• Published 18th Mar 2021
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The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

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Chapter nine- Ponies Herd Round the World

I was woken up the next morning by the sun hitting my face. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. I felt like I always do, great yet nervous. I turned and saw Fluttershy still asleep by my side. She’s was such a sweetheart for looking after me considering. I quietly and gently got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I washed my face to kinda wake myself up I then looked in the mirror staring at myself thinking

“This is it”

It was still early for the ponies, but I could hear someone was awake next door. I slowly opened the door and saw Celestia looking out the window while Twilight and AJ snored in their beds. She noticed the door and turned to see me.

“Morning Mel, did you sleep well?” she said with a smug-like smile

I blushed as I looked back at Fluttershy in my bed

“It was pleasant to say the least” I said laughing a bit

“Did anything happen last night?”

I turned bright red

“No, actually I’m more surprise by your insinuation”

She chuckled softly

“I’m just kidding, so are you ready for today then?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be”

Then I heard a knock at the door. I quickly grabbed my gun and went up to the peephole. I looked and saw a service man standing at the door. I put my gun behind my back and opened the door.

“Morning sir I trust you slept well, there is a complimentary continental breakfast downstairs waiting for you and your friends”

He then turned and walked towards the elevators. When I closed the door, that’s when the girls started to wake up

“Good morning starshine” I said

Twilight looked at me funny yet still half awake

“That’s was joke Twilight”

“Hooey’ I slept like a brick” Aj said as she stretched her forelegs

“Wait a minute where’s Flutter-” Twilight then recalled that she slept in my room last night

“So, you slept with Fluttershy last night” AJ chuckled

“Anything exciting happen?”

“No nothing happened, just get ready for breakfast please” I stormed into my room.

I decided to take a quick shower before I got changed. I went into the bathroom and got naked. I was about to enter to shower when the door opened and in walked Fluttershy.
We both locked eyes as she saw me nude. I jumped behind the curtain and she quickly closed the door. It was an awkward moment and I tried to block out what just happened as I washed myself.

After a few minutes I dried my body and wrapped a towel around my waist. I then opened the door slightly to see if anypony was around. I then turned to see Fluttershy on the bed facing the window. She turned slightly and then covered her eyes. I think I heard a few squeaks come from her which was cute to say the least, but I could tell she was embarrassed. I grabbed my clothes and went back into the bathroom. I got into my suit and went to check on Fluttershy.

“You okay?”

“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean too-” Fluttershy blushed

“It’s okay Fluttershy these things happen”

She then buried her face into my chest still uncomfortable. I pet her head and she looked at me with those cute cyan eyes. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I got up and opened my suitcase. Inside was a vest that was given to me by the Secret Service. I put the cumbersome vest on and put my shirt over it.

“What’s that for”

“It’s to block bullets, ya know in case I get shot”

She gasped when I said that, just then the girls came into my room

“Do you plan on getting shot?” Twilight asked

“No, but it’s a risk I’m not willing to take, not in this day and age”

“Why is that?” AJ said

“Well, I'd already mention that there’s a possibility of an attack on you guys or me and I want to be prepared in case a terrorist tries anything”

“A terrorist?” Celestia said

“Yeah, America takes terrorism seriously ever since 9/11”

“Wait that’s a date, what happened?” Twilight asked

It was kinda of a tender subject that I feel I shouldn’t tell them but since they asked

“You might wanna sit down for this one cause you’re not gonna like what I have to say”

They all sat down and listened carefully

“On the early morning of September 11th, 2001, 4 airplanes were hijacked midair by several groups of Terrorists, they all threatened the people on board that they would blow up the planes if they didn’t do what they said. Anyway around 8 I believe one plane purposely crashed into one of the world trade center towers killing all those on board and possibly hundreds that worked on that floor of the crash”

The girls including Celestia were horrified upon hearing this

“Soon after, another plane crashed into the second tower, Around the same time a third plane crashed into the Pentagon. The Pentagon is where our nation’s military makes important decisions.

