• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,944 Views, 83 Comments

Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope - Michael_Ravencroft

After years of peace the Knights of Harmony must wield the Elements once more in order halt the end of their world and, quite possibly, the universe itself...

  • ...

Second Sign: Part 3

Canterlot Days: First Love

Clay woke up that morning a little early; he was a bit restless sleeping in a bed that wasn't his own, but it wasn't altogether bad. Applejack and Clay were staying with Twilight and Bright for the duration of their stay in Canterlot, while Rainbow Dash stayed at the Wonderbolts lodge to help with the setup for the big air show on Sunday.

Clay made his way downstairs, he felt like exploring a little since he hadn't actually been to his Aunt and Uncle's house. When he entered the foyer the first thing he noticed were the pet birds Twilight and Bright kept. Owlowicious quietly snored "who," while the thunderbird, Squall's, snores were like a low rumble of thunder. Clay quietly walked up to the wall across from the writing desk near the window and was amazed by all the novels and magical tomes that lined the shelf wall. Clay could only wonder what kind of spells his Aunt Twilight must've learned or created.

But, there was something else on Clay's mind, something that had been eating at him. The Canterlot filly he saved back at the castle hedge maze, if she was even from Canterlot at all. Of course she is, he reasoned,as nicely dressed as she was, she had to be from Canterlot! But…where in Canterlot… It was eating at him, these emotions were new for Clay, he had been around a lot of fillies back home, but none of them affected him as much as this one pink pegasus! And now that he was here, Clay started to wonder if he should go out and find her, but what did he know about fillies, nothing to be honest. He needed advice, grown up advice, question was, from which grown up?

No offense to his mothers, but this wasn't exactly an easy topic for him to discuss with them, plus he was sure they'd give him the fabled "birds and the bees" talk. Neither was it one for his Aunt Twilight, whom he suspected would somehow turn it into a lecture, a long, long lecture, which left only one other stallion he could talk to, Clay just hoped he had at least some answers to give him.

"Hey little guy." Clay turned around and saw that his Uncle Bright Blade was descending the stairs, sporting his bedmane and stretching his wings. "You're up early, you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine Uncle Bright…say, do you know what we're going to do today," asked Clay.

Bright Blade yawned widely before answering, "Well, obviously, Rainbow Dash is busy with her Wonderbolts practice. Twilight and your Ma are going to have some sort of 'mare time' together, so they'll be out for the rest of the day. And since today is my day off, it looks like me and you are going to have some guy time."

PERFECT! Clay did a hoof pump.

Clay and Bright Blade were in the backyard working up a sweat. Luckily for Clay, his uncle always had some training swords lying around for practice. So when Clay took the opportunity to do a little sparring with his uncle, he wasn't going to pass up the chance.

Clay held the wooden sword firmly in his teeth, as his Uncle Bright's sword floated between them, ready to strike. They're eyes were narrowed, watching the others movements, waiting for a slight shift, a small movement to indicate which direction to attack.

Clay dashed forward, swinging his sword to the right; the floating wooden blade intercepted the attack, pushing against Clay's blade. The earth pony colt stepped back and attacked again, this time he jumped into the air and over the floating sword, he spun once in the air, aiming his blade right for his Uncle.

Unfortunately, Bright Blade saw the move coming, and quickly side stepped the slash. Clay then threw the sword in the air, and backed up. When it was in position, the light gold earth pony raised his hind legs and kicked the wooden sword. He had hit it at just the right angle to have the point of the fake weapon trained on his Uncle, sailing towards him like an arrow. Clay saw the surprised look on Bright Blade's face, the Knight of Hope's sword was still floating far from where he was, and there wasn't enough time to dodge it. He had won, or so he thought.

At the last second Clay's sword was wrapped in a telekinetic aura, stopping the wooden sword just mere inches from Bright's snout. Clay clicked his tongue, he was sure he had his Uncle. At that moment Clay felt something resting on his right shoulder, it was his Uncle's sword, he didn't even see it till now.

"I think that's game Clay," said Bright Blade.

Clay sighed and then smiled, "I give."

Clay and Bright were sitting on the edge of the porch, taking big sips of water from their bottles. "That was fun Uncle Bright, thanks for letting me train with you!"

"No problem Clay, just uh…keep this between us, your moms would kill me if they found out. You catch on quick, Dinky would be impressed," said Bright.

Clay wasn't about to say a word, he liked learning these fighting techniques, he only wished he could use them on Sky Tearer, no way he would keep messing with him. Clay didn't know if now was the best time to bring up his questions, he was enjoying the fun he was having, but it was either now or never.

"Um, Uncle Bright…?"

"Hmm, what's up," asked Bright Blade as he chugged some more water.

"H-how did you and Aunt Twilight…get together?"

