• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,944 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

  • ...

Second Sign: Part 4

Canterlot Days: Wings

Bright Blade, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack were trotting along through the Castle grounds. They all had a look on their faces, a combination of seriousness and sadness.

"So are ya sure about this Twi," asked Applejack.

"Yes, the book I told you about last time just added some more pages in the last few weeks," said Twilight.

"And that means something else is coming, that Polemos guy again," asked Rainbow Dash.

"We're not sure, from what Twilight and I could tell, the passages seem different from what Polemos' were," said Bright Blade.

"Whatever's coming, there's no way we can face it like we have been. We need more power if we're going to stand a chance against Polemos or anything like him," remarked Twilight.

Soon the group stopped, before them was a tower, a familiar one at that. Twilight used her magic to open the large double doors and they continued to walk inside. The windows were all stained glass, depicting the many heroic deeds of the Elements of Harmony, or as they were now called, the Knights of Harmony.

"They did a nice job with the place, especially after what B did to it," said Rainbow Dash.

Bright Blade blushed, remembering the incident when they all teleported to the Elements Chamber. "Ahem, yeah, well, I didn't exactly know how to use my powers back then, how was I supposed to know that the Magna Blast was that powerful!?"

"Don't worry about it none Bright, Rainbow Dash just likes givin' ya a hard time," said Applejack as she nudged Rainbow.

Soon they were at the doors, where laid behind them were the Elements of Harmony. "Bright Blade…let's do it," said Twilight.

Bright Blade trotted next to Twilight, their horns began to glow with their auras, the energy they built up shot forth from their horns and hit two specific jewels on the door. The large purple doors slowly opened as the light from within started to pour out, making them cover their eyes. When the light faded the four of them looked upon the box that contained their Elements.

Twilight used her telekinesis to open the container and gently lifted their individual Elements out of it. Magic, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Honesty, and Hope, all seven of them drifted towards the four knights. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, along with Twilight and Bright, looked upon their Elements with a sense of hesitation.

"Never thought Ah'd have to see my Element again," said Applejack.

"Me neither," agreed Rainbow Dash.

"I'm sorry, but with everything that's happened so far, we can't take any chances. I suggest that we wear our Elements at all times, just in case."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash nodded their heads in agreement. Twilight then levitated the Elements of Honesty and Loyalty over to them; she then clasped the two necklaces around the couple's necks. Twilight then placed her Element of Magic tiara atop her head. The lavender unicorn seemed to flinch upon placing it.

Bright Blade had used his telekinesis to grasp his Element of Hope, he examined it, he almost seemed afraid of it. The three mares could tell that Bright Blade was reluctant to place the Element on himself; they remembered all that the Element put him through. After a minute of staring at it Bright Blade clasped the Element around his neck, it felt heavy, or like a noose.

"I thought all the fighting was over," said Bright Blade.

"So did we," said Twilight as she came up and nuzzled the side of his cheek.

"What about the other Elements, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity aren't here to get them," said Rainbow Dash.

"I'll call them later today and give them the rundown of what's happening, as far as their Elements, I have a spell ready to send them."

Twilight floated the remaining Elements into the saddlebag, with that settled all four of them left the Elements Chamber, the giant doors closing with an ominous thud.

"Well enough with this depressing junk, Applejack, what do ya say me and you go have ourselves a little date," asked Rainbow.

Applejack seemed to blush at the offer, "W-what, don't you have Wonderbolts training today!?"

"Yeah, but I said I'd be out for a while, no need to rush." Rainbow Dash then bumped her flank against AJ's, making the earth pony mare blush even more.

"Anyway, I'll be teaching for the rest of the day," said Twilight. "Bright Blade…will you be alright?"

"Yeah…I'll be fine…I'm just going to head back home for now," said Bright.

"Alright, don't hesitate to call me." Twilight nuzzled her coltfriend once again.

