• Published 18th Mar 2021
  • 2,151 Views, 39 Comments

The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

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Chapter two- The Ambassador

I was woken up by my phone alarm, I reached over onto the nightstand to grab it, I turned it on, and the time was 7:00 am which is when I was supposed to get up to get ready for school. Since that wasn’t happening, I shut it off and put it back down. I rubbed my eyes a bit and everything was blurry

“Oh yeah I’m blind,” I said reaching for my glasses next to my phone

I put them on and I could see again. I looked out the window and it was still dark. The sun had not yet come up; therefore, I can only assume that Celestia was still sleeping and had not lowered the moon to raise the sun. I laid my head back down on the pillow to try and trick myself into falling asleep. A few minutes went by and then I was woken up by the light of the sun hitting my face. I turned toward the window and saw the sun come up.

“Huh a few minutes late but close enough,” I said as I got up out of the bed

I stretched a little bit and put my clothes back on. As I was putting my shoes on, I heard a knock at the door.

“Are you in there Mr. Ambassador?” a female voice said

“Uh yes, yes I am!”

The door opened and in walked a unicorn maid, she had a light brown coat, with a dark brown mane, and her eyes were light brown

“Celestia wanted to know if you were awake?”

“Oh uh, yes I am awake!”

“Celestia extends her gratitude for your generosity and openness”

“That’s wonderful, and also to her,” I said

“I’ll be sure to tell her, but first a bath has been drawn for you sir if you would be so kind as to follow me”

As she turned around, I realized she wasn’t wearing anything underneath her outfit, truth be told when I was following Celestia yesterday I tried not to look at her that way. I blushed a little bit and looked away as I followed her very closely so I wouldn’t be directly behind her. I followed her to another room when she opened the doors, inside was a large stone bathtub built into the floor

“If you require any assistance, I would be more than happy to?”

I blushed a little bit picturing a pony washing my naked body

“I think I can manage”

“Very good sir I’ll be outside if you need me”

She turned and walked out the door, I was finally alone. I suppose I should get myself cleaned up before I meet the Princess. I took off my clothes and set them on the sink. I slowly got into the tub and the water was nice and warm. I then grabbed some soap and a cloth and started to wash myself. As I was, I heard a knock at the door

“Sir, may I take your clothes to be washed?”

I submerged my body into the tub, so I guess it was fine

“Sure, I guess” as I made sure I was deep in the water where she couldn’t see my body

She came in, took my clothes off the sink, put them on a cart, and began to walk out

“These will be ready for you when you're done sir and please take your time”

“Thanks again,” I said

Right before she left, she put a towel on the sink. I laid back and rested for a moment letting the water warm my skin.

“Never in all my life would I ever travel to another dimension and get treated like royalty, but I guess they just want to make a good first impression, just like I need to for the sake of the world and our species”

I thought about how my government as well as the world would react if they ended up meeting these multicolored talking ponies, and what would they do to them. I hoped nothing bad would happen and hoped that a war between us would not happen. After what felt like an hour, I finished washing my hair, as I got out of the tub and dried myself off with the towel, I wrapped it around my waist. I then heard another knock.

“Sir your clothes are ready”

“Okay you can just hand them to me through the door,” I said

The door opened slightly, and the maid handed me my fresh clean clothes.

“Thanks again”

“The pleasure is mine sir” as she looked at my semi-dry body

“Just give me a minute and I’ll be out shortly”

“Oh please, sir take your time there is no rush,” she said

After a few minutes, I was clothed and was ready for what came next. I opened the door and saw the maid pony standing by the door.

“I’m all good now,” I said

“Wonderful Celestia would like you to join her in the dining hall”

“Oh, alright then lead the way”

“Very well sir”

I followed her down some stairs and then into a grand hall with a long table and on one end was Celestia.

“Good Morning Mr. Panzo”

“Morning Your Highness”

“Please have a seat”

As she said that another maid came and pulled out a seat for me. I sat down and the maid pushed my seat in for me. The maid from before used her magic to wrap a white bib around my neck.

“Breakfast is served,” another maid pony said

Out from a couple of side doors came carts loaded with various fruits, breads, bagels, muffins, donuts, pancakes, waffles, french toast, milk and various juices

“Oh, my Lanta, that’s a lot of food!” I said

“Indeed, I could never decide what to have in the morning so I have a buffet made to help me decide,” she said as she looked at all the food

“Hm Pancakes with fruit sounds nice,” Celestia said

One maid pony levitated her food onto a plate and gently placed it in front of her

“Uh I’ll have French toast with it, Cranberry juice please”

Another maid levitated the food and beverage in front of me as neatly as possible

“So, did you sleep well?” Celestia asked

“I tried my best, it’s just a lot of stuff to take in at once, my anxiety was hard to shake”

“Understandable how was your bath?”