Clay watched as his uncle's eyes flew open as the alicorn stallion spat out the water he was drinking. Bright Blade coughed several times, trying to catch his breath. When he did, Bright looked at Clay in confusion.


"I just asked how you and Aunt Twilight – "

"I heard what you said, what I want to know is why!?"

Clay twiddled his hooves, "Well…I was just wondering is all…" It was then that Clay got an idea, a way to keep this a little less awkward. "You know, guy to guy! I mean, you are younger than Aunt Twilight."

"Listen, Clay, the way I met Twilight…it wasn't exactly what you might call 'normal.' Why the sudden interest in my relationship?"

"I uh, I…" Clay could feel his face heating up again, turning red.

When Clay looked back at Bright Blade he seemed to have a knowing smirk on his face, making the young colt gulp. "Clay~ is there somepony you like?"


"It's Dinky isn't it!? I knew it!"

Clay stared at his uncle with wide eyes, "NO! Why does everypony think me and Dinky are like that!?"

"Oh…sorry Clay…Well then, if you're not interested in Dinky, then who are you interested in," asked Bright, genuinely curious.

Clay sighed heavily; he knew asking a question like this wasn't going to be easy without an explanation. So he began the tale, going back months ago. When Clay was done telling his uncle about the unknown filly, he stared off into the sky, as if pondering his words.

"And you really thought asking me for advice was a good idea?"

"To be honest…given that Aunt Twilight was originally from Canterlot, I thought you might help me figure out how Canterlot fillies think…" Clay put his hoof to his chin and now stared at his uncle critically. "Now that I think about it, the way Aunt Twilight and you met was never really clear, Mom and Ma never gave me much detail about it."

"Yeah that's because uh – what I mean is – IT'S COMPLICATED!" Bright Blade looked back at Clay, seeing something else in his eyes. "You're really hung up on this filly, aren't ya Clay."

"I just…I just can't stop thinking about her is all. It's been bugging me for months now, and don't even know her name! Problem is…I don't know if what I'm feeling is just a crush or if I…you know."

Clay's heart was heavy, he was truly confused about how he felt for that unknown filly, if he could see her again, talk to her, then maybe he'd have a better idea. But with all the things that could go wrong, that could be standing in his way, he just didn't' know. It was then that Clay felt his uncle's large wing wrap around his right shoulder, he then saw Bright smile at him confidently.

"Clay I know what it feels like, believe me, I do. So that's why you can't give up, no matter what." Bright Blade suddenly had a twinkle in his eye. "And you know what; I'm going to help you!"

Clay's eyes went wide. "R-really you are, but how, I don't even know if she really does live here in Canterlot!?"

Bright Blade retracted his wing and stood up on all fours. "Clay, did you forget who you are talking to!? Sir Bright Blade, one of the Seven Knights of Harmony, and commander of the Knight Corp.! I can find that filly no problem!"

"Really, you can!"

"Being a knight does have its privileges! C'mon, let's go get cleaned up and head over to the Castle," decreed Bright.

Clay couldn't believe it, he was really going to find the filly pegasus! It made him wonder why he didn't think of this sooner, it was all downhill from here!

***3 Hours Later***

Clay waited outside the Records Room inside Canterlot Castle. Bright Blade had entered the place, but the record keeper had made his uncle take him outside. It was a long three hours; the occasional guard would say hi to Clay, he'd even seen some of the Knight Corp. Paladins trot by as well.

Wonder if Dinky's around, he thought.

The voices inside sounded louder, Clay placed an ear to the door to try and hear what was being said. He couldn't catch much, but he could tell that it was more the records keeper's voice then his uncle's. After a couple of minutes the door flung open. Bright Blade was retreating backwards as if being pushed out by some invisible force.


With that said the door to the Records Room was slammed shut, making both the colt and stallion wince as the sound reverberated. Clay then stared at his uncle with a raised eyebrow.

"Problems," he asked.

"Minor setback," chuckled Bright.

"What happened?"

"Apparently I need written clearance from an official or higher to take a look at the records."

"But…you're a knight, shouldn't that be enough?"

"No, apparently it isn't. I looked through the public records and found nothing, so I checked up on the records for the nobles of Canterlot, apparently those are considered private and unless I am conducting an investigation, criminal or otherwise, I am not allowed to even look at them!" Bright snorted, a bit agitated.

Clay sighed in defeat, "Forget it Uncle Bright, thanks anyway."

"Oh no, we aren't giving up that easily! We'll just have to do this the old fashioned way!"

"You mean…?"

"Exactly, we're going to search all of Canterlot!" Bright declared.

"Are you sure, I mean that seems like a lot of area to cover," said Clay.

"Pfft, how many ponies can there be in Canterlot!?"