After that Bright Blade flared his wings and took off into the sky, heading towards their home. Twilight watched the one she loved with a forlorn expression, she knew what he was feeling, and she felt the same way too.

"So Twilight, when are you and Bright Blade going to tie the knot," asked Rainbow Dash.

Twilight's face became beet red.

"Rainbow," scolded Applejack.

"What, he's a grown stallion now, it's okay to marry, c'mon Twilight, when are you two going to get hitched and start having some kids?"


Twilight was red up to her ears; it was at that moment that the Knight of Magic actually fell over, completely frozen stiff.

Clay was looking through all the books on the shelf, every magical tome that his Aunt Twilight had. It was hard trying to understand most of what his magical aunt wrote down, but he was able to get the gist of what they were meant to do thanks to the illustrations. The hard part about doing this was putting them back in their right place, Clay knew that his Aunt Twilight was meticulous about how her books were organized and would surely notice if any one of them was out of place.

"Not this one…not this one…not this one either! If I were Aunt Twilight, how would I organize a spell book that gave you wings…?"

Clay sighed and opened another spell book. His eyes peered over every sentence and illustration, trying to find the right spell. Clay turned the next page and gasped. There was the illustration he was looking for, and under the words "Wings for the Earth Bound."

"This is it, I found it!"

"Found what exactly?"

Clay quickly turned around and saw that Bright Blade was staring at him quizzically, his heart began to pound in his chest, feeling very much busted. "U-Uncle Bright, I thought you were going to be out for a while!"

"I was, and it didn't take that long. What I want to know is why are you looking through Twilight's spell books," he asked.

Clay sighed, he had been caught red hoofed there was no hiding it now. "Alright…you remember when I said I found that filly I was looking for?"

Bright Blade nodded.

"I was worried that she might not be interested in an earth pony, that's when I remembered the story Mom told me about the Best Young Flyers Competition, how she saved Aunt Rarity from falling when her false wings burned away. So I started looking through the books for the right spell and I found it…"

Bright Blade took the spell book into his telekinetic grip and floated it over towards him. Clay watched as the alicorn stallion seemed to read over the spell. Afterwards he lowered the book and looked directly at Clay.

"So you found the spell, and who were you going to get to perform it on you?"

"Um…I was hoping Dinky would…"

"Okay, let me get this straight. You were going to take this spell book all the way to the Castle, ask Dinky to cast an advanced spell on you, and go and meet this filly under the guise of being a pegasus! Am I correct," he asked.

"Pretty much…"

Bright Blade sighed, "Clay why do you feel like you need to do this, you should just go and talk to her, not try and be somepony you're not."

"Uncle Bright Blade, I'm just…what if it turns out that she only likes other pegasi, if she's tribest!?"

"Then I don't think she's the filly for you, and you shouldn't worry about all that status stuff, once her parents find out who you're related to they'll sing a different tune," said Bright Blade.

"That's just it, I want her to like me for me, not for who my parents are, or because I'm a pegasus!" Clay said.

Bright Blade looked over the spell one more time, "Clay this Flight spell only lasts three days, are you seriously expecting this to work in only three days!?"

"Three days should be more than enough for me to find out if she's the one, I gotta know Uncle!"

Clay's eyes were downcast, the sorrow and confusion he was feeling about this filly was really eating away at him. The young colt looked up at his uncle once again; the golden alicorn then rubbed the back of his head and groaned as he did so.

"Ugh, I'm already in hot water with Twilight after that whole 'Xiaon' thing…Oh forget it, I'll do it!"


"I'll cast the spell Clay, but you have to be careful about who sees you, do you understand!?"

Clay eyes went wide with surprise and joy; he fiercely nodded his head up and down. He then ran up to his uncle and hugged him the best he could. "Thank you Uncle Bright!"

