• Published 18th Mar 2021
  • 2,157 Views, 39 Comments

The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

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Chapter seventeen- The Apple and The Moon

“Are you calm now Ambassador?”

“For now, perhaps we should do this when I’m asleep that way we’re alone”

“That sounds splendid”

We both let each other go as Luna looked out the window and the sun was still in the air.

“Forgive me Ambassador but I must attend to my royal duties”

“Very well have a Goodnight Princess”

“You as well” as she began to leave the room

I took my shirt and pants off and slid into bed. As I lay there knowing that Luna would be there for me, I slowly nodded off.

My mind wandered and I soon found myself again in darkness, but I could feel a dark presence around me that I couldn’t shake. I looked all around me, but nothing was there. I deduced that my trauma was trying to frighten me again just like last night. Then a shadowy figure appeared this time with a sharp object in its hand as it tried to stab me. I darted out of the way narrowly missing it. It then began to chase me as I tried to run away but that thing was gaining on me as it drew closer, I tripped and fell. I looked back at the figure, and it was about to stab me when a bright light appeared, and the figure dissipated. Then I looked and saw Luna float down to save me yet again.

“There thou art, thou art rather difficult to find in the astral planes of the dreamscape but we have found thee now”

“Thanks for that I thought I was a goner for sure”

“Worry not, the dreamscape may be a scary place if traversed alone but it can’t harm you”

I stood back up and dusted myself off, which seemed odd is there dust in the dreamscape or am I just imagining that?

“Art thou feeling scared come follow me”

I followed Luna into the light and soon found myself in what looked like a room complete with a fireplace and comfy chairs. There was even a coffee table as well.

“Thou seemed surprised?”

“Kinda, I mean I don’t usually feel awake like this at least not in my dreams”

“What do you normally do when you dream then?”

“Well, it almost feels like I'm watching a movie made by my mind and sometimes I’m the main character”

“I see, the way you humans dream almost seems barbaric but I’m not judging”

Luna then sat down in one of the comfy chairs

“Here, have a seat”

I went over and sat down in the chair, and I will admit it was quite comfy

“Seeing how this is the dreamscape we may conjure any image or scenario we like, just as this room was crafted by my imagination alone”

I was rather impressed by the room she had made. There were even walls and carpeting beneath my feet. It was rather spacious for a dream.

“We may also view dreams thou hast have in the past”

I immediately thought about it and spoke up

“Nope no need I'm perfectly fine” I blurted out

Luna gave me a coy smile when I said that

“Ah, thou must have dreams that wish to remain unseen?”

I give her an attentive nod

“Very well perhaps we can just enjoy each other’s company, wouldest thou like some tea?”

I looked down and a teapot and some cups magically appeared on the coffee table.

“Thank you” as I took the pot and poured some tea into my cup

“We are aware of my sister’s propensity to drink it and also the propensity to indulge in its consumption, We prefer coffee actually, but I’ve come to understand that tea is your preferred drink”

I took the cup in my hand and began to sip it; It wasn’t too hot or too cold. After taking a sip and sampling the flavor it was indeed chamomile.

“Thank you, your Highness”

“You're quite welcome, so how art thou?”

I honestly couldn’t give her an answer.

“I’m doing okay for now”

“I see, it would seem that your mind still holds a grudge against you”

Luna took a sip and then stood up and walked over to me

“I want you to know right now Mel” as she looked me in my eyes

“You are loved, cherished, and worthful, and do not lie and tell me that you are not”

When she said that my heart almost broke and I got teary-eyed

“I love you, for I would cherish you, care for you, comfort you, embrace you, I would even hold you closely and hold you throughout all that may come in your dreams”

“That’s lovely and all, but what about you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like I feel like the shootout that happened ails in comparison to your years being in Equestria”

Luna was saddened by this, and she then sat back down

“I would like to tell you a story, a story that I haven't told anypony”

“If you would like me to keep it a secret I swear I won’t tell a soul”

Luna took in a long breath before she spoke for I knew this story was gonna tear my heart to pieces

“When I was very young and Celestia and I ascended to the throne, I thought that being a pony of power was my ticket to appreciation. I thought that being a princess would mean that I would command the total respect of all around me. That I would possess unparalleled affection from all that I led, to finally be wanted.”

