• Published 18th Mar 2021
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The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

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Chapter five- The Elements of Harmony

I watched in horror as Nightmare conjured a magical storm within the town hall. I kept filming as all of this was going on. I was starting to get concerned for the ponies around me as well as myself, because this was starting to get dangerous

“Seize her, she knows where Celestia is” Mayor mare yelled

A couple of Pegasi Guards flew toward Nightmare in an attempt to stop her

“Stand back, you foal’s” she said as lighting came from the storm and struck them down.

They fell down to the floor defeated as steam emanated from their bodies.

“Ow that’s gotta hurt” I said to myself

Applejack who had been holding back Rainbow while this was going on lost her grip and Rainbow dashed toward Nightmare. Nightmare Moon turned into a purple mist and flew out the door. Rainbow flew out as well but couldn’t keep up with her

“Nighttime, Forever, that’s, way too long”

As I was filming, I noticed that Twilight ran out the door with Spike on her back and so I gave chase. I followed her all the way back to the library and went in. When I entered, she seemed to be flipping through various books.

“Twilight are you okay?”

I looked over and saw Spike on the staircase half asleep

“Uh we gotta stop night-” he said before falling asleep

“He’s been up all night; I mean he is a baby dragon after all”

“Quick I need you to skim through these books” she said frantically checking books on every shelf

I checked one of the bookshelves “what are we looking for exactly”

“Anything related to the Elements of Harmony”

Unexpectedly Rainbow Dash came through the door and got up in Twilights face

“And just what exactly are the Elements of Harmony, and how did you know that Nightmare Moon would return, are you a spy aah!”

Rainbow dash was stopped again by Applejack

“Pipe down sugar cube, she’s definitely not a spy, but she does know what going on, Don’t cha”

“Yes, I read all about the Prophecy of Nightmare Moon, some Mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her, but I don’t know where they are, where to find them, I don’t even know what they do?”

As Twilight was talking, I found the book she was looking for

“Ah the Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide”

“Where’da find that” she said as she pushed me away

“UH, it was under E” I said

“oh” she took the book out started skimming through the pages

“The Elements of Harmony: Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity and Loyalty are the five known elements, however the sixth has yet to be discovered, it says here the last location of the Elements was the castle of the two sisters which is located in…”


“-The Everfree Forest!” We all stood in front of the foreboding forest looking into the darkness

“whoo-hoo lets go” Pinkie said

“Hold up” as I held out my arm

“This is the point of no return huh, very well then”

I took off my jacket and placed it on a nearby rock, I took my tie off as well. I pulled out my gun and chambered a round and put it back. I checked my belt light and it worked I also unbuckled my knife

“Let’s do this”

The girls all looked at me in surprise

“It’s almost like you knew something like this would happen” Rainbow dash said

“I like to be prepared”

“Look I appreciate you guys coming but I’d rather do this on my own” Twilight said

“Nice try partner, we’re sticking to you like bark on a tree” Aj said as we entered the forest

I took point as my light showed the only dirt path deep into the forest. The trees were very tall and scary, blocking out most of the moonlight. I walked slowly and stopped at the edge of a steep cliff to let the others catch up.

Twilight asked “So, none of you come in here?”

“Absolutely not, is downright garish” Rarity said

“why is that” I asked

“Nopony knows” Rainbow said in a scary tone

“You know why” she said creeping up to the group

“Rainbow stop it” Applejack yelled out

“Cause everypony that’s come in here, has never, come OUT!”