The fourth plane was supposed to crash into either the US Capitol or the White House, but the passengers fought back against them and they crash landed in Pennsylvania, all of them died”

I could see tears forming in their eyes

“After the two planes that crashed into the twin towers an explosion possibly from the plane caused both towers to collapse, before the collapse people were trying to escape but it was too late. In the aftermath of the towers falling, the streets were filled with panic and nearby buildings were destroyed and lead our economy into a recession”

The girls were crying softly, Celestia fought hard to hold her’s back

“It’s been estimated that almost 3,000 died that day including the plane passengers, those working in the towers at the time as well as policemen and firefighters working the streets and about 25,000 were injured from this attack alone”

“That’s quite enough Mel” Celestia said firmly

She wiped the tears from her eyes and approached me

“I can’t quite fathom what you have told us, how could something like this happen?” Twilight said crying lightly

“I believe it had something to do with us supporting a country that hated a certain group of people and so one man told his people to rise up and attack us”

“That’s just awful?” Aj said

“Now we know why terrorism is very serious threat now”

“Did you guys ever recover?” Fluttershy said through tears

“We did, we rebuilt, we got stronger, we tightened our security we went to war over this”

“How Terrible”

“We have built memorials honoring those that had died, I’m sorry about telling you guys”

“You shouldn’t be sorry for telling us about events that happened in the past, the only thing you can do is to make sure that it doesn’t happen again” Celestia said

“That’s why I’m a little on edge”

There’s was a moment of silence as the ponies all looked at each other

“Why don’t we get ready for breakfast” Celestia walked out the door along with Twilight and AJ.

I went back into the bathroom to brush my teeth and freshen up. As I was putting the rest of my clothes on, I heard the television turn on. Fluttershy must be trying to find something to watch to take her mind of the attack. I could hear the channels flipping and then stop and that’s when I heard a familiar voice. It was Fluttershy’s voice but it was from when we traveled to a mountain to tell a dragon to move because of its snoring smoke.
I walked out of the bathroom and saw the girls and Celetsia, mouths wide open as they watched the animated cartoon about themselves on the television.

“Huh I remember when we did that” I said to break the silence

“How is this even possible?” Twilight yelled

“How can that be us if we’re right here?” AJ said

“To be honest, I’m not sure”

I quickly grabbed my phone and began googling like a motherfucker to understand what was going on. I brought up Wikipedia and apparently, it’s a new show put out by Lauren Faust as a reboot of the original show.

“Okay says here that you guys exist as a cartoon developed for television by Lauren Faust for Hasbro’s new channel called the Hub”

Celestia’s eyes were taken back by my statement but she composed herself

“But how can this show exist if our world exists beyond the gate?”

“Like I said before the multiverse runs on parallel dimensional planes so it’s possible that your world exists in our world just slightly different than yours”

“But how can this Lauren person know what were gonna do before we do it”

“Now that’s a good question” I went through my phone again and I immediately called the major for help.

“Major it’s Mel”

“Mel how’s everything going over there aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for the meeting?”

“Yeah, something has come up”

“Are you in any danger?”

“No, I just need you to look into something”

“What seems to be the problem?”

“Did you know there’s a cartoon about the world of Equestria on the Hub network?”

“Huh no but how can there be, everything that you’ve told and shown us has been kept secret and away from the public eye?”

“That’s what I’m saying do you think you could look into Lauran Faust and see if there’s something fishy?”

“I’ll have my men look into her but for now proceed with the peace negotiations”

“Yes sir” I hung up the phone and everypony stared at me

I could tell they were starting to get nervous

“We are going to be okay right?” Twilight asked

“Yes, Twilight I will make sure of that, now let’s go eat”

We left the room and went down to the dining area of the hotel. I looked and noticed that the area was empty more than likely for the girls to eat in private without people in the way. There was plenty for us to eat, well except for meat which I feel was left out intentionally. The girls grabbed pancakes and waffles as well as fruit and sat down at the table. I grabbed some cereal and milk. We all sat together and ate quietly. I kept looking around the room and at the ponies. Celestia ate some muffins beside us. I wanted to say something to break the tension

“After the meeting I was thinking about taking you guys to the Smithsonian and check out some the art and history”

They all looked at each other and nodded, Twilight was most excited

“I’d love to learn bout how you guys started out back then” AJ said

“Yes, I would like to know too” Celestia interjected

We continued to eat until the time was getting close, then several service men came into the dining area

“Ambassador it’s almost time”

“Alright right ladies, the moment of truth is upon us”

The girls all finished their food and was escorted to the back of the hotel where our armored vehicles were waiting for us. The girls hopped into the back one and Celestia rode in front just like last time.

“Are you prepared Ambassador?” he said tapping his chest

“Yes, I made sure to put it on before breakfast” I said as I hopped in

“Very well sir” as he closed my door

We soon drove off toward the Capitol Building. We were coming down a road that had a lot of protestors on it. They held signs and were screaming- hey hey ho ho aliens have got to go.

They started to swarm our vehicles, luckily, they couldn’t see them through the two-way windows. They continued to chant as one man came up to our vehicle

“Send the abominations back your government pigs!”

“Can you drive around them?” I yelled

The service man as well as the vehicle behind us were able to drive away from them and continue on our way.