***5 Hours Later***

"Eight-hundred thousand…there are eight-hundred thousand ponies living in Canterlot…" panted Clay.

"And only half of that are the nobles…" gasped Bright.

The colt and stallion duo had searched most of Canterlot, different residences, different districts. Searching high and low for Clay's mystery filly, but so far to no avail, along the way they came close to bumping into Twilight and Applejack. Thankfully though they were able to slip by without incident, which was good, Clay really didn't want to explain why the two of them were going around Canterlot.

After an exhaustive search, the two of them sat on a bench near a park. Trying to figure out what their next move was going to be, as well as to catch their breath.

"Sorry Clay, we didn't have much luck today, but we still have tomorrow. I can make up some excuse for the two of us to run around Canterlot," he offered.

"No, it's fine Uncle Bright. You don't have to, just bad luck I guess," said Clay. "Listen, do you mind if I walk around for a while…I kinda want to be alone…"

Bright Blade looked to his nephew, "Alright Clay, just make sure you're not out long…how about you meet me at Pony Joe's in a couple of hours, and then we'll head back home?"

"Sounds good…"

Clay got off the bench and started trotting away; he was heading in no particular direction, just wherever his hooves would take him. It kind of surprised Clay how bummed out he was about not finding the mystery filly, she wasn't even conscious when he saved her life, so there was no way she saw him. And even if he did find her, how would she react?

"Oh hi my name is Clay, you don't know me, but I saved your life a few months ago and left you alone soon after," said Clay to himself.

Please who am I kidding; she'd either run away or call me a weirdo and call the Royal Guard on me…great options…

Clay had wandered into downtown Canterlot he was becoming increasingly aware of the strange looks that the more highbrow ponies were giving him. He didn't really care, but it did make him think. Was he really that out of place that any Canterlot pony could spot him? Clay shrugged at the thought. The young earth pony colt looked around for the time, an hour had passed by already.

Better start making my way back to Uncle Bright, Clay thought.

"Germane do we really have to go now?"

"Sorry Miss Philomena, but your father wishes for us to return home."

"Alright…and Germane, could you please call me Firefly!?"

Clay looked across the street, hearing the voices. Once he did Clay's mouth dropped. A pink coat, blue mane and tail, and a twin blue lightning bolt cutie mark, it was her! The filly he and his uncle had been searching Canterlot for all this time, and she was just on the other side of the street! Clay looked to one of the clock poles; it was at least forty minutes till he had to meet Bright Blade at Pony Joes.

Okay, on the one hoof, I have found that filly I was looking for and now have a chance to find out where she lives! Only problem is that if I do follow them, I run the risk of not meeting Uncle Bright and possibly getting the both of us in trouble…Sorry Uncle…

Clay kept on the other side of the street, making sure that Firefly…Philomena…whatever, was still in his line of sight. The earth pony colt saw them turn at a corner, Clay then quickly ran across the street, weaving in and out of different ponies. Soon he was able to catch up to the pegasus filly and the earth pony stallion that accompanied her.

Clay had lost track of how long he had been following them, he was sure that his uncle was probably getting a little worried about now. That's when he wondered how long it would take for him to come looking for him, being an alicorn, it probably wouldn't take him that long at all. Even more incentive to keep following them and stay out of sight, he couldn't risk alerting them to his presence.

Soon they left the shops and businesses of downtown Canterlot and were now moving into the suburbs, the ritzy part anyway. Mansions were everywhere, he thought his Aunt Twilight and Uncle Bright had a big house, compared to that; these made their house look like a regular house. Luckily for Clay, the two ponies finally arrived at a big mansion, he hid behind a bush and watched the two of them go inside the house.

There was a plate on the side of the house that read "Goldhoof Residence." This was great, Clay now new exactly where she lived, and her family name! Now all he had to do was trot right up to that door and…

"And what…?" All the worries and anxieties he had about the filly were starting to resurface, finding her now seemed like the easy part, actually having to talk to her was the hard part. "What if…what if she's like Sky Tearer, all tribest and stuff, and she's rich, really rich from the looks of it…"

It was at this point that he really did wish he was a pegasus, although he remembered what his mother told him, Clay still wished he at least had wings. At least so he could find out how he really felt about her, and if she felt the same way. It was then that a thought crossed his mind, a story that Clay's mother, Rainbow Dash, told him once.

"The Best Young Flyers Competition!"

With that thought in mind, Clay galloped back downtown, he was on a mission and nothing was going to stop him nothing! It was at this point that Clay saw a bright gold flash of light in front of him. When the young colt opened his eyes he cringed a bit. There before him was his uncle, looking down on him with a scolding expression.

"Clay…do you have any idea what time it is!? I was worried about you kid! So, what do you got to say for yourself," said Bright Blade.