When she said that the cliff suddenly gave way, and we all were sent sliding down. I quickly pulled out a hook and attached it to the spool of wire and flung in back up an attempt to stop myself from falling down. Luckily it caught a loose root. I looked back and saw as Applejack grabbed onto another root that was sticking out. Twilight was sacred as she slowly slid onto the very edge. I slowly walked down the cliff in an attempt to help her

“Give me your hoof”

Twilight reached out and grabbed my hand. I slowly pulled her up and threw Twilight onto my back. All of the sudden the weight of Twilight and I was not enough for the hook to hold on and let go. We slid towards the edge as I whipped out my knife as quick as a flash and drove it into the dirt to help keep us grounded. I used my arms to keep us on the edge. I tried to pull us both up, but we were to heavy

“No offense Twilight, but your kinda heavy”

“Just hold on” she screamed

Applejack saw us both and slid down to try to help us

“Hold on Sugarcube, I gotcha”

“What do we do” Twilight said

“Let go”

“Are you insane” I said

“No sir just let go and you’ll be fine”

“No, we won’t” Twilight yelled

“Now you listen here, what I’m telling you is the honest truth”

Twilight thought about it for a moment but then let go screaming but was ultimately caught by Rainbow and Fluttershy.

“Whoa that was close”

I hooked another one of my hooks onto the edge and slowly repelled down to meet the others. Once on the ground I whipped the steel line so the hook would pop off and reel back to my hip.

“Everypony good” I said

“Yeah, for now” Twilight said a little winded

“We should keep going”

I took the lead as we headed up to a small mountain

“And as soon as Rarity and Pinkie were on the ground, I did a little loop de loop around and wham caught you just in time”

“Yes, Rainbow and I’m very grateful but we just need to-”

Suddenly a roar came in front of us and a large beast blocked our path

“A Manticore!”

“What the, those things real”

“Yes, all manner of beasts live in the Everfree Forest” Applejack said

I whipped out my camera to document the beast in its natural habitat

“We gotta pass him”


Just then Rarity ran up to the beast and kicked it in the face with her hind legs.

“Take that you rapscallion”

The Manticore Roared in Rarity’s face that it messed up her mane

“wait” Fluttershy said as she hid for cover

Applejack jumped on top of it and tried to bronco bust the beast but was then knocked off

“All yours partner”

Rainbow Dash started to fly around the monster in a whirlwind in order to stop it.


The Manticore flung its tail and smacked Rainbow as she crashed in front of us. Twilight looked and snorted, ready to charge. The manticore did the same soon they rushed the manticore. Just when they got close, I fired a round into the air.


Everypony including the manticore stopped dead in their tracks as they looked at me. I put the gun away and tapped Fluttershy who was hiding behind my legs. Fluttershy stopped shaking and slowly walked up to the manticore unafraid and smiling. The Manticore show her its paw and it had a thorn in it

“Oh, you poor little thing you”

“Little” I said surprised

“Now this will only hurt for second” she said as she bit the thorn and pulled it out.

The Manticore roared at her but then started to lick her. We seize the opportunity and walked past him.

“That was Mighty brave of you” I said

“But how did you it had a thorn in its paw”

“I didn’t sometimes we all just need to show a little kindness”

We continued deeper into the forest. The trees were starting to completely block out the moonlight. My light was the only source keeping us on the path.

“Eck, my eyes can’t handle any more of this muck”

“That castle could be right in front of us and we wouldn’t know”

Just then my light went out. I tried turning it back on, but it was no use

“Mel where’s the light” she said smacking into Applejack

I started to panic just a little standing very still in the dark as Applejack bumped into me

“I can’t see anything OW!”

“That would be me darling”

“Oops I think I stepped in something” Applejack said

Just then I heard Fluttershy scream. I looked back and saw a tree with a nasty looking face staring at us. I looked and all the trees were looking at us. I took a few shots at the trees to no avail as everypony screamed. All of a sudden, I heard pinkie laughing and making faces at one of the trees.

“I think she’s lost it” I said

“Pinkie what are you doing, run!”

“Oh, girls don’t you see”

When I was a little filly, and the sun was going doooooown

“Oh lord please tell me she’s not-” I said

The darkness and the shadows they would always make me froooooown

“She is” Rarity said

I'd hide under my pillow, from what I thought I sawBut Granny Pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at all”

“Then what is” Rainbow said

She said, Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall, learn to face your fearsYou'll see that they can't hurt you, just laugh to make them disappear

“HA HA HA” when she said that the face on the tree disappeared before my eyes and everypony gasped

So, giggle at the ghostly, guffaw at the grossly, crack up at the creepy, whoop it up with the weepy, chortle at the kooky, snortle at the spooky

One by one all the faces on all of the trees began to disappear and the moonlight started to shine out once again

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna...hahahaha....heh...Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuugh!