“Whew that was scary” I said wiping the sweat of my forehead

“I never knew your people hated us so much”

“It’s not you, they’re just scared people that want to feel safe”

“Let’s just focus on the meeting sir” the Service man said

Fairly soon we pulled up to the Capitol Building, there were special coverings for the girls so prying eyes could not catch a glimpse of them as they entered. All us got out as I stood by Celestia.

“Please follow us inside” as the service men led us in

Truth be told I had never been inside the Capitol Building; I’ve only ever seen it on television. When we entered, the floors were layered in mosaic tiles, and the walls were white marble just like the outside. The girls were looking all around at Pictures of the past. Soon we were led into the back rooms where the President was waiting for us.

“Ah Ambassador” he said as he went to shake my hand

“Your highness” he bowed to Celestia

“Mr. President, good to see you again”

The President looked and saw the girls walking in

“I see you’ve brought some ponies with you”

“Yes, this is my pupil Twilight Sparkle, That’s Applejack and the pegasus is Fluttershy”

“Well, it’s nice that you all could make it, we’ll be starting shortly. I’ll go up, introduce the Ambassador and he will call you to come up one at a time”

We all nodded as the President left us. Fluttershy went to peak out from behind the curtain and saw a lot of people and news crews all watching. She then started to hyperventilate. I ran over to her and told her to do the breathing trick. After a few seconds she calmed down.

“I knew she was gonna behave like this” AJ said

“There must be something we can do?” Twilight said

I thought about it, and it seems she gets scared when she notices them looking at her but, what if we block her sight. I went into my bag that I brought with me and took out a sleep covering. I knelt down in front of Fluttershy and put it over her eyes

“Can you see them now?”

Fluttershy with her covered vision tried to look out from behind the curtain and her reaction changed

“No, I can’t” she said

“Then you’ll be okay just for now” I gave Fluttershy a hug and whispered into her ear

“I’ve got you”

I stood back up that’s when I could hear the President call my name. I stood in front of the curtain and took a deep breath. I stepped into the room I knew from tv and took to the podium as camera’s began flashing and chattering amongst the people present. I could feel myself get tense knowing I was now on live television.

“Hello everyone, I am ambassador Mel and I have been to the other side of the gate and have learned a lot about the beings there”

“Excuse me” one reporter said

“What’s it like over there?”

“Uh, well it’s very colorful, the beings there are very friendly but not quite as advanced as us, but they get by using (ahem) magic

The crowd started to chatter again

“Ambassador, when you entered to gate why did they not attack you?”

“Well, I was taken prisoner but when I was brought before the Princess, she wanted nothing more than peace”

“Ambassador is it true that you brought some of these beings here?”

“Well yes and I would like to introduce them to you now”

The crowd got quiet and waited patiently.

“I would like to bring the ruler of the lands beyond: Princess Celestia”

When I called her name Celestia slowly revealed herself from behind the curtain and slowly walked over next to me. The crowd went nuts and cameras were flashing, and the chatter picked back up. She stood next to me and addressed the crowd.

“Hello people of America it is quite an honor to meet you all”

I could only imagine what was going on online. I quickly checked my phone and Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram were all blowing up.

“The beings are indeed equine of some form and there are many ponies that live beyond the gate that I would like to also present to you ”

The chatter picked up as the waited

“First up is a unicorn known for using magic, by the name of Twilight Sparkle”

Twilight popped out from behind the curtain and the crowd roared, she then sat next to Celestia

“Next we have an earth pony, don’t be fooled though earth ponies are tougher than they look and are well adverse in agriculture, Applejack”

Applejack came out and sat next to Twilight

“Lastly are the Pegasi, who are known for controlling the weather, Fluttershy

Fluttershy stumbled out from behind the curtain and slowly made her way next to AJ.

“These ponies are very excited, to be here and to learn about us”

“Excuse me but why is the pegasus wearing an eye cover?”

Fluttershy was getting a little shaky

“Well, Fluttershy as her name would imply, has extreme levels of anxiety so the covering is help her”

“Now up to the stage is Twilight the unicorn” the committee said

Twilight got up on stage and stood on her hind legs to get up to the microphone.

“Miss Sparkle is it true that magic, in the context of casting spells and turning invisible, that would be impossible without proper study, exist but only in unicorn horns?”

“You would be correct I can demonstrate for you if you’d like?”

Twilight’s horn began to glow and then she vanished from the podium and reappeared at the back of the room by the double doors. Everyone was shocked and amazed by her magical capabilities. Twilight then teleported back to the podium. Everyone was freaking out a little bit that magic is possible in their world.