“Well, to make a long story short I was wanted but…for the wrong reasons. Thou could not imagine the number of suitors I received weekly was astounding. A great number of stallions (and even a few mares believe it or not). They all approached me seeking my hoof in marriage. It was exciting because I finally thought that this was it, that I would finally know the embrace of another pony that I had dreamed of for many moons”

“Except?” I said

“Except Celestia prevented those marriages from coming to fruition. I was thoroughly confused and even mad at my sister for she dared deny me the happiness that I dreamed of for a long time. I did not understand why she did this to me her sister and for a while I was in a place where I hated my sister almost as much as I did when I transformed into Nightmare Moon. What I did not understand at the time was that Celestia was protecting me”

I was shocked knowing when Luna said that

“Everyone one of the suitors that presented themselves to me did not love me as I thought. All of them only played their part for their prospective gain. Celestia saw this in all of them…younger me did not. I believed that being a pony of power meant that everypony loved me, and wanted the best for me, and that they truly cared about me. What I soon learned is that many ponies only care for themselves”

I felt sad for Luna when she said this

“I’m sorry that happened to you”

“Tis alright, needless to say when I found out I was…well, I suppose heartbroken does not fully encapsulate what I felt. I was bitter, anguished, angry, depressed… I was many things. The truth I held within me to be my whole life was a lie. It was just a fantasy I conjured up to distract myself from the reality that everypony had my best interests in mind even if I had their best interests in mine”

I drank my tea as I let Luna continue

“It was this idea that I held onto for a long time. Too long in fact and it was this idea that led to me turning into Nightmare Moon that ultimately led to my exile. When I returned Nightmare Moon had been cast out and I was soon overwhelmed by the amount of love and care from my sister whom I once thought to be my hated enemy. It was one if not the best feelings I had ever experienced, to be loved again after being hated for a thousand years. Which now brings me to you”

I perked up when she mentioned me


“Indeed, for you have suffered through so much in your own life Ambassador. When I first met you I thought for sure that you were just like everypony else another wandering soul to look after in their dreams like so many other ponies…but you turned out to be very different than them”

“How so?”

“Well, we ponies know our destiny from the moment our cutie marks appear on our flanks. It is written in stone what we are to be, what we are to do, what we are to be good at, and for most this brings them a sense of comfort but you… you do not know like we do. You were never told by the stars, your leaders of your nation, the markings that may appear upon you, nor the circumstances of your birth, usually, what you are destined to be or perhaps skilled at. You must find and make something of yourself by yourself always and that must be scary in and of itself”

I put my cup down on the coffee table

“You are correct Your Highness, truth be told I was never sure that I was cut out to be an Ambassador and that scared me for a time…but meeting you and Celestia alongside Twilight and her friends made my job more comfortable to do”

“Yes for hear you are sitting next to me in the dreamscape of course, but still despite everything all the hardships you’ve faced, all the obstacles that have happened from the moment you became an Ambassador here you stand. For you kept seeking purpose despite all the times you felt scared and alone you found it”

There was some sense of comfort when Luna told me this

“You are a warrior in the truest sense even if you don’t think so and that is why I feel a connection between us. For I care not about what mistakes you’ve made in the past. How much you have fallen and have been hurt. Those are the things that make up you and it is one of the reasons that I like you so. You have grown a lot since the first time I laid eyes on you”

I began to blush as Luna complimented me

“Don’t ever think that you are not loved or cherished, for these thoughts will only make your dreams worse, Think of us and your friends for they will guide you to happier times.”

The world around us slowly began to shift and fade

“Your dream is fading, and you will awaken soon. Please promise me that you will go easy on yourself today for I don’t expect you to be perfect but choose to love yourself in some way whether it is me or your friends is up to you. Do that every day and when night comes I will be waiting”

The dreamscape faded quickly, and I soon awoke as the sun was beginning to rise over the mountain. I thought about what Luna said and took her words to heart. I got dressed and soon made my way to the Throne room. When I entered I saw Celestia there on her throne like always as she smiled at me

“Greetings Mel I trust you slept well?”

“I did actually” I stretched my arms and back for a moment “Probably one if not the best sleep I’ve had in recent days”

“Wonderful” Celestia got up and trotted down to meet me “Would you like to join me for breakfast?”

“Of course,”

Celestia and I walked out of her throne room and into the dining hall and were served a lustrous breakfast similar to the one I had when I made first contact. As I ate my breakfast Luna stepped in to grab something real quick before she retired for the day.

“Ambassador good to see you,” she said

“Always a pleasure to see you, Luna, if I may have a word?” I stood up to speak with her privately

“Of course, Ambassador” as we both got out of Celestia’s earshot

“About last night?”

“Yes?” she said curiously

“We got very close, and I just wanted to be upfront, since I'm not good at reading certain situations, but do you like me?”