We all fell to the ground laughing and having a good time. I joined in too and laughed a little, but we were still on a mission.

“Whew, this is the most fun I’ve had not gonna lie”

We all picked ourselves off the ground.

“Hahaha, I say we should head this way” Pinkie said trotting down alongside the riverbank

“Betcha can’t catch me”

“Oh, it’s on” I said running after her

The race was on as the other girls followed close behind me. I kept following pinkie’s lead until she came to a halt at the edge of the river. I stopped right behind pinkie and the girls came and crashed into me which led me to fall on top of Pinkie. We all looked out at the river which was flowing rapidly.

“How are you gonna get across this” I said

I then heard someone crying and I looked over and saw a sea serpent wiggling his whole body in the water causing it to flow like crazy.

“Oh, what a world, what a cruel cruel world”

Twilight walked up to the edge of the river

“Sir why are you crying”

“Well, I was minding my own business when a tacky purple cloud came and zoomed past me and cleaved half of my beautiful mustache clean off, no I’m hideous”

He then splashed into the river causeing a wave to collide with us soaking us.


“That’s what this is about”

“Of course it is, where’s your sensitivity, look at him, his luxurious scales”

“I know”

“His coiffed mane”

“I know, I know”

“That fabulous manicure

“Oh, so true”

“All ruined by your mustache”

“I know I’m horrendous”

“I cannot stand by while a crime against fashion goes unchecked”

Rarity then bit down one of the serpent’s scales and ripped it off.

“Ow what was that for”

Rarity held the scale in her mouth ready to strike.

“Rarity what are you-” I said looking shocked at her


The serpent fell back into the river fainting all the way. Rarity had sliced her tail; she tossed the scale and used her magic to merge her tail onto the cut side of his mustache.

“OOOH my mustache, it’s amazing”

“You look divine darling”

“Rarity your tail”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure it will grow back, besides short tails are all the rage right now”

I went over and picked up the scale. It was flexible and very sharp, I put it along with my other stuff for later. I looked over at the river and it was calm enough for us to walk across

“Come on girl lets go” Twilight said

Just then the serpent sprang out of the water and used his body as a bridge

“Please, allow me”

We all hopped onto the serpents back as we made our way across to the other side. We soon saw a structure in the distance as we got closer the ruins of a castle started to take shape.

“The Castle of the Two Sisters we made it” Twilight said before running towards it

“Twilight wait” I shouted

Twilight kept running into the fog unaware of what to expect next

“the Elements of Harmony are near WAA-”

Twilight got to a rope bridge and failed to realize that it was in disarray and almost fell down into the dark chasm below. I quickly grabbed her by her tail and yanked her back. Almost falling onto me

“What is it with you and falling today”

“How are we gonna get across” Rarity said

“Ahem” Rainbow dash fluttered her wings as she flew down and grabbed the bridge and brought it to the other side.

Soon a thick fog came and covered the bridge and Rainbow Disappeared from sight. A few minutes went by and Rainbow came back and cleared the way for us.

“What took you so long” I asked

“Some ponies wanted me to join their team, but I couldn’t abandon my friends for something silly like that”

We gently crossed the bridge and made it to the other side. We soon found the entrance of the castle we had been searching for. The castle itself was falling apart and was covered in foliage. I slowly walked up to the big wooden door pistol drawn and slowly pushed it open. I checked inside and the place looked abandoned. We all huddle in and in the center of the room was a stone statue with round orb stones that had jewel spaces carved into them.