“It was good,” I said as I began to eat my meal

“Good to hear I made sure that my maids washed your clothes for you”

“I appreciate it your majesty thanks,” I said

“You welcome, I hope everything is to your liking”

“It’s delicious your highness” as I took a bite of my French toast

“I have wonderful chefs that can cook all kinds of food”

“Well, I hope not every food”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well, I’m kinda on the fence about saying and please don’t be alarmed, but on the other side we ….um eat meat, well a good portion of us do”

Celestia was somewhat shocked upon hearing that

“You mean you eat ponies?”

“Oh no no no no of course not, we eat things like cows, pigs, chicken, lamb, and duck that sort of thing”

“Oh, you had me worried there, do the animals offer themselves to you, like a sacrificial thing?”

“No, we just raise them and when the time comes, we process them and get them ready to be eaten”

“And they enjoy this way of life?”

“I’m sorry I don’t understand?”

“Well do the animals know that this is the way their lives are”

“I’m not sure; animals don’t talk like we do”

“Oh, I see,” she said

“Perhaps another subject?”

“Very well, let’s see why do you wear clothes, is there a job associated with those particular garments?”

“No, every being wears some form of clothing to cover their….um how you say private areas, out of common decency”

“Oh, I see, most ponies don’t usually wear clothing unless there’s a special gathering”

“Yeah, I noticed that” as I turned away and blushed

Celestia saw me and realized what I was referring to, and she looked away and blushed also

“I’m very sorry your highness”

“It’s quite alright I should have known”

We ate our meal and after a plate or two, I was full, Celestia on the other hand was still eating. I leaned to the side to check on her and wondered how she could eat as much as she does, maybe these ponies have larger stomachs or maybe two. After a while, she finally gave up, and the maids started cleaning off plates.

“Shall we go for a walk Mr. Panzo?” she said with a smile

“Sure, Your Highness” as I took my bib and placed it on the table

We both got up and headed out of the room. I made sure to follow beside her as we headed into a grand hall with a large staircase. We went out the front door and walked along a stone walkway.

“So, can I ask you some questions, Your Majesty?”

“Oh but of course, anything you need”

“How does magic work for you and unicorns?”

“Excellent question, for most unicorns magic, comes from within and can conjured by using their horns, however learning magic takes a lot of studying and practice some are just contempt with basic levitating and teleportation spells while others strive to enhance their magic for other reasons”

“Fascinating, so has Canterlot always been here?”

“Oh no Canterlot was a place that I had built after my sister was banished, I needed to find another place safe away from the creatures of the Everfree forest, after the castle was built others flocked to in need of protection, and little by little it turned into quite a community”

“Huh, what’s the Everfree forest?”

“It’s a forest filled with dangerous creatures and plants, the weather there seems to run by itself, it’s also where our old castle used to reside”

“Sounds scary,” I said

“Well, most will not venture in there”

“What other beings exist in this world?”

“Well aside from ponies, we have griffons, hippogriffs, minotaur’s, buffalos, yaks, dragons, but mostly ponies. Now that you’re here maybe we can add your kind to our ever-expanding races”

“I hope so, that would be nice”

We continued walking down a pathway that led to an ivory tower with a winding staircase that went up. Celestia and I ascended the stairs that soon led to a pair of white doors. Celestia gave the door a knock

“Who is it,” a female voice said

“It’s your mentor Twilight”

a ruckus could be heard from inside the loft and then the door opened

“Sorry Princess I was in the middle of trying to figure out more about the gate that appeared yesterday, but I have not been able to find anything here in my library, perhaps there might be something in the Archives”

“All in good time then, I have someone here that you might be interested in meeting”

“Who?” Twilight asked

Celestia turned to me as Twilight fully opened the door. Her eyes went wide with excitement and joy as she looked at me and blinked a few times

“So, you must be Celestia’s pupil,” I said

“It’s nice to meet you” as I held out my hand to shake

Twilight was unsure of what to do so she held her hoof out and I grabbed it gently and shook it. she cupped my hand with her hoof as she began to look intently at me like a scientist. It’s as if she had never seen a hand before.

“Wow you have five digits on your hand”

“Uh yeah most humans do,” I said

“What’s the extra finger for?” she asked

“Well, the ring finger is for holding your wedding ring, when you get married”

“Wow, you wear clothes too, interesting”

“Twilight this is Ambassador Panzo from Beyond the Gate,” Celestia said

Twilight's eyes were glowing with excitement

“Wow an ambassador, here, that’s amazing, tell me what’s it like over there?”