“Of course I do”

“Yeah but like me”

“I don’t follow” as furrowed her eyebrow”

“Like like like like like me”

Luna’s eyes went wide

“Oh, oh forgive me I feel like I may have given you the wrong impression I care for you greatly but you must understand I am a being of many years and will most likely never pass on so being in a relationship is not in the cards, so they say, does thou like me?”

I turned beet red when she asked

“No no no not at all, I just wanted to be sure is all”

“Okay I understand you are a close friend to me, and I appreciate that”


I smiled as she gave me another hug and I blushed again even though I wished I hadn’t. Celestia could see us and she began to giggle a little. Luna let go as she went to her bed chamber. I went back to my seat and tried to eat again

“You and my sister seem rather close” as she shot me a look

“She’s just a really good friend,” I said avoiding eye contact

“Oh I tease Mel, truth be told I’m rather curious, is there a pony that you fancy?”

I blushed again and I tried to avoid the question, but I felt compelled to answer

“Well... maybe... Applejack” As the words left my lips I immediately regretted that I said it in the first place

Celestia’s eyes grew wide, and she seemed excited

“Tell me what do you like about Applejack?”

I was too embarrassed to answer but the words slipped out of my mouth again

“She’s honest and hard-working, she has nice blonde hair and those big green, emerald eyes” I soon began to picture her in my mind

Celestia chuckled at my comment

“My, it seems like you like like her”

I turned as red as a tomato

“It’s alright Mel I won’t tell anypony” She then got up from her chair to walk over to me “There’s nothing wrong with liking one of my many subjects”

“I know it’s just that she’s been through a lot and I wanna be there for her”

“Then perhaps you should”

“Wait like for real?”

Celestia nodded her head “Go”

After thanking Celestia for the meal I bowed, got up, headed down to the train station, and boarded a ride back to Ponyville.


As the train pulled into Ponyville station I sat up and stepped off onto the platform. I proceeded to head to Sweet Apple Acres when Haynes stopped me.

“Sir are you okay?” as he stood at attention

“Yeah I’m fine I just spent a night in the castle to clear my head”

“I trust your visit was productive?”

“Yeah the trauma I experienced was dealt with and I hope to continue”

“Very good sir we are here if you need us” he saluted and went back to his post

I finally made my way to Sweet Apple Acres. I looked and saw Applebloom pulling bushels out of the barn.

“Oh, hi Mel how are ya?”

“I'm doing alright, say where’s AJ?”

“She’s out in the orchard loading bushels of apples”

“Thanks,” I said as I headed out into the orchard

As I passed many an apple tree it didn’t take long for me to find her. I could hear her bucking trees so the apples would fall. I saw her loading her wagon when I caught her eye

“Howdy Mel, what brings ya hear?”

“Oh, uh I was in the neighborhood and wanted to make myself useful,” I said blushing so slightly

“Well, I could use some help believe it or not”

“Just tell me what to do”

“Ya think you can load these here bushels and put them into the wagon”

I nodded after removing my jacket and rolling up my sleeves I loaded the bushels into the back of the wagon. The bushels when full were a little heavy but I didn’t mind and soon built up a good sweat. I looked at some of the trees that still had apples on them. I walked over to an apple tree to see if I could try bucking or rather kicking it so the apples would fall. I gave it a good kick when I heard a crack. The next thing I knew I got hit in the head by a large branch as I fell to the ground almost knocked unconscious. I could hear Applebloom in the distance as I lay on the ground holding my head as it throbbed

“Sweet Celestia, are you okay?”

I waved my head in pain

“Applejack, Applejack come quick”

I could hear hoofbeats closing in the distance

“I watched him kick that tree but then a big ol’ branch came down and clocked him on the head”

“Oh, pony feathers I should have warned him about the dead limbs left over from winter”

As I held my head in pain Applejack put her hoof on my arm

“It’s all right sugar cube, you still with us?”

“Hope that branch didn’t hurt ya too much”

“Not so close Applebloom”

I removed my hands from my head, and I looked and saw blood and my hand. Granted my hand was all wavey like and Applejack and Applebloom were too.

“Your eyes look kinda foggy there, how many hooves am I holding up?”

Both of them then noticed the blood on my head

“Applebloom go get the first-aid kit and a bag of frozen peas from the ice box”

“Alright, wait what do we need peas for?"