"Heh, heh, I uh…I found out where she lives…!"

"Hello…where am I?"

Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria was in an infinite void, floating around in a vast nothingness. She was stripped of all her regalia and her mane and tail took on the pink hues from when she was younger, in fact she looked younger from what she could tell.

Celestia continued flying around, searching for anything, a clue to which she could discern her location. It was then that she saw something, a silvery being standing in the middle of the nothingness. As she drew closer her eyes grew wide. It was an alicorn stallion, his coat shined like actual platinum, his mane and tail were like a window into the cosmos, with dozens of galaxies, stars, and quasars wafting through.

"It…it can't be, Arion!?" Celestia called out.

The alicorn's head turned to see who had called his name, his amber-gold eyes rested on the image of the alabaster mare and he smiled warmly. Celestia flew up next to Arion and quickly nuzzled him under his chin. The Princess of the Day was overjoyed to see her brother once again, even in this weird place.

"Brother…I can't believe it's you! How did – where are we?"

Arion nuzzled his little sister's cheek, when he pulled back he said not a word.

"Arion…why do you not answer me?"

The Star Prince turned his gaze forward and gestured with his hoof for Celestia to do the same. Further ahead of them there was light, a radiant light that was different from the sun. Celestia didn't understand what her brother was trying to get at.

"Arion what does this mean, is it connected to what happened in Ponyville?"

Just then Celestia felt something, a looming presence, an oppressive power. Soon the area began to shake, it wasn't shaking constantly. The tremors came in waves, like there was a rhythm to it. Almost as if there were something walking…

It was at this point that Arion's gaze drifted upwards and to his left. Celestia looked in the same direction, and for the first time in her immortal life, she felt a terror like none she had ever known. Above them, an impossibly large being strode passed them. Celestia could not make out what it was exactly, all she could see were its red eyes that bore power unimaginable. The eyes seemed not to notice the two siblings as it kept on walking.

Celestia huddled closer to her brother, feeling fearful, like a little filly, of this giant. "B-brother, what is that thing!?"

Arion, again, said no words. He extended his right wing and draped it over Celestia, bringing her close to him. The alabaster mare felt a sense of security and safety wrapped in her brother's wing. But she could still feel the fear that that giant had instilled in her. It was then that something else appeared on the side where the radiant light was.

Another pair of eyes appeared, changing color like an aurora, with a golden energy trailing behind it. Celestia recognized this giant, she would never forget her.

"Mother!?" Celestia shouted.

The two giants of light and darkness started to run towards each other. The area shook with the pounding of each step they took, charging straight for their respective foes. At the last second the two giants collided, creating a powerful explosion that resounded throughout the nothingness.

Celestia watched as the explosion drew closer towards Arion and herself. Arion then brought up his left wing and shielded the two of them from the blinding light.

"It's alright Tia, you can wake up now," said Arion.

"What, wait Arion!?"


Celestia shot up from her bed, sweat dripping from her forehead, pupils dilated to the size of pinpricks. She panted heavily, her eyes darted around the room as if searching for any sign that her brother Arion was there.


"Tia, are you alright?"

Celestia looked towards her balcony and saw Luna landing on it. Her eyes still appeared to be bloodshot, but her usual grumpiness was not apparent in her voice.

"I-I'm fine Lulu," said Celestia, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"You do not appear to be fine, sister."

"You're one to talk, little sister."

Luna looked like she wanted to snap at Celestia for that little comment, but decided to let it slide. "Was there a reason why you cried out our older brother's name in your sleep?"

"I-I-I had a dream, or maybe a nightmare…I'm not really sure," said Celestia.

"What did you see Tia?"

"Nothing it was dream, nothing more."

"Did you forget that as the Princess of the Night, I have dominion over the dream world, so who better to interpret if your dream meant anything or not." Luna started to form a sly smile. "Unless, of course, your dream was something more…private dear sister," asked Luna.

"Lulu what are you talking –" Celestia stopped as a fierce blush overtook her face. "LUNA!"

The Mare in the Moon couldn't help but chuckle at the reaction of her older sister. "Forgive me Tia; I couldn't help myself, besides I needed a good laugh."

"Glad I could be a source of amusement for you," Celestia deadpanned.

"Sorry, but please Tia, tell me what it was that you saw."

Celestia sighed deeply; she then began telling Luna all about her dream. The giant of darkness, Arion, their mother, and the void she was in. The whole time Luna listened intently to what she said.

"So then Luna, what does my dream tell you," asked Celestia.

"…Sister, I think it is time you knew exactly what I have been up to…"

Clay has found the filly he had been pining over for months now, but will she return the affection he has for her, and what is his plan to find out? Meanwhile Celestia's dream has prompted Luna to reveal the truth behind her late night outings.