Bright Blade patted the top of Clay's head and motioned for the two of them to head for the backyard. Once there Bright Blade ordered Clay into position, Clay watched as his uncle re-read the spell book, probably making sure that he would cast it correctly. After a minute, Bright Blade closed the book and lit up his horn. It glowed with golden mana, shining brighter and brighter. Clay was soon wrapped in a cocoon of gold mana, Bright's horn let loose a small ball of energy, it slowly moved towards the cocoon and entered. There was flash of light, making Bright cover his eyes with his right wing.

Clay had closed his eyes partially out of fear, mostly due to the blinding light. He cautiously opened his eyes and saw that Bright Blade's eyes were wide. "What…what happened!?"

"It worked," he simply said.

Clay was about to ask what he was talking about till he felt something on his back. When he turned his head, Clay saw that he had wings, they shined as they sun light hit them, giving the avian appendages a glorious sheen. Clay was speechless, for years he had wondered what it be like to fly with his mother, to be able to do all things he liked with his Ma Applejack, and to fly around with his Mother Rainbow Dash. Now he could, and just as importantly, he felt a huge confidence boost from the wings, like nothing could stop him from talking to her.

"Thank you…Uncle Bright Blade, I'll never forget this, just… thank you!"

"Clay, before you go and take off, there's something you should know…The spell may only last three days, but after those three days your wings will permanently disappear…If you want I can take them away, that way I'll be able to recast the spell anytime, as long as it isn't the deadline day, alright?"

Clay looked at Bright Blade, giving his words serious thought. He then looked over to his wings, flapping them, it was a strange sensation, but one that he was growing to like. Clay nodded his head. "I understand, three days should be more than enough time."

Bright Blade smiled, "Good…now go and meet that filly you're crushing on, I'll come up with something to hide your wings when you get back, hopefully."

With that said Clay flared his wings, he then flapped them and propelled himself into the air. It felt so natural, like he was meant to be a pegasus, the knowledge of how to fly was somehow ingrained into his mind. The air currents, the positioning of his wings, the way to shift his body weight through the turns. It all felt so liberating. Now that he had what he needed, Clay aimed himself in the direction of Philomena/Firefly's house and took off.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were at a fancy restaurant taking an early lunch. Some the paparazzi were hounding the couple, till Applejack ripped a camera off one of them and crushed it like it was a paper cup. Apparently that didn't send the message home, till they showed off their Elements necklaces and they cleared out like the plague. After that annoyance was over Applejack and Rainbow Dash continued to eat, AJ had to admit, it was nice being able to have a date with her marefriend again. She could tell Rainbow Dash was on edge about something, the pegasus was good at hiding it from others, but nothing got by Applejack's eyes.

"Dashie, are ya goin' to tell meh what's been buggin' ya," asked Applejack.

"Huh – what, nothings bugging me, why would there be something bugging me!?"

"Cause ya seem more skittish then cat in a rainstorm."

Rainbow Dash sighed, apparently finding it annoying that she was found out so quickly. "I kinda solved the bully problem, sorta."

"Oh, ya found out who's been messin' with Clay?"

"One of my teammate's kids, he's a gigantic pain in the flank, and his kid looks like he's following in his dad's hoofsteps," Rainbow Dash let out an angry snort, "Anyway, I talked to Spitfire and if I find that his kid does anything like that to Clay again, he'll be suspended for an entire season."

Applejack raised an eyebrow at that, "Really, just suspension, sounds like he's gettin' off easy if ya ask meh."

"Trust me, his pride and ego about being a Wonderbolt means a lot to him, this suspension would be the equivalent of kicking him in the – you know where – repeatedly," Rainbow Dash snickered at that last bit.

"Well…so long as his kid stops fightin' with Clay, Ah guess it's fine…" Applejack took a sip of her apple juice, feeling semi-content that the situation was resolved, hopefully.

"Hey Applejack…I talked to Clay about more than just the bully thing…"

"Really, what else ya'll talk about," asked Applejack.