“Wow” I said filming our discovery

“Come on now Twilight this is what were after right”

“The Elements of Harmony at last”

Rainbow dash and Fluttershy gently picked them up and placed them in front of Twilight

“One…Two, Three, Four and Five; where’s the Sixth” pinkie said

“I’m not sure, the book said that when the five are present a spark will reveal the sixth”

“what in the world’s that supposed to mean”

Twilight looked determined

“I have an idea, but I’ll need to concentrate”

“come on yall lets give her some space”

The girls left and it was just me and Twilight. She concentrated on the Elements as I kept watch when all of a sudden, a gust of wind came, and Nightmare Moon appeared in front of Twilight

“Hahaha” she laughed


“The Elements”

We both jumped toward Nightmare and then we all vanished in a bright light. A few seconds later Twilight and I reappeared a few yards away from Nightmare Moon.


“You can’t be serious” she said

Soon Twilight started to charge at Nightmare, and she did the same. I watched from a distance and just as they were about to collide Twilight disappeared and reappeared in front of the Elements.

“One spark, come on” she then used her magic sent a current through the orbs.

Nightmare Moon turned to mist and wisped her way towards her. Twilight’s magic was charging when it backfired sending her back towards me. I ran to see if she was alright, Nightmare Moon puffed into the middle of the orbs as the magic kept spinning within the orbs

“No, it can’t be”

Then the magic just stopped

“Well, that’s not good”

“Where’s the sixth Element”

Nightmare Moon laughed as she raised her front hoofs and slammed down causing the orbs to shatter. Twilight looked on in shock as her hopes of stopping Nightmare Moon were destroyed.

“Foals did you really think you could stop me, now you'll never see your precious sun princess, the night shall last forever”


Nightmare Moon stopped and looked straight at me with a surprised look as my gun was aimed directly at her as smoke came out the barrel. The empty casing clanging on the stone floor. Nightmare turned her head and saw a hole in the wall.

“You may have destroyed the Elements, but you can’t destroy me, and I will do everything in my power to stop you”

“You dare threaten me, puny mortal”

“Your Goddam Right”

Just then I heard the girls coming up a flight of stairs right behind us.
Twilight gasped as her eyes grew wide and a sparkle glistened for a split second

“You think you destroyed The Elements of Harmony, well you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here

“What!” Nightmare moon shouted

The pieces of the orbs started to levitate and started to fly past me and hover around the girls

Applejack, who reassured me when I was hanging from the cliff, represents the spirit of... honesty! Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness! Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter! Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity! And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty! The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us”

“You still don’t have the sixth Element your spark didn’t even work”

“But it did a different kind of spark, I felt when I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I care about you. I felt the spark inside when I realized that you all…are my friends”

Just then gleaming from above the sixth orb came and floated down to twilight

“You see Nightmare moon when those Elements are ignited by the spark inside of us all it creates the sixth Element, the Element of Magic”

The shards started to turn into colors and form into necklaces around the girls, the light was so intense I covered my eyes. The magic of these fillies glowed and turned into a magic rainbow that engulfed Nightmare Moon and then a flash. I opened my eyes and saw the girls laying on the floor exhausted

“You guys okay” I said running over to them

“I think so partner” Applejack said rubbing her head as I helped her up

“Oh, my head”

“It’s beautiful”

“I know darling, I’d never thought I see my tail again” Rarity said to Fluttershy

“Oh, I was referring to your necklace, it looks just like your cutie mark”

Rarity looked at her necklace and then noticed that they did

“Well so does your dear”

“Look at mine, look at mine” Pinkie said bouncing towards us

“Well gee whiz Twilight I thought you were spouting a bunch of hooey, but I reckon we do represent the elements of Friendship”

“Indeed, you do” I heard a familiar voice coming from the window outside.

