• Published 18th Mar 2021
  • 2,151 Views, 39 Comments

The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

  • ...

Pegasus Tape

Video log- EQ105
Location: Fluttershy’s Cottage
Time: 10:45am
Subject: Fluttershy

[Camera opens up on a lovely cottage, animals of all shapes and sizes converse outside, camera moves up to the small wooden door as I softly knock it]

“Coming” a voice could be heard from inside

[The door opens to reveal a yellow pegasus with long pink hair]

“Oh, why hello Mel you're right on time, I was just making us some tea. have a seat and I’ll be right over”

Fluttershy went into the kitchen to prepare our drinks for the evening. I stepped inside and saw birdhouse’s and cubbies for little animals. I walked up to the couch and saw a little white bunny sitting of the other end of the couch. As I sat down it looked at me with a confused look.

“Uh hey there little guy” as I waved at him

He looked at me with a stern look, just then Fluttershy came out with the tea

“Now, now angel bunny, he’s new to this land so be sure to be kind and courteous to our guest”

The bunny gave a huff and slowly hopped over to me and gave me a quick hug before sitting back down.

“Now the tea is hot so be careful” as she poured out some into teacups

I leaned in and picked up the saucer with the cup and took a gentle sip. It was indeed hot, and it tasted very good, I might start drinking tea from now on. Fluttershy also took a few sips and set her cup down on the table.

“So, you said you wanted to ask me some questions?”

“Yes, my superiors want to know more about the races of ponies and pegasus's are last on my list but not least, I’m curious about what you know”

“So is that what that camera thing is for” [Fluttershy looks at the camera setup]

“Yes, indeed no need to worry it’s just me and the camera watching you”

“Okay I’ll do my best”

“Great, so my first question is what does being a pegasus mean to you?”

“Well, I suppose were gifted with making and helping out with the weather”

“Interesting, so the pegasi are responsible for literally making the weather?”

“Oh of course”

“So, the weather doesn’t form naturally like on its own?”

“oh gosh no that would be terrible, not knowing what kind of weather is gonna happen sounds scary” Fluttershy shuddered at the thought

“That’s how it is over on our side”

“Really how does everypon…I mean everyone prepare for the weather like that?”

“Well, we either watch the news channel or our phones for weather reports, but usually we just look outside and see for ourselves”

“And these weather reports are they accurate?”

“Most of the time they are, on very rare occasions they might be wrong”

“Can you tell when the season’s change?”

“Absolutely, Spring happens in April, Summer happens in June, Fall if in October and Winter in December”

“Wow but how does everyone know how the weather comes and changes?”

“Well, we have Meteorologist’s, they’re a branch of scientist’s concerned with the processes and phenomena of the atmosphere, especially as a means of forecasting the weather.”

“Oh, that’s interesting I’m sure Twilight would be more into that than me though”

“Okay, so do you help with the weather at all?”

“I help out whenever I can, I’m mostly tend to animals though”

“I see you care for a lot of animals?”

“Oh yes I love making sure that all the animals are well taken care, if they ever need any assistance”

“So, tell me how that started?”

“Well, it all began when I went to flight school, it was my first day, so I was very nervous, and a lot of ponies knew about it. I was teased a lot by a couple of bullies, that’s when rainbow dash saved me by challenging those bullies to a race. When the race began rainbow zipped past me that I fell out the clouds and started falling towards the ground luckily, I was saved by a large swarm of butterflies who helped me land safely. When I saw all the creatures, I couldn’t help but sing about it. Just then a large rainbow flew past me and…”

“It scared them, and you helped by comforting them and that’s when you got your cutie mark?”

“Wow you knew exactly what I was gonna say”

“I had a feeling anyways; do you own any of the animals that you take care of?”

“Oh no they all live here because it’s the safest place in Equestria”

“How do you take care of all of them, that must cost a lot?”

“Well, when you really think about it maintaining all the animals is very cheap once you get to know them a little. By the way I know you just got here and all but maybe there’s a pet here for you to take care of”

“I appreciate the offer, but I have got a lot on my plate right now, perhaps in the near future. I noticed your mane seems very neat and tidy. I asked Rarity, but do you have any tips for hair and mane styles?”

“Well Hedgehogs are really good at brushing oh and I also know a trio of robins that can make a perfect Ariel braid”

“Now from what I noticed you seem very shy and timid but what’s your biggest fear?”

“I’m afraid of a lot of stuff so I can’t pick one right now…sorry”

“Perfectly fine, so I know you very kind also, but do you have any good luck charms?”

“Well angel bunny had always brought good things my way, he says it’s all in the paw”

“I see, because of your shyness do you get stage fright?”

“Yes…a little bit right now”

“It’s ok Fluttershy we’ll be done in just a moment, so out of all the animals you take care of what’s you dream pet?”

“Animals are individuals, I don’t treat them like pets”

“Very well, do you have any special talents?”

“Rainbow Dash say’s I’m a great at cheering, yay”

“Now what’s your favorite color?”

“a baby chick in spring I find it lovely”

“Who would you say is your best friend?”

“Pinkie Pie? Oh, no, wait. Rainbow Dash. Oh! And-and Twilight too! Rarity? Applejack?! Ohhh, I can't decide! ...Angel?”