"The uh…Knight Corp…Clay wants to join it…"

Applejack suddenly stopped drinking her apple juice and spluttered it out in front of her, completely soaking Rainbow Dash who had a less than pleased expression.

"*cough* What in the hay *cough* why would he want to do that fer *cough*!?"

"I guess you could say he wants to follow in our hoofsteps, he seems like he really wants to join for the right reasons and –"

Applejack slammed her right foreleg on the table, making the rainbow maned mare jump a bit, and making most their food scatter about on the table itself. The orange earth pony mare had a furious look in her eyes; she couldn't believe what she had heard.

"Did you say somethin' to him!? What did ya fill his head with, did you tell him it was okay!? Ya did, didn't ya!?"

Rainbow Dash raised her forehooves up in defense, trying to calm her marefriend. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, settle down AJ. I didn't tell him it was okay, I just said we'd talk about it. Clay promised me that he wanted to join to –"

"That's not the point!" Applejack slammed the same hoof on the table once again. "We agreed that he would never join anythin' havin' to do with military or fightin' nonsense! He's goin' to grow up and have a normal life, settle down with somepony, and have a family, without havin' to go through all that strife like we did!"

"Chill out Applejack, yeah I remember making that agreement. But if you haven't noticed we're not exactly normal, nothing we've done or have been through in our lives has been what most ponies would call 'normal!' Besides, he's a growing colt, it's his life and if wants to join then we can't stop him, especially when he gets older!"

"Oh Ah'll stop this alright, Ah'll go back to Twi and Bright's place and settle this now!" Applejack shouted.

Applejack then threw down a few bits on the table and started marching off. She then stopped in her tracks when Rainbow Dash appeared right in front of her. "Hold on Applejack, cool off for a moment! If you go and start talking to Clay all riled up, he's going to shut down!"

"Look maybe YOU want this to happen, but Ah don't! Ah'm gonna nip this in the bud! Maybe if ya were here a lot more, he wouldn't have such ideas floatin' around in his head," said Applejack.

Rainbow Dash seemed to take offense to that last statement. "Look if…if it's bothering you that much then I'll talk to Spitfire, maybe I can request some more time off and –!"

"Don't bother! Why don't'cha just go on back to the Wonderbolts, and Spitfire since ya think so highly of her!"

Rainbow Dash blinked and shook her head, apparently not believing what her ears heard. "Excuse me, what the hay are you trying to say!?"

"Ah'm sayin' that maybe the reason we've been seein' less and less of ya, is because of that Spitfire…!"

"Really, you really think I've been cheating on you!? After everything we've been through together, you're going to start saying I'm rolling around in the hay with SPITFIRE!?" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"You said 'rollin' around in the hay,' Ah didn't, guilty conscience there Rainbow!?"

Rainbow Dash scoffed at the idea, "WHAT – I'm not – how could you – UGH! You know what AJ, I'm gone! When you're ready to apologize, I'll be waiting!"

Having said that, Rainbow Dash took off into the air and headed towards the Wonderbolts lodge. Applejack felt so angry, so angry in fact, that she accused Rainbow Dash of something without any evidence. After a minute, Applejack cooled down enough for her to realize what she had said, and it made her regretful. But it wasn't without bases, she had, for a long time, suspected that that was the reason for her lengthy absences after Wonderbolt tours were over.

It was at this point that Applejack noticed the other ponies who were watching their little display. "AND WHAT'RE YA'LL LOOKING AT!?" Applejack then stamped her hoof on the ground, her Element of Honesty symbol glowed, causing a mini-quake that rumbled through the ground. The other ponies all quickly looked away and went back to whatever it was they were doing, a bit scared now.