“For their head! whoops sorry sugar cube” Applejack spoke

“For their head, a good cold compress will help ease the pain”

Applebloom did as she was told as Applejack laid down next to me to keep an eye on me

“Don’t worry she’ll be back soon, I'm gonna look after ya till then”

I tried to sit up as I worked through the pain

“Whoa hold your horses, lay back down, I’m sorry about that, I should have warned about those dead limbs, you came out here to help me and you just end up on your back, I take it this wasn’t how you were expecting to spend your day huh”

Even though I was in pain I waved my head, Applejack looked to find a small cut above my forehead.

“Huh looks little but you're gonna live”

“Still in pain though”

“Sorry I was just making jokes to make you feel better, Pinkie always says a good laugh can heal anything, I just can’t help it at times sugar cube I often wonder what my ma would’ve done in a situation like this, ‘m sure she could have you feeling right as rain, she might have noticed that branch way before you bucked that tree”

“Applejack I got it,” Applebloom said carrying it in her mouth

Pytoo, I got the kit and the peas here”

Applejack took them both from her and she handed me the peas as I placed them on my head, the cold stung a little bit but helped with the swelling

“Now hold still while I get your wound all cleaned up”

Applejack took some gauze and began wiping away the blood from my head

“Hm, looks a lot smaller than I thought Applebloom hand me the cream”

“Yeah mean the antibiotic cream” as she pulled a small bottle out of the kit

“Yeah that” Applebloom handed to Aj as she tried to get the cap open

“Okay hear I'm gonna put this on your wound to disinfect it and help stop the bleeding”

“Are they gonna need stitches?”

“No, it’s up under their hair ya see, once we seal the wound we can have ya sit in the barn till you got all your faculties, Applebloom can you clear a spot in the barn for him to sit in”

“Okay, you gonna be able to manage him all by yourself?”

“Yes, now get moving”

Applebloom scurried down toward the barn

“Don’t mind her, silly filly, she’s always seeing things for nothing as I suppose she likes the idea of having more help around here, Celestia knows we could use it”

“Alright the bleeding’s stopped now, it had been a while since I played nurse to anypony well anyone, it feels nice to be needed sometimes, that’s why I was kinda happy that you came out to help us well one of the reasons I guess, I was hoping to teach about the farm if I ever got around to it that is”

“I think I'd love to learn more about your farm”

“Well, that’s mighty generous of ya, it puts a smile on my face when folks learn about where their food comes from, I suppose I never grew out of playing mom to folks, teachin em things, looking after them, tending to them when they get hurt, that always sorta fell to me, you know not having ma or pa around, listen to me yammer on sound like pinkie”

I chuckled at the thought

“Okay hold your hair out the way for a minute while I put this cream on ya”

I held my hair so Aj could apply the cream as it made contact it started to sting badly

“Oh don’t be fussy I use this stuff all the time, ya think I don’t get hurt on the job, can’t tell how many times an old branch has cut me open, now sit still”

Applejack dabbed the cream and gently rubbed it into the wound

“Ah there we go, got you done up all nice a pretty, how’s your head feeling?”

“Better with the peas” as I held it on my head still

“Good your eyes look a lot more focused too, now you think you can stand?”

I slowly rose as Applejack helped me get my balance

“Come on now, let’s get you into the barn” as Applejack slowly guided me back

Applejack opened the barn doors just enough to get us through

“Alright get you set over her, watch out for that bucket now” as she quickly threw it into the corner

Applejack then sat me down on a bale of hay

“There ya go now you just sit here while I go through the bushels”

Applejack picked through the apples separating them by look and smell

“To be honest I thought you’d have better things to do, no I didn’t mean it like that I just thought that you’d have, oh I don’t know more interesting things to do besides work”

“What can’t I like apples as well?”

“No, I mean, I like apples as interesting as anything, I was just shocked that you were interested in them too, I figured you'd be busy with whatever Rarity had you roped into”

“Rarity is a nice lady, but clothes don’t interest me all that much”

“Yeah me neither I'm just a simple country girl through and through, I mean I like talking to ya and spending time with ya helping me with the chores, I mean that’s not the only reason”

Applejack was starting to get nervous

“Uh by the way you should come around to the next Apple Family Reunion I’m sure my relatives would love to hear stories from ya, I would introduce them to ya, don’t worry I'm sure they’ll love ya I certainly do, no not like, I mean I didn’t mean it’s not that I don’t like ya I mean no no no no that’s not what I meant”

“Just kiss already,” Applebloom said through the crack in the door


Comments ( 2 )

applebloom blew the cat out of the bag XD

keep up the work!!!

I think Imma go out on a limb here and say that tree refuted his unwanted advances with a blow to his ego? :ajbemused:

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