have full power," said Bright.

"All airlocks are sealed and oxygen supplies are high," reported Fluttershy.

"Nothing on the, uh, what did they call this thing again? Oh right radar, nothing on the radar," said Rarity.

"The hull's good too, no damage to report," said Applejack.

"So where do we go from here Twi," asked Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly thunder rumbled loudly outside, which was impossible seeing as how they were floating in the middle of space. The stars around them started to blink out one by one.

"What's happening to the stars," asked Pinkie Pie.

"I don't think anything's happening to them, look," said Bright.

Indeed nothing was happening to the stars, but something was there, a giant shadow made of darkness so black that it easily visible against the backdrop of space. Two large red eyes peered from inside it, staring down the Sentinel.

"Foolish little creatures, spawn of Epona, are you truly that eager to meet your demise? No matter what you do you cannot stop what is to come, give up now and you're demise will be swift and painless…"

The darkness engulfed the ship, blacking out the universe around them, and leaving the Knights staring at the only sources of light, the two giant gleaming red eyes. They were scared by what they saw, the god of darkness was staring them down in the middle of their flight, but they couldn't be stopped now. Twilight's eyes narrowed as she and the others stared back at the eyes of the great evil before them.

"We won't be swayed Erebus…Knights of Harmony…BATTLE STATIONS!" Twilight ordered.

"Activating Maelstrom!" Bright Blade placed his hoof on the panel and pushed down on it. Outside. the bow of the ship opened up, revealing a large cannon primed and ready to fire.

"MPC's are out!"

"Adamant Launchers are loaded!"

Pinkie and Rarity did the same as Bright, placing her hoof into the slot and pressing down on it. On the port and starboard sides of the ship, rows of metal hemispheres popped out, each with a cannon barrel attached, about three hundred in all. Below the cannons panels opened up, crystal spikes jetted out.

"All weapons are deployed," said Bright Blade.


Outside the ponies gathered in the control room watched in horror as a giant black cloud engulfed the Sentinel ship. Suddenly something happened, different colored explosions started to go off one after the other. They started to appear at much greater frequency and size, till, in one great burst, the cloud of darkness was blown away. Beams of crackling, multicolored light, and a monstrous cannon that was spouting a golden ray of energy from the bow of the ship, all firing different directions, destroying the cloud of darkness.

The ponies in the control room cheered and shouted in joy of the Sentinel's triumph. Inside the mighty ship, the Knights breathed a sigh of relief overjoyed that their vessel had fought off the dangerous shadow that almost overtook them.

"What do you think that was," asked Fluttershy.

"Probably Erebus' way of scaring us into not coming," said Twilight.

"What a scaredy-cat, thinking something like that would stop us! Twi, what's our heading so we can kick this guy's butt," asked Rainbow Dash.

Twilight giggled at Rainbow's boldness, the unicorn captain began running the calculations on her display, placing her hoof into the slot, letting her thoughts become one with the ship. The Book of Doom began in the center of the room swiveled in place for a moment, and then a compass appeared around it, with an arrow pointing to the left.

"Bearing, eight-hundred degrees portside, jump angle set at minus twenty-five!"

"Got it!" Rainbow placed her hoof into the right slot. The feeding her thoughts into it, making it move by her will, the Sentinel angled itself to the left and primed its engines in anticipation. "We're ready, let's light the furnace!"

All the Knights of Harmony placed their hooves into the left slot and pushed down upon it, their Elements glowed, and their screens changed showing a gauge that was quickly filling up. When the gauge hit the top they all at the same time pushed down on the slot, upon the screen a word in equish popped up saying [FOF at maximum.]


The engines bellowed out the powerful purple flames of the Fire of Friendship, the six wings started to gather all ambient light and energy around them, making the wings glow an iridescent aurora of colors. Combined with the power of the wings and flames, the Sentinel flew off at a rapid speed into the distant expanse of space, leaving behind a trail of glittering light and sparkling purple flames in its wake. And so, the journey to the final battle had begun.

The successful flight of the warship, super-dreadnought class, Sentinel has gone off smoothly. Now the Knights of Harmony are on their way to face their greatest foe, one that was stars away, what awaited them was unclear, but one thing was for sure. The future of the universe and all life rested on their shoulders!

Go forth brave Knights and clear a path through the shadows to a bright and glorious tomorrow!

More in Part 2 of the Fourth Sign Arc!