Applejack then looked up into the sky and sighed sadly. Rainbow…Ah'm sorry…


"Okay there it is…"

Clay was hovering over the house of the pink pegasus filly, Firefly, or Philomena, he wasn't too sure which was her real name. The winged earth pony slowly descended to the ground, softly landing a couple of feet from the front door. Clay trotted up to the huge, intimidating structure, and gulped. Steeling himself, Clay raised his right hoof and knocked on the door. For a few seconds there was nothing, but soon he heard the sound of hoofsteps. Slowly the door opened and revealed, not a pegasus filly, but the dapper earth pony butler who was with her, Germane. His eyes wandered down, staring at Clay, almost as if he were analyzing him.

"Can I help you sir," asked Germane.

"Y-yes, ahem, is uh, Firefly here?"

Germane's left eyebrow rose slightly, with an expression that was half puzzled half on edge.

"And…what exactly is your…relationship to Miss Philomena?"

"Well I was – you see…" Clay had to think of something quick, Germane seemed like he getting more suspicious of his presence the longer he dragged this out. It was then that an idea popped into his head. Firefly, Philomena, whatever, was performing stunts and Wonderbolts moves when he saw her that night. "I'm a recruiter!"

Germane went from edgy to just plain puzzled, but he still kept his critical eyes scanning the young colt.

"You are a recruiter, and what exactly are you recruiting for, may I ask?"

"The Wonderbolts sir, I'm going door-to-door of the pegasi residents in Canterlot, seeing if they want to join the summer training camp!" Clay blurted.

"Oh, I see. Well then, young sir, I regret to inform you that Miss Philomena is currently out at the moment. I'd also like to thank you, but Miss Philomena will not be joining your training camp," said Germane.

"Oh…are you sure, maybe I could come back later," he asked.

"No thank you, it is Master Goldhoof's wishes I'm afraid, good day young sir."

Germane slowly backed up and closed the door, ending the conversation.

Great…just great…

Clay did an about face, spread his wings, and took off.

She's not here, and I was pretty much told to not come back…what next!?

Just then Clay slammed into something in midair; he lost altitude for a minute, almost nearing the ground before quickly stabilizing himself. Clay rubbed the top of his head, feeling a bump forming.

"OUCH! What the hay did I hit!?" Clay shouted.


Clay looked up, only to come face to face with the anger filled purple eyes.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," apologized Clay.

"Seriously, you could've…It's…It's you!?"

The filly in front of him drew back, allowing Clay to see the filly completely. A pink coat, blue mane, and a twin blue lightning bolt cutie mark! It was her, it was – Wait a minute what does she mean "it's you!?"

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, it's YOU! The colt who saved me back at the maze!"

"Wait a minute you remember me! I thought you were unconscious," said Clay.

The filly rubbed the back of her head, feeling embarrassed about recalling her near fatal accident.

"Yeah…not completely…anyway…"

"Hey, uh, sorry for leaving you there, I really should've stayed but –"

"No, I understand, actually, I think my father would've been more angry with me if he saw you there," Firefly then facefhoofed herself, suddenly realizing something, "Duh, I've been talking this whole time and I haven't even introduced myself! My name is Firefly," she said with a smile.

Firefly, I thought it was Philomena? Oh well.

"Firefly, my name is Clay."

The pink pegasus filly looked at him confused, "'Clay?' That's a strange name for a pegasus, but okay, Clay! Glad I finally have a name to go with the face of the one who saved me."

Clay let out a mental sigh, he had nearly blown it.

"So, exactly why did you come all this way," she asked.

"I-I wanted to see if you were alright, you know, since I last saw you at that party a while back," said Clay.

Firefly blinked at that statement. "You've been worried about me this whole time?"

"Well yeah, kinda…you could say you've been on my mind since then…I guess you could say I…like you." Firefly was taken completely off guard by that, and Clay could tell. "Sorry for saying that out of the blue…I'll just go."

Clay was about to trot past the filly, but she quickly raised up a hoof to stop him, surprising the faux pegasus colt.

"Hold on…you've said what you wanted to say; now it's my turn."