A ball of bright flew into the castle and a flash revealing Princess Celestia herself. Everypony bowed down including me.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight ran over to her mentor to hug her

“Twilight Sparkle, my faithful pupil, I had a feeling you would get the job done” she said lowering her head to hug Twilight

Celestia looked and saw me roughed up and covered in dirt

“It seems you had an interesting night Ambassador”

“Oh, you know, falling off cliffs, fighting manticores, laughing at scary trees, helping sea serpents and all that good stuff, when the smell of adventure calls you must be prepared” I said as I put my pistol back into my holster

“Wait a minute, you told me that the Mare in Moon was just an old ponies’ tale”

“I told you, you needed to make friends nothing more, I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon returning but I knew it’s was you and your friends magic that could stop her, but it wasn’t until you let true friendship into your heart Twilight”

“Now, if only another will would turn” Celestia looked where Nightmare Moon stood

Laying on the floor was a young dark purple alicorn which I guessed was Luna

“Princess Luna” when she called her name she immediately woke up and looked up to her sister

“It has been a thousand years since I have seen you, we must put aside our differences for the future, we were made to rule Equestria together my sister, will you except my Friendship”

Well stood by waiting for her to say something

“I am so sorry” she said as she hugged her sister

“I missed you so much”

Celestia hugged her back “I missed you too”

The moment was very touching, and I tried to hold in the feels, as I shed a single tear

“I’m not crying I just got something in my eye”

Pinkie pie was so moved she cried buckets of tears

“Waaaaaa, hey you know what this calls for”

“Wait let me guess uh……” I said

“A party”

“Yes, you read my mind, a Princess reunion party”


We all headed back to town square where a rather spectacular party was taking place. I returned to Equestria in my suit as ponies gathered by the gate. They all waved and cheered at me and my newfound friends on. Up high in the sky was a flying chariot carrying Celestia and Luna. They landed off to the side as Luna received a lei of flowers. She smiled as she looked at Celestia. I walked up to both of them and bowed

“Good to see you again Mel”

“Likewise,” I turned to Luna “Your highness”

She looked at me curiously and bowed her head

I looked out at all these ponies and felt good inside. I finally made a good impression and maybe our worlds can coexist. I looked over and saw Twilight looking depressed. Celestia saw it too and we walked over to her

“Why so sad Twilight aren’t you glad that your mission is complete, and you can return home?”

Twilight was still downtrodden

“That’s just it I finally realized what it’s like to have friends, and now I have to leave them”

“Spike take down a note: I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville.

All her friends gathered round her and cheered

“Thank you Celestia, I promise to study harder than ever before”

“And perhaps you can share notes, I think America could learn a thing or two, when it comes to friendship that is”

“I suppose that could be arranged” Celestia said

Everypony cheered all of us on


In a secret undisclosed location, I was sitting in a room with the President as well as some other government officials. Monitors were displayed on a wall showing everything that I filmed in Equestria

“Equestria seems like a dangerous place”

“It can be at times Mr. President”

“And you seemed to be well adept to these dangers”

“I did my best to protect myself as well as my friends”

“Yes, indeed and doing so you helped bring the Princess’s long-lost sister back”

“Yes Mr. President”

“Hm, we’ll have to meet them both at some point, here in America”

“I’ll ask them if they are ready, but they still seem rather nervous about our world Mr. President”

“For now, I want to learn more about the different races over there, these Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi”

“I’ll be sure to interview a few for you”

“And considering the potential dangers, I would like for you to take Sargent Edward Haynes and his team with you for protection”

“Not sure if that’s wise, it might scare a lot of ponies and send the wrong message”

“That’s an order, they’ll also need a place to stay”

“I suppose they could stay at the place I was given, and I’ll sleep at Twilight house”

“You make it sound like she’s your girlfriend” Haynes said

“Seriously, my job is to observe them not fornicate with them you sicko”

“Gentlemen please, Mel you have your orders I suggest you do them”

I was slightly annoyed, but this is my job, and I will do it to the best of my abilities

“Yes sir”

“Excellent I looked forward to seeing your progress as well and the Princess’s”

I got up and walked out of the room with everyone else. The President and Sargent Haynes stayed behind

“Sargent, we have potentially stumbled onto a resource goldmine the only question is what do we do with it?”

“Not sure sir, but if we get across, I think America would benefit greatly from it”

“Maybe so”

Author's Note:

Seems Mel had a good time, The President is up to something and Sgt. Haynes will be going over what will happen next?