“Uh well it's big and heavily populated”

“Mel says they have auto carriages and flying machines over there”

“Wow, I have to write all this down and maybe do some research if I ever go over there”

She left to go find a piece of parchment to write her newly found discoveries

“She seems, enthusiastic”

“She has always been thirsty for knowledge ever since she got accepted into my school”

Celestia and I entered the loft, and it was filled with bookshelves, books and notes, a fireplace, a large desk, and a kitchen. As Twilight was scribbling her findings, I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. All of a sudden, a baby purple dragon came out with a small plate of nachos

“Here are those nachos Twilight,” he said

Twilight looked up saw her snack and walked back over to us

“Thank you, Spike I was getting hungry from all the research and studying,” she said as she levitated a nacho into her mouth

“Oh, by the way, we have a very special guest here today”

She then pointed at me

“Spike this is Mr. Panzo, he’s an Ambassador from beyond the gate”

The tiny dragon looked up at me with the same expression as Twilight

“Whoa he sure is tall”

“Heh I’m only 5’11”

“Cool, my name is Spike, I’m a dragon”

“Cool I’ve always wanted to meet a fire-breathing dragon”

“Well, your dream has now come true,” he said as he took a breath and blew a small green flame out of his mouth

“Now that was awesome”

“Thanks, you want some nachos?” as he lifted the bowl up

“I think I’m all set I had a big breakfast with the princess”

“You had breakfast with the princess?” Twilight said

“Yeah, she offered, I mean I don’t usually eat much in the mornings when I wake up, but I didn’t want to seem rude”

“Wait you slept in her castle too?” as she raised an eyebrow

“Yeah, we had a lengthy conversation about my world and we both got tired and she let me sleep in one of her spare rooms”

Twilight ran up to Celestia “You have got to let me read your notes Princess please”

“In due time Twilight, my scribes are making copies as we speak and when they're done, you’ll get to borrow a copy”

“Yes, I can’t wait”

“Mel would you mind staying here while I go and check on things”

“Of course, Your Majesty, I think I can entertain your pupil for a while”

She giggled “I’m sure you can”

Celestia turned and trotted back to the castle

“Please have a seat on the couch,” Twilight said

I walked over and sat on the couch as she trotted over to her desk and tidied up, her place wasn’t too messy she seemed pretty organized

“So, have you read all these books?”

“Well, a vast majority of them, most of them are just reference material”

“I’m pretty she’s read most of them at least two or three times,” Spike said

“Well sometimes I forget something and it is hard to remember which book I forgot the something from”

“It’s understandable, are all these books to do with magic?”

“Indeed, I believe studying unicorn magic is the most important thing in life”

“What about other things, like sports, drawing, outdoorsy stuff”

“I.... never got into any of that stuff”

[So basically, you’re a basement shut-in that reads a lot that has no friends, I’m not surprised] I thought to myself

“Celestia said you were good with magic perhaps you could show me a thing or two?”

Twilight was shy but excited nonetheless

“I suppose I could,” she said standing up straight

“This is a simple teleportation spell”

Her horn glowed bright and, in a flash, she was gone, then another flash could be heard in the kitchen, and out she walked

“Wow, does that hurt at all?”

“No, but it does take a lot of concentration and magic to do so multiple times”

“Huh, cause usually when you teleport you have to dematerialize yourself down atom by atom and then rematerialize yourself somewhere else”

Twilight was shocked to find that I had such knowledge of this science

“Hm I’m impressed, you must study a lot too”

“Nah, I just read a lot of science fiction”

“I love science fiction, you ever heard of the Power Ponies?” spike asked

“Can’t say that I have”

“Well, they are only the best superheroes ever, every issue they have to stop the evil maneiac and her inventions”

“Sounds cool”

“Yeah, if you’re into that sorta thing,” Twilight said

“So one thing I’ve noticed is that you guys all have different pictures on your…. flanks, what’s that about?”

“Oh, you mean our cutie marks, well cutie marks only appear when you discover your special talent, it’s what makes everypony unique”

“interesting, so I guess your special talent is sparkles?”

“No, it just means that I’m good with magic”

“Do you have a cutie mark?” Twilight asked

“No humans don’t have those, usually if we want to be good at anything we're either born with it or it takes years of practice”

“Sound rough”

“Eh I can’t complain”

“So, what are you good at,” Twilight asked

“Well, I do have this uncanny ability to repeat certain things that I hear a lot”

“Wow that’s interesting”

“I wonder what my cutie mark would be, perhaps a tape recorder?”

Twilight, spike and I had a blast sharing questions and stories all the while eating snacks. I decided to check the time, it was 5:34 pm

"Wow is that the time"

"What's that?" Twilight asked

"It's my phone, it's also my clock"

"What's a phone?"

"It is a type of communication device but it needs a connection to cell towers to get service"

"Can it do anything else?"

"I can take pictures, here spike get close to Twilight"

Spike walked over to Twilight and put his arm around her. I quickly snapped a pic of them and showed them on my phone

"Wow, how does that work?"

“Digitally anyways it’s getting late, I should probably get back to the gate and see if anything’s changed”

“You’re going back?”