“How about something else Miss Sparkle?”

Twilight’s horn began to glow, and papers and pens began to fly into the air and then float around in unison. Before long the papers and pens all landed neatly on a nearby table.

“Up next is Applejack”

Twilight went to sit down and Aj took the stand

“Now Miss Applejack, do you have any special talents?”

Aj thought about the question but answered it honestly and to the best of her abilities.

“Well, I can knock down a 40ft tree with my hind legs if that helps, I’m also good at bucking apple trees and working on my family farm”

Not a lot of chatter came from Aj but there was a lot of writing going down

“Now would you say agriculture is all you know?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say that I’m also good at baking, good with a lasso, and a wide variety of instruments”

The chattering commenced again

“Fluttershy is up next”

I walked down to help Fluttershy reach the mic without bumping into things

“oh, um hello everypony…I mean everyone” saying so cute and quietly

“Miss Fluttershy how do pegasi control the weather so easily?”

Fluttershy was a little nervous but she answered nonetheless

"Uh well the pegasi are responsible for making and distributing the weather that is needed for the land”

“What do you mean by make the weather?”

“Well, the weather factory is responsible for making all types of weather from clouds, to rainstorms, to heavy winds, to rainbows, even snowflakes”

More chatter ensued Fluttershy sat back down as best she could as Celestia took the stand

“These three races all act as one nation, pegasi make weather for the earth ponies and in turn the unicorns use magic to help all three in their daily lives”

“What about you your highness? You’re a Princess ruling over the all the lands what about the king or queen?”

Celestia was stunned considering I asked her that when I first met her

“Me and my sister know nothing of our father and we only have faint memories of our mother but when Luna and I were born we were destined to watch over the ponies of Equestria”

So Celestia did have some memories about her mom, I wonder why she didn’t tell me.

“Is it also true that our ambassador was brought to you bound and treated like a threat when he first came to your world?”

“Well, I personally didn’t do that to him my guards were responsible for bringing him to me. That’s why when he was brought before me, I treated him like I would any new being”

“Do you have any plans on ruling over us considering your title and magic status?”

“No of course not, as intimidating as your military is I would not want to risk others getting hurt and vise verse”

The President interrupted and took the podium

“Yes, these mystical beings are indeed powerful, and I believe that we can be equals”

As the President continued his speech, I looked out at the crowd of reporters with microphones pointed towards the podium as camera’s continued to flash. I looked at one in particular as it didn’t look right. The foam on the end looked like a lint ball and not foam and the stem had a weird slot on it. Something in me clicked and in that moment, time seemed to slow down for me. All the noise seemed to fade as I slowly got up towards the man with the mic.

I went for my gun as he then pointed his mic directly at Celestia. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at him while walking towards him. He then saw me, spun his mic and pointed it at me instead. He flicked his finger and-


The device went off and hit me right in the chest. I felt the force hit me hard as I stumbled back a little bit. I turned back to face him then returned fire on him

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All three hit him in the chest as he fell backwards onto the floor.

I stood there for a moment looking at his body as blood trickled from the holes in his chest. His body flinched a few times as service men came and pointed their guns at him. He looked up at me and then simply passed on. I felt great remorse as my gun fell gently out of my hand and onto the floor. Celestia and the girls were then escorted behind the curtain as I stood there motionless until a service man tapped me on the shoulder. That’s when everything went back to normal

“Sir we have to get you out of here” he said as he guided me backstage.

An hour went by as a nurse was finishing checking on me as she held a cold compress on my bare chest where the bullet hit me.

“Just hold here and I’ll check on you in a bit” she said as she walked away

A service man as well as the President came up too me

“Are you alright young man” he said

“Yeah, I mean I’ve never been shot before, but luckily I had that vest on”

“You did the right thing son and I won’t forget it if there’s anything you need?”

“Perhaps another time Mr. President”

“Very well” he then left with his service man

I laid my head back as I heard approaching hoof steps. I looked and saw Celestia and the girls walk towards me.

“It’s all good, im fine I just got some light bruising is all”

Fluttershy hovered over and sat next to me. She looked like she was holding back tears she then gave me a hug as she buried her face into my neck.

“I so glad you’re okay” she said as a few tears ran down her face and onto me

Celestia looked at me

“How did you know Mel?”

“I’m not sure it was just a gut feeling it all happened to slow and yet so quick”

“I’m just glad you not injured sugarcube” Aj said as she put her hoof on my leg

“I was so scared I thought for sure you were a goner” Twilight said as she put her hoof on my other leg

I hugged Fluttershy back and rested my head

“I’m just glad it’s over”

Author's Note:

an assasination who could have done this