Clay stopped in tracks, stood firm, and waited for Firefly to give her two bits about what she thought. It wasn't totally unexpected, of course she'd have something say to him, but Clay wasn't sure if he was ready to hear it, emotionally anyway.

"You said you've been thinking about me ever since my little accident. Well…it's the same for me, I've been thinking about you, the colt who saved me…I only got a glimpse of you, but that glimpse has been recurring in my dreams, and even when I'm just doing regular things you're just there…It didn't hit me, literally and metaphorically, till just now…"

Clay raised an eyebrow; this couldn't be going where he thought it was going, couldn't it?

"What I'm trying to say is…I like you too."

Clay's jaw pretty much hit the ground when heard those four words.

"Y-y-you like me – Seriously!?"

Firefly nodded, her pink fur hiding her blushing.

"T-then…how about a date tomorrow…"

Firefly put a hoof to her chin, as if thinking hard on the subject. Problem was that it was only making Clay more nervous as the seconds passed by like minutes as he waited for her answer.


Bright Blade was waiting patiently outside his home. Applejack had arrived earlier, she looked very sad. Bright had tried to ask what was wrong but AJ just kept avoiding the question and finally retreated into her room. Applejack was a stubborn mare, but he knew she'd come around and tell them in her own due time, or at least until Twilight gets home.

Thankfully for him, Twilight wasn't home, yet. Unfortunately, neither was Clay, and it was going to be all the more complicated if they appeared at the same time. Bright had spent most of the afternoon re-shelving the spell books, and doing his best to erase any latent trace of magic from the spell he cast on Clay.

"C'mon little guy, no pressure, I hope everything is going well for you and that filly you like, but for the love of all things sacred and pure it's going to be both our flanks if your Ma or Twilight see you with wings!" Bright quietly yelled under his breath.

Just then his eyes spotted something in the sky; a pegasus pony with a light gold coat was soaring overhead. After about a minute the faux pegasus landed in front him, with a giant grin on his face.

"I take it all went well," asked Bright.

"She said YES!" Clay jumped into the air, pumping his hoof for emphasis.

"Good, well, I hope things work out, I'll be there to help you where I can alright?"

Clay nodded enthusiastically.

"Great, in the meantime, take this." Bright Blade channeled his magic, before them a flash light brought forth a hoody. It had the same color scheme and pattern as the Wonderbolts, just the right size for a young colt. "Wear this to cover your wings while you're in the house."

Clay sat on his haunches and raised up his forelegs. Bright used his telekinesis to slip the hoody over Clay; afterwards the colt got back onto his hooves and examined the hoody. It was nice and roomy, enough so that his wings didn't feel cramped, but so that nopony would be able to tell.

"This is cool, thanks Uncle Bright!"

"You're welcome, the last thing we need is for anypony to find about your wings, especially –"

"Hey boys."


The unicorn mare was casually trotting towards them, a smile on her face and a happy tone in her voice.

"Hey you two, what're you doing out here," she asked.

"Oh nothing, we were just hanging around, we just got home ourselves, right Clay?"

"Chocolate Milk!" Clay blurted out as his lips puckered inward and his pupils rolled back.

"Excuse me," asked Twilight confused.

Both Clay and Bright Blade did a mental facehoof at the reaction. "Clay was just reminding me to get some chocolate milk; we're all out and need some more."

Twilight shrugged it off, seemingly noting it for future reference. "Oh, well I'll start dinner soon, and Clay, I like that hoody, very cool." Twilight trotted up to Bright Blade, kissed him on the cheek, and went inside.

Both the stallion and colt let out a sigh of relief; they had dodged a big bullet just now.

"That was close," said Clay.

"Tell me about it, kid."

The Elements of Harmony have been released, in preparation for an unforeseen evil to come. Clay, now possessing his wings has asked out the filly of his dreams, but what is the fate of Applejack and Rainbow Dash, how will their relationship fair after their blowup? Find out in Part 5 of the Second Sign Arc!