“Well I need to check and see if my government has arrived on the other side of the gate”

“Can I come with you?”

“Sorry Twilight my government is not as nice as I am, I just hope they don’t shoot me when I get back

“Why would they do that?”

I didn’t want Twilight to know that I’m not an ambassador

“Well, they kinda don’t know I’m here and more than likely will think I’m a shapeshifting alien of some sort”

“Oh, I see”

“Do you think you could help me get back to Celestia, I’m still trying to figure out her castle and all the rooms get confusing”

“Of course, follow me,” She said getting up and heading out the door

I followed Twilight back down to the stone walkway and back into the castle. We headed back into the main foyer, up the large staircase, and back to the door to her throne room. We both entered and saw Celestia talking to some guards. She then noticed Twilight and I and her guards trotted back out the door

“Hello Twilight, Mr. Panzo how was your time together?”

“We had fun and got to know some more info about ponies and what not”

“Excellent so what brings you back here?” Celestia asked

“Well I was kinda hoping to get back to the gate”

“Leaving so soon?”

“It’s not that I just need to check back in with my government people”

“I see,” she said as she slowly walked up to me

“I can have an escort fly you down if you’d like”

“Thanks, if it’s not too much to ask but, would you accompany me back across, I think my President would like to meet you also if they try to shoot me, I’d like it if you have my back”

“Very well then, I’ll make sure you make it back safely”

“I appreciate it, your highness”

“Follow me we can use my special chariot”

Celestia trotted past Twilight, as I stopped for a minute

“It was nice meeting you Twilight I hope we shall see each other again”

“I hope so too”

I followed Celestia out of her throne room and down the hall. On the opposite side of her castle was a special balcony with a golden chariot sitting in the middle.

“Hop on Mel,” she said as she sat down

I jumped on and sat down next to her, soon a couple of pegasi came and hooked themselves up, flapped their wings and soon we were hovering. They bolted over the balcony and back down to the town where the gate stood. As we flew in closer, I noticed several guards pony standing vigilant with their spears held tightly, wooden spiked barricades were placed near the entrance as well. We flew in and landed perfectly right in front of the entrance. Celestia and I got off and stood before the Gate.

“Your Majesty,” the guard's pony said

“Any changes while I was busy”

“None at all Your Highness, some of the guards here keep hearing strange noises coming from the gate but nothing has come through”

“Thank you remain on guard until we get back”

“You’re going through your majesty, is that wise?”

“Mel has already made contact with us so now I must contact his people to continue our friendly relations”

“Of course, Your Majesty but will you be safe on the other side”

I stepped up right beside her

“Don’t worry I'll make sure no harm comes to the princess, you have my word”

The guards nodded and let Celestia and I pass. Celestia and I looked into the black opening of the gate

“Well, are you ready your highness?”

“I’m a little scared and worried but I think I can do it”

I put my hand on her shoulder

“I’ll be right beside you okay”

She nodded as we slowly walked into the darkness until we disappeared. We continued to walk very slowly in case we got separated. We got a good portion of the way when I decided to stop

“Celestia wait,” I said

Celestia stopped and turned to me

“Is something wrong Mel?”

“No, I just wanted to say that I’m glad I got the chance to meet you and to help start peaceful relations with your world, in the unlikely event that I get arrested and or die, I just wanted to you know that I’m glad it was me that made your acquaintance first

Celestia now put her hoof on my shoulder

“I feel the same Mel and I want you to know that you are the kindest, friendliest being I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I want you to know that you are always welcome in Equestria anytime”

“Thank you for giving me this opportunity Celestia”

“You’re welcome Mel, I’m very glad it was you”

We continued down the way until a bright aura surrounded us and then a light at the end appeared, except the light was only peering through the cracks of what looked like a couple of doors. I walked up to them and put my ear on them. I could hear men yelling, trucks moving, and footsteps.

“Well, the military has indeed quarantined the area and blocked off access to the gate just like I thought they would”

“Is that normal?” Celestia asked

“Well, whenever something weird happens in our country the military and the government like to blow the situation out of proportion”

The sound of a helicopter could be heard on the other side

“Oh boy, I think I know what to do, but you might wanna stand back so they don’t see you”

Celestia nodded and stepped back into the darkness. I slowly walked up to the doors and banged my fist against them. A yell was heard, a siren rang, and footsteps gathered around the entrance. Rifles could be heard cocking and orders being barked and I knew I was walking into a lot of trouble, but I didn’t care I knew I had to turn myself in. I waited for a little bit and then the doors started to slowly open. On the other side were dozens of soldiers all with their weapons drawn on me. A helicopter was hovering nearby with a spotlight on me. Without a second thought, I got down on my knees and put my hands above my head

“Well, this is it,” I thought to myself

Author's Note:

Well I have turned myself over to the military what will they do to me, not sure yet

stay tuned