“You love to give but what the best thing you’ve ever gotten?”

“A big warm hug from Harry the bear”

“What’s the best place to go if anyone visits Ponyville?”

“Well, if you want a relaxing spot to go to, I suggest my Butterfly Grove”

“Do you enjoy flying if so what’s the best part?”

“When I’m…back safely on the ground”

“Any hobbies you enjoy?”

“Spending time with all my little critters friends, and my pony friends too”

“Do you have a favorite clothing designer?”

“Well, my good friend Rarity makes the best dresses, it would be sad if she wasn’t my favorite”

“If you could go anywhere on vacation where would you go?”

“An animal shelter on a tropical island with all my pony friends and a…you”

[Fluttershy begins to blush a little]

“Well, I appreciate that, and I think were done. I’m proud of you that you were able to do this for me”

“Thank you, so are you going to interview Dashie next”

“Yeah, I asked around and doesn’t she live in a cloud in the sky?”

“Why yes”

“I wonder how I’m gonna accomplish that?”

“Well, I can talk to her for you and have her meet you somewhere in Ponyville… if that’s alright with you”

“I’d appreciate that”


Video log- EQ106
Location: Ponyville Fountain
Time: 4:13pm
Subject: Rainbow Dash

[Camera opens up in Ponyville square, camera turns and looks at the fountain with a stone pony in the center. A soft swish could be heard from the sky. Camera points up and a light blue flash could be seen doing all kinds of aerial tricks and loop de loops until landing on the ground in front of me]

“Aha, hey Mel did you see all those awesome tricks I was pulling up there?”

“Why yes I have it all on film”

“Cool, so Fluttershy told me that you wanna interview me, and I couldn’t say no I mean I am the best flyer in Ponyville”

“I don’t doubt that, so you ready?”


“Okay my first question is, was does being a pegasi mean to you?”

“It means I can fly and also maybe help with the weather when it gets serious sometimes but mostly flying for me”

“I’ve seen you fly and do tricks a lot”

“Yup and maybe one day I’ll get to fly with the Wonderbolts”

“I remember you mentioning them when Twilight and I first met you, tell me more about them?”

“Well, they’re a highly trained aerial acrobatic team of pegasi, only the best of the best get to fly with them”

“When you say trained do you mean like eating healthy and exercising or like military training?”

“The second one”

“Whoa, I mean I thought Celestia’s guards kinda were her army I didn’t think the Wonderbolts were part of it”

“You bet if Celestia ever needs assistance from the sky the Wonderbolts are the ones to call”

“How long have you been training?”

“Pretty much my whole life, ever since I was a filly, I always wanted to fly and be the best”

“So you and Fluttershy went to the same junior flight school”

“Yup Fluttershy was being bullied when she arrived, and I knew I had to help her that’s when….”

“Hold up let me guess, you were gonna race the bullies to defend her and at the last minute you unleashed a Rainbow so powerful that is could be seen from miles away, ultimately winning the race and getting your cutie mark”

“Whoa, how’d you guess that”

“Well from what I gathered from the others; it was your rainbow that helped them get their cutie marks as well as yours”

“Wow I didn’t know that”

“I had a feeling you were the one that made the rainbow”

“I call that move the Sonic Rainboom”

“Sounds cool”

“It’s pretty awesome and also very hard to pull off”

“I see, so you seem to say certain words a lot, do you have a catch phrase?”

“I’m working on one right now, but it needs to be 20% cooler before I can bust that one out”

“So how does one do a Sonic Rainboom?”

“Well, you gotta be me first of all and second it usually helps if one of your friends is falling from the sky”

“Do you have any hair/mane style tips?”

“I like to do some fly-by through some clouds and let my awesomeness speak for itself”

“Do you have any particular color you like?”

“Uh, is Rainbow technically a color?”

“I’ll get back to you on that, so you have a lot of friends but which one would you say is the best?”

“Uh all my friends are the best…next”

“Okay what’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten”

“My awesome wings of course” [Rainbow flutters her wings]

“What’s the worst?”

“Ugh one-time pinkie gave me a muffin with worms it, took my days to get the taste out of my mouth blech!”

“Who do you think could beat you in a race?”

“Well in the air I’m unbeatable, on land I think Applejack could give me a run for my money”

“Any pet peeves?”

“Ugh I just can’t stand slowpokes”

“Since were at this landmark here in Ponyville what’s your favorite spot to go?”

“Well, I have this awesome spot in the sky that can see everything, but you’d have to be a pegasus in order to get there”

“Do you have a dream?”

“To be captain of the Wonderbolts”

“Favorite food?”

“Peanut butter and zap apple jam is the best”

“Any other cutie mark you would rather have?”

“Why would I give up my cutie mark, I mean it’s pretty awesome”

“I’ve noticed you nap a lot, what’s the best spot to sleep”

“Any good tree branch works just fine as long as I have a pillow and a blanket”

“The worst?”

“I once dozed off on a thundercloud, big mistake on my part”

“Well I think that’s it, thanks Dashie”

“Heh, any time dude” [Rainbow then takes of like a rocket and zooms into the sky]

Author's Note:

this is the last one I swear, next chapter we'll continue Mel's journey